FAQs About Red Ear Slider Turtle
Related Articles: The Care and Keeping
of the Red Eared Slider, Trachemys scripta elegans by Darrel Barton, Red Ear Sliders, Turtles, Amphibians, Red Eared Slider Care, Shell Rot in Turtles,
Related FAQs: Sliders 1, Sliders 2, Red
Eared Slider Identification, RES Behavior, RES Compatibility, RES Selection, RES Systems, RES Disease, RES Reproduction, Turtles in
General: Turtles, Turtle Identification, Turtle Behavior, Turtle Compatibility, Turtle Selection, Turtle Systems, Turtle Feeding, Turtle Disease, Turtle Disease 2, Shell Rot, Turtle Reproduction, Amphibians, Other Reptiles,
I've said this before and I'll
say it again: Koi Pellets! Cheap, easily found at virtually
any pet store, 99.5% vegetable matter and -- A COMPLETE
DIET for Sliders and their families. DarrelB.
.JPG) |
About my red eared slider; not eating 1/24/17
Hi there I have had my turtle for about 6 years now. She has always been a good
eater until recently she's been being fussy and refusing food she has eaten for
quite some time. She is only eating one specific type of food but less of it.
She is also less active then she was and she is sleeping a lot. She still basks
during the day in natural sunlight but whenever she seems to go in the water she
seems to always want to sleep. The water is not too cold as I know that could
have been a possibility. She tends to do a strange thing with her mouth
sometimes as if she is grinding her teeth(although she has none) She does not
seem to have any abnormal breathing though. Please let me know if you could give
some advice.
<Sorry for the delay replying. I wonder if she's egg-bound? Quite common in
female turtles. Male turtle not required! See if a tray or box of warm, dry sand
attracts her attention. Place it in her habitat, so she can climb onto it
easily. Exercise is also important to get things moving, in much the same way
that lack of exercise promotes constipation in humans.
If this doesn't help, and you can rule out diet, temperature, and lack of UV-B
light, then a trip to the vet will almost certainly be required. Egg-binding is
serious, and if it doesn't fix itself (as it usually does) then the eggs die,
decay, cause septicaemia, and the turtle dies. Yikes!
Can RES eat sea shells?
Dear Crew,
<Hiya, Darrel here>
I have a question.
<Unlike Radio Shack, we have answers!>
Ever since i got some small sea shells from the beach my turtles have been
biting them and chewing on them. I've come to see the shells chewed on and
bitten. I want to know if it is at least ok for them to eat it or should I
take them out of the tank. Some of the shells in the picture are chewed up.
<Yes, it's OK. The shells are mainly calcium, which is good for them, and
for the most part anything they can bite small enough to swallow can be
digested. Some turtles will go after them as a delight, others not at all,
so it could be that one is in need of calcium ... or maybe the shells just
taste good,>
<As a General Rule: I don't put sharp things like sea shells in the tank any
more than I would put chips of glass --- the sharp edges of the remaining
shell can become a source of cuts or scrapes as the turtles go about their
daily business>
Dark greenish floating sack. Nutrition/RES
Dear Crew
<Hiya Darrel here>
I noticed a bean sized floating object in my turtles tank.
It was dark greenish. When I retrieved it, I pushed it too hard against
the bathing rock and it popped. The fluid inside was maroon colored and
mucous like. It didn't mix into the water so I was able to get it out.
I'm just wondering what it was and if I should be worried. She is a 8
month old red eared slider. She eats dried mealworms, shrimp, and
protein pelts. She is very active and seems well.
<She won't BE well for long, eating mealworms and shrimp. Neither of
those have much nutrition and neither would be part of her natural diet,
Read here for complete instructions on keeping her.
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm >
<As far as the object is concerned, that is certainly unusual. My guess
is that it was something organic inside the package of food that
absorbed water and swelled when it was released. As long as she is
active, alert, eating, basking and bathing don’t worry about it. Correct
her diet and care and move forward>
Please help ease my mind!
red eared slider; feeding 3/3/16
Dear Crew
<HIya, Darrel here>
We just got a 5yo red eared slider in January. He has been great, but
this week has had trouble getting his food. We give him the stick food.
Normally, it floats, he sees it and snaps it. He is now needing to snap
at it 7+ times before he actually gets it. He will give up on it and go
after another piece. The same thing occurs. We are concerned. Any ideas?
<Thanks for being good turtle parents. The fact that you notice such
things means you are paying attention.>
<That said ... no, not really. They are some of the clumsiest eaters on
the planet. If a piece of food is large enough that they can't easily
grasp it they'll snap dozens of times ... each time pushing the food
and making them chase it. It's comical but harmless. As long as they
finally get the food, consider it their exercise!>
Re: red eared slider 3/3/16
How long can res turtle live without food 11/25/15
<Days to a few weeks depending on how fit and nourished it starts; how warm the
environment is....
Bob Fenner>
Feeding a Slider 6/1/15
Dear Crew,
<Hiya - Darrel here>
My baby turtle is about a year old it has never shed we feed him crickets and
meal worms he does not like to eat greens for the life of him so we give her
<Good! Meal worms and crickets are not part of his diet anyway. I feed mine
almost nothing but Koi pellets from the time they are hatchlings to adult
breeders. Just an occasional earthworm>
We scrub him with a tooth brush weekly she hates it.
<It won't hurt her .. but that's more often than I scrub mine. If the water is
clear and conditions are optimum she shouldn't need much scrubbing>
She is starting to look like a dinosaur.
<Not sure what that means -- can you explain?>
We have also seen when we pick her up she has a head twitch and we have no idea
what to do about it :(
<I sure wouldn't worry about a head twitch. If someone the size of a house
picked you up and scrubbed you with a brush as big as a Toyota pickup truck it
wouldn't surprise me if your head twitched, too! LOL>
<Here is everything you need to know about caring for your little guy:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm >
Re Feeding a Slider 6/4/15
She wont shed is why she is looking like a dinosaur i don't want her shell to
get infected or something because she wont shed
<Ah -- no real problem there. Make sure she has a balanced diet (Koi pellets are
a GREAT food for them) and access to water and natural sunshine. The scutes that
are curling at the edges will continue to do so until they eventually fall off.
Something you might try is offering her very small pieces of beef or chicken
liver. Do this in a shallow container of luke warm water (never in her own tank
- liver fouls the water quickly).
Put her in the container, give her a few minutes, maybe as long as a half hour,
to get over the shock or confusion or whatever -- until she settles down -- then
offer her a few pieces. The iron and the vitamins in the liver will be
beneficial to her in many ways>
Red Eared Sliders; sys., fdg. 11/7/14
Dear Crew,
<Hiya - Darrel here.
I have a young RES (maybe 6 months to 1 year old? his shell is about
2inches long.) I keep him in a 50 gallon aquarium with gravel on the
bottom, and a rock to bask on. He has a lamp that provides UV light for
12 hours during the day, and one that provides heat during the other 12
<No need for that. In the wild they have no heat at night. Heating and
cooling cycles are healthy for them>
I've been feeding him some small, brown pellets that were provided when
I got him, but I have no idea exactly what they are. I feed him a small
pinch ,maybe 10-15 of these daily, along with 2-3 Tetra Reptomin Food
Sticks, and sometimes a small piece of sliced chicken as a treat.
<Repto-min is good, but I feed my water turtles Koi Pellets (usually the
Kay-Tee brand) because it's a fully balanced diet and inexpensive.>
<Meat-wise, I'd not give chicken for a variety of reasons. Once every 6
weeks or so go to a fishing supply/bait shop and get a container of
earthworms (night crawlers) and feed him one or two -- then you can dump
the rest in a garden or flower box. Failing that would be a very small
piece of beef or chicken liver … but be sure to feed him liver in a
separate bowl because the oils will foul your tank in a hurry>
He has a pool inside the aquarium, maybe 1/2 gallon, that he spends all
of his time in. I've never seen him come out of the water to bask. I've
had him for about 2 1/2months. I change the water in his pool weekly,
and I clean it and the rocks in it. The water temperature stays between
70-80 degrees, depending how I position the lamps, and the basking area
is generally between 80-85degrees. I noticed about 2 weeks ago he had
some dark green spots on his shell, and when I changed the water, I took
a wet washcloth and cleaned his shell and put him and the pool back in
place. It cleaned off easily enough so I thought that it was a type of
mold. It came back the next week, and I repeated the cleaning process,
but I'm in the 3rd week now and I can see it coming back already. Is
this mold or something else, and what can I do to stop this and prevent
it from happening again?
<Well, let's start at the beginning. This setup is great for a land
tortoise, but not a water turtle. Read here and set up his habitat to an
aquatic one rather than a land-based one.
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm >
Koi Pellets & RES
6/30/14 /Neale
We (my son got - I do everything else - funny how that is) have two RES,
Rip Curl and Quicksilver, that we got as hatchlings last year at this
time making them 1 now. They are doing very well.
Found your website while looking for ideas on aquariums. Great site and
lots of great information. We have been using the 'typical' floating
turtle sticks by Tetra. We also give them a few Flukers Freeze Dried
Mealworms and, on occasion, Flukers Freeze Dried Crickets. I want to
switch to the Koi Pellets to help keep the water cleaner - little bits
of uneaten mealworms and/or crickets are not fun to clean out of the
tank or filter when they are waterlogged - or at all really. We live out
in the country and there isn't anything but a Wal-Mart nearby - I know I
can order on Amazon, but not always the best
price for things.
Our Wal-Mart didn't have anything that said 'Koi' on it. They have
Wardley Pond Pellets. The package reads 'Food for All Pond Fish'. Can
this be fed to RES? If not what is the difference between Koi Pellets
and Pond Pellets? What does is have that RES shouldn't or what does it
not have that RES need?
<Check the ingredients. These pond pellets are made primarily of plant
material (which is the key thing) and contain a good spectrum of
vitamins and minerals. So yes, these are fine. Reserve your crickets and
Tetra Sticks as occasional treats. Cheers, Neale.>
Koi Pellets & RES /Darrel
We (my son got - I do everything else - funny how that is) have two RES,
Rip Curl and Quicksilver, that we got as hatchlings last year at this
time making them 1 now. They are doing very well.
Found your website while looking for ideas on aquariums. Great site and
lots of great information.
<Thanks - we try. Nice to be noticed>
We have been using the 'typical' floating turtle sticks by Tetra. We
also give them a few Flukers Freeze Dried Mealworms and, on occasion,
Flukers Freeze Dried Crickets. I want to switch to the Koi Pellets to
help keep the water cleaner - little bits of uneaten mealworms and/or
crickets are not fun to clean out of the tank or filter when they are
waterlogged - or at all really.
<Not to mention the fact that mealworms and crickets are not part of
their natural diet anyway. More specifically, crickets are the junk food
of the insect family. Same as Iceberg Lettuce is to the veggies -
virtually no nutrition>
We live out in the country and there isn't anything but a Wal-Mart
nearby - I know I can order on Amazon, but not always the best price for
<Do you have access to earthworms?>
Our Wal-Mart didn't have anything that said 'Koi' on it. They have
Wardley Pond Pellets. The package reads 'Food for All Pond Fish'. Can
this be fed to RES? If not what is the difference between Koi Pellets
and Pond Pellets?
<The Wardley line has not been my favorite but this particular product
is great. You'll do well with it>
What does is have that RES shouldn't or what does it not have that RES
<Feed them all the food they can eat in 5 minutes, 4 times a week in
summer, 2 times a week in winter (assuming they're indoors and their
water is at room temperature>
<For treats, feed them an earthworm or two once a month -or even better-
a few pieces of beef or chicken liver. HOWEVER…. While the worms CAN be
fed in their tank - the liver is ALWAYS fed separately. A shallow bowl
or tub with enough water to barely cover their shells. Set them in it
and give them a few minutes to get over the sudden change and then drop
in the worms or liver. That way there's NO fouling of their living
water. Also … it will take them about two feedings to know that the
plastic tub means treat time!>
Re: Koi Pellets & RES 7/2/14
Thank you for all of the wonderful information. Yes, they are indoors
and the water is room temperature. We have a garden and plenty of worms.
We will start giving them once a month as suggested. Love the
bonus directions on how to feed the worms and liver.
<act now and get a free Spiral Slicer!>
I buy whole chickens all the time for slow cooking. Can I just give them
the liver packed inside it? Sometimes I get organic chickens, but not
always, does this matter?
<well, take it out of the package first .. but yeah. Small pieces of raw
liver is fine. Any kind>
I'll offer the remaining mealworms and crickets to our Guinea Fowl.
One last question (for now), do RES need anything added to the water?
I've been told to use Reptisafe Water Conditioner and Nutrafin Turtle
Clean Biological Turtle Habitat Cleaner. I'm also told I should get
Turtle Shell Conditioner.
<For my money … no. Red Eared Sliders are remarkably tolerant of water
quality and unlike fish, don't need the chlorine or minerals taken out
unless it is a desire of yours. Use the money to make really sure their
UV-B is the correct wattage and the basking lamp generating the right
Thanks again.
Cathi Worried about my turtle...Please help!
First I'd like to thank you for such an amazing site.
<Thank you! We do it all for you! (And for the free food)>
After Googling tons of sites, yours has had the most info I've found to
be very helpful.
<Thank you again.>
Now to my issue. I have a Red Eared Slider turtle that's about 3 years.
He's super healthy, I have a 10 gallon tank with a filter, a platform
and a heating lamp. I've noticed recently that he's not as active and
won't eat.
He ALWAYS eats when he's fed. I usually give him calcium enriched
pellets and every once in a while goldfish. For the first time I gave
him pellets and he just let it float past him. It's been 3 days now and
he won't eat.
I've changed the water and filter and still no change in his behavior,
except I noticed some huge black brownish glob in the tank. Which is
weird, because I literally just cleaned out his tank and changed the
filter so I didn't know where it came from. To my surprise he started
biting and eating at it. I rushed with a net to scoop it out and it
smelt like poop. Why was he eating at poop, but won't touch the pellets
that were floating right next to him? I love the little guy, but I am
starting to freak out that something may be wrong.
<Not "wrong" exactly, but something we should fix>
I would take him to the vet, but I don't have the money right now.
<no need at the moment - lets try a few things first>
What do you think is going on?
<It's hard to tell, but eating his own poop is a sign of a dietary
deficiency and the easiest way to fix that is to change his diet.
First, warm him up a bit. If his basking lamp is normally 82
degrees (f) where he basks, bring in a bit closer - make it 88 degrees.
When he's warmer, place him in a shallow pan or bowl of luke warm water
and give him a small piece of beef or chicken liver (small piece!) or
perhaps an earthworm.
What I'm trying to suggest is that you offer him something that is
different AND something meaty. See what he does and how he
reacts. Get some Koi food (Koi pellets is basically ALL I
feed my sliders) and let him try those. Again--something
different. If it's a dietary problem, he'll let you know
what he needs by eating the items that contain what he's missing.>
<Meanwhile - pay attention to all your care: Heat, UV lighting,
etc. Look
for anything that may not be up to standard>
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm >
Re: Worried about my turtle..Please help!
Thank you so much! Will do.
Help with a Red Eared Slider 6/1/13
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I need help with Charger!!
He's a Red Eared Slider and I've had 'him' since March 20th and he
wasn't eating at first, but I finally got him to eat... One problem - he
will not eat pellets! I have a food *mix* of pellets , shrimp , worms
and cranberries(he doesn't like the berries..) all he wanted was the
worms and shrimp - which was fine for me at that time - but now I'm
worried he's not getting the right amount of vitamins , I got him to eat
the pellets secretly. I've been mashing up the pellets
cutting open a few bugs and inserting the pellet mush into the bugs,
that's become too much work for me
<Yes, that is a lot of work, but it was a good start>
I have tried leaving the pellets in there, He still eats meal-worms,
shrimp, crickets and the occasional romaine lettuce.
<This will be easy to fix>
He's in a 30 maybe more gallon tank with a basking light and platform
(which I have to replace now) He's I think 5 inches long. He likes
feeder fish too (Rosey red Minnows)
<He shouldn't eat those>
Anyway he won't eat pellets and I don't know how to get him to eat them.
I will feel awful if I have to starve him to get him to eat them,
especially since I want to get him a friend! (A baby RES) I've done
pretty well at taking care of him just the pellet thing... It's too hard
to keep stuffing bugs with them. Thank you for the help!!
-Sincerely Rhiannon
<Rhiannon, you've done a very good job trying to get Charger to eat a
wide variety of things and the good news is that he IS eating!
What I mean is that he's feeding well and likes food, so all we have to
do is get him to start eating the RIGHT foods. The way we do that
is by NOT feeding him at all, for a few days. Don't even try.>
<First thing is … don't worry about his health. Turtles that are
healthy can go a month or more without eating. So, for 4
days, don't even offer anything to eat. Nothing. No worms,
shrimp, romaine… NOTHING.>
<Then on day #5, offer a few pellets. JUST a few. Let
them float in his tank for about 5 minutes, and if he doesn't eat them -
scoop them out and then skip 2 more days. On the third day, offer
pellets again. Same deal. If he doesn't eat, scoop them out
and skip two more days.>
<I PROMISE YOU …. When Charger gets hungry enough, Charger WILL eat the
<While you're waiting, please read this:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm >
Red Eared Slider won't eat, doesn't stick out tail
<Hi Emily! Sue here with you.>
I have a couple of questions regarding my Red-Eared Slider. After
checking your website (and multiple other websites) for the answers and
not finding any, I decided to email you for help.
<We’ll do our best!>
1. I have never seen my turtle eat at all in the 6 months I have had
him. He seems healthy (swims around and acts all turtle-y), but he
doesn't seem to eat at all.
<That’s a positive sign that he appears active, but it’s very unusual
for a turtle to go that long without eating unless they live outdoors in
a 4 season climate and hibernate in the winter.>
I have placed the pellets in his tank and left, then came back later and
counted the pellets to see if he had eaten any (did this multiple times
over the last 6 months), and each time all the pellets were still there.
Is he anorexic or something? Is there anything I can do to encourage him
to eat?
<Will need more information from you; see below.>
2. He never sticks his tail out, ever. I saw a bunch of sliders at the
zoo and the all had their tails out, and my brother's turtle also sticks
her tail out, but my turtle never sticks his out! Is my turtle just a
nerdy, introverted turtle, or does he have some kind of strange problem?
Do you have any suggestions or explanations regarding my turtle's
<The only time I’ve seen turtles tuck in their tails is when they’re
afraid or uncomfortable in their surroundings. I’d like to get more
detailed information from you about his habitat.>
Additional information:
My turtle is about 6 inches long (just his shell, not including his head
or the tail he never sticks out). He is kept in a large Sterilite tub
outdoors, and there is plenty of sunshine. I feed him regularly (even
though he doesn't eat) with turtle pellets from PetSmart. His name is
Jason Whittaker.
<Emily – Without knowing more detail, my guess is that his lack of
appetite and strange behavior is more than likely due to a problem in
his habitat. Here are some of my initial thoughts based on what
you’ve written so far:
1st, I would NOT keep him outside in any sort of plastic
or glass enclosure. These types of enclosures are especially susceptible
to large temperature swings and can easily overheat if put in the sun.
You don’t want to risk cooking him!
Also this kind of an outdoor set-up makes him vulnerable
to a predator attack. This could be why he’s exhibiting what
appears to me to be very nervous behavior with his tail tucked in his
Next, are you in a 4 season climate where it gets cold in
the winter? If so, did you keep him outside over the winter?
If you did, the reason he didn’t eat was because when temperatures drop
in the fall/winter, turtles go into brumation, a period similar to
hibernation in animals when their metabolism slows down to the point
where they stop eating until the weather warms up again.
If you want to keep him in a Sterilite bin vs. a glass
tank that’s fine, but you should be keeping it/him INDOORS, not
outdoors. Also given his size, you want to make sure it’s large
enough for him (in particular the surface area). Turtles enjoy having a
lot of room to swim around.
You didn’t mention what you have inside his enclosure. Is
there just water inside, or is there also a dry basking area that he can
haul out onto? Sliders need an environment that’s part land, part
water. The water should be kept COOL (around 68-70 degrees F) and
“the land” (or basking area) should be WARM and DRY (around 88-90
degrees F). Besides the heat lamp, you will also need to provide
him with a basking light that specifically has UVB (if the bulb says
only “basking” it’s likely NOT a UVB bulb).
Lastly, I'm also going to give you this link to our basic
care guide to read over:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm >
<Compare what you’re doing to what I’ve said above and what’s in this
article, and make whatever necessary changes in his habitat – hopefully
that will be enough to do the trick and you’ll start seeing him eating
and behaving more normally. Make sure you also read about filtration and
water changes as you didn’t mention this either in your note. I’d also
suggest reading the section on Diet to make sure you have that covered
appropriately as well.>
Thanks in advance for your help,
<You’re welcome, Emily. Write us back if you have any questions about
any of this, or if you’d like to provide more information about his
habitat, we’ll see if we can help you even further! >
Emily L. Gullion
Freaked-Out Owner of Jason Whittaker
<Sue, Frazzed-Out Mom-n-Chief of a 6 and 11 year old (humans)!>
RES in need of change in diet
Hi there,
I have two red eared sliders that are about eight months old , and at
first we fed them bloodworms with multivitamin feed supplement in the
water. Also, we gave them at least two hours in direct sunlight with
some shade to get into as well. After this, we changed their food and
started feeding them freeze dried shrimps .Recently, they got vitamin A
deficiency due to this diet. Now, that they have almost recovered, I am
thinking of changing their diet. But they have taken a liking to the
shrimp and are refusing to eat anything else and I don't know if I
should start immediate action or wait till a few weeks after they have
<Two words: Koi Pellets. Read here:
Bob Fenner>
Red ear slider turtle. Sys., feeding them. GF... 1/17/13
Dear Crew
<Hiya, Darrel here>
I have two red ear slider turtle that I got at the end of October. One
is a female and one male they are about 2-3 inches long. I recently
changed them to a bigger tank which is 25 gallons and up graded the
filter and basking dock. Well the question I had four goldfish in there
with them in a smaller 10 gallon tank and when I changed them to the
bigger tank three days later after all the upgrades I notice a gold fish
die and then a few hours later another one died.
<Almost certainly from Chlorine or Chloramine in the water>
The goldfishes had a red blood clot above its mouth and so do the other
fish. I am worried that my turtle might catch something and die. There
are two goldfish that are still alive with the red mark as well and they
never had it before. I cleaned out the tank half ways and put some fresh
water in it but I am really concerned for my turtles. I need to know
what I should do. I took the fish out as soon as I noticed them but seen
that the turtles had ate a little bit of one. Should I be concerned?
<No. Turtles, especially the Sliders, are quite tolerant of water
conditions. The fact that your goldfish died so quickly is a sure
sign that it was a toxin in the water. The fact that 2 survived is
a sign that the condition is mild, or that it improved.>
<Either way the turtles are not going to be affected>
<If the goldfish are decorative (pets) you'll need to pay more attention
to water quality - and be prepared for the eventuality of a turtle
biting a live one. If the goldfish were intended to be food,
remember that life fish are not part of a turtle's diet and not even
that good for them.
Turtles will thrive happily on koi pellets from the time they are
babies and into adulthood>
Re: Turtle Help, RES 1/17/13
>lt;No charge!>
We haven't got moved to Texas yet but are very soon, Buddy's appetite
did get better
He is eating more than he was. I'm thinking it might have been the
change in the season that slowed down his appetite
<The length of daylight has that effect as well as lower daytime
temperatures. Remember, if it's not warm enough, digestion stops.
If they keep eating they can get sick. Better to under feed than
to over feed>
I'm glad he is back eating. I didn't like it to much when he didn't want
to eat I can't stand to see any animals or reptiles starving
<OK - but remember - animals RARELY die from lack of nutrition - as far
as food goes, they usually die from too much food - or the wrong kind of
<If you feed Buddy all the koi pellets he can eat in 5 minutes … just 3
times per week, he'll have proper nutrition>
just want to let y'all know he is doing good he is almost 5 inches long
now, he was about the size of a fifty cent piece when we first found him
<Good for Buddy! And for you!>
He loves it when I walk over to his tank. He likes fluttering when I put
my finger against his tank. He goes nuts when I move my finger off the
tank and when I put it back he flutters again. Is that his way of
telling me hi?
<That all have individual personalities. He may be happy for the
attention, or it may be excitement that food is coming … not much
different than my son>
Aquatic Turtle refusing food
Dear Crew,
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I have 2 aquatic turtles - yellow bellies.
I've had them for about 4 years - one is about 6 inches long,
the other is about 7 inches long. They are in a 40 gallon
tank, have heating lamp, place for basking, etc. I fed them
turtle food for years until around December of 2011 when they
both stopped eating.
<Could have been a change in the formula of the food>
After trying to feed them every day for a couple of weeks, I got
some ham and hand fed them that - they were very excited about
<That's like candy to you and me>
Since then, I have been feeding them ham.
<Bad idea>
I tried to switch back to turtle food several times and they
wouldn't eat it.
<Turtles can fixate on foods. They can also cycle in
their fixations>
The day before yesterday, the smaller guy stopped eating.
He is still splashing like crazy when he sees me as if he is
starving, but he won't eat when I drop the food in for him or
when I try to hand feed it. I tried to feed him turkey,
chicken, and again... turtle food. He won't eat
anything but every time I go near the tank he splashes like crazy
like he wants something to eat.
<Quite a bit of that is learned behavior - like getting
excited when you hear the Ice Cream truck even when you're
not going to get Ice Cream … it triggers a response>
Also, their tank has required twice a week changing for about a
month now. I scoop out all of the food that isn't eaten
right after they are done, but the tank gets tremendously foggy
really quick. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
<OK - here goes.>
<Stop feeding them. Period. Don't even
try for 7 whole days. Nothing. Clean their tank like
usual, check that the water is clean and cool and their basking
area is warm, but NO FOOD. Be heartless about it,
too. THEY are hoping you'll give in and feed
them. DON'T GIVE IN>
<On the 8th day, take them out of their tank one-at-a-time and
put them in a shallow container of luke-warm water. Based
on their size, I'd guess a plastic storage container or
bucket will do. After giving them 4 or 5 minutes to steel
down, drop in 4 Koi pellets or Repto-Min floating food
sticks. Then leave him alone for 5 minutes>
<At the end of 5 minutes, whether he's eaten or not, take
him out, put him back in his tank, CHANGE THE WATER IN THE BUCKET
and start over with the next turtle.>
<If one eats, repeat the process with that turtle in 3
days. If one does not eat, repeat the process in another 7
days. No cheating, no cutting corners>
<After a month of this, they should be conditioned to eat what
is offered. If not, try another month. They WILL give
in. Eventually. If they don't break your will
<After they've started eating, they get all the Koi
pellets or Repto-Min floating food sticks they can eat in 5
minutes … every 3 days. No more. Then, once a month
or so, an earthworm or two.>
<No Ham, cheese, hot dogs, steak, burgers, bean burritos, Ice
Cream, turkey, Coke, Diet Coke, M&M's, peanut butter cups
or … hmmm … gotta go eat. See ya later!!>
Thanks so much,
red eared slider
We have had him out of the tank for 2 days now. Today when I put
him back in water for a while he ate a few mealworms from his
"treat jar" but wouldn't eat any of his ReptoMin
plus sticks.
<Given he hasn't eaten anything at all for quite some
time, that’s an encouraging sign for just 2 days! That
was a good idea to offer him worms as a way to try to “jump
start” his appetite back up. I’m not too surprised he
passed up the ReptoMin. When turtles are given a choice
between worms and pellets, they’ll almost inevitably always go
for the worms! It could also be that after eating a few
mealworms, he wasn’t hungry for anything else. And he
shouldn’t be consuming too much food anyway – no more than he
can eat in 5 minutes. Especially if you’re questioning
whether he’s sick or not, he shouldn’t have a lot of food
sitting in his stomach. >
<One thing with the worms, though, is that we recommend
earthworms over other types of worms, and once he’s feeling
better only as an occasional treat – occasional meaning only
one or two every few weeks. Earthworms have a higher
nutritional value. It also wouldn’t hurt right now, while
he may still be feeling a bit under the weather, to add a pinch
of a good quality powdered multivitamin on the earthworm before
feeding it to him. Some of the vitamin will dissolve in the
water, but if you allow him to see the earthworm first and place
it right in front of him when you feed it, he’ll be able to eat
it more quickly and get at least some of the vitamins in him.
I completely took apart his tank today to clean it out. I
realized that the small glass thermometer I keep in the tank has
broken and all the little "balls" from it were in the
rocks. It’s the kind of
thermometer that sticks to the wall of the tank. Could this be
the cause? Are those mercury balls?
<Not sure about mercury content in those types of
thermometers, but it could be that chemicals of some sort
(whether in the balls or not) got released into the water when it
broke. However, whether or not this would account for why
your turtle stopped eating I couldn’t say. The timing of
both happening at the same time is a little suspect though.
It could also be that he actually swallowed a couple of the balls
themselves and that could have caused him some indigestion.
If you see that he’s not pooping then it’s possible there
might be some obstruction; otherwise if he’s pooping as usual
and he did happen to swallow a couple of the balls then they’ll
eventually pass through.>
<Because turtles are notorious for breaking anything made of
glass, when you get a replacement thermometer, get one where only
the sensor goes in the water and the thermometer itself is
outside of the tank. >
His habitat consists of a 20 gallon tank which I keep about 1/3
full of water, a large floating dock, a UVB light, a heat lamp, a
large immersible filter, and a water heater.
<As long as your room is the normal room temperature I’d get
rid of the water heater. It’s just one more thing turtles
can break and there’s no need for it at all. In fact,
with heat from the lamps the challenge most people have with
smaller aquariums in particular, is how to keep the water
<I also noticed an attachment to your query – were you
trying to send a photo of your set-up? If so, it didn’t
come through but your description here is fine.>
I keep the water at about 72-74 degrees. He eats the ReptoMin
sticks daily and has a treat every 3 days or so. I
don't overfeed.
<Actually, once a day feeding is over-feeding believe it or
not! He should only be fed the ReptoMin every other day and
even then, only allow him 5 minutes or so to consume what he
wants – then remove all the uneaten food. I know this
doesn’t seem like much, but it really this is the best thing,
especially for a captive turtle who’s nowhere near as active as
a turtle in the wild would be.>
Please let me know your thoughts.
<I think it’s a positive sign that he ate the worms after
only a couple of days of the warm & dry isolation, even
though he didn’t eat the ReptoMin. It’s possible he’s
even fine now and just chose the earthworms over the
ReptoMin. But there’s no harm at all giving him a few
more days of the Isolation – in fact if anything it will help
give his immune system an added boost. So feel free to
continue with it until you feel comfortable he’s 100% back to
normal and has resumed his normal eating patterns.>
Thanks so much for your help.
<You’re welcome; I hope he’s all better soon! Any
more questions or concerns let us know. ~
Re: RES not eating and very sleepy 3/1/12
Hello, I hope you reply soon? I have noticed a new symptom just
today. There is a small and slightly raised pink spot on
her neck which I noticed when she was stretched out. As well as
this around her neck there seems to be a 'crack'. She is
going in the water, and we are putting her in a separate
Tupperware for a swim and to try and tempt her to eat. But she
still is spending a lot of time basking. Still not eating. I
wondered, could the UVA/B light be causing these skin
<That's not likely, Ruth. The red patch on the
skin is sometimes simply an irritation or abrasion from rubbing
against the shell above the neck. We normally see this in
obese turtles, but it does happen sometimes on others.>
<The problem, which you've already discovered, is that
while the symptoms are there, they're non-specific symptoms
-- nothing is dramatic enough to make us go "AHA!" and
know what to do next.>
<Ninety degree water is certainly unusual and it presents some
big problems. First, with a "natural" temperature
that hot, the turtle will feel no need to bask and the lack of
basking reduced the effectiveness of the UV-B radiation.
Also high temps like that will cause an explosion of fungi and
bacteria in the water … not usually a problem for a healthy
turtle … but when something goes awry and the turtle becomes
susceptible, it makes it easy for the fungi or bacteria to take
<All that said, there is nothing specific here, so I'm
going to tell you what I’d do if I were there and they were
mine: I'd move them both OUT of an aquatic
environment and into a dry environment for now.
Similar to what we call "dry-dock" for a sick turtle --
only something more permanent. I'd keep them that way,
feed them in a separate shallow bucket of water every day for 15
minutes and I'd try to get them at least 15-30 minutes of
direct sunlight (unfiltered through glass or window screen) every
day … making sure that they're out-door stay had a shaded
part they could crawl under. I'd keep them this
way for at least two months.>
<Here's my thinking: EVERYTHING about the 90 degree
water just screams out that there will be problems if the turtle
gets sick for other reasons. What I mean is that the
hot water itself is not the problem -- but once there IS a
problem, the hot water makes everything worse. In your part
of the world, the steps taken to compensate for the heat is just
a part of the keeping process.>
<Also, check your UV lamp - First make sure it truly is a UV-B
lamp and not a Plant-Gro or other type of specialty bulb.
Second, make sure it's within its life span - the
manufacturers will tell you how many running hours before the UV
is reduced to half or even less. Good luck!>
Help regarding my red
eared sliders, foods/fdg. 12/19/11
<Hiya - Darrel here>
You guys seem to be doing an amazing job,
<Yes, we do seem to be doing a great job but "seem"
implies that not all is as it appears, doesn't it? Truth is
that we have one or two slackers on the team who aren't doing
an amazing job merely a credible job. They know who they are,
-- and was wondering if you could help?
<I wonder that sometimes myself - let's give it a shot,
shall we?>
I have a bit of a difficult situation here, and really need some
advice in tackling it. I have two red eared sliders , Toto and
Mia (I acquired them in May 2009, when they were approximately
1.5 inches (so I am not sure about the age) Currently they live
in an outdoors tank which is 70 gallons, which is cleaned
regularly and maintained at a fair temperature because I live in
India. They get adequate sunshine and are normally voracious
eaters. They're now 6.5 inches each, very friendly towards
each other, have a great temperament.
