"Spider" in a shrimp tank 2/9/17
I've read Your great *FAQs on Aquatic Insects *but I've stumped on my local
discus board on this spider-like looking insect. Do You have any idea
what it really is?
<A spider. While there are a very few aquatic spiders, such as the
European species Argyroneta aquatica, this doesn't seem to be one of
them. It is probably just a spider that has fallen into the tank and
wants to get out. Place it on a floating plant or leaf at the surface and see
what it does. If it tries to go back into the water, that'd be odd! My guess is
that it'll be quite alright on the surface, and if you compare it to photos of
spiders native to your home country, you will probably find it is a typical
house or garden spider. The white colour reminds me of the White Crab Spider
(Misumena vatia) but an arachnid expert in your home country would surely be
better able at identifying this spider than me!>
It is alive and moving freely when underwater, you can see it on a video on
<Hope this helps. Cheers, Neale.>