FAQs on Pimelodid Catfish
Related Articles: Pimelodid Catfishes,
Related FAQs: Pimelodid Catfishes
1, Pimelodid
Cats 2, & FAQs on: Pimelodid
Identification, Pimelodid
Behavior, Pimelodid Selection,
Pimelodid Systems, Pimelodid Feeding, Pimelodid Disease, Pimelodid Reproduction, & Red Tail Cats (Phractocephalus), Pictus Cats, Shovelnose Catfishes (Pseudoplatystoma,
Sorubim, Sorubimichthys...), &
Catfish FAQs: Identification, Behavior, Compatibility, Selection, Systems, Feeding, Disease, Reproduction,
Ragged Angelfish Fins, beaten
Hello all! I am a novice fish enthusiast and am having trouble. I have
searched the website and it has terrific information, but I am really
wanting to have confirmation on what is going on with my tank. I
started out at my locally owned fish store and bought a 20 gallon
tall tank, had many difficulties with cycling and losing fish, and
also with the types of fish I was keeping together. I was ready to
throw the towel in when I found an out of town pet store, family owned, not
the big box store, that helped me greatly!
Sorry for the tout but I feel its very important for people to realize the
difference in a place looking to earn a buck and a place that is concerned
with educating its customers. Anyhow, after the cycling problems, I
emptied the tank completely, left the rocks unwashed, and refilled and since
my water quality has been greatly improved. That was two months ago.
I am using a Aqueon on the tank filter with a carbon insert,
<Carbon is largely useless in your sort of aquarium; instead, concentrate on
biological media. Remove the carbon and replace with filter floss or sponge
or ceramic noodles.>
and a Terra Easy Strip tester kit. According to the tester strips my
Nitrate is just below 20, I assume this because the color it turns is
slightly less pink than the color it should be if it is 20ppm, Nitrite is 0,
Hardness is 150 GH ppm, Alkalinity is 80 KH ppm, and pH is 6.8.
<All sounds fine for Angelfish.>
I am thinking I need to invest in a good quality vial test kit, and wonder
which one is worth my investment.
<Possibly; I use the strips and they're quick and easy. But as/when they run
out, and you really want the accuracy liquid test kits provide, be sure to
get a nitrite test kit and a pH test kit, as these give you the best "quick
look" tests for water quality and water chemistry.>
Onto my fish problem. Once I felt my tank had stabilized I ended up
with 4 small juvenile Angelfish, 2 Pictus Cats,
<These are restless, predatory fish that do better in schools and need much
more space than 20 gallons (and to make matters worse, a "tall" 20 gallon
tank provides even less swimming space than a plain vanilla 20 gallon
2 White Tip Sharks,
<Do you mean the catfish? What used to be called "Arius jordani" but is
properly called Ariopsis seemanni? You do understand this isn't a freshwater
fish? It needs brackish conditions when young, and preferably
marine conditions as an adult. Even in a 20-gallon marine aquarium you
wouldn't keep these catfish -- they get HUGE, easily 20-30 cm/8-12 inches,
and sometimes a bit more than that.>
and one algae eater.
<What sort of "algae eater"? A common Plec, i.e., a Pterygoplichthys species
of some sort? Again, a huge fish -- 30 cm/12 inches within the first year,
and 45 cm/18 inches within two; barely viable in a 55 gallon aquarium, and
really needs 75-100 gallons unless you happen to like murky, faeces-ridden
aquaria. Trust me, if defecating were an Olympic sport, Plecs would win the
Everyone seemed very happy and I was doing 20% water changes every week to
week and a half. After about a month I noticed one morning that one of
my Angelfish was barely swimming on its side near the bottom of the tank, it
died later that day. Within 48 hours I lost a total of 3 angels to
this problem. They still looked healthy except for some ragged fins.
