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emergency!!! Gomphosus... hlth, nutr.
7/26/10 Gomphosus Trouble 10/30/08 Hi folks. My fish is stressed and unhappy; therefore, so am I. <We all have those times, sorry to hear.> I received a shipment of 3 fish this morning: a Sargassum trigger, a clown trigger (over which I'm irritated-he's acclimating well, but given his tiny size{had I known how tiny I wouldn't have purchased him}, and the lousy survivability of these small fish, I'm not keeping my hopes up.), and a male bird wrasse (Gomphosus varius). My concern is the wrasse. He was obviously sickly and distressed in the shipping bag, which I expected, but given that they're a tough species, I figured on a quick recovery. For the last~4 hrs. he's lain on the bottom on his left side, gilling heavily and in poor color. The Sargassum and the clown are in the 20 gal. quarantine tank with him, and they seem to be doing fine. The wrasse is ~4.5 in. snout to end of tail. The quarantine tank is bare bottom with a few hunks of rock. No lighting. Ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite are 0.0. pH is 8.4, and salinity is 32.5 ppt. I was almost ready to move him into the main tank wherein the conditions overall are excellent, being that its a well established tank-but given that I have a powder blue tang in there(8 months, and so far, so good!), I just can't run the parasite risk. <Agreed.> I ordered them from PA and they had to come all the way to WA, which I think was a mistake-I should have bought from a closer retailer. <Should not be an issue if properly packed/shipped. Their initial journey to the mainland was undoubtedly much longer.> Still and all, I had expected to have fewer acclimation issues with the wrasse than with the other two. I don't figure he'll hold out much longer, so in a retrospective way I'm asking what I could have done for a wrasse in this condition. Because of his poor condition I did a pretty quick acclimation, slowly pouring cups of water into his shipping bag, rather than the usual drip siphon. I think I will put some sort of shelter over him, but other than that (I also added Polyaqua to the water), I'm not sure there's much else I can do. If you've got any suggestions for now or for future Gomphosus(the once and future Gomphosus?), I'd sure be thankful. <Not really, it sounds like you know what is going on. All we can do as aquarists is acclimate and treat any diseases/disorders that can be identified. We cannot control collection, shipping or holding damage, only hopefully nurse a fish back when possible.> Thanks for any ideas or insights. ?Joe <Welcome, good luck my friend. I apologize for the slower than normal reply. Scott V.> Blind Bird Wrasse? 8/30/08 Hi Crew I have a 5 inch Green Bird Wrasse that is in a 135 gallon long with a 5 inch Purple tang and 3 inch Maroon Clown. He has not eaten in 2 weeks and I think he's blind? <May be> He will swim from time to time but seems to bump into the glass. <Bad sign> I was in there cleaning today and he lays on the side of a rock for the most part. I also had a lionfish that went blind in the same tank a few months ago and died. <This is telling> The bird wrasses eyes are not white but when I put my finger right by him he doesn't seem to know I'm there? He will take off when I touch him though. My lights are 2 36inch 196 watt compacts. I don't have any corals in tank just live rock so was thinking of downsizing lights but I sure like how the tank looks with the compacts. Is that what is blinding him? <Is one possibility... I think/consider that avitaminoses is a more common cause... and there are parasites that can lead to blindness> I have had him for 8 months and was doing fine till now? I want another fish maybe an angel but want to find out what is blinding them? Not sure if its the type of fish I'm choosing are lights? Are bird wrasses prone to blindness like lionfish? <Mmm, not nearly so> Thanks for any insight are pointers. <What foods? Do you use HUFA, Vitamin et al. supplementation? Take these yourself? You should. Bob Fenner> Re: Blind Bird Wrasse? 8/31/08 Thanks for the reply He is fed Formula 2 flakes along with silver sides and he will eat the algae strips I put in for the Tang. His eyes do look clear and I tried putting a small piece of shrimp on a feeder stick touching his nose and he wouldn't eat it. Interesting about the parasites causing blindness. What kind of parasite causes this and if treated will he regain his sight? <There are various Protozoans, worms...> I have a established 20 gallon long set up as a hospital tank that's ready to go. He's a neat fish and I love his green color in the tank. Thank You Mr. Fenner <Welcome... Do keep trying the HUFA/Vitamin additions... and keep the faith. These episodes do at times reverse themselves. Bob Fenner>
Green bird Wrasse unique "growths" on bill 4/21/07
Hello from Las Vegas, <Backatcha from HI... where your Gomphosus
likely hailed from> I have a green bird wrasse who has what looks
like fleshy sacs (same colors as the fish) growing on it's bill and
I was told it could be a cancerous growth, puberty/mating changes,
nothing, etc. basically no one knows what they are. <Mmm, I do...
