FAQs on Violet Gobies
Related Articles:
There's a Dragon In My Tank! The bizarre and beautiful Dragon Goby By Jeni
C. Tyrell, Fresh to Brackish Gobioid
Related FAQs: Dragon/Violet Gobies 1, Dragon/Violet Gobies 2, & FAQs on:
Dragon/Violet Gobies
Identification, Dragon/Violet
Gobies Behavior, Dragon/Violet
Gobies Compatibility, Dragon/Violet Gobies Selection, Dragon/Violet Gobies Feeding, Dragon/Violet Gobies Disease, Dragon/Violet Gobies Reproduction,
& Brackish Water Fishes in
Large (at least sixty gallons), well-established,
brackish... some open decor to hide in... sandy
bottom to burrow in...
Goby Trouble; sys., beh. 5/25/18
Hello Crew! I'm a little rattled this morning as my Dragon Goby made a
suicide attempt.
<Oh yes; they are "escape artists">
I had come back in from taking the dogs out and found him on the floor (I got to
him before the dogs did). He couldn't have been out long because he was not
there when we went out and we were only outside for 15 minutes. I immediately
got him back in the tank, he swam away, and now he's sitting on his PVC tube
looking at me. He was not dried out when I found him, does not have any physical
injuries that I can see, and his gills are moving normally. I found where he
pushed the tank lid up and set a fairly
heavy rock on it.
<And cover over all holes large enough for it to get out>
So a little recent background, back on May 10th (I keep a journal on all the
tanks), I did the normal water change (about 20 gallons from a 72 gallon tank)
and the regular monthly filter cleaning. Everything
seemed fine when I was done but when I came back in from outside, the room
around the tank was flooded because one of the hoses (the return to the tank
hose) on the canister filter (those ribbed hoses on the Fluval 405) was split
and gushing water.
<Yikes! Glad you caught it>
I got it shut down but, to my absolute horror, when I looked at the tank I
estimated that I had lost
about 40 gallons. So with the weekly/monthly maintenance plus the hose
splitting, this tank (72 gallon) lost about 60 gallons in two hours.
I knew I was in trouble, so I replaced the water, checked the salinity (1.004
SG), added two capfuls of Prime, and hoped for the best. I started testing the
following morning and have been adding Prime and
testing daily ever since. For the first three days, everything seemed fine, but
I knew better than to think it would be that easy. Sure enough, after day three,
I had ammonia, only .25 ppm, but it was there.
<Toxic; debilitating>
The ammonia never went any higher and turned over pretty quickly (about two
days) and the nitrite started to climb (I'm using Prime daily throughout this
and I still am). It got to .50 ppm but has since come down to .25 ppm. Nitrate
stayed steady below 20 ppm.
So after I got the Goby back in the tank this morning, I tested again and the
ammonia is still zero, the nitrite is still .25, and nitrate is still below 20
ppm. Salinity is steady at 1.004 SG. But I noticed the heater light was off,
which is unusual because it's still very cold here in the mornings. When I
checked the temperature, it had dropped to 72 degrees in the tank (this had to
have happened fairly recently as I always check temperature during weekly
maintenance and last Monday everything was fine). I put in a backup heater and
I'm now re-warming the tank to its normal 77 - 78 degrees. But in my constant
quest for the "why" in everything, I'm wondering if the drop in temperature
could have triggered the suicide attempt.
<Mmm; doubtful>
This tank has a fairly tight fitting lid (egg crate)so he had to exert some
effort to get out.
*Renee *
<Bob Fenner>
Re: Goby Trouble 5/26/18
So you think this was just the Goby's natural tendency to "wander off?"
<Yes I do>
I guess I was hoping the temperature was what set him off and that warming up
his water would prevent him from trying this nonsense again.
<Mmm; no. Sometimes having floating plants (a fave, Watersprite, Ceratopteris)
and/or quickly moving surface fishes (e.g. Barbs of size) will help deter such
escapades... But/otherwise a secure/complete cover is the route to go. >
I've attached a picture of the "egg crate" lid I use on all the tanks (the one
in the picture is on a different tank but I use the same stuff on the Goby's
tank just cut to fit a bowfront).
<Very nice!>
I cut this material so it just barely fits and I have to push it down into place
(maybe that's how he got out'; I may not have gotten it pushed down all the
<Mmm, likely about the hang on power filter... I'd cut a pc. of Eggcrate, put
this on top of the current one, around the filter area>
The part of the lid I found pushed up was right next to the space I cut for the
output hose and I made sure to leave no extra space around it. It's plastic and
the squares are no more than 1/2" x 1/2". The Goby is 10 inches long and his big
old head would never even come close to fitting through them. Plus there is a
48" aquarium light that sits on top of it. Anyway, I can't shed an eyelash
around here without hitting a rock,
<Interesting saying>
so I'll bring some inside to put on all corners of the lids.
<Real good. Cheers, Bob Fenner>
Re: Goby Trouble 5/26/18
Thank you!
<Welcome. B>
Goby Trouble /Neale 5/26/18
Hello Crew! I'm a little rattled this morning as my Dragon Goby made a suicide
attempt. I had come back in from taking the dogs out and found him on the floor
(I got to him before the dogs did).
<Yikes! Never heard of this for a Dragon Goby, but always a risk with large
fish, especially eel-shaped ones.>
He couldn't have been out long because he was not there when we went out and we
were only outside for 15 minutes. I immediately got him back in the tank, he
swam away, and now he's sitting on his PVC tube looking at me. He was not dried
out when I found him, does not have any physical injuries that I can see, and
his gills are moving normally.
<Promising. These fish can survive in damp burrows when the tide goes out, so
should recover well, provided their skin has not dried out.>
I found where he pushed the tank lid up and set a fairly heavy rock on it.
<Good move.>
So a little recent background, back on May 10th (I keep a journal on all the
tanks), I did the normal water change (about 20 gallons from a 72 gallon tank)
and the regular monthly filter cleaning. Everything seemed fine when I was done
but when I came back in from outside, the room around the tank was flooded
because one of the hoses (the return to the tank hose) on the canister filter
(those ribbed hoses on the Fluval 405) was split and gushing water. I got it
shut down but, to my absolute horror, when I looked at the tank I estimated that
I had lost about 40 gallons. So with the weekly/monthly maintenance plus the
hose splitting, this tank (72 gallon) lost about 60 gallons in two hours.
I knew I was in trouble, so I replaced the water, checked the salinity (1.004
SG), added two capfuls of Prime, and hoped for the best. I started testing the
following morning and have been adding Prime and testing daily ever since. For
the first three days, everything seemed fine, but I knew better than to think it
would be that easy. Sure enough, after day three, I had ammonia, only .25 ppm,
but it was there. The ammonia never went any higher and turned over pretty
quickly (about two days) and the nitrite started to climb (I'm using Prime daily
throughout this and I still am).
It got to .50 ppm but has since come down to .25 ppm. Nitrate stayed steady
below 20 ppm.
<Good. Again, these are burrow-dwellers, and like Mudskippers I'd expect them to
have some significant resistance to ammonia compared with a lot of other fish.>
So after I got the Goby back in the tank this morning, I tested again and the
ammonia is still zero, the nitrite is still .25, and nitrate is still below 20
ppm. Salinity is steady at 1.004 SG. But I noticed the heater
light was off, which is unusual because it's still very cold here in the
mornings. When I checked the temperature, it had dropped to 72 degrees in the
tank (this had to have happened fairly recently as I always check temperature
during weekly maintenance and last Monday everything was fine).
I put in a backup heater and I'm now re-warming the tank to its normal 77 - 78
degrees. But in my constant quest for the "why" in everything, I'm wondering if
the drop in temperature could have triggered the suicide attempt.
<Possibly, but Gobioides have quite an extensive geographical range -- from
South Carolina to Brazil -- and can probably handle a reasonably wide range of
temperatures. So with a bit of luck you'll be fine.>
This tank has a fairly tight fitting lid (egg crate)so he had to exert some
effort to get out.
<Live and learn, I guess. Thanks for sharing this experience, and best of luck.
Re: Goby Trouble /Neale 5/27/18
Thank you!
<Most welcome. Neale.>
Dragon Goby Concern
Hello Crew! First of all, feel free to set this post aside because I know you
help a lot of people with problems more severe than mine.
Honestly, I don't even know if I have a problem, but this is my first Violet
Goby, and his/her behavior has changed radically in the last week from what I've
experienced in the previous almost two months of having him.
First, the recap; I had a hose split back on May 10th while I was outside, lost
a lot of water, and threw the tank into what I believe is called a "mini-cycle."
I've been using Prime in the tank throughout this event and we're coming through
it as the ammonia spike is gone and the nitrite is going down. I told you about
the failure of the heater and temperature drop in the tank down to 72 and you
indicated that you did not think that was a problem. I re-read my notes from you
and your web site and noticed you indicated that this species is subtropical and
prefers a cooler temperature, 75 degrees being the upper end of that range, so I
adjusted my heaters in that tank down to 74 - 75 degrees (from 77 - 78).
<Their geographic range extends into the subtropics, but individual specimens
may be collected from tropical areas. If lowering the temperature elicits odd
behaviours, then why not raise the temperature back to where it was and see what
So his "new" behavior started with the suicide attempt. I got him back in the
tank and he seemed fine - behaving in the manner I'm used to - just casually
swimming around the tank - until I turned the tank lights out that evening and
it got dark. I guess it was about 10 pm that night when I noticed him swimming
all around the top of the tank looking for a way out (I have about 10 lbs of
rock sitting on top of the tank lid now, so he was disappointed). I thought the
best way to discourage that behavior was to
raise the powerhead up closer to the top of the tank and create a stronger
current at the surface. It kind of worked as he stopped hunting for the exit,
but he started swimming, against the current, toward the powerhead. Once he got
to the powerhead, he'd let the current carry him to the other side of the tank,
and then start again (he was swimming like a shark was chasing him - really
swimming hard). He'd keep this up for 5 minutes or so and then stop, glide down
to the bottom of the tank for a minute or so, and
then do it again. He was still doing it half an hour later when I went to bed (I
was exhausted just watching him) and this morning he's just hanging out in his
PVC tube.
<I have seen this behaviour in brackish water fish before, particularly Ariid
catfish, where it suggests a migratory instinct. It often goes away after a
while, but can be a sign that a change in salinity or water current is
necessary, usually towards a more marine set of conditions.>
He's eating in what I've experienced as normal for him - he eats his pieces of
algae sheets (red only now - he won't touch the green or the brown) and his
Omega One Veggie Rounds. I only give him blood worms on the night before a water
change because while the Mollies will eat a little bit of them, he won't touch
them - I always find most of them piled up in the part of the tank where the
current deposits all the tank "debris". He eats Mysis shrimp, but I only give
him those once or twice a week because of the
<Provided he's eating the other foods readily, I wouldn't worry too much about
thiaminase. That's really a concern only where carnivorous fish are exclusively
fed thiaminase-rich foods like prawns and mussels. Your goby likely gets thiamin
from the algae wafers, which are designed to be a fully balanced food..>
I've put a lot of Prime in the tank since the hose burst, could I have used too
much and its bothering him in some way?
<Possibly, but water conditioners tend to be quite benign.>
Is his behavior an indicator I need to increase the salinity in the tank
(currently at 1.004)?
<Worth a shot.>
Am I leaving something out of his diet?
Or is this just normal behavior for this species?
<Could easily be. These are big fish that dig burrows. The males tend have to go
out and attract females into their burrows (I assume, by analogy with other
He looks wonderful, his color is stunning and I don't see any blemishes anywhere
on him. Further, he's growing at a staggering rate (earning him the nickname
"Moose") and seems to be of a healthy weight. If this sudden need for adventure
and exercise is normal, that's great! But, as I said, I've never had this
species before so I don't know if I have a problem.
Other than your site, the information on the Internet is useless (mostly vague
or outright contrary to what I've learned from you and/or experienced
with this fish). Any advice you have would be greatly appreciated.
<So long as he's feeding, I'd not be overly worried. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Dragon Goby Concern
Ok, thank you.
<You're welcome. Neale.>
Ok, now I'm panicked Ongoing BR Goby 5/29/18
Today is the normal day of the weekly water change for the Goby tank and I don't
know if what I saw just developed, or if it started after his suicide attempt
and I just couldn't see it. He has red veins in his tail fin.
Not in the body of his tail, but just his fin and the red veins do not go all
the way to the body of his tail.
<To be expected... damage from the escape. A bit of septicemia perhaps>
However, he seems to feel fine and was busy "helping" me with the tank cleaning.
He's also eating normally.
<Good signs>
As soon as I was done with the water change, I researched the red veins in the
tail fin and found a WWM post as follows: "Fish didn't make the move, Violet
Gobies (Gobioides spp.) 1/26/08:...<The fish has a systemic bacterial infection,
likely caused by Aeromonas spp. similar to those that cause Finrot and bacterial
septicaemia. These bacteria block the blood vessels in the epidermis and fins,
and this is what causes the inflammation. After a while the surrounding tissues
die. The bacteria get in when fish are physically damaged or exposed to high
levels of ammonia for extended periods. So either rough handling when you were
transporting the fish, or else problems with filter in your new aquarium, were
triggering issues....". I'll go down to the store Tuesday (they're closed today
for Memorial Day) if I need to get him the medication you referenced in this
post, but, unlike the individual who started his post, my Goby has been in
brackish water and I'm increasing the SG from 1.004 to 1.005 as of today's water
change. Also, I've always used Instant Ocean, not/never Aquarium salt. Further,
<Good and good>
I knew I would have water quality problems immediately after the hose break (10
days prior to the suicide attempt) and began using Prime before the ammonia and
nitrite began to climb and I'm still using it. So he shouldn't have been
affected by the mini cycle.
However, his leap from the tank was from a height of about 5 feet (55 inches
from the top of the tank to the floor - vinyl floor, no carpet) unless he first
hit the lip of the stand. I wish I could get a picture of
his tail to send you, but all I get is a silver/blue blur. He does not have any
redness in any other part of his body and does not seem to have any inflammation
in his tail fin as the redness in the veins is very sharp and clear and the
"skin" around the veins is not raised. I hate using medication unless its
necessary, so I'm asking what I should do.
<Were it me, mine, I'd skip medicating; rely on time going by, good
circumstances for cure. Bob Fenner>
*Renee *
Re: Ok, now I'm panicked 5/30/18
Ok, good - I read a lot on your website, even when I'm not facing a crisis, and
you've "prescribed" salt for other people for a variety of skin issues in a
variety of species - so that's good. I'm still going to go down and get the
Maracyn as indicated in the referenced post only because my aquarium supply
store is 37 miles from my house.
<Wow; dedication, devotion>
I'd feel better having something on hand in case things get worse. I have
KanaPlex, but I don't know if it would help in this situation and I'd rather use
something recommended by experienced people.
<Well; there are a number of effective gram positive and negative anti-biotics...
Am given to discount their use if not necessary>
So, obviously, if the red veins spread or the skin starts to look inflamed, I
should think about using the medicine (maybe by then I'll be able to get a
picture of it to send), but how long should it take to heal if the salt is
working and if it doesn't heal in a certain period of time, should I use the
<A few weeks time. I would only treat IF/when the fish shows behavioral issues.
Bob Fenner>
Re: Ok, now I'm panicked
Ok, thank you!
<Welcome Renee. B>
Re: Ok, now I'm panicked 5/30/18
He didn't eat last night (which is unheard of since I've had him) and he didn't
come out of his PVC tube last night or this morning, so I am going to start an
antibiotic this morning. Unfortunately, when I went to the aquarium supply store
yesterday, they didn't have Maracyn or Maracyn 2 (they carry it regularly, they
were just sold out), and because of the holiday, they won't get anymore in until
next Monday. I don't think he can wait that long. I tried the big "chain" pet
stores (my only other option around here) but they don't carry it. The kids at
both stores had no idea what I was talking about when I told them what had
happened and what the Goby was now suffering from - one of them even tried to
sell me API Stress
Guard saying it was a general antibiotic. I left with a headache, but not the
Stress Guard. So I'm going to start with the KanaPlex that I already have here
at the house. It says it treats dropsy, PopEye, fin/tail rot,
and septicemia on the package and specifically says its for marine and
freshwater fish. According to the directions, the treatment involves 3 doses, 48
hours apart.
<Ah yes; do change 25% of the water out before each re-treatment and monitor
nitrogenous accumulation>
Hopefully it will work, but if not, I'm hoping it will provide him some benefit
until my aquarium store is restocked with Maracyn. I have to ask, what are his
chances of surviving?
<Good. B>
Ok, now I'm panicked /Neale 5/30/18
Today is the normal day of the weekly water change for the Goby tank and I don't
know if what I saw just developed, or if it started after his suicide attempt
and I just couldn't see it. He has red veins in his tail fin. Not in the body of
his tail, but just his fin and the red veins do not go all the way to the body
of his tail. However, he seems to feel fine and was busy "helping" me with the
tank cleaning. He's also eating normally. As soon as I was done with the water
change, I researched the red veins in the tail fin and found a WWM post as
follows: "Fish didn't make the move, Violet Gobies (Gobioides spp.)
