FAQs on Otocinclus
Related Articles: Otocinclus, Loricariids,
Related Catfish FAQs: Otocinclus 1, Otocinclus 2, & FAQs on: Otocinclus Identification, Otocinclus Behavior, Otocinclus Compatibility, Otocinclus Selection, Otocinclus Systems, Otocinclus Feeding, Otocinclus Health, & Suckermouth Catfishes of South
and Central America, Loricariid
Identification, Loricariid
Behavior, Loricariid
Compatibility, Loricariid
Selection, Loricariid Systems,
Loricariid Feeding, Loricariid Reproduction, Loricariid Disease, Catfish: Identification, Behavior, Compatibility, Selection, Systems, Feeding, Disease, Reproduction, Algae

Oto question, sys., comp.,
repro. 9/6/2010
Here's a little background.
My wife and I recently setup a new 10 gallon tank.
<A small tank; not recommended for community tanks.
We got an internal filter. We use a heater (which raises the temp by 4
degrees), the temp is usually 73*F without the heater, but based on the
fish we had, I thought 77*F would be a better temperature,
<Does depend on the fish.>
and our heater doesn't have a setting (other than on or off). For
now we leave it plugged in and achieve 77*F. We started with 2 Neon
Tetras, 3 Black Mollies, and 1 Otocinclus.
<72-75 is ideal for Neons and Otocinclus, but tank-bred, fancy
Mollies really need slightly warmer conditions, 77-82 F.>
One of the Neons died within 24 hours. The other neon became so lonely,
it stopped playing in the bubbles, it stopped eating, and died of
loneliness within a week (even the mollies wouldn't play with it
when it tried).
<Let's step away from ideas of "playing" and
"loneliness". Neon Tetras are difficult to keep unless you
have cool, soft water. You're aiming for pH 6-7.5, 3-10 degrees dH.
They won't do well in the hard water Mollies MUST have to stay
alive. So these two species are NOT compatible. Neons also need to be
kept in groups of 6 or more.>
We added 2 more Black Mollies, all these fish so far have come from
<Mollies really won't do well in 10 gallons of water. The males
are aggressive towards each other and the females. They are also very
sensitive to poor water quality, making them bad choices for new tanks.
Do read here:
After a few more visits to PetSmart, we noticed that some of their fish
had Ick. We then noticed ours did too. We tried 2 treatments (1 and
then another 24 hours later as per the directions) of a bubbling type
tablet that was supposed to clear the Ick.
<Hmm'¦ with Mollies, your best bet is the salt/heat
It removed smaller spots of the Ick, but the Mollies still had large
amounts on them. Unfortunately we couldn't afford the treatment
when we first noticed it.
<Salt is cheap, so not treating fish for Ick shouldn't ever be
an issue. While aquarium salt is ideal, any non-iodized salt should
work fine as well.>
I think we noticed it on a Tuesday, and we bought the treatment on
Saturday and started administering it Saturday evening. One of the
female Black Mollies died the Friday before we got the treatment on
Saturday. So, by Saturday, we had 2 males and 2 females (Black
Mollies). We still had our 1 Oto (I believe female based on the fact it
immediately started going up and down the tank and across the tank
almost immediately after we got the heater to raise the temp to
<You can't sex Otocinclus this way.>
Websites also suggest this is the perfect temp for breeding Otos. (I
had no idea).
<Actually, Otocinclus should be kept fairly cool. They are extremely
sensitive to low oxygen concentrations, and as you hopefully remember
from school, the warmer water gets, the less oxygen it holds.>
As a side note, we also have lots of snails, and they have been
fruitful and multiplied. We started with 1 Black Mystery Snail (fully
grown) and about 12 baby snails (golden and black mystery mostly). Long
story, but we were wanting 2 or 3 babies, but we ended up with about a
dozen of them. Most of the baby snails died off (presumably
<Actually, Apple/Mystery snails do bad in aquaria. Don't keep
them with fish.>
Before we knew it, there were little specs above the water line. Our 2
airstones were moving water rather violently at the surface, and the
filter sucks in water, then pours it onto the surface. This was perfect
for the snails as they could put their eggs above the waterline and
they would constantly be wet by the popping bubbles. I suspect the Otos
also enjoyed the constant streams of current as well. By the way, I am
sinking every snail egg I find right now. Well, most aquarists would
have suggested that a new tank is the least likely scenario for fish to
breed. Not only did the snails breed, but the Black Mollies bred.
<As is their wont.>
One day I found a little fry at the bottom. I about had a heart attack
since I never even knew the Mollies were thinking of reproducing.
<I think "thinking" is over-egging the pudding a bit.
