FAQs on Marine Freshwater Quality involving
Nitrates: Importance
Related Articles: Nitrates in Freshwater Aquariums, Establishing Cycling, Freshwater Filtration, Know Your Filter Media, A
Concise Guide to Your Options by Neale Monks,
Setting up a Freshwater
Aquarium, Tips for
Beginners, Water Quality
and Freshwater Aquariums,
Related FAQs: Nitrates
1, Nitrates 2, & FAQs on FW
Nitrates: Science, Measure, Sources, Control, Chemical
Filtrants, Troubleshooting/Fixing, & Ammonia, FW
Nitrites, Biological Filtration, Freshwater Nutrient Cycling, Establishing Cycling 1,
Too much Nitrate is toxic... to
aquatic life, and you. Best to keep your tap (drinking, cooking)
water under a few ppm total, and your FW systems under 20 ppm,
though some species (e.g. Discus) prefer zip. It's not just the
NO3 conc. that is toxic, but what it indicates otherwise
(accumulation of other metabolites). Even some NO3 presence reduces
health, growth, colour... |
For Neale Monks, Nitrates 1/8/16
Hello Neale, and my best wishes for the New Year to you and yours.
<Thank you.>
I will be emailing separately my observations on the flashing/bacterial issue
you helped me resolve (thank you so very much) but now I would like to discuss
nitrates a bit if you would be so kind. I have frequently read your advice on
keeping nitrates below 20 ppm, and naturally I recommend the same when I respond
to members of the forum I am now on. I am being questioned on this, so I would
like to understand it better.
<Sure thing.>
First thing to get sorted is the unit being used. The scientific community tends
to use NO3 N-n, whereas most hobby test kits use total nitrates. I understand
the conversion factor is 4.43, so for example the US EPA limit of 10 ppm
allowable nitrate in drinking water which is NO3 N-n would equate to 44.3 ppm
NO3 with our test kits. When you are recommending 20ppm as max for nitrates, is
this the hobby test kit unit (I assume so)?
<Correct. No point citing something people can't (easily) measure at home.
In fact it doesn't usually matter what numbers you choose to use. Most of the
nitrate kits I've seen will have some sort of card with them, and that card will
be have on it a scale made up of a few coloured patches. The API one for example
has seven coloured patches, from yellow (low) to red-brown (high). So long as
you aim to keep nitrates closer to the low end of that scale where sensitive
fish are being kept, and certainly below the medium colour/number on that scale,
you're laughing. Actually knowing what the numbers are is not important. So for
that API kit, yellow or orange are fine, red not good for sensitive species like
dwarf cichlids, and red-brown probably too much, long term, for anything, at the
very least a triggering factor for algae. Make sense?>
To the nitrates, then. Natural habitat waters of all of our fish (so far as I
know) have nitrates so low it would probably be impossible to measure them with
our kits.
<More or less, yes.>
In the fish, nitrate will act much like nitrite, making it more difficult for
the blood to carry oxygen.
<So they say.>
I have come across studies, admittedly on mainly commercial fish and not
ornamental, suggesting nitrate levels of 2 to 4 ppm NO3 N-N would affect the
development of fry, and many fish and invertebrates will have difficulty with
nitrate at 10 ppm NO3 N-N. This study is here:
You have mentioned cichlids likely being affected at levels above 20 ppm, and on
the cichlid site it is suggested that nitrate above this may be the true cause
of Malawi Bloat.
<Correct. That said, nitrate is complicated. The lethal level of nitrate for
some fish experimented on (in labs) seems to be high, supposedly 100 mg/l or
more. On the other hand, scientists have only tested a very few (big) species,
farmed trout for example, and often their experiments are shorter term things,
like how many of the fish die across, say, a week or a month. We're keeping a
hundred different species often for years if not decades, so our experiences
(and expectations) are different.>
The above is just so you have an idea of where I am with this issue. I guess at
this point, I would be interested very much in your thoughts on this, and any
evidence, studies, etc., to support our position [I have certainly taken yours ]
on keeping nitrates low.
<It's complex. Nitrate isn't something I worry about too much keeping the sorts
of fish I like to keep, such as catfish and freshwater livebearers.
Provided other parameters are good, fast-growing plants keep nitrate levels low
enough risk of toxicity isn't an issue, and water changes can be carried out
as/when required. But if I was keeping species like Dwarf Cichlids or Mollies
(in freshwater) that are known to be sensitive to nitrate, in the sense that
high nitrate has been associated with disease (bloat, shimmies, etc.) than I'd
make more of an effort to monitor nitrate and pre-empt any high nitrate
situations using low stocking, low food input, and frequent water changes. Most
freshwater aquarists can, I think,
ignore nitrate unless they're (a) struggling to keep a possibly sensitive
species; or (b) dealing with an algae problem.>
As always, looking forward to your wisdom, and with sincere appreciation.
<Hope this helps; by no means an expert! Cheers, Neale.>
Re: For Neale Monks, Nitrates 1/8/16
This is great, thank you Neale. Now I have some follow-up, concerning the
effects/symptoms of nitrate on fish.
Many if not all of your answers to questions on PFK where nitrates are mentioned
as being high involve lowering to no more than 20 ppm. From this I would assume
that the effect of nitrate is much like so many things--a source of stress,
weakening the fish, opening up opportunities for more serious problems.
<Correct, so far as I can tell. Nitrate isn't immediately toxic like
ammonia or nitrite. On the other hand, because high nitrate levels often go
hand-in-hand with things like overstocking and infrequent water changes, it's
hard to pick out any problems nitrate is causing from things like lack of oxygen
and background acidification cause by nitrate and phosphate accumulation. Tanks
with high nitrate levels tend to be neglected tanks, in the sense that the fish
keeper has too many fish in them and does too few water changes. So there can be
all sorts of reasons fish in those tanks are stressed, not just the nitrate.
Make sense?>
One obvious that I assume would occur would be a shortened lifespan from the
stress if nothing else. But are there any signs along the way that nitrate may
be causing issues?
<None that I'm aware of, but some diseases have been associated with high
nitrate level, such as Hexamita and HITH/HLLE in cichlids.>
A member on the forum today mentioned his fish being "fine" with 80 ppm nitrate
(which is way into the red on the API card you mentioned) but his Firemouths
remained quite pale, and he wondered if this was due to the nitrates. I would
think this likely, do you agree?
<It's certainly a possibility. But I'd also observe that Firemouths are widely
kept badly. Though territorial, they're bluffers, not fighters, and do badly
with genuine fighting cichlids (pretty much all the Central Americans beyond
Rainbow Cichlids) and are really best kept on their own with dissimilar
tankmates (catfish, loaches, characins, etc.). They're also sand-sifters, so a
tank with gravel would be wrong. Finally, like all cichlids, their colours will
become paler if they're exposed to bright light from above and/or below. A dark,
shady aquarium is better.>
<Cheers, Neale.>
Is it Columnaris? Likely NO3, Melafix poisoning
Hi all, I need your help/reassurance please. I have a 250 litre planted
tank with 11 danios, 7 penguin tetras, 6 platys (+handful of fry), 2
Opaline gouramis, 2 gold gouramis, 2 Bristlenose Plecos (juvenile) and
an assortment of hitch hiking snails. Yesterday I saw one of the danios
had a huge fluffy white patch on its back. Immediately I removed him
into a tub and checked the water. After many weeks of pristine water, I
found my nitrates were through the roof (red on the api master
test kit so between 40-80). Changed 50% of the water, dosed with prime,
and MelaFix
<This product can be much more trouble than anything of value. See WWM
which was the only medication I had to hand. Poor Danio didn't make it.
Today, one of my platys has the same 'fuzz' growing on one eyeball. It
completely covers the eye surface. Another 2 danios are behaving
strangely, swimming erratically and have 'floppy' torn fins (one seems
to tend to use the pectoral fin only on one side and has trouble
remaining upright - tends to roll sideways or tail down if she stops
moving). I tested the water today and my ph has dropped some
(from 7.6 to 7.2 - from meds?),
<Could be... the tea... leaf extract>
and my nitrates are much better - 10-20). Did a further 25% water
change and redosed the MelaFix. Is this Columnaris? A
fungus? Something else?
<Can't tell from the images alone... but you're right to be worried. I'd
change the water out again now and tomorrow and leave off w/ the phony
API product>
I include a photo of the Danio who died and the platy with the fuzzy
Any help would be massively appreciated.
Thank you in advance!
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>

Great pix! |
Re: Is it Columnaris?
Thank you for your response. Seems no-one is getting sicker (the fuzz on the
eye is almost gone) and apart from the Danio which looks like it's having
some swim bladder issues (rolling a little - not maintaining an upright
position unless actively swimming),
<... likely mainly environmental in origin>
all is beginning to look calm and peaceful once more. No-one else seems
affected in any way. My nitrates are down to healthy levels again. I really
wonder what happened. I'll be back in touch with any new developments
should they arise. Thanks again!
<Cheers, BobF> |
Swordtail head
discolouration/fungus, Nitrate 11/26/11
my Odessa barb population has stabilised well after I euthanised the
swollen female. I've now ten Odessas swarming around my 180 litre
tank, a lovely species, curious and outgoing. They are probably 4
months old, the males have not yet developed very strong red
<Sounds great.>
Three weeks after the latest Odessa health problem I thought it safe to
add four young Red Swordtails to the tank. I now worry I might have
been rushing it, and there's some problem left in the tank.
<Indeed. I always recommend waiting at least a month before adding
new or replacement fish. Ideally, wait six weeks. It takes several
weeks for some diseases to "germinate" so the longer you
wait, the better.>
The swordtails, one male and three females, are all swimming around,
eating well and generally appearing in good spirit, but two of the
females have developed a gray/white discolouration on the head (right
between the eyes on the top side). Possibly a little fungus-like in
texture, kind of rough.
<My guess would be Columnaris, primarily because this problem is so
common among livebearers generally. Antibiotic and anti-bacterial
medications can work extremely well here, but you do need to be
Hard to tell but I think it's slowly getting worse. The smallest of
them has also become paler in colour, and her fins are a wee bit
frayed. She is eating and swimming around, but stays near the bottom if
she's not up chasing food.
The male and the biggest female appear totally healthy. Have not seen
any aggressive behaviour.
I upgraded to my Rio 180 mid-September, used the water and gravel from
my old 60 l, had a Nitrite spike the first week. Added the Odessas
about three weeks later, after the Nitrite had settled at 0. My current
water parameters are 25ºC, pH 8, GH 180, KH 240, Ammonia 0,
Nitrite 0, Nitrate consistently 40. Doing weekly 30%
water changes, adding JBL Ferropol plant fertiliser and a little
aquarium salt.
What could be wrong with my Swordtails? Could there be some residual
problem left from my first batch of six Odessas (four of which died
with swollen stomachs) -- some parasite, fungal or bacterial
<If you can, medicate with something that treats Finrot and
Columnaris, e.g., in the UK and Europe, eSHa 2000.>
Any tips on treatment of the Swordtails?
<Nothing specific, except to note that they dislike oxygen-poor
water, so when you add medications, be prepared to increase aeration
and/or circulation to compensate.>
Also, why isn't my Nitrate value coming down?
<It won't. Nitrate is lowered through water changes. Nitrate
accumulates between water changes as the end product of biological
filtration. Unless you have masses of rapid plant growth, there's
nothing to use up that nitrate. So, if you have 40 mg/l at the end of
the week, and replace half the water with tap water that has zero mg/l,
you'll still end up with 20 mg/l. Realistically, much tap water
contains much higher levels of nitrate -- in London for example, 40-50
mg/l in the tap water isn't uncommon.>
I've cut my feedings down to once a day six days a week. Have got
1350 l/h filtration. Is my tank overstocked (2 x Elliotis, 10 x
Juvenile Odessas, 4 x juvenile swordtails, 2 x bumblebee gobies, 1 x
Bristlenose Pleco)?
