FAQs on Freshwater Quality involving Nitrites:
Related Articles: Nitrites in Freshwater
Aquariums, Nitrates in Freshwater
Aquariums, Biological Filtration, Establishing Cycling, Freshwater Filtration, Know Your Filter Media, A
Concise Guide to Your Options by Neale Monks,
Setting up a Freshwater
Aquarium, Tips for
Beginners, Water Quality
and Freshwater Aquariums,
Related FAQs: Importance, Science,
Measure, Control, Chemical
Filtrants, Troubleshooting/Fixing, & Ammonia, FW
Nitrates, Freshwater Nutrient
Cycling, Establishing Cycling
From stalled cycling, kill off of beneficial
microbes (via medications, water conditioners...), excess
feeding, insufficient filtration, tap/source water
Goldfish Filtration: Trickle or Canister (RMF,
any thoughts?) 7/6/10
Hi there, I am hoping you can give me some guidance on filtration for
my goldfish.
<Fire away.>
I currently have a 50 gallon glass tank with three good-sized Orandas,
a tele, and a small Ranchu and am running 2 Eheim 2217 canister
filters. I am thinking of upgrading to an almost 100 (U.S.) gallon
acrylic tank, and the maker wants to install an overflow box and drill
the tank.
Re the new tank, I am debating whether I want to move to a trickle
filter or just add another canister to the system. I have had mixed
advice on trickle filters for goldfish and am unclear if they provide
sufficient tank turnover/surface agitation.
<Either should work fine if properly configured and large enough for
the job. If "marine grade" in terms of size, turnover rate it
should be fine. I have kept big cichlids in ex-marine tanks with
trickle filters, and didn't observe any real problems.>
On the other hand, I have heard that trickle systems are cleaner
looking, lower maintenance, and are superior in terms of beneficial
<Six of one, half a dozen of the other. Canisters are easier to
maintain in some ways because you can unplug them, take them into the
kitchen or patio, rinse off the media easily, and then put them back
when you're done. Not
all trickle filters are equal, but assuming yours has a big sponge at
the front for mechanical filtration, removing and cleaning that sponge
should be easy enough. Getting at the plastic balls isn't always so
easy. On balance though, I don't find that either has any
"killer" feature that renders the other one obsolete.>
However, it also seems that a closed system, i.e., the canister
filters, may be "safer" in the event of power outages (which
happen where I live), don't need to be topped off, etc., and of
course I already have an investment here.
<Oh, and the contrary, canister filters are VERY sensitive to power
outages because air can't get in. Within 20 minutes (supposedly)
the oxygen inside the canister filter is gone, and the bacteria start
dying, or at least becoming dormant. That's why it's so
important to crack open your canister during a power outage and place
the filter media in a bucket or basin of aquarium water, so air can get
to the media more easily. On the other hand, if the power is gone for
too long, a trickle filter can dry out, and again, that will kill, or
at least make dormant, the bacteria. I would recommend you read this
article on surviving power outages:
While freshwater fish are much more tolerant than marines of this sort
of crisis, it's as well to be prepared.>
However, three canisters (unless I spend hundreds to get a super high
capacity one to replace what I have) may be unwieldy.
<Indeed. There are jumbo canisters like the Fluval FX5 that may or
may not suit your budget.>
If I do keep/expand the canister system, can I incorporate it into the
overflow box somehow?
(The problem with an acrylic tank is it has bracing at the top, so not
so easy to hang the spray bars, etc, over the top--but I need an
acrylic tank as I move frequently and I have found that glass tanks and
movers don't mix.)
<Nothing wrong with connecting the inlet and outlet to the sump, and
placing the canister inside the cabinet beneath the tank.>
What would you recommend for goldies in the larger, new tank?
<Either; see above.>
Finally, if I incorporate the overflow box with either system, where
should I position it and should I have one or two?
<In theory, the more uniform the water flow, the better. But with
that said, fancy Goldfish aren't strong swimmers and won't
appreciate the very high turnover rates used in marine tanks.
You're looking at about 6 times the volume of the tank per hour,
whereas marine tanks will be 10 times or more. Check the size of the
pump being used, and ideally find one with an adjustable flow rate.
Failing that, I'd have the inlet at one end, the outflow at the
other, so the Goldfish could swim to faster or slower areas as they
And, where should the tank be drilled?