1/26/08:...<The fish has a systemic bacterial infection, likely caused by
Aeromonas spp. similar to those that cause Finrot and bacterial septicaemia.
These bacteria block the blood vessels in the epidermis and fins, and this is
what causes the inflammation. After a while the surrounding tissues die. The
bacteria get
in when fish are physically damaged or exposed to high levels of ammonia for
extended periods. So either rough handling when you were transporting the fish,
or else problems with filter in your new aquarium, were the triggering
issues....". I'll go down to the store Tuesday (they're closed today for
Memorial Day) if I need to get him the medication you referenced in this post,
but, unlike the individual who started his post, my Goby has been in brackish
water and I'm increasing the SG from 1.004 to 1.005 as of today's water change.
Also, I've always used Instant Ocean, not/never Aquarium salt. Further, I knew I
would have water quality problems immediately after the hose break (10 days
prior to the suicide attempt) and began using Prime before the ammonia and
nitrite began to climb and I'm still using it. So he shouldn't have been
affected by the mini cycle.
However, his leap from the tank was from a height of about 5 feet (55 inches
from the top of the tank to the floor - vinyl floor, no carpet) unless he first
hit the lip of the stand. I wish I could get a picture of
his tail to send you, but all I get is a silver/blue blur. He does not have any
redness in any other part of his body and does not seem to have any inflammation
in his tail fin as the redness in the veins is very sharp and clear and the
"skin" around the veins is not raised. I hate using medication unless its
necessary, so I'm asking what I should do.
<I do agree that the use of antibiotic would be a good idea, just in case.
The red inflammation in the fins could be reaction to exposure to dry air for an
extended period, and until things return to normal, an opportunistic bacterial
infection is always a risk, as with humans. Do choose one safe in both
freshwater and marine systems, to cover your 'brackish water' bases when it
comes to efficacy. Given the fish is feeding and behaving normally, and in the
absence of white (dead) tissue, I would not be overly concerned, but I would
medicate, yes. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Ok, now I'm panicked 5/31/18
Thank you! And thanks for "hanging in there" with us through all this - it means
a lot!
<Am very glad to share w/ you Renee. Stay diligent here and all will be well.
Bob Fenner>
Goby Update 6/2/18
Less than 24 hours after the second dose of KanaPlex, the Goby's tail is clear -
no red veins! I'm still going to finish the 3rd and final dose as prescribed,
but wanted you to know that we're battling back!
Thank you again!
*Renee *
<Ah good. BobF>
Switching from Freshwater to Brackish
Hello Crew!
<Hello Renee,>
Well, my latest sick Oscar has recovered (thank you Neale) and left this
afternoon for his new home.
<Well done!>
So now I have an open 72 gallon tank that I would like to change
from freshwater to brackish for a dragon goby.
<Interesting choice. These big, quite friendly fish make good pets. They
are a little demanding in some ways, needing brackish water for example,
but in other regards extremely tough. Their biology in the wild is
fascinating. They live in tidal rivers where they are sometimes forced
to survive for hours in a wet burrow when the tide has gone out! So
unusually among marine fish they are able to breathe air. Many species
in their group lack eyes, and even the ones with eyes have such tiny
little eyes it's hard to imagine they see much. In the wild about half
their diet is reported to be algae and organic detritus, so needless to
say they're not fussy feeders, but their large size does mean they need
quite a bit of food.
Besides algae wafers and the like, they readily consume bloodworms,
brine shrimps, and other small invertebrates, but even the adults (which
can measure over 40 cm/16 inches) very rarely take live fish, even Guppy
fry, unless absolutely starving.>
I've done my research and spoke to the company I would be getting the
goby from and they say the fish (about 4 inches) is currently a
freshwater fish.
<Yes, often the case that they're shipped that way, but trust me, they
all come from estuaries and tidal mudflats. They are highly specialised
fish, rather like Mudskippers, that only 'make sense' in very specific
So my thinking is that I would get the fish, put it in my currently
freshwater 72 gallon tank, and slowly acclimate both the fish and the
tank to brackish water.
<That would work fine. You might want to change the decor of the tank
though, which you can do with the filter running. Depending on the
circumstances, you might want to remove any live plants (these are
unlikely to do well in brackish water) and replace gravel with smooth
silica sand (which these gobies like to burrow into). Rocks should be
smooth water worn cobbles to avoid scratching the goby, and the use of
hollow tube-shaped ornaments will provide useful hiding places. These
fish are rather shy initially, so shelter is important.>
But I want to be very careful doing this as I use RO/DI water with
Equilibrium and baking soda for a healthy pH/kH which has been working
very well.
<Unless your tap water has very high nitrates, there's really no
advantage to using RO water instead. Because you're adding minerals to
the tap water, and these fish demand high levels of dissolved minerals,
tap water rarely
presents any serious problems for brackish water fish. The exception is
high nitrate, which can cause algae problems. Otherwise things like
ammonia and copper in the water can be treated in the traditional way,
with a good water conditioner.>
I plan to use Instant Ocean to make the brackish water.
<A fine choice. But because brackish water fish are less demanding than
marines in terms of pH and mineral, even cheap generic sea salt brands
can be fine, and save you a few bucks over the years.>
I have sent e-mails to both Seachem and Instant Ocean telling them of my
plan and asking these same questions: 1) I normally do 20 - 25% water
changes weekly, Can I slowly acclimate the tank through my weekly water
changes or should I do it more quickly or more slowly than once a week?
<I would go much more slowly than this. Assuming the fish is in
freshwater now, I'd introduce the fish, and then immediately do a 25%
water change with water that has a salinity of SG 1.004-1.005. The
resulting salinity in
the tank should be around SG 1.001. That's fine for the first day or
I'd then do something similar, a 25% water change with SG 1.004-1.005
water, every other day. Crucially, this would result in the salinity
going up gently over the course of a week or so, allowing the filter
bacteria to adapt. Nobody really knows if marine aquarium bacteria,
brackish water bacteria, and freshwater bacteria are all the same things
or different species, so it's best to assume the latter, and allow the
tank to do a 'mini cycle' over the course of a few weeks. Once at SG
1.004-1.005, leave the tank alone for a couple of weeks at least. This
should be fine for the goby, and if he's feeding happily, there's no
need to raise the salinity further for a good while yet.>
2) will the Instant Ocean in the replacement water cause drastic changes
in pH/kH as it mixes with the water currently in the tank that contains
Equilibrium and baking soda or are there any other potential
between Equilibrium/baking soda/Instant Ocean that I should be aware of?
<There will be little difference in the pH before adding the salt and
afterwards, though it might go up a tiny bit. The hardness (both general
and carbonate) should go up a little too. But not enough to harm the
Similarly, while these changes will have an effect on your filter
bacteria, if you go slow, it won't be noticeable. Normally, there's no
need to add Equilibrium and baking soda to tanks with marine salt mix
added, because
marine salt mix essentially includes those two chemicals in its
3) in my research I came across a random post in a saltwater forum that
Instant Ocean is not sufficient to keep a healthy kH when used with
RO/DI water (this was a saltwater forum, not brackish) and that I would
need to
use Seachem Alkaline buffer for that purpose. Would this be accurate for
a brackish tank?
<This is a debatable point, but worth thinking about. Normally, marine
salt mixes contain alkaline chemicals that buffer against pH changes, so
you shouldn't have to add anything extra, such as baking soda or a
alkaline buffer. But if you find the pH drops too quickly between water
changes, then you might need to do so. If we recall that pH drops are
caused by decaying organic matter in the tank, then if we have a
spacious tank that's well maintained, there's no reason to anticipate a
rapid drop in pH. Make sense? Bear in mind that these fish come from
highly variable habitats, and are MUCH less fussy about pH than their
marine cousins. So provided the pH doesn't go below, say, pH 7.5, you're
probably fine without adding anything beyond the marine salt mix.>
4) The information I've found said that the best SG for a dragon goby is
1.006, does that sound right to you?
<Anything between freshwater and full marine would be experienced in the
wild, so yes, 1.006 is fine. As noted earlier, I'd aim for 1.004-1.005
initially, simply to allow the bacteria in the filter to adapt. Once you
go above 1.005 you seem to get a mini-cycle kicking in, so I'd wait for
the goby to be settled in, and only change the salinity up if you feel
the need, and even then, in little steps through weekly water changes to
allow the filter to adapt. What you don't want is an ammonia spike. To
be fair, these fish actually handle high ammonia levels quite well,
being forced to live in wet burrows at times, but this isn't something
you want to deliberately cause for obvious reasons! Furthermore, your
final salinity might depend on your chosen tankmates. Many people keep
these gobies with
livebearers, whether Guppies or Mollies, since these 'dither fish' help
the goby feel more settled and secure, and add some colour and activity
to a tank that can sometimes seem a bit Spartan. Mollies are also good
for algae
I have buckets spread all over my bathroom and I'm going to start
testing as soon as I pick up some Instant Ocean tomorrow, but any
guidance you can provide would be greatly appreciated. I'd love to have
this fish, but I
have to be sure I can take care of it well before I jump in. Thank you!
<Hope this helps. These fish are genuinely not difficult to keep. But do
make sure they can't jump out: like most eel-shaped fish, this can be
risk if the tank has any large holes in the hood. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Switching from Freshwater to Brackish
Thank you so much for all the information and guidance.
You've made getting this fish fun instead of stressful now that I have a
Attached is a picture of his/her tank.
It's a 72 gallon with a Fluval 405 canister filter on it.
<A good filter.>
Tank temperature is 78 degrees.
The substrate is pool filter sand and all the plants are plastic.
<Both good choices. Algae control may be a problem without live plants
though. Various approaches here, from the use of brackish water snails
(such as Batman and Spiny Nerite snails, Clithon corona, Clithon
sowerbyana, and Neripteron auriculata; also some US native species can
work too, e.g., Neritina reclivata) through to careful control of
lighting duration (4hrs on, 2hrs off, 4 hrs on) and nitrate control
(minimal food in, regular water changes out). Still, if you get the tank
right, with a good strong current in particular to keep down blue-green
algae, the only pest algae will be diatoms, and they're easily
controlled with Nerites.>
It's been up and cycled for a little over a year. It has a plastic egg
crate top that I cut specifically to fit this tank that did very well
keeping my Rope Fish in there when they had that tank.
It has a very snug fit to, so if the fish push on it, they won't be able
to move it. That mass of plastic plants in the center is actually
covering 4 - 2 inch pvc pipes, one on top of the other and fastened with
zip ties. One tube is 24 inches, the next up is 18, next is 12, and the
top tube is 6 inches. I know these fish get to be about 16 inches long,
but I don't know what to expect in terms of diameter, but I'm prepared
to make him/her a new "fish condo" out of 4 inch pvc if necessary.
<Understood. Juveniles should fit happily in the tubes you already have,
and under aquarium conditions they're unlikely to get quite so big as in
the wild. I think you're going to be fine for a couple years at least,
and should you need to upgrade, that shouldn't be hard to do. Any
ceramic ornament big enough for an adult Plec will be fine for an adult
Violet Goby.>
Also, I have cut holes at 4 inch intervals along the tubes, about 1 inch
in diameter, on both sides to ensure water movement within the tube so
it doesn't stagnate. I can't find anything online that says these fish
like a strong current, so I do not have a powerhead in the tank.
<They do like strong currents, as do most gobies, but I'd be using a
strong current more to avoid blue-green algae than for the fish. Still
corners tend to be where blue-green algae starts off, and once in your
tank, it's a real pain to eliminate.>
I use RO/DI water for all the tanks because I'm on a well in a very
rural area and my tap water has 1 ppm of ammonia in it AND human remains
(probably wouldn't bother the fish, but it gives me the heebie-jeebies!)
<Understood, and yes, the fish couldn't care less. Ammonia will be
neutralised by a good quality water conditioner, and as for the human
remains, "parts-is-parts" so far as the biological filter goes. The
reason I often advocate against using RO or DI water is a cost issue:
people are more likely to do more frequent water changes if they can use
the cheap water from the tap. If they need to be spending money on RO
membranes, carbon filters, and all the rest of it, they're more likely
to minimise the use of new water for doing water changes. Ultimately
it's a balance. For sure, RO water is best, but 5 litres of tap water
trumps 1 litre of RO when it comes to water changes! Make sense?>
I actually have never tested the tap water for nitrite or nitrate.
<Neither are critical factors here, but if your nitrate is very high,
say, more than 20 mg/l, then algae problems are more of a risk, and you
should take precautions as mentioned above.>
So I ordered the fish and he should arrive Friday. I have to have him
delivered to the fish store where I get my supplies because UPS doesn't
come out to my house. When I pick up the fish, I'll pick up the Instant
Ocean and the store owner is going to loan me a refractometer until I
can afford to buy my own.
<Refractometers are nice an' all, but for brackish they're overkill. At
25 C/77 F, 1.005 water is about 8.9 gram marine salt mix per litre (1.18
oz per US gallon) and can be made up using kitchen scales using these
according to however much water your bucket holds. For example, a
5-gallon bucket would need 5 x 1.18 = 5.9 oz marine salt mix. Once
you've done that, and it's all dissolved nicely, a plain vanilla
hydrometer can be used to
check the specific gravity, and if the hydrometer is 'off' a point or
two, just make a note of that, perhaps by putting a permanent marker
line on the scale, and remember that's the level you want, not the
number on the scale.
Refractometers are fiddly and need calibrating, and don't, in
themselves, mean you're getting more accurate readings just because
they're more precise (accuracy and precision being completely different
Thank you for the suggestion about the Mollies for dither fish, but how
many should I get without pushing the stocking limits of this tank?
<Oh, for a tank this size you could safely start with 6-8 specimens and
let nature take its course. I'd get a single variety so that you can
share the offspring with local pet stores, Mollies being popular fish.
If you were feeling ambitious, you could get one of the two Sailfin
Molly species, as these occur alongside the Violet Goby in the wild, so
that'd been very authentic. Giant Sailfin Mollies in particular are
expensive and difficult to breed in freshwater, but in a brackish tank
will breed readily, adding value to your set-up. Alternatively, there
are things like Micropoecilia picta and Micropoecilia parae that are
very beautiful, difficult to keep in freshwater, and rare enough that
any offspring produced would be easily sold on. As their name suggests,
Micropoecilia are small, so you'd easily be able to keep a large group
of them in a tank this size. As we've discussed, Violet Gobies generally
ignore small fish, so you should be safe, but you might try out a few
Micropoecilia first before buying a whole
So as you read this, can you think of anything I've missed?
<See above! Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Switching from Freshwater to Brackish
Thank you again! Have a wonderful day!
<Off to the pub to meet a couple of friends, so that should be nice; my toddler
deciding to vomit all over the sofa, less of a highlight. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Switching from Freshwater to Brackish 4/6/18
P.S. Per your suggestion, I just put a smaller powerhead in the tank. When I
moved the BGK and the Ropefish to my 125 gallon, I had to get them a bigger
powerhead. So I put their old one back in the 72. I don't remember the gph, but
it worked well for the BGK when it was in the 72 gallon.
<Should work fine. To combat blue-green algae, what you want is the water
*across the substrate* to be moving. So position the powerhead accordingly.>
Also, you mentioned the goby will need algae wafers for a balanced diet.
Will this fish also enjoy cucumber, zucchini, and peas like my Bristlenose
Plecos do?
<Yes indeed. Violet Gobies are omnivorous, and very adaptable in captivity, but
all reports on wild specimens confirm that their stomachs are more than
half-filled with algae and organic detritus. In other words, very similar
to Plecs, and a similar diet should work nicely. Indeed, have odd little teeth
in their mouths that can be used to scrape rocks, and some aquarists have seen
them feed this way in their tanks. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Switching from Freshwater to Brackish 4/6/18
Oh, I'm sorry about your sofa! But at least you have a little while before the
baby starts asking for the car keys!
Enjoy your day, and thank you again!
<Most welcome. Neale.>
Pseudomugil cyanodorsalis & Gobioides broussonnetii brackish tank?
Hi all,
<Hello Meghan,>
I have a 14 inch violet dragon goby that I'm very, very slowly planning a large
tank for. He's currently in a brackish 55 by himself.
I'm planning on a 200 gallon or larger. SG 1.015-1.018 so I can use a protein
<Understood. Not essential, but useful. However...>
Do you think Pseudomugil cyanodorsalis would do well with him if I set things up
properly? I've read that they can be timid & are slow eaters. I'm concerned
they'd be terrified of the giant (but completely peaceful) goby.
<I'm sure it would depend on the size of the group. A school of 20-30 would
probably feel much more settled than just 6 of them! I'd also be sensitive to
where the Pseudomugil were collected -- while the species is listed as
euryhaline, sometimes these species include strains pre-adapted to a more narrow
range of salinities. While I'd expect them all to do well at SG 1.005, even ones
collected from freshwater habitats, I'd be more cautious
about exposing them to near-marine environments without having taken the time to
slowly adapt them and observe their behaviour.>
Another concern is that the goby is quite messy - so weekly water changes are a
must. Would the blue eyes be able to handle a mild decline in water quality
toward the end of the week?