Males will inseminate anything vaguely Molly-like, and do so
persistently. In a 10 gallon tank, the females get stressed and often
miscarry, which you can recognise because miscarried babies are either
stillborn or so weak they fall to the bottom of the tank. Healthy
newborn Mollies can swim immediately after they are born, and
instinctively hide among floating plants *at the top* of the
I went to bed and prayed that it would survive.
<Prayer has it's place, I'm sure, but there are some more
immediate things you can do to keep Molly fry alive. Do read the above
By the next morning I wanted to save our little Molly and make it some
makeshift tank to keep it from being eaten. (Where there's a
redneck, there's a way). Keep in mind, that we are very financially
struck at this point.
<That's fine. Here's a tip: stick in some floating plants.
Floating Indian Fern is ideal, but even "goldfish weed" like
Brazilian Pondweed works well. The fry will hide there and won't be
eaten. Plus, floating plants give the female cover, and that reduces
the stress they get from amorous males.>
So, I found a casing that is used as a top to CD's. (if you go into
Wal-mart and state that you want to buy about 50 blank cd's You
will get a container that has a very large round lid. Since we still
had one of these containers, we simply took the lid off and turned it
upside down. It may not be large, but hey, it's what we can afford
for the little fry.
<Have done something similar myself. Use a screwdriver to punch a
few dozen small holes in the side so water can in and out, and so much
the better! If you don't do that, you'll need to change the
water in the container at least once a day.>
I went to find it and it was gone. I even moved the shell and gravel
around where it had been hiding the night before. We have about 12
large shells throughout the tank.
<Often what happens with very weak fry is they die, snails come into
the floating trap overnight, eat the carcass, and then the snails crawl
The gravel is a bit rough and not exactly ideal for fish tanks. I
feared it had been eaten. Several days later, we found one that looked
similar to it, hiding in the back. I believe it's the same one, my
wife disagrees.
<Molly broods can be anything up to 100 fry, though commonly
Either way, we caught it and put it in this makeshift tank I mentioned.
My wife got the idea that we should take one of the air stones out and
simply place it in the makeshift tank.
This seemed like a good idea at the time. I mentioned that it wont have
a filter or heater, but she doesn't have any idea how to solve
that. We put a shell in it too. The little fry loves to hide inside the
shell, or near the air stone. After trying to look through my daughters
binoculars backwards, I did see it fan its underside fin out showing me
that it is a female, because the males have a longer pointy fin in that
<You can't sex Mollies at this age. The males won't develop
their gonopodium until they're about 2 months old. Until then, they
look just like females.>
It is still too young to know for sure, but I believe it is a girl. So,
now back to the Otos, which is what I am really interested in. Since
the one Oto was trying to attract a mate, and there wasn't one, we
bought 2 more Otos.
<Not trying to attract a mate, trust me. These are SCHOOLING fish
and want companions.>
PetSmart didn't have any and hasn't in the few weeks since we
had bought the first one (the only one they had at the time). We had to
go all the way to Norman Oklahoma from Bethany Oklahoma just to get
Otos that day.
<I assume that's a long way'¦?>
None of the PetSmart stores has any in the greater Oklahoma City area.
So we went to "Wet Pets by Steve" in Norman, Oklahoma. We
bought 2 Otos (I wanted at least 1 male). When we looked at the Otos, I
was unsure how to tell the sexual differences in Otos (I just had some
very generic ideas from what I had read online).
<You can't sex them. Mature females become fatter when filled
with eggs, but that assumes they're sexually mature and
"conditioned". Specimens in pet stores won't have eaten
properly for weeks, so the chances of the females being ripe with eggs
are next to zero.>
The gist of the online info was that males are smaller and thinner. The
females are larger and potentially rounder. I noticed 1 Oto that was
certainly different that the one we had. If you could imagine a line
between the Otos eyes, and draw a triangle to its tail, that is what
our original Oto looked like. But this one was different, the triangle
only went down about half way down its body, then narrowed severely. It
was almost like it got pinched on the hind end. I figured this meant it
was a male, and the ones I am calling triangular are female. The little
guy was very active. We bought it, and another one that I believed was
female. I figured that if I bought 2 different ones, there would
definitely be at least 1 male and female in the tank.
<Actually, you need to get at least six of them for Otocinclus to be
happy. Forget about males and females. You can't sex them.>
When we acclimated them to the tank, I noticed that they were a lighter
color, they were smaller, and my wife noticed that our original Oto has
bigger eyes.
<More than one species in the trade: Otocinclus affinis and
Otocinclus vittatus are the commonest.>
The three of them do hang out quite often, but the one I believe is
male, is favoring the new female (not the original). None of them are
doing the chase and follow routine. I read online that Chinese Algae
Eaters are sometimes mistaken for Otos.
