FAQs About Anurans/Frogs: Bullfrogs
Related Articles: Keeping African Clawed Frogs and African
Dwarf Frogs by Neale Monks, Amphibians, Turtles,
Related FAQs: Frogs other Than African & Clawed 2,
FAQs on: General Frog
Identification, General Frog
Behavior, General Frog
Compatibility, General Frog
Selection, General Frog
Systems, General Frog
Feeding, General Frog
Health, General
Frog Reproduction,
FAQs on: Fire Belly
Toads, Leopard Frogs,
Surinam Toads/Pipa, Tadpoles of all Sorts, Toads/Terrestrial Frogs, White/Tree Frogs, Amphibians 1, African Dwarf Frogs, African Clawed Frogs, Newts & Salamanders, Rubber Eels/Caecilians, Turtles, Amphibian Identification, Amphibian Behavior, Amphibian Compatibility, Amphibian Selection, Amphibian Systems, Amphibian Feeding, Amphibian Disease, Amphibian Reproduction,
Lump on an American Bullfrog -
indigestion or a tumour? 6/28/2011
I have been keeping a relatively young American Bullfrog for the
past 2 weeks. The frog is currently 4.5 cm long from its snout to
its vent.
I keep it in a plastic 30 cm by 30 cm by 30 cm tank. This is
filled with shallow water and a few smooth pebbles. I don't
line the bottom with gravel as I'm worried that my frog may
accidentally ingest tiny sand and rock particles. The tank has a
filter and I change the water once a week. The average
temperature is within the 28 C ~ 32 C range (I live in the
<That's a bit warm for this species. Can the vivarium be
placed anywhere cooler?>
I feed the frog a mixture of crickets (it's staple diet) and
<Do you supplement with vitamins and calcium? On their own
neither of these foods is complete. But if you can dust them with
vitamins, or gut-load them with a good food (even aquarium fish
food would be better than nothing) you can avoid problems with
vitamin and mineral deficiency. For example, lack of iodine can
cause growth problems, lack of calcium problems with the bones,
lack of B1 can lead to skeletal deformities, and so on.>
Exactly three days ago, I noticed a small lump on the left side
of my frog's belly. It has been there ever since. (Please see
attached photo - is this high resolution enough? The frog's
been placed against a white background for enhanced visibility
but if the image of the lump still isn't clear, please let me
The frog also occasionally regurgitates cricket heads and
abdomens. This is especially so if the crickets are around 2 cm
long - perhaps these crickets are too large for the frog's
<Quite normal.>
Apart from this, the frog is apparently healthy and has no
appetite issues.
I have no idea how to distinguish between a cancerous lump and
one that's merely due to indigestion. I thought that the
likelihood of having a tumour was rather low (considering that my
frog is still young) but brought it to see a vet anyway. The
local vet was downright clueless and callously suggested I throw
my frog away.
<Yikes! Would have to imagine Bullfrogs would VERY UNWELCOME
in most tropical countries, so if you do destroy this animal, you
would have to dispose of the corpse carefully. The risk of
carrying frog diseases to the wild is much too high (amphibians
around the world are in terrible trouble).>
I've read a similar article on WWM but it dealt with the
African Clawed Frog, so I'm not sure if the information
provided applies.
Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
<Do think a cancer is unlikely, but a nutritional problem is
very possible.
Do review diet, and act accordingly. Hope this helps,

Re: Lump on an American Bullfrog -
indigestion or a tumour? 6/29/11
Hello Neale,
Thanks for the absolutely prompt reply!
<Glad to help.>
I've placed a few cooler packs beneath the tank and the water
temperature has dropped to 26 C. I know it's not much, but
does this help?
<Can do. So will evaporation and a carefully-placed fan near
the aquarium.
Of course these animals jump out, so a mesh lid would be
essential. Whilst these animals are very tough, I'm just a
bit concerned that constant tropical temperatures wouldn't be
good for what is basically a temperate-zone animal.>
I'll try dusting the crickets with some vitamin powder and
see what happens.
Su Fen
P.S.: No, it's not that Bullfrogs are disliked in my country.
It's just that most people view frogs as a delicious source
of food rather than a pet. The American Bullfrog is farmed and
commonly sold in local markets.
<Interesting. Only eaten frogs the one time, in
But I'll certainly keep in mind your suggestion of disposing
the corpse properly when my frog dies (let's hope it
doesn't come to this) - I wouldn't want to decimate our
indigenous frog populations!
<Quite right! Good luck, Neale.>
Mixing Frogs with Turtles 1/9/08 I have a
red eared slider turtle and I also have bull frog tadpoles an they are
now turning into frogs, can I put the frogs in the same aquarium the
turtle is in? Thank You Brenda < Not recommended. Turtles eat frogs
as part of there natural diet.-Chuck>
Bullfrog with possible fungus?
3/4/06 I have recently taken in a Bullfrog. A Friend of mine
found it sitting in a parking lot here in Ohio. It's been
snowing here. <Must've been imported...> He is very
active and has a good appetite. I noticed over the past week he
has developed white spots on his eye lid, hind legs and on his
back. Is it a fungus? <Too likely so> If so what is the
best way to treat it? <Mmm, this animal needs to be in a
"proper environment" first and foremost... heated,
filtered, with the water checked for metabolite build-up...
Please read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/amphibsysfaqs.htm>
I have read a variety of different things about using fish meds
on amphibians and am not sure what to do? Is Malachite Green,
Formalin, or Methylene Blue safe? <No> Is Maroxy? I read
somewhere that Malachite Green could be deadly to amphibians.
<Yes... shades of the Jan. issue of National Geographic...
which contained a harrowing piece on the disappearance of
frogs... I would try a "sulfa block" devised for
aquatic herps here. ZooMed, among others offer these... Along
with an adequate environment. Bob Fenner> Erin

Toad, frog questions Hi, I'm raising wild bull
frogs in a fish tank. I would like to know if this will harm them in
the winter and also what foods do they eat?. < Bull frogs are
carnivorous and will eat just about anything they can get into their
mouths including other frogs. You Firebelly toads are probably
poisonous to the bull frog if he tries and eat them. Your frog will be
fine in your aquarium but may require a hibernation or cool down period
if you want them to breed in the spring.> I've been feeding them
crickets, mealworms and also regular worms. Is this ok for all of them?
< It all sounds good.> I'm also raising a water
frog in the same tank and 2 Firebelly toads. Do they all eat the same
things as a Firebelly toad and will the Firebelly toads cause them
harm? <They should all eat all the same things if they
can fit it into their mouths.-Chuck>