FAQs About Turtle Disease: Nutritional
Related Articles:
Treating Common Illnesses of the Red Ear Slider (& other Emydid Turtles) by Darrel Barton,
Turtle eye diseases; Recognising and treating eye diseases in pet turtles by Neale Monks,
So your turtle has the Flu? Recognizing and treating respiratory infections in pet turtles by Neale Monks,
The Care and Keeping of the Red Eared Slider, Trachemys scripta elegans by Darrel Barton,
Shell Rot in Turtles,
Turtles, Amphibians, Red Eared Slider Care,
FAQs on: Turtle Disease 1,
Turtle Disease 2, Turtle Disease 3,
FAQs on Turtle Health by Type: Diagnosis, Environmental, Traumas, Social, Growths/Tumors, Infectious, Parasitic, References,
FAQs on:
Shell Rot,
RES Disease, Turtle Respiratory Disease,
Turtle Eye Disease,

Vitamins are of use for turtles and you
Red Ear Sliders are not feeding and are having swollen eyes
I have two red ear slider turtles for over 2 years now.. they were
gifted to my daughter.. well that apart.. Its winter time here in
Shanghai and the turtles have stopped feeding for more than a month..
now for the past week or more are having swollen eyes I used a
CHLORTETRACYCLINE HYDROCHLORIDE eye ointment (0.5%) but really don't
know if its helping as I don't see a significant difference. Also one of
them is pretty much sinking when put is warm water and the other is a
little tilting.. I am not able to find a suitable expert opinion here
and am desperate for a solution.. please help.
<Will hold onto your message, hope one of our turtle folks responds
Have you read here:
and the linked files above? Bob Fenner>
Red Ear Sliders are not feeding and are having swollen eyes
<Hi Arusha; Sue here with you.>
I have two red ear slider turtles for over 2 years now. They were gifted
to my daughter. well that apart. It’s winter time here in Shanghai and
the turtles have stopped feeding for more than a month.
<Are they indoor turtles? If so, weather shouldn’t have that much of an
impact on their appetite. In the future, after one week of not eating,
you should assume something’s not right and start taking steps right
away to address it. That’s because by the time a turtle starts showing
signs of illness, they’ve often already been ill for a long time.>
Now for the past week or more are having swollen eyes I used a
CHLORTETRACYCLINE HYDROCHLORIDE eye ointment (0.5%) but really don’t
know if it’s helping as I don’t see a significant difference.
<I wouldn’t be administering any antibiotics unless you know if and what
type of infection they have. And in this case, the most likely reason
for their swollen eyes is probably not an infection, but a Vitamin A
deficiency. What kind of a diet have they been on? Read here about
Vitamin A deficiencies –
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/turteyedisart.htm >
Also one of them is pretty much sinking when put is warm water and the
other is a little tilting.
<What appears to me to have happened is that the turtles started out
with a vitamin deficiency caused by an inadequate diet, and that this
left untreated/unaddressed over time has caused them to be debilitated
to the point that they are now less able to fight off other more serious
illnesses. In particular, the turtle that’s tilting sounds like he/she
may have acquired a respiratory infection. Read this article and
learn what other symptoms to be on the look-out for with a respiratory
infection --
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/turtrespart.htm >
I am not able to find a suitable expert opinion here and am desperate for
a solution. please help.
<Arusha, given how long these turtles have been sick now, and because
they appear to be getting worse, they should be seen by a vet.
