FAQs on
Betta Systems 6
Related Articles: Betta Systems, Improved (Better?) Products for Bettas!
Anabantoids/Gouramis &
Relatives, Betta splendens/Siamese
Fighting Fish, Betta Diseases, Improved
(Better?) Products for Bettas!,
Related FAQs: Betta Systems 1, Betta Systems 2, Betta Systems 3, Betta Systems 4, Betta Systems 5, & Betta System: Bowls/Tanks, Heating, Lighting, Filtration, & Water Quality, (See also: Ammonia, Nitrite,
Nitrate, Nitrogen Cycling), Maintenance, & Bettas in General, Betta ID/Varieties, Betta Behavior, Betta Compatibility, Betta
Selection, Betta
Feedings, Betta
Betta Disease,

"What you doin'? Dying.... Oh, me
too." <LOL, Bob, your humor's a little dark, no?
--Sara M.>
Betta Success
Doing what it takes to keep Bettas healthy long-term
by Robert (Bob) Fenner
Is coral stones harmful to beta fish if I boil it...its a 60L
tank? 9/16/19
Hi i rescued one green tiger barb and he wasn't happy. He now has 7
barbs and loving company. I'm moving them to 60L tank. Tried sand but
too cloudy..washed multiple times! I've purchased what looks like tiny
wee pours golden stones but realised it's for saltwater. Will it harm
barbs if I boil it first? In ratio to tank, it's not a great amount of
gravel. Will they b ok with that?
Thanks Sharon
<Hello Sharon. Products designed for use in marine fish tanks are not
always safe in freshwater tanks. If they are made of a calcareous
material, such as limestone, they will harden the water and raise the
pH. So short answer: nope, leave these out of your Betta's aquarium!
Cheers, Neale.>
Better, difficult water parameters (Betta splendens)
I have a male betta in 5 gallons, filtered, WC every other day.
<Mmm; I'd do water changes just once a week>
My tap water has a PH of 8.5 and KH of 4. GH is 8-9.
<Got you>
I can drop the PH by mixing with water from another tank that has
organics, or mix with RO (current strategy) as aerating overnight does
nothing to drop the ph.
<Ah no; boiling might, but... I would not do this>
Regardless of the method, when the PH drops to 7.8 or 8, the KH has
dropped to 2.5. I’ve tried the SeaChem products to buffer by bracketing
and if the KH is at 4 or 5, the Ph is once again at least 8.5.
Can my Bettas live comfortably in an 7.8-8 range PH with a KH of 2.5. ?
Is the PH or the KH the bigger problem?
<A bit of both at extremes... put more clearly (hopefully), you have to
have/want "some" KH (or GH), and a pH that is neither too high, nor
low... The values you mention are fine for "modern" Betta splendens
(cultured; let's say versus some species that might be closer
generations-wise to wild-collected)>
These tanks are not cycled, I just do water changes every day with a
drop of Prime. I have sponge filters cycling in a bucket, but not
finished yet.
<Ahh; I would cycle them, move the media when it is ready, go to the
weekly partial (half) water changes. All will be well otherwise (given
the water quality parameters mentioned here)>
Thank you so much,
Amy Larson
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Better, difficult water parameters /Neale
I have a male betta in 5 gallons, filtered, WC every other day.
My tap water has a pH of 8.5 and KH of 4. GH is 8-9.
<As you probably realise, pH is a bit high for this species. But that
would seem to be a result of your water chemistry, though your carbonate
hardness doesn't seem especially high.>
I can drop the pH by mixing with water from another tank that has
organics, or mix with RO (current strategy) as aerating overnight does
nothing to drop the pH.
<Indeed not. If there's a source of alkalinity in the aquarium, such as
seashells or lime-containing gravel, or the water itself has some
buffering capacity, any direct pH changes will be temporary.>
Regardless of the method, when the pH drops to 7.8 or 8, the KH has
dropped to 2.5.
