FAQs on Goldfish Disease Diagnostics 1
FAQs on Goldfish
Medicines: Antibiotics
(e.g. Maracyn, Tetracycline),
Organophosphates (e.g.
Fluke Tabs, Dylox), Anthelminthics (de-wormers), Salts, eSHa, Copper
Compounds, Formalin,
Green, Mela &
Pima(not)Fix, Metronidazole
(Flagyl), Sulfa
Drugs, All
Related Articles: Goldfish
Systems, Goldfish Disease, Goldfish, Goldfish Varieties, Koi/Pond
Fish Disease, Livestock
Treatment System, Bloaty, Floaty Goldfish,
Gas Bubble
Disease/Emphysematosis, Pond Parasite Control
with DTHP, Hole in the Side
Related Goldfish Disease FAQs: Environmental 1, Environmental 2, Environmental 3, Environmental 4, & Goldfish Disease 2, Goldfish Disease 3, Goldfish Disease 4, Goldfish Disease 6, Goldfish Disease 7,
Goldfish Disease
8, Goldfish Disease 9,
Goldfish Disease
10, Goldfish Disease
11, Goldfish Disease 12, Goldfish Disease 13, Goldfish Disease 14, Goldfish Disease 15, Goldfish Disease 16,
Goldfish Disease
17, Goldfish Disease 18,
Goldfish Disease 19, Goldfish Disease 20, Goldfish Disease 21, Goldfish
Disease 22, Goldfish Health 23, Goldfish Disease 24,
Goldfish Health 25, Goldfish Disease 26, Goldfish Disease 27, Goldfish Disease 28, Goldfish Disease 29, Goldfish Disease 30,
Goldfish Disease
31, Goldfish Disease 33,
Goldfish Disease 34, Goldfish Disease 35, Goldfish Health 36, Goldfish Health 37, Goldfish Health 38, Goldfish Disease 39
& Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, Nitrogen Cycling, Koi/Pondfish
Disease, Goldfish in General, Goldfish
Behavior, Goldfish Compatibility, Goldfish
Goldfish Feeding, Bloaty, Floaty Goldfish, Goldfish
Goldfish Bubbles-Scales
My goldfish summer in a 100+ gal ornamental pond, and winter in a 55 gal
I have 4 fish about 4" long body.
In Oct. I brought them in - one was bloated and had several
clear bubbles on each side the size of a small pea. The bubbles
could be a puffed out scale - hard to tell.
He did not get better, so I isolated him in a 5 gal bucket and added 1/8
tablespoon of Epsom salt.
Anything else i can do?
Thanks! Scot
<At this juncture, no... best to keep up water quality by frequent
partial water changes (a couple times weekly), with pre-stored water.
The bubbles?
Perhaps Emphysematosis, gas-bubble disease... environmental. Do use the
search tool on WWM to read a bit about. Bob Fenner>
Re: Goldfish Bubbles-Scales 1/25/19
Just wanted to thank you for your site!
I put the fish back in with his mates in the aquarium after several days
after in the quarantine Epsom-salt bucket. He's much happier there.
Bubbles are gone and he looks normal.
<Ah good. Thank you for this update. Bob Fenner>
Goldfish mystery illness (RMF, anything else?)<Just to agree
w/ you B> 3/13/16
Hello! I am truly hoping you can help me to solve the mystery illness of
my beloved goldfish, Clementine and Jujuby. I've read through all the
boards and previously answered questions, and can't seem to find a case
like mine.
My goldfish are two fantails in a 29-gallon-long tank.
<Just about big enough.>
Water parameters are consistently ammonia 0, nitrites 0, nitrates
between 0-20, pH 7.2, gH between 75 and 150, kH around 40.
<All sounds fine. Would also check temperature though. Fancy Goldfish
truly appreciate a bit of warmth, certainly not less than 18C/64F, and
ideally around 22C/72F.>
I do a 20-25% water change once a week. I feed Spectrum small sinking
pellet goldfish food, plus shelled peas about twice per week.
<Sounds good.>
Jujuby has been ill for a couple of years at this point- she has always
had trouble with keeping herself upright, and always has clamped fins.
<Clamped fins unusually indicate stress in fish, whether psychological
or physiological. To be fair, fancy Goldfish are sometimes so deformed
(their funny shapes are deformities, if you think about it) that they
sometimes unable to swim properly. This is usually down to a problem
with the relative positions of their swim bladders and guts, so when
they become constipated, which happens easily on flake alone, they start
listing like an unstable boat.>
Other than that, she eats well, and does not gasp at the surface or
I almost never see her poop, which troubles me- I suspect she has fishy
<Constipation. Diarrhoea is when the faeces are loose and copious,
relatively unlikely to be noticed in fish given their aquatic
environment. Constipation is where the faeces are slow to emerge, and
often (in fish) take the form of long brown strings hanging from the
vent of the fish.>
Clementine was the healthy one until this past fall, when she developed
white bumps on her fins- several on her tail, a few on her dorsal fin,
and even a couple on her body near her dorsal fin. I noticed Jujuby
seems to have these spots, too. They are definitely not ich (though I
did treat for ich just to be safe)- they don't resemble salt crystals,
they almost look like they're growing out from the inside of her tail.
<Curious. My gut feeling is something viral, like Fish Pox. Not
treatable, but usually goes away when the source of stress is removed.
Some vets suggest Fish Pox is extremely rarely seen in fish, others that
it's pretty common and latent in most specimens! There's also Coldwater
Ick, which looks very like Fish Pox and completely unlikely the Ick seen
in tropical fish. It can be treated in the same way as regular Ick
though, but with the proviso you MUST warm the aquarium up to at least
20C, ideally 22C, before treating. That's because the Coldwater Ick
cysts will take a long time to burst at cold temperatures, and they must
burst if the Ick/Whitespot medication is going to kill the free-living
stage in the parasite's life cycle. If you don't warm the water, it'll
take weeks for the cysts to burst, by which time the active chemicals in
the medication will have been metabolised by the fish filter bacteria.
Make sense?>
Clementine's poops are often stringy or zigzaggy, or both, suggesting an
internal infection.
<See above; this symptom could be constipation. Would make the usual
reminder: all-brown faeces are constipation, but if the faeces are pale,
even glassy in places, then that indicates the gut is shedding a lot of
mucous. That in turn tends to mean there's a parasitic infection of the
gut, because the parasites irritate the gut causing it to secrete the
mucous. Such parasites might be worms, might be Hexamita-type
Difficult to diagnose without examining the faeces, so one option is to
medicate for both.><<Agreed. B>>
I have tried EVERYTHING- Kanamycin, Erythromycin, Ich Cure, everything.
<Understood. But this sort of scattergun approach is rarely effective
(or economical).>
The thing that worked best was putting both fish in a hospital tank.
First, I treated with Methylene Blue for 10 days. Then, I treated with
MetroPlex, both in the water and food, for 10 days. Though Jujuby was
still her clamped-fin self, I noticed that Clementine's white spots
disappeared, and both fish seemed to have actual normal poops (a first
in a long time).
While the fish were in the hospital tank, I did a 90% water change in
their regular tank, and allowed it to fully cycle before reintroducing C
& J. I also added a Hydro-Sponge filter to supplement their hang-on-back
Within days of returning to their regular tank, Clementine's spots
reappeared- in the EXACT same locations where they had been before! And
both fish no longer have normal poops. I am so sad and baffled.
I know this is a lot to read and take in, but I really need an expert's
help. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my message.
<Do hope this helps, Neale.>
Re: goldfish mystery illness (RMF, anything else?)<Nada; thanks>
Hello, Neale! I truly appreciate your quick response, and am off to make
a donation to WetWebMedia!
<Ah, that's kind of you. Be sure it goes towards keeping the site on the
web; we're all volunteers here.>
You're right, I forgot to mention the temperature of my tank- it's
always around 68 degrees F/ 20 degrees Celsius right now, and goes to a
maximum of 75 degrees F/ 23 degrees Celsius in the summertime- I am
careful to use a fan or air conditioning to keep the water temp from
going much higher.
<Sounds fine.>
I realize that constipation is the issue most often seen in goldfish,
but I never see Jujuby poop, ever. Never any trailing poop- just
nothing. I did see a little explosion of feces from her anal area one
day, which makes me think diarrhoea. By contrast, Clementine (the
healthier fish) usually has good poops- food-coloured on pellet days,
and pea-coloured on green days.
But sometimes she produces poop that looks exactly like a knotted thin
white thread. Based on my research, of course I was thinking re-absorbed
eggs or a parasitic infection, but my Prazi-Quel treatment did not seem
to help.
<Agreed. Does sound at least in part as if this fish isn't eating
much/enough. Even with worms, something should come out of the vent!
Would make the observation that Prazi-Pro isn't the most effective
dewormer in
all course. I'm going to direct you to some reading, here:
Loaches are commonly "wormy" when imported, and in some cases deworming
is essential. Loaches.com is a great website, and very reliable, and
even if you aren't keeping loaches there's much of value there.>
About all that medication, I agree- constantly medicating is probably
not the best course of action, but it is difficult to watch them suffer,
so I end up trying everything.
<Totally understood.>
I've done a full course of each type of medicine, taking care to follow
instructions and remove all traces of medication and let the bacteria in
the tank return to normal before beginning another treatment. As I
mentioned, the Methylene Blue followed by the Metro-Plex seemed to work
best, but what really baffled me is how quickly the spots returned, and
that they were in the EXACT same place as before.
<Odd, but does make them sound more viral than anything else.>
This leads me to agree that you're right in thinking fish pox might be
the culprit? You've also got me thinking that Coldwater Ick may be a
possibility, too (I didn't know that existed before!). But would an
infection like Ick return to the exact same locations on a fish's body?
