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My goldfish recently developed a yellowish stained color
around the head and mouth as well as the base of the fins.
11/14/08 <Assume Finrot and/or Fungus and/or Mouth Fungus
(this latter actually a bacterial infection called Columnaris). Treat
with a suitable medication. Here in Europe I recommend eSHa 2000, but
in the US you might want to use something like Maracyn. What you
don't want to waste your time with is salt, Melafix, or any of
those vague medications sold as "tonics".> Now I've
tried to Google this even in Google images. Maybe tomorrow I'm
going to try WebCrawler and Askjeeves, or maybe a library. Anyway the
closest thing I've read about on this condition is velvet which
involves a parasite. Now I guess that's possible but there are no
bumps, it's just a yellowish stain. I'll get more into the
details in a moment, allow me to verbose on my tank. Now my tank is a
20 gal that I use a full spectrum fluorescent aquarium light with.
<Twenty gallons is really much too small for Goldfish. Contrary to
what you might imagine, Goldfish don't do well in small tanks --
most Goldfish kept in bowls for example die very quickly! Always
remember Goldfish are pond fish, bred for ponds and happiest in ponds.
If you keep them indoors, you need to give them SPACE. Most of us here
at WWM would recommend a minimum tank size of 30 gallons, and
that's based on hard-earned experience!> So I can see colors
fairly well. I have one angel Koi and one other goldfish as well as 3
fancy male guppies. My Koi and other Goldfish are about
3"-5." (It's hard to accurately measure length without
actually pulling them out of the tank, and I don't feel it's
that important to resort to pulling them out of the water.) My oddly
colored goldfish is about 2"-4" and it's one of those
feeders, and despite that it is a tough little fish. <Koi tend not
to do well indoors, and in any case will eventually need a really big
aquarium. We're talking 55 gallons upwards, minimum. Even allowing
for the fact Koi stunt readily when kept indoors, they are still big,
messy, but surprisingly delicate fish.> I brought it on a couple
road trips while it was still within an inch and a half, one that
lasted more then a couple days, and it survived pretty well, but that
was almost a year ago. Anyhow about a month ago I changed them from a
10 gal to a 20 gal. I added some ghost shrimp back then as well in a
special protective net. However I kept the ghost shrimp in a separate
tank for about a week. I also added some plants I also kept in separate
tank for about a week or so. My fish have since destroyed any
resemblance that they were plants that were healthy and with leaves. I
have some very destructive fish. <No, you have herbivorous fish.
Goldfish and Koi eat plants. It's what they should be eating.
Healthy fish are fed plants much more than pellets!
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/gldfshmalnut.htm By all means
keep adding Elodea, Cabomba or whatever is cheap in your neighbourhood.
The Goldfish and Koi will eat these, and if you add flake/pellets every
2-3 days instead of daily, you will have very healthy fish.> I have
removed most of the plant material except maybe a stick I missed. The
reason I kept them in a separate tank for about a week is because I had
a battle with Ich on my Koi that just wouldn't go away. I used
Ick-away, quick-cure, Aquari-sol, and then when none of that seemed to
work, I hyper salinated the water to about 1 tbsp per gallon for about
a month give or take. But nothing worked. <I suspect there's a
bunch of things going on here. For a start, many aquarists are unaware
they need to remove carbon from the filter before using medication. If
you have carbon in the filter, you can add as much medication as you
want, and the fish still won't get better. The carbon absorbs
organic chemicals of all sorts, including medication. Next up,
you're randomly adding stuff I suspect without first checking what
the problem is. Whitespot/Ick follows the introduction of new fish.
