FAQs About Goldfish
Related Articles: Goldfish
Systems, Goldfish 101: Goldfish May Be
Popular, And They May Be Cheap, But That Doesn't Make Them
Easy Aquarium Fish by Neale Monks, Goldfish Disease,
Varieties, Koi/Pond
Fish Disease, Livestock
Treatment System,
Bloaty, Floaty Goldfish,
Gas Bubble
Pond Parasite Control
with DTHP, Hole in
the Side Disease/Furunculosis,
Related FAQs:
Goldfish Disease 1,
Goldfish Disease 2,
Goldfish Disease 3,
Goldfish Disease 4,
Goldfish Disease 5, Goldfish Disease 6,
Goldfish Disease 7,
Goldfish Disease 8,
Goldfish Disease 9,
Goldfish Disease
Goldfish Disease
Goldfish Disease 12,
Goldfish Disease 13,
Goldfish Disease 14,
Goldfish Disease 15,
Goldfish Disease 16,
Goldfish Disease 17,
Goldfish Disease 18,
Goldfish Disease 19,
Goldfish Disease 20, Goldfish Disease 21,
Goldfish Health 22,
Goldfish Health
Goldfish Disease 24, Goldfish Health 25,
Goldfish Disease
26, Goldfish
Disease 27,
Goldfish Disease 28,
Goldfish Disease 29, Goldfish Disease 30,
Goldfish Disease
Goldfish Disease 32,
Goldfish Disease 33,
Disease 34, Goldfish
Disease 35,
Goldfish Health 36, Goldfish Health 37,
Disease 38, Goldfish
Disease 39 Goldfish Disease
39, Goldfish Disease 40,
Goldfish Disease
41, Goldfish Disease 42,
Goldfish Disease 43,
Goldfish Disease 44,
Goldfish Disease 45,
Goldfish Disease 46,
Goldfish Disease 47,
Goldfish Disease 48,
Goldfish Disease 49,
Goldfish Disease 50,
Goldfish Disease 51,
Goldfish Disease 52,
Goldfish Disease 53,
Goldfish Disease 54, Goldfish Disease 55,
Goldfish Disease 56,
Goldfish Disease 58,
Goldfish Disease 59,
FAQs on Goldfish Medicines
Antibacterials, Anti-protozoals (
Malachite Green),
Mela- et
al. non-fixes, Misc.
Goldfish Disease
by "Types", Causes:
Environmental 1,
Environmental 2,
Environmental 3,
Environmental 4,
Environmental 5, Environmental , (Absolutely
the Biggest Category)
Floaty Bloaty Goldfish
Nutritional (Second Largest)
Eye Troubles
Lumps/Bumps/Growths (including
idiopathic tumors)
Viral and Bacterial, Fungal
Parasitic: (Ich, Protozoans,
Flukes, Worms, Crustacean/
Anchorworms/Lernaeids, )
Fish Lice (Argulus),
Goldfish Swim Bladder
Anomalous (Misc., Injuries, etc.)
Question and pictures moor and 1 other goldfish
Alison; please re-size your images (90 some percent) and re-send. We can't
accept large file sizes (yours are taking up more than half of our mail server
space). Bob Fenner
Question and pictures moor and 1 other goldfish
Omg of course Bob, I'm so sorry, I am not so great with that stuff. Okay so for
now here is the black moor. I added a pic of him about a week or so ago too so
you can see him then and also the resized pics of what he looked like when I
found him dead last night. :( he has this large black spot on him but of course
I never noticed before because he was so black .
<Hard to know precisely what this is from the photo, but my money would be on an
ammonia burn. The fish also seems to have a damaged cornea. In this situation I
would suggest optimising water conditions (zero ammonia and nitrite, of course)
and raising the hardness a little if your water is soft (Goldfish prefer hard
water, so a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate per 5-10 gallons can help a lot).
Avoid very cold conditions when keeping fancy
Goldfish; Moors are fairly robust, but even they don't like water colder than,
say, 18 C/64 F, particularly if they're sick or damaged. Certainly, don't expose
fancy varieties to frosty, overwintering conditions outdoors.
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Question and pictures moor and 1 other goldfish
Here is the other fancy fish that is now a weird tiny red spotted sick looking
fish with a white sick hue to him. I hope you can see the pics? He is amazingly
still alive after I took out the dead black telescope friend and put him in this
different tank. He used to be a shiny silver grey color? His fin keeps clamping
down he swims around all crazy. I'm so sad I don't know how to help!?
<Again, the red colouration of the fins suggests irritation
(just as it would with humans) so I'd be looking at environmental conditions
before anything else -- see my previous email. I'd also treat with an
antibacterial or antibiotic as per Finrot just in case. Not Melafix or salt, but
something more reliable, such as Kanaplex or eSHa 2000. By the way, that
green-grey is the natural colour of Goldfish; they're all born that colour, and
as they mature, they develop the colours we've bred into them. Some never quite
change, which sometimes gives you interesting bronzy or brassy coloured fish
that might not be as colourful as standard Goldfish but gives them an
understated charm of their own. Cheers, Neale.>
Tail fin growth 3/2/17
<Kbytes, not megs....>
I have a 2-3 year old comet goldfish that just this week developed a growth
on its peduncle just before the tail fin.
<A tumor of some sort; usually environmentally mediated; viral or not. Not
treat-able directly...>
I have no idea what it is and how to treat it. It does not seem to be
bothering it, but it just doesn't look good. Any clue and or suggestions?
<Oh yeah; read here:
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Goldfish (Bob, can you double check?)
<I concur w/ your analysis and suggestions Neale. Bob
I got my first goldfish a few days ago, and just noticed that she seems to
have white, string-like strands coming from her fins. I'm not sure if it's
the beginning of fin rot or something else.
She also has two white dots on her dorsal fin that I'm not sure about,
whether they are the start of an ich infestation or just part of her
Tank info; 2" fantail goldfish, 25 gallon aquarium, filtration, ammonia 0,
nitrites 0, nitrates 10-20.
I've attached some pictures, please don't mind the poop (I've heard that's
normal for goldfish?)
For now I might pick up some Paraguard...
I really appreciate your help!
<Lena, I'm fairly sure these "threads" are Anchor Worms or some other
crustacean parasite of that type. This is a pain to treat! Traditionally
people used potassium permanganate baths, but products like Waterlife
Parazin are probably safer (and certainly easier) to use. Regardless, once
the parasites die and fall off, you need to keep a sharp eye out on the fins
and skin. The white "pock" marks on the fins could easily be wounds from
previous parasites, and have a tendency to become infected. I wouldn't
medicate immediately (healthy fish should recover quickly in good water
conditions) but if there's any sign of Finrot, such as raggedy edges to the
fins or pink/white speckles on the fins, then medicate with a good quality
antibiotic (such as Kanaplex). Salt, Melafix and other such products are NOT
what you want here, despite their "cure all" reputation. Let me also have
you do some reading:
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Goldfish (Bob, can you double check?)
Thanks so much for your help! I'll look into those meds and keep a close eye
on her. I'll also read through those pages.
Thanks again!
<Glad to help and good luck. Neale.>
Goldfish with waving/kinked lower caudal fin /RMF
The lower caudal fins on my Watonai has a definite wave in it on both
<Mmm; how long have you had this fish? About how old is it? You may have
"just noticed" this "wave" though it was there, growing more pronounced
all the while>
These fins also appear to be less flexible than the same fins on other
watonais without this kinking/waving defect. My question is: Is this a
genetic defect?
or the result of broken fins that have healed.
<Mmm; likely the former; as you report both sides are similar...>
<Please do send along a well-resolved image of moderate size, showing
what you're referring to. In the meanwhile, am going to share your
message w/ Neale Monks here for his separate reply.
Bob Fenner>
Goldfish with waving/kinked lower caudal fin /Neale
The lower caudal fins on my Watonai has a definite wave in it on both
sides. These fins also appear to be less flexible than the same fins on
other watonais without this kinking/waving defect. My question is: Is
this a genetic defect? or the result of broken fins that have healed.