<Do read here:
Especially the "Plumbing and Fitting Size:" and
"Through-Put Fittings:"
sections. Note what Bob says about having large, numerous holes so
there's redundancy there in case of blockages or underestimating.
At the same time, I wouldn't worry unduly about getting this
"perfect", and whatever is
recommend for marines by the manufacturer should be adequate for
The major difference is that Goldfish produce more solid waste, so
mechanical filtration is even more crucial than in a marine
I believe am going to have the tank made to these dimensions: 60"
long x 21" wide x 18" high. I would really appreciate your
advice as having this tank made is quite an investment and I want to
make the best choices I can.
Many thanks!
<Glad to help. Cheers, Neale.> <<I do agree with what
you've presented Neale... and would add/reinforce that trickle
filters tend to "over-drive" nitrification, producing more
nitrate than other modes of filtration/gear... And such filters are
noisier, create more smell, and take more power to operate. If it were
me/mine, I'd continue to operate this new system on the (perhaps
larger) Eheim canister filters (which is what I use on my fancy
goldfish systems). Bob Fenner>>
Re: Goldfish Filtration: Trickle or Canister (RMF, any
thoughts?) 7/6/10
Hi Neale,
Many thanks for the advice and the links. That is just what I needed,
and I do appreciate the help!
<Glad to help. Good luck with this project. Cheers, Neale.>
More re: Goldfish Filtration: Trickle or Canister
(RMF, any thoughts?) 7/6/10
<<I do agree with what you've presented Neale... and would
add/reinforce that trickle filters tend to "over-drive"
nitrification, producing more nitrate than other modes of
filtration/gear... And such filters are noisier, create more smell, and
take more power to operate. If it were me/mine, I'd continue to
operate this new system on the (perhaps larger) Eheim canister filters
(which is what I use on my fancy goldfish systems).
Bob Fenner>>
<<<Thanks Bob for your comments here. I'm a bit skeptical
about the whole "nitrate factory" thing because I can't
see how, why additional nitrogen would get into a filter just because
it's one type of filter compared to another. Surely the food
you're adding to the system, plus its ambient livestock density, is
what determines how much ammonia gets processed by a biological
>Mmm, chemical reactions are often "driven" to one side of
the equation of reactants/products by factors, conditions... like
temperature, RedOx state (oxygen concentration in this case)...
RMF< 7/7/10
Re: More re: Goldfish Filtration: Trickle or Canister (RMF, any
thoughts?) 7/7/10
Thanks Bob,
Yes, have heard this before. Don't believe it, I'm afraid.
Until someone shows me where the *extra* nitrogen gets into the water,
I can't see how any one type of biological filter can create more
nitrate than any other.
<Interesting... that our perceptions differ here. Am wondering
now... if I could refer you to some other examples of reaction series
that would serve as better illustration. Do you understand that these
(nitrification, denitrification) biochemical reactions are reversible?
That they can go "forward AND backward?"... That they can be
"driven" more to the products (vs. reactants) side of
equations? Wet-dry, trickle... and some other types of
filters/filtration simply drive the forward reaction of nitrification
toward more product (nitrate)...>
I don't disagree that some filters, e.g., live rock, can create
anaerobic conditions where denitrification can take place, and so lower
nitrate content relative to what a standard, completely aerobic
biological filter can do.
<Oh! Yes... a good example of "more" of the reverse
reaction series being thus "driven". B>
Cheers, Neale
7/6/10 cont.... But with that said, I do agree
with Bob that most freshwater fishkeepers with demanding fish tend
towards external canister filters. Like Bob, I use Eheim canisters and
find them reliable and -- when spread out across the lifetime of the
filter, 20 years in many cases --
extremely good value. I think it's relevant that the Eheim 2217
that you mention you used, and I use too, is the same design my dad
used in the mid '80s -- these are filters that work very well and
have no serious flaws.
Being able to adjust the taps on the in/outflow hoses can be very
useful when you're balancing flow rate against the low water
current fancy Goldfish prefer. You haven't mentioned reverse-flow
filtration, but I will raise the idea here. Few filtration systems
handle the sheer filth produced by large fish like Goldfish as well.
