Odd Little Archer 6/3.5/13
Hello! Recently we corresponded about what to add to my red scat's tank.
Well, I now have a beautiful archer fish. He's been doing very well,
except today I noticed the strangest thing.
The water is fine. Every day I add one teaspoon of marine salt (and will
continue to do so for several weeks to gradually obtain the recommended
two tsp per gallon advice for brackish conditions), and my water quality
is good. Today I noticed him sitting on the bottom of the tank
upside down.
I panicked and gently gave him a nudge, which resulted in him righting
himself, returning to the top of the water and acting completely normal
until several hours later he was at it again, once again returning to
normalcy upon being gently nudged. He's been eating and shows no sign of
infections either. Is something off (maybe salinity?) or does this fish
rest upside down (as a species or perhaps a quirk of this individual
just to scare the daylights out of me)?
<Have never seen, nor heard of a Toxotid acting thus that wasn't in the
process of dying>
Aside from his bizarre upside down-ness, he's otherwise seemingly
perfectly fine. Have you ever heard of this behavior?
<Am wondering if this specimen was damaged in collection (they're all
wild caught), handling, transport... I do hope it resolves the spatial
orientation issue. Bob Fenner>
Re: Odd Little Archer 6/3.5/13
Okay...now he's stuck upside down. Help?
<... with what? Do you have a "fully brackish" system to move this
to? BobF>
Re: Odd Little Archer 6/4/13
The salinity is at 1.004, and when I moved him to a small bowl with an
airstone in it with water from the tank he was in, he was able to right
himself, swim around and his colors cleared back to normal. In the tank,
he is upside down or swimming erratically near the floor, but in the
small bowl, he is fine.
<... what is the difference in the waters here? Ammonia, nitrite,
I suspect swim bladder.
<... dismal. What re?... >
Should the salinity be raised at all, or should I treat this another way?
Sorry if I seem jumbled... I adore this fish and am all scrambled about
seeing him suffer.
<Read here:
for review. B>
Re: Odd Little Archer 6/4/13
Its the same water from his tank. His ammonia and nitrites are perfect,
but the nitrates and phosphates are high.
<... keep reading>
More on Archers, attn: Bob. Stkg., hlth.
Hello! I ask for Bob because he wrote the archer article (fabulously
informative). I wrote about a week and a half ago or so about my sick
archer- sadly, he didn't make it. This may be a tad long...please bear
with me.
<Take your time>
Now, this cannot be coincidence. I work at the store I got him from.
There, he was healthy in appearance, happy, and eating. Two days after
he came home to me he became sick with various ailments (one after
another) and unfortunately after a week of fighting he didn't make it. I
was crushed.
My water tests revealed zeroes across the board for ammonia and
Nitrate was approximately 5. Salinity was at 1.008 (my red scat in said
tank is just fine, merrily swimming about and being adorable, no signs
of illness). The archer had improved for a day or two after antifungal
treatments and promptly crashed again, not recovering that time.
Now, here's the interesting part- he was the sole survivor of the
shipment we got of them a month ago.
<Likely all lost from related... handling damage, stress. Happens with a
few groups of fishes... including Toxotids. These just don't handle
being captured, held, shipped well>
All of the others didn't survive very long,
despite even the stores near-perfect water. We got another shipment in
shortly after I took mine home- several of them came down with the same
symptoms mine did (upside down, cloudy eyes, dark grey/black bellies).
We lost several. My hypothesis is that these animals are highly
sensitive to travel- a healthy fish can stress so tremendously that they
fall ill and die often. I've read about them being 'possibly' travel
sensitive....just how severe is it?
<Can be extreme... as you relate>
Do you think this was a mere unlucky coincidence? Should I try again
with another archer? What is the best way to transport them so they do
not panic and get horribly sick?
<Mmm, I'd wait for "a good batch"... leave at the store (and
wholesalers) for a week or so>
Thank you so much for all of your assistance. You guys do a lot of good
for people and their beloved aquatic friends.
<Ahh, thank you for your kind, encouraging words. Bob Fenner>
Re: More on Archers, attn: Bob 6/16/13
The good batch worries me...mine was dandy for the month he was at my
However, this time we have six survivors out of the bunch. That's better
than last time. Do you have advice for a stress-free way to transport?
<Not a fan of anesthetics w/ this family... but use of close to 100%
oxygen and placing in a largish bag, laid on its side (for surface
area), in a thermally insulated box/container... in the dark... is best>
Thank you so much....again!
<Glad to share. BobF>
Re: More on Archers /Neale
<<Bob, Tori,
May I chime in here?
<Please do Neale>
Do try to identify the Archers you have. Not all are brackish/marine
fish. According to Frank Schaefer, it's a freshwater to low-end brackish
species that's traded the most commonly. I'm not so sure, but do
routinely see three species traded, all as the Common Archer, Toxotes
jaculatrix, so I don't think the trade makes much/any effort to
distinguish. Do try and read Gerald Allen's excellent paper on Toxotes
kimberleyensis, which includes a decent dichotomous key for telling the
various Toxotes species apart; see here:
If all else fails, keep your Archers at a low specific gravity, SG 1.005
at 25 C/77 F, until such time as you can positively identify them
otherwise. The "freshwater" species in the trade, Toxotes microlepis,
will be perfectly happy at this low salinity, and it'll be sufficiently
salty to keep the other two species, T. jaculatrix and T. chatareus,
content too. Hmm… what else. Do agree with Bob about shipping; a lot of
the brackish species seem to be sensitive to low oxygenation (perhaps
reflecting their preference for shallow, even surf-zone habitats; Monos
are the classic example here) and I'd ask to have each fish bagged
separately and generously, and ideally top the bags with oxygen rather
than air. On the plus side, once settled in these fish are extremely
hardy and very long-lived. I've found them pretty intolerant of one
another under aquarium conditions, so if you keep a group, keep several,
not two or three. Cheers, Neale.>>
Re: More on Archers, attn: Bob
I was trying to identify them using that site...they won't flare for me,
so I cannot count the dorsal spines. I have attached an image of the
healthiest one in the tank, though...perhaps you'd have better luck. We
sell them as jaculatrix, but I suspect they could also be microlepis.
<I'd say these are Toxotes jaculator>
I really want to try again, as I adored my little guy and he was
gorgeous, but I worry also because the pure oxygen is not something we
have at my store.
<Larger-est bags, half filled w/ water. Bob Fenner>
Re: More on Archers, attn: Bob
Groovy. Thank you.
<Wowzah Tori! How olde are we?! Cheers, BobF>
Re: More on Archers, attn: Bob 6/18/2013
Haha, 24 but seemingly stuck in another time. XD
<Ah yes. Cool baby, B>
archers /Neale 6/18/2013
Hello Bob,
Judging by the smaller spots between the wedges, and the separation between
the two spots on the dorsal and the bars on the body, I'd reckon those
archers in the photo are T. microlepis.
<Mmm, I suspect what I sold, mis-sold for years may well have been this
Counting the dorsal fin spines will clinch the deal, and may be easiest if
one of the fish is netted and examined carefully. Only T. jaculatrix has 5
spines; all the others have 4. Do see G Allen re:.
In any case their growth rate will be indicative; T. microlepis get to 12-15
cm; T. jaculatrix around twice that size.
Would keep these at low-end brackish rather than anything higher.
<Am hoping the querior will see this, write back in so I/you can refer her.
Thank you, BobF>
Cheers, Neale
Re: fw: re: archers, Tori, please see Neale's ID input
Yep! After much excitement, I netted one of them (much to his dismay). He
has one small spine attached to his dorsal fin, and four prominent spines
after that. The fifth spine confirms him and his friends as Jaculatrix, yes?
<Mmm, well, according to Neale's statement it seems so; though Fishbase
lists this species as having four dorsal spines:
and T. microlepis having 4 or 5... Am unable to see Allen's monograph
I plan on putting one of them with my red scat, who will eventually be put
in full marine conditions...will that be suitable for the archer, too?
Over time, of course. -T
<I have never seen this species kept permanently in full-strength seawater;
and would not do this. Bob Fenner>
<<Do agree with Bob that keeping Toxotes jaculatrix or Toxotes chatareus in
fully marine conditions is not normally done, although they likely do occur
in such at times in the wild, and are thought (on the basis of little
evidence I'm aware of) to spawn on reefs. Middling salinity, around SG 1.005
to 1.010, is ideal for these species, and perfectly acceptable for companion
species such as Monos, Scats, Ariid catfish, large Sleeper Gobies, etc.
Cheers, Neale>>
Re: More on Archers, also BR acclim. f'
One last thing- when acclimating an archer kept in freshwater at work to
my brackish water at home, should I just use an airline drip over an
hour or so, or I'd there a better method?
<The drip method is overkill; brackish water fish have evolved to
tolerate rapid changes in salinity, and don't need such molly-coddling.
If you're going from freshwater to low-end brackish (up to SG 1.005)
then you can simply net them out of one tank and pop them into the
other. Or do the water changes to up the salinity in the tank. Whatever.
For bigger changes, then putting them in a bucket part filled with water
and doing 2-3 additions of new water to change the salinity (and fill
the bucket) will be adequate, perhaps over 30 minutes. Keep a lid on the
bucket though -- Archers are incredible jumpers.
Cheers, Neale.>
Toxotes blythii tank questions
Hello WWM!
I went to a local fish store yesterday, and found Toxotes blythii. I
currently have a 90 gallon that is sitting empty, and was wondering what
I should do with it, and I think I found the answer with the T. Blythii,
but had some questions.
<Fire away.>
1. In a 90 gallon aquarium, would a shoal be good (5 to be exact)?
<Should be. Maximum length of this species is unknown, but likely around
the 12-15 cm mark.>
2. Temperature between 77-82, with hard water, and dim lighting?
<Would keep the tank closer to 25 C/77 F so that oxygenation isn't an
issue. Only if they seem listless or off their food would I bump the
temperature up, but always keeping a close eye on gill ventilation rates
to make sure that the fish are getting enough oxygen. Toxotes spp. are
very sensitive to overstocked, under-oxygenated tanks. As for water
chemistry, hard water isn't ideal, but shouldn't cause any major
problems either.>
3. Tank mates? I know Congo tetras would be good, but what
about a species of bottom dwellers, such as a Cory cat, or region
specific fish?
<Anything with the same requirements but too large to eat (Toxotes are
very piscivorous). Some sort of L-number Plec would make the best
Avoid anything aggressive, like cichlids or some of the loaches.
Corydoras do require cooler water and are too easily consumed, so I
wouldn't choose those.>
4. Would a planted tank make the T. Blythii feel more comfortable?
I was planning on using lots of driftwood since they originate from
forested areas, and I was assuming they would like the "roots" to swim
<At least, roots around the edges of the tank, or else tall plants like
Amazon Swords or Vallisneria. They do need lots of open space as well
though, and aren't really "hiders".>
5. Would a paludarium be a better set-up for these guys? Land area for
crickets, and other carnivorous foods?
<Not really necessary, and given you only have 90 gallons, don't waste
the space. If you want to see them spit, you can lower the waterline at
water change time, stick some bits of prawn to the glass, and they'll
eventually spit at it (that's how I trained my brackish water Toxotes).
Do see my Brackish FAQ for more on how this is done.
As for diet, a good mix of live insects and frozen foods is helpful, but
base the diet around a quality pellet like Hikari Cichlid Gold is what
you're after.>
Sorry for the questions, I just can't seem to find any information on
their habitat. I would absolutely love to get some, but will not
if I can't provide them an adequate environment.
<These fish are hearty and adaptable, so while expensive, they aren't in
themselves difficult to keep. Bullying is the main issue with Toxotes,
but you have a group, so should be fine.>
Thanks for your time,
<Welcome, Neale.>
Archerfish (Toxotes microlepis), sys.
Hello all! I'm back again with some questions!
<Fire away.>
As a refresher I currently have a 65g archerfish tank with 5 Toxotes
microlepis. All are doing well, if not that, wonderful! Anyways
I'll be moving the little water guns down into the basement and was
wondering if bringing the water level down say about 1/3 of the way so I
could transform the tank into a paludarium would be viable?
<Sure, so long as volume of the water remains appropriate to the
size/number of fish being kept.>
Would lessening the water volume for this to happen be a good idea In
your eyes?
<Reducing water volume is always bad because it reduces buffering
against pH swings and water quality problems. So it's never an
improvement from the point of view of simple fishkeeping. But if it
allows you to do other things with the aquarium, that may be a trade-off
worth making. For these fish, I'd want at least 45, 50 gallons for them.
They are quite big and >
Or would simply finding larger (taller) tank be preferred?
<Certainly a better idea. You may be able to build an "extension" from
glass, acrylic or even reptile cage mesh that allows you to build
upwards, since this part of the tank doesn't need to hold water.>
If so what size tank/ dimensions would you think be fitting for a half
water/ land planted tank?
<You only need another 20 cm/8 inches above the waterline to provide a
good starting point for paludarium plants.>
Whatever the tank size I'll be making an overhang ledge for which I'll
plant the plants on thus literally leaving the bottom half of the tank
open for the fish. Any Ideas or suggestions welcomed!
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Archerfish (Toxotes microlepis) 7/4/12
Thanks Neale! Always enjoy your responses!
<Glad to help, Neale.>
Toxotes microlepis and figure eight
puffers, comp.? 1/11/12
Hey guys! Still trying to get a hold of a group of Toxotes microlepis
at one time rather than increasing them one by one to my 65Gallon tank.
Was thinking about tank mates and was wondering that if i kept the
salinity in the low-end region, say 1.003sg would figure eight puffers
be an appropriate tank mate? I was thinking "no" at first for
a few reasons
-puffers being fin nippers, and possibly trying to nibble/take chinks
of the archers
<Yes. A lot depends on the size of the tank and the relative sizes
of the fish. Big Archers will view small Puffers as food. Archers are
EXTREMELY efficient piscivores, far more predatory than many assume. On
the other hand, in a really big aquarium a single adult Puffer may do
little harm when kept alongside a school of adult Archers. Figure-8s
aren't especially nasty fish, more experimental diners than
dedicated fin-eaters.>
-Puffers being somewhat "mean" although I don't have
experience with the figure eight puffer I know some of the freshwater
species can be little boogers.