<I do think in a 200 gallon tank a single Violet Goby and a large school of
Blue-Eyes are unlikely to place much strain on a decent jumbo canister filter or
Do you have any advice for creating an environment where they'd both be
<I'd perhaps get the Blue-Eyes settled in first, and grown on a bit, and maybe
add some other dither fish that might help them feel secure, such as
Micropoecilia species. I'd also ensure plenty of hiding places for the
Violet Goby, so it wasn't too frantic when the lights were on. Although I've not
seen these two species combined, Violet Gobies do work just fine with Guppies,
so the theory is good!>
Thank you.
- Meghan
<Cheers, Neale.>
Dragon fish... env., using WWM 10/8/14
I have a dragon fish that for the first year or so, was in fresh water and he
did really well, without any problems.
<Damaging to their organs; especially nephros/kidneys>
I relocated and he remained with my roommate. I 'm getting him back but have
been informed that my
old roommate has been putting salt in his tank. I have firebellied newts in my
tank. Will putting my dragon fish back in freshwater going to been a
problem and or will putting salt in with the newts cause them problems?
<Likely yes, and definitely yes>
Thank u for your time. Toni
<See the coverage of this species on WWM. Bob Fenner>
Dragon fish /Neale 10/9/14
I have a dragon fish that for the first year or so, was in fresh water and he
did really well, without any problems.
<Assuming you mean Gobioides sp., you got lucky. Don't assume you did anything
right. These really, truly are estuarine fish. I'm not saying this to sell salt!
Some people keep them alive a year or two in freshwater. But I've yet to hear
anyone keep one the full life span (likely 7+ years given their size) in
freshwater conditions. They don't need a lot of salt, even 3-6 gram/litre, SG
1.002-1.005, will be sufficient. But that said, the more brackish the tank, the
better. Do read:
The needs of these gobies aren't that difficult to accommodate, in all honesty,
and adding a few grams of salt per litre of water is a trivial expense compared
to how much you'll save in terms of fish healthcare/medication.>
I relocated and he remained with my roommate. I 'm getting him back but have
been informed that my old roommate has been putting salt in his tank.
<Good chap!>
I have firebellied newts in my tank. Will putting my dragon fish back in
freshwater going to been a problem and or will putting salt in with the newts
cause them problems?
<They aren't compatible for multiple reasons, so the fact the Dragon Goby needs
brackish water is irrelevant. The Firebelly Newts are temperate zone animals, so
an unheated aquarium is mandatory. They have very short lives in tropical
conditions, as you presumably know; if not, do read:
There's no discussion on this issue at all. Both Japanese and Chinese Firebelly
Newts have been kept for decades now, and their basic care is extremely well
understood, so there's no need for experimentation. A second reason not to mix
them is water quality. Fish are generally more sensitive to dissolved
metabolites (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate) than amphibians. So while many of the
foods the Newts want are the same as the Goby -- bloodworms for example --
providing enough food for both species while also ensuring enough filtration for
the fish will be difficult. Not impossible, but a challenge. Finally, the Newts
are amphibians, so relatively shallow water with some sort of floating plants
resting area together with a "dry land" area for basking are all necessary. The
Goby doesn't want these things, and actually prefers a tank that is deep, with a
sandy substrate, some burrows, and a robust, even strong water current. In
short, even before you factor in the brackish conditions Gobioides spp., it's as
plain as the nose on your face that the two species need entirely different
housing. So do the sensible thing: keep 'em in their own tanks.>
Thank u for your time. Toni
<You are most welcome. Neale.>
Dragon Goby super rapid gulping/breathing
Tank: I have a 39 gal tank that is a salty fresh water tank rather than
a brackish water. I add in about 1or 2 rounded tablespoons of aquarium
salt per gal. The water here in California is always very hard.
<But not brackish. That's the problem.>
Cleaning: I use a Mr. clean pad to clean inside walls of tank and to get
algae off plastic plants. I sew my own filter bags and fill with
charcoal bought in bulk (saves tons of money to sew your own!)
I vacuum the gravel-cleaning out about 1/3 of the water around once a
month or if and when fish look stressed. I use 5 in 1 test strips and if
I see pink in the top tab- I use ammonia treatment and vacuum the tank
within a few days. I use the type of filter that hangs on the outside
edge of the tank. It also has a 8" long air bubble strip.
Experience: 30 years of personal fish tanks with 8 years experience as a
selective fish breeder. I created my own strain of miniature Albino
Corey Catfish and a strain of extreme fan tail guppies. Raised about
12,000 for the local fish stores.(Hawaii) At that time I had 7 tanks. I
had a Dragon Goby for 2 years while in Hawaii. He was my bad water
alarm. He was very sensitive and reacted to water conditions going bad
by swimming up at the top, taking breaths of air out of the water.
<Is what they do; they are facultative air-breathers. In the estuaries
where they live, they inhabit burrows. When the tide goes out they
breathe air. They are very well adapted to this environment; it's a
testimony to their inherent toughness that they survive for quite a
while even in freshwater aquaria.>
My "stumpy" Corey. two adults with 2 baby. Adults average length 1"
extreme fantail.
Stock: 1- gray and 1- green/gray mature Cory Catfish, 1- 8" Dragon Goby,
<Does not belong here.>
7 Neon Tetra, 3 gold Tetra, 2-baby gold fish (2") 2 -looks like
long fin tiger barbs, 2 silver fish the size of a half dollar that look
like they are swimming upside down that stay at the top of the tank. 3
male guppy, 1- little water frog (2") and 1 Betta. that's 24 total-
Sounds like a lot but the tank looks pretty empty because most are
Food: Tropical flake, Betta floating food, and once a week some green
peas.(Dragon loves green peas. Most of the little bits of pea I cut are
sucked into his mouth, he appears to chew them, then they come shooting
out his gills!
Health issues: I set up the tank 6 months ago. I lost a baby Pleco (2")
3 Cory Catfish, 2 Puffer fish,
<What was a pufferfish doing here? What kind? Green Spotted Puffer?
Figure-8? Both kinds are brackish-water.>
1 tiger barb. Corey have had issues with what looks like fin rot- but
doesn't cure with treatment.
<The "gravel" looks alarmingly sharp. My bet would be that the fish
abrade themselves on the gravel, and sometimes bacterial infections set
in. Your Dragon Goby certainly has terrifyingly ragged fins!>
Dragon Goby: When I first got him at Wal Mart he was in bad shape. lips
had bites taken out of it. Back fin was half chewed off. When I put him
in the community tank he was attacked by Tiger Barbs and the puffer so I
put him in the little 1 gallon tank with my fighting fish. His fin
healed up and he needed a bigger place to live so after a month in
little tank I put him back in the big tank- and took out the puffy and
tiger barbs. He was fine for last 3 weeks. I vacuumed the gravel a few
days ago- Replaced 1/3 of the water in the process. Added a handful of
salt.(1/4th-1/3 cup) Next day he started gulping real excessively-
I thought maybe he needed more salt so I put in another 1/4 cup. He's
still gulping rapidly. If I walk near the tank- he stops and looks at
me, after 5 seconds he starts doing it again.
He's eating fine- always hungry it seems. He likes flake food and will
swim to the top or go up to get pieces as they float down. While they're
said to have poor eye site- this one seems to see quite well.
<They're actually almost blind (some species of Dragon Goby actually are
chewed up back fin
This fish also swam at the top when the water would go bad in the 1
gallon tank. He has not done that since being placed back in the big
tank. He does the rapid gulping while resting in his little house.
Is there any way to visually tell if there's enough salt in the water
for him?
<In brackish water with a soft, sandy substrate these fish will be happy
and healthy. You aren't providing enough salt and the gravel is
Hence, your Dragon Goby is severely stressed, and my guess would be that
it has no long term future.>
His back fin looks perfect now and he filled out in the last month since
getting him. When I got him- his face was all sunken in at his cheeks.
His face made him look like he was staved. When I first put him back in
the big tank- his face got sunken in again for 2 days- though he was
eating same as normal.
<Good. I do believe that you have the skills to get this fish into good
health, but you have definitely made two big mistakes with the gravel
and the salinity. There's no reason the Dragon Goby can't be with other
brackish water fish (mollies, glassfish, etc.) at a specific gravity of
1.005; that's about 9 grammes of marine aquarium salt mix per litre (1.2
oz/US gallon). Add a soft sand substrate (like pool filter sand, perhaps
with some coral sand added for buffering the pH) and this Dragon Goby
will soon perk up.>
Any idea why he's gulping excessively?
<They do so when stressed. When their environment is poor, they gulp air
and generally make an effort to get more oxygen.>
Why the catfish seem to have a type of fin rot I cant cure?
<Poor water circulation at the bottom and/or the horrible jagged
The female laid her first round of eggs- can she cross breed with the
green and black spotted type?
<Corydoras paleatus varieties all interbreed; but mostly different
Corydoras species do not seem to interbreed.>
Thank you-
<No real mysteries to keeping Dragon Gobies, but most die when kept in
freshwater. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Dragon Goby super rapid gulping/breathing
So- adding large amounts of aquarium salt to a fresh water tank does not
make it any more suitable for a brackish water fish?
<Define "large". A tablespoon here, a tablespoon there isn't what we're
talking about; but rather, carefully measured quantities. Put it this way:
if you were adding enough salt to make the water brackish, your non-brackish
livestock would be dead by now. Make sense? And yes, marine salt mix is
different to "aquarium" salt; the latter is basically cooking salt without
the iodine, and of little value except for treating Whitespot, etc. Marine
salt mix is, as you'd expect, a mixture of things (including sodium
chloride) that you'd find in seawater plus some minerals that raise the
carbonate hardness and pH.>
I thought the more salt I added- the closer I was getting to what he needed.
<Sort of, but in the same way that putting a Band-Aid on someone who's been
shot gets them "closer" to getting better; it stops some blood, but not
enough to matter. Same here; a little salt is marginally better than no
salt, but what Gobioides spp. want is LOTS of salt.>
That at some point, I would reach a brackish environment.
<Ah yes! But by that time you'd kill off the barbs, tetras, Corys, etc.>
Though Corys typically don't like salt in their water, the two I currently
have don't seem affected.
When his health improved so rapidly-I thought it meant I'd made the water
suitable enough for him to thrive in.
<Perhaps, but not in the long term. Dragon/Violet Gobies have a reputation
for living a year or two in freshwater, but several years longer than that
in brackish.>
Finding someone responsible with a brackish water tank to give him to will
take time. What can I do to make the water as suitable as possible without
killing the other fish in the tank? (until I can find a better home for him)
<You really can't. Ensuring a high general hardness and carbonate hardness
will help a good deal, and also ensuring the pH is high too; aim for 15+
degrees dH, 5+ degrees KH, pH 7.5-8.5. Obviously such hard, alkaline
conditions will be stressful for soft water fish (barbs, tetras, etc.).>
I bought him to save him from certain death, based on his poor condition.
<Likely so.>
I didn't restore his health just to kill him off slowly with the water he's
stuck living in.
<A definite Catch-22.>
The gulping he's doing is all at the bottom of the tank.
<They are gulp feeders and do sift sand and filter-feed water while feeding;
could this be what you're seeing?>
The gravel is what they sell at pet smart. "Premium" tank gravel.
<Premium… no. If all else fails, "pea" gravel is good for burrowing fish
(gobies, Corydoras, etc.) and you should be able to get this via garden
centres and/or online retailers. Aquarium shops are always never the place
to get good value substrates. In fact I just bought 25 kg (about 55 lb) of
substrate today from a garden centre for £3 (about $5) together with some
huge pieces of slate. From an aquarium store I'd have paid at least 10 times
as much as I did for that lot!>
I just tested his ability to see. Even if I move very slowly, 5 ft away is
where I see him notice me and respond. I make no sound so sight is the only
option. If some are blind, wouldn't some swing the other direction and be
better than average?
<Uh, no. Evolution doesn't work this way. Evolution tends to get rid of
senses that don't provide much value while improving ones that are helpful.
We have excellent colour eyesight because our ancestors were daytime animals
but for the same reason our night vision is pretty lousy. Cats work the
other way, their eyesight is good in terms of detecting things in weak
light, but they're not good at detecting colour or having the same sharp
eyesight we do. Anyway, Gobioides spp. live in tidal mudflats where
visibility is minimal. Closely related to them is the genus Odontamblyopus,
which includes species with eyes that are covered with skin, and likely
detect little other than light and dark. Overall this group relies on two
other key senses, olfaction (combination of smell and taste) and detection
of vibration (combination of sound and touch, albeit that fish can "touch"
through the water and not just by contact with things like we do). So, when
you walk, you set up vibrations in the ground that your fish "hears" or
"feels" and then responds to. Many fish work this way, and practically all
fish respond strongly to vibrations -- ask any angler! Your Violet Goby may
well be able to see you as a general shape or shadow, but I bet it's relying
as much, if not more so, on vibrations and sounds. Cheers,
Neale.><<Referral? B>>
Re: Dragon Goby super rapid gulping/breathing
I just did a 5 in 1 dip test
results show
water hardness is 300
total alkalinity is between 150 and 300
ph is 8.4
<Well, the water is nice and hard, but do bear in mind if you've added salt
it's possible the test kit might be in error. But let's be positive and
assume not! While this is helpful, if isn't a long-term solution to keeping
your Dragon Goby. Yes, it needs brackish water, and no, it can't be
kept with barbs, Corydoras, etc. Cheers, Neale.> |
Dragon Goby... system, feeding...
I have a 10 gal. freshwater tank with a male Betta, 5
ghost shrimp, 2 loaches,
<What kind? Unless these are Dwarf Loaches (Yasuhikotakia sidthimunki)
your tank is too small for them.>
and an algae eater.
<Oh gosh! What kind? If the standard "Chinese Sucking Loach" algae eater
sold to beginners (no-one else wants them), also known as Gyrinocheilus
aymonieri, your tank needs to be at least 5 times bigger, and the
Chinese Sucking Loach will soon throw its weight around, harassing your
other fish.
If, on the other hand, we're talking about a Pterygoplichthys species of
some sort, commonly called the "Plec" or "Pleco", then the tank needs to
75 gallons or larger, because it gets huge, 45 cm/18 inches within two
My hope is you're talking about Ancistrus, the Bristlenose Plec, and
while I'd recommend 15 gallons for this species (it does get to about 12
cm/5 inches long) it won't die in, or destroy, a 10-gallon tank like the
two species mentioned above.>
My question is, could I put a dragon goby in with them without
any problems?
<Gobioides broussonnetii? Not a chance. Besides being much too
big (around 45-60 cm/18-24 inches), it's a brackish -- not freshwater --
fish. Some retailers will tell you it is fine in freshwater, or it's
been "specially bred" for freshwater, but they're talking rubbish and
taking advantage of their customers' ignorance.>
And I keep hearing about a special diet for the dragon goby.
Would freeze dried bloodworms suffice?
<No. Gobioides broussonnetii needs a mixed diet including live brine
shrimp, frozen (rather than freeze-dried) invertebrates, and algae
(algae wafers will do). It's a fish for reasonably advanced aquarists,
which I fear from your stocking list you are not.>
Thank you!
<Most welcome, Neale.>
Goby Dragon tank question. 4/27/12
I've been reading through your site, and am most impressed. You've
amassed an amazing amount of information here.
I've read dozens of articles which have drip fed me bits of information,
but I'm having a difficult time applying all that I've learned to my
current situation.
Whilst I was away for a few days working, a well-meaning grandparent
took the resident 5 year old to the 'fish store' .. and they came home
with a Goby Dragon (Gobioides broussonetti I believe). It was in the
tank for a week before I came home and saw it.
I'm now struggling to do my best to give this fish as long/healthy a
life as possible.
For a bit of background, we've got two tanks, one 45 litre, the other
110 litre. Both are freshwater (Yes, I've read that the Goby needs
brackish water).
Having done my reading now, it appears that the two tanks, if put
together, would be far too small for the Goby to be happy/healthy in, so
I've purchased another tank, listed as being 90 gallon, which I'm
setting up for the Goby as soon as we complete our move (in the next 2
The tanks we do have been stable for 2+ years, I test the water weekly
and the water quality is excellent.
<Hard, alkaline tending I take it>
I do a 30% water change on both tanks weekly, and this has seemed to
work very well for me so far. I've lost no fish at all for > 1 year, and
as far as I know, the tanks are completely disease free. Both tanks have
two filters, which combined are rated for about double the volume of the
respected tanks.
In the meantime, given that I've got two fairly small tanks, is there
way that I can convert one tank to brackish?.
I've been looking online to find which of the fish we have could be
healthy in brackish water, and I'm not finding a huge amount of info
<You can look them up as individual species on Fishbase.org (a reliable
source) and read what sorts of water/habitat they occur in naturally>
We've got a couple of Plecos, two kissing gourami, a red tail shark, a
few harlequins, two 'ghost cats', and two elephant fish.
<Mmm, of these, only the Helostoma will really tolerate much salt
Would any of these fish be ok in the smaller tank if, for the 2 months
before the move, I converted it to brackish for the Goby?