<You'd have to be legally blind to confuse Chinese Algae Eaters
with Otocinclus! They are completely different. Otocinclus are much
smaller, 1.5-2 inches, tops, Otocinclus affinis is grey above with a
thick black region along the midline of its body from nose to tail, and
off-white below. Otocinclus vittatus is essentially grey above, darker
grey along the flanks, with a thin pale band between these two grey
regions, and then off-white below. The Chinese Algae Eater
(Gyrinocheilus aymonieri) is more or less green all over with a few
bluey-green patches along the top surface and a distinctive zig-zag
bluey-green stripe along the midline. The Chinese Algae Eater is big,
fast-growing fish that gets to about 8 inches within the first year and
around 12 inches within the second. It is notoriously aggressive and
has no place in a community tank.>
I am hoping that we have 3 Otos. The littlest one (the one I believe is
male) is not afraid of the Black Mollies (as the others will get out of
the Black Mollies way when picked on). In fact, it even seemed to
attack the Black Molly who bothers it. This seemed very strange to me
for a tiny fish to stand up to and even fight back against a much
larger fish. The Black Mollies have learned to leave it alone.
<Hungry Otocinclus have a bad habit of rasping at the bodies of
other fish. They scrape at the body eating the mucous, but in the
process they create nasty wounds. Some fish learn to avoid them, which
could easily explain why the Molly seems nervous around them.>
The 2 new Otos are about an inch long (or slightly less). I believe our
original Oto is full grown, but still short of 2 inches (I have no easy
way to estimate its size). So, now on to the good stuff. Long before we
added the new Otos, I had performed a 50% water change. In the process,
we noticed a clear gel on the back of the filter. Not knowing what it
was, we tossed it out. I later, realized it might be Oto eggs. The
snails are all mystery snails and lay their eggs above the water line.
The Black Mollies are live bearers. The Neon Tetras died before even
the idea of multiplying. So by process of elimination, I figured the
gel had to be Oto eggs.
<Likely snail eggs.>
A quick reference on the internet confirmed this is a very likely
scenario. I eventually noticed 3 new areas of these egg gels. 1 of the
gels got scraped while trying to catch the Molly fry. I eventually
scraped the rest of it off the side of the tank where it was and let it
fall to the bottom. It seems I am finding several of these egg gels
now. I am concerned that our tiny male may not even be an adult yet
(and that our 2 females may have to continue to be "ladies in
waiting"). I noticed one of the group gels just disappear.
<They're snail eggs, likely from Physa or Physella spp. snails.
Even if you haven't seen them, they're in there. Fish eggs do
not look like clumps of jelly.>
It was truly strange, when my daughters came to visit, I clearly
pointed the new gel out and about 2 hours later, the gel was gone. I
suspect a molly ate it. That is one of my questions (Will Black Mollies
eat Oto eggs?). Next, some of them look ripped, as if something cut
them in half. Does this rip mean they hatched ?
<Sure, the snails hatch out within a few days.>
Could a snail have accidentally ripped it when it went over this gel ?
The snails are about the same size, or maybe slightly larger. I have
kept a pretty detailed "fish log" and it's kind of like a
diary of my observations in the tank. Apparently we started the tank
08/07/10 and added fish on 08/08/10. One phrase I used in my fish log
(after discovering the Black Mollies like algae tablets and algae on
the side of the tank and decorations) is "An Army of Algae
Eaters". Yep, every single fish in the tank loves algae. Could be
a reason why they thrive when using the 60 watt bulb until it burned
out and changed to a 100 watt bulb.
<You're using incandescent bulbs? I would not recommend this.
For a start, they're useless for growing plants, and they also
waste a lot of electricity. But they're also dangerous -- splashing
water on hot bulbs = explosion! If your hood has sockets for
incandescent bulbs, I'd STRONGLY suggest replacing the bulb with a
much cooler and less wasteful compact fluorescent
I was uneasy with the idea of causing that much algae. We still could
see green areas forming on the glass, but our army usually did a pretty
well job of cleaning it but couldn't clean it fast enough. We now
have a 15 watt bulb. I am concerned how much algae I need to
<Otocinclus starve quite easily; if they look "hollow
bellied", i.e., their bellies are concave, they're starving.
Algae wafers are good, but so is blanched lettuce, squished cooked
peas, sliced cucumber, sliced zucchini and cooked spinach.>
I dropped algae tablets in the tank and our original Oto never had any
thing to do with them. Our Black Mollies loved them. Once we added the
2 new Otos, I tried it again and they (the 2 new Otos) love the algae
tablets. So my biggest questions are concerning the Oto eggs. How do we
know if they were fertilized ?
<Snail sex is complicated. They're usually hermaphrodites. Some
species also have all sorts of fun stuff with 'love darts' well
worth reading about.>
How can we know if they are hatched (or damaged). Are the Oto fry good
enough at hiding for us to remove them before they get eaten ? And for
the strangest question of all.... would it be a bad idea to move some
of the Oto eggs to the tank the Black Molly fry is in ? Would she eat
the eggs ? Would she eat the fry ? She is still very small (I'm
guessing about 1 centimeter long). And finally How many Oto fry hatch
from an egg gel ? The gels themselves vary in size as it is. My wife
suggested that the gels might be mold. But they are clear.
