FAQs on Phractocephalus, Redtail
Related Articles: Pimelodid Catfishes,
Related FAQs: Pimelodid Catfishes
1, Pimelodid
Cats 2, & FAQs on: Pimelodid
Identification, Pimelodid
Behavior, Pimelodid
Compatibility, Pimelodid
Selection, Pimelodid Systems,
Pimelodid Feeding, Pimelodid Disease, Pimelodid Reproduction, & Pictus Cats, Shovelnose Catfishes (Pseudoplatystoma,
Sorubim, Sorubimichthys...), &
Catfish FAQs: Identification, Behavior, Compatibility, Selection, Systems, Feeding, Disease, Reproduction,

Now... Phractocephalus; using WWM, the Net
Hai, I need the complete details about the requirements for a red tail catfish of
about one feet size.
<This Pimelodid won't stay just a foot in length>
Especially about the water quality and necessary requirements.
I need to know that whether it can be grown in a cement pond without aeration
<No; needs filtered tropical conditions>
and with an occupancy volume of about 2000 litres???
<Not indefinitely>
...Waiting for your response
<READ here:
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Feeding issues with Red tail catfish.
I bought a new red tail catfish of size about 35cm 1 month ago.
<Nice beast, but enormous when fully grown. Do read up on the needs of
these fish. Good choices for zoos and public aquaria, but extremely bad
(or at least, expensive) choices for home aquarists.>
But it haven’t eaten anything so far since I bought.
<Almost always an environmental issue when these catfish refuse food.
They are very sensitive animals.>
The water conditions are perfect and tank also have enough good spaces
for the red tail catfish.
<Okay, first tell me about the environment. "Perfect" isn't enough. What
is the size of the tank? Realistically, a Red Tail Catfish this size
will need 750-1000 litres, and adults (which can get to over 1 m in
length) will need something measured in several thousand litres,
3000-4000 litres minimum. What sort of filtration? Water quality has to
be perfect: 0 ammonia and 0 nitrite. So we're talking a heavy duty
(likely pond-grade) filtration system. You need to do enough water
changes to keep nitrate low, preferably below 40 mg/l, and ideally below
20 mg/l. Realistically, weekly water changes of 25-50%. Water chemistry
isn't critical, but something in the range pH 6-8, hardness 2-20
degrees. Like most other large Pimelodids, they come from deeper parts
of rivers, so strong currents and not too much heat are needed. I'd
suggest a water turnover rate of around 8-10 times the volume of the
tank per hour if practical, and a temperature around 22-25 degrees C.>
I need help.. Some times it takes food into the mouth but spits out
after some time. I usually offer him meat, goldfish, shrimps.
<Do not use live feeder fish. These are very bad for Red Tail Cats,
especially minnows and goldfish that contain both thiaminase and much
too much fat. Live feeder fish also introduce parasites, so simply
aren't safe. Shrimp is fine, but used sparingly because it contains
thiaminase. Never, ever use mammal or bird meat. They'll eat these, of
course, but it's bad for them because of the amount of saturated fat in
them. Instead focus on white fish fillets, particularly things like
Tilapia or Coley/Pollack. Earthworms and cockles are good for smaller
specimens. If they're happy, Red Tail Cats will eat almost anything
offered, including catfish pellets and carnivore food. Hikari Massivore
is an excellent staple. But Red Tail Cats will simply refuse to eat if
their environment is wrong.>
But no use. I’m a bit tensed about this.
<I would imagine.>
What shall I do?
<First, tell me about the tank, filter, water quality.>
I’m waiting for the reply.....
<Hope this helps. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Feeding issues with Red tail catfish.
My tank is actually made up of cement and it can occupy around 300
litres of water and it is provided with an air pump sponge filter.
<300 litres? Or 3000 litres? 300 litres is not nearly enough for a Red
Tail Catfish. These fish get HUGE! The size of dogs, and need plenty of
swimming space.>
Then how can I measure the amount of nitrates, nitrites and hardness?
<A water test kit. You can buy inexpensive strips that do all these
tests at once. For example, these:
While not especially accurate, they're "good enough" for most freshwater
fishkeeping if used properly.>
I daily changes 25-30% of water every day.
<Good, but long term not a solution.>
This Red tail catfish haven’t eaten anything so far as I mentioned
earlier. It’s been over a month now.
<His "world" is too small. Without knowing the water quality, hard to
know exactly what's wrong.>
Sometimes it takes the food which I offers such as meats of fishes like
mackerels, sardines. But it spits out the food I offer. What may be the
<See above. If he is stressed (e.g., cramped; or nitrite and/or ammonia
aren't zero) he WILL NOT EAT.>
How long it can survive without food?
<Depending on his size and body weight, 6-8 weeks.>
Actually I have a 5.5 feet length aquarium which I had put the Arowanas.
<Still too small. Better than nothing, but RTCs are TWICE the size of
Asian Arowanas, and need much, much more space.>
It is provided with a high performance internal filter and a sponge
filter. Can I introduce the red tailed catfish into this tank and will
this be a solution to feeding issues of the catfish. Is it suitable for
the Arowanas?
<Has been done, but can cause problems once the RTC gets really large.>
Hope you will read this and respond very soon...
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Feeding issues with Red tail catfish.
My red tail catfish has swim bladder disorder and he is floating in the
<There's really no such thing as "Swim Bladder Disease". Well, there
might be bacterial infections, but really, nobody has to deal with
these. When fish float it usually means they're under severe stress. May
be bacterial, but in an opportunistic way. In other words, the fish
isn't being kept right, and because of that, is now sick.>
How Can I cure this????
<Almost certainly caused by its environment. Red Tail Catfish are very
sensitive to cramped conditions. How big is this specimen? Given adults
are something between 1.5-2 m in length, such adults will need a tank
around 750-1000 gallons (2800 - 3800 litres) in size. They are virtually
impossible to keep successfully in home aquaria given their adult size.>
I think he is critical
<Understood. But without a proper home, there isn't much hope. If I
recall from your last message, your tank measured 300 litres. This is
far too small. Optimising water quality, providing plenty of oxygen, and
perhaps using suitable antibiotics could stave off its death for a
while. But long term, this fish needs a bigger tank better suited to its
very specific needs. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Feeding issues with Red tail catfish. 6/4/19
Is it possible to cure the bacterial infections in my red tail catfish
and he is been critical.
<Do read my message please. If this catfish is in a 300-litre aquarium,
it will be sick because of its environment. You have told me NOTHING
about water quality, water chemistry, diet, tankmates (if any) so I
really cannot tell you anything more than general information. I don't
know how big this
catfish is, for a start. Or what other symptoms it has.>
Can I hope for the best??
<Nope; it will probably die if it is already 'critical' and you cannot
tell me more about how big it is, water
quality, etc. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Feeding issues with Red tail catfish. 6/4/19
At this present condition what should I do??
<Tell me what I need to know.>
Please help
<I'm trying to. Neale.>
I have a red tailed Amazon cat fish , he is 11in's long & weighs
all most 1 pound , I have him in a 55 gallon tank .
<Needs more room than this now... and MUCH more room going forward>
I need help , I do not know what is wrong with him. He has red
streaks going down his side & on his fins .
<"Septicemia"... dirty/bacteria in blood... Almost always evidence of
environmental stress... Likely too much accumulated metabolite in this
small volume, perhaps too little dissolved oxygen and/or too much CO2.
CHANGE 25% of the water NOW... INCREASE aeration, filtration,
MOVE this fish to a bigger system>
we got him gave to us through an old friend , he looks bad. They said
that they had caves made out of rocks and one of the rocks fell on him ,
and he has a good size gash on his back , to top that off he has fungus
growing all over him & it looks as if he has little pieces of flesh
falling off him.
<Very bad>
I don't know what to do for him .
<See the above. ACT NOW>
I took him off there hands because I just knew they would let him die. I
at least want to give him a fighting chance , I have him in a 55 gallon
medicated tank alone , I've checked all the nitrate levels etc,
<No such word>
and everything was good . What can I do ?
<Read on WWM re Phractocephalus?>
Somebody please help me . This is breaking my heart . He is hardly even
moving around , I didn't put any gravel in the tank cause I did not
think that would be comfortable for him .the medicine that I'm
using is ( MELAFIX )
<Worse than worthless>
<Put it and more back on>
<Bob Fenner>
Red Tail Catfish; sys., sel.... and Arius hlth....
<Hello Monica,>
Subsequent reading the many posts within your site about these
particular fish, I am not only disappointed he chose this breed yet
certainly at my wits end in trying to save my fiancé's baby.
<Understandable. Red-Tail Catfish can make excellent aquarium fish, but
their size requirements are colossal, and for almost all home aquarists
they're impossible to keep properly. Do start here:
Bear in mind these catfish get to about the size and weight of a German
Shepherd dog, and occasionally more.>
He purchased both a ten gallon and twenty gallon set up and ran both
systems for a week prior to introducing a red tail along with two black
fin sharks at a local pet store.
<Two problems here. Firstly, the Red-Tail Cat needs a bigger tank even
as a "kitten". I'd not even try keeping a youngster in less than 55
gallons, and realistically, you'd want 100 gallons at your disposal
within six months of purchase. Red-Tails can grow very quickly, and
unfortunately, they're also very sensitive to water quality, so in small
tanks can quickly sicken.
Secondly, Black Fin Shark Catfish, also known as Columbian Shark, are
brackish to marine species, and incompatible with Red-Tail Catfish in
the long term. They'll do okay for a couple months in freshwater, but
beyond that really do need brackish conditions (around one-quarter
normal seawater salinity, i.e., around SG 1.005 at 25 C/77 F) and as
they approach adulthood, they should be moved into a marine aquarium
alongside standard marine fish, or at least a high-end brackish system
with Monos, Scats, and so on. Do read:
plus the links above.>
Once placed in the 20 gallon things were fine for a few days. All of a
sudden one shark began showing signs of Ich and then the other.
<If kept in brackish water the Ick will fade away within days.>
I removed filters and treated for Ich for two days. One shark died and
the other is still covered with the white spots.
<A common problem when Columbian Sharks are kept in freshwater. Again,
brackish water is the cure.>
The red tail is now laying on the bottom obviously with severe signs of
labored breathing and feelers are curled up.
<I bet. The Whitespot parasites are infecting his gills, and that's
causing the stress.>
He did this after a day of hanging out at the top of the tank.
<Lack of oxygen. Whitespot and Velvet parasites both attack/infest the
gills almost before any other part of the fish, so problems with
breathing are often the first clue something is amiss.>
The tail is rather curved as well. Since there was no change other than
the red tail getting ill, I place the filters back in, tested my water
and have added aquarium salt to replace the lost electrolytes.
<Largely a myth. That said, using salt at 2 g/litre can be a very good
fix for Whitespot if used quickly and alongside a temperature rise to 28
C/82 F, though the warmer the water, the less oxygen it contains, and
given the catfish you have and the very small tank, there's a risk
involved in doing this. Not that you have much choice: they'll die if
you don't.>
My water levels yesterday were; nitrites 0, nitrates 0, ammonia 0 and Ph
balance of 7.6 respectively.
<Do review the water chemistry requirements for Columbian Sharks; these
are brackish/marine fish, and need hard, alkaline water with a moderate
to high salinity.>
His diet has been pre-mixed flakes from the owner of the aquarium,
pellets enhanced with seaweed and the aquarium owner suggested feeder
fish which I quarantined for a few days prior to introduction. I
sincerely have no clue what is going on with these fish and with that
uncertainty I am lost. If you could give me any directives in this
matter it would be greatly appreciated.
<See above. Do also visit the Planet Catfish website; they have a forum,
and you may be able to find someone (relatively) local who can rehome
this monster.>
Thanks for your time.
