FAQs about Blue-Spotted Jawfish
Related Articles: The
Blue-Spotted Jawfish, Opistognathus rosenblatti, A Cool Fish in
More Than One Sense by Bob Fenner, Jawfishes by Bob Fenner,
FAQs on: Blue-Spotted Jawfish 2,
FAQs on: Blue-Spotted
Jawfish Identification, Blue-Spotted Jawfish Behavior, Blue-Spotted Jawfish Compatibility,
Blue-Spotted Jawfish
Stocking/Selection, Blue-Spotted
Jawfish Systems, Blue-Spotted
Jawfish Feeding, Blue-Spotted
Jawfish Disease/Health, Blue-Spotted Jawfish Reproduction,
Jawfishes 1, Jawfishes 2, Jawfish Identification, Jawfish Behavior, Jawfish Compatibility, Jawfish Selection, Jawfish Systems, Jawfish Feeding, Jawfish Disease, Jawfish Reproduction,

Re: Treatment Options Early Onset Crypt in SPS; and Blue Spotted Jaw
input 6/2/15
Hello Bob,
Thank you for taking time out of your weekend to respond to my query. I
currently supplement feeding with Selcon, but will read the material you suggest
to see what else I might do to boost immunity in situ.
<This is really about it... perhaps a double dose of iodide-ate every three days
as well>
In keeping with he above, today I spent the morning doing basic maintenance;
things like water change, skimmer cleanout, removal of detritus and the like.
While I was doing this it began to dawn on me that I may have been premature in
attributing the symptoms on the Emperor to Crypt. For example (1) there are no
signs of infection on any other fish, (2) apart form one instance about two
weeks back, the Emperor has not been scratching or "flashing" which is something
I have routinely seen in the past with this infection, (3) while I see an opaque
blemish on each lateral fin, they never quite degraded to the telltale white
dots associated with this pathogen, and (4) typically with Crypt the infection
seems to miraculously disappear after a few days to a week as the trophonts drop
off the fish, only to come back much worse after the life cycle reverts to
theronts in higher (and eventually deadly) numbers. In this case the fins never
quite cleared, but got gradually better on the left side and then appeared on
the right side of the fish.
<Ah yes; I see this>
The above new doubts about my diagnosis makes your suggestion for a more
conservative approach for now all the more cogent. In the meantime I wonder if I
might ask you to take a look at the attached photographs. The first photo shows
the left side on September 2nd. This was about a week after I first noticed the
blemish on the left lateral fin and the one time I saw the fish scratching. I
ascribed the lesion to the scratching but now I am not so sure. Over time the
lesion has substantially healed, and until last night there were no visible
signs on the right lateral fin.
The second photo was taken today and shows the right lateral fin and the
blemish, which I thought was early onset of Crypt. While you can't see it in the
photo, the eye detects some irritation on the skin/scales just behind the right
lateral fin when pressed down on the body.
<Mmm; the first pic looks like a physical trauma... the second unfortunately
appears to be the beginning of a bacterial infection... perhaps w/ a Protozoan
Could it be I am not dealing with Crypt at all but something completely
<Different almost assuredly... t'were their time I'd really like you to read
through either ed. of Ed Noga's "Fish Disease" Diagnosis and Treatment"...
expensive as an analog book, one can download as an e'... on Amazon>
Thanks again for you time and highly valued advice.
<A "furan bath" of high concentration perhaps>
P.S. - I also thought I would make a comment about the Blue Spotted Jawfish, in
the interest of sharing and posting.
<Ahh; I thank you>
When I purchased the BSJ, I made the mistake of buying the fish without detailed
research before purchasing. I did research once I had the fish in QT. I read
WWM's post about the need for deep sand bed and cold temperature. I made
accommodation with the sand bed depth. I also read in Scott Michael's book
"Basslets, Dottybacks and Hawkfishes" that the fish was collected in Gulf of
California and would be suitable in a temperature range of 70-82F.
<Mmm; ScottM and I agree on most all... but not here. I have collected
"Rosenblatt's Opistognathid" and knew the original describer (Alex Kerstitch,
RIP)... I've never been in water higher than the mid to upper sixties F. where
this fish is found. Am wondering what Fishbase.org states:
Ah, they too list it as "tropical"... Not>
I deeply regret not taking more heed of your article, but rather choosing to be
led by emotion and used Michael's reference as an excuse to sidestep your
recommendation about temperature. As mentioned previously, the BSJ never settled
into the display. While he was never harassed by his tank mates (they were very
curious about the new inhabitant) he was very
reclusive. The first day he did begin to burrow in the sand, but then retreated
in a makeshift burrow under a Montipora plate coral. I am of the opinion that
this fish also needs very docile tank mates and the stress is a contributor to
my current situation.
Ultimately I made the mistake of leaving the cover off the tank and as is
reported in the literature, he jumped out of the tank and perished. I am ashamed
that my hubris led to the suffering of this fish. I am now of the opinion that
this should be a "show piece" fish in a system dedicated to making this species
<Am bcc'g Scott here as I've mentioned his name. Bob Fenner>
Convict Blenny & Blue Spotted Jawfish
Hi there! Hope everything is well with you today! Okay so lets get right
into it. First of all, for some reason 2 things have alluded me over the
years….. one is that the Convict Blenny has been known to eat other fish
<This is so.. and Pholodichthys can get quite large>
….. yeah………. and TWO, that Blue Spotted Jawfish are cold water fish
(although I DID know about the Catalina Goby!). So here I am, wondering
WHY the temperature requirements stated for the BSJ are not shown as 55
to 72˚F, since this is so important!
<Shown by whom? It is clearly stated that this is a non-tropical fish in
EVERYTHING I have written about it; on WWM and elsewhere>
Here I sit, pouring over information, kicking myself for making just a
NOOB mistake, when well, I am not a noob! I guess we all make dumb
mistakes in the hobby as the years go on! First things first….. the
Convict Blenny (Engineer Goby) AND the subadult 5-6”
<Mmm; actually; this is about it size-wise for this species>
BSJ occupy; and peacefully I may add, the same dug out area of my 75
gallon tank. They will both be peeping out of 2 different holes at the
same time and the BSJ does not even FLINCH. (right now the BSJ has taken
over the CB hole and the CB doesn’t care… yeah he texted me, its all
lol The BSJ is so bold that he will go after my Flame Angelfish when the
flame starts his normal “I am king of the lab…. uh I mean TANK” wiggle!
It is funny that the BSJ is the ONLY fish not intimidated by the flame!
So I lowered my temperature to 78˚F, however I did it overnight with
fans, so it was not instant, and I plan to drop it to 76˚F come fall. We
are in Las Vegas, so heat is a bit of an issue. (although I wonder if I
have that much time!) I am, however, in the meantime, really worried
about all the things I am reading! The BSJ does eat well and I spot feed
him several times a day (although when I lowered the temperature from
82˚F, he is not eating as much…. I assume metabolism is slower or that
rather large chunk of Selcon soaked Krill yesterday?) and he looks
healthy, not thin, no white spots or whatever is the pre-dreaded BSJ
disease starts with..….. yet…. :( …..When everyone is eating, he is
happy to swim about the tank for quite a while then settle back into
this “den” and LOVES…. now this is a weird one….. LOVES putting his head
into the end of the bubbler tube where the air comes out!!! The tank is
completely sealed BTW because I lost one to “egg crate” which didn’t
<Ah, no... Opisthognathids can/will escape from small openings>
I did add some crushed up shells which he used a few of them, but just
for his “hole” entrance. Here are a few of my questions. First, will the
Convict Blenny become a threat to my BSJ?
AS in EAT him some day…. the CB is only 6 to 8” right now. My royal
Gramma has even gone into their “den” and emerged on his own, not
because he is being chased. It all seems odd to me as this behavior and
lack of fear is so opposite of what I read. My other fish/etc: 3 Large
Tongan Nassarius Snails, Large Cleaner Shrimp (wondering if someone … CB
or BSJ will eat him someday),
<Actually; the other way around. Stenopus are fish eaters when large,
can get their claws on such>
Solar Fairy Wrasse, Filamented Flasher Wrasse (yes those two are an
ongoing experiment…. mix up the rock when I do a water change and they
seem okay, it’s been 4 months with no death or nipped fins so far),
Royal Gramma, Cleaner Wrasse (Had him 4 months… eats my arm and Mysis
shrimp… impulse buy with the Flame Angelfish), a very DUMB tank bred
Platinum Percula who likes to host the skimmer tube, and one Picasso
Clownfish (estranged female from the Platinum….. I think she is in love
with the BSJ…. hosting a rock by his entrance… lol jk). Corals are
Frogspawn, Green Star Polyps and some lame Palythoas. Sand is not super
fine, but average.
Besides possibly buying a chiller for my BSJ, what is the highest temp
they can tolerate.
<Can reach into the seventies F... but will live much shortened life>
What is DONE TO THE BODY of a cool water fish. Does the warm water
suppress the immunity and cause illness?
<Mmm; take the time... and search for a function curve for proteins...
as a matter of... temperature I guess; but these have been generated for
other variables as well... there's a "curve" that you'll recognize for
"optimal" point; a range from there that drops off on either side of the
scale for the variable measure... Heated up animals can often thermally
accommodate up to points; but do suffer for being under and over-heated>
If there isn’t anything in the tank, I am hoping he just won’t GET ill
if this is the case. Or is the BSJ disease actually the body’s response
to warm water?