<That's great growth for 2 1/2 years. An indication that
things are well>
What they eat:
- ReptoMin Pellets
- Bloodworms
<Not so good>
- Cuttlebone
- Occasional freeze dried shrimp
<Too fatty>
- Lettuce, sprouts, cooked frozen corn
<OK - but not worth your effort>
- Bananas, oranges (peeled and sliced as a treat)
<Great for monkeys, weird for turtles>
- Grapes, carrots (occasional)
- Garden greens, flowers (occasional)
- bees or flies they catch (Mia does this once in a while)
However, over the 3-4 couple of months, I have noticed that they
have become really fussy about food. At times they don't eat
at all, at which time the food is removed from their tank so that
it remains clean.
<That's fine. Good housekeeping, too!>
Recently my husband and I had to go away for a couple of weeks,
and our driver was entrusted to feed them and ensure they were
okay. When I came back I realized he had also fed them cheese for
3 and a half days. I was really upset, as I read that salt intake
is dangerous for turtles and dairy cannot be digested by them :(
And for the last 3 days they have been pooping out only white
cheese and not eating ANYTHING....
<Turtles in the wild are opportunistic and omnivorous.
They'll eat a lot to things and generally have no problem
digesting them>
I am really concerned and look forward to hearing from you
<Don't be concerned>
- Any advice is welcome.
<Yes. I hope your drive follows better driving instructions
than feeding instructions!> regarding vets, in India they do
not have vets trained to take care of turtles (they admit this)
and so are as clueless as me in this aspect. So far the best
advice for me has come from the net.
<Well, sadly, you got me instead!!>
Hope you can help!!
<Me too!>
<All I'd do now is give them 3 or 4 days without food,
then offer the ReptoMin food in small amounts - say, all they can
eat in three minutes every other day for a week>
<Then, assuming their behavior is still the same: Active!
Alert! Swimming! Basking! Just go back to your normal feeding
<Four days of a bad diet is nothing to get upset about but if
they LIKE the cheese, they may fixate on it and refuse other food
for a LONG time! Whatever you do, don't give in. Hold your
ground offer the "right" food or nothing!!!! They can
go a month or even two without food as long as they're
otherwise healthy so hold your ground until they give in>
Thanks so much!!
<Yer welcome!> S
red ear slider... fdg.
<Hiya - Darrel here>
My name is Amalia and I have had red ear slider turtles for
almost 3 years now. When we got them they were about the size of
a half dollar, now one is as big as a DVD case and the other is
the size of a CD case.
<That sounds about right. Possibly one is male and one is
female. The male will be smaller and have longer front
We always watched them eat but for the past few months we
haven't seen them eat and the food is still in the tank.
<OK - PLEASE tell me that the food you gave them a few months
ago is not in the tank!!! You mean that you offer food and the
food you offered, say .. yesterday is still in the tank?>
<If food you offered them a month ago is still in the tank,
then the water is so fouled and contaminated with bacteria that
it's no wonder they won't eat - in fact it's a wonder
they don't die from a skin infection!>
I have checked for symptoms such as spots and mucus and they seem
healthy. I can't afford a vet and I was wondering if you had
any ideas why they wouldn't eat? Like I said, it's been
months and they are still alive without eating. I don't know
what to do at this point so any recommendations would be greatly
<My guess is that they're eating when you're not
<Clean their tank completely. Water, rocks, filters,
everything. Refill with fresh clean water. Make sure the water in
clean & cool (no more than room temperature), make sure the
basking area is nice and warm (88-93 (F) ) with a source of UV-B
lighting. Read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm
<after you've verified that their habitat is clean and
healthy for them, wait three days to verify that the swim
sometimes, bask other times, have a general alert look to their
eyes (follow you with their eyes as you approach them, etc.) and
then offer them a very small amount of Koi Pellets or ReptoMin
and watch their reaction.>
<If that doesn't help, write back describing how they
handle the changes and we'll continue>
Thank You,
Amalia K
Red Eared Slider questions 11/14/11
Hi there,
<Hi, there! Ho, there! Hiya - Darrel here>
I currently have two Red Eared Slider turtles. Unsure on
there exact length... I would say around 3 inches. I was
reading through all the random questions, and received a
ton of useful info!
<Random questions??? Hmm. I usually think the questions
are logical it's my ANSWERS that are more or less
I have the full set up, besides the tank heater, soon to
<Please don't. Unless you live north of the Arctic
Circle, room temperature water is what they need. They
CHOOSE between a warm basking platform and cool water. If
you make the water warm enough then they don't haul out
to bask and that opens the door to all sorts of fungal
infections and other problems. Read here:
My main reasons in writing are 3 questions.
<OK - now for my random answers!>
1) I have earthworms for my RES. But they seem huge
compared to their tiny mouths.... Could I just drop a clean
one in the tank and just let them bite at it lol?
<Exactly. They don't have to finish the whole thing.
First, don't underestimate their ability to eat. That
said, I place them in a shallow plastic tub (maybe an inch
of water) and put the turtles in there. After about 10
minutes (when they've settled down from the move) I put
the worm in. This makes it easier for them to find it and
eat it -AND- when they're done it makes it easy to
clean up, with no mess to clean in their main tank.>
2) What is the best type of lettuce to buy for these little
<None. Their primary diet should be Repto-min food
sticks or Koi Pellets (same thing, just a LOT cheaper) with
an occasional (monthly or bi-weekly) earthworm. If you
enjoy seeing them eat their greens - a small piece of
Romaine left floating on the top is fine. Just make sure
you remove what they don't eat before in sinks and
3) One of the RES we bought (at a carnival.. poor little
guys) has a brown spots on of the pieces of its shell. It
hasn't gotten any bigger. The picture I attached is
about a month or so old. But you can see what I mean by
saying the brown spots.
<Those discolorations are fairly common in younger
turtles that have been kept in dirty water. It looks almost
like a stain, doesn't it? If you test it with a
toothpick by trying to gently scrape it, it will appear to
be under the surface. In any case, it will have no texture
and no smell. Assuming that all to be true, it more or less
is just a stain and will lessen as the turtle grows and
sheds. Just in case, just could swab it three times a week
with white vinegar, allowing the shell to dry before you
put him back in the water. In the alternative you could
spread any topical antifungal on the area (again, allowing
it to dry/set before placing her in the water). That's
all just in case you feel the need to baby him - in all
likelihood it's just a stain.>
And he's had it since we've gotten him (approx 2.5
mo) I assume it's a male because it has a pretty long
tail, but still unsure
<He/She/It is way too small to see any sexual
characteristics. They mature by size, not age>
I really appreciate your help.
<Hope it helps!>
And totally love your website.
<Suggestions and donations always welcome!>
I remember being a young teenager, and the boys would hurt
random turtles we'd come across. It was extremely sad,
and when I seen this bum like man selling these turtles I
just felt like I had to rescue a couple.
<I have a yard full of turtles, tortoises, iguanas and 2
cats that came here for the same reason. Nowadays I rarely
leave home for fear I'll return with yet another animal
in need!>
He didn't really know much about them. I could tell he
was just trying to make money. He didn't warn anyone
about the possible disease they can carry, and was just
letting all these children pick them up out of this play
pool. And I know most of these parents buying them for
there children weren't properly taking care of
<Pets make TERRIBLE gifts unless the recipient is
expecting them and prepared for them. In your case, you did
the Right Thing!>
Sincerely Summer

Re: Red Eared Slider
Questions, fdg. 11/19/11
One more thing..
I just went ahead and dropped a earthworm in the tank. And
both of my turtles seem to be normally active. But the less
active one practically demolished over half of this huge
earthworm! Should I wait like 3 weeks before I give them
another one?
<Not a bad idea. I only feed my turtles one a month
during the summer and none in the winter. Remember that
OVERFEEDING is a major health problem for our pets. Er, ah,
um and I guess, for us people, too!>
Oh and I understand you accept donations. Once I'm done
with college, and get on a good financial track; and have
extra income. I will totally donate.
<We're happy to wait, Summer. We'll be
RES Turtle feeding
<Hi Kristi!>
I have 2 baby RES turtles (Phineas & Ferb)...
<Thats my kids favorite show!!>
They are about 6 months old. One is about 3 inches & the
other is about 2 1/2 inches.
Right now, I am feeding them, twice daily, as much as they can
eat in about 15 minutes. At what point should I stop feeding them
daily or reduce it to once daily?
<Right now! Hows that for the worlds shortest answer or at
least thats MY record!>
<OK now for the longer answer EXCEPT you should only be
feeding them one time every OTHER day, as much as they can eat in
5-10 minutes. Over-feeding turtles is the most common mistake
people make, and its one that can lead to health
<If they occasionally appear to be ravenously hungry on the
off days, you can offer them fresh dark leafy greens (not iceberg
lettuce though). Theyre a good supplemental source of vitamins
and the added fiber they contain will help fill them up.>
<Also hopefully what youre feeding them is a good quality
turtle pellet or alternatively Koi pellets. Then just give them
an earthworm or two every few weeks for a treat and some added
I noticed that the larger of the two turtles eats a whole lot one
day, and then not the next, and then again a whole lot the
following day.
<Thats great! Thats the pattern both of them should be on
right now.>
<Youre welcome, Kristi! ~Sue>
Kristi L Eaves
Re: Hiya... RES...?
I think he's eating his poop.
<Theyre known to do that; thats why its important to remove
their poop right away, either before they eat it or before it
breaks apart and contaminates the water.>
also, is that a good diet? because I just decided to start
feeding him 2 pellets and 3 little pieces of romaine every
<A turtle of his size should be eating more than two pellets!
Allow him to eat as much as he wants once a day for several
minutes every other day.>
he also doesn't bask much, and I feel that this will cause
his to rot.
<Lack of basking is a concern, because in order for him to
digest his food properly, he should be basking under a heat and
UVB light for several hours each day. It could be your
temperatures are off. The land area under the heat and UVB bulb
should be between 88-90 degrees F. The water should be around
68-70 degrees or so. This temperature differential encourages
turtles to get out of the water to warm themselves up.>
are there any other common turtle illnesses?
<Below is a link to an article describing the common turtle
illnesses and how to treat them. After reading this over, if you
feel he is ill, follow the instructions given in it for isolating
him in a warm, dry environment, along with any other instructions
for treating the specific illness:
<Also, I believe I sent you the care guide below already, but
if you havent read it yet, you should read it over carefully to
make sure youre providing him everything he needs. Mostly all the
common illnesses turtles suffer are caused by something missing
or wrong from either their environment or from their diet.
Red Eared Slider tank setup and feeding
<Hiya - Darrel here>
You have an excellent, informative site.
<Well thanks!! We try and it's nice to hear that we
<Of course, it would ALSO be nice for hear that we'd won
the lottery or even that the Santa Clarita Court had lost that
ticket we got from going 78mph in a 65mph zone last month,
because THAT would have saved us from the purgatory of 420 online
minutes of Traffic School this weekend. But all that said, ya got
to love a country where you can sit at your desk and take a 7
hour course dedicated to safe driving with a glass of wine in
your hand!!>
I have some questions about Red Eared Sliders.
<Well then, think of me as the Radio Shack of Turtles: I have
answers!!! And at least 25% will be correct!!>
I have two 1.5" sliders. They are currently in a large
plastic storage container while I am setting up their tank. My
tank is 120 gallons. I have filled it with 45 gallons of water. I
am using a Rena Filstar Xp3 for filtration. For the substrate, I
am using pool filter sand.
<When you say pool filter sand I'm assuming you mean the
high grade silica sand -- very fine particles as we might find in
a child's sandbox. This is a fine substrate for looks, and
it's small enough that nothing the turtles can ingest will
hurt them BUT it's going to be a real pain to maintain.
Compared to fish, turtles are poop machines. They create all
sorts and sizes of poop, often in exponential relation to the
amount of food they get. For this reason, no water filter will
keep a turtle tank clean and you always end up siphoning the
detritus off the bottom, which in your case will end up being a
large amount of sand. The best thing I've found for
"substrate" are the polished "river rocks"
that they sell in building supply stores for gardens and pathways
and I get them at the 1 to 2 inch size (HUGE compared to a baby
turtle) so that the waste falls between the cracks. That all
said, your sand is fine, I'm just too lazy to set myself up
for that much work>
For the basking area, I have the large ExoTerra turtle bank.
Above that is a 150 watt Zoo Med Ceramic Infrared Heat Emitter
and a Zoo Med ReptiSun 10.0 UVB Bulb. The basking area is
currently 88 degrees.
<That all sounds great. Basking temp should be 88 to 92
I also have a 36 inch Fancy Plant giant in the tank.
<Don't know what that is. Is it plastic? I like plastic
plants. You can't easily wash a live plant in soap and bleach
when it gets dirty>
While I have been preparing the tank, I have placed their storage
container outside for sunlight for a while during the day.
<As long as a PART of it is shaded, so they can crawl out of
direct sunlight - nothing could be better for them>
I used a desk lamp while they're in the house.
<Do they read a lot? >
I have been offering ReptoMin and earthworms.
<Excellent, but go easy on the worms. In spite of the
classifications of our mentor Dr Linnaeus, Turtles are
I also have Anacharis in the container. It's hard for me to
tell if they're eating the Anacharis, but they're not
eating the ReptoMin or earthworms. I've had them for 3 weeks.
Do you think I should follow the steps for isolation? They are
basking and swimming. Their eyes look fine.
<The first thing I notice about a turtle is her eyes. It's
also important that she can make me laugh and that I feel safe in
talking to her you know ... that I can really open up and be
honest with her about my real feelings. OH WHO AM I KIDDING???
The first thing I notice is her shell!!!!>
<On a more practical note, 3 weeks is a long time for them not
to have eaten. It's not a DANGER sign just yet, so don't
get terrible worried it's just time to take serious notice.
They ARE likely chomping on the plant material and they way to
test that is to remove that option for a while. It may be a long
while, because we want them to settle on the Repto-min (Koi
pellets are cheaper and just as balanced for them) with all other
foods as treats or supplements.>
For the 120 gallon tank, the water depth is 11". Is that too
<Nope that's perfect!!! The really great thing you've
done with your 120 gallon tank is given them a lot of surface
area. A turtle is better off in water twice their height (4-6
inches) if the tank is long and wide but in your case they dont
have to trade one for the other.>
I could lower the water, but I'd rather not have the heat
emitter inside of the tank.
<Because the heat emitter sits higher than the tank? The only
loss there is that, to a slightly greater extent, you're
heating the room, too.>
Also, I don't see much mention of cycling a tank for a red
eared slider. I have used dechlorinator and I have the filter
running. I was going to go to a local fish store and get some
rocks or other media from their cycled tanks to place into the
turtle tank. Is it necessary for me to cycle the tank prior to
adding the turtles?
<Nope - not even a little bit, Jill. Cycling a fish tank is an
attempt to get a biological filter cycle running so that there is
not a buildup of ammonia and other substances that are
immediately toxic to the fish who you can think of as having to
drink and breathe that same water 24/7. Turtles do neither, so
none of the toxins in a fish tank are anywhere near as toxic to
turtles. PLUS the aforementioned poop machines they are, youd
need a filter bed the size of the Everglades to process their
waste biologically. No fish store HAS that many rocks and your
tank wouldn't hold them if you did>
Thank you for your help and for all the information on your
<Again - you're welcome!>
<Your setup sound great. Get it running and toss them in
(figure of speech) and have a go.>
<Something you can easily do with turtles that you can't
do with fish - is feed them in a separate container. Come up with
a shallow bowl or Tupperware container like the plastic shoe
boxes they sell - maybe 7 inches wide, 12 long and 4 high. Fill
it with 2 inches of luke warm tap water and set it on the coffee
table in the living room>
<NOTE TO ALL READERS: Follow this step ONLY if you have
turtles, plastic container, a living room AND a coffee table!!!!
Eliminating EVEN ONE step can be catastrophic!!>
<ahem I must have just had a flashback to the Traffic School
test. Let's review!!! Arrrrg!>
<Pick up the turtles and place them in there, give them a few
minutes to figure out it's not the end of the world then
place 3-5 Repto-min sticks in with them and then sit back and
watch TV (again - only if you HAVE a TV) and read a book ({sigh}
only if you Can read) while they play around. At the end of 10
minutes, place them back in their tank and you'll see if
they've eaten (they're little tummies will be full and
they'll have unbuckled their tiny little pants -- or else
you'll notice the sticks gone!!!) and this will give us an
idea when/if they've eaten. After youre certain they've
accepted the food, you can start placing it in the main tank --
being sure to scoop out any uneaten food after 10 minutes -- or
you can continue the separate feedings if you feel it makes a
bonding experience.>
Re: Red Eared Slider tank setup and feeding
Thanks so much for your reply!
<No charge! - but donations always welcome (see upper right)
if the mood every strikes you)>
You've made me laugh and I love your sense of humor.
<The #1 thing women say they look for in a man is someone who
can make them laugh but if that were true, why don't women
marry clowns?>
Pool filter sand is slightly more coarse than sandbox sand, but I
understand what you're saying about the maintenance.
<It's fine as long as you're OK with it>
I put the turtles in the tank yesterday and they seem to be doing
okay, but they're not basking yet.
<Probably a mixture of fear and stress>
I've tried "teaching" them to climb on the bank,
but they scurry off immediately.
<Right. The handling part is good because they do get
accustomed to it, but the "teaching" part is pure
wishful thinking on our parts>
Maybe they don't like the sound of the filter water near the
<They have no ears (funny they're called Red Eared
Sliders, huh?) OK .. well maybe not Laugh Out Loud funny but
still odd) but they DO sense vibration. You might try moving the
filter outflow to another part of the tank>
I don't know. I guess I'll have to rig something up so
there's more of step down into the water. More research!
<Or chill out. They are fairly hardy, resilient and
resourceful creatures. Maybe just wait a bit & relax?>
I don't have the heat emitter inside the tank because I'm
afraid of it falling in the water. It has a clamp, but I'm
just paranoid about it. I could get the stand so it doesn't
have to clamp onto the tank.
<Again No. That was merely a question. You've bought
enough stuff already>
I have noticed that their shells are somewhat flexible.
They're not mushy, but they're not totally rigid. I read
that their shells will harden with age. Is that correct or is
this something to be concerned about?
<The word we're looking for is 'flexible' and yes,
at their size & age that's normal. If they don't get
enough UV and Vitamins A, C &D the shell will get softer and
you'll notice.> I'll try feeding them in the plastic
container in the living room, but I have no coffee table. What
shall I do??
<Thankfully, the keystone of my technique is the plastic
container, not the coffee table. Any hard surface will do. The
trick here is HIGH enough that any dog, cat or other predator
can't get to them and low enough if they climb out &
fall, it won't become an emergency.>
I did want to mention my experience with setting up the Rena
Filstar filter. I spent 2 days messing with it and when it
worked, it was loud and was spewing water mixed with air.
<I hate when that happens - you're sucking air>
Then I tried cutting the input and outlet tubes because I had
initially left them longer than recommended. Then my son used the
fish net to whirl around all the plants in the tank. When I fixed
that, the filter stopped working. I thought it was because sand
had entered the filter. I could not get it to prime properly.
<No one can>
I poured the water into the inlet tube and replaced the top while
the canister lever was up. When I pressed the lever down, the
tank would fill only an inch. I tried manually filling the
canister with water and pouring water into the inlet tube. When I
turned the filter on, it worked fine for 30 to 45 seconds and
then I could see large air bubbles in the intake tubing and air
bubbles in the canister. Then the canister water level would drop
and the impeller started grinding and I couldn't get it to
stop. The problem was the plastic inlet piece (where you fill the
water and replace the cap). It wasn't completely flat at the
top. It had a little chip/gouge in the top edge, so air was able
to seep in even when I had tightly screwed on the cap. I was able
to find a rubber gasket to fit into the cap and that completely
fixed it. Just thought I'd mention this, because after hours
of Internet searching I could not find this exact problem.
<Welcome to the club, Jill. We have jackets and even a secret
<I regularly do battle with a Fluval 401 filter on my Marine
Aquarium. TECHNICALLY it's my son's Marine Aquarium
because he begged and pleaded for two years to have one and then
he got it, was happy as a clam (Marine Aquarium Humor) and then
he discovered girls and now it's MY Marine Aquarium that just
happens to be in HIS room>
<Anyway when I change the filter media and reassemble the
unit, there is this plunger thingy that you're supposed to
pump up & down "4 or 5 times" according to the
manual - to prime it.>
ANYONE????????? Are these people kidding? Are they sitting back
in their labs laughing their butts off at people trying to prime
their pumps with their silly valves and levers? Or are they so
seriously detached from reality that they think it actually
<The first thing I learned is that the outflow tube must be
above water when you try to refill - if the outflow in
underwater, the air can't flow out easily due to the pressure
of the water. SO with the outflow tube in my right hand, I pump
the plunger thingy until I can hear water flowing into the main
chamber. Then, when I see water flowing up to the top and just
STARTING to flow up the outflow tube, I cover that tube with my
thumb, hang it over the side of the tank, plug in the pump
(it's important to have it off while starting this siphon)
and then uncap the tube.>
<At this point, I usually have no water flow at all and I can
hear the Fluval engineers laughing all the way from Germany. So
THEN, I take the canister in my hand and turn in 90 degrees
sideways and then a bit more ... so the impeller is at the bottom
and the air bubbles float to the top. So NOW I get a full water
flow starting.>
<Except that I'm stuck there, like a dork, holding a
canister filter upside down and thinking if there is some way I
could just permanently mount the darned thing ..>
<Once the flow is started, I momentarily rotate the canister
upward and that give the impeller a gulp of the air. Then I turn
it upside down again until the water flow returns. Then rotate
& gulp, etc. If I make it gulp TOO Much air at one time, it
breaks the siphon and I start over. And in case you're
wondering what I'm THINKING while doing this impression of a
troop of howler monkeys playing football with a watermelon,
I'm thinking that I no longer like Marine Aquariums and no
longer fond of children, either.>
<Easy operation and simple maintenance ---- my foot.>
I didn't want to mention this at first, but getting Red Eared
Sliders was an impulse purchase while on vacation. My kids begged
for them and I really wanted them too.
<My KID was an impulse um purchase while on vacation. Lesson
Then I researched them and discovered how much is involved in
their care and how large they grow. I have learned a tremendous
amount from your website. Thank you for taking the time to answer
my questions.
<Jill - the beauty of the Emydid turtles is that they require
much LESS care than many other animals (including kids and
husbands). They are tolerant of a wide variety of mistakes and
inattention that we end up giving them. PLUS they don't spend
their weekends watching football, they never borrow your car to
"study" at a friend's house only to come back with
a dented fender from an incident at a drive-in nor will they ever
beg you to buy them a pair of $250 purple tennis shoes that they
just HAVE to have only to find that they're out of style
within 2 hours of the purchase.>
<[AS AN EDITORIAL NOTE: Did anyone know that Microsoft Word
Spell Check recognizes "THINGIE" and suggests the
correct word "THINGY"?? When in all of creation did
"thingy" become an actual word? The same day regardless
became a word? Due knot Re: lie two much on spell Czech!]>
Fuzzy Food! 9/2/11
First off I would like to say that I think the team at WWM is
doing an excellent job of keeping novices like myself informed on
the best way to keep healthy RES Turtles.
I have a three year old Slider that is approx: 8" long and
in apparent good health. She lives in a 50 Gal. tank that is
cleaned by a four stage canister filter that is changed every two
weeks with a full water change
once monthly. I feed her ReptoMin sticks every other day
supplemented by greens and occasionally a few goldfish. Recently
I have noticed that the food that is not eaten starts to get
fuzzy after a day or so. The water temp is maintained around
72-76 deg.. I tested the water and the Ph is within range and the
ammonia levels are nominal. I just can't figure out why the
food gets fuzzy. I assume that it is "growing" some
sort of bacteria. Any help would be appreciated. Ed B
<The fuzz is fungus, fungal hyphae to be precise. Siphon out
such food as it won't be eaten by your turtles (and indeed,
shouldn't be eaten, because it's rotting). That you have
leftover food that becomes fungused implies you are overfeeding.
I'm also worried you're using goldfish as feeders -- this
is downright dangerous and has no practical value at all. Do
please read here:
Diet should be based around pondweed and Koi pellets. Cheers,
Re: Hiya, RES fdg. 8/27/11
Hi, I had another question. My turtle eat a lot and has a big
appetite so should I be feeding him a lot or no? and when should
I feed him like how
<Hi Jasmine. Thats great news that his appetite is no longer a
concern! However, continue to follow the same recommendations for
feeding the pellets, earthworms and greens that I gave you in my
August 10 reply below no matter how hungry he seems. Over-feeding
can lead to a number of health problems and is one of the most
common mistakes people make with turtles, because they cant
resist their darling little faces when theyre begging incessantly
for food! So stay the course below. Dont give in no matter how
hard it is to say No!! It will be better for him in the long run.
Red Ear Slider Questions, sys., fdg.
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I acquired a hatchling Red Ear Slider about 8 months ago.
<Is his name Merky, perhaps?>
He (or she) has grown from about an inch to 3.75 inches at this
point and I'm starting to wonder if the 10 gallon aquarium he
is in is starting to get too small.
<Yeah - a little bit too small.>
I know you typically can't sex them until they are 4 inches
or larger but he is almost that length and looks like he has the
toe nails and tail of a female. I know these girls can get quite
large and want to make sure I have the proper housing.
<It's always a good idea to look forward, but also
remember that AS they get older their rate for growth slows, so
even if Merky IS actually a girl, she'll not grow from 4
inches to 8 inches anywhere nearly as fast as she grew from 1 to
What size aquarium do you recommend for a turtle of this current
size and how long would it last before I need to upgrade again? I
don't want to buy a 20 gallon only for him to outgrow it in
the next 6 months or so.
<Well, if an aquarium is the way you're going, I'd say
a "Breeder" tank, They come in 30 gallon and 40 gallon
sizes. They are both 36 inches long by 18 inches wide; the
difference being the 40 gallon is taller. Although it may be hard
to locate one, they are perfect for turtles because turtles
appreciate WIDTH and LENGTH of an enclosure much more than
I was also wondering at what age these turtles are typically full
grown and what size tank/pond should I plan on once he gets to
this point? I have a 90 gallon aquarium I could move him to if I
had to but it would require some reworking. If I did move him to
the 90 could I comfortably house two turtles or would I be
setting myself up for needing a much larger system in the
<A typical 90 gallon tank is 48 inches by 18 inches and would
house 2 turtles nicely. Keep in mind that they would be perfectly
happy in 12 inches of water, leaving plenty of room for a basking
area under a UV lamp, etc.>
My final question is about feeding, I've read that after a
hatchling becomes a yearling they should be fed every other day
vs. every day and I'm wondering at what size/age I should
move to this schedule. He is fed a mix of turtle pellets,
veggies, crickets and some fruit.
<No crickets, please. They are Mother Nature's Peanut
Butter Cups: Junk food>
<I feed my hatchlings every other day for the first year and
then 3 times a week thereafter. I use Koi Pellets as the staple
diet, with an earthworm or two once a month. I feed all they can
eat in 5 minutes, 3 times a week. Always keep in mind that we
humans ALWAYS feed our animals too much.
Over feeding and feeding the wrong foods are much more common
problems than underfeeding.>
Your help is appreciated!
<More reading: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm
> Re: Red Ear Slider Questions
Thanks for the info so far.
<Not a problem>
I have a few follow up questions if you don't mind.
<Not at all>
I live in So Cal so having him live outside year round is a
possibility, I believe. I do worry about predators that could
snatch him and would have to look into the space and filtration
required to put a pond in our small yard.
<I understand. Predators are always a worry. On the other hand
ponds open the door to much imagination. Nothing says that they
have to be a hole in the ground. MY pond is above ground,
outlined with concrete blocks (cinderblocks) that contain a pond
liner AND a fence with a lip on it then around the outside is a
decorative garden that hides the blocks.>
In a few years with a bigger yard I think this will be the
<Then you can add Koi and even bigger filters and then even
more Koi and then rebuild the pond to be bigger and hold more
turtles and then HUGE filters and PRIZED imported Koi and then
have to retire from your job because there isn't enough time
to do that AND care for the Koi and the turtles O.K. wait. On the
other hand, maybe not>
As it is I have a light for heat on his basking area but I put
him outside in a part sun/part shade container most days to get
his sunlight.
<That works. The prices on specially-made UV-B lamps have come
way down in recent years, but then I don't want to take away
from your "together time" with him.>
If I do move him to the 90 and decided to get him a friend do you
recommend a specific pairing of sex and size?
<You mean like am I a dating service?>
Also, would there be other turtles that are not Red Ear Sliders
but are similar enough that they could live in the same
<Yes. All the Sliders, Cooters, Pond Turtles, etc. all share
the same needs and seem to get along just fine. What you will
find though, are simply certain individuals that are a bit more
nippy than others, so try to find a turtle that is around the
same physical size. Sexual pairing is problematic because the
males mature faster than the females and begin their courtship
behaviors while the females are too young to respond and to me,
it just seems to annoy the females but then again, I may be
projecting back to Jr. High School>
<The one thing I'd do, whether you use the 90 and/or later
when you build a pond arrange the decorations, rocks or whatever
you use so that the two turtles can, when in the water, get out
of each other's visual range. For some reason, Basking is a
shared resource and they almost universally get along "up
top." It's in the water where they seem to have their
tiffs and as long as they can get out of each other's site
for a while when they need it, they'll otherwise work out
their differences.>
Thanks again
Re: Red Ear Slider Questions... Painted Turtle sel., comp. now
I have decided to go with a Painted turtle.
<Nice choice>
I like the Midland and Eastern but was concerned as adults
they'll be significantly smaller than my Slider. I was
leaning toward the Western Painted for that reason.
Wouldn't that make your name Eileen?>
Do you think this is a concern?
<Not even a little bit. Eastern Painteds and Sliders of all
types will get along fine. The THREE issues to consider. (1) Your
PARTICULAR Slider and Painted may not be suited for each other.
No way to know, only time tells. (2) As long as they are similar
sized when introduced (that whole fighting for dominance thingie)
they're usually fine thereafter. (3) arrange the enclosure
such that when they are both in the water, they can get away from
each other visually. Bricks, rocks, etc. to break up the water
basin, seems to do the trick. Basking spots, for some reason, are
virtually neutral territory>
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
<Sent from my TRS-80>
obesity 3/6/11
Hi Sue!
<Err .. I'm Darrel. Someone dropped this in my box>
I'm Cristy. I have a female red-eared slider which I rescued
from a flood.
<Two guys on the beach in Miami and they get to talking and
discover they're both from New York.>
<The first guy says "Yeah, my business was wiped out by a
fire. My insurance company gave me $100,000 so I thought I'd
come down here and have a vacation before I rebuilt and started
<The second guy says "Yeah, me too. My business was wiped
out by a flood and the insurance company gave me $250,000 so,
like you, I thought of a little vacation before I start
<The first guys says "$250,000 ???">
<The second guy says "yep!">
<The first guy asks "so tell me how do you start a
I have her about a year now. I would like to know if she is fat/
obese. I attached pictures of her. If you notice her shoulders,
it looks plump but if you touch it, it's just skin. I noticed
this when she grew and get fat. Because before, we only feed her
with fishes and meat. So I put her in a diet which consists of
turtle pellets and some greens. It went good since she
doesn't look that fat or big. But she still have those skins.
She also have those skins in her legs. However, every time she
puts her feet inside her shell all those skins goes with.. What
do you think is it? Is she fat? Thank you..
<Christy - she's a BIG girl and yes, she's a bit
<What you have to do is cut down on her feedings. No more than
she can eat in 5 minutes - 3 times a week. It will take as much
or more than a year for her to reach a more normal weight and
during that time she will seem to you as if she is STARVING --
always looking for attention, craving more, etc. I've found
that it's harder to put a pet on a diet than it is to put
myself on one but it is in their best interest>
By the way, I bought a male Malayan box turtle, about three
inches long(shell).Will the slider, who is about 8.5 inches
long(shell), hurt the little Malayan.
<There is no way to tell, Christy. Sliders are not known for
aggression toward others beyond being snappy and nippy to their
own kind. I kept and outdoor pond for years where the water was
dominated by a colony of sliders and the garden was occupied by a
family of box turtles. Water turtles basked on land, Box turtles
(who are land turtles) occasionally took a swim .. all got along
just fine. But that's just GENERAL information. This turtle
might be different. My suggestion is that you watch them
carefully for the first few times they meet each other. Also -
and this is important when keeping more than one animal in any
tank/cage/pen/situation: Make sure they have enough room to get
AWAY from each other and to get out of sight of one another!!
Many animals that you might expect to fight constantly will do
fine as long as they also have places they can get away and feel
Thank you so much Sue..
<I'm passing this letter on to Sue - she's
My slider loves her Koi pellets by the way..God bless you...
RES, young... fdg... floating lopsided...
<Hiya!! Darrel here>
I have a Red Ear Slider who is approximately 3 months old, the size of
a silver dollar, named Timon (as in Lion King).
<Did you know that The Lion King was based on a Japanese cartoon of
the 1960's called "Kimba the White Lion"?>
He eats so much!
<It's good that he has an appetite. That said -- overeating and
obesity is a HUGE problem in pet care. We feed our guys too much. Timon
should get all he can eat in 15 minutes, three times a week.>
I have noticed that his left side is constantly higher than the right
side of his body while he is in the water. When he basks he lies evenly
but as soon as he slides back into the water he has what I have termed
a "ghetto lean". I am very worried for his well-being. Is
this normal? If not, how can I help him?
<It's not normal, but it's not uncommon, either. Usually, in
a healthy critter - which Timon seems to be, it means nothing more than
he hasn't expelled all the air from his lungs evenly, maybe he has
some gas in his intestines but nothing to worry about!!>
Thanks so much, Concerned Turtle Parent.
<Yer welcome!!>
<Read here for general care see if you've got everything
covered: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm
Feeding Red ear sliders and Painted turtles vegetables
constantly? 2/1/11
I have read that it is advisable to constantly have plants for the
turtles to eat in the tank. When I drop romaine lettuce in my tanks the
turtles eat the whole leaf in less than 30 min. I would have to keep a
head of lettuce in the tank every day too keep up with them. I guess my
general question is: Can you really overfeed with leafy greens (aquatic
plants, lettuce)? This is in addition to my feeding of Tetra ReptoMin
pellets 3-2 times a week.