Home remedies are good during initial stages of illness but once they
start showing more serious signs of illness as yours are, there is
really no good substitute for a vet. You should still administer home
remedies, but only IN ADDITION to vet care.>
<Yes, ideally it would be great if you could find a vet with special
expertise in turtles, but most qualified ‘general’ vets are more than
capable of administering injectable vitamins (would recommend at least
Vitamin A, possibly D as well); and also putting them on a course of
antibiotics (depending on what they find). Often vets who treat birds, a
more common pet, will be able to treat turtles. And if your vet has any
specific questions about which antibiotics to administer or dosages,
etc., they will usually have a resource they can contact. If not --
zoos, wildlife museums, nature centers, etc. might be able to direct
them to a knowledgeable resource.>
<So … 1st get them to a vet ASAP. Injectable vitamins will be the most
efficient, effective way at this point of giving them these vitamins,
especially given they're not eating any more. Also -- only a vet can
give them the kind of antibiotics they'll need if it turns out they also
have come down with a systemic infection. >
<2nd ... get them out of the water ASAP. Water is a turtle’s worst enemy
when they’re sick. Please read here under the section called “Immediate
Treatment … Isolation and Dry-Dock” for instructions on how to do this
<When dry-docking, you MUST provide them with not only a source of heat
but also a UVB light as well – in fact, even when they’re not sick they
need this. Lack of UVB and/or basking under a warm, dry spot with UVB
each day can also lead to vitamin deficiencies and illnesses.>
<You should also read another section in the Dry-docking link above
called “Swollen or closed eyes”, and try some of the suggestions
mentioned here as well. Once their appetite returns, I'd also recommend
giving them a powdered vitamin supplement once a week also (they make
them specially formulated for turtles). But again – this should NOT
replace a trip to the vet.>
<You’re welcome Arusha. Because you didn’t mention anything about their
diet, care or environment, I’m also going to give you this link to our
general care guide --
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm >
<Turtles don’t need much but they must have everything mentioned in this
article to stay healthy. But for now until they’re well again, keep them
out of their normal aquarium and follow the sick instructions above.
Feel free to write us again if you have any questions about the
information in those links. Good luck; I hope this helps!>
<<Excellent Sue; thank you. BobF>>
Re: Red Ear Sliders are not feeding and are having swollen eyes
Dear Sue,
Thanks for your time and help.
<You're welcome!>
Yes I have dry docked them.. but they are not feeding at all...
<They likely won’t get their appetite back until they get the
treatment(s) they need and start to feel better. Just keep trying during
the time when you put them in a shallow container of water each day to
drink and/or poop.>
They didn’t feed last winter as well.. but they got along super fine..
<I'm glad it turned out o.k.; but again if they’re indoor turtles, while
they may not be as hungry as they might be during the warmer months,
it’s not normal at all for them to go all winter without eating. That
should only happen when they're out in the wild and hibernating in the
cold weather, but not when you're keeping them as pets. >
<Though the main reason now for their lack of appetite appears to be
that they're sick, one possible reason why they may have initially lost
their appetite is if they hadn't been spending enough time out of the
water each day basking under the heat and UVB lights. Both heat and UVB
will stimulate their appetite and is very important to them for other
reasons as well. Make sure you're providing enough of a temperature
variance between the two environments to incentivize them to get out of
the water and bask each day. Your water should be around 68 degrees or
so (F) and the "dry land" temperature around 88 - 90 degrees or so (F).
<Also, definitely read over the last link I gave you to the general care
guide to make sure you have everything in place that they need to stay
healthy – especially the right diet, not overfeeding, clean water, and
an adequate sized warm, dry basking area with overhead heat and UVB.>
well I will take them to a vet and pray they get well soon.
<Sounds good; I hope they feel better soon, too! Try to get them into a
vet as soon as possible.>
Thanks a lot once again..will trouble u again if I need more help and
<No problem; that’s what we’re here for!>
Happy new year.. have a great year ahead
<You too!!>
Re: Red Ear Sliders are not feeding and are having swollen
eyes 1/7/13
Thanks for your help.
<You’re welcome, Arusha. Hope they’re continuing to get better!>
I have got some medicines which need to be put into water and allow them
to be in it for about 4 hrs each day
<I’m not familiar with any Vitamin A treatment that gets dissolved in
water. I checked with another crew member and he wasn’t either. What was
the specific medication the vet prescribed for you? It would be
interesting to know; the main concern being that the medication would
get too diluted in water. Even topical medication that gets applied
directly to the eye is often not as effective as Vitamin A taken
<But … on the other hand … as long as you continue to see your turtles
improving, then this is all that matters!! :) >
and then dry dock them again.. seems to be working I got the more sick
one to open one eye and the other had both its eyes open.. fingers
crossed.. have been asked not to feed them for a week more... well I am
hoping they both get better.. will keep you posted.
Thanks once again.. truly appreciate it
<No problem; happy to help. We’ll keep our fingers crossed, too! ~Sue>
Red-Eared Slider
question about eating decorative plastic plants
Dear Crew,
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I have a Red Eared Slider named Lucy. Got her around Halloween of
last year, after my previous slider died. (Previous one was a
female named Shelldon, who had no eyes and no tail, along with an
asymmetrical shell.
I'd gotten her as a teeny, illegally-small turtle from a
friend who'd bought her for her niece. Shelldon died suddenly
at about 7.5 years of age.
