Reef Builders 10/29/19
Hi Bob,
I saw you at RAP Chicago - hope you're doing well. It's been a long
Was curious if you had a good contact phone number, would like to chat
with you about a future project! Let me know,
<Sure Ryan: 858 397 XXXX; here in San Diego, CA. B>
Ryan Gripp
Managing Director
| *The Reef And Marine Aquarium Blog* | Facebook
<> | YouTube
<> | Instagram
| *The International Saltwater Aquarium Show* | Denver 2020 Mar 7-8
<> | Sydney 2020 Aug 22-23
MASNA's 4th Annual Scientific Poster Session was held in Orlando at
MACNA 2019!
NEWS CONTACT: Tim Lyons, M.Sc.
MASNA's Director of Conservation (
MASNA's 4th Annual Scientific Poster Session Recap
Each year, MASNA provides the opportunity for scientists in any field relating
to the marine aquarium hobby to showcase their research at the Marine Aquarium
Conference of North America (MACNA).
The goal of this MASNA program is to open a line of communication between
scientists, industry, and interested hobbyists, so that scientific research
crucial to the sustainability and advancement of the hobby is freely available
to all stakeholder groups. MASNA’s 4^thAnnual Scientific Poster Session was held
at MACNA 2019 in Orlando, Florida. Electronic versions of this year’s posters
will be posted, and can be viewed at
This year, MASNA recognized two exceptional student researchers at the
undergraduate and graduate level, for producing and effectively communicating
the best poster in each of their respective categories.
Our graduate poster session awardee is Sarah Hutchins. Sarah is a masters
student at the University of Florida’s Tropical Aquaculture Laboratory in
Ruskin, Florida. Sarah’s poster entitled “Optimizing Culture Parameters of the
Cyclopoid Copepod Oithona colcarva” addressed a critical aspect of marine
ornamental aquaculture-producing high quality live food items for larval fishes.
Our undergraduate poster session awardee is Lauren Block, a third year student
at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa. Her poster entitled “Coculture: A larval
rearing technique for clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris) with the tropical
paracalenid copepod, Parvocalanus crassirostris” discussed the benefits of
growing larval marine fishes in tandem with copepods to provide a continuous
supply of nutritious live food items. Congratulations to Sarah (above, left) and
Lauren (above, right).
We would like to thank the authors and judges that participated in this year’s
poster session. Additionally, we thank this years poster session sponsors
EcoTech Marine, The Washington D.C. Area Marine Aquarist Society (WAMAS), and
the Colorado Organization for Reef and Aquatic Life (CORAL). We firmly believe
in the benefit of open communication, and encourage interested researchers,
students, and hobbyists to consider participating in future MASNA scientific
poster sessions.
About MASNA:
MASNA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization composed of marine aquarium
societies, individual hobbyists, and industry partners from North America and
abroad, totaling several thousand individuals.
MASNA’s goals are to:
* Educate our members through online and published material, the MACNA
conference, and other sanctioned events.
* Assist in forming and promoting the growth of clubs within the hobby while
ensuring a sustainable future for the marine environment.
* Support the efforts to eliminate abuses in collecting and transporting marine
organisms through education, assistance, and encouragement.
* Encourage the ethical growth of the marine aquarium hobby and support captive
breeding/propagation efforts.
More at
Tunze funds MASNA's Memorial Fund for Publishing Open Access
Marine Aquarium Research. 10/16/19
Thanks to Tunze!
Contact: Dr. Kevin Erickson
MASNA President (
Dr. Junda Lin Memorial Fund for Publishing Open Access Marine Aquarium
Research website HERE ([UNIQID])
For Public Release on October 16, 2019,
Tunze USA supports the Dr Junda Lin Memorial Fund for Publishing Open
Access Marine Aquarium Research.[UNIQID]
MASNA would like to thank Tunze, the newest supporter of the Dr. Junda
Lin Open Access Memorial Fund for Publishing Open Access Marine Aquarium
Research, for their generous $2,500 contribution towards providing
industry, scientists, and hobbyists with freely available, open access
scientific research.