<Depending on the sizes of all... I'd place the Goby in the smaller...
add salt (marine) to more brackish slowly...>
I went to the back to where they bought the Goby, and he insisted that
these have now, for many generations been bred and raised as freshwater,
<News to me... as far as I'm aware, this species is all wild-collected>
and that to introduce him to a brackish tank would be likely to
stress/kill him. --
This is contrary to EVERYTHING I can read about the fish.
<Me too>
Given the situation I'm in. Any suggestions at all as to what might be
best to do?
<As stated above...>
to move all the other fish from the small tank to the large would over
populate the large tank to an unhealthy degree.. and would still leave
me with the Goby in a small 45 litre tank.. but would that be the least
stressful option for the fish until we're moved and the new tank is
<As we both state... if the goby is under six inches, 15 cm., not likely
a problem for a couple months>
I know it's a bit of a nightmare situation -- it's not one I would have
created myself.
As the 5 year old ADORES this Goby, I'd very much like to not have to
get rid of it but I don't want to keep it in a compromised set of
conditions which would see it suffer or lead a shortened life.
Thanks in advance for ANY assistance you might be able to give.
<And you, Bob Fenner>
Re: Goby Dragon tank question. 4/27/12
<<Would add that Dragon Gobies need higher salinity than even Kissing
Gouramis will tolerate. Think of Dragon Gobies as marine fish that
happen to tolerate freshwater for a while. In any case, do read here:
Lots of salt-tolerant tankmates do really well with them; really,
anything that won't compete for food and won't nip at their fins.
Guppies are a great choice, and surprisingly perhaps, the adult Dragon
Gobies won't even eat newborn Guppy fry! And yes, as Bob pointed out,
all these fish are wild-caught, and your retailer telling you they are
bred on farms was either "feeding you a line" or ignorant of the facts.
Cheers, Neale.>>
Re: Goby Dragon tank question. 5/1/12
Thanks so much for your quick reply. Unfortunately the little bugger is
about 315mm long at the moment. So the 45 litre tank is really minimal
for him.
Although I was going to wait until at the new house to set up the larger
tank, I think I'll do some shuffling around and get him into the 110
litre which I've had offered on loan from a friend. At least in that,
he'll have a bit of room to move around and I'll be able to give him the
brackish environment he's looking for.
I've never done any of the 'quick start' type methods for getting a tank
to mature as quickly as possible. Aside from moving an existing matured
and as much water over as possible from existing the existing tanks, Are
there any viable shortcuts I can take to minimize the amount of time
that the 110 litre brackish tank would take to be ready for the Goby to
go in?
<What you list... the use of a commercial product, the movement of mulm,
substrate, filter media... converting to brackish (adding salt) slowly,
over week's time>
I've read repeatedly that these fish must be put into a matured tank and
I don't want to at all stress him further with any of the tank
cycling process.
Thanks again for your assistance and replies. They're much appreciated.
<Welcome. BobF>
New Dragon Goby Worries, inverts, and questions about testing
Hi there,
I have a brackish tank. The salinity is 10.10.
<Do you mean a specific gravity of 1.010? At 25 C/77 F, presumably --
temperature matters here.>
It is housing four mollies, a dragon goby ,
<Will eventually need a 55 gallon system.>
two bumblebee gobies and two fiddler crabs. It is a 29 gallon tank.
The substrate is sand. The issue is with the filter, or rather, filters.
We have gone through three in the past two months. We have tried tetra
brand, whisper, and Marineland. The Marineland is the current filter, and
it is making a horrible grinding noise, the same as the others before they quit
<Well, there are two things to consider. The first is you get what you pay for,
and there are good reasons expert fishkeepers buy expensive filters like Eheim
units -- they last a lot longer. They might cost twice as much as a cheap
Chinese filter, but these German filters will last 5 or 10 times longer. But I
don't think that's the issue here, though it may be a factor.
I suspect your Goby is digging (as it should) and throwing sand into the filter.
Check if there's sand in the media inside the filter. Sand will grind away
inside the filter, and cheap filters especially quickly die under that sort of
stress. In any case, move the filter somewhere that keeps the inlet well away
from the sand. One approach is to put flat rocks underneath the filter, and
confine the sand to the rest of the aquarium. Do also check the filter isn't
sucking in air bubbles. A carelessly positioned air stone can cause all sorts of
I can't afford to keep buying entire filter systems twice a month. Any ideas
what may cause this? How can I keep it from happening again?
<Cheers, Neale.>
New Dragon Goby Worries, inverts, and questions about
testing 2/1/12
Hi There!
I just purchased a 6-in or so Dragon goby and two Bumblebee gobies to
join my four mollies and two fiddler crabs in my brackish tank.
It's a 29 gallon. The sg is at 1.010 and the Ph is 8.2.
I have it set at 81 degrees.
<Bit warm. 25 C/77 F is ample.>
When I got my gobies home, I checked the salinity of the water from the
store. Even though they had a special "brackish"
section for these fish, the sg was still only 1.002.
<Fine for short-term care. At least there was some salt in the
water, and that'll make all the difference.>
I slowly added water from my tank to acclimate them over about an
They seemed fine with it. However, when I added the dragon to the
tank, I noticed a small, pimple-like round white dot on his fin, near
the gills.
Also, it seemed that the sand in my tank looked like it was
"sticking" to the fish. I hadn't noticed this
either at the store or in the bucket. I'm not sure this is
normal. He is, however, digging and burrowing. I have seen
him feeding by sifting through the sand, so he is eating. We fed
brine shrimp and algae pellets yesterday.
I'm not sure how to treat these symptoms given the presence of
inverts in the tank. I'm fairly certain that most medication
I've looked at has said it is not suitable for the inverts.
Any suggestions?
<Well, for now, I'd not worry too much. Brackish water kills off
most freshwater parasites quite quickly, and at SG 1.010 you
shouldn't have problems with Whitespot or Velvet. Indeed, fungal
infections are very much suppressed too. So for now, just observe.
Physical damage should heal itself, and unless you see a secondary
infection set in, you won't need to treat at all.>
Also, in regards to testing on a brackish tank: should I use a kit
designed for salt water?
<A good question. Ideally, the latter. But ammonia and nitrite kits
should work equally well in both, as should pH test kits, though some
freshwater pH test kits won't be accurate or easy to read above
We had been using the test strips. Yesterday I also brought home
a Salt Water test kit for Ph, Ammonia, Nitrite, and Nitrate. Boy, what
a difference in readings! The strips had been leading me to
believe all was well. However, the liquid kit is showing a high
ammonia and Nitrites at 2 ppm.
<Could simply be variation in quality. Dip strips aren't notably
accurate, and good quality liquid tests should be more reliable. Test
kits have a shelf life, too.>
I added a microbe-lift Nite-Out product for Ammonia and Nitrites,
however if it not down by the time I get home today I'm going to do
a water change as well. Am I right in thinking the new liquid
test is more likely to be correct?
<Likely so.>
<If the Goby is happy and eating, don't be too concerned.
They're very tough in brackish water, being adapted to living
inside burrows under mudflats. They should coast through any slight
bumps while they settle into their new home. Cheers, Neale.>
acclimating fw tank to bw
tank..... 10/11/11
I need help.... my son went nuts over the
"dragonfish" or violet goby at Wal-Mart so
we brought a few home and put them in our tank.... come to find out
they are a brackish water fish and apparently very high
maintenance....(who would have thought that of a Wal-Mart fish...
<Much to our chagrin, this large company does sell a few
inappropriate fish species>
anyways.... I bought all the stuff for them to hide in, their sand, you
know all that great stuff.... but what I don't know is how to
acclimate them can someone please tell me in simple terms how much salt
I need to put in the tank to start them out.... (in terms of
tablespoons or teaspoons please if at all possible) everything im
reading is saying don't go above .00002 salinity or whatever I
don't have anything to measure stuff like that.... please
Thank you!!
<Ahh, not to worry. All that needs to be known re practical
husbandry of this animal is archived on our site. Start here:
and read the linked files below re this species. Bob
Violet Goby. Habitat... SW, BW... -
I was reading through your info page on these fish the other day and at
the cost of having you think me "ignorant" for debating, your
demand that these have to be brackish fish is somewhat puzzling to
<Why? They certainly prefer brackish water conditions in the
Gobioides spp. are adapted in various ways to tidal mudflats. For
example, did you know they breathe air? Unlike other fish in mudflats
they don't swim back and forth with the tide, but dig burrows in
the mud. So even when the tide is out, they're in the mud, resting
and waiting. During that time they gulp air. As soon as the tide
returns, the gobies leave their burrows and start feeding. This allows
them to get to food before other fish have a chance to swim up from the
sea. Their burrows also allow they to avoid being seen by predators
such as seabirds. Such habitats are often murky, so their eyes are
useless. Most have very small eyes, and species don't have any eyes
at all. In short, they're remarkably well adapted to this
ecological niche.>
Now before you dismiss this out of hand, This is the third such fish
I've raised in freshwater conditions and though I lost one during a
move the oldest is currently somewhere around five and a half years and
in all are in perfect health.
<I'm glad you've had success. But you've also been
extremely lucky. By far the vast majority of specimens last just a few
months in freshwater. While they may adapt to freshwater conditions for
a while, almost always for one reason or another they eventually sicken
and die.>
None have ever had any type of infection or difficulty of any real note
and besides that the best fact that I can offer you is that it must
indeed be possible for these fish to mate in captivity because 2 of
mine did just that.
<Well done. This is not commonly reported.>
The babies were very small, no more than a few millimeters and floated
in the current among the plants at the surface of the water.
<Likely the fry are planktonic, and require saltwater conditions to
develop. The fry will certainly require extremely tiny live foods,
comparable to those used to feed marine fry.>
They had an appearance almost alike to miniature tadpoles and almost
completely clear.
<Yes, this is often the case with gobies.>
Unfortunately after about a week and a half or so they had all died.
I'm assuming that this was due to lack of proper care because
everything I read told me that this just was not possible and could
never happen and so didn't give any info on the habits of the young
so I had absolutely no clues to follow to successfully raise these
<Breeding gobies is certainly possible but it is usually extremely
difficult. A few gobies (e.g., Chlamydogobius eremius) produce large
fry that are as easy to rear as guppies, but most produce very small,
often planktonic, fry.>
Unfortunately as well it was one of the mated pair that died and so
I'm doubtful that this will happen again ( at least with these
particular fish). But I would definitely be hard pressed to believe
that these fish cannot be raised happily in fresh water as mine are
currently doing very well indeed have had no major issues.
<The fry are very likely marine, as most of these coastal gobies
work that way. By having marine, planktonic fry the juveniles can be
carried by the current to various estuaries and so extend the
geographical range of the species. Since the adults are inept swimmers,
the adults can't migrate any distance at all.>
The largest is currently just over 16 inches in length and to add to
all that, fish do not breed unless the conditions are correct for them
to do so (generally) and yet where most seem to think that you have to
keep these as brackish fish and that they do not breed in captivity, I
have raised mine in freshwater and they have indeed produced
<With brackish water fish this can be a very misleading approach.
For example, there's a well known case from the 1970s where an
American aquarist managed to breed Monos. His specimens were being
maintained in freshwater. Now, if you try to keep Monos in freshwater,
most of them will at best be nervous and poorly coloured, and at worst
will simply die. But for whatever reason, this guy had healthy
specimens and is the only person in the literature who's bred this
species. If you think about it, Monos very likely do breed in estuaries
and in freshwater, since that's where the juveniles are found. But
the adults are unquestionably marine fish. So, you have to separate the
fact the fish spawn in one set of conditions from the fact they live as
adults in a completely different set of conditions.
Gobioides spp. may well spawn in freshwater or low-salinity brackish
conditions, but the fry very likely develop in the sea, and the adults
are found in coastal rather than inland habitats. Can they survive in
freshwater? Yes, clearly some do. But is that the best, most reliable
way to keep them? Certainly not.>
Anyways, just something to think over. Also I did try to photograph the
young but they just wouldn't show up properly without any colour to
them and are not discernable from their surroundings in the few photos
I tried ( this could have been due to a lack of a good camera as mine
is very mediocre). I have a 90+ gallon tank and not sandy bottom but
quite small stones and he does filter these quite routinely without
issue and also seems to enjoy digging large holes aside from his cave
"house" and just generally digging up every plant I try to
anchor down.
<Yes, they are diggers. As I stated above, in the wild they spend
the low tide portions of each day in burrows.>
Very active and friendly, Follows me around the tank and swims over to
greet me anytime I put my face to the tank. He even (and yes I know
this is a no no) likes to have his forehead rubbed and will come to the
top of the tank if I stand in the corner with a finger in the water and
hang off the glass and put his head under my finger. Coincidently I
also had two Discus that displayed this behavior.
<Fish can be friends, eh?>
So while I may do some things that are supposed to be wrong my fish
seem to be just right.
<I'm glad you're enjoying this fish. But I cannot stress too
strongly that luck has been on your side, and the vast majority of
people who keep Gobioides spp. in freshwater tanks end up with dead
D. Mathers
<Thanks for writing in.>
P.S. where the most common color I hear of for people to describe this
fish as is grayish mine are gray here and there but mostly a very deep
purple/blue with patterns of gold near the gills and down its
<There is more than one species in the trade. Compare Gobioides
peruanus, which is mostly grey, with Gobioides broussonnetii, which
does have pronounced purple bands along its flanks. Cheers,
Re: Violet Goby, sys.,
repro. 4/5/10
Thanks for your reply Neale,
<My pleasure.>
I found quite a bit of that information to be very interesting.
I was thinking somewhat along similar lines to what you stated as to
the possibilities of breeding but was by no means sure.
<I'm not "sure" either since I don't know anything
about the reproductive ecology of Gobioides spp., but I think we can
safely hazard a guess by looking at other intertidal brackish water
It was quite unexpected when it happened I can say that much. I
Understand also what your saying about the fresh/brackish water issue
and why you would stick to the most likely option for success for
passing out advice.
<It would also be better for your goby to be kept in brackish water,
I guess when I read that over and over again I didn't consider
having to deal with trying to teach the masses the easiest way to keep
their fish alive ( I know, whole point of the article right).
<Right. And still the best way to keep Gobioides spp.>
So I apologize if my statements seemed a little hostile in that
<No problem. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Violet Goby 4/5/10
Sorry that last mail got sent unfinished.
I was wondering though if you would have any further recommendations
for raising the fry should I happen to have the chance again.
<Breeding most gobies is difficult. I know nothing about this
species, so in all honest you're going to be making things up as
you go along. The fry are likely extremely small, so your first job
will be setting up a culture of marine infusoria. You'll also need
to transfer the fry from freshwater to marine conditions. Ideally, the
more brackish the water in the breeding tank, the less stress
you'll place on the eggs when moving them to the marine
For instance if I set up a small Brackish tank it would obviously be
best as a well established tank when they went in.
<Sort of, yes, but I doubt even a mature tank will have enough
plankton for the fry to eat. So while keeping a marine aquarium running
will be part of the process, and live rock will produce some food,
you'll still need to culture marine plankton.>
Are there any brackish fish you would recommend that I could set up a
tank in advance with that wouldn't trouble the fry while they are
<None, really. By definition, a breeding tank will need to be empty
of fish. You're likely going to need very gentle filtration, e.g.,
a sponge filter or maybe just an airstone and some live rock if you go
Adding tankmates will complicate things.>
Also If you know anything further about what they would eat I would
appreciate any info you could pass along on the subject.
<Do read here and elsewhere re: breeding Neon Gobies, Dormitator
maculatus, and Stigmatogobius sadanundio since these will all be
relevant here.>
Thanks for your time.
P.S. I might not go so far as to call my Goby my friend but just
calling it my pet doesn't sound right either so... /shrug.
<Cheers, Neale.>
Damaged Silver Dollars; Gobioides
broussonnetii in the wrong tank 1/16/10
Hi I have two silver dollar fish with red anal fins.
<Likely the Red-hook Metynnis, or something similar.>
we have had them now for 3 months now and never had a problem , but
today I discovered that almost all of ones fins are missing and the
other looks like little bites are taken from them.
<Well, two things. Firstly, they can be nipped by other fish. Tiger
Barbs and Red-eye Tetras (Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae) are on the
potential list of biters. You've actually made things worse here by
keeping these in
insufficient numbers; barbs and tetras should be kept in groups of 6+.
In smaller groups even the best species can become nasty. It's like
getting a potentially lovely dog but then keeping it cooped up indoors
all the time.
With the best will in the world, that dog will become frustrated and
aggressive. Same thing here. By keeping these fish badly, you've
created the conditions for social behaviour problems. Secondly, your
Silver Dollars need to be in a bigger group as well. They are extremely
social fish, and in small groups their social behaviour goes haywire.
Yes, you've guessed it, this can manifest itself as aggression; in
other words, fin-nipping.>
I watched them for a few minutes, and saw only one other fish taking
interest in them and actually peck at them.
<Problem identified. What are you going to do to fix it?>
the fish was a bleu speckled platy and it is much smaller than the
silver dollars I'm not sure of the type of platy it is blue with
dark specs on it. are these fish known for such things,
<Some are, yes. But even "good" fish can become nippers
when bored or frustrated.>
or do you think the silver dollars have other issues. I have a 80 gal
tank and its clean the filter is a fluvial 304.i know there should be
more dollars in there but I dont think that's the problem.