<Correct. Do you remember at school the old "acid plus alkali equals
salt plus water" idea? This is more or less applicable here. When you
add acid to a hard water aquarium, that acid is neutralised by the
alkalinity in the water. Normally, this alkalinity is, in part or in
whole, the carbonate hardness. So the acid reacts with the carbonate,
and both are combined to form a soluble salt of some kind. The acid has
therefore lowered the carbonate hardness. The carbonate hardness will
continue to react with acid so long as acid is present, which is why
carbonate hardness is a good indicator of buffering capacity -- it
inhibits pH changes.>
I’ve tried the SeaChem products to buffer by bracketing and if the KH is
at 4 or 5, the pH is once again at least 8.5.
<The basic rule is don't EVER try and change pH directly. It's
pointless. At best it's a hit-and-miss approach; at worst you just fill
your tank up with competing chemicals that produce unstable water
chemistry that stresses your fish.>
Can my Bettas live comfortably in an 7.8-8 range pH with a KH of 2.5. ?
<It is not ideal, but tolerable if all else is positive.>
Is the pH or the KH the bigger problem?
<A-ha! You're on the right track now. When you decide to change water
chemistry, you adjust hardness, whether KH, GH, or both. If you want
soft, acidic conditions, your aim is to lower the hardness, because it's
hardness (not pH) that matters to fish. If you have hard water, the
question you ask yourself is where do you get demineralised water from?
RO water or rainwater are the two standard options -- not domestic water
softeners though! If you have "liquid rock" hard water with a high pH, a
50/50 mix with RO or rainwater will produce something that'll be fine
for most community fish, including Bettas. The pH, while interesting,
will be unimportant, so long as it's stable.>
These tanks are not cycled, I just do water changes every day with a
drop of Prime. I have sponge filters cycling in a bucket, but not
finished yet.
Thank you so much,
<Hope this helps, Neale.>
Just to say Thanks! 10/23/18
I contacted you all months ago as a newbie aquarium hobbyist with a couple
questions, but I had many more that I could find answers to on your site.
I just wanted to thank you all for keeping this site and also for giving me
specific answers to my questions.
My tank is up and running beautifully, with very little maintenance. I have a
sand bottom (play sand that I rinsed about 20 times). You can see the pic with
everything in it (I went with two aerators), but my numbers are always perfect -
I tried not to overpopulate with fish, and, by using the info on your site I can
go for two weeks and only have to do a partial change. No algae, no scum. Just
(what appears to be.) happy fish! .and shrimp, and the one Pleco (had a pair but
one I gave away - didn't want offspring and they appeared to be "getting it on"
inside the cholla!).
Thanks, Neale and Bob and the rest of you guys and gals!
BTW, my Betta's name is . Boris. As in, Boris Bettanov. J (Anyone ever watch
Moose and Squirrel?)
<Oh yes; and thank you for your upbeat note Barbara. BobF>
Betta and fake "jellyfish" 9/24/18
I have one Betta in a 10 gallon and he is not very feisty. He was feisty in the
store as they place them beside other male Bettas to better show them off. In
the tank alone he is moving slow with a whatever attitude. I was thinking of
getting Nerite snails as a "dither" but they die off in droves and have to be
replaced at about $3 per snail. Would getting one of those "fake jellyfish" that
move with the current, made of thin plastic be a thing a Betta would see as a
"dither" that would be a one time thing to buy? Thank you
<Hi Judy. Can't think why your Nerites are dying, but will observe that most if
not all species come from flowing water habitats, and will die if kept in
overstocked tanks with low oxygen levels. A few species are brackish water
specialists (Batman Snail and Spiny Nerites for example) and they won't last
long in soft water, and perhaps not indefinitely in hard water either. So far as
the fake Jellyfish goes, most fish ignore these. While they might be alarmed at
first, they quickly treat them as inanimate objects much the same as air-powered
ornaments or plastic plants. Will stress though that Bettas don't need friends.
They've been bred for fighting across the last couple hundred years, and more
recently, as fancy looking pets. Even in the wild the males are strongly
territorial. They have absolutely no need for company, and indeed, may be
stressed by other fish -- except, of course, for female Bettas during breeding.