The one pictured attached had ragged fins but persevered and other than the
fins was acting normally. I did a 50% water change and tested the
water before and after and the water did have a low level (.5) of Nitrate,
after the water change, none. Since then the survivor seemed to be
doing well, eating vigorously, but his rear fin hasn't grown back, and his
top fin is ragged this morning. I checked the water quality and those
are the stats I gave you above.
<I don't trust those values. It's not necessarily the test kit is inaccurate
(though dip strips are, at best, approximations) but you can easily detect
no nitrite or ammonia when you test the water at a certain time of the day,
but at another time of the day the nitrite and ammonia are well above zero.
Try testing every half-hour for 2-3 hours after giving the fish a good feed
and see what happens. But I do believe this fish is suffering from some sort
of bacteria-mediated Finrot, perhaps caused by stress, including water
quality problems. If one fish has ragged fins, then aggression of nipping
may be an issue. But if multiple fish have ragged fins, then you have to
suspect the environment as well.>
I also turned the heat up a bit this morning because I keep reading that 80
degrees is best, and on my stick on thermometer (which I will be replacing
because it doesn't give me a specific reading) was hovering between 76-79
degrees. So what now? I'm wondering if I should treat him for fin rot.
<Yes, but do bear in mind some medications (copper, formalin especially) can
be toxic to catfish. Antibiotics should be safe though.>
I am terribly upset that I took 4 healthy Angelfish from the store where
they breed them, and have caused 3 of their early demise! Am I on the
right track?
<No. You're doing a great deal wrong. Neither catfish species belongs here,
and it's not entirely out of the question they're attacking the Angelfish at
night -- after all, both species are predators, and while the Pimelodus
pictus can be combined with Angels of similar size, they may go for
small/weak specimens. The Ariid catfish simply don't belong at all, and
though they are total pussycats when kept with brackish/marine fish of
appropriate size (Monos, Scats or large Damselfish for example) large
specimens view much smaller fish as food.>
Also the sharks and cats are aggressive eaters but the Angelfish holds his
<For now. Angelfish aren't adapted to fight for food.>
I am feeding a combination of dried ocean plankton and flake food, is this
<Let's assume you're getting rid of the two catfish species -- neither
species has any long-term future in this tank, so this isn't even something
to delay or argue about. It's a done deal. You made a CAT-a-strophic mistake
if you'll pardon the pun. A "tall" 20 gallon tank is adequate for a mated
pair of Angels. Since you can't sex Angels, you can't buy a pair, so you
need to buy six, rear them together, then remove the surplus fish.
Realistically, you need 40-55 gallons for a group of six Angels up to the
size when they'll pair off (around 8 cm/3 inches). So, what we're talking
about is a single Angelfish here, perhaps with a 5-6 Corydoras sterbai (a
good warm water-tolerant Corydoras) at the bottom and 6-8 medium-sized
tetras (such as X-Ray Tetras, a very reliable, easy species) in the middle.
All these would thrive on a mix of good quality flake and small sinking
pellets (mostly at night, for the catfish). Augment with freeze-dried food
if you want, but occasional live daphnia and/or brine shrimp are really
useful for avoiding constipation.>
Once this problem is solved I would like to get another Angelfish so I at
least have a pair, is it wise to do so?
<Keeping a pair is fine. Getting a pair is hard work. Two random Angels will
likely fight, the weaker one being bullied. Has been tried many, many times.
Unless you happen to get two females or a male/female duo that happen to
pair off, this isn't a reliable approach. If it's any consolation, Angels
can't always sex themselves either, and "homosexual" pairs are quite
commonly reported, usually two females, each laying eggs on a leaf assuming
the other was a male!>
Thank you for your input!
<Hope this helps, Neale.>
Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4GLTE smartphone
<Oh gosh, another of these ridiculous "from my phone" messages… when will
they stop? Who cares? Who's bright idea was this nonsense?>
Re: Ragged Angelfish Fins (also Ariids, Pimelodids in a very
wrong environment) 8/19/12
I confirmed that the suggested fish were in fact what I have in my tank.