mostly these last two... natural occurrence> He went through a tough
period for about a month when they were "growing" on him and
now he's eating up a storm again, active and very playful with no
symptoms of a problem. Have you seen this in any other green birds?
Would appreciate the help..... Thanks, Jeffrey G. Schoor <Not to
worry... See WWM, Fishbase.org re this species. Bob Fenner> Bird Wrasse tumor? 1/9/07 Hi Crew, <Michael> Thanks as always for the valuable information. I've tried to find detailed information related to this question but came up empty. I have a male bird wrasse that has been in my 250g fish-only tank for just over 2 years. He has always been healthy, a good eater, and active. <Gomphosus are really neat animals... am out diving with this species currently... in HI> There is a female bird wrasse in the tank also, and they get along well and interact most of the day. <In a system of this good size...> A few months ago, the male bird wrasse started developing a tumor-like growth on his snout. I did some initial research and found passing references that sometimes bird wrasses in captivity will develop such growths on their snouts, but none of the references I found seemed to know what the growth was. <Mmm... is it symmetrical? Colored? Is likely a natural protuberance> The few mentions I found also didn't express much concern that it posed a health risk. I let it go, thinking it was not anything threatening. But, the growth has gotten bigger and bigger, and is to the point now that I'm afraid it will cause real harm, perhaps by eventually blocking the fishes' vision or making its head so heavy it becomes over-stressed. To add to the concern, the female bird wrasse now seems to have the beginnings of the same thing on her snout. <Mmm, not altogether unnatural either... Labrids/wrasses are synchronous protogynous hermaphrodites... change from females into males... with their characteristics...> Are you familiar with these types of growths, and is there anything I can/should try to do about it? <Mmm, am familiar and no, nothing to do about it> I don't have the expertise to do anything surgically, but thought maybe I'm missing something nutrition-wise or otherwise. (The water quality has always been good and I do 15% water changes weekly.) Thanks. Mike <Do take a look at the pix on the Net... perhaps through Fishbase.org of G. varius... note that males do have a growth of sorts with age, size... on their upper snouts... and that females become males... There is likely no problem here. Do send along pix if you can. Bob Fenner> Green Bird Wrasse 7/12/06 I purchased a green bird wrasse
last Saturday (7/1) which I added to my 55 gallon tank. <Will need
more room> I already had a Fox Face, <Ditto> a Brown Bird
Wrasse and Hawk Flame. Today my Green Bird had no interest in eating
and it actually looks like his skin is peeling off. <... no
quarantine> He looks like an "old man". My water quality
checks out though I am doing a partial water change anyway. <Good
move> All other fish are fine. He is still swimming---just not
eating. What do you think could be wrong? <Just new to a crowded
system mostly> My fish store is closed so I am turning to you for
quick advice---HELP!!!! <... Read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/wrasses/gomphosus/index.htm
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner> Male bird wrasse scratching - 2/21/2006 Greeting from down under to the crew at wet web media. I have a question about a male bird wrasse I purchased 2 months ago. He is 7 inches long, eats well, very active swimmer and looks really health. NO external signs of disease. But he has a habit of rubbing or scratching himself on the aquarium glass at the back of the tank. Now I have noticed he does this a lot when I am near the tank and sometimes it is a constant thing just swimming around in a circle and rubbing itself when he passes the glass. but when I walk away from the tank and stand at a distance so that he cannot see me the rubbing or scratching seems to ease. He is the only fish that does this and has done it since I put him in. <Not atypical for the species...> I have a 150 gallon glass aquarium, 8ft long 2ft high and 1.5ft wide. I have two external canister filters, an overflow into a 30 gallon sump, an aqua medic multi sl TurboFlotor skimmer about 140 pounds of live rock and my tank turns over about 23 times an hour. My stock includes 1.Male bird wrasse 7inches 2.sohal tang 3inches 3.powder brown tang 3inches 4.magnificent Rabbitfish 3inches 5.pinktail triggerfish 4inches 6.emperor angel 5inches 7.bannana wrasse 2inches ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 15ppm, ph 8.3 I have no idea what this is so if you could please try to help me that would be greatly appreciated. THANKS.. <I wouldn't over-react here... but just watch and wait... Likely to be some troubles as time goes by with dominance by the Sohal BTW. Bob Fenner> Sick Bird Wrasse (6/5/05) We have had our male bird wrasse