There is no way to do a safe divided tank for Bettas is there?
<Hey Jude>
I have a 10 gallon tank with one male Betta. He looks kinda small in there.
There is all this info on the net about divided tanks, but they seem not to be
long term things even though people seem to claim that they are.
<Can be long or short term; medium even>
We have Lexam <likely Lexan> here, it is 1/8th thick and a Plexiglas type thing,
but people say that silicone doesn't adhere well against glass.
<Actually, well enough inside a tank... not for adhering a plexi tank together
Glass that fits the tank perfectly can't be drilled it seems or it will shatter
and if not the fish could really see each other leading to stress, plus needing
another filter for the other side. Someone said plastic egg crate material with
screen around it, but if it ever fell down in the tank, the Bettas would have at
it to the death. So does anyone do this type of thing to a ten gallon for two
Bettas or is it just better to get an extra tank? Thank you
<I'm all for innovation here... One can stand up a "hurricane lamp cover", w/
one inside and one out, situate a piece of glass or plexi diagonally that will
fit close enough to keep each other on a side... There are commercial tank
dividers that work well enough... Try Googling; here's one on Amazon:
Bob Fenner>
Aging Betta to new environment? 9/3/18
Good evening, Crew!
<Good morrow Kara!>
I have a question about whether or not moving an aging Betta to a new
environment is a good thing to do.
Flash, the Betta, (male) has been with us for just over 2 years. We purchased
him (rescued from one of those wretched cups) to be the centerpiece fish of a
planted 60 gallon aquarium. The tank is densely
planted, furnished with sprawling branchy driftwood, and large chunks of
granite. Current tank specs: Ammonia: 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 20, Ph 7.6. Temp
His tankmates are peaceful, but are rather more boisterous than he seems to be
comfortable with now: A pearl Gourami and his harem of 3, 4 active but old
smallish, but active (letting them "age out") schools of harlequin rasboras,
black neon tetras, white cloud minnows, and Glowlight tetras, with several
Corydoras and Kuhli loaches at the bottom, with many years to go.
<Sounds/reads as very nice indeed>
Flash still has a tenuous position as "boss" of the tank, but I think he is
getting tired of it. He spends more and more time hiding behind the Vallisneria
in the corner, when he is not flaring at everyone at feeding
time so that he still gets the first bite. He is still in the pink of health,
although obviously getting old. He's slowing down and no longer patrols the tank
as he used to. I may be anthropomorphizing, but to my
mind, he deserves and needs a quiet, cozy cottage on a cul-de-sac for his
remaining time.
<I understand; in fact, am feeling about the same way m'self>
I want to/feel I should move him, but don't know if it would shock him too much
at his age. (My other 3 community tanks have resident Bettas already, so that's
out.) The only other possible home I have for him is a 5.5 gallon lightly
planted tank that currently houses a trio of African Dwarf frogs.
Current specs: Ammonia: 0 Nitrites:0 Nitrate:5 Ph:7.4 Temp 80. I don't worry
about the tank specs for him so much as the shock of going from a 60 gallon
world full of fish to a 5.5 gallon world with creatures he has never seen
before. Would that be too much of a change?
<Actually; I'm quite confident that this change would be greatly beneficial for
your Betta. A smaller, bit warmer world will be easier to navigate (and rule),
and the frogs will be good company>
Should I leave him where he is? Could he adapt at his age?
<I would move this fish; and yes>
He is getting less respect and deference from the mates in the 60 gallon, I
don't want him to eventually be cowed into a corner to die, but I fear such a
drastic change might harm him, too. What do you think? Old fishy psychology is
not exactly my area of expertise...
Thanks in advance,
<Thank you for sharing. Bob Fenner>
Re: Aging Betta to new environment?
Good evening!
<Hey Kara; good morrow to you>
I appreciate the quick response, and was tickled to death to have a response
from THE Mr. Fenner, himself, no less! (squeee!)
