FAQs on Goldfish Medications: eSHa
FAQs on Goldfish
Medicines: Antibiotics
(e.g. Maracyn, Tetracycline), Organophosphates (e.g. Fluke Tabs, Dylox),
Anthelminthics (de-wormers),
Salts, Copper
Compounds, Formalin, Malachite Green, Mela & Pima(not)Fix, Metronidazole (Flagyl), Sulfa Drugs, All Others...Related Articles: Goldfish
Systems, Goldfish Disease, Goldfish, Goldfish Varieties, Koi/Pond
Fish Disease, Livestock
Treatment System, Bloaty, Floaty Goldfish,
Gas Bubble
Disease/Emphysematosis, Pond Parasite Control
with DTHP, Hole in the Side
Related Goldfish Disease FAQs:
Environmental 1, Environmental 2, Environmental 3, Environmental 4, & Goldfish Disease 2, Goldfish Disease 3, Goldfish Disease 4, Goldfish Disease 6, Goldfish Disease 7,
Goldfish Disease
8, Goldfish Disease 9,
Goldfish Disease 10, Goldfish Disease
11, Goldfish Disease 12, Goldfish Disease 13, Goldfish Disease 14, Goldfish Disease 15, Goldfish Disease 16,
Goldfish Disease
17, Goldfish Disease 18,
Goldfish Disease 19, Goldfish Disease 20, Goldfish Disease 21, Goldfish
Disease 22, Goldfish Health 23, Goldfish Disease 24,
Goldfish Health 25, Goldfish Disease 26, Goldfish Disease 27, Goldfish Disease 28, Goldfish Disease 29, Goldfish Disease 30,
Goldfish Disease
31, Goldfish Disease 33,
Goldfish Disease 34, Goldfish Disease 35, Goldfish Health 36, Goldfish Health 37, Goldfish Health 38, Goldfish Disease 39,
Goldfish Disease 40, Goldfish Disease 41, Goldfish Disease 42, Goldfish Disease 43, Goldfish Disease 44, Goldfish Disease 45, Goldfish Disease 46, Goldfish Disease 47, Goldfish Disease 48, Goldfish Disease 49, Goldfish Disease 50, Goldfish Disease 51, & Koi/Pondfish
Disease ,
Esha 2000:
6.3 mg ethacridine lactate (Rivanol)
1 mg proflavin
3.2 mg copper 2+
0.26 mg methyl orange
New Print and
eBook on Amazon
Goldfish Success
What it takes to keep goldfish healthy long-term
by Robert (Bob) Fenner
Question re. ESHA (FAO Neale if
possible - thanks!) 4/24/2010
Good evening Neale (or another kind WWM crewmember),
I'm contacting you regarding an ongoing problem which you were kind
enough to help me with earlier in the month - I hope you don't mind
me checking something further with you.
<Fire away.>
The problem is some fungus which is growing on my
goldfish's fin. I started treating this with eSHa 2000
just over three weeks ago, and the fungus has reduced remarkably, but a
few faint spots have persisted. These are also decreasing, and I mean
to continue with the eSHa according to your directions (changing 35% of
the water after every course).
<Very good.>
I just wanted to check with you that it's all right to continue
with the
medication for such a protracted period.
<Should be.>
It may take several more courses to finally get rid of the fungus, but
I'm reluctant to stop the treatment unless necessary because the
fungus has come back very quickly in the past. One of my goldfish
doesn't seem terribly happy with the medication, which is what
prompted me to get in touch (he seems a bit lethargic and fed up), so I
would be grateful for your opinion on the best way forward.
<You may want to hold off after the current treatment is done, wait
a week or two, and see what happens. The use of a little salt in the
water has a mild antifungal effect, and at a dose of 2-3 grammes/litre
won't harm Goldfish at all (Goldfish are actually surprisingly
tolerant of brackish water, let alone traces of salt such as this).
Alternatively, you might use Melafix. The aim here is to concentrate on
ensuring optimal water quality, so the fish can fight off the remaining
infection, whilst maybe adding just a little something to tip the odds
in the fish's favour.>
As ever, thank you in advance for any advice and I offer my heartfelt
thanks for all the help over the past four years.
All the best,
<Glad to help. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Question re. ESHA (FAO Neale if possible - thanks!)
Dear Neale,
Thank you very much as ever for your advice, which I'll put to use
immediately. Hope you're enjoying the lovely weather!
<Glad to be of help. Weather today not so lovely: muggy, overcast
and rainy. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Question re. ESHA (FAO Neale if possible - thanks!)
Hi Neale,
Beg pardon for the second reply in a few hours - but when you say salt,
do you mean table salt or a specific aquarium salt?
<Most folks use what's called aquarium salt or tonic salt.
Don't use marine salt mix for this type of thing, because
that'd raise the pH and hardness.
As for cooking/table salt, generally avoid because there are additives
used to keep table salt free-flowing. Pure sea salt or kosher salt can
be used though, provided these are 100% pure sodium chloride, and
don't have anything added to them.>
(I've read that the additives in table salt can cause problems in
aquariums, but frankly if it's not on WWM I'm reluctant to
believe it!)
Thanks very much again for all your help (and patience),
<Happy to help. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Question re. ESHA (FAO Neale if possible -
Hi Neale,
Thank you again for all your help, I really appreciate it and hope I
won't have cause to trouble you again in the future!