I found her at the bottom of her tank. She looked strangely
peaceful. I took her to my turtle vet to see if they could see
any obvious reason, but they could not. They assured me that it
was likely a miracle she'd even lived that long. I donated
her body to a local veterinary school. A week or two later, the
vet's office called to see if I wanted Lucy, who'd been
surrendered to them with a bad respiratory infection, which was
cleared up long ago).
<That was very nice of them>
Tank set-up is pretty good, if a bit smaller than I'd like,
at 55 gallons-ish. Lucy is 8-9" shell-length.
<She's good-sized!>
I have a UVB light and a heat lamp and don't use a heater
anymore (thanks to reading your site). Her filter is sufficient
and I do periodic water-quality testing, although I am never sure
how reliable the results are. She has a basking platform and eats
like a pig, typical Red Eared Slider.
<So far, so good>
The problem is, I had some floating decorative plastic plants in
the tank and in March I noticed that she had been eating them!
They were sort of flimsy, in that they had a rather filigree-type
look, lots of tiny sub-pieces, if you will. As soon as I
discovered her bad habit, I removed all plants from the tank
(there is also no gravel, never has been).
Previously I'd seen her eating this felt-like stuff I'd
put on her basking platform, which I'd gotten to help
Shelldon get up onto it, since the adhesive-y/felt-y stuff that
had come on the platform was long gone. So I got rid of that too,
and now use what is basically "boat tape," waterproof
stuff with a bit of traction.
<Amazing what they'll eat, isn't it?>
For a time, I found little pieces of the plants in her poop, but
figured that was "normal," all things considered. Then
I found no pieces after a time, but she eats her poop (gross, but
also pretty normal, I assume) so I wasn't always able to
truly monitor. Fast-forward to about a week ago and I saw a bit
more of the plastic bits in her poop. That means that almost
THREE MONTHS after I removed all that material, she is STILL
digesting it.
<Yes, non-digestible parts will impact in various places in
the gut and not move for long periods of time>
Should I be alarmed?
<Not alarmed, just a tiny bit concerned>
Should I take her for an x-ray or something?
<An x-ray might show pieces of foreign material in the gut,
but it's not going to show the conditions with any clarity.
For that you'd need a colonoscopy which you're unlikely
to be able to get at a local vet's office. Certainly not here
in Torrance.>
Not sure what to do, as she is acting normally and has been all
these months.
<Here's what I think you should do: Add some Metamucil to
Lucy's diet.
About a half teaspoon rolled and mixed in with some chopped
Feed her that in a separate bowl once a day for three days.
Metamucil won't have the same effect as it does on humans
because they're diet is already high in fiber, but in
concentrated amount it will make Lucy's bowels move a little
faster and it may whisk some of any remaining debris through here
<Beyond that, I'd just keep one eyebrow arched for a few
more months. If she's active and eating I'd just let it
pass (bad-pun-alert)>
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
<well, there you go>
Thank you so much for your website,
<Thanks again>
Linda Abbott
Re: Red-Eared Slider question about eating decorative
plastic plants7/15/11
Hi Darrel.
<Hiya Linda>
Thank you for your time and for the advice. I actually followed
your suggestion and gave Lucy the 1/2 teaspoon of Metamucil with
chopped chicken 4 times over 5 days, instead of just 3 times in 3
<Still good>
here's what I found (and I saved all the plastic decorative
plant pieces I recovered, though she does eat her poop so I may
not have gotten it all; I got all that I found in her
"diner" though--the smaller bin where I feed her):
Day 1 of 5: I found one piece of plant floating in her tank. Must
have come from some poop that she'd eaten. It was all that
was left and the first piece I'd seen in several days, I
I "dosed" her, then found about 6 pieces of plant
(various sizes). Day 2 no "dose" given
Day 3 of 5: about 6 pieces again. Day 4 of 5: about 7 pieces. Day
5 of 5: can't find the baggie but I think it was maybe 1
piece. Might have been zero, which is why I have no baggie (my
memory isn't what it used to be and this exercise ended
<The important thing is that she's not impacted. The
plastic isn't BAD for her as long as it doesn't block her
I will send a picture to give you some idea of average plastic
plant piece size as compared to a quarter.
Also, she's been shedding quite a bit for some time. My other
turtle, Shelldon, rarely shed, at least not a noticeable amount.
Am thinking this is because she is being overfed and is growing
too quickly? Or is it because her tank water could be bad? It
looks good, but I know that's not everything. I could test it
in a bit.
