FAQs About Goldfish
Related Articles: Goldfish
Systems, Goldfish 101: Goldfish May Be
Popular, And They May Be Cheap, But That Doesn't Make Them
Easy Aquarium Fish by Neale Monks, Goldfish Disease,
Varieties, Koi/Pond
Fish Disease, Livestock
Treatment System,
Bloaty, Floaty Goldfish,
Gas Bubble
Pond Parasite Control
with DTHP, Hole in
the Side Disease/Furunculosis,
Related FAQs:
Goldfish Disease 1,
Goldfish Disease 2,
Goldfish Disease 3,
Goldfish Disease 4,
Goldfish Disease 5, Goldfish Disease 6,
Goldfish Disease 7,
Goldfish Disease 8,
Goldfish Disease 9,
Goldfish Disease
Goldfish Disease
Goldfish Disease 12,
Goldfish Disease 13,
Goldfish Disease 14,
Goldfish Disease 15,
Goldfish Disease 16,
Goldfish Disease 17,
Goldfish Disease 18,
Goldfish Disease 19,
Goldfish Disease 20, Goldfish Disease 21,
Goldfish Health 22,
Goldfish Health
Goldfish Disease 24, Goldfish Health 25,
Goldfish Disease
Disease 27,
Goldfish Disease 28,
Goldfish Disease 29, Goldfish Disease 30,
Goldfish Disease
Goldfish Disease 32,
Goldfish Disease 33,
Disease 34,
Disease 35,
Goldfish Health 36, Goldfish Health 37,
Disease 38,
Disease 39
Goldfish Disease
Goldfish Disease 40,
Goldfish Disease
Goldfish Disease 42,
Goldfish Disease 43,
Goldfish Disease 44,
Goldfish Disease 45,
Goldfish Disease 46,
Goldfish Disease 47,
Goldfish Disease 48,
Goldfish Disease 49,
Goldfish Disease 50,
Goldfish Disease 51,
Goldfish Disease 52,
Goldfish Disease 53,
Goldfish Disease 54, Goldfish Disease 55,
Goldfish Disease 57,
Goldfish Disease 58,
Goldfish Disease
FAQs on Goldfish Medicines
Antibacterials, Anti-protozoals (
Malachite Green),
Mela- et
al. non-fixes, Misc.
Goldfish Disease
by "Types", Causes:
Environmental 1,
Environmental 2,
Environmental 3,
Environmental 4,
Environmental 5, Environmental , (Absolutely
the Biggest Category)
Floaty Bloaty Goldfish
Nutritional (Second Largest)
Eye Troubles
Lumps/Bumps/Growths (including
idiopathic tumors)
Viral and Bacterial, Fungal
Parasitic: (Ich, Protozoans,
Flukes, Worms, Crustacean/
Anchorworms/Lernaeids, )
Fish Lice (Argulus),
Goldfish Swim Bladder
Anomalous (Misc., Injuries, etc.)
Goldfish has Red like bruise..... 10/27/15
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Hello its me again:)
Desperately need your help.... My first goldfish-1
Goldfish-1 she accidentally stucked her tail in Hydor bubble maker after I came
from work.... I take her out from Hydor but her tail was partially damage means
shredded. .. she is fine and in good health...
<I would not use the Hydor Bubble Maker with Goldfish or very small fish. The
impeller (pump) is far too powerful. I've got one, the one that lights up, and
it's pretty cool. But definitely for use with strong swimmers: large Plecs for
Now the issue is after I changed their water 90%.. I noticed my fishes are not
eating... only the guppies are eating... The rest of the goldfish are not
<Goldfish with Guppies? Risky. Do bear in mind they have different temperature
requirements. Guppies are not coldwater fish, doing best between 22-28 C, while
Goldfish are subtropicals happiest between 18-24 C. In warmer water than that,
it's important there's plenty of aeration (a simple airstone is fine) otherwise
you'll see your Goldfish "gasping" at the surface a lot as it tries to get
enough oxygen.>
I remember when I changed water I used 2 head cup bottle cover of anti-chlorine
for 60 liters as instructed....
