FAQs About Red Ear Slider Turtle Behavior
Related Articles: The Care and Keeping of the
Red Eared Slider, Trachemys scripta
elegans by Darrel Barton, Red Ear Sliders, Turtles, Amphibians, Red Eared Slider Care, Shell Rot in Turtles,
Related FAQs: RES
Behavior 1, RES Behavior 3,
RES Behavior 4, & Sliders 1, Sliders
2, Red Eared Slider
Identification, RES
Compatibility, RES Selection,
RES Systems, RES Feeding, RES
Disease, RES Reproduction,
Turtles in General: Turtles,
Turtle Identification, Turtle Behavior, Turtle Compatibility, Turtle Selection, Turtle Systems, Turtle Feeding, Turtle Disease, Turtle Disease 2, Shell Rot, Turtle Reproduction, Amphibians, Other Reptiles,
Re: Red Eared Slider Swims Funny After Eating
Hi Darrel,
Thanks for the advice. I've re-adjusted her temperature, and
hopefully she'll get back to normal soon. The strange thing is that
this has been her tank temperature for years - I had never adjusted it,
and never seemed to bother her before. I was watching her yesterday
after feeding time, and it almost looked like she was maybe choking on
something. Her mouth kept opening after she ate. I observed her, and
after an hour of slamming herself into the walls of the tank, she
finally calmed down and rested at the bottom.
<Try to examine her and see if perhaps she has a swollen throat.
It's unusual, but this could be a manifestation of a medical
Also, I noticed you mentioned to not use an in-tank heater. That's
what she currently has. What do you recommend as a good heater
<I don't heat their water. 68-73 degrees is fine for them as
long as they have a basking area, so let the water just be at room
temperature. The other reasons for not having a water heater: (1)
Turtles can burn themselves by resting directly on it. (2) Turtles can
break them as they get bigger and cut themselves on the glass.>
Thank you!
Email #1 - RES - More Basking Questions and
Update 1/16/10
Darrel, Hi 'ya'..Sue here again!
If you received an email from me a few days ago, please disregard
<No .. I was out of town, so it disregarded itself>
I don't believe it went through because I forgot to reduce file
sizes on photos...I fixed photo sizes and reworded/split the emails in
<we appreciate that>
First, thank you again for your ideas about how to resolve our
turtle's sudden over-activity problem (see reference emails below);
Shelly has now returned to the land of turtle bliss! Basking again,
taking an occasional dip in the water, and just 'hanging'!
Ahhh, to be a turtle. Thought you might enjoy seeing a couple of photos
(attached above) of her (or as we're finding out now that
'she's' getting bigger, maybe a 'him'!) enjoying
the rays again!
<yes, I like pics>
I thought you might like to know that the problem turned out to be just
what you said - a short term case of 'stress' most likely
brought about by environmental issues outside the tank. He had been
fine for months with water temperature of 79-80 and basking temperature
of 88-90, so I really thought something was seriously wrong with him
when his behavior suddenly changed a couple of weeks ago. After trying
out a few of your ideas, my guess now is that it had something to do
with the room temperature. Even though it's the same now as it was
in the summer, he must have somehow sensed some minor change in the air
with the onset of winter, and decided he no longer wanted to get out of
the water (can't say I blame him!) I didn't want to go cold
turkey all at once on him though and pull the water heater out, so I
started by dropping the temp of it just a couple of degrees to 77-78.
The very next morning he scrambled up on the floating dock the minute
the light came on!...didn't even come over to be fed! It was so
funny to see such him do a complete 180 with only a 2-3 degree water
drop!! Thanks again for your insights; glad it turned out to be nothing
serious and a simple fix!
<Turtle psychology is such a lost art >
I do have some other questions, though, about basking and feeding. None
of them appear to be questions that have already been asked on WWM. I
did look again as I did before through the articles and applicable
topic FAQ's just to be sure...even the Sliders 1 and 2 FAQ's
that had mixed topics, but didn't find what I needed...though I
have to admit I did start getting a little blurry eyed by the end, so
hope I didn't miss anything already answered! All my 'fun
reading' starts around 9:00 at night, so if I missed something, I
do apologize. I know all of you are doing this in your spare time,
which is so kind, so I don't want to waste it. I know how valuable
time is for me and I'm sure none of you are any different!
<My times is your time. Other wise I waste it on fast cars &
fancy women. Or is that fancy CARS and . Oh well .. never mind>
BASKING - below are the basking questions; I sent the feeding questions
in a separate email (hopefully easier for you to file by topic - sorry
I didn't do this on the earlier emails)
<OK -- here we go>
- 1st is, is it normal for sliders to literally put their head down to
sleep occasionally when they're basking (see 1463 photo)? Shelly
only does this once in a while for short periods of time.
<They can sleep all closed up or extended a bit. Usually the former,
but both are acceptable. I see them more 'extended' when they
feel secure>
- Is it o.k. if the time they bask varies literally several HOURS from
one day to the next? Some days he basks ALL day long and into the
evening; other days just for a few hours in the morning then swims and
hangs out in the water all afternoon and evening.
<Whatever she likes. As long as she's happy, alert and eating,
let her be a princess.>
- Last on basking - In one of the FAQ's, either your or someone
else mentioned that they leave the UVB light on for 12 hours during the
day in the summertime; but only 8 hours a day in the winter. If the
turtles are indoor and we're not trying to replicate the seasons,
why is it recommended to shorten the time the light is on in the winter
from 12 hours down to 8?
Especially since the UVB is suboptimal to the natural sunlight,
wouldn't we want to be compensating for that by leaving it on 12
hours per day all year long?
<In a perfect world we ARE trying to replicate natural light
patterns. At least, that's what theyre telling you. Personally I
don't bother. 12 hours a day 24/7/365 and I raise little babies to
in turn be breeders in that.>
Thanks Darrel.....feeding questions next!!
<I'm all atwitter!>
My beloved turtle, RES... hlth... beh... gen.
reading 11/20/09
Dear Crew,
<Hiya Rachel - Darrel here>
I have a red ear slider who is about 6" length-wise. He has a
UVB/UVA light, a basking light that keeps his basking spot at about 92
The water in his tank is at 79 degrees. I bought my turtle at pet store
because I felt very sorry for him. There were about 12 other 6"
turtles in a twenty gallon tank with only five inches of water. There
was no room for them to swim or bask. I have a big tank for him and
have filled it up with water. The tank is about 70% water and 25%
basking area. He hardly ever goes into the deeper water, when he does
he seems to be struggling.
<Hmm, what do you mean "struggling?" That covers too much
territory for us to help>
He spends a lot of time on his back fins standing with his head out of
the water in where he can reach up were I have a slope.
<I'm GUESSING that you mean he's standing in the deeper
water, against the glass, with his head up RATHER THAN hauling out on
the slope? If that's it, that is not all that unusual>
This is obviously not normal right?
<I'd like a more detailed description>
Is this because he had so little swimming room at the Pet shop?
<Unlikely -- maybe just what he wants to do...>
Should I lower the water level in the tank so he is more comfortable?
Your help would be much appreciated. Thank you!
<Rach - here's a link that covers all the basics. First make
sure that you're in-line. Next, if you're concerned about his
behavior in water, make a few subtle changes and see what happens. Drop
the basking temp to about 88 and let the water temp go to room temp
(shouldn't have a heater anyway) and see. Next, lower the water
"just a little" and see. Then, raise it back up and move his
basking area a bit. If his behavior is a function of his tank, tiny
changes should result in small improvements ...
until you learn what he's after.>
< http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm>
Re: my beloved turtle, beh., RES
struggling: he swims franticly, all of his flippers are moving
extremely fast.
<They do that sometimes>
He ventures out into the deeper water only rarely and when he does he
only goes out for maybe five seconds before he swims right back to the
more shallow end. When he is in the deeper end almost always has a
flipper on the filter to keep his head above the water.
<No problem here, either>
He spends about 90% (when I am around) of his time on his back flippers
in the middle of the shallow area (not against the glass just kind of
floating with his head above the water)
<they do that. Just sitting there, basking there, floating there ...
for hours ... thinking turtle thoughts and not much else.>
<Rachel, nothing here gives me reason to be concerned. As long as he
eats, poops, and does bask from time to time, he seems fine. Like I
said before, if you want to experiment with turtle fung-shuei and
change things a bit, you might cause him to feel differently and
therefore act differently. If not, he seems OK with that, too.>
<Regards - Darrel>
RES beh... couple of new questions --
Hi Darrel,
<Hiya right back>
I have asked a couple of questions on here before with results.
<You're lucky -- Some days I'm so dumb, the people around me
LOSE IQ points>
I have a couple more. One is a really dumb question so I will ask it
<If there's ONE THING the Internet has taught us it's
Can a turtle be right or left "handed?" My baby RES always
turns left. When she is in the floor, in the yard or in the water, she
never turns to the right.
<Is her name Zoolander, by any chance? Anyway .. they're not
'handed' as in penmanship or anything like that. In fact, their
penmanship looks like chicken scratching. But they do have sides that
they seem to 'favor' in swimming, walking etc.>
Next question deals with habitat. I talked to you before about her not
basking as much as she should. I have lowered her water temp. I keep
her out of the water as much as possible. I do put her back in her
water tank for the night. Why can't I just fix her up a total dry
tank and keep her in that all the time except when I feed her in her
feeding container and again before bedtime?
<If you read my link on caring for illnesses and the section on how
to isolate an ill or stressed turtle, that's exactly what I say to
do. A few minutes a day in a shallow bowl of water>
Also would let her dip in the water a little extra on the weekends when
I am not working and am at home to take her out of the water after
maybe a couple of hours. I know she is a "water" turtle
however it seems she looks better when she is not in the water
<Until she recovers from or crawls out from under whatever stress
she's in, little Zoolander will do better if you keep up this
routine. Swimming is part of their natural habitat but it IS stressful
on her and she doesn't need any more stress right now>
My only concern is what is best for her. I have been thinking about a
shallow saucer in a dry tank so if she feels the need to get wet she
could but the depth of the water would be very small. Just a plate put
in the tank so she could get wet but not be able to flip on her back
and drown.
<excellent idea!>
Thanks for all you help!!!!!
<Yer welcome!>
Is my red eared slider's behavior normal?
Hi. I have a couple of questions about my turtles. I have three red
eared sliders. I am not exactly sure of how old they are, but I can
tell you that I got two of them in August of 2008 and they were about
1.5-2 inches.
<Less than a year old at that point.>
Today the female is a little over 6 inches (I call her "Big
Mama") while the male is a little less than 5 inches.
<See how fast they grow!>
I wanted to know if their growth rate is normal knowing that I've
had them for just a little over a year and they were both the same size
when I got them.
<Is indeed normal. Much better to view it as this: people
*underestimate* how fast these animals grow when they buy them,
assuming they stay small and cute.>
The third turtle was given to me in September/October of 2008 and she
was smaller than my two turtles. I'd say she was no more than 1.5
inches. Today she's about 5.5-6 inches.
<Again, good growth rate.>
I currently have a Fluval 405 Canister Filter and have a 20 gallon tank
(Yes I know, it's very small! I am going to be getting them a 100
gallon reptile tank very very soon.)
<Small tank, yes, but I'm impressed with your choice of a
super-sized filter.>
I also have a dock, a basking lamp, and a water heater.
<All sounds wonderful. Does the lamp provide UV-B? That's a very
useful, arguably essential, addition to any turtle habitat. Indeed,
it's probably more useful than the water heater. There's a case
to made for letting the turtles warm up on land and cool down in the
water. That's what they'd do in the wild.>
I've been feeding them Zoo Med aquatic turtle food ever since I got
<I'd add some plant material to this. In fact, you can feed
turtles very cheaply using all sorts of green foods you'd have left
over from your own cooking. Green and red lettuce, endive, peas, melon
among other things all work well.>
I have fed them live fish a couple of times, but, after reading some of
your answers regarding that, I'm probably not going to anymore.