<They're snail eggs!>
They look like they have white bubble specs in them. If we should try
to setup a third makeshift tank, how important is it going to be to
have a heater, filter, or airstone ? I'm sure they are Oto eggs
because as a test I ran room temperature water over our largest
ornament (a ceramic angel where the Otos love to hang out), and shortly
later there was an egg gel near the angel. The pictures I could find
online of Oto eggs are of 1 to 4 eggs and not a gel. I searched your
site, and nothing quite seems to cover these scenarios. But then again,
I may be a redneck, and things are always a bit different with
<Are they? Forgive this ignorant Englishman not really having a clue
what you're talking about.>
So, to make things clear, we now have 4 Black Molly adults (2 female
and 2 male), 3 Otos (I believe 2 females and 1 male), and several small
snails (the largest one died). In retrospect, maybe the little Oto was
protecting eggs I hadn't even noticed yet ? I sure hope it's
not a Chinese Algae Eater. I appreciate any and all help you can give
me, thanks.
<I hope this helps. Cheers, Neale.>
Water Babies! (Otocinclus) Hi guys! Me
again! <How cool is that.. I'm still me too <wink>!
Anthony> My tropical tank has now been up and running for five
weeks! The algae ****problem has been solved with the addition of the
Otos (thanks for the tip, Anthony!) <don't thank
me...thank those wonderful Otocinclus catfish...hehe> Two weeks ago
I added a pair of dwarf Ram Cichlids. <lovely but shy
creatures> On Tuesday (26th) I watched as the female laid eggs on a
leaf and the male fertilized them - fascinating! <you have
been blessed!> The male now seems to guard the eggs while the female
swans off around the tank (if only this was the case in the human
world). <you do recall that this is a male dominated hobby, my dear?
hehe... try to sell this one to the union! Ha!> Anyway, I was
wondering how long it would be before the eggs hatched. <a
matter of days dependant on temperature> I have read quite a few
books but nowhere does it say how long it takes for the eggs to hatch.
Also, do these fish guard their fry once hatched or are they left to
their own devices? <no...parental guarding, but don't expect
much in a community tank.> Also, I appear to have a few baby fish in
the tank which have mysteriously appeared! < a livebearer no
doubt> These babies look suspiciously platy-like but on reading your
FAQs and articles I understand that platies get fat and go transparent
in their vent areas before giving birth. None of my 7 platies are or
were fat and none of them appeared to have transparent areas. I
certainly did not see any baby fish eyes inside them. I have had the
platies for four weeks and these babies are coming from
somewhere! <if you don't have another live bearing species
it was one of the platies> Currently, they are hiding in the moss
and I am trying to feed them using crunched up pellets, crunched up
flakes and frozen and live daphnia. Not surprisingly, they are not
terribly forthcoming at feeding time. Is there anything else I can do
to help them survive? <short of separating them, bushy
floating plants (plastic or live)> I am aware that they may not live
for very long in a tank with greedy platies and guppies! I think my
cardinal tetras are the only fish not big enough to eat them! Finally,
survivability issues aside, I am wondering if overcrowding could become
an issue (depending upon the number of survivors - I include both the
platy babies and potential rams here). Do I have to keep getting bigger
and bigger tanks each time I become a parent? <if you
don't eat fish, you do> I can see the little dears eating me out
of house and home in no time! <you may want to be more selective
about the sexes... remove a gender as it were <boo>> My
aquarium is planted but I will be getting some more plants (hopefully
water sprite) this weekend to add additional hidey holes for the new
arrivals. Any information you could provide regarding my babies would
be much appreciated! <yes... build a 400 gallon tropical fish pond
in your basement <wink>> Many thanks! Lesley <quite
welcome. Anthony>
Otos... Dear Crew, A little
question about the likelihood of the Otos in my planted
freshwater tank breeding. We have a four foot Juwel tank
planted, with 6 Corys, 6 black widow tetras, 11 cardinals, 1 Sailfin
Plec, 1 ram (we did have 3, sadly they were not healthy fish!),
<Yes... the tank bred ones are proving less hardy than wild-caught
in recent years> 4 red claw shrimp, and as far as we knew, 6 Otos, 2
flexilis, 4 affinis...except, yesterday, while doing a water change and
gravel clean I noticed a very very small affinis, now I know that ours
were all bigger, so is it likely that we have had babies? <Sure
seems like it> I can't think of any other explanation apart from
the catfish fairies! <Ha!> I thought that it was unlikely for
them to survive in a community tank? <Mmm, too often, yes... but
yours sounds like just the ticket> our water temp is 75-77, our ph
between 6.5 and 7, we have very soft water 1-2 dKH (we top it up to
keep it there, otherwise it drops lower), so have we magically done
something right? <All the way around, yes> Thanks for any