<A 60 litre aquarium is too small for Goldfish in the long term. I'd suggest
120-150 litres for a single Goldfish.>
But after that my Goldfish is not eating for three days now.
I also check the water:
N03·20 ppm
N02·0.5 ppm
<Nitrite at 0.5 mg/l is one problem. This means the filter isn't
coping. Too many fish, too little filtration perhaps. Or overfeeding. Often both
at the same time. Either way, increase filtration. A simple sponge filter can
work very effectively, but I'd also recommend looking at undergravel filters as
a cheap, effective way to produce good water quality without too much
PH=6.5 ppm
Alk=80 ppm
<Another problem. Soft water isn't what Goldfish like. They prefer hard water.
Let me direct you to some reading:
There's a "Rift Valley Salt Mix" that you could use at half the quoted dose to
make water perfect for Goldfish and Guppies.>
Temp: 23c
<Should be okay.>
Please help I don't want to loose my friendly crown pearl scale goldfish and the
<I would imagine not. Hope this helps, Neale.>

re: Fwd: Hello Again.... 10/29/15
Thank you for your immediate reply....today I will separate my guppies to
My pearl scale goldfish is gasping for air on d top and upside down ...
<Let me direct you to some reading:
Constipation may be the problem if the fish is otherwise healthy: active,
feeding, no evidence of Dropsy or Finrot. But other problems can cause Goldfish
to turn upside down, including serious environmental stress (non-zero nitrite,
non-zero ammonia).>
I bought airstone disk for additional aeration but I think it's not good quality
(china made) not enough aeration coming....is it bad to put 2 air stone for
additional aeration?
<I'd be surprised if there are any air pumps not made in China to be honest! So
if the air pump works and you have a nice stream of bubbles, I'd not worry too
much. Add another airstone if you want to, but I wouldn't lose any sleep over
it. Review filtration first. Make sure ammonia and nitrite are zero. Better to
spend money on extra filters than extra airstones -- though by all means use an
air pump to power a sponge or undergravel filter. Cheers, Neale.>
Hemorrhaging GFs; no data or using WWM
Trying to find out what's wrong with my goldfish it has been fat for over a
year, but now has red bruises on both sides. What is wrong
<... see WWM re goldfish Traumas.... Likely something here
physically attacking... an Algae Eater perhaps? Also use the search tool
on WWM to look up goldfish septicemia. Bob Fenner>
Red bruises
Help my goldfish has red bruises on both sides what's wrong?
<See WWM as you've been instructed. B>
Mystery Ailment
Hello. I have a 29 gallon tank with a 75 gallon power filter and 80
gallon sponge filter. It contains 2 mystery snails, 1 Nerite snail, 3 ghost
shrimp, and two small fantail goldfish. They seem to be doing ok, except
for my white fantail.
I went on a trip about 2 weeks ago. I instructed someone else to feed the
fish while I was away. When I got back both the fish were bloated. The
white fantail had two lumps protruding from either side of its body. I
thought they were bloated because they had been fed too much.
So I did not feed them for two day. Then gave them each 2 peas. The
following day I resumed feeding them pellets. One goldfish appears to be
fine now. But the white one now has white stringy poo.
<White strings to be a combination of mucous and undigested food... often
associated with irritation of the gut, for example by intestinal parasites
including Hexamita as well as worms.>
The bumps are not swollen on the white one since I treated the fish for
bloat. But the episode seems to have left the white fish with holes on its
sides now. My water parameters are fine.
<In what sense? Some numbers would be more useful.>
But the tank seems to have these little white dots on the tank walls. They
are a creature of some kind, but I have no idea what they could be.
<Nor I, but snail eggs and calcareous algae are two possibilities.>
The goldfish are fed once a day. They get small, dry, sinking pellets. Just
a small pinch. No more. They get an algae tablet crushed into small pieces
once a week. The shrimp get fed shrimp pellets once a week to help with
their molting. The goldfish get pieces of the shrimp pellets. It is
unavoidable. The tank has abundant algae for the snails.