My 5 Turtles-
0.3.1 Red Ear Slider Trachemys scripta elegans: Holly (7.2") (8
years old), Pine (7") (8 years old), Preakness ( 3.75") (2
years in March), Clover (3") (2 years in March)
1.0.0 Eastern Painted Turtle Chrysemys picta picta: Bonsai (4")
(15 years old)
2.0.0 Convict Cichlid Amatitlania nigrofasciata: Stripes (4") (1
year), Mugger (3") (1 year)
<Hi, Sue here with you.>
<The greater concern when it comes to overfeeding your turtles is to
not overfeed them the pellets. I do as you do and feed mine a good
quality pellet (ReptoMin, Koi) every other day but only as much as they
can eat in 5-10 minutes. >
<As far as feeding them too many greens, really the ideal to aim for
overall is offering them a balanced diet not too much of any one type
of food. Technically, ReptoMin and Koi pellets should provide them with
a balanced diet, but personally I like to offer mine some greens in
addition to the pellets just to give them some added fiber, some
different sources for some of their vitamins and nutrients, and also
because plants and greens are most like what they would be eating if
they were living in the wild. I usually give them the greens on the
days they dont eat pellets, but sometimes also on the days they do if I
happen to have some extra greens on hand. I also give them an earthworm
or two every couple of weeks as an added healthy treat.>
<As long as your turtles are not refusing the pellets, then youre
fine offering them as many greens as theyd like. I wouldnt worry,
though, about keeping them supplied 24/7 should they clean you
<One thing you did mention in your note, though, is that you feed
them a lot of Romaine lettuce. Do you offer them any other types of
greens? If youre going to offer them greens, I wouldnt feed them just
one type. The website below lists several other recommended greens and
plant materials that you can offer your turtles to give them more of a
http://www.redearslider.com/plants.html >
<I tend to stick with the ones listed under Beneficial and
Recommended and once in a while some under the Moderate. In the summer
when I have them in an outdoor pond, I also give them some of the
plants listed under Aquatic Plants.>
<Another crew member whos kept turtles for many years feeds his only
Koi pellets (no greens at all) with an occasional earthworm, and has
had good success with that. So it would seem either approach is OK, or
even somewhere in-between! And given the ages of some of your turtles
(especially Bonsai, your 15 year old turtle), Id say that whatever
youve been doing all these years appears to be working out just
<Youre welcome, hope that answered it!>
How is this feeding routine for my Painted and Red Ear
Slider Turtles? 1/24/11
Dear Crew
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I have a painted turtle and a few red ear sliders. I feed them every
other day. I'm feed ReptoMin pellets along with vegetables and
bugs. Here is a typical week of feeding.
Monday: Pellets
Tuesday: Nothing
Wednesday: Various vegetables (rarely fruits such as apple skins) like
romaine lettuce, carrot tops, wild dandelion leaves (from my lawn. Its
Thursday: Nothing
Friday: Pellets
Saturday: A few bugs, usually stink bugs (brown marmorated)
Sunday: Nothing
How is my feeding routine?
<Incredible. FAR more involved that my feeing routine. If you'll
research the ingredients on the Repto-min, you'll find that
it's high in vegetable matter and by itself is a fully balanced
diet. I use Kay-Tee brand Koi Pellets on my water turtles, TJ.
They're also a completely balanced diet for Sliders and their
brethren and much cheaper. The only uh-oh are the bugs. Turtles can
easily "fixate" on one particular food and ignore all others.
My guess is that bug are like candy to them. If it was ME I'd
cancel Bug Day except for once a month and I'd use earthworms
<As far as the schedule, that's great, too. Make sure you feed
only what they can eat in 5 to 10 minutes>
I'm interested in the health value of banana PEELS. I would cut
them into bite size pieces and they would be feed (on occasion) along
with the vegetables on Wednesday.
<Bananas are high in natural sugars, which neither the turtles nor
their water need, so I'd say no. HOWEVER if you decide to do it
anyway no need to cut them up -- the exercise the turtles get by
tearing into things and biting off portions --- is good for
Get that Stink bug out of your mouth - you don't know
where it's been!! 1/21/11
Dear Crew
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I have two 9 inch female Red Eared Sliders.
My house has so many stinkbugs (gross!). I put one in with the turtles
and they ate it like a pellet. Can I give them like 1-3 stinkbugs a day
along with my feeding of pellets (3 times a week) and lettuce (3-4
times every 2 weeks). I mean the shield looking ones invading the east
coast from Asia.
These are bugs that have been in my house all winter so I don't
think they have any diseases that could harm my turtles. I have read
they are not poisonous.
<Here's the issue. It's not toxins, but crabs -- the
Halyomorpha halys (Asian Stink Bug) would never be part of their
natural diet. Like many bugs, they seem to taste really good
because turtles do seem to like them. What happens after a while is
they like them so much, they will start to "fixate" on them
and not eat the pellets and the "proper" diet. THEM you have
a problem, because the stink bugs are not at all nutritious.>
Tortoise Food for RES? 1/12/11
Hello Crew,
Tina here,
<Darrel here>
I've written in once about a year ago about Edward only eating
dried krill.
<If Edward is your husband, boyfriend or son, you have BIG
Now I have a new question.
Oh wait questions.
<Even better - the more questions you ask me, the better chance
statistically, that I'll give you at least one right
Can you feed Rep-Cal Tortoise Food to a Red Eared Slider?
<OK -- Now I'm starting to see a pattern forming>
My friend has a tortoise that won't eat pellets and she gave me a
big ol' jar of it. I'm starting to run out of the floating
stick pellets and wonder if I should toss the tortoise food or let
Edward try it.
<Well, yeah he can have it - if he likes it. A balanced tortoise
food is low in protein and high in fiber and is plant-based, which is
fine for Edward as well. When you run out of floating turtle sticks,
pick up some Kay-Tee brand Koi pellets from your local pet store and
use that instead.
It's a fully balanced and nutritious food for water turtles. I
raise hatchlings to adult breeders on Koi pellets and an occasional
I use Kay-Tee brand because it's decent quality and
2nd thing:
<Thing Two - as Dr Seuss would have stated it>
For the last 2 days I've noticed him eating bubbles from the
filter's waterfall every now and then. Is this a problem or just
him being weird?
<Yep - just a bored turtle assuming himself>
He basks, eats, swims and ponders his next escape normally. He has
climbed out of his tank twice now and landed in a mesh net I have
around his tank.
I fixed that by using cardboard.
<Tina - if Edward has the ability to escape, please makes sure your
credit, debit & ATM cards are safe. Red Eared Sliders are
COMPLETELY irresponsible with credit!!>
Thank you in advance for the help.
<It was my pleasure!>
Diet, inactivity and care conditions, RES
<Hi Tanya, Sue here with you.>
I have a few questions. I have two red ear sliders. I've had them
for a few months now. The first couple weeks I had them they ate the
pellets but them they refused to eat anything until I stared feeding
them baby shrimp. The freeze dried kind. They won't eat any thing
else. Is this ok?
<No, freeze dried shrimp has little to no nutritional value and
shouldnt be a part of their diet. Stick with the pellets as their
staple; feed them only every other day as much as theyll eat in 5-10
minutes to avoid over-feeding. If you see one stealing all of the food,
you may need to feed them separately. You can also offer them fresh
greens liberally every day (not iceberg, though - use red leaf lettuce,
curly green lettuce, dandelion greens, etc.) I put them on a clip with
a suction cup and attach it to the inside of the aquarium to try and
keep them confined to one place for easier clean-up. The only treat we
recommend is an earthworm or two every couple of weeks or so. Most
turtles love earthworms and theyre much healthier for them than freeze
dried shrimp. Your turtles will land up sick with nutritional
deficiencies if you continue to feed them this as their staple.>
<Having said this, as you mentioned they like the taste of the
shrimp and now dont want to eat anything else. Its no different than
kids wanting only dessert but not their vegetables. One thing you may
want to try is to wean them off of the shrimp. Try putting several
pellets in a cap from a drink container, then stick just a few of the
freeze dried shrimp in with it. Wait at least 20 minutes or until the
pellets are completely softened, then mash everything into a pulp and
see if theyll take small amounts of this off the top of the spoon. If
they do, then just gradually decrease the amount of shrimp over the
next week or two until its only the pellets theyre eating. We often
also suggest holding off feeding them for a few days to try and make
them hungry enough to eat the pellets. The only caveat with this is
that they shouldnt be otherwise debilitated (which yours may be; see
below). Healthy turtles can go a few days without food but I wouldnt
advise doing this with malnourished or unhealthy turtles.>
Also, I noticed the skin on there face is peeling. It happens only when
I fully clean out there tank. It is only the face which is peeling.
Whats happening to them?
<Not sure why youre only noticing this when you clean out the tank,
but usually when skin is peeling to the point that youre noticing it,
this usually points to either water quality issues and/or a water
temperature thats too high. How often are you doing water changes? What
type, if any, filter are you using? What temperature is the water? Ill
forward this question on to one of other crew members to see if he has
any additional insights on this as well.>
Another thing I have noticed is the smaller of the two turtles just
sits in the corner of the tank under water. Is she depressed or
<Turtles often just like to hang out but if shes doing this all the
time, this would not be normal. Healthy turtles should be spending
several hours out of the water each day completely drying off under a
heat and UVB lamp (both of which you are hopefully providing. And when
theyre in the water, healthy turtles also like to actively swim about
as well as just hang out. If you dont have the proper lighting and
heating they require, I suggest you get these items as soon as possible
and see if they make a difference. Both of your turtles will become
quite ill if you are not providing these additional things.>
<As an aside, if youve only been feeding your turtles freeze dried
shrimp AND not providing a basking area, heat lamp and UVB, it is
likely they ARE debilitated. Especially your one turtle that is
completely sedentary sitting in a corner. If all these things are true
then I would shy away from the starvation option above in favor of
weaning, and purchase the needed equipment as soon as possible. Turtles
dont require a lot, but what they do require, they must have or they
will become seriously ill.>
The larger turtle will occasionally go to the little turtle to play
with her. The water is really deep. Is it possible for them to
<Though turtles do breathe air like we do, they won't drown
unless they get trapped by an object under the water and can't swim
up for air, or if they're seriously ill and having difficulty
swimming (i.e. are swimming lop-sided). Otherwise you shouldn't
worry. And while turtles do appreciate deep water, what they appreciate
even more is a large surface area with lots of room to swim
please help me.- Tanya
<Tanya, try out the things I mentioned above and see if these things
help them convert back over to the pellets and increase their activity
levels. Ive also attached a link below that is our basic care guide.
Compare the care youre currently providing your turtles to whats
recommended in this guide and make whatever changes are necessary. Let
me know how it goes, and please feel free to write back with any more
questions or concerns.
25 year old red eared slider, hibernation mostly
<Hiya - Darrel here>
My name is Katie,
<Wow - this is my second Katie in the same day. Hiya>
. I've been browsing through your website this morning - it's
great! Very informative.
However, I wondered if you could give me a little help with my turtle
questions. Here are some facts about our Frankie.
-Shell approx 8 inches head to toe, 6 inches wide.
-Female, goes on an annual trek out of her backyard pond (18 inches
deep, gravel bottom) and into the garden every August to lay eggs.
-Approx 25 years old, purchased in 1995 from a home and was about 10 or
so when we got her.
-She lives in the pond from May thru November - we live in Northwestern
Ontario, Canada, the pond freezes solid in winter - is transported to a
giant naturalized tank (6 feet long, 18 inches wide...not sure of the
gallons) in our basement.
- Fed earthworms and pellet mixture throughout the summer.
- Enjoys moonlit evenings, soft music and good conversation
- Turn-on's include males with thick tails and long, fluttery
- Turn-off's are political conversations at dinner and Donny
Osmond. This last one appears to be personal but she retracts from any
attempt to get details
<All good so far, Katie>
My questions are,
a.) What kind of lamp should we put in the tank during the winter?
<When shopping, I always hope for a magic lamp. So far though . No
We've had a vitamin d and a heat lamp every winter in the past with
success but I'd like to know a specific kind, as I fear she may be
getting older (I don't know the life expectancy of RES) would she
now need more special attention?
<40 or 50 years is possible with good care>
<If by a vitamin D lamp, you mean a UV/B lamp? If so, that and a
heat lamp, both arranged over her basking area, is just fine. For a
million years, I used Vita-Lite by DuroTest Corp. Not because it was
specifically for reptiles, but back in the day it was the only
fluorescent lamp that published actual data on it's UV/B output.
Nowadays there are many companies that can documented outputs and much
higher "B" than the Vita-lite.>
b.) Should we let her have a hibernation period in her basement tank?
As the pond begins to cool down quite a bit in early October, we think
she may begin to hibernate and hide away - apart from the occasional
warm, sunny week. Fishing her out on the transition day results in a
bleary eyed, yawning turtle who takes a few hours to come around.
<There is nothing about the hibernation process that is necessary
for their survival, Katie. It's natural, yes, but so is freezing to
death or getting eaten by an alligator. If it was me, I'd bring her
in a bit earlier in the year except I can imagine how you feel (because
it's how I feel, too) about taking away those last few precious
days of sunlight. But it's best for her>
c.) Earthworms and bait shops are scarce in winter around here and very
expensive for the amount she eats on a daily basis. We like to spoil
her during the summer with them as she has such a short, outside sunny
season in her pond. She doesn't like the pellet food on its own,
and won't eat vegetables.
<Think about it - would YOU eat pellets if you had the choice of
<Wait that didn't come out quite like I thought . Would you eat
rice cakes if your were offered steak?>
<The problem you have, Katie - the problem we ALL have is we tend to
let our pets be in charge of their care. We get them acclimated to a
"happy" food and then we're puzzled that they refuse to
accept the "better" food.>
Any suggestions?
<At 25 years and she's healthy, I think we should change very
little and what we do change, change gradually. Once inside, I'd
not feed her for a week or so and then offer a few pellets that had
been rubbed in beef liver to see if the flavor would entice her. If
yes, repeat every 3rd day. If no offer every 3rd day. Give it a month
to see who wins.>
I did read on your website about the water being too cool, I'm
thinking the heat lamp would probably encourage her appetite.
<We like the water to be 68-73(f) and the basking area to be
88-94(f) or thereabouts.>
I realize I've written a novel of questions and apologize for that,
but she is very special to our family ( a gift from a now deceased
grandparent) and we would like to keep her healthy and happy wherever
she is for as long as possible.
<Your letter was great & you're doing good things, you care
and you want to do what's best for her. I wish there were more like
Thanks so much!
Thunder Bay, Ontario.
<That is aside from the Donny Osmond thing . Either you or the
turtle need a therapist about THAT one!>
red ear slider help 11/14/10
To whom this concerns:
<Hiya- Darrel here>
I am the owner of 4 red eared slider, all of whom are over 20 years old
and have been in my care, save one, the whole time. I feed my turtles
both "meat" and greens and have never had any trouble, not
even a slightly soft shell. About a month ago I noticed my oldest
turtle looked like he was losing weight. He is in a
large tank with direct sunlight, a thermometer on the tank and all the
other turtles are just fine. I've been watching him carefully since
I noticed his weight loss. He seemed to eat with the other turtles but
was slower about getting the food. I realized that the other turtles
had taken to sitting on him when the water was lower and so I've
kept an eye on that too and have chased them off of him. This last week
he hasn't eaten at all and I picked him up to find he has what
looks like bruising in many spots on his body. He is listless and his
limbs hang when you pick him up.
<Well, as you are already aware, this is not a good sign>
I made numerous phone calls before resorting to this email out of sheer
desperation. I am not close to a vet that treats red ear sliders and
the after hours clinic that will take him this weekend I simply do not
have the money for.
<I understand that, too>
I have isolated him and have a lamp over his enclosure. I'm trying
to figure out how to put a bowl of water in with him or whether I
should just eye drop water into him every hour. I am also going to get
cod liver oil within the hour to start administering that to him. I
will get him to a vet on Monday (it's Saturday afternoon right
now). Do you have any idea of what is going on and is there anything I
can do for him between now and Monday?
<My guess is a long term debilitation from a dietary deficiency. I
understand the idea of "meat" and greens, but I'd need to
know many more specifics on the subject of diet>
<For now, keep him warm and DRY. Warm means around 80 degrees. If
you have an old fashioned heating pad (the kind that does not turn off
after a few hours) I'd wrap the pad in a towel, set it on medium
and put that in the bottom of his enclosure rather than a lamp above.
The lamps better than nothing, but direct heat is better and
doesn't dehydrate them as much.>
<If you can get him to open his mouth, the cod liver oil isn't
bad - just remember to hold him level (or almost level) when giving it
- don't hold him vertically because the fluid is more likely to
fill his lungs than stomach>
<Don't worry about water. If you feel the need to hydrate him,
place him in a shallow bowl of water that is less that 1/8 inch deep
for no more than 5 minutes>
<When you see the vet, the vet will look for signs of bacterial or
fungal infection because those are things that can be treated
separately. Failing that we will assume that it's dietary and the
reason for this is as follows: If it's not fungal or bacterial or
dietary, then it's internal and we can face it - we're not
going to operate, we're not going to treat for renal failure or
anything that will cost thousands of dollars so we treat for what we
can afford to treat for: Fungal, bacterial or supplemental.>
<I'd like to see the doctor give your turtle multi-vitamin and
calcium injections and ask him about the ability to send you home with
2 days worth of injections rather than oral meds. GIVING the shots is
tricky and the vet will have to show you, but the problem with oral
meds at this stage is that his digestion is likely to be shut down and
it's an inefficient way to deliver the meds. Three or four days of
being warm and dry with the proper supplements and your turtle will
start to show signs of improvement *IF* the ailment is something that
can be treated.>
Thanking you in advance,
<You're welcome - and we'll hold hopeful thoughts for
Isabella Daley
Need Help with Slider Behavior and Eating -
Hello Crew:
<Hiya! Darrel here>
I have a new juvenile (?) Red Eared Slider purchased from a reputable
pet store. I've had him about a week. He lives in a 20-gallon tank
purchased as a "kit" for aquatic turtles. There's a cut
out in the end of the tank where the filter goes, so the tank is always
half full of water. It came with a filter, two lights and a basking
rock. I purchased a "hiding log" for him. It will need to be
larger at some point, and I'd like to add a land area eventually,
but this seems to be adequate for now. The 3 issues I have are:
1) he doesn't really eat. If I put dried shrimp in the tank he will
eat that, but not his pellets or anything else, really. I've read
it's beneficial to feed outside the tank and I've tried that,
both with and without water. I put him in the smaller feeding tank and
he just tries to swim or walk forward, (depending on if there is water
in it) kind of flailing his legs. No interest in any food, even shrimp
in the feeding tub. In the main tank, his water seems to be plenty
warm, about 82F, and he is active. How can I get him to be interested
in food and how can I condition him to eat in the feeding tank, instead
of kind of flipping out?
<OK, first, the water is WAY too warm. Water should be no higher
than room temperature (low 70's, etc.) and the basking area in the
90's what we want to do is offer Scoobert (my name for him,
doesn't have to be yours) a choice in temperatures and let him
decide warm lamp or cool water.>
<Besides, we don't want heaters in a turtle tank. If you live
south of the arctic circle, any room temp you're OK with is fine
for him.>
<Second, dried shrimp is a problem. Not part of their natural diet
nor is it very nutritious, so this is something we have to
2) I believe the water is plenty deep for him. His shell is about 4
<If he is really a he, that's approaching sexual maturity and we
consider them to be young adults>
-- He frequently stands on his back legs and pokes his nose out of the
water. What's up with this?
<They do that. It's like they're waiting for a bus or
something -- standing on the bottom, front claws against the glass,
head poking out of the water and just .. watching. That's not
abnormal behavior at all. No worries.>
<Parenthetically, I have an adult female rhinoceros Iguana that
watches daytime TV for hours at a time. She was enamored with Tyra
Banks -- got up close to the screen and took turns staring with one eye
then the other. But then she'd get hysterical almost unmanageable
when Montel Williams came on. Go figure.>
I think maybe he is just breathing, but I made several trips to the
store to research and watch the other turtles when I was deciding to
take this on, and I never saw this behavior in any of the turtles.
It's kind of cute, so I don't mind it, but I need to know if
there might be something wrong--with him, or the set-up.
<The setup is a tad small for a 4 inch slider fine "for
now" but he'll likely need more room.>
3) He won't bask. I know he can get to the rock because he gets up
there to get shrimp if I put them there. I've placed him on the
rock, but as soon as the "hand monster" is gone, he plops
back into the water. I switched the two lights tonight to see if a
warmer rock is more enticing. But I am not sure which light goes where:
I have a bluish, curlicue UVA/UVB lamp, and one that seems to have a
regular household bulb. Which one goes over the rock?
<Both. The UV-B bulb is necessary for bone health (without UV-B he
can't metabolize Vitamin-D) and the heat is necessary for
metabolism and digestion in general. Usually you can accommodate both
on the same basking area.>
<For the moment, let us assume that because the water is so warm,
Scoobert never feels the need to warm up - therefore doesn't choose
to bask. Fix the water temp and give him a week to see if he changes
his mind about sun bathing>
Thanks for any help you can provide. I wanted a turtle because I find
them restful to watch.
<Me, too! Restful, relaxing and sometimes comical, just when I need
a smile>
I want to do right by my responsibilities and I did a great deal of
research before committing--books, internet, and observation. But my
little guy doesn't act like any of the turtles I've read
<Just like kids. Everyone has advice for problems my kid doesn't
have and when he DOES have a problem someone has already been through,
my kid doesn't respond to the solution anyway.>
Maybe I need to get HIM to read the books!
<NOW you're getting silly! They get the books all wet when they
try to turn the pages!!> But instead of the restful enjoyment I had
planned for, I find myself totally stressed out over this, and I feel
like I'm failing as a turtle mom. Do you have any suggestions?
<Why .. yes I do.>
<First. Chill out. Stop stressing. Nothing bad is happening and
you're so far not even in the neighborhood of something bad
<Let's correct the water temp. Room temp around 70-73(f).
Basking site should be around 89-93(f) The probe of a cooking
thermometer will test this just fine. Adjust the heat (visible) lamp
away or close to get somewhere in that ballpark.>
<That leaves food. Koi Pellets are the preferred choice. Cheap,
pet-store local and 100% complete and balanced diet for Sliders,
Cooters, etc. Kay-Tee is a fine, inexpensive brand from our friends at
Central Pets>
<The problem will be that they can fixate of a food and ignore
everything else and we make ourselves feel really, really bad when they
don't eat when we want them to eat.>
<What I'd do besides stop stressing. Is change the water and
basking temps and offer no food at all for a week. An entire 7 days.
See how he does.>
<Then, on day 8. Take him out and put him in a plastic tub or such
with about 2 inches of room temp tap water and let him be in there for
about 15 minutes undisturbed. Then put 3 or 4 (no more) pellets in
front of him and wait for 10 minutes. Then, eaten or not, Scoobert goes
back in the tank and the tub water/food is tossed. If he eats, repeat
tomorrow - if not -- SKIP a day and try again. Do this whole routine
for 2 weeks. Be strong!! Scoobert is strong, but you are stronger!!! In
6 weeks, ONE of you WILL CONTROL THIS RELATIONSHIP! Make sure it's
Hillary J
"CooterMom" on the WWMedia Boards
<I think you're doing a great job.>
<One last thing.>
<VERY Important>
<Do not EVER let a Red Eared Slider anywhere near your ATM card!!!
They have NO self control when it comes to spending money>
Slider chews rocks 10/6/10
<Hiya - Darrel here>
its been a while since I mailed with the tragic loss of one of my
turtles after it jumped from my balcony(thanks so much for the support
then Darrel) and I have another issue id like some advice on.
<I remember and you're welcome. >
My remaining Slider (Midori) seems healthy and happy if a little
overweight in his/her (still cant figure it out) 120cm tank have a full
spectrum basking light with a heat lamp, feeding a combination of two
kinds of commercial pellets (normal ReptoMin and ReptoMin super) and
frozen bloodworms(leftovers from my dwarf puffers in another tank)
<Obesity is caused by too much food for the metabolism. Assuming
Midori is active and otherwise healthy, cut back her food (skip the
blood worms entirely) and as she grows she'll absorb that
<As a general note that applies to turtles, fish, dogs, cats and all
our pets overfeeding and the resulting obesity are one of the major
causes of health problems in all of our pets. We simply feed them too
much. We always worry if they are thriving and think that we're
helping them along with a bit more food. In the wild they would spend
almost ALL of their active time foraging for just barely enough food to
get through the day. In captive conditions Over feeding and Poor
feeding (wrong diet) are FAR more likely to cause health problems than
under feeding.>
water parameters are great because I have three tanks connected so a
total of around 400 liters of water( so much easier to manage)
<Yes it is - good idea>
.. BUT I noticed yesterday that his/her "gums" are a tint of
red/orange I did catch him/her biting rocks on a few occasions but not
so much recently so could be that. took him/her out of the tank and
looked in the mouth, the upper inner mouth is yellow but the rest seems
a healthy pink and when out of the water no blood appears so his her
mouth isn't bleeding as such but the colour really suggests it is.
Googled but didn't get much TBH.
<TBH is "To Be Honest" for those of us that are computer
lingologically challenged> Wonder if its something to worry about or
something I should wait and monitor.
<Dale - their behaviors are their own, so it's really hard to
say. I have noticed that sort of behavior on rare occasions and I'd
suspect an fungal infection. Then I thought it was a sign they were
looking for calcium, so I'd add a calcium supplement (take an
earthworm and power it with crushed oyster shell calcium) or maybe
calcium injections the thing is, for all I know, I could have changed
the water, moved a bulb or had something different for my OWN lunch and
they would have still stopped. Next time you offer her a meaty sort of
treat, powder it with something calcium and see how she behaves>
<Watch her closely as long as you don't see a deterioration of
the tissue or anything looking like fungus, it's not a major
P.s If you're interested I now have:
120cm tank
black mollies
neon tetras
tiger Pleco
ghost shrimp
"safe" area for the fish to retreat to using ventilation
bricks everyone is getting along great although occasionally a guppy or
tetra will disappear when Midori gets hungry!
<Make sure, sure and SURE that Midori can't get trapped in those
bricks. Any part of her!>
<That said, as you've probably read here before, I'm not a
fan of mixing fish and turtles. Fish is really not any significant part
of their natural diet and it seems a shame to the fish>
60cm heavily planted tank
dwarf puffers
ghost shrimp
60 cm tank (used for half-hearted breeding)
dwarf Gourami
all the tanks are connected using water bridges and are attached to 2
canister filters and a sump the Gourami tank and main tank are open so
the fish can freely move back and forth (and often do!)
PH 7-7.5
amm 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 30~ Think my tap water is high in nitrates
Red Ear Slider is not acting like normal self -
Dear Crew
<Hiya Lexi -- Darrel here>
I'm very worried about my Red Ear Slider. We purchased 2 babies on
May 23, 2010, one was approx. 1.5 in. in shell length and the other was
approx. 1.75in-2in. in shell length.
For the past two months they both seemed to be healthy and showed no
signs of any problems until Aug. 4, 2010 when the smaller one suddenly
stopped eating. I was feeding him ReptoMin food sticks and pellets,
<That's a good, balanced diet>
-- and would also alternate between giving him crickets, mealworms, or
<earthworms are a nice treat, crickets and mealworms -- not really
so good>
I also would feed each turtle separately in a different container so I
could make sure each turtle got enough food.
<That's a good, caring idea, Lexi>
The little one had always loved to eat and would beg for food anytime I
would walk into the room, so I found it very odd when there was food in
front of him and he wouldn't bother with it. Its been 12 days now
and he still will not eat; however, a few of the days he would grab the
food but then spit it out as if he just didn't like it and then
when I would put him back in the tank he would eat the pebbles on the
<That is unusual>
I have since removed the pebbles because I didn't want them to hurt
his stomach.
<Good idea. They're not necessary and the turtles do sometimes
ingest them>
I then decided to try to feed him in his tank, but he still just
doesn't want the food. He spends a majority of the day basking and
every once in a while will get in the water but he doesn't swim too
much. He'll swim around for maybe a minute then goes over to one of
the fake plants and just hangs on them for an hour before getting back
out and basking again. I have thermometers and the temps seem at the
right degrees so I don't believe he's just cold. The water
stays around 78 degrees, the basking area between 90-100, the rest of
the tank around 80 and a UV/UVB bulb that goes on 12hours a day.
<The water is quite a bit hotter than it should be -- around 68 to
73 (normal room temperature) -- no warmer>
I don't notice anything else wrong with him besides him not wanting
to eat but after so many days of not eating I'm getting worried
that he's not going to make it.
<It is a little disconcerting and yes, it may be an indication of a
deeper problem>
Any suggestions on why he would stop eating so suddenly or how to get
him to eat again?
<Well, Lexi - you've already covered all the bases, so
what's left is to do things differently. Lower the water temp to
room temperature. You probably have a heater, so just unplug it and
remove it -- never was a need for it anyway.>
<Take the little guy out and put him some place warm and dry (about
80 degrees, not any hotter) for a day or so, then put him in the
separate feeding bowl and let him swim for a minute before adding food.
Then try a small earthworm.>
<What we're doing here is really changing his "world"
for a few days on the chance that something about his tank is bugging
him. Vibrations from a filter, current leaks from a filter just
something that perhaps you and I wouldn't notice but that could be
a BIG deal to him. A few days alone and dry might give him the rest he
needs to shake off whatever is bothering him but even if it doesn't
we'll have ruled out environment.>
RES actions after laying eggs 7/24/10
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I have read a lot about female Red Eared Sliders and how they act
before they lay their eggs, but how do they act after laying eggs?
<They kick back, light up a cigarette and lazily blow smoke
My female RES is @4.5 yrs old and is 12" in length.
<That's HUGE for a Red Eared Slider and at least double the size
I'd suspect at approximately 4.5 years old>
She stopped eating her turtle pellets about 3 weeks ago and won't
eat and veggies or fruits (tried various ones per vet)( she has guppies
in her tank with her, we think she is only eating the babies),
<A turtle's diet should be Repto-min food sticks and/or high
quality Koi pellets. Period. No fish, no snails and maybe an earthworm
or two, once a month, as a treat>
she was in perfect health and was told to monitor her weight and bring
her back in if she lost 20-30 grams (which she has maintained). Last
night when I took her out she started trying to dig (we were in doors 2
am) she did the digging motion for 2 hrs then calmed down, so I put her
back in her tank (120 gal). At 6 am she was restless again so I took
her outdoors where we had some sand and she dug for about 4 hrs and
then she laid many eggs (no males for fertile eggs), some off which the
eggs seemed busted, which I read on your sight they can get infections
for, and to monitor your turtle for not eating, swollen eyes, etc. My
question is if she wasn't eating her normal diet 3 weeks before
laying eggs, and doesn't seem to have an appetite after laying
eggs, she was really tired, which I can understand why she's not
hungry right afterward--how long before do they start to go back to a
normal appetite or should I be worried, a couple of days?
<Oh no even a month sometimes. USUALLY they're ravenous within 4
days, but they can go a month before the appetite returns. Make sure
your food source is rich in calcium, as she has depleted a lot of her
own in order to shell the eggs.>
This was her first egg laying, but has had the lack of appetite, the
last couple of years, but only lasted a couple of days. She lost about
100 grams after laying the eggs and her eyes aren't swollen and are
<All good signs, Gail. At her size, she's done growing and she
should start to have a smaller appetite. In fact, your #1 health
concern for her now is obesity. At her size and age I'd feed no
more than she can eat in 5 minutes every third day.>
Thanks for your time, Gail Bannister
<No charge! In fact, I enjoyed it!>
Baby Res not eating and basking most of the time
<Hi there, Sue here with you.>
I have a baby RES thats around 3 1/2".
<If 3 Ã'½ is her shell length, she (or he!)
is not a baby; more of a juvenile.>
I've had her for around 6 weeks. Shes in a 8 liters <just a
little over 2 gallons> tun <??>
<Way too small an enclosure for a turtle this size. The general rule
of thumb is 10 gallons for every inch of shell length. Ideally a 40
gallon for now (at least a 20), but he/she will eventually grow to be
about 8-12 so will need a much larger enclosure down the road.>
with a heating and UV lamp.
<A heat bulb and UV bulb are very good, but is your UV bulb
specifically UVB, or just UVA? It needs to be a UVB bulb. If its just
UVA, you need to replace it with a UVB bulb no matter what the pet
store might have told you! See why below.>
I change the water every 1-2 days.
<Thats good also; however, (especially if you dont have a filter)
its also a good idea to scoop up with a net any uneaten food and poop
as soon as shes done eating and before it all breaks down in the water.
Turtles, especially as they get older, become quite messy so Id highly
recommend you consider a very good quality filter one thats rated for
several times more than the amount of water in your aquarium. Turtles
need better filtration than fish.>
Recently her appetite slowly reduced. Now she won't eat anything
and would mostly stay on her basking rock.
<The combination of not eating at all and basking all the time
especially when its a change in how she normally behaves is often a
sign of illness.>
The water temperature is around 76-78Ã'°f during
day and 72Ã'°at night. I've ordered for a
water heater.
<I wouldnt put a water heater in the tank. When it comes in, return
it. Her water temp. should only be around 70-72 degrees (F) all the
time. Turtles need cool water and warm dry air see more about this
I feed her dried blood worms and turtle pellets. And occasionally fed
her dried shrimp and carrots.
<Id replace the dried blood worms with an occasional (live) earth
worm and ONLY as a treat, maybe just 1 or 2 every couple of weeks. They
should not be part of her regular diet. Her turtle pellet should also
be a good quality pellet such as a Koi or ReptoMin brand pellet. She
only needs to be fed once every other day in the morning, and only as
much as she can eat in 5-10 minutes to avoid overfeeding.>
<For some added fiber, I also give my turtles various assorted
greens (not iceberg lettuce though). I attach a few of them together on
a clip with a suction cup attached to the side of the tank and let them
dangle in the water (easier to clean up later since theyre all in one
place!). I replace with new greens every couple of days (or more often
if they gobble it all up before then). I was able to get the clip with
suction cup at a pet store; it comes in handy.>
She never used to bask before. She loved to stay in the water.
