FAQs about the Clownfish
Identification 3
FAQs on:
Identification 1, Clownfish
Identification 2, Clownfish
Identification 4,
Related FAQs: Clownfishes 1, Clownfishes 2, Clownfishes 3, Clownfish Selection, Clownfish Compatibility, Clownfish Behavior, Clownfish Systems, Clownfish Feeding, Maroon Clownfish, Clownfish Diseases I & Clownfish Diseases 2, Clownfish Diseases 3, Brooklynellosis, Anemones & Clownfishes, Breeding Clowns,
Related Articles: Clownfishes, Brooklynellosis,

Id of clownfish 7/16/15
Hi Robert,
I was told to contact you that you might be able to help me id a clownfish.
I believe it's a female saddle back. It is 8 cm in length.
I was told originally it was sebae or clarkii.
Thanks in advance
<Mmm; looks like a female Amphiprion polymnus to me as well. Bob Fenner>
Adam Smith
re: Id of clownfish
Hi Bob
Thanks for the quick Id.
Collected this the other day
/Cam 12/11/14
Id help please. Is this just juvenile coloration?
<... a cross? Twixt... Chrysopterus and Premnas? B>
Regards Cameron
.JPG) |
We don't get Premnas here!???
<So rare I don't recall seeing it
there, but according to Fishbase.org by a search of Fiji marines:
going to send your image and query to a friend (Matt Pedersen) who knows MUCH
more re. BobF>
Cameron Bee |
Re: Collected this the other day
/Matt & RMF
Morning Bob & Cameron,
First, here’s what we know is in Fiji.
Chrysopterus, Pacificus, Perideraion and Barberi. Do you have
Sandaracinos there? Am I missing any?
<Mmm, no sandaricinos; but a couple of
Thinking about the nature of babies of the Tomato complex, it is fair to
say that a fish this small, if it was pure Barberi, could have more than one
stripe. That said, I was shipped a small barberi earlier this summer that
was probably comparable in size and it was already down to a single
<Ahh; Cam; do you have this fish still? Can you get some others... to send about
for DNA work et morphometrics look/see?>
That means this fish must have Chrysopterus in it. Now, I cannot rule
this out as simply being a very small, very pure Chrysopterus on it’s own
account. After all, Chrysopterus is called the “Orange Fin”
clownfish. That said Cameron, I’m guessing you’ve seen baby Fijian
Chrysopterus at this size and THEY don’t look like THIS, YES?
<They def. do NOT.
Are vibrant colored, much like those in Indo.>
without your answer, my idea of baby chrysopterus is that they would include the
white “tail flag” that most clarkii complex juveniles have...this fish lacks
that. What would cause that to not be present? The influence of
something else.
My gut, when I saw this fish, was that it reminded me of another hybrid
I’ve seen; Clarkii X Frenatus out of the Philippines (see attached images from
Barnett Shutman / RVS Fishworld). So my guess, if this is a hybrid (which
I think it probably is) is that this would be Chrysopterus X Barberi.
don't have Shutman's email addy. Do add him here if you do Matt>
I would love to see a chrysopterus at this size for comparison, that would
firm up the hybrid suspicions. Without that, my gut reaction before I
thought this through was the Chrysopterus X Barberi mix. <Mmm; a bit too red...
hence my Premnas guess. Cam, does this fish bear much of opercular spinage?>
In my clownfish
articles and presentation, I’ve tried to convey an idea that’s difficult to put
into words – similar crosses between similar species produce similar
results. This could be manifest in the resent example of fish which look
like Leucokranos being found in Indonesia, where the requisite Chrysopterus
parent is absent. The suspected parentage there is Clarkii X Sandaracinos.
This is also another example of why I lean towards the parentage I suggested...I
suspect I’d have a good idea what the hybrid of Chrysopterus X Pacificus or
Perideraion would look like, and it wouldn’t be THIS fish shown in your
I’d hold onto it a little bit and let it grow up before shipping it
out....get some good photos of it as it develops.
<Thank you for your input Matt. Cam is likely sleeping at this time. Cheers,
BobF> |
Re: Collected this the other day
Awesome info, thanks. Firstly I haven't seen a chrysopterus this small yet,
strange I know! This guy caught my eye by accident (same dive with weird things
happening Bob) I have a video of it on my Facebook page in HD for better
<I see>
There was, in that area, both chrysopterus and tomatoes. My initial thought was
that it could be just a juvenile blue stripe but a some
thing was different about
it, stuck way down in a crack, out if view, it really caught my eye, and that
happens subconsciously when things are out of the norm.
Thank you for the input
guys, THIS is why the internet was invented, love it.