I just wanted to thank you for your good advice and give you an update!
"Flash" the Betta has practically been reborn since moving him from the 60
gallon to that tiny little 5.5 gallon tank-o-froggies. Here, I was, so worried
that such a radical change at his advancing age would stress him to death!
<Very good; and, as expected>
He was plenty mystified by the frogs, at first, although the general venue
seemed to please him well. He took the abrupt plunking into the new tank in his
stride, poking at every leaf and blade, and measuring the tank perimeter
straightaway. He really likes the Frogbit overhead.
<Oh yes; more like their natural habitat>
He has since become accustomed to his eccentric room mates, although I must
admit to a hearty chuckle or two at his expense in the meantime. I wish I had
thought to take a video of him on this one occasion- picture this, if you will:
Flash is creeping slowly along on his belly, trailing millimeters behind a very
untidy 3-way Amplexus of silly frogs as it bumbled around the tank. When that
wad-o-froggies stopped still for a moment, Flash flared at them, and seemed
totally perplexed as to why his magnificent display failed to impress. He came
waggling up to my laughing face, then resumed trailing them, nervously glancing
forward and back. Funny!
<I'll say!>
Flash has now constructed 2 different bubble nests, on each end of the tank, is
very interactive, and has really has become his old self again.
Thanks again for your kind reply to my little dilemma!
<Glad to assist you>
Sincerely, and with great admiration for your knowledge of all things fishy,
<I washed Betta bowls for a few years; B. splendens has always been a fave.
Cheers, BobF>
Betta in HUGE tank for a week;
heater concern
<Hi there>
Just wondering if it is ok to leave a Betta alone in a 38 gallon for a
week, while waiting for a heater that was ordered? The heater may take a
week to come. My spouse says it is ok to use a 100W heater that we
have for the 5 gallon and just turn it down.
<Actually... as it's thermostatic... I'd just leave it set for high
seventies, low eighties F>
I told him that if that heater goes out of control it would kill the
Betta easy.
<You should be able to see... via a thermometer, whether the temperature
is going up too far... will take several hours to do so>
Is it actually ok to put a heater that powerful in a 5 gallon, or stick
with the 25W one that I ordered and keep him alone in the huge tank for
<Five watts per gallon is about right. I'd use the 25 Watt in the 5
The 38 gallon is tall so I hope that he is ok with a long trip to the
surface this week just to get O2.
<Should be fine>
He is at the bottom now flaring so he seems ok for now. Thank you
<Cheers, Bob Fenner>
Re: Betta in HUGE tank for a week; heater concern 4/30/18
My concern was if we went away for a week, could the 100W thermometer
malfunction in the five gallon and heat the water enough to kill the
<Not a modern decent heater; no. IF it is set at a reasonable temp. it
should be fine. B>
I have heard of that happening. Thank you
Re: Low pH and tank size; Betta sys.
Re: 10 gallon tank with filter vs. 1 gallon tank with no filter Thank
You! - Interesting scenario: We just returned from the fish center at
Petco. The woman at the fish center seemed to be knowledgeable and
told us it would be much better for our Betta if we kept him in
a 1 gallon tank with no filter and just do water changes every week.
She said the fish would be less stressed and live much longer. We
currently have our Betta in a 10 gallon tank with a filter. Is this
woman correct?
<Please try/use the search tool (on all pages), WWM is not a chat room,
but an information resource.
READ here:
Or see my book on Betta care on Amazon....>
Fish Tank Temperature in Hot Weather. Betta splendens
We have a Betta in a 10 gallon tank.
In summer the tank warms up into the 80's.
How can we keep it cooler?
<Mmm; DO keep the light/s off during the day... as these contribute to
heat. IF you can leave the water down a few inches (to prevent the Betta
jumping out), leave the lid off the tank; otherwise fashion a plastic
screen (like screen door material) to accomplish the same. IF the temp.
is only a few degrees too hot, consider having a fan blow air across the
water surface (evaporative cooling will lower it a few degrees F.). IF
the temp. is WAY too high, consider floating a frozen ice bag (of about
a cup or two volume) in the tank...>
What is the max temp for a Betta?
