FAQs on the Livebearing Toothed Carps,
Poeciliid Fishes Disease
Related Articles: Poeciliids: Guppies, Platies, Swordtails,
Mollies by Neale Monks, Livebearing
Fishes by Bob Fenner,
Related FAQs: Diseases of Livebearer
FAQs: Platies, Platy Disease 2, Platy Disease 3, Mollies, Molly Disease 2, Guppies, Guppy Disease 2, Swordtails, & Poeciliids 1, Poeciliids 2, Guppies, Platies,
Swordtails, Mollies, Livebearer Identification, Livebearer Behavior, Livebearer Compatibility, Livebearer Selection, Livebearer Systems, Livebearer Feeding, Livebearer Reproduction,

Juvenile Male Guppy Endler's Hybrid 3/1/18
Before I begin with my query I'd like to thank WWM for providing useful,
fact-based information.
<Thanks for the kind words.>
I wasn't even aware of the vastness of information until I began looking for an
answer and spent a couple hours reading pages that dated back more than a
decade! After all that time, my head is spinning with newly acquired
knowledge, but I have yet to find an answer. I have a juvenile male guppy
Endler's hybrid that appears to have his insides outside. All I could find
online was about prolapse and tumors.
<Sounds horrible. Cut a long story short, a prolapse will usually look like a
certain length of digestive tract emerging from the vent (the combined
reproductive and excretory opening in front of the anal fin). Expect to see an
off-white tube, perhaps long and thing, but often rounded, even bun-like in
shape. But centered on the vent, in any case. Anything thin and reddish-brown or
pink emerging from the vent is likely to be Camallanus worms, which may even
wriggle obviously. Anything more serious emerging from the vent is likely to be
untreatable and probably fatal.>
I know it can't be the former and I doubt it's the latter. It is not a parasite
either. The fish is 0.5"-0.75" and the growth or gut is smack dab in the middle
of his pectoral fins and pelvic fins.
<Is it not emerging from the vent then?>
It is flesh toned and about 0.375" long. He seems in good health otherwise.
<If it is merely some type of growth, there's nothing you can do anyway, and
it's unlikely to be contagious. May as well allow the fish to live its life, and
only intervene if there's evidence that it is struggling.>
I prefer to not euthanize my pets, and have 2 small tanks, 1 for each gender,
for fish that would normally be culled.
However, if this is a herniated organ, I can only assume it is painful and
terminal, and I am willing to make an exception and euthanize.
<If the fish is in pain -- which is difficult to define in fish, given their
lack of pain receptors as we understand them -- the fish will likely be skittish
and nervous. Rather like when cats are in pain they go hide under beds or
wherever, unable to separate the concept of an internal source of pain from the
pain caused by a predator, so they hide. But if the fish is otherwise normal,
chasing about the other fish, eating normally, and so on -- take that for what
it is, the best way we have to judge the stress level of the fish in question.
We mustn't anthropomorphise, of course, because that can lead to animal cruelty;
but at the same time, being humans, we are able to use critical thinking to try
and judge if the animal is not behaving normally. Such would indicate, at the
least, stress, and perhaps, whatever the fish equivalent of pain might be.>
If you would like to see a photo, just request it and I'll do my best lol!
I'd take it now, but after hours perusing your site, my mammalian pets are
demanding attention. Thanks in advance and keep up the great work.
<A sharp photo of the fish would be useful, but perhaps the above notes help as
they are!>
<Cheers, Neale.>
Live-bearers "wasting away"
Hi there! Question for ya. Over the last few years, I end up w a live
bearer (I have Mollies and platys) who's spine starts to droop. Kind of
in a "c" shape over time...
<If they're like this from the day you buy them, likely genetic. If you
have livebearers that start out normal but months or years later become
crooked, then there are a range of explanations. The most common is
bacterial infection such as Mycobacteria, which is essentially
Remove and humanely euthanise affected fish, e.g., using Clove Oil as
described elsewhere on this site. Review aquarium conditions.
Mycobacteria are probably latent in most aquaria, and are certainly very
common among certain farmed fish in particular livebearers and Dwarf
Gouramis. However, environmental conditions tip the Mycobacteria from
merely being in the tank to actively harming your fish. Water chemistry
is the big one to check with most livebearers as they need hard/alkaline
conditions to do well, but obviously water quality is critical too, as
with any fish. The use of marine aquarium salt mix at 3-5 gram/litre is
very useful if you're uncertain about water chemistry and are keeping
just livebearers (soft water fish such as tetras won't be happy with the
salt). One big issue with fancy livebearers is chronic inbreeding, with
Lordosis and scoliosis being extremely common, and frequently
perpetuated where hobbyists don't remove deformed fish from their
breeding colonies.>
Their belly also starts to suck in... They just kind of waste away and
die :( I have read that it could be parasites, I've treated individual
fish that show the signs, but have never saved them, and I have treated
the entire tank. (All With clout) I have asked everyone I know if
they've ever heard of this, answer is always no.
<Seems bizarre, as Mycobacteria infection-related deformities among
livebearers are very well known and described by serious hobbyists.
Sometimes called "Wasting Disease" among Guppy breeders. Do review this
excellent summary by noted fish vet Dr. Peter Burgess, here:
As Peter makes clear, it's a chronic problem, it's transmitted in a
variety of ways including the ingestion of corpses or even faeces by
other fish in the tank, and it's very difficult to treat. On the other
hand, strict
quarantining of new livestock can go a long way towards keeping it out
of established aquaria. Alternatively, avoid fancy Guppies in favour of
hardier varieties, such as wild-caught or even crossbred "feeder"
Guppies, ideally maintained in brackish rather than fresh water.
Under-stocking is another useful tool, since Mycobacteria infections are
so clearly related to environmental stress; put another way, the better
maintained the aquarium, the less of a problem Mycobacteria infections
tend to be.>
I asked my LFS and try sent me here. My water quality is pretty good
almost always... Every now and then, the nitrates get a little high...
Thanks or your thoughts!
<Most welcome, Neale.>
Hi Neale - Heterandria formosa, hlth..
Hi Neale,
How are you?
<Well, thank you.>
One of my Heterandria formosa has... whitening at the end of her tail
and it looks like the top part of her caudal fin is gone. The
white spot is a large area of lack of color starting on the base of the
body (I believe it is called the caudal peduncle or keel) and extends
into the caudal fin.
It does not look like icky.
<It's not... it looks like fungus.>
Pictures are attached. I have noticed a second smaller fish that
looks like it is developing the same white spot. I'm wondering if
the tank should be treated with medicine, and if so with which?
<A reliable anti-fungus medication; at this point I'd skip Melafix and
find something a bit stronger and more reliable. I'd also be tempted to
add salt to the water if the rest of the tank won't mind. 2-3 gram/litre
would be a good start, and above 5 g/l (about a tablespoon per US gal.)
the salt alone will usually clear up the fungus. Do bear in mind
Heterandria formosa has very good tolerance of salt, so there's little
risk involved using salt.>
Water Parameters (this right before their weekly water change):
pH 8.0
Ammonia 0 ppm
Nitrite 0 ppm
Nitrate 20 ppm
Kh 7 dkH (125.3 ppm/KH)
GH 17 dkH (conversion chart doesn't go that high, but 17 drops to go
from orange to green)
Temperature is in the mid 70Fs, there is no heater in the tank.
This is the same tank and colony we chatted about a few years back (and
I still have the Gambusia affinis in another tank). No new plants,
fish or shrimp have been added to the tank since 2010. (I tried
Cherry shrimp but none survived, probably from the Prazi Pro in the tank
a few months before for deworming).
I'm also wondering if I should deworm the colony again, I have noticed a
few females that get really thin.
Thanks for your insights and advice!
<Hope this helps, Neale.>
.JPG) |
Re: Hi Neale - Heterandria formosa
Hi Neale,
Thanks for your reply, I'll get some anti-fungus medication today.
<Real good.>
There is java moss in the aquarium, will it be okay with a tablespoon of
salt per gallon?
<Yes, but if in doubt, take a clump of moss out, stick in a jam jar or
similar, fill with water, and place somewhere bright but not in direct
sunlight, and it should grow fine for a couple weeks, enough to
"re-seed" the tank if needed. You will probably need to change the water
every few days, especially if it goes green. If it goes brown, likely
the Java Moss is getting too hot, hence avoid direct light. This trick
for preserving aquarium plants can be handy if you have plants that you
aren't sure will
survive some course of medication.>
If so, is marine salt (like Instant Ocean) okay to use?
<It's okay, though it will raise hardness and pH (which is fine for both
Java Moss and Dwarf Mosquitofish). Normally aquarists treating
freshwater fish will rely on plain aquarium salt (essentially
non-iodised cooking "sea salt", often called Kosher Salt in the US). But
in this case, the marine aquarium salt will be fine because your species
don't mind the slight pH
and hardness rise.>
<Quick tip: measure out the salt as required, put into a jug or
container, add warm water to dissolve (tap water will be fine) to make a
brine. Now add, in stages across, say, half an hour, the salt to the
aquarium. This gives the fish, plants and filter bacteria a little time
to adjust. Adding salt crystals directly to the aquarium is a bad idea,
but I'm sure you know that! Good luck, Neale.>
Re: Hi Neale - Heterandria formosa 8/13/13
Hi Neale,
Thanks for your help. I bought Ampicillin and started treating
Will the fish that in the photographs be okay to leave in the tank, or
will leaving her in increase the chance of fungus returning?
<The fungi that attack your fish are the same fungi that do a good job
helping to keep your aquarium clean. They're purely opportunistic, and
if your fish are healthy and unstressed, they simply break down fish
faeces and uneaten food into molecules the biological filter can process
-- which is obviously important and beneficial. So, there's no point
isolating fish
with fungal infections because all aquaria have these fungi anyway. In
other words, treat the affected fish in the main aquarium. The exception
would be where the infected fish had other problems that meant it
couldn't swim or feed normally, and needed time away from the other fish
in the main aquarium. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Hi Neale - Heterandria formosa
Thanks Neale!
<Welcome, Neale.>
Retail fish store questions, treatment/s for livebearer
losses – 11/19/12
I recently found your site and it has been very helpful, so thanks!
I run a retail full line pet store and have had some years hobbyist
experience (though we know how different that is!). However, I
have had some struggles with disease.
<Most all of us do; in fact, there are no exceptions I'm aware of>
We currently follow your acclimation procedures, but do not have the
facilities to quarantine. We have been feeding frozen food
with Metronidazole and Sea Chem's focus as well as a few drops of liquid
garlic every other day for the first week upon arrival. This has
done away with the Ich issue and helped with overall health.
However, we still get issues with our live bearers and some bacterial
problems. I prefer not to add too much to the system for obvious
reasons, would rather have things fed to them orally when possible.
Any suggestions are much appreciated!
<Mmm, well, you do what you can water-quality wise I take it... provide
a good staple food (am a huge fan of the Spectrum line)... Do you have a
system in-place for tracking losses, including the sources... where you
buy from? This can really help in the long/er haul. Please see here Re:
Thank you!
<There are some pro-biotic items of worth... I really don't want to
encourage you, the practice of continuously feeding Metronidazole (too
toxic in constant use) or antibiotics (trouble to no use), even
Anthelminthics... Bob Fenner>
help again please! 11/08/11
hi guys I have wrote to you before, please help again
I have a 95 litre tank in it I have: 1 Dalmatian molly,
1 fancy tailed male guppy,
1 fancy tailed
female guppy,
2 coral red platy,
2 dwarf Gourami,
5 neon tetras
1 catfish,
and a Suckermouth.
my problem is in the last 2 days I have lost 2 female guppies, a male
guppy, and a male molly. my cat fish has became slow and just sits at
the bottom of the tank, my remaining molly sometimes floats about the
tank as though she is a piece of paper and my Gourami are just sitting
at the bottom of the tank. my ph levels are down to
<This is at least part of the problem>
and I am finding it difficult to fix that. is this why my fish are
please help me I love having my tank but I cannot seem to get it right
to enjoy it and it is really stressing me out. thank you
<Read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwhardness.htm
and the linked files above. I would be adding/mixing a commercial
buffer (or at least Baking Soda) in with some system water... Stat! Bob
Re: thank you and help... molly, platy... hlth
f'? 9/13/2011
Ok, my fish are all looking really healthy now, thank you! My problem
is my ammonia has started to creep up a little, though I have been
doing weekly 10% water changes
and trying to feed less, though I swear my fish are starving! Today ph
is 5.5,
<Doink! Much too low...>
Alk 180, nitrite 0, nitrate 40 and ammonia .05.
<... ? Heeeeeeee!>
I did a 1.5 gal water change(time issue) and noticed a couple fry in
the tank. Confusing though because my black molly is still pregnant
(can she have just a few and then have more later?)
<Oh, yes>
or could my Sailfin molly been pregnant without even appearing so?
I wanted to put the babies in my old 5 gal tank which has been running
for about a month empty and I have added some natural bio stuff to it.
I was wondering if any previous disease has since died off with no host
for such a long period and if so is it safe to add the fry to, or do I
need to empty it and start it with new water?
I have added lots of plants and hiding spots in the 10 gallon tank
since the last batch of babies I just don't know the chances of
survival if I am already struggling with the ammonia?
Thanks again, I love this site!
<... Have you read on it re NH3/NH4OH? B>
Fry question 3/27/11
Hi Crew,
I just set up a 10-gallon tank to rear my P. wingei fry. I moved
several in last night, proper acclimation, proper temperature, clean
water. I found all the fry on the bottom of the tank this morning. Very
The only thing I can think of is that the HOB filter is creating too
much current in the tank and the fish die from fatigue after swimming
in the current.
<Can be; air-powered filters are best in breeding tanks. Whatever
filter you use, keep current gentle, less than 4 times the volume of
the tank in turnover per hour, and ideally 2 times.>
These fry have been pretty hardy in the past. I dropped one into a
brackish tank as a feeder without acclamation and it survived easily,
so the current is the only explanation I can think of. Is that a
<Yep, plus the general issue that sodium chloride reduces nitrite
and nitrate toxicity, both of which are problems in fry-rearing tanks,
as well as the plain fact Guppies generally enjoy very slightly
I'll be changing it out for a sponge filter before I try again, but
I wanted to bounce it off you guys, too.