<But I think it may well be, and I've been doing this for a LONG
time. So hear me out...>
and they have never showed any aggression towards each other there are
about 27 other fish in there
2 tiger barbs
<Nippy; 6+ specimens.>
3 sword tails
<Males are aggressive.>
1 Danio
<6+ specimens; can be nasty when bored.>
3 angel fish
2 blood fins
<6+ specimens>
2 red eyes
<Nippy; 6+ specimens.>
3 gold fish
2 African butterfly
1 6 inch dragon fish
<If this fish is Gobioides broussonnetii, and I think it is,
it's a BRACKISH water fish and is doomed to die in a freshwater
aquarium. Surely you didn't buy such an unusual fish without
reading up on its needs first?
Either you did that, which was bad enough, or you ignored the advice
you'd seen about it, which is even worse! Cannot be kept with any
of these fish, except perhaps the Guppies, which will do just fine in a
brackish water
aquarium at the requisite SG 1.005 (about 9 grammes marine salt mix per
litre). Note that adding a teaspoon of salt per gallon will not help
one bit; adding enough salt for this Goby will quickly kill all the
other fish in this tank, except for the Guppies.>
1 blue platy
3 pearl gouramis
1 blue Gourami
1 fire tail guppy
all these fish are much smaller than the silver dollars except the
dragon but its totally non aggressive.
<Indeed. Gobioides broussonnetii is a lovely fish. It's a shame
it's so often bought by people who insist on not researching its
needs prior to purchase or decide for whatever reason not to keep it
the way it should be kept.>
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
<Up the numbers of the fish being kept, removing surplus fish as
required to make space. Transfer the Gobioides broussonnetii to a
brackish water aquarium.>
please and thank you in advance
<Happy to help. Cheers, Neale.>
Dragon/Violet Goby, sys., fdg. gen.
-- 01/13/2010
<Hello Melanie,>
I have a 38 gallon tank that is 36"x15"x17" and have it
stocked with one 1 Goby, 1 Rainbow Shark (yes I know it's actually
a minnow), 3 Sunburst Platies (2 female, 1 male), 1 Rosy Barb, 1 Black
Skirt Tetra and an unknown amount of ghost shrimp (there were 7, have
only found up to 5 at any one time).
<Shrimps don't always do well in community tanks, if for no
other reason than they get damaged while moulting.>
I added 1 tsp aquarium salt per every 2 gallons of water and it looks
like from reading I do need to increase it
and possibly switch to marine salt
<Yes; I'd start at about 9 grammes marine salt mix per litre of
water (1.2 oz per US gallon), for a specific gravity of SG 1.005 at 25
degrees C (77 F). This will be just about sufficient for long-term
success with Gobioides, and acceptable for a variety of other fish too,
including Platies, Mollies and Guppies, should you want to add them.
The shrimps might do okay. But the Minnows, Barbs and Tetras would have
to be re-homed.>
and get a hydrometer, the poor goby was in fresh water at the LFS.
Draco, the goby was quite thin and fairly inactive at the store.
<Likely, though usually a question of starvation rather than water
chemistry. Gobioides can tolerate freshwater for months, but they are
finicky feeders in some ways, and easily starve in busy community
That is no longer the case it has gotten very fat off a diet of algae
wafers, shrimp pellets and thawed frozen blood worms (2-3 times a
week), so fat I'm a bit concerned it's belly may burst.
<Then don't feed so much! Honestly, a healthy fish should have a
gentle rounded abdomen rather than a beer belly.>
Other than that it seems healthy in that it moves around the tank a lot
and seems to nearly always be looking for food. I always drop the food
in the same place under a fake root thing he/she and the Rainbow Shark
like to hide out in, that way he knows where his food is. The shark
actually keeps the other fish from getting at the worms but doesn't
chase the goby away so that is good.
I don't have a sand substrate but it is a very small gravel size
that's nice and rounded. I plan on getting sand, marine salt and a
hydrometer next month since my paydays are monthly.
<Cool. Plain smooth silica sand from a garden centre will be cheap
and 100% aquarium safe. Avoid anything "sharp" as this'll
do more harm than good. If you want, you can stir in some coral sand as
well, to raise the carbonate hardness.>
Oh and I've had Draco for about 10 days now he is about 5-6"
long and there are no extra bits of food on the substrate the fish eat
all that's given and want more but both Draco and Red (the shark)
are much plumper and a bit longer than when we brought them home (they
were bought at the same time and both eat the same foods).
Any information you can give me about my goby's fat belly would be
greatly appreciated. My only guess is that Draco is not a he but a she
and perhaps it's eggs that have it so bloated.
<It's quite possible you're overfeeding. This is simple
enough to check.
Don't feed for a few days, and see what happens. If the fish become
thinner, there's your answer. Would consider that before worrying
about anything more serious.>
Thank you
<Sounds to me as if you have the situation well in hand. Good luck!
Cheers, Neale.>
re: Dragon/Violet Goby -- 01/13/2010
Thank you for your swift reply. I did plan not to feed him for a few
days but feel a bit bad about that so just gave him far less of the
shrimp pellets, though yeah I know in nature food supply is not always
so plentiful so I'll try that.
As far as water hardness we have hard water here as is fairly usual in
CA, but just the same I did add a piece of coral to the water since
coral sand & Aragonite is good in order to buffer the water and
increase hardness, therefore a piece of coral should help with
<Indeed. Marine salt mix will dramatically improve things, to the
degree you won't have to worry about water chemistry at
Draco has dug himself a little pit area under and behind the aquarium
<Heater guard installed, I hope. Otherwise a boiled goby is on the
cards here...>
silly boy (yes I do know it's in his nature but it's still
<Cheers, Neale.>
14G freshwater setup questions, stkg...
incl. Gobioides, non-aquatic plants, - 10/05/2009
Hello there and thank you for your time.
<Hello, and we're happy to help.>
I have recently purchased and setup/cycled a 14G freshwater aquarium
and have a few questions after reading and learning a bit more about my
new hobby. The first and most important issue I need help with is what
to do about the "Dragonfish" that I now know to actually be a
Violet Goby and a brackish water fish.
<Indeed. And far too large for a 14 gallon aquarium. Adults get to
as much as 50 cm/20 inches in length.>
I purchased it from Wal-mart on an admittedly rash impulse after
reading the info label "freshwater, peaceful, eats blood
worms" sounds good to me, too bad only the peaceful part was 100%
The other fish in the tank are 4 Devario aequipinnatus (giant Danios),
and a Pterygoplichthys pardalis (Pleco).
<Both of these are far too large for 14 gallon tanks as well. Giant
Danios, as their name suggests, are bigger than regular Danios. While
the volume of the tank isn't critical, we're looking at tanks
around 100 cm/39 inches in length for them to feel settled and happy.
They also tend to be aggressive in groups smaller than 6, so be on the
lookout for chasing and nipping. As for Plecs, well, this chap of yours
will need a 55 gallon tank. Sure, it can be wedged into smaller tanks,
but at up to 45 cm/18 inches in length, and a fish that produces solid
waste by the bucket, small tanks will look filthy pretty
I was sold some "aquatic" plants at Petco and have identified
a couple as Dracenas and Brazilian swords which thanks to WWM I now
know are not actually aquatic.
<Oh dear.>
My substrate is a basic colored gravel. According to the Violet Goby
FAQ's I know that they need a gravity of about 1.005 to be happy
but I was also reading that the Pleco, Danios, and plants aren't
going to like that.
<Indeed not.>
I know that being estuarine the Goby will "survive" in the
freshwater for a short period of time, my question is this. Will it be
morally wrong to wait it out and see how he does?
<Yes. It will certainly sicken and die eventually. You hear of the
odd specimen kept in freshwater tanks lasting 6, 12 months... but most
don't. Wild fish likely live many years.>
I certainly don't have the money to start a second BW tank right
now, and it seems like taking the fish back to Wal-Mart would be worse
than leaving him with me, but on the other hand I don't want to
slowly torture him to death by keeping him in a FW tank with a gravel
substrate if that's going to be the case.
<A conundrum without an easy solution.>
Would "workarounds" like making sure he gets algae pellets
and bloodworms to account for the lack of substrate feeding, and a PVC
tube half buried to allow him a "burrow", be acceptable? Also
is there a compromise gravity like 1.003 that will work for both the
goby and the others?
<Look, the plants will die anyway, so they're not worth
factoring. Dracaena and Spathiphyllum spp. are house plants, and should
treated as such. Their death underwater is certain and imminent. For
the fish, SG 1.003 would be tolerated by the Plec for a while, and if
you were lucky, the Gobioides would be comfortable enough to last under
such conditions for long enough for you to find alternative
accommodation. But the Danios... not so much.
They have a low tolerance of brackish water.>
The other issue I need to address is the "aquatic" plants. Is
a non aquatic plant going to cause any harm if left in the tank until
it dies?
<Yes. Dead stuff is dead stuff, and it's all using up oxygen and
producing organic acids.>
Assuming dead leaves are being removed of course. Plantgeeks.com says
they will rot but I'm not 100% sure about my identification of the
plants and would hate to waste money and good aquatic plants by
pre-maturely removing them.
<Brazilian Swords are a species of Spathiphyllum, and certainly do
not belong in an aquarium. As for Dracaena, they're pretty easy to
identify, and so widely sold, that you'd be unlikely to make a
mistake. If the thing looks like duck and quacks like a duck...>
What signs or symptoms should I watch for to remove them?
<Take them out.>
They were labeled "assorted potted plants" at Petco.
The final issue I have is that I have a Pleco who I'm learning will
be eventually around 13" long and is living in a 14G tank that is
about 20" long. I do plan to step up to a 55-75g eventually and
would transplant him
to it.
<The bigger of the two tanks is wise.>
How much time do I realistically have before he will need to be put in
a larger tank?
<They reach full size within 1-2 years. Do not underestimate their
growth rate!>
I read in a forum on fishprofiles.com that if you place a fish in a too
small tank that it will stunt their growth while their organs may
continue to grow internally and eventually cause a painful death for
the fish, is
there any truth to this?
<No, the organs don't keep growing. That's garbage, and
quoted all over the place on web sites written by people without any
real knowledge of fish biology. What *does* happen though is that
eventually the mass of the fish overwhelms the ability of the filter to
keep the water clean and oxygenated. When that threshold point is
reached, ammonia isn't removed quickly enough, and oxygen isn't
replenished fast enough, and the fish becomes stressed. Eventually, it
dies. There's no rocket science here, and under lab conditions at
least, you can maintain big fish in tiny tanks, provided the filtration
is (uneconomically) massive and the water
constantly being changed (like, 90% daily). It's not viable to keep
pet fish this way, which is why we stress the importance of the size of
the tank, and the turnover of the filter, with respect to the fish
being kept.>
Along the same lines, if I keep the Goby which I'm thinking
isn't probable, how long before he's going to need a larger
<Again, just don't.>
Thank you again, I realize now that I should have done a bit more
research before setting this all up but now all I can do is try to make
it right retrospectively and appreciate any help you folks have to
<Do read here:
Much to be gained by measuring the volume of your aquarium, and
choosing livestock accordingly.>
I'm an avid animal lover and would hate to know that they were
suffering due to my ineptitude.
<I understand. But there is this issue that we go into pet shops and
assume all the fish are equally easy to keep. This isn't any more
true for fish than it is, say, for breeds of dog, or plants for your
<Cheers, Neale.>
Violet gobies, Sys.
10/21/08 Hi Neal, I just moved in with my sister-in-law and
she doesn't have room for two fish tanks; would it be okay if I put
my Violet Gobies in a freshwater tank with my Zebra Danios just for a
month? Will they be okay like that and not die? Thanks, Shawna
<Provided the water is hard and alkaline, Gobioides spp. should be
fine in freshwater for a short period like a month or two. In the
longer term though they do need brackish water, though salinity
isn't critical, and they'll do well at low salinities alongside
platies, guppies, rainbowfish, and other salt-tolerant freshwater fish.
Cheers, Neale.>
Violet gobies, moving, sys.
9/23/08 Hi Neale, <Shawna,> I'm moving in a
couple of days and need to know how to transport my 2 gobies. It's
a 10 hour trip. I also have 2 zebra Danios and 2 Plecos to transport. I
don't have much room in the front of the moving truck so I am
limited to things I can do. Do you have any suggestions? I don't
want my fish to die on the way up there. Thanks, Shawna <Go buy two
or three big buckets with lids: something of the order of 5 gallons. I
got mine for a shop where they sell paint, for painting walls and
stuff. I think professionals use these buckets are used to store large
quantities of paint. Anyway, half-fill with water, put a sensible
number of fish in each of them (e.g., two the gobies and the Danios in
one, the two Plecs in the other). Put the lids on. Bundle the buckets
up with towels, heavy overcoats, or most anything that will keep them
insulated. They will be happy like that all day long. Every few hours
you might decide to lift the lid to let some fresh air get in, but
otherwise leave the fish be. Remember, when transporting fish the key
things are to stop them getting chilled and to keep them supplied with
oxygen. Beyond that, they're quite easy to transport, otherwise the
whole tropical fish exporting business wouldn't be viable! Hope
this helps, Neale.>
Adapting Violet Goby to Saltwater/Marine
tank 9/20/08 OK!!!! First - thanks for your
input - truly appreciated. <Most welcome.> Its been a month and
rather than keep the SW quarantine tank I really wanted to keep George
so here I am. I moved George to the 20 gallon tank and slowly raised
the salinity to 1.005 <OK.> I put about 3.5 inches of live Fiji
sand in there for his substrate and added about 5 fake plants. I used a
faux coral that houses (hides) his in tank HOB filter along with the
heater and it also comes with an airline and air stone. <OK; do be
careful with hang-on-the-back filters that there isn't too much of
a gap between the tank and the hood: Gobies generally are notorious
escape artists.> It also has a small hiding spot underneath it where
he hides (about 4" tall, 5" wide and 3" inches deep). I
have placed a thin slate rock in front of it to shield him even more
since he is so shy. <He should become less shy with time. Again,
pretty standard goby behaviour.> SO far he has been ecstatic over
the tank. He goes crazy at night and has created huge valleys and pits
in the sand in different areas in the tank, is this normal? <Yep; in
the wild these fish feed in three ways: they plough through the sand
extracting worms; they gulp water to catch plankton; and they rasp
algae from rocks with their sharp teeth. You can have fun with all
three. Have you tried adding live brine shrimp to the tank? Violet
Gobies go wild for these. Not much nutrition to be sure, but bags of
fun to watch!> Also, I watched him at one point inch forward to rest
right on top of the air stone. Is this something I should be concerned
about? <Nope.> Do I need a protein skimmer in his tank?
<Wouldn't work at SG 1.005 anyway. You need SG 1.010 for
skimmers to be worthwhile.> Lastly - I have looked into tank mates
for him. Should he have tank mates? What are the best? Can I get
another violet goby to keep him company? <Ah, good question. Most
anything can be kept with Violet Gobies. They're too big to be
eaten by things like Archerfish, but peaceful enough that even Guppies
will breed in the tank happily. So it's really up to you. Some
ideas might be Giant Sailfin Mollies (Poecilia velifera);
butterfly-goby Waspfish (Neovespicula depressifrons); Siamese tigerfish
(Datnioides polota); Crazyfish (Butis butis); Orange Chromides
(Etroplus maculatus); and the Silver Scat (Selenotoca
multifasciatus).> Any other comments suggestions are most certainly
appreciated! <Do have a browse through the Brackish section here at
WWM, and if that's not enough, both my book from TFH and Frank
Schaefer's book from Aqualog are brim full of ways to expand your
brackish water fishkeeping.> As always, you guys are the greatest
resource out there and I sincerely appreciate your help!!!! Thanks -
new fish addict....Angie <Cheers, Neale.>
Violet Gobies, and Loricariid
sys. -08/27/08 Hi my name is Shawna and I have 2
violet gobies and 1 leopard Pleco that is roughly 4 to 5 inches long. I
have the gobies in a 10 gallon brackish water tank. <Too small...
the Violet Gobies (Gobioides spp.) are territorial and very large. You
can expect them to reach 30-50 cm/12-20 inches under aquarium
conditions and depending on the species involved. They will fight over
hiding places. The Leopard Plec (Glyptoperichthys gibbiceps) gets to
about 30-45 cm/12-18 inches. It is a freshwater fish and cannot be kept
in brackish water. The Violet Gobies will need SG 1.005-1.010, and that
is far too saline for these catfish.> Will my Pleco do good in the
tank with them? <None of these fish will do well in a 10 gallon
tank, and you need something 5 times the size just for the two Gobies,
let alone the catfish. They can't be combined either. Do see here:
> Thanks. <Cheers, Neale>
Re: Violet Gobies 08/27/08
Thank you for your advice. <Happy to help.> I went out and bought
the marine salt and marine sand. I am going to change out their tank
today and need to know if there is anything special i need to do with
the gobies or what i need to put them in while i am changing out their
tank. <I'd put all the fish in a bucket (with a lid or cover!)
while doing major reconstructive surgery on any aquarium. Just the
other day I neglected to do this, and managed to bury a Pufferfish
under a pile of gravel! He was not terribly happy when rescued a couple
of hours later after I wondered why he wasn't out and about.>
How long before i put them back in and do I need to use a stress coat
after i put them back in or do i need to use it before i put them back
in. <Use Stress Coat if you want, but it doesn't make a huge
difference re: Violet Gobies because they're adapted to living in
changeable environments anyway. Begin by raising the salinity in the
aquarium to SG 1.003 (that's about 6 g marine salt mix per litre of
water) and when that's done put the Violet Gobies in. I'd do
that by removing half the (freshwater) water from the bucket, and then
refill the bucket using brackish water from the tank across 10-15
minutes. They'll adapt to this change in salinity with no problems.