Once you've broken the cycle of infection in the aquarium, it
should never return unless to add new fish (or somehow carry water from
an infected tank into this tank, e.g., by sharing nets or buckets). If
your fish keep getting sick, it's much more likely there's
something wrong with the environment. That's why we insist people
do a pH test and a nitrite test before anything else. Goldfish will not
tolerate acidic pH levels, and must have hard, basic water conditions
to do well. Salt, by the way, doesn't raise pH or help in the
least. Goldfish are messy fish, and while hardy up to a point,
prolonged exposure to ammonia and nitrite will stress them, and
eventually kill them. Before they die, they commonly suffer from things
like Finrot. It's critical you sit back and read over water
chemistry and water quality.> Now because this Ick seemed to affect
the Koi more then the goldfish I just moved them all including the
guppies to a hospital tank. And then when it seemed the goldfish
weren't having anymore troubles I moved them back while I left the
Koi in the hospital tank. The reason I knew the Koi still had Ich was
because of the tail fin. It had little bumps that wouldn't go away
at the bottom and top of the tail fin And some larger bumps that would
form and disappear from time to time. <I'm fairly sure what
you're describing is Finrot. What happens is the bacteria cause
blockages in the blood vessels (turning pink), these swell up, tissue
dies (the white lumps) and then the fin membrane around that area
dies.> Eventually I just bought some nail care scissors and alcohol
to disinfect the scissors before cutting, and cut off the part of the
fin with the bumps. <No no no! Put the darn scissors down! Unless
you're a vet or a surgeon, you have no business doing this...> I
used malachite green from the Ick away as the bacteriostatic to help in
covering the wound from any infectious bacteria, and it's a good
thing I did it then. Because afterwards I noticed a big red ball of a
bump had just started to protrude outside of the skin on the bottom
part of the tailfin I cut. <You likely made things worse, and in any
case, now I'm 100% sure we're dealing with Finrot.> It
seemed to work because no more bumps ever formed as of yet. But I do
notice that sometimes the Koi will still brush up against the bottom of
the tank. And will dart around every now and again when he's not
looking for food among the pebbles. <Classic signs of stress from
ammonia, pH instability...> And next is where it may pertain to my
goldfish. Sometimes I wonder if what my Koi really had wasn't a
case of velvet and Ick because most of the bumps were really small, and
maybe had a light yellow tint to them at times. I just thought I'd
throw that at you so you could consider it. And the bumps that I was
sure were Ick usually where random and at different locations around
the fins of my Koi and Goldfish, and the bumps were white, and a little
bigger then the bumps on my Koi's tail fin and were much more well
defined like speckles of salt they say Ick compares too. There
haven't been any such bumps, small or well defined like salt that
I've noticed since. But I haven't been checking lately very
much which is why one of my goldfish got this yellowish stain all
around his mouth and head and at the base of his fins, and maybe even a
little down the belly before I noticed and changed the water. Oh one
other issue my Koi hasn't got over yet is a splitting of the
bottom, I think it's called, pelvic fins. I assume this is fin rot
brought on by the stress of being in a 2 gallon hospital tank. <The
Finrot is a bacterial infection, almost always caused by poor water
quality. For gosh sakes, grab a nitrite or ammonia test kit and check
your water quality!> But the fins haven't receded any or gotten
any worse that I've noticed since I put him into the 20 gallon
tank. His dorsal fin has a reddish tip and that happened I think during
the hospital tank stay due to staying under the filter. I think he must
have caught his fin in the propeller or something. But it doesn't
seem to be getting worse. If I have to treat, I've already bought
Melafix. One last thing I now use a salt concentration of 4tbsp's
per 10 gallons. I do this to discourage infection and any Ick that may
still be presently safe within the gills of my fish. <Melafix is
garbage. Adding salt to the aquarium will do nothing if water quality
is chronically bad. Almost certainly, the issue here isn't
"disease" as such, but the fact the aquarium is unhealthy,
dangerous even. Your job is to [a] check how bad the water quality is;