<Good. It's cruel, it's unnecessary, and it's
Anyways, about a month and a half ago, one of my turtles (the one that
was given to me in October of 2008) started making (or at least
that's when I started noticing) this wheezing/squeaking/chirping
sound (especially at night). You can hear the wheezing for a couple of
seconds and then it stops for a bit before starting again. I researched
it and learned that there was a possibility of it being a respiratory
<Yes: this is certainly a possibility. Turtles can sneeze for no
particular reason, and if they're fat, they certainly do wheeze
when moving about. But if this is happening a lot, then yes, an RI is
definitely a possibility.>
Only problem is that, she doesn't have any other respiratory
infection symptoms. She eats, is active, swims normally, doesn't
have mucous, doesn't blow bubbles, doesn't keep her mouth
<All good things... but the safe approach would be to assume the
worst, and have a vet take a quick look. Much better a vet catches an
RI early on and cures it cheaply and easily. Best case, there's
nothing wrong, and the vet doesn't have to do anything.>
I was wondering if there could be any other reasons for her making
these noises with her nostrils, or is this still probably a Respiratory
Tract Infection?
<Occasionally turtles sneeze. Males may wheeze a bit when mating or
fighting. Fat turtles apparently do wheeze when moving about. But
otherwise no, like most reptiles, turtles are essentially
My third question is that this same turtle that has the wheezing
problem tends to act like a male. I'm pretty sure she's a
female due to her short claws, short tail, and big size (or am I
<Size is neither here nor there. But males do usually have much
longer claws, though of course these can be abraded by rough rocks or
might not even grow properly if the diet is limited somehow. The tail
is the 100% reliable thing though. If the cloaca is nearer the shell
than the tip of the tail, it's a female; if the cloaca is closer to
the tip of the tail than the shell, it's a male.>
What she tends to do is compete with my male slider by wiggling her
claws in front of my biggest female slider ("Big Mama").
<That's a very male behaviour.>
I know male sliders do this to show off and mate, but why would a
female slider do that to another female slider?
<Likely just a hierarchical thing. These aren't social animals
in the wild, so to a degree, keeping them in groups is bound to throw
up some odd behaviours now and again.>
Thank you soo much for taking the time to read and answer my
<Happy to do so. Good luck, Neale.>
Red Eared Slider Aggression 10/9/09
Hi there,
<Hey there! Ho There!>
My roommate and I adopted a pair of young male red eared sliders
just yesterday from a rescue center. Their names are Timmy (6
inches, 2-5 years old) and Asim (4 inches, 0-2 years).
<I assume Asim's last name is not
Their home is a 90 gallon tank filled 2/3 with water, with a
couple large rocks piled on one end for basking, and some
ornaments scattered about.
There is a fake, hollow log at the other end which I think Asim
slept in last night (Timmy doesn't fit). I've attached a
photo of the set up (without the log).
<That's a nice setup. You're doing well. Now get rid
of the log. It's a sad fact that turtles often do get caught
on things underwater & drown, so nothing they can get caught
under, over or around. Worst case scenario is that Asim BARELY
fits in when he goes to rest and barely DOESN'T fit when
trying to get out. Think like a turtle and check out the space.
<"NO CAPES!" -- Edna Mode>
<"NO LOGS!" -- Darrel>
When we put them in the tank they seemed to be getting along
fine; Asim followed Timmy everywhere he went. After a while,
Timmy climbed up on the basking rock, and Asim followed. Even
though they have more than enough room up there, Asim crawls onto
Timmy's back and stands there whenever they are on the rocks
at the same time. Sometimes Timmy stays put, and other times he
jumps into the water, sending Asim flying. When we feed them they
each seem to be eating the same amount of food.
<So far, you're describing normal turtle
Timmy has been eating the gravel incessantly, even though we have
provided him with more food than he can eat.
<Another easy fix. No Gravel Small Enough to Swallow. They can
eat enough that they get impacted and die. Change to small river
stones from your local building supply store.>
Today, we noticed that Timmy was acting strangely towards Asim.
He head-butted him once. On more than one occasion he put their
heads together and shook his front claws in front of Asim's
face. I noticed that someone reported this in an FAQ question
already, but the response was that it was a normal courtship
behavior for females, and for males it could signal an attack.
Not soon after, Timmy bit Asim's neck and refused to let go
for some time.
I had to intervene out of fear that Asim would be seriously
<Wise move>
I held Timmy out of the tank until we could be sure that Asim was
Since Timmy has been back in the tank, Asim has been frantically
swimming at the front of the glass. Timmy was acting normally,
aside from some lightly aggressive lunges toward Asim. We have
taken Timmy out of the tank to try and give him more food
(thinking that hunger may have been the problem) but neither
turtle seems to like eating out of water.
<No, they don't. At best they grab food and drag in back
<I assume that we've ruled out that Timmy has the long
front claws of a male and that perhaps he's trying to mate
with an immature female?>
Some advice on how to cope or fix the gravel-eating and
aggression would be greatly appreciated.
<What you've come across is just that particular set of
parameters that encourages aggression. It could easily be simply
the mix of those two turtles. Could be that Timmy is a whole new
person around a turtle his own size. Or not -- maybe Timmy is
just a jerk (don't laugh, it happens!)>
<What you should try first is just CHANGE things. Lower the
basking temperature a few degrees -or- lower the water temp
(obviously harder to do). Rearrange the entire tank (Basking
rocks in Right Front as opposed to Left Rear -- and remove all
decorations. Or add some. Mix things up and see what combinations
you can change that make Asim less frantic and/or Timmy less
aggressive. Add a third closer to turtle Timmy's size (a bit
more dicey, but worth a try). Build a partition, add a second
basking platform and give Asim his own room, so to speak.>
<As you can guess, *I* am guessing. As keepers we run into
this sort of thing from time to time and there's no one cure
for it. Do different things until you find something that
Thank you,
<No charge>
Re: Sick Red Eared Slider 8/18/09
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I am writing because I am concerned about Captain again and I just
searched the website, but don't see anything about what he is
doing. He has been swimming very quickly through his tank lately, like
he is trying to get out. Then, he will get up on his log and sit there,
but it seems like he is having muscle spasms. His right arm and leg
both shoot out of his shell and his head snaps to the side. It
doesn't appear to be a controlled motion. I can't tell if he is
in pain. He is eating and pooping and swimming, but this weird spasm
thing has me pretty concerned. Have you ever
heard of anything like this?
<The kind of things you describe aren't uncommon at all, but
when I see it it's almost always in younger turtles that are housed
indoors -- in other words not something I see in the wild or in a pond
situation, so without doing a blood workup, my mind wanders toward
calcium and maybe potassium deficiencies. Both those are easily treated
with powdered supplements that you can put in his food>
Should I take him to the vet immediately?
<Not if his only symptoms are spasms. Chop some small pieces of raw
liver, coat them in calcium and potassium powder(s) and feed him one
small piece a day for two weeks.>
My RES is Turning Orange! 8/18/09
Hi there!
<Hiya! - Darrel here>
I have a 6 year old female Red Eared Slider named Nostradamus (I
wrongly guessed at her gender when I named her... oops!).
<More interesting is the base name to begin with --- were you
expecting Nostradame (ne Nostradamus) to be making weird, almost
indecipherable predictions that someone in the far future would turn
into infomercials about food choppers?>
She has been very healthy throughout her life with an occasional
respiratory infection here and there (about every other year treated
with injectible Baytril). She also laid 17 eggs last winter!! My
question is, do you know why she is turning orange? I don't mean a
pale orange, I mean a bright, bright orange! It looks like a mask
around her face, on her nails, and her shell is now turning an orangish
tint. The "mask" on her face does not touch her nose and
eyes, just the surrounding skin. She is also more lethargic, sleeping
more than usual, and occasionally gapes her mouth and rubs her
<Changing color isn't a common symptom of any disease I'm
familiar with, Kathy.>
Nothing has changed in her tank, I do not use any sort of heating
equipment and the water is consistently around 75 degrees. She has
never been much of a basker, but she is eating well (ReptoMin with
RepCal mixed in). I keep her in a 55 gallon tank with a Fluval 404
filter. I took her to a new vet two days ago who seems very
knowledgeable and he said the orange could be a couple of different
things. First, vitamin A deficiency. Second, fungal infection.
<Vitamin A deficiency almost always presents with eye infections,
however nasal discharges are also common and your reference to
respiratory infections makes an interesting connection. A SEVERE
deficiency can lead to all kind of infections and skin infections often
show reddish or orange .. but that's a huge leap of logic at this
To be on the safe side, he drew a basic blood panel to send out (no
results back yet).
<That will tell us a lot>
He gave me a supplement called the Sunshine Factor, which is red palm
oil that can safely supplement vitamin A. I've been giving 1mL
orally per day... this involves making her so mad that she tries to
bite me, then quickly squirting in the supplement :-(.
<Small pieces of beef liver are also high in Vitamin A and turtles
like them. When the blood work comes back, injectibles are the way to
I haven't seen any change back to her normal color, however, and
she is still lethargic.
Does this diagnosis seem about right to you? I'm inclined to trust
my new vet, but I have never seen this before from her and I'm a
very concerned turtle mom!!
<Thank you for being concerned, Now I too am concerned. But just a
little. Regardless of trusting vets, I DO trust blood work, so
let's see what we get. In the mean time, please write back and tell
me more about her diet and about her basking & UV lighting>
Thank you so much,
Kathy :-)
Red Ear Slider dilemma 7/31/09
Hello WWM:
<Hello Diana,>
I have/had a red ear slider a hatchling, he /she was the size of a half
dollar, I put him on the grass outside and he burrowed under the grass,
I was sitting there watching and he disappeared, I didn't walk away
or anything I checked the grass over and over and nothing. I kept
checking and still checking for him to come out. I put water and food
out for him thinking he will come to the water since their is no water
source around.
What do you think happened? I feel like I'm crazy he disappeared so
quickly. Looking forward to some in site. thanks so much for your time
and have a great day.
<Well, he may still be the burrow, though to be honest, these
animals prefer to spend their time in or near water rather than
underground. More realistically, unless you were watching him all the
time, he may have walked off someplace. Another animal might have
found/eaten him. Really, there's a whole bunch of things.
Hatchlings really aren't "safe" outdoors, at least, not
away from their natural habitat or some sort of secure, managed
enclosure. Not really sure what else to say!>
<Good luck with your hunt, Neale.>
Re: Red Ear Slider dilemma, beh. 08/04/09
I sent the email below a few days ago, I deleted your response by
but I just wanted to say thanks for the quick response and let you know
that I found Rocky my RES actually it's my nephews I'm glad I
didn't tell him I lost him.
<Glad to hear this.>
I'm glad he came home because I would have never cut my lawn until
I did.
Thanks again and have a great day
<You are most welcome.>
<Cheers, Neale.>
Red Ear Slider Sleeping 7/27/2009
<Hiya - Darrel here>
Hi I have two RES about 4 - 5 months old. One of them is constantly
sleeping, and kind of both of them have been avoiding the lamp they
don't go on the rocks that I have put in my aquarium anymore, and
they used to do that a lot, since I have changed the rocks positions
(they wanted to escape in the position the rocks where placed) they
don't do it anymore. The water from the summer heat gets really
warm and from the lamp, so periodically I put cold water to stabilize
the temperature!
<If the heat lamp is heating up the water, then you need to redirect
it so that it hits ONLY the basking area, or move it further away from
the basking area. The rapid swings of temperature could be part of the
problem, so while I commend you playing so close attention and treating
the condition, we need to find a way to PREVENT the condition>
They eat normally but the fact of day sleeping almost every time I
check it its sleeping. Is this any sign of illness or it is normal?
<No, it's not normal. A turtle will choose between the heat of
basking (around 88-93 degrees) and the cool of the water (not heated,
just room temperature) as they need. A turtle that avoids the basking
OR the water and is not active is usually ill. The link below on
treatment contains the instructions for keeping them both out of the
water (except for daily baths) for a while to help their immune systems
fight whatever they are getting. But here's the thing: Without
knowing more symptoms, I can't help you decide what they have and
therefore how to treat them, so here's what I'd like you to do:
I'm also sending a link on basic care instructions. It explains
what the need and why. Go down the list of care items and prove to
yourself that your care fits the needs. In other words, start out by
assuming you have the wrong heat and prove that you do because it
matches the care. Then assume you have the wrong UB and again, prove
that you do because it matches the care. Water, rocks, diet ... right
down the list. If you're lucky, you'll find something that is
wrong ...
because by knowing what's wrong, we can figure out what to do to
treat them!>
<Best of luck with your detective work>
Any advice?