<I see.>
They will be going back tomorrow.
I'm hoping the out of town store will take them in since the local store
didn't care enough about them to give me complete and accurate
<"Caveat emptor" I'm afraid. Welcome to capitalism. It's up to the buyer
to make sure the thing on sale is what he/she needs -- the seller is
under no obligation to sell you what you need!>
I will then treat the Angelfish for fin rot and follow through with the
other things you mentioned.
I have read I need to remove the carbon filter before I treat with
medication, is it okay to replace it with the filter floss during
or before treatment or should I just remove the carbon filter insert and
leave it empty until I am done medicating the tank?
<I would remove the carbon and replace with filter floss.>
How often and how much of a water change is needed during treatment?
<Usually, none during treatment, but a good-sized (25-50%) water change
a day after the last dosage is a good idea. Check with the instruction
leaflet that comes with the medication you use.>
How long after treatment should I consider purchasing the other fish?
<As a rule of thumb, wait at least a month after any sickness before
buying any new fish. That gives you chance to [a] make sure the sick
fish is better and not contagious; and [b] to make sure the filter has
recovered from any troubles that might have caused the fish sickness in
the first place.>
Thank you for your time and expertise!
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Ragged Angelfish Fins (also Ariids, Pimelodids in a very wrong
environment)(Bob, does Melafix actually harm filters?)<<can>>
Good morning from Michigan!
All the catfish have been rehomed.
I picked up a bottle of Melafix to use for treatment.
<Hmm… have you kept the receipt? This isn't a very reliable medication.
At best (and I'm being generous) it has a mild antiseptic quality, so
it's rather like dabbing a cut with antiseptic lotion. But it isn't an
antibiotic, and once the bacterial infection is established (i.e., your
fish are showing symptoms of Finrot) it isn't terribly effective.>
I'm curious though about the carbon filter insert.
<Junk it. Provides little value in freshwater systems.>
Carbon is supposed to be changed every few weeks from what I read, so I
wondered if its even active now.
<Good analysis. The reality is that carbon works for around 2-4 weeks
from new, and after that point it becomes so clogged with bacteria and
detritus it's basically a biological medium. While it might be useful in
that capacity, there are better media, such as high-quality ceramic
noodles. There's some debate about whether "old" carbon can release
toxins, but it can certainly mess up dosing medications, removing at
least some of each dosage, so overall effect of the medicine isn't as
I haven't changed it out for 3 months. I am curious though, if I remove
the foam insert that has the carbon inside it, won't I also be removing
the good bacteria that is keeping my tank chemistry stable?
<Bacteria don't really affect water chemistry; their job is water
quality, which is a much different thing. Anyway, you can remove up to
50% of the live media in a mature filter and have no impact on its
working efficiency. Add some new media, and within days that new media
will be fully matured. It's remarkable really, and an example of why
bacteria are so useful in those applications where we've learned to
"tame" them.>
Since the tank stabilized I haven't changed this insert out of this
fear. Will the Melafix harm my biological system?
<Doesn't normally, but it's a scattergun antiseptic, so there's always
the potential.><<Can indeed destroy biological filtration. RMF>>
Also I've considered adding live plants to the tank to enhance the
biological filtration, what plants would you suggest?
<The easiest plants are floating plants, especially Floating Indian Fern
(sometimes called Water Sprite, Ceratopteris thalictroides). This plant
grows in most situations, doesn't mind being under an aquarium hood
(some other floating plants do), and its long roots bring plenty of
helpful bacteria! It also happens to be hands-down the plant most loved
by aquarium fish. You only need a bit -- it grows fast!>
Thank you again for taking the time to indulge all of us novice fish
<Do read:
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Ragged Angelfish Fins (also Ariids, Pimelodids in a very wrong
environment) 8/21/12
I think I may have just had an epiphany, should I cut the bottom of the
insert and just remove the carbon and leave the insert in place????