for over 3 months. Growth on green bird Hi: I hope you can offer a suggestion. We have had the bird pictured in our 120 gal fish only tank for about 4 years. The other tankmates (Naso tang, snowflake eel, spotted puffer and grouper) are all healthy and have been the same for about 3 years. About 6 months ago, a small growth appeared on the wrasse's beak. <Happens... with age, growth... Gomphosus spp. turn into males with this protuberance> The fish behaves normally, eats, etc. In the last month, the growth has grown quite a bit. Our tank has been maintained for a long time by the same guy, who is stumped. He has brought pics to his wholesalers, who are also stumped. Nothing I have found in any books seems to sound like this condition. We have tried various antibiotic treatments, copper, and a freshwater dip but nothing seems to change. The diet is varied but consistent; frozen foods and dry supplemented with vitamins and occasionally green and brown algae. I hope you can help as this guy has been with us a long time. Thanks so much! <No pic attached... but I would not be overly concerned... do take a look on the net, fishbase.org re this species, G. varius... for pix of adult males. Bob Fenner> Sick bird wrasse Your web site is so helpful and for people
like me who need answers it's the best place to go. Sick bird wrasse Your web site is so helpful and
for people like me who need answers it's the best place to go. - Bird Wrasse Troubles - Hi, I have a Green Bird Wrasse. He
has developed Large bumps all over his nose. It looks like
Elephantiasis. It's just awful. Have you guys ever heard of
this? - Strange Wrasse Affliction? - We have a green bird wrasse
that has been in our tank for about 9 months. The wrasse has seemingly
thrived up until recently. He is still eating well and actively
swimming but has come down with some sought of white, almost washed out
look on the sides of its head. Could this be the bird wrasse equivalent
of HLLE? Green Bird Wrasse With Lumps I have a question that no one seems to have an answer to. <Okay> I have an adult green bird wrasse. I have had this fish for over a year in a 75 gallon tank. Over the past year the fish has developed "lumps" on his snout. The fish seems to be healthy and is eating well. Any ideas to why this fish has developed these lumps? Al Rinaldi <Have seen these "lumps" on both wild and captive Gomphosus species males... I think they're akin to the "humps" on the heads that occur on many other wrasse species (developmental growths that is)... possibly something to do with the continual use (callusing?) of the snout in digging about as well. Bob Fenner> Green Bird Wrasse We have been noticing lately that sometimes our green bird wrasses tip of his mouth is a red tinged color, after some time, it turns back to his normal beautiful green, but we did not know if this is something to be concerned with? Any ideas? Thank you for your help. Kimberly <Males of this species do show varying color and color loss in the distal end of their "beaks" at times. See fishbase.org pix for Gomphosus varius... No worries unless you find there to be some bloody markings, or actually observe your specimen damaging itself (like on the tank walls or substrate). Bob Fenner> Blind Bird Wrasse? FOWLR has 6" Volitans Lion, 5"Red Sea Male Bird Wrasse, and about 30" Snowflake EEL was just added today (Sea World leftover, long story) <Long- I should say! An interesting story, I'll bet!> For awhile now the Bird Wrasse has had a hard time feeding. He knows that food has hit the water and he searches for it but can't seem to find it. We've tried live ghost shrimp, flakes, frozen clams, and frozen silversides. We started back up with the SELCON thinking it maybe it was a vitamin deficiency. <Not a bad thought on your part...You could also try a preparation like Vita Chem> He doesn't seem to have any other problems and is a beautiful animal. Our lights are not that bright, a single 40W tube. Any thoughts on this one? <Well, it could be lot's of things...Nutritional problems can lead to a form of blindness in some fishes, and I wouldn't rule out this as a possibility. You may also consider the environment of the aquarium: Recheck all water parameters to make sure that there are no measurable ammonia, nitrite, or other toxins in the water. Check overall water