<Could do. The infective free-living stages will favour damaged or thin
skin, where the mucous is lacking or whatever. But agreed, if all the
"cysts" are in the same place, it does sound unlikely. In any event,
Ick is relatively easily treated with a combo of heat and salt, and
Goldfish have a high tolerance for brackish water, going nuclear on this
fish for a couple months might the way forward. Something around 2-3
gram/litre isn't unreasonable, and should kill off most external
parasites, let alone Ick.>
Not the same general area, but the same exact spots, as if I had marked
them with a pen and they re-appeared right there? What do you think?
<Much as you do. Most curious. Leaning towards the virus, which isn't
treatable. Or even some sort of unusual tumour (hardly rare among
Goldfish). Neither treatable beyond waiting for nature to take its
Provided the Goldfish is active and feeding, these sorts of cysts or
tumours are a cosmetic issue rather than anything else.>
I really appreciate your help, Neale- it is difficult to speak to
someone who actually knows what they're talking about, versus online
speculators who, even with the best intentions, may just be re-cycling
what they've read or mixing up information.
<Thanks for the kind words. Sorry can't be more categorical though. Good
luck going forwards, and if anything changes/improves, be sure to let us
Re: goldfish mystery illness (RMF, anything else?)
Thank you so much, Neale- the symptoms of nematode infection as listed
on the Loaches site match my fish's symptoms almost exactly- bloody
streaks in fins, nodules, white stringy feces, and a bloated vent area.
It looks like Levamisole Hydrochloride is difficult to come by here in
the US, but I just ordered what I could find, and I hope that it will
all work out. Please cross your fingers for me! I will let you know how
it goes, in case your other readers are struggling with the same problem
one day.
With much gratitude,
<Definitely an excellent website and I'm pleased you've got a direction
to work in now. Good luck! Neale.>
Ventral Fins of Small Ranchu Goldfish
I have three small Ranchu goldfish whose ventral fins appear to have a form of
fin rot. (I say "form" because it doesn't look like classic fin rot .)
The water perimeters are perfect
<Some numbers please! To recap: 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, a pH between 7 and 8, and
hardness rated something like "medium hard" to "very hard" is ideal for
and other than this issue, the fish are healthy, active and thriving. The
condition also fluctuates a bit; the fins begin to regenerate and then I notice
it is happening again. I have mixed up their diet and at one point I thought
maybe the weekly water changes were creating the stress. (Tried a dose of
Maracyn Plus and later Melafix with mixed results. Recently added small dose of
<The salt won't do much. The Melafix may even be harmful. Certainly not
particularly reliable. Antibiotics usually work nicely, but only if the
underlying issue is fixed. You can add all the medication you want but if the
fish is somehow stressed or damaged, the Finrot will recur.>
I have kept goldfish for many, many years with success, but this is my first
experience with Ranchus (and Lionheads) and this type of targeted issue.
Why just the Ranchus, why just the ventral fins, and what can i do to this
address this? (They are in a 60 gallon tank running an Eheim canister with
filtration at 176 gal an hour, with two other goldfish.)
<Little pink patches in the fins is the commonest prelude to Finrot. So did you
see this? It's often a good way to distinguish Finrot from physical damage (such
as tears or bites). Goldfish can be physically damaged by sharp ornaments as
well as over-powerful filtration or even (more) boisterous tankmates. Be careful
mixing different varieties of Goldfish, especially How cold is the water? Finrot
can be caused by chilling. Fancy goldfish are much more sensitive to cold than
traditional single-tail varieties. Indeed, a heater keeping the tank around
22C/72F is well worth using. Given that fin material is being lost, you do need
to review the possible causes as well as choose the right treatment.>
Any insight is appreciated. Thanks!
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Ventral Fins of Small Ranchu Goldfish
Hi Neale,
Thanks for the prompt reply. A few follow-ups to your responses:
Regarding the numbers, everything is at 0 with PH at 7.6/High range PH @ 7.8
(hardness?) around 7.8.
<All sounds fine.>
Agree with you about using a heater with goldfish; they seem to be happier and
stay healthier at 72-74.
<Quite so.>
Just an FYI I am very conservative adding medications, etc. to the water; after
not adding salt to the water for a few years, It was recommend to add some as a
prophylactic measure.
<For which, so far as the fish health books go, there isn't any evidence for.
There are specific uses of aquarium salt, but the old "tonic" idea really
harkens back to the dark ages of the hobby.>
Curious why the Melafix could be harmful (I did notice is that if taken in full
dosage it compromises my bio filter more than any antibiotic!)
<Bob F. is probably the best person to comment on this. My opinion is a bit more
moderate than his, though based on far less experience than he has!
I'd say that the biggest issue is that it's an unreliable cure, and in the time
people spend using it, the "window of opportunity" for successful medication
with antibiotics or antibacterials will pass. So by the time the person notices
the Melafix isn't doing the trick, it's too late for an easy cure with standard
medications like Maracyn, Kanaplex, eSHa 2000, etc.>
For fin rot, what do you recommend as the most effective antibiotic if I decide
to go that route?
<In the US, I'd suggest something like Kanaplex as a good first pass medication,
though the old Maracyn 1 + Maracyn 2 combo is tried and trusted. In the UK and
Europe, where antibiotics are prescription-only, I personally like eSHa 2000,
which works very well if bacterial infections are caught early.>
Regarding the "fin rot" I see no pink (or white) patches. The damage seems more
"corrosive" or bite-like, but this is definitely not happening (no aggression
from other tank mates). I think there is something stressing the fish and will
revisit the water conditioner I am using, hardness and the rate of filtration.
<If the holes in the fin come out of nowhere, without any evidence of congested
blood vessels (the pink or orange specks) or slowly dying fin tissue (grey
patches between the fin rays) then classic Finrot is less likely. Instead,
physical damage literally tearing out chunks of fin tissue is more probable.
This isn't to say Finrot can't set in after the fin is damaged. Review rockwork,
filter speed, tankmates, etc... and act accordingly.>
Thanks again, PAT
<Welcome, Neale.>
Goldfish; troubling behavior... cause/s?
Hi, my largest goldfish has found a spot in the tank that he continues to go to,
he buries his face between two rocks and just sits there, he is still active and
feeds well, he will come out if we go near the tank, we have taken his spots
away but after a couple days he finds a new spot.
<Mmm; well; I am convinced that even though they're lowly minnows
(Cyprinids), goldfish DO get "bummed out"... from the same sorts of influences
that stress them. High nitrate, any ammonia or nitrite presence; getting
"ridden" by algae eaters; harassed by....>
I have not introduced new fish and the water is kept cycled, clean and
conditions seem to b good, temperature is also good. The tank is 140litre, has a
pump and lights. all the other fish are doing well. Why does it do this?
<Something amiss here. Do you have water test kits? What other life is present
here? Bob Fenner>
Goldfish Problems - please help /Neale
HI crew, I've had a long look around your site and it's very clear that you know
your stuff, but I couldn't find an answer to my problem...
I work at a garden centre and, like many garden centres, we stock fish. We
recently got a few new fish in (about 30) and I've noticed on a few of the fish
that it almost looks like their scales and skin is falling off (I'll attach an
image of the most serious case in a following email). I was just wondering if
there's anything we can do? (We've not had this problem with
any of the other fish in the system or with the fish from the same tank before)
[Attached] is the image of the goldfish with the most serious case of the
problem we have,
<Can't be sure but my money would be on a viral infection... especially if
multiple specimens are suffering. Do read:
There are number of Goldfish and Koi specific viruses out there, some merely
unsightly, others quickly fatal. No treatment exists. They don't seem to be
transferrable to other types of fish, but in a commercial situation you
obviously want to isolate infected fish from healthy livestock, and more than
likely, euthanise humanely any infected specimens and consult with your supplier
before buying more. I'm going to ask BobF for his input here as well. Cheers,
Goldfish Problems - please help /RMF 7/5/15
HI crew, I've had a long look around your site and it's very clear that you know
your stuff, but I couldn't find an answer to my problem...
I work at a garden centre and, like many garden centres, we stock fish. We
recently got a few new fish in (about 30) and I've noticed on a few of the fish
that it almost looks like their scales and skin is falling off (I'll attach an
image of the most serious case in a following email). I was just wondering if
there's anything we can do? (We've not had this problem with
any of the other fish in the system or with the fish from the same tank before)
<Have looked at your pic... This condition could be due to environmental stress
(shipping, handling) or might be pathogenic (bacterial on up!)...
Other than assuring these fish are kept in a system with no ammonia, nitrite,
and little (under 10 ppm) nitrate, I'd likely treat with a Sulfa drug and a
teaspoon per five gallons of "aquarium salt".
Bob Fenner>
Seeking Goldfish Help; scam 'Fix"es
Hello Wet Web Media!
<Lady S>
I hope you can help me decipher what has gone wrong.
<Me too>
Back in 2011 I "rescued" 3 goldfish from my aunts house. There were 3 goldfish in a 10 gallon tank, and no one was feeding them.
One of them had no fins. I don't know if the
others ate them off or they just wasted away, but he had no
fins! The other fish was very tiny and missing one of his
rear fins (not the tail fin, one of the underside fins but not the front ones). The third fish was I think female and larger and had all of
her fins. Keep in mind I found these fish neglected, water
seemed clear and pristine, but I have no idea about their
history or age. Before I rescued them, Id like to point out
that a red semi protruding sore seemed to develop on the
largest fish' chest. It went away a day later.
I adopted them and drove them across half of the United States to my new home. I kept them in bags with a little water and a lot of air.
They made it. When I reached Missouri, I bought a 60 gallon
tank and threw them in.
They took to it right away and grew grew grew. Mr. No-Fin thrived. He grew very big and ate and foraged in the gravel and seemed okay.