<If that works, sure! Cheers, Neale.>
Large Fish Compatibility I have
recently bought a striped shovelnose and a black ghost together and the
pet store said they were compatible, which they are. they don't
bother each other. later on I bought a gold Severum and 2 clown
loaches, which the pet store said that the Severum and clown loaches
would go good with the black ghost knife fish and the shovelnose.
nothing has happened yet because they are all pretty small. but I was
telling someone what I had in my tank and they said that I
shouldn't have listened to there advice because the black ghost
knife fish would be fish food sooner or later. so I was wondering is
that true? I do know that the Severum is compatible with all the other
fish but I couldn't find any information on the black ghost fish.
if you can help I would much appreciate it.
you sincerely,
Lindsey <Hi Lindsey, I am scared to ask what size tank you
have. These are all fish that get really
large. The shovelnose can get close to 2ft, and the
Ghostknife will not be too far behind. In a large enough
tank you might be ok, I personally do not trust large catfish with
smaller tank mates, they have a tendency to eat them. You
can find more on the Ghostknife at the links below. Best
Regards, Gage http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/knifefishfaqs.htm
http://www.mongabay.com/fish/knifefish.htm >
Big Fish, Big Tanks.... Hello
<Hi, Richard> I have a rather large Tiger Shovelnose catfish,
about 18 inches. <Hate to break it to yah, but that's still a
rather small tiger shovelnose.... with an ultimate size of
three and a half feet....> He is currently in a 150 gallon tank with
a 12 inch Pleco which he doesn't bother. I had 2 large(10 inch)
Tinfoil Barbs in with him but had to remove them from the tank because
the shovelnose was attacking them when the lights went out.
<They certainly have quite an appetite, but attacking 10-inch
Tinfoils is a bit extraordinary! Wow!> Knowing that the
tiger will grow some more I'm in process of getting a 300 gallon
tank for him, and I was wondering what would make good tank mates for
him and the Pleco? I would like maybe 3 more fish to add to the 300
with the tiger and the Pleco. <A favorite fishy haunt of mine in
Wichita, KS held a 2000 gallon (give or take - HUGE) tank in which
lived a large (really, a full three feet) tiger shovelnose, an even
larger planiceps shovelnose, a couple of two foot Plecos, a couple
Pacu, and three (monstrous) Arowana; everyone lived with some semblance
of peace - or, rather, I never saw any grave injuries on any of the
fish. Perhaps for a tank of 300 gallons, you might be able
to consider a few good sized Pacu?> Any advice would be greatly
welcomed. Thank you, Richard <Just be aware
that your lovely beastie does have the potential to get *really*
big! Hope all goes well, -Sabrina>
Big Catfish... Platystoma nee...
Sorubimichthys Hello, I was wondering if a 4in planiceps catfish
would coexist with a 3 and a half inch tiger shovelnose in a 55 gallon
until they get big enough to put in a 300 gallon. Thanks! < As long
as one does not get much bigger than the other and try to eat the other
one they should be fine. They will grow quickly so start shopping for
that bigger tank soon.-Chuck>
Firemouth Cichlid With Pictus
Cat 12/15/05 I just revisited the post below, from last
summer, and saw the additional note by RMF. So my follow-up question
is, if not an Oscar, is there another SA cichlid you'd recommend?
What about a Firemouth? Thanks MJ < The problem with adding any
cichlid to this system is the fact that they will assume that the
whiskers of the catfish are worms and have them bitten off in no time
at all. A keyhole cichlid or Festivum might work, but it would depend
on the personality of the actual fish. I agree with RMF that an Oscar
would be a bad idea.-Chuck> Oscar Mix 7.24.05 I'm setting up a
new 135, and plan to stock it with 7 Metynnis hypsauchen and three
Pimelodus pictus. Do you think a single Oscar would be a reasonable
addition? If so, I'm assuming that I would want to add it 1) small
and 2) last; is that right? If it spends 4 weeks in the Q-tank, is it
still going to be small enough to add without undue problems? How big
should the other guys be before I undertake this (if at all)?