<I use a plain vanilla box/corner filter in my fry tanks, so I can
stuff ceramic hoops from mature filters into them as/when required.
Sponge filters do need to be kept "live" all the time,
otherwise the bacteria will
die (or at least go dormant) between uses. Cheers,
More dead fry, Re livebearers 3/28/11
With small corner filter (same air-driven physics as a sponge filter)
now installed with low airflow, I moved 5 fry in on Saturday. they
survived the night and I moved another 20 fry in yesterday. I woke up
today to a bunch of dead fry again. Only 4 or 5 very young fry are
still swimming about.
The entire setup is new, not enough time to generate any nitrogen
compounds. I dechlorinated. Temperature is the same as the tank I'm
pulling them from. I have no absolutely idea what could be killing
them. Any thoughts?
<These were the Endler's, right? My guess here would be they
were prematurely born. This is not uncommon among livebearers. Such fry
rarely last for long. Moving them from one tank to another might have
been the final stress that killed them. You'll have a bunch more
4-6 weeks from now -- see what happens that time around. Move the
pregnant female into the fry-rearing tank as far before she's
likely to release the fry as possible, and carry using a plastic cup
rather than a net, so she's not brought out the water. Cheers,
Re: More dead fry (ah, for the love of Ceratopteris!)
Catching the females is much easier said than done. They are all wary
now and hide at the bottom under the plants. Even when lured with food.
(In that way a bit smarter than mollies.) I may need to drain the tank
80% to have a chance at segregating these fish.
<Ah, this is where floating Indian Fern comes into play. This turns
your aquarium into a nice safe nursery! The males can't harass the
females too much (if all else fails, remove the males to a breeding net
or another
tank). Fry can hide among the plants safely for at least a few hours,
if not indefinitely, giving you time to find them and remove them
(again, to a breeding net or another tank). You'll find many, if
not most, livebearer breeders use floating plants extensively. Indian
Fern is perhaps the most useful plant in the hobby, and I'd argue
only slightly less useful than filtration, and certainly more useful
than test kits!
Cheers, Neale.>
Brackish water and
Guppies? 9/1/10
Yesterday, my favorite very unique Platy showed the very
beginning signs of sickness that leads to rapid death.
<I see. One problem with farmed livebearers is a certain
tendency towards Mycobacteria infections, typically associated
with red sores on the bodies, wasting, and then death. Not much
you can do about that. But otherwise livebearers tend to be quite
tough, if given the right conditions. In the case of Platies,
cool, moderately hard, basic water is what you want; 22-24 C, 10+
degrees dH, pH 7-8.>
I have had many fish that have died and know the signs. But
loosing this platy would of sent me over the edge so I took a
bold step and added 2 gallons of Spring water that I put 1
tablespoon of aquarium salt in each.
<Okay. Now, do understand that while salt can help, it's
not a miracle.
Among other misconceptions, recall that salt doesn't do
anything to raise hardness. So if you have soft water, salt
isn't what you want, at least, not on its own. Marine
aquarium salt mix is somewhat different because it includes other
minerals that do raise hardness and pH, and 5-6 grammes/litre
would be easily tolerated by Platies and indeed all other
livebearers too.>
Unfortunately this was my first time using salt so I was unaware
to make sure it was completely dissolved and melted.
<It's not a big deal, so don't panic about this. A few
grains of undissolved salt won't kill your fish.>
I than added an air stone to help circulate more oxygen into the
<Good. In summer especially Platies can easily be overheated
25 C/77 F is really at the top end of their comfort zone, and
they're far healthier kept cooler than that.>
This is a 10 gal tank that has been cycled along time ago.
<A bit on the small side for Platies, to be honest. Stress
between fighting males, or males harassing pregnant females, can
lead to "unexplained" deaths.>
All I have in the tank are 2 platy's and 1 guppy. Let me back
up and say that I lost an additional platy that was in this tank,
only a few days ago.
I did not have any nitrate/ammonia test strips at home so I had
to make a quick guess.
<You should have these two test kits: pH and nitrite (nitrite
with an "i", not nitrate with an "a"). If you
give me these two pieces of information, I can be A LOT more
Well the moment I added the salt & air stone the platy I love
came out of hiding and looking sick, and started to soar all over
the tank, and is doing just fine. I was so excited as this is the
first time I have been able to reverse a death. However the guppy
after only one night in the brackish tank, has taken fatally ill.
The last time I saw him this morning he was shaking under a rock,
and now I have come home 6 hours later and he is nowhere to be
<The amount of salt you added, 1 tablespoon/3 teaspoons per US
gallon is not that much. I actually prefer weights because not
everyone's spoons are the same sizes! One level teaspoon of
salt should be about 6 grammes, which is very easy to remember. A
tablespoon will be three times that, i.e., 18 grammes. Normal
seawater contains about 35 grammes of marine salt mix per litre,
or about 6 teaspoons. One US gallon is 3.8 litres, so that's
133 grammes per US gallon. The reason I'm telling you all
this is to point out that your roughly 18 grammes of salt per
gallon, or 4.7 grammes per litre, is about one-seventh (14%) the
salinity of normal seawater. That's well within the
tolerances of Guppies and Platies. So there's no reason at
all to imagine the salt killed either fish.>
I have not removed everything yet to find him. As the tank was
just cleaned and set back up and the air stone is just
<Okay. But you really do need to test the pH (to see if the
water chemistry is right for livebearers) and the nitrite (to
make sure water quality is good). You want a pH around 7.5, and a
nitrite level of zero.>
Questions: Is the salt compatible with guppies (brackish
<Yes. In fact Guppies are arguably happier and healthier in
slightly brackish water. Certainly they do better in such
conditions than they will do in soft water.>
And how long can I leave the guppy "lost" or dead
before I have to find him?
<If he's alive, you should see him within the next day or
two. Check he hasn't jumped out, swum into the filter, got
stuck behind objects inside the tank, etc.>
Will disease travel throughout the tank if not removed
<Depends on the disease. Many are opportunistic, and they
exists in most aquaria all the time. They only cause problems
when we, the aquarists, stress our fish and weaken their immune
If I find him, alive but sick, is there anything I can do for the
poor guy.
<Depends on what's wrong with him. You haven't really
supplied me with any useful information on water chemistry or
water quality. Without lists of symptoms, or a photo (no bigger
than about 500 KB!) I can't say anything at all about
If I take him out of the brackish water the tank I put him in
will not have cycled water in it?
<And that would be bad.>
I appreciate your help.
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Update: Brackish water and Guppies?
In response to some of your questions below; first let me state
none of my fish are female livebearers.
All 3 fish are MALE 2 small Platies and 1 guppy, so I thought a
10 gal was more than adequate.
<Not the case, unfortunately. Males will squabble in tanks
this small.>
I was able to test the water today and it appears the Nitrate is
in caution (20ppm) the nitrite is perfect! (0) The hardness is
ideal (300ppm). The alkalinity is high (300ppm) and the PH is
between 8-8.5 Please tell me what I should do to correct any of
<Nothing. That's all fine for livebearers.>
The guppy (which I found) is real lethargic sitting behind the
filter canister, the platy that seemed to come back from the dead
yesterday has been hiding under a rock ledge, and my other platy
who has not showed any sign of distress is now inside the tunnel
<Could be stress from fighting. But my gut feeling is
Mycobacteriosis, sometimes called Wasting Disease. This is very
common among livebearers.
For some reason juveniles don't often show the symptoms, but
as the fish mature they start to waste away, getting thinner and
often exhibiting poor colouration and sores on their flanks.
It's essentially incurable and very contagious, so it's
important to euthanise infected fish and isolate the affected
tank from any others in your house, e.g., by not sharing nets or
Water quality seems fine, and water chemistry shouldn't be a
problem either.>
Help! What do I need to do? Can I save them??
<Sorry I can't offer any better advice. A photo of the
ailing fish would really help. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Update and photos 9/3/10
I appreciate all your advice, but still you keep making reference
to livebearers, which I thought were only females?
<Nope. "Livebearers" is the word given to species
that produce fully-formed young rather than eggs. Both male and
female Guppies and Platies are livebearers. Just the same way
both men and women are placental mammals, even though it's
only women who get pregnant.>
and my fish are male. They never fight. Because their is nothing
to fight over.
<If you say so.>
No females ever in the house/tank. I have attached some pics
however I am afraid they are not clear enough very hard to
<Indeed. With respect, blurry photos don't help me at all.
I can't really tell anything about the fish from that photo.
Do use the "macro" setting on your camera, and
you'll find close-up shots easier to take.>
The yellow one is the guppy that is very sick, sits by back of
filter, but will come out and swim all around and eat. The orange
platy appears to be fine. The white spotted Platies (very rare
gorgeous fish) is the one I love the most.
His color is very brilliant white not faded at all. but his gills
are red and look a little swollen but seem to have always been
like that. These 3 fish have been in this tank for at least 6
months if not longer. Other fish have passed on but it never
affected them.
<Do understand that Guppies and Platies should live 3-4 years.
If they only live for a year, then something may be amiss with
the aquarium or the way you are keeping them. Review the needs of
livebearing fish:
Also review the basics of fishkeeping:
Be under no illusion about this: 99% of premature deaths in
aquaria are caused by the fishkeeper doing something wrong. In
the right conditions, fish are much less likely to get sick than
most other pet animals.>
This gut feeling you have about Mycobacteriosis does it affect
and will they still be so eager to eat, as mine are?
<Generally no. So that's a good sign. If Mycobacteriosis
isn't the issue, review Finrot, which affects the fins and
skin and looks like red or white patches. Finrot is almost always
caused by either physical damage or poor environmental
conditions. It's easy enough to cure if caught early, but you
do need to provide the right living conditions for them to
They come running out of hiding and scarf the food down. Very
strange. I also thought maybe the airstone bubbles/noise could be
spooking them or is stressful, hence making them hide.
<Possibly; Guppies dislike strong water currents, but at the
same time, one small airstone shouldn't be a big
Won't more salt be helpful to stop the infection from
spreading so quickly?
<No, salt doesn't have any effect on Finrot or bacterial
infections. Marine fish can get Finrot, and they're kept in
seawater! Anyone who tells you salt helps cure bacterial diseases
is an idiot.>
Or other bacteria kill stuff?
<If by "bacteria kill stuff" you mean an antibiotic
medication like Maracyn, or an antimicrobial product like eSHa
2000, then yes, that can help.>
<Cheers, Neale.>
Pix too poor
to be of use |
Re: macro pics 9/4/10
I am going to try one more time. I have attached 3 pix of
Butter Cup the yellow guppy. I know it still may be hard to
see the coat of his body.
<Still impossible to see anything. If the image
isn't sharp, it's useless. Try, try, and try again,
I'm afraid! Don't point the camera directly at the
glass because then it acts like a mirror; angle the camera
so you're pointing slightly below or above the fish.
The flash won't bounce off the glass so badly.>
His fins look good to me no rot, however his gills are
severely deformed and I think you can notice that a bit in
the photo's, can you see it?
<Not really. But anyway, if the deformity to the gill
covers have always been there, then the chances are
they're not the cause of sickness. If the gills have
suddenly become deformed, then that's another issue,
and most likely an issue connected to water
Other than a slight bent posture which he always had that I
thought was odd, the gills are the only thing looking
really wrong. In the first pix as luck has it, there is a
pretty good shot of Paprika the spotted platy with the
orange tail. She looks okay to me, except as you can see
the pix her gills are very red. Is this normal?
<Not normal. You shouldn't normally see the red gill
filaments at all. In some cases inbreeding means that the
gill covers are deformed and the gill filaments are more
obvious. While such fish might be marginally more delicate,
there's no particular reason deformed gill covers
should cause sickness. But as stated before, if the gills
have suddenly become deformed or more obviously red, then
that's a problem.>
One more issue I do have a lot of direct sunlight from a
sky light just above the tank, sometimes during peak time I
will shade the tank with a towel. However I do have a lot
of algae. I try and clean it off often. However I am
wondering if algae can cause sickness?
<No, but overheating if temperature goes up dramatically
can stress fish.>
What is the best way to control Algae?
<Read here:
Usually the addition of fast-growing plants under bright
lighting is required. The addition of algae-eating Nerite
snails may help, but every time you add an animal to an
aquarium you make water conditions worse. Shops will sell
you algae-eating fish, but mostly these are more trouble
than they're worth, especially the cheap "Chinese
Algae Eaters" and common Plecs.>
Lastly, if your advice is still euthanasia. Which is the
most humane way? I heard to drop the fish in ice cold
water, I also heard let it freeze slowly to death in the
<Not quite.>
the Internet says to smash its head with a hammer. I am
afraid I could not do that one. If we are sure. I don't
want to see the little guy suffer, so please let me know
your preferred method.
<Do read here:
Once again Thank you very much, I appreciate all the advice
you are giving me.
<Always glad to help. Cheers, Neale.>
Dying mollies & guppies, 5/11/10
Hi team,
Really need your help my once beautiful 20 ltr tank has now become the
tank of death.
<Small tanks often do.>
I have 5 guppies ( was 9), 1 red wag tail & 1 white balloon Mollie
(1 light orange/white molly dead) oh plus 4 well developing orange fry
( were 20 but gave some away and the rest went back to the pet
<Way too much for a 20 ltr tank.>
As you can see the drop in numbers my tank has disappearing fish both
guppies and Mollies.
<Both are sensitive to water quality and need a larger, more stable
This is where it gets scary, but I started with my 9 guppies and
suddenly one day 3 were gone and 1was missing almost all of it's
tail so I needed some New friends for them and my partner liked the
<More fish equals worse conditions which equals more dead
Little did either of us know that they were males and females and so
one of them gave birth to roughly 20 fry which I read was normal only
just figured out with the help of another article my red wagtail is a
male and my white balloon must be the female.
Woke up about 2 Weekends ago to find my gorgeous light orange/ white
mollies carcass cleaned out tails fins most of body floating at the top
of my tank behind my filter. I just cleaned tank tonight again and
found the poor dragon guppy that lost his tail from the last
disappearances dead also floating carcass.
I don't understand their well fed fish mornings and afternoon after
<You have not only too many fish in a tiny tank, but also
inappropriate fish for that sized tank.>
Please give me some suggestion or idea of what's happening with my
fish are they carnivorous now or is there something in my water killing
them some how one day their all there and the next the guppies
disappear in full or the Mollie leaves a carcass
Help me I'm not an accessory to murder am I eeeekk
<Start here http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwlivestk.htm,
and here http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwlvstkind1.htm
for a start. The tank is just too small for the fish you have.>
At a loss, please help... FW
livebearers... 5/4/10
Hello. My name is Laurie and I have read many questions and your
spirited answers and have learned and enjoyed them.
<Good oh.>
Having said that, I seem to have myself in a fish predicament that I am
not sure how to deal with (or maybe I just don¹t enjoy the thought
of what I seem to think the answer is). Either way, here goes. This is
not my first picnic (with fish), and so this will not be a question of
how many per gallon of tank or how to equalize PH or any of that.
<Hmm, well, we'll see.>
Please note that I am no fish-whisperer, yet rather that I understand
the basic necessities of water temp and condition conducive to
Now, to my issue. Situation: 55 Gallon tank Water Condition: Excellent
from the test of nitros to the temp (controlled by heater  checked
<I really do need numbers here. Water chemistry preferred by Mollies
is too hard and saline for Bettas; temperature required by Mollies and
Bettas is too high for Platies. So what you think is
"excellent" may not be what I, or Mother Nature, think
Weekly add in or 25% change when sucker looks overwhelmed we let the
water test be our guide. Inhabitants: One beautiful male Beta,
<Betta, not Beta. The name rhymes with "better", even in
American English.>
Our sucker (left to his own devices and with enough room will grow to
about a foot and a half  thanks, PetSmart),
<If Gyrinocheilus aymonieri, this is a waste of tank space and a
potential hazard. For this tank, Ancistrus spp. would be infinitely
better than Gyrinocheilus or Pterygoplichthys.>
Two black Mollies (both male), Two White Mollies (both male) and God
Help Us, Now 8 Platys (well, adult anyway).
<Mollies don't usually do well when kept as cool as Platies
prefer, or vice versa.>
This wasn¹t always the case.... We did our homework, so we thought
and decided that we would keep out tank fry free. With the typical
result being that the male species was prettier to look at, we decided
on an all male enclosure. UNTIL (sorry for the caps) my husband decided
that Platys were a replacement for the two orange fish we lost
(Ghories, just starting up) He thought to make me happy, until I
noticed that two were female and two were male...uh oh. I went online
and quickly learned that with existing fish our size along with the
attrition rate of parental, uh diet, we should not worry. Until I
noticed that our female Platy were literally swimming for their
<No real surprise. Keep at least twice as many females as males. Add
Indian Fern or similar floating vegetation as well.>
But it wasn¹t just that.
<For some reason, there are superscript ones appearing where
apostrophes should be. Weird.>
As fat as they were, the two males were relentlessly poking them in the
belly. (Please note that I am a mother of four and would not be okay at
any point, let alone when I was with child(ren having someone poke me
in the belly).
<Yes, hence the need for many more females than males.>
Again, wonder of ages, I consulted the web along and found the ratio to
be wrong  Have I mentioned no experience with live-bearing
Immediately, I sent my husband to the store for  and sorry if this
is against the rules, ³hookers² for the male fish.
<Now superscripts twos and threes!>
The information made it seem it would be a godsend. A two to one or
three to one ratio, said the Platy site I had consulted. Yikes! Hubby
came home with 5 new ladies. Well, at least the males stopped bothering
the two as much and as a woman, I breathed a sigh of relief.
Until, my daughter noticed the other day we have ³guests². They
are so tiny and so cute (we have seven confirmed  not fry, baby
fish) that at first I was elated. Here comes the uh-oh. What to do
My husband says we will have to take matters into our own hands to
"Control" the situation.
<You can, or you can stock some sort of small predator such as
Aplocheilus lineatus, African Butterflyfish or even Angelfish that will
view baby fish as food.>
By this he means Œocean-treatment¹ for the boys.
<Do not flush fish! It's cruel. Euthanising fish isn't
difficult, and if you have kids, you probably have the required Clove
Oil hanging around the house anyway.
20-30 drops/litre does the trick nicely.>
As much as it pains me, I know that fish need their space and we cannot
have a platy breeding farm.
<Indeed, but with a few predators in the system this will be less of
a problem than you think.>
I could find the boys homes but will they live without their female
companions, and vice versa, will all the ladies (all the babies seem to
be female based on the fins) be okay without males with them?
<You can't sex the fry until they're 2-3 months old, at
which point the anal fins acquire their distinctive shapes. All newborn
fry "look" female.>
Please help, gods and goddesses of the fish world. I had hoped to avoid
this and maybe I feed my fish too much, but they are all still with me.
They have names (yes, even the littl¹ ones) and I don¹t want
anyone to be hurt. Thank you for your forum. Laurie
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: At a loss, please help... 5/4/10
Thank you for your advice, Neale! Sorry about the superscripts, looks
fine on my end so it must be a Mac/PC compatibility issue.
<I have a Mac, too.>
Thank you for your ideas, that seems a much better idea than
Hubby's. He will be going to the store today for one of the
predator fish you mentioned.
<Do "hunt" around for the so-called Golden Wonder Killi,
and artificial form of Aplocheilus lineatus. These fish are stunningly
beautiful, and at up to 10 cm long when mature, more than capable of
eating Platy fry. Mildly territorial though, so if you keep more than
one, provide some floating plants for shelter.>
As always, your site and advice are fantastic!
<Kind of you to say so. Cheers, Neale.>
Livebearers and Salt 5/2/10
I have a 40 gallon freshwater tank and in it is Gouramis, swordtails,
neon tetras and a Pleco.
<Most Plecs will quickly outgrow 40 gallons, assuming we're
talking about Hypostomus/Pterygoplichthys type things.>
I have tested the water and had it tested by two different pet stores
and both stores said the water quality is fine and it was fine when I
<"Fine" doesn't mean much; give me the numbers. Why?
Because what's "fine" for Neons can be lethal for
Swordtails. Neons come from soft, acidic streams and are happiest
maintained between pH 6.5 and 7.5, hardness 5-10 degrees dH. Swordtails
come from limestone streams, and they need much more alkaline water: pH
7.5-8, hardness 10+ degrees dH. You can't actually create
conditions ideal for both species, so whatever you do, one will always
be stressed to some degree.>
and there is no signs of any parasites or anything on any of the fish
they look fine but for some reason some of the swordtails have been
sluggish, lethargic and sit at the bottom of the tank and I have lost a
couple of
<Swordtails need a bunch of things to be happy. Firstly, the water
shouldn't be too warm: 22-25 C/72-75 F. Secondly, the water should
be hard and alkaline, as explained above. Finally, the water needs a
strong water current. Just look at their streamlined shape! Gouramis
are fish for swampy habitats, so they have deep bodies. Swordtails have
streamlined shapes, and need strong water currents. Gouramis would hate
the sort of tanks Swordtails prefer, and vice versa. As we state
repeatedly here at WWM, it's critical to choose fish that share the
same requirements: water chemistry, temperature, and water
however the Gouramis, tetras and Pleco all seem perfectly fine and
there has been no new fish added to the tank so I am at a loss as to
what's wrong with them.
<See above.>
I went to a well known pet store and "knowledgeable" after
telling her everything I just told you and testing my water witch again
came out fine told me that anytime they are sluggish or clamped fins
and no signs of
disease witch there isn't to add salt to the water and she even
demonstrated for me she grabbed a handful of salt and threw it into the
tank and said that's what you do so I bought a box
<Hmm... not really what you're meant to do. In some instances
salt is
therapeutic, but you have to measure the amount of salt you use, at
I however have not used it yet because after some reading around on the
internet I have seen a lot of back and forth some saying no way !! Do
not use salt !!!
<The addition of 2-3 grammes of salt per litre can be therapeutic
when livebearers aren't behaving properly, especially in soft water
conditions. But that amount of salt will stress soft water fish like
Neons in the long
And I checked with a smaller locally owned very good pet store that has
been around for 40 yrs. and I trust there knowledge and have had very
good luck with any fish I have bought there...asked them about adding
salt after explaining the situation and they also said no you don't
need to add salt just put in a good water treatment/conditioner as that
has worked very well for them over the years.
<It is certainly true that you do not need to use salt for
Swordtails, Platies or Guppies if the aquarium has clean, hard, basic
water. Mollies is more of a tricky one, since they really do seem to
need at least slightly
brackish conditions to be "easy" to keep.>
So I am rather confused do I add salt or no as there is sooooo much
back and forth about it or add a some water conditioner and just let
things be for a bit ?
<See above. Without knowing real details about your tank, I
can't say anything sensible. In the meantime do read:
Any help or advice would be great. Thank you in advance.
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Livebearers and Salt 5/3/10
It sounds like the best way to go is ether with Gouramis or Swordtails
and that they are not the best to mix together
Heh as far as keeping them both happy and comfortable ..can Gouramis
and tetras survive and be comfortable in the same tank ?
<Yes, so long as the Tetras you choose [a] need the same temperature
water; and [b] they aren't a nippy species like Serpae, Black
Widow, Colombian and a few other tetras species.>
And thanks a lot for the info you gave me it was very helpful.
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Livebearers and Salt
Do you know of any good sites that give you some guidelines as to what
are suitable tank mates for Gouramis (gold Gouramis) ?
<Do read here, and linked articles:
Female Three-spot Gouramis are basically peaceful and can be mixed with
most community fish that require similar water chemistry,
Males are aggressive towards one another and other Gouramis, and
sometimes also similar-looking fish, for example Angelfish.>
Just so I know in future what fish to avoid mixing with them chances
are for awhile at least I am not going to introduce any new fish for
awhile but its still good to have something to refer to.
<Good choices would be Diamond Tetras, X-ray Tetras, Lemon Tetras,
Penguin Tetras, Harlequin Rasboras, Scissortail Rasboras, Corydoras
Ancistrus spp. catfish, Horseface Loaches, Kuhli Loaches, Cherry Barbs,
5-banded Barbs, among others.>
Thanks again for your help :)
<Cheers, Neale.>
Fearful to lose her :) FW... livebearer hlth.,
sys. 12/13/09
Hello! I've Googled and read up but I can't decide what is
hurting my fish and I don't want to dose her with unnecessary
things if she has something else entirely, so I'm writing you
wonderful folks again.
I wrote before a few years ago concerning my tiger barbs and you helped
so much, this time I have more fish (no worries the older ones were
given a new home since I moved...didn't want to drag the poor
things across eight
Fiancé© and I have a 30 gallon tank with filter and heater set to 76
degrees, three platys, two red dwarf mollies I believe, a Pleco and a
small platy fry (we were excited to find the baby, totally unexpected)
Also two Danio fry I believe (fish store recommended them as new
additions but the other fish tried to eat them immediately so we moved
them into the birthing tank with the baby till they all get a bit
We have substrate and several living plants, onion plants and java
and a rock hut for the fish to hide in.
<Platies and Mollies are surface dwellers, and won't use rocky
caves unless they're sick or severely stressed. Floating plants,
such as Indian Fern, will be infinitely more useful.>
I'm sorry, I don't have any levels of ammonia or anything to
help this question along, we've simply been testing it with strips
to ensure it stays in the "safe" color.
<Define "safe". The problem is that most people
haven't a clue what "safe" means, and these test kits are
totally misleading in some cases. Safe is ZERO ammonia and ZERO
nitrite. Anything else is, "Houston, we have a problem" time.
Can't stress this too strongly. Sure, exposure to 0.5 mg/l nitrite
won't kill a Platy overnight, so in that sense it isn't deadly
poisonous. But over a few days or a couple of weeks, it WILL make a
Platy very sick.>
The strip says right now the water is slightly stressing the fish, so
we've moved from 10% water changes like the store said, to 25%
ones, also adding a small amount of the aquarium salt,
<Don't use "aquarium salt". It's rubbish. For
Mollies and Platies, you'd be better off using a Rift Valley Salt
Mix. Read here:
About a half-dose should be ample. This will raise pH and hardness
(which salt doesn't do) and make for much healthier
and some drops that are supposed to help lower ammonia levels.
<Time to do some reading rather than listening to a pet store
that's in business selling you stuff. No "drops" of
anything remove ammonia from an aquarium. Nothing. Zip. Nada. These
products remove ONE TIME ONLY small amounts of ammonia in TAP WATER.
They do not constantly remove the ammonia produces ALL THE TIME by your
fish. This is your filter's job. If you have non-zero ammonia and
non-zero nitrite levels, then you are [a] overstocked; [b]
under-filtered; [c] overfeeding; [d] some combination of the three. It
takes 4-6 weeks for an aquarium filter to become mature, and assuming
you have one of adequate size for a 30 gallon tank (i.e., one rated at
120-180 gallons per hour) such a filter should handle half a dozen
Platies and half a dozen Mollies without any problems at all. A Plec is
not an option in a tank this small, so remove it. Anyone who told you a
Plec -- which grows to 45 cm/18 inches in length within two years --
would be okay in a 30 gallon tank was an idiot. So disregard any advice
from this person forthwith.
There is NO WAY this fish will be okay in this system. Before you say
to me, "What about algae", read here:
If you have a healthy aquarium with lots of fast-growing floating
plants, and maybe a few Nerite snails, you won't have any algae
problems. Quite the reverse in fact: an overstocked tank with a catfish
far too large for it is VERY likely to have problems with
Okay. My problem is that the white platy fish has suddenly begun trying
to scratch his/her belly on things, and her fins are close together,
also she swims it seems with just her head and tail.
<Chronic irritation caused by the ammonia and nitrite. Improve water
quality, NOW.>
A black one has started doing the same thing but all the other fish
seem fine. I tried getting a picture, but she hates the paparazzi. I
can't seem to identify if she has any white spots, but none of the
other fish have any either. We've had the tank for a month or more,
and the plants grow wonderfully, but this is the first time a fish has
behaved differently, so we want to be on top of this and fix whatever
we aren't doing correctly.
<What isn't correct is water quality.>
An additional question-can the fins grow back to a fish that other fish
were nibbling on?
<Fish will attack weakened fish, and Finrot will set in when you
have non-zero levels of ammonia and nitrite. Fix water quality, and
yes, the fins usually grow back.>
We removed a red dwarf from the tank because his back fin got nibbled
to about 1/3rd gone. We bought him his own three gallon, filled it with
water from the tank and gave him a java ball and a small house to hide
<Three gallon tanks = death traps.>
He seems really happy in there, and the edges of his tail went from
being white to a normal red again. We love this guy. Will he get
lonely, or is he okay to stay by himself? I don't want to crowd him
in his three gallon. :)
<Take him out. Use floating plants to create a complex habitat AT
THE SURFACE that Platies will use to hide and rest.>
Thank you for any insight and advice you can pass on to me, we really
love these fish and we don't want any to suffer!
<Read first, panic later.>
<Cheers, Neale.>
CAN YOU HELP? (Poeciliidae; health)
We have a 125 litre tank with various live-bearing fish and recently
have lost fish through a "wasting" disease.
<Ah, this does sometimes happen. Can be a bacterial infection, about
which little/nothing can be done. But may also sometimes be a water
chemistry/quality issue, so you should be open minded.>
The fish seem to lose their shape and colour and eventually die.
<Fairly unhelpful symptoms, to be honest. But if the water chemistry
and quality are good, and it's a single species of livebearer
you're losing, one specimen at a time, then there's nothing
much you can do save
quarantine new additions and certainly don't buy them from the same
store again. Many UK retailers have commented to me about the
relatively poor quality of things like Fancy Guppies. While they
aren't as colourful, there's much to be said about non-fancy
varieties, in particular species such as Limia nigrofasciata, which are
out there if you want them, and are much, much hardier than anything
sold in bright colours or with fancy fins.>
We have been putting in aquarium salt and doing water changes at least
once a week.
<Right, I'm glad you mention salt. Livebearers do not, on the
whole, need salt. Adding salt, though often recommended by retailers
who also happen to be selling salt, isn't actually the cure-all it
is supposed to be.
Specifically, livebearers need what we call hard and alkaline water;
this translates as water with a high general hardness (say, 10+ degrees
dH); a high carbonate hardness (5+ degrees KH), and a high pH
(7.5-8.2). Aquarium salt, sometimes called tonic salt, effects
precisely none of these, and you can add all the sodium chloride you
want and the general hardness, carbonate hardness and pH won't
change! Now, if you have Guppies and/or Mollies, then marine salt mix
(i.e., what you add to a marine aquarium) can be used, because these
two species tolerate brackish water extremely well, in fact Mollies far
prefer it to freshwater, within which they rarely do well. Adding 6-9
grammes of marine salt mix per litre of water makes Guppy
and Molly keeping much, much easier. You don't need to worry about
pH or hardness because the marine salt mix contains chemicals that
adjust those automatically. If you have Platies and Swordtails though
things are more complicated. For a start, both Platies and Swordtails
need quite cool water, around 23-25 C, whereas Guppies and Mollies need
water that is warmer, around 26-28 C. Obviously, you can't mix cool
water species with warm water species and expect them all to do well.
There's no middle ground. If you have Platies and Swordtails, they
need water that is cool, hard, and alkaline. I'd recommend using a
cichlid salt mix, of the sort outlined in this article:
Go to the section called "A Simple But Effective Rift Valley
Cichlid Salt Mix" and use the mix outlined there. It costs pennies
to use per month, and will make your livebearers much, much happier.
You could use a full dose, but a half-dose should be fine if your water
isn't too soft. Note that aquarium salt isn't part of the
recipe; you specifically need baking powder, Epsom salt, and marine
salt mix.>
We are relatively new to this....our tank being set up around 6 months
<Do also read here:
Looking forward to hearing from you
Teresa & Steve Bailey
<Cheers, Neale.>
FW fish hlth. help 1/26/09 Greetings: I have
already screwed up in my first fish adventure of a ten gallon tank by
putting two guppies and two platies together, which I have been told is
a nono. <Mmm, not necessarily... These fish species are generally
compatible... They "enjoy" about the same water conditions,
foods...> Now, I have had one guppy die, and I think it had tail
rot, and now the other has it. I also have a platy with one big white
spec on its tale, it is bigger than Ich. I just changed my tank water
<Mmm, all of it?> and took the fish out because I was took out
quite a bit of water, and I don't know if I should put them back in
or not. are they all going to die? Thanks again, Marion <I do hope
your aquatic pets won't perish... Can you relate what water quality
(tests) you've done? What sorts of filtration you employ? Foods,
feeding? Bob Fenner>
Re: FW fish hlth. help. Guppies, platies... hlth.
1/27/2009 I feed them flake food and blood worms. I have one
filter in which I just have activated filter carbon. When I test the
water, I use a six in one, and my test results have been the same as
below almost every time. Nitrate safe Nitrite safe Hardness soft
Chlorine safe Alkalinity ideal pH neutral Thank you for your help! I
really appreciate it.. Marion <Well... If these readings are
accurate... all should be fine. I am not a fan of test strip
methods/gear though... these have proven to not often be accurate nor
precise. Please do read here:
http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwenvdisfaqs.htm and the linked
files in this series (above)... in the hope that others relating will
serve as a springboard for your understanding. BobF>
Article on thiaminase 9/18/09
Great work! It seems to me this topic is well known in reptile-keeping
circles but hardly mentioned in the fishkeeping press. I'm
certainly keen to see this in the next CA (and soon at that!). One
query: my understanding is that Poeciliidae lack thiaminase, hence my
advocacy of home-bred, gut-loaded herbivorous Poeciliids such as
mollies as the preferred safe feeder fish for obligate piscivores. But
they're not on your list. Am I right or wrong?
Re: Article on thiaminase 9/18/09
Is there any chance you could roll these comments into the article? I
think that would make it more useful on a practical level.
Some Goodeidae (e.g. Ameca) and Cyprinidontidae (e.g. Cyprinodon)
certainly do consume blue-green algae; whether any of these are likely
to be used as feeders, I cannot say.
Cheers, Neale
Can you help me? Platy hlth.
7/22/08 WetWebMedia, I'm new to your site and I understand
that you don't want questions that have already been answered. I
took the time to look at Neale Monks' chart and I'm still
unsure as to what plagues my platy. <Oh?> I have a 10
gallon tank with 6 platys. <To be honest, a bit small for this
species... likely to be prone to poor water quality and pH
instability.> All the fish are looking healthy and fine,
except one. He is a large male platy- a twin sidebar- and the
biggest fish in the tank. When I got him from the store he was
perfectly healthy. I've had him for about a week and half and he
was fine right up until the drastic Ph drop. <Ah, and there it
is: small tanks experience pH crashes more easily than big tanks.
Either you aren't doing enough water changes (I'd
recommend 25-50% weekly) or else you have water lacking in
carbonate hardness. If the latter, I'd recommend grabbing
some marine salt mix -- not "aquarium salt" -- and
adding 3-5 grammes per litre. The carbonate salts in marine salt
mix will provide extra carbonate hardness, inhibiting pH drops.
Platies will tolerate the slightly brackish conditions very
well.> Most of the fish showed signs of Ph sickness, but I
brought the Ph back up slowly and now all my fish are seemingly
fine, except the big fish. I think he has some kind of internal
parasite, because when he swims he seems to be using his head
instead of his tail to move. He looks as if he's literally shaking
his head at everything- I know this cant be normal. <It's
not a mystery parasite; this is standard issue
"Shimmies" or similar. A generic reaction to stressful
conditions in livebearers. Most often seen with Mollies. No real
cure as such, but if conditions improve, it should get better by
itself.> He didn't do this when I first bought him. I would
consider maybe water quality, temperature issues, but the other
fish are fine. <Not everyone succumbs to stress at the same
rate: not humans, not fish.> They're happy and normal. No one
else seems to be getting what the big fish has- it doesn't appear
contagious. On top of the constant wagging motion of his body, he
also cant seem to recover from the Ph spike. First he was
floating at the bottom, tail clamped, now he's floating at the
top, tail clamped. Other fish will swim past him and bump him and
he won=E 2t move or react sometimes- something is definitely
wrong. Maybe I read over the list of symptoms and simply didn't
know what to look for? I'm sorry for troubling you. Can you please
help me? <Do first check the pH. It should be 7.5-8, and it
should stay there week in, week out. Use marine salt mix (Instant
Ocean, Reef Crystals, etc.) as an additive as described above.
Will help considerably. Also keep up with your water changes.
Your Platy will recover if conditions are good. Cheers,
Re: Can you help me? 7/23/08 Neale, Thank you for
your advice. <Most welcome.> I'm going to try the
marine salt out. I already have dissolved aquarium salt in the
tank, so does this mean I should change all the water before I
put the new salt in? I don't want to over-saturate the water
with salt. <No need. Add the marine salt mix to each bucket of
water (at the dosage stated, taking care it dissolves before
use). So when you take out a bucket or two of water this weekend,
replace with a bucket or two of water with 3-5 grammes/litre
marine salt mix. Always be careful not to overdose. If you're
not good with sensible measurements of mass and volume, I have a
software tool (for Mac and Windows) that helps you calculate
salinity and convert between Metric and US units.
http://homepage.mac.com/nmonks/Programs/brackcalc.html > Can I
ask you one more question? <Fire away.> Around the same
time I bought the large male platy in question, I also bought a
smaller male who is yellow and slightly see-through. When I first
bought him I noticed he had some red around his gills, but I
chalked this up to his natural coloration. <Likely just the
blood in the gill filaments being visible through the gill
covers. Quite a common "thing" on fancy versions of all
sorts of different fishes.> While researching the symptoms of
my fish in question, I came across information that stated red
gills could be an indication of ammonia poisoning. I had never
heard of ammonia poisoning before and didn't even know that
fish secreted ammonia through the gills. Is it normal to buy a
yellow twin side bar platy and see red coloration around the
gills? <Don't worry about this. If the fish had Ammonia
Poisoning, it would be obviously very sick -- e.g., skittish,
gasping at the surface, clamped fins, etc.> I don't mean
to be paranoid, but the coloration around the gills seems to have
darkened. I'm worried my ammonia levels could be out of whack
because I don't have equipment to monitor ammonia.
<I'd highly recommend buying those little dip-strip test
kits. Over here you get 25 strips for about £10, but you can
slice each strip down the middle to make twice as many. These
have ammonia, nitrite, pH, hardness, and sometimes other useful
tests -- all on the one strip. While expert fishkeepers will make
the point they're less accurate than the tests with liquids
and plastic bottles, I think these dip-strips are indispensable,
especially for beginners. In general, if you don't have
nitrite in the water, you likely don't have ammonia, so
I'd not be worried anyway.> This should be my last
question- I don't mean to bother you. <No bother.>
Again, thank you for your help. I really appreciate it.
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Can you help me? 7/23/08 Neal, Thank you so
much. You need not reply back and your questions have been very
helpful. I will do all you suggested! Thank you! <Glad we
could help. Cheers, Neale.>
Molly and
Platy "issues" 6/22/08 Hello again And
once again I must extend my gratitude for all the support you lend
to us "novice" fish-keepers and our finned-friends.
<We're happy to help.> To start I am attaching a picture
of my mama speckled molly....As I hope you can see, she has
developed this "wart-like" growth above her eye. It has
gotten a little bigger over the last few days but her personality
hasn't really changed much. She is still eating like a champ
but she might not be swimming around as much as usual, its hard to
tell now that I have taken the male molly that used to chase her
daily out of the tank (for different reasons). My water parameters
all check out (0,0,10) and this started before I added my most
recent additions. I did lose my 2 German rams over the last 3 weeks
for unknown reason (I suspect its because my husband accidentally
unplugged one of the heaters twice overnight when he turned off the
light and since they are so sensitive the 5 degree dip in temp
(usually hovers around 80 but went down to 75 both times) because
they each passed around the times that this happened. At any rate,
back to the molly...What on earth do you think this is? Should I QT
her? How do I treat it (if I can)? Do I need to worry about my
other fish in the tank? <I'm not 100% sure, but this looks a
lot like Lymphocystis. This a non-contagious (or at least only
weakly contagious) viral disease caused (almost certainly) by
environmental issues. The bad news is that it can't be treated.
The good news is that it doesn't kill fish and usually goes
away by itself (though this may take months). No need to quarantine
her. Strong need to review the environment, for example is the
carbonate hardness nice and high, are you using enough marine salt
mix, does she get enough algae to eat, and so on. All the usual
Molly stuff. In any case, the "growth" is certainly some
sort of cyst, and as such not likely to be either treatable or
dangerous.> My second issue is housed in my QT tank (my main
reason for not putting my molly girl in there just yet) I emailed
you guys about this problem a few weeks back and didn't really
get an answer (I think it was Neale and he sounded just as baffled
as I was) I have had this female platy in there for many many
months now (I'll attach a photo of her too just in case you can
see something that I can't) and she has lived though numerous
treatments of every medication known to tropical fish (mainly
because my QT tank is the only QT tank for both mine and my
dad's tanks and every sick fish is treated in there) Her
spinning/flipping/darting has never improved nor gotten worse. I am
still stumped on what to do with her and I am really tempted to
just put her back in my main tank so I don 't have to continue
keeping this tank running for her. (not that I mind all that much
but I am sure she is bored in a bare tank all by herself.) <She
looks fine.> To repeat the story, It started at least 4-5 months
ago about a week after I got her home from the fish store (okay,
wasn't really a fish store...I'll admit my momentarily
lapse of judgment and admit I bought her at W**-Mart...Not the
smartest thing, I know) ..I noticed she was having trouble staying
upright and upon closer inspection I noticed that one of her gills
not only looked a little torn but it looked like it had a severe
internal hemorrhage. She would swim erratically, dart, spin, hide,
and for the first few weeks wouldn't eat. I thought she was a
goner for sure. Well, after a while her gill healed, she began
eating and swimming around but, she would still have frequent
episodes of spinning, flipping, swimming on her side and basically
freaking out. They don't last forever but do happen often...she
can still swim normally but for the most part just hangs out in the
corner. Her color has gotten lighter but I don't know if that
just because I keep the tanks lights off the majority of the time
or what. I am hoping that someone has some idea what this is, if I
could return her to one of my main tanks, and/or how to treat it. I
used to think it was "whirling" disease but considering
she isn't a trout and she has lived so long I don't think
that this is the case. <Quite so.> I have also considered
parasites but like I said, she has undergone every treatment
(including every parasite treatment) and still spins/flips/darts.
She has had some noted improvement and that I think occurred around
the time I was treating one of my dads molly's for parasites
but I can't say for sure. Any advice on these matter would be
greatly appreciated. <Absolutely no idea what this is!>
Respectfully, Grace <Don't think anything too serious, so
provided all else is perfect, would leave this fish figure out
their own problems. Could be genetic issues for example, or
exposure to heavy metals at some point in their life. Variety of
things. Good luck, Neale.> |

Guppy issue 10/14/07 Hi, I noticed a problem
with one of my female guppies today (I have 6 guppies in a 10 gallon
tank, 2 males and 4 females). I had checked the pH, nitrate, nitrite,
chlorine, hardness, and alkalinity yesterday before buying the fish and
it was all at healthy levels. The tank has been set up for a while
because I wanted it to get through a cycle before putting any fish in
(although my roommates thought I was nuts for having a tank with no
fish!). Each of the fish I picked seemed in good condition and they
spent the day getting used to the tank and then I fed them a little
before I went to sleep. This morning they had all seemed fine although
I noticed the eyes on one female (the one with a problem now) were a
little dark, but I thought nothing of it since that can happen from the
stress of being transported yesterday. When I got back again about 5 or
6 hours later though, I noticed that her right fin was sticking
straight out and seemed a little swollen and pinkish white at the base.
She hasn't been using it and just swimming around in circles to the
left, but she still has a good appetite and will swim to the right if
she sees some food she really wants, she just won't use the right
fin. I checked and noticed that the ammonia level is a little higher
than I'd like it to be (probably from the fact that the tank is
adjusting to the fish). I added some salt to the water and used some
stress coat to help them adjust, but I was wondering what else I need
to do or if its a much more serious problem. Thanks, Yana <Hello
Yana. There's no "acceptable" level of ammonia --
anything above Zero is dangerous, potentially lethal. With Guppies,
while wild fish are hardy, the fancy varieties most people buy are
extremely delicate. So it is entirely likely (= probable) that you have
a case of Finrot or fungus to deal with. A combination medication (such
as eSHa 2000) should fix that right away. Do follow the instructions
carefully. Do remove carbon from the filter (carbon neutralises
medications). Don't waste your time with salt/Melafix/Pimafix. Do
make sure the water chemistry is appropriate for what Guppies want:
high hardness, high carbonate hardness, and a pH around 7.5-8.0. Do
reduce food while ammonia is a problem. While I applaud your patience
setting the tank up before putting fish into it, unless you were adding
a source of ammonia as well, the filter DIDN'T mature. The usual
method is to add inorganic ammonia (from a chemist or hardware store)
during the "fishless cycling" phase, but adding a pinch of
flake each day and letting it rot works just as well. Anyway, assuming
you didn't do this, your tank is cycling now, and it'll take
about 6 weeks to complete. During this phase, check the ammonia and
nitrite levels every couple of days. Do regular, big water changes:
I'd suggest 25% daily. That will keep the fish healthy during this
critical phase. Once it's mature, you can leave the tank a week
between water changes of 25-50%. Good luck, Neale>
Tail/fin rot, guppies 8/26/07
Hello. I just stumbled upon your website and noticed it is very
helpful. I have had a fish tank for a while but just got a new one with
new fish. It is only a ten gallon. I have a guppy who developed
tail/fin rot, and it seems to be spreading to my favorite guppy. I
don't know if it is though. I'm just trying to confirm my
observations when i ask: is it contagious to my other fish besides the
guppies? Thanks a lot. -Adam <Hello Adam. Thanks for the kind words.
There's two ways of looking at your question. If you're asking
will Finrot jump from one fish to another the way a cold jumps between
people, no, not really. The bacteria that cause Finrot are (probably)
present in all aquaria at all times, and only under certain
circumstances do they actually become a problem. However, if your
question is "one of my fish is sick, will the others get sick
too?" then the answer to that is yes, most likely. Finrot bacteria
become problematic when the immune systems of your various fish become
compromised in some way. Two factors are usually at work, poor water
quality and physical damage. They can work independently or together.
With guppies for example Finrot can start when they're kept with
nippy fishes such as Serpae tetras or black widow tetras, both of which
view guppy tails as food. Or alternatively (and more usually) water
conditions in the aquarium have dropped below a certain threshold, and
the guppies no longer have the strength to stave off infection. In the
case of guppies, ammonia and nitrite are dangerous, but so too is a low
pH (anything below 7.0) and a low hardness (basically you want
"moderately hard" to "very hard" water chemistry).
So, if you have multiple fish showing signs of Finrot, and can rule out
fin-nipping, then study the conditions in the aquarium. Do water tests
for ammonia, nitrite, pH, and hardness (ideally KH but GH will do). Oh,
and if the water conditions are so bad the guppies are getting sick,
the other species are likely be stressed to some degree, too. Hope this
helps, Neale>
Re: tail/fin rot 08/26/07 It turns out that my
water is too soft. Thanks for the advice. -Adam <Cool. Bump up the
carbonate hardness especially. That's the bit livebearers
appreciate. Adding "tonic salt" -- whatever the retailer
might say -- won't help. Cheers, Neale>
Curious behavior? FW... dis.
8/22/07 Hi, I have a small 6 gallon tank- new, about 4wks old. I
had 3 small fish- 2 male Endler's and one Otocinclus, live plants
and a piece of driftwood. At the start, I was doing small water changes
every 2-3 to control ammonia and so forth, everything was fine. Last
week however, I was gone for 4 days; I did a water change before I left
and dropped some slow-release food. When I returned, the water was very
cloudy white, one Endler's died, and the other two fish were very
stressed of course. I did a 40-50% water change and removed the
driftwood (it was decaying), and the two calmed down a little. My LFS
told me to check the ph, it went down to almost ph6- was ph7 before.
They gave me some type of buffer powder and the ph is back to normal,
and water is clear again. The Oto seems to be acting fine, although it
seems he has some white spots, and maybe even some goldish flecks on
the body. But since I've only had these for a short time, I
don't know if the gold color is it's normal coloration, the
white spots maybe ick? Also, the Endler's stays swimming up and down in
one corner, by the filter current. It can swim normally, horizontally,
but mainly doesn't want to swim anywhere else in the tank.
Sometimes he moves to other parts, but mostly just swims up and down
now. He didn't do this before. Should I treat them with any
medication? I raised the temp to 80-82, and have added salt. Anything
else I should do? It's been a few days since everything's gone
back to normal, should I just wait? Thanks!- vanrey <Greetings. The
Otocinclus sp. likely have Whitespot (or, less likely, velvet) and
should be treated immediately. Use a proper Whitespot medication, not
salt or Melafix. It does sound as if the bogwood you purchased was not
fully cured. Cured bogwood shouldn't rot, at least not noticeably.
Bogwood does lower the pH though in tanks with low levels of carbonate
hardness. In this case, I'd recommend sticking with fake bogwood
instead. Endler's guppies -- like all guppies -- want fairly hard and
alkaline water. Given your mix of fish, aim for pH 7.5, and
"moderately hard" water on whatever scale you're using.
Guppies become very sickly at anything softer or more acidic than this.
This is what you're seeing. Cheers, Neale>
Mollies, Platies, and Fungus
7/21/07 WWM Crew, <Hello again!> Hi, I wanted to thank
you for all the great advice you have given me so far. It has
been a tremendous help. Following Neale suggestions I went off to
my LFS to buy a Hydrometer and Marine Salt to convert my tank to
brackish water. I also wanted to make arrangements for my Molly
fry as I thought it would be bad to go from freshwater to
brackish and back to fresh when they go to the LFS for sale. To
my extreme horror they did not know what a hydrometer was and had
to call the owner. Then the sales girl told me they did not carry
marine salt and just to put 1/2 cup "aquarium" salt per
10 gallons in my tank. Gasp, needless to say my babies are not
going there and I am looking for a new store. <If you
don't have a hydrometer, you can just about get away with
weighing the salt. Since seawater has 35 grammes of salt per
litre, for 10% seawater, which is a good baseline for mollies,
3.5 grammes of salt per litre should be fine. Since mollies are
euryhaline, exact salinity doesn't matter. The only problem
here is that once a box of salt is opened, it tends to absorb
moisture from the air, so you want to wrap it up tightly and
store in an airtight container (like a Tupperware or biscuit
tin). Measuring salt by volume, i.e., spoons or cups simply
doesn't work because salt will be more or less packed down
depending on how it has been transported.> When feeding my
fish the next morning I noticed that my Creamcicle Lyre-tail
Molly had white fuzzy stuff on her tail and top fin. Previously I
noticed a fuzzy white spot on my Red Wag Platies mouth but it
went away on its own. After spending quite sometime searching
your site I decided a fungal treatment was in order and bought
Jungle Fungus Treatment. I also added more "tonic salt"
to the aquarium and slowly set the temp to 82 degrees. Water
levels still testing good with weekly water changes. After
putting the treatment in the tank, The Molly's fuzzy spots
are almost gone. But now the white spot is back on the Platies
mouth. I'm not quite sure what to do. I have attached
pictures of both fish. The picture of the Platy is of bad quality
but does show the spot. All fish are eating well and active.
<Spots on the mouth are usually a bacterial infection called
Mouth Fungus. Combination Finrot/fungus medications usually kill
these. As a supplement to treating the tank, dipping the infected
fish into seawater for 1-10 minutes at a time (depending on how
the fish reacts) will also help by dehydrating the bacteria.
Finrot, fungus, and mouth fungus (all caused by different
pathogens) tend to follow on from poor water quality, so reflect
on the conditions in the tank. Do you have the right pH and
hardness? What are the ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels? Is
the filter big enough and the tank big enough? Do you overfeed?
How much water do you change per week. Read through the
Livebearer articles here at WWM for some background info.>
<Good luck! Neale>

Just a quick question, missing
livebearers post holiday 7/14/07 Hi, I currently own a ten
gallon tank with a few platies and a guppy inside it, along with a few
platies that are small. I went on vacation and notice that a few are
missing. <Sorry to hear that. Be sure and figure out *why* before
adding anything new. Check water chemistry and quality, for example,
and double check you're using the right food, i.e., something
vegetable/algae based rather than generic flake food.> I think they
might be dead, and I just want to know your suggestions on what might
have happened... <No idea without more details. Water chemistry,
water quality, number of each species, how long you were gone, what
foods used, etc....> ...and what kind of crabs and shrimps are
compatible with them. <None. Crabs are [a] amphibious so need
somewhere to walk on land and [b] predatory. Shrimps can work with
small fish but they are generally delicate and if you can't keep
guppies alive then you're probably not at the stage in your hobby
where buying shrimps would be worthwhile. That is, unless you don't
mind the shrimps being dead in 4 weeks. Seriously, they need excellent
water quality, the correct diet, and safe places for moulting where
they can't be molested.> I usually leave fry in the tank instead
of separating them and I want a few to live, are these good to add to
the tank? <Don't understand this. Do you mean the crabs and
shrimps are good to add to the tank? If so, no.> Or are they bad
like Albino Aquatic Frogs? (I had bad experiences with them) <Not
"bad" but just wrong for you and your aquarium. Crabs need
their own vivarium a bit like something used for newts or frogs, with
some water for bathing but also some dry land for social behaviour and
feeding. Shrimps are really something for the semi-advanced hobbyist.
Most of the ones sold end up dying within a few weeks when thrown into
generic community tanks. Cheers, Neale>
Livebearer Losses, Lack of Info - 1/24/07 Hello,
<Hey Nicole, JustinN with you tonight.> I bought 2 guppies for my
daughter and a few Platies (4). 3 of the Platies have died, (soon after
I bought them) and the female guppy died three days ago. <I'm
very sorry for you and your daughter's losses.> I removed the
dead guppy from the tank as soon as I found her, and now the male fancy
guppy is just sitting on the bottom of the tank. He's
not dead (yet) and I don't know what to do. He hides in
a car decoration and isn't moving, I even touched him yesterday, to
try to get him to move. <First off, Nicole, you
don't mention anything about the aquarium arrangement these
specimen are being kept in. How many gallons/liters, and how long has
it been set up? Have you properly cycled the aquarium? Furthermore, did
you execute a water change after the deaths?> The Platy is a female
and she is starting to get fat, I don't know if the male guppy
would have impregnated her, or if maybe this is a sign that she may be
sick as well. <The guppy can in fact impregnate the
platy, but too likely the environment is at play here..> I just got
a water thermostat yesterday, and the water temp was at 30, and now
just a little lower then that. I really need some help
<Too hot, for sure. Needs to be closer to 25, 26 degrees. >
Thanks, Nicole Preece <Some reading is in your future, Nicole. Start
with our article on freshwater tank cycling, and move on from there.
There are literal tomes of information relating to your situation
available through our site, preexisting. Start out here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwestcycling.htm
and continue on from there... Good luck! -JustinN>
Ich and Fry, FW livebearers
1/14/07 Hi there. I'm completely new to this site
(within a week, at best) and it seems to be an amazing site for
answering questions. <We do try...> Here's my question...
I'm a fairly seasoned "fisher", though this is one
problem I've never encountered before. I recently
purchased some Red Wag Platies (sp?), about two weeks
ago. They are in their own tank (separate from my
non-livebearers). I just noticed their BRAND NEW babies this
evening upon returning home from work. I was just now over
checking the progress on my new babies, noticed one more (rather
exciting for someone who usually keeps tetras...lol). I then
started really watching the adults trying to figure out which one was
slowly giving birth...... and that's when I noticed it.....
ICH! On at least two of the adults, it's visible.