<Oh yes, but that holds true for most Puffers generally. Puffers
view other fish as at least potential meals, and in the confines of the
aquarium, that potential becomes more real. Sure, Puffers aren't
built for speed, and in the wild, they mostly fail when attacking other
fish and instead go for slow moving or sessile prey like clams, crabs,
etc. But in an aquarium, especially a small one, it's hard for the
other fish to "get away" so the Puffers have more opportunity
to cause harm.>
-The archers eventually getting to about 6" and possibly seeing
the 2-2 1/2 in puffers as food even thought the puffers seem to be more
so rounded out.
however i thought it was worth asking for these reasons:
-Both can tolerate the salt, in this case the puffers requiring the
salt, and the Toxotes microlepis being tolerant and not bothered by
anything over 1.005sg i believe it was so it seems like a happy
<Yes; SG 1.003 would be ideal, and allow potential for plants, which
would break up lines of sight and provide distractions for the Puffer.
In the wild Puffers swim across solid objects, scanning for prey. The
more surfaces in the aquarium, the busier they'll be, and the less
they'll be attracted to other fish. Plants provide lots of complex
surfaces, and if you feed regularly, the Puffers will be nicely
-I can still have most of my hardy lowlight plants and jungle Val (one
strand is 4ft long haha its crazy how fast its growing in the harder
water!) in this salinity.
<Quite so; Vallisneria loves hard water and thrives in low end
brackish, SG 1.003 at 25 C/77 F.>
-If the two species do work out together its sure to be an awesome show
tank as i am quite the oddball lover and friends keep telling me they
want to see me get a puffer....lol of course not without proper
-Also it will give me some experience with keeping salinity levels
stable for when i wish to travel into saltwater...eventually.
<Quite so. On the other hand, Green Spotted Puffers do well in
marine aquaria and get along well with Damsels, so for "trying
out", GSPs might make more sense. If you can get them, Chelonodon
patoca might be a very beautiful alternative, another Puffer that
enjoys brackish to marine conditions.>
So lend me some info in terms of compatibility of these two very
different species, i have a hunch it wont work but it cant hurt to ask
<Hope this helps, Neale.>
Re: Toxotes microlepis and figure eight puffers
Thanks once again Neale! Your comments and info really helped!
<Glad to help.>
My tank is a 65 gallon tank 48"long 18 or 16" wide and about
20 "tall, although it seems the width is greater than the
<I see.>
I ordered some wood that branches off of a single branch and am going
to flip it upside down to create a root likes structure for shelter
from my relatively bright lighting and for a place to seek shelter.
As for the archers, my Lfs is trying to specifically get in the Toxotes
microlepis for me as i helped describe the particular species markings
with back up support from you when i sent in the "ID this
archerfish" email, and have to say because of this, i really love
my Lfs. They said the archers will get in at about 2" or so
sometimes 3-4" as well.
<Yes. The really small ones can be delicate, but the size you're
talking about here should be fine. Get them settled in and eating
before you add the Puffers.>
As for the puffers i was getting a bit mixed up in your reply as to
whether its just a problem with the archers viewing the puffers as food
when young, or even when both species are at full size.
<Archers will view any fish small enough to swallow (about third
their size) as food. That mouth of theirs is HUGE. But an adult
Figure-8 should be safe enough with Toxotes microlepis, these archers
only getting to about 12 cm/5 inches. So when it comes to the adults,
the risk is whether the Puffs will nip the Archers. At a pinch, I'd
risk this, but ONLY if I had a Plan B for rehousing one or other
species if needs be.>
The sizes along with the temperament of the puffers (although seems
like it could be curved by keeping their environment full of line of
sight breaking decor and a full belly of food ) makes it seem as though
it boils down to a no when it comes to housing these 2 species in a
tank like mine being the 65 gallons.
<Yes, 65 US gallons would be a bit small for comfort. Possible, yes,
but risky without a Plan B. Now, 100 gallons would be more sensible
Or is it more of a case of keeping up with the needs of both fish to
keep them happy? Will the archers be guaranteed to try and go after the
puffers when at full size even if both are introduced to the system at
a relatively same size and or time?
<Adult Archers will view a baby Puffer as food, no question. But
provided the sizes of each species are similar, then predation by the
Archer on the Puff shouldn't be a problem.>
Sorry for all the questions, i just really enjoy researching fish
hahaha...sold my Xbox for aquarium plants, now tell me that's not
<I agree!>
<Best, Neale.>
Re: Toxotes microlepis <stkg. now> and figure eight
puffers 1/11/12
So in terms of the archers, I've talked to you before on
how many in a 65 gallon tank. Are groups of 5-6 necessarily better?
Is there a better sense of security between them when they are in
groups, as i recall you informing me that a single archer alone will be
fine alone.
<Singletons are easy to keep, but a bit shy and nervous. In groups
they behave more confidentially and naturally, but they can be
aggressive towards one another if you don't keep enough. From
experience, 2 or 3 isn't a number I'd recommend, and the more,
the better. Five should be fine.>
I assume the space issue is due to the 5-6 5 inch archers versus the
smaller puffers even though the puffers are quite the messy eaters and
producers of ammonia as well.
<Yes. Do also peruse today's FAQs; we had one message from
someone who had a Figure-8 that dismembered her Mollies! These fish are
NOT predictable.
Few are as nasty as that, but do understand the risks and have a Plan B
if you see anything untoward happening.>
I also remember that if you keep them in groups of 3, more than likely
one of the archers will get picked on. Anything you can enlighten me on
in terms of the subject? Thanks again haha
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Toxotes microlepis and figure eight puffers
Ruling the puffer fish out. Was just curious about them more so. Can
you recommend any other fish? Or are 5 Toxotes microlepis in a 65
gallon tank pretty full already?
i really like the African brown knife fish, and their smaller size
compared to other knife fish seems to make them a good choice for
my size tank.
<Quite so. Excellent fish, and potentially viable with T.
So how about this
5x Toxotes microlepis
1x Brown African knifefish
and if its not too crowded and does not out compete for food with the
Knifefish, possibly an active bottom dweller during daytime hours might
be appropriate? Sorry for re stating old questions Neale, I'm just
not so used to having a large tank...lol
<Cheers, Neale.>
Archers with Asian community tank 3/4/12
Hey everyone! Well my 65 gallon tank with my 5 Toxotes microlepis are
dong great however i was wanting to change around the stocking a bit
and was wondering if some of these ideas might work with the
1. Was really hoping for possibly a school of full grown tiger barbs,
as the archers are still young lings (not for long) but it gives the
tigers a bit of time to grow as large as they can. Since i know the
archers will attempt to eat most anything in their mouth i thought the
tigers would be all right since their body shape isn't as narrow
and are a bit chunky..
<And fast and quite smart. Should get along>
2. Possibly along with the tiger barbs, a singe rainbow shark (actually
not a shark I'm aware) or a red tailed black shark (more aggressive
I've read)
<And this>
Let me know what you think! thanks!
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Re: archers with Asian community tank
Thank you very much Mr. Fenner! Would you recommend one over the other
in regards to the rainbow shark and or red tailed black shark?
<Both/either can be territorially aggressive, but I like the Red
Tail better for looks. BobF>
Re: archers with Asian community tank
Sounds like a plan! Im sure the tiger barbs could hold their own, and I
definitely know the archers are more than tough enough to bite back if
threatened. Thanks again Mr. Fenner!
oh ok one last question, would you say that's about it in terms of
keeping in a tank of this size? Being the 5 archers a school of tiger
barbs and a red tailed black shark? If there's still a bit more
room I guess ill u the tiger barb count... how many might you
recommend? Somewhere around 15?
Possibly 20?
<Mmm, I'd stick w/ seven or nine... the Archers really
need/appreciate more free room... much better for your enjoyment of
their behavior. BobF>
Archerfish id! 1/20/12
Hey everyone! I finally got a nice group of archers for my 65
gallon tank!
I used some of Neale's info to help id them at the store but
after being home for about a week their even more brilliantly
colored/ patterned and wanted to make sure they are Toxotes
microlepis like i have planned to keep.
<Yes, these do look like Toxotes microlepis to
me. It's hard to be 100% sure, but that's what
I'd call these ones. They have two discrete spots on the
second dorsal fin, and irregular spots between the vertical
wedges on the flanks.>
Right now i only have a group of 4 but will be getting a 5 archer
very very soon, that way bullying (which i haven't seen) will
be kept to a minimum.
There is one thing that concerns me however and it is the
coloration of the last archer, it will be the last photo attached
to the email, because compared to the others he has a relatively
more so luster appearance.
However when i was trying to ID them at the lfs i was looking for
the bars with the dot in between but the 2 major characteristics
being the somewhat faded appearance of the vertical bars as you
get lower on the fish, and also the dual spots on the dorsal fin
that ARE NOT connected to the bars (if they were i think that
would mean it might have been Toxotes jaculatrix),
<Agreed; I think this is still Toxotes microlepis. All Archers
can/do vary in colouration dramatically. Toxotes jaculatrix has 4
spines in its first dorsal fin; all the other Toxotes species
including Toxotes microlepis have 5. That's the best way to
be sure.>
were still evident on the last archer, even though he had a bit
more silvery body. He is slightly smaller than the rest (not
really drastic at all in size difference), so I'm wondering
if its just because he's a bit younger, or possibly its a
difference in the sexes? I wouldn't think so being i
don't believe their adults yet...and most fish species
don't show sexual differences
until adults. Or possibly its just because they differ in
patterns slightly and he just happens to be more of a silver
tinge. I really doubt that he's not Toxotes microlepis, as
all the rest of his markings are almost the exact same as the
Any insight would be welcomed!
<Cheers, Neale.>

Archerfish feeding (was Re: Archerfish id!)
Awesome thanks Neale! These guys are THE BEST! Their so cool! I
even built an extension of my tank and screened it so it
basically acts as an archer fish shooting range!
Their not shy, are always roaming around, and best yet, when it
comes to feeding time i can say that i own 5 power washers!
Was also wondering about one more thing. Can you help me come up
with a good feeding schedule/variety of foods? So far live
crickets are their favorites (go figure) and 2nd best are freeze
dried whole baby shrimps....possibly because they look like
crickets? Other wise they reluctantly take flake and don't
care for the high protein cichlid pellets....Any recommendations?
Also how much should i feed them? Their like little garbage
disposals, they eat so much...
<My Archers happily took Hikari Cichlid Gold as a staple, with
crickets, frozen seafood and tilapia fillet used as periodic
treats; once, twice per day, enough to keep their bellies gently
convex but not swollen. Since Archers are essentially marine
fish, you'd do well perusing what's written on marine
fish nutrition; start here, about five-sixths of the way down,
section "Foods/Feeding/Nutrition":
In particular, the FAQs on Amounts and Frequency. Cheers,
Re: Archerfish feeding (was Re: Archerfish id!)
Hikari gold it is! When you say archers are basically marine
fish, what exactly do you mean? In terms of feeding, like in sw
where its recommended to feed small but several times a day, or
literally saying archers are really close to actual marine fish,
due to the whereabouts of their habitat?
<Any and all these observations. Archers evolved from marine
fish, often live in habitats close to the sea, and at least some
species still breed in the sea. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Archerfish feeding (was Re: Archerfish id!)
Thanks Neale, I really appreciate all your help! Just got a small
package of Hikari gold to try! Hopefully they like it! Oh and
just wondering, which archer fish species have you kept?
<Ah, back in my day they were all sold as Toxotes jaculatrix,
and honestly, that was 20+ years ago and I can't remember if
they really were that species. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Archerfish feeding (was Re: Archerfish id!)
Sounds like it has still been staying the same then...haha...too
bad non of the other freshwater species are commonly traded. Well
thanks for your help!
<Here in the UK it is certainly possible to get Toxotes
blythii from specialist stores like Wildwoods. They're not
cheap, well over $100 a piece! But they're beautiful fish.
Cheers, Neale.>
Archerfish. Gen. 10/6/11
Hey there again folks! Was looking on Craigslist and found a very nice
55 gallon tank with canister filter, stand, lights, and all for only
60$ .. no cracks leaks or anything (or nothing I have seen yet O.o)...
anyways this past week I have really been reading up on my archer fish
info, as I'm curious as to housing a couple in this possibly soon
to be acquired 55 gallon tank. However I ran into some confusion and
questions as I've been reading (more so species related). So here
we go!
1. I've read 55 gallons is the minimum tank size... but for which
species? From what I've been reading, fish stores generally get in
3 types of archer fish. Two of which being true brackish and the third
being somewhat lighter on the salt...?
<55 gallons is about right for a small group of Toxotes microlepis.
These rarely get bigger than 10-12 cm and like all Archers are best
kept either singly or in groups of at least 5 specimens because they
tend to be aggressive in smaller groups. Toxotes jaculatrix and Toxotes
chatareus have the potential to get very much bigger, in the wild
occasionally to 40 cm, but really, under aquarium conditions between
15-20 cm is more typical. Still, they're bigger fish and while a
singleton might be kept in 55 gallons, it wouldn't really be happy.
I'd recommend these for 100+ gallon systems, in all
2. Which species am I looking at considering the tank size? I will most
likely be lowering the water a tad so I may have some UN-submerged wood
or plants for cricket target practice or high jump Olympics (wire top
most likely to prevent overboard casualties). I've also read that
some of these commonly found species can get up to a foot (1') in
length, which common sense can tell anyone that a 1' fish wont be
happy in a 18" wide tank with barely any room... so which species
is the smaller 5-6" I've read about?