thoughts you might have on breeding Otos... Cheers, Nicola
<Congratulations. Bob Fenner> Nicola Blay, BSc, MSc International
Zoo Veterinary Group
Query pregnant Oto 11/16/05 Hello, I read your
article online and was hoping you can help me. Up until I
read your article today, I had only read that Otos did not breed
in captivity. <Rare, but has happened> I was quite
concerned, therefore, when I saw one of my Otos looking
"very" pregnant...or deathly ill. I have a
planted 60 gal tank, 2 fancy goldfish, 5 Otos and too many fancy
guppies. The tank is around 24*C, 2 large driftwood, lots of
plants including a huge lily with leaves averaging 6+ inches
diameter. <Neat!> Water parameters very good. None of my
fish have died or been ill for over 2 years. All five Otos were
purchased approximately 14 months ago. I have a grave concern
that either my Otos is horribly diseased with something... or
pregnant. I don't know which so I am hoping if I describe her
to you, you may be able to tell. <Okay> The other 4 Otos
have not altered in either appearance or behaviour. Lately one or
two of these "healthy" Otos are literally side by side
or nose to nose with the Oto I am concerned for. <Are social
animals, but...> While the Otos often roam/sit together
(within a few inches to 1 foot) I've never really noticed
this closeness to this degree. I am concerned they know something
is wrong with her or, best case scenario, they are a mated pair.
Sick/pregnant Oto appearance: Normal sized round/plump whitish
tummy now hugely distended. Looks like a round small marble of
approximately 3/8's of an inch in diameter. Tummy definitely
round, neither oval nor flattish. Red streaks appear in the
formally white area of her underside and tummy, including near
face/jaw/mouth. <The reddening may be trouble>
Sick/pregnant Oto behaviour change: * Once saw her hanging
onto driftwood (vertically and right side up) with just her mouth
and tummy about 1/8 inch from driftwood * Sits "on top
of" a particularly flat sitting (underwater) lily leaf. The
leaf is about 6-8 inches in diameter but she seems more
interested in just sitting/sleeping there than eating on it.
While she's there one other Oto seems always there as well. *
While the Otos go everywhere in the tank, the length of time she
spends just sitting there is unusually long and the fact that the
other Oto is there is very unusual. * The red streaks scare me
and even her eyes look reddish and/or distended?? <Not good...
not normal reproductive change> Sick/pregnant Oto behaviour
non-change: Still busily munches on algae and driftwood. I
would greatly appreciate your opinion, references and help. Thank
you, Eileen Reid <You will soon know... the very round
appearance should not persist more than a week... the female will
lay her adhesive eggs, with one or male present, and they will
provide some guarding behavior, not moving much, for four or so
days until they hatch... Bob Fenner>
Re: Query pregnant Oto, Net Virgin 11/17/05
Hello, I read your reply. Thank you. This is the first time
I am using the internet for this so don't know how to
reply/ask more questions. <This is fine> The Oto is still
alive. I picked her out of the aquarium yesterday. She didn't
struggle at all which surprised me. <Me too> I just gently
picked her off the side of the glass. I held her in my hand an
looked at her really closely. She has clear fluid inside
her tummy. It's as though clear fluid is surrounding her
internal organs. Her scales do not stick out. The Red area seem
more localized at the bottom part of her tummy, and I would say,
out of the water, the "round marble" is actually more
of a "flattened" marble. If she is not pregnant, can
you think what could be wrong? <Could be Ascites from some
cause, or dissolved egg mass... or?> or is there anything I
can do besides waiting? <Perhaps adding a level teaspoon per
five gallons of system water will help "move" whatever
this is> I put her back on a leaf and she swam onto another
area. I checked on her this morning, and she's still alive
(and had move to another plant). If she is ill and she dies
in the aquarium, will whatever she has pass to my other Oto's
and Goldfish? Thank you, Eileen <Not likely. Bob
Re: Query pregnant Oto 11/22/05 Hello Robert,
Well, she's still alive and still looking much the same, so I
doubt she is pregnant. The one bad thing in addition to
everything else is, it appears the linear stripe down her side is
faded and is now almost non existent. On the bright side, she is
still eating and none of the others have her appearance. I'd
say the other Otos have changed in that the one always around her
is no longer at her side. <Not pregnant... egg-laying... for
this long> I am hoping she'll get better. I looked up
"Ascites" on the internet, and the more I read, the
more I think this is correct. I could put her in a little
container to: "<Perhaps adding a level teaspoon per five
gallons of system water will help "move" whatever this
is>" A few questions: -what is it I should add? <Epsom
Salt... aka Magnesium Sulfate> If I segregate her into a
little container, will she die from shock? <Better to treat
all... in place> And what about light/heat.. how much?