Tunze's support will allow MASNA to offset the publishing costs for
scientists and students that are working on research directly relevant
to the marine aquarium industry.
As the aquarium industry grows, this research can provide industry and
hobbyists alike with critical, up to date information about aquaculture
protocols, trends in marine ornamental trade, novel equipment design,
and a number of other relevant topics.[UNIQID]
2017, MASNA introduced the Dr. Junda Lin Memorial Fund for Publishing
Open Access Marine Aquarium Research with the goal to off-set the cost
to students of publishing research as open access articles in order to
promote the spread of scientific ideas to not only scientists, but to
anyone who is interested in the research, by making it freely available.
Dr. Junda Lin was a Professor of Biological Sciences at the Florida
Institute of Technology and the Director of the Institute for Marine
Research (IMR). Dr. Lin’s Lab focused on the development of aquaculture
technology for marine ornamental species to offset and replace wild
collection. Dr. Lin’s lab studied the basic biological processes of
several shellfish and fish species, evaluated their aquaculture
potential, and developed cultivation technology.
Rather than in the traditional scientific publishing scheme, where the
reader of the scientific article incurs a cost to access the article,
with open access articles, the article is available to the world, and
the author is charged a fee when the article is accepted by the
Therefore, the Dr. Junda Lin Memorial Fund for Publishing Open Access
Marine Aquarium Research is a fund supported by individuals, aquarium
clubs, businesses, and universities that provides students with a
financial offset to the costs of publishing a scientific article as an
open access article. More information on how to apply and the donation
link can be found HERE ([UNIQID])
Scientific research has historically been published and distributed by
for-profit companies that require readers to pay to access content,
comprising a 19.6 billion dollar industry that results in
inaccessibility for most hobbyists. Research institutions have begun
terminating long-standing subscriptions to for-profit journals, and many
independent researchers have taken an active stance on information
dissemination by opting to publish in open-access formats.
MASNA fully supports open-access publishing, and firmly believes that
research relating to aquarium science should be available to anyone who
wishes to read it. For more details on recent open-access publishing
developments, see HERE
MASNA would like to thank the donors that have contributed to the Junda
Lin Memorial Fund thus far. Open-access publications allow the rapid
dissemination of research to the non-scientific public that would
otherwise not be able to access this information. The modern marine
sciences increasingly recognize the importance of informed hobbyists and
citizen scientists in data collection, volunteer work, and in their
ability to drive changes in public outlook and policy.
MASNA welcomes donations from any business, organization, or individual
who shares the belief that advancements in science should be freely
available to the general public, and those that support MASNA’s mission
to encourage the sustainability and ethical growth of the marine
aquarium industry through the education of its members and the wider
hobbyist community.
For more information and to donate to the fund, please click here:[UNIQID]
Copyright © 2019 MASNA, All rights reserved.
Paid MASNA Member
Our mailing address is:
PO Box 105603 #18350
Atlanta, GA 30348
Help MASNA this holiday season by using Amazon Smile!
The latest news from MASNA.
View this email in your browser (
Announcing MACNA 2019 8/30/18
Celebrating Aquaculture
August 30th - September 1st, 2019
Orlando, Florida
Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin Resort
MASNA is proud to announce that the theme for MACNA 2019 will be “Celebrating
Promoting the ethical growth of the marine aquarium hobby, supporting captive
breeding and propagation efforts, and ensuring a sustainable future for the
marine environment are at the core of MASNA's goals, and we intend to elevate
our efforts in educational outreach, scholarship, and the healthy, sustainable
promotion of the marine ornamental hobby with a closer focus on its practices.
