FAQs on the Minnows called Barbs, Danios and
Rasboras Identification
Related Articles: Barbs, Danios &
Rasboras, A Barbed Response; Wrongly maligned for being
fin-nippers, barbs are in fact some of the best fish for the home
aquarium by Neale Monks
Related FAQs: Barbs, Danios, Rasboras 1, Barbs, Danios, Rasboras 2, B,D,R Behavior, B,D,R Compatibility, B,D,R Selection, B,D,R Systems, B,D,R Feeding, B,D,R Disease, B,D,R Reproduction,

Mystery fish? 5/8/11
Hi Neale,
I finally have a picture of the "mystery" fish from my
inherited tank - not great pictures, but good enough I hope.
<Should be!>
There was a pair of them, but regrettably one didn't survive
the move. If you can't tell from the pictures, it's about
4cm long. It's quite shy, hiding away from movement, but will
swim out in the open if everything is still. It's been fed on
flakes and kept in the dark for a year, and isn't that
interested in food at the moment - will try some frozen brine
shrimp later. I've popped it in the "new" 20 gal
tank (the filter is mature) with a few Neons to keep it
<Sounds good.>
Whilst taking the unwanted striata loaches to the LFS, I asked
them to look at the pictures of this fish. The guy there was
convinced it's a Jae Barb (Barbus jae) - they received a fish
identical to mine in a one off batch from a customer, and have
spent some time trying to identify it.
<Yes, would agree that these are an African barb, a true
Barbus species rather than Asian Puntius.>
Having looked at images of Barbus jae, however, I'm not
convinced - this fish is bigger, has a different shape and the
colouring is also not the same.
<Not Barbus jae, but, I think, Barbus
What do you think? And whatever it is, can it live with a few
Neons, panda and julii Corydoras, the Ancistrus, Amano shrimp,
and very young Bolivian rams?! If so I'll race back to the
LFS and buy the other one!
<Barbus fasciolatus gets to about 6 cm long and does well
provided not kept too warm. Neons and Corydoras are ideal
companions in an aquarium maintained between 22-24 C and where
the water isn't too hard. Colour can be remarkable in tanks
where the water is stained with tannins or there's a good
amount of overhead shade together with a dark substrate. In
bright, open aquarium this species may look a bit drab. A nice
species, but like other Barbus, can be an annoying mix of
intensely social but also prone to fighting within the group. A
singleton might do okay, but a half dozen or more is the optimal.
Not terribly widely traded, so quite a nice addition to your
tank. Cheers, Neale.>

Re: Mystery fish + Microgeophagus
altispinosa..., barb ID, 5/9/11
Hi Neale,
Brilliant, thanks very much for identifying it - Barbus
fasciolatus, that's the very fish! Having read up on the
species I hesitate to rush out and get a replacement for his lost
companion, he might be happier by himself after all.
In the meantime, something is afoot with the rams (Mikrogeophagus
altispinosa). From the attached, you'll see that one of the
three has dug quite a significant pit in the substrate this
afternoon. He (I'm hoping he is a male) is guarding it to a
point, shooing away all the fish that like to nose around in it,
and doing quite a bit of flaring and chasing and posturing with
one of the other rams (which I'm hoping is the female). Pic
of the supposed "pair" attached, not really good enough
pictures to know for sure, but fingers crossed. He keeps making
way for her to come and have a little look around his pit, then
chases her away again.
<Is what they do. She won't be accepted into a male's
territory until she's ripe with eggs. To some degree, females
are merely chased away, while rival males are attacked more
aggressively, "with extreme prejudice" as our American
cousins would say.>
If I do finally have a pair, I'll be dead excited.....but
whilst I had planned on removing the Ancistrus and Corys from
this tank, I hadn't planned on doing it this soon - the new
tank is showing no ammonia or nitrite, but precious little
nitrate, so I think it needs a bit longer to mature. Plus the
banded barb in there is still very nervous.
Apart from that I'm also worried that in order to catch and
move the disruptive fish from my planned breeding tank, I'll
have to take the tank apart, and then re-plant and re-scape (all
of which I love doing of course), which is going to disturb the
rams and ruin the carefully built spawning area. If they do spawn
in the meantime (I don't think they have already), the
Ancistrus will surely eat the eggs instantly, having no fear of
the rams attacks.