<Most welcome.>
<Cheers, Neale.>
Redtail Shovelnose Cross... mis-stkg, sys., fdg.,
reading /BobF
Hi, I have a red-tail shovel nose hybrid catfish and I bought him about
5 and a half months ago. He started out in a 37 gallon aquarium so he
could get big enough to go into my 75 with a 13 inch brown bullhead
<Mmm, these two "like" very different water quality...
soft/acidic and tropical, vs. hard/alkaline and cool temperature. Not
really compatible>
The 75 is linked to a 40 gallon reservoir tank using an overflow box in
order to increase the volume of the tank so that it can handle the
catfish producing their heavy waste. In the forty gallon is a small 6
inch bullseye catfish. I do about 50 gallons worth of water changes
every week on the system. I know that a 75 is way to<o> small for
him but since he is only about 8.5 inches and the levels are fine
<What levels? Numbers please>
I figured it is okay until I get him into the tropical pond in about a
week and a half. The levels are fairly good in the system. The pH is
usually between 6.5 and 7.2 and the ammonia never gets above 0.25.
<Toxic! Has to be 0.0>
The nitrates are about 30
<Too high as well; should be kept under 20 ppm. Read here:
and the linked files above>
and the nitrites are 0. I recently have started hand feeding the hybrid
every other day frozen beef
<... a very poor idea. Read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/TerrAnimalsAsFWFud.htm
hearts until his stomach is somewhat bulged. I am wondering if I am
doing something wrong because some places on the internet have said
their growth rate should be faster than his is. When I got him he was
about three inches and now he is about 8.5 inches so that's like an
inch a month. Is that a slow growth rate?
<Not in my experience, no>
Within about a week and a half I am transferring him to an outdoor
heated tropical pond in my backyard.
<Wow! Where do you live? How will you heat, pay for heating this
volume throughout the year?>
The pond is about 350 gallons and it is 8 feet long, 5 feet wide at the
top, and at the deepest point of about 17 inches about 18 inches
<Mmm... do cover this system. These Pimelodid crosses can launch
themselves out>
It is going to have heating on it for up to 500 gallons and filtration
on it for up to a 1600 gallon pond along with 2 to 3 heavy power heads
and a UV sterilizer. I know once he gets into that pond he will
probably be good for a long time. Thanks, Alex
<Mmmm. Do learn to/use the search tool, indices on WWM ahead of
writing us... Bob Fenner>
Redtail Shovelnose Cross /Neale
Hi, I have a red-tail shovel nose hybrid catfish and I bought him about
5 and a half months ago. He started out in a 37 gallon aquarium so he
could get big enough to go into my 75 with a 13 inch brown bullhead
catfish. The 75 is linked to a 40 gallon reservoir tank using an
overflow box in order to increase the volume of the tank so that it can
handle the catfish producing their heavy waste.
<For a few months, anyway. These catfish get gigantic. Expect at
least 120 cm/4 ft, and quite likely much more than that, perhaps as
much as 180 cm/6 ft. Adults weigh about as much as German Shepherd Dog.
So realistically, we're talking about a 400 gallon aquarium, quite
possibly rather more, 750 gallons being about the minimum for humane,
sensible maintenance. Your 75 gallon tank has no long-term value here
at all.>
In the forty gallon is a small 6 inch bullseye catfish. I do about 50
gallons worth of water changes every week on the system. I know that a
75 is way to small for him but since he is only about 8.5 inches and
the levels are fine I figured it is okay until I get him into the
tropical pond in about a week and a half.
<I see. Now, the thing with saying levels are "fine" is
that it doesn't tell me much. In any case, even if fine today, it
might not be tomorrow, and there's a delay between water quality
problems and health problems.>
The levels are fairly good in the system. The pH is usually between 6.5
and 7.2 and the ammonia never gets above 0.25.
<This is too much ammonia.>
The nitrates are about 30 and the nitrites are 0. I recently have
started hand feeding the hybrid every other day frozen beef hearts
until his stomach is somewhat bulged.
<Beef heart is okay now and then, but shouldn't be the staple.
Mix things up with earthworms and whole river shrimps for their
indigestible matter, much the same as fibre helps us keep healthy. Use
good quality catfish pellets at least once a week for their vitamin
content. Strips of tilapia fillet are good too. Remember, these fish
shouldn't be fed as much as they want! A healthy catfish will have
a very gently rounded belly, but shouldn't look "full".
It's safer to offer daily small meals than to gorge them on big
meals every 2-3 days, even though the latter is what happens in the
Why? Because catfish are prone to regurgitating food if overfed,
messing up water quality.>
I am wondering if I am doing something wrong because some places on the
internet have said their growth rate should be faster than his is.
<Growth rate is difficult to predict with these fish.>
When I got him he was about three inches and now he is about 8.5 inches
so that's like an inch a month. Is that a slow growth rate?
<Not really. An inch a month is about right if given a moderate
diet. The aim isn't to grow the fish too fast, but to keep it
Within about a week and a half I am transferring him to an outdoor
heated tropical pond in my backyard. The pond is about 350 gallons and
it is 8 feet long, 5 feet wide at the top, and at the deepest point of
about 17 inches about 18 inches wide.
<That should be adequate for the first year or so.>
It is going to have heating on it for up to 500 gallons and filtration
on it for up to a 1600 gallon pond along with 2 to 3 heavy power heads
and a UV sterilizer. I know once he gets into that pond he will
probably be good for a long time. Thanks, Alex
<Sounds like you have a good idea of what you need to do here. So
basically stick with what you're doing, don't worry too much
about growth rate, and instead focus on ensuring your catfish receives
a healthy, balanced, moderate diet. Don't use those foods likely to
introduce parasites, such as live feeder fish, as internal parasites
such as tapeworms can indeed cause slow growth rates alongside various
other problems. Move the catfish to the bigger tanks or ponds as soon
as practical; the bigger the home, the healthier the fish will be.
Cheers, Neale.>
Amazon Red Tailed Cat Fish... not eating, likely env.,
poor nutr. 5/5/11
We have a 7 month old ARC that refuses to eat.
<Worrisome. Phractocephalus rarely refuse food, unless something is
very wrong. Abysmal water quality, something stuck in their GI
He was eating us out of house and home until we upgraded his home and
for a few days while we were setting up his new tank, he was in
a pretty small aquarium.
<Oh; herein likely lies the reason>
Ever since we put him back into the big aquarium he
wont eat. It has been two weeks since he has eaten anything. He takes
the food we offer and puts it in his mouth and then spits it out.