<Turtles should be both basking and swimming every day. One of the
main reasons youre having some problems now with her skin and possibly
her shell is that shes been spending too much time in the water.
Turtles cant self-regulate their body temperature like we can; they
have to rely on their environment to properly maintain their bodily
functions. Each day, they need to haul out of the water, completely dry
off, warm up, and soak up the UVB light rays (mimics the benefits they
would normally derive from the sun if they were outside) both for their
shell/skin health and to properly digest their food.>
<In order to entice your turtle to get out of the water, she needs
to be given a clear choice between cool water (low 70s F as above) and
warm, dry air above her basking area (around 88-90 degrees F attach a
suction thermometer to the inside wall immediately above this area to
monitor). The wider gap between the cool water and warm air is what
will entice her to get out of the water in order to warm herself up. If
her water is too warm, she wont want to get out.>
<However, right now, she should be treated differently until her
other conditions improve. See below.>
There's no reptile vet in my city (so vet isn't an option). How
long can a baby RES stay without food? What should I do to make her eat
<Whats more of a concern than her lack of eating right now is her
skin and eyes. Turtles can actually go days, even weeks without eating
and still be ok. However, her lack of eating is a sign that other
things are going on with her, and that her environment may not be
correct. These are the things that need to be addressed. Once these
things are fixed (see below), her appetite should return. If not, write
back and I can offer you a tip or two!>
<Also, as far as a vet, Im aware of at least one herp vet who will
provide telephone consultation to regular vets. If/when you need to
take your turtle to a vet, write back and Ill see what I can pull
together for you. Its always a good idea to plan ahead so that youre
not scrambling around if/when your turtle should become ill enough to
need to see a vet.>
I could see her shell peeling a very little bit. Is it shedding?
<It could be. A little peeling is a normal part of growth and not
that noticeable. A lot of peeling, however, is not normal.>
Her shell isn't soft or oozing. Shes a little active when shes in
<These are good signs.>
She has a little fungus on her legs and tails. I think her skin is
shedding too as I could see a layer of her skin peeling (I think
it's her skin ). Her fungus seems to getting better as she basks
all day now. It's reduced significantly.
<Yes, and this is the perfect lead-in to my suggestion for you!! You
should remove her from the tank completely right now and place her in a
warm, dry environment until shes all better. Fungi, like other
infections, are opportunistic and take advantage of warm, moist
environments. Keeping her warm and dry right now except for a few
minutes each day in shallow water to eat/poop will give her system an
added boost and help her get better quicker. Click on the link below
for a very good article written by another crew member that will tell
you how to set up/isolate your turtle in a temporary warm, dry
<Oh and looking at her eyes. (Theyre) not fully open. But they arent
swollen or puffed/no discharge either.
<Her eye problems are likely the secondary effect of being generally
debilitated as a result of not basking up until now, and as a result,
not metabolizing her Vitamin D. I would recommend giving her ReptiVite
vitamin supplements by ZooMed. Theyre calcium based and should also
help a bit with the skin shedding though you should still isolate her
using the guidelines outlined in the link above. A vitamin can never
take the place of proper care. And as above, Id also switch to a good
quality Koi pellet or ReptoMin.>
How can I save my RES and is all this because of her shedding?
<By isolating for now, then afterward making some changes to her
diet and environment. The problems your turtle is having arent due to
shedding. Rather, the shedding and the other problems are all due to
environmental conditions (above mentioned) that need to be fixed. Here
is another great article (written by the same crew member!) that
outlines all the care guidelines in much greater detail. Give it a read
over, and make whatever adjustments are necessary. Providing your
turtle the right size enclosure, diet, water and basking conditions
will go a long way to ensure that she (or he!) will live a long and
healthy life. Hope this helps! http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm
Baby RES eating own poo....yikes! 7/5/10
HI guys,
First of all, I scoured your site for this problem and found only two
answers, both relating to the turtle being hungry, which is not the
case here. So I'm writing in to ask for your insight and
<Thank you, Denise.>
I'm temporarily caring for a friend's RES hatchling. A couple
of years ago my friend bought a five inch male to keep his older, large
female RES company as he apparently mistook her roaming for loneliness
rather than looking for a suitable place to lay eggs.
Two years later, the younger male died, reason unknown. But he left a
little legacy as this hatchling was discovered in the pond several
weeks ago.
Initially my friend left him/her in the pond, thinking it would manage.
I intervened and offered to help raise it until it was ready for his
<Neat. They are very cute little critters when small.>
It did well the first week in it's set up an then developed puffy
eyes. A visit to the vet resulted in a vitamin A injection and the
addition of bits of frozen beef or chicken liver to it's diet a few
times per week.
<Yes, the puffy eyes problem is not uncommon. While we don't
tend to recommend the use of mammal or bird meat to pet turtles --
turtles are largely herbivorous in the wild -- as a supplement to a
balanced diet small amounts of liver shouldn't do any harm, and as
your vet probably explained, can provide some Vitamin A. With that
said, you do want to look at how else you could provide the correct,
balanced diet here because excessive use of
meat rather than plant foods can cause significant problems in
It eats well and seems very happy, but lately I've noticed he's
eating his own poo with the same gusto as the other fresh food floating
in the vicinity. I've been started feeding him in a separate
container in an attempt to remedy the problem, to no avail. It goes
like this: Move him to the feeding container, offer food. He happily
takes a few bites,
scoots around, defecates, eats a bit more food, eats his poo and
continues to eat more food. Yuck
<When you say "fresh food" what do you mean? Herbivores
have large stomachs, and only feel full when their stomachs are full.
If they're eating 75% plant material and organic detritus -- as
would be the case with freshwater turtles -- the stomach fills up
quickly because most of that stuff is "roughage" or
"ash", i.e., indigestible. Just the same as with humans, why
we feel full after eating a couple of carrots with 20 calories in total
but not at all full after eating a candy bar with 500 calories.
Now, if your turtle is just getting low fibre foods, e.g., liver, meat
generally, turtle pellets, then it will not feel full, ever. So despite
consuming all the calories it needs, it starts hunting for something
else it can eat. Reptiles have a relatively poor digestive system
compared to ours, and much of what they consume comes out undigested.
So their faeces can "smell" attractive in terms of food
because they still contain a lot of nutrition. Since organic detritus
is on the menu as far as your turtle is concerned, Mother Nature takes
over, and before you know it your little turtle scarfs up his own
I've even attempted to remove the poo during feeding before he gets
to it - no dice.
<A stronger filter would help, of course.>
Today I waited longer than usual to put him back into his regular set
up, hoping he'd finished defecating. Immediately upon returning to
his aquatic home, he pooed again and, yep, turned around and ate it.
What is up with that???? I'm aware of horses and dogs sometimes
doing this when they have a mineral deficiency. Is that what's
going on here?
<Possibly, but see above.>
He's diet currently consists of those Bio-encapsulated frozen brine
shrimp with multi-vitamins added and bits of fresh/frozen chicken liver
a few times per week.
<Not nearly enough plant material.>
Today I offered him a little cube of aquatic turtle frozen veggies --
romaine lettuce, carrots, etc. -- but he showed no interest.
<He will. If necessary, don't feed him for a week or two. Leave
some floating aquarium plants -- Elodea/Pondweed is cheap and tasty --
in the aquarium. He WILL eventually eat them. He won't suddenly
develop a bad eye infection because he's starved for a week, so
don't worry about that aspect.>
Will keep trying that and look to purchase the Koi pellet food
mentioned on your site which includes the veggies in it's
<Indeed; another good, plant-based food with a lot of wheat germ in
it. This pads out the pellets, balancing protein with the necessary
Essentially, turtles need a diet not dissimilar to our own. The more
plants and fibre, the better; providing too much meat at the expense of
plants invariably leads to problems.>
Any other ideas???
Love your site...very helpful indeed.
Thanks so much, Denise
<Cheers, Neale.>
RES questions 6/16/10
<Hiya- Darrel here>
I just got a baby Red Eared Slider and was wanting to know how much
food should I feed it a day?
<no more than it can eat in about 5 minutes, then scoop up the
also I noticed that when he/she lays out under the heater lamp that
he/she sticks one of its legs out and swishes them every once in a
while, should I be concerned about this?
<nope. That's normal>
I just got a 10gal tank for it how do you think I should set it up and
what stuff do in need for the water?
<Read this link: EVERYTHING you need to know:>
< http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm>
one more thing how do I tell if my RES is a girl or a boy before she/he
is mature because its still a baby and only 1 1/2-2 in long
<You really can't Savanna. At that age, the differences are all
inside. You won't know for 3 to 5 years, depending on how fast it
grows. The GOOD news is that they don't care what you name them a
male Slider is perfectly happy with a girl's name and vice
<Read the link, make sure you provide everything he or she needs and
you guys can be together for years!>
<yer welcome>
Help with our Red Eared Slider 6/16/10
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I'm really hoping you can help me out!!
<Lets see what we can do>
We have an adult, female Red Eared Slider (she is about 10 inches
long). She lives in our outdoor pond which is 20 foot by 30 foot and 5
feet deep. We have Koi, goldfish and Shubunkin that live in the pond
with her. We just got back 2 days ago from 3 weeks of vacation and
found that the waterfalls had apparently stopped working early on our
trip and our friend just left the pond and threw food in. The water was
pretty stagnant and gross when we got back. The RES was out of the
water when we first saw her and she jumped in right away and swam at
the surface and then the second we walked back in the house she got
out. About an hour later we went out again but she just sat there and
didn't move. We went to pick her up and she was very lethargic and
her eyes were puffy and swollen.
<Indicating a vitamin deficiency>
We immediately isolated her and she's now in the house in a full
size bathtub. We have a heater in the room and the temperature is 87
where we have her. We've got a little water (about an inch deep) at
one end and then no water at the other end. She's poking her head
out and we were just putting ReptoMin in with her but she wasn't
eating it (in the pond we give her Koi pellets and the ReptoMin). So,
we went out today and got her an earthworm and fed her the earthworm
and the ReptoMin with a dropper. We were able to get her to eat that by
basically force feeding her.
<Force Feeding he is probably stressful for her, so make sure
you're using the feeding as a method to deliver the vitamins (read
below and that will make more sense) -- don't feed her "just
to feed her">
She's always been an outside turtle (we got her about 2 years ago
from someone who also always had her in their outdoor pond). Because
she eats with the Koi I don't really know how much she's
getting all the time. I want to make sure that we're feeding her
adequately while we work to try to get her better. Can you confirm how
much we should feed her exactly?
<I feed mine Koi pellets as well. Never any more than they can eat
in 5 minutes.>
She doesn't seem to have a runny nose and the only other issue she
had was a small amount of scute shedding but we haven't noticed
that problem since we brought her inside. Her shell does appear nice
and hard and normal. We obviously won't put her back in the pond
until she's completely healthy and we have the water back to 100%.
Is there any treatment that would be good for her eyes that we can
<Yes, I'll include a link>
I also would like to confirm that, in your opinion, we're caring
for her as we should while she recovers.
<You're doing MUCH better than most people. Keeping her warm and
dry is the #1 thing you did right. When a turtle is sick and/or
debilitated, having to swim & haul out to bask, etc all their
normal activities become overwhelming for them. When she's warm
& dry, she may no be healing yet but she's at least
If you have any other advice I would greatly appreciate it. We are
trying to see if we can get her better on our own but will take her to
the vet if necessary.
<What I'd like to for her to have a set of vitamin and calcium
injections. Failing that, earthworms and pieces of beef liver (small
pieces) are good. Vitamin 'A' drops like they sell in the pet
stores are a waste of time and money .. but like my grandmother said
about Chicken Soup 'what can it hurt?'>
Thank you for any assistance you can provide. If I can provide you
additional information to help you respond, please let me know.
<Debbie - this is a link about general care. You'll already done
the single most critical part (isolation) but read about swollen &
puffy eyes. As she dries out, relaxes and gains strength, her appetite
may come back, making it easier to slip her the vitamins>
need help 6/16/10
Hi, my name is Derek.
<Hiya - I'm Darrel>
I just got two baby slider turtles. One of
them stopped eating. It looks like its eyes are
swollen and it wont open its eyes.
<This seems like the day for swollen eyes>
It wont eat and swim. all it will do is sit under the light. I got a
uvb and heat light. Before all this started it looked like it was
having a hard time swimming.
<He may have been sick when you got him, but let's see what we
can do>
It just started to move it head back and forth a little and its mouth
will open a little.
<That part is OK>
It looks like it might be having a herd time breathing but I don't
know. the temp is good in the basking and water. I don't got a
filter for it yet but I try to change the water every day or two.
<No worries there Derek. I've raised many turtles in tanks
without filters by just cleaning them every few days. Turtles don't
need a lot of things and what they do need doesn't have to be
expensive -- we just have to find simple ways to get it done>
please let me know on how to help it. I can not find a vet that knows
anything about turtle.
thank you for your time.
<No problem, Derek>
<The swollen & closed eyes is a sign of a diet deficiency
usually for a fairly long time. Without Vitamin A and sunlight (or a
good UV-B light) they develop eye problems fairly easily.>
<The first thing to do here, Derek is to treat them both the same
way. Even though the other seems fine (or at least better) they both
have had the same care, same diet, etc. so they probably both have the
same condition, just that one is more advanced.>
<Here is a link about basic treatment - read the WHOLE article
<Now what I would do is drain the tank completely and use it as the
warm/dry isolation (unless there are other living things in the tank).
Put them in a very shallow bowl of water once a day for a few minutes
(just barely up to their neck but not so that their head goes
underwater) and offer just one or two pellets of food.>
<Make sure they're WARM but since there is no water for them to
cool off in, make sure the heat lamp doesn't burn them
(shouldn't be uncomfortable for you to have your hand under for a
minute or so). Make sure the UV lamp is the proper type, make sure they
are getting the UV DIRECTLY -- through glass or even screen doesn't
<Try to get them to eat tiny pieces of beef liver or Koi pellets or
ReptoMin with a drop of cod liver oil on it>
<While you're treating them, read this link about general care
and try to see what steps might have been missed that led them to the
dietary deficiency in the first place:
Red Eared Slider, fdg.... gen. - 6/12/10
Dear Sir or Madam,
I recently found a red eared slider in my garden in Dubai, he was being
attacked by some myna birds when I found him. He is male (long claws
and tail), approx 4-5" and looks fairly healthy. He has either
been dropped by a bird or dumped by some irresponsible owners. I took a
roasting tray (30cm x 20cm x 10cm) and filled it with water then built
some large gravel around it so he can easily climb in and out and put
it on the patio enclosed by some chairs (on their side) and covered
with a towel to provide shade but with a small sunny spot on the patio
on one side. I fed him some raw prawns which he very quickly ripped
apart and ate. After a trip to the vet I got him some terrapin pellet
food, but he doesn't seem too keen on that.
<Children aren't wild about vegetables, and will happily gorge
themselves on chocolate. But which is best for them? Prawns are a fine
treat maybe once a week, but they are nutritionally not very useful.
Among other things they contain thiaminase, which means the more you
use them, the less vitamin B1 the terrapin will have in its body. Long
term that causes serious problems. Koi pellets are a good staple, and
better treats would include salad greens and small pieces of white fish
fillet like tilapia.>
He is quite active, he will lie in the water putting his head up
occasionally for air and looks as though he is sleeping. Then sometimes
he'll climb out and have a wander around, he likes to bask in the
sun after the sprinklers have been on (I think perhaps because the
patio is then a bit wet) and he doesn't seem to object too much to
being handled (we have to move him every day to replace his water as we
do not have a filter yet).
So I wanted to ask:
1) Will he be okay in the enclosure I have made for him? I cannot get a
pond built for a few weeks as I need permission from my landlord.
Otherwise I will have to spend a lot of money on a tank setup as a
temporary measure. The outside temperature in Dubai currently averages
low 27 C (80 F) degrees and high 42 C (107 F)
<Air temperature in Dubai will be fine. Indeed, the water will need
to be quite cool so he doesn't overheat, and he'll likely bask
in the sunshine and then cool down in the water, so something that
shades the water will be handy. The size of the tank isn't adequate
though. Do read:
2) How much of his diet should be pellet food can he survive on just
prawns (well perhaps varied raw fish)? and how often would you expect a
terrapin this size to eat?
<Prawns should be only very occasional treats. Again, read those
articles for tips on feeding.>
3) Are they social animals?
Does he require company and if I get another terrapin should it be the
same size as him?
<Least of your problems now, and indeed, mixing them in small
enclosures is likely to end up with aggression. Males are somewhat
Our pet store only seem to sell babies (about 1-2") Should I get
male or females to keep him company?
Lastly should terrapins be neutered if they are kept in mixed
<No. But females will need access to dry sand or coconut fibre to
lay their eggs in, otherwise they become egg bound. You can throw the
eggs away after they're laid. But you do have to make sure females
can lay their eggs.>
Many thanks for your advice and assistance,
Kind regards,
<Cheers, Neale.>
Red Eared Slider question 6/3/10
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I have a Red Eared Slider 5 yrs old and we usually feed him turtle
pellets but my family spoils him and feeds him bread and rice. I try to
stop them but they don't listen. these things cant be safe for them
can they? please tell me soon, I cant find an answer on the
<Sam - you are correct . Many breads are very high is sugars, which
is why fish and turtles are attracted to them, but it is NOT good for
them. Long term dietary sugars will cause both liver and kidney
problems. Rice is less detrimental but not by much - it simply is NOT
part of a Red Eared Slider's diet. At the very best it will tend to
make him obese and at worst can actively affect his health. Tell your
family that if they truly want to spoil him, give him ONE earthworm
every three weeks. It's not only good for him, it's fun to
watch him eat it>
thank you.
<Yer Welcome>
Turtle Shaking & Not Eating! Need Help Please!!
my name is Nicole
<Mine is Darrel>
. and I am a new owner of a baby (2inch) Red Eared
Slider (Michelangelo). About a month ago, my
fiancé was on his way home from work and they
were selling them on a corner (which I later found out was illegal to
sell or own baby turtles).
<NOT illegal to own them (in most places) usually just illegal to
sell a water turtle with a carapace (shell) length of less than 4
inches except for educational purposes.>
Anyway, we had him in his plastic container for a day or so until we
could get to the pet shop and get an aquarium and such. For the first
week, he did not eat anything and did not know how to swim!
<Maybe just stressed out>
I was getting so worried! It wasn't until my
fiancé came home with some printed out
aquarium pictures for the tank and as soon as I put them up, he
immediately started running around his docking platform and diving into
the water.
<Interesting. Most likely, what he saw out the glass where the
pictures went frightened him.>
By the next day, he was swimming and holding his breath going down to
the bottom of the tank and best of all, he was eating! I was so happy
he was doing great! I figured he was stressed out about the
<My guess, too>
I have tried multiple food with him, crickets, lettuce, meal worms,
turtle food, minnows and the only thing he would eat for sure was the
meal worms and turtle pellets. Therefore, I would feed him twice a day,
pellets in the morning before I went to work and meal worms at night
around dinner time. I would cut 2 or 3 pellets in half in the morning
and chop off the heads of the meal worms and cut them into 3's or
halves depending how big each worm was at night. He seemed to love it!
He was active and playful and curious about everything. When holding
him he would run around in your hand, never shy! However, this past
Sunday, May 23rd I was out and my fiancé
tried to feed him. He called me and said he was not eating. I thought
that he was just doing something wrong. When I came home, I tried to
feed him and sure enough, he did not eat. I thought ok maybe he just is
not hungry. I put him back in his tank and tried again Monday morning.
Again, he did not eat.
I have tried every day twice a day since Sunday to try to get him to
<A bit strange>
After observing him and watching his movement, I noticed that when he
is on his docking platform he does this weird spasm thing where he is
almost shaking and jolting. He goes up to the water as if he is about
to go in and
then jolts back. The best way I can describe it is that it looks like
he is hiccupping! When I take him out and put him on the bed, he runs
around like he is perfectly fine. However, as soon as I pick him up I
can feel the muscle contractions in his little body and it seems as
though he leaps unwillingly. I am just so confused because I have been
doing the same things I have been doing for the past few weeks and he
was doing great.
<OK - first lets' everyone calm down. Nothing TERRBILE is
happening here>
Please! I hope someone can help. I am so scared for him. It breaks my
heart to think that something bad might happen. I am taking any and all
<OK - that right there is a bit overboard. Let's NOT take any
& all suggestions .. just one at a time>
What other food could I try to get him to eat? After this, I am unsure
as to what to feed him and how to keep a well balance diet. I thought
the pellets were good for the vitamins and the meal worms were good for
What should I do?
<First, regarding food. I feed my hatchlings Repto-min turtle
pellets and small-sized Koi pellets. After about 4 months and for the
rest of their lives, I feed them just Koi pellets (a perfectly
balanced, perfectly complete diet for Sliders & family) with just
an occasional earthworm (like maybe one a month) just as a treat.
Mealworms have very little nutritional value and are high in fat as
<If he doesn't act right where he's living, let's let
him live somewhere else. If you can come up with a plastic tub that you
can put just a tiny bit of water in (just up to the bottom of his neck)
and just a slab of stone, wood, etc. that he can climb out on move him
to something like this for a day or two and see if his behavior
changes. Turtles don't have a particularly complex nervous system
so complicated neurological conditions are unusual. Not to mention, of
course, that if it WAS some weird medical condition it's unlikely
we'd be able to treat it anyway.>
<So here's what I'd do. I'd take him out of the tank
that he doesn't seem to like and place him somewhere else like I
described above for a few days. Keep in mind he still needs a warm
& dry plus cool and wet. Still needs UV light, etc. -- but some
place different. On the VERY off chance that he's had a fall or a
tumble and his stomach is twisted, pick him up & hold him head up
(to the ceiling) & tail down (to the ground) for 3 or 4 minutes.
Just hold him steady and calmly. At first he'll probably struggle,
but eventually he'll relax. I can't even TELL you small the
chances are .. but what the heck, you probably have an extra 5 minutes,
don't you? After that, place in his new digs and see how he
<Don't sweat the food right now. Don't offer food for 3 days
and then place him in shallow water and offer one turtle pellet and see
what he does. If he ignores it, skip two days and try again on the
Are there any medicines for this?
<Not until & unless we see an actual condition to treat>
I love him so much and will do whatever it takes!
<First, take a breath, next take your time & third, give him
some space. It very well could be all the handling that is the source
of his discomfort.>
Thank you,
Red Eared Sliders, hlth., nutr. 5/11/10
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I love your site but was unable to find my answer so here I sit writing
to you ... I have 2 Red Eared Sliders - both we got as quarter sized
turtles. Randolf is about 15 1/2 yrs old and doing great. Squirt will
be 3 this summer. They are in separate aquariums .. my concern is
Squirt. The last few days, he seems to flip himself over ... he has
plenty of clean swimming area and also a rock to get up on and sun.
Today I noticed him holding his head out and back .. as if someone
pulled it out and bent it backwards ..
It doesn't matter if I put him in the water or on his rock, he will
not retract his head. His eating has dwindled to nothing also.
What's wrong????? :(
<That's a strange symptom, Sherry. It sounds vaguely like a
vitamin & calcium deficiency has led to MDB (Metabolic Bone
Disease) and possibly a degeneration or a slippage of a disc in his
neck. This is one of those times where a visit to a qualified vet and
an X-ray are absolutely in order. My guess is that he can't move
his head or mouth as necessary to eat or drink.>
Sherry & Alex
Re: I need help!!!! RES,,, food 5/3/10
than ks so much for all ur help.okay today I was looking at both my
turtles and I know RES's have red markings on the sides of their
heads.well,mine dont.does it come with age or is it always
there?another question,how often should I clean the tank and they look
a little too young to eat turtle pellets and my neighbors have a huge
one and when it was little they told me they fed it tropical fish food
and they told me to feed them that and mr.t seems to like it.is it ok
to feeed them that? if so, when do you think I should start feeding
them turtle pellets and what kinds of vegetables should I give them and
when?sorry about the long note.i really want to keep them and make sure
they're healthy because I am only 12 and I have already becomevery
close to my turtles.thanks a bunch!!!!
P.S., sorry about the pictures I will try to send better ones.again,
<Dear Jessica, you can feed your beloved turtles with floating fish
pellets, you can also boil some zucchini and give them little slices.
You can try with little pieces of apple and all vegetables and fruits
and some raw meat. Be careful and remove all the food uneaten to avoid
water pollution. You can feed them when you see the turtles swimming
and basking. Maybe one of your turtle is quite shy and unsure but day
after days she will get more lively!>
Red ear slider wont eat 3/15/10
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I have a 1yr old slider who hasn't eaten in 5 days. Prior to this
feed pellets daily along with chicken, which he loved. Just boom
won't eat? Is this a cause of just not hungry? Or should I be
<Too soon to be worried just concerned>
<It's likely that SOMETHING has changed in the past 5 days.
Water temperature, water quality, day/night cycles, air temperature .
Something is likely to be different.>
<Is he otherwise active? Basking to warm and swimming to cool off?
Is his shell hard?>
<The first thing to do is stop feeding chicken! I've been in
just about every lake, stream, swamp and puddle in the Western
Hemisphere and I've never seen a turtle eat chicken. In fact, the
ONLY actual meat that they'll have is when they get lucky enough to
occasionally encounter something that died but this is rare. Feed him
Koi pellets or ReptoMin pellets (same thing) daily with something like
an earthworm or a very small piece of beef liver maybe once every other
month and he'll live happier and healthier.>
<Here's a link to general care instructions that cover every
aspect of care -- measure every one of your solutions again the
suggestions given - just to make sure. Correct everything that might be
out of balance and see if he doesn't start eating again
<If everything is fine and he hasn't eaten in another 5 days,
write back>
Red eared turtles... fdg... repro. 3/1/10
Hello...I am the proud owner of three red eared turtles one female and
two males... Of the three the largest one (female ) seems to have lost
her appetite she sees to look for secluded spots (which I have provided
in there 45 gallon tank) and she is not eating... I tried feeding her
alone but she doesn't bite. Otherwise she seem OK. I do provide
vitamins in the water, but I am worried about her. The other two males
appetite is terrific... should I be concerned? Please advise Thank
<It's likely she wants to lay her eggs. It's very important
she can do so, otherwise egg-binding follows, and that can/will kill
your pet. Make sure the vivarium has a stable tray filled with soft
sand where she can lay her eggs. Something about the size/shape of a
kitty litter tray will do, with sand almost to the top. She'll take
it from there. There's a good review of egg-binding here:
Most folks don't bother looking after the eggs. There are already
far too many Red-ear Sliders in the pet trade! Cheers, Neale.>
RES not eating pellets 1/19/10
Dear Crew,
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I've had my Red Eared Slider for almost a month now. Its a little
guy his name is Edward unless in a couple years from now it turns out
to be a girl I'll change it.
My mom bought him at the mall by the Cinnabons. Can't remember what
the tank size we have... 20 gal I think but it's filled up to 10
1/2. There are 2 different basking docks next to each other under 2
lamps the heating and
that sun bulb one, Zilla rock with foliage med. size. A submersible
heater, 2 different thermometers, and AquaClear 50 filter which is
awesome but a little loud with the water falling in. I did fix that
with the lid of the critter container he came in. Oh and a Turtle Hut
that is acting as a stand for the lid to quiet the water fall.
<The only thing I'd change for sure is the heater. If his
basking site is warm enough then his water should be cool - so that he
can choose what temperature.>
He came with pellets but never ate them. I had ordered a starter kit
and it came with pellets and krill (says Treat on it). He loves the
krill but wouldn't eat the pellets. He tried but never succeeded in
getting it in his mouth. So I bought the smaller pellets for
hatchlings. However, he just snaps at it and spits it back out. Also
have the floating stick food for hatchlings and I cut them in half and
he did the same thing as the smaller ones. When he first came home
couldn't get him to eat for about a week. But that was because he
was in his little container waiting for the tank to be bought and
warmer water.
<It's not uncommon for a turtle to get fixated on one type of
food and ignore all others. The thing to do is AFTER you make sure
he's been eating well (As Edward seems to be) you simply stop
offering him any other kind of
food except the pellets until he eats. Do it like this: Every day take
Edward out of his tank and place him in a shallow bowl of water (just
scoop some from the tank - just barely to the top of his shell) and
offer him 2 pellets (I use regular Koi pellets and / or Repto-min
sticks by Tetra) and wait. If he doesn't eat after 5 minutes, place
him back in the tank, toss out the water and the pellets and try again
tomorrow. Do this every day for as much as three weeks and when he gets
hungry, he'll eat!>
Water temp varies from 72-76 degrees at night up to 77-78 during the
The basking area varies from 90 to 93 degrees.
<Here's a link to a complete care sheet>
<Yer welcome!>
Re: Slider not eating pellets 1/26/10
Hey crew,
<Hiya dear reader!>
Just an update on Edward. He just started eating his ReptoMin floating
sticks today! But it was in the tank instead of a bowl. I was doing the
bowl but he freaked out or just sat there. Since he's eating now,
I'll put him in the bowl again.
<The bowl is mainly to help keep the water clean. Let's not
freak Edward out right now. If he eats in his tank that's fine --
as long as he eats all you give him. One or two sticks at a time and
then you scoop out what he doesn't eat>
Just out of curiosity how old is he when he's about 2 inches? I
couldn't get a good measurement on him because he is sleeping at
the moment.
<12 to 18 months maybe>
Oh yeah.. How long can I keep him out of water, let's say on the
floor when the dog isn't around? I can't take him outside in my
complex, there is no grass anywhere and there are cats running around.
The one time I did take him out, he peed on me and almost pooped on
<As long as you are RIGHT THERE to watch him. I'm not kidding as
long as you don't let him out of your immediate sight, he can be
outside as long as you'd like to be there with him>
Thank you so much for the help!
<happy to help!>
Email #2 - RES Turtle Feeding Questions
Darrel, Hi again, long time no chat!
Here's email #2 ; Feeding Questions; did look through
FAQ's but couldn't find what I needed. Again,
Shelly's likely a young juvenile - she/he was about 2"
carapace length when I rescued him in July; he's about 3
Ã'½ " long now.
<That is one handsome turtle you got there, Sue!>
I did see in your response that you feed your turtles Kay-Tee Koi
pellets and an occasional earthworm (Gotta say here never gave
them a passing thought when I was the tomboy I used to be. Now,
just the thought of opening the top of a container of them gives
me pause...let alone watch the turtle eat one...my, how things
change!) But I do realize I should break down and offer a little
more variety. BTW ; do you happen to know what the primary
nutrients are in earthworms ; i.e. is it primarily just
based or does it have other essential nutrients as well?
<Maybe the box of earthworms has a "nutritional
information" label on the side!>
<No. Here's what I do: Buy a cup of night crawlers from
the local pet store, give one to Shelly and put the rest in your
garden - they're excellent gardeners and soil
Anyway, you must live in a much warmer place than I do! I tried
to find Koi pellets and earthworms last week and found out:
* Koi pellets (up here in the frozen tundra of New England) are
considered an "outdoor pond" item, and sold only during
"outdoor pond season" when the wild life is not
* Earthworms in the pet/fish stores here:. notice I didn't
say tackle shops!....are only sold during fishing season is there
something about this that doesn't sound right to you?!
<Just one MORE reason not to live in the backwater, backwoods
of New England! Any society that can't muster up a cup of
worms on any given day probably has other, less obvious problems
too. Probably don't have Palm trees or white sand beaches and
can't go scuba diving in February either.>
So, before searching for Koi pellets (and earthworms???!) on the
web, I have a couple of questions about what I'm currently
* The staple - I'd like to get your opinion about the brand
I'm using if you're familiar with it...Zoo Med Aquatic
Turtle food "growth formula" 35% protein (for turtles
with carapace between 2 and 6). I noticed you mentioned to
someone that you like ReptoMin and feel it compares to the Koi
pellets. What about the Zoo Med Aquatic Food?
<My friends at Zoo-Med do not pay me to endorse their
products, which by the way is always an option -- I AM willing to
sell out .. and for very reasonable prices!>
Are you familiar with that brand, and if so do you feel that
it's the same level of quality as ReptoMin?
<LOL - Yes, the ZooMed is good and perfectly balanced.
It's just been pricey compared what is available.>
I ask this because ReptoMin was the very 1st food I tried to feed
Shelly, and she would have none of it...even with no other
choices. So I switched to Zoo Med which she took and has been
eating since.
<If it's working and she's healthy, then you can stick
with it - I have no reservations>
* Treats - In the event I can't get earthworms until spring,
what I've been using as my occasional treats for Shelly (both
of which he loves) are either a few pellets of the Sera Reptil
Carnivor (38% protein) or the Sera Raffy 1 (53% protein; contains
- Gammarus, anchovies and shrimp). Are you familiar with either
of these, or have any opinion on whether either of them are a
suitable substitute for earthworm treats...again not knowing
exactly what nutrients earthworms would offer that these
<I'd use tiny pieces of beef liver in the absence of
worms. The only problem is going to the meat counter and asking
the guy for 1/10 of an ounce of liver -- or dealing with tossing
out the remaining amount. You can cut it up into fingernail-sized
pieces and then wrap each piece in a tiny bit of Saran Wrap
(Saran Brand Plastic Wrap!) and then toss them in a Baggie Brand
Freezer Bag until needed. But what you have going for you is that
the ZooMed is a perfectly balanced diet so anything that's a
treat is just that: As long as it doesn't contain arsenic,
shards of glass or metal or traces of Mrs. Paul's Fish Sticks
.. it's fine for a treat!>
* Another staple - Even though Shelly doesn't eat much of any
of it yet, up to this point I've been offering him a variety
of different greens every day or two (attach them to inside of
aquarium with suction cups) because I'd read (before WWM!)
that it's still good to introduce these foods when
they're young. However, I saw that you don't feed your
turtles any kind of greens, either plants or vegetables. Not that
it's relevant for Shelly yet anyway since he's still
mostly a carnivore, but I'm curious if there's a reason
you don't offer any plants or vegetables. I have read not
just from you ; that Koi and good quality commercial pellets are
a complete diet and all that they need; but on the other hand
I've also read (from Neale here), and other places like
anapsid.org, tortoisetrust.org, etc. that it's better to
provide the same nutrients from a wide variety of sources (more
than just 1 or 2 sources) including various pond plants or
vegetables...I know opinions can differ and all still be right,
and it sounds like you've had success for years with just the
pellets and earthworms, but am curious what your view is on the
other recommended approach.