<Don't bother testing it. Just siphon out half and replace
it. The nice thing about turtles is that you don't have to
condition the incoming water. Tap water is just fine>
Please let me know what you think and thank you again,
<What I think: That you're doing a good job. Lucy is going
to be fine. Now it's time to relax and just let her get back
to what passes for 'normal' in turtle land and lastly, I
think it's time that we stop electing idiots to Congress and
then complain that Congress is filled with idiots. But that's
just me>
Linda abbot
good ol' Torrance
<Good - better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick,

my turtle may have metabolic bone disease
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I have a red eared slider turtle that is 3 years old and have noticed
something wrong. I've noticed that my turtle sometime jerks its
head or makes a twitch like movement. Another thing I have noticed is
my turtle is walking with its right front leg bent back and want to
know if it is broken or fractured or anything like that having to do
with the disease. I read an article saying these are some of the
symptoms of the metabolic bone disease.
What can I do to care for my turtle if it has this disease?
<The first thing I should say is that any serious illness should be
treated medically. A qualified veterinarian who diagnosed MBD would
give your turtle a calcium and vitamin injection and you'd see a
marked improvement within days. Treating at home will take longer and
there is a risk:
Reptiles and fish are very stoic animals, which is to say that they
tend to hide their sicknesses for as long as possible. We often
don't see any outward signs until the animal is VERY sick .. and
sometimes by that time, it's too late.>
<In any case, your first action should be to remove him from an
aquatic environment and house him someplace warm and dry. The hard part
is getting the calcium into him, since normally turtles eat in water
and the water tends to wash away any coatings or powders. Some turtles
will eat cheese or bite into yogurts or cabbage while on land and all
of those contain calcium.>
<Get some calcium tablets from the local drug or vitamin store (pure
calcium carbonate is best, ground oyster shells, etc. but even if they
contain phosphorous or magnesium it's OK - just make sure calcium
is the primary ingredient) and crush the tablets into a powder and coat
whatever food he'll bite into. Maybe a piece of liver would entice
him. I've even had turtles that will simply eat a vitamin tablet --
there's just no
accounting for taste.>
<The problem though, which I've already mentioned, is that this
a painfully slow way of getting a relatively small amount of calcium
into an animal that very likely has a large deficiency. It would take
months of this kind of care plus a balanced diet and plenty of natural
sunlight to begin to see a difference... and as I also stated earlier,
this will only work out if it's not already too late, so again I
suggest you consider seeing if you can find a Veterinarian.>
<If you read enough literature on the diseases and ailments of fish
and reptiles you will see a constant thread running through
<Sorry to shout like that, but it never seems to sink in to people:
One trip to a veterinarian for a relatively simple procedure will cost
more than the sum total of proper care for several years. Preventing is
FAR cheaper than curing.>
<Back on topic ... Liver is high in vitamins and will easily accept
a coating of calcium and if you chop it into small enough chunks that
he can swallow, you may be able to deliver enough calcium to start
correcting the immediate problems. Better care and diet will address
the longer term issues. Please read:
Turtle care question: yellow membrane and swollen eyes
11/28/07 Hello Crew, <Hiya Miranda! - Darrel here> A friend
of mine recently got three baby turtles. I have turtles too, so I
helped him set everything up. We've been watching the water temp
& quality, the basking area, the food, and two of the turtles are
doing fine, but another one is sick. Its eyes are closed most of the
time, and when opened, they have a yellow membrane (sort of like a
'contact lens') covering the entire eye. It is also very
lethargic. HELP! <OK!> What's wrong with it? <What's
wrong is most likely an eye infection. I know that seems obvious, but
the obvious is always the best place to start> What can I do about
it? <Eye infections in water turtles is usually a sign of poor
nutrition - specifically a vitamin imbalance. A lack of Vitamin A is
the primary cause but we rarely see a lack of only ONE vitamin, so
let's assume that this little guys needs a complete vitamin
supplement in his diet. Make sure his basic diet is either a high
quality Koi pellet or a commercial turtle food - Tetra's Repto-Min
is the one I'd recommend. Meanwhile he's going to need a
vitamin SUPPLEMENT from the pet store. The question is how to deliver
the vitamins. If he's still eating you can coat his food in either
a supplement powder or drop some liquid supplement on it. If he's
too weak to eat then the next course of action is to either try to pry
his little mouth open to more of less force a drop of liquid vitamin in
once a day ... or a trip to the veterinarian for some injectibles.>
Is it contagious? <No. Yes and Yes. NO in the sense that
hypovitaminosis is not "contagious." YES in the sense that if
one is subject to it, it's likely that all are getting insufficient
nutrition as well -- it's just that the smallest or weakest show
the signs first. The final YES is that any sickness or situation
causing weakness in a fish or reptile opens the door WIDE OPEN for
secondary problems, such as a fungal infection and that is VERY
contagious. For this reason, we'll treat all animals in the
collection> <One, ensure that the diet is corrected. Two, add a
vitamins or treat for that condition. Three make sure they are getting
adequate exposure to UV-A and UV-B light. Four, keep them warm and out
of water except for a few minutes a day to bathe, drink and eat --
bacteria and fungus LOVE warmth and wetness!> You've been very
helpful in the past with my other turtle questions, so I'm hoping
you can help me make Felicity (the turtle's name) feel all better.