All the best,
<Glad to have been of help. Good luck, Neale.>
Question re. eSHa 2000 and
dechlorinator for goldfish -- 3/31/10
Hello WetWeb Crew,
Many thanks as always for this site, and all the help I have gained
from it in the past. I've used the search function as usual, but
couldn't find the answers I was after, so apologies if I missed
I have a brief question - based on Neale's recommendations on WWM,
I am about to use eSHa 2000 to treat my goldfish's
<Very good.>
However, the instructions are unclear on whether it is safe to use eSHa
alongside dechlorinator (I currently use Interpet Fresh Start, though
unfortunately I haven't been able to find any actual name for the
chemical(s) on the box). The eSHa instructions say not to use other
treatments alongside it, but if this applies to dechlorinator then I
have to do a huge water change and dump in a load of untreated water,
which I'm really not happy with. Hopefully Neale, or someone else
who has used eSHA 2000, can let me know whether it is safe to use the
two alongside each other.
<Yes, should be safe.>
One additional question, as I'm writing in anyway - the
instructions for the eSHA only say that the medication should be added
over three days, nothing about how long to leave it there afterwards.
Should the water be
changed immediately afterwards, or should I just change it on my
regular schedule a few days later?
<I think it's on the leaflet somewhere. Maybe do a water change
7 days from the last dose?>
Many, many thanks as always for your time and help,
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Question re. eSHa 2000 and dechlorinator for goldfish --
Dear Neale,
Thank you very much for the quick response; it's really
appreciated. I'll let you know how things went in a few days, so
someone else with the same question in the future can find their
All the best,
<Glad to have helped. Good luck! Neale.>
Persistent goldfish fungus (FAO Neale, if possible - thank
you!) 4/5/10
Good morning WetWeb,
I contacted you recently regarding whether it is safe to use eSHa 2000
alongside Interpet's Fresh Start dechlorinator, and promised to
report back so that others can find the information on your site. I
started using eSHa on Wednesday, and there have been no apparent
side-effects due to the dechlorinator. Many thanks to Neale for his
prompt response earlier in the week, and I hope this proves helpful to
someone in the future.
<Let's hope!>
You've all been very kind in answering my occasional
goldfish-related queries over the past four years, and I really
appreciate it. Hopefully you'll be willing to answer one more.
<Fire away.>
My problem is that one of my goldfish developed fungus on his dorsal
fin several weeks ago (there are several white patches on the fin, and
the fin itself became opaque in patches and blood-streaked). I treated
this with Interpet's fungus/Finrot medication - which has worked
for me in the past - but, although it vastly reduced the problem, there
were still some faint white patches after a couple of weeks of
treatment. These didn't seem to improve during the second week -
i.e. there was rapid improvement over the first few days, but this
ground to a halt.
<Does absolutely depend on the environment. Finrot, Fungus and Mouth
Fungus [Columnaris] won't get better if the triggering issues
aren't fixed. And on the other hand, if the conditions get better,
and the fish are basically sound in other respects, they should heal
I was very reluctant to throw yet more medication at him, but when I
stopped using the Interpet medication the fungus flared up again and
the blood streaks returned - it became as bad as it had ever been
within a day and a half. I therefore searched WWM for recommendations
and found that Neale recommends eSHa 2000, which I tried earlier this
week. On reaching the end of the treatment course (3 days), the fungus
had substantially reduced and I hoped that it would continue to reduce,
since the medication was still in the water. However, the following day
the fungus flared up again. That brings us up to yesterday, when I
added another dose of eSHa (on the grounds that the meds leaflet says
it is acceptable in severe cases to prolong the treatment for a
(unspecified) "number of days").
<Indeed, like most antimicrobial medications more than one course
may be required. Do also check you aren't using carbon in the
filter, and do be aware that the more organic "stuff" in the
aquarium, like plants and biological filters, the faster medications
can metabolise.>
That's the back-story; here are my questions:
1) Should I continue with the eSHa until the fungus is gone (if not, is
there something else I need to try)? How long can I safely continue
with the medication? The leaflet doesn't specify, but I know Neale
uses this regularly and I'm hoping his experience may have some
guidance for me.
<Yes, use again. Do a 25-50% water change in between
2) I've never seen fungus this persistent.
<Do compare with Columnaris, and of course consider Finrot.>
My three goldfish rarely get it - there has been the odd scrape or torn
fin over the years, and fungus does tend to take advantage of the
breach, but this has always reduced and disappeared within a week at
the absolute most.
This has gone on for over a month now, and I suspect that there may be
an underlying problem. My water chemistry is pH 7.5, ammonia and
nitrite 0, nitrates under 5. Temperature is around 18.5 degrees C. The
tank is well-filtered (filtration set to Neale's guidelines, which
I believe was something like 6-8x what the manufacturers state is
necessary). There is a thin layer of gravel (a couple of centimetres at
most). Their diet is around 90% peas, supplemented by very small
amounts of goldfish flakes every few days.
<You might balance the diet a bit towards the flake. Maybe 50/50
flake and greens. The extra protein will be handy.>
I currently have some Elodea in quarantine (well, in a bucket) which
they'll get in a few weeks. I can't think of anything else to
add off the top of my head. I don't think from my reading that
there is anything wrong with the above, but I can't understand why
this fungus isn't going away. If you have any thoughts, they would
be most gratefully received.
Thank you very much as ever for your time,
<Good luck! Cheers, Neale.>
Sick goldfish - suspected
velvet, but maybe not? -- 10/31/09
Hello Wet Web Crew,
<Hello Sara,>
Hope all's well with you.