Thank you in forward,
Re: Red Ear Slider Sleeping 7/31/09
Hello Again,
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I have checked out the conditions they were living in and found these
problems according to the links you have sent me:
- The water was over heated from the sunlight which was filtered by a
<Right: the heat we don't want PLUS no UV - the worst of both
- RES are covered with something white probably bacterial infection or
something like that
<Visible whitish residue is more often fungal than bacterial -- and
easier to treat>
- The eyes of one of the RES are swallowed and it keeps them most of
the time closed by this avoiding the light from the basking area
<Probably a vitamin A & D deficiency. The good news is that
proper UV exposure is a systemic solution. Meaning it doesn't have
to be on the eye in order to begin to reverse the condition that causes
the eye to swell.
The only concern is that if the condition has progressed too far to
heal simply by treating the cause>
- I was feeding them every morning which resulted in a bad diet
<Too much food. Hopefully WHAT you feed them is also
Steps that I have taken
1. Isolation - I have put them on a box and they got a lamp on top
which is 12 - 15 hours on
2. I have isolated the sun light that was exposed to the aquarium and I
have checked the result and the water is cool just as the RES like
3. I am exposing the RES to direct sunlight for 15 min (3 times a
Steps that I am planning to take according to the documents I've
1. Planning to feed them tomorrow with cows liver
2. Clean their shells with a toothbrush and vinegar to remove the white
stuff that's attached to their shell and their heads ( how will I
do that on their heads I still got no clue).
Is there anything I forgot or anything I am doing wrong?
<As long as the steps you take show signs of working ... and the
turtles show signs of activity and feeding, then by all means continue.
The more natural sunlight the better -- assuming that you have the time
and that you can given them more without overheating them.>
<Keep up the good work!>
Re: Red Ear Slider Sleeping 08/02/09
What happened so far ...
Day 1 of Isolation
RES were too frustrated, one of them had already closed eyes and the
other was on the same road.
Day 2 of Isolation
Both RES had closed eyes, no big activities and avoiding the sun
whenever tried to get them into direct sunlight
Day 3 of Isolation
Both RES showing huge improvement, swollen eyes are gone the white
fungal is gone (thanks to the vinegar and CANESTEN Cream - which is the
same as mentioned on the treatment page). And it is clearly visible how
the shields are getting pure cleaned up.
I just want to thank you guys for helping me out, you saved my RES.
<Glad to help, Dar -- Hearing your success is why we do this. Well,
that, and the free food!>
<Just remember to keep up the treatment for a good solid month after
they appear well and above all -- find the source of the original
problem and correct it!!>
Red Ear Slider Behavior/Reproduction
My name is Char.
<Hello Charlene,>
I have 2 red ear sliders that I got last December when they were about
the size of a quarter and was told they were about 2 months old. So, I
believe them now to be 8 months in age and one is 4'' long and
3.5'' wide and the other is 3.5'' long and
3.25'' wide. I noticed last night that the smaller of the 2 was
"fanning" himself and now today the other has also done
My question being: in males does size or age play a role in their
sexual maturity?
<Appears to be both, with males needing to be a certain size and a
certain age. But, as with most animals, males are probably more
"flexible" in this regard than females. In any case, males
will be at least 2 years old before they are sexually mature, at which
point they should be a good 10 cm or so in shell length.>
I know that females need to be at least 6'', but I can't
seem to be able to find anything pertaining to males. I've started
to wonder if the smaller of the 2 is looking for a female companion as
he also tried to mount
himself onto the larger male.
<As with male animals generally, sexual behaviour tends to appear
from quite an early age, even if the male animal in question
wouldn't be big enough to attract (or fight for) a sexually mature
female. Sex-play
behaviours will certainly be exhibited, as will aggression, long before
the male animal will be able to secure access to a mate, or, where
relevant, protect the nesting site or offspring. What your Red-ear
Slider is doing
falls comfortably into the range of normal behaviours exhibited by the
species. Nothing to worry about. Keeping two males won't cause any
problems if the habitat is big enough, though as you'd expect,
sexually mature males are aggression and will fight if overcrowded.
Most people find keeping singletons best. They certainly don't need
<Cheers, Neale.>
Slider Ate A RAT? 7/18/09
Dear WWM
<Hiya Mary - Darrel here>
I have a 9 year old Red Eared Slider, Myrtle. During warm summer months
she is in a child's wading pool (which I change the water every
other day).
<I assume she has a rock or branch to haul out & dry off,
Yesterday when I came home from work, she was eating something in the
<Myrtle clearly doesn't wait a half hour after eating to go
swimming, does she?>
At a closer look, it looked like a giant rat. I live in a wooded area
and I have NEVER seen a rat before in my life!
<If you live in a wooded area or a non wooded area or an urban area
or suburban area, rats are sharing the environment with you.
They're about the most adaptable animal on the planet.>
The head was gone and the only thing that remained was the hind
quarters and back feet. I'm pretty sure it was "rat" feet
I was looking at.
<Probably. Or a mouse. But not an elephant or a moose or a 1963
Chevy Impala at least>
I guess a hawk or eagle dropped it OR The poor thing was looking for a
drink and couldn't get back out and drown.
<If you have even the slightest concern about hawks, let's focus
on their ability to get at Myrtle!!! This would be a good time to ring
the pond in hardware cloth and then a light weight poultry netting
(chicken wire) over the top.>
Unless you may think that Myrtle killed it?
<Rats are pretty good jumpers and turtles are very bad ambush
This scenario is not high on my list of probabilities. It would have to
be a HUGE turtle and a small rat. That it fell in is more
<My suggestion is that you give thought to whatever can get IN might
be a threat to Myrtle and don't worry about the other way
I'd like to know your opinion. Is a turtle capable of
<Not really, but they ARE prone to financial crimes such as check
fraud and embezzlement, Mary. Never leave your check book lying around
ANY turtle or tortoise. Turtles, especially will steal your PIN numbers
and go online
to buy all sorts of things. I mean, I'd 'get it' if a
turtle ordered 100 pounds of frozen fish ... but what in the heck does
a 7 year old Red Belly turtle need with a trampoline???? First it gets
here and no one know why .. then my insurance company finds out and
DOUBLES my homeowners' insurance and to add insult to injury the
turtle has NEVER used the darned thing!>
<I better get out of here before they trace the line!>
Turtle scratching her neck 6/27/2009
<Hiya -- Darrel here>
I have read just about everything on your site.
<Wow! We wrote it and probably haven't read THAT much of
Very informative and I learned things I did not know about Red Eared
<Thank You for saying so. That's what we're here for Mary.
That .. and the free food>
I have a 9 year old female who is truly a part of the family.
<I'm happy to hear that, too. A lot of people don't like
reptiles -- they think that they're mean, slimy and creepy... yet
that describes my brother-in-law completely and HE is part of the
A week or two ago I noticed Myrtle scratching her neck with her front
I thought maybe she had mites or something. I had to literally wrap her
in a towel so I could take a good look at her neck. She seems to be
rubbing the area raw. Once after scratching she started to bite at the
arm that she was using to scratch with. Is this a fungus or dry skin or
I'm at a loss. Today I took the day off to go to "That fish
store" to try to find an answer. I hope nothing is seriously
wrong. The neck area is rubbed to a brownish scab like color. Can you
give me some advise?
<Without an examination it's hard to say from way over here,
Mary, but the treatment options are similar>
<First, take Myrtle out of the water and make her a temporary home
that is warm & dry. Here's an excerpt from an article I'm
< Recognize immediately that the very environment preferred by the
turtle, warm and wet ... is also the optimal environment for the growth
of fungus and bacteria -- and even if neither are the primary illness,
you can be assured that if you leave a sick turtle in a warm, wet
environment long enough, fungal AND bacterial will seize the
opportunity to take hold and take over. For this reason, the single
most immediate treatment for any illness in a turtle is to remove them
from their tank, pond or enclosure and place them somewhere warm and
dry. Remember that, in the wild, water turtles occupy the habitat
AROUND the water as much, if not more than IN the water. Moreover, a
turtle in good health can survive months out of water and a sick turtle
really needs the rest. A temporary shelter can be anything from an
empty aquarium to a plastic bin or trash can or even just a cardboard
box with high sides (keep in mind a determined turtle is an incredible
climber). Add a heat source, which can be a regular electric heating
pad (if you're lucky enough to be able to find one without the
annoying 'automatic off' feature) to a light bulb suspended
over head. Ideally you want to achieve a constant temperature of
between 85-87 degrees. Since we are deliberately taking away the
turtle's choice to move from cool to warm, we have to pick a
constant that fits both needs. NOT having to move between temperature
zones and not having to swim or climb is the first step on giving the
turtle the ability to direct his attention more toward healing. You
must also provide UV-A and UV-B light sources, which perhaps can be
moved from his original enclosure or -- in the alternative, a minimum
of 10 minutes of direct (NOT filtered through any kind of glass or
screen) three times a day. Assuming he is healthy enough to be moving,
the regimen will be to place him in a shallow container of luke warm
(room temp) tap water every day for 5 minutes in order for him to
drink, poop and possibly eat. Shallow means no more than half his shell
under water when you place him in it -- and really only enough to cover
his tail and cloaca. Assuming that he is being treated for his actual
condition and improving, he can go YEARS in this condition without ill
<Now that she's out of what is basically an incubator for
bacteria, fungus, mites, worms and insurance salesmen we'll start a
basic treatment. After her daily bath, let her dry completely and then
clean the affected area(s) with hydrogen peroxide on a cotton swab,
then soak or dribble some Povidone (any kind of iodine) on the affected
area. Do this for a week and note the healing. The scab may turn to a
scar, but you'll still see the signs of healing. If NOT, then stop
this procedure and treat the areas with a topical anti-fungal cream
sold for athlete's foot and that contains miconazole or Tolnaftate
and give that two weeks.>
<Chances are that you'll see progress in a few weeks and Myrtle
will be ready to return to her regular environment in a month.
MEANWHILE this is a perfect time to completely clean and disinfect her
normal home.>
Also, Thanks for your site.
<Once again, Yer welcome! We enjoy doing it.>
I will be coming back again and again and reading other peoples turtle
problems and solutions. Very interesting.
Thanks again
Mary D.
[Editor's note: <sigh> The views of this particular crew
member, while usually accurate in a bizarre alternate-reality sort of
way, do not reflect the views of Wet Web Media, so .... Once again
On behalf of Wet Web Media, we'd like to apologize to
brothers-in-law, mothers-in-law, insurance salesmen and in fact all
kinds of salesman (except door-to-door salesmen who wear cuff links).
RES Issues 6/14/09
<Hiya, Darrel here>
I have a Red Eared Slider that is about 5 inches long and he/she
hasn't expelled any fecal matter in about 4 days. He/she still eats
very well he/she just doesn't go to the bathroom. I also noticed
that the area around
his/her tail is hard and round and it protrudes from the shell.
<Sounds like the Cloaca is a bit impacted... think constipation.
What I'd do is try a warm water bath for 15 minutes twice a day.
See if simply warming the water that naturally seeps into the opening
will help.>
One more thing, I saw him/her trying to eat a Doctor Turtle medicated
block about 2 weeks ago.
<I doubt that's related. The calcium in those blocks readily
breaks down in their digestive system. That said, those blocks
don't do much good, either.>
<Good luck>
I followed all your steps but still need turtle help.
Dear WWM Crew,
<Hiya! Darrel here today>
I have followed the steps you suggested before resorting to sending
this e-mail, but after much reading and searching have not really found
an answer to my situation on your website or others.
<On behalf of all of us, we really appreciate your searching first
and asking second! Thanks for trying!>
Background information: 11 months ago my fiancé and I got 2 baby red
eared sliders. They are currently residing in a 10 gallon tank (we are
in the process of up grading to a larger one now) with heat lamp/UV
etc., water heater, proper food and filtration etc. When we first got
them their shell size was about 1.5 inches, and the slightly larger one
was not always very nice to the slightly smaller one but they
eventually got along well as they now do. The large one is a little
over 4.5 inches and the smaller one is about 4 inches. About three
weeks ago we noticed them doing the fanning with their claws- the
little one to the big one- which we now know is their courtship.