<If best wishes were fruit, you'd be swimming in a banana
smoothie right now, Miranda! Get started on the treatment, look for
signs of improvement (or signs of further problems) and write back,
OK?> Thanks in advance! <yer
Turtle Eating Gravel 1/2/07 Thanks for
your prompt reply Chuck. I forgot to ask one other thing.... She also
seems to have an affinity for eating the gravel on the floor of her
tank... What would be the reason for that??? This can't be
normal.... or is it? < Usually when turtles start to eat at gravel
and wood they are really going after the algae that is growing on it.
This is a sign of a vitamin deficiency. Offer green leafy vegetables
like spinach and kale. Try offering some reptile vitamins
Turtle With Prolapsed Colon 8/28/06 Hi,
I have a red ear slider for about 10 years now, and recently I saw a
mushroom looking thing came out of his butt. It was dark brown and it
seems to be attached to him. It was very creepy and I'm not quite
sure what it was. But after a while it went back inside again. Would
you happen to know what it is? Please help my turtle and thank you!
Vince <When turtles eat a big meal all at once then there is a
tremendous pressure put on the rest of the turtle's digestive tract
to make room for that big meal. The result is a quick and painful bowl
movement that sometimes drags some of the colon out with it. You are
lucky that it went back in. Sometimes a t vet is needed to stitch them
back up. Feed smaller portions and more often. Your turtle is an adult
and should be getting almost 80% vegetable matter in his
Sulfa Block for Turtle 6/6/06 I have a
beautiful two year old male RES. About a year ago
I put a sulfa block in his water to help keep him
healthy. The block was in the shape of a
turtle. After it had dissolved to a smaller
size (maybe the size of a lima bean), my turtle
ate it! For about five days afterwards
he had the worst
diarrhea imaginable. I haven't tried a sulfa
block since then. Is there any way I can keep sulfa in
the water without tempting my
turtle? Also, are there any vitamins or other
antibiotics I can put in his water to help keep
him healthy? Elizabeth Walley < When a turtle eats a Sulpha
block it is a sign that the turtle needs additional minerals in its
diet. Add some green leafy vegetables like spinach and Kale. They are a
good source of calcium. Offer some other item like insects and
Wood Turtle With Bumpy Shell - 05/22/2006 This is
my turtle Woody, a north American wood turtle, if you look at her
shell, it looks really bumpy, is this normal? - Celia < The
bumpy shell is caused by a diet too high in protein. This is
usually seen in tortoises that are fed monkey chow. As turtles grow
they require less protein and more vegetable matter. You probably
kept your turtle on a hatchling type diet too long.-Chuck> |

Water Turtle With Swollen Eyes - 03/18/2006 My
turtle {Florida yellow bellied turtle} has sore swollen eyes with over
a week, she's not eating. I have put water freshener into the water
but it is doing no good. What will I do. I have no vet in my area. <
Change 50% of the water, vacuum the gravel, and clean the filter. Add a
ZooMed Dr Turtle Sulfa Block to the water. Get ZooMed Turtle Eye Drops
for the eyes. Check the temperature of the basking site. Should be 85
to 90 F. If it is a smaller turtle then get ZooMed Aquatic turtle food
for hatchlings. If is a larger turtle then get the adult formula. They
are different. Adults need more vitamins, minerals and a more
vegetarian diet than younger turtles. A vitamin deficiency has caused
the eye problems. After the eyes have cleared then your turtle should
start eating again.-Chuck>
Turtle With Prolapsed Colon
12/15/05 Ok, I've had my snapper turtle (I think its an
alligator snapper) for like 1-2 years now. I got him when he
was small, anyway, today I am cleaning his tank and when I picked him
up he had what appears to be a pink sack on the bottom of him, near his
butt. Please tell me what's wrong and write back ASAP. < When we
keep pets we usually feed them once a day. Sometimes this can be a
pretty big meal. Especially when the turtle is acting like it is
starving. When turtles eat a lot at one time then this puts stress on
the rest of the digestive tract. Instead of small bowel movements many
