FAQs about Green Spotted
Puffers 2
Related Articles: Green
Spotted Puffers, Alone But
Not Lonely: The Importance of Keeping Puffers
Individually by Damien Wagaman, The
Arrowhead Puffer, Tetraodon suvattii, miraculously
Freshwater/Brackish Puffers, True Puffers,
Puffers in General, Burrfishes/Porcupinefishes, Tobies/Sharpnose Puffers, Boxfishes, Puffy & Mr.
Nasty, Puffer Care and Information,
Related FAQs: GSPs 1,
GSP Identification, GSP Behavior, GSP
Compatibility, GSP Selection,
GSP Systems, GSP Feeding, GSP
Disease, GSP Reproduction,
BR Puffers 1, BR Puffers 2, BR
Puffers 3, BR Puffer
Identification, BR Puffer
Selection, BR Puffer
Compatibility, BR Puffer
Systems, BR Puffer Feeding,
BR Puffer Disease, BR Puffer Reproduction, Brackish Water
Fishes in General, Puffers
in General, True Puffers,
Freshwater Puffers, Burrfishes/Porcupinefishes, Tobies/Sharpnose Puffers, Boxfishes,

Green spotted puffer 1/28/19
I have a 13 year old green spotted puffer. The last week he is refusing
to eat looks massively bloated and is spending his time either hiding at
back of tank or vertical next to the filter.
Water parameters are the same as his usual Ph7.8 nitrate 7.5 nitrite 0 ammonia 0
temp 24 degrees
<No salt?>
He’s in a 180 litre tank with about 8 ghost shrimps ( originally put in as food
about 2 months ago- But he seems to prefer the company!!)
No changes to food/tank/ inhabitants etc
I am very attached to him and it’s heartbreaking to see him like this.
Do you have any idea what I can try? I know he’s old now but I’ve had him longer
than my kids! :-(
<Hah! He's a fair age for a GSP, but with that said, the species isn't really a
freshwater fish, and the bloating you describe could easily be caused by some
sort of osmoregulation problem. Adding marine aquarium salt, even at a
relatively low dose (say, 5 grams per litre; SG 1.002) will probably help
enormously. Cheers, Neale.>
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Re: Green spotted puffer 1/28/19
Thank you so much for replying. I’m so stressed. :-(
<Oh dear.>
I’ve always added Interpet aqualibrium salt ( 1tsp per 10litre)
<Much too little, and the wrong kind of salt. 1 teaspoon is around 6 gram, so
that's 0.6 gram per 1 litre, which isn't nearly enough to register as
I’ll get some Marine salt tomorrow.
<Ah, much better.>
Tonight he looks like he has a load of tiny white spikes.
<Those are his spines.>
Sent from my iPhone
<Useful to know, I guess? Cheers, Neale.>
Green spotted puffer 7/12/18
I have a green spotted puffer and I have had him for about a month now!
<Do remember these are brackish water fish, despite what pet stores tell you.
They will not live well or live long in freshwater conditions. Adults may even
need marine conditions, though I'd argue around SG 1.005 is perfectly adequate
for a long and healthy life, i.e., about 9 grammes marine aquarium salt mix per
litre of tap water (that's about 1.2 oz per US gallon).>
He is still very small and bright!
But I noticed tonight his left side by his tail is almost flat looking but his
right side and head are fine! I’m not sure what could be wrong with him I just
didn’t a total tank clean.
<Puffers can/will change their shape somewhat, especially when they're overfed.
But they can also turn dark when stressed, which can make them look very
But I also was wondering could he need his teeth trimmed this little and what
could I feed him other then the flakes they gave me at the pet store?
<Yikes! Flakes are not an option here. Sure, if he eats them, once in a while
they're useful. But he should really be eating mollusk and crustacean foods,
whether small snails, or small shrimps, or slivers of seafood. A variety,
really. Even if your puffer can't eat whole 'cocktail' shrimp (which shouldn't
be a staple anyway) he should be able to eat krill or brine shrimp. Do let me
have you read, here:
The key things are: use mussels and prawns/shrimps sparingly; use snails and
cockles liberally; choose crunchy foods where you can; visit marine aquarium
shops for suitable bite-size frozen foods such as krill and Spirulina-enriched
brine shrimps for economical staple foods.>
I’ve been looking into his diet and such but no one can seem to help me and I
don’t think he is big enough for shrimp.
<He'll manage small frozen whole shrimp when he's bigger, but as a youngster,
frozen krill and brine shrimp are more realistic. You can also try woodlice from
the garden -- assuming no pesticides have been used. Bloodworms, daphnia and
other pond foods are an option too.>
Please help and the faster the better!! I am worried he has become my baby
<Hope this helps. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Green spotted puffer 7/13/18
Okay I will check into other food today! But the place I got him from told me
that he was raised on flakes so far and that he should be fine with those for
now until he got bigger but upon my research is why I asked about it!
<For a start your Puffer was wild caught. It wasn't 'raised' on anything.
He may/may not eat flake, and if he does, that's great. Flake will provide a
good range of nutrients. But it won't do anything for his beak.>
Also how will I know when he needs his teeth trimmed because he is only about
and inch and half or maybe two if that big right now he has grown a lot since I
got him as well!
<If you can see the teeth all the time, they're probably too long, and if he
can't easily eat, they need dental work. Bear in mind that it's easier to trim
the beak when the overgrowth is slight. Let me direct you to some reading:
Personally, I wouldn't use a net to hold the puffer while doing the work,
but wet hands firmly. Nets can be rough and can damage fish.>
Now I have him in a small tank at the moment because I was worried he was
getting sick so I upped the salt level a bit to help him over it but he may not
need it!
<He needs salt. Quite a bit of it. Do read, understand about these fish.
They are brackish water fish, not freshwater fish. If you're not buying marine
salt mix, and not weighing out substantial amounts each water change, you're not
keeping it right. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Green spotted puffer 7/13/18
(Cheyanne here) I got freeze dried shrimp that he loved he ate till he was full
and I took the extra out but he loved it I have not seen him eat this well ever
so I’m happy I found you guys
<A-ha! Good news he's eating well, and glad to help. Cheers, Neale.>
Green spotted puffer help! Sys., nutr.
I hope all is well,
<And likewise to you.>
I saw some articles about puffers and was hoping you could help. I am looking to
set up a green spotted puffer aquascape/bioscope and have a few questions:
- what substrate would be the best/most natural in comparison to their natural
<Estuarine and coastal marine environments are very varied. But an 'idealised'
environment might include a mix of sand and broken seashells on the substrate,
perhaps with a bit of gravel mixed in. Rocks are often encrusted with bivalves
such as oysters and mussels, so either of those, perhaps siliconed onto the
rocks before use, could help to recreate an oyster reef of the sort you see
around estuaries and harbours. I'd tend to leave out corals and large, obviously
marine seashells like conches, as these tend to favour fully marine
environments, so wouldn't be quite so authentic.>
- what plants are found in their natural habitat?
<Primarily seagrasses and mangroves, neither of which are easy. Seagrasses need
strong lighting, while mangroves are trees that have only their roots
underwater, so while relatively widely traded, they aren't really equivalent to
the plants we grow in freshwater tanks. At low salinities, you can use
Vallisneria species to mimic seagrasses, but above around 1.003, these won't do
well in the long term. Unfortunately for the aquarist, there really aren't any
obvious mid to high salinity brackish water plants because such habitats are
frequently silty in the wild, so any plants there grow above the waterline. At
low salinities though, pretty much anything that thrives in hard water will do
well at SG 1.001-1.003, including Amazon Swords, Vallisneria, Java Ferns, hardy
Cryptocoryne species, and so on.>
- are the brackish/salt requirements different as juveniles than to adults? What
is the ideal level of salt?
<A very complex question! In practice, the salinity isn't critical, so long as
it's not freshwater. So if you wanted to keep a GSP at 1.005 indefinitely, it'd
be fine. It'd probably thrive in water at SG 1.003 for that matter! But a lot of
aquarist find these fish do well in marine tanks, and that opens up a few useful
options, including the use of live rock, protein skimmers, and even tankmates
like Damsels that are punchy enough to do well alongside puffers.>
-my local shop has some in stock and put aside for me. They are currently in
freshwater. How best to introduce the salt to the water? Presumably slowly over
regular water changes as opposed to adding loads on day 1?
<Either. GSPs, like most brackish fish, are extremely hardy. In the wild they
presumably have to be able to cope with changes in salinity as the tide moves in
and out. So while I would set the tank up to match the shop simply to minimise
stress, and only change the salinity across several weeks for the sake of the
filter, people can and do acclimate them to brackish water immediately after
- the ones in the shop are currently juveniles, 1-2 inches, can I fit 6 to 8 in
120 litre tank if I intend to rehouse them into a big tank as they grow?
<Yes, at that size they should coexist, assuming water quality was good and all
were feeding well. A singleton can easily fill a tank around the 180 litre mark
though, and you'd probably need to allow a good 80-100 litres for each extra
specimen. I have seen GSPs kept in twos without bother, but other specimens are
notoriously cranky and aggressive. You really do need to keep an eye open for
the tell-tale circular bite marks on the flanks -- a good sign of aggression>
-what is the best diet (i know pure meat with some shell fish for their teeth
but wondering about regularity/variety). Would frozen bloodworm once a day with
shell fish/snails 1-2 times a week be OK? What would be optimum?
<I'm not a huge fan of gorge-feeding predators, even if it is 'more natural'.
Let's be clear, GSPs in the wild will be constantly foraging on low-protein
foods including algae, organic detritus, and of course various small
invertebrates. This is why they seem hungry all the time -- they're programmed,
if you like, to constantly feed because what they'd be eating in the wild
wouldn't be particularly nutritious. On top of that, predators have a tendency
to consume a large amount, digest relatively little, and pass out a lot of
organic waste the filter has to process. Regurgitation is a common problem as
well. While you'll have to observe your fish and see what works for you, I
always preferred to offer small, regular meals that kept the puffers active,
rather than filling their bellies to such a degree they'd settle down, curl up,
and sleep off their meal for a few hours!>
The shop have put them aside till the weekend so hoping to buy them then.
I have a freshwater tank already set up and fully cycled (was being used to
raise fry) and therefore able to ‘adjust’ it to the scope in a short time frame.
Though obviously it is something I want to get right and not rush.
<Understood. GSPs will thrive in freshwater for weeks if not months,
particularly if you have hard water. So by all means get the fish home, feeding,
and maybe do a small (~20%) water change with water at SG 1.003, so that the
resulting aquarium salinity will be barely SG 1.001. That'll be enough to keep
the fish in tip-top health, while not stressing the filter bacteria. From there
on in, weekly water changes with water at SG 1.003 will nudge the overall
salinity up to SG 1.003 after a few weeks. That's still 15% seawater, and more
than enough for GSPs in the medium term. You can plan what to do next as they
Thank you in advance for your help!!
<Most welcome. Neale.>
Re: green spotted puffer help! 4/27/18
Hi Neale
Thank you very much for your detailed reply, I feel in a much more
knowledgeable/informed position to set up the tank
<Glad to help, and good luck! Neale.>
Re: green spotted puffer help! 4/30/18
Hi Neale,
Firstly - I got my GSP's - they are awesome!
<Yes, they are. And a good size too, when mature. Big enough to impress your
mates, but not so big you need a mortgage to house them properly.>
The tank has a good internal filter, however I just remembered I have a spare
external filter and all new filter sponges for it. I was thinking as the puffers
are messy - I should add the external filter as I have it anyway.
<Maybe. While pufferfish are messy, you also keep fewer of them in an aquarium
than, say, Guppies. I'd be aiming for a water turnover rate around 6 to 8 times
the volume of the tank per hour while small, and above around
8 cm/3 inches, I'd kick that up to the 8-10 times per hour. In other words, if
your tank had a capacity of 200 litres, you'd choose filters that collectively
provide a turnover rate around 1200-1600 litres/hour while they fish were
little, and up to 2000 litres/hour for subadult and older specimens. Make
Is there any issues to having 2 filters?
<None at all. But avoid over filtering while the fish are small, so as not to
tire them out. You also don't want so much air/water turbulence that the water
becomes supersaturated with oxygen, as that can cause problems. But
other than that, nope, multiple filters is fine.>
Is there any issues to putting on a filter with entirely new sponges?
<Nope. If one filter is mature, and the other entirely new, the new one will be
matured within a very short span of time. Alternatively, you can dedicate the
new one to mechanical filtration, cleaning out the filter media aggressively,
ensuring nice clear water.>
I know normally a 'new' filter would mean cycling the tank - but I assume if
there is already a filter on and working and the tank is well cycled then this
wouldn't be an issue?
Kind regards,
<Most welcome. Neale.>
Re: green spotted puffer help! 5/1/18
Apologies for the bombardment of questions - if it is too many please feel free
to tell me to stop!
<Will do.>
I have been feeding frozen bloodworms and that has gone down well. In order to
vary the diet I wanted to try introduce something else, ideally something with a
hard shell in order to help their teeth.
<Yes; I'm skeptical about such foods ever being a 100% solution to the
'overgrowing teeth' problem, but it does help, and some pufferfish species are
more prone to the problem than others. Do bear in mind crunching algae from
rocks is probably a significant part of their diet in the wild, so it's not just
whole invertebrates. You can also take a hammer to mussels and cockles to break
their shells a bit, and allow the pufferfish to wear away their teeth as they
feed on such food items that might be too big to crunch open whole. Whole frozen
cockles are sold in marine aquarium stores, while mussels and cockles are sold
in some grocery stores.>
I was thinking of trying live red cherry shrimp at some point. At 1-2 inches are
the puffers too small for live shrimp?
<They'll certainly have a good go at them, but this is a crazy expensive way to
try and feed them. Red Cherry Shrimps aren't all that crunchy, so their impact
on the puffer's teeth will, individually, be minimal. You may as well just
collect woodlice from somewhere in your back garden you know is free of
pesticides. Much the same amount of crunchiness, readily consumed, and zero
I was thinking of getting say 10 shrimp and my thoughts were as follows:
Either I could keep them in a breeding trap in the tank and release a few to see
if they get eaten and then a few days later a few more.
Alternatively, if the puffers are not interested then I could release all 10,
they may breed and increase and eventually the puffers may eat them?
<The Red Cherry Shrimps will be dead in hours, whether harassed or eaten
I'm not really sure how best to go about this as I've never used feeder shrimp
<Some marine aquarium shops sell native shrimps from the Thames Estuary and
elsewhere called 'river shrimp' and these make good food for brackish water
puffers. They can be gut-loaded before use, and will survive many days, even
weeks, in anything from SG 1.005 upwards. They'll survive some hours even in
low-end brackish to freshwater conditions.>
If not shrimp - any alternative ideas?
<See above. I'd honestly be less given to live foods for now. You can get good
frozen foods that'll be better value, such as Krill, while cockles and white
fish fillet provide better nutrients than shrimps do (shrimps contain
thiaminase, which we don't want). Whole lancefish are good for bigger GSPs, as
are live or cooked crayfish, cooked brown shrimps (expensive, but delicious in
potted shrimp!), even things like king prawns like you'd buy in Asian
supermarkets. You can also find dried whole shrimps in Asian supermarkets, and
these are a good value, if occasional, treat. As mentioned already, crustaceans
(and mussels) should be a small part of their diet, with cockles, white fish
fillet, lancefish, squid, and insects being generally better all around when it
comes to nutrients. Some source of greenery needs to be considered too, whether
Spirulina-enriched brine shrimp, gut-loaded worms or shrimps, or even cooked
peas and algae wafers, if your puffer takes them.>
I have followed your advice in not overfeeding them ��
<Glad to hear it!>
Thanks again in advance - I really appreciate all of your help ��
<Most welcome. Neale.>
Re: green spotted puffer help! And 8's 5/10/18
Hi Neale,
How are you?,
<All good.>
As an update - I started adding salt at my last water change and all seems to be
going well!
Quick question - A local shop I noticed have figure 8's in
(about 2 inches). My GSP's are 1.5-2 inches. From my research - they both like
Brackish and come from similar environments - could I put a few in there?
Or best not to?
<While young, yes, they will cohabit reasonably well. GSPs tend to be a bit more
snappy, while Figure-8s are perhaps a bit more active. But there's not much in
it either way. As they get older though, GSPs do become substantially bigger and
potentially more dangerous. Also remember that they're somewhat different in
optimal salinity. Figure-8s are freshwater to low-end brackish, doing best at a
low salinity, maybe SG 1.002-1.005; your GSPs, on the other hand, while
perfectly fine at SG 1.003-1.005 for long
periods, perhaps indefinitely, are often kept in higher salinities, even full
marine conditions.>
I know ultimately the GSP's will outgrow them, but the intention is anyway in
12-18 months to get a bigger tank.
<Ah, yes!>
At which point I'll possibly put the GSP's in the bigger tank and keep the F8's
in the existing tank?
From my understanding it takes easily 2-3 years for GSP's to grow anywhere near
full size anyway?
<Something like that, yes. Many specimens never get particularly big, though
well-kept ones should comfortably reach 10 cm/4 inches, and be stocky with it.>
Even as juveniles can it be done? Or best to keep species only?
<See above. Yes, but with caution, and likely not indefinitely.>
<You're welcome, Neale.>
Figure Eights & Spotted Green Puffer
Hello -
<Hi Rebecca!>
First, I absolutely love your site and appreciate all the help available! I
guess I am emailing because I have a bit of anxiety about my tank as I am new to
being a ‘fish mommy,’ as my sister puts it.
I recently was gifted a 40 gallon breeder tank which I promptly cycled for a
month. (Current Parameters: Freshwater/77-78 degrees Fahrenheit/Ammonia
0/Nitrite 0/Nitrate 0/PH 7.4/two bubblers to keep up oxygen/black sand
substrate/fake plants except for a few Marimo balls/the biggest API canister
At my local LFS today I made the plunge and purchased my new puffers. I
originally intended to purchase 3 Colomesus asellus but the LFS had already sold
out, and I fell in LOVE with a green spotted puffer kept with her trio of figure
eight puffers. The LFS said he’d had the three figure eights together for a
really long time (to the point he was going to take them home himself bc he was
getting attached), while the green spotted was added to the tank about 6 months
ago. All four puffers are the friendliest things and were in a community tank at
the LFS labeled ‘brackish’ (not a single nipped fin in sight!). The LFS was
keeping them in freshwater but warned that now the puffers are headed to their
new forever home, I should slowly acclimate them up to 1.0012 salinity
brackish water using marine salt during water changes.