Have bought some API StressCoat, not sure whether to use it.
<Doesn't have much use either way. It's useful when shipping
fish, and perhaps if a fish has been roughed up a little but not
seriously damaged.>
As always, many thanks for your care and help!
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Swordtail head discolouration/fungus, Nitrate
Thank you Neale,
I have started a course of eSHa2000 now. Will keep a close eye on those
<Sounds like a plan.>
Will be more patient next time I re-stock after disease, I just got too
<Quite so.>
Checked my tap water for Nitrates too, it's showing 25 mg/l,
consistent with the report I got from my local council. So at least I
know it's never going to go below that as you so rightly pointed
Have a good weekend,
<Likewise, and good luck. Cheers, Neale.>
Extremely lethargic Cory, high
nitrates 2/21/11
<Hello Angela>
I wrote about a week ago on another issue, and never received a
<?! We respond to all>
I'm hoping I didn't do anything wrong and my message was just
<More likely some "computer glitch"... As the WWM
"doorkeeper" ala LeGuin's Earthsea double trilogy, I see,
post all>
As it is, that issue seems to have resolved itself for the most part.
Now I'm dealing with something in my other tank, and I'm hoping
for some insight from more experienced hobbyists than myself.
Tank: 14gal (functionally about 11-12gal with substrate and lowered
water level), Aqueon filter that came with the "starter kit",
temp steady at 75*F, fully cycled and has been set up since early
December 2010. The pH runs pretty steady at around 8.
<For what species of Corydoras? This is too high... I'd mix in
some water of lower pH... likely RO>
I always treat new water with Prime.
<Likely not necessary, but...>
Residents: 3 peppered Cory cats, 4 albino Cory cats, 2 juvenile mystery
snails. The Corys are being quarantined here, their eventual home is a
55gal. I've had them for about 2 weeks.
Tank stats last night, with API test kit:
Ammonia: 0
NitrItes: 0
NitrAtes: over 80 (YIKES!!!)
<Needs to be addressed... Have you read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwnitrates.htm
and the linked files above?>
I performed my usual 30% water change, all I had time for, with plans
to do another this morning.
This morning, I tested again:
Ammonia: 0
NitrItes: 0
Nitrates: over 40, close to 80 on test kit
Performed nearly 70% water change. Retested.
NitrAtes: less than 40, but close
<You need to do something in addition to simple dilution for NO3
Now for the main problem: One of the albino Cory cats has been acting
lethargic for the last couple of days, is not eating well, and after
last night's water change floated belly-up for a few minutes
despite all my attempts to match temperature, etc. with the new water.
I was afraid we would lose him, but this morning he's better. Not
great, since he's still spending most of his time resting on the
bottom or swimming *very* slowly a few inches, but he's not
floating. Everyone else in the tank, including a new baby balloon molly
that hitchhiked home with the Corys, is acting and looking fine. Even
the snails, which I thought would be the first indicators of poor water
<Much more likely due to the vagaries of the water changes>
The only thing that changed recently is my husband taking over morning
feedings for both tanks for the last week. I think he's been
overfeeding this one, because I don't know what else would have
caused such a large nitrAte spike in such a short time. There was a lot
of "gunk" when I cleaned the tank, which isn't normal.
I've taken over feeding again.
<Ah good>
Most of the reading I've done (Google is my friend, yes?) suggests
that nitrAtes aren't *that* toxic over the short term, but these
levels are pretty high and I've seen people mention again and again
that Cory cats are "sensitive" fish. Could the nitrAtes spike
alone be the cause of this little guy's problem?
<Mmm, yes>
If so, will continued water changes and much reduced feeding be enough
to resolve it? If not, what else would cause an otherwise
healthy-seeming fish to be lethargic and go off its food with no other
sign of disease? I'm a loss on this one!
<Please read the above citations>
Thank you so much, I appreciate your willingness to help out newbies
like myself with your amazing wealth of experience!
--Angela S.--
P.S. Is it just me, or are Cory cats just the funniest/cutest little
fish ever?