<To some extent; first and second order>
As in a complete break down of the endocrine systems or something
<This and the CNS are definitely involved; as are simple overall
protein, cellular physiological functions... 1/2mV squared... kinetic
energy (temperature) speeds up all rates of reaction>
Should I remove the Convict Blenny?
<Eh! See WWM re the species>
I really appreciate your insight. While I could just SELL The BSJ, I
would have to insist the person has a cool water tank. What temperature
could both those fish AND the BSJ co-exist in if I buy a chiller?
<Barely overlap thermally... low seventies F would be a near median
I feel obligated to make this BSJ life long and happy…. how long would
that be?
<Most only live a few months in warm settings; a few for years.
Rosenblatt's Jawfish is a current darling/fave in a few public aquarium
institutions... most kept chilled>
lol Thanks so much for all your answers and sorry if you had to read
through this several times….. I had a lot of questions. Take care!!!!
<And you, Bob Fenner>
Can't/won't respond to this mess <below>
> Subject: Convict Blenny & Blue Spotted Jawfish
> Hi there! Hope everything is well with you today! Okay so lets get
right into it. First of all, for some reason 2 things have alluded me
over the years….. one is that the Convict Blenny has been known to eat
other fish
> <This is so.. and Pholodichthys can get quite large>
> ….. yeah………. and TWO, that Blue Spotted Jawfish are cold water fish
> <Yes>
> (although I DID know about the Catalina Goby!). So here I am,
wondering WHY the temperature requirements stated for the BSJ are not
shown as 55 to 72˚F, since this is so important!
> <Shown by whom? It is clearly stated that this is a non-tropical fish
in EVERYTHING I have written about it; on WWM and elsewhere>
shown here… well ONE of many places. As I read, most people assume they
are fine at 76 to 78.
Re: Convict Blenny & Blue Spotted Jawfish..............
um, okay…. just having a conversation, you left many unanswered
questions and I thought what you had to say was interesting and I was
just posing other points of view and curiosity. Sorry that you are
having a bad day. Hope it gets better for you :)
<Am having a fab day; just don't like to sort through messy corr. Please
write out your comments if you want to communicate.
Jawfish with bulge? Misplaced sp.
Hi Crew,
As always, thank you for continuing to build up the WWM site it is a
precious resource much appreciated by all of us aquarists who continue
to learn so much from you every day!
<It is our shared passion... to share; inform, inspire fellow aquarists>
Here is a bit of info regarding my setup:
I have a 175G tank that has been running for a bit over two years. Water
parameters are pretty stable: SG 1.023, Alk 180 ppm, pH at 8.2, CA 240,
<Low for biomineralizing life; fine for fishes>
ammonia, nitrites and nitrates all below detectable levels although
temp tends to run a bit high at 80F.
<Too high for this species... read here:
The tank has a 2" inch sandbed
<And too shallow for Rosenblatt's Jawfish>
and live rock. In terms of livestock, I have:
* 1 Spotted Sweetlips (Plectorhinchus chaetodonoides) which I know, I
never should have gotten, but this was before I was an avid WWM reader.
I have given him extra care and he has been happily with me for 2 years
now, so I guess I'm one of the success stories.
<Ah yes; congrats!>
* 1 Yellow tang (Zebrasoma Flavescens)
* 1 Diamond Goby (Valenciennea puellaris)
* 3 Ocellaris clownfish
* 1 Sea Hare (Aplysia oculifera)
* 1 Blue Tang (Paracanthurus hepatus)
* 1 Blue Spot Jawfish (Opistognathus rosenblatti) - the individual in
* 1 Pajama Cardinal (Sphaeramia nematoptera)
* 1 Red Firefish (Nemateleotris magnifica)
* As well as 1 Turbo Snail (Turbo fluctuosa), 1 Fighting Conch, 1
Cleaner Shrimp, 1 Coco Worm (Protula magnifica) and a Crocea Clam
I also have a few SPS (Leather Coral, Button Polyp and a few Kenya Trees
that I fight to keep under control).
<... a factor here as well... And these need higher [Ca], proportionate
No life form has been added to the tank for 6+ months.
I am reaching out to you because my Blue Spot Jawfish (Opistognathus
rosenblatti) seems to be in trouble. He started eating very little and
even rejecting food about ten days ago. His behavior became a bit more
reclusive than normal (he has a little cave under the live rock that he
loves and tends to spend most of the time peeking out of it), although
he appeared otherwise fine. I left for a business trip for a week, and
now I came back and noticed that he has developed a large bulge in the
middle of his body - as if he had swallowed a rock - so I am concerned
about him. Last night he ate a little bit but still not in his usual
I attached a picture - let me know if it is too blurry and I'll try to
take another one.
Any ideas?
<Mmm, yes; is a tumor of some sort... could be parasitic, cancerous...
can't say w/o sacrificing the fish, other micro- work. Treatment? I
wouldn't medicate. I would move this fish to cooler water, in a system
w/ more fine sand...>
As usual a BIG, Texas-sized thank you from Houston!
<Ah, welcome. Bob Fenner>
Jawfish never stays in burrow... Jawfish Behavior\Systems
Dear WWM,
<Hi Laura>
Hope all is well at WWM.
<All is great, thanks.>
I set up a JBJ 28g LED Nano Aquarium around a Blue Spot Jawfish.
<A Beautiful fish, one of my favorites.>
I have 42 pounds of live rock in this tank, a 4" sandbed, lots of
shells and rubble for burrowing, and the tank has a covered top.
<Covered top is important, they are jumpers.>
I thought this would make any BSJ quite happy, as the his only
tankmates are a yellow clown goby and a juvenile Tailspot blenny.
<A nice stocking list for this tank.>
The Jawfish was added first. Tank parameters are: Temp: 77 degrees
constant, Nitrates: 0, Phosphates: 0, Ammonia: 0,
Calcium: 460, KH: 9. I got the BSJ 10 days ago.
<All looks good there.>
Although this fish has made small shallow burrows all over the tank
under the rockwork, he has not utilized any of the rubble or shells I
have provided for him.
<Hmm... what kind of sand? They really prefer a mix of fine sand,
with some coarser substrate like a crushed coral>
Even more interesting is that he spends his day and night swimming all
over the tank, and I mean, all over.
<That is uncommon>
He goes in and out of holes, swims freely, peeks out of caves, and
doesn't bother either the goby or blenny whatsoever. Rarely do I
see him in any of his "burrows." He lays openly out on the
sand, and eats voraciously from a pipette I use to feed him Spectrum
Pellets, and various other meaty foods. His colors are brilliant, he
shows no signs of being stressed - not a mark on him, no torn fins,
<All sounds fine there.>
Is this fish so "comfortable" he does not feel the need to
spend his time building his burrow, rearranging it, and living in it,
as Jawfish "supposedly" do, or is something wrong with him or
the conditions I have provided for him?
<Normally this is because they don't like the substrate - either
it keeps collapsing on itself, or it is too rough for its liking. Have
a read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/jawfishbehfaqs1.htm
Thanks in advance,
Re: Jawfish never stays in burrow... Jawfish behavior\system
Hi Mike,
<Hi Laura.>
Thank you so much for your reply.
<My pleasure.>
I have fine sand in the tank. I did put some shells and some rubble
pieces in, but there is no crushed coral mixed into the sand at all. I
just bought a bag after reading your response. If you could provide me
with some kind of ratio on fine sand vs. crushed coral, I would greatly
appreciate it.
<Well, make sure you rinse it well before putting it in the tank,
you want a mix of 75% fine sand and about 25% crushed coral. Just mix
it in with the sand.>
Thanks Mike, and I hope I see some burrowing activity from this guy
<Give it a few days, he should settle in.>
Re: Jawfish never stays in burrow... He is digging now!
Hi Mike,
<Hi Laura.>
I just wanted to follow up with you on my Blue Spot Jawfish. He is
indeed burrowing...big-time!
<Excellent news!>
Has made a snowdrift under a mushroom rock that is 6" high and
working quite hard on the project. I haven't seen much of him
today. He did do freestyle swimming around the tank when I
"woke" him up this morning to feed him. He apparently slept
in in his new digs until he smelled the food hit the water.
<That is normal for them. Once he gets his home built, you will see
him peeping out more and more.>
I so appreciate your advice and thought you might like to know how much
it helped me.
<Glad it helped! Enjoy your Jawfish, they are, by far, some of the
most entertaining fish you will keep.>
Re: Stocking Question/Dwarf Angel and Other, O. rosenblatti
Thank you for your response.
I have seen mention on your site of the Cool Water nature of the Blue
Spotted Jawfish. I have seen somewhat varied descriptions of what
"cool water" means. (Which I understand, as it is much like
my field of medicine - varied opinions and suggestions abound!)
<Mmm, "subtropical"... let's state somewhere
around/between 60-70 F.>
I also, though, saw one person (WWM crew member) mention that the
Multicolor Angels are also "cool water fish", because of the
depth at which they are found, and that they would be optimally kept in
cooler water. I assume the same might be true of the Deep Water Coral
<I would assume so... though, am unfamiliar w/ C. bispinosa
collected at such depths... for economic/physiological reasons of both
fishes and humans, most all livestock is collected in less than a
hundred feet>
If I modified my fish list to include possibly a different version of
Anthias/wrasse, all emphasizing a more "Deep Water Habitat",
would it be more reasonable then to house the Blue Spotted Jawfish in
the tank?
<Mmm... not really. I am attaching a not-yet published (I sell
content... writing, image work) piece on O. rosenblatti. Please
don't send this about, but do read... Not a good species for the
majority of "tropical marine captive systems">
If so, what would be the optimal temperature for this?
