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Butterflyfishes for Marine
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by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
Butterflyfish forming mated pairs? Chaetodon
Behavior/Sexing 2/28/12
<Hello Adam>
As we know many species of butterfly fish form mated pairs. I have two
questions which I am not sure you can answer. 1. If one of the pair
dies does the other fish find a new mate, or carry on alone, or mourn
and die I am particularly interested in Chaetodon Trifasciatus.
<I would tend to believe the remaining fish would pair up with
Why the C. Trifasciatus, an extremely difficult Butterflyfish to keep
and an obligatory coral feeder.
2. How do the fish know what sex the other is as there are no
external differences. I imagine it must be a chemical sense?
<There are physical differences in some species and egg bound
females tend to be a little plump. Other than that I will ask Bob
to comment here.><<Can't tell in almost all cases I've
seen UW. B>>
<Ditto. James (Salty Dog)>
Re Butterflyfish forming mated pairs? Chaetodon Behavior/Sexing
<Hello Adam>
When I swim in my local beach I see many of these butterfly fish and
they always seem in pairs.
<Many species do pair up. Have you been able to identify the
species you have seen?>
As we know it is unlikely that they will both live to the same age. Is
there an area where they would pair up as the local fish are fully
grown at about 5 to 6 inches.
<Likely so. Bob is an amphibian and dives their
waters/observes their behavior often and may input here.>
Therefore once in my area how would they find a new mate, or do they
swim over large distances or the currents take them into
"communal" zones.
<Butterflyfish generally spawn at early dusk and usually only pairs
are involved and this is what you may be seeing depending on the
During the reef courtship the fish chase each other around, doing
headstands and lateral displays. A pair will circle each other
until one swims off while the other follows. Juveniles are
generally found in shallow grassy areas where they feed. Some
species will form large aggregations and swim over large areas in
search of food. There are many species of Butterflyfish and their
personalities/behavior can vary.>
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
Re Butterflyfish forming mated pairs? Chaetodon Behavior/Sexing
Hi James,
<Hello Adam>
As in my earlier email the species is Chaetodon Trifasciatus.
<Depending on your location, it may also be a Chaetodon lunulatus
which is said
(Randall) to be a subspecies of Chaetodon Trifasciatus. Either
one is a poor choice
for hobbyists as both are obligatory coral feeders with preference to
Pocillopora corals.
A gorgeous fish for sure. Seems like all the gorgeous fish are
the ones most difficult to keep.
And this species does indeed form pairs when breeding but I do not
believe they, or any Chaetodon species are paired for
their entire life.....more like a hot date. :-)
Bob may/will comment if I am incorrect.>
<Ditto. James (Salty Dog)>
Butterflyfishes for Marine
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |