FAQs about Sea Squirts Identification
5 Related Articles: Sea Squirts/Tunicates/Ascidians,
Related FAQs:
Ascidian/Sea Squirt ID 1,
Sea Squirt ID 2,
Sea Squirt ID 3, Sea Squirt ID 4, Sea Squirt ID 6,
Sea Squirt ID 7, Sea Squirt ID 8,
Ascidians 1,
Ascidians 2,
Ascidian Behavior,
Ascidian Compatibility,
Ascidian Selection,
Ascidian Systems,
Ascidian Feeding,
Ascidian Disease, Ascidian Reproduction,
Tank thing
Hi folks
<Howsit Aly?>
Can you help me to identify this little tubular thing growing in my marine tank
please? It seems to have lots of teeth inside and has 2 openings.
Many thanks
<Mmm; yes; thanks to your sending a few pix. Am pretty sure these are Ascidians;
Sea Squirts. Not harmful; in fact indicative of good conditions and care on your
part. Bob Fenner> |
Re: Tank thing
Oh, thanks Bob. I love my fishy family so that gives me peace of mind now.
Much appreciated.
Ta ta for now.
<Cheers; BobF> |
Help with identification please...
I was referred to you by an individual on Facebook. Said that you could
help ID the new overnight arrivals emerging from the
substrate in my tank. There are 15 by my count and all uniform in shape
and size. I am assuming
something is procreating, but what? I have also attached a short video.
<Mov linked HERE>
help would be greatly appreciated, thanks![image: Inline image 1],
<Sorry my vision is a bit blurry from driving on the road for hours
today, but these look like Ascidians, Sea Squirts... Not harmful. Bob
Fenner> |
Could you all please I.D.
Any clue? I've asked around, yet nobody seems to know.
<Mmm; would like a bigger, better resolved pic... My initial guess is
that this is a juvenile Tunicate, a larval
Ascidian of some kind/species.
Bob Fenner> |
Need ID... Asc's? Snail eggs?
Hi again, Bob and crew,
Can you tell me what these clusters are under the toadstool? They do not
move. Thank you.
<Ah, yes; and what a delight! These appear to be
Ascidians; Sea Squirt colonies. Not harmful; indeed indicative of good
conditions in your system. Thank you for sharing. Bob Fenner> |
Unknown invert
Can you advise what these may be? They are soft and have grown
to about a
half an inch in size. Ask me what you need to know so i can
resolve whether to remove or be proud of my
unknown growth.
<Look to be colonial Ascidians; Sea Squirts. Not problematical. See WWM
Bob Fenner>

White clear pod growing in the reef of our salt water tank
Not sure what this is...any ideas? Its about the size of a
Thanks Ruth
<Likely either an Ascidian (Sea Squirt)... or a sponge. Not harmful in
either case... indeed, indicative of good conditions in your system. Bob
.JPG) |
Re: White clear pod growing in the reef of our
salt water tank 4/14/14
thank you so much for the reply....and so quickly! Used to any answer at
all being at least 2 days away, if at all. You are amazing!
I have read so much on your site...just couldn't find that answer...this is
so new to me that I am not even wet behind the ears. LOL It's a lot
of fun, I have a Banggai Cardinal that is holding eggs and am
hoping to raise them up to be great swimmers.
Thanks Again
<Welcome. BobF> |
Identification help? Tadpole larvae 2/2/14
I have this posted at nano-reef.com, you folks were suggested as
Any help identifying what these are?
<Any chance of a close-up pic? My present guess is that these are salps>
I have a 3 week old reef tank (Nanocube 28g) in the final stages of
I have no corals, just 3 Chromis, and a clean up crew.

Re: Identification help? Salp guess 2/2/14
I just received this blank message. Was there supposed to be a message?
<Bizarre... Do you see the response below? BobF>
RE: Identification help? 2/2/14
Right... will leave out the carats <<>>... Salps is my best guess. Bob
Oh, I see, your comment was below mine. I was looking between the headers.
I see the answers in between "<" and ">". That was the closest image I could
manage with my equipment. They are no longer present, were there in a cloud,
and were gone in 45 minutes or so, when I wasn't watching.
Here are links to the full size, unmodified 16 megapixel images I took.
They really don't look like salps, based on a Google image search. Each of
these are 7MB images.
Small, swimming organism ID
Hey guys! Thanks for all you do, I'd be lost without your site and
advice!! I have a local aquarist who took the attached picture of
his tank and posted to our local Reef Club's Facebook page. I'd
thought I'd get your opinion since no one is able to offer an idea.
According to him, there are small round to oblong purple tinted
organisms swimming in the water column. They have a small dot in
the middle and flagella like tail and are very tiny. There are
definitely free swimming. He has said he has no pairs of anything,
so likely not fry of any kind, although he had a recent amount of
macroalgae that could have held hitchhikers. Is this some sort of
pod or anything else you might recognize? Thanks again for you
help and for all you do to assist people to find their way!
<Well, I have only myself to 'blame' for so-often complaining of folks
sending in too-large file sizes... Scott, would you have this aquarist
send us a bit larger pic or two? And describe the motion, jerky, fast? I
can't make much out of this pic. Bob Fenner>
crop |
Re: Small, swimming organism ID
Lol... I think I've been accused of too large pictures myself before!
I tried to "blow up" the picture as best I could. I see two small
purple organisms on this picture, on to the right and one to the left (in
front of the algae/plant). If you still can't ID from this, I'll
attempt to contact him and see if I can get a better description and/or
picture. Thanks for your effort!!
<I tried this as well... already posted on WWM's dailies. Have sent off to
LynnZ for her better input. B>
Re: Small, swimming organism ID 11/1/13
Thanks Bob - see below in <<...>>. I went ahead and sent a
response to Scott through the crew mail. Hopefully, the ID is on the
mark! Take care - Lynn
>Wowzah! B<
Re: Re: Small, swimming organism ID: 11-1-13
Lol... I think I've been accused of too large pictures myself before!
I tried to "blow up" the picture as best I could. I see two small
purple organisms on this picture, on to the right and one to the left (in
front of the algae/plant). If you still can't ID from this, I'll
attempt to contact him and see if I can get a better description and/or
picture. Thanks for your effort!!
<I tried this as well... already posted on WWM's dailies. Have sent off to
LynnZ for her better input. B>
<<Thanks Bob, and hello Scott! My first thought when I saw these
little creatures was that they reminded me of tiny tadpoles.
I ended up looking through all sorts of planktonic larval forms and the
closest thing I could find (given the available general shape only) was the
larval form of an Ascidian/tunicate. Apparently, the nickname for them
is the “tadpole larvae” – go figure! I really didn’t think that this
stage would/could be large enough to be that visible, but apparently
(depending on the species) some are (e.g., Botrylloides violaceus: >2mm
long). At any rate, they don’t appear to be anything worrisome as they
are non-feeding and don’t remain in the water column for very long
(typically from a few minutes/hours, no more than a day) before they settle,
attach, and begin to metamorphose. Please see the following links for
comparison/more info:
If that doesn’t appear to be the correct organism, do see about sending a
bit more info and a new photo or two and we’ll give it another try! Take
care, Lynn Z>>
Re: Small, swimming organism ID: 11-1-13
Whoa, now that's something you don't run across every day!
Hopefully, we'll be able to get a few more details from a photo or two, plus
more descriptive info. In the meantime, I'll do a bit of research - at
this point, I know more about what it isn't than what it is. Take care
- Lynn
>Thank you Lynn. BobF< |