<Again, thanks for researching!>
Then we noticed the little one attempting to mount the big one- again
we now know they are trying to mate. I know that the males are usually
smaller than the females and grow more slowly- which is consistent with
our turtles up until now.
<Males don't exactly grow more slowly. As turtles mature, their
rate of growth slows and since males mature sooner than females it can
just SEEM that they grow slower. That isn't YOUR case,
<Let's read on>
The problem: The cloaca on the bigger one is not very close to its
shell at all making me think that she may be a he, the big one is also
now approaching the small one and fans him with her claws, they both
have the same size claws; so I am really confused about their sex.
<The important thing here is that THEY aren't confused about
their sex>
While the smaller one is behind the big one and they are doing their
mating stuff the big one who is on the bottom is pushing its
"stuff" out under its own belly and stroking it. Everything I
have read says that the males will push their penis out and do
The questions: If the big one is a female than why is she pushing her
stuff out?
<She's not female - that's why>
It is possible for females to push their stuff out?
<Not and ever get it back, no. Besides, once a female turtle puts
her stuff out, she gets a bad reputation>
It does not seem to hurt or cause any stress at all. Does this mean
that the big one- who pushes its stuff out- is a male?
If the big one is a male than why is the small one trying to be the
male? Does that mean they are both male?
If so why is the big one pushing its stuff out but going to the bottom
position and letting the little one get up behind it before putting its
stuff out? Is it bad for him to push his stuff out without mating?
<It's just what they do, Nicole. Don't worry about it. Many
animals will exhibit this behavior in a single sex environment and,
while it's goofy, it's nothing to concern yourself
Is there anything I can do to stop it? Anything I can do to discourage
mating if they are a boy and girl? I dont want babies or stressed/sick
turtles, please help.
<The fact that they're both males pretty much takes care of the
eggs/babies aspect and as far as sick and diseased, that's not
really an issue, so again ... don't stress YOURSELF over it>
Thank you so much for reading all that, I am sorry it is so long but I
dont know what information is important for you.
<It wasn't long at all Nicole -- you have NO IDEA how much some
people can write and yet still manage to not give us enough information
for help. You did well -- and once AGAIN ... thank you for doing the
research before writing. It makes our job easier!>
Thank you again.
<No charge!>
Nicole L.
I have few question about my Sliders
Hi! I'm Roxel from the Philippines.
<Hiya! Darrel here from Southern California>
I got questions for my turtles. I have two (2) Red-Eared Sliders (Grub
and Schnitzel) both 4 and a half inch long. Grub is the eating machine
and Schnitzel is the stubborn one.
<But Schnitzel DOES eat, correct? Just not as much as Grub?
Sometimes, when one animal is particularly dominant, the other just
doesn't thrive ... or at least, not as well. If you suspect
Schnitzel isn't eating - or not
eating ENOUGH -- take him out of the tank and place him into a private
container of water 1 inch deep once a week. Give him an hour to
acclimate and them give him a private feeding. See if, after a couple
weeks, his appetite improves.>
One day, I'm cleaning their tank. I put them in a pail for a while.
The water is deep for them and as I observe them, Grub can float and
swim but Schnitzel stayed at the bottom of the pail and comes up to get
some air. I thought there was something wrong with the two. I made Grub
sink to the water but still he still floats up. I made Schnitzel come
up but he or she(still can't identify the two) sank YET comes up to
inhale some air.
<That's not AS strange as you might think, but worth checking
This is my question: Which one of my turtle is unhealthy/sick?
<Not necessarily, Roxel. Both turtles SHOULD be able to float AND
sink as they desire and as long as this behavior is voluntary it's
not an issue.>
What are the ways (if there are) to make them heal?
<Several things. First, make some longer-term observations of them.
Do they both swim at times? Both bask at other times? Then spy on
For example, sit in the corner of their room, out of the way, and read
a book. Glance up every so often and note their positions. Does Grub
ALWAYS float? Schnitzel ALWAYS sink to the bottom? Read three more
chapters and check again. Etc. Try again tomorrow. Make sure you have
enough samples to really know what you're seeing. If you conclude
that they really do both have some sort of problem, the next thing to
do is remove them to a place that is warm and dry (I use a cardboard
box with high sides and a heating pad on "LOW" in the bottom)
and leave them there for a week ... placing them in a container with 1
inch of water each day --separately-- for 15 minutes each, so they can
drink, poop and eat. This "drying out" will often help if
they have an air pocket or even some fungal gas pockets under the skin
... and the one that is always at the bottom can benefit from drying
out as well. Then place them back in their tank and observe again and
note what, if anything, changed>
<Check your standard of care against the link below, correct
anything that's wrong, but remember this: If their active... if
they swim and bask and eat with enthusiasm, chances are they'll be
I'll be looking forward for your reply. Thank You!
<Yer welcome!!!!!>
< http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm>
How To Differentiate Shedding Of Skin And Fungus Infection?
RES beh., hlth. 4/12/09
Dear Crew
<Hiya, Darrel here>
Recently, I noticed that the water in the tank of my two Red Eared
Sliders was full of transparent pieces of things which I do not
<hmmm. So far, a bit vague>
Then I noticed that the sliders on their some parts of their body seems
to be shedding their skins. But I do not know whether that is just
normal shedding of skin or fungus infection. May I know what is
<Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference, since healthy
shedding results in pieces of dead skin falling off and fungal
infections cause the death of skin which then falls off, but generally
speaking, a healthy shed is a
continual process where very small amounts pieces come off all the
These pieces are so small that they're rarely if ever
<If you have visible pieces or strips of skin that seem to be
trailing off and you have so many of them that they are free floating
in the water, you should assume that you have or are building up a skin
condition that
requires treatment.>
<Skin fungus is harder to treat than shell fungus, yet it's
easier to cure>
<This is my standard first-line treatment for fungus in water
<The first thing to understand is that a water turtle's normal
environment is warm and wet -- and as any scientist will tell you --
the best way to grow fungus or bacteria is to keep the germs warm and
wet! To treat the turtles we need to remove them from their environment
and keep them warm and DRY. I use a cardboard box with high sides and a
regular old electric heating pad on it's lowest settings for this.
The trick here is to buy the 'economy' type heating pad that
does not have an Auto-Off feature. I wrap it in a cloth towel and place
it in the bottom of the box and cover that with a layer of newspaper.
Then just place the turtles in it. After they've been in for about
24 hours, place them is a shallow bowl of room temperature water for
around 5 minutes. This is to give them time to drink and poop. You can
put a few food pellets in there and they may or may not eat, don't
worry about that now. After 5 minutes or so, take them out and
let them dry off for an hour or so.>
<Now we'll treat the fungus>
<For shell fungus, apply a topical anti-fungal cream from the drug
store to the affected area. Look for any of the brands that contain
Miconazole (or any that end in -azole) or Tolnaftate -- brand name is
Remember to run thoroughly in order to press it into the area, but
don't waste the cream -- only the bottom-most layer makes contact
with the shell - thicker is not better. Repeat this process for 14
days. You should
start to see results in the affected areas after 5-7 days, but treat
for the full 14>
<For skin fungus, if the fungus is localized, apply household
vinegar to the affected area with a cotton swab and rub lightly. If the
area is accessible you can even scrub (lightly) with an old toothbrush.
If the fungus is around the head or neck or affecting the entire
turtle, the treatment is a bit harder. I alternate between a salt water
bath and a vinegar dip. The salt water bath is a tablespoon of salt
(aquarium salt is great, table sale will do) per cup of luke-warm water
-- as much as you need to over the whole turtle. Place him in the bath
for 2 to 3 minutes and them remove him to dry off for a hour, then
rinse him in fresh tap water). The vinegar "dip" is usually
more like trying to dribble the vinegar over his whole body including
the neck and face, yet without getting it into his eyes or nose.
It's basically impossible to avoid getting into the eyes or nose,
but I try. If the animal gets an uncomfortable amount and continually
tries to wipe his face with his front
claws, then give him a quick rinse in tap water. Otherwise, just as
with the salt bath, let it dry on him for an hour and then give him a
<Meanwhile -- and this is the most critical part -- environmental
conditions allowed the fungus to get a foothold. The water is not clean
enough, the filter not strong enough, the water is too warm, the
area is not warm enough, the UV is not present or not functioning
Take the opportunity while the animals are being treated to break down
their habitat, clean and sterilize everything (including the canister
filter AND the tubing) so that everything is pristine and ready when
turtles come home.>
RES abundant skin shedding 4/9/09
We (husband & I) have 3 RES, of varying ages, in a 110gal aquarium.
The largest is approx. 6" from head to tail; the smallest,
They feed on a diet primarily of aquatic turtle pellets.
<Ah, do change this; except when very young, these turtles are
mostly herbivores, and without fresh greens they aren't going to be
getting the right balance of vitamins and fibre they need. Cheap
aquarium plants, such
as Elodea, works great as a staple, and you can reserve the pellets for
use once or twice a week, alongside green curly lettuce, small pieces
of white fish or mussel, and live foods like earthworms.>
There are 3 docks in the aquarium, each with its own 75watt UV bulb for
We use a canister filtration system, and the water stays around 75
degrees F.
<All good.>
They all feed and seem (from what I can tell) content.
<Like most herbivores, their appetites are large because they
"expect" to eat a lot of low-energy food, i.e., greens. When
we give them super-concentrated high-energy food, such as pellets, they
don't feel full
despite getting the energy (if not the vitamins and fibre) they
Now, for the question:
Is it remotely normal that they shed their skin, a lot?
<Yes; the more mechanical filtration you have, the less it's a
problem though, and if the water is filled with floating skin, either
up the water changes, or double the turnover rate of the filtration
Realistically, you want 8-10 times the volume of the tank in turnover
per hour for adults.>
I have examined them out of the water (up close & personal), and
they seem to have healthy skin (ie: no inflammation, no
<Likely they're fine, though vitamin issues may make their skin
less healthy than it might be, just as humans have better skin when
they eat a healthier diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables.>
They just constantly have shedding skin coming off of them. Should I be
<Not really, beyond by comments above.>
How can I help them (if they in fact need help)?
<Happy to help.>
p.s. Please accept my most humble and sincere apology if this is a
ridiculous question you have previously addressed in your forum; also
if l have offended you horribly with any abuses of the English
<Ah, it seems the wrong people worry about our occasional outbursts
on the issues of spelling and grammar! Cheers, Neale.>
Turtle beh. 3/15/09
When I put my fingers to the glass of the aquarium, my turtle swims
over to them and flutters his front claws rapidly against the glass and
even follows the movement of the fingers and repeats this. Is this an
act of aggression or just playful interest? Does this show how he would
act with other turtles?
<Quite normal. Depending on the species and the sex, it may well be
type of aggression. Reptiles don't play. Cheers, Neale.>
Lethargic Red Eared Slider 2/11/09 Hello, <Hiya,
Darrel here tonight> I recently bought a baby red ear slider about a
week ago. <Congratulations!> Shell length is about 1 and ½
inches. He has the proper set up. UVB lamp and heating as well. 2 dry
spots and a filter. His water temps are typically 75 F but now that he
is sick, I bumped it up to 80. He hasn't eaten since I bought him
1.27.09 and I assumed he was adapting to his environment when he just
recently started rubbing his eyes and tearing up. <Not a good
sign> I assumed it was the waters chlorine levels and change the
water to fresh water. <Turtles are fine in normal tap water> Then
his eyes were swollen shut and he's been sleeping all day. I
purchased zoo med Repti eye drops and that opened his eyes then he
closed them again. I have been using them for the past 3 days now. He
hasn't been active at all and just sleeps all the time and I'm
curious as to what illness does that lead to. <Reptiles and Fish are
very stoic animals, Marlie. That means that they don't show most
signs of illness until they are so weak they can no longer hide it.>
<My guess is that his feeding and climate have not ALWAYS been as
right as you have them and now it's mostly a long-term
debilitation.> He hasn't been swimming lopsided nor coughs,
sneezes, or has mucus secretions but he hardly wakes up. Can you please
tell me what is wrong exactly is his body fighting a respiratory
infection or just en eye infection? <Take him out of the aquatic
environment and place him somewhere warm and dry. I'd like his air
temp to be around 88 to 90 degrees constantly. Raising his metabolism
will help him a little bit in fighting off whatever is getting to him.