But he slowly developed a lump where his dorsal fin had
been. The lump grew bigger and bigger but never seemed to
interfere with his mood or eating habits. The tiniest fish
with 1 missing fin grew also and remains with me today. And
the biggest fish grew HUGE as well.
Well this was in 2013. After a year, the biggest fish started to puff up on one side. I didn't understand anything about it so hit the
forums and internet. Her scales started to pine-cone a
little also. I bought PimaFix and
<These are scam products. Try searching WWM w/ their names>
and tried that, and it didn't seem to do a damn thing. Now I
didn't know this at the time, but apparently those products trash the
water parameters.
This great big fat fish ended up laying on her side, breathing very faintly. I moved her to a bucket with an airstone but she
just kept breathing more and more faintly until she was
still for a day.
Then about 5 months after she died, No-Fin died. It seemed to be the same thing. Despite his large dorsal tumor-fin, he started to puff up
on the side. Oh shit here we go again, I thought. I ordered
some Maracyn Two, but unlike the large fish, No-Fin didn't
last but a few days after this big budge appeared. I looked
over at him and as if on cue, he suddenly started to thrash
and swim violently and then turn upside down and go dead
limp, as if his gills weren't even moving. Then a few seconds and he'd thrash and zip all around again, and again, belly up and dead
like. It kept going on until he ended up in my quarantine
bucket on his side, breathing really shallow, and dying
much the same way the first fish did.
That tiny fish with only 1 limb is still here and acting perky and normal.
Bought a new comet goldfish, Soliel, it thrived. All well, and then again, about a year later, this new fish, Soliel, ends up the same way. I
noticed that budge on his one side. and some red streaks in
the tail...so I treated the tank with Maracyn Plus. The
budge went away!!!!!! YAY! The budge NEVER came back...
HOWEVER, about 5 months after the incident, Soliel
suddenly ignored her food one morning and started bumping into things,
<Mmm; what are you; were you feeding?>
drifting around slowly with tail fin drooping. I did an immediate 50% water change.
Still drifted around listlessly, bumping into stuff as if he wasn't even watching where he was drifting toward. But no budge
and no pineconed scales....eyes clear. I figured I just
changed the water so Ill give it the night. Then BANG it
started thrashing around all of sudden and slamming itself
into everything and going belly up, like it was dead, just
the way no fin did. Then a few seconds later another thrashing that was SO HARD that it knocked its gills loose. Its gills protruded from its
body after this thrashing and I quickly removed it from the
tank to the bucket.
In the bucket it continued to thrash here and there, then roll over with its eyes derped outward like it was dead. The gills were a deep
red color (not bright, not pale, but deep reddish purple.)
Meanwhile the remaining survivor fish from my aunt's
continues to seem dandy.
<What did you treat the new water with to remove sanitizer?>
I feel awful, this whole fish keeping thing started because I wanted to rescue those guys from my aunt. Based on these symptoms and the
way they thrashed and seemed to die over and over, what do
you think happened!?!?!!! Please help!
<Well, the initial tumour issues are likely resultant from poor genetic
constitution coupled with environmental, nutritional neglect by the previous
owner/s... the thrashing death... from poisoning via the water change or ammonia
released by the change, stirring of the substrate (?)... food issues. Need to
have real data... water quality test results and products used to remove
chloramine, food brands. Bob Fenner>
goldfish spots.... no data 4/1/15
Hello, I have a problem with my goldfish. When I Google under Google images
"white spots on goldfish tail" I see an image of the problem I am talking
about., that connects back to your website, with a response. My goldfish have
had these for years. Two gold ,small Veiltails have it pretty severely on all
fins--one large white veil in another tank has one area on its tail with a few
spots and a split and is developing others, and a large Ryukin calico has an
area on it's tail that has remained stable for about a year. Your
website response to this was that it is some kind of fin rot.
<Maybe.... but could be one of a few types of worms; even just resultant from
environmental insult, physical trauma...>
I have tried two different antibiotic treatments for Finrot with no change at
all. It continues to slowly spread. At times it seems on the gold veils that it
goes away, but then it comes back. It gets worse if a fish is on the bottom for
any length of time. Any ideas on this much appreciated.
Rick Burt
<Please send data and good pix.... water quality test results, system details,
maintenance routine.... foods/feeding.
Nature abhors a vacuum like we dislike a lack of useful information. Bob Fenner>
Goldfish problems 3/5/15
Dear WWM,
I have a couple of long term problems with my goldfish that I have been
unable to solve. I am hoping you can help.
This is my current setup:
55(+/-) gallon tank; 48"x16"x18"306 Fluval canister and a 406 Fluval
canister, both running 24/7 and agitating the surface UV sterilizer
PH: 7.6 Ammonia: 0 Nitrites: 0 Nitrates: 5-10ppm
1 Black Moor; 7"1 Fantail; 2"1 Fantail; 3"1 fantail; 6"2 Ranchu; each 5"
5 Apple snails 7 Nerite snails various plants
A few large river rocks from Lake Superior Pool filter sand substrate
I know I am a bit crowded so I do 50% water changes every other
day to assure pristine water conditions. I am upgrading
to a 120 gallon tank this summer.
<Mmm; how is this water treated, and hopefully stored, ahead of use?>
Problem #1: My 6" calico fantail (more of a veil tail cross breed) has a
ragged/frayed tail (see attachment #1). At first I believed it was fin
rot so I treated it with every manner of medication on the market to no
All of my fish are wonderful tank mates and prefer to be together rather
than apart so there is no nipping going on. I have even stayed up all
night watching them, in the dark, to be sure. Recently, someone at the
fish store said it was due to my pool sand. He said my fish was
dragging his tail on the sand and the sand was tearing it up.
My fish does take naps throughout the day (see attachment #2) and his
tail does drag most of the time. For this reason, I recently switched to
a "softer and smoother" sand. That being a combination of "Eko Terra
River Bed Sand" and "CaribSea Super Naturals, premium aquarium
substrate". So far there has been no change in the tail and my tank is a
mess. The
particles are so fine that my fish throw it all over the place as they
play...most of it resting on the plants and the wens of my Ranchu and
stuck to the slime coat of the rest...not a good look.
<This should abate in time>
And I am a bit concerned that they may be ingesting more of it than the
pool sand and not knowing if that is a problem or not. So, I would like
to go back to the pool sand (unless you can recommend something better
and darker) but I don't want my poor fish to constantly be dealing with
a ripped up tail. I can only imagine that it doesn't feel good. Do you
have any ideas what might be causing this problem and what I can do to
remedy it?
<I would leave the (new) substrate in... but would not have switched the
old out>
Problem #2: I feed my fish "Repashy Soilent Green and Repashy Super
Green" along with chopped spinach, shelled peas, bananas and other
fruits/veggies, dried seaweed, frozen brine shrimp and frozen
blood worms
<Drop these.... sewer worm larvae. Implicated in disease>
on occasion. My 3" fantail (see attachment #3) loves the food, eats well
and seems healthy...except that he spends most of his time
upside down (see attachment #4).
<Too much dried food; and the breed/genetics. See Sabrina's article on
"Floaty, bloaty goldfish" on WWM>
It doesn't really matter what I feed him, every time he eats, he goes
upside down for quite awhile and he sleeps upside down every night. I am
thinking the humane thing to do is to euthanize him, but I cannot bring
myself to do this unless I know for sure that he is suffering because of
this condition. If it is something I am doing wrong and can correct,
please advise.
<The foods as already mentioned>
I have had some success with changing the size of the
feedings/particles, but it's not consistent success. Also, I was hoping
you could explain why several of my fish sort of gulp at the surface
after feedings (see attachment #5) and whether this can be contributing
to the problem.
<There may be a low DO, and/or high CO2 issue here; otherwise, this is
something goldfish do... food, feeding related>
I cannot believe the gulping can be an oxygen situation because the
surface agitation from my filters is more than adequate. Do you have any
Thank you very much for your time, Lorrie Nesbitt
PS: Do you think that having light (from a glass door as seen in
attachments 2-4 or a window) coming in from various angles could cause
them stress and that it is contributing to the problem?
<Not much; no>
I read from you that the light should come from the top rather than the
bottom (the reason for dark sand) and it made me think about the light
coming in from windows etc. I know that sounds silly, but I am desperate
at this point and thinking about everything and anything that could
possibly be the cause of my issues.
HELP! <smile>
<The water, foods.... Bob Fenner>
Goldfish problems #2 3/5/15
Dear WWM,
In addition, you should know that attachment #1 (below) is not the worse
his tail has looked. He has one 1/2" tear that will not heal and the
rest of the shredding changes from day to day.
<Perhaps the other fish... should improve w/ the move to the larger
Also, do you think the light colored pool sand or the new sand as
described below could be causing stress and that stress is leading to my
Thanks again, Lorrie
<Same ole BobF> |

Re: Goldfish problems, att: Bob Fenner
Dear Bob,
<Mmm; how is this water treated, and hopefully stored, ahead of use?>
My water is from the tap, treated with "Seachem Prime." Does Seachem Prime
not take out the chlorine well?
<Ah yes; chloramine>
Is that the reason you want me to store?
<Mmm; no; not really. There are other issues. You can search, read re on WWM
under Water Changes>
Given the amount of water I change, storing is really not an option. With my
new tank I would need to store 50 gallons at a time...hmmm...I don't have
the space for that.
<Too much dried food; and the breed/genetics. See Sabrina's article on
"Floaty, bloaty goldfish" on WWM>
I will drop the blood worms/brine shrimp/seaweed as you suggested.
Is gel food considered dry food?
<No; flakes, pellets, extruded sticks are>
Other than that I am doing as Sabrina suggested.