<Toxotes microlepis is the smallest of the three widely traded
species. Toxotes blythii may also stay the same size, but it's rare
and expensive, though exceptionally beautiful.>
3. Do all archerfish species display their unique food/feeding
technique? Does one, say, jump more so than utilizing their super
<They all seem much of a muchness.>
4. We go on quite frequent vacations at times and am wondering if a 1
week (sometimes 2 at max {long for any fish species to go without food,
yes I know}) famine would cause harm in there carnivorous beauties?
Since they mainly eat live/ frozen food, I wouldn't think that an
automatic feeder would be appropriate or practical. PS: no one is
allowed to come into the house during our vacations...parents rules not
mine (their house, their rules!)'¦
<Absolutely not a problem. As with most carnivores, two weeks
without food will cause no problems at all. Feed well beforehand
insofar as they're plump rather than fat, and then lower the
temperature to the minimum for the species to reduce metabolism. And
that's it! Newly imported specimens may be underweight, so these
you may need to feed properly for a few weeks before leaving
Look forward to any info you can rub off! Hopefully going to get at
least the tank going soon... still need to buy it haha... thanks
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Archerfish. More ID... 10/6.5/11
Alright thanks for helping me clarify the correct species, luckily
I'm pretty sure my LFS can order some in as I've seen them have
MULTIPLE types of archers before (different splotch patterns and scale
size)... but just to make sure when I get the Toxotes microlepis once
the tank is set up im looking for individual circles in between the
larger stripes correct?
<Not really. Spots can occur between vertical bars on other species.
T. chatareus is usually easy to tell because it's
"smokier" than the other species, tending to have a more grey
colour all over than the bright silver of the other two, though the
other two can go grey when stressed! It does tend to have a regular
pattern of 6-7 bars with spots in between all of them though, whereas
the spots on T. microlepis are irregular and may not be between all the
bars, and on T. jaculatrix there *usually* aren't any spots between
the bars at all. T. jaculatrix normally has 4-5 vertical bars and a
thick black edge to the dorsal fin that merges with the last vertical
bar. On T. microlepis the pattern is similar, though as noted often
with one or more spots in between the wedges, and the dorsal fin
doesn't have a thick black edge but instead two black spots of
varying size. There are idealised drawings on my Brackish FAQ,
Do also spend some time looking at images on reliable sources such as
Fishbase. Toxotes microlepis is widely traded, but almost never under
its true name, though one or two good shops in the UK do import it
under the Toxotes microlepis name and call it the Freshwater
Archerfish. This name is accurate, this is a freshwater species, but
sadly most other shops will happily sell T. jaculatrix or T. chatareus
as "freshwater" Archerfish.>
Along with about 5 rays in the dorsal fin correct?
<Toxotes jaculatrix has 4 spines at the front of the dorsal fin; all
other species have 5. This trait is very difficult to see on live
specimens though. Do see online the paper "Toxotes kimberleyensis,
a New Species of Archerfish (Pisces: Toxotidae) from Fresh Waters of
Western Australia" for a full dichotomous key allowing you to
identify all Archerfish species.>
And for a 55 gallon (will be doing heavy filtration, ideally will have
2 canister filters)
<Well worth doing; these riverine fish appreciate current.>
you and I've read of others who recommend at least a group of 5. Of
course this will be a species only tank and also curious, how low
should I drop the water to observe their unusual feeding behaviors?
<I got them spitting at water change time at the weekend. Lower the
water level at least 15 cm, stick bits of food on the glass, and they
should get the hint, especially if it's a food item, like chunks of
fish or seafood, they've eaten before. They're quite smart.
Obviously leave the filter running. After you've had your fun, add
the new water. Makes a tedious job much more entertaining! Cheers,
Re: Archerfish. 10/6.5/11
Well I might as well write a "book of thank you's"
because of how much help you are Neale!
<Do see the "tip jar" on the front of the WWM
Exciting news by the way! my parents are allowing me to get a 75 gallon
with tank and stand I found on Craigslist for even less money than that
of the 55 gallon! So this brings up another quick question. In a 75
gallon tank could I keep the Archer fish #'s still at 5-6 (would
more be even more beneficial {lol these are going to cost a fortune for
all of them..}) and are there any other fish that you can recommend to
keep as tank mates?
<Lots! For Toxotes microlepis, you'd be keeping them in either
hard freshwater or low-end brackish. So pretty much any South American
catfish, say, or Spiny Eel would work in the freshwater species, while
in low-end brackish something like Sailfin Mollies or Knight Gobies
would be about right in terms of size and requirements. T. jaculatrix
and T. chatareus are bigger and need more saline conditions -- they
won't do well in freshwater -- so tankmates would include things
like Monos, Scats, Green Chromides, Black-chin Tilapia, Violet Gobies,
Or would keeping it still as a species tank be best? If there are any
possibilities, I'd think some sort of bottom dweller catfish, goby,
or crustacean/shrimp would be neat...but then again its only if there
are suitable tank mates... (ps: I did research this topic, but
couldn't find much especially as the freshwater species being
targeted to keep)...But even if I were to say put other fish in, if
they are small enough wouldn't the archers just eat them up? Or are
archers not that eager when food is being dropped from the heavens into
the tank (I'd think natural behavior would still be there since
these aren't captive bred, but wild specimens).
<Archers are excellent community fish, but they will swallow any
live prey they can, including surprisingly large fish. They do take
pellets though, including Cichlid Gold, an excellent staple. Cheers,
Re: Archerfish. -- 10/07/11
Wow sounds like these Toxotes microlepis archers can be quite the catch
(pun not intended) if you get the right species and not one of the
<Yes. Wildwoods in London, England, gets them most years, but
they're priced at a premium compared to the "lucky dip"
brackish water Archers on sale elsewhere. As you say, well worth
spending a bit more money on if you want true freshwater
I was reading your last reply and my eyes perked up when you said Spiny
eels as a possible as far as tank mates go! I used to have what was
called by the common name of a Starry Night Eel, unfortunately it was
at the beginning of my fish keeping hobby so I didn't know the
exact care requirements...but am familiar now with general care with
all spiny eels.
<Good. They're far from easy fish, and most starve to death or
jump out.>
There for was wondering which species would be best with the 5 or 6-ish
archers, obviously I don't want to overstock but I need help since
I'm so used to stocking small 20g and under tanks that I have had
before and well... just seems strange keeping so many fish that are 8x
the size of a tiger barb hahaha! I've always admired the larger and
thicker bodied spiny eels such as the commonly found fire eel, and my
favorite the tire track eel aka: Mastacembelus armatus!
<Some debate over whether this species is the Tyre-Track or whether
it's Mastacembelus favus. In any case, have indeed kept Tyre-Track
Eels in slightly brackish water with young Archers. Works well.>
From what I've read it seems these are probably the most common of
the larger spiny eels, but size wise, the fire eel being larger and
lengthier with the tire track eel not far behind (or so I've
<Fire Eels do tend to get much bigger and are more overtly
Toxotes microlepis might be a bit too small to be kept safely with Fire
Eels, but they should be fine with Tyre-Tracks. Do also look at the
excellent species Macrognathus aral, a beautiful, sociable species that
gets to about 50-60 cm long and lives in both freshwater and low-end
brackish (SG 1.003).>
Basically what I'm asking is, would a single tire track eel work in
a 75 gallon with the archers?
I'm curious as the tire track eel is/can be kept or tolerate light
brackish or some salt vs. some of the other spiny eel species. So if
for whatever reason I needed to I could add the right dosage of salt so
that neither the archers or the eel would mind (I'd still keep it
mainly semi hard fw though). Look forward to your reply, oh and I have
a date set to meet the man who is selling the 75 gallon! Exciting
<Spiny Eels are good tankmates for Archers because they feed mostly
from the bottom, while the Archers feed from the top. Also, Archers
sleep by night, whereas Spiny Eels are primarily nighttime fish. So
it's fairly easy to ensure each gets the right food. I would get
the Eel first, get it settled in and feeding, ideally from long forceps
(the ones used by aquarium gardeners are ideal!) and once that happens,
you can get the archers. In a freshwater tank or low-end brackish one
you could easily keep something like Mollies for midwater denizens, and
the both the Archers and the Eel would eat any surplus fry, so you
could use the Sailfin Mollies to turn algae and leftovers into live
food treats! Cheers, Neale.>
ID Archer fish 10/11/11
Hey there everyone! (I'm hoping this one gets sent to Neale,
as it pertains to a conversation we had about archer fish for a
75 gallon with tire track eel and so on)
Anyways, I'm still trying to get in contact with the man
who's selling the 75 gallon tank but that's besides the
point. I think my LFS has some of the Toxotes microlepis I've
been looking for just so I know I would be able to find them once
I got a tank set up and dedicated for them. Anyways I'm not
exactly sure if they are Toxotes microlepis so I took some
pictures of the two they pulled out of the pond (I was only able
to see them from above at first) and put them in a little bowl
for me to snap some pictures (got to love having an awesome lfs
that will help ya out!). So I've attached the picture files
in this email for a more professional ID.
<These do look like T. microlepis to me. Do try and count the
dorsal fin spines; 4 for Toxotes jaculatrix, 5 for the others;
and then double check the colouration, as per the key given Allen
"Toxotes kimberleyensis, a New Species of Archerfish
(Pisces: Toxotidae) from Fresh Waters of Western
But yes, I agree, these do look like T. microlepis. For what
it's worth, Frank Schafer in the Aqualog Brackish Water
Fishes book argues that this is the most commonly imported
species. I've attached a photo that Bob might want to
add to the Daily FAQ page <will certainly do. B>
as well, or the Archerfish page <and here>. It's a
Toxotes microlepis imported under this name by Wildwoods,
Enfield, in London. Note the two spots on the back half of the
dorsal fin, and the way those spots are clearly separate from the
final two bands on the flank. On Toxotes jaculatrix the spots and
the bands typically join, and on Toxotes chatareus there are
usually a much clearer set of six or seven vertical bands with
spots in between them, as well as much darker overall
colouration. But note that it's very difficult to be 100%
sure, and secure identification depends upon things like fin ray
and scale counts.>
I know the pictures aren't the best but I hope they help...
The archers that are in the pictures (2 of them) were juveniles
about 3ish more like 4 inches long (im terrible with guessing
measurements) Both of which showed faint continuation of the
bands going further down the body as well as no bands connecting
or splurging onto the dorsal fin.
<Cheers, Neale.>

Re: ID Archer fish -- 10/12/11
Well Neale I'm definitely having fun with this little
project! Love getting into this with experienced Aquarists such
as your self! (really hope to be doing something in this realm as
a job... but that needs more research on my part...). Any who,
its interesting that both the archers they had both had the
double EXTREMELY distinct black spots on the Dorsal fin. Also
relieved as one of them had a more so tainted darker appearance
or at least had some marbling at the end of its tail or at least
splotches actually
going on the chair as seen in the pictures... Just so pumped that
they actually have the right species! will try and look at their
dorsal spines.
A little off topic, how would Rainbow fish do in a tank with
these mini sized archers (need to research the rainbows of
course, but saw some extremely vibrant reds, neon dwarf blues,
and boeseman's rainbowfish while at my lfs) As you said in a
75 gallon with 5 or so of the archers and a tire track eel, I
could keep some mollies as well, but could I kind of switch the
mollies for some rainbows? just wondering!
<Rainbowfish too large to be swallowed can, do work well with
Have done this combination using Melanotaenia splendida and
Melanotaenia boesemani. Melanotaenia praecox might be a bit
small. Cheers, Neale.>
Freshwater Archer 9/7/11
We purchased a Toxotes blythii yesterday.
<Nice fish!>
It has white stripe on tip of its tail (caudal) fin. I am
concerned that this may be a fungus of some type, but I
am having trouble finding pictures of this fish at this age. All
of the high quality images online seem to be of younger fish,
that have somewhat different coloring than my fish. I have
attached a picture of the fish, but could not get a picture on
any setting to accurately show his white stripe. This picture
does show it, but it just appears the same blue as the
background. I don't know if you will be able to determine
anything from this picture. I am trying to determine if this is
just the coloration of this species of fish, or if there is a
<Very hard to tell from this photo. Need a close up of the
tail. But for now, here's some tips for telling Fungus and
Finrot: Fungus will look like obvious white or grey fluffy
threads. It used to be called "Cotton Wool Disease" and
that's a good descriptive name. Finrot tends to start with
cloudy patches or pinkish blobs on the fins. It often, but not
always, is associated with fin damage. As the disease progresses,
the fin erodes from the trailing edge inwards towards the body,
with the fin membrane dissolving a bit faster than the fin bones,
so you see a characteristic ragged edge to the fin.>
The fish is currently in a 55 gallon tank that has been set up
for about 2 years with 0 ammonia or nitrites. He did have a
fairly long drive home, so he presumably was quite stressed while
in his bag and was exposed to some ammonia. Since he was a fairly
expensive (and NEAT!) fish, I am somewhat paranoid about
potential problems with him. He was eating frozen food while at
the store (he had been there for about a month), but he has not
eaten tonight. (I am not totally surprised by this because he has
only been here for 24 hours.) Thank-you very much for your
<Archerfish are sensitive to travel and new aquaria, but they
do settle in quickly. My specimens always enjoyed Hikari Cichlid
Gold but live crickets are an especial treat. Don't worry
about feeding too much in the first few days. Watch water
quality, and don't do anything to spook your fish.
Archers are notorious jumpers, and when stressed, may jump about,
damaging their snouts. Cheers, Neale.>
full size pic |
Re: Freshwater Archer
Hello Again-
As of yesterday, (2 days after bringing this fish home), he
appeared to be doing better.
The line at the end of his tail was mostly gone, I think it was a
little bit of Finrot. But this morning, he has apparently taken a
turn for the worse. He does have Finrot very slightly on one
pectoral fin. He also has a fungus on one eye.
<Fungus, or merely damage to the cornea? The latter is quite
common with Archers because they tend to jump into the hood of
the tank.>
I did a water change, and tested the water. There is 0 ammonia or
nitrites. However, the nitrates are quite high, (around 40?).
<High, but not dangerous for these fish.>
We are in the process of switching to pure RO water with
Replenish added.