<Hi Joan. There's a question to ask here. Did the kink appear recently,
or has it always been there, though perhaps less noticeably? If the kink
was always there, even when the fish was young, the chances are it's a
genetic abnormality. But if the fins were fine until recently, but
suddenly bent out of shape, then either physical damage or vitamin
deficiency are more likely explanations. Genetic abnormalities are
extremely common among domesticated goldfish (indeed, the distinction
between an abnormality and an artificial trait like a fantail is purely
semantic). Not much you can do about them, except avoid breeding from
livestock that display unwanted traits. Physical damage may fix itself
with time, though there's some risk of 'scarring'. Vitamin deficiencies
are probably the next commonest cause of deformities after genetics,
though some diseases like Mycobacteriosis have been implicated too.
Usually the result is kinked spines, but hard to know if other bones,
like those in the fins, might be affected too.
Regardless, no cure as such, though optimising living conditions and
providing a more varied diet can prevent things getting worse (or the
symptoms developing in other fish in the tank). Hope this helps, Neale.>
weird goldfish exophthalmia
Hello WWM Crew!
<Hey Bill>
I have a 4-year-od fantail goldfish, Natasha, with a weird case of PopEye. She’s
in a 55 gallon aquarium with another, smaller fantail. I weekly water changes of
around 50%. Water parameters are: pH: 70-7.2, ammonia: 0, nitrite: 0,
nitrate: 10-20.
<All good>
The aquarium has been running for 14 years, and I’ve never
detected any kind of nitrogen cycle crash based on regular testing. I feed the
goldfish peas, broccoli, various beans, wilted spinach, strawberry pieces, and
dried seaweed (Nori), all of which is organic. They occasionally get live
earthworms, scrambled eggs, frozen Mysid shrimp, frozen brine shrimp, and frozen
bloodworms. They mostly get the veggies to prevent constipation problems.
There is also some Bacopa and Sagittaria planted in the aquarium, too.
<Very good>
About a week ago, I noticed Natasha’s left eye was a bit swollen but not
red. The eye was (and still is) clear, so I thought she might’ve just bumped it
on something.
<I concur; this is my guess as well. Unilateral exophthalmia (one sided) is
almost always due to physical trauma. Like humans, fishes eyes are highly
vascularized... given to "popping out" if bumped>
This has happened before and has cleared up after a week or so with no treatment
other than more frequent water changes. Natasha was acting normally and eating,
so I wasn’t worried initially. The other goldfish is fine, and neither fish is
bloated or has ragged fins. This time, the swollen area around Natasha’s started
turning red all around the eye after a week, and she started keeping her dorsal
fin flat, which is very unusual. I did a 50% water change and started treating
with Seachem’s Kanaplex on Sept. 15th in case her eye was getting infected.
<Which would also be my next level, step of treatment>
She perked up after the first dose. By the third dose (Sept. 20 th), she was
sitting on the bottom and moving only when I fed them. On the 21st, I noticed
red streaks on her belly, so I started treating with API tetracycline. I took
the photos on the 22nd.
Since then, the red streaks on her belly disappeared, and she’s almost back to
her usual activity level, but the swelling has increase slightly and is more
oriented under her eye. The white streak in the second pic (popeyesm2) appears
to be pus that started draining when I took the photo.
The whitish area on the bottom toward the front of her eye also started
draining. I don’t know what that that white, mushroom-looking thing is
on top of her eye. That showed up a little before I took the photos. Is it a
<No; not likely. IS some bit of tissue/growth from the fish itself>
Since she’s been about a year old, the back, inside part of her eyes have always
looked white like she has especially vibrant tapetum lucida, but that made me
wonder the white areas are really something else.
It’s always seemed like she couldn’t see food falling in front of her face, but
she can see me sitting on the couch and knows when I get up. I’ve been
feverishly reading about PopEye, eye parasites, and tumors, but I can’t really
figure out what’s going on. Here eye is still clear, and she can still move it
somewhat. What should I do?
<I would cease medicine treatments and rely on time going by, your good care,
nutrition to heal this eye in time>
I’m out of tetracycline (more should have been delivered by now, and I will make
sure it gets delivered soon). It seems like her eye started draining after I
started the tetracycline, but the swelling hasn’t gone down or gotten less red.
suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for your help and for running a great website,
Bill Connelly
<Thank you for your kind, encouraging words, and sharing your situation with us.
Bob Fenner>
Can Goldfish Develop Tumors?
Hello all:
<Hey Deb>
I have a plain old "feeder" goldfish from Petco that I bought years ago so
he wouldn't get eaten. His name is Q-tip and he's about 16 or 17
years old now. He's in a 5 gallon tank
<Uhh; "bonsai'ed"; dwarfed from negative feedback from metabolites, lack of
by himself and has been for many years now. Today, I spotted what looks like
a growth (kind of gray-ish/reddish) in the middle of his back.
<I see this in your pic>
It's at the base of his dorsal fin, right where it connects. I initially
thought it was a piece of food or feces that stuck to him, but it's not.
Any ideas on how I can help him?
<A real environment. Needs MUCH more room especially. Please read here re:
and as much of the linked files above as it takes>
Thank you so much for your help.
<Oh, and to answer your subject line (which you could've done by following
our suggestion and searching WWM ahead of writing); yes; goldfish do develop
tumors; but this bump is most likely a sore from this animals confinement
Bob Fenner>
Cloudy Fish Eye 8/21/16
Hi my name is Isabelle and your site was sort of confusing me so I hope you
don't mind I email you.
<Tis what we are here for: to serve folks in need of help, inspiration>
My fishes eye looks like it does in the photo it however looks like his eye
is hanging or something is hanging off. My mum got me antibiotics to
put in the tank once a day 2.5mL a day
<What product, active ingredient/s is this?>
but it only looks to be getting worse it is the only fish in the tank and I
was about to get another one but I will hold off until it gets better
hopefully. its like a dark purple, blue, white colour and I am
wondering if it is just a cut off of an ordainment <ornament?> and will heal or is
<Need to discern the cause...>
The places I have gone to too see if they knew what it was said they had no
Thank you for your time,
- Isabelle Brealey
<Let's start with your telling me, us about your system. Size, set up,
history, maintenance. And your water quality, tests.
Bob Fenner>

I do see "Mela (non) fix" in the backgd. and it angers me. |
Re: Cloudy Fish Eye 8/22/16
The Medication we are giving it is called Melafix there is a photo attached
it contains this is a quote from the site as i am not home currently
"Melafix contains active ingredient 1.0% Melaleuca (Cajeput or 'Tea Tree'
water and an emulsifier to blend the oil into the water."
<Not an antibiotic or actual medication period. A worthless sham. Try
searching on WWM re the API rip-off>
I do a water change once a month as it is always quite clean but in a few
days the antibiotics i am using said to change it every 7 days.
It seems his eye has worsened over night and it peeling and there is a hole
in the middle of the purple area,
<STOP using this worse than placebo. It's toxic to nitrifying bacteria>
He lives in an Aqua Tank 24L there is a pink tree and a statue/orinamte in
the tank and pebble rocks.
I have had 3 other fish in there since January 1 2015 he is number 4 the
first one had a head problem and it had a friend in there with it so i got
another 2 fish to keep him company and this is one of the 2 fish i brought
around November 2015 there was something in the tank which killed the other
two so he has been alone since march now and his water has been change a
fair few times since then.
<Do please see/read on WWM re "frequent partial water changes"... s/b done
I am taking out the statue when i get home now as he is running into walls a
bit because he can see through one eye better than the other.
Thanks again!
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Re: Cloudy Fish Eye
So do you think that he could potentially die from this?
<Yes; more depends on the cause here. Is there something environmental as an
important influence? Was the origin a simple trauma? B>
Re: Cloudy Fish Eye 8/23/16
I have a cat if that's what your asking and she likes to sit near the tank
because its high up
<No hon, am referring to items in the tank itself. You mentioned a pink plant
and an ornament if I recall. I would remove those for now. Later I will tell you
how to test to see if they're possibly toxic. Also, I would add some activated
carbon to your filter... to hopefully remove such issues. Do you have a LFS,
stockist... that you can take a water sample to for them to test for quality?
I'd like to know especially re nitrogenous wastes. Bob Fenner>
goldfish issue 8/16/16
wondering if you could help identify this weird white growth with a big black
dot in the middle on one of our goldfish.