Many of the MACNA 2019 presentations and workshops will be centered around
celebrating aquaculture and we hope that our attendees, exhibitors, and media
partners can join us in the promotion and advocacy of this message.
** For the first time in MACNA history, we will be exploring the wide world of
marine aquariums on a Disney property!
Plan to spend the warm summer days on the exhibit floor immersed in the latest
products and coolest corals and then head into Orlando to experience all the
shopping, dining, and thrills the theme park can offer.
We've designed MACNA 2019 with families in mind, from a family focused venue, to
kid's activities on the exhibit floor. Make MACNA your 2019 family vacation
Copyright © 2018 MASNA, All rights reserved.
Paid MASNA Member
Our mailing address is:
PO Box 105603 #18350
Atlanta, GA 30348
<Can't make it Nan; but will post your msg. on WWM. Bob Fenner>
Long Island Reef Association
PO Box 801, Miller Place, NY 11764
_www.longislandreef.org_ ( )
RE: NERAC VIII (NorthEast Reef Aquarium Conference)
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Atlantis Long Island Aquarium and Exhibition
About a month ago, the Long Island Reef Association (LIRA) which is
hosting the NERAC VIII conference sent you an email inviting your
company to join.
The email giving your company the opportunity to either purchase a booth
or if unable to attend, the ability to donate in order to be
listed both on the NERAC website (_www.neracviii.com_
( ) and in the program guide.
Unfortunately we have not heard from you, either it may have been caught
by your spam filter (hence the duplicate that has been sent via a
standard email) or that you may have missed reading it.
As an event organizer I hope to encourage you to further think about
joining this great conference. In 2012 we had over 135 attendees
for the conference and 100 for the dinner. This year the
response has been overwhelming with anticipation of exceeding 150
people for the conference. Expected fish enthusiasts will be
coming from Boston, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Connecticut and
Upstate New York.
If a booth is not your choice of advertisement, then think about
donating your product(s). These donations will be used for
the raffle event held on Saturday afternoon
A few companies responded in asking about an alternative to a product
since they wanted to make livestock available or the ability to offer an
upcoming product. Well, I suggested that a gift certificate
be made available,
which they concurred with excitement. In addition, some of these
accompanied their donation along with a discount to all attendees of the
conference between 10-30% off product/livestock found on their website.
Time is running out. In order to acknowledge your company in our
program guide, we need to hear from you as soon as possible.
Please contact me at alwaysalady1955@aol.com_
( or (631)669-2550 with your
intentions or any questions you may have regarding this event.
Donations may be sent to Atlantis Long Island Aquarium, attention Joe
Yaiullo, 431 East Main Street, Riverhead, NY 11901 or to Nancy Weiss
1442 Manor Lane, Bay Shore, NY 11706.
On behalf of the event organizers and that of the association, I thank
you for taking the time to read this and for any donations that
are made.
Nancy Weiss
LIRA secretary
Aquarama 2013 5/30/13
<Hey Per>
Will update you with more photos from Aquarama 2013
<Ah, sorry to miss it (again), and seeing you, Sing., and getting out
diving thereabouts. B>
Regards, Perry
Asia's Largest Aquaculture & Ornamental Fishes Show!
6th-8th February, 2011 - Chennai
We, *Marine Products Export Development Authority - Ministry of
Commerce & Industry, Govt. of* *India*, take this valuable
opportunity to cordially invite your organization to exhibit and
participate at the
*Asia's Largest Aquaculture, Seafood and Ornamental Fishes Show -
/_Aqua Aquaria India 2011 <>_/*, from
6th-8th February, 2011, at Chennai in India.
The show envisages a central hub for the entire Asian and Worldwide
seafood, aquaculture and ornamental fishes market with organizations
participating from different parts of the globe. The event also
includes technical sessions, seminars and workshops from renowned
experts from the industry.
We would be much honoured and pleased to have you at the expo as it
would be a good opportunity for you to get in contact with the
importers, exporters, machinery manufacturers, hatchery owners,
hobbyists and the entire industry network from all over the world with
endless business leads and opportunities.