They're relatively easy to maintain as well, if a bit fiddly to
install (though surely less complicated that trickle filters). Much to
think about, anyway. Cheers, Neale.>>>
Re: More re: Goldfish Filtration: Trickle or
Canister (RMF, any thoughts?) -- 7/7/10
Hello Bob,
<Dear Neale>
Yes, I do understand the two-way flow of nitrogen in biological
And I can certainly understand that differences in oxygen availability
can effect the balance of that flow.
However, my argument would be that even allowing for a certain amount
of nitrogen fixation inside an aquarium biological filter, any nitrogen
captured from the atmosphere will be a trivially small amount compared
to that supplied via the fish food.
If you're feeding your goldfish a handful of pellets that are 40%
protein, the quantity of nitrogen in there -- and therefore the nitrate
end product of biological filtration -- will VASTLY outweigh the daily
nitrogen fixation by, for example, blue-green algae.
<Also agreed>
My gut feeling is that nutrient input control, the use if skimmers to
remove proteins/amino acids before they become ammonia, and the
denitrification potential of live rock and fast-growing plants easily
account for the perceived variations in biological filter
<And this>
Anyway, all speculation on my part, and not based on anything beyond
Cheers, Neale
<I was thinking that we were speculating re how much more NO3 et al
nitrate might be "produced", extant in any given fresh,
marine setting w/ and w/o trickle filtration in use... B>
Re: More re: Goldfish Filtration: Trickle or Canister (RMF, any
thoughts?) -- 7/7/10
We are, I think. And my argument is simply that so long as the
biological filter handles the ammonia produced by the fish, so
there's zero ammonia and nitrite, there will also be no real
variation in nitrate concentration.
<Actually... this does occur. There is real variation in nitrate
concentration using overdriven nitrification means>
So I'd choose a filter that best matched my budget, aesthetics,
flow rate requirements, etc.
<I do concur here. B>
Cheers, Neale
Re: More re: Goldfish Filtration: Trickle or
Canister (now reverse flow UG) 7/6/10
Neale, can you fill me in on reverse flow filtration? I am not familiar
with that.
<A reverse-flow undergravel filter uses the outflow from a canister
filter to push water into a standard undergravel filter plate. Water
rises from that plate through the gravel, and in doing so pushes solid
waste into the water column where it is sucked into the canister
filter. The result is that the gravel stays much cleaner than in any
other type of aquarium because the gravel is constantly being cleaned.
The gravel also works as a biological filter, ensuring excellent water
quality. The downsides are these: Firstly, undergravel filters
can't really be used with plants. The
exceptions are plants without roots, whether attached to bogwood or
floating at the surface; either of those types of plants will grow
The second limitation is that the gravel needs to be more or less
uniform for best effect. Water flows along the line of least
resistance, so if the gravel bed is shallower at one part of the tank,
that's where all the water will flow. Obviously, if you dump big
rocks on the gravel bed you'll be creating dead spots that
won't work as a biological filter. Finally, you need an adapter to
connect the outflow from the canister filter to the undergravel filter.
Because of the limitations on plants and rocks, reverse-flow
undergravel filters aren't widely used now that people like to
create natural-looking aquaria, but they remain good value filters for
situations where large rocks and rooted plants aren't going to be
used. If your Goldfish are being kept with a few plastic plants (or
Java ferns, or floating plants) and some ceramic ornaments, a
reverse-flow filter will work just fine. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: More re: Goldfish Filtration: Trickle or Canister, reverse flow
UG 7/8/10
Neale, thanks very much for that explanation. I did not know you could
do that. Keeping gravel clean in a goldfish tank is a real challenge,
so I have stayed away from it--but I actually would like to have it. It
seems that if this is set up properly, reverse filtration may be one
way to manage it.
<Glad to help. Yes, a reverse-flow undergravel filter is a
"tried and trusted" approach to keeping messy fish tanks
clean. Well worth researching. Cheers, Neale.>
(fishless) Cycling tank experiencing
nitrite fluctuations 7/15/2009
Dear WWM crew,
Hi! I hope you're doing well and thanks for taking the time
to read this!
<Happy to help.>
I'm at the tail end of a fishless cycle for a Betta tank that
I'm having difficulty finishing up. Nitrite levels have an
infuriating habit of lowering to 0.1 ppm in the morning and then
spiking back up to around .8 ppm after I add the daily ammonia
<You're adding too much ammonia for the filter to process
"in real time"; try adding half as much, and see what
They'll then go back down to .1 ppm by the next morning until
I re-add the ammonia. The ammonia itself takes less than a day to
go back down to zero.