<Below 72 F.>
It seems that a lot of the Stony Corals (more the version I keep) are
found in deep waters also, so I thought this might be a good
perspective for my tank.
I was reviewing some articles on other fish that might fit into the
deep water category:
Thanks again,
Lynn M
<Thank you for your further sharing. BobF>
Blue spotted Jawfish, damaged -- 3/31/10
We have a blue spotted Jawfish whose mouth on the left side seems
to have turned pink & almost appears bruised I know this
isn't the best photo but he is burrowing like he does. Do you
think he is I'll or somehow hurt?
<I do... and very likely misplaced... You do realize this is a
sub-tropical species... that requires deep fine sand, very large
space front to back...
Please read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/BluSptJawF.htm
Bob Fenner>
Re: Blue spotted Jawfish -- 3/31/10
Misplaced?? Please elaborate.
<... read where you were referred>
If there is more I could or should be doing to make him happy or
comfortable I would be happy to make those changes. Maybe I
should also tell you he has lots of room but chooses to make his
burrow under the live rock. This morning he was actually swimming
all around the tank so I'm hoping that's a good sign
since normally he is quite shy.
<... I have an as yet unpublished article (in process) on
Opistognathus rosenblatti I can/could send along... but the
salient points are covered in the aforementioned FAQs file.
Re: Marine Stocking List, Achilles Tang, Rosenblatt's
Jaw sel. -- 3/14/10
Thanks for the quick reply, just a couple follow up questions, first,
since I already have the Powder Brown Tang, he's about 4" max,
and I will be adding the Achilles Tang last should he be larger or
smaller to diffuse aggression between the two?
<Discernibly smaller... Large/r Acanthurus achilles rarely do well
being caught, held, shipped... specimens in the 3-4" or so overall
length range are best for aquarium use (to start)>
My second question is, my
research on the Blue-Spotted Jawfish all suggests that his temperature
range is at least 74F-80F with some places suggesting 76F-82F,
<No my friend. I have been out in this species range... the water
temperature is rarely in the lower 70's... I'm attaching an
article written for the pulp 'zines (I'm a content provider to
the hobby and trade), that is not yet in print. Please don't post
this on the Net... for your perusal only>
I'm not implying that you're wrong it just seems everywhere has
their own idea, I plan on keeping my tank at a steady 78F which seems
to be a happy median on the requirements of the fish I plan to
<And as you'll see this species has other "not often
supplied" environmental needs (deep sand bed of material suitable
for burrow making, width of system...) that almost always results in
much shortened life spans in captivity>
My priority is the health of my fish so even though the Blue Spotted
Jawfish is a beautiful fish and I'd love to keep one, if I
can't accommodate it properly I won't risk it.
Thanks again,
<Thank you, Bob Fenner>
Re: Marine Stocking List... reef, and O. rosenblatti f'
Just wanted to say thanks for that article! I learned more about the
Blue-Spotted Jawfish from it than ALL of my other research
Hopefully you'll publish that article soon so others thinking about
purchasing one can do so with the proper knowledge.
<I do post work that runs in the pulp zines generally right after
publication. Thank you, BobF>
Blue Spotted Jawfish Temperature requirements
Hello Bob
Just finished reading your excellent article about Jawfish in the UK
magazine UltraMarine, I found it very interesting and informative and I
am looking forward to your new book on small systems. However one thing
has left me a little confused, you have the Blue Spotted Jawfish
(Opistognathus rosenblatti) listed as a cold water species but in Scott
W Michaels Reef Fishes series of books he gives its temperature
requirements as 21 to 28 degrees which is also the same as he suggests
for the Yellow Headed (Opistognathus aurifrons).
<Mmm... this is much warmer than the water this fish is ever found
in its range... 82F? More like a high of 74, summat like 23 C>
I was thinking of trying to obtain a pair of these beautiful fish (with
a view to seeing them breeding, displaying and egg carrying) for a new
large reef tank build, but now I am not sure as I wouldn't want to
invest in these only to find they were not comfortable at tropical
temperatures and not last a reasonable time (they are around
£125 each in the UK). Please could you confirm who is
correct on this fish as I respect both of you but do not know which
advice to take, I also do not want to needlessly shorten the lives of a
pair of these fascinating fish.
Regards, John Gibbin
<I'd plan on keeping them cooler. Cheers! Bob Fenner>
Blue Spotted Jawfish Injury 12/12/09
Dear Wet Web Media,
I spent several hours trying to find the right article to answer
my questions. I have had 2 ocellaris clown fish, a yellow tang,
and a blue spotted Jawfish in my aquarium for over 6 months with
not one problem.
<Mmm, I've recently penned an article on Opistognathus
rosenblatti. It's not posted on WWM pending publication in
pulp 'zines... but I want to state that this fish is
difficult to keep in most hobbyist settings long term...
Is not really tropical, but cooler water, and needs much more
room/space than folks realize, esp. for such a small species...
Like a four foot or more long and two foot or more wide sandy
bottom area footprint... With no competitors in the way of fish
life in its space>
I test my water about every 2 or 3 days and keep up with my water
changes regularly. Recently however, I made a very big mistake. I
went to a fish store near my house and ended up leaving with a
lyre-tail wrasse. It goes against my better judgment because I
was not planning on getting anymore fish. Well I should of known
better because this new fish took a decent size chunk out of my
poor jawfish's tail. I put my Jawfish in a hospital tank
<Too stressful>
and added some antibiotics to the water (Metronidazole 250).
<... this is NOT an antibiotic, but an anti-protozoal. Of no
benefit here, and in fact, deleterious>
I am really hoping he pulls through, I would like to know if his
tail will ever grow back?
<If not too badly chewed, placed in propitious
What is the likely hood that he will survive?
<Long term, not good>
I feel pretty stupid for not doing my homework prior to adopting
this wrasse.. the man at the fish store was not informative at
all about this animal, although I accept the responsibility of
not doing my research.
<I would return the Lyretail Wrasse to the store, and place
the Blue Spot Jaw in the main display, and not "treat"
its injury further. Bob Fenner>
Photograph of injured blue spotted Jawfish
Looks like a healthy specimen otherwise! BobF
Jawfish, Shrimp Goby and Pistol Shrimp compatibility
Greetings Crew,
As I know you have heard many times, another sincere thank you for the
countless hours you spend educating aquarists and the many ways you
help us to understand the complex needs of our tanks.
<A pleasure to share, understand our helping others, their systems
and livestock, and receive their gratitude>
I have researched this question, but remain unclear it it would be
workable for the safety of the animals concerned (I have contrary
related experiences on your site and wanted to ask very
<Go ahead>
Could I have a Blue Spotted Jawfish and a Shrimp Goby (and its Red
Banded Pistol Shrimp) sharing a tank?
<Mmmm, maybe... if there is sufficient room (like a five or six foot
length system), and lots of rock work, and adequate feeding of the
Opistognathus rosenblatti on a regular basis... I give good odds if so
(more than 90 %).
Otherwise the Jawfish might "bug" the Shrimp Goby too much,
perhaps even try to eat the Alpheid>
They would be the only animals, other than a small selection of corals.
It is a new LED lit, fully covered tank, with a lot of live rock
sitting directly on the bottom glass, roughly 4-5" of live sand,
with an overall size of about 32 Gallons with external refugium and
<Mmm, this volume is too small IMO/E for one specimen of this
species of Jawfish even. Though it does not get very large, O.
rosenblatti (named in honour of Dick here in San Diego at SIO, UCSD) is
a very "nervous" fish, that needs quiet, that a dearth of
active fishes and room grants.>
If the Goby and its companion are not wise with the BSJ, could I add a
Golden Midas blenny?
<Ecsenius midas would be a much better choice here... or for
something that looks and behaves very similarly, a
I think the BSJ has a terrific amount of personality (I find he watches
me as if I were the one in the aquarium!) and I would like to add
another fish with a similarly engaging personality. I have had the BSJ
for some time now in a QT, so I would move him first into the new
<If placing this fish in a 32 gallon system, I would leave it in
there by itself for a few months before trying any other VERY easygoing
Perhaps some species of Cardinalfish... DO make sure you have any
openings to/through the top completely screened. This fish is an escape
Thanks again for your always thoughtful advice.
<Bob Fenner, who has collected this fish at the terminus of Baja,
CA. Seen it on display a few times, public and private>
Lagoon System 8/1/09
Hi Crew,
Reading the dailies and good work as always.
I have a question if you have a moment. I am building a new tank, and
doing something a little out of the ordinary and though I have done
research, can't find information on some of the fine points and I
am hoping you can help me out.
I am putting together a 90 gallon lagoon system, and have a question on
the substrate. For reference, it is a standard 90 gallon tank, with a
rear overflow and return, 30 gallon sump/refugium, external
recirculating protein skimmer, lights are an ATI T5 fixture, heater and
chiller. Water movement will be by a Vortech, though as this is a
lagoon I expect I will not be running anywhere near max.
The plan for the tank will be to have a bommie on one side of the tank
to provide shelter and filter, not too large, and a five inch substrate
which will be planted with seagrass and macro algae.
For stocking I am planning on a few corals, an elegance for certain,
probably a Montipora digitata, a Sarcophyton on the bommie, and see how
much that takes up and what grows on the rock.
Fish, definitely a blue spot Jawfish,
<Mmm, Rosenblatt's Jaw doesn't really live in such a
setting, lagoons...>
and a watchmen goby with shrimp partner. Others to be names later Sea
grass will be manatee grass, star grass, and oar grass. Algae will be
red macro species.