and [b] understand why water quality is bad. Even without seeing your
aquarium I can make some predications: It's overstocked, you're
overfeeding the fish, and you filter isn't adequate. Goldfish need,
at minimum, a 30 gallon tank with a filter rated at 6 times the volume
in turnover per hour. If you have a 30 gallon tank, then the filter
should be rated at 6 x 30 = 180 gallons per hour. This is
non-negotiable. On top of that, you should be doing 25-50% weekly water
changes, keeping pH levels constant. There's no need to add salt,
but if the water is soft in your area (below 10 degrees dH general
hardness) then hardening the water will be important. We can talk about
that another time, if necessary. Koi are EVEN MORE fussy than Goldfish,
so everything said here for Goldfish holds for them, except the tank
should be at least twice as big. In any even, the ammonia has to be
zero, the nitrite zero, and the pH around 7.5-8.0.> I also do this
because I read somewhere that goldfish are naturally a brackish water
fish. <No, they're not. They're freshwater fish. Wild
(feral) Goldfish do indeed have some tolerance for brackish water, as
do wild carp, but YOU DO NOT need to add salt to a Goldfish or Koi
aquarium. Sometimes vets and aquarists will use salt to treat very
specific conditions or diseases. But in general, leave the salt in the
kitchen, not in your aquarium!> Now I don't know if that's
true, but I'm sure that goldfish are more accustomed to salt in
water then other freshwater fish. Now as for my yellowish goldfish I
really think the reason my fish developed this is because I didn't
change the water for like a month. <!!!!!> And even the water had
a yellowish color to it for like a week give or take. And yes I tested
the water about 2-3 weeks or so before I changed it and the nitrates
were in the caution zone. Ammonia is usually always within the caution
zone, almost never in the completely safe zone. <Let's be clear,
there's no "caution" zone. There's SAFE, which is
ZERO, and there's DANGEROUS, which is anything NOT ZERO. If you
have ammonia in the water all the time, then your tank is overstocked,
the fish overfed, and/or the filter under-powered. Possibly all three
problems at once!> The nitrites are almost always non-existent, and
the nitrates are usually in the caution zone as well.. So I'm bad I
know, but my main concern is what could it be? <Have said above.>
And yes, whenever I use tap water, I use AquaSafe water conditioner.
And it says it's made for fresh and marine water. I know water
conditions may have caused it, and for that I feel bad, but I'd
really like to know if it's cause for concern, or should keeping
clean water take care of it? Now as for how he's acting, he's
pretty much himself, likes to eat, ravages the ghost shrimp net.
Here's some more information I forgot to mention while explaining
my tank. I have a couple fake plants. One of them is growing some sort
of greenish fuzz on the flower parts, and my fish with the yellowish
stain seems to love to eat it. Except for the guppies, the other fish
don't eat this fuzz as far as I can tell. Do you think my fish
could be eating too much of this fuzz that maybe he's getting too
much of something the growth produces that's not good in large
amounts for fish to consume? <The "fuzz" is either algae,
if green, or bacteria, if grey and slimy, or fungus, if off-white and
cotton-like. Not dangerous in themselves. But bacteria and fungi in
large amounts do imply a "dirty" aquarium. Blue-green algae
(which can also be red or black, not just blue/green) is another
"danger sign". It has a distinctive musty smell and a slimy
texture. It implies dirty water AND poor water circulation.> (Keep
in mind no other fish seems to have this yellowish development.) As he
swims he seems slightly less stable then usual in the water. I mean he
still swims rather healthy and goes for food when I feed them, he just
seems slightly less stable then usual, but only slightly. The other
fish, including the guppies seem just fine, and slightly more stable
against the currents made by the air pump and the filter. Well sorry I
gave you so much useless information, the second paragraph really
states the issues, but the first gives you a little background. Oh I
have carbon filters, and when I was treating my fish for Ick, except
for when I used exclusively salt, I cut open my filters and shook out
as much carbon as I possibly could reach. I think I got it all except
for the carbon dust stains that wouldn't come out even under rinse.
Sincerely, John <John, you have your work cut out for you.