<Oops> My question(s): How do I treat a tank with fry
that are still so new? <Mmm, better to separate... take out the
adults, treat them elsewhere> I've seen a lot of posts about
aquarium salt, and Ich meds and the likes. I currently have
on hand (just in case) what's called "QuICK Cure", the
active ingredients being Malachite Green and Formalin. <Yes... quite
harsh> Should I medicate the tank with the new babies in
it? If so... should I be removing the carbon from my
AquaClear Filter for better medication? Basically, I'm
not sure what to do because of the fry... I'd really hate to lose
my first hatch (however... being a reasonable and educated person, I do
realize this a good possibility. Just want to prevent it, if
I can). Any advice you can give would be greatly appreciated! Steph
<I'd move the adults and treat them elsewhere.
Another livebearer question
12/30/06 Hi Tom, <<Hello, Linda.>> Another
question if I may? <<Certainly.>> What do you
recommend for preventing gill flukes? I haven't had this
problem for some time but since I plan to get guppies I want to be
prepared. I had quite a problem at one time after purchasing
guppies. I have tried CopperSafe before but I wonder if
there is something better to ward off a potential problem. I
understand if the fish are in good shape and remain un-stressed they
can keep many parasites at bay themselves. What about salt
on a regular basis? I don't keep snails but I may get a
stray or two since I plan to have living plants in my new 55gal
tank. Is that a potential source of gill fluke infestation?
<<As you're likely aware, Linda, maintaining top-notch water and
tank conditions is the best preventative. As to water conditions, these
speak to themselves in terms of regular changes, substrate/filter
cleaning, etc. As for the tank conditions, be wary of over-crowding and
provide hiding places particularly for the expectant females. You're
quite correct that stress-free, healthy fish are virtually immune to
parasitic infestation. I've mentioned this in other posts but it bears
repeating: in cases of disease, medications merely control the spread.
The immune systems of the fish are what ultimately eradicate the
problem. In short, there's nothing better that you can do for your pets
than provide the best conditions possible. The Guppies, more so than
the Swordtails and Platys, will actually appreciate the addition of
aquarium salt to the water. Even fish that don't have a high tolerance
for salt will do fine with a modest amount in the tank. Pests, on the
other hand, have little tolerance for any. The one admonition I would
have for you here is that plants may not do well with salt in the
water. Typically, however, this would be at what might be described as
treatment levels which would be several times greater than you would
normally maintain in your aquarium. In your case, I would cut the
common ratio of one tablespoon per five gallons in half and see how
both the plants and fish fare at this level. (Sometimes some good, old
experimentation is needed to find a happy compromise.) Finally, since
gill flukes don't require an intermediate host, I don't think a stray
snail or two will pose a problem. Look into treating your plants in a
solution of potassium permanganate if you want to avoid introducing
even a stray snail. In fact, its really not a bad practice to
quarantine plants as well as fish before adding them to the display
tank. Goes a long way in avoiding undesirables that may be trying to
hitchhike their way into a new home.>> Thanks, Linda Ritchie
<<Happy again to be of service, Linda.
White patches on Red Lyretail Swords -
12/12/06 I have a question. I am somewhat of a newbie.. <Geez...
I guess I'm coming to consider myself somewhat of an
"oldbie"> We have a 48 gal community tank. (our first) We
have 2 Red Lyretail Swords, (1 large, 1 small, so am thinking 1 each
sex) 1 Gourami (had another, but it died...) 2 Tiger Barbs, 2 algae
eaters, 2 Corys, 2 Danios, 2 'scissors', and 4 platies. We
recently lost 1 gourami. After reading up, it seemed that we
lost it to an Internal Bacterial Infection. <Very common> It lost
all of its color on the dorsal side, then finally bloated up and died.
Now, I've noticed on the larger Lyretail that its starting the same
thing. Its dorsal fin is clamped, and I've noticed a whitish patch
forming a little on the dorsal fin, and underneath it. (It
doesn't seem to be Ich, its seems more like a slimy look than
actual dots that Ich would look like) I'm getting worried. <Me
too...> This fish used to be a little aggressive, but now its lost
the aggression... it seems to be darting a little more than normal...
but that could just be me not realizing what the fish has done before.
Also, I've started so see this same 'slimy white discoloration
patch' now starting on the side of the other sword. <Oh....>
We checked with the local shop - to no avail. They mentioned to try
some MelaFix <... no> along with some aquarium salt. <The
Corydoras don't like much salt...> Also, We raised the temp up
to 80 Tested the water, and everything seems to be fine. They're
all eating just fine. (Tetra flakes along with minikrill as a treat
every so often) I've also heard of scraping out the inside of a pea
- and use this as a laxative every so often - i plan on trying this
soon. What could this sword have? (The wife is getting stressed out -
from the sick fish!) Thanks Jason <I strongly suspect you have a
case of "Columnaris" disease... brought in with the
Gourami/s... Please see WWM, the Net... Quick! And prepare to treat the
system aggressively with an antibiotic and/or copper compound... Bob
Molly... disease? No useful
info. 6/29/06 My black molly has two white raised spots on
and above its eye. What is this and what can I do to treat it?
Thanks! Laura <... Please read
here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/mollydisfaqs.htm
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Platy & Guppy
Questions... and Neons in the mix 2/22/06
I'm new to the hobby, but
your site has been quite helpful. I have a couple of
questions about the health of my fish and I hope you can
help. I have a 10 gallon tank this is well filtered, heated
to about 79 F, and planted as my main tank and a 2.5 gallon hospital
tank. I have 7 guppies, 2 male and 5 females; 3 platies and
13 platy fry that are 2 days old and doing very well; 3 neon tetras, a
Chinese algae eater and 2 bamboo shrimp. I know I have a bit
too many, but water quality seems to be pretty good and I test it at
least every other day and I have another 10 gallon being
shipped. When I first brought the platies home, one had a
white rectangular wound on her back so she went straight to the
hospital tank where she is now, and gave birth 2 days ago, and the
white stuff has spread around her a little, but its not spotted like
ick is and appears to have some trouble swimming in the main
tank. Also in the hospital tank is one of the Neons who has
some gill trouble - loss of gills or the cover, <Happens> but it
appears to be slowly returning to a more pink color and one female
guppy who has gotten progressively worse, she has some raised scales,
large white growths. One of the guppies in the main tank
also has a few scales that appear almost like a shed skin coming off,
but they don't appear to be getting any worse. None of
the other fish seem to have any trouble, but I'm not sure what to
do about the fish in the hospital tank or the one guppy with the
"shedding" in the main tank. Any help or advice
you can offer me would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Arlie
Hubbard <I would separate (when you get the new ten gallon) the
Neons, read re their water quality (softer, acidic, warmer) and the
livebearers... and keep their environments to their liking... This is
all that is needed here. Oh... and keep an eye on this Algae Eater...
often trouble with other fishes. Bob Fenner>
Re: Platy &
Guppy Questions... and Neons in the mix 2/23/06 Thank
you very much for replying so quickly. I went to Petco today
and they recommended Mardel Maracyn. I'm now treating
exclusively with that. I will definitely take your advice
and I'm glad you didn't notice any major issues with my
setup. Thanks again for all of your help. Arlie Hubbard
<Welcome my friend. Bob Fenner>
Re: fish fry stuck in
mother Thank you very much. <Happy to be of some help.> So if
they don't come out does she die and the fry live? <If the egg
material isn't reabsorbed into the female's system, which is
typically what we'd expect, yes, it can be fatal to her. Once born,
the fry are going to be reliant on you, not "Mom". You might
try adding a small amount of aquarium salt to the tank, on the order of
one tablespoon per 10 gallons. I've no first-hand experience with
using salt for this purpose but have run across this suggestion during
other research. Good luck. Tom> Everett
problems 4/10/06 Firstly hello to you all, the
site is great, I have spent 2 nights now looking at the numerous posts
and replies trying to find the answers to my questions. I also read the
tips on asking questions page which was very informative and also a
good laugh (I probably shouldn't have said that, but some of the
posts listed here as examples are hilarious. <Heee! Agreed> A
great suggestion would be to have a monthly list of bad/funny emails,
that would make people a little more considerate.). <Were there but
time...> Okay, my tank has been set up for 2 years now and been a
brilliant source of interest and wonder for my 2 kids (now 5 and 8). I
have 2 adult Albino Corydoras (been with me from the start), 4 young
Bronze Corydoras (added early Jan), 8 adult Loricate Catfish
(Otocinclus, now been with me for 1 year), 6 female Platys, 2 male
Platys, 3 male guppies, 5 female guppies. Also due to breeding in this
tank I have 1 guppy fry and 12 platy fry all in a breeding net.
<Okay> Tank temp is 79 degrees and cleaned by 2 box filters in
the rear corners also 2 air stones 1 in the breeding net and the other
running at the rear, substrate is smooth pebble and fine sand the
cats/Corys seem to love it. <Wow, time warp!> The problem started
18 days ago I swapped 16 young platys and guppies with my local shop
for flake as I seem to do quite often (my kids love the livebearers
having babies, and as you know they oblige every 4/6 weeks). The owner
had some swordtail platys which looked fantastic so I took 1 male and 1
female. All seemed ok and after 3 days they went from my 12x12x12
quarantine/fry tank into the one above. Its then that disaster happened
the following day the female sword died, we had the funeral (dead fish
go to a big river in the sky you know, kids fault) and I hoped that was
it. 2 days later the first male guppy died (another funeral) and I had
a really good look at my fish to see if I could see any more problems.
A couple of the female guppies and 1 female platy had tiny white spots
on their tails, I had a look at your site and spoke to my fish shop
owner who said that half of the swords that he got in were dead or
suffering from white spot (a bad batch he said), he gave me (he felt
guilty) anti white spot plus (Interpet) and I treated my tank.
<Probably not Ich... but... likely another protozoan> I then
during the next 7 days lost 2 male and 3 female guppies, 3 female and 1
male platy (guppies also looked like their tails had been shredded) I
took a selection of the deceased back to my local shop (my kids
understood, I think even they had gotten fed up with a funeral per day)
and was told to also treat for fin rot (Interpet fin rot) and add some
aquarium salt to the tank. This I have done and haven't lost any
more fish for 4 days now. I cant see anymore white spots and the
remaining live bearers look ok except, they all seem to have clamped
fins my last female guppy seems to wobble and shimmy through the water
rather than swim (don't think she'll last much longer), also my
Corys and cats have now taken to occasionally rubbing themselves on the
substrate what should I do about this? <Is likely resultant from
exposure to the "med."... if so, this will solve itself
within a few weeks> , I'm keeping up the water changes approx.
10-20% every other day. Is their anything else that I should be doing?
My fry seem to be holding their own they haven't been affected or
so it seems. <Mmm, maybe...> I blame myself for not keeping the
swords in quarantine for a week as I had planned. <Two weeks...>
With my tank being well established and all seeming ok I am so
disappointed that I have now only a few livebearers left. I know my
tank was a good habitat due to its breeding successes and my albino
Corys had on 2 occasions recently laid eggs all over the glass (none
rescued due to fry tank being full and with this many Corys and cats
the eggs don't last long). I had wanted to try and breed the Corys
on the next spawn but how do I know if the eggs have been fertilized as
both albinos look the same sex (female obviously, just adding that so
you don't). <I see> Please help and please don't hammer
me too badly re the quarantine my 5 year old has already given me the
guilt trip by saying I killed her guppies by adding the swords (kids
got to love em, if you ring their necks you get arrested). <The
promise of tomorrow... if they make it that far!> By the way the
male sword is still here and doing fine (cant say he's my favourite
don't know why). Regards, Dave Wilkinson Hull, Yorkshire, England
(the home of correct spelling) <Oh! Our friend, roommate of 14 years
is from Yorkshire as well... I would likely just leave all go at this
juncture. Should you experience another of these "wipe out"
syndromes, I would utilize a one-dose treatment with
Flagyl/Metronidazole... otherwise... the requisite isolation/quarantine
of all new livestock for two weeks. Cheers, Bob Fenner>
New Freshwater Tank with Livebearers Dear sir we have just
purchased a 10 gallon tank have had the store check our water so its ok
. we have 2 male guppies and 2 females and 1 molly. we noticed today
our male guppy is swimming funny .he swims to the top of the tank and
than seems to fall down than struggles back up. thank you for any help
you can give us . <Hmm, the swimming behavior you mention is not a
good sign. Do you have any live plant material in your aquarium? This
is a good idea for several reasons; beneficially modifying water
quality and helping with your fishes' diets mainly. Please talk
with the fish store about adding a bit of "aquarium salt" as
well... this is about all I would do at this point. Do avail yourself
of the freshwater parts of our website: www.WetWebMedia.com for more
background on this wonderful hobby. Bob Fenner>
Re: New
Freshwater Tank with Livebearers dear Mr. Fenner thank you so much
for your prompt reply . we went right out and got some aquarium
salt. <Ah, good> we do have plants in our aquarium.
<Put only a teaspoon of salt per gallon in... and half of that per
day over today and tomorrow... Some plants don't like salt...>
can you tell us what kind of fish you can put in safely with guppies if
any . <Other very peaceful "community fishes" as I
sent you information about in our last e-mail> our molly is in the
breeding net as she is ready to have her babies but i can set up
another tank if she is not compatible with guppies . <Do keep your
eyes on this Molly... some species, individuals become quite
aggressive. Bob Fenner>
Sick Fish????? Robert (Bob), I have two fish now that seem to
have the same problem... From what I can figure out, it seems to be
swim bladder disease. <Mmm, but what is the cause/s of the swim
bladder anomalies?> Here are the symptoms.... The first fish, (Red
Platy) I noticed about two weeks ago. He would seem to rest on the
bottom of the tank and occasionally make a swim to the surface of the
tank. After closer observation I noticed that he wasn't just
resting on the bottom, but seem to be having trouble swimming. By which
I mean, that it seem to take great effort to move from any given spot.
Seem to move in place. After keeping close eye on the little guy for
about a week I decided he wasn't getting any better. If anything it
was worse. So at this time I place him in a 5 gal. quarantine tank. I
added 1 tsp. of Aquarium salt and 1 tsp. of Fungus Eliminator by Jungle
Labs. He's been in the quarantine for approx. 4 days now with no
visible improvement, (doesn't seem to be getting worse either). Now
I've noticed my second victim to this.... Prob. my favorite little
guy in the whole tank. It's a beautifully colored clown loach.