<I'd feel ok about an Oscar in this mix, 135gallons should be
enough room. Just make sure no one is small enough to fit in
anyone else's mouth, mainly the Oscar's. After 4
weeks of quarantine he will still be small enough to add to the
mix. Gage> <<RMF would not place a pictus catfish
and Oscar in the same system>>
Question about goldfish with
catfish 4/8/06 Hiya! <Jason N. here.> I
love your site - so much info! <Thank you!> I'm a new
goldfish keeper - I've been keeping tropical fish (mostly tetras
and danios, as well as barbs recently) for quite sometime but just got
a pair of common goldfish. They're currently in a very small tank
(the aunt who gave it to me used to keep goldfish in there, so I
figured it was okay to get a couple for it) - once I learned it was WAY
too small I set about getting a bigger tank. I have a ten gallon I will
be setting up to cycle this weekend for them, and when they're too
big for that I will probably give them to my parents, who have a large
pond with a happy colony of goldfish. Anyway, on to my
question! I saw some pictus catfish at the pet store
yesterday and am smitten. They're beautiful! My friend who works at
the pet store said that catfish and goldfish go well together, but
after reading a few horror stories with algae eaters and catfish
attacking the goldfish I am now not so sure. Can you tell me
whether it would be okay to have a pair of young common goldfish
(they're about 1.5" each) in with a pictus catfish(1.5-2"
long)? I know both species can grow quite large - would they be all
right in a 10 gallon tank for a year or two or will they outgrow that
too quickly? My thought was to have them in the 10 gallon tank here at
my office for a year or two, then move them to a bigger tank either
here (if the office is ok with a bigger tank) or at home when they get
bigger. I've been a pretty laid-back fishkeeper to date - no water
testing, once-or-twice-a-month partial water changes, etc, but I would
like to get serious about it. I have ordered a test kit and am doing a
lot of reading. <That's good. Reading and research
really is a aquarist's best friend.> Many thanks for your very
helpful and interesting site, and thanks in advance for any info you
can give me. <I would recommend against keeping a Pictus
w/Goldfish. I have found that keeping lower stratum fish
w/Goldfish is a recipe for disaster. Goldfish take every
opportunity to eat, and getting a finicky catfish to eat before the
Goldfish come around will prove to be a nightmare for
you. Further, 2 Goldies and a Pictus will be a fantastic
squeeze -- in fact, you may want to make the extra investment for a
tank that is 20 gallons or more; your Goldies will outgrow that 10
gallon in less than a year, and you are left with MUCH less room for
error with so little water. You may find yourself spending
more money as you buy equipment for a 10 gallon, and then equipment for
a 20+ gallon in not too long a timeframe. Some folks have reported
great success keeping Dojo loaches with Goldfish, although in my
experience there are still feeding problems as I mentioned
above. The tank you are suggesting is much too small to keep
Dojos, anyway. Best of luck!> Cheers, Ealasaid <Jason
Treatment for a laceration
injury; crayfish compatibility? 11/8/06
Hi-- <Hello Erica - Jorie here> Our pictus cat has suffered
a ~5mm gash on one side of its abdomen, probably thanks to
Pinchy, our resident speckled crayfish. <Probably
so. Pinchy will likely continue to damage your
catfish, as well as other tank inhabitants, depending on what
you've got in there...he will likely need to live in his own
tank if you don't want to hurt your fish...)
I'm wondering whether and how to treat the
wound. The cat has been pacing a bit (swimming back
and forth) and its abdomen is slightly
swollen. Otherwise, its color and appetite appear to
be ok. <I would suggest isolating the injured fish, keeping
water conditions clean and clear, and adding MelaFix to promote
speedy tissue regrowth. Keep a very close eye to
ensure no secondary infection develops at the wound site - if it
does, a broad spectrum antibiotic such as Spectrogram will
help. So long as the fish is swimming, eating, and
otherwise behaving OK, I don't suggest anything but
quarantine, clean water and MelaFix.> Thanks in advance,
-Erica <Jorie. Do try to find an alternative home for
Pinchy.> Re: Treatment for a
laceration injury; crayfish compatibility?