<The mid 80's F. are not too much. The upper 80's F. are problematical>
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Persistently high water pH; Betta sys.
<Hi Elaine.>
I have been struggling to keep Betta alive, with limited success. My
second died last week. I have a 5-gallon, filtered, heated tank.
Chemical readings at zero ammonia, zero nitrite and about 5 ppm nitrate.
Temperature maintained at about 78 (little fluctuation).
<Good so far...>
I foolishly used water that had been through our water softener and
suspect that may have killed the last fish – not sure. The other
possible reason is that our water pH is just too high for Betta. I tried
to do more water testing. When our well was drilled, it tested general
hardness at 29. (It was also tested at that time, and again a few years
ago, for chemical and bacteria harmful to humans – it was fine for us,
but not sure about fish because I can't find those lab reports. Only way
to get a lab test is mail it to the closest lab a few hundred miles away
and pay a substantial amount – if I have to, I will.) We now have a pH
meter calibrated and get pH reading of 8.7, as did nearest aquarium
<8.7? I wish I could maintain that for my little reef tank ;) OK there
are various ways to bring down pH, used by people who want to keep
things like discus and other "softer water" species. Check WWM for info
on that. It seems like you are using "liquid rock" well water like a lot
of mountain areas get. A good rule of thumb is that if you drink it,
then it's ok for general aquarium use. Any way you look at it, I am in
agreement that the pH is the problem. Side note- check into your tank
decor, it's not impossible that you have something in there that is
messing with the water, although I doubt it.
Down to brass tacks here. Your tank water has most likely fluctuated
dramatically in a short time. A very small tank will swing dangerously
with what seems to be a minimal change. Maintaining a steady temperature
like you do is an excellent practice and challenge due to this. One more
reason to have the biggest tank you can. I recommend taking a second
look, and taking measurements of space available, trying to upgrading to
a 10g if you possibly can do so. A larger tank may not have a much
larger footprint that you'd expect...a couple inches. Betta are not
especially picky about pH but they do need it *stable* above all. Drip
acclimate them over an hour or so when introducing them. Your goal is
for close to neutral pH. Try to find out what the readings are in the
store the fish has been living in. Moving it from a 7.2 tank to an 8.0
tank is a death sentence. Also, as standard practice, if your LFS is
lacking, be a little pushy if you have to. Then order online. There are
far too many excellent retailers who can ship you a healthy fish for a
reasonable price especially compared to the cost of shipping out water
for testing, etc.. And they will be more communicative.>
Even with 50% - or 75% - distilled water, we're not having any luck
bringing it down, not sure why. I didn't tell the aquarium store -
because the guy is obnoxious and insisted that we’d kill a Betta by
mixing in distilled water - but the water he tested was 50% distilled
which had sat for 36 hours, and it was still 8.7. Is there a way to
bring down the pH which is safe for Betta? Should I give up on Betta and
try a species that can tolerate our high pH? I'm limited to a small
5-gallon tank because there is no place for a larger tank where our 3
large cats won't go fishing – and they are Maine Coons quite capable of
removing tank lids. So I'm not sure what species are feasible – and I
would prefer another Betta. But, I do not want to kill another one.
Perhaps buy jugs of drinking water and use it in the aquarium?
<Water "softeners" as we call them may involve salt, so there's that.
Back to the stability thing though. Controlling the water with additives
and such is not as good long term as adjusting the *fish* to what will
be its conditions. Long story short (too late!) I'd personally probably
just buy bottled spring water (not distilled), dechlorinate it simply by
leaving it open overnight, and have this set up, heated and ready to go
before introducing a new fish.