<Well, MY opinions are referenced the world around as the
"right" or "Correct" opinions!>
<Seriously, Neale is actually smarter than me, so when he
offers an opinion, I take it into very careful consideration. In
this case he's right. It's good and always helpful to
supplement their diet with natural greens -- but here's
thing: Neale may be smarter, but I'm better looking AND
LAZIER!! I look at it like this: In their wild habitat, turtles
dine on Anacharis plants, lilies and hyacinth plants as well as
snails, bugs and worms when they find them - not collards or kale
or any of the typical dark green veggies you'd be buying at
the store. SO I read on the nutritional information on the
commercial food packages that THEY are already buying the stuff
I'd buy - fish meal, corn, alfalfa, etc. so I just decided to
let them do all that work, which leaves me more time to goof
I also have a question on appetite, dietary requirements and
seasonal change ; for an indoor turtle. Similar to the question
in my other email about reducing the UVB lighting time in the
winter for an indoor turtle, why also reduce the frequency of
feedings in the winter for indoor turtles? I have noticed that
Shelly does seem to have a little less appetite, but I didn't
attribute it to winter because for her, the temp is the same all
year! So am curious why the dietary needs should change from
season to season for an
indoor turtle?
<well, in addition to temperature we have light cycles that
affect them and possibly many other kinds of natural
"cues" that Shelley senses that we don't. Small
changes and cycles are normal. Flow with them>
And finally....last question about diet, you must be jumping up
for joy by now!...I have a shell related question concerning too
MUCH calcium??? We recently brought Shelly for a "well
visit" check to an exotics vet up at the Tufts small animal
vet clinic near Boston (unfortunately herp expert here in CT
retired a few months ago). Reputable clinic, but not sure how
knowledgeable this particular vet (actually an intern) is on
turtles, or how often he sees them (pictures of rabbits all over
the room!) I asked him about Shelly's shell (can you guess
how my daughter came up with turtle's name?)
<I names one "Dutch" because, at the time (maybe
still now) The Shell Oil Company was based in the
Shelly's shell is hard, and for the most part smooth, however
there are some slightly raised areas on some of the scutes,
especially the ones closer to his head (are you able to see this
well enough on the attached photos?...another close-up of his
shell is also on the 1st email). I asked him if this was an early
sign of pyramiding. He wasn't especially concerned; said that
these were very minor raised areas on the scutes. He didn't
consider it pyramiding. Instead, he said that given the diet
we're feeding (the pellets above) along with Reptimineral H
vitamin twice a week, a pinch of Rep-Cal calcium with D3 powder
on food every day, and a small chunk of Zoo Med Turtle Bone every
other day or so, that if anything, the thickened raised areas on
the scutes are more the result of TOO MUCH CALCIUM rather than
too much PROTEIN. Do you agree with this???? I've never
anywhere anything about turtles getting too much calcium, or that
too much of it can cause raised areas on the shell - have
<I don't necessarily agree with that, but I've heard
it - yes>
He advised us to discontinue the Reptimineral H and Turtle Bone
COMPLETELY, and only give the pinch of Rep-Cal with Vit D3 twice
a week instead of once every 1-2 days like I had been doing. I
realize the Reptimineral H may be overkill assuming a good diet,
but I am concerned about cutting out the Turtle Bone completely
and reducing the Rep-Cal to only twice a week. What do you think
about his advice - especially given that Shelly is still a young
and growing turtle?
<I agree that you're over supplementing. Supplements are
specifically what we do to compensate for some inadequate
condition. Shelly is getting all the calcium she needs in her
basic diet>
<I have extensive experience with pyramiding scutes on
tortoises and at present I'm waiting for veterinary science
to catch up with me. Pyramiding is present even in tortoises that
have actual 'natural' diets as well as those with
completely managed diets. The different in effect and
exaggeration is not so much the diet but how much the food
itself. In other words, pyramiding of the scutes is roughly
analogous to obesity of the shell and more related to the AMOUNT
of food consumed than to the makeup of that food. Veterinary
science has yet to conclude that. But they're wrong and
I'm right>
Anyway, I'm sure I've surpassed my quota on questions
now! Again, thank you so much for all your help so far (and also
for the laughs!); I feel like I should be paying you for your
<Don't worry about it - Bob Fenner pays me per word. Per
word per word per word><<Right... what's that fave
song from Billy Preston?: "Nothing from nothing leaves
nothing..." RMF>>
Kind regards...
P.S. If you or the crew would like any help further parsing
out/re-categorizing any of the 'mixed topic' emails or
any of the sub-web indexes about turtles to make it easier for
people to find exactly what they need, let me know. With all my
research over the last several months, I think at this point
I've gained enough knowledge to at least know what all the
relevant TOPICS are (and hopefully eventually what most of the
ANSWERS are as well!); it may even help me learn more about
turtles in the process.
<Be warned, Sue -- any offers to do the scut work might
actually be accepted! - I'll pass on your offer to
<<Sue... what do you have in mind? BobF>>
Re: Email #2 - Offer to help organize RES/Turtle
FAQ's... and note to fix Google search on "Ask"
page 1/21/10
Hi Bob,
Regarding my offer to help that Darrel passed along to you, and
to your question about my
First I want to say that you have a wonderful website, provide a
great service and I'm glad I found you guys! 2nd is I hope
you're treating Darrel well; he's very knowledgeable,
informative and entertaining!
<Heeee! I "treat" all people the same, but he is a
3rd is Wow, you receive a ton of
FAQ�s!! I noticed a
few things on the Turtle
FAQ�s while going
through them before emailing the crew with my questions:
Ã'· There are many varied topics stored
under very general categories like Sliders 1, Sliders 2, Turtles
1 and 2, etc., rather than under the applicable topic.
<Yes... and their "organization" is an ongoing,
unfolding effort>
Ã'· Other categories that are more
specific like �RES
Systems� are still
very encompassing topics that cover a wide range of
Ã'· Some of the emails themselves
(unfortunately a couple of my own earlier ones as well!) were not
confined to a single topic, but often had multiple topics within
them. This forced you guys to either have to choose the most
representative category to store the email in
� and/or store the
same email in more than one category, resulting in having a lot
of information that's unrelated to the category its stored
<Yes... this is almost all my work... and a mixed source of
amusement, consternation and enlightenment>
I realize its not critical if a given FAQ is not under the
correct� heading since
you have the word search feature, but still it might make it more
convenient and expeditious for someone who might want to go to
one given category to have all of the related
FAQ�s listed together
in one spot.
<Mmm, yes... and having put this site up in the mid 90's,
knowing "the fields" fairly well, designing the
"sub FAQs" categories as I have, you can very well
appreciate the intention to (over time) add "articles"
to head each>
So 4th is that I'd be happy to offer to whatever help I can
(if you'd like to have any help) on any of the above! Some of
my thoughts as to how I could help with the organization of the
Turtle FAQ�s
(wouldn't even know where to begin with the other ones!)
Ã'· Redistribute
FAQ�s currently
located in the very broad categories (such as under Sliders 1 and
2 FAQ�s, RES Diseases,
etc.) to one of the other more specific categories.
Ã'· Add subtopics under some of the very
encompassing topics like RES Systems 1 and 2 similar to what was
done for Turtle Systems 1 and 2. For example under RES Systems,
create subtopics such as Basking Area Options, Lighting &
Heating Requirements, Water Filtration & Heating Questions,
Turtle Enclosures/Sizes (and maybe under this even
Accessory Items/Decorations for Habitat, etc.
<Very good>
Ã'· Unless you feel original questions
should be archived using the
exact words:
Ã'§ Parse out the
emails and redistribute the topics within them to the appropriate
categories where they belong.
Ã'§ Rather than having so many questions
essentially asking the same thing, instead consolidate each group
of repeat/commonly asked questions under a single paraphrased
one, and put the various answers below them (hopefully the way I
worded this is clear!), AND/OR leave the original questions and
answers intact and instead
Ã'§ Possibly create a list of the
�most commonly asked
at the very top of each of the different topic sections that
contain paraphrased questions and answers
� this might help
people more quickly get the answers to at least the most commonly
asked questions instead of having to read through all of the
individual FAQ�s
sorted only by date, many of which overlap each other and contain
extraneous information (such as some of mine!)
<This last is my preference>
Also � FYI
� one thing I noticed
on the �About Asking
the WWM Crew a
Question� page
Ã'· The Google Search for the WWM
website under Direction #1 doesn't work
� at least it
doesn't for me.
<Have just checked... Will fix!>
It just takes me to a blank page no matter what words I type in
the search field. I later found the alternative Home Page search
field mentioned under the
link further down in the directions (which does work for me), but
just thought you should be aware that there may be a problem with
the search feature that's under Direction #1. If it turns out
that its not working for others as well, they may not think or
know to check
or go to the Home Page
� and possibly not
bother trying to find an alternative way to search the
FAQ�s before
submitting an email question to you! Also, as an aside, the
page link is a very dark color and doesn't stand out very
well at least on my computer.
Anyway, if you'd like any help with any of the above, or as
Darrel put it, any of the other
work�!, I'd be
happy to provide whatever help I can to further your very nice
cause! Just let me know what would be of most help. (Again, only
turtle scut work, wouldn't have a clue what to do with the
other FAQ�s!!)
Kind regards,
<How to proceed here Sue...? Would you go through the present
archives, make up the pages as you deem worthy, and send them to
me to post? BobF>
Trachemys scripta elegans; diet 1/18/10
Hello: I was wondering if you could tell me why my red-eared slider
nips at his front humerus, I have looked and I can't see anything
<If the skin isn't broken, i.e., there isn't an obvious sore
or infection, I wouldn't worry overmuch.>
About 3 weeks ago I introduced a female and at the same time
transferred my male at the same time into a 75 gallon tank, could he be
stressed with these changes?
<Possibly, but terrapins tend to be fairly phlegmatic animals, and
while the males can be aggressive to one another, females usually do
not harass the males.>
At first, my male ( Zac) did his little mating ritual to no avail.
<Most folks don't want eggs, and indeed, it's usually
recommended against breeding them given the limited market for
They seem to do fairly well together otherwise. One more question I
have had so many different opinions about their feeding can you give me
your expert opinion about how much to feed them, how often, free feed
or not, and what to feed.
<There are a great many options, most of which are very cheap. A
good basic diet is Koi pellets. There's no need for expensive
terrapin food except as an occasional treat. In fact Red-ear Sliders
are most herbivorous in the wild, and vegetable-based Koi pellets are a
MUCH better staple diet than high protein turtle sticks. Next, you can
add all sorts of green foods.
Curly lettuce is a good and cheap staple, but you can also use small
quantities of red lettuce, cooked peas, melon, really anything that
isn't peppery, mustardy or otherwise strongly flavoured (the strong
flavours we humans like are actually toxins meant to dissuade animals
from eating the plant, which is why young children, who have better
taste buds than adults, often dislike vegetables). Do read here:
Thanks in advance.
<Cheers, Neale.>
RES... tankmates, diet mostly 1/11/10
I just have a few questions about my turtles. First of all here is my
setup: I have two red-eared sliders, one male and one female I believe,
they are both about 4-5 inches now.
<Getting to be sexually mature... do watch the male, can be snappy
towards other turtles.>
I also have a western painted that is about 3-4 inches that I believe
to be a male and a Pleco cleaner fish.
<Do not keep fish with turtles. That's the first rule of
turtle-keeping, and stated by every expert and turtle book out there.
For a start, a Plec won't "clean" anything, so that
aspect is a total delusion. Secondly, it's almost impossible for
casual pet owners with regular budgets to provide the space and water
filtration required for both fish and turtles in the same tank.>
They are all in a 75 gallon aquarium filled 2/3rd of the way with water
and I have created a custom basking area that has some smooth gravel
rocks and a 75 watt reptile lamp. I have a 305 Fluval canister filter
that has proven
to be a god send. I feed them turtle pellets for the most part and have
offered crickets as a treat from time to time. I have had them for
about 4 years now and they seem to be healthy. I do not offer any
calcium or vitamin supplements and was wondering how or if I should add
this into their diet.
<Yes. Their diet should be as varied and balanced as possible.
Turtle and Koi pellets make good staples, but augment with fresh plant
materials as well for vitamins and fibre.>
I am also wondering if there is any other creatures that I can add to
make the tank a little more interesting.
<Nothing safely.>
I was thinking about one of those blue crayfish or maybe some African
<No. Let me state again that as turtles get bigger, they produce
massive amounts of waste. It will not be possible to maintain zero
ammonia, zero nitrite, and sub-20 mg/l nitrate levels in tanks with
turtles. The turtles don't care so much, but fish, because they
have permeable skins, are far more exposed to these toxins.>
Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you
<Cheers, Neale.>
Red eared slider questions... diet, sys., the universe!
Hi Darryl...What a GREAT service you guys provide!!
<We do it because we like to help. And for the free food>
Unfortunately the only vet we had in our area who specialized in
exotics recently retired so it's a very valuable resource that you
provide! Thank you so much for your very informative response and
hilarious one as well!
<Bob Fenner says that Im funny but he doesnt smile when he says it,
usually hes shaking his head .. hmmmmm><<Hey, where IS that
free food? RMF>>
I very much enjoyed your humor (are all of you professional writers as
<Ive been described as an unprofessional writer>
Always good to end the day with a few good laughs, especially after one
week off with 2 kids! I hate to confess but I take better care of our
turtle than MY kids also!! (though haven't caved to Pop Tarts, soda
or potato chips just yet :-) ).
Thanks for the insight about changing turtle's home. I actually
thought he would welcome more space! Got an A+ in HUMAN psychology in
college, but guess I have a ways to go before figuring out the inner
psyche of a turtle!
<Dont ever let a turtle near your ATM card they have NO impulse
Thank you also for your other ideas; will try them out! Wasn't
sure, though, about a couple of them you mentioned - hope you don't
mind answering a couple of more questions! Again, thanks so much for
taking the time to read all this...
* Re: nocturnal light - Would it be better to not have this? We put
this in not for a night light, but to keep the air temp inside his
aquarium warm during the night. We keep the regular room air on the
cool side - 68 degrees, so air temp quickly drops in his aquarium if no
source of heat is provided.
<True, but the outside air temp in most of his natural range drops
below 68 at night for 80% of year as well. What we want here is a light
and heat cycle that falls into his natural zone. That said, Im not sure
it HURTS, either. Take it out and see what happens>
We chose black because it seemed to emit the least light. The red bulb
seemed overly bright.
<And Red Lights have that whole Honky-Tonk Im the cheap kind of
turtle you dont take home to Mama: kind of feel, too. With a black
light, the worst that happens is that the turtle grows up very laid
back, with an almost unnatural affinity for stairway to heaven or in a
gadda da vida>
* I also assume that this black reptile bulb is NOT the same as the
dangerous black light??
<Yes. Black light is UV-A (long wave) UV-C is germicidal (very short
* Re: live food - you mentioned not feeding live food but said you
feed earthworms.
<Right what I meant was trying to duplicate what appears to be live
food within their environment as if theyll hunt their own. Live food
that occurs within that system is not really that much of their diet
yet are often heavy with bugs and parasites that are bad for them very
much like my ex wifes cooking>
<Earthworms are not carriers of pathogens that are harmful too them.
Just a bit on the fatty side, which is why I use them as occasional
Do you feed these live or cut them up first?
<Saute in garlic with finely chopped parsley and cilantro>
<NO!!! Just one live one, usually on the basking area>
* Re: aquarium heater: You mentioned removing the heater in the water
if we have one. Yes we do have one, and put it in the aquarium back
when we got him because we read that young turtles should have a water
temperature of around 80 degrees.
<Again, theyd never see 80 degree water in their range unless some
backwoods redneck in Georgia was cooking him for dinner. 68 degree
water is just fine as long as he has a basking area thats in the mid to
upper 80s>
It's a black (not glass) thermometer, good quality one with
protective sheath. I know if we remove it, the water temp. will drop
quite a bit. Is a lower water temp ok for young turtles, and would it
outweigh the potential risk of our thermometer causing a micro-leak of
electrical energy?
<yeah we want to offer a range and let him choose>
Thanks so much Darryl, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!
<yer Welcome!>
<[EDITORS NOTE: On behalf of Wet Web Media and all the rest of the
crew, we would like to take this opportunity to apologize to Comedians,
Professional Writers, Psychologists, Honky-Tonks, Jimmy Page &
Robert Plant from Led Zeppelin, Doug Ingle/Iron Butterfly, Ex-wives in
general, Rednecks, the State of Georgia (except for East Dublin) and of
course, to you, the reader. Sigh we were all hoping that the meds would
have kicked in by now]>
What happen to their appetite? RES fdg.
Dear Crew,
<Hiya Darrel here with you>
Hi, I have a question about my Red Eared Sliders appetite. I have 2 RES
which was separated by me for several months but had recently reunited
as I had bought a new tank. However, one of my RES suddenly dislike
everything I fed him while the other ones eat almost everything. I have
fed them a variety of foods over the past few days including turtle
pellets, cabbages, carrots, grapes but the RES which has a bad appetite
just ate a little of it. What had happened to it?
<One word: Stress. The change of environment affects some turtles
and not others. Make sure your setup is providing proper temperature
gradients, clean water and UV light. If everything is right, give him
or her 4 or 5 weeks to settle in. As long as he or she is alert and
active, dont worry for at least that long>
No appetite for my RES 12/18/09
Hi, my RES doesn't seems to have a good appetite this few days.
<What are you feeding it? Contrary to what the pet store might
suggest, turtle pellets or sticks can't be used every day. They
would get just as bored of them as you would being fed just one food
every single day! A good idea is to use pellets 2-3 times a week, and
the rest of the time offer things like Elodea pondweed, cooked peas,
Sushi Nori, curly green lettuce, earthworms, small pieces of white
fish, and so on. Since Red-ear Sliders are more herbivorous that
carnivorous, it's a good idea to offer green foods at least as
often as meaty foods. In the wild, Red-ear Sliders become more
herbivorous as they mature, so that's a factor to consider as
It do have swollen eyes or it seems to be lethargic, it also seems to
be quite active. What should I do? Should I change their diets?
<Do read here:
Cheers, Neale.>
Question about baby Sliders, sys., fdg. --
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I had a concern about my two Red Eared Sliders. I got them as a
anniversary gift from my husband from a local girl who's
turtles had babies.
<Generally speaking, we don't recommend pets as gifts, but
they are great, low maintenance pets!>
They are really small, as in a tiny bit bigger than a quarter.
One of them loves the water and is very active, just never seems
to want to leave the water. The other is always in it's shell
and always basking, never seems to want to go into the water.
Just recently he/she started to burrow itself under the rock bank
we have set up for them. Is that normal?
<No, it's not. Possibly there's something about the
setup that he doesn't like, or that scares him>
I feed them both in a separate container when I put them outside
to get some sun, I've never seen them eat though.. I think it
might be because they are eating the plant I purchased at the pet
store for them.
<That could be -- BUT it's really important that we know
they are feeding, so I suggest that you remove the plant for now
... and anything else edible, so that we have control over their
food and can eventually watch
them eat.>
I was recommended to get TeraFauna ReptoMin that has 3 foods in
<Great food. Koi pellets are an almost identical food that
cost a lot less, but ReptoMin is excellent>
Again, I've never seen them eat it. Their enclosure is a 20
gallon long tank, with a water filter, water heater and bank of
rocks set up for basking with a light. I could really use some
answers from someone who
knows what they are talking about!
<Well unfortunately, You got me instead!>
<Remove the water heater and let the water become room
temperature. The difference between cool and warm is what causes
them to swim, bask, etc. Our job is to offer them the choice. As
the tank cools, I'd expect the one that swims all the time to
start to bask more. We'll get to the other one last.>
<As far as feeding is concerned, feeding them outside of their
tank is a good thing to help keep the water clean and at least
for now, when we're not sure, gives us the ability to verify
that they are or are not.>
<When a baby sits on land all the time all closed up (not
it may be because he's sick, weak, afraid ... or simply not
happy. It's not easy to find which. I've seen Sliders
take a walk from a pond and bury themselves in a garden somewhere
-- and each time I bring them back, they stay a day or two and
take another walk & repeat the behavior.
Changing basking areas, moving rocks and other rearrangement can
often make it seem "new" to them and allow them to
settle. You'll have to experiment on this issue.>
<I'm enclosing two links, one on general care - that will
give you guidelines against which you can measure your care and
one for illnesses, which explains how you can take a turtle out
of it's habitat and keep it
warm & dry for a week or so. This isolation technique might
be just enough of a change or rest that the shy one needs to
kick-start his normal behaviors. Just remember to continue the
sun/feeding routine each day.>
Thank you for your time,
<Write back and let us know how they're doing!>
Re RES turtle questions... fdg. 10/1/2009
one last question:
<Fire away!>
i am giving them ReptoMin food sticks and lettuce.
<Excellent. Romaine lettuce in particular is a favourite, and more
nutritious than iceberg lettuce.>
I have heard they also eat insects and worms. can i give them
<Earthworms make a good treat, but use them sparingly. You don't
want your pet getting "hooked" on earthworms and not eating
his green foods regularly! Do also take care to collect them somewhere
safe, i.e., not sprayed with chemicals. It should go without saying
that pesticides that kill insects and other nuisance animals will kill
pet animals too.>
thank you! :)
<Cheers, Neale.>
RES not eating 7/27/2009
Hi ,
<Hiya -- Darrel here>
I looked through all the questions and answers about the RES before
asking this question.
<Thank you very much, Parul. We really appreciate people who make
that effort.>
I have 2 RES, they are 2 years old. They have stopped eating all of a
They have a proper basking area, large tank and I clean it regularly,
scrubbing the rocks that they bask on, filter it as well. Up to about
10 days ago they stopped eating.
<There are really only two reasons why a turtle stops eating, Parul.
One is that they are ill. The second reason is a change to their
Let's take the second one first>
<Do you have any idea what changed? Basking temperature went
Basking bulb changed to a different wattage? Anything in your care that
is different? Here in Los Angeles, when the municipal water supply
changes from the Northern California Delta water to the Colorado River
way, the PH and hardness change and I often see my turtles acting
strange for a few days. Back when I had alligators, some of them would
actually refuse to go in the water for almost a week. If you've
checked all the usual things, look for unusual things. Are they
indoors? Have you started using the Air Conditioner and the air is
colder? Loud noises in their area? Anything like that?>
I feed them turtle pellets. I tried a bit of prawn, which they ate for
about 2 days. Then they stopped eating that as well. Now they wont
touch any food.
<Try warm baths every day for 15 minutes. Lukewarm water. Don't
offer food for a few days, but a warm water bath for 15 minutes every
day -- and then try offering food on the 4th day. Sometimes just a
change in routine will get them started again>
They seem healthy but they are constantly sleeping or sitting on their
<If they're no longer active, then they're most likely not
as healthy as you think. The problem is that warmth, UV light and diet
are the three primary things you can do to treat them at home, so it
they won't eat, it's hard to treat. Check out the enclosed two
links on the treatment of illnesses and basic care. Check the CARE to
find what you've done that's different and read the TREATMENT
to see what we can do. Isolate them out of the water, like the
treatment section says ... and let's see what 4 days of lukewarm
baths do>
Thanks in advance.
When should I plan on throwing my turtle a Bar Mitzvah?
Dear Crew,
<Hiya Heather, Darrel here>
At what chronological age should an Red Eared Slider shift from youth
to adult diet? In all the literature I have read, no one offers any
specifics. Thank you very (from the bottom of my three turtles'
livers) much for your assistance with this matter.
<A Mar Mitzvah? What if it's a Bat Mitzvah?>
<Heather, there's no real biological age and that's why the
literature doesn't reflect it. For one, turtles mature with SIZE,
not years ... so perhaps it's when they're big enough to sit in
a grownup's chair and not drink from a sipper cup? For another,
their juvenile diet is far more about what they're able to find
& eat than anything specific that they
<I raise hatchlings that grow to be breeding adults on nothing but
Koi pellets from the day they first start eating. I feed all they can
eat in 5 minutes, 3 times a week and then put their diet out of my
mind. This way I can concentrate my energies on the other aspects of
their care and keeping.>
<You should all live and be vell~!>
Red eared slider question, fdg. 7/18//09
Hi Crew,
<Hiya Bob, Darrel here>
My red eared slider is 2.5 inches. I've had her for about 7 months.
I am not new to RES but I am new to feeding a baby res she is about
over a year old and I feed her ZooMed's aquatic turtle food. I feed
her about 20 ball size pellets in the morning and then another 20 again
in the evening is this to much or to little because she still seems
hungry afterwards.
<My friends at Zoo Med make and distribute fine products, but when
it comes to feeding Emydid turtles (Sliders, Cooters, etc.) I use plain
old Koi pellets. It's an inexpensive, fully balanced diet that I
use on hatchlings all the way up to breeders with an occasional (once a
month) earthworm given just as a treat.>
<The enclosed link will give you basic feeding instructions. I feed
babies daily and at about a year, make that every other day.
<In 40+ years of keeping and working with reptiles, I can count on
one hand the number of animals I've seen that have died from
starvation (not including bad diet, which is a different story) but
over feeding is a common problem that leads to a whole host of
debilitating illnesses.>
She then try to eat whatever waste(feces) there is on the bottom of the
<there shouldn't be feces left around, cut the feeding back,
increase the tank cleaning a bit and this problem will solve
Please help
<I hope we did!>
A Slider, Mon? 7/8/09
Hi I'm Kelly from Jamaica,
<Hiya -- I'm Darrel from California>
I have a Red Ear Slider that I bought in may from a pet store and I was
told that it was one year old at the time. I was told that it is fed on
a pellets known as Aquamax 300. However, at the time of purchase the
store did not have these in stock and I was given another pellet known
as beta bites. The turtle seem to enjoy both, but I'm wondering if
this would be enough for it. I've seen in some of your articles
where reference is made to turtles being fed crickets and stuff however
I'm not seen where these are available at local pet shops. I do
have access to fishes. Would just the fish and pellets be enough for
<No fish, no crickets, no stuff like that. Koi pellets are a
perfectly balanced 100% diet for all of the Sliders and other Emydid
turtles. I raise them from hatchlings to adults that breed their own
babies on JUST that and an occasional earthworm as a treat. Fish is not
part of their natural diet, can contain parasites and .. because the
turtles usually can't catch them, the fish thrive and you end up
taking care of them as well!>
Also, indication is made in some articles posted that meat can be fed
to them, is it any kind of meat?
<Nope. They're scavengers and opportunistic eaters to be sure.
If you give them a steak or a pork chop they'll eat it ... but that
doesn't mean it's good for them.>
And may I know the types please. Another thing that your articles
suggest as important is an UV lamp, but given the type of climate we
live in (tropical), would that be a necessity for my turtle? I do
ensure that he gets sunlight everyday or every other day, will this be
enough for him? Our temperature range is generally between 27-32
degrees Celsius year round.
<Your climate is perfect for him ... but the sunlight needs to be
Coming through glass does no good at all ... even through screen
reduces it's effectiveness quite a bit. The very BEST is a UV lamp
that you can place over his basking spot (next to the lamp that
provides heat) so that he gets both UV and heat when he needs it and
then can cool off when he doesn't.>
Thanks in Advance for your help,
<You're welcome. We enjoy helping!>
<Kelly, I'm sending you a link to a BRILLIANT article that
covers the entire basics of keeping Sliders and similar turtles. The
author is experienced, well regarded in his community (did I mention he
was brilliant?) not to mention good looking. EVERYTHING you need to
know about the basics is in this article and you can compare every
aspect of your care to what this brilliant article mentions and
you'll be just fine.>
< http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm>
Feeding red ear sliders... 6/13/09
Hi, I'm Felix from Malaysia, having 3 less than 2 inch baby turtles
since 2 months ago, i only feed them koi pallets everyday, which
contain wheat-germ meal, white fish meal, shrimp meal, wheat flour,
soybean meal, dried yeast, minerals, Vitamin
<Koi pellets can make a good portion of their diet.>
Then as i heard from my online friend, she told me that fish pallets
contain a lot protein which is not good for turtle, she feed her
turtles lettuce most of the time, but as i know from ur web, it's a
junk food for them... This morning i feed them lettuce too, but they
just won't eat, they only take my pallets, so what should i do?
what can i feed daily? I only trust you guys, so please help!
<You're both right. Lettuce is very good for Red Ear Sliders,
Trachemys scripta elegans -- but it does depend on the lettuce! Iceberg
lettuce for example is useless, because it contains virtually no
nutrition at all. But old fashioned curly green lettuce (what here in
England we call English or Round Lettuces) are very good for them. Red
Leaf lettuce is also good for them. Cheap aquarium plants are very
good: the Elodea ("pondweed") sold for Goldfish ponds is
extremely nutritious and turtles readily eat it. There's a great
list of safe and dangerous plant foods here:
Give your turtles pellets 3 or 4 days in the week, and let them eat
plants on the other days, and you'll have the PERFECT diet for
them. Cheers, Neale.>
Red Ear Slider unable to grab food 6/1/2009
I have a red ear slider who is about 6 years old. I am not sure on
Based on size I would say female but we may have seen it's male
<The urogenital systems of turtles are largely internal, and the
penis won't be visible unless the turtle is actually mating.
Instead, look firstly at the claws: if they're long, it's
probably a male. Secondly, look
at the length of the tail. Males have longer tails, with the cloaca
(the combined anal/urogenital opening) nearer the tip than the base of
the tail, whereas on females the cloaca is nearer the base of the tail
than the
The issue is he wants to eat but has trouble grabbing the food. He is a
bit lethargic and is no longer aggressive during eating time.
<If a turtle is clumsy when trying to feed, as yours is, that's
a fairly reliable sign of poor health. Review environmental conditions.
Check that the water is adequately heated, that the turtle has access
to UV-B light, and that the water is changed at least once a week.
There's a good summary here:
Also check that the turtle isn't wheezing and that it's eyes
are clear and bright, not groggy-looking or swollen
These are both very common problems caused by improper diet, lack of
warmth, etc. Since turtles should live 15+ years, that you lost one
that was only 6 years old is a bit worrying. Some problems, such as the
lack of UV-B light or the lack of vitamins can take months, even years,
to cause death.>
We had another res which passed a few months ago I believe the temp got
to low we since have added a heater to the tank.
<Would be careful here; turtles can, will destroy glass heaters. Put
a plastic mesh called a "heater guard" around the heater.
Some heaters come with these anyway (or at least, they do here in the
UK) but aquarium shops sell them for use with cichlids, catfish,
It appears he sees the food but just can't quite grasp the food I
have tried meal worms, brine shrimp, romaine lettuce, pellets nothing
<Check his eyes!>
We were able to hold the food with a fork until he grabbed on but that
does not seem to work lately. I am afraid he will die if he does not
eat soon.
Need Help!!!
<Hope this helps.>
<Cheers, Neale.>
Strange behavior in turtles and perhaps crewmembers
<Hiya, Darrel here>
I have a Red Eared Slider almost a year old. He eats pretty well. I
feed him pellets and lettuce and worms most of the time.
<Pellets are good, assuming you're talking a quality Koi pellet.
Lettuce isn't particularly good at all. It's the 'junk
food' of greens and they can often get fixated on it and not eat
the rest of their food. Worms as in Earthworms are OK for an occasional
treat (like once or twice a month) but any other kind of worms are not
good. You didn't ask for advice on feeding, but this is America and
in America EVERYONE is entitled to my opinion!>
Usually, if I put my finger up to the glass, he tries to bite it, which
is normal, and he pushes himself backwards. However, lately he's
been biting at the glass randomly when nothing is there to even
resemble food or anything. Do you know why he could be doing this?
<Sure. I happen to be a turtle psychologist in my spare
<He's conditioned to the sight of you as being connected to
food, your finger being associated with food items ... so now just the
site of you is associated with food items.>
<Nothing harmful or even particularly strange about it, Casey ...
but if your turtle starts giving you Stock Market tips ... THAT is
strange behavior.>
<Because we all know that turtles don't know anything about
Investing! [rim shot!] At least .... that's what my Iguana says.
<I better get outta hear before they trace the line>
Thanks a lot.
Help in feeding an overactive Turtle. beh.
Hi, I'm Mahalia
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I'm the owner of a Red-eared Slider, about three years old and a
little under 4 inches in length.
I'm a little worried because he seems to be very restless for some
reason and EATS everything I put in, no matter how numerous the pellets
I give.
I'm scared that the turtle might become obese and I can't
control it.
<First, thank you for your letter, Mahalia -- it gives me a chance
to talk about some things that don't come up as direct questions
very often.>
<The term "restless" isn't much different from
"active" and it's a good thing to have an active turtle!
I've known some turtles that will spend what seem like HOURS just
swimming into the glass front of their tank and not very much time
resting and basking ... yet they were very healthy and well growing
turtles. But turtles take on the temperature of their environment and
their activity and appetite (your second concern) rise with the
temperature! So in your case I'm going to ask you to check your
water temperature, which should be no warmer than 73-75 degrees and the
temperature under his basking light, which should be between 88 and 95
degrees. If the water is warmer than that, then the turtle has no way
to cool down and he could be hyperactive from that heat. If there is a
problem, please correct it. Check all your care and housing against the
suggestions in the link below and correct anything that is out of
If he remains active under proper temperatures, that's simple a
great thing! If there is a temperature correction to make, that will
probably reduce his appetite as well.>
<Which brings me to your second concern -- eating and
<One of the top causes of death in our pet population is health
complications due to obesity. This goes for our dogs, cats, birds,
turtles, fish, kids, parents and ourselves, too! It is in the psyche of
most to associate feeding with caring so in an attempt to provide good
care, we provide good food. And WAAAAAAY to much of it. Mahalia, in 38
years of keeping and breeding animals of all sizes and types and
consulting for people all over the country, I honestly cannot recall an
instance where an otherwise healthy animal died from simply a lack of
food. Many died from BAD nutrition -- the wrong foods that didn't
contain proper
ingredients, but many, MANY more from OVERFEEDING -- too much food
makes their internal body parts as fatty and out of shape as it makes
the outside look.>
<I feed my outside adult turtles all they can eat in 5 minutes --
once every three days (and that's here in Southern California under
the full summer sun. In spring and fall it's once every four days
and nothing at
all during the winter. My younger, tank kept turtles get Koi pellets
every other day (same rule, only what they can eat in a few minutes)
and then I skip two days every week or so.>
<Remember, in the wild, their full time job is to evade predators
and find food ... and in the name of good pet-keeping, we keep the
predators away AND provide room-service!!>
<So ... cut back on the food and let them be just a little bit
hungry -- they'll be healthier for it!>
<Now ..... if I could only manage to do that for MYSELF
< http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm>
Re: in feeding an overactive turtle, RES
Thanks so much Darrel! I never thought about checking the temperature
of the water. I should also cut back on the food (he just eats it all
up voraciously!) But I think I'll keep the sched of every other
day? Because I
live in a tropical country.