quality: Nitrates and phosphates...Review maintenance procedures, such as water changes, protein skimming, use of chemical filtration media, etc. Keep trying to get this fish to eat, using a variety of foods like you already have. Observe carefully for signs of any disease, etc. In the absence of other symptoms, I'd keep observing and stay the course with this fish. Be patient. Good luck! Regards, Scott F> Help with New Bird Wrasse >Hey guys and gals, first off let me just say that your FAQs have been very helpful in the setup of two marine tanks of mine in the last 7 months. >>Thank ye for acknowledging us lady-folk. ;) Marina is the lady of the day for you here. >Now onto my question. I just a few weeks ago put together a small 20 gallon tank (I've decided to challenge myself after my ventures in 80 gallon and 125 gallon marine tanks). It includes a protein skimmer for tanks up to 50 gallons, a 50-watt Visitherm heater, and an Emperor 400 filter. The substrate is an aragonite shell mix with a small bay section of live sand which takes up about 30% of the tank. The pH is at 8.2 and the salinity is a comfortable 1.022-1.023, the water in the tanks at work is at 1.021. My question concerns a small bird wrasse I've acquired for starting off this tank. >>Very small I hope, they're a VERY active fish that really requires MUCH more room to be happy. Why not put him in the 125? A much more suitable size for such an animal. I would rather see something like a group of small gobies (clown, neon, for instance), Pseudochromids or Basslets (though *eventually* they'll get large) for such a Nano. >I brought him home from work two days ago, where I work in the aquatics department at a local Petco. This fish caught my eye because of his great personality. Very active in the small tanks at work, hungry eater, still fairly small (about 5.5 inches, I will have him in my 80 gallon in a few months most likely). >>If I recollect correctly, Petco is still using a centralized filtration system on salt and fresh, yes? I don't recall seeing anything larger than 20-30gals in their salt sections, either. >But he'd been in the tanks there for about 4 months, doing great every day, which is why I chose him. Now since I brought him home, he's just been sitting on the sand or behind coral. >>To be expected. You haven't mentioned live rock or your cycle yet. I'm curious. >But this is day two and he just sits there, very slow to move if at all. Our specialist said this is normal for the first few days, and when I inspect him his breathing is normal, good color (not that it would change so soon but you get the idea), and his eyes are actively watching his surroundings. >>Your specialist is correct. I would also not attempt feeding the first day or two. Or three. >But he hasn't been eating. I've so far tried marine flakes which I assumed wouldn't work but tried anyway. >>If you're working the aquatics department, weren't you feeding him there? Why don't you try what he was eating before? >Then I'm trying the frozen Emerald Entree, the Omnivorous Formula. I've also tried seeding a piece of seaweed salad (which he LOVES eating at work) on a piece of coral right near him, also to no avail. I'm very worried because this fish is awesome, if you have any recommendations for other foods he would more eagerly pursue, I would appreciate it. I know he ate yesterday because I fed him in the morning at work so it's only been overnight but he shows 0% interest in any food, I'm sure you understand why I am worried. Is there anything I can do to help him acclimate to his surroundings, anything to help him really (moving him to my larger tanks is not an option right now, other fish too aggressive and large). But a change in diet perhaps, or any other appropriate steps. Thank you so much in advance, please get back to me, the clock is ticking! >>You need to slow down and leave the fish alone for a while. Keep the lights off or dim for a while, he's a smart one and needs time to adjust to the move. He was comfortable where he was, and now everything's new. Stop trying to feed him, as I said, stay away from the tank, try providing him with more cover--all these things will go a long way towards both making him more comfortable and making him think about his stomach. Then I would start in a day or two (after not offering food at all) with, if you can get them, live Mysis. If not, then some live bloodworms, stuff that wiggles can really get them going. Don't let him get into the habit of live, but do offer him fresh/frozen whenever possible, and VARIETY, especially of meaty foods. He may be fond of seaweed, if so then Nori soaked in Selcon is fantastic. Leave