I've been watching him for the past two days in which he seem to
rest on the bottom with very little movement and what seem to be heavy
breathing with his mouth acting like it was gasping for air. He then
decided to hide in one of the caves I have setup. He finally came out
this evening and just sat there showing the same signs as when I saw
him a couple of days earlier. I continued to watch him through the
evening and he finally came to a resting point on the bottom against
the front of the tank, ( kind of leaning toward one side... almost laying
on one side.) At this point I placed him in the quarantine tank as
well. Now for my question.... Am I correct in the diagnosis??
<Mmm, you are to be commended for your keen interest, careful
observations...> Is there anything I'm doing wrong?? ( by the
way, the tank does have a few live plants, and PH and Nitrate/Nitrite
levels are all right on target) What can I do to correct this problem??
and get my little buddies feeling well again. <I do believe the
Platy is suffering more from "genetic" causes than anything
else (not infectious, parasitic disease, nutritional deficiencies...
and that it will get better or not... of its own accord (nothing more
you can really do for it)... This livebearer does just "have
problems" of this sort nowadays... sometimes, large numbers of
imported livebearers show this symptomology. And the Clown Loach is
really just doing "what Clown Loaches do"... in resting at
odd angles, breathing hard at times, hiding in castles... Not to worry
here. If you want to see it out more often, do consider adding one or
two more. I would place it/him back in his main tank. Sincerely,
John R. Aulgur <I am sending your note to a friend, Jeff, who is
also a Clown Loach keeper. For his comments, input. Bob Fenner>
The "spinning top" molly... Hello! Thanks for
including all the brackish stuff on your site -- it's easily the
*best* brackish site I've found. <! and it's just barely
begun... much more to come.> I've got an orange Sailfin molly
female that's been acting bizarre the last few days. She goes
absolutely berserk and swim/spins like a wobbly top for a moment, and
then acts normal for a while. <Not good.> I've noticed a
small black spot on her dorsal fin that seems fairly new. She also has
a darker area in her body, behind her pectoral fins. The tank she was
kept in is a 15-high, with an Eclipse 1 hood filter. Also resident are
five other Sailfin mollies -- two males and three other females -- and
a pair of candy-stripe gobies. The specific gravity in the tank is
currently at about 1.004. (I usually keep the sg at 1.008-1.010; I ran
out of Instant Ocean during the last water change.) The tank
temperature is kept around 76 degrees with a 50 watt Tronic heater. The
pH is about 7.8. Ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates are low to
non-existent, though I keep having trouble with high phosphates and
red-brown algae. (I've been using Kent Marine Phosphate Sponge to
try to keep the phosphates down: I put the media in two Whisper Jr.
filter bags and put them in the filter where the Eclipse filter
cartridge goes.) The substrate is white aquarium sand, which the gobies
keep sifted and clean. I've got some artificial plants and a piece
of fake driftwood in the tank. <Mmm, I would try some live rock,
growing plants to greatly reduce the phosphate> I've moved the
molly to a 5.5 gallon isolation tank. I bumped the specific gravity up
to about 1.014. I don't have a cycled tank I can move her into, but
I could move a cycled sponge filter from the fry tank into her tank.
She's been pretty placid in the isolation tank, but I'm not
sure she's eating, either. Do you know what might be wrong with
this molly, and what I can do to help her? <I suspect the
"whirling" is due to an internal complaint... and not
catching... I would place this molly back in the main tank... and
elevate the specific gravity over time> Meanwhile, in another tank,
I have a pair of knight gobies that are spawning every two weeks.
I've tried raising the fry from three different batches, but
I've made a different fatal mistake each time. I haven't been
able to find any information on raising goby fry. I'll try to track
down the articles you list in the bibliography for gobies; meanwhile,
do you have any suggestions? <Do read through what you can find on
the internet re culturing foods like Brachionus... You need useful
foods of the right size available immediately when the young hatch out.
Look to "The Breeders Registry" for much input. Link on our
Links Pages> Many thanks, Ananda Stevens <Thank you. Bob
Re: the "spinning top" molly...; calendar fish; ghost
shrimp Hi again! Well, she's still not eating, but she does
seem to be doing slightly better: she can actually swim around a little
without spinning out every two seconds. <Ah, improvement> Quick
question: what's that pretty blue fish on the November calendar?
Could you include the name of the fish/coral/whatever in the box to the
left of the thumbnail, so it's easier to find info on it? <Good
idea. Had to go look at Nov. Calendar on WWM, it's a male Sparisoma
viride Parrotfish, covered here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/parrotfi.htm Will send along your suggestion
to Mike, who makes this feature.> I picked up some ghost shrimp from
the LFS, planning on using them for goby and puffer treats. Since what
I've read over the past week suggests that there's a lot more
stuff that's brackish-friendly than most people know about, I put
the shrimp into the tanks without gobies or puffers to see how long
they'd survive. The shrimp in the 1.014 s.g. tank died, but a goby
thought it tasted great anyway. The shrimp in the 1.008 tank lived at
least a day, but it was moving so slowly I thought it was dead.
<Mmmm, need a few days to adapt... probably came from a holding
system at your dealers that was entirely freshwater> I put it in a
goby tank, and saw it go and hide under a barnacle. The shrimp in the
1.005 tanks are doing just fine, scurrying about and eating the
detritus, not being bothered at all by the mollies. I think I'm
going to start keeping ghost shrimp in my fry tanks -- are there any
reasons that might be a bad idea? <If the fry are very small they
might get eaten. Bob Fenner> Thanks bunches, Ananda
Blue Marron, Brown Algae and dying Guppies Hi Robert,
<<Greetings Mark, JasonC here.>> Firstly I will go through
what I have and my experience, that may help to answer my questions. I
have about 8 months experience with a 3' 126 litre home made tank
in which I have 5 Barramundi, 1 Eel Tail Catfish and 1 Bumble Bee
Catfish. This tank has an undergravel filter and an Aquaclear 200
filter and is decorated with mangrove root, rocks and various plants. I
have found this tank a pleasure to observe and maintain. Luckily there
has been no casualties and all 7 fish have grown considerably, so much
so I am thinking of building a 4 1/2 foot tank with some glass I have,
to accommodate there size. <<good idea.>> Because of the
Barra's ferocious appetite and the cost of their food I have built
another 3" 126 litre tank which I have 3 Hockey Stick Tetra's,
5 Cardinal Tetra's, 2 Male Guppies and 3 Female Guppies and about
25 Baby Guppies. The Tetra's are in the tank for a bit of colour
while the Guppies are being bread as feeder fish to supplement the
Barra feeding. This tank also has an undergravel filter and an
Aquaclear 200 filter and is decorated with rocks and a variety of
plants, some to make it easier for the baby Guppies to hide. This tank
is only 2 months old and has been a little challenging as I have had a
few problems with Guppies Dying and a brown algae that seems to be
growing on everything, including the upward facing leaves of the bigger
foliage plants. I am constantly cleaning this algae from the rocks,
upward facing leaves and the glass sides. Then vacuuming as much as I
can before it settles. I feed these fish flakes and for the babies
Liquid Small Fry. Firstly can you help with the brown algae and how do
I control/eradicate it? <<You should avail yourself to the
materials on WWM, of interest to you would be these two algae-control
articles, one on fresh water and one on planted tanks:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/algcontagb.htm >> Secondly, I
don't understand why the Guppies are dying. They seem to swell in
the stomach and after death bust open through the anus.
<<According to Bob, this is unfortunately this is indicative of a
bacterial condition [Chondrococcus or Columnaris disease] which can
only be cured with the use of Neomycin sulfate. You could also use the
Tetra medicated flakes, but you should probably evaluate the
cost/benefit of this exercise. I would certainly stop adding new fish
to this tank until you have this under control.>> Thirdly, I have
inherited a Blue Marron and am keeping it in the breeder tank and was
wondering if this is ok with consideration to: How do I feed it with
the correct diet? If kept feed properly will it still be a threat to
the other fish? Is the neutral PH of the community tank ok?
<<read up on these guys: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/shrimpfw.htm
>> If there is to much in this email the main thing I am
concerned about is the Blue Marron issue, followed by the brown algae
then the dying Guppies. Any help would be greatly appreciated as at
the moment I am running totally blind. <<Definitely go through
the WWM site, there is much information there to help you.>>
Thank you Mark <<You are quite welcome. Cheers, J -- >>
Guppies Be Us shop in SG Someone just started a shop that
deals only in Guppies here in Singapore. Very unusual thing to do for a
tropical fish dealer. <Yes.> By the way, are guppies prone to
bladder problems like goldfish. A few of mine seem to have lost their
balance and died suddenly. <There are some "Guppy
maladies" that are tough to beat... mainly having to do with
triggering from being moved from breeders to "too clean"
conditions. Best to "buy local" or breed, raise your own. Bob
Fenner> Perry
Livebearing fishes in a faraway land Hi dear Anthony
<cheers, my friend!> Thank you for your help, yes it is right, I
am testing it now. I have 3 questions: 1- the water in here is hard,
how much salt (grams per liter) use for (livebearing fishes) fishes?
<the naturally hard water is likely fine or helpful to most
livebearing fishes like you mollies. There is no definite rule about
salt for these fishes, but maintaining a mildly brackish environment
with 7 to 10 grams of salt per liter would be helpful> 2- Methylene
blue is ok or bad for fishes? how much? <for scaled fishes like
yours, Methylene blue can be a helpful medicine. If you cannot find a
commercially prepared mix for aquarium fishes (with a dose on the
bottle), then you can, "make your own... Stock solid Methylene
blue can be purchased from chemical supply outlets. Check your local
[phone directory]. About one gram of dry material can be dissolved in
about one hundred milliliters of water and about ten milliliters of
this solution are to be used per approximately one gallon of freshwater
[for a temporary dip (5 to 15 minutes in a separate bucket of water...
water to be discarded afterwards).]" (from the WWM archives>
3-when a fish white stained on it's skin ,what can I do and what
drugs do I use? <a short dip in Methylene blue as described above
can be very helpful for many skin ailments> thank you very much your
sincerely Nader <best regards to you and successful aquarium keeping
in Iran, Nader!>
Livebearer troubles Hi dear Anthony thank you for your help,
<Cheers, my friend... you are quite welcome!> > <if they
are wasting away, have you noticed any stringy white feces coming from
the babies or the parents that would indicate an internal parasite
problem?> < yes I see it, but I thought it is the form of feces,
I have had large mollies die,30 percent in month , what can I do for
this problem? <yes... this may be part of our problem. Feces should
be firm and usually the color of the fish food that they are being fed.
If you are feeding commercially prepared flake or pelleted fish food,
then I would expect the fishes' feces to be firm and brown or red
colored. On the same diet, if the feces are stringy, long and white...
it often indicated an internal parasite. A "de-worming"
medication may be necessary to kill the likely internal flagellates. On
of the most commonly available medications is called "Flagyl"
(active ingredient is Metronidazole). This can often be obtained from a
veterinarian in 250 or 500 mg tablets. Crush and dissolve one tablet
(250) per ten gallons of aquarium water. Soaking the food in the
medication is also helpful. Continue for 5 to 7 days and look for
improvements in the color of the feces> and other problem in
females: dying after childbearing ,they will died 2day after
childbearing , what can I do for them? <I am not clear what the
cause of their death is. Are there any physical symptoms on the body?
Is the water quality reasonably good as you can tell or test? Is the
temperature stable (not fluctuating between day and night more than 1
or 2 degrees centigrade?> what you write in Pennsylvania? your book?
<yes, a book about saltwater corals!> thank you for your kind and
help best regards, Nader <best regards, Anthony>
Livebearer troubles How are you? <very good, I hope you
are the same!> thank you for your kind help, yes I eliminated
Methylene blue but in Iran there are not any drugs or medicine about
fishes, <<is there enough salt in the parent's tank? 1.004 on
a hydrometer?>> please write this salt to gram in liter ,I have
not hydrometer, <7 to 10 grams per liter of salt would be very fine
for such livebearing fishes> Is there any drugs for infectious for
fishes? <many medicines available, but you should not medicate
unless you can correctly identify which if any infection that a fish
has> I have a tank with enough salt and without any drugs but babies
of mollies are sick and dead (they grow thin and then died ). <if
they are wasting away, have you noticed any stringy white feces coming
from the babies or the parents that would indicate an internal parasite
problem?> In other place it is too, mollies are very bad for
aquarium ,all of my friend think ,it cannot resist with virus or
microbe in water, I want a good antibiotic for them, what is it?
<see if you have access to Furazolidone or Nitrofurazone. Else a
Sulfa based medicine might do (although it is a little
outdated)> please write me other sites for information about fishes
,? <have you browsed the links on WWM related to this topic? Such
as: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/poeciliids.htm and...
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/poecillidfaqs.htm > thank
you very much, take care, bye <best regards, Anthony>
Red Wag Platy - and a Whole Slew of Other Stuff Please Help a
newbie to the hobby, <Sabrina here, to try to do exactly that> I
am VERY new to the fish experience and am learning
quickly. Three weeks ago, I gave each of my six
year old twins a 1 1/2 gallon fish tank for their
birthdays. We followed the pet stores set-up
instructions. Came back a week later had the pH tested and
then bought our first fish. We purchased two red wag
platies. They were small, so we put them in the same
tank. One died within the week. So we took a
water sample to the store and got a swordfish for
replacement. In the other tank we got a red tail shark and a
male guppy. The red tail shark died within two
days. We took a water sample in ( they didn't test it)
and got a female guppy. NOBODY in all of this tested my
water or said hey you should test your pH.