<Sounds good. Just let him be a tiny bit hungry and he'll be
healthier for it!>
It's rare to find real help online nowadays, and I really
appreciate your taking time to answer my mail.
<That's what we're here for, Mahalia!>
I'm a ease now. Long live turtles!:)
<Ditto! -- Darrel>
Turtle stops eating 2/3/09 Hi, <Hiya Rowdell,
Darrel here> I have had two Red Eared Sliders turtle for about 8
months and not one of them have been sick yet. I feed them food sticks
everyday, the water temperature is about 78-80 degrees and I clean
their aquarium about once a week. Four days ago one of my turtles
stopped eating, but nothing else seems wrong with him. I know turtles
can go along time without eating and I don't want to force him to
eat to eat. <So far, this sounds O.K. Many times they'll go
"off their feed" for a week or so and it means nothing at all
as long as they're otherwise healthy, active and alert. > He
also has been laying on his rock almost the whole time I have the light
on (about 13 hours a day.) I don't know what is wrong with him. Can
you help me? <Let's see what we can do, Rowdell. First, take a
good look at him up close. Look at his eyes. Are they open and staring
back at you? Looking around and any other movement? Or are they dull
and unfocused or closed? Look at his nose. Bubbles of any kind?
Breathing seems OK? Now check his skin. Bright green (same color as the
other turtles)? Now pick him up and smell him. Any odors? >
<Place him on the floor (assuming no dogs, cats or foot traffic) and
give him a few minutes to sense his new surroundings. (You may have to
back off a bit an not seem big and intimidating to him) Does he move
around and try to explore? > <If his eyes and nose are clear and
he's up and alert, place him back on his rock and observe any
changes over the next week. My guess is he'll be hungry again and
things will be back to normal. > <If his eyes or nose aren't
clear or if he seems weak and listless, then write back with specific
examples and we'll dig deeper. > <That's all for now --
best wishes! >
Re: turtle stopped eating - now more symptoms
2/4/09 Hi thanks for replying back. <Happy to> My turtle
still hasn't eaten. We tried to get him new food but he won't
eat it. There is a new symptom now. His mouth looks like it had dried
blood around. When I smelled him he smelled bad, and he's been
opening his mouth when he has been breathing. His eyes and alertness
seems to be fine. Do you think this is an early stage of a respiratory
infection? <It's possible, but more likely a sign of other
trauma and maybe something as simple as cuts from a fight or abrasion
from the environment.> If it is what should I do? <The first
order of business is to remove him from the turtle tank and get him
somewhere warm and dry. The moist, swamp-like environment that is so
perfect for a healthy turtle becomes his enemy once any kind of
sickness or injury occurs. Remember, he can happily stay out of water
for weeks if needed and if you give him 5 minutes a day in a shallow
bowl of water so that he can drink, poop & maybe eat, he can
otherwise be in a warm/dry place for months! I suggest something as
simple as a cardboard box or plastic tub with sides high enough that he
cannot climb out. A simple dry washcloth or towel on the bottom and a
simple ordinary light bulb suspended above part of it. Aim for around
88 degrees, but we still want him to be able to move to and from the
heat source a bit> <Once he's warm and dry, try to clean the
affected area with a Q-Tip or swab and if you uncover any open wounds
or cuts, rub some Betadine (any kind of iodine solution) on it and
place him back in his dry place. Then every day, place him in that
shallow warm bowl of water with a turtle stick or two (no more) for no
more than 5 minutes. Let him eat, drink, poop (or not) then swab him
off, apply iodine if needed and back in his box> <If it is an
internal infection getting started, the warm, dry climate will help him
fight it and you should see improvements in a week or 10 days. If he
hasn't eaten by then or if the small comes back or gets worse,
you'll need to seek professional veterinary help. > <Best of
luck, Rowdell -- We'll all keep a good thought for you>
My RES Turtle, hlth., feeding 2/2/09 PLEASE HELP,
Can my 2 year old RES Turtle get sick and/or die from eating a feeder
fish infected with Ick and/or with any other kind of sickness? <Yes.
Though Ick itself isn't something reptiles can contract, any fish
that is sick is likely one kept under poor conditions, and other
illnesses can certainly affect your reptile. More specifically, you
MUST NOT feed feeder fish (e.g., goldfish or minnows) to pet reptiles.
This is extremely bad for them. Firstly, such feeder fish contain a lot
of thiaminase, which breaks down thiamin, and over time when used the
reptile will gradually develop a Vitamin B1 deficiency. Secondly,
feeder fish contain a lot of fat, and the fat accumulates around the
internal organs, causing health problems. Red-ear Sliders are
essentially herbivores, and around 75% of their diet MUST be green
foods. If it isn't, all you're doing is making him sick.> If
so how do I treat him? <Depends on the disease. If all else fails,
contact a vet.> I got some feeder fish about 2 years ago and picked
3 of them to keep for pet's. I never had a Ick problem until now. 2
of the 3 died from the Ick. I have 1 left and he is getting better
(slowly). <Ick is easy to treat and shouldn't kill fish. See WWM
re: Ick for more.> So I did some research to learn Ick comes from
stressed out fish being moved in and out of their environment. <Not
really stress as such, but yes, if you move fish between tanks, you can
expose them to the disease.> So what I need to know is how long does
it take for Ick to go away and now that he has had Ick once will it be
easier to get it next time around? <Once you have treated with an
appropriate medication (or with salt/heat) then Ick is gone for good.
However, if you add new fish, or potentially move anything into the
tank that can carry the free-living parasites, such as aquarium plants,
then Ick can come back.> Also should I keep feeder fish in a
separate bowl? <Goldfish should not be kept in a bowl. Doing so
kills them. Forget everything you have seen on the TV. They need big,
well filtered tanks. 30 gallons is about right for beginners. See here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/goldfish101art.htm> Thank
You, Donna <Cheers, Neale.>
Vitamin A deficiency, RES, hlth. and fdg. f's
1/25/09 Hello, <Hiya Najah, Darrel here> I would first
like to start off with a thank you. So far I have asked two questions
and both you have very helpful. <Thank you. That's why we
volunteer here -- to help> I have a Red Eared Slider that is
actually having surgery today to remove an ear abscess. When I first
took him/her (I'm not sure yet) to the vet to find out what the
lump was the Vet told me that it also looked as if my turtle has
vitamin A deficiency. When I looked through previously asked questions
some said that the Vet could/would provide a vitamin A shot. However,
mine did not even offer. <That's unusual Najah. Normally
Veterinarians are liberal with vitamin shots. The only thing I can
think of is that perhaps he didn't see that it was serious enough
to charge you for that shot> I know that carrots are high in vitamin
A so I fed them (I have 5 Sliders) some. Is there anything else I can
do? I tried to find some turtle vitamins but none of them contained
vitamin A. <Your best bet at this point is liver. A small bit of
ordinary liver from the grocery store will add quite a bit of Vitamin A
and even though they are primarily herbivores, they will enjoy it.>
Although his/her eyes are bulging, they are not swollen and I do not
want them to get to that point. <I agree. Normally I'm a very
strong believer in proper care and diet. It has been my experience that
if our pets are getting the clean water, proper temperatures, lighting
and nutrition that they need -- there is no need to supplement. But
even it never hurts to go the extra mile. A piece of liver every week
or an earthworm or two is a good way to add those extra nutrients.
Still ... please check, double check and recheck your feeding and
keeping situation and correct the underlying cause.> Thanks <Yer
New Red eared sliders 1/11/09 Hello, <Hiya
Najah, Darrel here tonight> This Christmas my dad was given five Red
Eared Sliders and gave them to my son for Christmas. <Generally
speaking, I discourage people from giving live animals as gifts,
especially unexpected ones -- if the receiver isn't a fan of that
animal, he or she only inherits an unwanted responsibility -- Just
mentioning that....> The family loves the new addition -- <But in
this case, all works out!!!! Yaaaaaaay!> -- but I am becoming
worried. I have had them for about a week now and I haven't seen
any poop. They all appear to be healthy. <It may take a while for
their digestive systems to get into gear, Najah. This by itself
isn't worrisome.> All but one are scared of us. <Again,
nothing unusual. It takes all of them a while to adjust and even then
one of the nice things about these guys is they have individual
personalities. Some are friendly and others may well be a bit
standoffish all the time. > They generally hide when I come near to
the tank. I think that the car ride from Philly to DC may have shaken
them a little. <I can't say as I blame, Najah -- I took a train
from DC to Philly over 18 years ago and I'm still shaken up by it.
Rearranging anyone's whole world stresses them and it takes them a
while to acclimate.> I am having a hard time feeding them lettuce,
but they seem to really like carrots. I've read some info sites
that says to feed them carrots often is ok and others say to use
carrots moderately, which one is true? <Well, to be candid, you
won't find many Red Eared Sliders eating carrots in the wild. Any
site stating that the Pseudemys need a vegetarian diet are far better
than the ones that claim they eat fish and meats ... but still, I
can't see how someone can expect that foods they buy at their local
Kroger are suitable for turtles.> <I've said this before and
I'll say it again: Koi Pellets! Cheap, easily found at virtually
any pet store, 99.5% vegetable matter and -- A COMPLETE DIET for
Sliders and their families. I use Kay-Tee brand myself and I raise them
from hatchlings all the way up to breeding adults on just that, with a
very occasional (once a month) Earthworm tossed in just for variety.
Tetra's Repto-Min food sticks are good too. They're virtually
identical in makeup to the Koi pellets and a bit more expensive, but if
it makes you feel better feeding your turtles something labeled as
turtle food, this is the stuff.> <This is a link to a wonderfully
written article covering all the basics of Slider care in captivity.
Please compare your situation against the guidelines... and remember,
Turtles don't need very much at all, but they absolutely NEED what
they need. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm
> Thanks for your help. <You're welcome, Najah -- and
we're glad to have you in our world. Enjoy>
Steel Trough Pond Concern, turtles 10/24/08
I am interested in making an above ground pond from a stainless steel
horse trough. I live in a rural area, and I like the way it would look
out by my pasture. However, I have heard that the sealant used in the
steel can leak zinc or some other type of hazard to turtles(I have Red
Ear Sliders) and fish. Short of using a liner, is there some type of
coating that would work on the metal? Is there a way I could season the
seams to make them safe?
<Mmm, I don't think the amount of possible/probable metal
leaching from the welds, nor the steel of this tank will cause your
sliders any problem. I have seen corrugated (round and oblong) troughs
of such construction used as ponds on many occasions. Bob
Red ear slider turtles, gen. and esp. fdg.
8/14/08 Hi! <Hiya!!> I have 2 red ear sliders--they are both
about 4 inches, in length (this is shell length, and shells are thick).
We got them in April of 2007, and they were quarter size, at that time.
They are best friends, we have no problems. <No jobs, school,
property taxes OR alligators trying to eat them (I have all the above)
-- they have easy lives!> My question is I think I have one female,
and one male? One has longer tail, the other has shorter, stubbier
tail. Claws look to be about the same size. They won't cooperate
long enough for me to check under tails. They have started to do the
"mating dance" (I think). They get nose to nose and one will
start fanning the face. Just for a few minutes, and then they continue
on their way. They are only in a 10 gallon aquarium with the lighting,
the basking rocks, and gravel, etc. We live in Buffalo, and on nice
warm days, I fill up the baby pool outside with driftwood, and let them
hang there for a few hours. With supervision, due to cats and kids in
the neighborhood. <I was born in Niagara Falls. Nice summers!>
Since they are only about 1 1/2 yrs old, isn't it too soon for them
to breed? <It's not the age, it's the size. Although 1 1/2
years is early, 4 inches is barely about the size that males start to
mature, so while it's not likely, it's POSSIBLE ... and the
fanning behavior is typical male slider courting behavior ... so if
you're not there yet, you're getting close> How old are red
ear sliders before they breed, and do I have a male and female, since
too, they are about the same size? We bought them together in Myrtle
Beach. Maybe female isn't mature in size yet? <That is correct.
The male matures at a smaller size while the female keeps growing and
gets bigger before she's mature. The male will get the nice, long
nails (a girl I know sites that as one more reason that life just
isn't fair). Once the male starts courting behavior this just
"bugs" the female for a few more years because she's not
interested yet,> They are extremely happy all the time, love to eat,
people and kid friendly, love to greet people as soon as anyone walks
into the room. <Really? That Warner Brother's Dancing Michigan J
Frog comes to mind> They'll come a running to side of the tank,
when they spot anyone. Oh, one thing I noticed (from having turtles
when we were kids), is they LOVE raw hamburger, and RAW turkey burger.
We feed them that off our fingers, (so they are not being overfed, and
leaving raw burger in they're tank), but every so often they grab
the finger and OUCH!! <You deserve to hurt for that. No. NO....
NOOOOOOOOOOOO! No Hamburger!! No Turkey!! No Hotdogs, chicken, pot
pies, pork chops, steak, Cheese Doodles or ANY other people food.
PERIOD!! And no wine or cocktails either (they have no self
control!)> <Diet --- bad diet and overfeeding are the #1 health
problems in turtles and most pets -- and what you're feeding them
isn't good for them, OK? Koi Pellets, Repto-min food sticks
(exactly the same as the koi pellets only more expensive) and a rare
and occasional earthworm> They pinch and pinch hard. <Another
reason not to do that. It won't be long before that pinch becomes a
skin break and then it's tetanus shots and antibacterial ... for
them -- humans can be infectious to reptiles> Need too know, though,
if I should start a nesting area, or anything. All we are seeing at
this time is we think the "mating dance". Could you let me
know? <She needs to be around 5 inches minimum straight carapace
length before she's even remotely ready ... so.... not yet.>
kindly----VaLinda <Pretty name!!!!!> <Darrel> < http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm>
Re: Red ear slider turtles - diet 8/16/08
Thank you for getting back to me so soon. <Happy to do it!> Glad
to hear its a little early for baby turtle making too. Not ready for
that. <I feel the same way about my kids.> Thanks too, for the
input on no raw meats. It wasn't their main diet though, they
mainly eat variety of turtle foods. It was just a treat here and there
for them. I should of specified that. But, I'll make sure no more
raw meats. <The problem is that they can "fixate" on
something like that and then refuse to eat the balanced diet and then
you're in for problems.> They will be sad, though:(
<They'll get over it -- and they'll be healthier, too. Now
make sure they have proper temperature gradients and UV A&B
lighting:)> Thanks again for your great advice, I'll keep making
sure I keep well read on your columns. <We respond well praise!!!!
Thank YOU!!!!> Thanks again--VaLinda <Darrel>
My Red Eared Sliders!!!! Shell concerns,
nutrition 8/11/08Hey!! <HIYA!!!!!!!> I'm
Priscilla from NY and I have some concerns about my Red Eared
Sliders. I have 2 and they were bought at the same time. They were
pretty much the same size. However, after I started taking care of
them, I found out that one of my turtles, grew a LOT bigger in a
short period of time, while the other, grew slowly. I realize that
on the website, the bigger turtle may be a female, but I'm not
sure yet. <Probably not that reason, Pricilla. Some people claim
that females grow a tiny bit faster than males while juveniles,
females mainly get bigger because they keep growing. It's too
early to tell their sexes.> One of the concerns is that I think
my turtles are fighting to get food, and usually, the bigger one
gets all the food. <that's more likely. In any group, even a
group of only two, there is some competition for food and other
resources and one animal will become more successful. Even in
situations where there is plenty of basking areas, food and other
resources, the dominant animal will simply thrive better than the
other, if only by a little bit. Slightly brighter, slightly bigger
... just .... better.> <Sometimes it's tricky to solve
the feeding problem. If you simply add so much food that the big
one gets full and swims off, there's usually so much food that
the water fouls. After you start feeding and the big one is eating,
use a net handle or a pencil and nudge the little guy over to a
different corner where you have just dropped a few pellets of food.
Sometimes I've even removed a smaller animal to a shallow bowl
of water for a private feeding once every week or so. If you see
that he gets a really good meal every once in a while he's
usually equipped to compete well enough on his own the rest of the
time.> The bigger turtle has a more vibrant-colored shell than
the smaller turtle. It has a dull shell. My biggest concern is that
I find that my turtles' shells look like they're shedding,
but they're not they're basically bits of the shell that
look clearish-whitish. It doesn't smell any way it
shouldn't smell. I understand that the bigger turtle's
shell looks like that because its growing, and shedding a lot of
skin, so it's only natural. But the little turtle... I
don't understand. Is it shell rot? <From here it looks like
normal shedding. The SKIN comes off as very small gray bits and
usually the pieces are too small to notice. When shreds of skin are
visibly hanging off of a turtle it's usually a sign of water
quality and fungal problems. The shell scutes (pronounced skoots)
come off as thin, transparent to translucent chips -- sometimes the
full size of each scute and sometimes smaller. This is normal
growth. Just before the scute comes off, it turns dull and starts
to wrinkle, which is exactly what your picture shows.> Or is it
not getting enough food? Does it need vitamins? <If they're
getting good basking temperatures (about 90f+), unfiltered UV A
& B lighting, clean water and high quality Koi Pellets or
Repto-Min food sticks then no, you don't need to supplement
their diet. As far as getting enough food, with just a little extra
effort on your part you can see to it that the little guy is doing
well enough to hold his own. I'll toss in a link below>
Thank you so much!!! <You are so welcome> Priscilla
<Darrel> <
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm >
<************** SOAP BOX ALERT
**********************************> <**** This is America
where everyone is entitled to my opinion!!! ************> <I
get asked my opinion on food supplements all the time and my answer
is always NO!. And then yes. Let me explain.> <When a diet is
deficient in vitamins the first thought and often the choice -- is
to supplement with vitamins. The problem with that is ... that the
diet is STILL deficient in vitamins! If the animal is not getting
enough natural sunlight or concentrated enough UVA & UVB to
synthesize Vitamin D, you can certainly give the D ... but after
giving all the D in the world ... the environment is STILL
DEFICIENT in UVA and UVB. You end up compensating for a problem
instead of CORRECTING the problem. So what's the difference you
ask? Easy to answer: If your diet is deficient in vitamins or
nutrients then I guarantee you that it's too high in fat (or
too low in fat) or too high in protein or too low in whatever else
... to be good for them in the first place. PLUS ... you're
spending money on a diet that's improper and then spending MORE
on supplements. > <On the other hand ... when you solve the
problems .. when you're giving a balanced diet in an
environment with high water quality of the correct parameters,
light & temperatures of the right types, degrees and variances
.... then the supplements are no longer necessary!!!!> <But
then .. every once in a while, I add a few drops of supplements
anyway> <<Extremely valuable input/reminders for humans
and their own nutrition as well. RMF>> |

Feeding RES Anacharis 05/31/2008 Hi Neale
<Christine,> I just picked up some Anacharis for my 1 year old
RES's. I have two of them. I put it in the tank and they went crazy
for it. <Cool! This is what they'd be eating a lot of in the
wild, so doubtless they're enjoying themselves.> I had to remove
most of it, because they ripped it apart. I was wondering how would I
feed them this? <As you're doing. Use a net to remove broken
fragments if you want, but since plant material contains little
protein, these bits don't have much effect on water quality. Of
course, do make sure the water inlet to the filter isn't blocked.
Try feeding just a couple strands at a time, and leave the rest in a
bucket or jar somewhere cool and sunny.> Is it good for them?
<Yes, very.> Also how would I store the unused portions, until
next feeding time? <Ideally buy what you need and no more. But
failing that, these plants are easy to maintain in buckets outdoors or
even jars on windowsills. At a pinch you could freeze bite-size
portions; this would kill the plant (obviously) but otherwise
wouldn't harm the nutritional value. Because the plant is dead,
only put in enough for one meal at a time -- anything uneaten within a
couple hours will start to rot and just make a mess> Thanks
Christine <Cheers, Neale.> New Red eared sliders
05/25/08 Hello! I have acquired 2 baby red eared sliders... I
have followed all directions from your website as far as habitat,
lighting, etc.. <Very good. Lots of people get these reptiles and
then pick and choose the stuff they care to spend money on. Skipping
things like filters and UV-B light sources isn't an option, as you
know. But you'd be surprised how many people don't buy these
things, and then ask why their reptiles are sick!> The only question
I have is reading all the documentation out there, it is said the
staple-diet sticks (ReptoMin staple) is great. <I've never said
it's great, and neither do any of the terrapin/turtle experts
I've spoken to. While these dried foods are adequate for some meals
per week (maybe half, tops) the rest should be green foods plus some
safe seafood items like mussel or prawn as treats.> However the
turtles will not eat it - in fact, they will swim up to it touch it,
& swim away. <Solves that problem. Don't waste your money.
Go buy some frozen mixed seafood and then make up the rest of the diet
with cheap aquarium plants (e.g., Elodea, here in the UK around
Ã'£1 a bunch, which will last a week or
so).> They will however eat the freeze-dried krill & baby shrimp
immediately. In fact they will eat it all day long if one would allow
them. Again, in reading all the info out there, the krill & baby
shrimp might only suppose to be a treat, & it is the staple diet
sticks that should be the primary feeding. <The "sticks"
and "pellets" aren't essential. In the wild your turtles
are eating something like 50% green foods as juveniles, and up to 75%
green foods as adults. The rest is a mix of carrion and small animals
such as worms and insect larvae. Replicate that sort of diet at home
and you're laughing.> Can you possibly explain why they might
not eat it? Is it true about the krill & shrimp only as snacks??
<Meaty foods should certainly not make the bulk of the diet. The
green foods provide fibre as well as moisture and the right mix of
nutrients. Greens are cheap, don't pollute the water, and
completely safe in terms of parasite risk. What's not to like?>
Thanks Chris <Cheers, Neale.>
RES not eating 3/28/08 I have read through
several of your answers to others after doing a search and can't
seem to pinpoint what I'm looking for. <Oh?> I've had a
red ear slider for over 5 years now and he's been great, growing
like a weed. A few weeks ago we decided to get him a "buddy"
also a res. <Not really social animals; can be territorial. Always
be careful not to put human feelings onto animals. You can make
terrible mistakes by doing this.> They seemed to be dine for the
first 3 weeks and suddenly 5 days ago our 5 yr old "Digger"
stopped eating. He is still active and basks for several hours a day
but lets "Wilson" eat all of the food. I have even tried
separating them during feeding but he still won't eat. <May
simply not like what's on offer. Most folks give Sliders the wrong
food. They're herbivores in the wild, and the WORST thing you can
do is give them mostly pellets. Leads to constipation and other
problems.> They currently reside in a 30 gallon tank with a Fluval
700 filter with water flow. A tank heater and basking dock as well as
lamp. <UV-B lamp I hope. Regular lighting is fine, but not what they
need. Must be UV-B light for proper metabolism.> My husband is
concerned that he may have eaten a piece of one of the plastic aquarium
plants and may be bound up now. Can you tell me if that is possibility
or if there is something else that may be causing his "hunger
strike". <Could easily be possible. Their instinct is to eat
green foods. Most animals aren't stupid enough to eat plastic
plants, but I've known humans that ate potpourri thinking it was
edible so who knows? In any case, simply stop feeding everything but
green foods. This will help if the problem is constipation. If the
animal seriously hasn't eaten for a couple weeks, and the
temperature and other environmental issues are perfect, then a visit to
vet is DEFINITELY in order. If there is a blockage, e.g., from gravel
or plastic, the vet can diagnose and treat accordingly. The alternative
is a very painful death. So get in touch with your vet or humane
society!> We feed them pellets as well as occasional lettuce, worms
and crickets. <Lettuce is funny stuff: iceberg is utterly useless,
but old fashioned curly lettuce is fine. Red and other lettuces are not
recommended. In any case, the diet of mature Sliders should be 75%
greens. Pellets are fine once per week. Meaty foods aren't
essential, but can be given as occasional treats. For sheer convenience
and cost, it's hard to beat pondweed (Elodea type things) as the
perfect all-around Slider food. Over here in England a bunch of
Canadian Pondweed costs about Ã'£1 and lasts a
good week or so. Provided this is floating in the tank and looks green
rather than rotten, you can leave this in the tank indefinitely. Many
other aquarium plants will do fine too; any reptile book will list
what's good and what's not.> Thanks for your help
<Cheers, Neale.>
Vacation feeding for turtle 03/26/2008 Hello Crew, Great
site. I'm an owner of Northern Bellies Hatchings turtle. <This
is a made-up common name. I'm assuming you mean Pseudemys
rubriventris, sometimes called the Northern Red-Belly Slider. Remember,
Latin names good; common names rubbish.> I'm going for vacation
for 2 weeks. Could you suggest me how should I feed my pet? <Easy.
As you know, these are herbivores, and 50% of their diet needs to be
aquatic plants or green leafy things. So you're already feeding
them this stuff if you are a good turtle-keeper. What you'll do is
stick in a couple bunches of live aquatic plants (e.g., Elodea or
Myriophyllum or Cabomba) and let your turtles go vegan for a couple
weeks. Whatever is cheap and convenient. This will do them no harm,
much good.> Any assistance greatly appreciated. Thank you, Victor
<Cheers, Neale.>
Red ear slider questions. 3-24-08 Matching Up a Red
Eared Slider Hello, After reading your pages, I have found it very
informative. We still have a few of the questions though. We have a
female who we have had for about three years and her shell is about ten
inches long now and was about 4 inches when we got her. She lives in an
80 gallon tank, kept about 76 degrees, with a heat lamp and a place to
haul out of the water, and with a few minnows who have stayed clear of
her and one large plecostomus in the tank. We were thinking about
getting her a companion, but have heard conflicting opinions. Is the
tank too small for two turtles? < Two turtles can physically get
around in an 80 gallon tank. The tank will foul twice as fast so you
will have to clean it twice as often. If the turtles get very hungry
they may fight over food. A male turtle will try and mate with her
during the warmer months. If she is not ready them she may bite
him.> Will she be fine by herself because she has been for so long
now? < I personally recommend keeping a single turtle by itself. Two
turtles may get along with an occasional nip of the tail or a foot.
These nips heal but do not grow back leaving a slightly imperfect
animal for you to care for.> She has a very timid personality and
likes to hide in the little underwater cave whenever someone is moving
around the room (unless she wants food, then she is right at the edge
of the tank). Also her diet is in question, she only ever eats the
turtle pellets (the ZooMed, and the floating turtle sticks). We have
tried lettuce and various aquatic live plants and she seems not to be
interested. Only the few fish who are not smart enough to evade her
live and the few small snails that were place in the tank were ever
eaten other then the food pellets. Is this an diet ok for her, it has
worked so far, but would could be done better? <The ZooMed diet is
very complete. Look at her shell. It should be round and smooth.
Turtles with too much protein in their diet tend to have very bumpy
shells. I would still offer some anacharis since it will absorb some
waste from the water until it is eaten. I would recommend that you
change the fluorescent light bulbs every 12 to 18 months. They weaken
over time.> We are also wondering if there is anything else we
should do to keep her healthy and happy. Also what kind of fish would
you recommend for the tank for her to chase and eat in her leisure
time. < Fast moving fish like the shiners or local bait fish should
be OK. Stay away from stiff spined species like sunfish.-Chuck>
Thank you for any information
RES Turtle, diet 03/07/08 I have a 8 year
old red eared slider. He is in a 75 gallon tank with a Fluval 404
filter and the temp is 76 degrees with and I have a basking lamp. I
have never had a problem with him until the last week. Every time I
feed him he tries to eat the food but spits it back out. You can see he
is having problems trying to swallow the food. He appears very healthy
and is still active. His daily routine has not changed at all and there
is nothing in the tank that he can eat except the foam on his basking
rock. He has never touched this before. Any help would be very much
appreciated. <Hello. Obviously you need to remove the foam for a
start; if he's eating this, it could easily cause a blockage, and
my concern is that he is not eating food because he feels congested. In
the short term, switch to a 100% plant-based diet. Other than the fact
this species of terrapin should be eating at least 75% green foods
anyway, removing meaty or pellet foods will reduce the chances of
constipation. Do see here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/turtlefdgfaqs.htm If this
doesn't help within a week, then you probably need to take your pet
to the vet to see if he has a blockage. If that's the case, your
terrapin will be in severe pain and danger of a quick death. In fact
you might want to ring up your local vet and ask them whether they
think he should be brought in at once. When animals eat foam, gravel
and so on it can cause all kinds of problems. Cheers, Neale.>
Neale Thanks a million for your help with my turtle. I have
booked an appointment for today with the Vet. Keith <Very good;
probably wise. Good luck! Neale.>
Turtle eating gravel? 1/31/08 Hi there,
Your site is brilliant, thank you for being such a great source
of information. <Bob Fenner deserves that credit, but I'm
happy to say thank you on behalf of all of us. Except ONE of us
-- he knows who he is -- is just a slacker!!><Heeeee!
RMF> We are in the process of treating a skin fungus on our
two baby yellow bellied sliders based on your advice, fingers
crossed. But whilst going through this process we have noticed
that one of them has a swollen tail, it seems so swollen that the
colour and markings have appeared to have drained from it. I have
recently seen him playing with the gravel, whilst I have not seen
him eat any I am worried that he may have and that he is now
trying to pass it. is this possible/likely? If so should it pass
without causing him too much pain or stress? Alternatively could
the fungus do this to his tail? Sorry to continue this stream of
questions but we just want to make sure we are caring for them as
best we can. <It's unlikely that it's gravel, Emma.
They rarely eat the stuff and anything big enough to be seen as
you've described would unlikely have been passed from the
stomach and anything that traveled past THAT would be excreted
without problem.> <As to what that swelling IS .... is next
to impossible to say without an actual examination. A secondary
bacterial infection would be my best guess and this is the time
that I tell you the proper course of action is to seek a
qualified veterinarian for a personal examination. Short of that
there's many things it could be and very few courses of
action. Is it possible there's a mechanical injury (cut,
scrape) that is getting out of hand?> Thanks again for all
your help Emma (UK) <You're welcome, Emma. I'm also
going to drop this letter into Neale's box and we can get his
opinion. He lives in the Metric System just like you do so
possibly he might have a more useful answer.>
Re: those yellow-belly
terrapins 1/31/08 Greetings! "I'm not
completely sure what the connection here is with the "metric
system"! In any case, unusual swellings can be serious
problems, for example metabolic bone disease. On the other hand,
sloughing skin is dead and comes away in grey patches, and can
look quite alarming. Likewise in several terrapin species the
shape of the tail varies depending on the sex of the animal in
question. Without actually seeing a photo of said terrapin,
it's difficult to be sure exactly what the issue is. Gravel
can probably be ruled out; the anus opens at the base of the tail
and if the intestine or cloaca was swollen, it wouldn't
affect the tail. In any case, while some reptiles naturally do
swallow small amounts of gravel periodically for various reasons,
they don't seem to do so by accident. I'd recommend that
they carry on treating for fungus and for the next few days just
observe to see if the swelling goes down. If it doesn't
after, say, a week, and the pet owner can rule out sloughing or
sex differences, then a vet is likely going to have to examine
the animal. At the very least, antibiotics for reptiles need to
be obtained from a vet. This isn't expensive or time
consuming; last I heard, a course of antibiotics for a small
animal was about Ã'£20 including the
visit to the vet. This might vary, and if a person can find their
local RSPCA or animal shelter, they may be able to find out about
subsidised/free medication instead. Cheers, Neale On 31 Jan 2008,
at 04:28, WetWebMedia Crew wrote: > Your site is brilliant,
thank you for being such a great source of information. >
<Bob Fenner deserves that credit, but I'm happy to say
thank you on behalf of all of us. Except ONE of us -- he knows
who he is -- is just a slacker!!> > We are in the process
of treating a skin fungus on our two baby yellow bellied sliders
based on your advice, fingers crossed. But whilst going through
this process we have noticed that one of them has a swollen tail,
it seems so swollen that the colour and markings have appeared to
have drained from it. I have recently seen him playing with the
gravel, whilst I have not seen him eat any I am worried that he
may have and that he is now trying to pass it. is this
possible/likely? If so should it pass without causing him too
much pain or stress? Alternatively could the fungus do this to
his tail? Sorry to continue this stream of questions but we just
want to make sure we are caring for them as best we can. >
<It's unlikely that it's gravel, Emma. They rarely eat
the stuff and anything big enough to be seen as you've
described would unlikely have been passed from the stomach and
anything that traveled past THAT would be excreted without
problem.> > <As to what that swelling IS .... is next to
impossible to say without an actual examination. A secondary
bacterial infection would be my best guess and this is the time
that I tell you the proper course of action is to seek a
qualified veterinarian for a personal examination. Short of that
there's many things it could be and very few courses of
action. Is it possible there's a mechanical injury (cut,
scrape) that is getting out of hand?> > Thanks again for
all your help > Emma (UK) > <You're welcome, Emma.
I'm also going to drop this letter into Neale's box and
we can get his opinion. He lives in the Metric System just like
you do so possibly he might have a more useful
RES not eating 1/31/08 Hi. <Hiya April> I
have a Red Eared Slider that has not been eating for the last three
weeks. We have had him for about one year and have never had any
problems. Today I was holding him and when I put him back in his water
he had a stringy, yellow poop. Do you know what this could be? <How
big is he? It could be stringy yellow poop -- BUT ... it sounds like he
is a she and that stringy yellow poop is a crushed egg!! Females often
go off their feed just before they lay eggs. Can you create a sort of
nesting box for her -- a cardboard box with peat moss or vermiculite
mixed with a tiny bit of water (one part vermiculite BY WEIGHT to one
part water) or even just barely moist potting soil. Place her in there
for a day and see if she digs a hole. You can search WetWeb for turtle
eggs and get many suggestions> <Darrel>
Question not found on the net . . . RES, feeding...
tuna... 11/19/07 Hi, Crew - <Hiya right back!> Hate to be a
pest, but I am the new mother of two Red Eared Sliders (we just rescued
them on Sunday) and you know how new moms can be! <Yes I do ....