<Are indeed comical, and faves. I keep them as well>
I was rolling with laughter after their first "feeding
frenzy" over a shrimp pellet!! I'd buy a whole swarm of these
guys if I could, but hubby says no room for more aquariums...
<Mmm, maybe... Bob Fenner>
Re: Extremely lethargic Cory, high nitrates
Thank you so much for the reply!
<Welcome Angela>
These are albino and peppered Corys (Corydoras aeneus and Corydoras
paleatus). The lethargic one is an albino.
<The C. paleatus need much lower pH... the Albinos may be either C.
aeneus or paleatus>
I'm in the middle of Kansas, so our water tends to run hard with a
higher pH. Even the "expert" at the local store where I
purchased these guys admitted it's hard to keep soft/acidic setups
here without a LOT of work, <Not so much... easy to mix some tap w/
some RO... Read here:
and the linked files above>
so I stuck with platies for our main fish. I was told that with careful
acclimation the Corys would be ok, and honestly the other 6 look
perfectly fine. I'll look into the RO water option, but if I
can't get the pH down enough, should I find a new home for these
I'm not sure what I'd replace them with. (My 7yo son wanted a
school of glass catfish, but there's no way we'd be able to
keep them healthy. The Corys were a compromise, since most other
catfish types he liked get too big.)
<There are many tools that can/will help you identify fishes, other
aquatic life that enjoys your quality water>
I use the Prime instead of whatever brand dechlorinator came with my
starter kit because we have copper piping in my house. I wanted to be
extra careful to avoid getting copper in my aquariums and killing
<Real good>
The albino Cory is still alive, but he's pretty much the same as
yesterday -- not swimming much, resting on a rock most of the time. I
haven't seen him eat. I did one more water change last night, being
careful to get the rest of the "gunk" out of the gravel. The
nitrates are now reading between 10-20ppm, which is where the tank was
before its regular water change the previous week. I'm going to be
feeding lightly and testing the nitrates daily for the week, I think.
I'll also be buying some more plants soon, so that will probably
help a bit.
<Will help>
I read as much as I could about Corys/nitrates/etc. on WWM and the
'net in general before I posted, but I probably missed something.
I'll go back and check out the links again. Thank you again for the
<Certainly welcome. BobF>
Jellybean Parrot has bumps/white
spots, please help me identify
Jellybean Parrot Cichlid With HITH 11/21/10
I have a jellybean parrot fish that is about 7 years old. It has
recently developed white bumps/spots on its head. My husband thought
the change in her appearance was due to age and so he dismissed it. He
thinks he first noticed them about a week ago. I've attached two
photos. The large bump in the center of her head is actually a cluster
of bumps. It is white on the surface and somewhat fluffy in appearance
with a red coloring underneath. As I'm hoping you can see in the
photo, it is a protruding growth. There is a line of smaller white
spots along the back of her head.
The top of the fin on the left side of the second photo also appears to
be abnormal in shape/color. The pale areas of the body are her normal
coloring. She is eating and behaving normally.
She is in a 55 gal tank with a rainbow, a catfish (I don't remember
what breed) and several tetras. The last water change was 5 days ago
and may have been a little overdue but not much. We do not have a
quality test kit, only the simple strips. The water had not been tested
in a long time and when I tested tonight the levels were not good. The
nitrate level was 80, nitrite 3, pH 7.2, alkalinity 80 and the water
was hard 150. My husband is doing a 25% water change now. The
temperature of the tank is 76 degrees.
I've tried to research the problem online but have only become more
confused. I do not want to treat her for the wrong thing and cause more
problems. I'd greatly appreciate your opinions.
Thank you! Kim
< Your cichlid has Hole-In-The-Head Disease. First get a nitrate
test kit.