11/12/06 Dear Jorie: Thanks so much for the
information! The cat's doing much better now and
seems to be on the way to a full recovery. <I'm glad to
hear that.> Yes, we're looking into alternate arrangements
for Pinchy. <Love the name!! You must be a Simpsons fan,
also...> She's been rather crabby and
aggressive since having her first set of unsterilized
eggs. Perhaps a new, dedicated home and a boyfriend
will help. :-) <Unfortunately, I know nothing about
keeping crayfish, so I can't advise you here...do read up on
proper conditions, incl. whether or not a mate would be suitable
prior to purchasing...> Thanks again, -Erica <You're
welcome. Jorie>
Sorubim lima
1/11/07... Leporinus aggression 1/12/06 Can you give me
an idea of what to do? I Just purchased 1/10/07 a Sorubim lima 6"
at my local ps. I have him housed in a 100 gal tank with a 7"
Leporinus. As soon as I put in the catfish the Leporinus has been all
over him. <Yes... some large Pencilfish species, individuals can be
pure territorial terrors> I have had the tank covered with a blanket
all day to try to give the cat time to adjust to the his new
surroundings. <I'd remove, at least physically separate the
Pencil> I notice a couple of small bite marks from the Leporinus
near the cat's tail and the cat has a cloudy eye. Should I treat
for ick now? <I would not...> I see no other signs of ick but I
don't want to wait until it is too late! Should I remove this
catfish now? Is there anyway to get the Leporinus to leave him alone?
Please help- Mike <I'd remove the Leporinus... try
re-acquainting them in a few weeks when the Pimelodid cat is better
situated. Bob Fenner> P. orbignyi compatibility with
Redtail Catfish? fdg., comp.... A large S. Am. Ray and VERY large
Catfish... in a 29?! Need to read... 02/17/07 Hi,
<Kev... we'll skip the epaulettes> I currently have a 29
gallon tank with a 6 inch Redtail Catfish and a few small
fish that are there just to take up a little space. <?...> I can
assure you that I have no plan on putting any size ray in a tank that
small. I will be buying a all-glass 210 gallon
tank(72Lx24Wx29H) within 2 months. <Oh. This will still be too small
in time> I will be running 2 Fluval FX5's and sand for
substrate. <I'd use other... posted...> I read
that the P. orbignyi and the Redtail Cats are both native to the
Orinoco river Basin. <With spelling improvement, yes>
That leads me to believe that they are compatible. <In
terms of water quality at least> Here's my question. Would it be
advisable to house these animals together? <Mmm, not really> From
what I read, my tank will be large enough and I don't think that
the filtration will be a problem. <Will be inadequate> I already
feed my Redtail Cat bloodworms, feeders and ghost shrimp (at least 10
in the tank at all times). <The feeders are an
exceedingly poor idea... see WWM re> Lastly, where can I find the
stingray. Price doesn't really
matter. I'm just looking for a baby. I've
tried to find them online and I haven't seen them in any local pet
stores. Thanks, Kevin from Az <Go to the Internet, Go to the
Internet... Bob Fenner>
Pimelodid Cat and Neotrop. Cichlid
comp. 2/22/07 Hello, I have a 30 gallon with a pictus
catfish, that is about 3 inches, I would like to have a pair of
convicts or a pair of fire mouths. Do you think these two species will
be ok together? Thank you for your time. Miriam <Mmm... likely
either cichlid species would mix, get along here. If it were up to me,
I'd likely choose the Firemouths... as the Convicts are much more
likely to spawn... get feisty with the Catfish if so. Bob
General advice, FW mix of Bettas,
Angels, Pictus Cats... 5/12/07 Hi to all
the crew at web media, <Hello.> I have a 47.5 gallon tank and
currently have 8 platies (all pairs), One male Betta
splendens, four Angel fish Genders unknown and 3 pictus catfish
(Genders also unknown) could you tell me whether or not in your
opinion there could be trouble with the community I have
described. <Angelfish have been reported as "fin nippers"
with fancy (as opposed to wild-type) Bettas. Angels aren't
otherwise "nippy" but when kept with fish as unable to swim
as fancy Bettas, they're certainly happy enough to have a nibble.