it clipped or weighted down in the tank for him to nibble on. In the meantime, don't worry so much, if he's really having trouble then you can always take him back to his old home and rethink your strategy. I will reiterate that the 20 gallon is wholly inappropriate for such a fish (even if that is what he was being housed in while for sale). Again, I'm quite curious about the cycling of this new tank, test the water, especially for ammonia and nitrite as high readings of these compounds will definitely affect a fish's willingness to feed. Best of luck! Marina Bird wrasses' mysterious flashing >Hi crew! >>Hello Rich. Marina here. >I've asked a couple questions in the past and gotten great answers. I hope you can help me with this one, as I can't find anything addressing this anywhere. >>I'll do my best. >I seem to have a couple of bird wrasses >>You're not sure? LOL! j/k >(one male, one female) with a strange habit of flashing for no apparent reason. They don't do it constantly, but have been doing it for at least a couple months now. There's nothing wrong with them that I can tell! They eat a ton, are very active, have no external parasites and generally look like beautiful, healthy fish. No other fish in the aquarium are flashing, and the water conditions are perfect as far as my testing goes (79 degrees, 1.022 SG, 8.2 PH, 0 Ammonia, 0 Nitrites, 0 Nitrates, 13 dKH, and I don't have a phosphate test kit but recently treated the tank with the Kent phosphate sponge) They get a good variety of diet as well as Kent marine Zoe for some vitamins. >>This is a bit perplexing, I would lean towards a subclinical ich infection, though. However, usually once they start "flashing" one would expect to eventually see something externally. >Are these fish just weird? >>Well, I do doubt it, Rich. >I do have a tendency to find strange specimens...I have an eel that swims all around the tank during the day, almost avoiding the 180 lb of live rock, and a banded cat shark that is addicted to 1. laying up against one of the overflows to feel the water running over him and 2. going on a ride across the tank by swimming in front of one of the returns. >>They're just happy fish with their own idiosyncrasies. The odd thing is this: if you have a subclinical infestation of ich, I would expect the shark to show it first. You could isolate the wrasses in a q/t and go ahead and treat them with copper or hyposalinity, but you can't treat the shark, and unless you allow the tank to lie fallow for at least 6 weeks, you will just be treating the wrasses only to put them back into the pickle again. I say that as long as they're not showing any other signs of stress, and as long as no other fish seem to be suffering, it's not something to worry too much about. >Thanks! Rich >>You're welcome, Marina Bird wrasse injured >Hello! >>Hi there! >How are you? >>Quite well, thank you for asking. >I have a bird wrasse that has been injured on the mouth the lower Jaw (I would say ), he got injured by fighting over a frozen shrimp with a puffer, it seems it has been cut in two, should I do something special or he will cure by itself, doesn't seem to bother him still eating well as before and swimming around should I remove him? to not be attack on the mouth by other fish (also have triggers) or he will be fine !? Thank you very much >>Holy cow! Poor thing. well, let's see here. What I would do is leave him be for now. You see, if he's continuing to eat, then that's not a problem. Also, by moving him you *could* reinjure the jaw, plus cause him just enough stress to push him over the edge. However, I would definitely have a hospital tank set up and waiting for him, along with some Spectrogram or Melafix (I prefer Spectrogram) if an infection sets in. In the meantime, give him as many supplemental feedings you can, even if it means netting the trigger for a bit so the wrasse gets HIS fill. I'd feed the trigger first, fill his belly, then contain him only if he doesn't allow the wrasse to feed. I would also use a supplement such as Selcon to soak the wrasse's food every day. Nutrition will go a long way towards helping him heal and preventing infection. Stay on top of water quality, too. Good luck! Marina Bird wrasse question Hello Mr. Fenner, I have had a male bird wrasse in my 150 gallon tank for about three years. Recently, he has become very thin. He is still active and goes right to the top of the tank when it is feeding time. When the food is poured into the tank, he stabs at it with his beak. Once the initial food drop is over, he does not eat any of the food floating in the tank. If he misses the food on the initial drop, he doesn't