At least 10 minutes of direct sunlight each day as well. We want to
expose his skin to unfiltered sunlight (not thru glass or even screen)
for a few minutes, but not so much as to cook him (turtles can
overheat)> As far as the cause, mostly likely a vitamin deficiency
and the sunlight will help a bit. The big problem is that if you
can't perk him up enough to eat, he'll have to be force-fed and
that's not something for the novice. Warm him up as described,
place him in a shallow bowl of luke warm water once a day for 5 minutes
at which time you can offer him a few Koi pellets, ReptoMin food sticks
or maybe even an earthworm (pets stores carry Night Crawlers -- one for
him and the rest in your garden)> How can I make him eat, be active
and healthy? <I appreciate the desire and effort, Marlie, we all
feel the same. Hopefully he'll respond and start to eat and we can
get enough nutrition into him to help him recover.> Please help I
don't want him to die. <Nor do we, Marlie. Warm, dry, sunlight
and food and we'll all root for you!>
Turtle twitching/shaking head rapidly 1/7/08
I have a red eared slider that was kind of dumped on me by a friend who
was neglecting it, but since then I have taken very good care of him.
He is about a year old, maybe a little younger. He has a large tank
with a water heater, a swimming area and a dry area with a proper
basking lamp, and the temperatures are fine and the water is clean and
his diet his healthy. (I've done a lot of research since I first
got him). Yesterday I noticed the he was acting VERY strangely.
<Oh?> He is basking much more then usual and when he is on his
log he seems very agitated. He flicks his arms and legs out quickly and
shakes his head back and forth rapidly. <Hmm... not typical for
solitary turtles.> It almost looks like he is trying to scratch his
face, but he does flick his back legs a lot also. It is very bizarre to
watch and it has me really worried! I love the little guy :( He also
constantly turns around on the log in between the twitching, and he
will often jump into the water only to quickly come back out. <Agree
its odd, but unless there are reasons to suspect disease or vitamin
deficiency, I'm not sure its indicative of anything (at least, not
to me). Let's assume your turtle has access to UV-B light (do check
this: not all basking lamps are UV-B, some are UV-A, and some just
plain regular light). Let's further assume that it's getting a
balanced diet rich in greens and not too rich in anything containing
thiaminase (for example, shrimp or fish). The issue here is that
thiaminase and lack of UV-B cause vitamin deficiencies, and among the
possible problems are damage to the nerves, and this can indeed
manifest itself as odd movements such as convulsions. Although not
particularly common in turtles because most species are more or less
herbivorous, this is a serious problems for things like garter snakes
often given a fish-based diet.> When he is in the water he seems
fine, and his eyes are as bright and alert as always. He is a very
active turtle but I've never seen him do this. It's almost like
he is having a seizure. <At least some of these behaviours might be
social, for example threat behaviours aimed at you. But I don't
really know, and haven't heard of these sorts of problems in
turtles that are otherwise healthy and receiving the correct diet.>
I would love any advice. I live in a very small town and the vet
wasn't much help. Thanks Sam <For now, would observe, taking
specific care to notice appetite and any signs of things like eye or
respiratory tract infections. Odd swimming behaviour is one sign of
respiratory tract infections as fluid in the lungs causes problems with
buoyancy, but this won't be apparent on land. (On the other hand,
wheezing and mucous production are good signs of an RTI, so be on the
alert for them.) If the turtle is female and above a certain size/age,
say 10 cm/3 years, then egg binding can cause female turtles to behave
erratically. Uncorrected, this can lead to major problems, so do sex
your turtle, and be prepared for egg laying if "he" turns out
to be a "she". There's a great run down of "odd
behaviours" over at the excellent Red Ear Slider web site, here:
http://redearslider.com/unusual_behavior.html Do have a look over them,
and see if anything sounds familiar. Cheers, Neale.>
Red Ear Slider -bottom heavy 9/21/08
We have 3 turtles. The one in ? is seven months old, 5"x3.5
(approx). The king/queen of the tank. This evening at feeding (pellets)
the turtle was lagging. As though bottom heavy, have difficulty getting
up on the larger out of water level rocks. We have had pea size gravel
in tank - now removed. The turtle is still interested in food. Back
legs seem to work labored, signs of difficulty holding stance to put
face above water. The smaller turtles seem to be helping - boost up -
(if you will) their mate. What can be causing this??? The shell looks
fine, and all looks good as far as I can see - But TurTy is still
running bottom heavy??? What can I do??? Will this pass if he ate
Thanks for your time and attention.
<Greetings. Swallowing stones is not normally a problem. But if she
has done this, and can't pass them, then you will need to see a
vet. A simple x-ray will confirm the problem. However, I do wonder if
this particular terrapin is a female, which is easily checked. Males
have much longer FRONT claws than the females. If the claws are smaller
than the flipper, it's a girl; if the claws are longer than the
flipper, it's a boy. Furthermore, females have smaller tails than
males, and the cloaca (the combined anal-genital opening) is much
closer to the shell than the tip of the tail. There are some nice
pictures here:
Now, the reason I'm concentrating on sex is because females are
prone to becoming egg-bound if they have the wrong diet and/or no place
to lay their eggs. That would account of her heaviness and clumsiness.
This is a fatal condition, and MUST be fixed quickly. If you suspect
this to be the case, your terrapin is in much pain and distress, and
needs help. Egg-bound females begin by frantically trying to get out of
the tank: they're looking for somewhere sandy to put the eggs. A
shallow dish of sand will do the trick, but if you miss the window of
opportunity, the eggs can get stuck, and a vet will need to fix the
problem, either surgically or by administering a hormone. Either way,
It's a very common problem with terrapins kept indoors, and likely
accounts for much (gruesome) mortality. In any case, a trip to the vet
is in order, sooner rather than later. Cheers, Neale.>
RES turtle question... beh./repro. mostly, plus keen
insight into the human cond. 8/18/08 Hi - I hope
you can answer my questions, as I don't know how to do it on your
website. <Quite simple. Start on the Freshwater page, go to
Livestock, and then browse the Turtle articles and FAQs. Failing that,
there's a Google search box.
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwlvstkind2.htm > I have
two sliders, about 11 years old, probably from the same
"litter" (is that the correct word?) and very, very friendly.
They are great pets, very responsive, eat out of our hands and we love
watching them. They live in a 10 gal. turtle tank, <Whoa... 10
gallons? That's WAY too small for them. At 11 years old, these
things should be the size of dinner plates. Do see here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/redearsliders.htm > have a
nice big floating rock on one end, and love to stand up on their hind
legs on the rock and hang on the sticks that support the rock with
their front legs. They both learned this trick on their own. <Hmm...
suspect they learned this more from necessity than any sense of fun.
This habitat is just too small for them.> They get along really
well, and the only time there's competition is when they eat. One
is bigger and dominant, but they never fight. <OK.> Last year
they started this fluttering thing, and reading your website I see
it's courtship behavior. It seems to be mutual, no one turtle
chasing the other, and both seem to have the same length of nails. My
husband wonders if they are gay -- well, OK, maybe, but maybe they are
of different genders and I can't tell. <Trachemys scripta
elegans is easy to sex. Males have much longer claws on their front
flippers than females. Males also have longer, thicker tails with the
cloaca (the combined anal/genital opening) near the tip rather than
close to the shell.> So, if they aren't the same sex, what
should I do? There is no sand in the tank (it's a water tank, so
sand never occurred to me). Should I try sand, and what kind of sand?
<Do see here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/turtlereprofaqs.htm > I see
no evidence of sex organs or even mating behavior. The fluttering is
lovely to watch -- so gentle and sweet. We feel it's communication
on a level we can't quite understand, and are not meant to
understand. Sometimes they do it twice or three times a day, and
sometimes not at all. Today and yesterday I saw it again. <Glad
it's providing entertainment! Yes, it is quite a strange thing to
see...> However, if I should be doing something for them, can you
let me know? <If nothing else, a bigger habitat.> Their names are
Yin and Yang and I have them since they were very very small. It's
interesting how you can get to really like turtles -- never thought it
would be possible, but they really have fun personalities! <It is
certainly possible to become fond of any pet animal, even one with such
limited intelligence as a terrapin. I always thought they have very
pretty faces, especially eyes.> Thanks for any advice you can give
-- Susan <Hope this helps, Neale.>
Red Eared Slider behavior 07/14/08 Hi, <Hiya, Darrel
here> I have a few questions for you, I hope you can help me care
better for my son Pauli: <I'm going to read on before I make any
leaps of logic here> 1. I bought a RES, her eyes were swollen shut
and were draining pus. I went to the Pet Shop and got drops and other
medicines, the tank has UV lights, the water temp was fine, and I left
her in the sun for 30mins a day, but after a week she died, I just want
to know what more I could have done as I am scared to buy another one,
I got too attached and then got sick when she died. <On behalf of
Bob Fenner and the entire crew, we're sorry for your loss,
Chantell. Buying an animal that is already showing signs of illness
will almost never have a happy ending. The predators of fish and
reptiles usually go for the weak and injured animals first, so if
you're a fish or a turtle it pays NOT to be sick or injured, but
even if you are sick or injured -- it pays to not APPEAR to be sick or
injured. For this reason fish and reptiles are very stoic animals -
they often will appear to be just FINE until suddenly they appear
REALLY sick and this is often just hours before they die. Most fish or
reptiles have had a debilitating disease for weeks -- sometimes even
months -- without any signs that you would see unless you were looking
closely and knew just what to look for> <You did the right things
-- Vitamin A (injections are best but drops usually work), massive
antibiotic injections and sunlight are three of the four things needed,
but by the time the eyes are weeping pus, the fourth item you needed
was a small miracle. Again, our sympathies.> 2. Also I have a male
Red Eared Slider named Pauli that I have had for about 8 months now. He
is healthy and beautiful. Last night I was talking to him and he
started to make funny sounds, like he was "talking" back to
me. I called my husband as I thought I was imagining it but he did the
same. He swims to the top of the water with just his head out and then
makes the sounds. Is it normal? <Is he telling you to kill your
landlord or buy stocks in an Internet Startup? I know that sounds
crazy, Chantell, but take it from me -- I breed turtles ... and turtles
don't know ANYTHING about the stock market!> <Seriously, the
can make a sort of clicking sound with their jaws and something
resembling a hiss/growl as they breathe. The thing to do is make SURE
that it's not the bubbly/raspy sound of breathing through an upper
respiratory infection. Look closely for bubbles coming from the nose as
he breathes.> 3. Pauli eats anything meaty and leafy, but he refuses
to eat the pellets we give him. I have tried to mix it with meaty
things but he is too clever, he eats the meat and leaves the pellets,
when he does occasionally bit into one he spits it right back out. Do
you have any suggestions how to get him to eat it? <Yes I do, but
you're not going to like it. After you verify that Pauli is
otherwise healthy you stop giving him food of any kind except Tetra
brand Repto-Min and you offer THAT only once a week for no longer than
10 minutes & then you remove it and try again next week. Week after
week. Into next month and maybe the month after. Until Pauli gets
hungry enough to eat. It's a contest of wills, Chantell. I once
went .... brace yourself .... in fact sit down .... I once went THREE
AND A HALF YEARS with a Box turtle named Clara that had fixated on
strawberries and wouldn't eat anything else. Every week, every
month, every year .... nothing. I was convinced she was trying to
out-live me until one day she turned a corner and ate the earthworm
I'd offered. After that, everything was fine except for her
incessant chatter about investing in some company named goodell or
goober or Google or something like that!> <Make sure that water
temp is not too warm -- and that basking temp IS nice and warm.