<Appears to be a fungal growth... resulting from a trauma
likely; environmental influence. Comet (variety) goldfish get very large (more
than a foot long, lb.s weight): NEED large quarters, redundant filtration,
circulation, aeration....>
It is a 40 gallon saltwater tank.
<? Saltwater?>
He is still very active, eats good… does not seem to be bothering him.
We treated for fungus about a month ago for one of our other fish.
<Need to re-treat, but first re/visit proper systems... I'd have you read re
goldfish systems period, and fungal disease issues with this species... on WWM.
Do you need help w/ the search tool, indices?>
Thanks for your time.
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
.jpeg) |
Gold Comet w/ fungal infection? Hypochondria sans knowledge;
the usual 5/10/16
<Jas, 14 megs of the same pix? >
I don't have much experience with fish disease as I don't really get
sick fish but just once every 15-24 months (except for the occasional
Endler's female guppy getting skinny). Does my Gold Comet in
these photos look like it has a fungal infection?
<More like "Spring" Viremia to me>
What medicine and frequency of dosing would you recommend? Currently
I am stocked w/ Melafix, Pimafix,
<Worthless. PLEASE search on WWM and READ re these scams>
API Tetracycline, Furan-2, Kanaplex, Tetra ParasiteGuard, Mardel Clout,
and Seachem ParaGuard.
<None of these will treat viral troubles>
Here are some treatments I gave to my Gold Comet last month that may
have or may not have contributed to this fungal infection by causing
4/7/16 from 5:33-6:20pm put Comet in a bucket that had 12 tsp of table
salt for 47 minutes
4/9/16 from 5:18-6:20pm put Comet in that same bucket again for 62
minutes Then I moved the Comet to a 5 gallon x-large bucket to be
treated w/ Tetra ParasiteGuard in case it had internal parasites, anchor
worms, or fish live
4/12/16, 12:04am poured dissolved 3/5 tablet of Parasite Guard inside to
treat possible fish lice
4/17/16, 9:46am did 25% water change
4/17/16, 12:24pm dissolved 2/5 tablet of Parasite Guard before pouring
it into the bucket
4/19/16, 4:31pm did 30% water change and then threw in 3/5 tablet of
Parasite Guard (since upon reading the directions again realized I
didn't have to dissolve the tablet prior to putting it in the bucket
unless I had "soft water and/or acid water with low alkalinity")
4/23/16, 4:02pm did 25% water change and then threw in 1/2 tablet of
Parasite Guard
5/5/16, 7:54pm did 25% water change <-- I actually should have done this
48 hours or 7 days after my last dosing of Parasite Guard on 4/23/16
depending on if I was treating for anchor worms and lice (water change
after 1 week)
or not (water change after 48 hours)
<READ here:
These issues are almost always a result of environmental issues. DO
review Goldfish Systems on WWM, Water Quality, Filtration.... Bob
Re: Gold Comet w/ fungal infection?
I also have Seachem Focus and Seachem Garlic Guard
<Good products but of no use here. B>
Re: Gold Comet w/ fungal infection?
Hi Bob,
I read only about 25% of the linked article on Goldfish Infections that you
provided as it is a very long read.
So I did a word search on "Viremia" and found just one post mentioning it.
Your response in that post was that it was not treatable directly. What do
you mean by not treatable directly?
What should I do then?
<... read further? Improve the fish's health indirectly... through improved
environment and nutrition principally>
There is a possibility that my Comet along w/ my other fish in my 55 gallon
tank (it was previously in this tank) may have had contact w/ Tetrahymena
(Guppy Disease) since the bucket I used to clean my 55 gallon's largest HOB
filter (the AquaClear 70) was previously used to clean the HOB filter
(Fluval C2) of my 5.5 gallon tank that may have had Tetrahymena back in
January as I lost all 30 guppies in there. I did disinfect the bucket on
several occasions with Potassium Permanganate before using it to clean my
AquaClear 70 filter. However, I read that Potassium Permanganate
is unable to kill some Protozoans like Tetrahymena- what do you think?
<Bleach... see WWM re>
How does Viremia compare to Tetrahymena- do they have similar symptoms and
thus sometimes get mistaken for each other?
<? Not to me. You can take a look at my bio.... I've taught classes on fish
pathology... written extensively on topics therein... I almost always use
comet goldfish for presentations... they never disappoint; harboring a dozen
or more pathogens...>
Can Viremia wipe out a tank full of Endler's Guppies, esp. affecting the
<.... not likely; no>
Though it is possible that my Guppies had Fish Tuberculosis instead of
Tetrahymena or Columnaris according either you or Neale when we discussed
this back in January. I did have a few fish that did have Fish TB symptoms
like a hunched back and skinniness.
<There are a few other causes of such symptoms>
Jason<Keep reading. BobF>
Re: Gold Comet w/ fungal infection?
Hi Bob,
To improve the environment, I'll be sure not to put any unnecessary
medications that could further immuno-suppress the Comet.
It's going to be tough improving nutrition as he has only eaten maybe once
about 3-4 weeks ago (some dry blood worms) and before that he didn't eat for
about 4 weeks.
<Not good. A plug here for New Life's "Spectrum" pelleted... what I used
exclusively for years w/ my Goldfish>
I might have to try something like frozen brine shrimp, frozen blood worms,
or live food.
<Try the sinking pellets first. High palatability, complete nutrition. Bob
Re: Gold Comet w/ fungal infection?
For sinking pellets, I have Hikari veggie and carnivore mini pellets.
Recently I also got the Hikari carnivore medium pellets.
<I see>
The only NLS brand stuff I have are jumbo FLOAT pellets which a lot of my fish
don't care for (it also has a strange odor). So though I've read a lot of
comments online boasting how good NLS brand is, these jumbo FLOAT pellets are
the opposite of being "great".
<Thank you for this input>
For the NLS pellets you're recommending, what size and type (like there's
something called Thera+) should I get to feed my sick Comet? I usually order
things on Amazon.com.
<You could use their Thera; but I would just use the un-laced variety of a small
size... Goldfish have no real teeth.
Re: Gold Comet w/ fungal infection?
On May 11th or the afternoon of May 10th, most of my Gold Comet's
symptoms went away.
<Ah good>
When can I put him back in my 55 gallon tank which has 2 Kissing
Gourami's, a Convict/Red-Point Honduran Cichlid Hybrid, Butterfly Koi,
Tilapia (from a nearby stream), Clarias Fuscus (Hong Kong catfish), and
Trinidad Pleco?
<Never. Not compatible with these others; and this tank is already
overcrowded physiologically and more>
Should I worry about transmission of Spring "Viremia" to any of these
other fishes?
<Your GFs problems were environmental; caused by your poor choices....
stop writing and start reading. Re the needs of this mish mash you've
tossed together. B>
I'm under the impression that he'll be more likely to eat if have him in
the 55 gallon tank as compared to the 5 gallon white bucket I have him
in right now.
Re: Gold Comet w/ fungal infection? 5/13/16
Oh yeah, I also have a Yoyo Loach in that 55 gallon tank.
Re: Gold Comet w/ fungal infection? 5/14/16
According to this presentation
"Dead or dying fish that are suspected to be infected with VHSV or SVC should be
immediately submitted for evaluation to regional agencies."
My fish is neither dead nor dying. Is Spring Viremia such a rare disease in fish
purchased at pet stores that it must be submitted to a wildlife agency when the
fish is dying or has died?
<Mmm; could be other viral issue; but... the root cause here as already
mentioned twice: Environmental>
Is it more likely that the Comet I purchased became a carrier while it was at a
pet store (in this case Petco, which doesn't have the best reputation for having
healthy fish) or that it was infected by water, water plants, and/or fish from a
local Hawaiian stream?
Re: Gold Comet w/ fungal infection? Poisoned by treatments
According to this
2.5 mg/L of Potassium Permanganate will completely kill bacteria.
But you need 50 mg/L to completely inactivate viruses, a dose 20 times
that needed to kill bacteria.