I have tried to include a picture of the biggest hole on the side of my
white fish.
<Literally a thumbnail... 60 x 80 pixels... not very helpful.>
I suspect an intestinal prolapse with my white fantail, but I am unsure.
Any idea what this is and how to treat it?
<It's all a bit vague really, and hard to pin down. Assuming bloating, the
Epsom Salt and peas treatment would be the first step, with treatment for
Hexamita (Metronidazole + a Furan drug) and intestinal worms being your
next steps if things didn't improve. Cheers, Neale.>
full size pix
Fish still sick
I have ruled out environmental factor with my sick fish.
<No you haven't. You can't. It's always a factor. Keep an open mind. You may
have checked water chemistry (hard and alkaline for goldfish). And you may have
found ammonia and nitrite to be zero now (but was it a week ago?).
Other environmental factors can be transient, like the presence of airborne
toxins such as solvents from paints and cleaning products. There can also be
less obvious factors in the environment that stress your fish: direct sunlight
causing high temperatures at certain times of the day; lack of swimming space;
overly strong water currents; not enough oxygen; aggressive tankmates....>
It has a bacterial infection, bloat, or a parasite infection. I have tried again
to include photos of the holes and lumps in my fish. I am using anti-parasitic
food, but the fish will not eat it. It am trying some Pima Fix for the bacterial
<Like Melafix, worse than useless.>
I used a little Aquari-sol in a vain attempt to do something for parasites.
<Copper sulphate solution; useless for internal infections, and even at this
very low concentration, likely to do more harm than good (repeat after me:
copper is a toxin, copper is a toxin).>
I cannot afford to buy anything else for treatment right now.
<So please don't spend money on cheap products with little/no value.
There's an old saying that "a poor man can only afford the very best".
Research carefully and buy one decent product. Not a bunch of cheap but rubbish
I only have the Aquari-sol and the anti-parasite food the fish will not eat.
Should I wait until the morning, when the fish is hungrier?
<Worth a shot.>
I got the fish that is sick in quarantine now. What else can I do? I have some
epson salts for feet. Should I use it?
Will help to reduce swelling and can also help with constipation. No value in
treating bacterial infections, nor internal parasites.>
If so, how're: asking a question about my gold Gourami my female Gourami is
pregnant and there is no male Gourami to build a bubble nest what to do

Re: Fish still sick (Bob, any ideas?)
Thank you so much Neal. :)
<You're welcome, Neale.>
Sick fish update 7/29/15
My main tank is 29 gallons. With a 350 gph power filter and a 80 gallon rated
sponge filter. The tank contains 2 mystery snails, 1 Nerite snail, 3 ghost
shrimp, and 2 fantail goldfish. I live in the Arizona desert, so our water
naturally is very hard and full of minerals. Because of this, I have read, we
have green water problems. I have a small UV in the tank to help control our
water's green water problems. This was a recommended solution to green water
problems I also read about.
My tank's water parameters tested as follows:
Nitrate 80 ppm
Nitrite 0 ppm
GH 180 ppm
KH 180 ppm
PH 7.5
I did not have an ammonia test or I would have included that as well.
<I'd get all three Nitrogen tests>
My main concern today is these little white specks in my tank. I have tried to
include a picture of them for you. Hope it is useful. Can you tell what these
specks are?
<Likely particulates from feeding, the tapwater....>
Another reason I am contacting you is to give you an update on my sick fish that
is in the 6 gallon quarantine tank right now. The hole in its side is doing
better. And it is eating the parasite medication.
<Ah good. Bob Fenner>
But it still has the unimproved lump on it's other side.
I have included some photos of my sick fish. I am also treating my other fish
with medicated food because it too had these strange lumps. No sores yet like on
my white on though. Should I try giving them some peas tomorrow? Thank you.