This has been going on for a few days and short of considering a
bum nitrite test kit, I'd like to ask your opinion of a few
tips I've read about to get the cycle moving, but I'm a
little too nervous to try out, lest I disturb the cycle.
<If you've been doing this for more than, say, 3 weeks,
the tank is probably cycled good enough to add fish. At the very
least, stop adding ammonia, and instead add a tiny bit of flake
food each day, just as if there was a Betta in the tank. It goes
without saying that ammonia is ammonia is ammonia, and the
bacteria couldn't care less whether the ammonia comes direct
from decaying flake food or via your pet fish. It's all the
same to them! If you find 0 ammonia and 0 nitrite after a few
days of this protocol, you're good to go.>
But First, some tank specifics are in order!
tank size: 5.5g, planted, cycling, heated (80F) and filtered
(whisper HOB filter with a sponge insert on the intake to protect
delicate Betta fins and a baffle on the outtake to reduce the
set-up: half an inch of gravel, planted with 2 Anubias nanas, 1
Anubias barteri, 5 bunches of java fern, Christmas tree moss,
duckweed a Cladophora ball and a few pieces of driftwood for
water additives: Nutrafin aqua plus water conditioner(10ml),
blackwater extract (5ml) and weekly Seachem flourish and excel
doses(.5ml) for the plants along with tetra Florapride which is
added each month (5ml). I'm also adding 12 drops of ammonia
each day and Seachem stability was added the first week of the
water parameters:
ph: 7.6
GH: 120 ppm (this value tends to fluctuate a bit)
KH: 60 ppm
ammonia: 0 (it goes up to around .5 ppm when I add ammonia and
goes back to 0 ppm in less than a day)
nitrite: .1 ppm but then goes up to around .8 ppm very quickly
after ammonia is added and then back down to .1 by the next
nitrate: between 50-110 ppm
uninvited guests: pond snails, Planaria, copepods, nematodes and
what I think are Ostracods
<All harmless, and in fact likely helping the cycling process
in their way.>
I had left the tank alone until July 8th when I did a partial
water change because of a second nitrite spike that brought
levels from .3 ppm back up to 1.6 ppm which I attributed to a
sudden KH drop. In response to the nitrite levels, I thought the
ammonia was inhibiting their growth in some way, so I've been
reluctantly lowering the amount of ammonia I add from 20 to 18
then to 12 and finally to 10 drops.
I was dosing 20 drops at the beginning, then 18 when I started
getting nitrites, followed by 12 when I had a second nitrite
spike and right now I'm adding 10 drops.
I've never found any information that matches my current
predicament so I'm hesitant to try some of the cycle
troubleshooting advice I've read. They range from water
changes, varying the amount of ammonia I add to the very
ominous-sounding not adding any ammonia at all for a day or
I have to say I'm mildly tempted to skip a day of ammonia,
since the nitrites are on the brink of disappearing and adding
ammonia is what appears to be keeping them from doing so. But
then again, I don't want to have a die-back of the other
bacteria. I'm also nervous about adding a fish now, because
the gradual lowering of the ammonia dose has no doubt reduced the
bacterial bed, no? The bacteria can consume .5 ppm of ammonia in
less than a day, do you think that sounds like a ballpark range
of waste produced by a Betta each day?
<Who knows? Not a huge fan of using ammonia for precisely this
problem; should I need to cycle a tank without fish, I tend to
use flake food or bits of seafood to mimic the amount of food
added to the aquarium once the first batch of fish are added;
this way, I know the filter is getting "used" to
exactly the right amount of waste.>
In a nutshell, have you ever encountered this sort of thing? If
so, is there anything I can do, or is this another one of
cycling's many 'sit down, shut up wait' tests?
thanks for all your help,
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: (fishless) Cycling tank experiencing
nitrite fluctuations -- 07/17/09
Dear Neale,
Thanks so much for the quick response (I can't say so much
for myself)! I Just wanted to say that the nitrites finally
reached zero yesterday,
and after a large water change I purchased a Betta (who's bag
water had a 1 ppm ammonia reading no less)!