<Me too!>
I will keep it, although would like to ship it to you Matt just for the safety
aspect alone. (Fijian brain = oh why is this small clown and anemone put
especially in this area, must be a reject, I will throw it out)
I just had the only pink Acropora granulosa I have ever seen in my life, taken
out of the tank and left to dry as they thought it was bleaching!
I will digest all that info Matt, just woke up, but I see where you are going. I
have to firm up what a juvenile blue stripe looks like, that is my first step.
will keep you posted
Thank you
Regards, Cameron Bee
<And you Cam. B> |
Re: Collected this the other day
/Matt & RMF
So I found this - https://www.flickr.com/photos/94013673@N04/9681887973
<see below>
That’s what I would more or less expect a juvenile of the clarkii complex
to appear; note the “White flag” on the top of the tail. Your fish lacks
that. This juvenile, which can only be chrysopterus (as Clarkii isn’t present in
Fiji) also has bright yellow fins, which again is what I would expect a baby
Chrysopterus to have. The strong orange coloration
I know you refer to the red clowns there as Tomato, but I should point out
that “Tomato”, which is A. frenatus, doesn’t exist in Fiji. Those are A.
barberi ( more here –>
I completely understand why Bob leans towards Premnas biaculeatus being
involved in this, but simply put, other than Fishbase’s records which appear to
not be terribly reliable, I cannot place Premnas in Fiji to parent such a fish.
Have you ever seen a Maroon Clownfish in Fiji? I can’t find any reliable
records that actually put it there.
<I have no pix of Premnas from FJ, nor do I
recall ever seeing it there, or others mentioning it>
We could of course, talk about such a fish coming over from another island
group, but it would have to have come from the west. What’s west of Fiji?
Vanuatu and New Caledonia. Are there maroons in Vanuatu? Yes, there
are according to FishBase (it represents the easternmost range). So the
real question is, could a larval clownfish from Vanuatu (or New Caledonia) make
its way to Fiji? It’s possible, but the reality is that we can look at the
number of endemics that are found in Fiji/Tonga and realize there’s a
biogeographic barrier between Fiji and the groups to the west. This is why
Vanuatu and New Caledonia have different “Chrysopterus” than those found in Fiji
/ Tonga.
So the process of elimination says that whatever this fish is,
it mostly is from Fiji, and not outside. The short larval period of
clownfish bolsters that assertion (researchers only proved something like a 250
mile range recently...that’s far, but I suspect Vanuatu is boatloads
<Yes... 1,211 km.>
If this fish was parented in Fiji, that restricts us to what’s found in
Fiji. That means that there is only one clownfish that could contribute a
Three Stripe pattern, and that’s Chrysopterus. ANY of the skunk types
found in Fiji would have strong influence to remove body stripes (this is
evidenced in both leucokranos and thiellei). So that rules out any of the skunk
types as a possible parent. If none of the skunks can be a parent, process
of elimination means that Barberi is the ONLY species left to be a candidate,
never mind that it is also the only one native and present that could contribute
the red shade seen in this fish. So therefore it can only be the hybrid of
A. (chrysopterus X barberi). And the only other candidate I’m currently
aware of would be Premnas biaculeatus.....but only if we can prove it being in
Fiji. Still, your observation of what was generally around, and frankly what is
generally seen in quantity in Fiji, suggests that Chrysopterus, Barberi and
Perideraion are the predominant species. So whether a hybrid pair exists (or
existed out there) or this was a case of accidental fertilization (sperm
drifting over from one pair to fertilize the actively-spawning nest of another
pair), the odds simply would seem to favor Chrysopterus X Barberi as well.
Growing it up a bit should confirm it.
I should also point out, I would sit here and say if the coloration alone
were different, I couldn’t immediately jump to the hybrid conclusion...it could
be something influenced by diet. It’s the unusual third stripe formation
(which would disappear as Chrysopterus ages) that really clinches the hybrid
nature of the baby fish for me.
More as I can...have spent the last 48 hours home with our daughter with a
103.7F fever. I’m getting nothing...NOTHING done!<Yikes; do what is most
important... your daughter's health>
<Am going to ask Walt Smith and Bruce Carlson re whether they've seen
Premnas in FJ. Cheers, BobF> |
Re: Collected this the other day
/Matt & RMF
And now I can see the video on Facebook, and it
shows me the fish residing in E. quadricolor.
Have you ever seen A. chrysopterus ever in E.
quadricolor on the reef there in Fiji?
<Yes; quite common>
From looking at all the Fiji photos, it looks
like Barberi takes over E. quadricolor, with
Chrysopterus in other species. This strongly
pushes us towards Barberi from a host
perspective (I should note that IF there was P.
biaculeatus in Fiji, it would also use E.