Angels and Pimelodus pictus, on the other hand, are an old, established
combo that generally works well.> I did research and seek advice
from veteran fishkeepers but would still appreciate feedback
from your site and will be very grateful. <Very good. I'd not
keep the Betta in there, and would instead swap it for something like
lace Gouramis or some type of medium-sized schooling fish, like
Australian Rainbowfish or bleeding heart tetras. But if the Betta is
there now, you may as well persevere and just be prepared to remove it
if it looks nibbled. Your other problem with Bettas of course is they
aren't able to compete for food all that well. Hand-feeding the
Betta (easy enough to do) is one option here.> Thanks in advance
Victor <Hope this helps.>
A couple of questions, pimelodid... sys.,
comp. 7/13/07 Hello! <<Good
morning, Meghan. Tom here.>> First I'd like to say that
I love your site. I find it extremely useful and most of my
questions have been answered. <<Very happy to hear this,
Meghan, and thank you.>> That aside, I can't seem to
find much on pictus catfish. I got him about 2 months ago from a
pet store that assured me he would be fine in a 7 gallon tank.
<<Not hardly! These guys need lots of swimming room. Far,
far more than a 7-gallon tank could possibly afford.>> He
was about an inch or two long, and I had no idea just how big
these guys can get. He's now maybe 3 or 4 inches, and I
noticed about 2 weeks ago that he's started swimming in
circles following his reflection. <<Going stir-crazy, no
doubt.>> I went to the store (a different one from the one
I got him in) to ask why he might be doing this and the fish
person was horrified that he was in the small tank he was in. She
said he needed to be in at least a 30 gallon or it could kill
him. <<I'd go even higher than this but the lady was
absolutely correct.>> I don't want to kill him so I
talked to my fiancée© and we decided to get a bigger
tank, which we set up yesterday and are in the process of
cycling. It is a 75 gallon with live plants and we were advised
to use stress zyme so that it will cycle faster.
<<Wonderful decision on the tank, Meghan! (Your
fiancée© gets credit, too!) As for the Stress Zyme,
there are a number of factors that determine how quickly a tank
will cycle. Depending on how heavily planted the tank is, this
alone may be just as effective at speeding things up as adding
the Stress Zyme. No harm either way, however.>> I plan on
transferring my pictus along with my Chinese algae eater in about
a week to this new tank. <<I'll reserve my comments on
the CAE but I'll confess that I'm not a fan of these
fish.>> I have been researching tankmates since I finished
setting up my system and I can't find anything anywhere that
answers what will safely live with these two. <<Maybe I
won't reserve my comments after all. Your Pictus is a
'natural' predator, insects primarily but not entirely.
Larger South American Cichlids do quite well with these fish as
they'll grow too large for the Pictus to bother with. Smaller
fish like Neons would be on the menu, however. (Just about
anything that will fit in its mouth should be avoided.) Your CAE
is another story. Angelfish, for example, would get along well
with your catfish but would likely become a target for the CAE,
which is well-known to attach itself to the bodies of slower
moving fish and feed on the slime coating/flesh of its
'victims'. Not a pleasant creature and one I heartily
recommend against keeping, by and large. This isn't to say
that some folks don't keep these fish without a problem but I
don't consider it a worthwhile risk, personally.>> I
currently have them with some danios and mollies, which will be
moved to a 30 gallon as soon as my fiancée©'s
parents bring it over. <<Good. The Mollies aren't
compatible with the Pictus where water conditions are concerned
preferring alkaline water over the softer, more acidic water that
the Pictus enjoys. The Danios, of course, are less picky about
their conditions but, depending on their sizes, might be viewed
as a challenging "treat" down the line.>> I
really like cichlids and I was wondering how well that
combination will work out. <<As I mentioned, Meghan,
Cichlids would do well with your Pictus but choose appropriately.