Despite that he's got immaculate fins and vibrant colour.
He's still a little skittish and his gills might be
compromised by the polluted water he was in, but hopefully
he'll take a shine to his new surroundings and live out his
days comfortably!
<I hope so too. Good luck!>
Thanks so much for taking the time to send me all that
information and I'll put it to good use should I ever
convince my parents to let me get another tank!
<Sounds like you're enjoying this hobby, which is good
news for the future.>
gratefully, Emilie
<You're welcome, Neale.>
Re: (fishless) Cycling tank experiencing nitrite
fluctuations 7/26/09
Dear Neale,
(don't worry, I'll leave you guys alone after this
<You're always welcome to write!>
It's been about a week since I got my Betta and things are
going wonderfully! I can't express how pleased I am!
<It's a lovely aquarium too! It would be a real blessing
upon the world if everyone kept their Bettas in tanks as well
constructed as this one. Your choice of plants is excellent and
should do well even under moderate lighting levels. One thing
I'd add though, if you find algae becoming a problem, is add
some Indian Fern (Ceratopteris). This floating plant provides
shade and cover at the top -- Bettas love the stuff! -- but even
better, it's a great algae-buster. Anubias in particular
doesn't like direct light, and the edges of its leaves often
become covered with hair algae. Floating plants moderate the
light a bit, and helps Anubias and other shade-loving plants keep
algae-free. Simply crop back the Indian Fern regularly to prevent
the tank being totally overwhelmed.>
It's so rewarding to wake up and get to see a healthy, active
fish going about his business. In light of this I need to thank
you and the rest of the crew for creating this site and for all
your patience and advice. WWM is by far the best resource for
fishkeepers I've come across and I can spend hours at a time
looking through all the FAQs (although I usually skip the Betta
FAQs because it depresses me a little) and learn some thing
<Ah, yes, the Betta FAQ does tend to be unusually rich in the
"same old problems", in part (unfortunately) because
pet store clerks seem to continue selling inappropriate Betta
habitats, and offer little in the way of useful advice.>
In that spirit, I thought you might like to see a photo of my
Betta's tank (I hope it got through!). Most of the final
setup is a result of reading your site's articles and FAQs
and I thought you'd like to see the results of applying your
site's (and enviable knowledge) indispensable resources.
<Thank you for this photo!>
Anyway, I think it's really important that I take the time to
let you (and the rest of the gang) know that I recognize and
highly value the time and effort you (all) put into WWM because
I'm often disturbed by how ungrateful some of the people who
write in are. Once again, eternal thanks and I hope I accumulate
enough experience to become as knowledgeable as you all are!
<And thank you for taking the time to write! Good luck with
your fish, Neale.>
Strange rise in nitrites, FW, goldfish
ongoing... 7/11/07 Hi Bob/whoever's got this!
<Just me, Neale.> Just a couple of quick questions today, if you
please - I've been treating my fantail (Horatio) on Neale's
advice using Interpet Aquarium Treatment No. 8 (Anti Fungus and Finrot,
active ingredient phenoxyethanol). I started the treatment three days
ago and I'm delighted to say that it's made all the difference;
kindly thank Neale very much for his advice as my fish is no longer ill
and is perky and happy as he used to be! <Very good.> I have been
regularly testing his water parameters and they have consistently been
pH 7.5 (approx), ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate <5mg/l. However, this
evening I tested his water and the nitrites, while not actually showing
dangerous amounts per se, have risen so as to be detectable (though
still less than 0.1mg/l). Naturally I am concerned and loathe to take
immediate action as I don't want to remove the medication from the
tank (there are four days of the seven left to go before I can change
the water). My questions are as follows; <Odd. Most modern
medications have no effect on the filter bacteria. I'd tend not to
worry too much, but test for the next couple of days to see if this is
a blip or a developing problem.> 1) What could be the cause of this
peculiar rise in nitrites? Since I've been testing Horatio's
water (going on two months now) the results have been steady. I've
never had any ammonia or nitrites present, and nitrates have rarely
risen above 5mg/l. The only recent difference is that I've started
using dechlorinator (Interpet Fresh Start), and there is a question
saved on WWM that states that this product can increase levels of
nitrite - could this be relevant? Horatio is (as you may remember, Bob,
having spoken to my girlfriend Sarah previously about this fish) living
in a far-too-small tank (11 UK gallons) at the moment, so I have been
carrying out extensive water changes - almost daily - to prevent
build-up of unpleasant water elements until the new tank is cycled and
ready for him. However, because on Saturday night I added this