This is my calculation:
*50 mg/L to PP to inactivate viruses = 10 tsp/L = 10 tsp/0.246 gallon =
40 tsp/1 gallon *
*While in contrast you just need 2 tsp/1 gallon to kill bacteria -
however, I usually just use 1/2 a teaspoon of Potassium Permanganate per
2 gallons of water to disinfect my buckets*
*So do you think I really need 40 tsp/1 gallon to inactivate viruses?* I
read online that Spring Viremia can also affect Guppies, so perhaps what
wiped out (within just about 1 week) almost 30 guppies in my 2.7 and 5.5
gallon tanks was Spring Viremia and not Tetrahymena.
So that would mean that the Cobra Guppy that I got at Petco was a
carrier of Spring Viremia rather than Tetrahymena. But there's also the
possibility that adding 32 tsp of Aquarium Salt to my 2.7 gallon and 25
tsp of Aquarium Salt to my 5.5 gallon could have killed the guppies
and/or made them sick.
<No sense using these or any other treatments. Please read on
WWM re Goldfish Environmental Disease/s. RMF>
Re: Gold Comet w/ fungal infection? 5/15/16
I don't really see much or any symptoms of Spring Viremia anymore.
<.... are you reading? NOT Viremia, env.!>
Is it okay to now move him from the 5 gallon bucket to my 55 gallon
According to the link you provided me earlier (http://www.wetwebmedia.com/fwsubwebindex/GFinfectionsFAQs.htm)
the Comet/other goldfishes do a lot better in larger aquariums/fish
Should I be worried about him transmitting Spring Viremia to my
Butterfly Koi in the 55 gallon aquarium?
Re: Gold Comet w/ fungal infection? Poisoned, mis-placed....
You forgot to type your message.
<Nope; READ here:
Re: Gold Comet w/ fungal infection? .... abuse
When I put my Gold Comet back in my 55 gallon tank about a week ago, it was
attacked over and over by my Kissing Gourami until much of its back's scales
came off leaving white meat exposed along w/ some redness. So I removed the Gold
Comet and put it back in the 5 gallon bucket. Now its back is getting redder.
Should I put in any kind of medicine or antibiotic to assist it or should I just
let the Comet's own immune system heal these injuries?
<You've repeatedly written in w/o taking our advice. YOU are responsible for the
troubles your fishes are suffering. Re-read our prev. corr. and/or go elsewhere.
Robert Fenner>
Re: Gold Comet w/ fungal infection? in which
Neale takes over this mis-mixed crowded iatrogenic...
<Hello Jason,>
About 6 months ago one of your staff recommended to me the Cichlid Rift
Valley Salt Mix. He gave me the link to the instructions on how to
prepare it. Recently, I used it for maybe the 2nd time on my 55 gallon
tank (I also used it once for my 29 gallon and never had cloudy water)
and the water has been cloudy from 6/20/16 until today 6/23/16.
<Assuming you dissolved the ingredients properly, and at the dosages
stated, the water shouldn't be cloudy. The quantities of the minerals
used is very low indeed. However, if you use the wrong amount you might
have trouble. More likely though is one of two things: silty water or a
microbial bloom. The former indicates insufficient filtration. Clean the
fine media that traps silt, replace some if necessary, and do water
changes regularly. The latter indicates an unstable set of water
chemistry conditions, which often trigger algal or bacterial blooms.
Review, and act accordingly, ensuring water chemistry stays steady
between water changes. Randomly adding pH-up and pH-down products
without understanding how water chemistry works can create precisely
this sort of unstable set of conditions.>
I also had cloudy water for 7-10 days that started on 6/7/16. This may
have been caused by me adding a little bit of Seachem Alkaline Buffer
2-3 times over a span of 4-6 weeks to slowly increase the pH and KH.
<See above.>
So it seems that the cloudy water may be related to using Seachem's
Alkaline Buffer as well as the Cichlid Rift Valley Salt Mix. What can I
do to make the cloudiness go away and what do you think is causing it?
This website (http://aquariumfish.net/information/cloudy_water.htm)
recommended I do add these chemicals: aquarium salt, water conditioner,
and Quick Cure.
<Not a bad article at all. But to be clear: you're already adding salt
via the Rift Valley salt mix, so adding more is NOT helpful. Water
condition should be added with new water anyway, so not going to fix
anything. Quick Cure is the one thing I'd skip. It's medicating for the
sake of medicating.
No obvious reason at all why it'd somehow magically arrest the bloom of
algae or bacteria. These two life forms are symptoms of a problem, not
the problem itself. So nail down the water chemistry so it's relatively
stable and they'll die back, all else being equal.>
btw- I measured tonight the Nitrite to be at the lowest level of 0.3
<Lethal in the long term. Alongside possibly silty and/or
unstable water chemistry, strongly suggestive of: too many fish, too
little filtration, or immature filter media (this can include
over-washing mature filter media).
Easiest option probably to add another filter if your aquarium isn't
overstocked. If the tank is simply new, it may well be an immature
filter and needs time to settle. "Blooms" of bacteria and/or algae is
absolutely normal for new aquaria (or aquaria where conditions are
changeable, whether water chemistry or something else, like direct
sunlight at times of the
year). On the other hand, non-zero nitrite is NOT NORMAL and never
acceptable. Focus on the nitrite first; the cloudy water genuinely
doesn't matter that much. Fish certainly don't care.>
Couldn't get an accurate reading for Ammonia though b/c regent bottle#2
dried up On 6/18/16 I measured pH to be 8.5 and KH to be 8 thanks to the
Cichlid Rift Valley Salt Mix (before that pH was 7 and KH 3.5)
<Welcome. Neale.>
Re: Gold Comet w/ fungal infection?
I also noticed my male half Convict and half Red-point Honduran
Cichlid hybrid has been sitting on his belly a lot for the past
24 hours...
probably a signal that he's not too happy about the hard water.
<Eh? Central American cichlids are hard water fish. Anywhere between
10-25 degrees dH, pH 7-8 is ideal for all species. Of course they won't
be happy if water chemistry isn't stable, but that applies to all fish
outside of brackish waters. Please, DO some reading on the fish in your
charge; DO review our previous messages; DO use test kits to review
conditions in the aquarium and make gradual, appropriate changes as
I'll be measuring my pH and maybe KH again as well to see if the pH and
KH are actually higher b/c the water is cloudy compared to when I
measured the pH at 8.5 and KH at 8 on 6/18/16 when the water was clear.
<Do the Goldfish and the cichlids inhabit the same tank? Not
going to work.
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Gold Comet w/ fungal infection?
My 55 gallon tank has the Convict hybrid I mentioned, a Tilapia,
as well as a Butterfly Koi. As for my Gold Comet, it died about a month
ago. There are also two Kissing Gourami's, Clarias Fuscus, a Trinidad
Pleco, and Yoyo Loach.
<Well, obviously the tank is massively overstocked and your selection of
species is, well, bad. Interesting fish, but they don't belong together.
Clarias for example are huge, and notoriously damaging to tankmates.
Kissing Gouramis are fish from soft and acidic Asian habitats that feed
on plankton, hard to see how they'd be happy in a tank with aggressive
hard water cichlids. Please, don't write; READ! The problems with your
aquarium aren't to do with magical parasites that flew into your house
one summer's eve, but from a profound lack of planning. Read; review;
rehome. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Gold Comet w/ fungal infection? 6/26/16
For the Nitrite test that I have from Tetra (one of the most popular
companies in the aquarium hobby in America) the yellow color on the
color chart is the lowest reading you can get, and it says it means the
Nitrite is <0.3 mg/l. I don't know why Tetra's test doesn't have a color
that means exactly 0 mg/l. Maybe there is another brand out there that
would give a reading of exactly 0 mg/l? If so, do you know which brand?
<API, for example.>
As I just mentioned, the Comet died. Even if my Koi also likes hard
water I don't think the water softener pillow will lower the pH too
drastically as this one pillow's maximum capacity is only for 20
gallons. I just want to soften the water enough so that the cloudiness
goes away
<Why do you think these two factors are related? I don't.>
and so that the pH of 8 and KH of 8 (I measured them again last night
and the readings are the same as back on 6/18/16) can maybe go down to
pH of 7.5 and KH of 5-6. Some people online (comments on Amazon.com) and
working at fish shop(s) in my area have said that the water softener
pillow is better/safer than the pH up and down solutions. 12 hours and
50 minutes have passed since I added the water softener pillow and my
Convict hybrid
is now a bit more active and the water has gotten a little clearer.