Get the nitrates down to under 20 ppm with water changes. The lower the
nitrates the better your fish will be. In a hospital tank treat with a
combination of Metronidazole and Nitrofuranace. If you fish is still
then start feeding medicated foods with these medicines in it. I would
still treat the water too. The key to a full recovery is an early
Re: Sick Betta. Happened all of
a sudden :-(, NO3 input f' 9/2/2009
Oh, no! I had already disposed of the body before reading the email
Not squeamish, but I must admit I would have not been that keen on
performing a post mortem on my poor pet after (potentially) killing him
with less than adequate water conditions. I had become attached to him
<I understand>
My sister in law, who is an haematologist would have jumped with
delight at the prospect of an autopsy but she is away now, where is
family when you need them?
<About somewheres>
Anyway, body is gone, so unfortunately no luck here. Sorry, I agree it
would have been an interesting thing to do to rule out the
I was not sure about what you mentioned about EPA standard so I
researched and I have found out that this is a US government
<It is... at the Fed. level a limit of 10 ppm...>
I live in the UK and here these things are, to an extent, up to the
local councils. Looks like the government regulations state the
following with regard to nitrates "that the water satisfies the
formula [nitrate]/50 + [nitrite]/3 1, where the square brackets signify
the concentrations in mg/1 for nitrate (NO3) and nitrite
<Too much... I really do strongly suggest you employ an RO device
for your potable (drinking, cooking) and pet-fish needs>
Thames Water, the water company states 50 mg/l as standard. See link,
if at all interested.
For my area in particular, the 2008 water quality results state
Nitrate as NO3 mg/l Standards =50
Minimum =33
Max = 35.7
My results came up as 40 but it might be an inaccuracy in the
Ph standards from 6.5 to 9.5
<Wow! This is some range... 1,000 times>
Ph for the area in average is 7.5. In my tests it comes up as 8.00.
Again, the differences might be coming from the testing process. I use
API master kit.
<Are reasonable quality... accurate, and precise "enough"
for home hobbyist use>
Maybe you have got better drinking water in the US.
<In NO3 respect, yes in about 9 out of 10 places... but is highly
variable in quality, getting worse and more scarce most everywhere. Let
me be blunt: there are too many humans on this planet>
Funnily enough the report concludes that the quality of the drinking
water is very good although there is one infringement as Coliform
bacteria was found.
do you realise I am giving this to my family to drink? From tomorrow
onwards, bottled water for everyone.
<Mmmm, okay; but RO is cheaper by far and more convenient. Please
peruse WWM, the broader Net re.>
Anyway, I am keeping the tank cycled but empty for a couple of weeks to
kill any potential nastiness and then I am not sure what to do. This
tank is only 20 l (about 5 gallons) so, really only suitable for
Bettas, too small for other species, but if the water hardness is going
to kill them little beauties I would have to reconsider... Any ideas of
what to keep in 20 l of hard water :-?
<There are some "quite small" invertebrates, plants... not
many fishes really...>
What would you use to disinfect the siphon and the nets?
<Chlorine bleach, air exposure, time going by>
The shop told me to wash them with hot water but that does not sound
radical enough, somehow.
Maybe I should just dismantle the whole thing, disinfect the whole tank
cycle again?
<I would not... but I would do what you choose to get, keep Nitrate
concentration below 20 ppm maximum. Please read here re:
and the linked FAQs file above>
Thanks so much again for your attention to this case.
Kindest regards
<Maria, there are MANY folks who have similar circumstances (small
volumes, issues consequent...) to yours here... Let's keep
discussing your experience, thoughts, and progress... for the
edification of all. Bob Fenner>
FW Nitrate confusion? Ongoing goldfish disease/system
2/9/06 Hi Thanks for the speedy
reply. I was told that the nitrates were ok up to 40 by the pet store,
so I am now confused... Thanks for the advice.