Our tap water has VERY high nitrates, and is very hard and
<Which the Archer shouldn't mind. These fish really
aren't that fussed about water chemistry.>
We were using 80% RO water, and 20% tap water to deal with those
issues, which left the pH of the water at 7.0 and the water was
somewhere between moderately soft and hard. (I can only get test
strips, as opposed to the kits, for gH and kH locally.) This
mixture also still left the nitrates at about 20. I also tested
the pH of the water, and it showed about 6.4 or less.
<If you use too much RO water, you will have a pH that drops
quite quickly because there isn't enough carbonate hardness.
By default, a 50/50 mix of tap water and RO water should provide
excellent conditions. I keep most of my fish that way, and my
water is also very hard and very high in nitrate.>
(Maybe I am colorblind, but I have a hard time determining which
color the water in the test tube compares to on the chart for
some of those test kits.) After the water change, the Archer
began swimming upside down.
There was a small temperature change due to my rush to do a water
change, about 2 degrees F. (A mistake, I know.) He is obviously
weak, but he can still swim, and seems to stay upright when he is
swimming forward, but drifts upside down when he rests.
<Not good.>
I used some of the tank water and put him in a separate
container, where I have a heater. I am slowly changing out all of
his water to clean RO water with the Replenish. (A cup out, and a
cup of clean water in about every 20 minutes or so.) He did not
eat last night either, so I don't think I can medicate him
that way. Am I correct that I should use a furan compound to
medicate the water in this instance?
<Possibly, but I'd be loathe to medicate simply because a
fish was failing to thrive. I do wonder the low pH is part of the
problem. The freshwater Archers are riverine rather than
blackwater fish, and so far as I can tell, don't really want
soft water. Toxotes blythii is sold periodically in England, and
seems to thrive in "Liquid Rock". In fact hard water is
far less problematic than many assume, and soft water with a pH
that bounces about will cause far more trouble.>
Unfortunately, the types of medication I can get locally is VERY
I have on hand medicated food (furan), expired furan medication
for the water, and Praziquantel. I had a couple of other
medications that apparently grew legs and walked off, as I
haven't had to use them. I think I have covered everything, I
apologize for the scatter-brained nature of this query. I am a
bit stressed about losing such an expensive fish. The cheap fish
all settled in just fine.... Thank-you for your time.
<Hope this helps. Cheers, Neale.>
fish are sick/sad but water quality seems fine
luckily I stumbled across your website while trying to find help for my
sad / sick fish online.
I have had a 10g tank for a few months now (aqua one with filtration
and heater and aquasoil=liveplants) in which there used to be 3 Bettas,
3 swordtails, 6 cardinal tetras and one algae eater.
<Hmm'¦ one problem here is that 10 gallons/37 litres
isn't much water. It would be okay for a school of 6-10 Cardinal
tetras, perhaps with a Betta, but the Swordtails need much more space,
and the Algae Eater probably does too, assuming that it's something
like Ancistrus sp. The cheap and cheerful Algae Eaters such as
Gyrinocheilus and Pterygoplichthys have NO PLACE at all in an aquarium
this small. Another problem is that Cardinal tetras need warm, soft
water. Swordtails, by contrast, need cool, hard water. Yet another
problem: Bettas need still water, whereas Swordtails need fast-flowing
water. In short, a mishmash of species that won't work in the long
term. There are some excellent aquarium books in German (and arguably
the best freshwater aquarium books are written in German) so getting
the information you need should not be difficult. Otherwise, just
peruse this website!>
It took a very long time to cycle in the beginning but then after weeks
of waiting I added the swordtails and suddenly it was good. It has been
going fine ever since. In the beginning there wasn't too much algae
so I bought special pellets for the algae eater.
I only added one once and he didn't eat all of it, but all the
other fish had some as well and their excrements turned white.
<You shouldn't see much/any faeces in the tank. The filter
should remove most of it, and water changes the rest.>
After a couple of days everything was normal again. I never added any
more algae pellets after this, since there was always plenty of natural
algae for the fish. Other than that I feed daily 3 bio gold pellets per
Betta (I have to crush some up for the smallest one, she cant fit a
whole piece in her mouth) and some crushed flakes for the other ones. I
have a piece of wood in my tank that is showing a lot of algae-like
growth that I washed off before but it comes back within 2 days (the
local fish shop guy said this was normal and will stop eventually).
<Hair Algae (actually, red algae, despite the colour) is common in
overstocked tanks with medium to bright lighting and not enough
fast-growing plants. Few, if any, fish will eat it, and NO, it
doesn't go away by itself!>
I do weekly partial water changes. PH tends to be a bit on the lower
<Below 7.5 will stress Swordtails. They need hard water, 15+ degrees
dH. Cardinals will NOT do well in such conditions though; Cardinals
need 2-10 degrees dH, pH 6-7.>
but I have a test and treatment to keep it up. Now the other day the
algae eater was suddenly going crazy and swimming around very abruptly
(usually he is calm) so I thought, well maybe he is hungry and I fed
1/2 an algae pellet. He didn't pay attention to it at all and went
back to behave normally after a few hours, only some of the fish were
nibbling at it.
<As it happens, fish rarely behave "hungrily". If you see
fish hyperactive compared to normal, there's much more chance the
fish are stressed. At most, hungry fish swim to the top of the tank
when they see you, begging for food. But random swimming backwards and
forwards does not mean they're hungry.>
Suddenly the next morning I found two swordtails dead and one cardinal
was missing.
<Oh dear.>
The other fish seemed fine, I did another water change, tested the
water, all good.
<Yet they can't be good. You can't be providing
"good" conditions for both Swordtails and Cardinals in one
So I had two theories: Either they ate the cardinal and got sick or it
was the pellet.
<Neither of these is likely.>
The next day one of my Bettas became lethargic, it used to patrol the
tank all the time, suddenly it would just hang out near the heater or
at the bottom of the tank, the other fish were fine. A day later it was
only sitting under the wood and then suddenly sitting vertically in the
tank. I panicked but couldn't find a good solution on the internet
so I tested my water again (fine) and took some tank water to the fish
shop so they could test it in case my tests were not accurate, and help
me. He said the ph was to low, so I got that up higher and added some
powder to stabilize it.
<What powder?>
Nothing changed. Yesterday the other two Bettas started looking sad too
so I went to the pet shop again and he said maybe its the
<Two male Bettas in one tank? Or females? Males Bettas will not
share one aquarium. Females may do.>
Even though my heater is on 26°C the thermometer only shows
<22-24 C is fine for Swordtails, but Cardinals and Bettas need 26-28
Now I turned up the heater to 30°C and the tank is currently
sitting at 26°C.
<Far too warm for Swordtails.>
When I came home from work tonight even the cardinals were sitting at
the bottom. I don't know what to do, my fish are eating normally
except the Betta that looked sad first of all, it hasn't eaten in
about 3-4 days.
<Stop feed; start reading!>
When its feeding time it comes up and has a look, but either swims
straight past the food or has some and spits it back out. None of my
fish are bloated or showing white spots, no pop-eye, no scales sticking
out. They are just really sad and don't move.
<Don't feed at all until you UNDERSTAND the problems
Maybe its the aqua soil causing water problems that don't deal with
ammonia or nitrate? (my carbon cartridges are always dirty as soon as I
put new ones in).
<There are unlikely the problems. A new aquarium, overstocked with
too many of the wrong types of fish are causing problems here, together
with a mix of species that need fundamentally different environmental
Or it was the algae-eater food?
I was going to get some aqua salt but the fish shop guy said to look at
the temperature first.
<No need for salt. But yes, temperature is an issue here; see
Now that all the fish are at the bottom it looks like time is running
out to try this or that or that since nothing is working.
<Return all the fish save the Cardinals. If you have soft, acidic
water, they should do well. Keep them on their own in a group for the
next 4-6 weeks, and then bump up their numbers to 8 or 10. Do water
changes of 25% at least ONCE, and ideally TWICE per week for the first
3-4 weeks; afterwards once a week. Feed every SECOND day, a very small
amount. Keep the temperature at 26-28 C. Once you're happy the tank
is stable and healthy, write back, and we can discuss additions to the
I cant find any good tips since everyone sais its the water quality but
mine is fine.
<It can't be. You're keeping animals that need different
conditions, like trying to keep Polar Bears and Lions in the same
Thank you very much for your help. Yours Susanna
<Do read:
Cheers, Neale.>
Red ear slider with irritated mouth 5/27/2011
<Hi, Sue here with you.>
I have had my red ear slider for several years now. It is housed in a
125 gallon aquarium with a couple of growing goldfish that survived
getting eaten (I'm thinking their pals now).
<Unfortunately, when you try to feed fish to turtles, you often
instead only land up with more pets to take care of!>
I introduced several ghost shrimp day before yesterday on advice from
pet store I frequent.
<I wouldn't feed him ghost shrimp. Though they're less
likely than other "feeder fish" to carry diseases, we
recommend against feeding any kind of feeder type fish because of the
diseases they so commonly carry.>
Yesterday I gave the turtle a meal worm.
<Feed him earthworms instead; they're healthier for him -- but
only as an occasional treat. I give mine only 1 or 2 each, just once
every few weeks.>
He took a bite, let go, took another nip at it, let it go and left it.
I thought that was strange, but figured maybe he wasn't really
hungry at the time. Today tried the meal worm again. Same thing
happened, but he swiped at his mouth a few times with his foot.
<Have you fed him worms before to see how he normally eats them? Do
you think it was his mouth he was swiping, or was he just using his
claws near his mouth to try to break apart the worm (they often do
that)? Aside from the mealworms, how has his the rest of his
appetite/eating in been? What else do you feed him? Is he eating
pellets or other food OK? When was the last time he ate ANY
I wanted to try and open his mouth and inspect, but not sure how to go
about that safely. He's a friendly turtle and can touch him, not
sure when pain involved. Rubbed the side of his mouth with my finger,
he swiped again with his foot. I don't see anything externally. Do
you think he may have a piece of shrimp shell stuck or just a
<I'd be surprised if he had a shell stuck in his mouth, and even
if he did, I would expect you would have seen him going after his mouth
right after he ate the shrimp, not 2 days later when eating the worms.
If you feel he really was swiping at his mouth and not at the worm,
it's possible he might have some sort of irritation or even an
infection in his mouth that bothers him when he tries to eat.>
He has been basking a lot more than usual also.
<How much more? Have you noticed any other sudden/significant
changes in his behavior or activity level? Has his activity level also
changed when he's in the water? Does he seem a lot more lethargic
than normal?>
The question I really want to know is how do I handle him to get his
mouth open without too much distress on his part?
<You might try using a (blunt) foreign object such as a tongue blade
or small medicine dropper (something that's less familiar to him
than your finger). Try to either annoy him into biting it by gently
poking it around his mouth area; and/or slowly work it into his mouth
until you can gently pry his mouth open. Often once a turtle bites down
on an object, they usually continue to hold their grip on it long
enough to allow you some time to get a better view!>
<I'd also suggest trying to find someone to shine a flashlight
into his mouth for you, while you try and look inside, if/when you do
get his mouth open!>
It's got to be possible right?
<Getting any animal to open their mouth can be one of the more
challenging tasks for sure, especially if they're experiencing some
discomfort there. If gentle poking and prodding don't work, you may
have to invest more time into it, and continue to gently poke or prod
him enough times until he reaches the point where he becomes SO annoyed
at you that he does finally try to take a bite!>
The vet would be doing it I would assume. Any advice you can give would
be much appreciated, even if it's "Go to the vet
< If he's suddenly stopped eating altogether and you suspect
it's something involving his mouth, and/or you start to see obvious
other sudden changes in his behavior, then you might want to consider
taking him to an (experienced) vet and getting him checked out.>
Thank you.
<Good luck with him, and let us know how you make out with
everything. If you write back with some more info, we'll be better
able to advise you re: next steps.>
Minimally disruptive way to introduce new CA/SA cichlids to
established tank 5/26/11
Hello Crew
<Hello Tim,>
Currently, I have an Oscar, Jack Dempsey and Texas Cichlid in my
established 6x2x2 tank.
<Not a very sensible mix for all sorts of reasons, not least of all
the differences in water chemistry requirements. Plus, Oscars are
fairly gentle fish outside of spawning, whereas JDs and the Texans can
be unpredictably violent. Yes, the Oscar is much bigger than the JD,
but that would stop it getting harassed.>
I would like to add a few more SA/CA cichlids (undecided which ones
<Would not do this. Concentrate on one region, and provide either
soft water for the South Americans or hard water for the Central
Americans. Then choose compatible species.>
My tank is heavily decorated, including a very large piece of
driftwood, which would be very difficult to remove and/or
I would like to avoid doing any major rearrangement of the tank. What
would be the minimally disruptive way to introduce the new
<Adults? There isn't any. All three of these species, if
sexually mature, meaning about half-grown in terms of size, is
territorial. Any new fish added is likely to be viewed as a threat of
some sort, and the resident cichlid(s) will act accordingly.>
Would taking out the existing cichlids and holding them in buckets for
a short period of time help? If so, for how long would they need to be
<This can work with small cichlids, but for adults, the practicality
of holding adults safely and then keeping them out of the tank long
enough for them to "forget" their territory will be
questionable. Do read Paul Loiselle on this topic in particular, e.g.,
in his excellent "Cichlid Aquarium" book.>
How about total darkness in the tank for a certain period of time after
adding the new inhabitants?
Many thanks for helping avoid casualties.