Beef heart mix (which he usually pigs out on), blood
worms, earth worms, gold fish.......nothing.
<... I would get out of using terrestrial/mammal and goldfish...
both are damaging, hard to digest, and the last involves vectoring
pathogens for sure. Look instead to whole meaty aquatic foods, frozen,
defrosted, and a good quality pellet diet>
He acts like he might be hungry but he never swallows the food. His
water conditions in his new tank are optimal from everything that I
have read and the filtration is superb. Is this just the stress from
moving to the small tank and then again to the big tank?
<Maybe... or a problem from the mentioned foods>
Or could he have some kind of blockage that wont allow him to swallow
the food?
What should I be looking for? What can I do to help him??
<There are laxatives of use... but I would focus on improving this
animal's world, nutrition and be patient at this point. How large a
system, shape?
Filtration, water quality test results?>
Any info would be greatly appreciated.
<Read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/rtcatfs.htm
re the species, and the linked files above re the Family. Bob
Re: Amazon Red Tailed Cat Fish 5/5/11
He is in a 180 gallon tank for now...a bigger one is on the way.
<How big is this fish?>
Water tests are 0 Nitrites, around 10 Nitrates, PH is right about 6.0
<Mmm, too low. At the lower margin that allows nitrification. I
would be checking, assuring that there is adequate alkaline
Filtration is a large canister with a UV Sterilizer, along with a 70
gallon overflow and pump that filters at about 800gph. He was thriving
in these same conditions until the move, so I'm almost convinced
its the stress that caused him to get "constipated"?
<A factor>
I don't give any of my fish "feeder" fish, the only
reason I put 3 small goldfish in with him was to see if the
"hunt" for food might stimulate his need to eat. He
definitely seems hungry but cant swallow anything, and obviously when
no food goes in....none comes out.:( You mentioned a laxative?
<I do not suggest doing this here>
I'm willing to try it if it might help him. Its been two weeks since
he's eaten anything.
<If in a good index of fitness, this isn't a big deal>
Id like to know more about my options in this matter. I want to be
patient but I'm afraid if he has to go much longer without eating
he might start really having problems
<Not likely, no. Keep changing water (even daily) and read re pH and
alkalinity, at least on WWM>
so I don't think waiting to see if he settles down is a great
<Settles down? BobF>
Please help (Red-tail Catfish not doing well; need
more data) 11/19/10
I was reading through your forums, and it seams you know a lot
about red tail catfish, so I was hoping you could help me with my
fish Whiskers. I've had him about eight months and it has
been challenging to say the least. I was keeping him in a 55 gal.
aquarium, but he started getting to big for it so I bought a 240
gal. tank, the only filtering is through over flow's which go
to a 100 gal. sump under the tank. I ordered two external
canister filters, each good for 150 gal. tanks. They should be
here in three or four days, but I'm afraid he wont make it
that long. I noticed all my fish rubbing against rocks and gravel
more and more the last few days. it started after I brought home
two fish from the fish store, which one died after his eye
started protruding from his head. Any way Whiskers is not eating,
I usually feed him earth worms. He's floating head up, tail
down and seams weak. He also has red patches around his lips and
under side, and
now he's losing his color on his back, its turning grayish
white. I treated the tank for white spots, since then I have
removed him to a separate container ( about35 gal. ) added a air
stone and a small pump on bottom to keep water moving on bottom.
and put in some medicine for septicemia. It's a new tank and
I put them in to soon, the second day ( I did add the water from
the old tank to the new one ). What can I do in addition to what
I have already done to help him? any advice would be greatly
<Don, the most important thing to know about Red-tail Catfish
(Phractocephalus hemioliopterus) is this -- they are unsuitable
for home aquaria. Once you understand that virtually no hobbyist
can provide the
space and filtration they need, everything else becomes obvious.
Whatever else is wrong with this catfish, its environment is
almost certainly the root cause. Let's review things from the
top. Even a specimen around 30 cm/12 inches long will need
150-200 gallons, and an adult is realistically only going to be
"happy" in something much, much larger; even 1000
gallons is a puddle for a fish like this, and barely acceptable.
Filtration must be very substantial, with turnover rates of at
least 10 times the volume of
the tank per hour. So for 240 gallon tank with 100 gallon sump,
i.e., 340 gallons altogether, we're talking 3,400
gallons/hour. So a big canister filter like an Eheim 2217 with a
turnover rate around 250 gallons/hour will provide only the
tiniest fraction of what's needed. You'd actually need
about fourteen Eheim 2217s to get the sorts of filtration rate
considered optimal for a catfish this size! As should be obvious,
you won't be using off-the-shelf filters, but rather
pond-grade filters equipped with very
heavy duty pumps. Forget about the idea of using two canister
filters each meant for 150 gallon tanks -- that's 150 gallons
stocked with small fish like barbs or perhaps Mbuna cichlids --
not a catfish the size of a large dog! To be sure, once tanks get
into the high hundreds in volume, the turnover rate can be
reduced somewhat, so its more in line with a pond than an
aquarium, but the fact remains that without massive filtration,
these catfish rarely live for long. What else? Water chemistry
isn't terribly important, but water quality is critical. 0
ammonia and 0 nitrite are essential, but nitrate levels must also
be low, 20 mg/l or less. Water temperature is another often
overlooked aspect of their care. Like most of the large
Pimelodids, these catfish live in deep rivers that are cooler
than the shallow streams inhabited by tetras and cichlids.
You're aiming for 22-24 C/72-75 F. As for diet, like other
predators you need to create a safe and varied menu. Live feeder
fish must be avoided. Use them even once, and you risk exposing
your catfish to parasitic infections. Use them repeatedly and
Thiaminase and fat become major problems. So, no goldfish or
minnows! These catfish are actually fairly omnivorous and take
good quality catfish pellets without complaint. They also enjoy
strips of tilapia fillet and trout, and if used sparingly, prawns
and mussels are acceptable, despite containing a lot of
Thiaminase. Fruits are a significant part of its diet in the
wild, and things like cooked peas and soft fruit can be offered
now and again, ideally after a period of fasting. These offer not
just fibre but also vitamins lacking in meaty foods. There are
two schools of thought when it comes to feeding big catfish. One
recommends feeding fairly large meals very occasionally, in some
cases once a week. Others prefer to offer very small meals daily.