The question I have is dealing with putting the substrate together. I
am mixing different sands together to get a mix of size grains, per Dr.
Shimek's article in Coral a couple of years ago. Will start with
CaribSea Special SeaFlor, mix in some Fiji Pink, and some very coarse
aragonite (1/4' or so grain) that I have. That will form the middle
<Sounds very nice indeed>
The bottom layer will be coarse sand to avoid anoxic sections, and the
top layer will be Fiji pink and rubble, shells, and white coral rock
whacked with a hammer (to please the Jawfish).
<Will all be mixed in short time...>
I know the seagrass will have roots about 2' from the surface, and
I will mix in some live mud in this layer;
<Put the mud at the bottom...>
but what I am not certain of is how deep each layer should be?
<The deeper the better... total at least four inches>
I only get one shot at this as this sand bed will not be so easy to
swap out. Any advice or alternatives is appreciated
Your friend and WWM Forum member
(Hi everyone at the forum reading this! You guys do such a good job
over there too!)
<Do send along progress reports, pix of your system please Dean. Bob
Re: Lagoon System... Opistognathid sel. 8/3/09
Thanks Bob,
<Welcome Dean>
Now I am really confused. You say that Rosenblatt's Jawfish
doesn't live in lagoons.
<Correct... I have collected this species myself at "Land's
end" in the corridor at the southern tip of Baja Ca.>
I have read many sources, but for this discussion will quote Fossa and
Nilsen (The Modern Coral Reef Aquarium) where they say "Jawfishes
of the genus Opistognathus are also a first choice".
This information is repeated in other places as well.
<... I am/was not disputing that these are reasonable aquarium
species; just that they are not "lagoonal">
I have got to say one of the difficult things in setting up this tank
is identifying what species are appropriate. The hobby just does not
organize information that way. I am trying to be diligent in my
research; very
Are any of these fish inappropriate?
Yellow Watchman (Cryptocentrus cinctus)
Orange Spotted Shrimp Goby (Amblyeleotris guttata)
Randall's shrimp goby (A. Randalli)
Firefish (Nemateleotris magnifica)
Green Chromis (Chromis viridis)
PJ Cardinals (Sphaeramia nematoptera)
Pearly Jawfish (Opistognathus aurifrons)
<Mmm, no... i.e., they all can be housed together, given sufficient
I do not plan to have all these fishes, but this is a list I have put
together of appropriate species for a community tank. If you have any
suggestions for something I missed I would appreciate it.
Inverts: Elegance coral,
<Very stinging, predaceous... may well eat some of the bottom
Open brain, maybe a Sarcophyton on the bommie, a derasa down the line,
tiger pistol shrimp (Alpheus bellulus). Very excited at this build.
Thanks, will keep you posted. I have tons of pix already - and it's
still dry Dean
<Enjoy! BobF>
Sick blue spotted Jawfish: Jawfish
Health\Compatibility + Overstocked + Aggression + Crypt
Hello and a "thank you" in advance for your help......
<Hi Trisha.>
I know you're going to ask so here are our stats:
90 gallon with ~75 lbs of live rock, 20 or 30 gallon fuge using bio
balls, red sea protein skimmer, 25 gamma watt UV sterilizer (been on
for about 2 weeks) stocked with a Sailfin tang, baby hippo, royal
Gramma, two clownfish, 6 line wrasse and the blue spotted Jawfish.
<Crowded tank.>
The hippo broke out with some Ich a few weeks ago and we started with
the vitamin c and garlic.
<Not a cure. Do read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ichartmar.htm
here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ichart2mar.htm >
It cleared up and then reappeared, so we got the UV sterilizer and we
know that this isn't a cure for it but can possibly help. It has
not cleared up and the Gramma has been seen with a few spots on his
<You are going to have to treat the Crypt and soon.>
We are doing ~weekly water changes and our water parameters are as
Ph 8.04 (added a bit of buffer)
ammonia: 0
phosphates: 0
nitrites: 0
nitrate: .5
Alk = 9.2
salinity 1.025 (measured with a refractometer)
Mag: 1280
calcium: 410
<All good.>
I have been unable to catch the hippo to do a freshwater dip or QT but
now our Jawfish is very sick. He has what appears to be torn fins and
something going on with his skin. His breathing is somewhat labored but
he is still eating.
<Has he ever constructed a burrow? Your substrate may not be to his
liking. Also, are you sure that none of the other fish, particularly
the clownfish or the wrasse are beating up on the Jawfish?>
We set up a hospital tank for him with a few PVC pipes so he'd have
places to hide and then placed him in the hospital tank after he was
sitting in the middle of the tank not moving much. He has ate a bit in
the tank and his breathing has somewhat calmed down.
<Likely aggression in the main tank.>
I am attaching photos to see if you can identify the problem. Some are
from our tank and some are from his hospital tank.
<He does look better in the hospital tank.>
On an extra note, I'm a little worried about a "emerald
crab" we have,
<Another potential Jawfish bully.>
I've seen him a few times and he looks more brownish than
<Without a picture, I can't tell, but Emerald Mithrax crabs do
have color variations. Further, no crab is ever to be trusted
I'm wondering if the on-line company we ordered from sent us
another type of crab and it is ,for lack of a better word, mean to the
Jawfish and does not belong in our tank.
<It is likely a Mithrax crab
Any ideas how to catch this crab?
I tried bating him with a piece of shrimp but he held on to the rock
like he was Arnold S. and I wasn't successful with getting him out
of there. The reason I'm saying this about the crab is because the
Jawfish hasn't ever really decided on a home, he kept on changing
and a few times I found him just sitting in the corner.
<This is a clue here: Jawfish need to burrow, and if they cannot,
they get stressed. It may not like your substrate.>
I know they need a 360 view so I had set up a few PVC pipes so he could
have that but he never adopted them for a home.
<Some will, some won't.>
Currently, he is in a 5 gallon hospital tank with a air-stone and a
small hang over filter.
How often should I be doing water changes-if he makes it-and how long
should he be in there?
<Water changes daily and he cannot be in there for long.
What should I be giving him as far as medications.
My LFS gave me something for him saying he thought it might be
bacterial, but this is just from what we were describing. I apologize
that I can't tell you what it is as I didn't go in, I had
another fish friend helping me out while I tried to get the hospital
tank cleaned and ready.
They said to throw the syringe out and it was amber colored-copper
<No, copper medication is normally blue-green.>
I'm sorry-I know I loaded you up with questions. Thank you for your
time and response.
<You have a few issues here. First, you have crypt (Ich) in your
system - you need to get that taken care of. Second, you have a few
fish that are inappropriate for a 90 gallon, as they will get too big
in time. At this point, I would return the Jawfish to the store
particularly in light of how expensive they are, until you get the
other issues in your tank resolved.>
Blue Spotted Jawfish with white spots. Disease?
02/09/09 Hello WWM, Before sending this email I have
searched the pages for Jawfish disease/health and have not been
able to reach an answer, so I hope that someone has seen this
before. My blue-spotted Jawfish in one of my tanks has been fine
for months but recently I have noticed he/she is developing white
patches or spots along its body. <I see these> Behavior
seems fine, no noticeable changes, appetite is normal also, and
respiration seems fine too. I guess his (we will go with
"him" for the sake of this email, sex is however,
unknown) behavior has always been a little out of character,
since he has never constructed a burrow, <Very unusual... and
a good clue here... There is something re the substrate not to
its liking... too coarse, sharp...> he prefers to hang out in
front of, or under the overhang of a piece of live rock he calls
home. My ocellaris clown also hangs out with him in this
particular location, they appear to get along well. Since these
two fish are around each other so much, I would assume if it was
a parasite the other would have it, or another fish in the tank,
but all others seem fine, including the clown. <Not
parasitic> Please look at the attached photograph and let me
know your opinion. Is this some form of disease/parasite?
<Mmm, no... mechanical injury> Could it be old age? I will
say that this particular Jawfish does not look as
"plump" as another blue spot that I have in a separate
tank (base rear of the skull appears slightly indented, not as
"full" as the other fish, it is kind of wrinkled).
Thanks in advance, Landon <Do try placing at least a sizable
tray of mixed rubble and soft coral sand in the area where this
Opistognathid "hangs out" for its use. It does need to
burrow. Bob Fenner>
Jawfish System Size Questions, sel. --
02/01/09 Hi! <Reed> I am in the process of setting up a
15 gallon high reef tank for a Jawfish (dimensions 20"L x
10"W x 17"H) with a 6-7" sand bed. It will be covered,
have a sand bed of varying grades, have about 10 lbs live rock (that is
anchored to acrylic rods for the fish's safety), and contain LPS
and SPS. I have been reading that Jawfish that reach lengths of 4"
or less should be fine in a tank as small as 10 gallons, so I was
planning to keep a blue spotted Jawfish (most places list it as
3.5-4" although the WWM info lists it as 6"). <Mmm,
Opistognathus rosenblatti? Needs more room than this... and too likely
to have problems with anything other than tropical E. Pacific
Cnidarians... yours may well sting this Jaw> I came across a
question asked on the WWM site earlier today that lead me to believe
that blue-spots may be more "high strung" than pearly
Jawfish, <I do agree with this> which has made me rethink the
idea of adding one. I don't want to add a fish only to have it
waste away. If I did not add a blue spot I would be considering a
pearly Jawfish or a black-cap Jawfish (Opistognathus randalli, I
believe). Which of these three species, if any, would be acceptable to
keep in the tank I am planning? Thanks, Reed <Either of the last
two... but... there will still be potential trouble with the
Scleractinia... Bob Fenner>
Anthias and Jaw Fish? Sel./Sys. 10/14/08
Hello Bob and Crew, <Chris> Thanks for the amazing resource!