PESKY!!!! -- just kidding, Kimberly -- we love questions and we like
the attention!> They are sweet as can be, but are not eating that I
can see. In an effort to entice eating, I tried some tuna. They LOVED
IT! <uh oh ... Insert menacing "Jaws"-type music here
.......> So, I bought a few Rosey-red minnows last night. Also gone
in seconds! <More menacing music .....> My problem is, though,
that this morning I noticed tiny, almost microscopic, white dots on the
side of the tank. I am 99.9% sure they are water fleas (daphnia) from
the little bit of water that went in the tank with the minnows. The pet
store told me that is what they feed their minnow fry and it is often
residual in the tank. <Dum-Da-DAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!> <Yes!
Reason number 4,613 on why we should feed our little friends
"Properly Prepared Balanced Diets": HITCH HIKERS that foul
our tanks and generate odors normally found only in a pre-teen aged
boy's closet> Will daphnia harm the turtles? I tend to think
not, or I probably WOULD have found something on the web or your site.
<They just make things messy and smelly. In high ENOUGH
concentrations where it upsets any semblance of hygiene then they
would, in a way, open a door to fungus and bacterial infections. I
suggest a complete break down of the turtle home and a good
disinfecting with bleach and several rinses.> <So ... lesson
learned here, Kimberly? Either Koi pellets or a commercially recognized
prepared food such as Repto-Min. Either one is a perfectly balanced
diet that will see them from hatchlings all the way to breeding adults.
For a "natural" treat every so often, a single night crawler
(an earthworm) available from your local pet shop will do the trick.
(Put the other 10 or 11 worms into your garden or plant pots!)> I
appreciate and anticipate your reply! <That's my reply ... was
it worth the wait?> Thanks! k <Darrel> <OH .... one other
thing ... been thinking about this for a long time> <GENERAL
NOTICE ABOUT THAT JAWS-TYPE MUSIC> <Swimmers and scuba divers,
listen up! When you're in the water .... and you hear that music
??????? GET OUT OF THE WATER!!!!!!!!!!>
Re: Red Ear Slider Turtle Question, fdg.
12/9/07 Hi Neale, My Red Ear Sliders are doing well and getting
very big, although they are fussy eaters! They only want to eat corn,
is that a good meal for them. They wont touch green beans or lettuce
and they will eat peas if they are in there for a while. Do you have
any tips on getting them to eat? I want them to get the nutrition they
need! Thanks, Ryan <Hello Ryan. Most animals can become fussy eaters
over time. If you've ever owned an elderly cat, you'll be VERY
familiar with this! The solutions are two-fold: variety and appetite.
In terms of variety, experiment with any greens you have in the house.
Some green foods aren't good as staples, such as cabbage, but in
small amounts will be fine. Blanching (or zapping in the microwave) can
make a big difference, by softening the vegetable item and making it
more pleasant to eat. Just as we find many (most?) vegetables more
pleasant when cooked, so do animals. Tinned peas are, oddly enough,
more readily accepted by animals compared with frozen or fresh peas.
Tomatoes are another food that, in small amounts, terrapins enjoy.
Ditto most soft fruits. Keep the portions small, because these sugary,
acidic foods can overwhelm their little stomachs if given in excess.
But a small portion once a week will be a good vitamin boost. Cooked
corn is fine, so if they like that, giving that as often as two or
three times a week will do no harm at all. I wouldn't use it too
much because it isn't perfectly balanced. The other great source of
greens are pond plants such as Elodea (Canadian pondweed). Terrapins
enjoy this stuff a lot, and it couldn't be easier to use: stick in
aquarium, let terrapins eat as much as they want! Now, in terms of
appetite, one trick zookeepers routinely employ is to
"starve" their animals one day a week. It does them no harm
at all. After this day, the animals will be more ready to take foods
they aren't wild about at other times. It also helps to clear out
their digestive tracts. Cold-blooded animals, unlike warm-blooded
animals, do not need regular meals and certainly don't need daily
meals. Famously, big predatory reptiles like boas will be getting by on
one or two square meals per month! Even your Red-ears will become
semi-dormant in wintertime in the wild, and during those months will
hardly eat at all. So you can use this knowledge to encourage your
charges to feed the foods they should be eating. Don't feed them
for a week, but leave pondweed in the tank instead. If they're
really hungry and need energy, they'll eat the pondweed. Hope this
helps! Neale.>
A TwoFer! Turtle sys/UV light and RES fdg.
10/04/07 <What we have here is a TWO-FER! One question comes in
and even before we can answer, another follows the first one> Hey
guys, <Hiya John - Darrel here> I was just wondering, in the wild
how do turtles and other reptiles get UVB and uv rays on a cloudy day.
Does UVB and uv rays still pass through the clouds. If so, is it okay
to leave my red eared slider outside on a cloudy day. Thanks for all
your help. <There is some UV on cloudy days, but the simple answer
is that some days they don't get some. It's no big deal. We
stress the importance of UV for two reasons 1) They need it for LONG
TERM health and 2) We encourage all pet keepers to be habitual about
things -- in other words we want you to put your lights on timers and
UB bulbs above your tanks, etc. rather than relying on you to remember
(or forget) to take the turtle out for some sun. With that said ... if
your UV bulb burns out and it will take a week to get another one,
don't break into a cold sweat about it -- as long as they've
had some recently and will have it back in a week, or so .. they'll
be just fine without it for a while.> * <Part Two!> Hey guys,
<Hiya again!> I was just wondering, do baby red eared slider,
under about 2 inch, need a varied diet or can I just feed them
commercial stix, just until they get bigger though. <I feed mine Koi
pellets from birth to breeding age. If the Sticks you mention are
Repto-min brand, they're the same thing - just in stick form and a
lot more expensive. They're a fine basic diet for their whole
lives, John (see below)> Thanks for all your help I really
appreciate it. By the way, your website is great, I learned a lot about
my pets and how to take care of them. You guys are doing a great job!
<That's always nice to hear! We all try really hard. Well .. all
except ONE of us (he knows who he is!)> <http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm>
Semi-question... RES shell
hardness, fdg. 10/3/07 <Two different emails & not a
question to be found> Hey, <Hiya, Chris> Sorry to bother you.
I was just wondering is it normal for an Red Eared Slider' back
shell near the tail) however the rest of the shell is hard. He has an
appetite and seems to be very active. Thanks for your help.
<Answering the question is never a bother, Chris ... FINDING the
question sometimes is .... in this case, I think you missed part of a
sentence> * <If you're asking about the shell being SOFT ...
then .. no. The shell is usually uniformly firm. Perhaps a tiny, TINY
bit weaker in that area, but if it's so much weaker that you can
really feel it, up the UV lighting and check the diet> * <Email
#2> I wanted to know if it was also okay to feed koi pellets to a
baby red eared slider all the time until they are a juvenile
<It's not only OKAY ... it's great! It's a perfectly
balanced, heavily vegetarian diet for their entire lives. You just may
have to buy smaller pellets for the babies, although I usually
don't -- they seem to go at the big pellets and take them in
chunks.> <regards, Darrel> http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm
Re: sick betta fish (follow-up),
now fdg. RES 9/23/07 Since you were so helpful with my late betta
fish... do you know anything about the feeding of red-eared slider
turtles? We have two small ones who have been happily eating dried
shrimp (brine shrimp?) labeled Repto-treats... which reminds me of the
betta fish situation. They also eat arugula leaves that I float in the
tank, but they completely refuse to eat the Repto-min pellets. Do I
need to cut out the shrimp until they've started eating the
pellets? Thanks, Lauren <Lauren, red-ear sliders need a mixed diet
that, as they get older, becomes more plant than animal based. Current
thinking is adults need about 70% plant material in their diet.
Suitable foods include dandelion leaves, duckweed, Sushi Nori, green
curly lettuce (not iceberg!) and so on. The main job of meaty foods is
as a source of calcium. Typically, people dip worms or whatever into
calcium supplement powder. Anyway, there are plenty of facts about this
aspect of RES care here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/resfdgfaqs.htm . Cheers,
Red Ear Slider 9/12/07 Hello! I
am writing about my red ear sliders again. I have 2- they are about 6
months old and I have a typical set-up with a filter, basking rock and
lamp, and a water heater and some fake plants. I have had one of the
turtles since about May and he has been healthy and active for the most
part- but he has stopped eating. I noticed about 3 weeks ago it seemed
like he was having problems breathing and his body would jolt out of
its shell every few seconds. I started cleaning the tank more often and
it seemed to help him because it went away in a few days. Then a week
later he stopped eating and is always basking (which I believe is
because he is trying to fight whatever sickness he has) and is not very
active. It has seriously been about 3 weeks since he has eaten- how can
he survive that long? <Chelonians -- turtles, terrapins, and
tortoises -- take a long time to die. They take a long time to do most
things! But seriously, let's review. What sort of basking lamp do
you have? Is it the UVB type? That's essential for vitamin
synthesis, and without it, they gradually weaken. Secondly, are you
adding vitamins to their food? Again, this is a long term issue, but an
essential one. It's also very easy to feed the wrong things
(pellets, meat) to these fish instead of the right things (plants) and
end up with constipated, sickly, vitamin-deficient pets.> I did have
live plants in the aquarium for a while and he really liked those but I
took them out because it was really messy. Could he have gotten use to
feeding off the plants? <Perhaps, but the main thing is these
turtles are plant eaters, and need to eat plants. This is
non-negotiable. Whether you add live plants like Elodea or chopped
greens of the right sort (dandelions, curly leaf lettuce, Sushi Nori,
small bits of soft fruit, etc.) doesn't matter. But they must have
some access to plant matter every day. As they get older, this becomes
EVEN more important, because the adults are basically herbivorous.>
I had a another companion for him when I first got him that was born
with many deformities and unfortunately did not make it longer than 2
months, and this turtle (Crazy Feet) is acting the same as the other
did before it passed away, except he only lasted about 1 week without
eating. <Ah, a pattern. Please go back and check you're doing
all the right things. Missing just one key step can be fatal in the
long run. There are plenty of articles bout these animals at WWM; read,
review, and ask questions.> The pet shop suggested that I get a
water heater because it's getting colder here (I'm in Southern
California) which I did about a week ago and I am keeping the water
temp at 85. <A bit too warm for them. Aim for 25 C (77 F).
They're subtropical animals really. On the other hand, they are
sensitive to cold conditions too, so don't let it get below 18 C
(64 F).> They also suggested guppies but local pet shops have been
out of them. <OK, stop listening to this pet store. Red-ear
terrapins do not need to eat fish, and it isn't good for them
either. Live fish are a potential source of parasites and bacterial
infections as well. So, stick with what they eat in the wild: green
foods, invertebrates, green foods, green foods, and green foods. Use
prepared pellets once or twice a week, but no more often than that
because they are too dry and cause constipation. And before you say,
"but they're sold as reptile food" well hamburgers and
French fries are sold as human food but no-one defends the idea that
they're good for us (except maybe the marketing departments of fast
food chains).> I feed them Reptomin and dried shrimp. <Stop doing
this except as a treat. It's green foods they need. GREEN
FOODS!> I am very concerned he is going to go soon, please help with
any suggestions! Thank you, Samantha <Good luck,
Re: Red Ear Slider Turtle Question 08/26/07 Hi Neale,
<Hello Ryan,> I will get a picture tomorrow night of their
shell and, hopefully, the Growth Rings. <Cool.> I have
noticed one new thing with my Babies. They seem to be eating a
lot! they never ate this much before. one would wait for you to
leave the room before it ate. Now it comes out and eats like
there is no tomorrow. <Normal. These are greedy animals. But
the problem is likely a lack of fibre in the diet. If
"filled" with green foods containing lots of fibre,
they feel satiated more quickly. Just like humans really: we
might crave fatty and sugary foods but neither "fills us
up". Besides, green foods are where some of the essential
vitamins are, like vitamins B and C, so take advantage of their
seemingly endless hunger to give them some greens.> Is it
possible to feed them too much? <Not really, but water quality
obviously suffers.> All I have been feeding them lately is
their baby floating pellets but if You put 20 or 30 in the tank
between the 2 of them they are gone in a matter of minutes! Is
this too much? <If they eat them, then its fine. But I'd
only use pellets only once or twice a week; go raid the kitchen
for green and invertebrate foods for the rest of their diet.
Blanched lettuce, tinned or frozen peas, courgette, soft fruit
like melon (with the rinds) and so on. Really, just try anything
not obviously risky (chili peppers and onions would perhaps be
unwise!). Once these reptiles become adults, their diet needs to
be nearly 100% vegetarian if you want them to have good health.
In terms of meaty foods, once or twice a week offer frozen
prawns, mussels, and other bits of seafood. Don't use meat
from warm blooded animals: the fats congeal in cold blooded
animals, causing problems.> I heard it is possible for them to
grow too fast for their shell. <Garbage. When these terrapins
show things like shell deformities, they are either genetic or
down to poor care, specifically a lack of UV light and not enough
of the right vitamins and minerals (especially calcium).>
Thanks Again!, Ryan <Cheers, Neale> Re: Red Ear Slider
Turtle Question 8/28/07 Hi Neale, I got those pictures of the
turtles shells, Notice the brown in between the plates that was
never like that it was either black or green. Any feedback on
this is appreciated. I'm going to pick them up some Peas and
lettuce tomorrow, are blood worms good for them? I have been
throwing them in there too. Thanks again for all your helpful
information! Thanks Again, Ryan <Hello Ryan. I'm afraid
those photos are too small/blurry to really pick out anything
useful. If you can try again, zooming in on the brown stuff that
would help. At first glance, the image with the terrapin over the
red/black gravel looks as if it has been painted! The brown stuff
seems to be metallic, like gold paint. This isn't a silly
idea on my part: it used to be quite common to see terrapins and
tortoises sold with simple paintings and patterns on their
shells. Anyway, since you said this brown stuff has recently
appeared, it can't be paint. So what I'm interested in is
whether the stuff is smooth or textured. Fungal infections can
happen on terrapin shells, and is revealed by a furry or fluffy
texture. Since the shell grows from the insides outwards, the
each "plate" on the shell is a stack of modified
keratin scales, with the oldest ones at the top. If your turtle
is suffering from [a] malnutrition or [b] lack of UVB light then
the scales lower down the stack will be deformed. So it would be
interesting to see if the brown stuff is actually a sign of
deformed scales. It is extremely common for these terrapins to be
kept without sufficient UVB light, or with the light but no space
for them to bask underneath it. So remind me again what lighting
system you are using. It's also worth mentioning that as the
terrapins grow they lose their green colour and turn a muddy
greeny brown. The bright green plates at the top of each stack
eventually fall off, and you're left with a terrapin much
less brightly coloured than it was on purchase. Cheers, Neale>
Re: Red Ear Slider Turtle Question; feeding
young 9/1/07 Hi Neale, My babies seem like they can eat more
than i give them. Would it be ok to feed them twice a day? I have
been feeding them lettuce and broccoli and there calcium pellets
along with the occasional blood worms. Ss there anything else
they should be eating? Also should I boil there lettuce and such
before feed it to them? Their colors seem sharper now that the
UVB is in there tank and they seem to be much happier also! I
appreciate very how much how knowledgeable you are and willing to
share your information! Thanks Again, Ryan <Hello Ryan. When
feeding green foods you can basically feed as much as you want.
Plant material contains very small quantities of protein, and so
there's little that comes out of the fish or turtle that
pollutes the water. Yes, there's solid waste, but it's
mostly fibre and has zero effect on water quality (even though it
*looks* unpleasant and makes the water cloudy). In fact,
herbivorous reptiles (and fishes for that matter) tend to be
adapted to feed more or less constantly in the wild, so feel free
to offer two or three meals a day if you want. You should
probably leave some food in the vivarium 24/7, removing uneaten
food and replacing it with fresh once or twice a day. Boiling the
lettuce is probably not helpful, but blanching it (dipping it for
10 seconds in a cup of boiling water) does seem to make lots of
animals happier. It breaks down the cellulose cell walls a bit,
making the lettuce easier to digest. To bear in mind that iceberg
lettuce in particular contains practically no nutrition at all,
and is a total waste of time. Instead, go for old fashioned
lettuces with nice dark green leaves. Even so, these aren't
terribly nutritious. Better green foods include cress, parsley,
and dandelion leaves. Some turtles also go for tomatoes and soft
fruits like plums, so you might try those, too. Try a little at
first, to see if they like them. Otherwise, just try out
different things. Reading around the web and in books should give
you some idea of the kinds of things these turtles enjoy.
They're omnivores, so the main thing to keep in mind is
variety, rather than looking for the one "perfect"
food. Anyway, I'm glad you're seeing the difference the
UVB makes! I'm sure your turtles are much happier now! Good
luck, Neale>
Red Eared Slider isn't
competing for food 7/25/07 Dear Crew, <Hiya, Andrea -- Darrel
here> I have two red eared slider turtles and one has grown and the
other hasn't. I read on your website that the bigger one may be
dominating the tank. However, when the smaller turtle attempts to eat
it seem to be able to open his mouth wide enough to consume a pellet.
The turtle opens his mouth only slightly and I don't think he's
eating but appears to be trying. Do you know what is happening and what
I can do? <They little one must be quite small if he can't chomp
on a pellet. Here's what I'd do: At feeding time, place the
larger one in a separate container and feed him there. Wait for about a
half an hour after you remove him before feeding the little one who is
still in their regular home. Use a razor blade or sharp knife to cut a
few pellets into smaller chunks and feed them to the little guy. This
way he gets to eat smaller pieces and he gets to enjoy them in peace.
Then just watch him to see how he's eating. If that doesn't
worm, try some night crawlers (earthworms) or even a ball of Tubifex
worms from a fish store. Once he starts eating again, continue to feed
them separately for a few months -- usually this problem settles
My red ear sliders, eating goldfish
6/6/07 Hey guys. <Hello again, David> My turtles are doing
great. <That's always good to hear> My Friend and I got some
little baby gold fishes. It's funny how my turtles chases it and
try to eat them. They have successfully caught two. I was wondering if
it is healthy for them to eat the little fishes. <It's O.K.
David, but not great. Goldfish can carry diseases and not only that but
when the turtles DO catch them, they eat "most" of the fish
and the remaining small parts just help to dirty your water. If you
want to feed them goldfish occasionally, that's fine but I suggest
that you use Koi Pellets or Tetra-Min reptile sticks as your basic food
and then get some Night Crawlers (a kind of earthworm) for treats every
so often.>
Simple Slider Food
5/18/07 I bought my Red Eared Slider about a month ago. The
person that I got them from said that they were about 3 months. So how
long or how old should i wait till i feed them live bait? <Thank you
for writing, David. There really isn't a size requirement for
feeding a Red Eared Slider and in fact, I'd suggest that you
don't feed him any live bait. In the wild turtles will occasionally
pursue live bait but with the exception of worms and snails they're
rarely fast enough to catch anything. For a basic diet, I'd suggest
that you find a good quality Koi Pellet at your local fish store. They
come is different sized pellets so you can buy your guy the small size
for now and it has all the nutrition he needs to grow and thrive.
Don't over feed him, make sure is water is clean and that he can
bask under a heat source that's between 80 & 90 degrees and no
higher. Good luck & keep us posted. Darrel> Regarding some
turtle question, RES fdg., comp. 5/13/07 Dear crew, I have
several questions and I hope you can help me. Recently I tried feeding
my red ear slider with new food, dried Red Shrimps, or at least
that's what the bottle said. Anyway, after I fed the turtle with it
, it appears that it refuse to eat the usual turtle pellets. My turtle
will only eat those pellets if I haven't fed them for some period.
If I throw in some shrimps , they ignore the pellets, is it normal ?
< Your turtles are actually quite fond of the shrimp. It is in their
best interest to feed them the pellets first. As they start to slow
down you can add a couple of shrimp. An all shrimp diet is not good for
your turtles overall health.> Could I introduce a new turtle or
different species to my turtle? Is there anyway I could do it safely ,
assuming their size varies greatly? Thanks for ur time and reply < I
would recommend one turtle per container. RES's are very aggressive
turtles and see other turtles as competition. Smaller weaker turtles
would be hiding from the established turtle and not be getting enough
Comments & Questions,
Turtle/RES comp. 5/15/07 Good Morning Gentlemen & Ladies And
... as always ... many thanks. <As many welcomes> First a comment
about Red Eared Sliders. I've been raising them and breeding them
for almost all my adult life and I can tell you that all types of
sliders, cooters that you're liable to run into in the local pet
store will live together famously if they have enough sun, enough food
and enough clean water. Although I wouldn't normally put hatchlings
in with adults, eggs that I missed collecting have hatched out and the
babies spent as long as a month with the adults with no ill effects as
long as the adults are happily fed. Heat 'em, Feed 'em &
Clean em. As far as food goes -- forget the packaged turtle foods in
the cans and remember two words: "Koi Pellets." From
hatchlings that have to take several runs at even a small one to adults
that can eat a dozen in one gulp ... they'll live, thrive, grow and
reproduce on that one staple. Softshells & Mud/Musk turtles, too.
Once in a while when I'm at a pet store I'll buy a container of
night crawlers (worms) and toss some around and they seem to like the
treat and it rarely affects their basic appetite. Once in a while they
get finicky, but after a week or three they'll give in and eat
again. Box turtles are another story -- I've seen them
'fixate' on something like strawberries and go as long as a
YEAR refusing any food at all if they can't have their favorite.
<Thank you for this input... Please do consider joining us if you
have time, interest... if for nothing else to help with such captive
Chelonian questions> Darrel <Thank you for writing, sharing. Bob
RES Won't Eat 5/12/07 I
hope you are still in the business of helping with turtle problems. I
found your link on a website and we could use some expertise! I had a
RES and a Cooter both with respiratory infections; the cooter
didn't make it, even with antibiotic injections from the vet. My
RES seems to have finally recovered and looks to be feeling better, but
still will not eat. I suspect he may be eating some of the lettuce, but
I can't be sure as I also have a map turtle (who did not get sick)
in the same tank (although she seems to be more interested in the
pellets & the feeder guppies than the lettuce, I really can't
be sure who's eating the lettuce). I have tried offering fresh
strawberries & kiwi with calcium powder on them, and Reptomin fruit
gel, but so far he doesn't seem to be eating any of it, and
won't go after any pellets, no matter what brand (or turtle yummies
either). He doesn't seem to be having pain upon movement, so I
don't think there's any significant calcium deficiency or shell
trouble yet, but I'm worried that if it does start, the painful
movement will further restrict any attempts to eat, or even to get to
the lettuce. He spends most of his time in the basking area, although
lately he is getting in the water more, sometimes riding around
(surfing?) on the lettuce. Water is currently at about 86* < Way too
warm. Upper 60's to lower 70's would be better.> although I
have to cover the cage with a towel at night time when the A/C kicks on
to keep it that temp, otherwise it drops several degrees. < At night
it is suppose to drop several degrees. This is normal.> I was
instructed to keep it this temperature in order to get him to eat, but
it doesn't seem to be helping. His last round of shots was about a
week ago, and he's not completely lethargic like he was when
severely sick, but I'm still worried that if he doesn't start
eating he will develop shell problems. Is there calcium in dark
lettuces? < Not much of anything in lettuce. Try spinach or kale
instead.> We do have UVB spiral bulbs (3) in the hood, and UVA in
the basking lamp, so if he can just get the Ca+, there's plenty of
D3 available. < If the light bulbs are over 1 yr old they need to be
changed.> I read something someone else said about humidity in the
tank keeping them sick, so maybe I should dispense with the towel and
add another basking lamp to keep the temp up? <I would recommend
checking the temp of the basking site. It should be at least 85 F. I
would lower the water temp and not cover up the tank at night.>
Although we do have very dry air in AZ, perhaps its getting too humid
inside the tank with the towel covering it. < That's one way to
get your turtles sick.> My infirmary for him while he was sick was a
large Tupperware rectangle with just a little water and a huge basking
rock, with a towel draped over the whole thing to keep out drafts, and
that seems to have worked pretty well. He's been back in the tank
for about a week now, getting stronger every day, but still not sure
he's eating, which is why I'm worried, and writing. Hope this
isn't too long...I'm looking for help since the vet doesn't
seem to know what to do at this point (and he's a reptile
specialist recommended by ARAV!) and we're just very personally
vested in our turtles! We've made arrangements to adopt a new
Cooter from Las Vegas (day trip!) but want to make sure our little guy
is healthy again before bringing a new one home. If there is a fee for
your question & answer service, I am happy to pay it, I had
stumbled upon some questions & answers on an online message board
that had your name & email. Thanks for your time, ~Alissa <Check
the temp of the basking site (85F+), lower the water temp and don't
cover the tank at night(70F). The dry air is actually good to remove
the fluid from the turtle's lungs. Try feeding washed earthworms,
mealworms, crickets, waxworms, ZooMed Adult Aquatic Turtle Food,
aquatic snails, spinach and kale. One of these will get him eating if
he is healthy. The heat of the basking site is the most important
factor. WWM advice is free. Our main goal is to help save pets
Feeding Turtles Bait Shop Worms
5/11/07 Hi, is it safe to use nightcrawlers from a Bait shop to
feed my turtles. I have both Sliders and Painted. Thanks! Brian <
Those would be fine as a treat as long as they are washed
Little Turtle Will Not Eat -
05/02/07 My little RES is not eating. He sits in the basking light
all day and rarely goes in the water. He has been like this for two
weeks now and we were getting worried about him so I found this food
called Repta-Aid. We have been force feeding him for about 4 or 5 days
now and he won't open his mouth for the food. Also when he basks
his head will bob and his eyes will close. We have another baby RES
turtle in the tank with him and the other turtle is doing fine. We have
a filter for the aquarium too but it's not doing much. If you can
please help us we don't want him to die! Thank you! Bree <Your
turtle is sick and is trying to warm himself up under the light. The
basking site needs to be at least 85 F. Get a bigger light or move it
closer to warm him up. Do not force feed him. If he is not warm enough
the food will sit in his stomach and rot. This will cause more harm
than good. Hard to say what exactly is wrong with him. may have eaten
too much or got cold and now has a respiratory
Feeding Turtles 5/2/07 I have a
question regarding my son's new RES turtle. We did lots of research
before purchasing "King Tut" and have all of the equipment I
think we need for him. My question is regarding his food intake. We
have Zoo Med turtle food and treats, live fish in the tank as well as
fresh veggies for him. I am concerned because he is only eating the
feeder fish. He has eaten 6 in the last 36 hours. All of the reading I
have done says he needs the other two components in his diet as well.
Does he need the dry food and veggies to be healthy? Should we try
crickets and meal worms instead? Your help is greatly appreciated!
Deidre < If the turtle is a hatchling (approx 1 "), then their
diet should be 80% ZooMed Hatchling Aquatic Turtle Food and 20% other
foods. As a young turtle they need lots of protein for growth. Older
turtles (4"+) need the adult turtle food as well as some vegetable
matter. Feeder fish are actually poor food sources for turtles. They
are often poorly treated and are barely alive. They are a source of
protein and calcium but not much else. The pellets are designed to be
complete but I still would add other things to make a varied diet.
Crickets, mealworms and washed earthworms are always accepted.
Don't let the turtle train you into giving him treats all the
Baby Turtle Being Overfed
4/2/07 My hatchling RES, about an inch long, must have possibly
eaten a whole pellet (about a centimeter and a half long) usually I
break them up into smaller more manageable pieces, but I came home
yesterday to find a huge poop in the tank, usually they are about 2-3
millimeters long and small, this one was larger than the pellets, in
both length (about 2 cm) and diameter. I noticed Fred's cloaca (I
think that's the right term) was huge and looked stretched out.
Should I be worried? (I know gross question, but I'm really worried
it was like an organ or something) < A prolapsed colon is caused
from an extreme bowl movement that has traumatized the area.> They
have everything they need and are happy and healthy otherwise. 20
gallon tank (for now, while they are babies, I will upgrade as they
grow), ZooMed turtle dock, basking light w/ UVA/UVB at 90 degrees,
water temp at 75, filter, etc. I feed them guppies (which they are not
very good at catching. any suggestions on slower feeder fish?), <
Feeder fish are not great food for little turtles.> tiny Ramshorn
snails, < They may have a problem passing the shells and
contributing to the condition you are so concerned about.>
occasional red meat, Gammarus pellets, and offer leafy greens although
they don't even recognize them as food. They've got fake plants
to hide in and a cuttlebone for calcium. Am I missing anything?? Thanks
in advance, your site has helped with so much already. < I would
recommend ZooMed Hatchling Aquatic Turtle Food as a base diet and add
the other things as treats. The vegetables will be more important in
their diet when they get older. The key to feeding turtles is to watch
them while you are feeding them. At first they act like they have never
eaten before. Soon they slow down as their belly begins to fill up. You
should stop feeding them when they start to slow down. Never leave food
in the tank for them to eat later. When they start to move around and
hunt for food then they should be fed again.-Chuck>
Older Turtle With Shell/Feeding
Issues 3/30/07 Hello -I have a 9-year old red-eared slider that
I've had since she was hatched. She is constantly shedding her
scutes and recently I've noticed small white spots on the top of
her shell. At first I would take her out and clean off her shell and
use some shell-conditioner (moisturizer?). But the spots keep coming
back. I can flick off these spots - there is a barely-noticeable dent
left behind when I do so - and it doesn't seem to be soft. The
spots do not seem to return in the same place, rather another point on
her shell. She seems to be fine otherwise - she basks regularly and
eats turtle pellets. Her eyes are clear and don't seem to have any
problems. I have tried adding other items to her diet (mealy worms,
crickets, veggies, etc.) but she doesn't seem interested. She used
to eat feeder fish regularly, but I haven't put any in the tank
since she was moved into a 125 gallon tank. There are currently 4 small
fish in the tank with her - originally there were 6 fish but she only
ate 2 over the course of about 2 years, so I haven't tried them
again. Previously when there were fish in her tank she would eat them
almost immediately. Should I try them again? < No, not needed.>
She has two big rocks on which she can bask - both have lights over
them. I have the water temperature around 80 degrees. <Too warm.
Drop it down to the lower 70's to the upper 60's.> I would
take her to a vet but I'm having a hard time finding one in my area
that deals regularly with turtles. There seems to be a lot of algae
that grows on the rocks - could this be an indication of a water issue?
< Water is high in nitrates.> Can I put algaecide in the tank (I
have some that I use for my fish tank)? <Better to change more water
and clean the filters more frequently.> I have 2 filters for the
tank - I know each brand of filter is different, but is there a general
rule of thumb for how often the filters should be cleaned? <I would
get in the habit of clean each filter every two weeks. But don't
change them both at the same time. Clean one on even weeks and then
change the other one on odd weeks.> Does she need vitamins? If so,
how do I get her to eat them? < At this age your turtle should be
eating more vegetable matter. Try not feeding your turtle for a week,
then add some spinach and kale to the diet. The pellets should be for
adult turtles and not for hatchlings.> She's not handled very
much and seems to be pretty shy when I get close to her/handle her, so
hand-feeding is probably going to be an issue. Thanks so much for your
help! Kasie < If you have not done so in awhile, I would recommend
that you change the light bulbs. Even though they are still lighting
and heating the tank, the wavelengths get weak over a couple of years
and need to be replaced to make sure that your turtle gets the proper
Older Turtle Questions II
3/30/07 I wanted to mention that if it's a lighting issues, I
live in the Northeast so taking the turtle outside right now isn't
an option b/c it's too cold. <Once again check the date on the
lighting. new lighting may be needed.> On that note, how warm should
it be if I do want to take the turtle outside for some sunlight? Also,
I can send a picture of my turtle's shell if that would be helpful.
Thanks again, Kasie < The outside highs should be at least 65 F.
Less than that and turtles usually just go dormant. Check on the items
I have discussed and see if things get better.-Chuck>
Turtles always acting
hungry/begging 3/29/07 Hi there! Thanks so much for your
incredibly informative website! It has really helped me learn how to
properly care for my two Red Ear Slider turtles. I've had them
about a year and a half and they are 3.5 inches long and 3 inches wide
(they were silver dollar size when I got them) they are now growing
fast and shedding skin. They are active swimmers and like to bask under
the heat and UVA/UVB lamps. <Sounds like you have a great set
up!> I have a couple of questions though... <Fire away.> My
turtles constantly want food! <Normal for most people and
animals.> They are always begging when I come by the tank, swimming
up to me and poking their heads out of the water. I currently feed them
once a day, a rounded teaspoonful (approx. 50-60 pieces) of Nutrafin
Max Turtle Gammarus medium pellets which I pre-hydrate before feeding
in a little water mixed with ReptoCal supplement and they eat them up
SO FAST! <Sounds good, but be sure and augment the pellets with
other foods, perhaps alternating each day to get variety. Pellets one
day, veggies the next, earthworms the third, and so on. Besides being
more fun for the turtles (or terrapins as we call them here in the UK)
variation prevents animals become either addicted to just one food or
else turned off by it all of a sudden.> If I give them more, they
eat more - no food ever goes uneaten. <Suggesting their appetites
are good, always a positive sign with reptiles.> They gobble up
earthworm and mealworm treats and try to swallow them whole as snakes
do. <That's how reptiles eat -- they can't chew.> I
usually cut up the worms because I'm afraid the turtles will choke.
<Most animals can't choke; humans choke largely because of where
the larynx is, an evolutionary adaptation that provides a benefit
(speech) at the cost of greater risk of choking. But I digress...>
I've read on your site that overfeeding is bad and can lead to the
turtles growing faster than their shells. <I'm not sure they
grow faster than their shells, but it is certainly possible for turtles
to get insufficient calcium in their diet (or insufficient UV light)
and therefore develop improperly formed shells as they grow. Provided
the diet is rich in calcium as well as the other nutrients, I
wouldn't worry too much.> I don't want to feed too much or
too little, so how much food and how often should I be feeding?