<Indeed it is.>
I wonder if we could pick your brains on this one. Ten days ago our
comet Arthur became jumpy. Violent somersaults, fast and erratic
movements, breaking through the surface of the water... his tank-mate
Daphne (redcap Oranda) seemed likewise agitated, but hard to say if she
was herself displaying a symptom or was being stressed by his extreme
<Can be a water quality issue, including sudden pH changes,
particularly acidification. But there are other causes, including
parasites irritating the gills as well as breeding season "high
We initially suspected a nitrogen spike, but on inspection nitrite and
ammonia were zero. Nitrate had crept up, and something was clearly
wrong, so we did a 50% water change. Jumpiness continues, in between
which both fish sit in corner making a strange shimmering twitchy
movement - not flecking or scratching but as if wriggling.
<Ah, does seem like irritation of the gills.>
On close inspection we thought we could see some slight glittery
iridescence - hard to tell for sure, and certainly not whitespot, but
combined with the other symptoms we diagnosed velvet and began treating
with EsHa Exit for 3 days, adding a total of 130g of aquarium salt over
two days (35 litre tank), and overlapping on day 3 with EsHa 2000, for
three days.
<Shouldn't really need to use both salt and medication, though
Goldfish being salt-tolerant, I can't see there being any obvious
reason why this combination would cause harm. But that said, do always
bear in mind medications (as opposed to salt) can be toxic to fish. So
mixing eSHa EXIT and eSHa 2000 at the same time isn't something
I'd recommend, partly because they may react with each other, and
partly because overlapping ingredients may take the concentration of a
particular ingredient above safe levels.>
Instructions tell us we can do a second round of Exit 5 days after the
first course finishes, so our plan was to do an aggressive water change
on Sunday and start the treatment again.
We're keeping the tank dark and is always slightly warm, two pump
filters going (no carbon or zeolite), and have removed plants and
ornaments. They are feeding and excreting fine (frozen daphnia, peas,
Nori) although I think the comet isn't competing as well as
<Maybe the case if he isn't well, but wouldn't read too much
into this just yet.>
In the last few hours, comet has developed little black line-like
markings on gills and jaw, and does look slightly discoloured around
the gills - a yellowy green iridescence like on fish at the
fishmongers. Could be bruising from all the jumping about, but I've
not seen it before.
<Nor I.>
As of 5 min.s ago, nitrite zero, nitrate trace, pH 7.6.
The real question is whether we've correctly diagnose and
treated... if not, what do you think it is and what should we do, and
if so, what's the best move forward?
<On the whole eSHa EXIT does a good job against both Whitespot and
Velvet, so if these are issues, it should catch them. Goldfish are
fairly nitrate tolerant, and provided levels weren't above 50 mg/l,
I'd not expect them to get sick. Likewise, they do well in hard,
basic water, so if you have such water conditions, they should be happy
and the risks of sudden acidification shouldn't be very great. An
exception to this is if you have large quantities of plants (like
Vallisneria and Elodea) that remove bicarbonate from the water; under
strong lighting, these can soften water quickly, allowing pH to
fluctuate rapidly.>
We'd greatly appreciate your opinion on this.
Many thanks and very best wishes,
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Sick goldfish - suspected velvet, but maybe not? --
Thanks Neale, v. interesting. Do you think salt for the gills and no
more chemicals might be the way to go?
<Would complete the course of anti-Velvet/Ick medication you are
There's little use stopping halfway. Wouldn't use an
anti-bacterial medication (like eSHa 2000) unless there were good
reasons to do so. Salt isn't a miracle cure, and doesn't
"help the gills" in any meaningful way.
Salt is specifically used to treat Ick (= Whitespot), and saltwater
dips (as apposed to additions to the tank) are useful prior to physical
removal of skin lice and flukes. Salt also helps detoxify nitrite and
nitrate in
the short term. But ideas about salt helping "stimulate slime
production" or "restore osmotic balance" are largely
based on misunderstandings of the science. Goldfish evolved as
freshwater fish, and always, repeat ALWAYS, do better in hard, basic
freshwater conditions.>
Also, very interesting what you say about lighting and elodea... We do
have these, although I did remove plants and kept the tank dark when I
suspected velvet... Maybe this exacerbated the situation.
<Elodea will soften water, but this is only an issue if your water
is pretty soft to begin with, and/or you don't do regular water
changes to restore the background level of carbonate hardness.
Ordinarily it's a
harmless plant that provides Goldfish something fibrous for them to
Will keep a closer eye on pH... Thanks again! Xxx
<Cheers, Neale.>
Goldfish vs. child --
Hello! I just found out that yesterday my child's friend was
�playing� with our 5 -6 inch, 8 year
old goldfish. Basically, she thought it would be fun to transfer the
poor fish back and forth from the tank to the bucket of water that she
filled up.
Upon inspection, the once beautiful fail tail looks like it's been
plucked off leaving behind ½ inch nubs and the tail is
visibly bruised and swollen.