<You could>
re: Sick fish update 7/30/15
Thank you Bob. :)
<Welcome. Do be reading on WWM re Goldfish environmental disease. B>
New development and photo with sick fish
I took a photo with my camera, not my iPhone this time. Upon close examination
of the photo I took with my camera, I noticed red streaks on my fish. And it
could have been the lighting, but I am almost certain I saw fish lice eyes when
I zoomed in on the image. I also noticed a pustule mark when I zoomed in. I
think it might be a secondary infection of some kind. Though I have no idea what
could have started it. Could the swelling be an abscess caused by a fish louse
<Could be>
Here is a copy of the image. Not as good as it was on my camera, but it was the
best I could do.
Your thoughts on this would be much appreciated. Thank you.
<Can't quite make anything out... I'd be waiting on more evidence of crustacean
infestation before treating. Bob Fenner>
re: New development and photo with sick fish 7/30/15
Thank you Bob! :)
Oranda with raw, white sore on face
Good Morning,
<And you>
I am at my wit's end and hoping you could help us.
<Will do my best>
My mom has a 270 gallon reflecting pool in her back yard (with a fountain two
filters, one of which is attached to a UV light). There are no plants in the
pool. She has kept Orandas for years and is cleans the water regularly.
Currently she has four Orandas. She feeds them sinking food.
<What brand, type?>
She bought Maybe on 06 May 2015 from PetSmart and introduced her into the pool
without any issues. Recently, the pool had been treated when one of the other
fish Fatso had white spots (Ich?); he has been healthy for a few weeks now
(about two).
About 10 days ago there were two black spots on Maybe's face, one of which
developed into a large crack under her right eye on 11 Jul 2015 which is about
1/4" long. Below is a picture where you can see the crack:
[image: Click image for larger version. Name: Maybe_11Jul2015.jpg Views:22 Size:
48.2 KB ID: 173218]
<See this>
- 80% of the water was changed Sunday. My mom had the old and the new water
tested (pH, ammonia, nitrates, salinity, everything). The pool was then
medicated--after the water was changed--with Melafix
<Of no use whatsoever; in fact, detrimental>
(before the water change and after). She turned off the UV light when
she began medicating the water.
<I'd turn it back on>
The situation got much, much worse this morning (more black spots and white, raw
sore under her right eye which looks like it is being eaten away and very raw).
Maybe was lethargic on the morning of 16Jul2015, but she is swimming around
acting normal now, not rubbing her head on the sides or bottom of the tank.
- Maybe was separated yesterday morning (16Jul2015) when my mom
saw her condition, with the same pool water into a about 5 gallon fish
<Too small>
equipped with aerator (mom added a little more Melafix and some stress
<This tree extract may well be mal-affecting nitrification; DO monitor Nitrogen
waste cycling>
Unfortunately that is the biggest container we have in the house.
She is swimming around normally but she isn't eating today (17Jul2015)
- All other fish appear to be okay. There are no spots on other fish and
they are acting normal.
<Interesting; as my presumption is and was that the source of trouble here
is/was environmental: Hence all would likely be similarly afflicted>
- Maybe was separated yesterday morning (16Jul2015) when my mom saw her
condition, with the same pool water into a about 5 gallon fish tank equipped
with aerator (mom added a little more Melafix and some stress coat).
Unfortunately that is the biggest container we have in the house.
She is swimming around normally but she isn't eating today (17Jul2015)
Could this be hole in the head, or a fungus?
What is our best course of treatment at this point?
<Perhaps an antifungal (sulfa drug/s my fave), plus a modicum of salts>
Since the container is too small for an Oranda, is there anything else we can
do? We are beside ourselves!
<Get/use a larger container, or treat the whole pond with this Oranda
placed back in it>
The photos below were taken right after she was separated (16Jul2015) showing
the black spots on top of Maybe's wen and then the raw patch under her right
[image: 173212d1437078847t nasty cracks Orandas wen maybe 1]
nasty cracks Orandas wen maybe 2]
nasty cracks Orandas wen maybe 3]
nasty cracks Orandas wen maybe 4]
173216d1437078849t nasty cracks Orandas wen maybe 5]
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
<I'd have you use the search tool on WWM (on every page) with the words:
Goldfish, Fungus, Treatment
Bob Fenner>
Gold fish. phys. injury, rdg. 6/5/15
Hi think I may have caught his eye whilst moving stones . His eye looks full of
blood is there anything that can be done .doesn't seem to bother him . Many
thanks Vanessa
<The usual good care (water quality, nutrition). Perhaps a bit of Epsom Salt.