Lift the Gobies out with a net and pop them in their new home. Over the
next few weeks or months, you can adjust the salinity upwards to an
ideal of SG 1.005 to 1.010.> Be happy to know my Pleco is in his own
tank and is resting peacefully. Thanks, Shawna <All sounds great.
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Violet Gobies 08/28/08
Hi Neale, <Shawna,> Well the violet gobies are very happy and are
moving around a lot more, but when i took them out of the tank to
change it I found out that one of my gobies that would always hide in
the cave and never come out was very fat, a lot fatter that the other
goby (especially just below its head and only in that one spot about an
inch long) I'm afraid its pregnant. <No, they don't get
pregnant. May be fat! Possibly containing eggs, but that won't
cause problems. In fact if you have a pair, the male will guard the
eggs as/when they're laid. As far as I'm aware, this species
hasn't been spawned in captivity. So keep a good eye out for what
happens!> Do you have any pics of what a pregnant violet goby looks
like? <Nope, doesn't happen.> I've never had a pregnant
fish before so im in dire need of assistance in this area. Does she
need special care, can she and the other goby be around the eggs when
she lays them, or do i need to put her in a breeder and then take her
out when she lays them, I have no clue what to do. Please help!
<Nothing need be done. Just make sure each fish has a cave of its
own, because if she does lay eggs, the male will AGGRESSIVELY defend
them on his own. Gobies generally spawn readily in aquaria, but the fry
are very small and often difficult to rear because they have a marine
phase of their life cycle so can't be reared in freshwater tanks. I
have no information on Gobioides spp. though. If I could make a
suggestion, there's a Yahoo Group called "goby group"
that includes hobbyists, goby scientists, and fish collectors. Naomi
Delventhal, who wrote the goby chapter in my Brackish-Water Fishes
book, is a member. Get in touch with them and describe what's
happening, ideally with photos, and they might be able to help. Naomi
has bred lots of "difficult" gobies in captivity.> Thanks,
Shawna <Have fun! Neale.>
Adapting Violet Goby to
Saltwater/Marine tank, using WWM 8/18/08 Hello!
<Angela> First, let me just express my appreciation and gratitude
for your site and helpful articles, they have been VERY helpful! I am
pretty new to fish keeping but I have become completely addicted!
<Ahhh! Welcome to "the club"> Started 5 months ago with
a FW 20 g tank. Got it through its cycle with 3 molly's. Had all
parameters to 0 (ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, PH at 8.0). Once cycled I
added 3 Day-Glo Danio's, 3 Cherry Barbs and 1 BN albino Pleco (my
best buddy) Lost 2 of the Day-Glo Danio's within a week, not sure
why - just found one floating one day and never did find the other.
Didn't seem like the other fish were big enough to eat him though.
My Pleco was about 3.5 to 4.0 - could he have eaten him? <Mmm, very
likely ONLY after it was dead, but then ,yes> About 1 month after
getting the 20 gallon my Molly's had a ton of babies. At that point
I decided to transfer all but 2 of the Molly's to a friends 55
gallon as he had more room. About 1 month later, my BN Pleco died. I
was heartbroken as he was my favorite. I actually cried most the night.
I felt so bad as I was sure it was something I had done. Still not sure
what happened but I think it was an infection of some sort. He just
came out in the open (which was very unusual for him) and had a red
tinge under his skin. Before I could figure out what to do, the red
tinge got worse and then he died about an hour later. Any ideas as to
what happened? <Mmm, likely environmental... the system being
unstable, not completely cycled...> I went out in search of a new
buddy for the tank and fell in love with a Violet Goby. <A brackish
water species...> The LFS didn't note anything other than what
to feed him so of course I had no idea that he needed a BW tank until I
did some reading up on him and found your site! So about 1 month ago, I
transferred all my guys into a larger 40 gallon tall tank and changed
out the sharp black gravel to pea sized river rock for George (my
Goby). I am currently evaluating my options as I want to do everything
possible for him (really don't want to go through losing a favorite
again, that was so hard). As I understand I have 3 options - please
correct me and/or add any comments opinions etc - the more information
the better! 1. Convert my FW to a BW tank. Not so sure I want to do
this as I like my FW and I really love the look of a planted tank.
Also, I am concerned my other tank guys may not do so well in a BW.
Currently I have George the Goby, 3 adult platys, 7 baby platys, 2
adult Molly's, 1 Day-Glo Danio, 1 cardinal Tetra and 3 Cherry
Barbs. Your thoughts? <Need two tanks/systems... one brackish, one
fresh> 2. I am in the process of setting up a 45 gallon Marine tank
as well as a 20 gallon Marine Quarantine tank. I have heard that George
can be adapted to a full Marine tank salinity of 1.020 - 1.022 or
around there - is this true? If so, how do I go about adapting him to
the Marine tank? <Posted:
http://wetwebmedia.com/BrackishSubWebIndex/BrackishSubWebIndex.htm See
the articles, FAQs links re?> 3. Last option would be to find him a
BW home somewhere but I would really rather not do that.... I would
really like to adapt him to my 45 Marine tank. I was thinking I could
somehow do this using my 20 gallon marine quarantine tank. Currently I
am using live rock to cycle both tanks and have no fish in them. They
both have DSB's of Fiji Live sand. Can you please assist? <You
can just read all this (and more that you'll find useful,
and the linked files below> Thanks in advance for any help, advice,
comments etc you can provide! Angie <Do write us back with specific
issues Angie. Bob Fenner>
Transitioning guppies and violet goby
from fresh to brackish water 8/18/08 Dear People:
<Well, I'm a person anyway.> I recently acquired a violet
goby and didn't get accurate information from the store where I
bought it. <Not uncommon. A lovely fish; hardy and easy to keep, but
does grow quite large (expect 40-50 cm) and will require at least
slightly brackish water to do well.> I have been properly chastised
by your site for "impulse" buying fish without doing the
proper research on them. Wanting to keep my goby alive and healthy, now
I am setting up a brackish tank (35 gallon) for my goby and hoping to
settle some fancy guppies that were bequeathed to me in the tank as
well. Is this possible? <Perfectly possible. I'd suggest a 35
gallon tank is slightly smaller than optimal given the size of these
fish, but providing you have a decent filter and don't overfeed any
of the fish, you should be okay. Violet gobies (Gobioides broussonnetii
will not harm the Guppies unless starving. Violet Gobies are omnivores,
and a mix of algae wafers (the things given to plecs), frozen
bloodworms, and occasional feeds of live brine shrimp suit them well.
Violet Gobies like to dig: use a smooth silica sand substrate
("silver sand", purchased from a garden centre) or river sand
substrate. You'll see them feed by shoveling sand into their huge
mouths. They also filter feed by gulping water, which is what the live
brine shrimp are for -- brine shrimp aren't very nutritious, but
boy, it's fun to watch! Wild fish scrape algae from rocks with
their sharp teeth, and that's what the algae wafers are for.
Provide some hollow tubes for hiding places; plain PVC tubes from a
hardware store will do, but obviously hollow ornaments like replica
tree trunks will look nicer. These are fun fish, and it really is worth
getting a handle on their requirements so that you can enjoy keeping
them and playing with them.> Also, do I need to transition the fish
from freshwater to brackish? <Not really. Fancy Guppies will do best
at around SG 1.005, and this is adequate for your Violet Goby too.>
If so, how do I do that? <Start by "cloning" a freshwater
aquarium filter for the new tank, i.e., take out 50% of the media from
the old aquarium and put into the new aquarium's filter. Add your
Goby and Guppies to the new aquarium. Over the next day or two check
the nitrite stays at zero (it should do). Now, once you're happy
everything is fine and the old filter media survived its
"transplant", do a series of 10-20% water changes every 1-3
days, replacing freshwater in the tank with brackish water at SG 1.005.
After a couple of weeks the tank will be at SG 1.005, and Lo! the fish
and the filter will both be adapted safely.> Thanks for the great
site. It is very informative. <Thanks!> Sincerely, Vickie
<Most welcome, Neale.
Dragonfish question... hlth... sys...
fdg. 7/17/2008 Hey guys! I love your site, and I normally
google stuff on your site when I have a question, but my computer's
not loading the search page, so I decided to email. Sorry if the
answer's on your site somewhere...I just can't find it.
<Oh?> x.x <No idea what this means.> I used to have a
Dragonfish (Violet Goby) about a year or two ago, and she was a really
amazing fish. But she developed some sort of tumor in her stomach and
died suddenly. I was pretty devastated. <Unlikely a tumour, which is
a pretty rare problem with wild-caught fish. Was she maintained in
brackish water? The common mistake people make with Gobioides is to
keep it in freshwater. Short term that's fine, but long term it
places such a stress on the internal chemistry of the fish it
invariably succumbs. So swelling of the abdomen was most likely organ
failure of some sort. At least, if the thing was in freshwater.
Gobioides need to be kept in fairly brackish water to do well,
certainly not less than SG 1.005, and ideally around 1.010.> I just
got a new one a few days ago, and I had a feeding question...When I had
Shasta, I had to feed her a very specific way. She would come up
gulping at the surface at about 8:00 at night and I would wait until
the exact second her mouth was at the top, then I would drop bloodworms
into her mouth. Needless to say, I didn't go on vacation much...
<Making things far too complicated. Gobioides has three feeding
modes. One is plankton gulping, which is where the live brine shrimps
and daphnia come in. The second is sand sifting, which is shoveling
mouthfuls of sand through the gill rakers, where food is extracted.
Frozen bloodworms are ideal for this. Finally there is algae rasping,
which is what their sharp little teeth are for. In the wild they scrape
algae from rocks and things, but in the aquarium standard algae wafers
work just fine. You need at least a mix of algae and invertebrates for
a healthy fish. A lack of algae could mean a lack of fibre, and
constipation can cause damage to the internal organs, and this can
cause abdominal swelling... so again, another common cause for a dead
Gobioides. Do also note that these fish don't do well in tanks with
gravel. Must be sand so they can feed normally.> xP <What does
this mean?> I was just wondering if that was actually normal for
dragonfish to eat like that. <Yes.> I've only had one, so I
don't know what to expect. I just got my little (actually HUGE,
since he's 10 inches long!) guy yesterday, so I don't know what
to expect from him. Do they all eat like that? <They eat in three
different ways.> Because I heard that they were filter feeders...and
Shasta NEVER sat around gulping like Zumi (the new dragon) does...
<Depends what you're offering them.> Thanks in advance for
your reply! And I'm terribly sorry if this question's already
been answered...maybe there's something wrong with my computer,
because normally the google search page works fine... Have a nice day!
Ashley <Do see here:
Much written about them here at WWM to get you started. Hope this
helps, Neale.> Violet Goby to Brackish
Without Shocking 6/12/08 Hi! I recently rescued from Wal-Mart a
lovely dragon goby. He's acclimated to freshwater but as I want to
do the absolute best by this beautiful creature, I've replaced the
gravel with sand and through you have learned that I need marine salt,
a hydrometer, and the specific gravity for which to aim. <Precisely
so. Violet Gobies, Gobioides spp., are brackish water fish that do best
between SG 1.005 and 1.015.> My gut feeling is that if I do this
conversion to brackish all at once, it will be terrible on him.
<Don't worry about it. Brackish water fish are adapted to sudden
changes in salinity. They have evolved the systems to accommodate that,
and in many cases seem to benefit from salinity changes. So by all
means take the fish from freshwater and put it into a brackish tank at
SG 1.005 straight away. If I was adjusting it to a higher salinity,
I'd tend to put the fish in a bucket half-filled with freshwater,
and then add some strongly brackish water a cup at a time for 30
minutes or so, to give the fish a bit of time to adjust. Essentially
doing what marine aquarists call "the drip method" of
acclimation.> (or her? how do I tell?) <Beyond the ken of man!
But presumably they know...> So I'm thinking a gradual
conversion is best, but would appreciate some guidance as to how
gradual. How much and over what period of time and what's the best
method? <With the fish, it hardly matters; your filter bacteria are
something else entirely. You can adjust freshwater filter bacteria to
SG 1.003 in one or two water changes, as you prefer. But after that,
only raise the salinity slowly each week with each water change. For
example, I'd do all my water changes at SG 1.003 for the first
month. After that, I'd do my weekly water changes adding SG 1.004
water for the next month. The month after that, I'd use SG 1.005
water. After three months you should have safely adjusted your bacteria
without any risk of a filter crash.> Also, I've read that
mollies make good tank mates but I don't think he was getting
enough food when I had him in the mollies' tank. Right now he lives
peacefully with gold and neon tetras and two Cory cats, as well as two
vampire shrimp (I've never actually SEEN those since I put them in
but assume they're still there...) but I know as I transition to
brackish, the Neons will have to go. <Indeed so. The Corydoras and
likely the shrimps will have to go too. Violet gobies feed on plankton,
algae, and worms. The ideal diet is algae wafers (of the sort given to
Plecs); frozen bloodworms; and live brine shrimp or daphnia. Watching
them eat the live food is incredible: they are like baleen whales,
gulping mouthfuls of water as they swim around the water! The worms and
algae will be eaten more leisurely. Don't force them to compete
with too many other bottom feeders. Mollies are ideal tankmates. You
could also keep Guppies or Limia such as Limia nigrofasciata. Violet
gobies will eat fry if they are very hungry, but otherwise completely
ignore other fish. Experienced fishkeepers have reported guppies
breeding like mad in Violet goby tanks.> The cats and shrimp too, I
am guessing. Realistically, who are the best tankmates for this gentle
giant? <Almost anything not nippy or aggressive. Livebearers,
flounders, Florida Flagfish, "Crazy fish" (Butis butis) would
all be ideal. Big, well fed (tame!) specimens mix well with scats,
monos, etc.> Thank you so much! Tina <You're welcome,
Dragon/Violet Goby 3/01/04 Hi there. <Hi,
Pufferpunk here> I ran across your website and it seems you
have some folks who are knowledgeable about brackish water tanks.
<Well, thank you! Hope I can help.> My husband
and I have "inherited" a Violet Goby from his
brother-in-law, who had it and lost interest in it.
<Good thing for the fish, he now lives with someone who cares
=o)> He offered to give us the tank, but insisted we must keep
the fish. We are considering it a "fish
rescue" project because the poor creature was being kept in
a (15?) hex with only about 5 inches of extremely dirty water in
it, and was only being fed about once every several
weeks. <Poor fish!> It is amazing that it is
still alive. <No kidding, tough fish!> At any
rate we have done a little reading, but as we already have the
fish and tank in our possession we don't have a lot of time
to do research - we must begin caring for it now. We
realize it will outgrow this small tank. We already
have plans of moving it into a 20 hex once that tank's
inhabitants have moved into their new tank; beyond that we will
have to make a further investment. We would GREATLY
appreciate any suggestions you can give to us on keeping this
interesting fish. <I assume you have already
cleaned out the tank & put the fish in fresh
water? Probably a big shock to the fish, since it has
actually acclimated to the poor water conditions & is now in
a completely different environment. See: http://www.tomgriffin.com/aquasource/oldtanksyndrome.shtml Hope
he's ok. Anyway, these are brackish water
fish. Aragonite or crushed coral substrates are used
to help maintain a stable alkaline pH of around 8. I
suggest keeping these fish at low-end BW (in a specific gravity,
or SG of 1.005-08). You must use marine
salt. You will need a hydrometer to measure the
salinity. It takes a cup of salt/5 gal of water to
raise the SG .005. If the goby was in FW originally,
then you should start out your tank in FW and raise the SG
.002/week, until you reach the desired SG. This is so
you don't destroy the good nitrifying bacteria (if
there's any left) and shock the fish as you add
salt. SW bacteria are different than FW, so you need
time for the SW bacteria to develop as the FW bacteria dies off
slowly. If the tank was completely cleaned out (I hope
you didn't use soap!), then all the "good" bacteria
has been destroyed. The only product that is available
that contains live bacteria is Bio-Spira. I suggest
you add it to his tank.> We would especially like to hear
suggestions on a good tank-mate for him. (her?) One
fish I have always been attracted to is the puffer; I know that
there are a few brackish species, such as the figure 8 and the
spotted puffer. Would either of these be
appropriate? <I have a dragon goby. I
would recommend at east a 30g for an adult, as they grow to
18". Mine lives with some F8 puffers, knight
gobies & bumblebee gobies. They all prefer the
same SG & basically the same foods (blackworms, plankton,
brine shrimp), except the puffers need more hard shelled foods
(like snails) to keep their teeth trimmed. My gobies
all love algae wafers too. I recommend you keep the
goby alone for a while to make sure the tank is
ok. After you upgrade to a larger tank, you could add
some other gobies & puffers. Mollies would work
too. I definitely wouldn't recommend a green
spotted puffer. They are extremely aggressive &
prefer SW as adults. If you are going to make the tank BW, then
since most BW fish kept at LFS are kept in FW, you will need to
acclimate the new guys slowly. If the store keeps their puffers
in BW (congratulations, you've found a store that really
cares about their fish), cycle your tank at whatever SG the
puffers are living in at the store. If you already have an
established BW tank and are buying a puffer (or other BW fish)
kept in FW at the store, you need to acclimate it very slowly.