<Would not change these> Should I give her a plant or
something? <A good idea.> At this stage, do you think
there's any hope of the fluid leaving on it's own? <Oh
yes> Thank you for your help, Eileen <Welcome. Bob
Re: Query pregnant Oto - 11/25/2005 Hello Bob,
<Actually, Sabrina here, in his stead; he's out of the
country for now.> Thanks for your
help. Unfortunately she died last night.
<I am so sorry to hear this....> I saw her on a leaf
earlier in the night, then saw her upside down (still bloated) on
the bottom. I picked her up and to my surprise, she
struggled a little. I put her back on a leaf, but soon after she
tumbled down again and lay upside down. I left her till very
late, then thought I'd check again since she hadn't
moved. She had died. <My deep sympathies to you.> Would you
have any idea what caused this? <There are many possibilities,
here.> Everyone in the tank still appears okay, and as I said
before, I got all the Oto's over a year ago, so whatever was
wrong, it had to come from me. <No, actually, this could have
been something a long time coming.... no need to put
blame on yourself, here. Bloating like this often
happens as a result of internal bacterial
infection. Bacteria that cause such infections are
often present constantly in aquaria, and only actually become
problematic when a fish has a depressed immune
system. An injury, a genetic weakness, a disease the
animal has been fostering for some time (Mycobacteriosis, for one
example) all can cause such a thing to happen. It is
unlikely that this was a result of anything you did or didn't
do.> Once again, thanks for you quick replies and expertise.
<And thank you, very much, for your correspondence.> Happy
Thanksgiving! <To you and yours, as well!> Eileen Reid
<Wishing you well, -Sabrina>
Tiny White Bugs in a FW Set Up - 03/25/2006
Hi. I have a question that I haven't been able to
find an answer to. I have a one gallon tank that I keep
on my desk that has a Betta and 2 Otos. I've had the
Otos for about 6 months. I put some shells in the tank a
couple of months ago and the two Otos have been hanging out under
one of them a lot. I noticed a week or so ago that one
of them looked a little plump, but I had been told it was very
unlikely they would ever reproduce (I didn't really want them
to). Last night, I noticed that the plump one was more
than just plump, it was huge. I then noticed dozens of
little white specs moving about the tank along the bottom and the
sides. I was worried that I had some kind of
infestation, but the specs moved in the same way as the adult
Otos-- very jerky, swimming to the top occasionally-- so I assumed
they must be fry. I removed the Betta. I
noticed a little while later that the larger Oto was floating,
dead. It looked like it had blood in its abdomen. My
question has to do with the little white things. Are Oto
fry really THAT tiny? Or is something else growing in my
tank? I searched the internet for answers but it
doesn't seem like many people have much luck breeding
them. I scooped up a few and took them to the pet store,
but they were so tiny no one could tell me for sure what they were.
< Your Oto's died from an internal bacterial infection. The
tiny white bugs are probably a form of daphnia that came in with
the sand or even a plant. It can be treated with
Fluke-Tabs.-Chuck> If you don't have an answer either,
that's ok. I'm going to have to break down the
tank when I move out in May, so whatever they are, they probably
won't survive the move. I've attached a couple
of photos I took. Thanks Andrea Hall <<To RMF these do appear
as fish fry... I would not be so sure that these fish did not
reproduce. RMF>> |

Breeding Otocinclus ...
Neat! 6/22/06 Greetings, and thank you for your site,
it has a wealth of information. I was particularly excited to see a
letter from Andrea Hall entitled "Tiny White Bugs in a FW Set
Up - 03/25/2006" in the "FAQs on
Otocinclus". I don't have a question for you,
but rather I'd like to make a comment about that letter and relate
an experience of my own. Andrea expressed concern over some little
white specks she had discovered in her tank when examining her
Otocinclus which "was more than just plump, it was huge" and
had submitted photo's of her Oto and the
specks. One reply from Chuck suggested they were
probably a form of daphnia, RMF suggested that they indeed were likely
to have been fry. I had an experience with my two
Otocinclus this past weekend which would confirm that they are indeed
fry. This past Saturday my wife mentioned to me that she had noticed
the previous evening that the Oto's appeared to be spawning, I took
a look and found that it seemed they were, the female's belly was
extremely distended - probably two to three times its normal size. The
male who normally paid little to no attention to her was frantically
following her around the aquarium. As she seemed to stop and clean a
spot of glass or a plant leaf he would cling to her or next to her,
sometimes wrapping his body around the top of her head so the two of
them formed a "T" shape, and sometimes clinging to her back
or side. Searching the internet I found precious
little in regards to Otocinclus spawning, but I did find that the
behaviour was supposed to be a fairly common mating routine among their
relatives. So I assumed that they were breeding. The behaviour
continued for many hours. The following day the
females belly was back to her normal size and the two were back to
their normal routine - eating, resting, and pretty much ignoring each
other. I tried to find eggs in the tank but was unable to see anything.