<Do, please, think carefully about what you're trying to do. In
terms of water chemistry this aquarium can't possibly be housing
both Central and South American cichlid species well; at best, either
the Central Americans or the South Americans are happy while the others
are stressed. Throw in social behaviour issues and you're priming
yourself for a disaster. An Oscar, a Severum, perhaps one of the more
docile Pike Cichlids would work fine as a South American community,
while the options for Central Americans are varied and could include
the species you have alongside an Amphilophus and a Parachromis of some
sort. But your mixing both CAs and SAs? Nope, not a good idea.>
<Cheers, Neale.>
ADF query: 5/26/11
I'm not sure how to ask this or search, so far Nada. (so far)
I have an 2 yr old African dwarf frog who's starting to look like a
shark :D he's got a pointed back.. two spikes (one each side on
top) and one near the back.. very shark like fin to describe it.
his color is good.. weight is good, diet is varied and seems
particularly healthy. now I know I'm not the only one who's
seen this occur with an ADF but so far I must be inquiring
inaccurately.. for I've not found
anything (so far) on this phenomena.
<Without a photo, it's hard to be sure. But this sounds like
some sort of metabolic bone or growth disorder. The problem with these
small frogs is that often they're given just a very small variety
of foods, perhaps even just the one type of pellet. The lack of
vitamins and minerals (such as iodine) can cause all sorts of growth
problems including bone deformities, and my assumption is that is
what's going on here. If the animal is basically healthy then you
shouldn't worry too much because you can't really do anything
to "fix" things. At best you can review the size of the
aquarium (deformities do seem more common in cramped quarters), water
quality (including the use of water conditioner to neutralise copper in
tap water), and of course diet. Sorry I can't offer anything more
concrete, Neale.>
Re: ADF query --- thanks :D 5/26/11
ok, so bone issues are a norm for these frogs?
<No, not at all. Very rare.>
if so.. well, the tank is a 20gallon.. with 5 other mates.. two
reasonably sized caves for them to hide in... sleep.. away their time..
some bamboo and gravel.
<Sounds okay so far!>
their water is bottled.. (deer park and/or Poland spring) sorry, the
tap water is so nasty in the wash. d.c. area.. would KILL an atomic
bomb it's that bad. (filtration of any sort is a failure, even with
the aquarium professional series.. you should see what it does to those
poor devices) I cycle the water accordingly and have a marineland c-160
for all my tanks.
<You do need filtration in the aquarium, regardless of what you
might think about your tap water. Please understand that tap water is
fine for fish and frogs if treated with water conditioner, but this is
a whole different thing to how the animals in the aquarium pollute that
water over time. You must filter the aquarium to remove ammonia (and
then nitrite) on a constant, minute-by-minute basis. In a small
aquarium like this, a plain vanilla sponge filter powered by an air
pump will work just fine. Now, drinking water may be usable if it
isn't too soft, but do understand that some drinking water is so
free of minerals it isn't healthy for fish or frogs. Let's
accept your comment about the tap water is hyperbole for the most part.
Provided the tap water is medically safe to drink (as opposed to
subjective issues like flavour and colour) then it will likely be safe
enough for your frogs. In chemical terms, you're aiming for about
10-15 degrees dH, and a pH around 7.5. If your bottled drinking water
matches these sorts of values, then that's fine. But if the water
is much softer or more acidic than that, you're going to cause
problems. Deionised water would be extremely dangerous.>
I should have more 'natural foliage' in the tank but I'm
afraid of them getting stuck and drowning... (the bamboo roots are
challenge enough)'¦
<They won't drown. They naturally cling onto floating plants and
actually enjoy being able to bask at the surface among floating plants.
Indian Floating Fern would be ideal.>
he just looks like he's wearing a shark fin with the same formation
on his sides.
he doesn't seem unhappy...
I was thinking of putting algae tabs in the tank every once a blue
would that not be a good idea?
<Randomly adding tablets to tanks without any understand of *why*
will cause problems.>
and someone told me powdered egg yolk?
<Again, why?>
their diet does range.. sometimes even to bits of meat I salvage from
here and there from the grocer, sandwiches, other things.. chop them up
finely and even pasteurized tuna/salmon/oysters.
<Yikes! No, you need to be feeding them stuff closer to their
natural diet. Wet-frozen bloodworms and fortified brine shrimps can be
kept in the freezer for months and make good supplements to standard
frog pellets used as a staple diet.>
that's about it... I do have some pics but I think you've
covered the possibility. (I know these poor guys are prone to many
issues, this was one I didn't find much of anything about.)
<Do read:
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: ADF query (RMF?) --- thanks :D 5/26/2011
i do have filtration for my tanks.. i just ain't going to use the
tap water'¦
<Well, I do understand that not everyone understands the science
behind making water safe to drink. So if you have some phobia about
using tap water, then that's fine, don't use it. But do make
sure your alternate water supply provides water chemistry within the
parameters outlined in my previous e-mail. Skipping the tap water
because you don't like the taste and then using bottled water with
the wrong water chemistry would be throwing out the baby with the
bathwater! Cheers, Neale.>
Re: ADF query (RMF?) --- thanks :D
Please run your English through spelling and grammar checkers and
Your messages have been deleted. B
Quick question re: dipping 5/25/11
A few weeks ago, I lost a batch of cardinal tetras to ich. Thankfully,
they were new arrivals and in a quarantine tank, so they were the only
fish I lost. This is not my first brush with ich, and most likely not
my last.
Though it may have been unnecessary, I bleached the whole tank (easy to
do with a bare-bottom tank) and then cycled it. I am about to order
some rummy nose tetras. I've read a lot about dipping new arrivals
before placing them in the quarantine tank, mostly related to marine
fish. I have Rid-Ich+ (which I used a year or so ago on a case of ich
before I was instructed on the salt/temperature treatment), and was
wondering whether this would be valid for a dip when I receive the
rummy nose tetras. I browsed your site re: dipping, and the closest I
could find was instructions for dipping with malachite green and
formalin separately. In this article
(http://www.wetwebmedia.com/malachitegreen.htm) Bob suggest a dip of a
stock solution of malachite green at 16 ml/l for 10-15 seconds. And in
this (http://www.wetwebmedia.com/formalinart.htm) he suggests 2.70 ml
of 37% formalin solution for an hour for marine fish. But what about
the doses for freshwater fish dips? I can do the math to figure out the
dosages based on the percent of malachite green and formalin in rid-ich
+ and the instructions that give the mg/L for each after correct dosage
in a 10 gallon tank. But I'm not sure if the marine dip dosages
carry over to the freshwater dosages. Am I being too paranoid? Should I
not worry about dipping my new arrivals and just treat if it happens in
the quarantine tank? (The cardinal tetra outbreak happened 2 weeks into
quarantine when I left for 4 days and didn't notice the ich until
they were completely covered.) I love this hobby, but I get frustrated
when something like losing an entire purchase of cardinal tetras
happens. I am still reading and learning, though, most especially
thanks to your website. This is my first outbreak to happen since I
started quarantining all new arrivals, and dealing with an outbreak in
a quarantine tank is much easier then dealing with an outbreak in my
main tank and moving it to a hospital tank, I can testify to that.
Thanks very much in advance,
<Celeste, with Cardinals I would use either a plain vanilla
heat/salt treatment, or else a reliable Ick medication quoted to work
well in soft water. One medication I've personally used in soft
water is eSHa EXIT, widely sold in the UK and Europe. As you presumably
realise, Cardinals won't do well in hard water (anything above 10
degrees dH) and Rummynose Tetras are much the same. Assuming you have
water chemistry 2-10 degrees dH, pH 6-6.5, you should find raising the
water temperature to 30 C/86 F works as a good preventative during
quarantining; should Ick make an appearance, then you can use salt as
described elsewhere in this site. Done properly, at the right dosage,
around 2 g/l, this *will* work. Dipping freshwater fish is not nearly
as useful as dipping marine fish, so I wouldn't plan on using that
approach for anything. Cheers, Neale.>
Thanks!! 5/25/11
Hey Crew!
Darrel answered some of my concerns the other day about my turtles and
I want to thank him so much.
<I'll pass it on>
When I stressed my concern about one of my turtles not eating or
basking, he suggested that something might be wrong with the terrain.
Well boy was he right.
<He's often savant-like that way.>
I went through everything in the tank, trying to figure out what it was
and finally decided to take out the pebbles I put in the bottom of
their aquarium (I wasn't sure to get them in the first place, but
the pet store,
which I will no longer go to anymore, suggested that I needed plastic
plants and pebbles in the bottom.) Like I was saying, I took the
pebbles out and voila! They were fine, they are now basking together
and eating happily and I'm very excited.
<Glad we were able to help solve the mystery>
I any more questions come up I'll be sure to consult here before
even thinking of going to a pet store that doesn't know what
they're doing.
<Thank you - and be sure to tell your friends about us!>
Thanks again!!
Anja <<I swear Darrel wrote this whole thing! B>>
Re: My Red Ear Slider Turtles 5/25/11
I won't be able to provide a nice, dry warm basking area without
moving them to another plastic bin and wouldn't moving them always
put them at risk?
<Turtles are extremely hardy as far as handling and moving as long
as you don't drop them>
<As far as stress is concerned, the real stress they'll be
feeling is not having the right water, temperature and foods
'¦ so again, please read the care link and make sure
they're getting what they need>
Holiday Care. 5/25/11
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I have looked on this website and others for the answer but I have not
found it.
<Well, lets see if I have the answer hidden away somewhere>
Firstly, a bit of information, I have two Yellow Bellied
Sliders around 3 months old, one is an inch and ½
diameter the other is an inch diameter. I feed them King British Turtle
and Terrapin complete food every other day (after reading this site I
will be changing to pellets when the food runs out).<Thank
I also give them greens, though not a lot as they seem to not like it
much at the moment and the occasional frozen Blood Worm block (about
once a week, slightly less).
<Earthworms, if you can obtain them, are better>
I do a 50% water change every week and a full water change every month
(not sure if this is the right thing to be done).
<It's perfect!>
The water temperature is about 24C (about 75F) and the basking
temperature is about 30C (about 86F).
<The water is a BIT warm '¦ should be room temperature. In
other words, no heaters for Sliders and other terrapins (that's for
you, Neale!!)>
They have a separate UV and heat lamps.
<Again, excellent!>
They are currently in an 8 Gallon (UK) (9 1/5 US) tank, with the water
is 4 inches deep. This will be changed for a larger one when I move in
a few months. Is this care plan okay?
<So far, it's just wonderful!!>
My main question is, I am going away on holiday for a week and I was
just wondering what my sitter could do as minimalist care. I want them
to be looked after properly, but the person caring for them has never
cared for turtles before and I don't want it to be too daunting and
too much work for them. Can I get away with leaving the basking lamp on
all week, but having the UV turned off (or will this have to stay on
also, I heard it can be bad to have too much UV).
<What I'd do is go to your local hardware and buy an inexpensive
timer with settable on-off tabs. Set the ON tab for 7:30am and the OFF
tab for 6pm and you can leave that permanently>
What about feeding, how often should they be fed?
<If they've been eating regularly and eating well, have your
sitter feed them just once. They'll be just fine, trust me>
I read in a different post that putting plants (Elodea, Myriophyllum or
Cabomba, though I have no idea what types these are) in the tank would
be enough, though I'm not sure if that applies to this type of
turtle and for the length of time that I will be gone.
<Live turtles + live plants usually equals a messy tank, so I
wouldn't do that>
I have a powerful enough filter that the water will not need changing
between the times that I am away so the water cleanliness will be fine.
I'm mainly just worried about the feeding. Is how I'm currently
feeding them okay for their age and will it need to continue for while
I'm away or can it be less?
<They can go two or three weeks with nothing to eat '¦ and
merely be hungry>
Please help me.
<I hope I did!>
Thanks and sorry for the long letter, I just want to be sure.
<We appreciate the opportunity to help>
< http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm
Turtle at the bottom of the tank 5/25/11
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I recently bought two RES from Chinatown, there about an inch and a
half long. I've had them since this past Friday and I woke up this
morning to find one swimming fine and the other on the bottom with his
eyes and mouth open without any movement.
<That's very bad>
I even picked him up and he didn't react. I placed him on the rock
under the light to see if the heat will help him out, but nothing. I
even placed him in a smaller tank away from the other one with warmer
water and still nothing. I am guessing he is dead, Can you confirm it
for me?
<I'm sorry to agree with you Jenn, but it does appear that's
passed on. It's unlikely that you did anything to cause that, since
you only had them a few days, but please read here - and learn
everything you need to know to keep the other one happy and healthy.
Turtles don't need MUCH care '¦ but they absolutely MUST
have what they need.
<On behalf of Bob, Sue, Neale and the rest of the crew, we're
sorry for your loss>
Re: Question about my new cycling Platy tank
I am going to be out of town for a long weekend and I am concerned
about how long my Platies can go without eating.
<Couple weeks.>
I usually feed them once a day or sometimes twice a day. I plan on
leaving on Friday morning (I will feed them at 9am) and will not be
back until Tuesday around 4pm. Do you think I need to arrange for
somebody to feed them for me?
How long can they go without eating and still be ok?
<Two weeks in the case of small fish; a month or more in the case of
large carnivores.>
I should mention that I have one tank with females and one with males.
And I believe two of the females are pregnant.
<Cheers, Neale.>
Cloudy water in 20G freshwater tank 5/24/11
Hello, I set up a 20G freshwater tank using 50% gravel from established
tank over two months ago. No live plants. It has a 150 Penguin Biowheel
filter. I also added some floss from established tank behind the
charcoal cartridge that came with the filter to help in the cycling of
the tank. After 3 weeks ammonia was zero, nitrite was zero and nitrate
was 5 ppm.(added fish food to cycle) We live in an area where our water
is soft and neutral to acidic. I added five Cory cats and kept eye on
numbers. After another 10 days I added five zebra Danios.
Kept my eye on numbers again and just a few days ago added five neon
tetras. Then the water got cloudy.
Here are the numbers today ammonia 0ppm, nitrite 0 ppm, nitrate 5 ppm,
pH 6.8, temp 76 F, hardness 25 ppm, alkalinity 40 ppm. The floss and
Biowheel have not been touched. I have lightly cleaned the gravel
during the previous water change, a week ago about 15%. The charcoal
has not been changed since set up about 9 weeks ago. Feed daily flake
so far, pretty sure not too much.
Every few days sinking pellets for the cats.