<Indeed, this is typical for the genus, family; cichlids and
catfish have worked this way against each other since time
immemorial. Still, a healthy, well-matched pair of cichlids
should be able to keep their nest reasonably safe, and if you
want, you can always isolate the catfish.>
AND.....will the big bossy Ancistrus terrify the nervous Barbus
fasciolatus in the new tank?!!
<Hmm'¦ shouldn't do.>
The Ancistrus needs her own special ASBO.
Thanks Neale
<Cheers, Neale.
Re: Mystery fish + Microgeophagus altispinosa
Evening, thanks for the reply. As it turns out, I felt that my
hand was forced tonight....I spotted one of the julii Corys in a
peculiar position (standing on it's tail), and inspected to
find that he had been stripped of his entire tail fin. He's
been left with a raw looking stump and some chewed up rays.
<Ah, well, as I think I've mentioned before, these Dwarf
Cichlids can be hard on Corydoras. On the whole Bolivian Rams are
acceptably well-behaved community fish, but sometimes they cause
problems. Be sensitive to the risk, and plan your community
accordingly. This is a topic discussed in Paul Loiselle's
"The Cichlid Aquarium", a book that really is worth
reading when dealing with cichlids. Contrary to popular
misconception, no cichlid is 100% peaceful, and none of them make
perfect community fish.>
I hurriedly set up a little QT for him, but I don't fancy his
chances of recovering.
<We'll see.>
I suspect the big bolshy male cichlid of an attack, as he has
been more aggressive to the other species in the tank since he
built his nest. So I've charged ahead and moved the other
Corys and the Ancistrus to the new tank - I'll just have to
be very vigilant in testing the water and doing changes while the
filter catches up.
<All sounds wise. Ancistrus generally hold their own with
Dwarf Cichlids without problems.>
Thanks for all the help, I'll soldier on and see how things
work out'¦..
<Cheers, Neale.>
Large Barb ID??? No info on web
I have a large barb (12 inches +) that I am trying to identify.
It has 2 whiskery barbs on either side of it's head and has
fairly large eyes. All of it's fins and tail are pink/red in
color except the dorsal and pectorals
which are gray. The torpedo shaped body is silver and covered in
very large scales. Note: He has a low dorsal profile. He is a
large peaceful guy but does like his carnivore pellets. Any help
is appreciated.
<Hello Bonnie. This chap looks like Leptobarbus hoevenii to
me, a Southeast Asian carp that reaches a maximum length of about
a metre (over three feet) and a maximum weight of 10 kilos (over
22 pounds). So yes, this is a big fish! Under aquarium conditions
it probably won't get quite so big, but you can reasonably
expect this fish to get to about half that size, say, 50 cm
(about 20 inches) in length. You'll need at least 200 gallons
to keep a fish that size, plus some really heavy duty filtration,
i.e., turnover rates at least 8 times the volume of the tank, so
for a 200 gallon tank, the filter (or filters!) should produce a
total turnover of about 1,600 gallons/hour. On the other hand,
water temperature and chemistry aren't major issues, and like
most carp this species will adapt to a broad range of conditions.
Like most carps this species is omnivorous, so offer both
plant-based foods and meaty foods in its diet. Cooked peas and
spinach, Sushi Nori, algae pellets, algae flake and so on make
good "greens", while chopped tilapia fillet,
earthworms, and the occasional prawn or mussel can be offered as
meaty treats. Koi or Goldfish flake, if accepted, would be
excellent foods for this sort of fish. Without enough greens and
fibre, like all carps, this species will be prone to problems
such as bloating.
Moreover, high protein diets will increase its growth rate, which
is the last thing you want! Although this species is not
predatory as such, it will eat very small fish should the
situation present itself, and for a
variety of reasons that's not a good thing. So choose placid
tankmates of suitable size: Oscars, Severums, Suckermouth
catfish, Clown Loaches, Silver Dollars, Snakeskin Gouramis,
Senegal Bichirs, etc. One final note. Some authorities suggest
the fish traded in the hobby is Leptobarbus rubripinna rather
than Leptobarbus hoevenii. While that may be interesting so far
as taxonomy goes, it doesn't seem the change much when it
comes to care, both species getting to about the same size and
requiring much the same care. Cheers, Neale.>

Spanner barbs or t-barbs 7/13/10 Hi
Quick question -- in the US, is "spanner barb" at all used
for Puntius lateristriga? Or is it always t-barb?