<Mmm; well; this is not "very" brackish.... A good spg for both species would be
about 1.005... Do please read Neale's piece here:
Will the spotted puffer and the figure eight puffers be alright together at that
salinity (between the two ideal parameters)?
<Very likely so; especially if they are "good sized" (adult tending)...>
The more research I do, the more conflicting information I seem to find. Also,
what is the best food for them?
<Please read here re:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/brackishsubwebindex/gspfdgfaqs.htm, and
I’ve currently been feeding them thawed blood worms and cockles from the LFS. Do
they like snails as much as the Colomesus asellus do?
Will the Marimo balls survive in the brackish tank?
<Aegagropila linnaeii; at moderate salinity, yes>
Thank you for your help and any peace of mind you may be able to provide.
Kindest regards,
<And you, Bob Fenner>
Re: Figure Eights & Spotted Green Puffer
My apologies - salinity up to 1.012 (sorry about the extra zero)
<Ahh; I would actually lower this to the prev. stated 1.005. BobF>
Figure Eights & Spotted Green Puffer /Neale's better go
Hello -
First, I absolutely love your site and appreciate all the help available! I
guess I am emailing because I have a bit of anxiety about my tank as I am new to
being a ‘fish mommy,’ as my sister puts it.
I recently was gifted a 40 gallon breeder tank which I promptly cycled for a
month. (Current Parameters: Freshwater/77-78 degrees Fahrenheit/Ammonia
0/Nitrite 0/Nitrate 0/PH 7.4/two bubblers to keep up oxygen/black sand
substrate/fake plants except for a few Marimo balls/the biggest API canister
At my local LFS today I made the plunge and purchased my new puffers. I
originally intended to purchase 3 Colomesus asellus but the LFS had already sold
out, and I fell in LOVE with a green spotted puffer kept with her trio of figure
eight puffers. The LFS said he’d had the three figure eights together for a
really long time (to the point he was going to take them home himself bc he was
getting attached), while the green spotted was added to the tank about 6 months
ago. All four puffers are the friendliest things and were in a community tank at
the LFS labeled ‘brackish’ (not a single nipped fin in sight!). The LFS was
keeping them in freshwater but warned that now the puffers are headed to their
new forever home, I should slowly acclimate them up to 1.012 salinity brackish
water using marine salt during water changes.
<Well, 1.003 to 1.005 for the Figure-8, and from 1.005 to 1.025 for the GSPs.
They have somewhat different requirements, and the GSP will get A LOT bigger and
sometimes quite a bit more aggressive.>
Will the spotted puffer and the figure eight puffers be alright together at that
salinity (between the two ideal parameters)?
<1.005 or slightly higher can work, but see above.>
The more research I do, the more conflicting information I seem to find. Also,
what is the best food for them?
<No one item! Like all predators, your big problem is lack of variety, because
that leads to vitamin deficiency. So a mix of white fish fillet, bloodworms,
cockles, krill, squid, and occasional offerings of mussels and prawns (these
last two contain thiaminase, which you want to minimise).>
I’ve currently been feeding them thawed blood worms and cockles from the LFS. Do
they like snails as much as the Colomesus asellus do?
Will the Marimo balls survive in the brackish tank?
<Not particularly well above, say, 1.003.>
Thank you for your help and any peace of mind you may be able to provide.
Kindest regards,
<Most welcome, Neale.>
Re: Figure Eight Puffs 1/19/16
Hi Neal and everyone -
Thank you again for all the excellent advice and help.
<Most welcome.>
I hope the best kind of karma heads your way. I returned the GSP today and
decided to keep the three figure eight puffs. But I have a follow up
regarding one of the figure eight puffs. When purchased on Saturday one of them
had a very very bloated belly. I chalked it up to being over fed but her belly
has not gone down a bit (today is Monday), she hasn't eaten (that I've seen but
some bloodworms tend to stay after feeding so maybe she grabbed a snack when
alone?), it seems like she's rubbing her belly on the tank heater sometimes and
this morning she had white lumpy stringy poop (first time I saw her poop). Her
belly is still white and she swims about just fine exploring (except when she
gets in the mood to just pace the glass for hours)
Is this constipation? Parasites? My friend seems to think she's ready to lay
eggs and I should add more smooth stones to entice her to spawn...
<Deworming is not a bad idea at all. Various fish-friendly medications exist for
this, such as PraziPro. The use of Epsom salt in the aquarium can also be a
useful laxative; do read here:
Egg-binding in fish is rare. Sexually mature Figure-8s will be fairly big,
upwards of 5 cm/2 inches.>
These three lived together at the LFS the last year or so in fresh water.
I've started to gradually adjust their tank to a brackish set up. Tank
parameters: 40 gallons/1.002 salinity/77.5 F temp/nitrates 0/nitrites 0/ph 7.4.
I've grown surprisingly attached to these helicopter river puppies and want to
do my best for them. Thank you again for the time and help.
<They are nice fish, and entertaining too. SG 1.002-1.003 is ample, and provides
scope for planting the tank and, with care, choosing certain tankmates like
Bumblebee Gobies known to do well with Figure-8s.>
Kindest regards,
<Cheers, Neale.>
A lump in the green spotted puffer's stomach
Dear Crew,
I would like to thank you in advance for your advice, I have already
cleared most of my questions by reading through your answers about green
spotted puffer fish:) I have to admit, I was not prepared for this
little puffer (named Plush) at all, since my friend just got me one
without prior notice, which makes me upset since the puffer seems
stressed in the limited facility. I am trying my best to set up a tank
and cycle it as soon as I can.
Yesterday, 3 hours after getting my puffer, I changed to mild brackish
water first (12.5 grams of marine salt in 5 gallons of water. Is that
<Well, 5 US gallons is 19 litres. For a young Green Spotted Pufferfish,
you're aiming for about 5-6 grams marine salt (about one teaspoon) per
litre. If you multiply 5 grams for 19 litres, then 5 x 19 = 95 grams. So
no, you aren't using nearly enough salt. As the pufferfish gets closer
to adult size, you'll need more, probably about twice this amount for a
specific gravity around 1.008-1.012.>
I'm really worried). It seemed fine but when I woke up this morning,
it's white stomach was all blotchy gray, but after I fed Plush some
fresh prawn, it visibly turned brighter and the stomach became pearl
white again, which amazed me since I am new to this. I think it's a
pretty healthy puffer, it's 2.5 inches long, has a neon glow at the top
of its head and makes eye contact and comes near when I lean in.
<The fact its colour is changing when "happy" (i.e., being fed) makes me
suspect the problem is the environment. For a start, increase salinity
over then next few days as outlined above.>
But what really concerns me is that there is a round lump on one front
side of its stomach that was not observed the previous night.
<If you overfeed pufferfish, they can develop odd lumps, especially on
the white underbelly of this species. Should clear up in a few hours.>
It curls its tail in a slight u-shape from time to time, I think it is
stress from the water quality and the lacking environment, which I am
trying to improve as soon as possible. But could you please advise me on
what that lump might be? It makes Plush look a little lopsided. I am so
worried for this little cutie, and I want to let it live to a ripe old
age happily, please help me out!
<Meantime, do read here:
Nothing particularly difficult required to keep this species healthy,
but do understand the need for a big aquarium, a strong filter, and
at-least moderate salinity.>
Thank you.
<Most welcome, Neale.>
Re: A lump in the green spotted puffer's stomach
Thank you for the guidelines Neale,
I now have a 20gallon tank (going to get a bigger one once it gets
and have increased the salinity level^^ It now reads 1.010
and there is an external hanging filter running:)
The lump disappeared after it had something like diarrhoea?
<Possibly, but likely not.>
I hadn't fed it anything but its feces were all watery and bright
It was pretty explosive, I wonder what they fed it there:((
<Who knows? But for now, offer a good varied diet (avoid live foods for
the most part, and certainly avoid feeder fish) and try to offer some
green foods such as cooked peas -- which they usually eat, if hungry, so
feel free to starve your fish for a few days if necessary. Deworming is
sometimes useful with wild-caught fish, but a few weeks of good, healthy
diet should make it clear whether this fish has parasites or not. If it
thrives, grows, and shows a healthy appetite, don't worry too much about
deworming it.>
I am feeding it live prawns now and it seems so happy in the bigger
<Live prawns are okay, but live foods all carry a risk of introducing
parasites, with the exceptions of brine shrimps and earthworms, both of
which live in habitats where there aren't any fish-infecting parasites
about. So they're safe. Any aquatic animal other than brine shrimp
carries a risk. If you use shrimps/prawns, do gut-load them first --
feed them with herbivore foods before using them. Once their guts are
filled with "greens", they're an excellent source of fibre and vitamins.
Earthworms are as good, if not better, because they eat decaying plants
all the time, and likewise snails.>
Its feces are dark greenish-brown and normal. But I think it has ich!
After installing the bright tank light I noticed that there were tiny
white spots on its body near the tail. About a dozen of them. If the ich
persists even at 1.010, what should I do?
<Freshwater Ick will die out very quickly in salt/brackish water -- but
only once the cysts burst and the free-living stage leaves the host
fish, so it might take a couple days before the symptoms on the fish
clears up.
Raising the temperature (to 28 C/82 F) can speed things up. Cheers,
re: A lump in the green spotted puffer's stomach
Hello Neale,
For two days now I have taken out all decorations and sand from the tank
and the temperature has been constantly 27.5-28 degree Celsius. I have
been changing 25% of water everyday as well.
<And replacing with brackish water?>
The puffer seemed to be doing well till now, and it's been eating better
than ever.
A few of the cysts have burst.
<So within a few days, all the white spots should be gone.>
But I just noticed that it vomited all the prawn out, though I gave it a
smaller portion than normal. It's staying at the bottom of the tank
though it was active just a few hours ago. It has the dark stress line
along its belly as well. Do you know what might have gone wrong?
<Not specifically, no. But pufferfish do regurgitate food occasionally.
Don't feed for 1-2 days. Then offer a small piece of something easy to
consume, like shrimp. Don't overfeed. Usually, regurgitation happens
when fish are overfed or given something "stale". Cheers, Neale.>
Re: A lump in the green spotted puffer's stomach
My green spotted puffer has been doing very well, all the Ick is gone
and I started feeding him gut-loaded feeder shrimp.
0 nitrite, 5 nitrate and 0 ammonia. It was window-surfing an hour ago
but it's suddenly at the bottom of the tank curled up in a ball!!! It's
breathing through only one gill as well. Its belly was gray from time to
time but it didn't last more than 5 minutes so I have been assuming it
was just mood swing or something...
What could be wrong with my puffer?
<Likely nothing if aquarium size, temperature, water quality and
salinity all seem correct. Review, and act accordingly. But nine times
out of ten, Green Spotted Puffers doing this recover under their own
steam. It's usually a temporary shock, overeating, or some other
short-term blip in care that has caused them to behave this way.>
Please advise. Thank you!
<Most welcome, Neale.>
Re: A lump in the green spotted puffer's stomach
My puffer stayed in that position for approximately 15minutes and now
he's all fine (??!!). It gave me such a fright! It's still breathing
through one gill only, which is strange since it's been breathing
through both. Do puffers normally look that ill when they switch gills?
<This does seem an odd habit seen in puffers from time to time. Not
necessarily a sign of parasites or ill-health. Observe, maybe do a water
change to freshen up the aquarium, and wait 24 hours before worrying. If
breathing rate is normal, and the fish isn't gasping at the surface or
otherwise exhibiting signs of (respiratory) distress, don't worry too
Thank you in advance for entertaining my paranoid questions
<Welcome, Neale.>
GSP issues
Hello! Sorry for bothering you, but I seem to have quite a bit of an
issue. I happen to have 3 GSP's (all around 1 inch, they are really
tiny) living together.
<Do be aware that they aren't always sociable. Some get along fine with
friends, others are grumpy and territorial, best kept alone. Do keep an
eye out for signs of aggression (nipped fins and circular marks on their
bodies) and if necessary separate them.>
There is one from about 6 months ago, and the other two are from about 2
months ago. They all live together, no fin nipping or stress issues...
that is... until about a week ago.
The one I have had for longer (Clyde) seems to have developed some
issues recently. He has decided to stop eating and really just likes to
lay around on the fake plants or on the floor.
<This is pretty much what adults do. Perhaps he's just getting older?>
(They didn't rip up the plants at all! :O ) He has been like this for
about a week now, and I am starting to really get worried. I checked all
the water levels and they are all completely normal. Their water is
brackish, and it's the exact same as it has been since I first got
<By "brackish" what do you mean? What's the specific gravity? Anything
less than SG 1.005 won't work in the long term. If you're adding salt as
"teaspoons per gallon" or anything like that, chances are you aren't
maintaining enough salinity.>
I don't know why he is acting this way, but he seems extremely stressed,
blows up at the slightest provocation and is in general not acting like
his normal self.
<Not good.>
The one reason why I'm really confused is because his coloration is
perfectly fine! There is no black belly and his greens, black spots and
white belly appear normal.
<The changes in colour are a sign of stress, but not the only one.>
The only place where his coloration appears off is near his anus, where
it is a VERY bright white. The other two GSP's are normal, fat and
happy. I put Clyde in a 10 gal quarantine tank (That's all I have at the
moment) but I don't know what to do. He is very thin and seems to be
hyperventilating right now. Please help! Courtney :)
<Do need some data here. How big is the aquarium? What sort of filter do
you use? What's the pH of the water? Do you use tonic salt or proper
marine aquarium salt? For the record, the correct answers are something
like 55+ gallons (for adults anyway, but even juveniles should have 30+
gallons); filtration needs to be generous, so a large external canister
is ideal; the pH needs to be between 7 and 8; and you need to be using
marine aquarium salt to maintain a specific gravity of SG 1.005 to
1.010. Chances are that there's simply something wrong with the set-up,
and this GSP has reacted before the others. Catch the problem, fix it,
and he'll recover. Cheers, Neale.>
fish query! 12/2/11
Greeting from the Texas Panhandle!
I am all puffed up about keeping the spotted puffer.
<I see.>
Going on three years now and around two dozen puffer fish I am batting
a big �O�.
Can you help? I have purchased these fish from, yes I know, Wal
�Mart. I have also visited several so called fish shops and
nothing seems to have worked. Some of the fish get a dark belly and die
within two days. Others just seem to get depressed and kick over. I
suppose that fish can get depressed. Do they? The tank I placed the
puffers in is a twenty long with no other occupants. The tank has been
operating for several years with bi-weekly water(1/2 to ¾ changes).
It has been a planted tank and still is with healthy plants. Substrate
is clay, soil and gravel, small smooth gravel. My water is well water
and a 6.5 reading.
<Here's your problem. Green Spotted Puffers are brackish
water fish. Raise the salinity to about 25% that of normal
seawater, i.e., about SG 1.005 at 25 C/77 F, which is about 9 grams of
marine aquarium salt per litre (or 1.2 oz per US gallon). Don't
make the change all at once or you'll kill the filter, but do, say,
four 25% water changes across 4 or 5 days.>
I have a large population of small black windmill snails in the tank,
tiny to not so tiny. I took info off of the one eyed monster, the
computer, and snails seem to be the puffers choice of food. Some of the
spotted fish have taken some of the small snails but they too died. The
fish not the snails. The snails have done well! . After the 10th or
11th puffer fatality I placed some black mollies in the tank to see if
the water was messed up . The mollies did well for three months until I
gave them away. The tank seems to be well cycled. I sure would enjoy
keeping a puffer or two if that is possible I am beginning to think the
puffer fish to be like armadillos. All you see are dead ones on the
road side with a Lone Star beer bottle! Is it possible to keep puffers
<Yes. They are actually very tough, in the right aquarium.>
Can you send me some where to figure this wee problem out? Thanks
<Do read:
I am the Texas Panhandle fellow who just wrote about my poor luck with
puffers-spotted and figure eight puffers. After I sent the note I read
what others have written you and I feel that I know what (MY) problem
was Thanks
<Cool. Cheers, Neale.>
Green spotted puffer... beh., fdg., hlth... reading
About 3 months ago I purchased a green spotted puffer.
<Ah yes, a lovely brackish to marine species. Unfortunately sold as
a freshwater fish by some retailers.>
He is in a 20 gal tank and has no tankmates at this time.
<Not a community fish anyway, and best kept alone or with its own
About a week ago I opened a new package of bloodworms and noticed he
was not eating them. The store got in a different brand. I am not sure
if that has anything to do with my issues or not?.
<Possibly; when puffers refuse food, it's a good sign
they're stressed. Healthy specimens will eat most meaty foods with
yesterday I noticed that he is as round as a basketball. I didn't
think anything of it at the time and thought maybe he finally decided
to eat. However today he seems to be a little bigger and I decided that
it wasn't because he ate the bloodworms (looks more solid)...water
checks out just fine and the temp is steady. He does swim some but also
spends a lot of time laying on the bottom of the tank....I did put some
small snails in his tanks a few days ago and I am not seeing them in
there....up until a couple days ago he was very active and bright green
and white now he is puffed up sluggish and slightly black.....could it
be he just ate the snails and it takes longer for those to
digest?.....Thank you for your help....Tammy D.
<The black colour is also alarming, as is the lethargy. My guess is
you're keeping him in freshwater, or something close -- a
"pinch" of salt per gallon doesn't count as brackish
water! He will also need a bigger tank once more than a couple of
inches long, I'd say 40 gallons for specimens 3-4 inches long, and
55 gallons for adults. Do understand this species needs brackish water,
at least SG 1.005, i.e., about 9 grammes marine salt mix per litre of
water, about 1.2 oz per US gallon. Tonic salt won't do, and his
lifespan in freshwater will be short. Do read here:
Cheers, Neale.>
help! GSP hlth., no info., reading
My green spotted puffer is at the top of the water gasping for breath.
My other one is starting to show the same symptoms. I heard it can be
due to the Nitrates in the water so i put a chemical in to lower them
and bought some real plants. Is there anything else i can do to save my
fishy :(
<...? Need more data to help you... But we've accumulated
sufficient input from others. Read here:
Bob Fenner>
Confused! Puffer ID, Tetraodon, Colomesus, GSP gen.
care... 10/23/08 My Amazon puffer did NOT look like the
ones in Google images or yours, So I looked and found the green spotted
puffer (*Tetraodon nigroviridis)* to match my own. I previously asked
questions so I must re ask due to Wal-mart telling me wrong.