<Should grow back, you'll be pleased to know.>
I'm feeling just sick about what's happened to her. I know 8
years is a pretty good lifespan for a tank gold fish, but is there
anything I can do to help her tail mend and will the fan tail ever grow
<Eight years is still but a youngster in Goldfish terms; the record
is some 30 odd years. Anyway, yes, you can do a lot to help. The main
thing is to provide good water quality, i.e., zero ammonia and zero
nitrite. I'm assuming this tank has a filter and you do regular
water changes, so that shouldn't be too difficult. The next thing
is to treat the aquarium with a suitable medication to prevent Finrot
and Fungus. In the UK the medication I recommend is eSHa 2000, while in
the US you'll find things like Seachem Paraguard and Mardel Maracyn
should do the trick nicely. Similar products should be available in
other parts of the world. Your pet shop might recommend something
called Melafix based on tea-tree oil; while a fair antiseptic, it
isn't terribly reliable. If you happen to have this stuff lying
around by all means use it and see what happens, but I wouldn't go
out and buy any, and I certainly wouldn't use it if there are
obvious signs of fungus or Finrot (white threads, inflammation, dead
white tissue, etc.).>
<Good luck, Neale.>
A quick goldfish Ich question
and thank goodness for QT! 4/16/09
Hi all you fantastic WetWeb crew,
I just have a couple of Ich questions; I have used the search tool but
I am a bit confused.
I have just purchased two new common goldfish to join a single one in a
fully cycled 190 ltr tank.
Fortunately I put them in a 60 ltr fully cycled quarantine tank when I
got them on Saturday. I am almost certain one of them has Ich. I am so
pleased I did this!
<Agreed, should make treatment easier, but since the Ick parasite is
highly mobile (e.g., on wet nets and hands) it is likely your other
fish are at risk, so observe carefully.>
I have been testing the water each day and have 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites,
7 nitrates and the pH is 8.2.
<Sounds fine.>
I would really like to use a salt treatment to clear this up, rather
than medicate the tank as I feel that they have been stressed enough
from their move. However, I am not sure what dosage the salt should be
in. I can find dosages but I am not sure if the crew member answering
is using English gallons or US gallons.
<It's 2 to 3 teaspoons of salt per US gallon.>
Could you tell me what the dosage is in English gallons (or
<One US gallon is 3.78 litres. If your bucket or aquarium is rated
in Imperial gallons, 12 US gallons are 10 Imperial gallons.>
I kind of assume that you add the salt over a period of time, not
straight away, if this is so what sort of time period do you use to get
the salinity up?
<Adding the salt straight away is fine; the salinity is very, very
I am under the impression that salt treatment may affect my biological
<It won't.>
Am I right in thinking that you continue treatment two weeks after the
spots have fallen off?
<Correct; the salt doesn't kill the white spots on the fish:
only the free living parasites.>
Once the Ich has gone, and I move my fish, I was going to take out my
filter sponge and bioballs and place them in my external canister
filter (so I always have spare mature filter media in an emergency).
Should I
sterilise everything or just run the tank for 3 or 4 days without fish
in it to get rid of any Ich?
<It's a good idea to sterilise hospital tanks, provided you can
keep filter media alive someplace else. Of course, in the case of
serious illnesses you would sterilise the filter media as well, and
then re-cycle the hospital tank.>
My other little goldfish has had a bit of a white patch by her mouth
which we never noticed until she was in QT. This has almost cleared
right up but I guess the salt may help this little fish too.
<May help a little, but I'd observe, and if the white spot
isn't clearing up (it may simply be a bruise) I'd treat for
Finrot/Fungus; in the UK, I recommend eSHa 2000 as working on Finrot,
Fungus, and Columnaris equally well.>
I can't say how brilliant QT is - both the fish looked fine in the
tank at the LFS and also in the bag when we got home, but once in QT
you can really get a good look at them.
It was very, very tempting to put them in our main tank, and thanks to
your website, I'm so glad we didn't!
Many thanks in advance, Michelle
<Hope this helps, Neale.>
White growth between eyes!
2/22/09 Hi Neale, My filter conked out in a weekend away, and
when I arrived home today, the water was sort of murky. Now both of my
goldfish, a comet and a common, have developed a white growth about 4
mm in diameter on their faces, right between the eyes. The common seems
to have a slight red tinge around the exterior. I've put in two new
filters to try to clear the water and I've done a partial water
change but I'm very worried. What are these growths and what else
can I do to help them? Thanks so much for your help, I hope my fishies
will be ok! Katie <Hi Katie. Could be nothing more than excess
mucous, something that Goldfish do when irritated. But to be on the
safe side, I'd treat against Finrot/Fungus using a reliable (not
salt, not Melafix) medication of your choice. In the UK at least, I use
a product called eSHa 2000 for this sort of thing. It's an
Acriflavine/copper medication. Works well, and doesn't seem to harm
plants or filter bacteria. Equivalent products are widely sold
elsewhere. Cheers, Neale.>
My goldfish recently developed a yellowish stained color
around the head and mouth as well as the base of the fins.
11/14/08 <Assume Finrot and/or Fungus and/or Mouth Fungus
(this latter actually a bacterial infection called Columnaris). Treat
with a suitable medication. Here in Europe I recommend eSHa 2000, but
in the US you might want to use something like Maracyn. What you
don't want to waste your time with is salt, Melafix, or any of
those vague medications sold as "tonics".> Now I've
tried to Google this even in Google images. Maybe tomorrow I'm
going to try WebCrawler and Askjeeves, or maybe a library. Anyway the
closest thing I've read about on this condition is velvet which
involves a parasite. Now I guess that's possible but there are no
bumps, it's just a yellowish stain. I'll get more into the
details in a moment, allow me to verbose on my tank. Now my tank is a
20 gal that I use a full spectrum fluorescent aquarium light with.
<Twenty gallons is really much too small for Goldfish. Contrary to
what you might imagine, Goldfish don't do well in small tanks --
most Goldfish kept in bowls for example die very quickly! Always
remember Goldfish are pond fish, bred for ponds and happiest in ponds.