Paula <Please see WWM... there's a
bunch... re nitrates, their implications, consequences. No need to be
confused... educate yourself. Bob Fenner>
Silver Dollars, Environmental Disease - 10/12/05 My silver
dollar fish have had on-going fungus that I can't get rid of. It
eats up their fins and spreads across their body. I have tried all
different Meds for this, and have since stopped treating them to keep
from poisoning the tank with many different Meds. The various Meds
would seem to cure the fungus, but it comes right back when I stop
treating them. <I imagine this is environmental, not
pathogenic.... Let's read on about your system....> I have a 55
Gal with 5 fairly large silver dollars, 4 fairly large angels, 2 clown
Plecos, and 2 neon tetras with a knack for survival. <Too many
big fish for this tank.> My water is very hard and I've been
using peat moss to soften it in a storage container. I'm concerned
because my nitrate level has climbed quite high (160), <Disturbing,
and toxic if not deadly at this level.> hardness was at 115ppm, ph
7.6, ammonia=0 and nitrite=0. The submersible transfer pump from the
storage tank is turned off until I'm ready to transfer water to the
fish tank, I first run the water for a short time to clear the pump of
the standing water in the pump and tubes so as to run only fresh water
into the tank. The storage tank is circulated by an external Emperor
filter that I put the peat into. The peat I bought at a Lowe's
garden department, doesn't list any additives that I thought would
add to Nitrate increase. The 55 Gal. fish tank also uses an Emperor
filter for general filtration (but no peat added), and an undergravel
filter. <Consider removing the undergravel filtration - often
this is a MAJOR contributor to very high nitrate due to accumulated
organic material under the filter plate(s).> All the fish seem to be
doing ok except for the silver dollars, although I'm guessing they
all may be uncomfortable with the high nitrate level. <Yes,
this level is absolutely staggering. Should be maintained below 20ppm.
All the fishes will be affected with time and exposure. This must be
rectified.> Very high algae growth also. <Another bad side
affect of high nitrate, overstocking....> I guess I'm
questioning if my problems are related to my water storage tank,
transfer set-up, or softening process, or something else. <As above,
I fear the UGF is the culprit. Test your make-up water storage tank;
always be sure to aerate and/or circulate your make-up water if you
store it for any length of time (hours, even).> Thanks, John Rogers
<Wishing you well, -Sabrina>
Body slime and eye cloud 10/7/05 I have a 2 Sorubim lima, an
Oscar, a Pleco, and a Synodontis nigrita. The 2 Sorubims have a body
slime infection (the color of the slime is clear). One of the Sorubims has eye
cloud. <What cause/s?> The Oscar I haven't noticed a body slime infection yet
but he only moves when there is food (not feeders) in the water. The Pleco and
the Syno. seem to be unaffected. Also there was an albino Pictus cat in the tank
and a tire track eel in the tank as well but they died (I think from the body
slime). <These fishes were/are not compatible> The fish who have been affected
by the body slime appear to have a problem keeping buoyancy (the fish almost
have to swim upside down), they swim near the top of the tank, and a few days
later die. Can you offer any advice/treatments. Thanks CJ <You're joking? What
about the system? Its history? Water quality tests? Please read through WWM FW
Subweb re disease... Bob Fenner>
Re: body slime and eye cloud 10/9/05 A 55 gallon tank <Too
small> ...with some bog- wood and no plants (know it's small but
a 110 gallon tank is going to be ordered from a local dealer a Monday).
PH. 7.6, <Too high for Sorubim> nitrite 0,ammonia 8.0, <What?
Toxic!> and my nitrate is a constant 80ppm. <Way too high... s/b
below 20 ppm> The ammonia is high because of the medication I am
using. The only disease that has been in this tank was septicemia
{septicemia?} which happened 5 years ago. <I do hope you're
joking here... fix this environment, quick. Bob Fenner>
Tank clean enough? Hi, I went to another city for the
treatment you recommended as there is none available here. I
treated the tank with Metronidazole. I question the Ick
treatment, as I used Ick Away 10 days ago when I changed the
tank. Is it your recommendation to treat it again? < The
rid-ich will take care of some external parasites. The twitching and
scratching are signs of ich so it may have come back.> While I was
at a more qualified pet store I purchased the water testing kit and a
gravel vacuum. The water readings are Ammonia 0, PH 7.6, PH high 7.8,
Nitrate 10 (is that high??), Nitrite, 0. I am interested in
your thoughts, Jessica < Everything looks good. When the
nitrates get above 25 ppm is when many problems begin.-Chuck>