medication, I haven't changed the water for three days. Could this
be the cause of the nitrite rise? <Most dechlorinators break down
chloramine (which we want them to do) into ammonia and chlorine. But
not all dechlorinators will "mop up" that ammonia. If your
filter is too small, then that ammonia could be being processed into
nitrite relatively slowly, giving you the nitrite reading you're
observing. Either way, it's important to establish if your water
supplier uses chloramine or not. If they do, get a dechlorinator that
removes ammonia.> 2) What do I do about it? Should I keep watch on
the situation and see if the nitrites remain at a vaguely
"acceptable" level/diminish (is this level even safe?)? Or
should I change some of the water to dilute the nitrites, as I would
automatically do if not for the meds - and if I do, is it safe to
proportionally add some more medicine or should I leave it and take the
risk of Horatio not being properly medicated, leaving the possibility
of having to treat him again within a short space of time (obviously
not desirable)? <For now, your priority is to stick to the
instructions for the medication, avoiding water changes. But once
you've finished the course of medication, do the water changes and
check the filter is working properly. It may need a bit of a clean to
rinse off detritus. Follow the instructions that came with your filter,
paying particular attention to keeping the bacteria on the sponges
happy (i.e., don't rinse the sponges under the tap, but bathe them
in a bucket of aquarium water). Doing water changes midway through a
course of medication is a bad idea if you're told by the
instructions otherwise. The problem is the medication decays over time,
to "topping up" with an extra dose is likely to screw up the
concentrations.> Okay, maybe that wasn't as quick as I'd
hoped. Thank you once again for your patience and for your immensely
helpful site and staff; you have been terrific to us over the last few
months and I'm sure Horatio appreciates it! <Good luck!>
Oliver <Cheers, Neale>
Re: Strange rise in nitrites (FAO Neale)
7/11/07 Hi Neale, Don't worry, I haven't any more problems
(well, at the moment!); just wanted to write back and thank you very
much again for your prompt and informative response. I'll do
exactly as you said. Not sure what I'd do without WWM! Hope
you're having a good day and you've got better weather than me
here in Glasgow :-) Thanks again, Oliver <Cool. And no, the weather
here is pretty clarty as well. Good luck! Neale>
Bridge decoration causing high NO2? -
4/6/07 Hello! <Hello.> Could the bridge decoration in my 10
gallon tank be causing high levels of NO2? <If it is specifically
designed for use in an aquarium, the answer is no. If some nick-knack
you picked up from a gift shop on holiday, who knows?> My water
readings today at the LFS were pH=7.0, NH3=0, NO2=2.0, NO3=60ppm, and
PO4= 0.25. <The nitrites (NO2) are too high -- long term, that's
going to harm your fish.> The LFS suggested that sometimes the
decorations can be the culprit, especially things such as castles or
bridges that are often painted. <Never heard that before. Sounds
very unlikely. Nitrite comes from ammonia, ammonia comes from decaying
nitrogenous compounds such as protein, and protein comes from fish
food, dead animals and plants in the tank, etc.> The tank is about
6-7 weeks old and currently has 3 Platies and 1 Corydoras. <OK, the
nitrite is probably because the filter is immature and/or you are
feeding the fish too much and/or the filter is too small.> The
bridge was bought from PetSmart and was sold as an aquarium decoration
so I assumed it would be safe. The bridge has been in the tank since I
bought it. <Simple solution: take the bridge out. If things get
better, then leave it out. If nothing happens, it isn't the
bridge.> About 3 weeks ago, all of the readings were good according
to the LFS and I added 3 guppies. They have since passed away. They
looked good for 1-2 weeks and then I lost all of them individually over
a period of a week or so. The symptoms were stopped eating, not
swimming around much, dead when I got home from work. <Almost
CERTAINLY an immature filter/overfeeding/too-small filter. Guppies are
quite delicate, and will die in poor water conditions. Wild guppies are
very hardy, but fancy guppies are not.> The Platies and Corydoras
are active, eating, and seem to be doing OK although I know the high
NO2 is hurting them :-( <Good that you know, so now put that into
action by [a] not buying any more fish so the filter can mature; [b]
reducing the amount of food you give the fish by 50%; [c] doubling the
number of water changes, or at least doing a 50% water change twice a
week until the nitrites drop to ZERO; and [d] checking if the filter is
big enough for your aquarium. Your thoughts on the cause of the high
NO2? <See above.> Thank you so much and thank you for your
wonderful website! Michele <No problems. Good luck! Neale>
Nitrite And Ammonia Problems In A Big Tank
12/21/06 I adopted a 150 tall FW tank with a sand bed, two
bio-wheel filters, one canister filter, several pieces of driftwood.