Not all Cichlids are 'created equal' and the African
varieties need far different water (hard, alkaline) parameters
than do their South American cousins.>> I also have wanted
to get an Oscar for awhile but I don't know how well these
will work with my pictus since they tend to be aggressive fish.
<<The huge benefit you have working for you here is the
size of your tank. Oscars can, indeed, be aggressive animals but
I don't think they would find your Pictus to be an inviting
target. In fact, a group of Pictus would do very nicely with an
Oscar since Pictus prefer to shoal.>> I was wondering if
you could give me some suggestions as to what would work best
with these two. I was also wondering if I should consider getting
a second pictus once my tank is up and running or if he will be
better as the only one there. <<Rather than getting too
specific, Meghan, I've given you a broader grouping of fish,
i.e. the South American Cichlids, to look at. (Everyone has
his/her own tastes, after all.) My only admonition here would be
to select fish that grow suitably large. As for a second, third
or fourth Pictus, be my guest. As stated, these are shoaling fish
and do fine in groups. Better than alone, frankly.>> Thanks
a bunch for your time! Meghan <<Hope this helps a bit,
Meghan. Congrats on the new tank and best of luck in the future
to you and your fiancée©. Tom>>
Re: A couple of
questions, pimelodid... sys., comp.
7/13/07 <<Hello again, Meghan.>> After thinking
and talking it over, we have decided to get 2 more pictus and an
Oscar. <<Sounds good, Meghan.>><RMF would NOT do
this... too likely the Pictus will be damaged, end up stuck in
the Oscars mouth.> I was wondering if you had any
recommendations as far as what type of Oscar and where to get
them. <<Oscars (Astronotus ocellatus) come in a variety of
coloration schemes due to selective breeding, Meghan. Once again,
this is really a subjective choice on the parts of you and your
fiancée©. The so-called Pink (Albino?) Oscar is rumored
to be about the least aggressive of them but I'm afraid I
have no first-hand knowledge of this. I'm a little biased
toward Red Oscars just for their coloration but that's
me.>> Should we go through the local PetSmart or order them
online? <<Skip PetSmart, Meghan. If you don't have a
local LFS that you trust, a reputable e-tailer is the much better
choice. I have a local LFS that I do business with exclusively so
I'm not the best one to ask regarding online ordering but a
little research should put you on the right track. I know from
other WWM members that there are a good number of very reputable
e-tailers available but I've not, personally, done business
with any of these.>> I doubt it, but I was curious also if
I could fit a few other cichlids in the tank or just leave it at
these fish. <<I would resist the temptation, Meghan. A
full-size Oscar is going to command even your 75-gallon tank, the
Pictus notwithstanding. Better to leave your stocking levels as
you see them now.>> And finally, should I add the 2 pictus
and Oscar at the same time, or stagger it? <<The
rule-of-thumb here is to add the more aggressive fish later. What
you want to avoid, of course, is allowing your Oscar to
'claim' the tank and, then, add new fish afterward. That
said, I would be terribly remiss if I didn't highly recommend
quarantining your fish before adding them to your display tank.
We, too frequently, kind of gloss over this procedure but
it's absolutely the best way to ensure that the main tank is
getting "healthy" additions. I would go with the Pictus
first, in this case, and then the Oscar. If quarantining
isn't feasible, you shouldn't have a problem adding the
three together.>> Thank you again, Meghan
<<You're very welcome. Good luck! Tom>>