Copella arnoldi (Regan 1912), the Splash/ing
Tetra. South America; the lower Amazonas, coastal Guianas. To about
two and a quarter inches in length. Cond.s: pH 6-8, dH 5-12, temp.
25-29 C. Noted for its reproductive habits of jumping out of the
water, laying, fertilizing eggs on the underside of leaves,
splashing them to keep them moist. Aquarium image. |

Nannostomus beckfordi Gunther 1872,
the Golden Pencilfish. South America; Guyana to the Rio Negro. To
two and three quarters inch in length. Cond.s: pH 6-8, dH 5-19,
temp. 24-26 C. Aquarium pix. |
Nannostomus digrammus (Fowler 1913), the
Two-Stripe Pencilfish. South America; Rio Madeira, lower and middle
Amazon and Guyana. To 2.8 cm. in length. Cond.s: pH 5,8-6.8, dH
6.0, temp. 24-26 C. Aquarium pic. |

Nannostomus marginatus Eigenmann 1909, the
Dwarf Pencilfish. South America; the Lower Amazon, Guyana,
Suriname, Colombia. To one and a half inch in length. Cond.s: pH
5.8-7.5, dH to 15, temp. 24-26 C. |

Bigger PIX: The images in this table are linked to
large (desktop size) copies. Click on "framed" images to
go to the larger size. |
Neolebias trilineatus, tentative ID |
Bibliography/Further Reading:
Ophir, Michael. 2001. A look at some Pencilfish. All fish, no
erasers. AFM 2/2001