I tend to favour the latter approach simply because it minimises
any problems with regurgitation, a fairly common occurrence among
large catfish. Either way, the aim is to avoid overfeeding.
Healthy catfish should be rounded but should not look
like they have swollen bellies. If you catfish is obviously fat
or bloated, or its stomach pokes out from its slightly convex
underside, then you've fed it too much. Anything else? Yes!
Like all Pimelodids, this catfish is sensitive to copper and
formalin, so medications should be used very carefully. When
treating Whitespot, use the salt/heat method instead. Use
antibiotics for treating Finrot. Supplementary aeration is very
useful when medicating sick catfish. All catfish are prone to
burns, so either keep the heater out of the tank or secure it
behind a heater guard. One last thing. Although these are apex
predators in the wild and territorial among their own kind, they
are not especially aggressive, and can in fact be nipped or
bullied by other fish. Choose tankmates with supreme care. Bottom
line, your catfish is indeed sick, likely a combination of
environmental stress, secondary bacterial infection, and perhaps
poisoning through misuse of medications. It may recover given
optimal living conditions and suitable antibiotics, plus a varied
diet as described above, but do please understand almost no-one
in the hobby has the wealth or space to keep this gigantic
catfish happy for long. Here in England the Maidenhead Aquatic
chain does good work rehoming these catfish, so if you live in
the UK, a phone call to your local branch might be helpful.
Otherwise, animal rescue, public aquaria and aquarium clubs might
be able to provide a similar service. Hope this helps, and good
luck. Cheers, Neale.>
Effects of Gill Curl -- to Neale (RMF, can you add
anything?) 7/30/09
Hello Neale!
Happy belated birthday!
<Thank you! But having turner 38, I'm not really sure I want to
be reminded...>
I have been conversing with platitudes on the message board, and she
suggested that I contact you with some questions I have about my
Red-Tailed Catfish's gill curl.
<I see.>
Guido, my RTC, lives in a 1000 gallon indoor pond with two Red Belly
<Sounds great!>
He is about 20 inches, or maybe 22 inches, long. Originally, I had only
planned on one Pacu, but after seeing him try to school with the
catfish, I thought he could use a friend. The two do interact quite a
bit, so I'm glad I did add the second one.
<Indeed, Pacu do seem fairly sociable, but watch them: they can be
unpredictable, and have incredibly strong jaws.>
My question, though, is about Guido and his gill curl. I have
researched the internet on gill curl, and am aware of its supposed
causes, none of which I believe Guido has been exposed to, as he has
always had plenty of room, a varied diet, and good water quality, and
has never eaten a feeder, but alas, he began showing signs at about
eight inches long.
<Right. As you've correctly established, Gill Curl is usually
associated with catfish exposed to stressful conditions, typically
overcrowding and/or poor water quality. It is almost entirely a problem
seen with big fish, and presumably these are the ones most likely to be
kept in tanks without enough space or oxygen. I'm not sure I've
read anything convincing about its causes; hypothesis vary from
bacterial infections of the gill membrane through to lack of exercise
because the fish isn't moving much! Cures vary from surgery to
remove the curled tissues (not something I'd recommend without
going to veterinary college first) through to simply adding salt to the
water to see if that helps. It should be noted that large Pimelodidae
have quite a good tolerance for brackish water, so adding a little
salt, 1-3 grammes per litre say, across the short term wouldn't do
much harm. But really, I've not come across anything convincing in
terms of precise causes
or cures, simply that Gill Curl usually appears in fish that are kept
in limited space and, if caught early, can go away by itself. Do review
water quality, and even if you have the 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, and below
20 mg/l nitrate recommended for Red-tail Cats, do also reflect on water
circulation and oxygenation. Because these catfish live at the bottom,
they're especially sensitive to sluggish water currents that
don't carry oxygen
down from the surface. I'd be looking at turnover rates of 10 times
the volume of the tank where Red-tail Cats are concerned to match their
riverine habitats. If you already have an adequate filter, then a pond
pump like that used to drive a fountain might be just the thing to
safely add some more current at the other end of the pool. Do also
review temperature; the big Pims almost to a man (fish) like things a
little on the cool side; after all, they inhabit the deep, shady parts
of rivers rather than shallow swamps or streams where the sunlight can
warm the water. So, you're aiming for something in the 22-24
degrees C bracket (72-75 degrees F). Anything warmer will reduce the
amount of oxygen in the water while simultaneously raising the
metabolic rate of the catfish, a combination you definitely don't
want. Your Pacu, by the way, won't object to slightly cooler water
The little bit of information I find about its effects seem widely
I have read that it causes frequent bacterial infections, chronic pain
for the fish, and early death. In any case, Guido acts completely
normal, and eats well, and grows, grows, grows, so I don't think he
currently suffers
any ill effects from his condition.
<The problem is that it can get worse, because in theory, Gill Curl
obstructs ventilation of the gills, making breathing difficult.>
However, I'd like to know your opinion on what effects this
condition might have on him, both now and in the future.
<Since it's all speculative so far as hobbyist discussion goes,
and none of my fish health books say anything about the disease, this
would be one of those times locating a fish-friendly vet would make
For example, should I be on the lookout for bacterial infection, or
possibly treating every now and then just in case?
<I'm not a huge fan of "treating just in case". More
often than not, you're wasting money, and potentially, you're
poisoning your fish. Better to wait until you have a positive ID on a
problem, and then pick your medication. On the other hand, given good
conditions, many problems can fix themselves, and the use of things
like salt and Epsom salt carry little/no risk to even delicate fish, so
can be used proactively without too much guilt.>
I thank you for your help on this. Additionally, I very much enjoyed
both of your recent articles; one, on the community aquarium, and the
other, on Corydoras.
<The ones in Aquarium Fish magazine? Glad you enjoyed!>
Thanks for what you do!