As I understand it, a "spanner" doesn't mean anything in
American English.
Cheers, Neale
<Have seen this species with both these common appellations here.
New Species... going, gone 7/13/10
Thanks Bob!
This is fairly depressing:
"Balantiocheilos ambusticauda, a new and possibly extinct species
of cyprinid fish from Indochina (Cypriniiformes: Cyprinidae)"
A new fish is described and declared extinct at the same time! What a
mess we're creating.
Cheers, Neale
Ahh, yes... what (more) to do? My/the central thread (yes a ref. to
Confucianism, Taoism) in my actions, activities is to enhance other
people's' love of their own lives through appreciation of the
(living) world... Including urging them to consider, reconsider not
reproducing... B
Odessa Barbs, ID, comp. 2/1/2010
Hello again,
I was looking at adding at some schooling fish to my tank, and saw some
Odessa Barbs at my LFS that were black with red markings.
<Yes; Puntius padamya, a species for long assumed to be a variety of
Ticto Barb, Puntius ticto, but now recognised as a truly distinct
species. Nice fish; the colours on mature fish are outstanding.>
I have read/heard conflicting things on the tendency of barbs to nip at
other fish.
<"Barbs" range from big, predatory species through to
small species that only eat plankton. Like cichlids and catfish, it all
depends on the species.>
I have also read conflicting things regarding the temperature range of
Odessa barbs.
<Like most barbs, they prefer cooler rather than warmer
temperatures. As such, they're good companions for tanks around
20-25 C, e.g., alongside Danios and Corydoras, which also like fairly
cool water.>
I currently have 2 pearl Gouramis and a dwarf Gourami, along with some
platys and a some Cory catfish. The tank is well planted and cycled.
Should I be concerned about fin nipping/ and or temperature
<Puntius padamya is an occasional rather than serious fin nipper, so
Corydoras and Platies should be fine, but Gouramis less so. It will
depend on their environment though, in a big tank with lots of plants,
and if kept in a big group (at least 6 specimens, ideally 10+) the
barbs should spend more time chasing one another than harassing
tankmates. Can't guarantee that though.>
Thanks again,
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Odessa Barbs, other stkg. poss. 2/1/2010
In lieu of Odessa barbs, could you recommend a colorful, relatively
small schooling fish that won't potentially pose a problem to the
pearl Gouramis?
Thanks again,
<Any of the Rainbowfish family would do the trick nicely. Depending
on the size of your tank, you might consider things like Iriatherina
werneri and Melanotaenia praecox at the small end of the range, through
to Glossolepis
incisus to Melanotaenia boesemanni at the larger end of the range.
Melanotaenia herbertaxelrodi and Bedotia geayi are another pair of
lovely species. They all mix with each other perfectly well, assuming
similar size, so you can keep multiple species in groups of six (equal
numbers of males and females recommended for best colours and
personality). Cheers, Neale.>
Fishy time-out, Tetra comp., ID! -
05/31/08 Hello, <Hello,> A couple of months ago at
an aquarium society auction I bought a bag of three fish under the
common name "melon tetra". <No idea what these are.