Thank you, Lorrie
<Welcome. BobF> |
Fantail Goldfish lurking at top of his tank
Dear Crew,
Thank you for your great site as usual. I have spent some time reading FAQs
recently and it's always helpful and you have all been of great help in the
<Ah, good>
I have a fantail goldfish that is probably around 10 years old (had him for 8
years and he was an adult when I got him, so that's just a guess really. He's
about 4 inches long plus tail. He is on his own in a 120l tank. He is fed one
pea in the evening and three Spectrum New Life sinkers in the morning. I do two
25% water changes per week and his tank chemistry seems fine (Last week. he
tested at PH 7.9, Ammonia and Nitrite 0 and
Nitrate 10. The nitrate amount has more than doubled, but I haven't changed
anything recently, so I'm puzzled by that. It's still within reasonable
parameters according to here and I'm changing regularly.
<Bacteria come, go metabolically, population wise with small, subtle changes>
I have two filters, which I change every month or so in rotation (although
probably not as regularly as I should and the media is old). The only thing I
don't do that I probably should is vacuum the gravel, but I considered
that because the gravel layer is quite minimal it's not as vital here.
There has been algae growth recently because of the sunshine, but I have been
removing this.
I noticed over the last couple of weeks he has been hanging around at the top of
his tank a lot more than usual. He has always done it to some degree, but he's
doing it to a more worrying extent now. About a week ago
he was sitting on the gravel for a while a few times, but I haven't caught him
doing that over the last week. He also seems very easily buffeted by the current
and when I pour water in during a water change and has a
slight lilt, like swimming is a bit of a struggle for him. When the filter etc.
is off if I'm changing him, he's very still. and just hangs there.
He's perky around feeding time, but his active times seem to be reduced. I
recently added an airstone to see if oxygen quality could be an issue, but that
seems to have made no difference.
<Do "wick off" the surface water... by dipping a pitcher... perhaps a thin oil
film (very common from indoors sources) is coating the tank top>
I haven't got any Elodea or similar in there for him, as I have been concerned
about it reducing the Oxygen content in the water, although I read some FAQs on
here which suggest if a fish is doing this, boredom
could be a factor.
I also thought perhaps I'm not feeding him enough, or feeding him badly, which
is giving digestion issues (another thing suggested on here that could be an
<Could try increasing... perhaps some pellets in the AM>
I can't find anything in the archives that really could be a cause here that I
haven't already thought of, any suggestions? Any help or suggestions
would be appreciated.
Kind regards,
<Cheers, Bob Fenner>
Re: Fantail Goldfish lurking at top of his tank
Hi Bob,
Thanks very much for your assistance with this. I'm going to do as you say with
the clearing of the water around the tank top (any recommendation on frequency
for this?), increase his feeding gradually and get some Elodea in there for him
to forage in etc.
<Sounds/reads good>
I use Aquamel dechlorinator, which I've seen Neale recommend on here a dozen
times and I'm very paranoid about hygiene/chemicals around him, so I would
struggle to see it's to do with anything untoward getting in the
water that way. K/H is fine as we're on limestone round here. The other thing I
thought of might be to do with the temperature. It's dropped a few degrees here
in England since October's kicked in and although his heater
is working fine and keeping him to a steady 18 degrees, it may be affecting him
or the water in some way.
<Yes; should make more sluggish>
I know this goldfish behaviour stuff is pot luck sometimes and I have enough
experience to know that even if everything chemically is right, then sometimes
they can have periods of odd behaviour for their own reasons or
for other issues we can't test or really prepare for like genetics. Like I
always say, fish first, ask questions later and hope it goes OK.
Thanks again,
<Welcome. BobF>
Fantail Goldfish lurking at top of his tank /Neale
Dear Crew,
Thank you for your great site as usual. I have spent some time reading FAQs
recently and it's always helpful and you have all been of great help in the
I have a fantail goldfish that is probably around 10 years old (had him for
8 years and he was an adult when I got him, so that's just a guess really.
He's about 4 inches long plus tail. He is on his own in a 120l tank. He is
fed one pea in the evening and three Spectrum New Life sinkers in the
morning. I do two 25% water changes per week and his tank chemistry seems
fine (Last week. he tested at PH 7.9, Ammonia and Nitrite 0 and Nitrate 10.
The nitrate amount has more than doubled, but I haven't changed anything
recently, so I'm puzzled by that. It's still within reasonable parameters
according to here and I'm changing regularly. I have two filters, which I
change every month or so in rotation (although probably not as regularly as
I should and the media is old). The only thing I don't do that I probably
should is vacuum the gravel, but I considered that because the gravel layer
is quite minimal it's not as vital here. There has been algae growth
recently because of the sunshine, but I have been removing this.
I noticed over the last couple of weeks he has been hanging around at the
top of his tank a lot more than usual. He has always done it to some
degree, but he's doing it to a more worrying extent now. About a week ago
he was sitting on the gravel for a while a few times, but I haven't caught
him doing that over the last week. He also seems very easily buffeted by
the current and when I pour water in during a water change and has a slight
lilt, like swimming is a bit of a struggle for him. When the filter etc. is
off if I'm changing him, he's very still. and just hangs there.
He's perky around feeding time, but his active times seem to be reduced. I
recently added an airstone to see if oxygen quality could be an issue, but
that seems to have made no difference.
I haven't got any Elodea or similar in there for him, as I have been
concerned about it reducing the Oxygen content in the water, although I
read some FAQs on here which suggest if a fish is doing this, boredom could
be a factor.
I also thought perhaps I'm not feeding him enough, or feeding him badly,
which is giving digestion issues (another thing suggested on here that
could be an issue)
I can't find anything in the archives that really could be a cause here
that I haven't already thought of, any suggestions? Any help or suggestions
would be appreciated.
Kind regards,
<Bob seems to have covered the basics in his reply. I do agree with him that
boredom, or rather, lack of social interaction, could be a factor. Do bear in
mind Goldfish are gregarious, and though they don't necessarily
need to be kept in schools like, say, Neons, they do appreciate company.
Sometimes adding dissimilar fish with similar requirements can work, such as
Weather Loaches or even Variatus Platies (these latter assuming the water isn't
too cold, 18-22 C being ideal for them). Of course you can't add more fish if
the size of the tank and water quality don't allow it. On the other hand, adding
just one other Goldfish might not work if they don't get along -- to some degree
they're hierarchical animals, and if both want to be top dog, some chasing may
occur. Adding two additional fish, smaller specimens though not too small, would
be a better tack. 120 litres is 30 US gallons, just about adequate for 3 fancy
Goldfish. I recommend choosing the same or similar varieties because stronger
varieties can bully weaker ones (mixing Standards with Celestials for example is
asking for trouble!). But plain vanilla Fantails should mix with Moors quite
well, if you wanted some variety. Moors are often a bit bullish, so getting
youngsters about half the size of the Fantail should balance out nicely.
Secondly, I'd also consider adding some heat to the tank. Fantails, like the
other fancy varieties from Asia, are best treated as subtropicals. Contrast this
with Standards and things like Comets and Shubunkins that were specifically bred
within the coldwater (unheated) hobby in Europe and the US. You don't need a lot
of heat, but 22 C/72 F is ideal for them, particularly if you balance warmth
with oxygenation (i.e., filter-drive circulation of water all around the tank,
supplemented by splashing at the surface). If kept too cold, fancy varieties can
become lethargic and even more prone to things like Finrot as their immune
system works less well. Likewise, lack of warmth slows down digestion and
metabolism, which will mostly manifest itself as a general lack of vitality
rather than specific disease-like symptoms. In short, adding a heater and
reviewing water circulation could make all the difference here, and if it does,
you then have the option of adding some dither fish such as Variatus Platies to
help a singleton Goldfish feel more
at-ease. Hope this helps, Neale.>
Re: Fantail Goldfish lurking at top of his tank (RMF, anything else?)<<Mmm; no>>
Hi Neale,
<Hello Oliver,>
Thanks for getting back to me also. The tank is heated, as the filter and heater
combination was part of the tank. I may look at increasing his temperature
gradually though. It's currently at 19 degrees C. Maybe it is a
metabolism issue as the thing I have noticed more today is the amount of effort
it's taking him to move down his tank. He's having to use his tail muscle more
powerfully when he's swimming normally. If he wasn't almost
exclusively confined to the top 10% of his tank, 90% of the time, I would think
he was being a bit quiet, but wouldn't really get worked up about it.
I don't know if not feeding him for a day or two might be worth a try?
Could it be a digestive/swim bladder issue? I'm not sure if it's better to feed
him more peas to try and help or if it's just better to give his digestive
system a break for a couple of days.
<For sure worth a shot. Up the temperature, switch to an all-greens diet, see
what happens.>
He has come down for a little while from time to time, but it seems like it's an
effort and he sort of drifts back up quickly. It's just odd as he's acting
fairly normally today (not in one place like he was yesterday) but is still
stuck right at the top. He's still eating, which is good, and still active, just
in a very restricted area.
Incidentally, he used to be in with two others, a Black Moor and a Veiltail, but
I eventually had to separate them after they wouldn't leave each other alone,
leading to the smaller fish being very stressed. Once I have sorted this issue
out, it's something I would consider again as both other fish have passed away
Thanks again,
<Most welcome. Neale.>
Goldfish Belly Turning Yellow
I was hoping you could help me. I have 2 Comet Goldfish that are
all white except gold spots near their head ( about 5" long) and 1 Pleco
(about 3") in a 75 gallon tank.
<Do keep an eye on the Pleco... they do go after goldfish at times...
sucking on their body slime and more>
I have had my gold fish about 8 months now and recently got Pleco around
3 weeks ago. I do regular water changes/gravel vacuum every 5-6 days,
have a great filer system, etc. and my fish eat a veggie and
flake verity diet (feeding them once every 2-3 days).