Available temperature choices are a major factor in eating habits.>
4. Last question, Pauli sometimes has the habit of swimming around and
then doing a 180degree turn in the water when visitors come over, is he
playing? <We're not sure if turtles have that level of sentient
awareness, Chantell, but they sure do entertaining things!> Thank
you, <You're welcome!> Chantell P.S We don't have vets in
the UAE specializing in reptiles, so a friend suggested this sight.
Keep up the great work, I learned a few things from the site. <Keep
the kudos coming! We're vain & shallow & respond well to
What is she doing? RES beh. 7/6/08 hello,
<Hiya Mom -- Darrel here> My son and I have a female Red Eared
Slider and she has been doing some odd things; <I have a son and HE
is doing some odd things -- but he's 15 so I just ignore it>
First she will often (if you put your finger pad against the glass) put
her head down and tuck it in a bit then she will frame her face with
her claws and vibrate them. <Interesting, that sounds like a male
courting behavior. You haven't said how big the turtle is (turtles
reach sexual maturity with SIZE, not age) or how we know it's a
female. Is the shell about 3 inches long or more? Are the front claws
elongated? (See Figure 1 in the link below) If so, you have a male not
a female> The second odd thing she has done is (when I had her
outside yesterday in the sun) that as I held her she peed 2 times and
then looked like she was about to poop but then something black with a
yellow center came out of her poop hole instead, she pushed it out and
pulled it back in 2 times. <The evidence is piling up .....> When
I took her back inside she did not do it again. I am concerned- is this
normal or was that her bowels? <That was his .. um .... reproductive
organ and as long as he can pull it back in, then it's normal --
although I'd caution your son that it's ok normal for a TURTLE
to do that, not for a human (boy was THAT ever an expensive
lesson!!!!!> or was that her womb that she was thinking needed to be
out to be fertilized? <Not really, everything is fine> What do
these two behaviors mean? <They mean that your little turtle has
grown up. There's nothing you have to do about it, either. Sliders
are colonial animals, which is to say that in the wild they tend to
congregate, but they don't seem to suffer at all being housed
singularly.> thanks <Hope that helps!> mama T < http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm>
RES with weird behaviors, hlth. issues, reading
03/18/08 Hi WWM Crew, <Doris> This is my first time writing
to a webpage with a question so I'm not quite sure if I'm doing
it right or not. I have 4 RES. One RES is older by two years. About
45-50 days ago I purchased 3 baby RES. I've recently changed the 20
gallon tank to a 40 gallon tank, with a floating island and a basking
light. When I came home I noticed that one of my turtles weren't
moving in the water. I took him/her out to see if anything is wrong, it
seems that the right eye isn't fully opened kind of like a lazy
eye. I placed it on land and realized it stretched out its neck and
opened its mouth like it's trying to take in oxygen. After taking
oxygen the RES "lazy eye" opened like before. Is my RES not
ready to be in such a big tank with that much water? <Reads like it
is having troubles... with both breathing and its eyes...> Or could
it be lack of oxygen? Is my RES sick? <The latter> I hope you
have an answer to my questions. By the way this is a great site. Thanks
for having this site for people who have questions like me. Sincerely,
Doris. <Please make use of it. Read here:
http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwlvstkind2.htm toward the
bottom... on Turtle Diseases. Bob
Weird behavior,
RES 2/13/08 greetings...
<Hiya Viki -- Darrel here> I have 2 young Red Eared Sliders
about 2 ". Boris is perky but doesn't eat
pellets...likes chicken and crickets... <Would you eat
what's good for you if you could eat snack food instead?
Those foods as a staple diet will lead to malnutrition, starting
with vitamin deficiency. If you can't get them on ReptoMin or
Koi pellets (same food, just cheaper) then feed them night
crawlers (earthworms). Start feeding the worms three times a week
- to build up their diet .... then after a month, reduce to once
a week while offering pellets the other two times. The idea is
that once they're healthier we let them get hungry enough to
finally accept the pellets.> Natasha doesn't do much
except some BIZARRE neck stretching and opening her mouth and
making a sort of clicking noise. She doesn't eat, doesn't
really swim <If she does that frequently it is usually a sign
of metabolic bone debilitation (probably brought on by the bad
diet) but it can be easily and quickly treated. She needs
vitamins and calcium and hopefully she'll get both in the
worms and eventually the pellets if you can get her to eat. Raise
the temperature of her environment a few degrees and see if that
helps get her appetite back. Also, short (5 minute) soaks in 85
degree water can also help stimulate the appetite, Failing that,
you'd need to see a veterinarian about vitamin and calcium
injections> I got a new light to intensify the basking
scene... <Basking & warmth is good, but are they getting
UVA/UBV as well?> any other suggestions? <FIRST, WE SET
TRAP FOR MOOSE AND SQUIRREL! [psst! Did y'all know that Rocky
(Rocket J Squirrel) was a girl squirrel?]> She seems sort of ,
I dunno, handicapped. <Not handicapped ... debilitated -- on
her way to becoming ill. But hopefully we caught it in time and
can get her back on track in a hurry> thanks for your help.
<Yer welcome -- read this link for a quick refresher
weird behavior... Chelonian f's
2-14-08 Oy sad to say that Natasha expired this evening. very
sad. it got to be that every time she stretched her neck tonight
she would tip over. oy oy oy. OF course she was debilitated, she
never ate from the moment she arrived here...We're working on
Boris' diet. earthworms for breakfast. thanks for your time
and help. V <Dear Viki, On behalf of Bob Fenner and the entire
crew we're truly sorry for your loss. Please keep us updated
on Boris and don't hesitate to let us know if we can be of
further help> <Kind Regards,
Re: weird behavior... Boris the
chelonian 2/27/08 Hi Darrel...Boris is
doing really well. He always seems hungry now - he eats pellets
and earthworms greedily. How often do you think they should eat
when they're this little? <Less than we eat, Viki -- I
feed mine every other day in the summer and every three to four
days in winter. As long as WHAT they eat is healthy for them,
then our next big problem is obesity. Believe it or not, more of
our pets die of over feeding and the complications that brings
than pass from insufficient diet. Glad everything is working
Young Slider with shell color changes
2/13/08 Hi WWM, <Hiya SB!> Thanks for being here and having
such a great site. <Thank you, too. We like being here!> I
couldn't quite find what I was looking for with the search engine
because I'm not too familiar with the terminology and the structure
of turtle's shells. I have a very young Red Eared Slider turtle
(slightly bigger than a 50 cent piece). I've been taking care of it
since November and things have been going pretty good. I have a 20
gallon tank, a hang-on filter (I know they're not very good, but I
can't afford a canister right now) <Actually, hold up there.
It's just fine for a tank that size, it's easier to clean than
a canister and for that reason you'll do it more often -- if
it's working for you, don't change it!> A UVB/UVA bulb
directly overhead, an ample basking area, and I feed the turtle a diet
of ReptoMin pellets and occasionally a krill as a treat (maybe three
times a week). I also completely clean out the tank every Friday unless
I'm especially busy. <Sounds good so far. Better than good.
Great actually.> Lately I've been noticing the colors of his
shell changing. The area between the sections (I suppose they're
called scutes?) <They are called scutes and the area between the
scutes are called margins ... but mainly called ..... The Area Between
Scutes> of the carapace has been becoming darker and darker, until
now it's almost black. Although the turtle is still acting normally
and very energetic (constantly tries to bite me during feeding), this
has me very worried. What are the possible causes of this and what
should I do? <That's normal as the grow, SB. As he/she ages they
bright green is replaced by a duller green and then a darker color that
helps them blend in to their surroundings and the margins become dark
& then black. SO ...... IN OTHER WORDS ... the cause for this is
that your Slider is growing and thriving because you're being such
a good care giver!!!> Thanks in advance for your help. <Once
again, you do the work ..... and I take the thanks. I LOVE THIS
JOB!!!!!!!! --
Strange fanning behaviour on red eared sliders 1-22-08
Hello, I have read through your behaviour answers and have learned that
the fanning of the front feet signify an attempt to attract the
attention of a female. <Correct. They also do it when they're
mating. I had two terrapins of different species, and yet the male
would "mount" the female (hardly the correct word, but you
get the drift) and it would seem like he was scratching her eyes
out.> All good. However, I have to sliders, one is about 2" and
one about 2.5" large (I can't tell if they are male or female
because they are too small still.) They are the same age. The larger
one is swimming up to the smaller one and starts fanning the front arms
then the smaller ones sits and does it back. Are my turtles just
confused or is it also an aggressive show of dominance? Is there
something I should be worried about here? <Quite normal, and nothing
to worry about. It may be pre-mating display, or a dominance display,
or merely some sort of reptilian chit-chat. Provided the terrapins
don't start biting each other, they're fine.> Thank you very
much Suzy <Cheers,
Red Eared Slider Question, shell
colour 1/1/08 Hi, I have had an unusual
occurrence with one of my red eared sliders. We have raised them from
hatchlings and they are currently in a 30 gallon tank (they are three).
They have uv light, heat lamps and a basking area. The water and filter
are changed regularly. They both seem healthy and energetic, but the
larger one's scales have taken on a reddish tint. This is both on
the top of his shell and the bottom. His skin appears normal in color,
and their are no soft spots or fungus growth. Any idea what we might be
dealing with? Thanks so much! Lori <Hmm... difficult to say without
seeing them, but do bear in mind that old scales (or scutes, to be more
precise) at the top of the shell eventually flake off the shell. Before
that happens they tend to become semi-transparent and more
horny-looking rather than the green/brown they normally are. In
addition, as the Sliders grow, their overall colour becomes less bright
green and more green/brown. Provided your Slider is otherwise healthy
and shows no sign of infection, then I'd not be too alarmed just
yet. Cheers,
Is an over-active Slider too hot?
11/16/07 Hey Crew! <Hiya Jamie!> I read through your
Faq's and I really enjoyed the site. Thank you for the great info!
Well onto my questions... My first question is about my female RES that
I bought about 6 months ago, she's been very healthy and always
active and friendly. We keep her in long 20 gallon tank, with a
heater/filter, heat kept around 78 degrees, basking platform that she
can easy climb on, and a UVA/UVB lamp. She's about 4 inches now,
maybe slightly bigger. 1) First problem encountered with her was that
she refuses to eat any kind of pellets, we tried 3 different kinds and
even soaked tem in tuna to entice her. She dislikes them so much, she
even acts like they aren't there. After many tries, we finally
decided to try to keep a balanced diet (as best as we can) with veggies
and extra stuff (usually feeder fish, crickets, krill..etc.) Any
suggestions on how to keep a good stable diet? <The first problem is
that the water is too hot. Water temp should be around 65-73 and the
dry land/basking temp between 85-93 -- She needs to have a choice as to
be warm & dry or wet & cool and so far you've taken that
choice away from her. -- I'll address the feeding concerns a little
later on> 2) For some reason lately she has become extremely active
and loves to climb onto her basking platform and then attempts to climb
out of her tank, sometimes getting too close for comfort. She even ends
up back flipping into the water and one time got stuck. Any explanation
as to why she is doing this and how we can prevent it? <My guess is
that she's active because she's a bit over heated and her
behavior will change when you provide her the proper temperature
gradients. Also, you'll find that the water stays a bit cleaner and
clearer at the lower temperatures> <Now, as far as diet and diet
fixations go ... Sliders are not usually very picky. If she's
otherwise healthy and after about 3 months of correcting her
temperature situation ... you can just stop offering her any other kind
of foods .... and offer the Koi pellets once a week, scooping them out
if she hasn't eaten in 15 minutes, and after about three weeks,
she'll wake up & smell the writing on the wall (to mix
metaphors) and start eating the pellets. If she's otherwise
healthy, 3-6 weeks in nothing to HER ... but you'll be beside
yourself with needless worry. Just for comparison, I've had a box
turtle so fixated on strawberries that she refused any and all other
food. When I finally started offering her a proper diet or nothing at
all ... she went for TWO YEARS and three months!!!! It was a real test
of wills with an animal that will likely outlive me.> <Start by
correcting her environmental issues and read the link below -- check
all your husbandry against the guidelines and then ... when it's
all perfect. Just out-wait her ... and she'll come along.> Thank
you again, and I hope to hear from you soon. -Jamie in Chico, Cali.