Please check out
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/fwsubwebindex/bettasysart.htm and please use
the site's built-in search, there's a lot of stuff about these nifty
fish so always read these articles first. The F.A.Q.s are obviously very
involved and can be a bit daunting, but a simple CTRL-F for your issue
will help point you to what you need. Best, Earl C. >
Re: Persistently high water pH 11/16/16
Many thanks. I'd tried site research first but your email was more
useful. I'll check on larger tank but I only have just over 2 inches to
spare on width and 3 inches in height. It's tight now. The pH readings
were from the well, not the aquarium. I just checked aquarium and it was
over 9, but I'd doctored it with ammonia to keep cycle going and that
probably skewed it. I'll check when it cycles back to zero ammonia in
the morning. With fish in, not big jolts of ammonia, ammonia stays at
zero. I had already removed some aquarium gravel to a bowl with 8.7 pH
water to see if it affects it. So, I'll check on larger tank and bottled
spring water, finish testing on gravel from tank. - and keep close eye
on aquarium pH. I've found an online seller here in Texas who sounds
promising when I get issue resolved. Our well is through limestone
(former sea reef) and dolomite with large reservoir in dolomite - yes it
would do well for reef tank!
<Sounds good. Probably worthwhile to call the seller and ask about your
concerns as well. Ideally they are keeping their Bettas in similar water
to what you have, knock on wood. Your game plan seems solid. Let us know
how it goes! -Earl C.>
Re: Persistently high water pH (RMF, Plus back to Earl)
I’m so sorry to take so much of your time with my high pH questions. I
can’t get a larger tank, but I can use spring water instead of our very
high pH tap water - problem solved, right? WRONG. The aquarium
water itself tests about 9.3 or 9.4 - significantly higher than the 8.5
tap mixed with 50% distilled.
<Please.... Simply READ here:
and the linked files above. You might well want to consider an RO device
for your fishes/aquarium and potable uses... Bob Fenner>
So I started trying to figure out if I had a problem with something in
the tank. Most likely culprit seemed the gravel, even though it was
intended for an aquarium. I put some gravel from the aquarium into a
small bowl of distilled water and the pH went up from 7.0 to above 7.5
(still under 8.0). Ok, I think. That’s an issue although I still don’t
understand the 9.4 aquarium water; I’ll just have to remove all the
gravel. Then, the light bulb went on in my head this morning. The water
in the tank is such a high pH because I was using 100% tap water until
very recently and only 25% water changes since I made the change to add
50% distilled water to the changes. That water in the aquarium is still
over 50% tap, I think - I’ll need to do a 100% change. Also, as I know
from my cat water bowls, our faucets, etc, our water leaves deposits.
Almost every thing in that tank has been in there since July (more than
4 months) so there’s a good chance the water left deposits on it,
further raising the pH. I cleaned a handful of gravel from the aquarium
very well in distilled water - a soak and 3 or 4 rinses in distilled
water. Aha! It doesn’t affect the pH of the distilled water if it has
been well rinsed. So, rinse the gravel and everything else in the
aquarium as well as 100% water change. But . . . I have all that
wonderful bacteria I took weeks to get established which is doing a
great job of converting ammonia and nitrites. I don’t want to lose that
good bacteria. I know your site says to usually rinse items from the
aquarium in the water removed from the aquarium to preserve the bacteria
- but that water is pH 9.4 or higher. Here’s my thought: I have a very
large foam filter in the aquarium, about 4.5 inches in diameter and the
same height. It has to be full of good bacteria by now. If I rinse
everything EXCEPT the filter in spring water, rinse the filter in the
water removed from the aquarium and squeeze it out most of the way, then
return it to the fresh water, I hope that will leave me enough good
bacteria while removing enough of the high pH water and its deposits.
Does that sound workable? I don’t want to start over on building the
bacteria colonies, but I need to remove the high pH water and its
deposits as much as feasible. Elaine
Re: Persistently high water pH
Sorry to have bothered you.
<Not a bother; and have sent your ongoing corr. to Earl for his further input.
Stay tuned. BobF>
I actually had “simply read" the entire page you sent by your link before I sent
my first message to you because I had researched pH on your site to see if I
could avoid bothering you at all I know that you are busy with people with ill
fish and your site is a real blessing. From reading that page you linked, it
really sounded like I should give up on Betta and find some other species for my
tank due to our water. I stated that in my first email and asked for advice on
feasible species, even though I would prefer a Betta. The response from Earl C.