<Cheers, Neale.>
<<Neale, Melinda... I concur with what Neale has written. I would
NOT attempt to but away the deformity of the gill covers, NOR treat the
water. BobF>>
Re: Effects of Gill Curl -- to Neale (RMF,
can you add anything?), pump sel. 7/30/09
Hello Neale--
Thank you so much for your quick reply!
<My pleasure.>
The filter of the pond is built-in, with about 7 ft by 1.5 ft by 3 ft
of plastic spaghetti/filter pad stuff. We use pond pumps to run water
over the wall, under the pads, and then it comes back up, creating a
Right now, we only run pumps which equal about 4000 gallons per hour,
which I know will not be enough in time, but we're up to three
<Well, that's the problem with huge tanks!>
What are some large pumps that you can suggest? I'd love to run
only two, and still filter 10x per hour.
<Honestly, this is well outside my range of expertise; for one
thing, I've never had a tank this big, and for another, my
experience of fishkeeping is largely in the UK, where the manufacturers
are different. Do read Bob's piece of pumps for ponds, here:
The linked articles and FAQs may help, too. If you want to write/send a
separate message for Bob, I can make sure he looks at it and offers
some hardware recommendations, if relevant.>
The pond has its own breaker, but another can be installed if the large
pumps require it. Right now all of our pumps are Tetra Pond. The
temperature does stay quite cool in the pond, ranging from 70 to 78,
depending if the air conditioner is on, or not. There are two large
airstones with TetraTec Deep Water Air pumps. I was able to locate a
fish vet in my area, and am going to speak with him when he is in the
<Ah, probably the best thing all around.>
Thank you for your advice. I want to do the best for Guido; he really
is a wonderful fish, and we are quite attached to him (obviously, this
pond wasn't in our house before... it's all for him!). Thanks
<Good luck to you both! Neale.>
<<Mmm, the Sequence line of pumps (variously re-labeled and
sold... but all with Baldor motors) is still exemplary for these sorts
of applications (lower pressure, higher volume, low cost of operation,
quiet...). BobF>>
Pond on covered porch... but will it work?
8/20/08 Hello Crew-- I appreciate the invaluable service that all
of you provide, and hope you'll have some tips to offer as my
husband and I plan our next, larger endeavor. We have four Oscars,
about ten inches each, as well as three Plecs, from thirteen inches to
about seven inches, and (the real reason for this entire project) a
(currently small and really cute) three inch South American Redtail
Catfish. <"Egads what a monster"... Dune, in ref. to
Shai-Halud> Not all are in the same tanks currently, and Guido
(catfish) is in a 125, which should give us about six to eight months
to complete this. What we would like to do is build a 1000 gallon
concrete pond on our back porch, which is covered and has this weird
screen/plywood deal that the previous homeowners probably thought was a
grand idea. Anyway, it's there, and it basically creates a thin
wall against the elements. And we want to build this pond for these
fish, in coastal Virginia. I have several questions that I haven't
been able to find answers to on the site, and I hope you have some
pointers for us. 1. We are prepared to heat the pond; however,
we're wondering about the maximum temperatures these fish will
collectively thrive at. <The upper 60's F is likely the most
reasonable lower limit for the Pimelodid> I know they are warm water
fish. There are about two or three summer months where temps could
reach 85-87 degrees in this pond; would this work? <Mmm, yes... with
plenty of aeration, should be fine> 2. With this gallonage
(calculated to allow us to still be able to navigate about the porch
and get to the laundry room, so kind of important) could we add any
additional fish? (More Oscars, or a Pacu?) <Could, but I'd be
careful re overstocking... Should something go wrong (power outage,
overfeeding...), your "window" of possible recovery will be
too small...> 3. Do we need to cover this pond at 3.5 feet deep?
<I would, yes... the catfish is a very powerful jumper> I am
prepared to figure out some sort of screen/weight thing to do so, but I
was hoping to get a turtle, and I can't imagine him wanting to bask
under a piece of screen. <Not a problem, I assure you. Get, use
screen of larger diameter openings> Again, I appreciate any help you
can give, and if I've missed anything on the site that applies to
our situation, please direct me to that location. I hope that with the
correct (read: HUGE) filtration and stable temp (even if a little
higher than ideal) we can offer these fish a large, happy new home.
Thanks again. --Melinda <Sounds/reads like a very nice project
indeed. Have seen some very nice ponds with these animals in them. Most
recently the Moody Gardens in TX. Bob Fenner>
A BIG Catfish, sys. 1.. We have a South American Redtail
Catfish that is about 20" long and has outgrown our 90 gallon
tank. We need any advise that you can give us as he really needs a
larger environment than a home tank. We can't get any response from
the closest fish aquarium. >> Ahh, Phractocephalus
hemioliopterus... don't I remember my Pimelodid catfishes... Yes
this fish does get at least 80 pounds (have seen them in the wild this
big... and at least half that in captivity)... Other than pleading with
people to not keep these too-big animals... feed them sparingly (to
limit their rapid growth)... And then, at your stage: to call their
local BIG fish stores, and public aquariums... to see if they can use
(another) Red Tail Cat, Arowana, Pacu... So, I'd either get a
humongous tank (with a very sturdy top... most of these cats perish
from jumping out), feed the animal sparingly from now on... and/or call
those shops, public institutions. Bob Fenner who really likes large
fishes... but whose wife won't let him silicone glass over the
front door and fill the house up with water...
tailed" Red Tailed Catfish Hello, how is everyone. Good I
hope. <much better now that Bob has recovered from that
bizarre accident that he had with a safety razor when trying to shave
his belly for a finger painted living portrait to be displayed in an
act of performance art> Everything's fine here (thanks to your
website, you guys really are a godsend. I read over your faq's
every night.) <outstanding!> I've written a couple of times
with saltwater questions but tonight I've got a freshwater
question. In my 120 gal. long tank I have a baby red tailed
catfish.---I know, I know, way too small a tank for this guy.