Sounds like some kind of nickname for a ghastly, cruelly dyed fish
(cf. "jellybean tetra"). Photo?> Turns out I can't
find anything on the fish so that must not be it's name, but oh
well. <Never, ever buy a fish you know nothing about. Otherwise
you'll likely end up with a problem.> Anyway, one of the
larger of the three has started turning colors (from white and
black to now with bright red and blue fins) and is now terrorizing
all of my other fish. <Hmm... some tetras are habitual fin- and
scale-eaters, while others are highly social and go a bit nutty if
kept in too-small a group. In any case, all tetras should be kept
in groups of 6+ for your sanity as much as theirs. Your fish may
well behave fine in big groups, but terribly in trios. This
isn't at all uncommon, and you wouldn't believe the number
of times I've encountered aquarists with small tanks where a
single tetra or Danio has become an almighty terror!> All of the
fish were hiding in the leaves of the plants until they were
eventually found and chased ceaselessly around the tank. So to
solve the problem I bought a breeders net and am keeping the
problem fish in isolation. <Not a solution. Isolating a fish
that is merely expressing its innate behaviour is cruel. Even if
that leaves you unmoved, cramping an adult fish in a breeding trap
will ultimately cause its demise through stress or jumping out. I
personally call breeding traps "death traps".> This
has seemed to help for now, all the other fish are already swimming
about much more, but I'm wondering if this will have any
negative affects on my bully tetra? <Yes it will.> Will he
become too stressed by himself all cramped up? <Precisely so;
your instincts are sound here and you should listen to them! Great
fishkeepers aren't the ones who read all the books, but the
ones who can "think like a fish" and act accordingly.>
What should I do? <For a start identify the tetras, either by
going through a decent aquarium encyclopaedia of your choice or
sending us a photo (please, 500 kb or less). Then buy some more, so
you get a group of at least 6 specimens. There's a good chance
that they'll settle down, or at least no single fish will be
able to bully the other five all at the same time, so there'll
be a certain level of peace. Do also review the size of your
aquarium. It would be insane to keep clearly active tetras like
these in anything smaller than a 20 gallon tank. Lots of people
stick relatively big or active fish in 10 gallon tanks, and they
get surprised when they find their fish becoming "stir
crazy"! Another thing you can do is make the aquarium more
interesting and complex by adding plants and rocks. For a lot of
aggressive fish, "out of sight is out of mind", so by
breaking up the line of sight you can give the other fish places
they can rest. But ultimately you may simply have bought some fish
here that just aren't compatible with your mode of fishkeeping.
Again, the lesson here is read up on a species before laying down
the cash.> Thanks, Jessi <You're welcome, Neale.>
Re: Fishy time-out 6/3/08 Neale,
<Jessi,> Thanks a bunch for your help so far. I know the
breeder net isn't a long term solution, I just thought it might
be good to give some of the other fish a break. <Fair
enough.> I've attached a picture of the fish, but it's
really low quality since I don't have a camera and ended up
taking it with my phone. Hopefully you'll be able to tell what
it is anyway. <It is definitely a Puntius species (what in old
aquarium books are called Barbus species, or simply
"barbs"). I'm not completely sure which species
though. It is either Puntius fasciatus or Puntius melanampyx. Both
have been called "Melon Barbs" in the trade (don't
you love common names!). Puntius melanampyx is the smaller of the
two, and gets to about 7 cm in length; Puntius fasciatus gets to
twice that size in the wild, though infrequently so in captivity.
Both are considered peaceful, community fish when kept in a decent
sized group, and neither are reported to be fin-nippers.> The
red color didn't show up much, but this white and black
coloration is what the other two have as well. <Could easily be
males and females; sexual dimorphism among barbs is common.> The
stripes remind me a lot of a tiger barb just slightly less defined,
but from what I can tell the body shape is much different.
<Indeed; it has the streamlined body of one of the fast-water
barb species.> I called my LFS today to try and get rid of the
three of them, but they said they wouldn't take them.
<Sometimes the case. Regardless, the problem is most likely
insufficient members of the group. Barbs are notoriously badly
behaved when kept incorrectly. They really must be kept in big
groups because they have a very strong "play" instinct
(really chasing and fighting over pecking order). While this
behaviour makes them lots of fun and keeps them constantly active,
if not catered for it can cause problems.> I think the woman
over the phone thought what I was describing was a convict cichlid
and I wasn't sure how to explain to her that it's
definitely something else. I'm not really sure what to do. I