<Tetraodon nigroviridis is usually distinctive: luminous
green-yellow body colour covered with lots of small, circular black
spots. It is often confused with Tetraodon fluviatilis, a species with
a more greenish body and irregular black spots on the flanks and a few
large saddle-shaped patches on the back. Then there's Tetraodon
biocellatus, the Figure-8 pufferfish, which has two pairs of distinct
yellow-ringed black spots on the flanks; two such spots on either side
of the dorsal fin and another two on the caudal peduncle (the
"tail"). The Amazon Puffer Colomesus asellus can be confused
with these fish, but the important differences are that it has black a
series of saddle-like patches running over the back and a distinctive
black spot on the underside of the caudal peduncle. All of these,
except Colomesus asellus, are brackish water fish.> I have Him in
well planted (lots of hiding spots and open water) with 2 Juv African
Cichlids, All very young. I do have ghost shrimp about 10ish for a
snack and to clean up all in a 29 Gal. They RARLEY nip at each other
which shocked me. Should I add another fish or is this enough?
<Tetraodon spp. are not gregarious and do not need tankmates of
their own kind or other species. Tetraodon biocellatus is sometimes
kept in groups, and being rather small, they tend to get along fine
unless ridiculously overcrowded. Tetraodon fluviatilis and Tetraodon
nigroviridis are a bit more territorial, but in large tanks (upwards of
40 gallons, usually) it is possible to keep two or more adults. Both
Tetraodon fluviatilis and Tetraodon nigroviridis are confirmed
fin-biters, so just because they're fine with your other fish now,
don't expect that to last. Wild pufferfish of these species eat the
fins of other fish, and so it's a question of instinct.> What
age does this puffer "puff"? <They don't, unless
scared. Because of the risk of swallowing air, this isn't something
to encourage, even putting aside the very idea of deliberately scaring
a fish to make it do something!> What kinds of snails do I feed it?
<Any of the right size.> How do i go about trimming the teeth if
they over grow? (many people have many different views (even weird
ones). <Do review the article on Colomesus asellus I referred you to
last time. Jeni Tyrell has also written an article on this topic at
WWM, though she and I differ in opinion on the use of nets to hold the
puffer. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/smpufferdentistry.htm
> What fish are compatible with my group? Should I add another
Puffer? <Puffers of this type are best kept alone or with their own
species. For a start they need brackish water, which reduces your range
of options. But even allowing for that, these fish are biters.
> Is there any "hard shelled Critters I could feed it to dull
the teeth? <In theory yes there are: snails, unshelled prawns, small
mussels, etc.> How big do they ACTUALLY get (many websites are
different? <In captivity, expect at least 12 cm, and I've seen
numerous specimens around 15 cm.> Why is it called the green spotted
puffer when there not really green spots..? <Tetraodon nigroviridis
does indeed have a green body with black spots.> How come many
Petshops and Wal-mart mislabel there fish? <No idea.> Sorry if
some of these questions seem obvious, but many websites, pet stores are
telling me differently, I saw an article in a fish magazine with Mr.
Fenner (SP?) Which led to me saying you know this website might be the
"truthful" one. So please help me out thanks SO much, Kurt
Meissner! Future Sociologist and Marine Biologist. (horrible spelling)
<Happy to help.
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/BrackishSubWebIndex/fwbracpuffers.htm Much
written about these fish here at WWM; do read, enjoy. Cheers,
White-lined trigger fish question... questions...
scenario... 10/26/08 Hi guys (and girls), After 20 years of
maintaining my 29 gallon tank I am finally going to up grade.
<OK.> In my current tank I have two green spotted puffers, <As
in Tetraodon nigroviridis/Tetraodon fluviatilis? They don't really
need marine conditions, though they certainly thrive in them.> one
clown fish (Nemo) and just added today a 3 inch white-lined trigger
fish. <This trigger is Sufflamen bursa, I assume? A smallish (25 cm)
member of a relatively peaceful genus. Generally works well with plucky
but otherwise peaceful community fish.> I know sounds like a scary
tank to stick your fingers in. <Quite! Though Sufflamen spp. are
really quite docile animals, by the standards of the family Balistidae
anyway.> Now since I have introduced the trigger into a small tank
with 3 other fish (listed above) could this potentially make him get
along with these fish once I move them into my 55 gallon tank. So far
he has gotten along with the puffers. The clown fish has evicted him
from his corner of the tank (he's a tough clown and he thinks
he's a puffer eats raw shrimp an everything). The trigger has found
a happy home inside a large oyster shell embedded into my live rock
(which the trigger seems to enjoy eating...). <While these fish
should get along just fine, I'm concerned the tank is a bit small
if only in terms of metabolic wastes. Adult Tetraodon *on their own*
need 30 gallons, and twos do fine in 55 gallons. Add to these a
Clownfish and a potentially quite sizeable Triggerfish and you may be
setting yourself up for some nitrate and pH problems. Not that any of
these fish aren't hardy or adaptable, but that's not something
to impose upon. As juveniles you will be fine, I'm sure, but as
they grow monitoring water quality will become increasingly
important.> OK here's my question. Should I try to move all
these fish into the 55 gallon tank. Or should I leave the puffers and
the clown in the 29 gallon and move the trigger to the 55 gallon.
<Triggers view tanks as *their* territory, so should be move in last
where possible. I can't see any obvious ways to divide out the fish
between the two tanks that has any clear advantages over the
others.> If your answer is for me to move the trigger into the 55
gallon with out the others then what kind of fish would have the best
chance of co-existing with my new trigger; <Sufflamen spp. generally
get along well with Tangs, Angelfish, Damsels, and really anything
forward enough to keep up at dinner time. They aren't aggressive
Triggerfish at all and usually work well in communities, though calling
them "reef-safe" is probably overdoing it.> Are clams safe
to put in there or will they be food too??? <Just so much live
food...> I am just trying to make the most of this tank as it will
be visible to 3 rooms in my home. (I am installing tank into the wall)
<Sounds a fascinating project. Cheers, Neale.>
Brackish tank and GSPs 03/15/2008 Hi all,
I've been reading your site for a long time now for help with
setting up a proper home for the green spotted puffers that my
wife had to have. I recently set up a new 29 gallon tank for the
little fish, one is less than 2 inches and the other is about one
inch, juveniles I think. <These are indeed juveniles. Adults
get much larger, a chunky 12-15 cm/5-6" depending on the
species.> When I set up the tank I cycled it with freshwater
BioSpira because I already had the GSPs in a freshwater 15 gallon
tank awaiting their new home, so waiting for it to cycle
naturally wasn't going to work. The tank cycled fine and I
added the GSPs with the intention of raising the SG slowly, the
recommended .002 amount. <Very good.> I wasn't sure on
the math so I thought I had guessed low at a half a cup of marine
salt mixed into five gallons of R/O with an old Seio powerhead
and a heater during a ten gallon water change. <Guessing
isn't really viable here. I have a little freeware
Mac/Windows application called Brack Calc that will help. It
converts specific gravity into salinity and weight of salt per
unit volume of water, factoring in temperature as well.
http://homepage.mac.com/nmonks/aquaria/brackcalc.html For an
aquarium at SG 1.005 for example, you need about 9 grammes of
salt per litre (about 1.2 oz per US gal). That's a fine
salinity for the first year. After this year is up, you'll
likely want to raise the salinity to about SG 1.010, and that
translates as 15.5 g/l (about 2 oz per US gal). Weighing the salt
will give you a much more accurate salinity than eyeballing, but
you'll still need to use a hydrometer to measure the specific
gravity. Even a basic $5 glass hydrometer is adequate, though
more expensive plastic swing-arm ones are easier to use, and even
more expensive refractometers are arguably more accurate (and
definitely more fun!).> When I checked the SG it didn't
even register, so the next week I added a cup of marine salt the
same way during another ten gallon water change. I didn't
check the SG until a few days later thinking I should let it
cycle through the filter a few times, and I found out that the SG
had jumped up to something like 1.008. <Well within the
tolerances of the fish, but likely stressing the filter bacteria
and certainly killing the plants.> Now I have an insane algae
bloom that is taking over the whole tank and is covering the
plants and rocks and even the Fluorite substrate. I am thinking
that I crashed the tank possibly by killing a lot of the
freshwater bacteria in the tank and the BioWheel of the Emperor
280 filter that I am using. Would this jump in SG be enough to
crash the tank in this way? <Yes; I'd quickly go down to
SG 1.003-1.005 and hope for the best!> I only have two test
kits currently, for phosphate and nitrate, and both tests showed
fine results, phosphate at .25 and nitrate at 20 ppm. <Neither
of these test kits is critical, so they're odd choices. The
two ESSENTIAL test kits are nitrite and pH. Nitrite tells you if
the filter is working (if there's nitrite present, it's
not); and pH tells you if the water chemistry is stable (if it is
rapidly dropping, then it's not). Both are early warning
indicators of bigger problems.> I changed out five gallons of
the tank water and replaced it with five gallons of freshwater,
but of course the damage has been done, and the SG is close to
1.004. Originally I thought I could do this tank as a planted mid
range brackish with plants that can survive in brackish water, so
I have Java Fern, Java Moss, Babies Breath, and two other types
of plants that I am spacing on the name of. <Okay, the
Gypsophila should be taken out STAT! It's not an aquatic
plant, and its death and decay will promote algae and kill water
quality. Both the fern and the moss can tolerate significant
salinity, Java fern in particular occurring naturally in brackish
water. Still, I'd tend to keep plants only while the SG was
below 1.005; above that, you're better off with rocks and
plastic plants. Trust me on this.> I used Fluorite substrate
and I have some bowl rock for caves and a few pieces of
driftwood. Now that I have been reading more and more on brackish
tanks and GSPs in general I am thinking that this tank is in no
way going to work for the fish in the long term. The driftwood I
know is a problem now, and eventually I will have to scrap the
plants anyway to get the SG up enough. <Indeed. Bogwood lowers
pH as it decays, so should be used carefully. If you have a high
carbonate hardness (that's the "KH" scale test kit)
the effect will be trivial. But many aquarists simply don't
use bogwood, and instead opt for ceramic/plastic wood
instead.> I am thinking about abandoning it and starting over
with crushed coral as a substrate (which I was talked out of
doing in the first place by my LFS, which is why I went to
Fluorite and plants...) and a lot of rocks and fake mangrove root
decorations. <In a brackish water aquarium, there's simply
no point spending money on plants or plant-friendly substrates
UNLESS you intend to keep the specific gravity very low, SG
1.003-1.005. This is a fine salinity for many brackish water
species including gobies, glassfish, figure-8 puffers,
livebearers and more. But if you're keeping mid- to high-end
brackish water fish, you need to think more along MARINE lines
than freshwater. Use granite, slate and other rocks to create a
nice complex "reef". Decorate with shells and barnacle
clumps. I like using silicone and oyster shells to create oyster
reefs just like the ones you see in harbours. Ceramic/plastic
tree roots can be used to create mangrove forests, and plastic
plants (especially the big 3' long ones) are really good for
this too. But skip the live plants.> I know eventually I will
need to upgrade to at least a 55 gallon tank to keep both fish
in, so I wonder if I could wait awhile, raising the SG in the
tank to low end brackish (1.004 - 1.008) so I can keep the
planted tank the way it is for awhile? <This is fine.> At
what point (size, age) do GSPs need to be in high end
brackish/marine? <Tetraodon fluviatilis and Tetraodon
nigroviridis NEVER "need" marine conditions. They
certainly do well in marine conditions, but don't imagine it
is essential. Provided you keep the carbonate hardness high
(using crushed coral, oyster sand, etc.) and the nitrates low
(lots of water changes, and perhaps a protein skimmer once SG
reaches 1.010) you can maintain them indefinitely at mid brackish
conditions.> I am wondering how long I can keep the planted
tank until I by the new tank to switch to something that can go
to full marine eventually. <I'd recommend moving the GSPs
to mid- to high-salinity conditions once they get about 8-10 cm
in length.> I am also worried about the GSPs being bored in
the tank, even with all the plants and rocks and driftwood they
seem to be a bit bored already. <Puffers do benefit from
interaction. Try feeding them with "difficult" foods
like unshelled prawns, so they have to work for their dinner.
Train them to become hand tame; use forceps (they bite!) to feed
them. Offer small amounts through the day, so they get to
interact with you regularly. Add lots of plastic plants and rocks
that go up the tank, not just along the bottom. If you watch
puffers in the wild, they swim up and down objects very
systematically, looking for prey. They don't need much open
swimming space, but they do need lots of "stuff" to
swim around, so really fill the tank with all kinds of stuff!>
I originally thought that there was no way I would want to have
my GSPs in full marine, but I am starting to think that it would
be so much easier to maintain, as I already have a large reef
tank and the know how to take care of a marine system. A skimmer
and live rock eventually would be much easier for me to take care
of, and the plants I have will eventually die if I do raise the
SG to something that the GSPs will appreciate. <Skimmers work
from SG 1.010, but as you say, live rock needs marine. And this
is indeed the big advantage to keeping this species in marine
conditions. On the other hand, balance the costs, particularly
all the extra salt, carefully: brackish water fish are much more
fussed about water quality than water chemistry.> What would
you suggest as far as scrapping the planted tank, and what
suggestions do you have for a new tank as far as decorations and
things so my fish don't get bored? Thanks a lot, the site is
great. <Do read here:
That's about as good a summary on these fish as you'll
find anywhere on the Web! Cheers,
Re: Brackish tank and GSPs Thanks for the quick
response, all the info you gave me was very helpful in making my
decision as to what to do with my puffers. I changed five more
gallons of water today (I only had 5 gallons of R/O at the house)
and tomorrow I will do a massive water change, 50-80% possibly.
<Why do you need to use RO water? Plain vanilla tap water with
a decent dechlorinator should be fine.> I was hoping to get
the water close to fresh again and use freshwater BioSpira again
to jump start the bacteria, would you advise this? <Depends
what you want to do. If you want plants, then yes, lower the SG
to around 1.002 or 1.003. The BioSpira will work fine.> Also,
I wanted to mention that the common name I used before,
'Baby's Breath', was completely wrong, I must have
been thinking of something else. What I was referring to was
actually Moneywort (Bacopa monnieri), so no need to worry. <Ah
yes, this plant is brackish tolerant. But it isn't easy to
grow: needs huge amounts of light otherwise it looks really
unhappy (long stems, small leaves) and then dies. Nothing less
than 3 watts of light per gallon.> I researched brackish
adaptable plants for a month before I purchased anything. The
test kits I used were the only ones I had at the time, and they
were purchased for my reef tank originally, I know they
didn't really have anything to do with my question but I
thought I'd throw out all the info I had. I will buy some
more test kits tomorrow. Another quick question on this topic, I
noticed that the smaller puffer has become quite aggressive to
the other bigger puffer ever since I crashed the tank, chasing
the nipping at his fins. <Unfortunately quite common with this
species.> I was reading another question here that was being
handled by Pufferpunk that was in the same vein as mine. Someone
had an uncycled tank with two GSPs in it and the smaller one was
being aggressive to the bigger one, and she mentioned that
nitrite stress from having no bacteria might be contributing to
the fishes sudden aggressiveness, would you agree with this as
the case? <I would humbly disagree with PP on this.
Aggressiveness in fish isn't likely to be caused by
physiological stress. I suspect that there's a little
anthropomorphisation going on here!> I have had both fish for
at least four or five months together and they have always gotten
along fine, almost always glue to the gill exploring everywhere
together. <This simply isn't a social species. Males
likely guard nests, so as the fish mature, they become more
intolerant of other members of the species. This contrasts with
sociable puffers such as South American Puffers that don't
guard their eggs and consequently don't mind (actually, want)
tankmates of their own species.> Tomorrow I was planning on
moving the filters and the water into a 15 gallon tank, and add
the fish for holding. Then I was going to remove all the Fluorite
substrate, and all the plants and bog wood. Then I was going to
add crushed coral for a substrate, add more bowl rock in an
upward direction, find new plastic decorations, and add the
puffers and BioSpira again to cycle the tank. Is there anything I
am missing in my plan? <Wouldn't bother. At a low
salinity, if you want plants, you need a standard substrate.
Plants won't grow in coral sand or river sand; they need
nutrient rich substrates of some type. Rely on the marine salt
mix to maintain the pH and KH where you want it, plus possibly
the addition of calcareous media to the filter. Once you decide
to "upgrade" to a medium salinity system a year down
the line, then you may as well move the puffers to a bigger
aquarium, and use this (by now full of happy plants!) aquarium
for guppies or whatever.> Thanks again for the quick and great
advice. <Cheers, Neale.>
Green Spotted Puffer Questions, sys. mostly
2/24/08 Hi guys! <Hey Micah, Pufferpunk here.> Once
again, I wanted to thank Merritt for his amazing advice. I added
a thin layer (maybe a centimeter thick) of regular gravel on top
of the fluorite to keep the dust out of the water column.
It's made quite a difference (though, perfectionist that I
am, it does still bug me that the water is a little dusty.
<Glad to hear that is working out for you. I'm sure
Merritt will read this.> Well, yesterday (after letting my
tank run for about a week with a tiny amount of bacteria
introduced from an established tank), <Sorry to say, that
bacteria will probably have been dead in 24 hours, without any
food source (ammonia).> my local fish store finally got some
Marineland Bio-Spira in stock, so I went to the store and picked
up the Bio-Spira and two puffers. Neither of them is longer than
my thumb, so I'm guesstimating them at 2" or less.