So here is my question, the fish seem happy and not acting at all
strange but I wonder if adding the final five fish might have caused a
bacterial bloom even though the tank was cycled?
< Even thought the numbers look ok it is a possibility.>
I will watch the ammonia twice daily just to be sure nothing scary
happening but I wanted your opinion. I do not think this tank is over
loaded so thinking its just a bloom due to added load?
< The additional fish may have temporarily overloaded the biological
I have had other tanks in the past but never noticed a bloom like this
unless there was new cycling due to problem with filter. Thanks for
your help.
Oh, I also have an airstone going full time right now in the opposite
corner from the intake of the Penguin filter. With this size take,
would a bigger filter be a good idea?
< Your filter should be fine.>
or maybe add a second 150 Penguin?
< Not needed.>
there is room to do so.
Thanks again, Carla
< Cloudy water can be caused by many things. You used 50% old
gravel, but you did not say what the new gravel was. Did you thoroughly
was the new gravel to remove any dust? It is a possibility that the new
gravel may not be suitable for the aquarium and is breaking down as it
soaks. Clods of soil or lightly cemented sedimentary rock could be
dissolving in your acidic tank and releasing minerals into the water.
These minerals would not show up on any test kits. Take a sample of the
new gravel from the source and place in a jar of water and see if it
changes the water chemistry or clouds the water. If it does then the
new gravel is the source of the problem. If it doesn't change then
maybe check any new rocks you may have added to the tank. Smell the top
of the tank. If there is no odor then dissolving minerals may be the
problem. If there is a fishy smell then it may be a biological
filtration problem. Check the numbers again with a test kit that uses
dry reagents. These can be more accurate because the test chemicals are
least likely to break down as a dry reagent rather than a wet one. Do a
water change to see if this improves the clarity of the water.
Give it a little time. It may be something a s simple as the binder in
the pellets you are using to feed the catfish. The fish are the true
indicators of what is going on. As long as they are healthy and it is
just a aesthetic issue I would check out the gravel and the rocks
Cobalt Blue Lobster, sick? 5/24/11
Dear WWM representative,
I have a Blue Cobalt Lobster (Crayfish) for about 4 months. She has
undergone 4 moults. I feed Tropical fish flakes twice a day and frozen
bloodworms every other day (3 days of 7 days/week). I do simple tank
maintenance every 2 days (clean glass, stir up gravel; gently, and
rinse the filter). Every 10 days I change 10% or so of the water in a
30 Gallon tank.
<Sounds good so far, but do lean towards plant and shelly foods
rather than soft or meaty foods. For example, algae wafers are a good
staple, together with unshelled crustaceans such as krill. These
animals are scavengers but a significant part of their diet is decaying
vegetation, so green foods are important. Unshelled animals will
provide useful calcium, as will small pieces of lancefish, bones
I have black lyretail molly, red wag swordtail, and algae eater (3
inches) in the same tank as the Blue Cobalt Lobster.
<Hmm'¦ the usual warning here that fish and crayfish
don't mix.>
For the past 3 weeks, I noticed that my Lobster has somewhat red
streaks in his tail (they appear as arteries). The tip of his tail is
what I would described as "clear: due to lack of coloration.
Today, a small white "cylindrical" spot appeared on his side
near his "neck". The red streaks are what concern me for she
is suppose to be Blue. The majority of its tail is somewhat blue, but
the red streaks are indistinguishable. Do you guys know what this may
be due to and what I must do?
<Do start reading here:
The most common diseases with Crayfish include various bacterial and
parasitic infections of the shell (indicated by erosion of the shell,
starting with small spots) and various fungal infections (similar, but
with tufts apparent in advanced cases). Neither is particularly easy to
treat, but both can be prevented by providing good care. There is also
the infamous "Crayfish Plague" that has nearly wiped out some
wild crayfish species, but it isn't particularly common in
<Treatment of Crayfish is virtually impossible. The best approach is
to optimise living conditions, provide a balanced diet, use marine
aquarium iodine supplement (at 50% the dose on the bottom) and hope for
the best. While it is normally best to let Crayfish consume old moults,
in this situation you may want to remove infected moults as soon as you
can, and instead provide an alternative source of calcium, e.g., an
unshelled shrimp (with the meat removed, so it eats the skeleton) that
is about half the size of the Crayfish. Cheers, Neale.>
re: Redtail Shovelnose Cross... still not reading
Hi, I read one of your previous threads about possibly using a laxative
if there is a blockage but I was hoping to ask what you thought first.
I live in CT and have a new outdoor tropical pond. It is 250 gallons
about, so 8 feet long, 5 feet wide at the widest point, and 20 inches
wide at the narrowest point.
<I recall>
Right now I have a 5 inch bullseye catfish
<Horabagrus brachysoma, or other species in the genus? Not really
and a 10.5 inch red-tail shovel-nose hybrid in there. The pond is new,
about a week and a half. I have 1800gph of water flow in there and 1050
watts of heaters in there and the heaters are keeping the temperature
At night I keep a plastic top on the tank to keep the heat in
<And fishes>
like a greenhouse but it has enough openings to allow air in. The
ammonia is between 0.25 and 0.
<Has to be 0.0>
The Nitrates are about 5 and the nitrites are 0. I used a product
called Cycle
<Sometimes works...>
to hasten the cycle of the tank and I have plenty of filtration on the
tank. I also have 3 water hyacinths in the pond. I am treating the pond
with Melafix and Pimafix
<Please don't write us (again) w/o searching first... these
products are worthless>
because I am having a fungus problem. The Redtail shovel nose cross who
doesn't have fungus and the bullseye catfish who does have fungus
are not eating. Neither of them have really eaten significantly in the
week and a half they have been in there. Do you guys have any
<Yes. See WWM re Ammonia... DON'T feed while there is any
ammonia present.
USE a real bacteria cycling product (see WWM re...)>
I'm really worried. The hybrid was eating beef heart and
<Last time I cautioned you against these... Sigh. Read.
before he went in there every other day. I tried to feed him a
silver-side while he was in the house and he took it and that was his
last meal. Now I have tried frozen silversides, live blackworms, frozen
blood worms, chunky frozen squid, shrimp pellets, feeder fish, and
earthworms and he is turning them all down. He has a slight laceration
on his nose, I do not know what it is from and he has a broken whisker.
Do you have any suggestions to try and get either of them to eat? I
also just put about 50 tablespoons of aquarium salt into the pond to
help with the infection. The liner of the pond is a black
PVC liner. Thanks
Ick question... reading 5/24/11
Hi. I've read through the postings on your wonderful website
regarding "Ick"/White Spot Disease, but there's one
question I still need answered. I introduced a new Balloon Molly to my
fish tank without quarantining it first (my bad!). I also poured a
little of the store's aquarium water in when I added this new fish
(my bad again). Well apparently the new Molly brought Ick disease with
it, as soon thereafter, all of my fish were covered in white spots.
Despite my increasing the water temperature to 84 degrees and adding
salt, I sadly lost my Black Molly, my Platy and my two Tetras within 3
days. So here's my question - the new Balloon Molly never showed
any signs of Ick and it is still alive and well in the tank (one week
after losing all other fish).
<It ha/d/s "acquired immunity">
The water temp is still at 84 degrees. I've actually purchased a
brand new tank and plan on putting in all new gravel and plants (I
don't want to risk bringing the Ick into the new tank!). Is it
possible that the Balloon Molly is a carrier of Ick and will pass it on
to any new fish once I get my new tank up and running?
I'm concerned because it never had any signs of Ick, but it clearly
is the only variable that could have brought the disease into my tank?
Unless the Ick came from the store's aquarium water?
<Not likely the latter, but a small possibility>
In that case, could the Balloon Molly just be immune to Ick?
<This particular "strain", yes>
I want to make sure that my new tank and new fish are safe, and that
the Molly won't continue to spread the disease. ?
Oh, - I also have a snail that seems completely fine. Are snails immune
to Ick?
It couldn't "harbor" Ick inside its shell, could it??
<On the outside, yes>
Thank you!!
<... read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwich.htm
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Re: Ick question 5/25/11
Ok - thank you!
<Do write back after reading... should you have further concerns,
questions. BobF>
Dwarf Gourami, lack of hlth. 5/24/11
After reading through all the FAQs, I'm afraid this question (or at
least your answer) may be redundant, but I'm compelled to ask
anyway as I couldn't find an exact match to my situation.
One male Dwarf Gourami ("flame" color morph, to be
<Largely a junk species not worth buying.>
was added to my established (8 months) 20 gallon aquarium five weeks
ago. It took him about a week to settle in, things were fine for a
couple of weeks, and then he developed ulcers around the mouth.
Initially, they were raised and red and over the last couple of weeks
have vacillated between "angry red" and "not so angry
red" with a little white around the edges. The closest I've
come to a representative photo is actually in one of your FAQs and is
located here:
<Really? Do review both Columnaris, sometimes called Mouth Fungus,
and the two Dwarf Gourami plague diseases, Mycobacteria infections and
Dwarf Gourami Iridovirus. The two latter are not treatable, but
Columnaris is treatable if caught early.>
On the advise of the local LFS, I bumped the temp from 78F to 80F and
increased feedings to 3x daily a week ago in an attempt to jump start
(their words) his immune system.
<Hmm'¦ not terribly helpful advice.>
Initially things seemed to improve, but he's taken a turn for the
worse over the last couple of days. Feces had appeared normal, but are
now transparent and "stringy".
<A bad sign, though even healthy fish can do this from time to
His appetite and color are still good, but his activity level has
dropped considerably and he's now spending a significant amount of
time facing into the rear corners of the tank near the surface and not
moving much. I feed TetraMin flake and substitute frozen blood worms
and/or brine shrimp every third day.
Water parameters:
GH: 6 (dGH)
KH: 8 (dKH)
NH3/4: 0 ppm
NO2: 0 ppm
NO3: 30 ppm
PO4: 0 ppm
pH: 7.8
Tankmates: 3 adult female Platies, 5 Pristella Tetras, and 1 Bolivian
Ram. All appear unaffected by whatever is ailing the Dwarf Gourami.
<No surprises there, the other three species being generally good
all-around fish species.>
I change 25% of the water weekly.
After 8 months in the hobby, this is my first experience with a sick
fish. Attempting to diagnose one via the web is an exercise in
futility, for me at least. It doesn't look like a fungus to me (but
what do I know), so I'm guessing it's bacterial in nature.
Whether it's gram-negative or gram-positive is outside my scope of
expertise. It definitely doesn't match the symptoms for
<I see.>
So, with all the background out of the way, on to my questions.
Assuming it's bacterial, and knowing everything I now know about
Colisa Lalia, is it even worth treating?
<If Columnaris, yes; otherwise no. Do read WWM re:
If so, am I likely to see recurrence given the hard, basic water
I'm providing?
<Certainly won't help; Dwarf Gouramis need much warmer water
than your other species (indeed, hot enough to stress Platies) as well
as softer, more acidic water than your other fish need or
Finally, if treatment is viable, any thoughts on an appropriate
<Columnaris is usually treated with antibiotic or antibacterial
Thanks in advance for your help. You have a great site, and you can be
sure I'll be back before I make another livestock decision.
<Cheers, Neale.>
Perry Chong reports from Aquarama Trade Show, Sing.
> As promised some pics from the show. This one I found
strange. Would anyone want to keep Archerfish?
<Are really neat, mostly brackish species.... great
They won 1st Prize in New Varieties in Trade Category
> Will send you some more As I organise the pics
<Appreciated. BobF>

Re: Perry Chong reports from Aquarama
Trade Show, Sing. 5/28/11
> Hello Bob,
> These are Toxotes blythii, a *freshwater* species from far
inland Burma. Compiled some details at the link below, but
essentially require maintenance much like the other freshwater
archers. It's often overlooked that of the seven species of
Toxotidae, four are strictly freshwater fish, and a fifth primarily
freshwater with only sporadic occurrence in slightly brackish
<Ah yes>
> http://www.tropicalfishfinder.co.uk/news_article.asp?id=2224
<Thank you>
> In any case, a lovely fish, but very rare in the trade:
I've never seen in the aquarium trade in any sort of numbers
until this last year or so.
<Hence the inclusion here at Aquarama>
> Cheers, Neale
<And you my friend, BobF> |
Sciades seemanni and Mono Questions. Acclim. to BR from FW
-- 3/3/10
I currently have a 125 gal marine tank with 2 lionfish, a snowflake
eel, and one Sciades seemanni Columbian Cat.
<Mmm, this last is a social animal. Much happier w/ some of its own
I almost bought a trigger until I read that the triggers hate the cats
clicking noises. I am contemplating selling all bought <but?> the
cat and converting to a brackish environment. I read that the cats do
better in groups.
<Many species do>
My current cat is 7 to 8 inches. I want to get 1 or 2 more but cannot
find them large enough. If I buy a 2 or 3 inch cat, will the larger one
be aggressive toward it?
<Not likely, no>
My second question is about acclimation. I wish to add Mono argenteus
and Sebae but these are almost always sold in freshwater. I was told
that you can almost take them directly from fresh and put them into a
marine environment. Is this true?
Can I do the same with archers and the cat?
<To a lesser extent, weeks instead of days, yes>
Or am I safer to set up another tank to slowly convert them to marine
or brackish? Thanks for the help!
<This last is a much safer, better approach. Bob Fenner>
Re: Sciades seemanni and Mono Questions, more re acclim. to SW,
impt. notes re Toxotids, ID and sys.
Hi Bob,
I just saw your reply to one brackish one about monos and catfish.
<Yes... responded as it was over a "day" back/old>
Would just add this: You are quite right that (subadult to adult)
Sciades catfish and (any age) Monodactylus can be converted to marine
conditions quickly. I'd use the drip method across an hour, as if
they were swimming through an estuary, but yes, you could in theory
dump them straight in.
<Ahh, please do send your input to the querior as well>
But Archers are a whole other kettle of fish. There are three species
in the trade, each equally widely sold, and one of them is a freshwater
to low-end brackish species, Toxotes microlepis.