So really here Cameron, the only thing to do
would be to grow it up to about 1.5” in size. By
that point, if it was a pure A. barberi, it
should only have a headstripe and be visible as
such. In the meantime, I should just ask Dustin
Dorton how many stripes A. barberi settles out
with. If three, then there could still be a
chance for this to simply be a juvenile A.
barberi. If he says two (which is what my
Sumatran Fires do) then this is a hybrid.
<Cheers, B> |
Re: Collected this the other day.
Walt, Bruce: Premnas in FJ?
/Cam & RMF
Here are some more shots to look at
<Ah yes... much more like A. barberi and A.
chrysopterus cross. BobF>
Cameron Bee |
.jpg) |
Re: Collected this the other day. Walt, Bruce: Premnas in FJ?
Here are some assorted shots of fish in system showing white tail flag as Matt
refers to on some pretty small chrysopterus and some variations on other clowns
as well. There is a substantial colour difference between this and the smallest
chrysopterus (still about double the size of this specimen) in photos and
lacking that white tail flag.
Cameron Bee |
A. barberi, A. chrysopterus adult and juv. |
Re: Collected this the other day. Walt, Bruce: Premnas in FJ?
/Walt & RMF 12/11/14
Hi Bob, Matt and all,
<Hey Walt>
When Cameron showed me this fish in the tank I was really interested and
confused as well. It is a real beauty (albeit tiny) of some specie and
to me fin structure does not resemble Premnas.
<Seeing the later, larger pix, I do agree>
They seem to have slightly longer pectorals but it is the body length in
proportion to depth that is also confusing. While the chrysopterus usually has a
little wider profile the barberi and peridion types are even more pronounced in
However the fish is still very juvenile but its elongated shape has me stumped.
There are no Premnas in Fiji. At least in my 19+ years here I have never seen
one and our divers have never brought on in.
<Me neither>
Having said that I do suspect that we might be surprised what we will find when
we finally are able to reach the far northern tip of Vanua Levu.
Right now the location is too far for our divers to reach with the boats we
currently use but we are in the process of refitting our biggest boat for
use up there. It is the third largest barrier reef in the world and since
there is no tourism it is largely unexplored and unreported in any
We are finding some really amazing and unexpected fish south of this
location (as far as we can currently reach) with fish that are not
generally expected to be found in Fiji or Vanuatu.
When talking with the locals from up there and showing
them photos they swear there are Percula in the far
north but I would consider this highly unreliable information since they
have a tendency to tell you almost anything they think you want to hear.
For the moment I would have to agree with Bob "much more like A. barberi and
A. chrysopterus cross" and since we have never seen anything like this
before this is probably the case of a variant. Although we do see Barberi
with a mid-body stripe from time to time but the oval shape is always
My 2 cents!
<Thanks mate. BobF> |
Re: Collected this the other day.
Walt, Bruce: Premnas in FJ?
Nope, no Premnas or A. clarkii in Fiji. Only the
species already mentioned: chrysopterus,
pacificus, perideraion and barberi.
Attached is video of a typical A. chrysopterus
juvenile with an adult (yes, the anemone is
bleached. I shot this during the big bleaching
event in 2000).
The red color of the fish in your photos is
interesting and perhaps it could have some “red”
genes from barberi. Beyond that I can only
<Thanks Bruce. BobF>
vid. 1> |
Re: Collected this the other day.
Walt, Bruce: Premnas in FJ?
OK, I knew I had some video of a juvenile
Anemonefish that looked very similar to the
“unknown” Fiji juvenile. Attached is that video.
It is a juvenile Premnas from the Solomon
Islands. Sure looks like the mystery Fiji fish
doesn’t it?
<Ah yes>
So maybe a Premnas did make its way over to
Fiji. Unlikely but not impossible.
<Thanks again Bruce. B>
vid. 2> |
Re: Collected this the other day.
Walt, Bruce: Premnas in FJ?
I should back up a bit on that last message. I
have that video clip filed under “Premnas” but I
only assumed that is what it was when I observed
<Heeeeee! See where I jumped as well>
It was a “very tiny” fish as you can see - not
much larger than the bubble tips on the anemone.
There were many other Premnas in that area so I
assumed it was a juvenile Premnas. Whatever it
is, it does look very much like the Fiji
<B> |
Re: Collected this the other day.
Walt, Bruce: Premnas in FJ?
/Matt & RMF
Walt, Cameron, Bob, Bruce,
I am solidly convinced that’s what we’re looking
at as I initially proposed this morning.
The feedback from Dustin is that their A.
barberi juveniles settle out with 2-3 stripes
(which is to be expected), which means there
would be no immediately genetic influence to
wipe out the mid and caudal stripes at
settlement time (which is different than what
happens with Leucokranos, where stripes are
likely prevented from ever forming).