<What species?> One of them seems quite content and is
swimming about, investigating. The other, I can't tell if
he's sleeping or what. Sometimes he'll swim around but
often he just lies on the bottom. <Did you observe his
behavior in the store? I always try to pick puffers that are
actively buzzing around & greet me at the glass. It's
also good to ask the shop to feed them so you can be sure they
are eating well.> When I come over and press my face near the
glass, he'll perk up (I imagine he gets excited because he
thinks I'm about to feed him) but before too long he goes
back to lying on the bottom. I'm just a little worried
because his buddy (no signs of aggression yet, fingers
crossed...I tried to get two approximately the same size) is
substantially more active. <If you buy them as juveniles at
the same time, there is a good chance they will get along through
adulthood, bearing they have a large enough tank with lots of
broken lines of sight. Puffers are sensitive fish & they do
not take to being moved easily into a new environment. He may
just be sulking & need time to get used to his new
surrounding. How big is the tank? 2 2" puffers should be in
a minimum of a 30g tank.> Am I worrying for nothing? They both
seem to be eating fine (last night I gleefully fed them some of
the stupid pesky common pond snails that have been breeding like
mad in my guppy tank). Really my concern is that their color
seems off. The one is a darkish brown-green (think olive) with a
neon green patch on the top of his head, with large spots all
over. The other is much less spotted, very dark brown-green (much
more brown than green). Both of their tummies are white as white
can be, but I do worry about that dark coloring... <Its really
hard to tell without knowing the species. Im guessing, green
spotted puffer (Tetraodon nigroviridis)?> Tonight they happily
ate thawed blood worms just until I could see their bellies were
nice and rounded. I also have some small "Cichlid Gold"
pellets recommended by the guys at my fish store that I'm
going to try tomorrow. Is this a varied enough diet or more
variety if I can? I'm a vegetarian, so I don't have too
much seafood around but I don't mind picking up some crab
legs or something if they need more nutrition. <Im glad to
hear they have such a good appetite! Excellent feeding article
Finally, the guys at the fish store told me to use API's
aquarium salt, to salt my water. I've been following the
directions (half a rounded teaspoon per gallon) but from what
I've seen in the forums, this salt simply won't provide
enough minerals for my puffers and I'd be better off using
Instant Ocean or something similar. Any thoughts on this? I
don't want to be causing my puffer to get ill from lack of
minerals. <If you indeed do have a couple of GSPs, then you
need to make their water brackish, by using marine salt &
measuring the salt content (specific gravity) with a hydrometer
or refractometer. You should not raise the SG more than
.002/weekly water change & you must be sure your tank is
completely cycled before even considering messing with salt.
Ammonia & nitrite should remain 0 & nitrate should be
kept below 20. You mention in the beginning of your letter that
you are using a substrate for live plants. Im afraid you will
find very few plants that will survive the levels of salt
required to keep these fish happy. More info on the green spotted
puffer can be found here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/BrackishSubWebIndex/gspsart.htm> I
know the moving and fish store experiences were probably super
traumatic for them (one started puffing up in the fish net after
he'd been pulled from the tank!), so should I just give them
time to adjust? <Absolutely, they need some time. Puffers
should never be lifted out of the water in a net & if they
puff with air, it can prove deadly for them if they cannot expel
the air. The puffer should be corralled into a container &
lifted out of the water, when transferring it to a bag or other
tank.> Also, how long can I wait before I need to transfer
them to a larger tank? <I have no idea what size tank they are
in now. The bigger the tank, the better for your puffers.
Although a 55g will suffice for 2 adult 6 football-shaped
puffers, I recommend a minimum of 30g for each fish. They are
intelligent creatures & need a lot of decor to keep them
busy investigating, which takes up a fair amount of swimming
room. They are also messy eaters & high waste producers &
they need the water volume to dilute the waste. Mine would have
been happy to be a singleton in a 55g tank.> I'm planning
on getting them a 55 gallon one in a few months and letting them
grow into it. I'm too much of a softie to put mollies in
there with them when I know they'll eventually bite the
mollies heads off. <You've got that one right!> Thank you
all so much. You've been wonderful to hold my hand through
this experience. If you'd like specific water parameters on
the tank, I tested the ammonia levels this morning (I'd been
adding a bit of food every day to the empty tank to help promote
bacteria growth) <OK, good to hear. Did you do a good-sized
water change, before adding the puffers & Bio-Spira?> and
it read at .25 ppm. Nitrite is reading at .25 ppm as well,
<Bad both of those are toxic to fish & must remain 0 at all
times time to do water changes, until you fix that.> pH is 7.2,
<Should remain steady around 8, for brackish fish. Best done
with a substrate of crushed coral or aragonite. You can wait
until the move to the larger tank, if you wish.> nitrate looks
like it is reading somewhere between 5 and 10 ppm (though
it's always confused me as to why the scale on my test strip
goes from 0-160 ppm). <I've heard of nitrite testing as high as
200. Forget the test strips, they are not very accurate & get
yourself a liquid test kit like the Aquarium Pharmaceuticals
Freshwater Master Test Kit. As your salt level goes up, you will
have to use the SW test for ammonia.> I'll be doing a 20%
water change tomorrow morning when I do my water changes for my
other tanks, which should help with the levels of chemicals.
<Id bump it up to 50% weekly for puffers (I actually do a
minimum of 50% weekly on all my tanks).> Any feedback you have
is always welcome. The puffers are absolutely as adorable as I
thought they'd be and even though I know they'll probably get
more aggressive later, watching them swim around together is
pretty darn cute. <I certainly cant argue with that! Good luck
with your little friends. ~PP> Thanks again!
Re: Green Spotted Puffer Questions 2/25/08
Thanks Pufferpunk, <Micah> I thought the species reference
in the title of the e-mail would be informative enough but my
puffers are GSPs. <Of course I really must stop answering
questions at 2am> They are (for now) living in a 10 gallon
tank, which I've planted densely with java ferns and micro
sword grass. <I do suggest upgrading them ASAP. IMO, 10g isnt
even large enough for a single 2 GSP.> I did my research
beforehand and read that these species of plants tend to tolerate
brackish water well. <For a while but not at the high salinity
GSPs require. I dont suggest investing in a lot of plant-keeping
products for them in the future. Eventually, you will want to
think in terms of a marine environment for them, like live rock
& a protein skimmer.> I plan on moving the plants and
puffers to a 75 gallon tank in a few months (2 at most) -- this
small tank is only going to be their home for a short period of
time and I'll up the weekly water changes from 20 to 50%.
<You may need to do those 2x/week. Keep a very close eye on
the parameters & do water changes accordingly, keeping the
nitrate below 20.> They do have a Penguin Bio-wheel filter
designed for 20 gallon tanks, since I know that over filtration
is beneficial here as they are such messy guys. Perhaps I missed
it but I'm not sure you answered my question about API's
Aquarium Salt vs. Instant Ocean...which is the one I want to
increase the specific gravity of my aquarium? My LFS said the
former was fine but then again, they also sell painted fish
(booooooo), so I'm skeptical as to their knowledge base.
I'll take your advice and hold off on messing with the
salinity until the bacteria has gotten settled in doing its job.
<Good choice. I did miss that question (again blaming the time
of night, errrmorning). You must use marine salt to make water
brackish & measure it with a hydrometer or refractometer.
(That info was in my GSP article, though.)> Also, an update:
the puffers both seem to be doing well (I even think one is
getting to be a more neon shade of green, though I may be
hallucinating) and even the one I was worried about (who was
absolutely not as enticed by the pellets as by the blood worms or
the snails) seems to be doing all right, though he's for sure
not as active as his buddy. He's more of a lurker, swimming
in and out of caves I've set up for them. I read in your
article that you feed your guys gut-loaded shrimp. I have sinking
algae wafers around that I feed to the Otocinclus I have in my
guppy tank and I'm very interested in how to go about raising
ghost shrimp and at what age I should start feeding my puffers
the ghost shrimp. Can you recommend a good site on that? Or are
ghost shrimp something I buy weekly and feed before putting in
the puffer tank? <I dont see why you couldn't feed your puffers
ghost shrimp right now. As far as gut-loading them just let them
sit in a bowl for a few hours with some food & then offer
them to your puffers. Here is an article on ghost shrimp, by
Robert T Ricketts (my puffer mentor):
http://www.aquariacentral.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1201559 As
in the feeding article I linked to you earlier, there are many
foods you can use to very the dies of your puffers. ~PP>>
Thanks so much! Micah
Green Spotted Puffers, what else? 2-16-08
Hi guys! <Hello! Merritt here today!> So, I know, I know,
I'm only one of many who has quickly become obsessed with
fish-keeping. <Nothing to be ashamed about, I have seven
tanks!> I just started my third tank (well, I inherited an
aquarium...what else could I do but want to add more fish to my
life?). This tank is small -- only 10 gallons. My other two are
10 and 20 gallons respectively, with Hatchetfish, guppies, and
Otocinclus in the small one, and Gouramis, balloon body mollies,
and Danios in the larger one (all strictly adhering to the 1 inch
per gallon rule). In both tanks, I have thriving live plants, and
I'm thinking of moving perhaps he Anacharis or some other
equally hardy plant to the new tank. I have 2 juvenile GSPs (they
look to be 2 inches or less) on hold at the local pet store...I
had sworn I wouldn't get any more fish, but they were so cute
that I couldn't stop myself. <All puffers have those cute
faces that just say take me home> I set up the new tank today,
with SeaChem Fluorite acting as a substrate. My main question is,
can I keep the 2 puffers in the 10 gallon tank for now, and once
they grow another inch or so, transition them to a larger tank
(30 gallons, minimum)? <Well, how long are the GSPs now?>
Or is that absolutely dreadful to impose on them, and I should
let someone else take home one of the puffers I have on hold?
<That is always the best solution for fish you are unable to
take care of> I know that they're messy, and I have a
Penguin Bio-Wheel filter set up (the model designed for 20 gallon
tanks...I happened to have it sitting around because I was going
to switch out my current 20 gallon filter, but it seems to be
working just fine) and the filter is running. <It is actually
better to have over filtration on a tank with puffers, mainly due
to the fact that they are such messy fish> I've put some
of the gravel and plants from the established 20 gallon tank into
the new tank to promote bacteria growth. <Good idea!>
I've read that they are less aggressive when young,
especially if I plant the tank heavily and provide hiding spaces
for one or the other. Am I overly optimistic? <No, I have
heard many success stories with multiple GSP in one tank>
Further, I have more snails in my small tank than I could ever
know what to do with, and I would oh so happily feed these tiny
fast-breeders to the puffers once I bring them home, but I
don't know how many snails to feed per day. Or whether it
should be a once weekly treat? <You want the puffers to accept
frozen or freeze dried food, but a nice supply of snails is
always great for puffers. You just don't want that to be the
only food they will accept. It should be a weekly treat, and feed
each puffer enough where their stomach has a nice round shape to
it. I feed my puffers about 2 snails each, mainly depending on
the snail size and the puffer size> I also have algae wafers
and tropical fish flakes and freeze-dried shrimp that I feed my
other guys (I like to vary their diet so that they can get
optimal nutrition), but I don't know if the puffers would be
interested in non-living food. <You can eventually get your
puffers to eat non-living food with patience and time> So I
guess my two main questions are: is two too many juvenile green
spotted puffers to keep in a 10 gallon tank while they're
still so small, knowing that I'm going to be moving them into
a larger tank as they grow older? And, even if I just bring home
one, how much of what should s/he be fed every day? <If the
juvenile puffers are small, say less than an inch it should be
okay to keep both in a heavily planted tank, but if you do notice
any aggression among the two puffers promptly remove one. You
will need to eventually move the puffer(s) to a larger tank and
as the puffer matures you will need to transition the tank to a
brackish water tank. The feeding rule for puffers is to not let
their constant begging and cuteness trick you into feeding them.
Try to keep on a scheduled feeding routine of once daily. Always
mix up the diet with different types of food; live, frozen and
freeze dried. You should visit the
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/BrackishSubWebIndex/gspsart.htm for
further information about GSP> Thank you so much, and sorry
for my long-windedness! <You are very welcome!> Micah
<Merritt A.>
Re: Green Spotted Puffers, what else? Part II
2-18-08 Hi guys! Just a couple follow up questions after
Merritt's awesome and helpful advice. <Thanks! Merritt
again here!!> I used the SeaChem fluorite to cover the bottom
of the tank instead of regular gravel, thinking it'd be
better for the plants. <Your plants will thrive and you will
eventually have a miniature jungle for your puffers> However,
because of the dirt-like nature of the fluorite, every time
there's any disturbance in the tank, the sediment gets moved
around and the water gets, well, full of dirt. It all settles out
within a few hours, but I'm worried this is potentially bad
for the puffers (that aren't even in my tank yet...I just
want to make sure everything is as perfect as it can be before I
add them). I know in the wild, puffers probably have to deal with
dirt getting stirred up and I'm probably just being paranoid,
but I want to double check with you in case this is actually bad
for their gills and/or eyes. <The SeaChem fluorite (what I
use) to my knowledge doesn't harm fish. For my planted tanks
to keep down on the floating dirt I put a small layer of rocks
which prevent the dirt from entering the water column and
dirtying up my tank> Next, I have a few stems I've taken
from established tanks, and the filter has been running for 36
hours now with no problems. I also planted several java ferns and
some micro sword grass in the tank yesterday. <Sounds like a
green spotted puffer's dream home so far!> The local fish
store is currently out of stock of Marineland's Bio-Spira,
though they should get some in by the end of the week. Should I
wait to add the puffers to the tank until after I've added
the Bio-Spira? Or should I figure that the bacteria that came
with the plants from the other tank is enough? I tested the water
this morning, with no signs of ammonia spikes, but I added some
food to the tank, just to encourage the little guys to breed a
bit. <I am always for adding bacteria to newly established
tanks, it definitely wouldn't hurt to add some bacteria with
the Marineland's Bio-Spira> I worry about leaving the
puffers at the fish store...I know that they'd be having more
fun in my tank, but I don't want to put them in unless the
tank will be ready. <You should ask your fish store if they
would put the puffers on hold for you, one of my pet stores does
that for frequent shoppers and if you pay for them first> Gah!
What do I do? <Relax, you will get your puffers soon! Got
anymore questions don't be afraid to ask or search the WWM
archives> Best, Micah <Merritt A.>
Green Spotted Puffer - Questions
1/5/08 Hey there! I just bought a Green Spotted Puffer today
and I had a couple questions. I bought my tank pretty recently,
and set it up about a week before I bought the puffer. The tank
had been previously used, and it was just emptied when I bought
it, so the gravel and filter had already matured and had a
healthy population of nitrifying bacteria. Just to be sure, I did
pH and ammonia tests. The pH came out as 7.0 and the ammonia was
a happy 0, so I decided to get some fish. <All sounds good so
far, but do remember GSPs prefer water on the hard, alkaline side
when they're being kept in freshwater conditions (as
juveniles only). So raising the carbonate hardness by adding some
calcareous material to the filter, such as crushed coral, is
probably in order. Alternatively, you could use a 25%+ dose of
Malawi Salt Mix (either home-made or commercial) to each water
change. Aim for pH 7.5, KH 8 degrees upwards.> I'm not
completely new to fishkeeping, since I have some vague childhood
memories of my dad's 40 gallon community tank, and remember
helping my dad set up a ten gallon when I was about 12 or so.
I'm the type of person that spends about a week becoming a
total aquarist addict, reading everything I could so I'm
ready. So I set up my 29 gallon tank, with some gravel, plastic
plants, a filter, and a heater. After that, I visited some fish
stores to take a gander at prices and the livestock available. I
fell in love with some F8 puffers at a
not-so-convenient-to-reach-but-wondrous fish store, but decided
to further peruse my options. <Very sensible. Window shopping
a couple of times is a great idea. Keep the aquarium mature by
just adding fish food each day. The bacteria don't care
whether the ammonia comes via decaying food or through the guts
of a fish. So a pinch of flake or a rotting bit of seafood works
perfectly well!> I went to two other stores. One didn't
carry any puffers at all, and the other had a tank full of
juvenile F8s and GSPs together, labeled singularly as 'Green
Puffers'. I avoided the tank at first, since it was obviously
overcrowded, to the point where every single puffer's tail
was somewhat ragged, probably from each other's bites.
<Correct; fortunately, these heal quickly.> Other than
their tail fins though, they seemed to be in perfect condition. A
couple days later, I decided to get a single GSP instead of 2
F8's, so returned to the store with the F8/GSP tank.
<Hmm... for a 29 gallon tank I'd probably have gone for
three figure-8s rather than a single GSP, but maybe that's
just because I like small fish! GSPs can, do make wonderful pets
and can be very rewarding and easy to tame.> I bought a bunch
of plastic plants, a chunk of driftwood, some additional gravel,
and a cute little GSP. When I asked the store what they fed him,
they told me frozen blood worms. <Indeed, most puffers love
them. Do remember these puffers are omnivores in the wild, and
apart from the oft-quote requirement for snails, they eat
insects, crustaceans, plant material, algae, seeds, and all sorts
of other things. There is some evidence wild fish eat the scales
and fins of larger fish as well (a bit like what many piranhas do
in the Amazon).> Since I already had some of those in my
freezer at home (my sister had a fish tank), I decided to pick up
frozen brine shrimp instead, for variety. <Yet to keep any
fish that eats frozen brine shrimp! All mine spit the stuff out
when offered it!> At this point, I knew that GSPs needed to
eat hard-shelled foods. <Correct.> I thought that was fine,
since my fish tank had a total infestation of snails. It was only
later, after I bought the GSP (whom I named Socrates) that I
realized that the snails were Malaysian Trumpet Snails, which
isn't so good for them. <So I've heard, and I know
that at least one writer here at WWM believes this to be a
serious issue (Jeni). However, I will make the point that in the
wild pufferfish bite through oysters and coral, and both of these
are FAR harder than Melanoides spp. shells. So while there may be
some theoretical risk, in real terms you're pretty unlikely
to have a problem. My Colomesus and Carinotetraodon puffers live
in a community tank with Melanoides and apart from the tiniest
baby snails seem to make no attempt to eat them at all (I suspect
they don't taste that good).> No wonder he only bit at
them and knocked them off the tank walls, instead of eating them.
<Precisely.> Anyways, by the time Socrates was inside my
tank, I had dumped about 1/2 (1 teaspoon per gallon) of aquarium
salt in. Again, it was only after he was in that I realized that
I should have used marine salt, not aquarium salt. <Adding
aquarium salt won't do any harm, but as you understand, it
isn't a long-term alternative. By all means use aquarium salt
alongside something to harden the water (crushed coral/Malawi
salt mix) so you get the KH going up as well as the salinity. But
once the box of aquarium salt is through, replace with real
marine salt mix.> I didn't have a hydrometer nor the money
to pick one up now, anyways. <Really not an issue. A basic,
floating glass hydrometer adequate for the job will cost you
about $5. Yes, lots of people like those plastic swing-arm
hydrometers ($20) while others prefer those high-tech
refractometers (around $50), but for brackish water fish, a
floating glass hydrometer is fine. You can also download my
freebie 'Brack Calc' tool to convert weight of salt into
salinity/specific gravity.
http://homepage.mac.com/nmonks/aquaria/index.html Using Brack
Calc, you can determine that 25% normal seawater salinity is
approximately SG 1.005 at 25C/77F, equivalent to 8.9 g/l (or 1.2
oz/US gal). While I'd never recommend marine aquarists rely
completely on weighing out salt because it absorbs moisture from
the air over time, this approach is acceptable in the short term
with euryhaline brackish water fish that really couldn't care
less about the precise salinity.> Now that I've been
watching him for a bit (he seems healthy, and the top of his head
is bright yellow, which I heard means he's happy), I have a
couple questions. <OK.> 1) What snails should I buy to feed
him? I know they sell juvenile apple snails at the aquarium where
I bought him, but they're a tad on the pricey side. Just
under three bucks for a single one, if I recall correctly. If the
snail is bigger than him, is that okay? And what snails are easy
to breed? <The easiest approach is to breed whatever pond
snails grow in your part of the world. Physa and Lymnaea spp.
snails are popular. Set up a bucket or plastic half-barrel in the
garden, add snails, throw in some greens, and let nature take its
course. You'll also get lots of other live foods such as
daphnia and mosquito larvae that your other fish will appreciate.