<yep <G>> I'm working on an 8ft by 6ft pond in the
"office" in my house. <that will be wonderful! And
not a Chihuahua to be seen for miles once it is up and running. The
housecats better get hip to it too> And for now, I do a 75% water
change at least twice a week to keep everyone in there happy. <look
for excessive yawning by this species to indicate poor water quality
and nitrogen poisoning> Mondee (as my two year old calls the sea
monster) has grown from about 6 inches to a little over a foot in a
month and a half. These fish grow incredibly fast!!! I'm amazed, he
makes my Oscar look like a guppy!! <They get huge indeed... perhaps
over six feet long> Anyway, I was wondering, when (if ever) can I
expect his tail to start to turn red? It's a dirty faded brownish
maroon color right now. I feed him floating cichlid pellets, frozen
krill, silversides, and bloodworms, and earthworms and waxworms etc.
from the bait shop. Is this diet okay? <overall very good...
but you could make your own food for color enhancing with paprika or
carotenoid pigments, or feed a lot more crustacean foods with shells on
(cocktail shrimp, crayfish)> Do I need to feed him something
different to enhance his color or is he just not a very colorful
catfish? <no... should actually be easy to enhance its color.
Hikari brand pellet foods also have super color enhancing varieties of
pellets ("Bio-Gold")... do consider> The rest of his color
is pretty good. Dark sooty almost black on his back and head with black
spots and the white areas are well defined and a nice cream
color. <enjoy it while its small... they get muddier in color
with age> Even if he never does color up, he's still my favorite
fish in the world--- dirty brown tail and all. He really is an awesome
fish. <yes... they have great personalities> I just want to
make sure I'm giving him the best possible care. thanks for your
help once again. Kristen:) <best regards, Anthony>
Red tail catfish Two weeks ago yesterday, I moved a red
tail catfish from a 55 gallon tank into a new 125 gallon tank.
The fish is approximately 20 inches long and had a great appetite
prior to the move. Since the move, it has eaten almost nothing
and has made the tank a relatively safe place for the goldfish
now swimming with it. Other than the loss of appetite and
associated weight loss, the fish seemed perfectly healthy and
active until yesterday. While still active, it now has what seems
to be a reddish growth or swollen gland above and to
the right of its mouth. The ph is between 7.2 and 7.4. It was
higher, but I've been using ph Down to lower it. The water
temperature is between 78 and 80 degrees. In addition to the
goldfish, I've tried to feed it shrimp, silversides and
floating cichlid sticks. I don't know what to do next. Any
insight will be greatly appreciated. Thanks Joe Agresti <Joe,
this is a large fish (4+ feet), at 20in he has pretty much out
grown the 125gal. This fish may have been/still be
suffering from nitrate poisoning, did he ever exhibit any yawning
behavior? Water quality is always going to be an issue
with big messy fish in small tanks. Large weekly water
changes and larger tank will be needed. As far as the
feeding issue, he should come around in time, it is not uncommon
for large predatory fishes to refuse food after a
move. Best Regards, Gage>
Re: red tail catfish Thank you. What size tank would
you recommend? <To live a long happy life it would need over
1000 gallons. I'd go with a large rubber lined
pond in the basement with good filtration. That way if
the neighbors cats get out of line you can make them disappear.
-Gage> Thanks Joe Agresti
Just bought a 2.5" red tail baby Amazon catfish 3 days
ago, <decided to get a tank buster eh? These grow to
be enormous fish in a relatively short amount of
time. I've wanted one myself for a long time, just
haven't had a tank that could house them properly. > he was fine
the first 2 days, then started 'floating around' the tank,
without swimming.. kinda like he's dying...kinda letting the
current take him, <these fish are bottom dwelling, and floating of
any kind is not good.> this is a small 5 gallon tank, was setup 1
month ago, 3 weeks ago got 3 zebra tetras / 2" Pleco / whole bunch
of good established gravel and they are doing great. <They maybe
doing great but that tank is way too small for all of those
fish. Pleco's and Catfish are very messy
fish! The water parameters can become bad fast with the
amount of waste these fish are producing!> 75-78 degrees, ph
7.0-6.8..he is also kinda breathing harder, if you try and touch him
with your finger, he'll try to escape. but he just floats around.
when he looks more coherent sometimes he is upside down. Hadn't
eaten, but looks like he just ate a shrimp (freeze dried 1 cm long
shrimps). <I suggest you get your larger tank up and running very
soon! This tank is not going to work for these fish! What you need to
purchase is Freshwater Test Kits. These will tell you the
ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels in your tank. With high
ammonia and nitrite levels it effects the fish's
breathing. Ammonia damages the gills, and nitrite hinders
the fish's body from using the oxygen from the
water. The water parameters must be at Ammonia=0, Nitrite=0,
Nitrate being as close to zero as possible.> I'm calling the
fish store, but was wondering if this is totally bad. the tank should
be ok <No, it's not okay. way to
small. It's like keeping an elephant in spare bed
room. Just because it fits inside doesn't mean it's
okay.> (by the way, he's moving in 2 months to a 55 gallon and
then a 200 gallon at least to start with, then a pond eventually.)
<that is a good plan, but you should have gotten this fish when you
had the larger tank ready. Don't put the cart before the
horse. have the environment ready for the animal, it's
easier on you and the fish.> Have wanted one of these for years,
please help, only 3 days in !!! --Dave <I've wanted these
myself, but realized that they can become monster sized, and need a
home to fit their needs. See if your Local fish store will
hold the fish for you as you get your larger tank set up. You will need
to do some water changes on this 5 gallon to help bring the water
levels back to normal this will help. during this time you
will need to start setting up the larger tank for
him. good luck and remember to research and have things
ready well in advance before purchasing any animal. -Magnus.>
Red-tailed Catfish Hello, I bought a baby
Redtail catfish about 4 weeks ago and it doesn't seem to be eating
much. My catfish is about 3 inches long and it seems to only eat
earthworms and hotdogs. I have tried feeding it a number of other
pellet form foods and it still will only eat the earthworms. I have
tried withholding the earthworms for a couple of days and it still
doesn't eat any of the other foods that I feed it. I have tried
feeding it Hikari sinking pellets, Algae wafers, and a few other types
of sinking pellets but they all seem to not get eaten. Is this a
problem? Would there be any other types of food that you would suggest
feeding my baby Redtail catfish? <Hotdogs? Let's do a few water
changes to remove the grease and spice from your water. Then try some
frozen fish food like Mysis Shrimp and Bloodworms. You can also try any
human saltwater seafood. Small shrimp, scallops, squid and the like,
cut bite size of course. No land mammal meats. Try teasing him with a
worm held up to the glass. When he gets interested, remove the worm
from view and throw in whatever you are tying to feed him. Right now he
does not recognize unnatural foods. Soon enough he will eat anything,
and anyone, in his tank. Please test your water often. He can make a
mess of things very quickly. Do as many water changes as needed to keep
ammonia and nitrite at zero, nitrates below 20ppm. That will become a
real chore as this fish grows. But there is a bigger problem here. That
is the keeping of this fish in captivity in the first place. In my
personal opinion no one should keep a Redtail. They are awesome fish,
striking colors with personality to boot. But there is simply no home
aquarium that can house an adult. Your baby will grow to over 5 feet
and will need thousands of gallons of water. Unless you have a large
pond in a warm weather climate, you can't keep one into adulthood.