Whenever I change a fish over from FW-BW, BW-SW, or visa-versa, I
use a drip system. I put the fish in a bucket below
the tank I will be moving it into, covered by water from the tank
the puffers were living in, about 1" over its
head. I tie a knot in an air hose until it drips
enough water into the bucket to raise or lower the SG in the
bucket .001/hour. I know this all seems a lot to new fish owners,
but BW is definitely a little more work than FW.> Thank you in
advance for any help you can give us. Sincerely yours, Julie and
Chris Ford <Enjoy your dragon! (Doesn't it
resemble the creature that pops out of that guy's chest in
the movie, alien?) ~PP>
Dragon Goby 2/29/04 Hey Pufferpunk. <Hey
yourself> I just really want to thank you - you definitely
told me some things I needed to know. He's in
fresh water with a small addition of "aquarium salt"
that I use for my freshwater guppy tanks, so I do need to
purchase some different products. We're making a
pet store run tomorrow. <Like marine salt & a
hydrometer.> So far he seems to be doing
well. He's swimming around quite a bit and really
likes the heater - previously there was no heater in his tank
and, although I know they can live in cooler water, I think he
appreciates the warmth because he has been swimming up and
attaching himself to the glass right next to the
heater. <Poor chilly fish. =o{> We didn't
*completely* change the tank out - just added water and a little
salt - cause I didn't want to totally freak his system.
<That's good, just keep doing 20% water changes, while
cleaning the gravel every day, until his tank is
clean. don't forget to use water w/the same temp
as his tank & add Dechlor.> Thanks, again, for the
tips. I'm glad to hear the f8 puffers are a good
choice. We've got a huge learning curve here but
gratefully there are folks like you out
there! <Awwwww, shucks!> My brother-in-law means
well, but these are people who should never have pets because
every pet they have had since I have known them, they have either
had to give it away, or it died an untimely death. This fish was
on death row. My husband really likes him, so
that's good since all our other pets are "mine."
Julie <Same in my house. I'm happy you saved
him! ~PP>
Overcrowding/Tankmates/Violet Goby Care 7/16/06
Hi, <Hi, Pufferpunk here> I was wondering if it's okay to
have a Pleco, 4 Otocinclus, 3 platys, 4 tiger barbs, 2 blue Gouramis, 1
molly, 1 Bala shark, 3 African frogs, 2 paradise fish, and 10 ghost
shrimp in one 30 gallon tank? <Let's start with some of the
larger growing fish: Blue Gouramis, grow to 4" each. Bala shark, a
schooling fish that grows to 10". African frogs (you didn't
say dwarf, so I'm assuming clawed frogs?), grow about the size as
your fist & will eat anything it can fit in it's mouth.
Paradise fish, grows to 3". Pleco, grows to 18". Did you
research adult sizes of these fish? I'd at least rehome
the Bala shark & Pleco. You can find a dwarf form of
Pleco for that tank, like the Bristlenose. Be sure to keep a
close eye on water parameters with those remaining fish & don't
add any more. Check ammonia, nitrites (should always be 0)
& nitrates (<20). Do weekly water changes of around
50%.> Three of my tiger barbs fight a lot and have a greenish
coloration from missing scales. Is there anyway to stop them fighting?
<A school of fish usually consists of 6 or more. Less may
cause squabbling.> I had received a 3-4 inch violet goby in a one
gallon tank with dirty water (I've changed it out and need to get
some marine salt) and am not able to get a new tank until next week. It
is cramped and but otherwise healthy. How fast do violet gobies grow
and how long can I keep it in there? <It will not live
long at all in that bowl. I'd keep it in your larger
tank, until you can get it it's own brackish tank. The
molly can go with it. It will grow to 18" &
eventually need at least a 30g tank. See: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ca/volume_3/cav3i3/Dragon_Gobies/Dragon%20Gobies.htm
> I had checked the place where I got my other fish to see if they
had violet gobies and saw they were in the same environment as the
tropical fish. The gobies at the pet store were healthy. <They can
live in FW for a while, but will suffer from a lowered immune system,
usually wind up with reddish tumors on their body & early
death.> The worker there told me to feed it feeder fish but I had
put some in, but it didn't eat until I fed it algae wafers. :) It
doesn't seem to be much of a meat eater either. It leaves fish and
shrimp alone. Is it okay to put it in my thirty gallon tank temporarily
since it is bigger then the one gallon? <Yes, do that for
now. They do not eat live fish & can barely see them,
never mind, hunt them down--they have very poor
eyesight. sinking pellets, blackworms or algae wafers, is
what they like.> Thank you for all your help! I learned a lot from
this site! <Glad to help~ ~PP>
Re: overcrowding/ tankmates/violet goby care
7/22/06 Hi again! Thanks for all your help! The
Pleco will be moved with the shark into a 10 gallon tank until I can
get hold of a bigger one. The fish had already been purchased without
my knowledge so I didn't get a chance to research on them. I was on
vacation, so I didn't find out about the fish until I got back. A
thousand thanks to you PufferPunk :) <Glad to help! Be
sure to give a good talking to the person that bought fish without your
knowledge. Fish do not make good
"presents"! ~PP>
Violet Goby caught in filter! 6/29/06
Hello! <Hi Neko, Pufferpunk here> Thanks very much for having the
Wet Web Media. It has been a huge help in helping my aquatic
life through strange incidences, problems or generally getting things
set up. <Glad to hear it!> I've come across an odd and
unexpected problem. My Violet Goby, which I've had for
maybe a year now, had somehow wiggled her way up into the
filter. I had left the screen off it accidentally with the
last filter and water change and didn't find her until the next
morning after taking all the plants and decor out, and even tearing up
my house hoping she hadn't leapt from the tank. She was still very
alive, however tired. Which isn't
unexpected. But her mouth looks bloodied up and a bit torn
up. What can I do to resolve this? I am so
worried for her. She's so beautiful. She had
even laid eggs not long ago. I'm assuming that's a
good sign! Another problem surrounding her is that she seemed to have
responded badly to an antiparasitic medication I had put in over a
month ago, and had started to thin out. I stopped feeding
her when her stomach bloated (which I can now contribute to her laying
eggs), but since I had no idea she was a she at the time, I assumed she
was constipated or had swim bladder. So I added extra
aquarium salts, and changed the water daily to help flush her
system. It seemed to be working, too. But then
her stomach looked to collapse (again, eggs I figure). Now
it seems fine, but she is still really thin. I've been
feeding her soaked freeze dried blood worms until I can get her some
nice, frozen blood worms. Also Tubifex worms in those cubes,
soaked and poured into the waterfall to help push them to the bottom
and flakes. I've also dropped in algae wafers for her to
munch on. But with her mouth so badly hurt, I'm afraid
she won't eat or be able to eat. I've done a
thorough water change today to get anything out of there that might
cause infection like food wastes, ammonia and fish
waste. I'm also adding something called 'Complete
Remedy' which is made for external parasites, fungi and
bacteria. If she seems to respond badly to that, I intend to
do another water change and slowly remove it, then try something else
for her. It's all I have on hand and it's an all
around medicine, so I'm hoping it'll help. I really
don't want her to die. Anything you can recommend would be a huge
help. I'm sadly limited on funds right now, and if you
know of any medications or remedies that'll help her within a
limited budget, please let me know. <As she has responded poorly to
meds before, I wouldn't add anything to her tank, except Melafix
and/or Pimafix. They are all-natural & won't harm
scaleless fish or your biological filtration. I would also
be sure your fish in in at least, low-end brackish water. A
specific gravity of 1.005 would be good. Make sure you are
using marine salt & measure with a hydrometer. If she
has freshwater fish for tank mates, they will not appreciate this much
salt in their water. (It takes close to a cup of salt/5g to make a SG
of 1.005). ~PP> Thank you for your time and any
help! Neko
Escape-Goby 1/22/06 Hi, Pufferpunk
here> As I got out of bed one morning,
I made the unfortunate discovery that my violet goby had escaped the
tank and was lying half-dried upon the floor. It was still alive, so I
immediately placed it back into its brackish aquarium. Ever since then,
it keeps its dragon-like fins retracted close to its body and seems a
little red around the gills. Furthermore, I have not seen him/her eat a
single thing. What is the best course of action I could take? <Are
you sure it's still alive? I'd just leave it alone
for a while & not try to feed it. Add Melafix to the
water & make sure it's in brackish water. Tape up
any openings in your hood, so this doesn't happen
again. ~PP> - Darel
"There's a Dragon In My
Tank!" Gobioides broussonettii - questions,
comments... 2/12/07 Hi All (This one is really for PufferPunk,
if possible), <Hi Cathy, you've got me!> I wanted to
thank you for a very informative web site - I've been doing a
lot of researching for my brackish tank and it seems that all roads
lead to WWM :) <Most do but there are also a few other good
ones...> My question is about substrate for these awesome
fish. "Smaug" is about 4"long, has been
in a 29 gallon tank which has been gradually "brackified"
to a SG of 1.005 over 2 weeks' time. I originally
had plain gravel and crushed coral in the tank but have decided
that he should have a sand substrate for a more natural
habitat. Long story short, I put this little one into my
10 gallon "guest tank" with some of his salty water and
put fine marine sand into the 29G tank (it's still
"settling"... I didn't know how to rinse the sand
very well. It's fine sand, how are you supposed to
rinse it?). <I just rinse in a bucket, while
stirring with my hand, till clear. Pour off the top
water & repeat. Never do get all the particles
out... Adding some filter floss to the filter, usually
clears the water up in a day.> Then someone told me that this
fish might eat the sand and get impacted or sick from
it. Is that true? <Never heard that
one--ask the fish in all my SW tanks or the fish in the
ocean. They seem to have no problem with sand.> Since
I have bought this sand and put it in the tank, I'd hate to
waste the investment and effort but I don't feel good about
putting him back in until I have some idea that it will be ok for
him. I also have a bag of calcite (by Seachem), grey
coarse sand but it seems kind of jagged and sharp. These
are my options at the moment, gravel, sand, calcite or any
combination of them. <The sand is fine.> I do also have some
comments about the article "There's a Dragon in my
Tank"- I would have liked to email the author directly but
there was no email in the article.... so hopefully this will reach
her. <It has> While it is a very informative article and I am
so glad for this resource, some of my experiences with this fish
have been different than what I read in the article. For
example, "Lacking the normal fish's swim bladder, they are
poor swimmers and wiggle back and forth like a snake in the water
or scoot along the substrate and rocks on their lateral
fin." Hmmm... Mine swims all over the
tank at night, gliding around and performing graceful aquabatics
that put any other fish to shame. Yeah, kind of
snakelike, eelish, but definitely not a poor
swimmer. Perhaps this is a sign of stress? Or
because he is young and small? But to my (albeit
untrained) eye, he seems to be having a pretty good
time. He does occasionally go to the surface, then back
down but there is no ammonia or nitrite in the water - I've
checked. <Definitely does not swim like any other
"fish" I've seen.> "This is not a fish for
beginner aquarists or even experienced freshwater aquarists
beginning in brackish water." Why on earth not?
<Mostly because of their difficulty to feed. Many
starve to death, considering their poor eyesight & distaste for
flakes.> Can I just say, this is my first brackish
tank. I'm not what you'd call an experienced
aquarist (I've only had a FW community tank for 5 months before
this one). I guess I don't understand what the difficulty is in
keeping this fish. Proper marine salt, properly
dissolved, gradually added to the tank -
check. Hydrometer - check. Regular water changes/good
water quality - check. Proper feeding (he eats
everything I've offered - shrimp pellets, brine shrimp,
bloodworms, Hikari Sinking Wafers...). With all
due respect, I feel like the article is "preaching to the
choir" - the person who is researching the proper care of this
creature is exactly the kind of person who should have
them. Do people really say, "I feel like starting a
brackish tank. Now, what kind of fish likes slightly
salty water?" I think most of us have certain
critters in mind, and go from there. <Unfortunately, you are not
the norm for most beginner fishkeepers. Even when you go
to almost any LFS, they'll tell you "BW consists of just
adding a little aquarium salt to your tank. Sure, you
can keep them in a 10g tank. Oh yeah, they'll eat
flakes." Lost of folks go years without ever doing
a water change on their tank--only topping off. I can go
on & on about how poorly fish are kept, even by some so called
"experienced" hobbyists.> And lastly... "A lot of
these are sold because of their odd appearance and common names.
Who wouldn't want a purple dragon? But that is insufficient
reason to buy a fish". IMHO these are perfectly
good reasons to buy a fish. They are fascinating in
appearance and behavior - I know that's why I wanted to get one
:) It's just that... nobody should ever take
on any animal without knowing what their needs are and being
prepared to meet them. <If only everyone thought
like you! Then I wouldn't be so busy helping fix all
the mistakes everyone makes, because they didn't do any
research of any kind & bought this really cool purple dragon
that their LFS told them would be fine in their FW community tank,
with just a little bit of salt & flakes for
food.> So kudos and thanks to you all, for helping
me be more informed - mission accomplished, no? :) <Kudos back
to you, for being the kind of fishkeeper that all should
be! ~PP> Thank you for your time, Cathy
Re: "There's a Dragon In My
Tank!" 2/12/07 - 02/15/07 [...] gravel,
sand, calcite or any combination of them. <The sand is fine.>
Sand it is, then. I'm sure he'll be happy to
leave the small "guest tank" and go back to his 29g. I do
also have some comments about the article "There's a
Dragon in my Tank"- I would have liked to email the author
directly but there was no email in the article.... so hopefully
this will reach her. <It has> I appreciate your patience :)
[...] <Definitely does not swim like any other "fish"
I've seen.> Nope. But it's the coolest thing
I've seen in my tanks since the molly's last brood of
babies :) "This is not a fish for beginner aquarists or even
experienced freshwater aquarists beginning in brackish
water."> Why on earth not? <Mostly because of their
difficulty to feed. Many starve to death, considering
their poor eyesight & distaste for flakes.> I can definitely
see that. Actually tankmates seem to be the biggest
problem - I tried a few mollies, but the females actually gorged
themselves eating their flake food and then his food (they were
sick on the bottom the next day with tummyaches - but fine
now). After I took out the 2 females, the male started
chasing the Dragon around trying to mate with him (it sounds
funnier than it was- but I can't help laughing when I say
it). Maybe guppies would be nicer. Anyway, for now the
little fella will just have to have the tank to
himself. I was thinking about getting a Knight Goby...