Apple snails are too expensive as you've observed. You
don't have to use snails though. Any hard, shelly food of
suitable size is just as serviceable. Crab legs, mussels, clams,
shell-on prawns, crayfish, etc. will all work well. If the
seafood available is too small, take a hammer to it! A smashed
mussel will still give your puffer a good workout as it separates
the shell fragments from the meat.> 2) Will frozen blood worms
and brine shrimp, supplemented by the occasional snail, prawn, or
scallop be an alright diet? <ideally, go the other way, using
shelly foods most of the time, and then provide softer foods 2-3
times a week. Include greens such as algae wafers and tinned
peas. Puffers don't always eat them, but many do seem to
enjoy them.> 3) If the top of his head is bright yellow, is
that a good thing? <Well, it's normal, if that's what
you mean.> 4) He isn't very active when I'm not
around. When I enter the room, I usually find him lying on the
gravel, but when I turn on the light and sit and watch him, he
gets up and swims around. Is that normal? <Pretty much.
Puffers vary in temperament, and not all of them spend their
entire lives buzzing around the tank. Provided he is healthy and
water quality is good, don't be too concerned. Adding
floating (plastic) plants for shade always helps fish settle
in.> 5) He likes to 'pace' up and down against the
tank glass, though not necessarily in my direction. What does
that mean? If it means he's bored, how do I help that?
Rearranging the decor in my tank is not an option. I have a fair
amount of plastic plants and a big chunk of bogwood. <Normal,
don't worry about it. The bogwood will acidify the tank over
time, so do monitor the pH, and if required, replace with
something ceramic. For specimen tanks, it's often better to
use a ceramic or terracotta urn as a hiding place. For a start
these things are bigger and make better hidey-holes, but when
covered with algae they give a nice "classical" feel to
the scene.> 6) When I bought the tank, it came with some
guppies. I've had a single male guppy and two female guppies
(one of which I suspect to be pregnant) in there before him, and
although I thought they'd be pieces of flesh when he was
around (I didn't really care for them anyways, they were
mainly to cycle the tank which ended up not needing it anyways),
but he's completely ignored them. What should I do with them?
I don't really care whether they stay or go. <Up to you.
Guppies will tolerate salinities up to seawater. Some puffers
ignore them, others eat them.> 7) Will another GSP fit in the
30 gallon? It's rather tempting, seeing as the tank looks so
empty, but I won't go against good advice. <As juveniles,
yes, you could have two in there just fine. But once above about
half size (i.e., around 8 cm) they will become more demanding for
space. Some GSPs (likely the males) become quite aggressive and
will dominate a tank. So if you do go down this route, have a
Plan B in terms of upgrading the tank or rehoming the surplus
fish.> 8) Is there a general rule of how much marine salt to
add per gallon? I'd really rather not get a hydrometer unless
it's REALLY necessary. <A hydrometer is necessary in the
long term, and for $5, there's really no excuse. Up to around
half size, GSPs need a specific gravity around SG 1.005; once
mature, aim for SG 1.010 upwards. Some people keep them in marine
tanks when mature. Certainly isn't necessary, but does mean
you can use things like living rock to improve water quality.
Protein skimmers will also work well in marine tanks, as well as
brackish tanks above SG 1.010.> 9) If I find him lying on the
gravel with a somewhat darker skin tone, is that normal? Is he
sleeping? <Yes. Puffers sleep on the bottom of the tank and
will chance colour at night. If they stay dark during the day,
that sometimes means they're stressed or sick.> 10)
It's basically impossible to clear the infestation of
Malaysian Trumpet Snails. I'm not too worried about him
cracking his beak (it seems like a rare occurrence, like a dog
choking on a bone), but are they dangerous in any way? <Not
something I'd lose sleep over.> 11) I want to feed him
gut-loaded Ghost Shrimp, but my LFSs only carry Amano
Algae-Eating Shrimp. They're rather expensive to buy as
puffer fodder, so is there any way to breed them? <Nope, these
shrimps breed in brackish/salt water, and the larvae are very
difficult to rear at home. Cherry shrimps on the other hand breed
like rabbits. Still, there's no real point to breeding
shrimp, as you can get frozen krill (from aquarium stores) and
frozen prawns (from food stores) that will be at least as good
and far, far cheaper.> Thanks for all the advice, guys! :D
<Cheers, Neale.>
Green Spotted Puffer <ID, sexing,
gen.>, clown, snails... 30 gal... 5k US $?!!!.....
11/18/2007 I've written in the past regarding
GSP's sexing and breeding. I was the one who mentioned
the girl at the local pet store who said she'd visually
sexed and then bred GSP's. Jeni told me that she was
sure she (girl at store) was mistaken and she must be
talking about dwarf puffers. I went back to the store for
clarity, and she assured me that it was not dwarves, but
GSP's. Anyway, it's neither here nor there to my
current situation (just wanted to post an update). <I do
absolutely agree with Jeni here. You (or the LFS person)
described a dark line at belly of the males. Such lines are
a keel, which some puffer species (genus Carinotetraodon)
have. It can be erected e.g. during courtship. GSP do not
have this keel (many have been dissected). Therefore, if
this person bred puffers that had black belly lines, they
were of the genus Carinotetraodon and no GSP. Does not mean
they were Dwarf Puffers, other Carinotetraodon spp. have
been bred, too. I do not say it is impossible to breed GSP,
but some details of this specific story (black line, size
of the fish) make it sound unlikely GSP were bred here.>
I know this will be quite lengthy, but I'm hoping to
convey to you my interest and efforts and the out-n-out
headaches I've experienced. I also hope that others MAY
learn from my mistakes. All of this was a HUGE learning
experience for me. I'm growing and learning and really
TRYING to do the right things. <Sounds good so far.>
Okay, about a year ago, I bought the cutest little fish
I'd ever seen. This was before researching (have I
learned a LOT in the last year). My GSP was put in a
freshwater community tank. I eventually moved him out and
put him into a 30 gallon tank of his own and stared raising
the SG with Instant Ocean. I used SeaFlor shell substrate
(looks like a bunch of small coral chunks and hermit
shells), lots of plastic plants and reef "bone"
to build tunnels. Once the SG hit 1.018, I went to a pet
store and struck up a conversation with an employee there.
Even though I was researching like mad, I didn't feel
prepared or knowledgeable enough to make the conversion to
full marine on my own. I knew basically nothing and I
trusted this guy. I paid him to come to my house, remove
the substrate and replace it with live sand (Fiji pink), he
also brought lots of live rock and some Tonga branch. He
constructed a beautifully scaped setup that is quite
unique. I was convinced to upgrade EVERYTHING mechanical
for my tank (basic Eclipse setup that was eventually
"gutted" in order to incorporate a Fluval 405 and
a Red Sea skimmer while maintaining the look of the Eclipse
hood). So, now I had this "condo on the beach"
for Pete (the puffer) and Pete had his own personal
trainer, lol (the tank man). All went well with the
conversion, so I hired this guy to come weekly for water
changes. He continually brought things for my tank that I
didn't ask for, never expressed a desire for, but was
ASSURED they would be great compatible additions for my
tank. I kept researching but felt very pressured to buy the
things he brought. <Here is were the problems began. If
you do not want something he is bringing along, you have to
say so clearly. When someone is trying to sell you
something and you feel pressured leave him alone or send
him away.> Eventually, the 30 gallon held Pete, a mated
pair of true Perculas (charged $100.00 for), <Tank
is too small for them and the GSP, not only because of
water quality, but territoriality. Prices are pretty high,
even if I convert $ into some hard currency.> 3 Firefish
(charged $75.00 for), <Tank is too small for them, the
clowns and the GSP.> 2 blood shrimp (charged $75.00
for), 2 anemones that died immediately (of course, I was
charged for these, too), 2 Hawaiian Feather Dusters ($30),
2 Florida Fighting Conchs (don't remember the price), a
Flame Scallop ($?), Ricordea mushrooms ($50.00), yellow
polyps ($45) and that's all I can remember at the
moment. <Again: high prices for this small world.>
With each new addition, I researched and travelled to
neighbouring cities to provide the specialized food needed
(DT's Phytoplankton for scallop and feather dusters).
My freezer is full of frozen fish food as well as human
food I've bought for the fish. I eventually tore down
the tank and removed all of the fish except for 1 Firefish
I couldn't catch and Pete and the two clowns and a
Scooter Blenny I purchased myself (which I add purchased
Tigger-Pods and other copepods on a regular basis). My tank
is teeming with Mysis shrimp, amphipods, and the Coralline
has taken off (I upgraded lights and started added calcium
supplements while watching my pH). My tank currently houses
the Blenny, a Firefish, the two Fire shrimp (which
reproduce, AMAZING to see the little critters swimming
around), <Good to hear of this success.> 2 conchs, 2
Nassarius snails, 2 Mexican turbo snails, 1 Margarita
snail, various mushrooms, a torch coral that the clowns
have started hosting, 2 sea stars (1 brittle, 1 serpent),
the polyps and some star polyps. I also have a nasty
hitchhiker crab I haven't been able to catch along with
some very large bristleworms. Pete, though, ended up being
unhappy. <This is not a reef species. They can be kept
at marine conditions, some zoological gardens and many
hobbyists do that, but GSP most commonly occur in coastal
mangrove areas, estuaries and frequently enter rivers.
Although some of these environments may have full strength
seawater salinity, none of their natural habitats is
comparable to a reef tank. The main reason to keep a GSP at
marine salinity is that due to skimmers and live rock it is
easier to keep the water quality permanently high.> GO
FIGURE. He was pacing all the time, and losing weight
though eating regularly (he's fed snails occasionally,
squid, Selcon and phytoplankton loaded live brine, Mysis
shrimp, dried plankton (reconstituted with Selcon, Zoe
marine, Marine C, and Garlic Extreme). <The diet sounds
good, maybe feed more bivalves and snails as the main
staple.> In conjunction with his weight loss and pacing,
I noticed a large chunk taken out of the female clown's
pectoral fin (I suspect that her aggression increased once
she and the male started hosting the torch. I think she
"attacked" Pete one too many times and he bit
back). <Some GSP are quite aggressive, a few do not
accept tankmates at all.> I haven't lost any of the
snails or shrimps to the puffer (except for the baby
Blood's that he, and the rest of my fish, ate). I knew
this impossible situation wouldn't work and I was
disheartened because of all of the energy, effort, and
money spent over the last year (I'm approaching about
$5,000 at the moment on a 30 GALLON TANK). <Yikes does
this tank maintaining person have a wooden leg, an eye
patch and a hook instead of a hand? You wanted a tank for a
GSP and not a high end reef tank, did you?.> The
original tank was started for PETE, and I felt like my
ignorance (even though researching voraciously in all of my
spare moments....there's a whole WORLD of information
about marine tanks. While I consider myself to be
reasonably intelligent (if not too gullible) I simply
couldn't absorb all the information I needed to know
while I allowed the inertia of the tank to snowball out of
control). <Start with some books, e.g. Bobs book, and
sites like WWM instead of paying 1000s of dollars for
questionable advice. Not all LFS employees and owners are
pirates, but without researching much by yourself, you will
have a hard time to evaluate whose advice is good and who
will make you pay for thing you do not want or need.
Reading is the easiest way to achieve enough knowledge to
make your own experiences and reasonable decisions. Without
reading you are likely to fail or become a treasure chest.
Advanced fellow hobbyists re usually a more reliable source
of information, local clubs are good places to get into
contact with them.> My willingness to trust someone whom
I believed sensed my desperation to "act" for my
fish and willingness to open my pocketbook for my hobby saw
an easy way to make money. I'm truly not trying to come
off like a victim...I let Pete's Personal trainer after
he came to my house and installed an EcoAqualizer ( I told
him 3 times not to do it) and charged me $250 for this
contraption and for and cleaning the 30 gallon tank. He
never left my house for less than $90 and that was for
simply cleaning the 30 gallon. <Hope you can return the
hardware you do not want and get your money back. Possibly
talk to the boss of this person.> Alas, one of my
friends gave me a 28 gallon tank. I added the water from a
LFS's main display tank, added Fiji pink sand, a bubble
wand (Pete loves these), plastic plants and a huge chunk of
live rock. I added the LFS's tank water because we have
to go out of town and I wouldn't be here if any cycling
went on while we were gone. I have a Whisper filter running
on it along with a submersible Fluval filter. No ammonia,
no nitrites, and nitrates below 20. I look to upgrade the
filtration and lighting within the next two months
(Christmas is coming). <OK. A skimmer would be a good
addition, it could remove nitrogenous waste before it is
turned into nitrates by the filters. Since you have a FOWLR
(fish only with live rock) tank you do not need the Whisper
and the Fluval for anything, but some current. Ideally the
live rock should do all the biological filtration. In case
you remove them or replace them by a small powerhead, do
not remove both at the same time to avoid a minicycle.>
Several months ago I started a 3 gallon Eclipse tank for
breeding snails. There are a few large Ramshorn snails in
the tank that lay eggs regularly, but I'm not seeing
many babies grow. The eggs hatch, I see a large amount of
dots (baby snails) and then I don't see them any more.
I have a chunk of cuttlefish bone to harden the water, I
use no heater, the filtration is the simple Eclipse
filtration and there is a huge wad of java moss. I feed
regularly with algae tablets (that don't contain any
kind of copper), bloodworms, and Betta pellets. I don't
change the water that often. I read somewhere that most
success comes from using water change water from another
tank. There is no substrate. On to my questions: 1) Today I
accidentally fed Pete a Malaysian Trumpet Snail (it was
mixed in with my Ramshorn snails). He ate the whole snail,
shell and all. Will this hurt him? It was small enough that
he could swallow the whole thing. <Some puffer keepers
report that the shells of these snails are hard enough to
break the teeth of a puffer. As long as this did not happen
he will likely be fine.> 2) Should I add a sponge over
the intake on the 3 gallon Eclipse snail breeder tank? Do
you think that is where the baby snails are disappearing to
(getting sucked up the intake and ending up on the filter
pad)? <Possible, have a look a that pad to confirm. You
could try adding a sponge.> Should I add a small heater
(I just bought one). <A heater can accelerate the snail
breeding, but be careful not to over heat this small volume
of water.> 3) Is it okay to use fresh RO/DI water for
the snail tank? <No. It has no hardness the snails need
to build up their shells, the cuttlefish bone alone will
not be sufficient.> Should I use treated tap water?
<Yes, that's better.> I've read the few articles
online about rearing snails, but I'm at an impasse.
<Have a look at www.thepufferforum.com. You'll find more
information there.> 3) With diligent water changes and
eyes on water parameters, will Lulu's fin heal (the
female Clown whose pectoral fin was bitten)? I think Pete
bit her into the "meat" of the fin, although I
don't see any sores or anything alarming (besides the
chunk missing). <Will likely heal. If the bases of some
fin rays have been removed, they will not grow back again
but Lulu will probably get well, again. Anyway, watch the
wound for possible infections.> I know this was long and
I thank you if you've read thus far. <No problem.
Only the part about your puffer trainer was horrible and
hopefully will warn some people not always to believe
everything they are told.> This past year has been an
increasingly stressful experience for me (and my livestock,
no less). I was trying to do the right things, which, many
of them, ended up being the most wrong things to do. <I
hope you are on the right track now and still able to enjoy
this mostly wonderful hobby. Read on, learn and the
mistakes of the past will not be in vain.> Thank you for
any and all help, Corinthian. <I hope I helped. Cheers
and good luck. Marco.>
Re: Green Spotted Puffer, clown,
snails..... 11/20/2007 Marco~ Thanks for your response!
<Welcome.> I really liked the way you explained the
genus differences between the puffers. I really tried to
"pin down" more information from the girl at the
LFS, but she seemed to be wishy-washy using a lot of
"I don't remember" to my questions. The size
of the fish, as SHE described them, matched the size of
GSP's. I thought I was going to stumble on some kind of
new "break-thru" information regarding GSP sexing
and breeding. Silly me. Lol <<I dont think this was
silly. There are several people claiming GSP were bred, but
so far hard evidence is missing.>> <Here is were
the problems began. If you do not want something he is
bringing along, you have to say so clearly. When someone is
trying to sell you something and you feel pressured leave
him alone or send him away.> I hear ya, Marco. The way
he handled things was very slick and I'm not nearly as
naive as I used to be. As I've said, I really learned a
lot. <<Thats great to hear. The more knowledge, the
less trouble, the more fun.>> <This is not a reef
species. They can be kept at marine conditions, some
zoological gardens and many hobbyists do that, but GSP most
commonly occur in coastal mangrove areas, estuaries and
frequently enter rivers. Although some of these
environments may have full strength seawater salinity, none
of their natural habitats is comparable to a reef tank. The
main reason to keep a GSP at marine salinity is that due to
skimmers and live rock it is easier to keep the water
quality permanently high.> No wonder he was so unhappy.
His current tank is only 28 gallons, but is what I could
pull together on the spur of the moment. I know he'll
be much happier in it. <<I wish him (and you) a long
and happy life.>> <The diet sounds good, maybe
feed more bivalves and snails as the main staple.> He
won't touch clams or oysters...even when soaked in
Selcon & Garlic Extreme. <<Did you open them?
Smaller puffers are often unable to crush too large
bivalves. It is true their teeth need abrasion, but
bivalves are also good food, because of their nutritional
value. So, it is ok to open them for the puffer. The GSPs I
know eat almost everything (plants, flakes, wood,
fingernails), your specimen seems to be more picky.>>
There were some small bivalves that hitchhiked in with the
live rock. He never touched them. Maybe in his new tank,
where he is the only fish in it, he will become more
"territorial" and more willing to
"investigate" resulting in him eating more clams
and oysters. Hhhhmmm....maybe he was "over
stimulated" or on "overload" in the other
tank and that's why he didn't bother anything in
it. <<Possibly stressed by all the unknown life and
Cnidarians in there.>> My snails just aren't
living to sizes large enough to feed him right now, but I
do supplement them with fish store nuisances when I can.