<Nice town, Jamie -- my son went to college there! -- Darrel>
Hatchling Slider with odd behavior 10/21/07 I wrote
you recently about a hatchling Red Eared Slider that was exhibiting
some strange behavior; spinning in circles as it swims, flipping on
it's back and stretching it's neck up and back over it's
shell. It has a great appetite, basks regularly and spends equal time
in the water. I keep the water temp around 80 deg. and the air temp in
the aquarium basking area at 90. The turtle cannot swim below the
surface. It spins in circles as it swims because it is trying to get to
the bottom and cannot. When it wants to go to the bottom it clings to
objects in the aquarium and descends them holding on with its claws.
The flipping on it's back is also a result of it's struggle to
get to and explore the bottom. I have even held the turtle to the
bottom for a sec. or two and then let go and it quickly rises to the
top like a fishing bobber submerged and then released. The
Slider's' appearance is healthy and maintains a good appetite.
It is fed a balanced diet 3 times a week. Could the turtle have
underdeveloped lungs, one working lung, or some sort of equilibrium
imbalance? <Those are all possibilities, Lorie. In addition to those
sometimes a pocket of gas can be generated from an internal infection
and I've actually seen turtles act this way temporarily because
they simply had ... gas!> <At the moment, your best course of
action and treatment is to pay SCRUPULOUS attention to detail regarding
habitat, water quality and hygiene. Read and re-read the article here:
(http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm) and
compare your keeping to the suggestions. First off, I'd lower the
water temp to something around 72 degrees (That's around 22.5 for
those of you living in the developed world) and give him a wider
"choice" for his thermoregulation pleasure. Next I'd make
sure that he's getting unfiltered UV lighting when he is
basking.> It seems to have poor judgment skills; when it eats, it
attacks the food but often misjudges and misses them. <One of the
endearing traits of turtles is their often comical behavior -- but
let's stay away from terms like "Poor Judgment" unless
you catch him ordering products from late night TV infomercials or
sending money to a Nigerian lawyer.> I'm searching for answers
about its condition have been unsuccessful. <It's difficult TO
answer because what you're describing is a consequence of some
condition -- much like seeing someone with a limp and trying to guess
how he got it> I wonder if it is a permanent condition, or will it
grow out of it.....or worse, die? <Once again, yes -- it could be
any of those things. GENERALLY speaking ... if an animal is thriving,
which is to say "active, alert, feeding and growing" then
they will either grow out of or learn to compensate for any handicaps
they may have. Once in a while an animal can exhibit every trait of
thriving and compensating and then one day, suddenly and unexpectedly,
succumb to a condition or disease that they've been carrying almost
since birth. Technically, a trip to an experienced Herp Veterinarian
and the resulting $698.20 medical bill would yield a guess from an
expert ... but still only a guess ... with the likely result being that
you're told to pay attention to habitat, water quality and hygiene
until a more clear-up symptom appeared. When the responsible pet keeper
does his or her part in providing a superior habitat, Red Eared Sliders
can be amazingly hardy.> <regards --
Odd behavior, RES
9/29/07 To Anyone Who Can Answer: <Whew! As long as you
didn't clarify that to an HELPFUL answer, I'm IN!> I have
two male red-eared sliders who have been together since they were just
babies. They are about three years old. Both are healthy and in a clean
environment. One is a bit smaller then the other, but not by much. They
have a set of bricks to lay on and I have a basking light on all night
and also a UV lamp on all day. The rest of the environment ( an old toy
box cut down) is water. <Sounds good so far> There is plenty of
room for both to swim and to bask. I have observed the flipping of the
claws that the males do for some time. It never amounts to much and
they have never bitten each other. They do tend to follow each other
around the tank at times and seem aggressive, but nothing much has ever
come of it. <So far all is normal> Just recently on several
occasions we have found the two stuck together. The smaller one has his
head and part of his shell caught in-between the larger ones top and
bottom shell. His head is completely out of sight. We thought at first
the smaller one was biting the larger one, but they seem actually
stuck. We have pulled them apart several times, but last night I heard
a splashing and a lot of noise coming from their tank and went to
investigate. I found them stuck once again. I placed them both on the
bricks and was trying to remove the rack that the light sits on so I
could pull them apart when they somehow got themselves unstuck.
<Sounds a bit comical, doesn't it?> There was a loud like
suction noise when they parted. <Complete with sound effects!> I
am afraid that the smaller one will drown if he can not get unstuck
from the larger one while they are in the water. I think the brick gave
them traction to get apart from one another. They can't get on the
bricks while they are stuck together and they don't seem to be able
to get unstuck in the water. Have you ever heard of something like this
and do you think the little one can unstick himself if he wants too, or
is he really stuck and likely to drown? <I've never honestly
witnessed to turtles STUCK like that. I've seen positions and
behaviors that are similar, but never exactly THAT -- and it's not
covered in the literature, either. My guess is that little Bobby can
get himself out of any place he gets himself into, but I wouldn't
take that chance, either.> I hate the thought of separating them as
they really have never gotten that aggressive with each other and
finding space for another set up would be a real headache, not to
mention a big expense. What should I do? < I'd separate them. As
much as turtles seem to "enjoy" being together, they do fine
individually as well. I wouldn't look to a whole new setup, just
possibly rearranging the existing enclosure so that you could put a
clear plastic divider between the two running right down the center of
the basking brick. A few months apart and you could reintroduce them
again and expect to find their behaviors have changed, hopefully
including this "edge play" (everyone get it??? Edge play? As
in the EDGES of the shell??? Bwahahahaha). Like I said, I doubt this is
a serious problem for THEM, but I agree it's a serious worry for
US, so let's make the effort.> Thanks, Laura <Welcome,
Darrel> <<Great...
Red Eared Slider help
7/21/07 Hello guys, <Hiya Christopher -- Darrel here with you
tonight> I wanted to know how to take care of an Red Eared Slider in
the winter. For example, how much should I feed him, how often should I
change the water and should I still give it sunlight or UVB lighting.
<These are very good questions, but the answers are a bit muddy
& not very concrete.> <Let's keep it simple. Sliders will
respond to the TEMPERATURE CHANGES of winter much more strongly than
the subtleties of altered photoperiods (shorter days) and all that
science-type stuff. So as long as the Temperature holds, it's not
really "winter" as far as the turtle is concerned. If your
turtle is inside the house in an aquarium and there is a normal basking
light (there should not be a water heater) then for your turtle,
it's just another day in the swamp ... No winter to speak of. If
it's outside, in a pond .... it's way too small to BE in a pond
... so set up a tank indoors like I described above and -- presto -- no
winter. Now ... if it gets a LITTLE bit chilly where you have her, then
cut back the feeding just to be sure. It never hurts for them to be
just a little bit hungry.> My turtle is 2 inches and is a female.
<A bit of a disagreement here, Chris. If it's only two inches
and assuming you haven't probed it, she's too small to
determine the sex yet. Notice I didn't say too "young"
because for turtles, like most reptiles, sexual maturity (and with that
the visual differences between the boys & girls) comes with SIZE,
not age.> Also, do you know the average growth rate of an RES. Just
the approximate average. <That is SO totally dependant of heat, food
and environment that anything I say could be wrong (and at the same
time right for someone else) -- 3/4 to an inch each year for the first
year to year & a half and then slower after that .... but if
it's warm enough and she's fed enough, it could almost be
double that> Last, do turtles in fact hibernate or not? <Sliders
do, depending on where they are. In some Northern states wild sliders
have been known to over-winter at the bottom of a pond that's
frozen solid at the top. Now ... to anyone reading this who has sliders
that can be subject to winter conditions ... PLEASE keep in mind that
while they do hibernate and CAN survive a cold winter .... MANY wild
turtles do not survive. Some perish outright and many are so damaged
that they barely survive the next year. Mother Nature sees that 1,000
hatch so that ONE can live to lay another set of eggs. The odds do NOT
favor a turtle wild ... so please don't try it -- as responsible
pet keepers it's our job to improve Nature's odds, not
duplicate them.> Thanks for all your help. <No
Turtle's basking habits
09/17/07 Hey, <Hiya> I have a question about my Red Eared
Slider. I have a female and doesn't really bask a lot. <Some
will bask less than others, but it's good and healthy for her to
bask and there's always a concern that it's a sign of sickness
or distress. Check your water temperature and make sure it's not
too warm (room temperature is fine) since the primary reason for
basking is to warm her body. If the basking area is available and warm
-- and she's otherwise healthy and active and it seems that
it's just her CHOICE not to bask, then don't worry about
it.> Also, she will only eat pellet foods. I have tried feeding it
insects, vegetables and fruits but it will only eat the pellet foods I
give her. Is this normal for an slider? <Again, not really normal -
They're omnivorous and usually will eat or at least sample anything
and everything offered. But with that said, a quality brand pellet
food, especially commercially available Koi pellets are a perfectly
balanced diet for a slider and there's not really any reason to
feed them anything else.> Any additional information would be
helpful. <then here ya go:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm> Thanks,
A concerned owner. <Your welcome -- Darrel> Re: Turtle's
Basking Habits 09/17/07 Thanks again for your reply. So just to
clarify everything, if I feed my RES Koi pellets I don't need to
feed it anything else or is it best to give her different types of food
along with the Koi pellets. Thanks again. <No, Koi pellets alone
aren't enough. You need to feed red-eared sliders a mix of foods;
it is generally recommended that adults receive about 75% of their diet
from plant foods. Clover, alfalfa, dandelion leaves, green lettuce (not
iceberg!), Sushi Nori, ripe tomatoes, plums, etc. all work well. They
will also happily eat cheap aquatic plants such as Elodea, often sold
as "oxygenators" for ponds and goldfish aquaria. Cheers,
Can a turtle outgrow it's
shell? 9/13/07 Hello again <And a hearty hello, howdy & Hiya
right back!> So we've both established my Red Eared Slider
turtle is growing too fast. :( I'm trying to only feed 2 times a
week now, adding more leafy veggies and less pellets/dried
prawns/bloodworms. Does that sound ok? <The ONLY thing I feed mine
are Koi pellets ... it's a vegetarian-based healthy & balanced
food> I'm now wondering if Its possible for a Slider to outgrow
it's shell? I keep reading conflicting information online.
<Funny how the Internet has allowed any dufus with a web site the
ability to give advice, isn't it? Um .. wait a second .... that
doesn't sound right .... forget I said that, OK?> His front legs
and neck seem to be puffing out of his shell, and he never fully
retracts his legs or neck anymore. Perhaps this is because he is
comfortable with me and feels no need to protect himself??? <From
the sound of it, he probably is relaxing a bit but fundamentally he
sounds obese! Keep on the diet and remember, they have VERY little to
worry about or run from in captivity -- they don't need very much
to eat.> If he is too big now, will his shell ever catch up to the
body, even with more restricted/varied diet .... <In time, yes. The
shell grows through a much slower process than the skin and other
organs ... it will take a LOT of time ... so please be patient> ...
and more exercise? ... <I want to make a point about this ... EVERY
YEAR ... hundreds if not thousands of people buy tiny little TurtleGym
1000's for their sliders based on infomercials from Chuck Tortoise
and ALL of them end up folded up & shoved under a little corner of
their hot rock gathering dust.> <Ahem. OK .. I'm having one
of those days. Or perhaps an "episode"><<Darrel
you're really out/in there today! RMF>> <Pay attention to
habitat, diet and temperature gradients and try not to over-stress
yourself or your little turtle.> Thanks for all your help! <Write
back & send pics of him!> <Regards, Darrel> PS: Here's
a link about the simple yet effective care for Sliders -- it was
written by a charming man who is outstanding in his field.> <out
...> <Standing is his field!> <rimshot!>
Red Eared
Slider Question, beh. 8/13/07 I have been successfully
raising our female turtle Barney for 5 years, from pond to tank and now
have a new baby named Ruby, but got stumped by a question from my
grandson: How long can Red Eared Sliders stay under the water without
coming up for air? I have been searching the web for an hour and have
come up with zip. Can you help? <Yes we can. A healthy Slider can
stay underwater longer than you've been searching for that answer!