<Okay.... It's definitely time for a new fish
store! Where to start.... Well, first off, please
understand that 1 1/2 gallons is a really, really small
space. Not many fish can squeeze into there comfortably -
the only fish I'd recommend for a 1 1/2 gallon tank is a single
male (or female, if you like 'em) Betta splendens (Siamese fighting
fish) - please never put two males in a tank together, though, as they
will fight to the death. They don't require filtration
or aeration, nor do they need a heater, and they're very tough,
beautiful fish. Next, the red-tailed shark reaches nearly
five inches in length, and gets to be an aggressive fish - won't
even fit in a 1 1/2 gallon tank, shame on your fish
store! Also, double shame on them for not testing your
water! Definitely get a test kit for pH, ammonia, nitrite,
and nitrate, if you don't have them already. These are
the things your fish store should have sold you, not more
fish! Also, are you using a tap water conditioner, to remove
chlorine/chloramine? This is also quite crucial, as
chlorine/chloramine is toxic to fish.> The male guppy aggressively
chased my female guppy, so I had to separate them within a few
hours. So, we put the original red wag platy (now about two
weeks with us) in with the male guppy (now about 1 week with
us). This combination worked well. HENCE, my
first discovery that male guppies can be very territorial. <Well,
it's not so much a territory thing as that the male was trying
desperately to breed, and the female probably wasn't very
interested. Best to keep these fish in something larger
(even a 10 gallon tank would suffice) where you can keep 2-3 females
per male.> The sword fish ( about a week with us) and the female
guppy ( one day with us) were paired together in the other
tank. This seemed to work well. We had harmony
for two more days. Then our female guppy dropped about 15
babies. She proceeded to die the next day. <I'm sorry
you lost her!> So, now we chose to move the swordfish into the male
guppy's tank while we set up a third 1 1/2 gallon tank so that he
would not eat the babies. The male guppy tormented the sword
fish so bad that we had to put the swordfish into the third tank before
the guppy killed / stressed it to death. HENCE, our second
lesson swordfish that have swords are males and won't get along
with testosterone driven guppies that are 1/2 their size! <Well,
check and see if your swordtail is a female, too; the easiest way to
tell is to look at the anal fin (that's the fin on the belly of the
fish, near it's tail). If this is round and fan-like,
it's a female. If it's pointed and thin, it's a
male. Look at your male guppy for reference on what it
should look like. I've seen male guppies try to breed
with female platies, and swordtails aren't that far off.> Now
the swordfish started swimming funny. He died 24 hours
later. I didn't think and didn't know to test its
pH. WOW, was it off. Hence, third
lesson always keep an eye on pH. <Well, unless the pH is changing
drastically, or is way out of the fish's tolerance range (most
livebearers can take anything from 6.5 on up to 8.0), it shouldn't
be the root of the problem. I'm thinking this (and the
other deaths) is more likely related to ammonia or nitrite, as those
are very toxic to fish. Please check out the
'cycling' FAQ's at http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/estcycfaqs.htm
- this will give you a bit of an idea of what's going on in your
tanks.> Within two days the male guppy and the red wag platy
developed ICH. Hence, fourth lesson - It is great to live
near a 24 hour super Wal-Mart so that you can get Ich treatment at
midnight. <Oh, yikes! Anything that can go wrong....>
We lost the male guppy before I figured out the ammonia is a second
important component to healthy fish. Now we have got the
water "de-ammonia-ized" and my red wag looks
great. <Indeed, ammonia is extremely important - the
best way to be rid of it is simply with water changes.> We have
experienced all of this in less than 3 weeks. My red wag is
still in isolation because it has been only a week since the first
signs of Ich and she has only been totally Ich free for about two
days. Plus, I don't want her to eat my 3 week old baby
guppies. <Here's an article on freshwater Ich, so you can better
understand the lifecycle of this nasty parasite: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwich.htm
. Hopefully it's been wiped out by the medication - NOT
a fun parasite to deal with (not that ANY are....)> Now lesson
#5, Female guppies have a tiny black spot on their bellies
and they should be sexed and separated from their male counterparts by
week 4 if you don't want more babies! ! Wow, I can't
believe I am still hanging in there. <Yup.... this little livebearer
is sometimes known as the "Millions Fish" due to its
extremely prolific nature.> I now have perfect pH and non-existing
ammonia in all my tanks. <Good. What about nitrite and
nitrate?> MY QUESTIONS ARE - 1.) How do I tell a male
from a female in the red wag platies? <Same way as swordtails,
guppies, and most other livebearer - look for that pointed anal fin of
the male, rounded fan-like anal fin of the female.>
2.) Will I have the testosterone driven issues with a male
red wag plates that I had with my male guppy? <Well, possibly, but
again, this is a drive to breed, not aggression.> 3.) My
water has a tendency to get cloudy in my small 1 1/2 gallon
tanks. The tanks don't have any
filtration. They use only a air stone. Am I doing
something wrong or do I just need to get one of those very small
filtering systems for small tanks? In the one tank, I only
have the red wag ( that been receiving medication for Ich over the past
week). The other tank had the 15 baby guppies. I
moved the 5 females out of there today. I think there is
another one or two females I can move out, but they need another week
for me to make sure they are females. <Well, part of the cloudiness
is probably attributable to the tanks cycling. I would very,
very strongly recommend getting a ten gallon aquarium for all your fish
(perhaps minus the babies). This can be gotten quite
inexpensively as a kit at a Wal Mart or most any pet store, but please
be sure to get one with fluorescent lighting, NOT incandescent
lighting, as the incandescents get too hot and can really mess with
your tank's temperature. It may cost a touch more, but
it's worth it. Most kits come with a hang-on power
filter, which is far and above what I recommend to new
aquarists. The kit should also come with a tap water
conditioner for removing chlorine/chloramine from your tap
water. The reason I am recommending this is that, as I
mentioned earlier, 1 1/2 gallons is really a TINY space to try to keep
fish in, and it will be nearly impossible to keep ammonia and nitrite
at zero; it's also impossible to filter these tiny tanks
efficiently.> 4.) How important is it that I check for
Nitrates? <Well, nitrates are only toxic to fish in very high
amounts, and livebearers are tough little fish - but in such tiny, tiny
spaces, water quality can quickly get out of hand, and the nitrates can
easily get to toxic levels. It's definitely a good idea
to have a test kit on hand and check occasionally. Far more
important, though, it nitrite, which is nearly as toxic as ammonia is
to the fish, and definitely needs to be checked, as it is the second
step in the nitrogen cycle (again, I recommend you to the Cycling
FAQ's). Ammonia and nitrite, anything above zero should
be considered toxic, and should be remedied with a water change.>
5.) I read from your site that guppies and plates like a
little salt in their water. How do I know how much to put
in? What should my pH be if I add salt? <In my tanks, I
use one tablespoon of aquarium salt to every ten gallons of
water. Some people prefer to use one tablespoon to every
five gallons. In a 1 1/2 gallon tank, probably one-third to
one-half of a teaspoon would be about right. But do keep in
mind that salt does NOT evaporate, and after adding it initially, do
not add any more when adding water due to evaporation, ONLY when you do
a water change. Again, tanks this small are going to be so
difficult to dose, I really, REALLY recommend upgrading to a 10 gallon
tank. Or even larger, if you like. As far as the
pH goes, again, livebearers are tough little fish, and can tolerate a
very wide range of pH - the important issue is to not let the pH
fluctuate - a steady pH that's a little low or a little high is far
better than a ph that is constantly fluctuating.> Thanks for all the
help. I have two local pet stores and they do not seem very
knowledgeable in the fish area! Lisa Stubbings <Unfortunately,
it seems a lot of pet stores don't seem so knowledgeable, at
times. Try to find a small, privately owned store dedicated
to aquarium fish only - they often have much more knowledgeable staff
and might be better able to help. But even with their
advice, I also urge you to do research on any fish you are interested
in before purchasing, to prevent ending up with things like a five-inch
mean red-tailed shark. I wish you much better luck, and keep
us updated!>
Trouble keeping swordtails or platies alive
Hello, <Sorry for the delay in response to this email, but I had to
send it to a few livebearer experts that I know to get their input on
this.> I moved from Dallas to New Orleans about a year ago and
successfully transported my 30 gal tank with three large angels and
four zebra Danios. I have, on several occasions, tried to introduce
swordtails or platies to the community with no success. The fish seem
to swell and sink to the bottom and then later die. <I have never
seen this happen to fish like this. The only time I have
heard of issues of fish swelling and sinking to the bottom is when
saltwater fish are added to freshwater and the cells in their body
swell.> Water quality is optimum with excellent filtration and
periodical changes. My breeding pair of angels mate continually and my
Danios are big and happy. What's going on? <I wish I could give
an exact reason why this is happening, but sadly I'm at a loss for
what could be causing the problem.> Could the problem be dropsy?
<Yes, that is what the people I ask seems to think is
happening. But, to have it happen to every swordtail/platies
you add to the tank seems odd to say the least.> Can this be treated
by feeding the new fish with antibiotic food? And can I make this food
with 500 mg tablets of Cipro? <Yes you can, I have found
that mixing medicines in with thawed brine shrimp is a quick way to
have the fish eat the food.> Please help, I have so much space and
would like some more fish in this tank. <Well the problem is that I
really don't think that you have space in this
tank. Your angels will grow quite a bit, and will become
quite aggressive to the fish in your tank. The Danios are
quick enough to escape it. Everyone I asked this question to
thought it would be best to not even try to add fish to the
mix. You might want to set up another tank, so if you do
purchase more platies you can raise them for a couple weeks in that
tank then attempt a transfer to your angel tank. Also, then
if something starts to look bad you can move them back to the tank and
treat them easier. Good luck. -Magnus> Thank you,
Sick Livebearers Hi ya
crew, thanks so much for having such a great site. I have looked
all over the web for answers to my questions and I am still so
confused. I just got this 10g tank about three weeks ago
and I am not being a very good fish keeper. It was already
established for two years and nine fish came with it- 3 platies (2
large adults and one small youngster) and 6 guppies (2 large
females and one small young female and 3 males). One of the adult
female guppies was very sick when I got her (always floated at the top
or did head standing plus she had a bent spine). I tried to
research the best I could and figured she may have had swim or float
bladder infection. Plus two of the male guppies started to look
ragged in their fins. I decided to treat the entire tank w/the
understanding that it was all very infectious and I was unable to get
my hospital tank up and running in a timely manner. I purchased
Maracyn. The store I purchased it from said that it would not
affect the other healthy fish. Well the two males are looking
much better, and the female was euthanized the second day into
treatment (she was suffering so much). So that left me with one
large female guppy (who was also very pregnant) and the 3 male
guppies were driving her crazy. The pet store told me to get 3
more females in their to help her out w/the understanding that I would
have to do more water changes until I got a larger tank which will
hopefully be sooner than later. I do a partial water change twice
a week and ammonia and nitrite are always at 0ppm and nitrates
around 30ppm. < Try and get it down to under 25 ppm. When you do a
water change try vacuuming the gravel too to get rid of waste
accumulating in the sand> I still continued w/the meds
and tomorrow is the last day of recommended treatment but today my
large male platy has been swimming erratically, scratching against
surfaces, and has white specs on his body. Ich? < Probably>
I moved him to my two gallon hospital tank (readings are all fine
now) thinking maybe he was reacting badly to the Maracyn. Plus my
original small female guppy sits on the bottom of the tank and looks
like she is struggling and has a red streak/spot on her back. Mom
gave birth and since then has been hanging on the bottom of the tank
and I saw her scratch herself once. It seems like I have totally
upset these fishes homeostasis. what's going on here?< Sounds
like the fish didn't like the move. Keep the tank around 80 degrees
and treat with rid-Ich by Kordon for Ich. Treat the bacteria infections
with Furanace. Follow the directions on the packages. These medications
may affect the good bacteria in your system so you will have to watch
for ammonia spikes. Control ammonia and nitrites with water
changes.-Chuck> thanks Gina
Can I put Aquarium salt in a tank with mollies and platies? I
have a 25 gallon tank and is full of mollies, but also platies. Right
now there is no salt in the yank can I add salt? <Yes. Bob
Cramming a Whole lot of Livebearers into an Uncycled system
Knowing Better Ok, so I got this 10 gallon tank and have 4 swordtails and 5
platies in it. I am in no way a newbie to this. So I set up my tank after going
3 years without one. I only set it up because on a whim at the LFS I worked at
got a customer that brought in this gorgeous wagtail male swordtail. I brought
him along with a female and I didn't have a tank to put them in, so I put them
in a breeder trap in my feeder guppy tank. (I know bad, bad of me) A couple days
later I set up my ten gallon tank and put them in there. Didn't even let it
cycle (I'm so bad lol). Didn't have gravel just put some live plants to float in
there. So I noticed that they weren't doing too well (clamped fins and all), but
I went anyway to my semi-local specialty fish store. Of course I couldn't
go there without bringing any fish home so I bought 2 Lyretail female swords, 1
brush tail male platy, 2 female wags, and a wild variety. Oh yeah and I almost
forgot 3 days before that I bought a hi-fin milk- and- ink female platy. So
before I had even go to the specialty store I noticed I had ick in the tank, no
big deal I'll treat with Methylene blue. It's working great. I also thought I
have no quarantine tank set up so I'll put the new fish in there since they
almost allows get ick from the stress. So here's question number 1, I have
done no, absolutely positively no water testing (I know I should know better
than this) no fish have died and/or seem stressed. Will the Methylene blue
affect all of the tests or just certain ones? <None... just your capacity to see
colorimetric assay results> I have ammonia, ph, nitrite, nitrate and both
hardness test kits. Second, since I only have live plants and the Methylene blue
will kill them and I have no plastic plants there is no where for the fry to
hide. I bought one female accidentally who has an extremely large gravid spot on
accident, I know better than to buy a pregnant female from a pet store. But
anyway I would like to try and save the fry if at all possible. I have problems
with the female eating her babies in the breeder traps, even the traps with
slotted bottoms an a V. I found this one by Penn Plax that siphons the babies
from the mother (Penn Plax aqua nursery) I was wondering if you or anyone had
any experience with that. <I do... this technology works... old-timey> My third
question is a secondary fungal infection has broken out and only malachite green
will treat it. I was wondering if Methylene blue and malachite green can work
together, <Yes> if not how long do I have to wait in between treatments if
I use my carbon filter to deactivate the Methylene blue. I know have been
horrible at setting up this new tank and should be slapped for my stupidity.
Luckily no fish are dead or have died and I've had the tank set up for two and a
half weeks now. Thanks again Logan <Logan... take your own advice... you know
better than how you've acted. Bob Fenner