See (READ) on WWM re. Bob Fenner>
goldfish trouble-fused mouth?? 4/22/15
We "won" some fair fish a year ago.... and ended up with one very expensive
<Yes; we of the petfish biz hand out free goldfish at fairs and school
events, like an initial pack of Pall Malls, to hook future generations>
goldfish (that started out greenish by the way) that has been doing very well
after much learning on our behalf that they are not actually cheap or easy to
Now I feel we have made him part of the family and have spent far too much on
him to let him just suffer and or die. we do not have a vet near that will help,
10 gal tank,
<Too small...>
two air stone bubblers, fake plants, just recently found out they need more than
flakes( but has been fine), had a shell from the ocean in there then took out 4
mo. ago, med. filter, crappy city water with a lot of chlorine but treat and
tests come
back good- ph levels high not real experienced there- learning-but nothing new
for him really and I don't think that is related (I know it probly don't help
but figure he needs as little stress as possible now right?).
<Some; not too much>
OK REAL ISSUE...his mouth has formed this white film/skin? over his
mouth and it is just a little pen tip hole opening. He tries to eat and
is otherwise ok but cannot get much in and most of it bounces off or floats to
bottom where he continually tries to feed also with little success.
After Tetracare support advice I added aquarium salt (2 tbsp.)
<Of no use>
and have just given the second dose of Lifeguard,
I also searched your site and discovered only one post of advice which sounded
similar (Goldfish issue-fused mouth? FAQ 3/26/08). Wondering if you can give me
better advice- force feeding is foreign to me so is pushing a mixture into the
gullet (whats that!!)
<The fundus, stomach, area behind the buccal cavity>
I would like to try pushing thru the gills if u suggest that sounds less scary
but I can get a pipette tomorrow, need to still find the maracyn plus or
eSHa 2000
<Neither of use here either>
but hoping you can help or advise in the meantime. Thanks for your time!
<Can't say how much this overgrown mouth is due to genetics or
environmental insult... would try feeding small sinking pelleted food (Hikari or
Spectrum) as a staple... and hope for the best. In the meanwhile, read over what
we have archived re GF care on WWM. Bob Fenner>
goldfish trouble-fused mouth?? /Neale
We "won" some fair fish a year ago....
<Please don't patronize these vendors. Giving live animals as gifts is bad
enough, but Goldfish can be expensive pets.>
and ended up with one very expensive goldfish (that started out greenish by the
that has been doing very well after much learning on our behalf that they are
not actually cheap or easy to maintain!!
<Indeed not.>
Now I feel we have made him part of the family and have spent far too much on
him to let him just suffer and or die.
we do not have a vet near that will help, 10 gal tank,
<Too small; 30 gallons for 1-2 Goldfish, minimum. A 10 gallon tank
might work for a few months, but that depends on quality of filtration and
frequency of water changes.>
two air stone bubblers,
<Not an alternative to filtration. Connect air pumps to a sponge
filter, and things get better. Do you have a nitrite or ammonia test kit? Get
one, I'd recommend the nitrite kit, and test your water. If either ammonia or
nitrite aren't zero, your fish will sicken, die.>
fake plants,
<Some live plants or fresh greens (lettuce for example) needed for these
herbivorous fish.>
just recently found out they need more than flakes (but has been fine),
had a shell from the ocean in there then took out 4 mo. ago,
<Good. No seashore collectables in fish tanks, please!>
med. filter, crappy city water with a lot of chlorine but treat and tests come
back good
<Meaning what? Numbers are what I need to be objective. I can ASSURE you that a
tank 10 gallons in size, with a Goldfish, and no filtration installed,
will have BAD water quality. Simple science. Fish excrete ammonia, and without
filtration, the ammonia sits there in the water.>
- ph levels high not real experienced there-
<Water chemistry isn't a big deal with Goldfish. So don't worry about this too
learning-but nothing new for him really and I don't think that is related (I
know it probably don't help but figure he needs as little stress as possible now
right?). OK REAL ISSUE...his mouth has formed this white film/skin? over his
mouth and it is just a little pen tip hole opening.