Living in it our 4 grown Severums, 2 grown Jurupari, 1 2.5ft fire eel,
3 African clawed frogs, 1 small Knifefish, 1 Pleco, and 2 3 to 4 inch
eels. I have had it running for about 3 months. It seemed to
cycle the first week I had it (even though we moved it entirely and
saved all the media) - with nitrites and ammonia levels
going to 0 after numerous days of massive water changes My problem is
that about every 10 days the nitrites and ammonia test heavy again. I
repeat several days of massive water changes and it returns to a clean
state. But without fail about 10 days later it goes off the charts. A
local fish guy suggested that the sand bed is responsible. I took about
1/2 the sand out - from 3 inches to about 1.5. but it did not stay
clean. I have also put ammonia rocks into all the filters - but they
have never "turned green" which I was told means my ammonia
test kit is giving me a false positive. I am willing to replace the
sand with gravel and even install UGF is necessary - both ideas have
been suggested. I do not overfeed. There are no dead fish. There is
ample biological media in both wheels and in added media in all
filters. Any ideas? Does sand in a FW present problems. I have 12 other
tanks and everyone is cycled and stays that way. Thanks Tim < Do a
50% water change, vacuum the gravel and clean all the filters. Chemical
waste levels should be down to zero. Feed as you normally do and test
the water daily. I think you will find a logarithmic but gradual
increase in these levels over a few days before they peak. The
Bio-Wheels are great little inventions and you are correct that they
should be handling all the bioload for this tank. The problem is in the
canister filter. Food/waste gets trapped in the canister filter and
there is very little oxygen in the canister for the bacteria to live on
and break down the waste. So now the fish are generating biological
waste and so is the crap in canister filter. The outflow of the
canister filter has no measurable oxygen so bacteria cannot live and
break down the waste. I would recommend that you add a bio wheel
attachment to the canister filter outflow before it goes back into the
tank and that you vacuum the gravel every time you do a water change.
If the driftwood is not suitable for the aquarium then it could be
rotting and contributing to the problem.-Chuck>
Tap water nitrites off the charts! 02/12/06 Guys, Just
out of curiosity I checked my tap water for nitrites... It was nearly
the max of my test kit. What is up with that? <Trouble... either a
faulty test kit (hopefully) or dangerously toxic source water (even for
you)> Isn't it spiking the heck out of my water when I add it to
my tank? I did a water change three days ago, and my in-tank readings
are normal today (zero ppm for nitrites), but is the initial addition
of the water dangerous to the fish? <Yes, can be> I change about
20 percent weekly... Thanks <I would first "check your
checker"... with another test source. Get/use an RO device for
your potable uses... Bob Fenner>
Persistent High Nitrite Level FW 1/31/06 I have read
other messages on your site and other articles on other sites about
high nitrite levels, but I still don't quite get it. I have a 10
gallon tank with 10 fish: 2 balloon belly mollies 2 ghost catfish 5
orange von Rio tetras 1 algae eater There are many, many small snails
that were acquired accidentally with an aquatic plant that died some
time ago. . . The snails, however, live on and reproduce at a
staggering rate. <Mmm, you might want to collect and remove a bunch
of these periodically... easy to draw to a small glass tray with a
sinking bit of algae based food or blanched vegetable... as bait>
Until today, I had a philodendron sticking out the top of the tank with
its roots submerged. I took it out thinking that this was perhaps
contributing to the problem. <Oh! Yes> About a week ago one of my
mollies (there were three) started to act strangely as if she
couldn't submerge. She would still eat when given food, but
couldn't swim down to eat off the bottom like she always had. She
had also lost a lot of weight. Eventually, she became very lethargic
and got to the point where she was upside down and couldn't turn
over. I took her and another sample of tank water to the local pet
store. They said it didn't look like she had any disease and
offered no explanation as to her condition. I assumed it was just old
age and I only include this description in case it is symptomatic of
some other problem. Anyway, when the girl at the store tested the water
(something I had never done--shame on me), she said that the pH level
was low and that I should increase it with a pH increaser. I bought the
pH increaser and a test kit that tests for NO3, NO2, GH, KH, and pH.