<Do read on WWM re GF feeding... I'd switch to pelleted;
feed twice daily>
Recently in the past 2 weeks i noticed that both of my
goldfish's undersides have been turning more and more yellow, they have
had slight scale loss,
<... this is trouble>
and they have been swimming on an angle and sometimes dart around. I had
my water check and everything was fine. Is it because i introduced the
new fish? I also changed their flake food and the yellow color on their
underside is the exact same color; could it be something in that? How
can i help them? Or am i just looking into this too much? ( sorry for so
many questions) I really hope you can help! -Samantha
<Well... goldfish do change color at times... But don't lose scales. I
suspect the Suckermouth cat... Would remove it. Bob Fenner>
Re: Goldfish bloated, possibly dropsy.
Hell again, I wanted to provide an update on my sick goldfish situation.
I went ahead and placed him in a hospital tank and started treating him
with Epsom salt. I dosed 1tsp per 5 gallon as instructed on your Epsom
salt faq page. After being placed in this salt solution the goldfish
pooped A LOT. More than I even thought he could hold really. I removed
all the poop and did a water change after words and in the hospital tank
is where he remains.
He seemed slimmer after emptying out but the swelling around his vent
area still remains although it's less than before. I took him out of the
hospital tank and put him in a glass tank to get a good look at
him and noticed his tail fin has developed slightly bloody edges to it
as though fin rot is getting started. I really don't want to lose this
fish so I called around all my local vet clinics to see if any would
treat fish and they all said no. One said he'd treat koi but 'he didn't
feel comfortable treating anything smaller.'
Should I try to treat him with any antibiotics?
<I would not; no use>
If so, which one would be the best? I can't find seems to find Furan or
maracyn locally so I may have to order the medicine online (my
antibiotic fish medicine stash seems to be all expired, serves me right
for not keeping up with it better).
<Cheers, BobF>
Oranda owner problem; hlth... salt? Dechloraminator product?
Env. stress? 7/8/14
Hello crew. This is the 2nd time I've ever written you guys in 13 years.
I spend countless hours reading and rereading the information already
available. The first time I wrote was when I was just entering the
saltwater hobby. That has turned out to be an amazingly rewarding and
successful pastime due in large part to the wonderful resource you all
have provided on the site and in the many books I've acquired on your
recommendations. I have a thriving 75 gallon mostly fish and soft coral
tank along with a stable and contented 180 gallon SPS tank both of which
are nearly on auto pilot at this point. All this to say, I've recently
had the wind taken from my sails by Oranda goldfish.
I do know some about freshwater since I have a very long lived tiger
Oscar in another 55 gallon tank. I wanted to start a 55 gallon Oranda
tank. I had begun the normal month to 6 week cycle and started a
quarantine of 3 specimens during this process. There were 2 small fish
about 2" and one bigger one maybe 3 or 4". I originally had all
three in a 20 gallon quarantine tank with extra bubblers and a
Tetra 30-40 gallon power filter.
I realize in hindsight that my water change regimen was lacking, not
neglected by any means, but within a week, all three developed a BAD
case of Ich. I immediately separated the 2 smaller fish into their own
gallon tank and began adding salt and raising the temperature on both
After a week and a half of intense (2 times a day, every day) water
testing and daily water changes at the first sign of ammonia (the
quarantine tanks had been newly set up for these fish), the 3 had
totally recovered and were visually Ich free, active, interactive with
me and eating well. I kept feeding to a minimum this entire time (every
other day) alternating between high quality pellet food and Life Line
enriched herbivore food which I feed my saltwater fish. The salt level
had been ramped up to 3% and all the water was aged 2 days in advanced,
PH equalized to 7.6 and heated to 81 degrees
<I'd raise to 85 F.>
to match the tank temperature. Additionally, I added recommended doses
of API Quick Start bacterial cultures and API stress coat with each
change of water.
After 10 days, I began to slowly reduce the salt content and gradually
lower the water temperature (about 3 degrees a day). All was well until
things slowly began to collapse. Over the course of the next 4 days, I
lost all 3 fish all of whom became lethargic and began lying on the tank
bottom in an upright position until their demise. Water parameters were
as close to pristine as uncycled quarantine tanks with daily 50% water
changes could be. Ammonia registered zero in both tanks at the time of
The fish didn't appear to have irregular respiratory rhythm or
inordinate trips to the surface.
<Mmm; cumulative stress? Can only speculate as to cause of their demise>
Upon disassembling the 2 tanks, everything in them was slimy to the
point of being disgusting, presumably from the Stress Coat.
<Yes; likely this, the salt... brought on excess mucus production of the
The tank glass was coated, intakes were coated and every surface felt
"gelled over". I can't imagine that gills would be immune to this
coating although, as I said, the fish never seemed to be at an oxygen
deficit. It just felt "wrong" however.
I feel TERRIBLE about letting these fish down. I feel a huge
responsibility to the critters in my care and will spare no investment
of time or dollars in doing what is necessary for their well-being. I
never been involved in such a catastrophic loss such as this and what
makes it worse is that I have no idea what I must've done wrong. I have
saltwater fish in my 75 gallon tank I've had since its inception and
very few exceptions, little loss of life in any of my fresh or saltwater
tanks. My Oranda tank is now on hold until I'm confident I know what
happened regardless of if they will do well, now, in a completely cycled
55. Thanks for any insights you can offer.
<Well... I don't use dechloraminators; opting instead to pre-prepare
change out water by storing ahead of use for a week or so... I might
encourage; I do encourage you to consider adopting the same S.O.P. Bob
Re: Oranda
owner problem 7/9/14
Good morning Bob, thank you for your nearly immediate response. As I
recall, you were the one who answered my query years ago as well.
<...."not dead yet!">
I am a big proponent of pre stored water. I have two 160 gallon R/O
storage vessels one salt and one fresh for my marine tanks, but have
read that R/O isn't the best option for freshwater tanks.
That being said, the water used is well water with no chlorine.
<Ahh, I see... I might still store it, aerate it...>
I mixed 3 5 gallon buckets each 2 days before use and rotated buckets on
2 day cycles to maintain this regimen (I have PLENTY of empty salt
buckets after so many years). Chlorine wasn't on my radar since it's a
non issue with the well. I used the Stress Coat for its purported slime
coat producing benefits making Ich reinfestation through attachment less
likely and the Quick Start to try to even out, albeit temporarily
between water changes, beneficial bacteria in both the water and filter
<I see>
There seems to have been some variable that's eluding me that reached
critical mass around day 12 to 14. The fish never seemed "disturbed" by
the water changes either physically or psychologically, and went on
about their day in normal fashion thereafter. . . .until they didn't. At
this point, I'm wary of quarantine procedures with these fish and think
I will end up releasing 3 (in total) into the display tank at the same
time once it's cycled. If issues arise, I can always treat the tank with
salt and temperature which seemed to work wonders in quarantine until
the mystery ended the success.
<You mentioned low dissolved oxygen... a very common factor...>
Still, though, if I were to lose one of the 3 in the future, I'd be
hesitant to quarantine a replacement based on this unsavory experience
although having a supply of display water and cultured media at the
would likely change the dynamics in quarantine considerably.
I am suspect of the Stress Coat although I've read nothing about issues
with this product. I think, too, it was the genesis of most of the slimy
tank coating although I'm sure excess mucous production was a
contributor too. The product is slimy to the touch even.
<Yes... the PVP>
It's the single largest "cumulative" variable I think could negatively
affect the quarantine tanks, especially after I inspected them upon
disassembly. I don't know.
I have always been able to follow the logic of my past failures and made
the necessary changes to remedy them - almost always before loss of
aquatic life. This time, I'm just at a total loss as to what happened -
all within a 2 day time-frame on a regimen that had been working fine. .
. from happy fish to dead fish.
I realize you're trying to analyze this event from afar and that you can
only speculate and I understand that. I also understand your knowledge
base and welcome any other speculation you can offer which may
head me down an avenue I've overlooked entirely.
<Mmm; nothing at this juncture "jumps out">
I see you have a book on fancy goldfish which I will likely end up
purchasing along with other goldfish specialty books to add to all the
other volumes on marine displays I have by you, Calfo, Sprung, Paletta
Borneman. I am obsessive and I have to know.
<Obsessiveness pays often... I too tend towards "being systematically
inclined". Cheers, BobF>
Mysterious death and odd behavior (12/14/13)... GF introduced
I have a 75 gallon freshwater tank I have had running for a month in a
half. I went cheap on the heater and got one for a 60 gallon and do plan
to buy another. The filter is a Marineland penguin 350 with the bio
wheels 60 pounds of pond pea pebble. Current chemical balance 7.8 p.h,
ammonia at 0 all levels are good. The cycling process I used was the
quick start tablets
and fish food let cycle for 2 days tested water all levels good 3 day
added 2 liters of used Betta water for bacteria reasons. On the
4th day I added 3 comet goldfish.
<... Am hoping, REALLY hoping these were goldfish you "already had".
That is, not ones just purchased from a shop. These invariably have
parasite and infectious disease issues. Have used "feeder/comets" dozens
of times for
fish pathology exercises/demonstrations>
Water levels still good. 11 days total so far. On the 11 day I moved
my tiger barbs all 6 into the tank. Day 13 I added an
electric blue cichlid. Day 15 ammonia levels at 0.05 I rehomed the
goldfish did a 25 percent water change. The water levels regulated day
17 added a sunshine peacock cichlid. ay 36 I added another
peacock cichlid and a molird moori cichlid. Day 38 the food I fed them
is frozen brine shrimp omega one tropical fish flakes and didn't add the
cichlid pellets like I usually do
instead I put 3 tetra vegetable algae wafers in there at 1 p.m at
12 a.m everything seemed normal levels are still fine then all
the sudden my electric blue cichlid starts swimming crazy dives into the
rocks real fast all around the tank through the gravel and
then calmed down. Day 39 the electric blue cichlid died and the
tiger barbs are fine the tank
temperature is at 73 f and the peacock cichlids are
hiding even though they are free swimmers and now we are at day 40 and
the fish activity is the same but I noticed the wafers had a white silky
fuss on them I am baffled on what is happening
<... well; the white fuzz could be just fungused food (no big deal)... I
don't know re the hiding; and the one cichlid loss could be an anomaly
(genetic, something else internal... a bug it ate that fell into the
tank...). I'd do the usual water changing, addition of activated carbon,
AND keep a sharp eye on the remaining livestock. You may have
inadvertently added something with the goldfish... e.g. Chilodonella...