If you keep them indoors, you need to give them SPACE. Most of us here
at WWM would recommend a minimum tank size of 30 gallons, and
that's based on hard-earned experience!> So I can see colors
fairly well. I have one angel Koi and one other goldfish as well as 3
fancy male guppies. My Koi and other Goldfish are about
3"-5." (It's hard to accurately measure length without
actually pulling them out of the tank, and I don't feel it's
that important to resort to pulling them out of the water.) My oddly
colored goldfish is about 2"-4" and it's one of those
feeders, and despite that it is a tough little fish. <Koi tend not
to do well indoors, and in any case will eventually need a really big
aquarium. We're talking 55 gallons upwards, minimum. Even allowing
for the fact Koi stunt readily when kept indoors, they are still big,
messy, but surprisingly delicate fish.> I brought it on a couple
road trips while it was still within an inch and a half, one that
lasted more then a couple days, and it survived pretty well, but that
was almost a year ago. Anyhow about a month ago I changed them from a
10 gal to a 20 gal. I added some ghost shrimp back then as well in a
special protective net. However I kept the ghost shrimp in a separate
tank for about a week. I also added some plants I also kept in separate
tank for about a week or so. My fish have since destroyed any
resemblance that they were plants that were healthy and with leaves. I
have some very destructive fish. <No, you have herbivorous fish.
Goldfish and Koi eat plants. It's what they should be eating.
Healthy fish are fed plants much more than pellets!
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/gldfshmalnut.htm By all means
keep adding Elodea, Cabomba or whatever is cheap in your neighbourhood.
The Goldfish and Koi will eat these, and if you add flake/pellets every
2-3 days instead of daily, you will have very healthy fish.> I have
removed most of the plant material except maybe a stick I missed. The
reason I kept them in a separate tank for about a week is because I had
a battle with Ich on my Koi that just wouldn't go away. I used
Ick-away, quick-cure, Aquari-sol, and then when none of that seemed to
work, I hyper salinated the water to about 1 tbsp per gallon for about
a month give or take. But nothing worked. <I suspect there's a
bunch of things going on here. For a start, many aquarists are unaware
they need to remove carbon from the filter before using medication. If
you have carbon in the filter, you can add as much medication as you
want, and the fish still won't get better. The carbon absorbs
organic chemicals of all sorts, including medication. Next up,
you're randomly adding stuff I suspect without first checking what
the problem is. Whitespot/Ick follows the introduction of new fish.
Once you've broken the cycle of infection in the aquarium, it
should never return unless to add new fish (or somehow carry water from
an infected tank into this tank, e.g., by sharing nets or buckets). If
your fish keep getting sick, it's much more likely there's
something wrong with the environment. That's why we insist people
do a pH test and a nitrite test before anything else. Goldfish will not
tolerate acidic pH levels, and must have hard, basic water conditions
to do well. Salt, by the way, doesn't raise pH or help in the
least. Goldfish are messy fish, and while hardy up to a point,
prolonged exposure to ammonia and nitrite will stress them, and
eventually kill them. Before they die, they commonly suffer from things
like Finrot. It's critical you sit back and read over water
chemistry and water quality.> Now because this Ick seemed to affect
the Koi more then the goldfish I just moved them all including the
guppies to a hospital tank. And then when it seemed the goldfish
weren't having anymore troubles I moved them back while I left the
Koi in the hospital tank. The reason I knew the Koi still had Ich was
because of the tail fin. It had little bumps that wouldn't go away
at the bottom and top of the tail fin And some larger bumps that would
form and disappear from time to time. <I'm fairly sure what
you're describing is Finrot. What happens is the bacteria cause
blockages in the blood vessels (turning pink), these swell up, tissue
dies (the white lumps) and then the fin membrane around that area
dies.> Eventually I just bought some nail care scissors and alcohol
to disinfect the scissors before cutting, and cut off the part of the
fin with the bumps. <No no no! Put the darn scissors down! Unless
you're a vet or a surgeon, you have no business doing this...> I
used malachite green from the Ick away as the bacteriostatic to help in
covering the wound from any infectious bacteria, and it's a good
thing I did it then. Because afterwards I noticed a big red ball of a
bump had just started to protrude outside of the skin on the bottom
part of the tailfin I cut. <You likely made things worse, and in any
case, now I'm 100% sure we're dealing with Finrot.> It
seemed to work because no more bumps ever formed as of yet. But I do
notice that sometimes the Koi will still brush up against the bottom of
the tank. And will dart around every now and again when he's not
looking for food among the pebbles. <Classic signs of stress from
ammonia, pH instability...> And next is where it may pertain to my
goldfish. Sometimes I wonder if what my Koi really had wasn't a
case of velvet and Ick because most of the bumps were really small, and
maybe had a light yellow tint to them at times. I just thought I'd
throw that at you so you could consider it. And the bumps that I was
sure were Ick usually where random and at different locations around
the fins of my Koi and Goldfish, and the bumps were white, and a little
bigger then the bumps on my Koi's tail fin and were much more well
defined like speckles of salt they say Ick compares too. There
haven't been any such bumps, small or well defined like salt that
I've noticed since. But I haven't been checking lately very
much which is why one of my goldfish got this yellowish stain all
around his mouth and head and at the base of his fins, and maybe even a
little down the belly before I noticed and changed the water. Oh one
other issue my Koi hasn't got over yet is a splitting of the
bottom, I think it's called, pelvic fins. I assume this is fin rot
brought on by the stress of being in a 2 gallon hospital tank. <The
Finrot is a bacterial infection, almost always caused by poor water
quality. For gosh sakes, grab a nitrite or ammonia test kit and check