They should therefore be left in the wild. Don>
Redtail Catfish death, is a GSP the Culprit? Our South
American Redtail Catfish looked like it went into shock, and eventually
died awhile later. We have a green spotted puffer in the tank too, is
the puffer poisonous, and could he have killed the catfish? The catfish
was a very good size, a lot larger than the puffer. Ricardo &
Stephanie <GSP's are not "that" toxic... the cause of
death very likely unrelated. Most often Phractocephalus die from
mis-feeding (feeder goldfish, or choking on another too-large, spiny
fish), or "jump out"... Bob Fenner>
RTC with bloat or dropsy? HELP!!! Phractocephalus
12/20/2005 I have a 2 ft long RTC in a 400gallon aquarium. Recently
his stomach has swollen many times its original size and I do not know
if this means that he is suffering from dropsy or bloat. <Could be
n/either... but... from what cause? Most such symptoms are from mis-
and over-feeding in this large Pimelodid> He is still very hungry
and the distended stomach appeared just one morning, subsided the next,
and reappeared at night, all while I did not put any food in the tank!
<Are all tankmates accounted for?> He appears distressed and has
turned rather dark in colour, and there is some bleeding at his
stomach. How do I treat him or tell if he has been infected by
bacteria? Help please!!! <This fish can/could be injected with
antibiotics... in a timely manner... but need to know much more re the
system, water make-up, maintenance, foods/feeding to proffer an
opinion. Bob Fenner>
Compatible Aggressive Fish 7/24/06 I
have a 100 gallon tank with 2 red devils, red tail catfish,
<Phractocephalus.... this cat by itself needs or will need more
room> 5 flower horns, <? small I hope/trust> 2 algae eaters
and 2 jewel cichlids. What are other compatible fish mates? <Umm...
nothing. You're already more than "topped off" stock-wise
here> I also have a 55 gallon that I want to start as saltwater. I
have been getting mixed responses on how to start it. Please give me
your input! <Take a read on WWM, Fishbase.org re the ultimate likely
size of these fishes... the cat will get large enough to inhale all...
Bob Fenner>
P. orbignyi compatibility with Redtail Catfish? fdg., comp.... A
large S. Am. Ray and VERY large Catfish... in a 29?! Need to
read... 02/17/07 Hi, <Kev... we'll skip the
epaulettes> I currently have a 29 gallon tank with a 6
inch Redtail Catfish and a few small fish that are there just to take
up a little space. <?...> I can assure you that I have no plan on
putting any size ray in a tank that small. I will be buying
a all-glass 210 gallon tank(72Lx24Wx29H) within 2 months. <Oh. This
will still be too small in time> I will be running 2 Fluval
FX5's and sand for substrate. <I'd use other...
posted...> I read that the P. orbignyi and the Redtail Cats are both
native to the Orinoco river Basin. <With spelling improvement,
yes> That leads me to believe that they are compatible.
<In terms of water quality at least> Here's my question.
Would it be advisable to house these animals together? <Mmm, not
really> From what I read, my tank will be large enough and I
don't think that the filtration will be a problem. <Will be
inadequate> I already feed my Redtail Cat bloodworms, feeders and
ghost shrimp (at least 10 in the tank at all times).
<The feeders are an exceedingly poor idea... see WWM re> Lastly,
where can I find the stingray. Price doesn't really
matter. I'm just looking for a baby. I've
tried to find them online and I haven't seen them in any local pet
stores. Thanks, Kevin from Az <Go to the Internet, Go to the
Internet... Bob Fenner>
911 Redtail Catfish losing flesh! 7/20/08 I have
3 red tail catfish. One started floating upside down so I moved him to
another tank. The other two are still healthy. The sick one is now
losing his flesh. It is attached but it is floating in a big chunk. His
eye is cloudy and it look at first as if he had ick. I treated him with
parasite medication. At first he seemed to get better but then got
worse. Now he is losing his flesh but he is still alive. I'm
assuming it is hopeless for this one but what could cause this?
Rochelle <Rochelle, there are two obvious problems here. Firstly,
Phractocephalus hemioliopterus is a territorial species that will
attack and kill any fish it views as a rival -- especially its own
species. To keep more than one specimen would require a tank something
bigger than a swimming pool! So your fish may simply be attacking one
another. Secondly, these fish are hugely sensitive to poor water
quality, and parasitic infections are highly likely related to these
fish being kept in inadequate conditions (as is almost certainly the
case). These fish grow to well over 1 m in length and require massive
tanks with prodigious filtration, as well as extremely careful control
of how much food they receive. Please let me have more information on
the size of these fish and more important the aquarium. In the short
term though you will need to isolate all three specimens in their own
tanks containing not less than 200 gallons of water each, provided with
filters rated at not less than 2000 gallons per hour, and perform not
less than 50% water changes weekly. Stop feeding. Treat all fish with
an appropriate antibacterial or antibiotic such as eSHa 2000 or
Maracyn. The fish with a chunk bitten off from it may need veterinarian
attention depending on the damage; you will certainly need to clean the
wound and determine whether it is better to painlessly destroy the fish
or treat it. Let me be crystal clear about this: Phractocephalus
hemioliopterus is not a viable choice for the home aquarium. Cheers,