That may prove hard to diagnose (need to sample, look at body slime et
al. under a microscope...) and treat. Bob Fenner>
sick Oranda.. & repro. f'
I was wondering if you could give me some advice on my female Oranda,..
I have had her for 9 years,, She as been well up to about 4 days ago..
I noticed she shed some eggs, then after that day she hasn't eaten
and has this long white stringy looking skin type of poo tube.. But with
no poo in it......The stringy thing releases after a day or so then it
starts to come
out again.........
<Part of the egg shedding; not to worry>
I took her out of the tank to see if she had anyhting stuck in her throat.
But there is nothing....She is swimming and breathing Ok. But my worry
is she is not eating...... it has now been five days.... As I picked her
up I noticed a creamy white substance coming out of her bottom..........
<Nor re this>
I have spoken to two different people at different fish stores.
said she may have a tumour and I should euthanise her............
<What? No>
The other said she could be going through a healing process after
spawning because of her age...... and If she's not eating in
7 days use salt....
Which he didn't really recommend''..
<Perhaps a modicum of Epsom. Please read here:
I hope you can help me I don't really want to lose her.........
Thank you Jan Barker..........
<Cheers, Bob Fenner>
Re: sick Oranda.. 9/22/13
Dear Bob.
I want to thank you for your very useful information.. It's nice to know
there are people like you out there.
If I had taken notice of my so called fish expert friend at the
pond shop... My lovely girl would be dead now. She has started to eat a
little thank goodness I have been putting fry food in the water
and she must have
been getting some goodness from it.. The pooless tube is still coming
out of
her bottom... Do you have any idea how long this can go on for ??? and
is it
doing her harm.......
<A few more days and no harm whatsoever. There are some folks (even
here) that might suggest using a modicum of salt/s; but I would do
nothing here period>
Thank you again, I am most grateful..
Jan Barker.
<Glad to set your mind to ease. Cheers, BobF>
Re My fish 9/30/13
Dear Bob
<Hey Jan>
I wanted to send you a picture of my now well, lovely
Oranda... At least I think she is an Oranda I got her in a mixed bunch
9 years ago as a baby....
I was very grateful for your useful information..
Imagine putting that lovely face in the freezer as,,, My so called expert
fish keeper suggested.
Thank you again .Jan Barker..........
<Life to you my friend. BobF>
goldfish clamped fins 7/19/13
Hi Bob Fenner , I wrote to you about a week ago about my goldfish at the
bottom of the tank with clamped fins. Since then I took my water to be
tested at a lf store and they tested the water and said no
<No; as in zero? Not likely... I'd get your own test kit>
no amm or nitrites. I threw out all my kits, some were three years old
some 4 years, Some place had told me they were good forever. Anyway, my
fish is still at the bottom. I just wanted to go over a few things with
you. He has been losing scales once a week for a few months now.
<Something wrong here; likely environmental. When, where in doubt, do
sequential water changes>
Two days ago he lost one and yesterday he lost 2. I don't know if is from
hitting the filter tubing When he flies around for a quick minute and
then goes head first to the bottom or they are just falling off. Also, I
don't know what other tank I could get him if I have stunted his growth,
which makes me feel terrible by the way. I thought 55 gallons was okay
for one goldfish.
<Should be fine here for many years... with water changes weekly... good
food; regular filter maintenance>
They don't seem to make one that would be good for goldfish! I know it
is hard to make a diagnosis with out testing (wish I knew where I could
go to do that or someone made house calls.), but I wonder if he could
have tb or a hardened bladder. He lays in the corner with his top fin
down and butt up a little and has a curved back and his tail is curved.
e only comes out when I feed him and goes right back to his corner. He
also goes to the bathroom fine.
The one thing that concerns me too is that the gH in the tank is 9
and the tap water which I let sit for 24 hours first before treating
with AmQuel plus is 7. Also kH is 6, the ph is 8.0 or 8.2 hard to
<These values are fine; about what we have here for tap/mains water in
San Diego, CA>
I use API kits. What did you mean by inadequate filtration? I use 2
filters and a pump. Also, my oxygen kit is at 8, and it says that's just
right for goldfish.
<Yes; excellent. Near saturation>
How can I test for microbial levels in the water and metabolites.
<Not possible for hobbyists; but you can send water samples out to be
tested. Use your search tool for aquarium water testing services,
I don't want to put any substrate in till I know if I have to change the
<I would... have you read on WWM re?>
Sorry to be asking so many questions, but desperately trying to save my
little guy. He is depending on me. Thanks again for your time and help.
You have no idea how much it is appreciated.
<Oh yes; I do. Bob Fenner>
Goldfish health question - 11/13/12
My family and I recently won two gorgeous goldfish this year from the
fair called Flipper and Goldie. We won Flipper in June and Goldie in
August. We noticed Flipper had started to lose a couple scales but we
thought it was because we had just moved Goldie into the tank.
But last night we noticed Flipper had lost his beautiful long back tail.
Well the top half of it anyway. A couple scales has increased to a two
centimetre area patch of scales on both sides of his body. We saw it had
gone a bit black. The other half of his Beautiful long tail looks like
it's going moldy because around the edges it is black. He seems
listless. It seems he has lost a lot of weight as well. He is putting a
little amount of food in his mouth but doesn't swallow.
Goldie on the other hand is restless and agitated. She isn't in as bad
shape as Flipper but her front left fin is a minute bit shredded. She
also has a couple scales missing but only about five.
I think it sounds a bit like fin rot. What do you think it is? What's
the solution for our two gorgeous one tailed goldfish.
Yours Sincerely,
Caitriona Dixon.
<Hello Caitriona. It sounds very much like a bacterial infection, but
you haven't really provided much detail to help suss out what's really
going on here. How large are the fish? What kind of container are they
being kept inside, and under what conditions? Details like
gallons/liters, temperature, filtration or lack thereof, pH,
ammonia/nitrite/nitrate content. These are things that are easily tested
and can help a great deal in understanding problems. Without that, we're
just taking blind shots, and that's not a good practice with
medications. Wish I could help more, but without a little more
detail, that's about all I can say about it. - Rick>
sick goldfish 9/17/12
I have a goldfish that has suddenly become lethargic and listless.
He just seems to want to sit on the bottom of the aquarium and I see no
signs of his eating at feeding time. It also seems like one gill
is open (out) all the time. What can I do to help him?
<Need more information than this, Ed. Start by reading here:
Spot the stuff you aren't doing (aquarium size, filtration, etc) and
that's probably the problem. Cheers, Neale.>
Chakotay, veil tail goldfish, swollen, not eating, floating,
or swimming. 8/27/12
Hi, my veil tail goldfish, Chakotay, has been listing on the bottom of
the tank for some time, and has had Ich in the past couple of weeks,
which we were able to get rid of, but today I looked at him, and his
face is swollen, restricting mouth movement, and he's also gasping, not
eating, and he's not floating.
<Do check water quality first, and also medicate as per
Finrot; one of the big dangers with Whitespot/Ick is that when the cysts
burst (and they do, even when medicated) the wounds allow secondary
infections to set in. This is often why fish with Ick die rather than
anything else. Skip the mild (and often ineffective) meds like Melafix,
and instead focus on either antibiotics (a combination of Maracyn 1 and
2 works well) or else a good quality anti-Finrot treatment like API
Triple Sulfa.>
He swims infrequently, and my other fish, Garak,
<Plain, simple Garak?>
keeps nudging him, seeming to be trying to get him to move, but it's
just stressing him out. He also has a yellow tinted coat on the bottom
of his face. I'm very worried, and can't find anything on his condition.
He's in a 30 gallon tank, with a filter, and it is cycled, and there's
also a heater.
He's about three, maybe four years old, and 12 cm long including his
(6 cm not including.) I've tried feeding him peas in the past, and we've
just done a 50% change this morning for the tank, and we've also
recently taken out the carbon filters,
<Carbon removes medications, so shouldn't be used with sick fish. Not
much point using it generally, either.>
and about a month ago we did a check for nitrites and ammonia. There's
was no traces of either. What should I do?
<See above.>
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Chakotay, veil tail goldfish, swollen, not eating, floating, or
swimming. 8/27/12
Thank you. I will try that.
And yes, "Plain Simple Garak." I'm glad you got that, as so few people
do these days.
<Oh boy, I thought Garak (and Dukat, too) were the best characters Star
Trek ever came up with. Lots of great lines, loads of character
Chakotay is also a Star Trek name, only he's Voyager's first officer.
Yeah, that's why we removed the carbon, was because we gave them the Ich
antibiotics. It only took one round of them because we nipped it in the
bud. My Mom was thinking allergic reaction, <Unlikely.> and my Grandpa
(after seeing a picture, which I forgot to send you guys) thinks an
infection in the gill.
<Again, because Whitespot/Ick breaks the skin surface, infections can
set in; the gills are normally parasitised with Ick parasites, so yes,
secondary infections within the gill cavity are common. Treatment is the
same though.>
Thank you again, I appreciate your taking the time to give me advice. I
will follow it carefully, and try my best to make my fish better.