don't want to set up a new tank, but if I have to any
information on whatever kind of fish this is would obviously be
really helpful. Thanks again, Jessi <I suspect these fish be
very nice fish if kept in a bigger group, say 6 specimens. Also
provide them with swimming space and lots of water current. Puntius
melanampyx will need a tank not less than 90-100 cm in length, and
adult Puntius fasciatus a tank 120 cm upwards. Hope this helps,
Neale.> |

To Be A Tinfoil, or Not To Be A Tinfoil.... - 12/13/2005 Hey
guys, I saw these fish that look almost identical to a tinfoil
barb. In the pet store they were actually considering them
"tinfoil barbs", but I was able to tell a significant
difference. The mystery fish looks and swims similar, and
they're shiny silver just like the Tinfoils. The only
difference is that there are no red on their fins but they're fins
sort of have a pearl finish on the ends of them. Any idea of
what this fish could be? I want to find some info on it so I
can see how big it gets, aggressive, etc. <Jason, does this look
about right? http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.php?id=27525
You might also do a search on http://www.fishbase.org for genus Barbonymus and genus
Poropuntius to see if you find a match with any of the species
listed.> Thanks -Jason McCorry <Wishing you
well, -Sabrina>
Identifying the Red Glass Barb
<<Hello, JasonC here filling in for Bob while he is away.>>
Hello, I have a barb that is known as the red glass barb and recently
spawned these and have thriving fry. However, I cannot find any info or
the true name of these barbs. Can you help? <<Could this be the
rosy barb, just misnamed? Check Bob's article: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/barbsdaniosrasboras.htm
>> Wilma <<Cheers, J -- >>
Re: red glass barbs No, they have the body appearance of the
Puntius sachsii, with the one black spot near the caudal fin. The males
are a bright reddish orange the females are a pale yellow. They lay
eggs over a period of days, the first time I spawned them I remove the
parents that evening and had only six fry, second time same steps - 4
fry, third attempt, left them in a tanks for 5 days and now have around
50 fry. Not typical spawning for rosy barbs. I have seen them listed on
fish lists but not their true name. Wilma <Hmm, this well may be a
sport of the Gold-finned barb... Please see:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/barbsdanias.htm for some pix and further
input. Bob Fenner>
Is it a tinfoil or what? >Hi, >>Hello, Marina
available for a short time today. >I possess what I believed to be a
tinfoil, however I did at one point looked after two Tinfoils in same
tank. The problem is the two Tinfoils are Tinfoils but my
one has larger scales more streamlined body but has same
colouring. Is there a variant or is it an uncommon type of
barb. >>Difficult to say, as there are many similar
barbs available in the trade. I would venture a guess that
this is actually a different species, and it's quite difficult to
determine further without a picture what species it is (the problem
with common names, eh?). >It was bought as a tinfoil but I'm
unsure of its id. Also I have read that Tinfoils are best
kept in groups as my one is on its own & seems to be quite
happy. Is that ok? >>Generally true, but keeping fish
is as much art as science, and if yours are happy then don't rock
the boat, is my philosophy. You can try looking at http://www.fishbase.org (though I've
only used this site for saltwater specification), or use the Google bar
at the bottom of the homepage for our site--MANY pictures are
available, and you might find the animal you actually
possess. Best of luck, Marina
Tinfoil barb Hi, I possess what I
believed to be a tinfoil however I did at one point looked after two
Tinfoils in same tank. The problem is the two Tinfoils are Tinfoils but
my one has larger scales more streamlined body but has same colouring.
Is there a variant or is it an uncommon type of barb. It was bought as
a tinfoil but I'm unsure of its id. Also I have read that Tinfoils
are best kept in groups as my one is on its own & seems to be quite
happy. Is that ok? Many thanks P Mitchell <I am sure there are some
variations from fish to fish, but the should look pretty similar,
search for tinfoil barb on Fishbase.org for a positive
ID. Depending on your tank size, and assuming it is a
tinfoil barb, I would go with at least 3. Best Regards,
What it IS! Goldfin tinfoil barb, that is. >Hi it's
Paul again, >>Hello Paul. >Thanks for your
advice. I looked into Fishbase.org & established that my
fish is in fact a Goldfin tinfoil barb (Poropuntius malcolmi) &
grows to 50cm from same family order & has similar
habits. This problem has bugged me for quite a while so many
thanks again for sending me in the right direction. Best regards P
Mitchell. >>Very glad I could be of help, Paul. May
you never again be so bugged. ;) Marina
Lamb chop Rasbora - a Harlequin Look-Alike Hello WWM Team,
<Hi Craig, Sabrina here, today> Hope you can help me. I recently