your water quality!> But the fins haven't receded any or gotten
any worse that I've noticed since I put him into the 20 gallon
tank. His dorsal fin has a reddish tip and that happened I think during
the hospital tank stay due to staying under the filter. I think he must
have caught his fin in the propeller or something. But it doesn't
seem to be getting worse. If I have to treat, I've already bought
Melafix. One last thing I now use a salt concentration of 4tbsp's
per 10 gallons. I do this to discourage infection and any Ick that may
still be presently safe within the gills of my fish. <Melafix is
garbage. Adding salt to the aquarium will do nothing if water quality
is chronically bad. Almost certainly, the issue here isn't
"disease" as such, but the fact the aquarium is unhealthy,
dangerous even. Your job is to [a] check how bad the water quality is;
and [b] understand why water quality is bad. Even without seeing your
aquarium I can make some predications: It's overstocked, you're
overfeeding the fish, and you filter isn't adequate. Goldfish need,
at minimum, a 30 gallon tank with a filter rated at 6 times the volume
in turnover per hour. If you have a 30 gallon tank, then the filter
should be rated at 6 x 30 = 180 gallons per hour. This is
non-negotiable. On top of that, you should be doing 25-50% weekly water
changes, keeping pH levels constant. There's no need to add salt,
but if the water is soft in your area (below 10 degrees dH general
hardness) then hardening the water will be important. We can talk about
that another time, if necessary. Koi are EVEN MORE fussy than Goldfish,
so everything said here for Goldfish holds for them, except the tank
should be at least twice as big. In any even, the ammonia has to be
zero, the nitrite zero, and the pH around 7.5-8.0.> I also do this
because I read somewhere that goldfish are naturally a brackish water
fish. <No, they're not. They're freshwater fish. Wild
(feral) Goldfish do indeed have some tolerance for brackish water, as
do wild carp, but YOU DO NOT need to add salt to a Goldfish or Koi
aquarium. Sometimes vets and aquarists will use salt to treat very
specific conditions or diseases. But in general, leave the salt in the
kitchen, not in your aquarium!> Now I don't know if that's
true, but I'm sure that goldfish are more accustomed to salt in
water then other freshwater fish. Now as for my yellowish goldfish I
really think the reason my fish developed this is because I didn't
change the water for like a month. <!!!!!> And even the water had
a yellowish color to it for like a week give or take. And yes I tested
the water about 2-3 weeks or so before I changed it and the nitrates
were in the caution zone. Ammonia is usually always within the caution
zone, almost never in the completely safe zone. <Let's be clear,
there's no "caution" zone. There's SAFE, which is
ZERO, and there's DANGEROUS, which is anything NOT ZERO. If you
have ammonia in the water all the time, then your tank is overstocked,
the fish overfed, and/or the filter under-powered. Possibly all three
problems at once!> The nitrites are almost always non-existent, and
the nitrates are usually in the caution zone as well.. So I'm bad I
know, but my main concern is what could it be? <Have said above.>
And yes, whenever I use tap water, I use AquaSafe water conditioner.
And it says it's made for fresh and marine water. I know water
conditions may have caused it, and for that I feel bad, but I'd
really like to know if it's cause for concern, or should keeping
clean water take care of it? Now as for how he's acting, he's
pretty much himself, likes to eat, ravages the ghost shrimp net.
Here's some more information I forgot to mention while explaining
my tank. I have a couple fake plants. One of them is growing some sort
of greenish fuzz on the flower parts, and my fish with the yellowish
stain seems to love to eat it. Except for the guppies, the other fish
don't eat this fuzz as far as I can tell. Do you think my fish
could be eating too much of this fuzz that maybe he's getting too
much of something the growth produces that's not good in large
amounts for fish to consume? <The "fuzz" is either algae,
if green, or bacteria, if grey and slimy, or fungus, if off-white and
cotton-like. Not dangerous in themselves. But bacteria and fungi in
large amounts do imply a "dirty" aquarium. Blue-green algae
(which can also be red or black, not just blue/green) is another
"danger sign". It has a distinctive musty smell and a slimy
texture. It implies dirty water AND poor water circulation.> (Keep
in mind no other fish seems to have this yellowish development.) As he
swims he seems slightly less stable then usual in the water. I mean he
still swims rather healthy and goes for food when I feed them, he just
seems slightly less stable then usual, but only slightly. The other
fish, including the guppies seem just fine, and slightly more stable
against the currents made by the air pump and the filter. Well sorry I
gave you so much useless information, the second paragraph really
states the issues, but the first gives you a little background. Oh I
have carbon filters, and when I was treating my fish for Ick, except
for when I used exclusively salt, I cut open my filters and shook out
as much carbon as I possibly could reach. I think I got it all except
for the carbon dust stains that wouldn't come out even under rinse.
Sincerely, John <John, you have your work cut out for you. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/goldfish101art.htm
Good luck, Neale.>
Pearlscale swim bladder 7/23/08 Bob
Fenner, <In his absence, it's me, Neale.> Hello, I
could do with some advice related to my goldfish , and three year
old Pearlscale <Oh?> I found your email on WetWebMedia and
have read many of the posts and advice you have given out before
about swim bladder issues. I have fed my Pearlscale peas, veg,
and frozen foods like daphnia and bloodworm for a many months,
well proceeding the recent floating at the top of the tank. So I
can rule out constipation. I think. <Well, keep plugging away
at the veggie diet; will do your fish no harm and potentially
much good.> Water quality is good - her tankmate is in good
health. I have added aquarium salt <Neither helpful not
required. Salt can cause various disorders in freshwater fish
including Dropsy-like symptoms. Wild Carassius auratus are
actually very salt tolerant and do fine in brackish water, but
the inbred fancy forms may be less tolerant, and maybe even
harmed.> and InterPet no.13 - and hope this works.