times a day you get one large one that may take some of the colon
tissue with it. I believe that this is what you are seeing. Try smaller
feedings many times per day to see if will go back in. If
not then you may need to see a vet for further advice. Try the Calif
Turtle and Tortoise club at tortoise.org for possible other
Worried about a constipated turtle
11/20/05 Hi- I'm taking care of a little turtle who is having a
big problem with constipation. I have no idea of his species or if his
owner kept him incorrectly and gave me bad instructions. This is him:
[Unable to display image] Right now he has the run of my office, a
'hot spot' with UV lamp, there's a heater in the room
keeping it at a nice warm room temperature, and I've been weaning
him off the Boston Live Lettuce his owner's been exclusively
feeding him and introducing grapes and veggies slowly. I've
soaked him in warm water and he extends his cloaca, sticks his legs
out, dunks his head, drinks a lot of water, and seems to strain.
It's been several weeks without more than a small inconsequential
poop and I'm starting to get worried. Today he strained to go for a
half hour and seemed to extend either fecal matter or some inside bit
and then retract it back in. Any advice on habitat, species, or care
for this constipation problem? I'd appreciate anything you can
offer- I've grown very attached to the little booger. Richard
<Unfortunately our number one Chelonian expert is out (Chuck Rambo)
and number two (Gage)? Please take a read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/chelonians.htm
the linked files on turtle disease, systems, feeding... Bob
Slim the (Red Ear) Slider 11/20/05 We
recently bought our oldest son a Red Ear Slider around Labor Day. Since
then it has seemed to do very well, even though it eats very little.
<How large is it? Is it being kept inside or outside? How large of
an enclosure?> We were told that they do not eat very much, but it
seems like he hardly eats at all. We feed him Turtle pellets about
every other day because his food always never seems to get eaten.
<If it's cold in the room, the turtle won't be very active,
and thus won't eat much> Also in the last week we've started
to notice his shell becoming covered with a white almost powder like
film. I clean his tank about 2 times a month. I tried to clean off the
shell and when it gets wet the film seems to go away but when he basks
in the light it returns when he is dry. <Get an anti-biotic cream
for the turtle's shell from a pet store or online vendor, and
follow the instructions. Also, be sure to change the water every day or
every other day until the bacterial infection has subsided. You're
also going to want to vary the diet beyond just pellets - feed the
turtle meaty foodstuffs a couple of times weekly> We do have city
water and I did not know if I need to be putting something in the water
to neutralize it or not. He also has a few very small spots on the
bottom of his shell where it seems to be flaking. Is that shell rot or
is it normal?? <Unless your water is exceptionally high in chlorine,
I wouldn't worry about it. The shell should not be flaking. Buy a
lamp and purchase a UV incandescent lamp, and put that over an area
where the turtle can come out of the water and bask. Also, take the
turtle outside for half an hour of sunlight each day, just make sure
you keep an eye on it. Turtles need at least half an hour of sunlight
every other day, more if possible> Thanks <Anytime>
Melanie <M. Maddox>
Soft Shell on Non Soft Shell Turtles
11/10/05 I have two baby painted turtles they are about 3 months
old. There are two things that concern me and was wondering if you
could help. The first one (which isn't serious because I believe I
know what's wrong) is that the bottom of the shells are very very
soft. I believe its because they are still small and are still growing
or it could be because they just shed and we weren't aware of it.
< Soft shells are never a good sign. Make sure they have a good
basking site to get out on.> <<Kind of like how soft
teeth are never a good sign? MH>> And the second
problem is. The one turtle has a lump on the right side of its neck.
The problem didn't start until after he ate guppies (we believe).