In any case, 15-20 minutes. I've seen active sliders submerge and
sit on the bottom for an hour before surfacing, but my adult sliders
are submerged all night while they sleep. It all depends on their
temperature, metabolism and amount of activity.> Thanks, Jane
Re: Red Ear Slider Turtle Question
07/26/07 Hi Neale, <Hello Ryan,> I will get a picture
tomorrow night of their shell and, hopefully, the Growth Rings.
<Cool.> I have noticed one new thing with my Babies. They
seem to be eating a lot! they never ate this much before. one would
wait for you to leave the room before it ate. Now it comes out and
eats like there is no tomorrow. <Normal. These are greedy
animals. But the problem is likely a lack of fibre in the diet. If
"filled" with green foods containing lots of fibre, they
feel satiated more quickly. Just like humans really: we might crave
fatty and sugary foods but neither "fills us up".
Besides, green foods are where some of the essential vitamins are,
like vitamins B and C, so take advantage of their seemingly endless
hunger to give them some greens.> Is it possible to feed them
too much? <Not really, but water quality obviously suffers.>
All I have been feeding them lately is their baby floating pellets
but if You put 20 or 30 in the tank between the 2 of them they are
gone in a matter of minutes! Is this too much? <If they eat
them, then its fine. But I'd only use pellets only once or
twice a week; go raid the kitchen for green and invertebrate foods
for the rest of their diet. Blanched lettuce, tinned or frozen
peas, courgette, soft fruit like melon (with the rinds) and so on.
Really, just try anything not obviously risky (chili peppers and
onions would perhaps be unwise!). Once these reptiles become
adults, their diet needs to be nearly 100% vegetarian if you want
them to have good health. In terms of meaty foods, once or twice a
week offer frozen prawns, mussels, and other bits of seafood.
Don't use meat from warm blooded animals: the fats congeal in
cold blooded animals, causing problems.> I heard it is possible
for them to grow too fast for their shell. <Garbage. When these
terrapins show things like shell deformities, they are either
genetic or down to poor care, specifically a lack of UV light and
not enough of the right vitamins and minerals (especially
calcium).> Thanks Again!, Ryan <Cheers, Neale> Re: Red
Ear Slider Turtle Question 7/28/07 Hi Neale, I got those
pictures of the turtles shells, Notice the brown in between the
plates that was never like that it was either black or green. Any
feedback on this is appreciated. I'm going to pick them up some
Peas and lettuce tomorrow, are blood worms good for them? I have
been throwing them in there too. Thanks again for all your helpful
information! Thanks Again, Ryan <Hello Ryan. I'm afraid
those photos are too small/blurry to really pick out anything
useful. If you can try again, zooming in on the brown stuff that
would help. At first glance, the image with the terrapin over the
red/black gravel looks as if it has been painted! The brown stuff
seems to be metallic, like gold paint. This isn't a silly idea
on my part: it used to be quite common to see terrapins and
tortoises sold with simple paintings and patterns on their shells.
Anyway, since you said this brown stuff has recently appeared, it
can't be paint. So what I'm interested in is whether the
stuff is smooth or textured. Fungal infections can happen on
terrapin shells, and is revealed by a furry or fluffy texture.
Since the shell grows from the insides outwards, the each
"plate" on the shell is a stack of modified keratin
scales, with the oldest ones at the top. If your turtle is
suffering from [a] malnutrition or [b] lack of UVB light then the
scales lower down the stack will be deformed. So it would be
interesting to see if the brown stuff is actually a sign of
deformed scales. It is extremely common for these terrapins to be
kept without sufficient UVB light, or with the light but no space
for them to bask underneath it. So remind me again what lighting
system you are using. It's also worth mentioning that as the
terrapins grow they lose their green colour and turn a muddy greeny
brown. The bright green plates at the top of each stack eventually
fall off, and you're left with a terrapin much less brightly
coloured than it was on purchase. Cheers, Neale> |
Re: Red Ear Slider Turtle Question
7/29/07 Hi Neale, It is a 75 Watt Halogen UVA Light, do I also
need a UVB light or maybe? The discoloration in the shell feels
just like a shell and it is metallic. Here are some better pictures
for You, also are the blood worms good for the turtles? Thanks
Again, Ryan <Hello Ryan, The terrapins in your pictures look
fine to me. The dark bands between the green scutes are the new,
duller, scutes underneath them. As we discussed earlier, these
terrapins change colour as they mature. I think that's what
you're seeing here. There are no obvious signs of malnutrition
or disease as far as I can tell. Now, I'm not sure why you have
a UVA light. To synthesize the vitamins they need, these reptiles
must have access to UVB lighting. So if you can, swap the bulbs in
the fixture, or else add a UVB light to the system over their
basking spot. Bloodworms are a fine treat for your terrapins, but
don't get them hooked on them -- remember, a healthy slider is
a (largely) vegetarian slider. Just like people, these beasties may
prefer the "meat" even though its the
"vegetables" are actually good for them! Take a read of
this: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/redearsliders.htm .
Hope this helps, Neale> |
Red Eared Pond Sliders Male Attacking Female
7/25/07 Dear Crew, <Hiya! Darrel here> We have had the male
for 5 years and the Female for 3 years. The male had been abused by his
previous owner who allowed his dog to use him as a play toy, he was
completely white when we got him and he is healthy now. The problem is
that when we put him in with the female outside he attacks her. He has
almost completely removed her tail, today I had to physically separate
them. If we put them in the bath tub together he doesn't do this,
it is only when they are in the pond outside. Can you please help us
they are wonderful pets and we would hate to have to part with one of
them but I am very scared that he is going to do a lot more damage or
maybe even kill her. <That's a real possibility, Tammi. It
sounds like you have a naturally aggressive animal there.> <When
you take them out of their natural element and place them somewhere
new, their natural instincts for survival (combined with stress)
override their natural aggressive and territorial instincts. In the
wild she'd have virtually unlimited space to simply get away from
him, so if your pond isn't big enough for her to get away and stay
away, you can either fence them off from each other or find another
home for him.> Thanks Putzakitty <I've been called MANY
things, Tammi, but never Putzakitty. I'll have to think about if I
like it.>
Red Ear Slider Turtle Question, beh.
7/22/07 Hello There, <Ave.> I have 2 Red Ear Slider babies
Barbosa and Moe, One of them is about 1 inch and a half (Barbosa) the
other is right around 1 inch (Moe). The bigger one does not seem to
have a problem with people around the smaller one though will hide
behind the filter while You are in the room with it. The bigger one
will occasionally swim behind there as if to scope it out but little
Moe looks like He is gonna swim through the glass. Usually when You
walk in the room they will both be on the rock sunning underneath the
UVA Lamp, they will take off into the water and hide which I can
understand. <Completely normal. In the wild, baby terrapins are food
for just about everything, from bullfrogs to alligators. This is
typical for the Chelonia generally, which are pretty well
predator-proof as adults, but their infant mortality (for want of a
better description) is staggeringly high.> But Barbosa will come
swim around while Your around, Moe will come out maybe 8 inches from
the filter max and swim back like He is doing laps. I hate to say but
the skittish one was dropped from probably 3 feet onto concrete and My
Girlfriend and I are thinking this could be the cause of his fears of
us. <Possible. Animals do learn because they have to. If they
didn't, they'd never avoid danger.> He does seem to be ok it
happened 5 days ago, He swims fine and does eat. Moe will not eat with
people around but the bigger one Barbosa does not have a problem eating
in front of You. Is it just a personality difference? <Likely, yes.
Give it time. Train the animal to associate you with good things, like
(small) tasty treats. Habituation is also important. Animals love
routines. Ever noticed why sheep and cows walk away from a stranger but
ignore the thundering noise of high speed trains zipping past their
fields? Anything that happens regularly without causing danger is
eventually accepted as "part of the background" and stops
being scary. What animals don't like is novelty. So if you can
locate the vivarium close by where you spend significant amounts of
time, you'll see a big difference in their behaviour. I have a
Panaque catfish in a tank next to my workspace. Panaque are generally
described as nocturnal and very shy. But mine swims about all day at
the front of the tank. It does this because it is used to me being in
the same place day in, day out at the same time doing the same things.
As far as the catfish is concerned, I'm just scenery. So, see if
you can put the terrapins by the table where you eat or the sofa where
you watch TV or whatever. Someplace they can habituate to you.> They
seem to get along fine always sticking close. <They're sociable
animals when young. The more the merrier.> I vary there diet I have
the baby floating pellets I give them also give them Blood Worms, Yet
to get some freeze dried crickets also gonna throw some lettuce in
there to mix it up. <Sounds good. Remember the key thing to keeping
red-ears: the older they get, the more plant food they should be
eating. Adults are more or less herbivorous in the wild except for the
occasional day they luck out at find a dead fish or some insect larvae.
There are some good articles here at WWM about red-ear diet.> Can
You also give Me some feedback on the setup we have? We have a 35
gallon tank for the guys or gals about 1/4 to a 1/3 full, a 75 watt
Halogen UVA Lamp the water is filtered with a Ph around 7 or 8. Water
Temp is about 72-76 Degrees the basking area is 82 to 90 degrees.
<Given their size now, everything sounds fine. Obviously they'll
need a bigger tank once they mature, something around the 55 gallon
size upwards. I found siliconing glass plates close to the surface to
create steps leading to flat basking area worked better than building
piles or rocks at one end because you kept more swimming room. So do a
little research on what their adult quarters should look like, because
there's a bit of art involves. The other thing is the heater. When
I kept terrapins I learned the hard way adult terrapins and glass
heaters do not mix. They smash them. So invest in some under tank
heating if you can, or at least a heater with a plastic guard or better
yet a filter with a built-in heater.> They will be separated
eventually when the time comes. <Mine never needed separating. Males
might squabble, but since they're easy to sex (longer claws on the
male) it's easy enough to pre-empt this once they reach
maturity.> Thank You for all the helpful information Your website
has, also any feedback is greatly appreciated! Thank You!,
Re: Red Ear Slider Turtle Question, beh.
7/26/07 Hello Again, <Hello Ryan,> I had Emailed before
regarding My 2 Red Ear Slider Babies, Your information was very helpful
and I have another question. Both Turtles seem to have brown in the
lines in-between there Shell Plates where is was once black or green.
Is this a sign of growth? I find it for both turtles to have it at the
same time kind of odd. Thanks Again, Ryan <Hmm, not precisely sure
what you mean, but all turtles develop obvious "growth rings"
on the shell plates as they grow. That's probably what you're
seeing. If you want to send a photo, we can double-check. Cheers,
Turtle shell... shedding? 6/19/07 Dear Crew
<Hi. Darrel here> I have a baby turtle. <Just guessing a Red
Eared Slider?> A tiny part of its shell looks like it shed a little
bit. There's just a tiny light brown spot now... is this from the
turtle growing... its shell expanding? <As the shell grows, the
outside edges of the individual scales (they're called scutes) can
turn a dirty sort of brownish/translucent -- like a dirty fingernail.
Is that what you mean?> It's just a total guess...I'm just
curious. <It's hard for me to visualize what you're
describing without more detail. I'd be pleased if you write back
with a more detailed description of what you're seeing. Also ... is
his shell hard? Is he eating and active?> Thank you. <You're
welcome> <Good Night,
Turtle growth 06/13/07 How you guys doing over there?
<We guys and girls are doing just fine over here, David, thanks for
asking> As for me and my Read Eared Sliders, we are doing great! I
was wondering does it depend on how often I feed them, that's why
my turtles shed or is it that they grow that fast? <What you feed
them, how much you feed them and their normal temperature are all
conditions that affect growth, David. When they shed a semi-transparent
shell-like scute, that's a sign of normal growth as long as the
shell underneath looks healthy and normal> My Turtles are about 3
inch from head to tail. The turtle shell is about 2 and a quarter inch.
Is this a normal size for them going on about 3-4 months?
<That's actually pretty large for that age, David, I'd bet
they are a bit older than you thought - maybe even a year or even a
year and a half old -- but they sound healthy, so you're being a
good Turtle Dad. Just remember that over feeding makes health problems
for them, so when in doubt, just feed less> Thank You, David
<You're welcome -