<The stocking list you supplied in your other email explains the
situation perfectly. This tank is overstocked, and stocked badly. You're
looking for cheap, easy solutions that will make any inconvenient
science vanish. Good luck on that! In all seriousness, your
approach to water chemistry is haphazard and reflects no more research
than looking at the back of packages that contain products you can
afford. That's a terrible way to do research. GET a book on aquarium
fish and read the chapter on water chemistry, or READ a magazine article
on water chemistry if there's one in print this month. LEARN how pH and
hardness are related but not the same, REFLECT on the importance of
stability, and UNDERSTAND that there isn't a target water chemistry to
aim for, but a need to choose fish that all tolerate the ambient water
chemistry your tap water provides. THINK about stocking and filtration,
and REVIEW the huge number of jumbo fish you've bought. Even in a tank
twice the size of yours you'd have problems. Good luck, Neale.>
Re: Gold Comet w/ fungal infection? Plus Clariid f'
Hi Neale,
Actually, I think Clarias Fuscus doesn't get as big.
<Easy 20 cm/8 inches. Plenty big enough to cause harm to fish below two-thirds
their size. The problem with clariids is that they have a "suck it and see"
approach to foraging, trying their powerful jaws on anything organic their long
whiskers touch. I'd be leery about combining with, for example, Kissing
Gouramis. On the other hand, no real issues alongside Loricariids or Doradids of
similar size.>
It is the smaller cousin of Clarias Batrachus, the Walking Catfish, that can
grow to about 2 feet. Clarias Batrachus is legal to sell at pet shops or keep at
home in most
Asian countries but is illegal here in Hawaii and in a fair number of other U.S.
<Quite so. We used to keep/breed them at university, and I'm well acquainted
with them. Nice fish, but keep adults (or even large juveniles) singly. So hardy
they don't need a massive amount of space.>
However, the smaller Clarias Fuscus, also called the Hong Kong Catfish, is legal
in most if not all U.S. states. But like Clarias Batrachus, Clarias Fuscus also
seems to harass (at night mostly) certain tankmates more than others.
<Correct; see above.>
It harassed my Albino Oscar for 6-9 months until the Oscar got fin rot while
recently it occasionally chases around my Tilapia, but not nearly as bad as it
did my Albino Oscar. It seems to harass/is more adept at harassing Cichlids and
other deep/thick bodied fish a lot more than long bodied fish like Iridescent
<Yes, probably a fair observation. Given space, larger and faster midwater fish
might be fine. But honestly, I'd only combine them with armoured catfish of
similar or greater size. Clariids just aren't community fish.
Interesting fish, yes; companionable, not so much.>
Thanks, Jason
<Most welcome. Neale.>
Re: Gold Comet w/ fungal infection? More re Clariids
When I bought my Clarias Fuscus (about 2 yrs ago) it was around 10.25 inches,
now it is 13.5 inches (its rate of growth has been pretty moderate IMO). I'm
guessing its maximum size in aquaria may be around 14-16 inches... but probably
not 24+ inches like its cousin Clarias Batrachus.
<Would seem about right. Few Clarias fuscus have been kept, so it's probably
anyone's guess what their aquarium size might be. It's not a species I know from
personal experience. Over here Clarias batrachus used to be very common, but I
haven't seen them in years.>
As for Clariids having a "suck it and see" approach, it is actually my 8.75 inch
Trinidad Pleco that sometimes gets angry or gets hungry and will suck on my
<Hah! Reinforces my point that Loricariids are suitable counterparts for
Clariids. Right level of robustness. The behaviour you describe is actually
pretty common among the larger Loricariids (and a few of the smaller ones,
such as Otocinclus) and related to their grazing habits in the wild. It may well
be your Plec is hungry: provide a continual supply of hefty plant foods to chew
on, such as sweet potato, courgette, melon rind, etc. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Gold Comet w/ fungal infection? 6/28/16
I never saw any of the fish shops in my area sell Clarias Fuscus until about 1
year after I bought mine at an Asian fish market one of the fish shops I
regularly go to sold some smaller specimens around 6 inches long for about 8
dollars... while I got mine for just 2 dollars at the fish market. That fish
shop only had it in stock for about 2-3 months (this was
back in Fall 2014 or Spring 2015) and after that I never saw them in the store
again. I have however found a small fish vendor in Chinatown that also sells
them but at a smaller size, of around 5-6 inches, for 2 dollars as well.
<They're farmed in Hawaii.>
There is a famous fish vlogger on YouTube (probably the only notable fish
vlogger in Hawaii) who during one of his outdoor excursions showed video of
catching two 5-6 inch Clarias Fuscus in local Hawaiian streams.
<Very depressing.>
Too bad he usually doesn't disclose the locations of his outdoor excursions as
he doesn't want too many people fishing in these secret fishing spots he's found
for himself.
<Shame. Overfishing these catfish is precisely what's needed to exterminate them
or at least reduce their numbers. Can you imagine the harm they're doing to the
native fish and insect faunas?>
He also did a video showing herds of either Bronze or Emerald Corydoras in one
of our local streams.
<Interesting. Cheers, Neale.>
Gold Comet that had prenuptial tubercles.... Still ludicrous
speed. 4/10/16
I sent you some photos over a month ago of my Gold Comet that had white
protruded spots on its forehead and you said that they were prenuptial
tubercles as this was the Spring mating season for Comets. I
tried to mate this 7 inch male Comet w/ a possible female Comet 6 and
5/8 inch long om a large cooler holding around 8 gallons.
<? Much too small...>
I put in some Arachnis for the eggs to attach to. Nothing happened.
<Not surprising. Might I ask you; in this "age of the inter/net"; do you
read books, magazines? Take a look about (at a library, online book
finding services.... you should READ>
Anyway, I no longer see the tubercles but soaked the Comet in 2.5
gallons of water in a bucket that had 12 tsp of Morton Iodized Salt 5
days ago for 30 minutes, 3 days ago for 45 minutes, and today for 62
minutes. I did
this in case there were external parasites on the male Gold Comet as it
sometimes had clamped fins, was a little sluggish and not eating for the
past 2 weeks.
<This variety of (American) goldfish never disappoints in terms of
having extensive parasite fauna... external and internal>
Now the Comet is in a 29 gallon aquarium
<Much too small>
w/ a pH of 7.0 (it
was originally in my 55 gallon w/ some pretty big tankmates) w/ the
possibly female Comet, 6 Tiger Barbs, a Red Parrot Fish, Clown Barb,
Arrow Shark, Pictus Catfish, Sunset Gourami, Redtail Botia, Clown Pleco,
Shark, and Giant Danio.
<What an incompatible mix... did I mention that you should investigate
the water quality, nutritional needs and temperament of all this
mish-mash of species last time?>
It still has clamped fins and is a little sluggish,
<Same as last time; environmental>
relying more on its front fins to swim and not using its tale as much.
Though this could be due to it still recovering from being in the salt
bath for 62 minutes.
I hope that the Gold Comet did not contract Tetrahymena (that killed 30
of my Endler's Guppies in January-early February) or some other
protozoan from my AquaClear70 that I cleaned with a bucket that I
previously used to
clean my filter from one of my infected Guppy tanks- that I did
disinfect w/ Potassium Permanganate more than once... however, I read
that Potassium Permanganate is not able to kill certain Protozoans like
Tetrahymena. btw-
it hadn't eaten for at least a week in the 55 gallon before I moved in
to the large cooler... turned out the pH was 5.0 for the 55 gallon tank.
<Yes; I recall>
What do you think?
<That you should READ, understand and ACT... putting these animals in
suitable sized and type settings. We can't help you IF YOU WON'T READ.
Ryukin goldfish 3 years old very sick
I wonder if you could help please?
We have a 180 litre cold water fish tank with built in jewel filter.
<Nice tank.>
The water gets changed 30% every week with gravel cleaner. I check
ammonia, nitrite, nitrate pH etc levels weekly or fortnightly as our
tank was set up 9 months ago. Once the cycle got going (it took around 2
-3 weeks) we have
had 0 ammonia and 0 nitrite and nitrates sit at around 40 or just under.