<Yikes does this tank maintaining person have a wooden
leg, an eye patch and a hook instead of a hand? You wanted
a tank for a GSP and not a high end reef tank, did you?>
Yes, the tank was for the GSP. I said I wanted something
very simple. But, then I "needed" this or
"needed" that and with the additions that showed
up....they were so pretty, and I'm sure you know how
things like that often go. I would have never bought those
things myself (file clam, tube anemone that I had to get
rid of, etc. etc.), but when they were brought to my house
and I was assured by someone "in the know" that
they would be great in my tank....well, now I have a tank
for THOSE things and a new one for the GSP. Boy was I
stupid. My future plans are to have a 90-120 gallon tank. I
really want a Dog Face Puffer. <<Great fish,
too.>> <Start with some books, e.g. Bobs book, and
sites like WWM instead of paying 1000s of dollars for
questionable advice. Not all LFS employees and owners are
pirates, but without researching much by yourself, you will
have a hard time to evaluate whose advice is good and who
will make you pay for thing you do not want or need.
Reading is the easiest way to achieve enough knowledge to
make your own experiences and reasonable decisions. Without
reading you are likely to fail or become a treasure chest.
Advanced fellow hobbyists re usually a more reliable source
of information, local clubs are good places to get into
contact with them.> I have TCMA by Mr. Fenner as well as
Borneman's book. I just bought Wilkerson's book on
clownfish (now I'm in love with my clowns). I read all
of these voraciously when I'm NOT reading WetWebMedia.
<<Sounds like you are well prepared now.>> This
has been my "home" since I found this site when
searching for GSP information. AND, I was reading this
site, but as I said in my previous post, I couldn't
read enough fast enough and I was letting things get out of
control. By the time I was learning what I needed to know
about Zoanthids and Ricordea, I was having to learn about
tube anemones....see what I'm saying? I don't know
why it was so difficult for me to just put my foot down,
but it was. A mistake I won't make again. <<We
live to learn.>> I live in the FL panhandle and I
can't find any local clubs (even when searching on the
net). <<You could ask at http://www.swfmas.com/ if
they are aware of clubs in NW Florida. Also check MASNA:
Marine Aquarium Societies of North America (If you want to
start a club it may be worth talking to them anyway). Id be
surprised if there was no club in the entire area,
especially in cities like Pensacola, Tallahassee.>> I
have a girlfriend who just got into the hobby not too long
ago. We've talked about starting some sort of society,
but I don't even know where to begin....but I'd
LOVE to do it! Just in the last 2 months, my friend's
120 gallon tank broke on the bottom and flooded her house.
She was able to salvage her live rock and a couple of fish
and a bit of sand (her tank had just finished cycling).
Another friend treated his 90 gallon reef tank with
antibiotics and it killed EVERYTHING in his tank. He was
devastated. Had I known he was GOING to do that, I would
have done what I could to stop him. So, we NEED some type
of society here where we can all get together and share
information and frags and create friendships with others
who love this hobby. If you can lead me in the right
direction, I'll be glad to follow up with it.
<<One way to get in touch with new fellow hobbyists
to meet, share information and swap items and animals,
possibly on a regular basis, are the different LFSs.
Depends on how outgoing you are and if you like talking to
strangers. Second way to find people is to look for local
ads in newspapers and the net, especially people already
selling or swapping frags. When you have found a small
group of friendly reefers/fish keepers you could try to
find a place and date to meet, have a drink and share
aquarium stories. Thats how it usually starts. Sometimes it
stays at this informal level, sometimes a club is formed.
Also consider thepufferforum.com as you are interested in
puffers. It is a great place for experience exchange,
too.>> I've duly noted your advice regarding my
specific questions. <<Hope it helped.>> Marco,
I think I'm on the right track now. This website
provides a plethora of information. I just read and absorb
everything I can and I just LOVE this place. Thank you and
to all who offer such immeasurable information and support.
Corinthian <<You are welcome and I wish you good luck
with your future endeavours. Marco.>>
My Two Green Spotted Puffers...
sys., fdg.... gen. 7/14/07 Hi, I have a few questions I
hope you can answer me about my two GSP's. <Hello. Will
certainly try!> I bought them yesterday and they are living in
a 2.5 gallon tank. Is this to small for them? <Yes. Far too
small. Even a tank 10 times that size would be too small for two
GSPs. These are mutually antagonistic fish that will reach around
12-15 cm in length. A single specimen works well enough in a 30
gallon tank, but when you add a second specimen, life becomes a
bit less predictable because some (perhaps males?) are rather
aggressive. A 55 gallon tank is often recommended as a good size
for two GSPs, and I don't see any reason to argue with
that.> The lady at the store said that the tank should be a
gallon a fish so that is why I bought a 2.5 gallon tank, but I am
not sure if she is right. <No, she's wronger than a wrong
thing on the wrongest day of the year. Use some logic. Why would
a "gallon per fish" even be possible? A Great White
Shark is "a" fish, and yet it obviously wouldn't
even fit in one gallon of anything.> I was also wondering if
one day one of the fish will eventually eat the other, since I
would not want this to happen because I already love them dearly.
<GSPs do not eat fish. They eat shelled invertebrates in the
wild and should receive same in captivity. Shrimps, snails,
clams, etc. are all good.> Is it also possible that one fish
is more intelligent than the other and eat all the food?
<Doesn't seem likely that intelligence would be the issue.
But a *dominant* fish can certainly bully another fish and steal
all the food. This is quite common among animals generally (ever
seen dogs "share" food?).> About how many bloodworms
should they eat a day? <Ideally, none. They need *shelled*
food or their teeth become overgrown. Visit your local
supermarket and check out the seafood counter to see what's
there. Unshelled prawns are often good for the smaller specimens.
Otherwise, pond snails are excellent and you can also buy frozen
mini clams and krill from the tropical fish store. Really
anything crunchy will do.> They look constantly hungry and
looking for food and they eat when I feed them, but I don't
want to give them more than they're supposed to eat. <They
are hungry because pufferfish have evolved to fill themselves
with low quality food. Most of what they eat in the wild is
indigestible, so they eat a lot of it, passing out all the
"ash" as its called (broken shells, mainly). If you
give them just soft food, there's no bulk so they don't
feel full. Just like humans when they eat candy bars and cakes.
We don't feel full after eating them even if we've had
plenty. But if its something we're meant to eat, like salad
and grains, we feel more full because of the bulk.> Also one
has blue eyes and the other has green. Does this differentiate
them of being a male or female? <Nope.> Or how do I know if
they are a male or female? <Only another GSP can tell...>
Is there anything very important I should know? <Are you
keeping them in brackish water yet? They do not do well in
freshwater. And brackish water isn't "add a teaspoon of
salt per gallon" or anything like that. You need marine salt
mix and a hydrometer to measure a specific gravity around 1.010.
Be sure and read this --
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/BrackishSubWebIndex/gspsart.htm >
Thank You for your time and consideration. <No problems. Enjoy
your new pets. Cheers, Neale>
Thank you to WetWebMedia... regarding the little
GSP's 7/10/06 I just want to say thanks so
much for all that you have put on the internet regarding the
little GSP's...if it wasn't for you, I'm sure many
people would have lost their little guys - I feel fortunate to
have only lost one through our ich spell and just wanted to say
thanks! Keep up the good work!
<Thank you!> The information
you provide is also so helpful as to what to feed them, water
conditions, etc. Truly, thanks!
Warm regards, Kathy
Raife <Will share your enthusiastic, positive statement with
JeniT/aka Pufferpunk, the originator of most of our GSP/brackish
materials. Bob Fenner>
Pufferfish for
Dummies 5/14/06 Dear Crew, <Hi, Pufferpunk
here> I am interested in purchasing a puffer fish. I know
nothing about fish and I am actually kind of scared of fish but I
saw a little yellow puffer fish I fell in love with at the store
(Wal-Mart). <Certainly can't blame you for that!> The
woman in the department knew NOTHING about the fish and have not
been able to find anyone at any other pet stores who can tell me
all I need to know. <Not surprised there
either. Puffers are the most misinformed fishes in the
hobby.> The puffer fish I am interested in was about the size
of a quarter, white belly, yellow in color with little black
spots. <Green spotted puffer, Tetraodon nigroviridis.>
Should I get more than one puffer so they will not get bored and
lonely? <Not necessarily; puffers don't get
lonely. See: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ca/volume_2/cav2i6/lonely_puffer/lonely_puffer.htm
You could keep several of these puffer together if you raise them
up as juveniles. Keep in mind they require at least 30
gallons each as adults.> What kind of food do they eat (I read
brine shrimp, mosquito larvae, hard things to keep their teeth
warn down, etc). <Feeding your Puffer Friend: http://www.thepufferforum.com/articles/puffer/food.html
> Do you suppose this was a dwarf puffer fish? Or another
species? <I'm sure it's the
GSP. Wal-Mart's been selling tons of these
lately.> How big of tank should I have? How often do I need to
clean it or can I get a tank cleaning fish? <Everything you
need to know about the care of a GSP: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/BrackishSubWebIndex/gspsart.htm
> Also, would Wal-Mart be an okay place to buy a little fishy
or should I try to find one at an actual pet store?
<Personally, I have boycotted Wal-Mart for the care of their
fish for over 10 years.> I need all the information to keep a
happy, healthy puffer fish!! Please share all your
knowledge! THANK YOU!! <Then you should go over to
www.thepufferforum.com & read, read, read! PP>
Green Spotted Puffer Problem 3/5/06 <Hi
Debbie, Pufferpunk here> I have a 30 gallon with ocean sand
bottom. Using an emperor 400 with 2 bio wheels. Varied
food for health diet: blood worms, krill, and live black worms.
<Here is an excerpt from my article on GSPs about feeding: One
of the most difficult aspects of keeping these special fish is
their diet. All puffers are predatory fish and need hard-shelled,
meaty foods to keep their teeth trimmed. Like rabbits, their
teeth grow constantly and can overgrow enough to cause starvation
in the fish. Puffers eat crustaceans in the wild. Foods for
smaller puffers are frozen/freeze-dried krill/plankton,
gut-loaded ghost shrimp, glass worms, crickets, worms and small
snails (the size of their eye). Snails are an essential food to a
puffers diet, especially when small. Many serious puffer keepers
breed their own snails. As your puffer gets larger, there are
many more crunchy foods for them to eat. Larger GSPs will eat
cut-up pieces of scallops, shrimp, crab legs, whole mussels,
clams, oysters, squid, lobster and crayfish. Mine love to chase
live crayfish, fiddler crabs and gut-loaded ghost shrimp. I
gut-load (pre-feed) my live food with algae wafers, so my puffers
get their veggies. I buy most of these foods at the fish
department of my grocery store, freeze and later thaw in warm
vitamin water as needed. Smaller puffers (under 2") need to
eat every day, skipping one feeding/week. Feed them until their
bellies are slightly rounded. Medium sized puffers (2-4")
should be fed every other day. Larger puffers (4-6) should be fed
every 3-4 days. You may find this schedule difficult, as puffers
are very adept at begging for food! Feeding puffers every time
they beg will cause fat, lazy fish and eventually you will be
killing them with kindness.> Water salinity is between 1.018
and 1.014. Water conditions are good according to
LFS. <I really need to know more than just
"good". Please post ammonia, nitrite,
nitrate & pH results, for a better diagnosis.> Recently
got 3 young green spotted puffs and kept in hospital tank for
about 2 weeks to increase from fresh to brackish. I added these
to the 30 gallon tank about 3 weeks ago and they seem happy and
healthy. I also have one adult green spotted puffer about 2
inches long for about 1 year. <Are you saying you
now have 4 GSPs in a 30g tank? That's 3 too
many!> He was doing great until several days ago. <Not
surprised. Please read the whole article on GSPs:
He still has good color, glowing head, eating well but is
suddenly acting strangely. He seems to be
"thrashing" occasionally and on purpose at the filter
intake and staying in one area at top front of tank where the
water jets flow. So, not so normal. Several times a day I have
noticed the grey stress line from head to tail but it soon fades.
He is not being bothered by the others and actually seems to like
them... and again, they seem fine. He has no visible skin
problems or visible parasites. He is not having trouble
with motor skills. But something is very wrong. Please
help him if You can. The pet store has no clue, they
said add Melafix which did not help and helped to cloud the tank
a bit... I guess killing off some bacteria? Anyway I added more
today to see if that helps. Any info you can give me....Please.
<Melafix can help with stress. I think the cloudy
water is from adding such a huge bioload of 3 more puffers into a
tank that should only be housing 1. As you will see in
the GSP article, an adult GSP will need 30g
each. Either return the other 3 or get a much bigger
tank for the 4 of them--eventually they will be needing at least
a 120g tank.> I get VERY emotional when I
lose somebody...as I tried to explain to my husband...
they depend on me, it's my responsibility and I love them...
<I'm with you on that! Try going to
www.thepufferforum.com, for more puffer info. ~PP>
Thank you, Debbie
Puff Daddy in a Crowded Tank - 03/05/06 Thanks so
much for answering. I have been so worried about him!
First, to answer your question on water conditions--I am really
not sure if they told me and I have forgotten exact numbers or if
they only said "good". I was really upset at the
time. I will be sure to ask and remember from now on.
<Sounds like you need your own test kit. You can
get a nice Master Test Kit at www.bigalsonline.com, for a
reasonable price. Lots of other aquarium goodies
too!> Second, I have read so much conflicting advice on these
fish that it's overwhelming. I have come to realize, after
reading all of your info, that I must not have an adult after
all. Puff Daddy is only around 2 inches. <Possibly
stunted.> Guess maybe he needs a new name? ;) And I did forget
to mention they do get little snails for their teeth free from
the LFS. <That's good.> He was a birthday gift by the
way, everything included. <Pets do not make good gifts.> Is
the salinity alright for them at 1.012 to 1.014? I
just did a partial water change and that is what it is
registering at now. And how do you know when to increase it to
full salt or leave as is? I have not found anything on that.
<All that info is in the GSP article I linked you to.>
Truthfully, I have always been a cats (4 handsome boys and 1
beautiful girl) and dogs (2 really, really old Labs) person and I
am very, very good at it. <I've been a cat & dog
groomer for over 21 years.> But these little guys just really
freak me out if things look wrong. That thrashing is strange
behavior. Maybe I just never noticed before because I worked all
the time, now I'm home all day every day. <Water changes
are the 1st thing to do if you notice your fish are
"off" at all.> I have a really hard time thinking
that I may be responsible for them being uncomfortable or worse.
<Yes, you probably shouldn't have gotten more puffers,
until you had a larger tank.> But not to worry, they will be
getting a new larger tank within a few days. Thanks so much for
listening, Debbie <Be sure to add SW Bio-Spira to instantly
cycle your new tank. I'd go with the final size
they'll need as adults (at least 120g). It might
look somewhat empty at 1st but they'll grow
quickly. In the meantime, I'd be doing daily water
changes or test daily & do water changes
accordingly. ~PP>
Green Spotted Puffer - 2/20/2006 I'm not positive
which species of puffer fish I have. He is about 1
inch, has a white belly, and a green back with black spots.
<<Sounds like Tetraodon nigroviridis, Green Spotted
Puffer. Lives in brackish water; full salt water at
maturity, grows to 6" and will need at least 30 gallons of
water.>> When I first got him he seemed to eat alright, but
about a week ago he stopped eating. At first, he
looked like he was still interested in eating, but he either
tried and couldn't, or changed his mind completely and swam
away. The thing that worries me most is that he just
sits on the bottom of the tank all day, looking sad and
depressed. His tail is always curved and he looks very
stressed and sick. He has been losing color,
too. I have sent e-mails to various sites asking for
help, but no one will reply. I'm getting
desperate, I have no idea what to do. Please help!
<<Doesn't sound good. What are you water
readings for ammonia, nitrIte and nitrAte? You should
go to www.thepufferforum.com, and learn all you can there about
your puffer. Please read this to get started: http://www.thepufferforum.com/articles/puffer/introtogsp.html. Talk
to you soon. Lisa.>> Doran Schmdt
What Size
Puffer Tank? 1/10/06 Hello! <Hi, Pufferpunk
here> The most experience I have ever had
with fish extends to a goldfish in a still 1 gallon bowl, the
water of which I'd change out maybe every week or so (though
Bittersweet did live 4 long and happy years). Having
seen the error of my ways, I've gotten a new
goldfish in a nice little tank complete with air filter and cute
light. resulting in one happy fishy. <Glad to hear
that for the fish's sake. Goldfish are not
"Bowlfish" They are high waste/ammonia producers, can
grow to 12" & live over 20 years! Large tanks
& huge water changes (up to 90% weekly) are necessary for
longevity in this fish.> My roommate however has grown up with
aquariums and has opened my eyes to the joys of slightly more
exotic fish. A few days ago we got three small puffer
fish - 2 Green Spotted and 1 Figure 8 that live in a 10 gallon BW
tank. Unfortunately, one of the spotted puffers was
sickly when we got it, and it died this morning. We
had gone back to the pet store the day after we got the fish to
tell them about the sick one, and they said we can either
exchange it or get a refund, which brings me to my questions for
you. Both puffers are still fairly small, less than
2" each, but I've heard that they grow really fast and
each can get around 6". They get along with each
other right now, I haven't seen any fin-nipping or anything
like that because so far we have kept them all fairly well fed,
but will they stay that way, or will we eventually need to get
separate tanks? We're going to upgrade to a 20g
tank when the fish get a little bigger and we have more room in
our dorm, but would a 10g tank be alright for 3 puffers, or
should we just stick with two in the smaller
tank? Also, how can you tell the gender of the fish,
which are the more aggressive, male or female? <A
10g tank is fine for the F8 for life. I suggest
returning the GSP. It will eventually need at least a
30+g tank & marine conditions as an
adult. Eventually it will outgrow the F8 by 3x &
be much more aggressive. Read: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/BrackishSubWebIndex/gspsart.htm
I really don't think they are good fish for dorm
rooms. The F8 would be perfect, if you can
afford the salt. You will need to keep the SG
(specific gravity) at around 1.005 & do 50% weekly water
changes. You must use marine
salt. Here's a good article on them:
http://www.thepufferforum.com/articles/puffer/f8puffer.html Good
luck with this wonderful little fish, they are a joy to
keep. ~PP> Thank you very much for your help,
Bitten puffer 12/11/05 Hail to the WWM Crew!