<Welcome> I have 2 stocking questions for you. I am currently
upgrading what has been a very successful 30 gallon SPS dominated tank
(yes, required lots of overkill equipment not normally seen on a system
this small to maintain proper parameters) to a 65 gallon display with a
37 gallon sump and 20 gallon refugium. I will have approximately 50X
turnover in the main display (non laminar flow, random to keep my SPS
happy) <Ahh! Much better, and easier to maintain> Filtration for
the new system will consist of an AquaC 180 skimmer, ~100 lbs of Fiji
live rock and the fuge (on reverse daylight cycle). I will be using a
Phosban reactor and carbon reactor (carbon as needed) to maintain low
PO4 and high clarity. The system will be running an AquaController
maintained calcium reactor and Kalk reactor to maintain pH/Ca/Alk.
<Lots of automation> My current stock includes a small flasher
wrasse, a yellow assessor, a mandarin (eats Mysis) and a Banggai
cardinal. I also have a golden angel (Centropyge aurantius) that has
been in my quarantine system that I would like to add to the new tank
should it be able to prove itself generally uninterested in eating SPS
corals clams and Acans. <You'll see> (small frags/a clam will
be rotated through the QT system to assess this behavior as best as
possible.) There are two additional species I would like to add but am
wary of stocking capacity and fish behavior. 1) In the past, I have
always maintained ~1 inch of sand in my reef tanks (which was vacuumed
weekly as part of my water change routine). I have read several
opinions on this site and others re sand depth and this species. Do you
think this fish <... Opistognathus aurifrons?> be reasonably
content with 2-3 inches of sand and would it be okay to employ this
much sand with a weekly/bi-weekly vacuuming regimes? I would rather not
go into the uncharted territory of DSBs if I can help it (and would
gladly forgo this specimen if need be). <S/b fine here... may well
pile up some of this material... No big deal> 2) The other slightly
controversial addition that I would love to include but fear I may need
to forgo is a m/f pair of some sort of Anthias. I have found hugely
conflicting information in regard to the husbandry of these fish. I see
that conspecific aggression is a major issue in haremic groupings
between females or between two males. I have not been able to find any
information about the behavior of a male female pair (particularly in
the relatively small system) Pseudanthias bartlettorum seems to be on
the smaller end of the easier to maintain members of the group.
Nemanthias carberryi also seems to be a smaller species that might be
suitable (sources conflict on adult size). What are your thoughts on
putting a m/f pair of these or other Anthias in the described system?
<Some species, as you state, can/do get along in smaller numbers,
sex ratios in captivity. Bartlett's is a good choice here, but your
system is getting a bit crowded...> I do not anticipate adding
additional fish to the system beyond this stock list. Thanks for your
time and input, Chris <And you for sharing. Bob Fenner>
Re: Anthias and Jaw Fish? 10/14/08 Hello Bob (and crew),
<Chris> Thanks for your quick reply. My apology for not including
the species of jaw fish I am looking to keep! I thought i had included
that info but in retrospect i see that i did not! I wanted to house a
single Opistognathus rosenblatti <Ahh, named in honor of Dick
Rosenblatt, of SIO here (in San Diego)...> in the system. Will he
work in the proposed environment? Best regards, Chris <Mmm, I
discourage its use here... this species really needs much deeper
substrate, a much larger display to "feel comfortable"... it
would too likely perish (or jump out) quickly here. The TWA
"goldhead" would be a much more appropriate choice/try. Bob
Re: Anthias and Jaw Fish? Stkg., 10/15/08 Hello Bob (and
crew), <Chris> Thanks for the heads up on the O. rosenblatti.
<Ahh, I do wish Alex Kerstitch (one of the first to collect...) was
about still> I am finding the 65 gallon tank to be remarkably
awkward to stock. If they are not right for my system, i just assume to
forget about trying to keep the jaw fish and the Anthias. <This
really is best... perhaps the next (even larger) upgrade...> Clearly
he system is too small for most (if not all) tangs but i saw a citation
on your website where someone was told they could get away with a
Ctenochaetus sp. in this size tank. sources seem to conflict on
Ctenochaetus tank requirements (even on this site). Do you think I
would be pushing the boundaries of proper husbandry to include a
Ctenochaetus hawaiiensis in my proposed system? <Ultimately, yes...
if this setting is "too busy" with other livestock, folks
happening by, this Chevy will be very unhappy> I would think that if
I could keep this species, I would leave the fish population to consist
of the yellow assessor, the mandarin, the Banggai, the flasher wrasse
and the golden angel (should he make the cut in terms of not eating
corals...) <... and to tell you more of some "fact" (truth
if you can allow the term), C. aurantius lives in quite large
"lek" territories... about the size of a typical room in a
house... I would not stock this species here either really> I think
that my total system volume (~100-120gal) and my filtration scheme is
large enough to handle this population but I'm not so sure about
tank space. <What you hint about is very important...
Psychological/behavioral space... as you state above, a/the 65 gallon
really isn't very large> The Banggai and the mandarin occupy a
different niche in the reef than the others so they may not be in such
a conflict for territory. What are your thoughts? Thanks for your time,
Chris <You have them, welcome. BobF>
Pairing Blue Spot Jawfish 03/04/2008 I am
writing to ask if it is possible to have Blue spot jaws pair up? I
purchased a small BSJ and within a week found a larger specimen with a
substantial size head. I rolled the dice and hoped they would form a
pair. Well, little BSJ went fin to fin with large BSJ. The little one
escaped alive minus a hunk of his lip. Now each has started to settle
on different ends of the tank, and engage in stare downs. I have moved
LR to create obstructions in their sight paths. Is there any hope they
will pair? <<I Would guess not. Keeping two Jawfish such as these
does need a large amount of space between them, and i imagine in your
tank, they are literally at opposite ends>> or should I just be
happy I don't have little bits of blue and yellow very pricey fish
flesh floating about? <<Yes, be happy>> Just to add, they
are alone in a species only 30 g tank. LR and deep mixed sand bed. Just
hermits and cleaner crew. Both are eating fine, even the one with the
missing lip. <<To be honest, i would not of recommended two of
these in a tank so small>> This is my first attempt at BSJ. I
have breeding pairs of pearly jaws in 2 other tanks. But these flashy
fellas seem a very different beast, than their Caribbean cousins.
<<Indeed. More reading for you here
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/jawfishe.htm>> Thanks, Beth
<<Thanks for the questions. A Nixon>>
Jawfish/Systems/Compatibility 2/15/08 Hey
Guys, <Hi Jason> Love your site. <Thanks> I recently
purchased my second Blue Spot Jawfish for my 24G mini-reef (more on the
first BSJ, which died, in a bit). The BSJ shares the tank with a very
peaceful Chalk Bass. The fish get along fine and there is no problem
with food competition when I target feed with a baster. There is an
abundance of soft coral (zoo's, recordia <Ricordea>) and two
nice hammer corals in the tank. Pretty deep sand bed (7" in front)
and a pretty uncluttered layout, with an open area in the front of the
tank. The tank is well covered to prevent jumping. In my opinion, it is
about as good a Jawfish environment as one can create in a tank this
size. <Sounds good.> Before I ask my question, I need to jump
back about 8 months. Last summer, I bought a very healthy BSJ and
watched it waste away in the same tank, finally dying after a long 6
weeks. Although I did not know at the time, there seems to be a decent
amount of anecdotal evidence< http://www.wetwebmedia.com/jawfishsysfaqs.htm> suggesting
that the BSJ is a "cool" water fish, better suited to 72-76F
temps than the typical 78-81F tropical tank (the temp of my tank the
last time around). Indeed, the slow deterioration of my last BSJ seems
consistent with the "wasting" one might see with an
overheating fish. <Could very well have been caused by
shipping/handling stress.> In preparation of buying the new BSJ, I
lowered my tank temp to about 76F. Neither the corals nor the chalk
bass seemed to mind, and the BSJ has acclimated extremely well since
being added last week. At any rate, here is my question: how much lower
do you think I can bring my temperature down before I start to risk the
Chalk Bass and the very typical assortment of softies and hammers I
have in the tank? My main concern is that temps get a little harder for
me to control in the summer months despite having air conditioning. If
I could get the tank down to about 74F by spring, I'd feel
extremely good about the BSJ's chances...but I don't want to
jeapordize <jeopardize> the rest of the life in the tank. How low
can I go? <Between 72-78 would be acceptable for all your
animals.> Thanks, <You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
Bluespot Jawfish, avail. 8/8/07 Hello crew.
Any idea when the Bluespot Jawfish will be back in stores? <Mmm,
no... not so much a seasonal item, as just a species with a limited
distribution and collection range... Depends on when folks get out to
get it...> Also, are they able to collect them year round? Any
restrictions? <Collected from time to time, depending on when folks
travel to Baja's tip... need the money. Do have to have Mexican and
U.S. permits... but these can be had nowadays. Have your LFS contact
Quality Marine in LA. Bob Fenner> Thanks Dan
Blue Spot Jawfish, sel. - 7/20/07 I was just
wondering if you know why this fish is so rare in pet stores? I live in
Illinois and have seen the fish twice at a price of $300.00. Are they a
protected fish? Thanks Dan <Mmm, just not common or easily caught...