<Sounds fine.>
We previously had our goldfish (1) in a 60 litre tank since she was
bought but bought bigger tank to give her more space.
<Wise choice.>
She is not well and been sitting at the bottom of the tank for days not
eating and hiding behind some plants. She struggled with her balance in
the water quite a bit for a long time and swim bladder treatment has not
helped. She now has red \ blood streaks at the base of her tail
and I see blood spotting \ streaks now under her pelvic fins.
<Could be incipient Finrot. But for the most part, I'd have you review
And at the bottom of this next page, you'll see something about using
Epsom Salt, which can help a lot with constipation...
So far as medications go, I'm a fan of eSHa 2000 for bacterial
We have air bubbles going to keep oxygen good in tank. I don't know what
to do to help her. She seems really sick and don't like seeing her
Do you know what would be wrong and if there is anything that we can do
to help? We have a black moor female too and she seems OK just now. The
black moor female is quite new to our tank as we swapped our male black
moor with our local fish shop because he had started chasing our female
Ryukin and stressing her. Before she became ill she spawned a lot of
eggs in the tank.
I hope you might be able to help. Thank you so much.
<Most welcome. Neale.>
Sick goldfish! 3/30/16
<Liz; your image files are an order of magnitude larger than we allow>
Dear Sir/Madam,
<Read my book?>
I was just wondering if you could help me please. We have had 4 goldfish (3 fan
tails) for about a month now, and for the last two days I have noticed that
something is wrong with 1 Gill of one of them (I have attached pictures below).
<Not new likely. This is a common genetic defect... in the
worst bred variety; and only American... Comet.>
Unfortunately, as I am writing this on behalf of my parents, I do not have the
parameters of the tank/size of the tank etc. to hand, however, I would very much
appreciate an opinion on the following please. I have researched online and I
cannot tell whether it is due to infection or possible just an
incomplete gill that we had never noticed before.
<The latter almost assuredly. Otherwise a physical trauma.... from a
house cat? Power filter? At any length, not something "to treat". May live a
good long while as is>
It looks red with a bit of white" fraying". The other gill is fine and there
hasn't been any attacks from the other fish to my knowledge.
Any guidance/ideas would be much appreciated! Thanks in advance,
<Cheers, Bob Fenner>
Re: Sick goldfish! 3/30/16
<Liz; your image files are an order of magnitude larger than we allow>
<<My apologies, I have tried a different photo but still may be too big>>
>Ah yes; phone pix. We unfortunately are limited to 50 megs of incoming mail
storage. Past that, all get bumped<
Dear Sir/Madam,
<Read my book?>
<<I'm sorry, I don't quite follow what you mean? I assumed the website would
have a team responding to questions therefore I did not know who I was
writing to>>
>Ah no; sorry for the obscure Beatles referent... "Paperback Writer"
starts with "Dear Sir or Madam, will you read my book"...<
I was just wondering if you could help me please. We have had 4 goldfish (3
fan tails) for about a month now, and for the last two days I have noticed
that something is wrong with 1 Gill of one of them (I have attached pictures
<Not new likely. This is a common genetic defect... in the worst bred
variety; and only American... Comet.>
Unfortunately, as I am writing this on behalf of my parents, I do not have
the parameters of the tank/size of the tank etc. to hand, however, I would
very much appreciate an opinion on the following please. I have researched
online and I cannot tell whether it is due to infection or possible just an
incomplete gill that we had never noticed before.
<The latter almost assuredly. Otherwise a physical trauma.... from a house
cat? Power filter? At any length, not something "to treat". May live a good
long while as is>
<<No cats, may be filter but it looks like the gill "cover" is completely
missing, rather than it being damaged through trauma so I agree
possibly genetic defect>>
>Heritable trait/defect<
It looks red with a bit of white" fraying". The other gill is fine and there
hasn't been any attacks from the other fish to my knowledge.
Any guidance/ideas would be much appreciated! Thanks in advance,
<Cheers, Bob Fenner>
<<Thanks, I appreciate you taking the time to respond>>
goldfish mystery illness (RMF, anything else?)<Just to agree
w/ you B> 3/13/16
Hello! I am truly hoping you can help me to solve the mystery illness of
my beloved goldfish, Clementine and Jujuby. I've read through all the
boards and previously answered questions, and can't seem to find a case
like mine.
My goldfish are two fantails in a 29-gallon-long tank.
<Just about big enough.>
Water parameters are consistently ammonia 0, nitrites 0, nitrates
between 0-20, pH 7.2, gH between 75 and 150, kH around 40.
<All sounds fine. Would also check temperature though. Fancy Goldfish
truly appreciate a bit of warmth, certainly not less than 18C/64F, and
ideally around 22C/72F.>
I do a 20-25% water change once a week. I feed Spectrum small sinking
pellet goldfish food, plus shelled peas about twice per week.
<Sounds good.>
Jujuby has been ill for a couple of years at this point- she has always
had trouble with keeping herself upright, and always has clamped fins.
<Clamped fins unusually indicate stress in fish, whether psychological
or physiological. To be fair, fancy Goldfish are sometimes so deformed
(their funny shapes are deformities, if you think about it) that they
sometimes unable to swim properly. This is usually down to a problem
with the relative positions of their swim bladders and guts, so when
they become constipated, which happens easily on flake alone, they start
listing like an unstable boat.>
Other than that, she eats well, and does not gasp at the surface or
I almost never see her poop, which troubles me- I suspect she has fishy
<Constipation. Diarrhoea is when the faeces are loose and copious,
relatively unlikely to be noticed in fish given their aquatic
environment. Constipation is where the faeces are slow to emerge, and
often (in fish) take the form of long brown strings hanging from the
vent of the fish.>
Clementine was the healthy one until this past fall, when she developed
white bumps on her fins- several on her tail, a few on her dorsal fin,
and even a couple on her body near her dorsal fin. I noticed Jujuby
seems to have these spots, too. They are definitely not ich (though I
did treat for ich just to be safe)- they don't resemble salt crystals,
they almost look like they're growing out from the inside of her tail.
<Curious. My gut feeling is something viral, like Fish Pox. Not
treatable, but usually goes away when the source of stress is removed.
Some vets suggest Fish Pox is extremely rarely seen in fish, others that
it's pretty common and latent in most specimens! There's also Coldwater
Ick, which looks very like Fish Pox and completely unlikely the Ick seen
in tropical fish. It can be treated in the same way as regular Ick
though, but with the proviso you MUST warm the aquarium up to at least
20C, ideally 22C, before treating. That's because the Coldwater Ick
cysts will take a long time to burst at cold temperatures, and they must
burst if the Ick/Whitespot medication is going to kill the free-living
stage in the parasite's life cycle. If you don't warm the water, it'll
take weeks for the cysts to burst, by which time the active chemicals in
the medication will have been metabolised by the fish filter bacteria.
Make sense?>
Clementine's poops are often stringy or zigzaggy, or both, suggesting an
internal infection.
<See above; this symptom could be constipation. Would make the usual
reminder: all-brown faeces are constipation, but if the faeces are pale,
even glassy in places, then that indicates the gut is shedding a lot of
mucous. That in turn tends to mean there's a parasitic infection of the
gut, because the parasites irritate the gut causing it to secrete the
mucous. Such parasites might be worms, might be Hexamita-type
Difficult to diagnose without examining the faeces, so one option is to
medicate for both.><<Agreed. B>>
I have tried EVERYTHING- Kanamycin, Erythromycin, Ich Cure, everything.
<Understood. But this sort of scattergun approach is rarely effective
(or economical).>
The thing that worked best was putting both fish in a hospital tank.
First, I treated with Methylene Blue for 10 days. Then, I treated with
MetroPlex, both in the water and food, for 10 days. Though Jujuby was
still her clamped-fin self, I noticed that Clementine's white spots
disappeared, and both fish seemed to have actual normal poops (a first
in a long time).
While the fish were in the hospital tank, I did a 90% water change in
their regular tank, and allowed it to fully cycle before reintroducing C
& J. I also added a Hydro-Sponge filter to supplement their hang-on-back
Within days of returning to their regular tank, Clementine's spots
reappeared- in the EXACT same locations where they had been before! And
both fish no longer have normal poops. I am so sad and baffled.