I would expect this fish to lose its tailstripe
as it grows, as both parental species lack the
tailstripe but Chrysopterus clearly has one as a
juvenile, with remnants possible into adulthood
on the Fijian fish. The similar (Clarkii X
Frenatus) from the Philippines also shows a lack
of a tail stripe, so I see no reason for that to
not happen here as the fish grows.
Whether the midstripe stays, and to what extent,
remains to be seen. Tomatoes seem to reduce but
not eliminate midstripes in their hybrids, and
at times they can even leave all three stripes
(e.g.. Premnas biaculeatus X A. frenatus, also
from the Philippines). I’m inclined to think the
midstripe will stay into adulthood, given what
we see from the two Clarkii X Frenatus specimens
I shared from Barnett’s photo library.
The clearer images that this fish absolutely
isn’t a juvenile Premnas biaculeatus; note the
dorsal flag still present on this juvenile;
Premnas don’t have that. That is a feature that
likely can only have come from A. chrysopterus;
while I don’t have images of tiny juvenile A.
<Will attach my best here Matt>
my work with Ephippium and the images for
Frenatus juveniles pretty clearly show that
there is not a white margin on the soft dorsal
even at their very youngest (when they are “most
Given all these realities, this fish MUST have
A. chrysopterus in it; they’re no other
candidate source for that trait. While the
orange-red coloration could have been from diet
or some other external factor, the lack of a
caudal “flag” on this juvenile is a glaring
omission that steers me away from this being
simply an aberrant A. chrysopterus. The lack of
this defining juvenile characteristic could
easily be explained by Barberi’s influence, and
if we take that in combination with the red
influence, I see no other option for the
parentage of this really unique fish. It must be
A. (chrysopterus “Fiji” X barberi “Fiji”).
Unless of course there’s some fifth new never
before seen species in Fiji
<Cheers, BobF> |
.JPG) |
Re: Collected this the other day.
Walt, Bruce: Premnas in FJ?
Bruce, mind sending that video along to me (I
only received the “typical chrysopterus” one).
Would be curious to see this other fish you’re
writing about!
<Don't think Bruce will mind if I send it here.
BobF> |
Re: Collected this the other day.
Walt, Bruce: Premnas in FJ?
Bruce sent it last night and I pass along some
ideas on what it is. Here's a synopsis!
<Ah good>
Bruce is right, it IS very similar to this fish
found by Cameron. The location Bruce gave was
the Solomons; I can eliminate it as being a pure
Premnas as an ID due to the Dorsal Flag (not to
mention the wide stripes, and the fact that
Premnas from that region as babies shouldn’t be
dark and if they were, they'd have dark fins,
not dark bodies).
It does appear to be a hybrid fish as well,
given the soft dorsal flag but lack of a caudal
flag. The patterning is near identical to
Cameron's fish (which I'm going to dub the "Red
Bee" ;) ). I would have considered this fish to
be a pure baby Clarkii, but again, the lack of
the juvenile caudal flag and the dark coloration
overall would steer me away from that idea,
especially since the melanistic forms of Clarkii
are not said to reside in E. quadricolor (where
this baby is)
I also noticed that Bruce's fish appears to have
black ventral/pelvic fins.
Melanopus is the tomato-complex species in the
region, and melanopus has black ventral fins.
Compare to Cameron's fish, which I am now firmly
confident can only be Chrysopterus X Barberi;
both those fish have light ventrals (yellow or
red respectively), so Cameron's fish has light
ventrals as well. Bruce's has black ventrals.
Both Chrysopterus and Melanopus have black
ventrals, as do melanistic clarkii, in the
Solomons. If I look at this fish my guess is
that it is a Melanopus X Clarkii/Chrysopterus.
Had the fish been collected and grown up, we
might see some trait from Clarkii or
Chrysopterus come through that would make an ID
easier. But, given the similarities between
Cameron's juvenile Chrysopterus "Fiji" X Barberi
and the earlier Philippines-sourced Frenatus X
Clarkii, it's difficult to pin down any
particularly clarkii trait in that fish that
doesn't more or less look the same as a
chrysopterus trait in Cameron's fish. Which
means there's probably no way to tell which
clarkii-complex fish parented Bruce's Solomon
Island's baby. I welcome ideas; the closest I've
come is to note that the ventral fin is still
orange, but both clarkii and chrysopterus as
juveniles there should have light fins, so the
lack of a black anal fin sadly would not point
us towards clarkii and away from chrysopterus.
Had the
fish grown up and had fully black undercarriage,
or more importantly developed a white tail (both
Melanopus and Chrysopterus in Solomons have
white tails), I would have leaned strongly
towards chrysopterus vs. clarkii.
<Thank you for summing up Matt. B> |