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/goldfish101art.htm Good luck,
Neale.> Dead Fantail Goldfish 11/14/08 Hey!!! You guys have helped me out a bunch over the years... but I've looked everywhere and I can't seem to find the answer I need this time... I have 3 6-7 inch Fantail Goldfish in a 30 gallon tank (they are a bit overcrowded but I do frequent water changes and check levels often) I have had them for years and I love them all... the oldest is around 6 years old... But recently my 5 year old calico died (he did have a growth over one eye a local pet store told me to catch him and cut it off with sharp scissors but I just couldn't stomach it), I was horrified after he died... and did a small water change and checked all levels which where normal... then 4 days later I fed the 2 surviving fish walked away came back maybe 30 minutes later and my smaller red and white had died... Again nothing was wrong with the levels... The heater sits at around 75 (warm for goldfish but I have a Pleco in there that doesn't respond well to the cold) I am worried about my remaining gold fish as she is the oldest and I just set up a 55 gallon to transfer her to, She has been acting normal and eating normal (usually stick to flake food but supplement with peas, frozen krill, and freeze dried Tubifex worms) but is there anything I can do to help her out? there are absolutely no symptoms but I can't figure out how 2 fish can die in a matter of days under normal water conditions? Any advice to keep her healthy until my new tank is established... This might sound dorky but I don't want her to be lonely... should I purchase another fish before I make the switch to the bigger tank? Add more stress coat? HELP! Thanks! Meg <Hello Meg. Keeping fancy Goldfish at 75 F/24 C does them no harm at all, so don't worry about that. Apart from optimising living conditions in terms of filtration and water changes, I think the best thing you could do is review diet. Goldfish are herbivores, and in captivity we tend to massively overfeed them, and with the wrong foods at that! Goldfish do best if most of their diet is green. Things like tinned peas and cheap aquarium plants (like pondweed) are the way to go. Use pellets and flake just a couple times per week. Unlike warm blooded animals, fish don't need to constantly burn calories, so the art of feeding fish properly is to ensure that other aspects of their diet, like fibre and vitamins, are taken care of. There's an excellent article on this issue, here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/gldfshmalnut.htm Goldfish should easily live 10+ years, so the loss of your fish is somewhat unusual and worth investigating. Plecs have sometimes been blamed for damage to Goldfish: supposedly they latch onto the Goldfish and scrape at its mucous. Whether this is true or not is difficult to say, but if it happens, there will be obvious red sores on the flanks long before things become life threatening. I'd also review water chemistry. Goldfish like hard water, and you should maintain them at around 10+ degrees dH, and a pH around 7.5. For what it's worth, moving fish to a bigger tank with a mature filter is ALWAYS a good idea, though a singleton in a 30 gallon tank should be fine. Whether Goldfish get "lonely" is difficult to say in the human sense of the word, but yes, they are happier and more active with company of their own kind. It's best to choose broadly similar varieties to avoid bullying. Fantails get along well with Moors and Ryukins get along great with Fantails. Products like "Stress Coat" do no harm, but likely don't do a lot of good in most situations either. They make sense when people are handling fish and the mucous on the fish's body gets lost, but as a random additive to the aquarium? I'm skeptical. Cheers, Neale.> Goldfish Parasite 11/07/08 Hello crew. Recently I looked at my goldfish and noticed sort of a white thing sticking out of his skin. It looks sort of like a pimple. I researched, but I could not find a picture that looked like the parasite on my fish. Can it be some type of anchor worm? Are there many different species, because this parasite does not look exactly like the pictures online. For example, it does not have a forked tail. What should I do? Pull it off? In the meantime, I dosed the tank with a 0.3% concentration of salt. Hopefully it will kill the parasite. Thanks. <Greetings. Anchor worms are very distinctive, and obviously look like small black anchors stuck to the body of the fish. They're pretty uncommon in aquaria, and are more of a pond thing. Anyway, fish can get "pimples" for all kinds of reasons. Goldfish have spawning tubercles on the face when sexually mature, and many aquarists mistake these for parasites. Small wounds cause by rough objects in the tank or careless handling can develop into little blisters. These usually go away by themselves, but treating for Finrot/Fungus proactively isn't a bad idea. Whitespot and Velvet both form white cysts on the skin. Dead skin looks like white fragments; Finrot looks similar but with red inflammation, while Fungus looks like white cotton threads. There are also things called Fish Lice (Argulus) that may be observed as round, off-white parasites on the skin. These are also a pond rather than aquarium problem most of the time. In other words, without a better description or a sharp photograph, we can't diagnose the problem. I've listed the more probable explanations here: now spend some time researching each of them to diagnose the problem yourself. Cheers, Neale.