Related FAQs: Clownfishes, Clownfishes 2, Clownfishes 3,
Identification, Clownfish
Selection, Clownfish
Compatibility, Clownfish
Compatibility 2, Clownfish
Compatibility 3, Clownfish
Behavior, Clown
Behavior 2, Clown Behavior 3,
Clown Behavior 4, Clown Behavior 5, Clown Behavior 6, & Clownfish Systems, Clownfish Feeding, Maroon Clownfish, Maroon Clowns 2, Clownfish Diseases 1, Clownfish Diseases 2, Clownfish Diseases
3, Clownfish Disease 4,
Clownfish Disease 5, Clownfish Disease 6, Clownfish Disease 7, Clownfish Disease 8, Clownfish Disease 9, Clownfish Disease 10, Clownfish Disease 11, Clownfish Disease 12, Clownfish Disease 13, Clownfish Disease 14, Clownfish Disease 15,
Clownfish Disease 16,
Clownfish Disease 17,
Clownfish Disease 18,
Clownfish Disease 19,
Clownfish Disease 20,
Clownfish Disease 21,
Clownfish Disease 22,
Clownfish Disease 24,
Clownfish Disease 25,
Clownfish Disease 26,
Clownfish Disease 27, &
Breeding Clowns,
Reproduction 2,
Reproduction 3,
Reproduction 3, Clownfish Breeding 4,
Clownfish Breeding 5,
Clownfish Breeding 6, &
Clownfish and
Anemones, Clownfish/Anemones 2,
Clownfish/Anemones 3,
Clownfish/Anemones 4,
Clownfish/Hosts 5,
Anemones & Clowns 1,
Anemones & Clowns 2,
Damsel Selection,
Damsel Compatibility,
Damsel Feeding,
Damsel Disease,
Damsel Reproduction,
Related Articles: Maroon Clowns,
Premnas Pix,
/The Conscientious Marine
The Clownfishes,
Damsels of the subfamily Amphiprionae, Part 6
Part 1 ,
Part 2,
Part 3,
Part 4,
Part 5,
Part 7,
Part 8
By Bob Fenner
2) "Skunk Clowns", aptly named for
their striped markings. A. perideraion, A. akallopisos, A.
sandaracinos, A. leukocranos..
Amphiprion akallopisos Bleeker 1853, Skunk
Anemonefish. Pink to orangish in color, with narrow white
mid-line stripe. Indian Ocean; Madagascar, Seychelles to Andaman
Sea and Java. To four inches in length. Naturally found in
Heteractis magnifica and Stichodactyla mertensii as
is this specimen in the Seychelles.

Amphiprion leucokranos
Allen 1973, the White-Bonnet Anemonefish. (*A nomen nudum,
non-species cross between A. chrysopterus and A.
sandaracinos). Has a large tear-drop white mark on head and
patch on side of head. To three and a half inches length. This one
photographed at the Birch Aquarium, San Diego. |

Bigger PIX:
The images in this table are linked
to large (desktop size) copies. Click on "framed" images
to go to the larger size. |

Amphiprion pacificus Allen,
Drew & Fenner 2010, the Fijian Anemonefish. |
Bigger PIX:
The images in this table are linked to large
(desktop size) copies. Click on "framed" images to go to
the larger size. |
Amphiprion sandaracinos Allen 1972, the
Yellow or Eastern Skunk Clownfish. Indo-West Pacific; Christmas
Island and Western Australia in the eastern Indian Ocean to the
Ryukyu and Solomon Islands in the western Pacific. Note the
orange body color and wide white stripe that extends down to the
upper lip, differentiating this from other "Skunk
Clowns". One in Pulau Redang, Malaysia, another in N.
Sulawesi. |
Bigger PIX:
The images in this table are linked
to large (desktop size) copies. Click on "framed" images
to go to the larger size. |
Part 1 ,
Part 2,
Part 3,
Part 4,
Part 5,
Part 7,
Part 8