<Tricky question because it depends on the nutritional value of the
food being used. The pellets should state on the packaging what amount
to give per day. Vegetables can be really be give at liberty, because
they can't really overindulge in them, since most of the plant
material is water and indigestible cellulose. What matters in the
plants are vitamins and minerals. Meaty foods are more serious. But
I'd not give a turtle a bigger food item at one time than was the
size of its head. Not very scientific, but at least easy to estimate!
It is actually much easier to overfeed a turtle than underfeed it (just
as with fish, or for that matter humans).> Also, I've read that
older turtles need veggies such as spinach and kale in their diets -
but exactly how old is an "older turtle"? When should I
introduce the veggies? I would appreciate your advice. <Indeed
correct, as red-ears mature they become more herbivorous in the wild.
Presumably their size and bulk makes it less easy for them to catch
prey. Anyway, there's no harm in feeding some greens straightaway.
If nothing else, you'll be training your young turtles to accept a
variety of foods. Greens also provide essential vitamins as well as
roughage, which prevents constipation, a common problem with captive
turtles. Be sure and use a variety of plants. Dandelion leaves and
round (not iceberg) lettuce are particularly good. Obviously,
thoroughly clean anything used to avoid pesticide residues. As
mentioned earlier, these can (perhaps should) be available 24/7 so that
the turtles can graze when they're feeling peckish.> Thank you,
Gina <Cheers, Neale>
Cat Biscuits Not Good For Turtles
03/25/07 Hey crew! Firstly i just wanted to thank you all for the
really useful info you've given me, thanks to your advice I've
learned heaps about my red eared sliders and have learned ways to keep
them happier and healthier! I've been looking at cheap alternatives
to some of my turtles' food (as I'm sure you understand, turtle
food is at ridiculous prices now days!) and a friend of a friend told
me that she uses cat biscuits ( about half the size of a small
fingernail, not large ones) for her turtles. I've tried my turtles
on these and they happily eat them, but I'd like to know your
opinion on feeding my turtles these. Thanks again! Caitlin. <
Turtles will pretty much eat anything. Feeding these biscuits
occasionally is Ok but not for the long term. These biscuits are too
high in protein. A high protein diet causes the scutes on the shell to
grow abnormally quick and thick. This prevents the shell from expanding
as the turtle grows. Eventually the turtle is squeezed to death in its
own straight jacket shell. For the long run a commercially prepared
turtle diet is best.-Chuck.>
Little Turtle With Swollen Eyes
2/26/07 It is my hope that you can advise and/or provide some
support re Kayla my RES. I received Kayla (a hatchling) 5 months ago
and immediately she did not take to the commercial turtle food i.e.
floating sticks or mini pellets. < Switch foods to something your
turtle will eat.> To date, I have given her baby cabbage, red leaf
lettuce, mealworms, crickets dusted with vitamins, and shrimp. < The
vegetables are usually offered to older turtles. Younger turtles are
more meat eaters.> She will only eat the shrimp. < A shrimp only
diet is not good.> On two occasions I did not feed her for 2 days
and when I placed the commercial food back into the tank - she would
not eat. < Little turtles easily become imprinted on food items and
become difficult to change.> Last week, I noticed she was listless,
not swimming around a lot, eyes constantly closed, although she
continued to eat the shrimp - with closed eyes. I cleaned the tank (10
gallon), changed the water and the behavior remained. Yesterday I
noticed a softness of her shell right above her tail and a few hours
ago I noticed a small split between the same area. I brought drops for
her eyes which appeared swollen. I have been holding and examining
Kayla for the last few days looking for various signs/symptoms of
illness, distress- I know not what is normal from what is problematic.
I am extremely worried about Kayla and I do not want to lose her. Also,
what is the growth rate for RES? Kayla is about the size of a pinky
finger and does not appear to have grown since the time I got her. Any
help/advise you can extend is greatly appreciated. Danielle < The
swollen eyes are caused from a deficiency in vitamin A. Not all eye
drops are the same. Zoo Med eye drops have vitamin A while other brands
have antibiotics or chemicals to clean the eyes. Zoo Med makes an
aquatic hatchling turtle food that is specially designed for baby
turtles try this along with the meal worms, crickets and washed
earthworms. Check the temperature of the basking site. It should be at
least 85 F. Your lamp should be providing UVB and UVA rays for proper
vitamin D3 so they can absorb calcium and keep the shell nice and
Little Turtles Overfed 1/9/07 Hello Crew, My name
is Samantha and I am a complete turtle freak! I have raised box turtles
since I was a kid. I just bought two baby RES's about a week or so
ago and for the first couple days they seemed fine and dandy, Swimming
all around eating pellets, and kelp like crazy. As I have mentioned I
have had them for about a week now and am a little worried. I have a
dry basking area with a UVA Incandescent lamp for them to bask in at
about 90 degrees, two filters, a water heater set to about 75 degrees
and a thermometer for the water. The thermometer shows that it is
constantly around 75 degrees and it does not fluctuate much. The
turtles no longer eat any more and they are almost dead like. They
don't hardly move at all! I got them some bait fish and they ate 2
of them and there are still two left yet they just sit under the lamp
with their mouths closed sprawled out. They never want to get in the
water and when they do its only for about 2 minutes until they are back
under the lamp. One of the turtles doesn't open his eyes. If you
pick him up with his eyes closed he will open one and it takes about a
minute for the other one to open. About 2 days ago he couldn't open
any of them for about 5 minutes after you pick him up. They do not have
any lesions or shell deficiencies except their shells on their bellies
are soft. The top is hard but the bottom is a little flexible. I let
them outside in a bowl with damp cloth and they just lay around soaking
up rays. I keep their water clean and I just don't know what to do
anymore. I have researched and researched on the internet on different
problems. They just won't eat and they do not move. If there is any
advice you could give me that would be great! Thank you, Samantha <
The little guys have so much food in their stomach that they can't
move. These full stomachs are putting pressure on the rest of the
internal organs. They are trying to heat up enough to digest the huge
meal. Turtles die from being over fed. Hopefully it is not too late for
Re: Sick Baby Turtles (Red Ear Slider). Overfed
Turtles II 1/9/07 Thank you so much I had no idea that I was over
feeding them because I had never seen them eat! Thank you soo much for
your help. I hope that I have received this info in time so that they
won't die on me. Should I just feed them once a day maybe and
thanks again! Sincerely, Samantha < If they are eating, then they
are on the road to recovery and out of the danger zone. If they are not
eating and still lethargic I would leave them alone until they start to
show some movement. In your first question you indicated that they were
eating pellets and kelp like crazy, so I assumed that you had watched
them eat. Dumping food in the tank and taking off is not a good idea.
Do not feed them until they are actively seeking food. Then feed them 3
to 4 times a week. Watch them eat until they slow down, then stop. They
are full and do not need to be feed any more until the next
New Turtle Questions 12/31/06 Hello, I have a new
RES that I bought at PetSmart on the 23rd. She has yet to eat. Habitat
seems good. She is in a 20 gal tank with UVA/UVB light, basking lamp
and rock. I have tried feeder fish, earthworms, vitamin blocks and
turtle pellets. After going back to the pet store 3 times, I finally
have found out that I need a heater. The water is now at 78 -79
degrees. She still is preferring the basking rock. What temp should the
basking rock area be? Originally I was using a 100 watt bulb and it
would get up to 80 or 85. Have been informed (by brilliant pet store
people) that this is too much and have changed to a 60 watt bulb, and
now area shows to be around 75 degrees. Am very worried about my turtle
- please advise. Wendy < The basking site needs to get up to at
least 85 F for your turtle to properly digest its food. It may take
awhile for your turtle to warm up enough to eat.-Chuck>
Won't Eat 12/9/06 Hi! We have a 5 inch male RES who won't
eat lately and has been shedding his shell a lot-not skin. We change
the water in his 30 gallon tank weekly or every two weeks and he has a
basking light on all day. I've noticed white spots on his top shell
the past two days and he's becoming very inactive...Please help
Ariel! Thanks < Check the temperature of the basking spot with a
thermometer. It should be at least 85 F. Turtles need heat to digest
their food. If they are too cold then the food sits in their gut and
rots. The causes all kinds of problems. Now that the days are colder he
may require more heat. Either get a bigger lamp or move the existing
lamp closer if needed. As you turtle grows his diet changes. Smaller
turtle need lots of protein from insects and worms. Older turtles need
less protein and lots of vegetable matter like kale and
New Little Turtles Need Help 12/4/06 I bought two
red eared sliders from a vendor in Chinatown two days ago (I know, bad
idea.) < You said it. Not me.> I set up a comfortable home with
good heating and they seem content, save the fact that they do not eat.
(they are about an inch long, and I believe both males.) < Too young
to tell.> I read the faq's and I believe it is just the stress
of traveling, should I try different foods everyday and avoid handling
them until they start eating? or should I worry that they are
unhealthy. also, is crab/lettuce ok? < Very young turtles do not eat
for a while just after absorbing their egg sac. Make sure that the
basking site is around 85 F. Offer insects, pellets, and small earth
worms. As they get bigger they eat more vegetable matter. Save the crab
and other items until they start to eat on a regular basis. Do not
handle the turtles until they are well established.-Chuck>
Turtles Won't Eat 9/26/06 Dear Crew! I currently have two
red-eared sliders, one is 2.16 inches long (Sunday) and the other is
2.75 inches long (Monday). I have no idea what their sexes are, but
I'll just refer to both as males. I can't appreciate any
difference in their tails or claws!! I have had Sunday for a around 5
months now and he has been doing fine. I feed him once a day and his
meal consists of turtle pellets, peaches and carrots. He had developed
eye problems earlier but thanks to you guys, is doing fine now. He
lives in a 20 gallon tank with a full-spectrum lamp and an elevated
shelf of rock that he can stay completely dry on. I don't have a
filter in the tank but I change the water every week and I feed him
outside the tank in another bowl. He's very active and not at all
aggressive. Every morning I put him out in the sun, in a tub of water
with a huge rock he can easily climb onto. He gets around 6 hours of
sunlight, roughly. I also give him a dip in warm, saline water every
day for 5 minutes, just to be on the safe side. Now, around 10 days
ago, I got Monday as a gift. He's bigger and darker and also
meaner!! He tried to bite my finger when I held him. I, unknowingly put
him in the same tank and did not worry about the situation because they
were both getting along fine. I have only seen Monday snap at Sunday
once and that did not leave any lasting damage. I found out just now,
as I was reading through the FAQ's that red-eared sliders do not
get along very well. I have decided I'll separate the two, but they
get along really well. They bask on the same rock and sleep quite
peacefully together. I should not take any chances, right? < As they
get older they may see each other as competition and become more
aggressive.> Why I was reading through the FAQ's is because,
they have both stopped eating for the past three days! Sunday had a
really healthy appetite. Monday used to eat less but he was very active
so I did not worry. Now they have had not a single bite in the past
three days. They are both still active. Monday basks a lot and his
shell is peeling so initially I thought that maybe it's shell-rot
because I thought I saw white, stringy feces. But after reading the
links on your site, I am almost sure it's not that because his
shell in not soft and it's a very dark green. None of the other
FAQ's answer this query so I am bothering you with this long mail.
Oh and there's a lump on Monday's fore-head. I had not paid
much attention to it but a thread on your site caught my attention. Do
I incise it, in case it's a worm pocket? My biggest concern though
is that they are not eating. Not even the pellets that they were both
very fond of. I live in Pakistan and we do not have reptile vets here.
I am hoping this will be a problem I can treat at home. Please advise!
Waiting anxiously for your reply, I remain with kind regards. Sidra
< Your turtles need a basking spot that gets up to at least 85 F. If
they are not able to heat up then the food in their stomach rots and
they get sick. heat up the area and see if they get better. Heat also
helps fight off parasites.-Chuck> Turtles
Won't Eat II 9/27/06 Dear Chuck! Thanks for the prompt reply.
I'll start working on a new tank for Monday. About the eating
problem, I am sorry I forgot to mention in my earlier mail that they do
have a basking spot under a full spectrum lamp that gets pretty warm,
around 90F. They love basking there and they also love basking in the
sunlight. So in all, they get around 12 hours of heat!! Of course, in
both situations there is an available pool of water where they can cool
off. Should I leave the lamp on for longer after I bring them in out of
the sun? It said on a turtle care site that they need to bask for
around 6-8 hrs. Am I giving them too much heat? < Not as long as the
water is unheated or relatively cool, under 70 F.> And I have two
new questions! I found one of the turtles, the younger one, swimming on
his back today!! I freaked out and took him out but he seems in good
health! In fact he even ate a little today. I have searched your site
in hopes of reading that a turtle swimming upside down is normal but
no-one else seems to have reported one. Please advice!! < Not normal
but could happen. Watch him closely for a few days for signs of
stress.> And The older turtle has a lot of white spots on his body,
specially on the legs. They look like growth of tissues. Is it a
dietary deficiency? < Not really. Growths on the skin could be
bacteria or fungus. Keep the water clean and add a Dr. Turtle Sulpha
Block to inhibit bacteria.> And please also tell me if changing
their feeding time has an effect on their appetite? And for how long
does it last? Should I revert to the old time if they don't eat at
the new time? <Turtles should be fed in the morning so they have the
entire day to heat up and digest their food. Feeding them in the
evening causes the food to sit in their stomach until it can be
heated/digested the next day.> Once again, I remain with kind
regards. Sidra
Turtles Still Not Eating 10/8/06 Dear Crew,
Greeting and salutations to all of you. I am writing with my previous
mail as in-line text so that you guys get the complete picture. The
turtles are still not eating. It's been two weeks now since I
shifted their time to the morning. I make sure they get enough heat
during the day to digest their food and they even have an unheated body
of water near by to help them cool off. They get turtle pellets and cut
up vegetables and fruits (carrots, peaches and apples) once a day in
the morning. They both loved this menu previously. I should also
mention that the weather in our part of the world has dropped a few
degrees but even the coldest winter does not bring snow. It stays
between 20-25 degrees Celsius. Is the weather making them sluggish?
They do get enough heat, nonetheless. I would be very grateful for any
tips you guys can provide me with. Take care, all of you. Sidra < If
their environment is getting colder then their metabolism is slowing
down and they are not going to eat as much. They may get to the point
to where they will not eat at all. If it is not the cold then it may be
internal parasites. Take a fecal sample to a vet to be sure. I think
they are getting ready for winter.-Chuck>
Hatchling Turtles Still Won't
Eat 10/10/06 Dear Crew!! It's me again, with the two Red Eared
Slider Hatchlings who weren't eating but were otherwise fine. I
have increased there basking time to the result that one has started
eating and the other is no sicker. Though I am sure, the sick one has a
respiratory tract infection. He is sort of limp, not moving much and
gasps for breathe occasionally. I have taken him out of the tank and
put him in a dry box under a lamp light. There is dry area in his tank
but he keeps falling into the water and I am afraid that he will drown.
I state again that we do not have reptile vets in our country.
Sunday's suddenly gotten worse and I would really appreciate it if
you guys could tell me some home-remedy or other easily available items
I could use. I understand that this is a serious problem and you have
advised reptile vets to other people on your site but as that is not a
option, is there nothing else I can do? Please help! And thank you
Chuck for your help with my previous question. Take care all of you.
Sidra. < A vet would inject antibiotics to treat the infection. I
would place the sick turtle in his own aquarium. I would give him a
basking site on one half of the tank and a shallow area on the other.
This way he cannot fall in and drown. Check the basking area with a
thermometer. It should be at least 85 to 90 F. Place the sick turtle on
the basking area for one half hour. If he starts to show signs of
stress then place him back in the water for awhile. Then place him back
on the basking spot. You need to heat him up but not to the point that
he will be cooked. The temperature fluctuation is like you getting a
fever to fight an infection. Hopefully your turtle is still strong
enough to survive this therapy. Good luck.-Chuck>
Little Turtle Didn't Make It - 10/11/06 Thank
you for the effort, Chuck but it's too late. My turtle died. He was
already in a pretty limp state when I mailed you this morning. I am
hanging on to him in hopes in vain but I am pretty sure that he's
not alive. He's not reacting to ANY stimulus. The other one's
fine, though and has started eating. Thank you for all your help. I
just wish I had picked up on his gasping earlier. < Sorry to hear
that the one turtle didn't make it. Hopefully the other one will
grow up to be healthy and strong.-Chuck>
Found Turtle Likes Mealworms 9/6/06 Hi all! I have a 2
Ã'¼ RES that my teen found in the street
several weeks ago. At first it wouldnt eat anything, but when we tried
mealworms we found he really liked them. I know young RESs need a diet
with more protein then older turtles, but can a diet of JUST mealworms
be healthy? < No not really. Offer some insects , earthworms and
commercial aquatic turtle food.> He wont touch the Reptomin sticks,
canned crickets or turtle bites anymore (never ate more than a bite or
2 anyway) and doesnt appear to recognize veggies as food at all. Will a
100% mealworm diet harm him? < His taste will change when he gets
hungry enough. Only offer food a few times a week. After that he will
try anything.-Chuck> Right now hes eating about 5 med sized 1 worms
a day on avg (usually more, but he has 1 or 2 off days each week). Hes
in a 12 water container outdoors in FL with partial shade & plenty
of basking room so while I dont have a thermometer Id imagine the temp
is fine it feels lukewarm & gets about 5 hours of light daily.
Appreciate the advice! Tamara
Turtles Getting Older 7/28/06 Hello. I like
your site. <Thanks> A family I knew was a typical "turtles
are cute let's get turtles" family and they ended up giving
their pair of red-eared sliders to me. Well I wanted to be responsible
so I read up on care, bought a bigger tank (twice now), and have tried
to give them a reasonably good home. They seem happy, except for the
occasional bullying. They act like they are well acclimated to my home,
I've never noticed any health issues (spots, mucus, etc that would
be obvious concerns). They swim around a lot, they bask, they shed,
they are growing so much every time I have guests they say they are
huge. I think they are about 3 or 4 now. One is about 6 inches long and
the other is about 4. Both lower shells are flat and I see no
difference in tails or claws, so I figure they must be the same sex,
aside from the whole size thing. I had thought they were both female
until suddenly the big one had a wound on the neck so I separated them.
Since I only have one light and one filter, I put the other one back in
under supervision so he can not be too deprived and they both started
fluttering their front claws at each other (so now they are both
males?). Is there any chance that a female will do the dance as well or
because I saw both of them doing it at the same time, is that
proof-positive that they are both males? < This fluttering is
usually associated with males but I guess females could do this
too.> I don't want to see either of them get hurt or have a bad
home. I live alone so I enjoy having the company. They beg for food
when I come home from work, which is fun at first but they will do it
for hours (I put a blanket up in front of the tank if it bothers me).
They like to watch TV and they have distinct personalities. I've
seen the big one trying to bite the tank wall before (presumably trying
to attack his own reflection) but he gives up after a short time and it
seems no harm is done. It's amusing to say the least. He also
learned to eat from my hand and now won't leave my hands alone
whenever I have to put my hands into the tank to do maintenance on the
filter (also amusing - I know it's my fault for playing around with
teaching them to eat out of my hands, so I don't blame him for it).
Any way, I doubt I can keep up two separate tanks for the next 40
years, any tips on how someone who lives in a very rural area can find
a good home for a turtle? < Give to a pet shop, place an add in the
paper, county animal rescue or even a school.> I think the littler
one lost the battle for dominance and is now afflicted with a sort of
"short man's syndrome" and has become more aggressive.
The big one is bolder but gentle with humans and likes to explore but
the littler one will bite people, although not hard enough to hurt
anyone, I worry about children and won't let them touch him, much
to their disappointment (and no worries, I insist on thorough hand
washing if any kids do get near the turtles). Another question, is it
important to feed them a varied diet? It's not very easy to get
specialized pet food in my area because mostly we just have your
typical cats, dogs, birds, goldfish, and farm animals. They've had
a diet of Wardley reptile premium sticks since I got them. I tried
feeding them some kind of lettuce-like green early on after I got them,
but they acted like they couldn't tell that it was edible. This
year I fed them some cherries that I tore into little pieces and they
were noticeably more enthusiastic for them than they are for their
normal food, so I am thinking I'll do that again. I'm not sure
if I can do worms and bugs, though. If I don't vary their diet am I
going to have to find homes for both of them instead of just one? <
Try earthworms, insects , kale and spinach. They will try them and
eventually learn to eat them.-Chuck> Sorry for the length and thanks
for your enthusiasm for water-loving creatures. Heather Turtle Diet
- 04/19/06 I was just wondering if RES can eat flies( Common house
flies) Thanks . < Insects that fall into the water are definitely
part of a turtles diet.-Chuck>
Red Ear Slider/Green
Feces - 04/02/06 Hi, My one and a half year old red ear
slider turtle had green in his feces last night. It was a small tiny
green clump, looking almost like gum. I was wondering if this was a
reflection of what he is eating. Currently all we have fed him is
Wardley Reptile Premium sticks. They have a minimum of 40% crude
protein, min 6%crude fat, min 2%calcium, max 2.5% calcium, min
1%phosphorus, max 5% crude fiber, and 10% max moisture. Any help would
be appreciated. Thanks Stu Lyons Canada < Most fecal matter
represents the diet. Could be plants or some algae fiber accumulation.
Older turtles require more plant matter in their diet than younger
Turtle With Mouth Problems 3/27/06 I have a red-eared slider
that is about 1 year old. It was eating it's turtle dock and I
picked it up to see if anything was in it's mouth and I noticed
that it's mouth does not completely close. It closes in the middle
and has gaps on both sides. It only touches at the middle point. Is
this normal? I searched in my turtle book and did not find anything.
Thanks, Ami < In an effort to obtain minerals not found in its diet,
it has tried to eat some of the algae off the turtle dock and has
probably damaged its mouth. Change the diet to add more greens like
spinach and kale. Older turtles require more vegetable matter than
younger turtles. The damage may heal over time.-Chuck>
daughter has a RES which has a bump on the left side of the mouth, no
injuries 6 month old any suggestions? 3/27/06 < Sometimes while
eating young turtle accidentally bite into objects that damage their
mouth's and it may get swollen an infected. Sometimes turtles
caught from the wild contain parasites that show up as bumps on the
skin. If it does not get better in a week then start looking for a vet.
Reptile vets for some areas can be found at
Red Eared Slider Can't Eat 3/19/06 Hello. We have several
red sliders (about 5-10 years old, so fully grown). We have them in a
pond in our greenhouse in summer, and hibernated in the cellar during
winter. This year, after waking up from hibernation, one of them has
problems eating. It is clearly hungry, and snaps at the food on the
surface, but first of all it seems to miss the food (it snaps to the
left of it), and secondly it can't open its mouth more than about
1mm. We have tried to pry the mouth open and put food in, but the jaws
are very strong, and we are afraid to hurt it. Apart from not being
able to open its mouth it seems healthy and alert. Can sliders get a
dislocated jaw? < Sure, but it could be an infection too. Go to
Kingsnake.com and look around on the headers and you will find a vet
finding section. Hopefully you can find one in your area.-Chuck>
Red Eared Turtle Not Eating - 2/4/2006 Hello, I've read
through the many FAQs and my RES situation is slightly different. I
have a 8-9 year old RES. Its shell is a 3" in diam. and I am
unsure of the sex (though due to the length of its tail, 1-2 cm, and
claws I'd say it is a male). I've kept it in a 30 gallon tank
for the last 3 years with room temperature (70s) water, a reptile UV
light, and a tree sticking out of the water for it to bask on. I've
fed it strictly turtle sticks with the occasional treat (fish, cricket,
or worms) a couple times a year. Last week I did my water change which
I've done routinely ever few months (I do have strong filter on the
tank). After the water change I did notice there was more particles in
the water until it settled. After the water change I notice when I next
fed my RES that he struggled to eat the turtle sticks. He would bite at
them and get them in his mouth and then spit them out. After that
feeding he hasn't shown any interest in any food I give him. He
also nestles in the rocks on the bottom of the tank for most of the
day/night. When he does come up he swims around as usual, however shows
no interest in any of the turtle sticks. I have tried other food (some
veggies, and another brand of turtle sticks) and he still shows no
interest. I put in a heater to heat the water a little, changed the UV
light, thinking perhaps I put in colder than usual water which might
have affected him, but the temperature has stabilized to room
temperature (70s) and he still is not interested in food. He does not
bask any more, just dives deep to the bottom and lays there. Is there
anything else I should try? -Scott < Take him out of the water and
examine his mouth. The normal beaklike mouth may have been damaged
while trying to eat a food stick. Do a big water change and see if he
eats the invertebrates. Older turtles need more vegetable matter in
their diet. Try some Kale or spinach. If this fails to work you may
need to see a vet.-Chuck>
Turtle Won't Eat 12/24/05 Hi.
My name is Roy and I have a res in a 20 gallon tank , he is about 4 and
half inches long. My problem is that he wont eat the turtle sticks, all
he will eat is chicken and some lean meat, but I read that there diet
can't be just meat because its to fatty for his diet. I'm
worried that he might get sick. What should I do? < As turtles get
older they become less of a meat eater and more of a vegetable eater.
Try some washed earthworms, commercial adult turtle food, kale and
spinach leaves too.-Chuck>
Young Red Eared Sliders Hey Pufferpunk, <You've got
Gage tonight> I would like to ask, why doesn't my RES eat
anything. <My guess is they are cold.> I got a new heating pad as
well as a rock which they can go under and over; however, my only
problem is that they are not eating anything [five days and counting].
<What is the temperature in the tank? A heating pad may not be
enough, they are also hard to regulate. 78degrees would be good.> I
fed the turtles the turtle sticks, some lettuce, and ham [which is
diluted so that its not really salty]. How can I make them eat?
<I'd leave the ham out of the diet, depending upon their size,
try some night crawlers (cut up if needed), wax worms, small crickets,
and the turtle sticks.> They are just baby RES' so how often
should they eat? <Every couple days at least, they are young and
growing.> They seems to swim around some but when I just put food in
front of them, they don't eat it. <Make sure your water is warm
enough and try some worms, everyone loves worms. Best Regards, Gage>
Thanks, John
Feeding Young Red Eared Sliders O hey Gage, should I go out
in my backyard and try and find an earthworm, wash it off with plenty
of water [and soap?], and feed it to the turtles? <Worms from the
yard will work, rinse with water, no soap. You can also get them from
the bait shop, if the turtles are really small you can use blood worms
sold in the frozen fish food section, just thaw them out before
feeding.> Does the worm have to be dead when I feed it or do they
like it wiggling around in the water? <Wiggling.> My brother said
that one of the smaller turtles ate something but the other one
didn't. Since one is starting to nibble at things; shouldn't
the other do the same? I mean, I don't want one of them to eat and
the other one starving when I think that its just not ready yet. Also,
is it true that babies don't eat when they are born for awhile
until their egg sac goes away or something? If so, how long do you need
to wait until they do start eating? Thanks For Your Help John <Whoa,
I did not realize they were that young. I am not sure about the egg
sac, I imagine they would absorb it after hatching, but I do not know
the time period, and do not have any books handy here at work. I would
recommend purchasing or getting a book from a local library that goes
over breeding and rearing hatchling turtles if yours are that young.
Water Quality and temperature are going to be important in raising your
turtles up. You should also find a good reptile vet in your area and
have them checked out, especially if they do not start eating soon. If
they have recently been moved to a new tank it could take them a few
days to settle down and get adjusted. There is a good care sheet for
sliders located here http://www.anapsid.org/reslider.html
I may have already sent that, not sure. Best Regards -Gage>
Turtle not eating 11/06/03 <Hi, Pufferpunk here. I'm
not sure why this popped back into my inbox. I'm sending this back
to you, so please forgive me if you already got it. I added a few more
foods for your turtle.>> I would like to ask a few question about
my baby Red-Eared Slider Turtle (I'm not really sure if it really
is a RES, but it looks exactly the same; however, the red part is
yellow and the shell is green) They're only like 1 inch long and
for three days, they haven't been eating the turtle stick food
thingy. I'm scared that they would die. They are occasionally
active and like to dig around. I'm thinking of buying a heating pad
for the tank (which is 6"W x 3" D x 4"H) Do I need the
heating <How many turtles do you have? There are special tanks for
aquatic turtles w/half of the side glass cut out. That's where you
would hang a filter. You need about 2/3 water & 1/3 land, or at
least a floating island for your turtle to bask on. Then you can get a
clamp-on lamp at the hardware store for a heat source. Keep in mind
that your turtle will eventually grow as large as a dinner plate. You
have a long while though. Try feeding your turtle/s bloodworms,
frozen/freeze-dried krill & or plankton. They will also like
crickets, pieces of fish, scallops, squid, or anything I find for cheap
at the fish dept of my grocery store.> <Good luck w/your new
Red Eared Slider Feeding Hello: I have a 1 year old red eared
slider that's about 3 inches long. Currently I have him in a 20
Long Fish tank with the water level two-thirds full. I'm keeping
the water temperature at 78 degrees. Is this correct? I'm feeding
him moist cat food now (salmon flavor -- which he's crazy about --
more so than the ZooMed products) and his poop is a very dark green. Is
that what his poop should look like? Previously, he was eating ZooMed
Can-O-Worms, Mini Crickets, and Earth Worms and his poop was a lighter
color and it looked like mini sausage links. I changed the food for
variety purposes and cost (Can-O-Products costs $5-$8/can and the cat
food is .39 cents a can). The tank has a 18 inch 3% UV / UVB light
that's on from 7AM - 11PM. Also, the tank has a terrace with ramp
and a lower submerged level that I built. Brian <Hey Brian,
everything sounds good except for the cat food, if you are going to use
it, it should be a very small part of his diet. I would pick up some
floating turtle sticks to use as a staple, and feed worms and crickets
for variety. He will need a larger enclosure as he grows. Keep up the
good work, check here for more info, http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/redearsliders.htm
Best Regards, Gage>
My Red Eared Sliders Hi, I bought two RES for my son for
Christmas one of them is doing fine and seems to be growing normally.
The other my favorite is not growing he is still the same size as he
was when I got him and today I noticed that he seems to be off balance
he keeps flipping backwards and swimming in circles I have looked him
over for injuries and have found none, his eyes look fine the only
thing I have done different is I got them some krill said it was high
protein. If you could give some advice I would appreciate it. I know of
no reptile vets in my area. Thanks Sandra < You don't want to
give them a diet too high in protein or else they grow faster than
their shell. This leads to a distorted shell that never really looks
the same. I would isolate the smaller turtle into his own tank. Makes
sure. If he still has a good appetite then I would give him some live
food such as mealworms, earthworms and crickets. Make sure to give him
a warm dry area to bask. A heat lamp with a full spectrum bulb is
recommended. Usually high heat will take care of most of the parasites
that affect turtles. Make sure to keep up on the maintenance and keep
their tank clean.-Chuck>
Baby RES not eating 07.04.05 Thanks
for the advice! I did get a filter although I did not get a heater for
the water yet...but I have one other question. My baby R.E.S. won't
eat now! It has been 3 days and I haven't seen him eat a bite yet.
Is this normal? Get back A.S.A.P. THANKS <I missed the previous
email but cold water will definitely slow metabolism and discourage
your turtle from eating. What's your water temperature? What foods
are you offering?-Gage>
Turtle on a Fast 7/9/05 Baby RES not eating 07.04.05 Thanks
for the advice! I did get a filter although I did not get a heater for
the water yet...but I have one other question. My baby R.E.S. won't
eat now! It has been 3 days and I haven't seen him eat a bite yet.
Is this normal? Get back A.S.A.P. THANKS < Heat is the key to a
turtle's metabolism since they are cold blooded. The warmer they
are kept, the more energy they burn and the more food they require. If
the water is too cool or they don't have a hot spot to bask then
they simply won't eat. If it is too cool then the food would be
rotting in your turtles gut and that may kill him.-Chuck>
Eared Sliders Not Eating 7/19/05 I have two baby RES. One female
and one male. < You cannot tell the sex on baby red eared sliders
until they are around 4 inches in length. At this size I wouldn't
really call them babies.> The female seems to be more aggressive
then the male. But that's not the problem. The problem is that the
turtles have not yet eaten yet. I've had them for 3 days now and
they haven't eaten. I've tried baby floating pellets and bits
of raw ham. Is this normal for them? And the male seems to spend most
of his time under water. He goes up when he's under the light
though. Is that also normal? < If you are truly referring to baby
red eared sliders then the are pretty small at around one inch. Look at
the belly and see if they still have an egg spot on the bottom of the
shell. If they are really this small then they just got done absorbing
their egg sac and really shouldn't have been sold yet. We have
gotten letters from people impulse buying baby turtles at swap meets
and then trying to figure out how to take care of them after they get
them home. Keep the water clean and give them a basking spot out of the
water where they can heat up under a plant light or some natural direct
light. Try feeding them small washed earthworms. That will usually get
them going.-Chuck>
Red Eared Slider Questions 11/10/05 I just
got my Red Ear Slider on the 30th of Oct. I don't know how to tell
their age or sex and I would really like to know. < Females get
larger than the males. Males have longer front claws and a longer tail.
They grow pretty fast until they get around 6 to 8 inches and then slow
down a bit.> I named him Tom, but I don't know if that is right.
He is currently living in a five gallon tank w/ a UV ray light and a
basking light. He has a turtle dock to get out of the water and bask,
he has a bubble maker and other decorations. I feed him Zoo Meds
Hatchling aquatic turtle food. I also put in Reptisafe in the water to
get rid of the bad stuff. The water is about 3/4 of an inch above his
shell. I have a picture of a turtle sitting up facing his tank. He
loves to sit on the rock and look at the turtle.. too cute! I am
thinking about getting another RES, how many and what sex should I get?
< I would recommend not adding another turtle.> Is there anything
else that I can feed him to make him feel better? < He will
appreciate live foods such as washed earthworms, mealworms and
kingworms.> I think he may be constipated. What color is normal for
turtle feces and urine? < The color is a reflection of the items he
has been eating.> I have not seen any in the tank so I'm
thinking he may be constipated. How do you know and if he is what do I
do? < A small turtle fecal material may be small and caught up in a
filter.> He is shedding and I want to know if it's ok to be
shedding this young, he is still a hatchling. Thank you, M. L.