While looking for eggs though, I found the same little white specks
throughout the tank as Andrea described, they were everywhere,
numbering easily in to the hundreds. And, as Andrea described, they
moved much the same as the full-grown Oto's. I too,
thought they may be some kind of invader in my tank, but found the
coincidence of their arrival and my Oto's deciding to spawn just a
bit too convenient. So assumed they were fry. Then today I ran across
Andrea's photo's on your FAQ page. My fry look exactly
like her white specs. I'm just as shocked as I am
excited, this is a small five gallon tank that I keep slightly brackish
for the sake of the green spotted puffer who was it's sole occupant
until putting the two Otocinclus in to eat the algae about three or
four months ago. I felt bad about putting them in that tank, feeling
the salt content may be to high for them, but they have thrived and by
this recent sequence of events I'd judge them to be quite content
in their home. Incidentally, the salt content is about 1 teaspoon per
gallon, half of which is aquarium salt and half marine salt. I am
sending you links to video I took of the spawning and of the fry. They
are quite large videos not too suited for dial up connections, and even
on high speed will take about a minute to load. If you'd like links
to video more suited to dial up let me know and I will make them
available. Link to breeding video : http://www.farrant.info/video/Otocinclus_breeding.wmv Link to
video of fry : http://www.farrant.info/video/Baby_Otocinclus.wmv I'd be
very interested in any comments anyone may have, and very grateful to
any tips anyone may have to help me raise the fry successfully. I have
rounded up any plants and algae laden materials I could find from my
other tanks to help supply them with food as well as making a broccoli
paste for them. The puffer is getting moved to a different tank, I have
turned off the filter so their pinpoint bodies don't get sucked in
- to help compensate I have increased the airflow in the tanks bubbler
and am doing daily trickle water changes with aged water. Thank
you, Bill Farrant < One of the great things about the internet and
this website is the information that gets passed around. Oto's are
very cheap algae eaters than many breeders have no interest in breeding
because there is no money in breeding them. That is why you have had
trouble finding any info. In the previous letter you referred to, I was
unable to bring up the photo and wrongly assumed they were daphnia. Bob
was able to get the photo up and posted on the website. I looked back
and saw the photo and knew that they were fry. This information is very
useful because there are many other Oto species that are very
attractive but very expensive too. Breeders may be willing to obtain
these new species if they knew how to breed them. Thank you very much
for sharing this info.-Chuck>
Bloated Oto 3/23/07 Hi Guys:
<Patrick> I have an Otocinclus that is bloated. He has a
bulging belly as you can see in the pictures that are attached.
Problem is he is not eating the algae from the tank. Has not been
eating for quite a while (a couple of weeks) We thought he was
eating excess fish food so we have cut that back and he is still as
large, maybe getting larger but not eating the algae. Could he have
a blockage? <Yes> We had a clown Pleco that ended up doing
this too, getting bigger but not eating algae till we found him
dead. <Mmm, what sorts of food/s are you feeding?> Do you
suspect constipation? I tried peas but he hasn't
eaten them at all. Bacterial infection?
<Possibly> What do I use. One guy suggested Epsom
salts, <I do too... safe, often effective... readily
available> what levels in what amount of water.
<Posted: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/saltusefaqs.htm>
I can move him to an alternative tank to set up a hospital tank.
thanks for your help P. Carty <This fish may also be developing
eggs... perhaps be egg-bound... I would try the Epsom per WWM. Bob
Fenner> |
Re: bloated Oto 03/23/07 As per
the web page I will put an additional 1/2 teaspoon of Epsom salts
to my 10 gal tank (I added 1/2 teaspoon yesterday). Some
additional information that may or may not bear on this
issue. I bought test kits yesterday and did testing of
Nitrates and KH hardness. Nitrates are at 80ppm and
hardness at 10. <Yeeikes, both high...> I have
started 15% daily water changes with Reverse Osmosis
water. My goal is to reduce nitrates to 20 or lower and
hardness to 7 (as per pamphlet that says tetras like it around 7.