<Rare in the U.S.>
It will die kept in marine conditions for any length of time. Frankly,
it's unhappy above about SG 1.005. The other two species, T.
chatareus and T. jaculatrix, will tolerate marine conditions though
they're best kept around SG 1.010.
<Definitely send this along as well>
Diagnosing the three Archer species is tricky, but there are some
drawings that should help on my web site, here:
Cheers, Neale
<Thank you. BobF>
Sciades seemanni and Mono Questions
<<By way of a follow-up to Bob's reply. I would just add
this: Bob is quite right that (subadult to adult) Sciades catfish and
(any age) Monodactylus can be converted to marine conditions quickly.
I'd use the drip method across an hour, as if they were swimming
through an estuary, but yes, you could in theory dump them straight in.
But Archers are a whole other kettle of fish. There are three species
in the trade, each equally widely sold, and one of them is a freshwater
to low-end brackish species, Toxotes microlepis. It will die kept in
marine conditions for any length of time.
Frankly, it's unhappy above about SG 1.005. The other two species,
T. chatareus and T. jaculatrix, will tolerate marine conditions though
they're best kept around SG 1.010. Diagnosing the three Archer
species is tricky,
but there are some drawings that should help on my web site, here:
Bob believes that Toxotes microlepis rare in the US market, but German
author Frank Schaefer argues it is the most widely traded. My own
experience is that all three species occur roughly as often as each
and I've seen specimens of all three species on both sides of the
So do check which Archerfish you have before acclimating them to
saltwater conditions. Cheers, Neale>>
Re: Sciades seemanni and Mono Questions 3/3/10
You both gave me great info. Thank you.
<You're welcome.>
The next step is convincing my wife to let me get rid of the lions and
eel and replace them with monos...she likes the salt water fish more
than I do lol!
<Why not keep the Lionfish and the Eel, add the Catfish and the
Monos, and rehome the Archerfish? Cheers, Neale.>
Archer fish won't eat -- 12/15/09
Hi, This is a great site. I'm so happy to have discovered it.
It's been very helpful to me.
I inherited a 75 gallon cichlid tank a couple of weeks ago. The person
who gave it to me was a stranger and moved out of the country so I
couldn't follow up with him on certain questions regarding the
He transported the tank and 50% of the original water along with the
filters, etc. to the new set-up in my home. I've had a freshwater
(soft water/acidic) for over 3 years now. The cichlid tank is new to
<I see.>
There were a number of fish in the cichlid tank that I found
2 fiddler crabs (I've made space for them to crawl out of the water
onto bog wood), algae-eating goby, Australian desert goby, kuhli loach,
2 clown loaches, red-tail shark, zigzag eel, puffer (since died), 2
Bateo (sp?) sharks, and about 10 assorted cichlids (I think mostly from
Lake Malawi) and a Brichardi cichlid.
<Quite the mix! Not textbook by any standards. I'd concentrate
on maintaining moderately hard (say, 15 degrees dH) water with a stable
pH around 7.5. That should be fine for this mix of fish. That said, if
this was me, I'd be rehoming some of these fish and concentrating
on providing optimal conditions for a specific selection of
And...an Archer Fish (about 2 in)--the most common kind, not the
spotted or the 6-banded.
<Now, this is where we get into hot water. There's no
"common" Archerfish.
There are three species, two that must have brackish water, and one
that does well in either freshwater or slightly brackish water. The
problem is all three are widely traded, and all three are EASILY
confused with each other. To tell them apart you need to look for two
things: Firstly, whether there are two spots on the back end of the
dorsal fin. If there are, the fish is (probably) either Toxotes
microlepis or Toxotes jaculatrix. The two dorsal fin spots on Toxotes
microlepis are discrete (i.e., they don't connect to anything else)
but on Toxotes jaculatrix they merge with the last two vertical black
bands on the flanks. Toxotes chatareus tends not to have spots on the
end of the dorsal fin, but instead a single large blotch.
The next thing you look for are spots in between the black vertical
bands on the flanks. These are usually absent from Toxotes jaculatrix.
Toxotes chatareus and Toxotes microlepis both have them, though not
necessarily evenly spread out, one spot between each pair of vertical
bands. Toxotes chatareus do differ in having a more "sooty"
colouration, more gunmetal grey than bright silver, but stressed
archerfish of all three species will turn grey, so you have to be
careful with this characteristic. There are some drawings of the three
species on my web site, here:
I'll make the point once again that all three species are very
similar, and that all three are sold as freshwater fish. While all will
tolerate freshwater conditions for a long time, only Toxotes microlepis
will do well in a freshwater aquarium permanently. Actually, there are
some truly freshwater populations of the other two species as well, but
they are not traded.>
About a week ago, the eel seemed stressed.
<Do read about Spiny Eels; commonly problems are caused by using
gravel instead of sand, or offering them the wrong sorts of food. See
He had been swimming around very actively and then one day hid inside a
shell and didn't come out for about 3 days. He seemed lethargic. I
moved him to a 26-gallon "hospital tank." The LFS
hypothesized that the ph of 8.2 was probably creating the stress.
<As I say, for the mix of fish you have, medium hard water around pH
7.5 is what you want. Quick check on how useful your pet shop is. Did
they mention hardness at any point along the conversation? As is
crucially important to understand, you don't change the pH; you
change the hardness. There's a lot of ignorance about this, with
people buying things like "pH down" and "pH up"
potions and think these make their fish happier. More often than not,
they end up stressing their fish. Do read here:
Malawian and Tanganyikan cichlids don't need especially hard water,
contrary to popular belief, but what they don't want are
soft/acidic conditions. Provided you have moderately hard water with a
basic pH (7.5 is fine) that stays put day-in, day-out, they'll be
fine. This will be well
within the tolerances of most community fish species.>
Since he's been in his new digs he seems much happier. I don't
plan to move him (at least, not until he outgrows the tank). However,
my problem now is with the Archer. He ate frozen bloodworms the first
couple of days, then stopped eating altogether. I have tried
everything: I even caught two big juicy flies in December in a
Manhattan high-rise (quite an accomplishment) and put them in the tank.
The flies disappeared, but I don't think the Archer got them. I
tried dried bloodworms, dried Tubifex--anything that floated--and he
still wouldn't go for it.
<My Archerfish enjoyed Hikari Cichlid Gold.>
I put 10 live crickets in the tank yesterday and all the other fish
loved them, but the Archer wouldn't show any interest (followed
them around a bit but wouldn't bite). I got dried grasshoppers. I
stuck some of the fresh frozen bloodworms on the side of the aquarium
just above the water line because I read this worked for someone (I
think on your site). I've tried brine shrimp and beef heart.
I'm so frustrated and the Archer looks skinny.
His underbelly is turning dark and I'm pretty sure that's a
sign that he's very stressed. I thought maybe he had too many
aggressive tank mates who intimidated him (they don't go after him,
but they do go after the food with a lot of gusto). I tried to distract
the other fish with algae wafers on the bottom of the tank so that he
would have the entire top (and the food on top of the water) to
himself. I don't know what to do at this point.
<My gut feeling is this Archerfish is a brackish water species and
has had enough of being trapped in freshwater. In the wild they move
between fresh and saltwater habitats, and the brackish water species
never do well cooped up in freshwater tanks. A good salinity level
would be SG 1.005, about 9 grammes marine salt mix per litre (1.18 oz
per US gal.). That would be within the tolerances of all three
Archerfish species, making identifying the species less
I've been changing the water once a week (maybe a little more than
that)--about 30-50%. Ph has been pretty steady at 8.2 and the nitrates
and nitrites within safe range.
<What's the "safe" range of nitrite in your opinion?
The correct answer is zero. If you have a non-zero amount of nitrite,
you have a problem.>
I added aquarium salt for freshwater tanks according to the
instructions on the package.
<Useless. Let's be crystal clear on this: aquarium salt is sold
to people 99% of the time without any practical purpose. Indeed, most
people who buy aquarium salt have no idea what it's actually for.
So a quick pop quiz.
What do you think aquarium salt is for? The correct answer is this: as
a medication to treat Ick in freshwater aquaria, for making dips for
shifting flukes on pond fish, or else to detoxify nitrite and nitrate
across the short term. Among the wrong answers are: to raise the pH, to
create hard water, and to make the aquarium safe for brackish water
fish. Aquarium salt does none of these things. Indeed, it's worse
that doing nothing because it creates an illusion you're doing the
right thing. So let's get down to brass tacks here. Archerfish need
MARINE SALT MIX, and they need more of it per litre/gallon of water
than your freshwater fish will tolerate. In the off-chance you have
Toxotes microlepis, then this isn't absolutely essential, though it
helps; but if you have one or other of the two other species, then you
must move the fish to a brackish water aquarium.>
I don't know for how long the person I inherited the tank from had
all of his fish. Most of the fish seem young, though one of the zebra
cichlids is about 5 inches long (the biggest fish in the tank).
Thanks in advance for your help.
Best, Laura
<I hope this clarifies a few things. Bottom line, try moving the
Archer to a brackish water aquarium. If it peps right up, problem
solved. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Archer fish won't eat 12/23/09
Hi, Neale,
<Hello Laura,>
I just wanted to give you a follow-up to my last email. The archer
turned out to be Toxotes jaculatrix.
<Ah, the plot thinnens.>
I moved it to another tank (brackish, with one tank mate). He started
eating within a couple of days--frozen brine shrimp, frozen blood worms
and freeze-dried bloodworms.
I've even seen him spit twice to get food off the aquarium
<Yes, this is great fun. I would do this during water changes. Half
empty the tank, leave the filter running, stick some prawn on the
glass, let the fish spit for their dinner, and then fill the tank bank
up again. Made water changes something to look forward to instead of a
chore. Could even make them events to share with visiting friends! Not
many people can say that about water changes!>
I've named him "Mark Spitz."
Thanks for your help, and Happy Holidays!
<And likewise, to you, happy Christmas too.>
<Cheers, Neale.>
Archerfish, and marine tanks... sys.
1/6/2008 Crew. <Bob,> I was having discussion on whether
archerfish could tolerate full marine salinity. Not being any kind of
expert with any knowledge of archerfish I found this link:
http://www.naturia.per.sg/buloh/verts/archer_fish.htm <A nice page,
but do note this page is talking specifically about Toxotes jaculatrix.
There are something like half a dozen or so species in the archerfish
family Toxotidae, and the majority of species are strictly or mostly
FRESHWATER fish. Only two are euryhaline brackish water fish, Toxotes
chatareus and Toxotes jaculatrix.> Which stated: "Breeding: It
is believed that only the juveniles are found in brackish water while
the adults are more solitary and swim out to the coral reefs to breed.
20,000-150,000 eggs are laid. Only a few reach maturity in 1-2 years.
Young fish have iridescent yellow patches on their upper body between
the dark bands, which perhaps helps them to school together in the
muddy waters. As they get older, patches disappear and the black bands
get shorter and eventually only seen on the uppermost part of the
body" <Hmm... the breeding behaviour of all members of the
Toxotidae is very obscure. The story that they breed on coral reefs, or
at least in the sea, has been around for a while and may well apply to
Toxotes chatareus and Toxotes jaculatrix. But field observations are
lacking, and it certainly isn't true for the freshwater species
such as T. blythi that live far inland.> So I guess so. Another
person posted this from WetWebMedia page:
<This would be me.> "Low salinity brackish water can be
defined as water with a specific gravity (or SG) between 1.002 to
1.005. Two sorts of fish can be kept in low salinity water: true
brackish water species that need slightly brackish water, and species
that are really freshwater fish but happen to be tolerant of slightly
brackish water. Among the true, low salinity brackish water fish are
orange and green Chromides, figure-8 pufferfish, pike livebearers, and
knight gobies. Freshwater fish that happen to tolerate brackish water
include spiny eels, Kribensis, glassfish, the archerfish Toxotes
microlepis, and Florida flagfish. Bumblebee gobies and mollies are
difficult to place in either group, because in the wild both occur
primarily in fresh water. However, in aquaria, they seem to do better
when kept in slightly brackish water." <My article there refers
to Toxotes microlepis, a species that enters slightly brackish water in
parts of its range but is otherwise a true freshwater fish. It
tolerates low salinities, but as salinity goes up, becomes distinctly
nervous and stressed.> There would seem to be some inconsistencies
between these two articles. <Nope, not at all. They're talking
about two different species. Simply because they're in the same
genus, Toxotes, doesn't mean they have identical requirements.
Indeed, what these archerfish effectively do is "divide up"
ecological space between them. One species (T. jaculatrix) inhabits
mangroves and river mouths, and the other (T. microlepis) lives in the
river proper.> Perhaps because the WWM article was aimed at people
keeping brackish tanks. I know from experience that mollies do better
with brackish water but the article is silent on full marine tanks.
<On the whole, Archers do not like to be kept in marine tanks.
Toxotes chatareus and Toxotes jaculatrix can be kept best at SG 1.010
or thereabouts, and all the other species at less than SG 1.005, in
some cases preferably in straightforward hard, neutral to alkaline
freshwater.> Mollies in my experience thrive and breed at marine
salinities. Some aquarium shops even use then to keep the bioload up
while awaiting shipments. <Indeed. But this is different, because
Mollies are hybrids, while Archerfish are rather a selection of species
that come from different habitats. Toxotes chatareus, Toxotes
jaculatrix, and T. microlepis are all widely traded but rarely
identified correctly by retailers. Telling them apart is important if
you want to optimise living conditions, though SG 1.005 will suit them
all just fine if you can't separate them.> I just wondered what
your thoughts are and whether archerfish can be kept at marine
salinities. <There's no real advantage to doing this, and unless
you can securely identify the specimens in your tank, I wouldn't
risk it. Stick a freshwater archer in a marine tank and you'll
probably kill it. At the very least, it won't be very happy.>
Bob <Cheers, Neale.>
55 gallon saltwater setup, & Archer sys... 4/15/07 Hi, I
currently purchased a used 55g bowfront aquarium. Also included were 2
powerfilters (1 filters 60 gallons and the other I THINK filters 45), 1
undergravel filter, a DE filter (I have never heard of these filters
for aquariums, it looks like my pool filter but on a smaller scale!)