<Finrot or Columnaris (sometimes called Mouth fungus despite being bacterial).
Quite common when Goldfish are badly maintained. Complicated by the use of sharp
or coarse gravel in the tank (those brightly coloured gravels are the worst)
because these damage the mouths of these fish.
Goldfish need a fine gravel, nice and smooth, because they suck it into the
mouths and gills while feeding.>
He tries to eat and is otherwise ok but cannot get much in and most of it
bounces off or floats to bottom where he continually tries to feed also with
little success. After Tetra care support advice I added aquarium salt (2 tbsp.)
and have just given the second dose of Lifeguard,
<The salt is doing no good and possible some harm. Tetra Lifeguard is a very
mild general purpose medication. At best, it's a preventative. Add to the tank
after transporting them or if they've been fighting. If water quality is good,
it'll do a nice job of preventing infections. But it's an absolutely hopeless
cure. It's specifically marketed at beginners who like the idea that one bottle
will cure everything -- which if you think about it for a moment sounds
unlikely. Your fish probably has Finrot or
Columnaris, and you need quite specific antibacterial or antibiotic medications.
In the UK, I'd recommend eSHa 2000, while in the US, the old Maracyn 1 and
Maracyn 2 combo is popular. Either way, nothing will improve if environment
still sucks; you must have good water quality for medication to stand a chance
of working. The parallels with the clean environment in hospitals should be
I also searched your site and discovered only one post of advice which sounded
similar (Goldfish issue-fused mouth? FAQ 3/26/08). Wondering if you can give me
better advice- force feeding is foreign to me so is pushing a mixture into the
gullet (whats that!!)
<Absolutely do not try force feeding. As a beginner, you're much more likely to
do more harm than good. Goldfish can go months without food in wintertime. So
going a few days without food while you medicate them isn't at all a problem.>
I would like to try pushing thru the gills if u suggest that sounds less scary
but I can get a pipette tomorrow, need to still find the maracyn plus or eSHa
2000 but hoping you can help or advise in the meantime.
<Can offer both; read:
See what you're not doing, and fix it. Medicate alongside improvements to the
environment as per Finrot and Columnaris.>
Thanks for your time!
<Glad to help. Cheers, Neale.>
Problem with my goldfish's gill.
Okay...So my big, 'ol Goldfish. And I do mean big...and old. He's 8 years old
and about 7 1/2 inches long.
. His left gill is very healthy looking.
His right side gill...unfortunately is not so healthy. There's something bad
going on in the upper portion of it..It seems that something is swelling out, or
inflammation of the upper portion his gill and I have no idea what it is..thus
the picture.
Other than that....the fish seems to be doing fine. He's really not exhibiting
any symptoms of a sick fish...not even breathing problems, that I can tell. He's
not hanging up a the top or gasping for air. His scales are shiny and clear.
There's no fin rot anywhere. He's active and his appetite is definitely not
affected. Everything...save whatever is going on with his right gill, seems
normal. There are no other symptoms like fungus, Ich, clamping of fins, fin rot,
Anchor worms, protruding scales, Lice, Velvet...any of that kind of stuff...that
I can tell.
So...since I don't know whats wrong...I cant treat it.
And thus...I come to you guys for help...please.
Thank you for any advise and your time.
Sincerely, James
<Some sort of growth, hyperplasia.... many other instances... archived here:
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner> |
Goldfish... hlth... floaty,
Hello, so I've had my telescope goldfish Rosie for about 3 weeks now,
when I first got her she had a rotting away caudal fin, and a bit
floaty. I treated her by keeping the water parameters perfect as well
.as Epsom salts.