We know he ate the fish because the one guppy in the tank was pregnant
and when we looked there was only 1 baby guppy and I know that guppies
have more than one baby. Now I believe that the lump is from the scales
of the fish, I think the turtle is too young to digest the scales. This
happened to my snake and in the end the lump killed him. I
don't want this to happen to my baby turtle and there are no vets
around here that specialize in turtles. I also believe he may have a
cold because his eye is very infected. We are already taking care of
the eye, and we are putting calcium blocks in the water for the shell.
But the most concern is the lump. Please help ASAP. Also my other
turtle the abandoned one, the shell rot is gone. Thanks a million :)
Sincerely, Jessi Rae < The soft shells and lumps in the neck may
both be a sign of a vitamin deficiency. Get some reptile vitamins and
increase the warmth on the basking site. Get a thermometer and check
it. It should be around 90 F.-Chuck>
Turtle Question 7/9/05 My turtle has white
chalky feces.. what could this mean? < This is the result of diet.
Sometimes the binder of some prepared turtle foods have clay as a
binder. Add some live food to your turtles diet like kingworms,
crickets and earthworms and you should see a change.-Chuck>
Russian Tortoise with Chalky Fecal Matter 7/9/05 Thank you for your
response. I should have told you that it's a Russian
turtle. Does the same rule apply? < Somewhat. They like
more vegetable matter in their diet but they can still eat the
worms.-Chuck> Russian Tortoise Problems 7/11/05 Thank
you. Last question... I promise! The Russian
Turtle has white, chalky diarrhea.. same solution? (Sorry..
I'm researching this for a friend who didn't give me all this
information at the same time. Again.. last question.) Thank
you Chuck!!!! < A Russian tortoise with diarrhea is not good. Unlike
turtles that are in the water the entire time you don't have to
worry about them getting dehydrated. If is a different story with land
turtles. Diarrhea can quickly kill a tortoise if it lose to much fluid.
I would recommend that your friend take the Russian turtle to a vet for
a complete check up. Your friend has no idea on how to care for this
animal and this little info I have given you really isn't enough
for long term success.-Chuck>
Small Australian Turtle Needs Help Hi, I
recently got a penny turtle, it had been run over by a bike and I
was given it. I think its a *Emydura subglobosa* but I don't
have a photo of its belly yet so I've done a bit of guessing
with the keys. I have a small tank 21x35cm (will be getting a
bigger one, just not yet), a basking rock, UVA/UVB lamp and am
trying to give it a varied diet (carrot, fish pellets, mince).
The temperature ranges from 79F at night to 82F during the day.
Yesterday morning I noticed it didn't open one of its eyes
for quite some time, and when it did there seemed to be a whitish
lesion on it. On closer inspection with the naked eye I can't
tell if its on the eyeball or upper eyelid. The turtle scratches
it periodically with its front limb, it doesn't blink the eye
as often as the other one and seems to have a reduced range of
movement in that eye. To me it seems like an ulcer - whether
bacterial or fungal I can't tell and I'm not sure it was
traumatic as I don't remember it being there when I first got
it. I'll try to attach a photo of it. No vets are open today
on Sunday. My question is -are human eye antibacterial
creams/ointments too strong/too weak for a turtle? <ZooMed
already makes eye drops for turtles with infected eyes like
yours. Human eye drops are usually weak boric acid solutions.
Call the vet tomorrow and get a recommendation to be sure.>
Would they be worth trying if I can't get to the vet until
tomorrow? < Before you go to the vet, get some Repti Turtle
Eye Drops by ZooMed. Follow the directions on the package. Make
sure the basking spot gets up to about 85 F. Your turtle may have
a Vitamin A deficiency and need some food that is high in vitamin
A. Try some kale or spinach in addition to a commercial turtle
diet. Add some earthworms too when your turtle is better and able
to eat.-Chuck> cheers Colleen

Re: res turtle and Ick hi I have a RES turtle and I feed him
goldfish feeders. About 2 weeks ago I noticed that the fish
had Ick. I called the vet and they told me to clean everything In the
tank with a diluted bleach mix and not to give him anymore of those
fish. I do all of that and I bought new fish. I bought the
fish from a different store in case that was the problem. The fish look
fine when I put them in the tank. I noticed that the fish now have Ick.
