FAQs about Electricity and Aquarium Systems
Related Articles: Marine Electrical, Surviving extended power
outages: how to keep your aquarium alive! By Mike Maddox and
Merritt Adkins Marine Aquarium Light
Fixtures and Canopies, GFCIs and Marine
Related FAQs: Electricity 1, Electricity 2, Energy Consumption/Conservation, Electrical Consumption Measure, Electricity Back-up/Generation, Lighting Costs, Pump Energy Use,
Costs, Shorts/Shocks,
Dangers! Grounding Probes, Power Outages, GFCIs and Marine Aquariums, Surge Devices, Grounding Probes,

A good idea (at the SIO Birch Aq.); using zip-ties to
securely fasten down electrics, poles to coil cords.
220v Powerhead on 120v Outlet
(!) 5/8/14
I just ordered a Sicce Voyager Nano 1000 powerhead. Since these aren't
available for purchase in the U.S. I had to order it from Germany.
I completely forgot about Europeans using 220v
<And 50, not 60 Hertz>
so now I'm trying to figure out if I can get away with just using a
simple prong-converting adapter or if I have to get a step up/down
transformer to bring the 120v up to 220v. It's only a 2.8 watt powerhead
so I know it
doesn't require much voltage but don't know enough about electrical
circuitry to know if this can be done safely - or at all.
What are your thoughts on this?
<Unplug it now if you haven't done so already. Write the manufacturer
There are adapters available... See the Net re.
Bob Fenner>
Wondering If I'm too late... SW, electricity
I have a 250 gallon, deep dimension (60" x 37" x 27") tank with an ASM
G-4 skimmer in a sump. The inhabitants are a purple tang,
sohal tang, emperor angel, lemon peel angel, and a banded cat shark
<DO keep your eye on this shark... in time it may consume your other
hatched in March of 2013.. The tank has been established for nearly 4
years now.
I noticed the emperor angel took on a pale color over the last month or
He is still a juvenile, so I assumed he was going through his color
But the other night, I noticed my once healthy shark started swimming
<Mmm; chemical filtrants... a search for something here... Color/s on
PolyFilter... Do this now>
Last night, his condition worsened and he was just laying on his side. I
noticed my nitrates were on the higher side (somewhere between 10-20
PPM), so I immediately did a water change. I then did some reading and
learned about stray voltage. I did a test and -- here's where it get's
weird; using the ground socket of one outlet, I got a reading of 3.9V.
On another, I got as high as 29V.
<Ah yes... not actually unusual... Time for a skilled electrician to
visit; check all; perhaps replace some circuit breakers... I would at
least avail yourself of "surge protection" type gear to plug all in>
Either way, I figured this is a problem. I ordered a grounding probe,
<Better to fix such problems at their source, rather than drain off the
excess voltage through the system>
and made sure the electrical cords from the lights no longer touch the
frame. I also removed an older powerhead.
Do you think the shark has a chance to recover, or did I catch all of
this too late?
<As long as their is life there is hope. You may quote me.
Bob Fenner>
Re: Wondering If I'm too late 2/14/14
Thanks so much Bob!!
<Welcome Rob. B>
Digital Aquatics Reef Keeper Lite Plus, GFCI use
I just purchased a Digital Aquatics Reef Keeper Lite Plus system and
was wondering about certain connections that are available in there
<their> manual. I will be plugging in my chiller, chiller pump,
lights, fans heater and power heads to the PC4's power bars. My
question is should i <I> plug the PC4's into a standard
wall outlet or should i <I> replace the wall outlet with a
gfci/gfci adapter?
<A GFCI is a must for your safety. Because digital components
operate on very low voltages, a grounded system is a must to prevent
fluctuations in voltage and current on the mother board or CPC (central
printed circuit board).>
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
Wet Power Strip, "not for use
underwater" 7/24/11
Hi Bob,
<Hey James>
Take a look at this new "wet power strip", watch the
demonstration video but don't spend too much time looking at the
lab angel's legs. :-).
<Ahh, Jolin!>
I believe Premium Aquatics is going to carry these units.
<Seventy dollars, but interesting concept. BobF>
re: Wet Power Strip 7/24/11
Just got word that Premium is selling them for 59.95. Not a bad price
pay for safety.
<I'd still wire through a GFI circuit. B>
Electricity And A Saltwater Aquarium 3/13/10
<Hello Shawn>
I have a few questions relative to electricity and the saltwater
I have a Smart UPS that I am using to provide power and back up a 30
gallon fish and invertebrate aquarium. I have the UPS plugged into a
GFCI outlet and various submersible pumps and a heater plugged into the
UPS outlets.
Is this the proper setup when using a UPS? I am not sure if the UPS
outlets are in turn protected by the GFCI outlet.
<Anything plugged into the GFCI outlet will be protected. Do ensure
that your UPS has the capability of handling the wattage/current of the
devices plugged into it.>
I have also measured stray voltage to be around 40Vac by using a
multimeter with 1 probe in the sump water and the other in the ground
of an outlet.
Is this considered a normal reading?
<You should read 0 providing there is indeed a ground wire hooked up
to the outlet ground. If your home is an older home, the old two prong
outlets may have been replaced with grounded outlets to avoid the use
of adapters and it is possible that no ground wire is connected to the
ground terminal.
I would recommend the use of a ground probe even though you are using a
GFCI. Sounds like one of your devices has a voltage/current leak and
I'm sure this device had this problem before you plugged it into
the GFCI and is the reason why the GFCI did not trip. GFCI circuitry
measures current going into the device on the hot leg and looks for the
same current on the return leg (common). If the slightest change
occurs, it will trip. If the device was defective/leaking before you
plugged it into the GFCI, (and this is why I recommend a ground probe
in addition to the GFCI) it would not know the device is defective as
it sees no current change going into and out of it. If the device went
bad/leaked while plugged into the GFCI, it would trip, as it would
sense a current change going into and out of the device.>
I do not have a ground probe and have seen much debate on whether they
actually provide additional safety. Would you recommend a ground
The tank has been running for 1 year with this voltage present.
<You need to set up your multimeter in the manner you mentioned
above, then unplug one device at a time until you read 0 voltage, once
the culprit device is found, I would strongly recommend replacing it.
Do make sure your multimeter is set to AC voltage and select volts, do
not use the millivolt setting. If you were grounded when you placed
your hands in the tank, the GFCI would instantly trip as it would sense
a loss of current, as much of it would be going through you to
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
Re Electricity And A Saltwater Aquarium 3/15/10
Thanks for the advice.
<You're welcome, Shawn.>
I have a new home and the GFCI outlet is new with proper grounding.
However I would like some further clarification regarding your
suggestion that the stray voltage reading should be 0. Do you mean with
a ground probe installed?
I made some more detailed measurements and each device was tested
separately without any other devices plugged in. All devices are less
than a year old and are located in my sump/skimmer.
Pump: 18.45VAC
Heater: 16.65VAC
Skimmer: 18.73VAC
With all items powered the voltage is around 40VAC. Based on the above
measurements, I think it is common for "healthy" submersible
devices to induce voltage in water.
<Yes, they are considered inductors and can create stray voltage in
that regard, but if the tank water is indeed grounded, you should read
no voltage, the induced voltage should be going to ground.
There are some UPS devices that use isolated ground circuitry and are
considered above ground devices. Try measuring the voltage without the
using the UPS device and see what you get.>
I will get a ground probe and re-check.
Any further advice is greatly appreciated.
<Not yet. James (Salty Dog)>
Re Electricity And A Saltwater Aquarium 3/15/10
I have measured the devices without the UPS and get the same readings.
You made the statement "Yes, they are considered inductors and can
create stray voltage in that regard, but if the tank water is indeed
grounded, you should read no voltage, the induced voltage should be
going to ground."
Without the use of a ground probe, how will the tank water be
<Exactly my point, and wanted to prove this out to you. GFCI's
do not ground your tank water, they just provide protection should you
become grounded and place your hand in the water with stray voltages
A ground probe will eliminate these induced/stray voltages and is also
much better for the animals in your system.>
All of my devices that are submersible do not come with 3 wire
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>