maybe a couple of Bumblebees, and make it a brackish goby
tank. Any comments or suggestions on
tankmates? I know that 29g is not a very big tank,
I'm still thinking on it. <<Other gobies should work
well.>> Nobody should ever take on any animal without knowing
what their needs are and being prepared to meet them. <If only
everyone thought like you! Then I wouldn't be so
busy helping fix all the mistakes everyone makes, because they
didn't do any research of any kind & bought this really
cool purple dragon that their LFS told them would be fine in their
FW community tank, with just a little bit of salt & flakes for
food.> Well thank you :) I've been involved with
avian rescue for some years... the stupidity never fails to amaze
me, both on the part of the people who buy parrots and the stores
that sell them. By the time our organization sees them the stories
get pretty sad. ("What, you didn't KNOW that a
wild animal in your home will behave like a wild
animal? Millions of years of evolution will be undone
just because you brought this creature
indoors?") So I know where you're coming
from. By all means - carry on, carry on - and thank you
again for your time :). <<Glad you understand my
intent.>> Attached is a photo of Smaug, if you would like to
have more "dragon" photos for the web site, I will send
you some more when I take better ones and the tank is all finished
settling in :). Also attached is a photo of my African
grey parrot feeding peanut butter to my dog (just because it's
cute) LOL <<Very cute--thanks for
sharing! ~PP>> |

Goby--Sand 2/15/07 Thank you so much for all your
help. Just so's you know - the sand is perfect, he *LOVES* it
:) <Wonderful, glad to help. ~PP>
Old Discussion on Dragon Goby, New Discussion
on Glassfish, BW plt.s 2/22/07 On 2/20/07, crew
<crew@mail.wetwebmedia.com> wrote: Dragon Gobies Stuck in
Aquarium Ornaments 2/20/07 [...]<Actually, that's
exactly where my Dragon lives. The fake mangrove root I have
in my BW tank, has an end of one of the roots broken off & he slips
inside it & lives in there. He has no problem turning
around inside the ornament & comes out often, to eat.> LOL how
cool :) I'm such a worry-wart (my girls call him
"Mama's little bog monster.") - just had this vision of
the poor little guy getting stuck in something like that. <
[...]<Sounds like a happy life for your Dragon!> So far so
good! I've bought 2 glassfish (au naturale, no ink
thanks) - Chanda ranga, for the brackish tank They are still
in quarantine, but for all I've read, they should be good tankmates
for him. I know that they were eating flake food in the
store but I can't seem to get them to eat anything so far (have
tried flake food, frozen brine shrimp, frozen AND freeze-dried
bloodworms, freeze-dried plankton). I've read varying
accounts of glassfish, some say they are good eaters, others say they
need live food. They are very timid, I'm wondering if
they would eat better if there were more of them in my tank (5 or 6
total)? <<A school of them would be
nice. They may just be adjusting to their new home.>>
I don't even know where to get live food - I tried to grow my own
brine shrimp for my livebearer fry but I'm filing that one under
"failed experiment." <<I get blackworms from my
LFS. Rinsed well in a brine shrimp net & stored in a
shallow container with a little water, in the
refrigerator. My dragon's favorite food!>> Seems
like I read that you have a planted brackish tank? <Nope, I have a
90g planted discus tank. No surviving plants in my BW
tank. ~PP> Heheh well that might be us pretty soon too, I
have read it's very hard to keep plants in salty
water. What about marine plants though? Do you
think any of them could do well in BW? <Marine plants won't fair
well till a SG of around 1.018. There are many BW plants
that folks have success with, just not worth the trouble for me, since
I already have a FW planted tank I'm happy
with. Here's a great thread on BW plants:
http://www.thepufferforum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4792&highlight=brackish+plants ~PP>
Thanks again, Cathy
Dragon Gobies Stuck in Aquarium Ornaments 2/20/07
You might want to add to your FAQ about aquarium ornaments (or look
into it--I think others have had the same problem). <It
will be now Cathy, thanks.> At least with sand, these swamp babies
are burrowing fools - I came home yesterday to find that little Smaug
had burrowed underneath a hollow ornament and was up inside of
it. I had been tempted to buy one of those large
"mangrove root" ornaments but glad I didn't, because that
was hollow as well (long tubes of hollowness for
"roots"). Probably would never see him again if he
crawled up inside of something like that. <Actually,
that's exactly where my Dragon lives. The fake mangrove
root I have in my BW tank, has an end of one of the roots broken off
& he slips inside it & lives in there. He has no
problem turning around inside the ornament & comes out often, to
eat.> I got a set of those "lock rocks" (I think
they're by Penn-Plax) and made him a cave to put on top of his
burrow, surrounded by lots of live plants (java fern, Anacharis, giant
Val.s) - he's burrowed underneath that as well but at least he
can't get stuck in it. I'm trying to stay away from
things like PVC pipe, just for aesthetic purposes, though I know they
can be used. <They definitely love their caves!> As for the live
plants, my giant Val.s aren't doing so great (the rest are fine -
is it even possible to kill Anacharis? ;)) but he really enjoys hiding
in them/swimming thru them and digs around frequently at the bases, I
think he probably eats bits of plant material there. It
seems worthwhile for me to try to keep live plants with them if
possible - we'll see how expensive it gets though. Will
keep you posted if I learn anything interesting or helpful.
<Sounds like a happy life for your Dragon!> Seems like I read
that you have a planted brackish tank? <Nope, I have a 90g planted
discus tank. No surviving plants in my BW
tank. ~PP> Best
Wishes! Cathy Dragon gobies
5/21/07 I know that there isn't much info on these fish but I
know that more is being discovered. <There's actually
lots about these fishes in the aquarium press. Take a look at the
Aqualog brackish water fishes book, or perhaps my one from TFH. Goby
scientist Naomi Delventhal covered this species in considerable depth
in her chapter on gobies.> I went to Wal-Mart (yes, bad idea, but I
had to rescue them from there) and bought 1 dragon goby, a
10 gallon tank some rocks and plants. <10 gallons far too
small. A healthy specimen will reach 30 cm or so within the first year,
and up to 50 cm when fully grown.> Cleaned all and put him in. At
the store he was all swimmy but once he settled in he became secluded
(which I know is common) what I'd like to know about are his
uncommon traits. The water is not brackish, yet he seems to be doing
fine. <These are indeed hardy fish, and will tolerate freshwater
conditions for long periods. BUT NOT FOREVER.> His tank mates are a
snail, a Pleco, 12 swordtails (male and female), a very docile female
crown beta that itself is very social, and some unknown number of ghost
shrimp. <None of these fishes are really suitable, except maybe the
swordtails, which will do okay in brackish water at SG 1.005.
Swordtails don't like brackish water, but at low salinity it
won't harm them.> Now, I didn't notice him eating before,
but noticed he's been living for a few weeks now and my shrimp
population is dwindling... <When starving, dragon gobies will eat
shrimps and small fish. Their normal and preferred diet is a mixture of
infaunal invertebrates (worms and insect larvae, for example) plus
algae. They also filter feed from the water (live brine shrimp are
ideal). It is likely you are not giving the goby enough food to eat,
and since he's hungry, he's eating what he can. Bear in mind
that when properly cared for these are NOT PREDATORY, and people have
kept them with even guppies and not lost any fish.> So, someone
suggested I feed him algae wafers, so I did which he seems to like. (He
does the whole gulp and inhale nibble thing). <Quite so. The little
teeth in his mouth are for scraping algae from rocks. Try offering some
fresh algae, e.g. sushi Nori, and see if he goes for that.> My
questions being, One: if my swordfish mate, will he eat the eggs?
<Swordfish don't lay eggs, they produce live babies. If properly
cared for the goby will ignore them, but if hungry he will eat them.
But your swordtails will do that, too.> Two: even though he is doing
ok in freshwater, should I put him in brackish anyway? <Yes, he
needs a bigger, brackish water tank. At least 30 gallons, and ideally
55 gallons.> Three: I know this is asked a lot, but how can I mate
the dragons (hoping for new info)? Do I just buy many and hope for the
best? <Not been done yet, and probably complex. Many of these
brackish water gobies lay eggs in burrows but the baby fish are
planktonic, drifting around in the sea for a couple of months. Anyway,
the first step is getting a group of them. They are territorial.
In a big tank people do keep them in groups, and they are
quite fun like that. The fish "fight" by lining alongside
each other, and push one another to see who is the strongest. Either
way, each fish must have a PVC tube burrow of its own.> Four: should
I put my goby pal on a diet and try to feed him live food vs. wafers?
<He needs BOTH. They are filter feeders AND algae eaters, so doing
just the one thing is wrong. A mixed diet of frozen bloodworms, live
brine shrimp, and algae pellets is an excellent starting point.
Watching them filter feed the brine shrimp is terrific fun -- they swim
in the water, gulping the brine shrimp into their huge mouths like
baleen whales!> Thank you for your time! -Dave <No problems, and
good luck.>
Violet Goby... sys., hlth. 1/2/08
Normal environment is a hexagon 55 gallon tank. Had a leak
develop and pulled up an emergency 10 gallon. All fish are fine
and healthy. Came into the kitchen this morning to prepare
breakfast and felt something under my feet. It was my violet goby
on the floor! As near as I can tell he went out a small area that
allows access to the heater control. Anyway I snatched him up and
got him back in the tank. He had some floor dust on him - I
touched him long enough to clean that off. He appears fine minus
the huge dorsal fin that runs down his back - I cannot see the
fin. No idea, no explanation but if it was somehow damaged what
are the chances of it growing back? I put some frozen brine into
the tank and he ate, everything appears normal but the fin
concerns me. I do not see any open "wounds" per say,
just a line down his body where the dorsal should be. <Violet
gobies are excellent jumpers; indeed most gobies are, and
eel-shaped fish even better, so an eel-shaped Goby is at real
risk of leaping out of uncovered tanks! In any case, within
reason, fish will recover from the trauma of landing on the
floor. Fin membranes will grow back quickly, and spines
eventually, though sometimes not to their full extent. Skin grows
back quite quickly. The prime risk is Finrot/Fungus, to treat
against these as a precaution. Do also remember these are
BRACKISH water fish, and are extremely prone to disease when kept
in freshwater. So don't keep at less than SG 1.005.> The
other tank has a sealed top and they will be moving back into it
today. This should eliminate the problem reoccurring. <Very
good.> Thanks <Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Violet Goby 1/9/08 It turns out he was
ok from that - fin intact - he just had it laid down. Now,
starting last night he swims to the top of the tank and pokes his
head out, sinks down and back up again. Pretty much lethargic.
Water is almost perfect, about 77 degrees and the rest of the
fish are fine. He is still breathing and other than swimming to
the top of the tank and drifting back down a few inches there is
little or no movement. Ideas? <You haven't mentioned water
chemistry. These fish must be kept in brackish water; when kept
in freshwater, they do poorly, and usually sicken and die. So
please tell me what the salinity is in the aquarium. I cannot
stress this point strongly enough: you should be adding marine
salt mix (not tonic salt) to each bucket of water at not less
than 9 grammes per litre (i.e., SG 1.005 upwards). In addition,
Violet Gobies (Gobioides spp.) must have suitable hiding places
as well as soft sand (not gravel) for digging in. Wild fish
forage by shoveling mud and silt through their gill rakers. In
the aquarium, they will do the same thing with silica sand,
removing small food particles easily. But gravel stops them doing
this, and ultimately these fish are at serious risk of starving.
Violet Gobies are in part algae eaters, so once or twice per week
should be given algae wafers or pellets. They will feed on these
quite happily as they soften up on the substrate. Otherwise,
stick with wormy/plankton foods -- bloodworms, brine shrimps,
daphnia, etc. It should be very obvious that Violet Gobies are
not "normal" fish that can be dumped in a community
tank. On the other hand, they mix wonderfully with brackish water
things such as Mollies that leave them alone.> They are back
in the big tank, as an FYI. <Hope this helps, Neale.>
Violet Goby... sys.
mostly... 3/2/08 Hi, I purchased a "dragon
goby" at PetSmart last night and was told he is a predatory
freshwater fish. A quick Google search revealed this was completely
incorrect. <Indeed. Neither predatory nor a freshwater fish.
Brackish water fish that eats plankton, algae and small worms would be
closer to the mark.> As we were driving home the front suspension of
our car broke and apparently it's a miracle we got home without the
car failing, so my husband won't drive any where. My question is
can/should I *temporarily* put him in a tank with table salt?
<Adding a small amount of salt (ideally rock salt or kosher salt) to
the tune of about 6 grammes per litre would be quite helpful as a
stop-gap. If your water is soft rather than hard, then raising the
hardness through the use of a Malawi salt mix would also help. One
recipe follows, but you'll find others online. Per 5 gallons/20
litres 1 teaspoon baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) 1 tablespoon Epsom
salt (magnesium sulfate) 1 teaspoon marine salt mix (sodium chloride +
trace elements) > I know this is not the same and not advised but
would it be better than freshwater? <In the very short term,
yes.> Currently, he doesn't look so good. He's more pink
than grayish and has been swimming somewhat sideways. Thank you, Kate
<Hope this helps. But please do focus on rehoming in a slightly
brackish (SG 1.005) aquarium, perhaps alongside guppies and mollies,
knight gobies, etc. Cheers, Neale.>
Dragon goby sys. 2/17/08
Hello! I recently got a dragon goby from the local pet store -
not knowing he was brackish - and added him to our freshwater
tank. Its a 33 gallon, and right now we have the following in it;
2 Bala sharks, clown Pleco, dojo loach, 2 black tip sharks,
emperor tetra and 3 black skirts. I realise this is going to be a
little crowded as they start to grow up (right now they're
all about the same size and I am assuming age). Our goby seems to
be doing fine right now, he eats plenty and is growing a little,
but we know now that he's not going to prosper in this
environment. So my question is, can we change the tank to
brackish without harming the other fish, or do we need to get a
brackish tank specifically for our goby? I know we will have to
get a second, larger tank eventually and separate the fish as
they grow, but if our goby is suffering, I'd like to help him
as much as possible before its too late. Thanks for your time,
Kelly <Hello Kelly. Your Violet Goby/Dragon Goby -- Gobioides
broussonnetii -- is indeed a brackish water fish. While they do
occur in freshwater in the wild, they are rarely far from the
sea, and in aquaria seem to last only a year or two in freshwater
conditions. So long term, yes, you will need to rehome him. The
problems when brackish water fish are kept in freshwater
conditions vary from one fish to another, but overall it is a
greater sensitivity to disease: Lymphocystis, Finrot, Fungus and
so on. The best thing with Dragon Gobies is to move them into
their own tank. They have quite special needs: sand for digging
(either silica sand, river sand, or coral sand) plus several PVC
tubes or similar for hiding in. They like rocks, because they
scrape away algae using their special teeth. Plastic plants are a
great addition, too. Because Dragon Gobies are completely
peaceful, they work superbly well with livebearers such as
Guppies and Mollies that will thrive under the same conditions.
Glassfish and Wrestling Halfbeaks and Orange Chromides could be
added safely, too. Unfortunately, none of your other fish is
suitable for such a community with the exception of what I
believe you mean by "Black Tip Shark", what I would
call Sciades seemanni. This is a brackish/marine catfish and is
also very peaceful and an excellent community fish, though
predatory. While sold as a freshwater fish, it is really a
brackish/marine fish and doesn't do well in freshwater tanks.
Sciades seemanni is one of my all-time favourite fish, and surely
among the most shark-like fish in the hobby. Do a Google search
for Sciades seemanni just to check we're singing from the
same hymn book though. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Dragon goby
2/21/08 Thanks for the quick reply! It looks like we are
going to rehome the other fish into a second tank and use our 33
gallon as the brackish tank. I will keep the sharks with the goby
and probably add another species or two - thanks for the
suggestions. It looks like you are a right about what the
black-tip sharks are really called, which is great because I
searched black tips on Google and nothing that looked like my
fish came up! Anyways, thanks again, you were very helpful! Kelly
<Hello Kelly. Sounds like you're making the right choices.
Do be careful not to overstock the 33 gallon tank though. Both
Dragon Gobies and Shark Catfish get fairly big (expect at least
20 cm/8" for the catfish, and at least 30 cm/12" for
the goby). While you could well keep them perfectly happy in the
33 gallon tank for the next year or two, before too long
they'll need something a bit bigger (a 55 gallon tank would
be ideal, and allow space for some midwater fish like Archers or
Sailfin Mollies). Shark Catfish are among my very favourite fish
in the hobby, and I'm sure you're going to enjoy them.
Cheers, Neale.>
Dragon (Violet Goby), sys. - 04/14/08
Hello, OK I have heard and read much about this wonderful fish that I
recently lost in our fish tank. I will try again with another, but
before I do, I want to be sure that I have as much information as
possible so that I can assure that the Goby has a fair shot at a decent
life here. <Indeed.> First, I keep reading about sand as a
definite MUST have in the Brackish tank. OK<..this is great,. but
would somebody please tell what kind of sand (please be specific) is OK
for the tank? I keep hearing that Marine Sand (about the only one I can
seem to find in stores and online) is NOT acceptable. If there is
indeed an acceptable sand for this Goby,...a brand name or specific
type would be most appreciated!! <Marine sand would be fine though
perhaps not the ideal. Smooth silica sand (also called "silver
sand") would be nice, as would smooth river sand. Basically avoid
anything jagged. These fish feed (in part) by plowing through mud,
filtering out small prey; let them do this in the aquarium. They also
eat plankton from midwater and algae scraped from rocks. In the
aquarium, feed bloodworms, algae wafers, and periodically
"plankton" in the form of brine shrimp or daphnia.>
Also,...the salt factor seems to be up for debate as well. <Only
debated by the ignorant; these are estuarine fish, period.> I've
been told Marine Salt is not advisable, yet I've been told Aquarium
Salt is not good either? Can you please clear this up for me? What kind
and how much per gallon of water? <Marine salt mix, of the type used
in marine aquaria. Instant Ocean, Reef Crystals... whatever is cheap
and easily obtainable in your area. Aquarium "tonic" salt,
the stuff used in freshwater tanks, is not acceptable, and neither is
cooking salt. As for the amount, you're aiming for 25-50% salinity
of normal seawater, i.e., 9-18 grammes of salt mix per litre of water
at 25 degrees C. That should result in a specific gravity of SG 1.005
to SG 1.012. The precise value you aim for doesn't matter, just so
long as it is kept reasonably consistent over time: sudden, dramatic
changes in salinity will stress/kill the filter bacteria.> Thanks so
much,....I love your informative site! I also wonder if the Australian
Desert Goby would be OK in Brackish water too with the Violet Goby.
<Chlamydogobius eremius is indeed tolerant of brackish water. It can
actually do perfectly well in anything from hard freshwater through to
twice the salinity of seawater. Should be fine with the Gobioides sp.,
though don't force them to compete for space or burrows. Set up
some small caves for the Chlamydogobius eremius, and then some sand and
larger burrows (PVC tubes are ideal) for the Gobioides.> <Cheers,