How do I get rid of Ick for good? <feeder fish live a stressful
life, no way to really get rid of Ich without quarantining and treating
for Ich before feeding them to the turtle.> Is Ick bad for my res
turtle? Could my turtle be infected with Ick and is giving
it to the fish? and if so how do I treat my turtle? <I
have never heard of turtles getting Ich, but I'm sure it cannot be
great for them.> and one more question. can older bigger
res turtles live with younger smaller res turtle in the same tank? will
the bigger one try to eat to smaller? <should be ok, just make sure
the smaller one is getting enough food. If the larger one
shows any aggression I would separate them.> thanks for the time
cause it seems like none of the vets around here know that much.
<Honestly, I would start feeding the turtles prepared turtle food,
frozen food, veggies if they will take them, and worms (I get mine from
a bait shop). That way you will not have to worry about
dirty fish. Best Regards, Gage>
Turtle Problem My friends neighbor had 2 turtles. About the
size slightly smaller than a quarter. He kept them in a cage much too
small with filthy water no food for a week, no light, and kept them
outside. Due to there poor nutrition and surroundings one died, I have
the other now and I think he is OK, but his shell is growing in an odd
shape and it is hard to get him to feed, I was worried and put him in
his own tank just in case he had something that could spread to my
healthy turtles. Is this OK, is he going to be OK, what about his
shell??? Rachel <<Dear Rachel, the shell problem sounds like a
vitamin deficiency, probably due to the previous bad diet your turtle
has had. Try to feed him vitamin enriched foods, e.g. soak his pellets
in Selcon, (available from your LFS) or try to find a store near you
that specializes in reptiles, and pick up some vitamins for reptiles
from them, maybe also you can find him some live food, most reptile
places sell all kinds of worms, larvae, etc. But make sure he keeps
getting the pellets soaked in vitamins, and keep his water as clean as
possible. I am no expert on turtle diseases, so if you find a good
reptile store, they can look at him for you and give you some advice.
In the meantime, keep him in his own tank! He sounds healthy, though,
but get a second opinion from someone who can actually see him...by the
way, you are doing a wonderful thing for this poor little guy. Good
luck! -Gwen>>
Turtle with Leg Problems Good day, I got your email address
from a web site about turtles. We have 3 young turtles (a red painted 2
inches, a yellow Cooter 3 inches and a Mississippi Map turtle an inch
and a half). The first 2 are perfectly healthy but the Map
turtle is small for its age and it stopped using his front legs. Do you
have any idea as to what is wrong? Or can you direct me to
someone that might be able to give us a clue as to what is wrong with
him. We cannot find a reptile vet in our area. I certainly
thank you for taking the time to read this and hopefully give us some
insight as to what is wrong with him. Thanks, Bruce < A deficiency
of vitamins B12 may manifest itself by paralysis of the legs. The cure
is to present this vitamin orally, plus supplementary calcium and trace
amounts of copper sulphate. Check out the pet shops that deal in herps
and I am sure they sell a vitamin supplement for herps.-Chuck>
I have a yellow belly slider which I think is a year
old or so (he is about 2 1/2 inches by 2 inches). I feed him
4 pellets of food and dried shrimp fish treats. The bottom
of his shell has pinkish areas that his previous owner said was from
the owner before her not taking care of his water. They look to me like
they are slowly going away. I wondered if this was possible? <
Turtles may suffer from vitamin deficiencies or poor sanitation. These
problems reflect on the turtle's shell. In many cases the shell can
show signs of improvement when conditions are favorable for the
turtle.> Also his shell is constantly peeling not badly but a little
here and there. Is that normal? < The shell should shed in stages
over a few weeks. If you turtle is growing fast then it could happen
fairly quickly and seem like it is continuously molting.> Today I
noticed his skin on his front legs and neck was peeling a lot but it
didn't seem to bother him. So I cleaned his tank which was already
clean but I did it anyway just in case. I put him in a dry area under a
lamp because he was acting very strange. He is starting to act normal
its been an hour or so and he is getting back to himself. Do you know
what caused this ? < This shedding is probably caused by the
turtle's rapid growth. This is to be somewhat expected in a young
turtle.> I bought a shell conditioner that I put on him once a week
is that good for him? < Probably can't hurt as long as you
follow the directions on the package.> I just wanted to say that my
turtle is the best friend. I never knew they could have such
personality! I take him to work with me he has a small one
gallon tank on my desk. He has started to like going and swims happily
all day. He lets me know if he wants less water and to bask in the
light by scratching on the tank wall. he is so sweet and
loves to be petted. I want to make sure he's happy and healthy.
please email me back as soon as you can . thanks again-Nikki < With
proper care your turtle should live for many years.-Chuck>