I knew the original describer, Alex Kerstitch... and have seen this
fish in its range: http://fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.php?id=46578
The lower third of the Sea of Cortez... Oh, and demand I guess. Bob
Re: Blue Spot Jawfish 7/20/07 Thanks
for get back Bob. I had a bsj for 4 months, water quality was great and
the Jawfish feeding appetite was excellent. He arrange the sandbed to
which he liked, <Where are the spaces between your sentences?>
and the problems started. The tank was also a reef setup with corals on
the sandbed, which he no longer cared for. The Jawfish would blow sand
all over the corals on the sandbed, and on the corals that where higher
on the live rock. <What they do> It was a everyday event to get
the sand off the corals, and I finally gave up. I return the fish for a
store credit,8 months later jaw is still in the display tank, and I
regret giving him up. Thanks for the excellent article on the Jawfish,
I'm ready to purchase another one. I think the two problems that I
didn't know were, not giving the bsj any rubble to make his den,
and not enough space with the corals on the sandbed so he could a 360
view. I would appreciate any comment you have. Thanks Dan <Good
points... BobF>
Blue Spotted Jawfish...Behavior Questions 5/18/07 WWM,
<Shawn.> Just purchased a Blue Spotted Jawfish from my LFS about
2 weeks ago. <Neat.> I placed him in my main tank the other day.
He started to make his burrow that evening after he was placed in the
tank for several hours. My question is this morning he started a new
burrow about a foot or so from the original one. <Not uncommon for
them to have multiple, especially if they are the only animal in the
tank that inhabits that niche.> I have read that these little guys
will make burrows until there happy with one. <True.> So finally
my big question will he or she go back into any of these other burrows
that where built? <Perhaps, perhaps not...depends in the individual
really. It is not uncommon for them to have an "area" or
territory and have multiple burrows within that territory that they
inhabit.> Also will he or she take any of the rubble that was used
in constructing the other burrows? <Might, might not, is really a
question of individual behavior.> Thanks for your help.
<Anytime.> Shawn <AJ.>
Re: Opistognathus rosenblatti 1/29/07 Thank you
so much for your quick reply BOB lol Sorry, but for some reason I
always think you're a Ron. <I hope you like him... too!>
I'm a bit confused as to why all the books list them as a tropical
species... when in fact they are not. I have searched many sites and
read many books and have not seen this fish ever listed as a cool water
species until I found the German reef site. This incredible fish has
been basically wasting away in our tanks because of it. I'm at a
loss as to why this "new knowledge" isn't being published
in more reef and fish magazines, books, forums etc. Reef keepers must
be made aware of this change. In my humble opinion, anyways. thank you
Lynn McKinney <Mmm... you can search the location sites given on
Fishbase.org: http://fishbase.org/museum/OccurrencesList.cfm?id=46578
and in turn the weather/water temp. data for these localities... not
all that warm, I assure you. BobF>
Blue Spotted Jawfish ... beh., hermit health, supplement
use... 5/9/06 Hi, I have a 75 gallon reef tank. Everything in my
tank has been doing fine. I have a 4-inch Yellow Tang (Zebrasoma
flavescens), 3-inch Clown Tang (Acanthurus lineatus), <Not easily
kept> 3-inch 5 Bar Mystery Wrasse (Pseudocheilinus ocellatus), 1
1/2-inch Sixline Wrasse (Pseudocheilinus hexataenia), 4-inch Lawnmower
Blenny (Salarias fasciatus), 3-inch Hawaiian Cleaner Wrasse (Labroides
phthirophagus), <Ditto> and just purchased a 3-4 inch Blue
Spotted Jawfish (Opistognathus rosenblatti ). I have a hammer coral, a
torch coral, a Lobophyllia brain coral, a Kenya tree coral, and a
couple button polyps. The lighting is four 65 watt compact fluorescents
and one 40 watt regular fluorescent bulb. The sand/coral rubble is
about 4 to 10 inches deep (ten behind the rocks and about 4 to six
inches in the open). There is a 55 gallon sump, about 60 lbs. of live
rock, two Magnum 350s (one on the sump and one on the display) display
one only runs carbon), a Whisper 60 on the display for circulation with
nothing in it and the main pump is a Via Aqua pump (600 gph), and there
is a sea clone protein skimmer on the sump too. I have 4 questions. 1)
I had a Electric Blue Hermit Crab (Calcinus elegans) in the tank. It
always was in its shell and seemed tipped over. Plus whenever I put it
on the rocks it would fall off and didn't move much. Why is this?
<The item you mention below, the addition of supplements directly to
the system is very likely the root cause here> 2) That same hermit
crab was dead after the addition of the Blue Spotted Jawfish. I saw
what was left of its legs along with the shell on the bottom. Could the
Jawfish have eaten it. <No, not likely> 3) In the back of the
tank where the crushed coral and some sand reaches about ten inches
deep the Jawfish decided to make its burrow there. I couldn't find
it for two days and after one day I went out and bought a lid for the
tank knowing they are jumpers. Its burrow is very deep. There is about
4 inches right on the back glass and maybe another 4 below because the
fish is about 3-4 inches. I know this seems like a favorable spot
seeing as he/she can have such a nice burrow but is there anyway that
it will maybe come to the front of the rocks or tank so that I
won't have to go behind the tank to view it? <Not likely, though
it may become more outgoing with time> 4) My hammer coral keeps its
polyps retracted almost all the time. They aren't completely
retracted but they aren't out like they are suppose to be. My torch
coral is doing great along with the others and both are on the same
level in the tank and the torch might be getting slightly less light
than the hammer coral. I threw that in because both are Euphyllia
corals. Calcium is added daily and strontium molybdenum is added every
Sunday. Can you tell me why this may be? <... not a good practice to
add such supplements directly to tanks. Add them through your regular
water changes, through pre-mixed water... Covered on WWM. Bob
Fenner> Thanks, Tim Morrissey P.S. Do you have any really cool ideas
as far as fish for my tank? Also considering the bioload I have now,
about how many more fish could my system handle? <Your system is
already "full-up" fish-wise with what you list. Bob
Opistognathus rosenblatti- acclimation - 04/27/06 I
have a 300G. reef tank. (96in.X30in.X24in.). I have a rather open
aquascape: 1/3rd of the tank is a rounded slope; narrow at the top to
almost the top of the tank, widening in a rounded fashion as it meets
the substrate. In the middle, a islandic bommie to maybe 1/2 the height
of the tank. The right third is a series of caves to about 2/3rd the
height of the tank. The substrate is sugar fine sand and moderately
coarse aragonite 5 to 7 inches deep. There are many, many nooks,
crannies and hiding places. I have had a Opistognathus rosenblatti in
the tank for better than 8 months. Unfortunately he died when he jumped
out of the tank (stress related to the capture of another fish?).
<They just do this> He had no trouble burrowing, and hiding when
necessary. At any rate, I have purchased another Opistognathus
rosenblatti, and have read that when acclimating a Jawfish one should
leave the lights on at least overnight, or some sort of night light
(re: Scott Michaels). <A good idea, practice> I put him in the
tank this past Sunday A.M. and made sure ALL possible exits from the
tank were covered. He swam around and retreated to the back of one of
the caves, he never displayed any gasping. Only my Harlequin Tusk
showed any interest in the Jawfish, <Can eat it> and whenever the
Tusk came near the Jawfish, the Bluespot flared at the Tusk, but never
ran. Only once did the Jawfish display any jumping behaviour. On this
past Monday morning, the Opistognathus rosenblatti was on the opposite
side of the tank, near the bottom. Although I could not see that he had
actively burrowed, he was using one of the crannies in the rockwork and
had piled up some rubble in front of this area. Interestingly this is
right next to another small cave-like area (the previous Jawfish had
excavated this) that the tusk uses to hide and sleep in. The Jawfish
has eaten enthusiastically each day. Monday afternoon I noticed that
the Bluespot was up in the upper left corner of the top of tank, and
mainly seems to have remained there. He does NOT seem stressed,
<Should be on/in the bottom...> he eats, he is not gasping. As I
have mentioned the rock work reaches almost to the top of the tank on
this side, and the Jawfish bounces in and out of the rock work in the
same manner as Jawfish bounce in and out of a burrow. Okay, so the
Opistognathus rosenblatti has been in the tank 3 days, but should I be
worrying about his hanging at the top of tank, rather than actively
burrowing? <I would, yes> I noticed that even with the previous
Jawfish I had, he would occasionally swim about the top of the tank,
not just hang around his burrows (Opistognathus aurifrons seem to stay
near their burrows much more than Opistognathus rosenblatti). There are
really too many hiding places in the tank to get a fish out without
completely dismantling the rock work. The Tusk doesn't even seem
interested in the Jawfish any longer. <...> I guess what I'm
wondering is should I be worrying, and is there anything I can do it
about it anyway? <?> Any thoughts from anyone? <Always keep
your beer in a cool place> I hope I've not been too long-winded.
Thanks so much, Dave Harvey p.s. any thoughts, hints, tips regarding
Jawfish care would be greatly appreciated. DH <Mine are posted on
WWM. Bob Fenner... friend of Alex Kerstitch (RIP), the discoverer of
this species, and acquaintance of Dick Rosenblatt... Bob
Jawfish M.I.A.? 2/10/06 Hello, <Hi there! Scott F.
with you tonight!> Just a quick question for you. I received a blue
spotted Jawfish from the Marine Center yesterday. <An excellent
source!> A friend of mine acclimated it (he is a professional tank
service person anyway'¦) while I was at work. <Hope he
quarantined it first?> He said it was unbelievably nice. The only
problem is I can't find it anywhere. I figure that its just hiding.