<Useless. Never heard of a single case where it helped a fish.
Right up there with Melafix as more placebo than treatment.>
In the meantime I have constructed a temporary sling to hold her
weight so that she doesn't lay on the top of the water with
half her body exposed to the air. <Sounds quite clever!> In
a week or two of treatment I will remove the sling and with hope
all will be well. Anything else I might do? <If the infection
is really a systemic bacterial one, you really will need
something like Erythromycin to make much difference. In the US,
there's a product called Maracyn that contains this. In the
UK (and indeed most of the rest of the world) antibiotics are not
available over-the-counter, though some aquarium stores will sell
Erythromycin "under-the-counter", which is of course
illegal. You can also buy the drug completely legally from your
vet. The easiest thing is to pop in and talk to the nurse on
duty. Explain the symptoms, and with luck they'll give you
some pills for use. This isn't expensive, and nice vets
(particularly ones you know through your dog or cat) will sell
them at cost, which is no more expensive than the £5
or whatever for regular fish medications at the pet store.
Alternatively, you can give a product called eSHa 2000 a whirl;
although designed for Finrot and Fungus, it has strong
antibacterial properties. It does appear to treat some internal
infections, such as Dropsy, and my experience of the product is
extremely positive. http://www.eshalabs.com/esha2000.htm
As ever, the sooner you treat, the better. This is especially
where antibacterial treatments are used, because they tend to be
less effective than antibiotic ones.> Many thanks, Chris
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Pearlscale swim bladder 7/23/08 I am
off to the vets now, but in case they don't know how I can
make the pills useful for a goldfish, do I grind them up and add
them to the water? Many thanks, Chris <There are two ways.
Commercial Erythromycin such as Maracyn is added to the water at
a dose of 250 mg/40 litres. Alternatively, Furazolidone can be
added to the food at 50-75mg/kg fish weight for 7-10 days, one
meal per day. This is a good treatment for systemic bacterial
infections. Other drugs used include Oxytetracycline at 6-75
mg/kg fish weight, 7-14 days, one meal per day; and sulphadimine
at 200 mg/kg fish weight for up to 14 days, one meal per day. For
these last two, the numbers are taken from 'The Interpet
Manual of Fish Health' if your vet needs to check the
reference. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Pearlscale swim bladder 7/23/08 Thank
you very much for your feedback - I'm off to see the vet
today! I'll let you know how it goes. Chris <Very good!
Hope it all goes well, Neale.>
Re: Pearlscale swim bladder 7/23/08 Thank you for
your help. Sadly my fish died this afternoon, 36 hours after
showing symptoms. <Too bad.> On closer inspection once
dead, she had what looked like tissue/organ leaving her vent.
Perhaps she was egg-bound, <Unlikely; Goldfish need to be very
big to breed, and usually only do so in ponds.> or the swim
bladder/internal organs were damaged. <Difficult to know
really.> Either way, a sad way to go. Thank you for your help.
At least the other goldfish in the tank is in good health. I have
scrubbed the tank thoroughly. <Take care not to over-clean the
tank. Wiping down the glass and rinsing the gravel through is
fine, but leave the filter alone except perhaps for squeezing the
sponge (or rinsing the ceramic noodles) in a bucket of aquarium
water.> Many thanks, Chris <Cheers, Neale.>
Sick Orandas 7/25/08 Hello Crew, I have 2
Oranda Goldfish. I got them a week ago, after having a 20 gallon
tank circulating for about 3 days. (As I have read in your FAQs
this may not have been long enough.) <Indeed not. Cycling
takes anything up to 6 weeks, and certainly at least a month. You
can cycle a tank with fish, but it isn't recommended and
requires frequent (daily) water changes of at least 25%. It's
a lot easier to "jump start" the tank using live
biological media from another tank. In any event, make sure you
read and understand this issue -- this is basically what
fishkeeping is all about! Get this right (and it's actually
VERY EASY if you do things slowly) and EVERYTHING else in the
hobby is a piece of cake. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwestcycling.htm
> This is my first time with goldfish and the man at the pet
store I got them from didn't tell me anything except
"You don't need a heater, feed them only about 2 flakes
each a day, and don't add anymore fish for a month".
<Broadly true, but there's more to keeping Goldfish than
this. They are herbivores for example, and do poorly fed nothing
but flake. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/gldfshmalnut.htm
They also need quite a bit of space, and they grow quickly. You
certainly need strong filtration and generous water changes if
you want them to remain in good health. Otherwise they are very
prone to Finrot, fungal infections and so on.
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/goldfish101art.htm >
I noticed they had slightly cloudy eyes but didn't know if
that was normal. <Not normal; commonly a sign of excess
mucous, in turn revealing water quality is poor. Water changes
and regular use of your nitrite test kit is ESSENTIAL.> After
a few days, they are full blown SICK. One is hanging out at the
bottom of the tank with drooping fins, and the other will stop
swimming and float belly up for a little while, then flip over a
swim a little bit. I have also noticed very small white specks on
them, mostly on their tail fins but on their heads as well and
their eyes are much cloudier. <Likely Finrot and/or Fungus.