> Hiya I have a question (FW/goldfish health/husbandry) 11/5/08 Hi I've had these 3 goldfish for about 2-3 years and lately they have been getting really skinny and we've fed them the right amount but 1 is really fat anyway the other day thins 2 inch long little red thing stuck out of the big 1 but then a few minutes later went back in and also in 1 of the skinny 1's this little white stringy stuff came out??? what's happening to my fish can u tell me????? thanks!!! <Gemma, when fish produce long feces that usually indicates constipation. Goldfish are herbivores, and lots of people make the mistake of feeding them "goldfish food". While fine a few times a week, mostly Goldfish should be fed green foods: cheap aquarium plants like Elodea, tinned peas, Sushi Nori, etc. There's plenty about this issue here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/gldfshmalnut.htm If you see red worms emerging from the anus, but not normally (though perhaps sometimes) being expelled, then you might be dealing with Camallanus worms. In severe infections these will cause rapid weight loss. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/nematodesfwf.htm These are normally treated with Levamisole, which depending on where you live will be obtained from a vet or a pet store. Consult with your local retailer. Note that "general" parasite cures will have no effect at all on these worms. Otherwise the prime causes of Goldfish ill health come from poor environmental conditions. You haven't said anything here about the size of the tank, water quality, or water chemistry. Just to recap, three Goldfish need a tank around 30 gallons in size (110 l) containing hard, basic water (10+ degrees dH, pH 7.5-8). A filter is not optional; preferably you would be using an filter offering turnover at least 4, and ideally 6, times the volume of the tank per hour. In other words, if the tank is 30 gallons in size, you'd use a filter at minimum rated at 4 x 30 = 120 gallons per hour. The gallons per hour (gph) turnover rating will be printed on the filter itself or its packaging (sometimes its in litres per hour, LPH). http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/goldfish101art.htm If you aren't doing all of these things, then that is almost certainly the problem. One last thing. E-mails with bad grammar and spelling and that god-awful "text speak" usually get bounced right back to the sender, unanswered. I'm a nice guy having a good day, so I've replied. Next time around, do us the courtesy of following the "house rules" and checking your messages conforms to the standards we ASK FOR precisely where you got the e-mail address http://www.wetwebmedia.com/WWMAdminSubWebIndex/question_page.htm Badly written messages aren't much use on the web site because they're difficult to read and Google can't index them properly. If Google can't index them, they don't attract readers to the site, so our advertisers can't pay our bills. It's a simple deal: you help us, and we'll help you. Thanks for your co-operation next time around. Cheers, Neale.> Re: Help!?, Goldfish hlth. 11/17/2008 I emailed you a few days ago about my two goldfish who had died and the last remaining one (Goldie a 6 year old fantail) in a 36 gallon tank ... When I last talked to you there were no major symptoms in Goldie... she was just lying at the bottom of the tank and acting kind of lost (lack of better words) I honestly thought she was just lonely, there was also a 8 inch Pleco in there which I have moved to my 55 gallon. Now goldies fins are becoming very frayed... <Mmm, the Pleco...> she had beautiful full fins for the longest time, and her scales are turning white and it looks like chemical burns like the edges are almost turning loose (?? I've never seen anything like it and I've researched it for countless hours before emailing you) and the water is cloudy, like someone poured milk in my tank (no one did but that's what it looks like) I took water to my LFS and once again everything was "okay" Ammonia was? little high? <Should be zip, nada... but likely the stress of the lost fish, the current one being "ridden" by the Catfish...