When I got home, I did a 30% water change and added 1 tsp of salt,
which is my normal routine. (I keep around 3 tsp of salt in the water
at all times.) I did not add any pH increaser. I tested the water
immediately afterward and it looked OK except the water was hard, so I
added a teaspoon of salt. The next day, however, the levels were as
follows: NO3 = 40 <I'd keep this under 20 ppm> NO2 = 1.0
<Dangerous... should be zip, nada, zilch> GH = 300 KH = 0 pH =
6.8 I added another teaspoon of salt and changed the filter which was
very dirty (because I had made the water very silty the last time I
changed it--explanation below). The next day, the nitrite level was at
3.0. <Yeeikes!> I did another 30% change and waited an hour
before testing. The nitrite had gone down to 1.0. One day later, it was
back up to 3.0. The next day, 3.0 again. The following day, 5.0. Today,
it was still 5.0 so I did another 30% water change. One hour later, the
levels are as follows: NO3 = 40 NO2 = 3.0 GH = 150 KH = 40 pH = 7.2
There is currently about 8 teaspoons of salt in the water. <Mmm, you
might want to mix some of this salt up in tapwater and test it for
nitrite...> The strange thing (to me) is that the fish seem to be
happy and healthy. From everything I have read in the past few days, a
5.0 nitrite level should have them dropping like flies! <Let's
see... luckily your pH is low... if it were a little higher, the
nitrite would be MUCH more toxic> I have checked for brown coloring
of the gills and see none. They are not gasping for air at the top of
the tank either. I can only surmise from what I have read that the salt
is keeping the nitrite from being as toxic as it otherwise could be.
<Oh, yes... this also> I have noticed the mollies scraping
themselves occasionally on a structure in the tank. I read today that
this was one sign of nitrite poisoning. I have had this tank for 8
months now and only three fish have died in that time (except for the
batch I introduced right at the beginning before the tank had cycled!).
About a month ago, I did a very thorough cleaning of the tank. I really
stirred up the waste on the bottom, trying to get as much out as
possible. I took out all the structures and washed them with hot (not
soapy) water. I changed the filter as well. I also started feeding them
much more around that time. Basically, I unwittingly did everything I
could to raise the nitrite level! My questions are this: 1. Why
isn't the level decreasing? <I suspect the houseplant> 2. Why
are the fish still alive and acting normal? <They're tough,
adapted to it, and the salt> 3. I have read on some sites of a
biological filter or a biofilter: Is this (a) just another name for the
normal filter, <Mmm, of a sort... all filters are ultimately
biological to degrees> (b) a different kind of filter that I should
have, or (c) just a term that refers to the nitrogen cycle that occurs
within the tank? <Mostly the latter> 4. Could the snails be
causing problems? <Yes... carry disease... and can influence water
quality in high numbers> 5. I have read that most of the bacteria
live on the filter. Wouldn't changing the filter then lead to these
levels getting all out of whack every time? <Yes... a common
problem/occurrence. In established systems not such an issue> Thank
you for any help you can provide. - Bryan <I would read over WWM re
FW filtration, add more filtration, remove the houseplant, reduce the
number of snails, test the salt... Bob Fenner> Re: Persistent
High Nitrite Level... Betta systems and snail removal technique
2/3/06 Thank you. After removing the philodendron, the nitrite
levels immediately dropped and are now < 0.5 ppm. Other levels are
beginning to even out as well. <Ah, good> I thought you also
might like to know that I have rigged up a plastic fork on some fishing
line as a snail remover. I stick a piece of vegetable on the tines of
the fork, and when a few snails crawl on, I hoist it up and scrape them
off. It's not pretty, but it's been fairly effective! <Neat!
Bob Fenner>