I know this is a lot to read and take in, but I really need an expert's
help. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my message.
<Do hope this helps, Neale.>
Re: goldfish mystery illness (RMF, anything else?)<Nada; thanks>
Hello, Neale! I truly appreciate your quick response, and am off to make
a donation to WetWebMedia!
<Ah, that's kind of you. Be sure it goes towards keeping the site on the
web; we're all volunteers here.>
You're right, I forgot to mention the temperature of my tank- it's
always around 68 degrees F/ 20 degrees Celsius right now, and goes to a
maximum of 75 degrees F/ 23 degrees Celsius in the summertime- I am
careful to use a fan or air conditioning to keep the water temp from
going much higher.
<Sounds fine.>
I realize that constipation is the issue most often seen in goldfish,
but I never see Jujuby poop, ever. Never any trailing poop- just
nothing. I did see a little explosion of feces from her anal area one
day, which makes me think diarrhoea. By contrast, Clementine (the
healthier fish) usually has good poops- food-coloured on pellet days,
and pea-coloured on green days.
But sometimes she produces poop that looks exactly like a knotted thin
white thread. Based on my research, of course I was thinking re-absorbed
eggs or a parasitic infection, but my Prazi-Quel treatment did not seem
to help.
<Agreed. Does sound at least in part as if this fish isn't eating
much/enough. Even with worms, something should come out of the vent!
Would make the observation that Prazi-Pro isn't the most effective
dewormer in
all course. I'm going to direct you to some reading, here:
Loaches are commonly "wormy" when imported, and in some cases deworming
is essential. Loaches.com is a great website, and very reliable, and
even if you aren't keeping loaches there's much of value there.>
About all that medication, I agree- constantly medicating is probably
not the best course of action, but it is difficult to watch them suffer,
so I end up trying everything.
<Totally understood.>
I've done a full course of each type of medicine, taking care to follow
instructions and remove all traces of medication and let the bacteria in
the tank return to normal before beginning another treatment. As I
mentioned, the Methylene Blue followed by the Metro-Plex seemed to work
best, but what really baffled me is how quickly the spots returned, and
that they were in the EXACT same place as before.
<Odd, but does make them sound more viral than anything else.>
This leads me to agree that you're right in thinking fish pox might be
the culprit? You've also got me thinking that Coldwater Ick may be a
possibility, too (I didn't know that existed before!). But would an
infection like Ick return to the exact same locations on a fish's body?
<Could do. The infective free-living stages will favour damaged or thin
skin, where the mucous is lacking or whatever. But agreed, if all the
"cysts" are in the same place, it does sound unlikely. In any event,
Ick is relatively easily treated with a combo of heat and salt, and
Goldfish have a high tolerance for brackish water, going nuclear on this
fish for a couple months might the way forward. Something around 2-3
gram/litre isn't unreasonable, and should kill off most external
parasites, let alone Ick.>
Not the same general area, but the same exact spots, as if I had marked
them with a pen and they re-appeared right there? What do you think?
<Much as you do. Most curious. Leaning towards the virus, which isn't
treatable. Or even some sort of unusual tumour (hardly rare among
Goldfish). Neither treatable beyond waiting for nature to take its
Provided the Goldfish is active and feeding, these sorts of cysts or
tumours are a cosmetic issue rather than anything else.>
I really appreciate your help, Neale- it is difficult to speak to
someone who actually knows what they're talking about, versus online
speculators who, even with the best intentions, may just be re-cycling
what they've read or mixing up information.
<Thanks for the kind words. Sorry can't be more categorical though. Good
luck going forwards, and if anything changes/improves, be sure to let us
Re: goldfish mystery illness (RMF, anything else?)
Thank you so much, Neale- the symptoms of nematode infection as listed
on the Loaches site match my fish's symptoms almost exactly- bloody
streaks in fins, nodules, white stringy feces, and a bloated vent area.
It looks like Levamisole Hydrochloride is difficult to come by here in
the US, but I just ordered what I could find, and I hope that it will
all work out. Please cross your fingers for me! I will let you know how
it goes, in case your other readers are struggling with the same problem
one day.
With much gratitude,
<Definitely an excellent website and I'm pleased you've got a direction
to work in now. Good luck! Neale.>
I think I have a sick goldfish. No info. of use or reading
I have noticed for a month now, my goldfish will eat his food but will quickly
spit it out and then have a mouth spasm.
<What are you feeding? Have you read on WWM re GF nutrition?>
I thought it might be the water, so I did a full water change yesterday and
cleaned the rocks. The fish is still doing the same thing. What can I
<Read; send data... what re the system, water quality, history of the set up,
maintenance, other life present.... Bob Fenner>
Thank you,
Monica Wayne
Lionhead goldfish - Is this a torn scale?
I adopted this little guy from Wal-Mart about 2 weeks ago.
>... what lessons here?<
As per usual, I
cruised past the tanks there and was taken aback to see all their tropical tanks
empty. The goldfish and koi were still there but all the tanks were putrid.
The Wal-Mart employee informed me that there had been a massive die-off in these
tanks. (And apparently they have no one to break down and clean them. )
Now I already have 1 lionhead, "Eggbert" ("Eggsie"), and I've been wanting to
get him a little friend so I decided to rescue one.
That was about 2 weeks ago. "Newbie's" been in quarantine and has shown no sign
of disease or whatever it was that swept through the store tanks so I was just
getting ready to introduce him to "Eggsie's" tank. I netted him into a plastic
Sterilite shoe box filled with 'quarantine' water to begin the acclimatization
process and noticed this little 'thing' flipping and flapping along as he
wiggled around the container. I swear it wasn't there yesterday.
It's 'goldfish orange' where it emerges from his body and white at the other
end. At the white end there's this little notch giving the projection a sort of
lily pad shape. I can see no sign of blood, fungus, infection or rot. He's
active, wiggly and a good eater. Sooo...Is this a torn scale or what?
<Pic please>
I've put a very, very diluted drop of Methylene blue in the water just in case.
pH is 7.0-ish with Seachem Prime and API
Stress Coat.
Your opinion will be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Pat.
<Waiting on the image. Bob Fenner>
re: Lionhead goldfish - Is this a torn scale?
I thought I had an image attached, there. Let's try again.
<Maybe the next...>
Re: Lionhead goldfish - Is this a torn scale?
Drat! Hit the wrong button.
Thought I had an image attached, there.
Let's see if this works.
<Yes! Does indeed look as you've stated; a pulled on/out scale. Goldfish,
minnows have what are termed "cycloid" (vs. "higher fishes", ctenoid) scales;
not inter-digitating, solidly embedded... easily lost from physical action. I
would not "pull out" this one scale, but simply continue w/ your good care,
nutrition. It may well be shed/lost in time on its own accord.
A note: There are some who do "pull out" what they consider unattractive scales
of goldfish, and koi... in an effort to make them look better for competitive
shows... they do grow back, though slowly. Bob Fenner>
Re: Lionhead goldfish - Is this a torn scale? /Neale chimes in
Drat! Hit the wrong button. Thought I had an image attached, there. Let's see if
this works.
<Certainly looks like a loose scale. Goldfish lose these quite easily. Grow back
quickly, and if water conditions are excellent, no need for medications. Cheers,
Re: Lionhead goldfish - Is this a torn scale?
Whew! Thanks, Bob & Neale. There's a relief. �� When I first saw it I didn't
know *what* was erupting from this fish. �� Bob, you are so right about the
"lost from physical action" thing.
<Ah yes; does happen w/ traumas, goldfish; but almost always the scale/s is/are
lost, come loose, rather then a "hang nail" like here>
This fish is a bit of a 'nervous Nellie'. Easily startled and it's 'off to the
races!'. I have no trouble believing that he'd charge out of the gate in a cloud
of scales.
So, in your opinion, is it okay to continue with my plan to introduce him to "Eggsie's"
tank now or wait until the scale drops of its own accord?