eat. I am feeding frozen Formula Two, frozen Brine Shrimp Plus and frozen Mysis Shrimp (all soaked in vitamins). Do you have any suggestions on how to fatten him up? Could he have internal worms which are causing him to lose weight? Any suggestions you have are greatly appreciated. <My speculations sound like yours... internal parasitic problem, perhaps a genetic expression. I would do as you are doing... offer a mix of meaty foods, flavor and nutrition enhanced by vitamins. Perhaps adding highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFAs) in a commercial soak like Selcon might stir this animals food-taking. Bob Fenner, who ate at a Filippi's Restaurant in San Diego last night with great gusto!> Stephen W. DeFilippis Wayne, IL Sick Bird Wrasse Hi, <Cheerio, Anthony Calfo in your service> I am still having problems with my 12" Bird wrasse. Since the last time I mailed you he has stopped eating , totally. It has been 7 days since he has eaten anything. I have tried everything I can think of. I even got him some fresh mussels and pried them open for him. <not even a remotely natural food... no surprise here. This animal eats crustaceans. Have you tried live feeder grass/ghost shrimp?> NO interest at all. He is now in a 55 gallon quarantine tank. He is so big 12" or so that I just put him in that tank because I thought 15 gallons would be way to small for him. His right eye is totally white, the left eye looks OK. He is still a brilliant blue color and if I prod him a little bit he will swim around the tank, the rest of the time he hides under a rock. He was in good flesh before all this started and he still seems fairly round. His belly doesn't seem sunken in. Could all this depression be a sexual hormone thing? <certainly not> I don't see any parasites or wounds on his body. He looks fine but he hides and won't eat. Should I just put back in my main 200 gallon tank and hope for the best?? <please, no... frequent moves alone are extremely stressful and can be fatal. Do leave him in place until good health returns> Or do you think it would be kinder to euthanize him?? <Yikes... I'd hate to be a napping guest in your house! Dirt naps for everybody! Hehe... no, do not give up yet. They can go for quite a while without food> Like I said before he is my favorite fish and I would do what is best for him. I haven't medicated the tank because I didn't see any signs of disease or parasites. <my friend, unless I've missed something from a previous e-mail... the cloudy eye is a conspicuous symptom of a problem. Perhaps bacterial and in need of medication. even if physically imposed, the antibiotic to prevent infection may be appropriate. Do find a medication that has both Nitrofurazone and Furazolidone in it for treatment. And feed the live shrimp ASAP to see if we can jump start the appetite> His diet has always been well balanced A VARIETY OF FROZEN, DRIED AND FRESH FOOD SOAKED IN ZOE <mostly crustaceans, again. Kindly Anthony> Thanks again, Jean Could it be a worm? (injured Bird Wrasse) Dear Bob, First I
want to thank you for helping me when I was trying to get started about
a year ago. <You're welcome> Now I feel like I know a good
deal about this great hobby and have had a happy and healthy tank for
quite some time (with great help from WetWebMedia). A few months back I
purchased a Bird Wrasse. He developed a mark on his side that looked
like a big scratch or chunk missing from his side. I assumed it was
from rocks as my Niger Trigger chased him all around the tank. As time
went on the mark began to go away and now there are faint signs of it.
During this time, he liked to swim against the rocks and scratch
himself. <You are likely correct about the source (injury) of this
mark... and the genus Gomphosus Wrasses do scratch, glance quite a bit
in captivity and the wild... natural behavior> Even after the spot
went away he kept doing it. He resembled a cat scratching against a leg
with the motion being a bit more twitchy. The other day he excreted a
long worm-looking object. It seemed to be whitish-pink with darker
rings around it. Since then he seems to be a much happier fish. Could
it have been a worm that has been living in him? <Yes> If it was,
is it gone or was that just part of a worm that still lives inside of
him? <Only time, investigation can/will tell> Another thing, I
thought maybe that the specific gravity affected his behavior. I keep
my tank .18-.19 and he seemed to like it better at around .22. Is there
any validity to this? <Yes, good observation. Better to keep the Spg
nearer to natural seawater conditions.> Thanks a million, Ben |
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