<Wow!> this is my first time writing in as this is my first
problem! <Good to hear!> My Green Spotted puffer has been
fine ever since I got him, he feeds like a wolverine and is
always happy flying round the tank. I have noticed that he has 1
single white spot on his side below his left pectoral fin. the
spot is about 2-3 mm in diameter and perfectly round. I have no
idea what it is, when he gets excited and his belly changes to
white, you cannot see the spot anymore. This made me think it may
be scar tissue that has lost the ability to change colour.
<This sounds likely... but, in my experience, if you substrate
is light coloured, and the puffer is healthy/happy (in brackish
water), his/her belly should be white most of the time. Of
course, there are exceptions to the rule.> Anyway, like I say,
he has not change behaviour and he is still feeding can you help
me to put my mind at rest? <Perfectly round marks could be
bites from another puffer... do make sure the tank is large
enough and there are plenty of refuges / broken lines of sight. I
would still watch the fish closely just in case. I also recommend
checking out www.thepufferforum.com .> Thank you TOM
<You're welcome.... John>
My Poor Puffer
<Pufferpunk unfortunately is out on holiday> 11/14/05
<< Unfortunately for whom? I bet she
doesn't think so!>>Hello WWC, First off, I just
wanted to say that your site is a life saver, literally.
You have saved my fishes lives many times. <Ahh, you have
saved them... perhaps with our assistance> Well, I am having a
problem with my Green Spotted Puffer. My GSP is about 1.5"
long. It is in a 10 gal. tank with no other fish. He was fine the
first few days, but is now acting weird. I have learned that they
are BW fish and need salt, <Oh, yes> obviously, so I added
it and all the other requirements are up-to-date as well. My GSP
is very thin, and will not eat anything. His stomach is white
with a grayish tint to the back part of his stomach, closest to
his tail. He also has to constantly open his mouth, as if he were
fighting for the air. His reflexes are very slow, and he stays on
the bottom, all the time. His colors are faded too, <Not
good> but he has a very bright neon patch, of green, on his
head. I don't know what is wrong with him and I really need
some help! Do you know if he is sick, or is this normal behavior?
I do need you help and I will be waiting for your answer.
Sincerely, Jamie D. <Mmm, a few things... one, it is important
that the system be stable... salinity and nitrogenous waste wise
especially... Next, nutrition... At any length these issues are
sufficiently covered on WWM. Start reading here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/BrackishSubWebIndex/gspsart.htm
and on to the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Green Spotted Puffers from Wal-Mart 8/8/05 (and
brackish set-up f') Hello, <Hi, Pufferpunk here to
answer all your puffer questions.> I've looked over you
website, and will have to admit that Im completely illiterate to
most of the terminology used here. I am a total novice
fish owner. Here is my story, and my problem. About 2 weeks ago I
purchased (from Wal-Mart) two yellowish green, black polka
dotted, white bellied fish about 1 inch in length that the
department store had labeled puffer fish. <That is
the green spotted puffer (Tetraodon nigroviridis).> I also
purchased a brand new 5 gallon tank, with filter and blood
worms. <As juvenile fish, a 10g tank may suffice
for a short while, but after they have reached over 2", they
will quickly grow to their adult 6" size & require 30g
each.> I followed all directions given me by the tank,
de-chlorinating the water, allowing it to filter over night,
before adding the fish. At this point there was no
decorations in the tank. <This is a very common
newbie move. You must cycle a tank before purchasing
fish, especially puffers. They are very sensitive to
the toxins they produce. In short: 1) Fish produce
waste products. 2) Waste forms toxic ammonia. 3)
Toxic ammonia burns fish's gills, eyes, fins, skin, etc. 4)
Ammonia devouring bacteria that occur naturally all around us
colonize in the tank and begin feeding on the ammonia, and
multiplying. 5) Ammonia eating bacteria also has to relieve
themselves, and its waste is what we call
nitrItes. Nitrites are toxic to fish as well (it
decreases oxygen levels in the fish's blood, causing the fish
to suffocate). 6) Other naturally occurring bacteria arrive and
devour the nitrItes and multiply. 7) NitrIte eating bacteria also
has to relieve themselves, and its waste is what we call
nitrAtes. 8) Sometimes, live plants can be used remove parts of
this final product of the nitrogen cycle. Not enough to keep
nitrAte levels at an acceptable level, so we perform weekly water
changes to get rid of the rest of the nitrAtes. This entire
process can take up to 8 weeks. In the meantime, get a 20g tank
& cycle it with Bio-Spira for an instant cycle.> I let the
fish swim around for about 2 days before purchasing some aquarium
gravel (light tanish in color) and a spongy looking rock (also
light tan) with a hole through it that local aquarium
store had recommended. I removed my fish, vacuumed out
the tank, completely replenished it with fresh water
(de-chlorinated), added the gravel and rock, allowed it to filter
for about 12 hours, then added the fish. I've been
feeding my fish blood worms as was recommended by the aquarium
store as well. Since then, one of my little buddies has gotten
ill. He has a dark grey discoloration that looks like
a bread mold growing from his flanks down over his little belly,
and now over his back. His tank mate is starting to
show some of the same symptoms now. They both have a
loss of appetite now, and are very lethargic. Im a
complete beginner in this so I beg for patience if this is a
subject already covered on your site. To be honest
with you, now that I've browsed your site and seen many of the
pictures of the puffers there, Im not even entirely sure that is
what I have. Please help though, I cant stand for the
little guy to suffer. <Here is a good article on your puffers:
& a great forum about puffers: www.thepufferforum.net>
Thank you very much for your time and patience, Morgan Kelsey
<Puffers are not for the novice aquarium
keeper. Read all you can. ~PP>
Spotted Green puffer issues... Aloha Web crew... <Ananda
here, answering the puffer questions.> Terrific website... I
have found more info on your site compared to any other out
there.... <Thanks, and glad it's helped.> Part of my
question was answered by your FAQ area on the puffer fish... I
have 4 spotted green puffer fish in a long 30 gallon tank (which
gives them plenty of room to hang out together or get away from
each other)... I also have 3 green Chromides in the
tank with them and 1 huge algae eater (big so they won't eat
it).. <How large are these fish currently? The
green Chromides will need a much larger tank eventually, as they
get up to 16" long.> All of my puffers look very healthy
and swim around a lot (up and down and from tank end to tank
end).. There is something up with one of the puffers
though... He lays on the bottom of the tank quite a
bit... He loses all of his spots and turns pretty dark, almost
like he is hiding from everything and trying to get some
rest... <Do you have plenty of stuff for them to
hide in and swim through in the tank? Is this puff getting enough
to eat?> When he feels like it, he does get up off of the
bottom and starts swimming with the other puffers... They all
seem to like being together... Once he starts swimming, you can
see his belly is pretty black from tail to mouth... <Not a
good sign at all.> If you come to the side of the tank and
give him some attention, the black almost all goes away and his
spots come back immediately.... <Puffers are some of the most
intelligent fish out there. Paying attention to him is reducing
his stress level.> I read on your site that the spots can go
away for mood or camo, but what about the black
belly? I have read on many sites that a black belly
means they are sick... If that is the case, why does it come and
go? <Is the puff's belly truly black, or is it grey? Grey
is a sign of stress, and I have seen that come and go quickly.
The black, however... do check the feces of this fish and the
others in your tank. They should be uniformly dark-colored. If
the feces from the puff in question are different, the fish may
have intestinal worms or parasites.> The tank is a brackish
water tank... I have some synthetic salt in the tank as well as
aquarium salt... <What specific gravity level are you keeping
these fish at? Also, if you have any ammonia, nitrite, or nitrate
reading, do a water change as soon as possible and increase the
frequency or amount of your regular water changes.> None of
the other fish show signs of being ill and the one that I'm
concerned about doesn't have any signs of Ick or anything
else.... <Which is why I'm suspecting a
possible internal problem.> The puffers eat pretty well.. I
let a bunch of small goldfish swim around and they eat them
whenever they are hungry... <Please desist with
the goldfish immediately. These are NOT good for your
puffers' health! The scales on the goldfish are relatively
large, and feeder goldfish are notorious for carrying
diseases.> I also feed them frozen brine shrimp and crawdads
every now and then... <Do consider adding snails and other
more puffer-appropriate foods. See http://www.wetwebmedia.com/pufferfdgfaqs.htm
for info on puffer foods.> Any advice on my little puffer
would be greatly appreciated... Keep up the great work on your
website... <Will do.> aloha for now Gary <Aloha.
Green Spotted Puffer Mr. Fenner, Sorry to bother you
yet again with one of my questions. I've been
reading over the FAQs re: brackish puffers. I have a
green spotted puffer about an inch long. I got him at
Petco from one of the marine tanks. I knew he was a
brackish puffer, but they had had him/her...it for about two
weeks in the marine tank before I bought him. I've
had him for about 5 weeks now, and is doing great. He
actively swims, eats like there's no tomorrow, and before
they died, harassed my domino damsels. Is it OK to
keep him in my marine aquarium. I keep my SG about
1.023. Like I said he seems to be doing fine (getting
fat). Once again, great website and thanks! <Please
do take a look here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwpuffers.htm
re a positive identification of your fish. I have seen brackish
water species kept for good long periods in "straight"
seawater with no apparent harm, HOWEVER they almost all "do
south quickly" losing weight, setting at the bottom, perhaps
dying of physiological difficulties within hours to a day or
two... so, do keep a close eye on yours, and be ready to move it
(in the hopes of its recovery) should you see it suffering, or
dead. Bob Fenner> Vince Gibbens
- Brackish Puffer Questions - Hello again I'm sorry
I have one more question. <Good evening, JasonC here...
hopefully with one more answer.> Just for the health and
happiness of these little creatures :) I got my water salt to
0.010 ,will that make the pH the needed level for them????
<Salinity and pH are two different measurements - a specific
gravity of 1.010 is fine for this puffer... for pH you need
something between 7.6 and 7.8.> What should the level be? Or
does the ph need to be higher even with the ocean salt at 0.010.
Is that the right number for green spotted puffers??? 2 questions
1) do they need any more ph like coral gravel or is the ph
already high from the salt another on look down below <Match
to the numbers I listed.> 2)what number should it say on the
sea test hydrometer for green spotted puffers? Should it be
0.08?????? <1.010> Thank you so much Please don't mind
the few questions I'm sorry nobody helps me with them not
many people know a thing about them :) <No worries. Cheers, J
-- >
Brackish corals and puffers >How much coral do you
have to put in a 10 gallon brackish tank with green spotted
puffers. >>None. >I never see coral in brackish tanks
anywhere only in saltwater tanks. Do they like a high ph or only
saltwater puffers? >>Corals like relatively high pH, and
require so much for their growth that I couldn't begin to
address it here. If you're speaking of using coral
skeletons in a tank with marine puffers, then I would caution
against it as I have seen torn skin (they don't have
scales. Marina
Diet for a Small Puffer (08/31/03) Hi, <Hi! Ananda
and the puffers here tonight...> I understand from many many
website that puffer fish needs shell food... <Yup. Snails and
crustaceans are their favorite foods.> However, my puffer is
only 2CM to 2.5CM and the mussel or whatsoever shell
"mouth" will be close when we buy from the market so
how do they feed on the meat inside the shell is even bigger than
the fish? Some suggested cracking the shell first but does that
make my tank very messy?? <I bet it would! Skip the mussels,
especially if they're freshwater mussels (which can harbor
puffer-harmful parasites). I would switch to snails for your
little guy. You should be able to get pond snails for free from
your local pet-fish store; they often come in on the
plants. You can even start up a small "fish
bowl" to breed snails for your puff. Another food that is
good for small puffs is shrimp tails in the shell. First, you get
to eat the best part of the shrimp. Then leave a bit of the
shrimp tail in the shell, freeze it, and then drop it in with the
puffer. The tiny, tiny ends of crab legs might work for this,
too, though I haven't tried that.> Currently I am feeding
dried shrimp so is that ok for the teeth?? <Sure, though
depending on the type of shrimp, it may not be enough to keep his
teeth worn down and it might not be as nutritious as you'd
like. I'd suggest getting some fishy vitamins (I use Dick
Boyd's). Thanks! Regards, Jensen Wee <You're quite
welcome. --Ananda>
Diet for a sick puffer Hey, <Hey hey! Ananda here
today...> I think I have a green puffer. I'm not sure if
that's the type but here's a pic of it. http://i.xanga.com/mzscandalous/Nick%20Jr.jpg
<Well, it's a green-spotted puffer, and he needs help. His
belly should be white! A puff with a dark or grey belly is a
stressed, unhappy, or sick puff.> Well, I bought it a couple
of days ago and it was fine until I added large rocks into the
tank. <Uh-oh. What kind of rocks? (What do they look like, if
you aren't sure of the type?)> The workers at the fish
store told me it's a fresh-water fish. <"Bzzzz, wrong
answer" to them.> But when I read the frequently asked Qs
& As, it might be a Brackish type fish. <Yup, it is. He
needs some salt in his water. Get a SeaTest hydrometer (the only
one that reads the lower values) and some Instant Ocean.>
Well, it stopped eating after I added the rocks in and it
developed black spots on the white dorso area.
<Dorsal is on the back of the fish, ventral is on the belly of
the fish, so I think you mean ventral area.... Anyhow, that's
not good. Where did you get the rocks?> It hardly swims and it
just lays around the bottom of the tank all day. I use to have it
in a really small tank but I moved it into a 10 gallon tank since
my friend told me it needs more space. <Yup, your friend is
right about that one.> Please help. I really don't want
this fish to die. <Me neither.> I've also been feeding
it frozen brine shrimp because they recommended it at the fish
store. <Brine shrimp can be compared to junk food, and not
favorably. Your puff needs a better diet -- he's been
underfed for a while. It might be easiest to with some shrimp
tails -- you eat the shrimp body, puff gets the shrimp tail, in
the shell. He should also get some snails -- the freebie pond
snails from the LFS are ideal, and you can raise them in your
little tank. There's a lot more on what you can feed puffers
in the Puffer Feeding FAQs, found under both the brackish puffer
and marine puffer sections on the WWM site. To find them, use the
Google search tool at the bottom of the Daily FAQ page and look
for "Puffer Feeding FAQ".> Please reply soon and
sorry if I'm bothering you about this. <We are here to be
"bothered". :-) Also check out the WetWebMedia chat
forums at http://wetwebfotos.com/talk --
often, you can get a reply faster there, since you don't have
to wait for an email to travel the net. And I check the forums at
least a couple of times a day.> Thanks. Kathy <You're
welcome! --Ananda>
Re: Diet for a Small Puffer (09/01/03) Hi, Thanks for
your reply.. <Ananda here again, and you're welcome.>
One more thing <<I would switch to snails for your little
guy. You should be able to get pond snails for free from your
local pet-fish store; they often come in on the
plants. You can even start up a small "fish
bowl" to breed snails for your puff.>> But the snails
I see here are rather big .. like the shell can be 1CM in
diameter?? is this type of snail small or big?? <That
particular snail might be too big, but you could always toss one
in with your puff and see what he does. If you get a bunch of
snails, you can raise your own, and give your puff the smaller
ones. Just put them in a container with water and feed them
daily. You don't have to feed them fish food; you can give
them slices of boiled veggies. When you do a water change for
your puff, do a water change for them, too.> Thanks a bunch!
Cheers, Jensen Wee <You're welcome! --Ananda>
Puffer care shopping list (09/01/03) Hey, <Hey!
Ananda back again...> Thanks for the quick reply. Well, the
rocks are pretty big with algae growing on them but I already
took them out of the tank. I got them from the same fish store
that gave me the wrong information about my fish. <Urk. I
would not want to put them back in the tank for a while yet.>
Now I think my fish also has ich because it has white stuff
growing on its tail. <Yep, sounds like ich. Salt will fix
that.> I can't go to the fish store till tomorrow because
its Labor Day today. Can you give me a list of everything I
should buy so I don't have to make several runs to the store.
<Sure! Hmmm...another thing to write up for the WWM site.>
I know that I need to buy a different type of food, snails, some
salt, and the SeaTest hydrometer. <That's really about it,
but here are a few more details.... Food: frozen uncooked shrimp
from the grocery store works; he might also like squid (grate it
while it's frozen). (Only one of my five puffs likes squid,
so don't get it unless you like it, too.) Also, pond snails,
or baby Ramshorn snails, which *should* be free. Do not get him
the cone-shaped snails. For a treat, he'd probably love
frozen bloodworms (I prefer the Hikari brand); a "worm
cone" makes it easier to feed those (drop a small chunk of
the frozen stuff into the cone, and the worms won't make a
beeline for the filter intake). For freeze-dried stuff, you can
wait a bit and order from online; it's significantly cheaper
that way. Salt: Instant Ocean is just fine for puffers. The
garlic oil may also be available at the grocery store... you want
to get the gel caps that are intended to be a human nutritional
supplement. Check out this thread for another discussion on
puffers, including a link to what I'm talking about when I
say "garlic oil":
I mean, I only have one fish in the tank so should I go out and
try to find another one so it wouldn't be so lonely? <Not
when he's got ich!!> Sorry if I sound dumb about this, its
just this is the first time I'm taking care of fish. Thanks.
-Kathy <You're welcome -- and you have a head start on
many fishkeepers since you're doing research! :-) Also, do
check out the WetWebMedia chat forums at http://wetwebfotos.com/talk --
we have several experienced and novice puffer keepers on board.
Puffer salt (09/01/03) Hey Ananda, <Hey there>
Thanks so much for the fish advice. <Sure.> Well one more
question, for the salt, can it be any kind of salt like sodium
chloride? <You really want a marine salt for puffers that are
from brackish waters. They include other minerals besides the
sodium chloride. "Instant Ocean" is a
commonly-available brand, is fairly inexpensive, and is the one
used by most of the people I know for their brackish tanks.
Here's a pic so you know the kind of thing I'm referring
to: http://www.marineland.com/products/consumer/con_iosalts.asp
> Thanks so much, Kathy
<You're welcome. --Ananda>
More on Puffer salt (09/01/03) <I forgot to
mention... you don't want to put your puffer into
full-strength saltwater right away. I would increase the specific
gravity to about 1.004 over the course of a week or so. The best
way to do that is with water changes. You take some of the water
out and add a bit of half-strength saltwater in to replace it.