<I'd wait a good two weeks, maybe three in quarantine/isolation... to check for
the more obvious large parasites (Lernaea, Argulus...) to show or not. BobF>
Fin rot and ich on a Ryukin
Greetings, thanks for your help in the past in getting rid of the fish lice that
came in on these two goldfish. I will never buy fish at this particular PetSmart
again. I went back to that store recently for dog food and almost every goldfish
in that shipment had passed away. What a disgrace how some suppliers stress out
the fish. Anyway, the fantail is doing great and looks very healthy. They are in
a 55-gallon. Water parameters are ammonia & nitrites = 0, nitrates = 30. I do a
weekly water change of about 50%. They have an Eheim canister filter that can do
up to a 75- gallon aquarium, containing primarily biological filtration media. I
try to feed them a varied diet, low on the protein. The aquarium is at 75
degrees? So that's the general picture.
Now, the problem is that the Ryukin seems to have a few ich organisms on his
gill cover and his tail fin appears to have mild fin rot., I say mild as I have
seen no red spots or black edges, but his tail is shorter than it was, as if a
bacterial infection may be eating at it.
Is it possible to treat ich and fin rot concurrently?
Should I use salt for the ich and also tetracyclines or triple sulfa for the
possible fin rot?
<You could>
Will the salt interfere at all with the antibiotics?
<It will not>
Is it safe for fancy goldfish to be at 80 degrees F for the duration of the ich
<Yes; even (better) into the mid-80's F.... do add aeration if you can; to
augment that from the Eheim>
Can they tolerate it well? Also, should I do a salt bath for the Ryukin to "jump
start" his treatment, as it were?
<You could>
Also, there is a baby Black Moor in the tank with them. He's only a little bit
over an inch long (not including the tail fin). I got him at the same time as
the others but from a different store where their fish seem to be a lot
healthier. So far he's shown no sign of disease. I'm hoping he's healthy enough
to get through all this. He seems quite lively and healthy. Should he be able to
tolerate this treatment OK?
Thanks so much in advance for your answer! Sorry to ask about this when there's
already a lot of info on your web site, but I had some specific questions. I
greatly appreciate your help.
Riobhka De Pêché
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Re: Fin rot and ich on a Ryukin
Greetings. Just to let you know that I added salt to their aquarium yesterday (2
grams per litre) and also dosed them with erythromycin. We're at 82 degrees F.
They just received their 2nd dose of erythromycin today. Do you think it would
be a good idea to give a third dose of the antibiotics tomorrow to be sure even
though two doses are the recommended course of treatment?
<I would spread the Erythromycin (most antibiotics, antimicrobials) over every
three days (at 250 mg per ten gallons) for three times administration. Changing
some (25%) water out if deemed necessary>
The Ryukin is livelier and his colours look better today. Also, he's more
enthusiastic about eating and that has to be a good thing.
I'm being cautiously optimistic that he's on the road to recovery. Thanks so
much for your advice and all the great resources on your web site.
<Thank you for sharing. Bob Fenner>
Re: Fin rot and ich on a Ryukin
Thanks, Bob. I will dose the antibiotics as you suggested. Ludwig is looking
even better this morning. The pix don't really show how much better his colour
is this morning. We were so worried about him. You can see in the pix the short
tail and a small hole in his dorsal fin.
<Is there... a Pleco in w/ this fish? What are the other tankmates?>
I know they'll take awhile to grow back, but the important thing is that he
seems to be on the road to recovery. Thanks so very much again for your help.
You guys are an invaluable resource.
<Anima bona fac R.... be of good life. BobF>
.JPG) |
Re: Fin rot and ich on a Ryukin
Hello again. One more question, if I may. Should seven days of the salt solution
in their aquarium at 82 degrees F be enough to eradicate the ich organisms?
<I'd raise and keep at 85 F.>
If not, how long would you recommend? Thanks again.
<Should be. BobF>
Re: Fin rot and ich on a Ryukin 1/14/16
Greetings, Sorry to bother you again, but the Ryukin has taken a turn for the
worse after having seemed so much better. I was gone for a couple of hours to
the vet's office to get Heartgard for my dogs. When I returned, the
Ryukin was swimming upside down and even when I gently touched him, he was
unable to right himself.
I have him now resting in a net in his tank. Seeing him from underneath, there
is a faint reddish-purple streak in between his ventral fins and the ventral
fins themselves look to be turning this colour as well. I'm in the process of
raising the temp to 85 F as you suggested. The other fish in the tank still seem
perfectly healthy.
My first thought of course is swim-bladder disease, but isn't this often only a
symptom of some other underlying problem?
Could the red colour on his underside indicate an internal problem...possibly an
infection, especially in light of the fact that these poor fish came from
PetSmart apparently with a plethora of problems?
<Yes and yes>
Isn't the current treatment the one that's usually used for swim-bladder
problems...salt and antibiotics?
Maybe I should try tripe-sulfa?
<I would not>
I don't believe that it's a diet problem, since these fish eat a varied diet of
shelled & thawed peas, Spirulina, organic lettuce, Omega One green seaweed,
duckweed (which was quarantined before giving it to them) and only occasionally
some freeze-dried mysis shrimp or Tubifex.
<Patience. B>
Any thoughts and suggestions you have for me I will be happy to hear. Thanks in
advance for your help.
Re: Fin rot and ich on a Ryukin 1/14/16
Never mind. I just checked on him and he's stopped breathing. He must've had a
serious problem to go down so fast. Thanks for your help anyway.
<Yeeikes! BobF>
goldfish; damaged
I have 3 large goldfish in a 55 gallon tank complete with 2- 35 gallon filters
and an air enhancer. 2 of the fish are just fine and healthy looking and
active but the third one has been hanging on the bottom and seems to be gasping
for air.
<Mmm; maybe it swallowed.... gravel? A bug that got in the system?>
I Have seen this fish swim full tilt at the glass and bang his face off the
<Yikes; bad>
His mouth did swell up, but was still able to eat. (actually done this a couple
times) His mouth has healed. And have seen him eat, but the last couple days
he’s been just at the bottom. :(
<Well; as far as guessing at measures I'd take.... Would only moderately dose
the system with Epsom Salt. Do see
WWM re. Bob Fenner>
Fwd: Comet With Gill Issues; env.
Hi Bob and Crew!
Thank you so much your help, I finally pestered mum into buying a water testing
kit (only for PH levels though, sorry I don't have more information :/) and
found that the water was *way* too alkaline, which finally got mum's attention
and now I am allowed to clean the tank/change the water without her (which means
every couple of days as I am on school holidays!)
and our fish has improved and looks a lot happier.
<Ah good>
(In your face, mum) He is even back to chasing bits of food instead of moping
with no energy. I check the PH levels every morning so far, and have kept them
at a stable neutral level.
I have also been using some green anti-fungal and anti-stress/slime coat liquids
which I hope is helping; some of the white fuzz around his gills has gone, so I
guess it is?
<Again; likely environmental. Other symptoms resultant from this>
Thank you for your input guys,
and Merry Christmas!
From Alice
<And you, Bob Fenner>
Sick Goldfish 11/11/15
Hi Bob, One of my larger goldfish has been struggling with his swim bladder over
the course of a few months now.
<Ahh; a common complaint w/ fancies.... that have been fed too much flake and
other dried foods>
He had originally lost buoyancy and sat at the bottom of the tank upright.
A week ago I found him on his side and he has continued to be on his side since
then. Upon a tactile inspection I can feel a hard mass in his abdomen about the
size of a small marble.
<Ah, perhaps a tumor of some sort; or could be a callosity... like a callous on
your hand... a thickening; from contact with the bottom>
He is approximately 10 inches in length. I perform water changes every week
cleaning out the mechanical filters as well every time (not the bio filters). I
constructed a jacket with a flotation device to keep him neutral buoyant
in the tank but he fights until finally managing to slip out of it. I opted to
build a long U channel from acrylic placed at the bottom of the tank that keeps
him upright and hopefully more comfortable while he convalesces.
I have been hand feeding him in the interim 2 times per day but he is eating
very little. I haven't seen him have a bowel movement so this is obviously a
great concern given the mass I felt. I had gravel at the bottom of my tank which
I have completely removed for fear of it being the culprit of him possibly being
intestine impacted. Any insight and direction would be greatly appreciated as I
fear I am running out of time and options.
Thanks in advance for your kind help!
Best Regards,
<What do you feed this fish? Have you tried Epsom Salt? Bob Fenner>