<Ah, this is what it is... a Diatomaceous Earth filter... for
periodic (non-continuous) use... See Vortex Products site on the Net,
WWM re... > several heaters, air pumps, and other accessories. What
I would like to do is setup a saltwater aquarium for a Spot-finned
lionfish (Pterois antennata) and a green wolf eel starting now and
finishing by the end of the summer. Is my tank big enough for the
species I have selected? <Mmm, not really indefinitely...> Which
filter would you recommend using? <All the power filters, likely the
undergravel... but you need much more useful knowledge... http://wetwebmedia.com/marsetupindex2.htm> I have been
told to use a mix of live sand and crushed coral for the substrate, is
this ok? <Can/could be> I really don't want a lot of fish
that will overcrowd my tank so I think I will most likely stick with
the two I already mentioned, but, to keep my options open, are there
any other fish that would suit my setup? <... many> What is a
good online retailer to get them from? <Posted...> Also, I have a
30g brackish aquarium with a puffer* and a needle nose gar that has
been setup for 1 year. I would like to add a couple of archers and a
screen section to the top for feed items like crickets for the archers.
the puffer is 4 inches and the gar is 6 inches (neither have grown in
several months). Would this be a suitable setup? <Not likely room
enough... Toxotids need more "running" room than this
arrangement> Thank you for all your time and help. K. Sned * The
puffer was given to me by a friend who bought him from a LFS as a
"black river puffer". She kept him in a 2.5g freshwater tank
(YIKES) with a couple of Monos (DOUBLE YIKES) as she was told this was
a "more than suitable" setup by the LFS. When I got the
puffer he was very dull and had cloudy eyes. I put him in a 10g
hospital tank for several weeks and began to gradually add instant
ocean. I had to entice him to eat with ghost shrimp which he started
taking after a week when he refused all other foods. He is now a bright
brown-almost-gold with spots, a white underbelly, and yellow on his
sides. His eyes are clear and they are a bright blue surrounded by a
reddish orange. <Read my friend... learn to/use the indices, search
tool on WWM... MUCH related material is organized, archived there for
alls perusal, growth, sharing. Bob Fenner>
Puffers & Archers 10/10/06 <Hi Ben,
Pufferpunk here> I am setting up a second tank and I would like to
try brackish. I have been looking at figure of 8 puffers and archer
fish such as Toxotes microlepis, a small scale archerfish which grows
smaller than the rest. I have a 125ltr second tank but could upgrade my
second tank up to 190ltr, if I did upgrade what stocking could I expect
to keep if compatible. T. microlepis is hard to find, so if I got the
common archer which is larger, would this also cause problems in a
190ltr tank? <Yes, since this fish can grow to a foot, it would not
be happy in that size tank. I would stick to 3-4 F8 puffers & BW
gobies.> Thanks for any help you can advise <Please try proper
capitalization in your next letter. Good article on F8s: http://www.thepufferforum.com/articles/puffer/f8puffer.html
Check out the other articles there & the forum also has more info.
~PP> Best Regards Ben
Archer in Freshwater With Lip Fungus 1/25/2006 Hello, my name
is Ruben, <<Hello Ruben.>> I've been trying to get back
into brackish aquariums, and started by purchasing a juvenile archer
about 12 days ago and placed it in a 29-gallon freshwater (converting
to brackish soon) tank. <<Increase SG no more than .002/week to
avoid crashing your bio-filtration. Also keep in mind that you will
need a bigger tank in the future, preferably sooner than later.>>
The tank has been running for well over a year, but it had a trio of
salvini cichlids until I removed them when I brought the archer. My pH
is 7.8, ammonia is 0 and nitrite is about 0.<<?>> The water
quality seems fine to me. However, I noticed the archer had a slight
injury on its lower lip, as if it ran into the aquarium side or
something like that. But on 1/25 I noticed that there is a piece of
skin or something threadlike hanging from the injury and the appearance
of the fungus-like fuzziness. The archer is still eating, it's been
eating frozen Hikari ocean plankton (krill?) quite vigorously.
<<Good.>> I'm still concerned about how to treat this,
because I've done my water changes and kept the water healthy, and
I assumed the injury would have healed itself, not gotten worse (unless
it re-injured it, which I guess isn't that likely?). I've
considered raising the salinity, but I'm not sure if that really
would cure the infection. <<This is exactly what I would suggest,
as per amount stated above. Be sure to keep water as pristine as
possible.>> I assumed the freshwater disease couldn't
tolerate salty water. Do you guys recommend any specific treatment or
medication? I really need assistance on this, thank you! Have a great
day. <<You too. Glad to help. Lisa.>>
Brackish beginner - 12/11/05 Hi, I'm an slightly
experienced freshwater owner. <Hello... John here this evening>
After quitting the hobby for four and a half years, I'm ready for
more! I was planning on making a freshwater aquarium with tetras,
platies, and all the skittish fish. But I read a really neat article
about Archer Fish. It appealed to me, and now I am seriously
considering turning a 36x12x21" (40 gal) tank into a brackish
aquarium. Is keeping a brackish fish difficult for a person like me?
<I don't know you ;)... but, no, it shouldn't be.> Some
other fish I'd like are monos, bumblebees, scats, and puffers.
<These can't go in together... a 40g is too small for monos or
scats. Most puffers are best kept alone.> If they grow too large,
then I won't get them, but I'd really like Archer fish. <I
would recommend a larger system for archers... 55 gallons minimum...
even larger is better, due to their size and need to be kept in
groups..> And one thing: I'm an 8th grader with a $10 allowance
weekly, so tell me if I could afford it, too. <I suggest you look
into smaller fish - a couple of figure-eight puffers or a few bumblebee
gobies for this system.> Thanks ahead of time for your valuable
response! <You're welcome! Best regards, John.>
New Archer / Brackish or Salt tank? Hello all, thanks for
your time. <And you for yours> New to WWM, but have been reading
here for some time. I have experience enjoying various African FW
species of fish. 10 yrs ago I had a 39gal FW tank with a
"BioWheel" and "Magnum canister filter", also under
gravel with lots of plants and natural cover. Interested in getting
back into it again, but I am ready to move to a brackish / salt setup.
I have been diving for 15+ years and now I live in Florida and want to
set up an archer tank. I am inspired by the Waikiki aquarium for their
reef display, while also reading all I can find about growing
mangroves. <Have seen, admired this tank, system many times. Have
some pix of the fishes in there on WWM> WWM and elsewhere have been
good resources so far regarding research for setup of a new brackish /
marine system for our living room. However, now I am stuck, and request
your assistance estimating setup. Ideally a 220-450 gallon saltwater
tank incorporating mangroves, sea grass, live sand, live rock,
driftwood and eventually archers. <Neat!> I have considered a
flatter style acrylic tank 60x60x30. The idea is to simulate a
"standing in water" perspective for the viewer, looking
toward a planted shoreline with the back of the tank open above the
sand bank for the mangroves growth. I plan to suspend them for root
growth initially and then plant them partially submerged. I have read
in various areas on WWM and other websites that 4-6 inches of sand is
recommended for live sea grass, and that the mangroves will grow in the
same medium. Also, that the archers are primarily brackish water fish,
<Mmm, as young... more full marine as adults> but after speaking
with the Waikiki aquarium manager he stated that they are now doing
fine in full salt at the new setup they are using at the aquarium,
hence the idea to go salt instead of brackish. Imitation is the finest
form of flattery. I would like a similar setup. Admittedly, I lack the
knowledge, on my own at this point, to set it up alone. I would like to
use a "recommended" WWM staff step by step method for
starting this project ideally. I am not afraid of DIY projects and
would like to contribute the findings of successes / failures to your
readers. Here are my questions: What is the most ideal, low
maintenance, natural filtration that would support this system? <A
living sump outside the main display... with the addition of an easy to
clean canister filter (Eheim, my choice) for easily adding chemical
filtrants, mechanically "polishing" the water> I would
love to set up something with live rock, but don't know about size
of refugium for water quality, filtration issues? <Live rock (with
lighting) is excellent, refugium as large as possible> Other
thoughts include necessary lighting, <Lighting can be of a few
sorts... Boosted fluorescents, possibly with one, two metal halides,
all on an arrangement that can be raised over time...> and how and
where to drill/plumb this orientation of tank. <Likely stand pipes
(sleeved) through fittings from the bottom will be best here... easiest
to modify, service...> How to imitate circulation of water if the
tank is only half full for feeding the archers. <Discharges can be
fitted over, through the sides, even the bottom if you'd like...
circular water movement best> I am waiting for delivery of
"Natural Reef Aquariums" and Anthony Calfo's book on
"Reef Invertebrates" that I think will address many of these
issues. Right now I'm trying to get a jumpstart on where to look
for areas that many not be addressed in this book. <Mmm, you have a
good set of ideas, beginnings here... the place where you will situate
this system... strong enough, perhaps overhead natural lighting?
Electrical, water, drain access? Maybe an adjoining room to place
mechanicals, controllers?> Please give me your suggestions. Thanks
in advance, great resource, keep on keepin' on you guys/gals are
great. I also posted some of this question initially in the brackish
forum, in hopes others might help. <I do hope they will chime in as
well. Jeni/Pufferpunk of our crew likely has many worthwhile
suggestions. Bob Fenner>
New Archer / Brackish or Salt tank? Hello all, thanks for
your time. <And you for yours> New to WWM, but have been reading
here for some time. I have experience enjoying various African FW
species of fish. 10 yrs ago I had a 39gal FW tank with a
"Biowheel" and "Magnum canister filter", also under
gravel with lots of plants and natural cover. Interested in getting
back into it again, but I am ready to move to a brackish / salt setup.
I have been diving for 15+ years and now I live in Florida and want to
set up an archer tank. I am inspired by the Waikiki aquarium for their
reef display, while also reading all I can find about growing
mangroves. <Have seen, admired this tank, system many times. Have
some pix of the fishes in there on WWM> WWM and elsewhere have been
good resources so far regarding research for setup of a new brackish /
marine system for our living room. However, now I am stuck, and request
your assistance estimating setup. Ideally a 220-450 gallon saltwater
tank incorporating mangroves, sea grass, live sand, live rock,
driftwood and eventually archers. <Neat!> I have considered a
flatter style acrylic tank 60x60x30. The idea is to simulate a
"standing in water" perspective for the viewer, looking
toward a planted shoreline with the back of the tank open above the
sand bank for the mangroves growth. I plan to suspend them for root
growth initially and then plant them partially submerged. I have read
in various areas on WWM and other websites that 4-6 inches of sand is
recommended for live sea grass, and that the mangroves will grow in the
same medium. Also, that the archers are primarily brackish water fish,
<Mmm, as young... more full marine as adults> but after speaking
with the Waikiki aquarium manager he stated that they are now doing
fine in full salt at the new setup they are using at the aquarium,
hence the idea to go salt instead of brackish. Imitation is the finest
form of flattery. I would like a similar setup. Admittedly, I lack the
knowledge, on my own at this point, to set it up alone. I would like to
use a "recommended" WWM staff step by step method for
starting this project ideally. I am not afraid of DIY projects and
would like to contribute the findings of successes / failures to your
readers. Here are my questions: What is the most ideal, low
maintenance, natural filtration that would support this system? <A
living sump outside the main display... with the addition of an easy to
clean canister filter (Eheim, my choice) for easily adding chemical
filtrants, mechanically "polishing" the water> I would
love to set up something with live rock, but don't know about size
of refugium for water quality, filtration issues? <Live rock (with
lighting) is excellent, refugium as large as possible> Other
thoughts include necessary lighting, <Lighting can be of a few
sorts... Boosted fluorescents, possibly with one, two metal halides,
all on an arrangement that can be raised over time...> and how and
where to drill/plumb this orientation of tank. <Likely stand pipes
(sleeved) through fittings from the bottom will be best here... easiest
to modify, service...> How to imitate circulation of water if the
tank is only half full for feeding the archers. <Discharges can be
fitted over, through the sides, even the bottom if you'd like...
circular water movement best> I am waiting for delivery of
"Natural Reef Aquariums" and Anthony Calfo's book on
"Reef Invertebrates" that I think will address many of these
issues. Right now I'm trying to get a jumpstart on where to look
for areas that many not be addressed in this book. <Mmm, you have a
good set of ideas, beginnings here... the place where you will situate
this system... strong enough, perhaps overhead natural lighting?
Electrical, water, drain access? Maybe an adjoining room to place
mechanicals, controllers?> Please give me your suggestions. Thanks
in advance, great resource, keep on keepin' on you guys/gals are
great. I also posted some of this question initially in the brackish
forum, in hopes others might help. <I do hope they will chime in as
well. Jeni/Pufferpunk of our crew likely has many worthwhile
suggestions. Bob Fenner>
Can archerfish be kept in seawater? I just read your very
nice web page on archerfish. I'm wondering whether you know how
well they fare in 100% seawater, 100% of the time? I know they can be
found in full strength seawater in the wild, but I don't know
whether they can live under those conditions continuously (my guess is
they can, but I don't know for sure). <I have seen Toxotes
joculator kept in all-marine water, but this was not a permanent
placement... and as far as I'm aware all archerfish species are
either freshwater or tend from fresh to brackish. Not totally
marine> I'd love to add a compartment to my large reef system
(in my teaching lab) especially for archerfish (an extra tank plumbed
into the main system...this would make life much easier since I would
not have to worry about maintaining water quality in a separate system,
and the extra tank could function to some extent as a refugium for some
very small creatures that the archers would likely ignore). Thanks,
Bill Capman <Worth trying, but I don't think this will work out
long-term. Am going to send your message to Ananda (much more versed at
brackish topics than I) for her input. Bob Fenner> Bill Capman