Is this normal, if so how long until I should be worried'¦?
Tank is a 150 gallon reef, sand bed ranges from an inch to six inches,
mostly on the deeper side of the range. I would say the fish load is
rather low. 1 purple tang maybe 5 inches. 1 Hippo Tang about 3 to four
inches. 1 Bellus Angel (awesome..) a Pink-Spotted Goby, a Black Percula
in a Rose Anemone and 2 Pajama Cardinals. I think I have a pistol
shrimp in there somewhere... I hope this fish does well as they are now
nearly impossible to maintain and very expensive. Make me feel better!
Thanks as always, Brian J Ferraccio <Well, Brian- I don' have a
Crystal ball, but I do have a lot of experience with little fishes in
big tanks! Generally speaking, these types of fishes, including
Jawfishes, will hide for some period of time after their introduction.
Once they are "settled in" and construct a burrow, they will
be much more visible. Give him a little time and I'm sure that
he'll show himself at some point! Enjoy! Regards, Scott
Blue spotted Jawfish Hello there. I have been looking
into getting a blue spotted jaw for my 55g reef, but I still have a few
questions. First off, it looks like brittle stars are not good tank
mates for them, as well as the serpent stars. I currently have a large
brown brittle star, and was wondering if I should remove it before the
introduction of the jaw. <yes...they are generally territorial
towards other benthic animals> Also, it is about 10" across,
<nice...almost eatin' size...hehe> so do you have any
recommendations to animals that could substitute for it's
"detritivore" capabilities and stirring the sand? <a
smaller goatfish species would be interesting and quite effective.
Sturdier starfish too like the sand burrowing star (Archaster typicus)
AKA "White Linckia" from Indonesia> Also, once I get some
various rock sizes, and the jaw makes his home, is he likely to keep
digging all over the place and making new burrows, or will he mainly
stay in the one he built? <many homes in time> I ask because I
have some LPS on my sandbed, that I don't want to have buried.
Thanks. <just be sure to keep species that can shed sand (no open
brains but Fungiids for example are good. Best regards,
Blue spotted Jawfish Hey guys. Just got a blue spotted
Jawfish. I usually quarantine all my fish for a minimum of 3 weeks.
<excellent... 4 weeks/better> Anyhow, the quarantine tank is a
bare bottom tank. Is the Jawfish ok, for a few weeks in a bare bottom
tank (some PVC) ? <PVC tubes of varying diameters are likely fine.
But if the fish back into a corner of the aquarium... offer a butter
dish of new dry sand to reduce the stress> I know they like to
burrow, but just curious if this is an innate need, or something they
like to do. <eh... really a big deal for their behavioral
needs/stress> I don't have substrate in the tank since I
occasionally need to medicate in there. <agreed...all QT must be
bare-bottomed> Should I set up something small and put substrate in
there, or is he ok. Thanks for all the help. Jim <good thinking
overall... kudos to you. Anthony>
Treatment stress versus illness First, as with so many
before me, I'd like to express my heartfelt thanks for all the
conscientious advice you've (all) given on the subtle art of salt
critter care. _The Conscientious Marine Aquarist_ has been my unfailing
guide for the several years I've been in the hobby, and I've
found no other printed source that compares favorably to it. Likewise,
this site is extremely helpful. However, having read the FAQs and many
letters and responses on parasitic diseases and troubleshooting, I
remain in a quandary and hope you can help. <We'll try> The
set up: I am transitioning from a 3 year old 30 gallon small peaceful
fish and live rock tank to a 60 gallon fish and hardy invert/tolerant
corals tank with a plenum, deep (over 4") aragonite/live sand bed
with a separator at 1 1/2 " depth to protect the plenum from
diggers, more intense lighting (240 watts of pc lighting, 50% white and
50% actinic), approximately 100 lbs of live rock, brisk (20x/hour)
circulation divided between several pumps, and air-driven skimming
(which seems to kick the tar out of our finicky Venturi skimmer in
terms of skimmate production). <The usefulness of various skimmers
labeled as "Venturi" type is huge in variance> The new
tank has been cycled for a few months and is maintaining good, stable
conditions (zero ammonia and nitrite, falling nitrate as the plenum
comes into effect -- it seems to have a longer maturation time -- pH
8.2, salinity 1.0235 at 78 F, dKH 8. <Yes... a general
"rule", the larger the system, the longer to establish>
The tank went through a diatom bloom and a little red slime production,
both of which were eaten by the cleanup critters (a variety of snails
and small hermits) or passed away naturally as conditions matured. Once
everything looked good, we started moving stock. Sadly, we had little
old stock to move as the switch was catalyzed by the fact that the
lighting on our 3 year old Eclipse hood had been shocking our old
system, quietly killing our fish. We put a stop to that when we noticed
frayed fins, heavy breathing, and some slight lateral line erosion on
our pair of true Percula clowns and psychedelic mandarin goby, all of
which have been with us for the whole three years (yes, we bought the
dragonet before we bought the book that told us not to, but with 60 lbs
of live rock in a 30 gallon system and lots of live brine enriched with
Selcon and VitaChem he was thriving until the electrocution began. The
dragonet was the first to move, as the critter-rich waters of the newer
system seemed to offer his best chance of recovery. He has been
feasting there for several weeks and is very active and slowly
fattening again, but has a bald (colorless) patch on top of his head
which neither recovers nor worsens. <This will hopefully improve
with time> It is not as "dimensional" as the hole in the
head pictures I've seen, but I assume it's a combination of
nutritional issues and electrocution. Nonetheless, he's doing well
and really pigging out on enriched brine and all the life in the new
tank. Next we added a store bought royal Gramma. We dipped him but our
treatment tank was already occupied by the Percula clowns, as their
electrocution damage evolved into a very deep-seated and stubborn
fungal infection of the mouths, which we are still treating. The Gramma
was bright and beautiful for almost a week, then developed a heavy
whitish slime and -- since we were totally unable to catch him -- died
in two days. We waited in terror to see if the dragonet would show
signs of infection, but none developed. So we bought two Banggai
cardinals, dipped and quarantined them with the clowns for a week and a
half and then added them to the tank. All was well, and still is with
the dragonet and cardinals. Here comes the dilemma. After a month of
looking, my reef retailer was able to acquire a blue-spotted Jawfish --
my long-time dream fish -- for me. He suggested that the fish would
undergo less stress if dipped and placed immediately in the system he
was destined for. Since the hospital tank does not have a sand bed for
him, I agreed and so after a long dip and acclimation I placed him in
the tank. After a scary while of sitting in stun on the floor, he set
up a deep little burrow for himself and moved in. On the second day he
started eating hungrily (flakes, strangely enough, ignoring all live
food offerings). But he is extremely noctophobic, leaping out of his
burrow and cowering when the lights go out, so we've had to give
him a "night light" to keep him from freaking out. <Good
idea> Anyway, morning of day three (today) he is sick, with clumps
of very dimensional (over a millimeter high and wide and somewhat
uneven) white clumps and a few "strings" of white body slime
as well, which I presume is a reaction to whatever's eating him.
He's still eating, and given how stressed he is I'm afraid to
stress him more by moving him to a treatment tank or dipping him.
However if we're looking at Oodinium or Brooklynella it seems from
reading your site that he has little chance of recovery, none without
treatment, and has probably already infected the whole system. So, what
do you think the disease is, and what would you do were you in this
situation (given, yes, that you would never have put an unquarantined
fish into your tank in the first place). Sorry for the length of the
inquiry, but I feel that detailed information is crucial to looking at
things in a whole-systems approach, as you advocate. Thank you in
advance for your help! Ananda <At this point I would try adding a
cleaner species or two, and otherwise "hope for the best". I
agree with your assessment of the role of stress here and the
likelihood of improvement with further movement. Bob
Sores on a Jaw Fish I have a blue spot Jawfish that has
2 small sores on near the base of his tail fin. Due to the nature of a
Jawfish, he spends mush of his time with his head out of his dugout
when I am at the front of the tank. Of course, if I back up, he'll
hover in the column, but then I can't see the injury well. I'm
sure you get the idea. <I think so, yes.> So far this problem has
existed about a week, but I do not see the wound healing or getting
worse - it seems to be on the balance, in limbo. <These types of
things take time - more like a month.> I have a Q-tank that is
unoccupied, so I could move the fish BUT, is the difficulty and stress
of trying to extricate a Jawfish worth the move? <Probably not
unless the spots start to spread.> (tank is 30" deep and the
Jaw is well dug in) Is there a greater risk of damage in trying to get
the Jaw to the Q-tank than the risk of the sore getting worse?
<I'd be concerned about both.> Thanks a lot. BTW. I got my
signed book the other day, "Reef Invertebrates". It's
quite impressive. I'm soaking in every page, and letting my
children check out all the pictures! You did us all a favor with this
book! <I'm glad you are enjoying it.> Bill Roh <Cheers, J
-- >
Blue Spot Jawfish Blues Hi Bob, <Anthony Calfo in
the house... rapping to a funky beat... while mix-master Bob gets new
gold caps on his front teeth (one tooth with a fish stamp cut out of
the gold to let the enamel shine through> I was hoping that you
could give me some advice before I invest in a rather expensive fish.