> but everything else was normal. I always add aquarium salt with my water changes as a general stress reliever... I believe it's a teaspoon per 5 gallons and I keep the aquarium at 75 degrees.? It's not Ick or fin rot, I have no idea what to do... she is now alone in her tank and I am doing daily 2 gallon water changes trying to help her out. I know the Pleco could get a little aggressive if he didn't get enough zucchini but I don't think he could have caused this problem. Thank you so much for your help! I really don't want to loose goldie! she's part of the family! <Likely environmental... best to monitor, do what you can to remove ammonia... Please read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwammf3.htm and the linked files above. Bob Fenner> Food and health problem 11/07/08 Hello dear Neale, How are you? Hope so you will be fine there. Neale my two red caps are eating the live plant but my black moor is not eating that live plant (Cabomba). What should I do now? Neale I have 2 feet aquarium of 22 gallon and in which my one red cap is 3.2 inch and one is 4 inch and black moor is 3 inch. I want to ask that can I introduce one or two more goldfish with them or not? I feel that my tank is empty with three of them. Thank you Ali <Hi Ali. Leave the Black Moor hungry! He will eat the plants eventually! Also try cooked peas, rice, boiled spinach and other plant foods. He'll eat something from that list, I'm sure. I would not add any more Goldfish to your tank. For a start, you've already had problems over the recent weeks with fish. So it is ALWAYS a good idea to leave the tank running for a couple of months to see if everything is OK. Also, your SMALL fish will soon be BIG fish, and better to have 3 happy, healthy Goldfish than 4 or 5 unhealthy ones! Cheers, Neale.> Re: Food and health problem 11/08/08 Hello dear
Neale, Thank you for your reply, I will leave the black moor hungry now
I would not give them flake food. I will not introduce any other fish
to my aquarium now. When ever I gave them cooked peas black moor
feel very difficulty to find them. Neale can guide me that what is
dropsy and swim bladder? and what are there reasons? Because I feel
that most the fish that I have lost just because of them. Thank You Ali
<Ali, Black Moors can have difficulty finding food when sharing a
tank with other, faster Goldfish species. That is why usually people do
not mix "regular" Goldfish (varieties with normal, single
tails) and fancy Goldfish (varieties with double, "fan"
tails). As for Dropsy and Swim Bladder Disease, both are usually
symptoms of underlying problems. Dropsy is nothing less than organ
failure, and usually comes from poor environmental conditions. Swim
Bladder Disease in Goldfish is usually not a "disease" as
such, but a symptom of constipation and poor diet. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/dropsyfaqs.htm
Cheers, Neale.> What happened to my Goldfish? 11/2/08 Hi, You guys
seem like the most knowledgeable people on the Web. <So they
say...> I hope you can offer some advise. I have a 2 yr. common
goldfish (clouse) in a 20 gal tank all by himself. <Social fish...
they like/need at least a friend of their own species.> He/ she is
about 5 in long and has started to lose 8 scales and is skittish now.
<Could be multiple things. Goldfish sometimes lose their scales for
no particular reason. But usually if they lose scales in batches, then
that does tend to mean something's up. Review in particular water
quality and water chemistry. Skittishness in fish is often associated
with changes in water quality and water chemistry as well, particular
rapid pH changes and ammonia/nitrite spikes.> He is swimming more
vertically (head up) and is teetering in the water. He is to bumping/
running into the sides of his tank too. Its like he is not seeing
correctly. His eyes are clear, no fin problems. His water has 0
ammonia, 40 nitrate. <Hmm... something isn't right here. Check
the pH is stable and check the filter is working properly. Do your
ammonia tests two or three times across the day to see if there are
changes between feeding times.> I put a Cory catfish in with the
goldfish 2 months ago and the goldfish tried eating thecorycat but the
Corry got stuck--for hours! <Goldfish aren't really predatory,
and generally mix well with Corydoras too large to swallow whole. I
think you made a bad choice here in terms of putting into the tank a
catfish that was too small.> We tried pulling the catfish out of his
mouth, but the catfishes tail came off. But right after the tug of war
match- clouse spit the catfish out. The both seemed fine minus a
missing barbell and fin from the catfish. They are separated now, and
the catfish is perfectly healthy. <Close call...> what is wrong
with clouse the goldfish? <Likely environmental more than anything
else, so review conditions in the tank.> Why is his balance off and
his scales falling off? <Best guess, something environmental.>
Could the trauma and stinger have damaged the goldfish? <Corydoras
may have venomous dorsal spines, but the toxin will wear off within
days, so if the Goldfish is fine now, I doubt the two things are
related.> Could there be a stinger in the goldfish? <No.> any
suggestions would be great, this fish is my baby. I love him very much.