Eagerly looking forward to your presence at the show!
Aqua Aquaria India 2011
Welcome to the first edition of *AQUA AQUARIA INDIA 2011* -- one of the
largest aquaculture and aquarium shows in Asia, hosted by the *Marine
Products Exports Development Authority* (MPEDA). Hitherto MPEDA had
been organizing the aqua and aquaria shows separately and for the first
time, both the events INDAQUA and INDAQUARIA has been clubbed together
as AQUA AQUARIA and is being hosted by MPEDA from *6th to 8th February
2011*, at *Chennai*. [read more
MPEDA has initiated a scheme for "*Green certification of
Ornamental Fish*". We believe it is the first of its kind in the
world. The vision of this scheme is "*Conservation and sustainable
development of ornamental fish sector*" involving collection,
farming and marketing through a value chain system enabling
certification at all stages.[read more
*Date* : *6th - 8th February*, 2011
*Venue* :*_Chennai Trade Center_
AAI - 2011 offers immense opportunity to the participants to exchange
ideas for mutual benefits and explore further possibility in
strengthening the trade relationship.
The three days event comprises technical sessions to be conducted by
the renowned International experts on aquaculture and ornamental fish,
providing technical and marketing support in both the fields.
The show envisages apart from technical sessions, participation of
International and Indian exhibitors in large numbers. 230 stalls
exclusively 100 stalls for aquaculture, 100 stalls for ornamental fish,
20 stalls for machinery and equipments, feed, packaging, additives,
aquarium accessories and equipments, 10 stalls for aqua products will
be available to exhibitors from India and abroad to showcase the latest
available technologies and quality inputs.
>> Stall Rates <>
>> Floor Plan <>
>> Registration
<> <<
/"You can make the payment online
<> and book your
Book your stall at the show and place your business within the global
emerging trends of seafood processing, aquaculture and ornamental
marine products.
*The exhibitors for AAI 2011 comprise of the following beneficiary
* Aquaculturists, Hatchery owners, Producers of shrimp, scampi,
ornamental fish and other allied sector.
* Aquarium tank manufacturers, aerator machineries, artificial aquarium
decoratives, etc.
* Breeders of ornamental fishes, exporters from various part of the
* Technicians and Technocrats from processing plants and quality
control departments.
* Manufacturers / Suppliers of Insulated Fish boxes, tubs crates,
fishing nets etc. [read more
>> Offline Registration
<> <<
>> Online Registration
>> General Delegate Info
<> <<
/"You can register as a delegate by paying online
Register yourself as a delegate and get the benefit of information on
various grounds of aquaculture. Get to know the experts in industry and
their valuable experience/ideas, that they would share during the
seminar sessions of the event.
Indian Farmer delegates can avail special concessions for attending the
seminars. They are required to produce a recommendation letter from the
Assistant or Deputy Director MPEDA Regional offices or from State
Fisheries Department officials not below the rank of Inspector of
Fisheries or from the CEO of NaCSA/NETFISH/RGCA.
*Delegate Fee*
*Other INDIAN DELEGATES* *Rs.2000*
*For further details regarding exhibitor and delegate terms,
accommodation, venue, touring etc.,
visit our website
<>For queries, mail us at
*We're eagerly looking forward to your presence at the show! *
with regards,
-- *Aqua Aquaria India 2011 Team* --
Global Infrastructure Services & Solutions (TN) Pvt. Ltd. - Event
Ms. Susannah Pradeep (Marketing Manager) | +91 9962910060 | +91 044
43406000 Extn: 2005
Mr. M. Vignesh (Assistant Manager - Projects) | +91 9790008400 | +91
044 43406000 Extn: 2004
*The Marine Products Export Development Authority*
/(If you can't view this mail properly, click here
<> to view it in a
new browser window)/