Couldn't stand to lose another one. (14 neon tetras, 3 rosy red minnows,
and one other veil tail.) I'll be sure to inform you of my results. :)
<Real good.>
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Chakotay, veil tail goldfish, swollen, not eating, floating, or
swimming. 8/29/12
He's dead. :( Woke up this morning and he was listing on his side,
unable to swim at all. Went out with a friend to try and cheer up, and
the first thing I heard when I got home was "He's dead." My poor, dear
Chakotay… Is gone.
<Ah, too bad. Good luck with the remaining fish. Do read, implement
ideas on good fishkeeping. Cheers, Neale.>
Help me find a reason why my goldfish
died 2/28/12
One of my four goldfish (common variety)
<A comet... get/grow to very large; given sufficient space,
died on Friday. I am trying to
find a reason so the same doesn't happen to my other goldfish.
Jerry, the goldfish who died, was one of two i bought from the fish
store just under 4 years ago. Ben, his brother, died in May
last year.
Since then, Jerry has been quite listless, spending a lot of the day at
the top of tank (240 Fluval).
<Mmm, yours have been "bonsai 'ed", lives and bodies
shortened by cramping>
I bought 3 new goldfish a couple of months after Ben died to keep
Jerry company. However, Jerry never really chased them like he used to
chase Ben and stayed out of their way for most of the day (though he
would swim around with them sometimes).
Ben and Jerry used to suffer from constipation in their first year as i
fed them flake foods. However, after researching after one incident
where Jerry was on the bottom of the tank for nearly a week, with a
bulge in his side which looked like it might burst his scales, I
switched him onto eating peas almost exclusively. Once or twice a week
i would feed him and ben fish pellets for fancy goldfish or some
JML flakes but literally only enough for them to eat in a few
Jerry was fine after a few days but i kept up the feeding pattern as i
was scared he would get ill again if i fed him pellets, sticks or
flakes all the time.
For months, Jerry has spent most of his time at the top of the tank,
not moving much. He never seemed in pain or ill, just quite
However, whenever i came home from work, he would do a fish dance and
swim around getting my attention. He also used to swim around during
feeding time and water changes and if i put the filter bubbles on (in
addition to the airstones which were on for most of the day).
On Wednesday evening, i tried to hand feed jerry peas but he
wouldn't open his mouth wide enough to take them, so i put him in a
couple of fish pellets which he ate. On Thursday i put them in a few
flakes. In the evening, Jerry was at the top of the tank again but he
spends most his time there so i didn't think anything of it. I woke
up on Friday morning and he had his head down and in an upside down u
-shape, with his tail out to the side, clearly distressed.
I immediately put him into a quarantine tank, half filled with water
from the main aquarium which i added swim bladder treatment to. This
was at 8.30am. I also put him in an airstone so he could breathe
without coming up to the top (in addition to the filter). He spent most
of the next hour opening and closing his mouth, looked like he was
trying to Hoover up food from the bottom (there was none). He was still
in the upside down u shape. Then he spent from about 11am just upside
down next to the air filter, barely moving. I checked on him every half
hour or so. Then about 1pm i went to check and saw he wasn't
breathing anymore and had died.
I am so desperately sad that I have probably caused my fish's death
either by feeding him the flakes or doing something else wrong. There
was an ammonia spike on Monday of 0.5 (it's a tank nearly a year
old and has always been at 0).
<From stress...>
I did a water change that day. The day before he died, the
ammonia was down to 0. His tail had a rip in it for about a week and
his top fin also had gotten a rip a few days before he died. I
don't know if it was the water quality that killed him (the other
water readings were fine, e.g. nitrite, nitrate at 0, ph at 7.4 as
usual) or the couple of days of flake/pellet food or something
The other three goldfish have shown no signs of illness - no ripped
fins, have a healthy appetite, are swimming around with great energy,
no constipation etc.
Having scoured the internet for hours to find information, i am hoping
that you can help me understand what caused Jerry to die and if I'm
doing something wrong can fix it so i don't harm my other 3
Please help me.
<Could be something else at play... genetic, a bug that flew in, got
eaten by Jerry... but I suspect the crowding is most likely, generally
the cause of loss here. "Fancy" varieties of goldfish are
more suitable for your size/shape system than comets... these really
only do well long term in ponds or VERY large aquariums. Please read on
WWM re GF systems... Bob Fenner>
Re: Help me find a reason why my goldfish died
Hi again
My fish wasn't a comet. He was just a common goldfish.
<... there is no such animal. In the US, THE common goldfish IS the
comet... READ before writing>
Is 240 Fluval too small then as this is really quite a large tank.
<READ on WWM re. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/GldfshTksF.htm
and the linked files above>
Jerry has had plenty of room to swim or so i thought. Looking back at
old photos yesterday, he had a lump protruding from his side a year or
so ago but this had since gone. i wonder if overfeeding a year or so
ago had caused him internal damage.
<Would have been long-since dead. BobF>
Thanks for your help.
goldfish nose down 11/27/11
I am very concerned about my 2.5 inch Ryukin. He is spending most of
his time on the bottom of the tank with his nose angled down.
<Not good>
He will swim happily when disturbed, however, but return to his head
down position within a few minutes.
First, here are my system parameters: Ammonia = 0; Nitrites = 0;
Nitrate = 0;
<? Mmm, how is this being measured... accomplished?>
pH = 7.0; alkalinity = 100-120; chlorine = 0; Temp = 74 degrees F. I
have a 46 gallon aquarium, and my Ryukin is the only fish in the tank.
I have a Marineland double bio-wheel filter, and an aa-aquarium UV
sterilizer. I have been feeding my fish (Ravioli is his name)
blanched, shelled peas (with 1-2 granules of Epsom
<Leave the salt out of the food>
I recently completed a treatment of Praziquantel in case the problem
was caused by flukes or intestinal worms. However, he is still
"yawning" and sitting on the bottom. I am concerned about
adding aquarium salt
<Don't do this>
to address possible ciliated protozoon parasites, because I think
constipation might be a potential cause of these symptoms. I have also
held off on feeding him Medi-Gold for a bacterial infection - for the
same reason (possible constipation). Any advice would be very
<Mmm, well, nothing other than the Epsom "jumps out" as a
probable cause here. You've had this fish for months? Longer? Not
likely a biological (vectored) disease here... Perhaps nothing at
all... This may seem an odd suggestion, but I'd get another
goldfish, or something else that goes w/
them (Read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/gldfshcompfaqs.htm)
to add a bit of social dynamic here. Could be your Ravioli is simply
Bob Fenner>
Re: goldfish nose down 12/3/11
Hi Bob,
Thank you so much for responding to my email. Ravioli seems to be doing
better. I think constipation was the cause. He loves those peas! By the
way, I took your suggestion. Ravioli is going to get a pretty tank mate
in a few weeks. Linguini is currently in a quarantine take undergoing
prophylactic treatment for any potential flukes or other parasites
before she joins Ravioli.
Thanks Again!
<Reads/sounds like a fab pasta-fest! Cheers, BobF>
My pop eye goldfish is sideways on the bottom of the
Goldfish health/Zero information 10/25/11
Please help me. <Beth, I would love to help you but you have given
me no information at all to work with. The only thing I can tell is
that the fish is in quite a bad state but I need to know more about
water conditions, tank size, other fish in the tank etc. to even start
to guess what might be wrong. Do write back with more information. Read
here in the meantime -
Cheers, Sugam>
Goldfish - Tail
Veins 10/24/11
Hi there!
I've found your website really useful with some previous questions
about snails and was wondering if you could help me out, with something
about my goldfish.
Okay so the current situation is this;
1 Common Goldfish, named Lucky (she's around 2 inches)
21 litre tank that has been set up for 8 weeks now (I know this is too
small, I am getting a 125 litre tank in December/January, so right now
this small tank is a temporary home)
Water parameters today (before I did my usual weekly partial water
- Ammonia 0ppm, Nitrite 0ppm. Nitrates 20ppm (probably lower now, since
the water change).
The PH is around 7.4
Around 10 days ago, I noticed in Lucky's tail fin, that 3 veins had
appeared and I cannot seem to find the cause.
It is not water quality as you can see from the readings, I do a gravel
clean and water change twice a week and I also add Stress Zyme to the
tank weekly.
Lucky hasn't been showing any further symptoms, she did lose quite
a few scales a while ago, what I suspect was due to a Nitrite spike, as
the tank was cycling then, it has since completed cycling, so water
parameters have been fine for some time.
I'm just not sure why the veins are there? From what I've
researched nothing seems to fit the situation.
I don't believe it's her natural colouration, it only seems to
be white or pale fish that have visible veins in their tails (and if
natural colouration was the case, wouldn't all the veins be visible
and not just 3?).
I've also read possibilities of the 02 level being low, but
aeration in the tank is fine as I have an air stone in the tank.
It could potentially be haemorrhaging, but I thought this would be a
symptom of something and not something that would occur on its own?
The worst case scenario is Septicaemia, but she hasn't shown any
other signs to indicate it is in fact this illness, no further veins or
any red streaks have appeared in the 10 days.
I've read in several FAQ's where the use of Kanacyn has been
mentioned, but I've found this medication hard to find on the
internet and I don't have a quarantine tank yet, so wouldn't
like to use something that could potentially upset the balance of the
bacteria in the tank.
I was considering using Melafix or Pimafix, but I'm a bit hesitant
about sticking medications into the tank, when I'm not sure what
I'm dealing with.
Thank you for your time and any advice is really appreciated!