Treat at once using eSHa 2000 or Maracyn or some equivalent
medication, but not Melafix or salt, even if the fish store guy
recommends these. They don't work.> Unfortunately I read
some other websites before finding yours and I may have taken
some bad advice. I did a 50% water change, <Always a good
idea!> added the recommended amount of aquarium salt,
<There is NO recommended amount of salt for Goldfish; they are
freshwater fish, and if adding salt is the "cure", then
you have a problem. Adding salt is old school fishkeeping, and
essentially trying to fix symptoms not the problem.> added
Melafix, AND Ick Away. <Neither relevant here.> Now after
reading your FAQs I'm scared that I did way too much, or
possibly the wrong thing. Do you think I changed their
environment too much and cause more damage than good? <Water
changes -- provided water chemistry is constant -- never does any
harm. The more, the better.> Should I change the water in 24
hours like it says on the Ick Away bottle? <Depends on whether
they have Whitespot/Ick. This disease is very distinctive; it
looks as if someone put salt on your fish. If your fish do have
this (again, a sign of poor conditions) then complete the Ick
treatment as explained on the package. Never, ever
"improvise" with medications unless you know (or are
told) to do otherwise. Most medications will only work/not do
harm if used correctly.> Should I discontinue the use of the
Melafix? <Yes.> Also I was wondering if they are sick
because of something I do you think I bought them like this? Can
you help me? <Yes and no. Many diseases on fish are caused by
organisms that sit in the tank anyway. Finrot for example is
caused by Aeromonas bacteria that ordinarily do good work
breaking down organic matter in the substrate. They are part of
the nitrogen cycle, and you need them. The problem is that when
fish are stressed by poor conditions their immune systems stop
working, and this allows otherwise harmless bacteria to cause
problems. This is exactly the same thing as in humans, where
people with compromised immune systems become far more vulnerable
to pathogens most of us never even notice.> Thank you so much
for any advice you can provide. Lynn <Please do review the
needs of Goldfish, plus <<Was the end of the comm.
Re: Sick Orandas 7/25/08 After reading your
advice and researching Finrot and/or fungus. I now don't
believe it's Ick because it doesn't look like salt on
their bodies, just dust on them. The one that keeps turning
belly-up, his tail looks like it's shredded. I'm going to
find eSHa 2000 or Maracyn this morning, and I'll do another
water change before adding it. Thank you for your help!!! Lynn
<Hello Lynn. Looks as if you've diagnosed the problem.
eSHa 2000 appears to be sold only in Europe, and that's why I
recommend it, living in England. For Americans, Maracyn is the
drug-of-choice. There should be other brands and products
available in most countries though. Cheers, Neale.>
Growth on Tango Jasoshi's (?!) Tail :( Goldfish
hlth. 3/5/08 Hiya guys! have emailed you before
concerning my regular old goldfish (that's all they were called at
the pet store!) one orange, one yellow. After months of fighting which
I think, turned out to be mating, (?!) I separated my fish for fear the
orange one would eventually be eaten! Sadly, after all that trauma,
I've noticed a little growth developing on the orange one's
tail. I had noticed what appeared to be bubbles on or in his tail, but
thought nothing more of it. Now, after months of them being there, they
seem to have multiplied to form a pinkish-clearish blob on his tail
fin. It doesn't seem to be causing him any real discomfort but how
can you tell with a fish?! I had a fish with a growth before and he
died :( Please help! What could this be and how can I treat it? thanks
in advance! Chloe <Hi Chloe. Not quite enough to go on here, but in
any event I'd be treating with a broad anti-Finrot/anti-Fungus
medication. I happen to like eSHa 2000 which is good value and seems to
work well against a variety of infections. Do remember to remove any
carbon (if present) from your filter. Goldfish don't really fight,
though they do chase one another rather strenuously if feeling the
'joys of spring'. Make sure the tank is big enough for them,
and take care to [a] remove anything sharp or scratchy; and [b] provide
some nice plastic plants the females can use as hiding places. Cheers,
Air Pockets coming out of my Oranda
Pearlfish 12/2/07 Hello, A couple of weeks ago my
Oranda Pearlfish stared getting these little air pockets coming out of
her scales mainly around the bottom of her tail). But now they seem to
be spreading, and she just sits at the bottom of the tank. Now I have
to confess I have been really slacking on the maintenance of the tank.
I went out today and got new filters and will give it a proper
cleaning. I would appreciate some help as to what else can be done to
help her. Regards, Joe P.S There is a black Moor in the same tank as
her <Hello Joe. Your fish almost certainly has some sort of fungal
and/or bacterial infection brought about by the poor water conditions.
It cannot be stated more strongly how letting water quality drop makes
fish sick. So, the first thing to do is improve your water quality
management. 50% water changes are essential with Goldfish, and you need
a good filter turning the volume of the tank over at least 6 times per
hour (i.e., in a 30 gallon tank, choose a filter that has 6 x 30 = 180
gallons per hour turnover). Clean the filter media once a month in a
bucket of aquarium water. Clean the gravel each water change by
stirring it up and siphoning out the dirt. The other thing to do is
treat the tank for fungus/Finrot. There are numerous medications
suitable for this: Maracyn or eSHa 2000 or Interpet Anti Fungus and
Bacteria for example. Skip Melafix/Pimafix -- they don't work all
that well. With luck, she'll fix right up in no time. Hope this
helps, Neale.>
New Print and
eBook on Amazon
Goldfish Success
What it takes to keep goldfish healthy long-term
by Robert (Bob) Fenner