bought fish labeled Harlequin Rasbora. The problem is, I know what a
Harlequin looks like and the reason I bought these fish was they are a
Rasbora I have not seen before. I am hoping you can identify them for
me. <Will gladly try!> They have the same colouring as the
Harlequin with some changes. The blue triangle is evident as in the
Harlequin, however, the same blue is also displayed in a very thin line
along the anal area. The iridescent orange is a definite mark confined
to the edge of the triangle and then extending past the triangle
towards the gill in a definite half-circular mark. The remainder of the
body colour is golden .The body is far more slender than the
Harlequin and the fins are all translucent, unlike the Harlequin which
are reddish/orange. The eyes are also golden and not orange...any
ideas? Craig <This sounds unmistakably like the
"Lamb chop" Rasbora, Trigonostigma espei. The
"Harlequin" Rasbora, Trigonostigma heteromorpha, as
you've mentioned, is quite a bit more common in the US, but the
lamb chops do show up a lot. T. espei will only grow to
about half the size of T. heteromorpha, and is a touch more sensitive
as well. More info from FishBase on the
harlequin: http://filaman.uni-kiel.de/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?genusname=Trigonostigma&speciesname=heteromorpha and
on the lamb chop: http://filaman.uni-kiel.de/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?genusname=Trigonostigma&speciesname=espei
. Be sure to make use of all the links throughout those
pages if you wish to learn more detail on the fish, there is a lot of
info there! Wishing you well, -Sabrina>
Rosy Barbs mistakenly mixed with another species? I have a 29
gallon tank with (among others species) 5 Rosy Barbs (1 male and 4
females). One of the females is considerably smaller than
the others (she is also younger, so at first this did not bother me)
and she is a different shape. Rosy Barbs are more or
less symmetrical from nose to tail; she is shaped like a Rosy in her
top half, but nearly flat along her bottom half (she's almost
shaped more like my clown loaches, although much smaller!)
<Interesting> I became alarmed when, in addition to being
smaller, I noticed that she was behaving oddly. She swims
listlessly, and then will suddenly perform a series of aerobatic
maneuvers in just a small area of the tank. (upside down, sideways,
back and forth, loop-de-loops, etc.) After a few minutes, she goes back
to being listless. She doesn't race to the top of the
tank to eat like the other Barbs do either. I looked online, wondering
if she was another species accidentally mixed in with Rosies, and her
behavior was as a result of being a schooling fish with no
"friends", and found this photo: http://www.jjphoto.dk/fish_archive/aquarium/puntius_bimaculatus.htm
which is similar, but not quite identical to my fish. <Okay...
another Puntius species> When I researched this fish, I found they
are native to Sri Lanka, and not much else. But I thought
Rosy Barbs were native to Indonesia, which makes my accidental theory
not very likely. <Mmm, likely both or at least the Rosies were
cultured... so not wild-collected in the country of their origin> So
my question is, is it possible that she is a different species, and if
so, any theories on which one? And, is she sick, lonely, or
simply nutty, (or perfectly normal for her species), and how do I deal
with it? Thanks, Paul PS: Wonderful website!! <Thank you Paul. Yes
to being (likely) a "contaminant"... an accidentally mixed in
species... not able to say of course, which species... but likely
another minnow/barb... can/will live with the others very likely. You
can trade in, look for others of its kind, or keep and enjoy. Bob
Re: Rosy Barbs mistakenly mixed with another species? Thanks.
About the behavior, (assuming she is a Puntius species of Barb) is that
likely a sign of illness? Or possibly normal? <Possibly
normal, but if illness, not contagious, but genetic, developmental in
nature> "She swims listlessly, and then will suddenly perform a
series of aerobatic maneuvers in just a small area of the tank. (upside
down, sideways, back and forth, loop-de-loops, etc.) After a few
minutes, she goes back to being listless. She doesn't
race to the top of the tank to eat like the other Barbs do
either." Thanks again, Paul Lord <Welcome. Bob Fenner>
What IS IT? I've had these fish for 2
years in my tank, they are peaceful but have grown from 2 inches to
10 inches. The place where I bought them has gone out of business,
and nobody knows what they are. Can you help? Should I be feeding
them anything besides flake food? <Your photo makes accurate ID
difficult. The dorsal fin is obscured in the flash and the caudal
fin is bent back the other way. Even with all this I think we can
narrow it down. I am pretty sure you fish is in the family
Cyprinidae, it includes the carps. You fish probably came in as a
contaminant from Asia. Take a look at the red finned cigar shark.
It comes from Indonesia and gets about 2 feet long. It is not fussy
about water chemistry or food. The scientific name is Leptobarbus
hoevenii.-Chuck> |