Green Puffer impulse purchase--NOW what do I do? >I
just couldn't help myself... I bought 3 "Green
Puffers" and I'm ashamed to say that I have no knowledge
of the care and diet they need. >>Admitting you have a
problem is the first step...I *think*.. naw, now you want to
know, I'll gently chide you to please refrain from doing this
again, and we'll move on. However, I, too, do not
know very much about these fish. >The lady in the pet store
gave me about 25 baby guppies to feed them. >>If I
recollect, you're dealing with a freshwater or brackish water
animal, and being puffers they'll need crunchy stuff to help
wear their "teeth" down (in reality they have what is
called a "fused jaw", and their "teeth" act
more like melon-ballers). Shrimps and such would be my
suggestion, however, I'm going to more strongly suggest you
search our site for information on green puffs. Here
is a link to get you started-->
>But she said she didn't know much about them either, so
she gave your address. I'm hoping you can give me the low
down on these really cool fish...Quick! I have them in a 30
gallon tank. I also have a Japanese something or another algae
eater, & 1 Tetra. >>I'm not sure these other fish
are safe with the puffers, and I know that neither is a brackish
(part saltwater) fish. >I have lots of plants and a couple of
rocks. For the Puffers' sake, I hope to hear from
you soon. >>Accept my apologies for the delay, I was
irresponsible with my brand new computer and went online without
installing antiviral software and promptly got
infected. Your message has been sitting in my inbox
for a few days now because I've been afraid to infect anyone
else via email. I believe the puffers should be
started on prepared foods ASAP, and I will also send this message
on to our resident brackish/puffer expert,
Ananda. Also, please visit our forums at http://www.wetwebfotos.com/talk
and check the brackish forums! Best of luck to you
all, Marina
Feeder fish became friends with predator? I have had my
brackish tank, home to my two green-spotted puffers, for a little
over a year. Until three months ago, my puffers were
the only occupants. I threw a guppies in the tank as a
little treat and to my surprise, the guppy was there days
later. Not only has that guppy survived in brackish
water surrounded by predators, there are now a total of four baby
guppies living in this tank. The first of the young
appeared about four or five weeks ago and has grown
considerably. The other three have appeared in the
last three days. I introduced a new puffer to the tank
yesterday and figured it would probably make a meal out of my
unusual little friends, but he doesn't show any
interest. I do not understand. Is this
normal or as bizarre as it seems? <Does seem odd, but this is
not unprecedented. Fishes to varying degrees are what humans
label as "autistic", and if the "food" was in
the tank ahead of the predator... it/they might well not be
recognized as food items... Consider as an example the sacred
cows of Hindu India... Bob Fenner>
Sick Green Spotted Puffers (08/31/03) Dear Bob, <Hi!
You get Ananda tonight...> Thank you for your interesting Web
Site. <You're welcome.> I live in Cape Town - South
Africa and I am in desperate need of your help. <My puffers
and I are here to help.> I have 3 Spotted Green Puffers. They
are beautiful little creatures. I have had them now for 6 weeks.
Last night I noticed that all 3 looked bloated. Their eyes have
become cloudy, and they are swimming around very slowly, bumping
into things, and will not eat anything. They are grayish
underneath and have become a strange yellow/orange faded colour.
<Many of these behaviors/symptoms are indicators of poor water
quality. I would do a 30% water change tonight and another one
tomorrow. What are your ammonia/nitrite/nitrate readings? Ammonia
and nitrite should be zero, and nitrate should be less than 10 in
a healthy tank.> This morning I found one resting on top of
the water. He had died........very upsetting. <Sorry to hear
that...I know it's hard to lose a puff.> The other two are
even worse. In the tank with them, I have one scat and one goby,
who both still seem in perfect condition. <Different fish have
different ways of reacting to poor water quality.> There is
beach sand, which I washed thoroughly at the bottom, and two
plastic plants which they seem to enjoy hiding in. The salt
content in the tank is sitting at 1.02 and the temperature is
sitting at 26. <26C is about 79F, which is a little on the low
side for these guys. I'd raise it to about 27C. My puffs are
happier when their tank is at about 81F (~27C).> Only the
puffers have been affected. What do you think it can be..... Can
I still save them? <I think so, if you act right away. You
might increase their salinity a bit, too, with the water changes.
I'd shoot for about 1.006 within a week or two. The goby
should be able to handle that (what kind of goby is it?), and the
scat won't even flinch.> Many Thanks Steven <You're
welcome, and keep me posted. --Ananda>
Puffer's a Chameleon! 3/21/04 OK,
thanks. When I'd raised the salinity it went to 1.004, so I
removed some and started at 1.003. I will raise it to 1.004/1.005
next week. <Sounds like a plan!> My puffer seems a little
weirded out, normal? But, the thing is, he has been changing
colors like crazy! My girlfriend was like, "he is all
whitish, he doesn't look too good, what's up?!" so I
go over, and he comes up to me and before me eyes he changes back
to his yellowish with spots?!?!?! I saw him, he had almost no
spots and was an off white color, white, but more an eggshell or
so, different than the white of his belly. But when he saw me and
came over, he straight changed in front of my eyes! Never seen
that before! What's up with that?! <It's totally
normal for a puffer to change colors & spots. They
are masters at disguise & will try to blend in w/their
surroundings. Do you have light-colored
gravel? That may make them paler. Also
puffers are extremely sensitive & moody, which also shows in
their coloration. Don't worry, unless it's
tummy stays black all the time & they stop
eating. ~PP>
Puffer Doing Great! 3/22/04 No he seems
normal, just the crazy color change. He may be a little lazy
because I left for the weekend and of 3 ghost shrimp, one ended
up having babies, so I'm still pulling those suckers out. I
only feed GSP 4 or 5 times a week, he gets lazy otherwise. So the
color change is normal? Awesome. And yeah, I read that if their
belly starts to turn dark, not good.... his/hers/its is pure
white... probably due to my 3 a week emails since I got it,...
Thanks PP.... <No problem, that's what I'm
here for--puffers are my passion! ~PP>
Green Spotted Puffer questions 10/31/04 Hi Pufferpunk
(I'm assuming) <Got that right!> My brother just
informed me we have a 30 gallon tank so that's going to be my
puff's new home after it is cycled. But for now I
don't have a tank that is cycled so I was wondering if you
have any recommendations on how I can keep my puff until the tank
is ready. Right now he's still in the 3 gallon one
and he seems to be ok but the ammonia level is way too high :/
... pH, nitrites, and nitrates are good. Salinity is .005 <You
should also cycle your tank at the same SG. See if you
can get a hold of some Bio-Spira to instantly cycle the
30g. I don't see how the puffer will last long in
the tiny tank.> The reading for ammonia was 8ppm, which makes
me wonder why my puff is still alive. <Not for
much longer, I'm afraid...> However, I did some reading
and I know ammonium is non toxic while ammonia is toxic but the
test will read high if either is present. Do you
recommend getting that Ammo Lock to convert the ammonia to
ammonium? The guy at the fish store said I
shouldn't because it doesn't really fix the problem or
something. Although now I'm thinking even though
it doesn't fix the problem with the ammonia/um at least
it's not in a toxic form. <Non-toxic ammonia is definitely
better for your fish, but you will still be testing positive for
ammonia. I think large daily or 2x daily water changes
(80-90%) are in order here.> Anyways, I got the Stress Free
and Stress Zyme (made by aquamarine pharmaceuticals) in hopes
that it might help. I just put it in tonight.
<That's Aquarium Pharmaceuticals> The fish store guy
told me a bunch of stuff but I wanna know from you guys what I
should do because it seems like they don't really know what
they're talking about. <Yeah, is that the same guy that
sold you the puffer for an uncycled 3g tank?> I also bought
the aquarium salt but I was reading and I noticed that marine
salt is different from aquarium salt. I was just
wondering what the difference is (out of curiosity)? I
originally made the tank with Hawaiian rock salt, which is
basically salt from the ocean (not sure if you're
familiar). So I guess I'll return the aquarium
salt. <You must use marine salt for BW & SW
fish. Everything you ever wanted to know about salt:
Last thing ... I noticed my puff has been spending a lot of time
in the top corner of the tank. I was wondering if he
might be sick. He only started doing that in the last
24 hours. I put in some fake plants and he hung out in
them for a while but now he's back in the
corner. I was reading that when a fish gets ich they
go to the top of the tank ... but he doesn't have any white
spots or films as far as I can see. Any recommendations?
<Ammonia poisoning will make your poor puffer feel
poorly. NitrIte poisoning isn't far behind. Try
adding an airstone, as 02 will get depleted in there.> As far
as his belly, his belly is almost always white but his sides
often go from white to black throughout the
day. Normally white in the morning and as the day goes
on his sides start getting darker. Oh and what should I use to
defrost frozen food? I read something about vitamin
water but how do I make the vitamin water? <Buy
any liquid vitamins you find for sale at the aquarium store &
add a few drops into the water you defrost the food
into. Leave for at least a few hours, or even
overnight in the refrigerator. I suggest feeding
extremely minimally, as not to add any extra waste products to
that tiny tank.> Thanks a lot for all your help.
-Tersha <Get Bio-Spira in the larger tank, so you can get the
puffer about of the 3 gal as soon as possible, or I'm afraid
you will loose it. Try ordering Bio-Spira here http://www.fishstoretn.com/ ~PP>
A question about my puffer <<JasonC here, giving
Bob time to pack for his dive trip.>> Hi! I have a problem
with my puffer and was hoping you could offer some advice I have
a green spotted puffer who is running himself to death we are
watching our poor friend slowly kill himself. He is in a 20
gallon tank, salt level is 1.010 ph 8.2 temp 78-80 degrees, two
filters one of them a BioWheel. Abe's behavior started when
he began to get adult markings, he goes in an almost constant
routine of up and down in the rear corner of the tank, hides when
approached, and is now refusing to eat he will go up to the food
and check it out and then turns away sometimes he does manage a
few bites before retreating back to the corner. We offer a large
variety of food: fresh crab, ghost shrimp are plentiful, frozen
brine shrimp and blood worms. His tank companions consist of
(ghost shrimp) two bumblebee gobies. We have done water changes,
small scenery changes (which he used to love) and nothing seems
to snap him out of the behavior. Before the markings started to
change he would happily gobble down anything offered and would
hunt down ghost shrimp simply for the joy of the hunt and seemed
rather proud of showing of his round belly. now he is looking
like a refugee of Wal-mart and I am afraid he isn't going to
be a part of our family much longer. Are there any
suggestions you could offer to help my little Abe out?
Thanks in advance Cindy Ivie <<Gosh, it would seem that you
are doing all the right things, and while I don't keep any
brackish puffers myself, I do know that ANY ghost shrimp around
my Porcupine Puffer would just... well, they wouldn't be
ghost shrimp anymore. A couple of things come to mind - one is
that some new, biological imperative or hormonal change have
washed over your puffer as it has come of age - and these things
work themselves out most of the time. Doesn't mean the puffer
won't scare you a bit on the way, but time will tell. The
other thing I would look for is perhaps other water issues that
you didn't mentioned here - how are your Nitrates? How often
are you changing the water? Seems like you ran the list of
puffer-favorite-foods - is there a food your puffer loves that
you haven't tried - if so, try it now. Best of luck, J --
Puffers Dear Sir. I recently brought 4
Spotted Puffer Fish. Their just small things. First their in a 3
gallon aquarium . <dangerously small tank to keep them
in> Would a 20 or a 30 be best for them? <much
better> Will they live okay together ? <perhaps...but
their is a lot of interspecific aggression with such species.
Never to be sure> And most of important. How can I tell male
from female? I would like to try to breed them. And on the
aquarium size I won't have much other fish in with them. Pls
mail me back sir. But the thing I am most curious about is about
sexing and breeding them. And if you don't know is their a
place or a book that can tell me? Thank u Sir very much
<there's a lot of information in articles and FAQ's on
our WWM site on this topic... do research the following pages and
the links at the top:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/tetraodontpuffers.htm, Best regards,
Anthony Calfo>
Puffer teeth Hello Mr. Fenner.
Well....seems my green puffer's teeth have grown too long. He
can still eat, and I'm feeding him snails regularly, but they
don't seem to stop the growth. I've looked through your
website and can't find an actual description for grinding
down your puffers teeth (I apologize if I somehow missed
it). How can I file down my puffers teeth. <I assume
that you browsed the FAQ's on this page:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/diodontidfaqs.htm... beyond that it is
about as simple as it sounds. A rotary tool (Dremel tm, or the
like), a gently handled fish wrapped in a towel wet with aquarium
water, a helper or IV drip raining saltwater in the gills for the
short time that it takes (be sure not to stress the puffer when
caught for the procedure). I'll make sure Bob gets this
message with a request for a possible referral to published
info(?) from the puffer queen (Kelly J). Kindly, Anthony
Calfo> Thank you, Mark Keusenkothen
New Puffer fish My husband recently
bought a puffer fish from our LFS. They called it a puffer, and
upon closer questioning, called it a green spotted puffer. It was
recommended to us by the same LFS to control snails in our tank.
Ours is a freshwater aquarium and home to five neon tetras and a
couple of catfish. They assured me it will be fine in our six
gallon freshwater tank, but upon looking at various websites, I
have my doubts. <Your doubts are warranted. He will need
specialized care; some salt in the water, larger tank, will
probably eat the neons eventually, etc.> This puffer has gone
thru many many snails in the two days we've had him. In fact
he's eaten them all and now I'm scavenging snails from
the tank filter. As usual, dad and the kids have brought home a
new pet, and mom gets to figure out how to keep him alive and
hopefully happy and healthy. So, should I return him? Also, what
to feed (the store gave us frozen baby brine shrimp to feed him,
but he's completely uninterested - they're obviously too
small for him, although the tetras were in heaven). <Frozen
Mysis shrimp and/or plankton would be better.> Any advice is
appreciated. I've looked thru your website and it's very
helpful. However, now I'm inundated with often conflicting
info and I need to go straight to the horse's mouth. <Take
a look here for a lot more info
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/fwpufferfaqs.htm> Thanks so much,
Julie Billington <Welcome to the hobby, Steven
Re: New Puffer fish Thanks so much for
the quick response! We got him/her some freeze-dried shrimp and
some frozen brine shrimp. He liked the frozen shrimp and loved
the freeze dried shrimp. I probably overfed him because I was so
happy to seem him eating. The tetras continue to be impressed
with the new additions to their diet. We're now scraping our
pennies together for a 20 gallon tank. My main concern now is
whether the catfish will tolerate the salt in the tank. <It
depends on the species of puffer and how much salt you will have
to add to keep him happy. Most fish will be ok with 1 tablespoon
of salt per 5 gallons of water. It is a pretty standard
recommendation for various health reasons. It would be best when
you get the 20 to keep both tanks up and separate the fish. Neons
in one and the puffer in another.> Thanks Again! -Julie
<You are welcome. -Steven Pro>
Puffers Hi, I have 5 Green Spotted
Puffers, 2 1/2" long. and 1 Figure 8 Puffer, 3/4" How
long do these kinds of Puffer live? <Years if/when kept under
properly maintained conditions> and how big can they get?
<Please see the coverage on WWM:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/fwpuffers.htm and the FAQs files
beyond> I have them in a 77gal. I also read that they should
be in 6.5 -7.0 Ph. water, Is that right? <Mmm, no... should be
higher... see the brackish set-up, maintenance sections on
WWM> I have kept mine in Brackish water at 81*F Ph: 8.0 for 2
years and they're doing great. Please e-mail me back, Thanks.
<Be chatting. Bob Fenner>
Which is which? (Spotted Green Brackish
Puffers) I wrote you a few days ago now I have another
question; I have seen in many sources, yours included, the names
Tetraodon Fluviatilis and Tetraodon Nigroviridis as what seem to
be the same fish. I cannot tell the difference through the photos
I have seen between one and the other species, or if there even
is one; the fish I have looks like all the photos I have seen
associated with these names, except one; In your archives you
have Tetraodon Fluviatilis with 2 completely different pictures
for the same name. This is important to me in my research of my
particular species of puffer and how he needs to live. I am now
so utterly confused, please help! My fishy needs this info! =)
<Sorry for the confusion. I only find the one image associated
with the name Tetraodon fluviatilis (though both species do come
into the trade... from the same countries... and are... yes,
unfortunately called the same in the trade. Please see here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/fwpufferfaqs.htm re someone else's
input on this "name game". Bob Fenner> Thanks
Seeking Spotted Puffer Info Hello
<cheers> I have what is commonly known as a Green Spotted
Pufferfish; he has black spots on his top side, a white
underside, and underneath his spots he has a fluorescent green
color. I have had these before, but have been unsuccessful. I was
wondering if you might be able to give me a few tips for keeping
this guy alive, as I do love him! I have a 20 gallon tank, I know
my ammonia and nitrite levels are pretty low (almost unreadable),
my ph is between 7 and 7.5 , my salinity (brackish tank) is
approximately .5 -.75 teaspoons per gallon, and my puffer lives
with a baby Mono and a Mollie who have lived quite happily in the
tank for a few months. I have been feeding my puffer frozen
bloodworms and krill because he is still small. I know there are
other foods but I wanted a definite answer as to what these were.
So any information or tips you have as to feeding and tank
conditions for this guy would be much appreciated, as I am sadly
uneducated on this species. Thanks again Mallika <when in
doubt, always consult our extensive archives of articles photos
and FAQs first. You will rarely be at a loss. For this topic,
begin with the following page and explore all links:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwpuffers.htm Best
regards, Anthony>
Green-spotted puffer skin problems
<<Greetings,>> We recently purchased a beautiful
green spotted puffer. He is very healthy acting and eats very
well. I have been reading a great deal about the skin problems
they can have and I have come to the conclusion that something is
going on now with ours. He has white patches about the size of
his black spots all over him now. We have had him only about a
week. It does not look like Ick and no other fish in our tank has
showed any sign of his similarity. Does any of this sound
familiar to you? How would we go about treating him. <<I
would look first to water quality issues - make sure pH is
correct and water is changed often with chlorine-free
water.>> We have recently started the salt thing and I am
hoping that will help. <<Ahh good - these are brackish
puffers, a small amount of salt is a must. If you haven't
read this page, do check this URL and the FAQs beyond:
>> It is very unfortunate indeed that pet shop
employees don't have a clue about such delicate fish.
<<indeed.>> Also, are there any books out there
specifically on freshwater puffers that you know of?
<<Specifically on these puffers, no but you might try a
web-based search with a tool like Google or ask in the brackish
section of our forum, http://wetwebfotos.com/talk/ >>
Thanks, Lori. <<Cheers, J -- >>