From Aimee
<Hello Aimee. The red veins in the fins are likely congested blood
vessels, caused by a build-up of bacteria in the blood vessels slowing
down the flow of blood. This is a classic symptom of impending Finrot,
and needs to be fixed quickly. At this point a mild antibacterial like
Melafix might well have some use, but the bigger picture is that
something is "wrong" with this fish's world. You're
aware that the size of the aquarium is one factor, and water quality is
another (do be open minded about water quality even if your most recent
tests suggested zero ammonia and nitrite -- try again, an hour or two
after feeding). Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Goldfish - Tail Veins 10/25/11
Thank you for your quick response!
I have tested the water before and 2 hours after feeding Lucky, with
the following results:
Before- Ammonia 0ppm, Nitrites 0ppm, Nitrates 5 ppm.
2 hours 30 minutes later - Ammonia 0ppm, Nitrites 0ppm, Nitrates So no
change there... Which I kind of expected as I hand feed her fish
flakes, so un-eaten food is minimal and I regularly give her veg;
broccoli, carrots and peas (again I hand feed or simply put on the
veggie clip, so not very much is left in the tank).
She's been okay, acting up a little this evening, swimming up into
the filter current, swimming a little erratically, so I know
there's something bothering her.
I am intending to get some Melafix this weekend, to help her out. But
this still doesn't signify the cause to this problem.
<And may never be known precisely. Finrot is opportunistic, and the
bacteria are present in all tanks, they just don't normally cause
any harm.
When Finrot does start, you need to be open minded about the various
things that might have been the trigger.>
I've been thinking that perhaps this illness has been brought on
due to the stress she had when the Nitrites spiked (she displayed
flashing behaviour during this period). Could it be a potential
The only other possibility I can think of is a plant I brought at the
beginning of October (7th to be precise!). What happened is that the
plant was added immediately to the tank, but 5 hours later when I
arrived home, I removed it due to snails, had the plant in a salt bath
and quarantined it for a week, it was then added back into the tank on
the 12th.
Then 2 days later (on the 14th) was when I first noticed the veins in
her tail.
But I wonder if the plant was to blame, surely she would have shown
symptoms sooner, as the plant was in the tank for 5 hours?
<Don't think this is related.>
That would have been plenty of time for bacteria to affect her and
symptoms would have shown up during the plants quarantine period?
Or unless it's the tank's size, causing this?
<Yes, very likely.>
Or the last possible explanation, Lucky was a fish won at a fair (the
child who won her left her behind where I work, so I adopted her and
Star -who is sadly no longer with us-) so it could be that she's
been carrying something all along, as you never know what conditions
she was kept in before I got her?
<Quite so.>
Do you think if I treat with Melafix (following the label of course)
and then just keep a close eye on her until I can move her to the
bigger tank when I get it?
<Should help, though it isn't a medication I recommend or trust.
In the UK, eSHa 2000 is an infinitely better, and better value,
product. Treats Finrot and Fungus, and doesn't seem to stress fish
or filter bacteria.>
Of course if any other symptoms occur to treat them accordingly, but
right now there doesn't seem to be a lot I can do =/
I must admit fin rot did cross my mind, but because all 3 of the veins
are towards the base of her tail, near her body, I didn't think it
would be that as a lot of what I've read with regards to fin rot
state that the edges of the fins are affected?
<Ah, that's confusing two things. Yes, erosion (i.e., decay) of
fin membranes happens from the edges inwards. But the congested blood
vessels can be anywhere on the fin.>
But I was suspecting it was bacteria at work here... just not sure
which one!
<That's the tricky part.>
Thank you for your help, I really appreciate it, I just want to do the
best for little Lucky!
From Aimee
<Glad to help, and good luck, Neale.>
Scales falling off whole side of
goldfish 10/2/11
Hi I have three panda goldfish in a four foot tank, one recently came
down with Ick, I treated it
<... with what? How?>
and cleared up fine. However about two weeks later another one of them
started to change scale colour (orange to black) along its sides and
<Likely related to the treatment>
The other two fish started attacking this one so have removed it and
put into a smaller tank on its own. Over the last week the scales that
changed colour have gone flakey (kind of like dandruff looking) and
fallen off leaving a translucent looking surface.
The other fish are fine.
What is wrong with him how can I make him better?
<Mmmm, need to know a bit more... particularly re water chemistry
test results. What gear do you have? Bob Fenner>
Goldfish Question
Hi there,
I've got an Oranda goldfish which is at the top of the tank
(upright, not upside down like swimbladder disease). All my
other goldfish that lives with it does not do this. She or he's
done this for a few days, and I've done a water change, but she/he
still does it... What's wrong?
I've also got an air stone in the tank, so I don't think
it's anything to do with the air.
<Hello Jenny. Most people with Goldfish problems cause these
problems either through poor housing or poor diet. So let's review
the basics.
Goldfish need at least 30 gallons of water for the first one or two
specimens, and 10 gallons for each additional specimen. You need a
biological filter of some sort. You cannot keep Goldfish in a tank
without a filter and expect them to stay healthy. Systemic bacterial
infections that cause them to lose the ability to swim properly are a
common symptom of environmental stress. Finally, you need to provide a
fibre-rich diet.
That's one that includes some fresh greens, for example ordinary
pondweed or cooked peas. Do read:
Nine times out of ten, Goldfish get sick or cannot swim properly
because their owners try to keep them in bowls, unfiltered tanks, or
feed them just dried food. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Goldfish Question 8/22/11
I do have a filter, sorry for not mentioning all the things.
<No problem. But without these pieces of data, it's hard to say
what's going on. Many folks with Goldfish keep them either in tanks
that are too small even for one, or else overstock the ones they have
in what would be an okay tank if there weren't so many
Filter & air stone.
<Can you tell me anything about water quality and chemistry? At the
very least, the nitrite (with an "I", not nitrate with an
"a") and the pH. These give me a snapshot that can reveal
obvious problems.>
She/he hasn't done it before, and I haven't changed anything I
do with changing the water etc.
<Meaning what? With Goldfish, let's say you have 4 adult
specimens in a 55-gallon tank, which would be about right. I'd
expect a 20-25% water change every week.>
I also do feed them green peas every now and again (we grow them in the
So could you suggest a way to help the goldfish?
<If you read that Floaty, Bloaty Goldfish piece, you'll see
reference to a treatment that uses peas and Epsom salts. The peas are
high in fibre and the Epsom salt is a muscle relaxant, and together
they help cure constipation, a very common problem with fancy Goldfish.
Don't feed anything else but peas, pondweed, and possibly live
brine shrimp and/or live daphnia as these are good laxatives too. The
good news is that this approach is fine for healthy fish too, and going
on a greens-only course like this for a couple weeks, even with Epsom
salt, does no harm at all to healthy Goldfish.>
She/he is just at the top of the tank, not moving at all, and moves
her/his gills every now and again'¦
<Ah, now, this sounds more serious that constipation. Do review
water quality. Check the nitrite level. If it isn't zero, then
that's your problem, and your fish is likely suffering either
directly from chemical stress, or else from a bacterial infection
brought about by less-than-perfect living conditions.>
I've placed her/him in a hospital tank.
<Won't help if conditions if the hospital tank are worse than
the main tank. Do bear that in mind! If your hospital tank is too small
(realistically, less than 10 gallons for specimens up to 10 cm/4
inches, or 20 gallons for bigger specimens) then water quality
won't be good enough to allow healing or treatment. Plus, you need
a mature biological filter, otherwise you'll be exposing the
Goldfish to high levels of ammonia and nitrite, both of which are
<Cheers, Neale.>
Help ASAP please... GF, no data of use,
reading 7/13/11
Hi my name is rosemary n I'm in need for some good advice please, I
just recently purchased my first 3 gold fish one died yesterday :( but
I just bought a larger gold fish over the weekend n ever I got him his
not so active like the other ones or like how he was when I first
bought him, the big problem is that he hasn't eaten and his always
lying on the rocks when he does swim a little he swims normal and
everything, I'm so attached to them that I don't want to see
another one go please help.
I could send u a photo of him if u like?
Rosemary Boutros
<Mmm... need more info. Rose.. Best for right now to send you
After reading this article, maybe Neale's linked above... Can you
tell us, is this system cycled? Read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwestcycling.htm
Bob Fenner>
Re: Help ASAP please... GF/ayer 7/14/11
Sorry his not so active and just sits at the bottom of the tank all day
and doesn't move and when I throw In food he doesn't eat I
haven't seen him not once eating anything I'm so worried and I
don't know him that well to see if his like this always but when I
did see him when I first bought him he was racing around the tank.
Rosemary Boutros
<... have you read where you were referred? Do so. B>
Goldfish parasites? My 5-inch long goldfish has been having
spasms. he might have parasites. how many teaspoons of salt should I
add to my 5-gallon tank to treat her? <Hello...Jorie
here. Do you see any visible signs of parasites attached to
the fish? Otherwise, I wouldn't necessarily be so hasty in
diagnosing parasites. First off, how often do you do water
changes? How many other fish live in this 5 gal. tank? In reality, 1
5" fish is too big for a tank this size...my hunch is that some
sort of water poisoning is going on. Do you have readings
for the water's ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels? I'd
suggest taking some readings immediately. If any of those
above mentioned toxins are present in any amount, you need to change
the water immediately. (Actually, I'd suggest doing a 75% water
change right away - it can't hurt). With regards to salt treatment
in a 5 gal. tank, 1-2 teaspoons of aquarium salt would be
appropriate. Keep in mind that salt doesn't evaporate,
so unless you are doing a large water change, you don't need to add
any more. And in all reality, I'm not a fan of the
"teaspoon" measurements, but rather suggest you purchase an
inexpensive plastic box type hydrometer...you want the salinity to be
somewhere around 1.001 - 1.002. Please consider getting a bigger tank
for your fish also, as it really will only be a matter of time before
she's too big to even turn around in the tank.>