<Do read: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/fwsubwebindex/goldfish101art.htm
> Thanks Jen <Cheers, Neale.> Pink Goldfish Stool 10/27/08 HELP, my fishes poop is turning pink!!!!! Please help me, I am so worried about my fish, she's the newest addition to pond, and I love her o so very much. She is a comet, and I'm very worried. I don't know what could turn her poop pink, and gooey, but it's scaring me. Please, if you could help me it would be so greatly appreciated. Please help, from Katie <What you describe does not sound abnormal, depending on what you are feeding. The stool can often take on the coloring in food. See http://www.kokosgoldfish.com/GoldfishPoop.html for more information. Scott V.> sad state of affairs. Goldfish env. hlth., reading 10/22/08 We are newbies that "inherited" a tank from my husband's school, a 55-gallon with two fish - a Pearlscale Oranda and a moor, both about 5 inches with tails, with Eclipse bio-wheel filter, fizzy air bubbler. <Mmm, I'd add filtration here> The tank had been set up for 10 months and running fine with happy fish when we got it. The Oranda had always had a funny swim move - he has always been very golf-ball-like and we figured it was due to his awkward shape. We moved it (with most of the water) into our home. No problems with 25% water changes, manual scrub and gravel vacuum every week. Stable for a couple of months. <So far, so good> Then poor water quality (our fault) resulted in trouble with Oranda after that. After our summer away, the tank was dirty. He got 2 little specks (not Ick) on his hood that appeared and started "flashing" - his funny swim move only faster and not as cute. The specks grew into cones with a thread tapered end, and then would disappear after some maintenance -- extra water change, etc. <Yes... environmental in origin> This happened a few times over a couple of months, with the spots disappearing... and then we woke up to him with a very long trailing one, fish sitting on the bottom of the tank looking sad. He got better from that one too, but never fully, then he got more of them on his hood and started to flash all the time. That was less than a week ago and things have gotten worse pretty quickly. The moor showed faint fuzzies on his mouth, they both stopped moving and stayed on the bottom. Oranda is worse off than the moor, has bloody streaks showing on his white parts (near tail), and has v. laboured breathing. We added an extra air bubbler to help out, no use. Then moor showed the same white things but tiny and along his back, sides. <Need more filtration...> We stopped feeding, took out the carbon and added antibiotics <... don't need this> (500mg every 24 hrs the first 2 doses, every 12 hrs for 2nd 2 doses). No change. Which brings us to today. The Oranda is looking sad, sad. Has trouble righting himself, fins are getting ragged, gills are reddish and pretty clamped with hard breathing. Gasps shallowly. Has trailers on his hood, is looking slimy and has a loose fin near his tail. Moor is pretty still with tiny dots that come and go - more than once today! Fed a teeny bit and moor responded. <Mmm, and what exactly are you feeding?> I know all the good bacteria in there is gone now too, from the antibiotics. <Mmm, not necessarily... depends on type, protocol used...> I was feeling desperate though and treated with a first dose of sulpha drugs... <...? Please stop> maybe the wrong thing to do? <Yes> I watched them for a long time when I noticed the possible nail in the coffin. The Oranda has a large piece of gravel stuck in its mouth - never been a problem before, but in his weakened state he just can't spit it out. I put him in a big bowl so I could hold him and try to get it out. I've never held a goldfish before and didn't know what the hell I was doing. <You're learning> Anyhow, the gravel is still in there and its probably the end for him. What is this disease? <"Poor water quality"> I know from reading your site that it is from poor/unstable conditions... <Bingo!> was the disease still there even though we didn't always see symptoms of it? Can these fish recover or should we give up? <Not a disease as in a pathogenic derivation... Can indeed recover... with improved conditions> Thanks for your time, I am loving your site and am spurred to become a more conscientious aquarist. Starting with a water test kit... <Yay! Do add another power filter... either a hang-on or canister variety here... And some activated carbon... "Step up" your water changing regimen... and above all, read: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwlivestkindex.htm scroll down to the tray on Goldfish... Systems... Bob Fenner> help (Goldfish; diet, health)
10/23/08 Re: help (Goldfish; diet, health)
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