My tank is 30 gallons and includes one of each: Halichoeres chrysus -
golden wrasse Paracanthurus hepatus - blue tang True Percula Clownfish
(All of these fish are very small - 2 inches or smaller) Pistol Shrimp
- Synalpheus species Cleaner Shrimp - Lysmata amboinensis I am
seriously considering buying a Bluespot Jawfish and want to know what I
need to change (if anything) in my tank in order to accommodate this
fish's needs. <I seriously recommend that you don't buy this
fish for such unnatural company. Such Jawfish are best in species tanks
with very deep (6-12") sand of an appropriate grain> I want to
make sure that this Jawfish is comfortable and healthy. <species
tank only my friend> My plan is to add 1 or 2 watchman gobies
eventually. Are they OK with the Jawfish? <Yowsa!!! a surefire way
to stress the Jawfish if not elicit an all out war among like
competitive benthic creatures! Way bad, dude> Any chance that the
Bluespot Jawfish would pair up with my pistol shrimp the way that they
do with shrimp and watchman gobies? <what are you smoking? Heehee...
seriously... Ahhh, no. Commensals almost ALWAYS have to be collected
together. At least the species has to be natural, and more often they
literally have to be collected together. Not going to work unless you
find a pistol from the Sea of Cortez... good luck> Once again, thank
you for all your great words of advice. <and thank you for putting
up with my humor as well. Anthony>
Blue spotted Jawfish question Hello I purchased a blue
spotted Jawfish the other day. I have a 75 gallon tank that has about
3-6 inches of sand, depending where in the tank, that is made up of
many different sizes. I have also added some larger building rubble. I
also have a small yellow tang and 2 Perc. clowns. my concern is that
since the fish has been in the tank it has been hiding behind one of my
base rocks in the back of the tank where there is almost no substrate.
I know this fish likes a 360 degree view, so is he just waiting until
he is very comfortable to build. <Likely so... that and very
frightened no doubt from capture, being moved about.> other than
that it seems to be fine, no problems feeding. just kinda wondering if
I'm ever going to see this fish I spent so much money on. any help
would be great. thanks, Jesse Lancaster <Maybe, maybe not. Take care
to prevent it jumping out (very common). Bob Fenner>
Get In Your Hole! 4/7/03 Hi there :)<Hey Will, you
got Phil, or Bozek on the forums.> Did any of you guys check out my
thread on the message board that I got a Blue Spot Jawfish for
$50?<Ya, GREAT deal!> Hmm, hehe, well..<You lucky....>
It's doing really well- eating like a piggy, defending his
territory against wanton snails, and didn't jump last night- but he
hasn't made a burrow yet. He's just hanging out in the rocks as
if he were in a burrow-- ya know, hovering a few inches over his hole,
etc. I've read that they should make their burrow on the first
night, and my guy didn't do that.<I read a book that said all
tanks need an UGF, so not everything goes as we read. As much as we
would like things to go on time that don't always. I don't see
anything to worry about. He is eating and that's really good. Just
make sure nobody else is picking on him.> Is that normal?<See
above> Thanks!<No problem Will. I'm sure he will be digging
his burrow soon, good luck and post some pics of the little guy! Hope
this helps! Phil>
Re: Jawfish Won't Come Out 4/9/03 Stupid Jawfish!<LOL>
He's still just hanging out in the rocks...<Give him more time,
I'm sure he will come around.> Oh well, give him time I
guess...<Or maybe a beer... j/k plez don't try this. :) >
Thanks for your input Phil.<No problem Will> See ya around the
boards!<See ya> -Will<Phil>
Mixing Jawfish? 3/24/03 I would be grateful for an opinion on
Jawfish compatibility: <easy one... they are scary territorial>
Can more than one Blue-Spotted Jawfish get along in and 80G tank?
<probably... seek females (smaller head/jaw, buccal cavity)> How
about one Blue-Spotted and one Yellow-Headed? <not recommended...
but a very tight cover on the tank for all is... they are serious
jumpers> More than one Yellow-Headed? <perhaps yes... 2... not
more than 3 conspecifics. All need very deep substrates too. Some say
12" ideally. Most all say 6" minimum> What about Dusky
Jawfish--can they be kept more than one to a tank? <indeed, not.
Quite aggressive to each other.> Thanks! <best of luck... do try
to purchase a pair/trio from the same tank/dealer for better chance of
compatibility. Anthony>
Gobies and Jawfish >Hey Guys, >>And gals. Marina
here. >Is it alright to have a Blue Spotted Jawfish and a
Amblygobius phalaena Goby >>Do you mean "Amblygobius"?
Check this link for information--> http://www.wetwebmedia.com/amblygobius.htm
>in a 135g together? There will also be a Purple Tang, Ocellaris
Clown, Flame Hawk, Blue Hippo and possibly another Tang. Also, can
gobies of different species be kept together in a system this size
(Amblygobius Phalaena and Mahidolia mystacina)? >>To the best of
my own knowledge, care should be taken with animals that occupy the
same niche, or have very close taxonomy. I would exercise care, and not
try to mix similar species. Look here for a bit of information on the
shrimp gobies (which I think would do alright with the Jawfish or the
A. phalaena) http://www.wetwebmedia.com/shrimpgobies.htm
>Last questions, are Copper banded Butterflies truly reef safe?
>>Generally, yes, though there are always stories of some that
may get a bit nippy with some types of corals. Keep them well-fed and I
would expect few problems. >And I have read and heard that they will
eat Aiptasia Anemones, is that true, and would they eat an Anemone like
a Curlicue or a Bubble Tip Rose Anemone? >>I've heard the
same as well, it's not an "always" kind of thing. Also,
to the best of my knowledge curly-cue's are an Aiptasia, I've
never heard of a Copperband getting nippy with the larger anemones
(especially if it's being hosted by clowns). >Thanks for your
time, Nick Shushkewitch >>You're welcome, Marina.
Blue spotted Jawfish question Hello I purchased a blue
spotted Jawfish the other day. I have a 75 gallon tank that has about
3-6 inches of sand, depending where in the tank, that is made up of
many different sizes. I have also added some larger building rubble. I
also have a small yellow tang and 2 Perc. clowns. my concern is that
since the fish has been in the tank it has been hiding behind one of my
base rocks in the back of the tank where there is almost no substrate.
I know this fish likes a 360 degree view, so is he just waiting until
he is very comfortable to build. <Likely so... that and very
frightened no doubt from capture, being moved about.> other than
that it seems to be fine, no problems feeding. just kinda wondering if
I'm ever going to see this fish I spent so much money on. any help
would be great. thanks, Jesse Lancaster <Maybe, maybe not. Take care
to prevent it jumping out (very common). Bob Fenner>
Blue spotted Jawfish Hey guys. Just got a blue spotted
Jawfish. I usually quarantine all my fish for a minimum of 3 weeks.
<excellent... 4 weeks/better> Anyhow, the quarantine tank is a
bare bottom tank. Is the Jawfish ok, for a few weeks in a bare bottom
tank (some PVC) ? <PVC tubes of varying diameters are likely fine.
But if the fish back into a corner of the aquarium... offer a butter
dish of new dry sand to reduce the stress> I know they like to
burrow, but just curious if this is an innate need, or something they
like to do. <eh... really a big deal for their behavioral
needs/stress> I don't have substrate in the tank since I
occasionally need to medicate in there. <agreed...all QT must be
bare-bottomed> Should I set up something small and put substrate in
there, or is he ok. Thanks for all the help. Jim <good thinking
overall... kudos to you. Anthony>
Blue spotted Jawfish Hello there. I have been looking into
getting a blue spotted jaw for my 55g reef, but I still have a few
questions. First off, it looks like brittle stars are not good tank
mates for them, as well as the serpent stars. I currently have a large
brown brittle star, and was wondering if I should remove it before the
introduction of the jaw. <yes...they are generally territorial
towards other benthic animals> Also, it is about 10" across,
<nice...almost eatin' size...hehe> so do you have any
recommendations to animals that could substitute for it's
"detritivore" capabilities and stirring the sand? <a
smaller goatfish species would be interesting and quite effective.
Sturdier starfish too like the sand burrowing star (Archaster typicus)
AKA "White Linckia" from Indonesia> Also, once I get some
various rock sizes, and the jaw makes his home, is he likely to keep
digging all over the place and making new burrows, or will he mainly
stay in the one he built? <many homes in time> I ask because I
have some LPS on my sandbed, that I don't want to have buried.
Thanks. <just be sure to keep species that can shed sand (no open
brains but Fungiids for example are good. Best regards, Anthony>
Blue spotted Jawfish. Hi, I just got a blue spotted Jawfish
from Jeff's Exotic Fish and I was curious about what is best to
feed them? Sometimes he will eat stuff I put in the tank but none of it
seems to be sufficient. Any ideas? Thanks! <Please read here:
http://wetwebmedia.com/jawfishe.htm and the FAQs beyond. Bob Fenner>
Plenum, Yes! Jawfish-No! Bob, <Scott F. on call
today> I have a 75 gallon reef tank with a plenum. It has been
working very well. I would like to add a blue spotted jaw fish to the
tank, but I'm concerned that even with the protective screen below
the first layer of sand the jaw fish will disturb the plenum system to
the point of severe problems with my system. What do you think?
<Your concern is definitely valid. Even with the plenum screen in
place, It is too disruptive to have this fish in a plenum-equipped
tank, IMO. I'd rather keep these guys in a separate aquarium
assembled just for their special needs. The fish will do better,
display more readily, and both you and the fish will be happier in the
long run. Good luck! Scott F.>