<Ah, good> Would these two high values have any bearing on
the bloating of the Oto? <Oh yes... of a certainty> You had
asked what kind of food I was feeding them when I mentioned our
late Clown Pleco. We are feeding TetraMin tropical
flakes. <Mmm, I would augment this with either some other
prepared food/s or give them a "treat" of some
frozen/defrosted meaty foods at least once a week> Thanks again
for your advice. <Welcome! Bob Fenner> |

What do I do with extra Otocinclus? 5/30/07
I have a 5 gal. Eclipse Corner Tank on my desk at work. There were 2
Betta's (with a divider) in it, but when I added 3 Oto's from
PetSmart soon after the Betta's died of tail/fin rot. I moved them
to separate bowls, and treated them but they died. I figured it was the
addition of the Oto's so I expected them to die as well. That
didn't happen. They cleaned my tank of all algae, and I feared they
would have nothing to eat because it seems they won't eat the algae
flakes. So, I went to my buddy's Cichlid tank and traded all the
ornaments (no, I don't know if this was a smart thing to do or not,
but I did it anyway). It seemed, that this brought new life to the
Oto's, as very soon after I spotted little white things on the
front of the tank. When I realized it was fry, I shut off the filter. I
counted about 12 fry stuck the glass. I turned to the internet for
advice and found little. I put a baby sock rubber banded over the
filter intake and turned that back on. Added an air pump for them. I
fed them boiled spinach leaves. Well, a spinach leaf from a coworkers
salad stuffed in a cup of hot water. They ate little holes in that
overnight. I do a 50% water change weekly, and slowly suck out the
leftover food every few days to keep the substrate somewhat clean. Now
I keep exchanging plants with my buddy's Cichlid tank for food and
they clean it overnight. There are now 4 or 5 baby's left and they
are half the size of the adults and seem to be doing fine. My question
is, what can I do with these extra Oto's? Can they go in the
Cichlid tank? Isn't that too much hardness for a Cichlid? Or can I
support 7 to 8 Oto's in a 5 gal tank? PetSmart told me that they
stock the same sex in the same tank and sell them that way so this
wouldn't happen. Well they screwed up and now I have these new
guy's. What do people do with their new fish when they didn't
mean or even know they would spawn? <Wow. This is quite an amazing
tale! On the one hand, a 5 gallon tank is really too small for
Otocinclus. As a group, Otocinclus are considered "delicate"
because they need good water quality and lots of oxygen. In most
community tanks, they tend to be short lived. But yours are doing well,
so well done! Anyway, as to where to put the Otocinclus. I personally
wouldn't mix them with anything other than, perhaps, South American
or West African dwarf cichlids. The problems are multiple. Firstly,
yes, they will not do well in Lake Malawi/Lake Tanganyika type aquaria.
Such hard and alkaline water conditions will not suit them at all.
Secondly, when kept with slow moving things like angelfish and discus
they tend to suck the sides of the bigger fish, scraping off the
mucous. I've seen this in my own tanks, with the Otocinclus rasping
away on large gobies, creating nasty blisters. Aggressive fish like
convict cichlids will simply hammer them to death. So ideally, give
them to someone with a peaceful community of other small fish such as
barbs and tetras. PetSmart cannot possibly sex Otocinclus so their
advice there was nonsense. In fact, breeding Otocinclus is quite
uncommon, so you've actually done rather well.> Tom <Cheers,
Otocinclus <maybe Danio> fry, fdg.
6/30/07 About a week ago, maybe less, I had my husband remove a few
plants that weren't looking so hot from one of our aquariums. He
thought something along the lines of putting them in a bucket and
seeing if they would look any better (It couldn't hurt) <Ahh...
a good friend grows such plants almost year-round outdoors here in San
Diego... spectacular results> So they were outside in a
bucket...some morning sun, nothing too harsh. Tonight he was going to
put the plants back in the tank and dump the bucket... being always
worried about Cyanobacteria and such I bent down and peered real good
at them, and noticed a tiny movement. We have some incredibly tiny fry.
I have never seen any fry this small... the only breeding fish I have
are angels and guppies I guess. But the tank these plants came from
had: angels, serpae tetras, Columbian tetras, neon tetras, zebra
Danios, Otocinclus cats and a pair of Cory cats. <I see...> After
looking at someone's video of fry, it looks like they may be Oto
fry... very very tiny, almost invisible from the side. So they are in
the hospital tank now, along with the plants from the bucket and in the
water that was in the bucket... we had heavy rains today and the bucket
overflowed. We have about 20 fry left. What should I try to feed them.
<"Infusoria" would be ideal... see the Net re... But a
pre-made commercial food prep. is the only thing practical here. See
the Net, your LFS re such... "tube food"...> I thought of
rotifers since they are tinier than baby brine shrimp, but if they are
Otos it would seem that wouldn't work at all. I also have a package
of Hikari first bites that is as fine as talcum powder and contains
many things, among them Spirulina, milt meal, along with some krill
meal and such. <The liquid "tube food"... egg-yolk
based...> I'd hate to see them die, especially after the miracle
of even seeing them to begin with. Any ideas? If I put a hulled pea in
there would they nibble on that? The plants have a little algae on them
as well but the fry are so darned tiny... Julie <Might be the Danios
otherwise... Oh, and congrats! Bob Fenner>