I also fed her sparingly twice a day with Hikari lionhead, and some
steamed veg now and then. Her fin is almost fully healed but she is
still floaty and her poop is white or clearish and extremely long and
thin. It's been like this since I got her so I was wondering if this is
a bacterial infection or a parasite. What medication should I use if
any? Will medication ruin my nitrogen cycle?
<Greetings. Do have a read here:
And also here:
Most problems with swimming come from constipation rather than bacterial
infections. If yours is healing properly, and feeding normally, she's
probably fine. All fancy Goldfish suffer from skeletal deformities, and
the combination of deformed body and constipation is what makes them so
very prone to swimming problems. You could use an antibiotic if you
wanted, and if you truly suspect a bacterial infection, but if your fish
has healthy fins and is putting on weight, I wouldn't think this problem
is likely.
Make sense? Good luck, Neale.>
Re: Goldfish 2/19/15
Yes makes tons of sense thank you for responding so quick!
<Most welcome.>
WWM forever!
<Scary thought! Neale.> Goldfish SOS 2/12/15
Hi there WWM!, I just rescued a butterfly telescope from a LFS and she
had fin rot on her caudal fin, along with red streaking in her fins.
<Mmm; see WWM re GF Infectious disease... maybe just better conditions, perhaps
an antibacterial added to foods, water>
She also was a bit floaty,
seems to slowly float up nose down whenever still. I had a 55 gal for her but it
sprung a leak the day after so I'm resealing it asap (Why god why!!?),
and she's in a small cycled 10 gallon for now ( I know it's way too small) I've
been doing two, 25 % water changes a day to keep up with her ammonia waste in
the tiny tank.
I have started peroxide swabbing her fin and it's now beginning to show signs of
regrowth-white ends, and the streaking is gone. I've added 6 teaspoons of Epson
<Not the printer co.>
salt for her floatiness. Also I've stopped feeding for 2 days now, and am
planning to feed her only crushed peas after tomorrow. My question is, could
this be a bacterial infection because her poop is white and stringy, one time
it came out in a crumpled zig zag string, very thin.
<Not necessarily indicative; no>
If it's a bacterial infection will it clear up on its own or will I need to
medicate her. If so what medications should I use?
<None if you can avoid it>
Also, is it bad to stop feeding her while she's fighting this illness?
<Best to feed sparingly; a few times per day... nutritious pellets>
Thank you
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
re: Goldfish SOS 2/12/15
Thanks for your response, she seems to be doing much better!
<Yay! BobF>
Gold fish injury 2/17/15
Hi there!
I have a large blue Oranda that has some kind of injury.
<I see the whitish area on this fish's wen>
I'm not sure if it's infected or will be infected, does it look like
anything you've seen (disease wise)? It's possible he hit his head on a
piece of drift wood, but there's really nothing sharp in the tank other
than the DW. Other than that, I wouldn't know how it happened... He's
not a fast swimmer.
<Mmm; not an uncommon situation>
We are treating the tank w Epsom salt for "floaty bloaty" and have been
for about 2 weeks. I'm nervous to put him in our hospital tank as we
just had a gf die in there last night from some unknown cause... What is
your suggestion?
<To continue as you're doing currently; not to try specifically
"treating" this>
Tank is a 200g with about 20 fancy gf and comets (mostly fancies).
<These sorts of whitish head growths come/go with these fancies...
likely a matter of degrees of stress, from water quality, nutrition,
perhaps a social component. Not a worry. Bob Fenner> |
Re: re: Gold fish injury 2/17/15
Thanks for the amazingly quick reply!
So even though there is a sore that goes INTO his wen, (s small hole with
some pink at the base) I shouldn't be too worried?
<No... if so; try the search tool on WWM... w/ just the word wen>
If it starts getting infected, what should I do? Does the Epsom salt help
keep it clean like regular salt?
Thanks again!
<The reading. BobF> |