- first email below - seemed to indicate a Betta might be possible with spring
water and careful monitoring. So I was trying to set that up. Really, I do read
the material on your site before emailing and I do read any links I am sent. I
guess I’ll keep fumbling along and do my best not to kill any more fish. I do
not need an RO unit for potable water. Our water creates no health risks for
humans. Most of my family lives to past 90 drinking the well water from these
limestone hills. Perhaps I need one in order to keep one little fish. I’ll look
at cost. Elaine
Supplementing RO Water 11/18/16
I'm sure the answer to this is probably on your site somewhere, but my
internet is out till who knows when (joy of rural life) and I've spent
the last 2 hours squinting at a 4-inch iPhone screen trying to research.
I'm giving up and writing - sorry. After a long and useful exchange with
you about my well water problems, I convinced a local aquarium store to
sell me RO water at 25 cents a gallon if I bring in containers.
<A good deal... much cheaper than elsewhere.>
I asked them about necessary additives to keep a Betta healthy and they
told me that they never add anything for any of their fish.
<Mmm; I would NOT keep any aquatic life in straight RO>
Since these are the same folks who were convinced I'd kill a Betta by
mixing ANY distilled water with my well water because I'd mess up the
electrolytes, I think they have a misunderstanding about RO and DI
Either that or this water isn't really RO - but that certainly looked
like a very large RO unit. Can you advise me? I have seen SeaChem
products recommended, such as SeaChem Replenish. Elaine
<This is an excellent choice. I'd add, mix, and use. Bob Fenner>
My Betta.... I'm worried 4/24/16
So I just changed my fish`s water, put him in and I noticed that he
started opening and closing his mouth repeatedly and flapping his gill
opening, is he going to be okay? I did the water changing process correctly
<Define "correctly" please. Step by step. Also if you have any other
tank to safely put him in, that would be a good idea until you know what
the problem is exactly. I'd start with asking if you aged and
dechlorinated the water you used and how much water you changed out.
Give me a rundown one step at a time, please. -Earl>
Re: My Betta.... I'm worried 4/25/16
<Ok. Firstly, how is he this morning now that several hours have
Ok, I first took our dipper (we always put him in it when we change his
water) and cleaned it out with only cool water. I then filled it up
halfway. My dad said to put in 1 drop of the water cure liquid. I did
Next I found our fish net, washed it out with hot water for about 15
Next I stirred the treated water with the net I then carefully got flash
out of his tank. He is my only fish in my house. I took his dipper and
put him by the sink (in the water, of course) next I took his tank into
the bathtub, poured the water out, along with his gravels in the bottom
of the tank.
<A word about water treatment stuff in a bottle/dechlorinator...it takes
some time to work and is better left as a backup or emergency solution.
What you really need to do is get a container that you know is
absolutely clean (you can get a 2 or 5 gallon bucket at Lowes or
whichever hardware store, use a bottled water jug, whatever, as long as
it's NEVER been used for any other purpose other than storing drinkable
water. Preferably with a lid. Keep it filled at all times then stash it
someplace where it will not be contaminated but can age. Tapwater has
chlorine, chloramine, stuff that will "gas out" within a day but is
harmful to the fish. Do your water changes using this aged tapwater and
fill it back up as needed to keep it filled for next time. Change about
1/4 or 1/3 of the water in the aquarium using this once a week rather
than one huge change. You don't want to dump the whole thing out if you
can avoid it. "Partial" water changes!
If you are going to do a major cleaning of the entire tank including
gravel, etc. do it only rarely and simply put enough water in a clean
bowl (like say a mixing bowl or like I did as a kid, a Kool-Aid plastic
pitcher) in other words, leave the fish in water it's been living in, no
need to switch it into entirely new water.
But here is the problem and why the details are important! :) You are
using a filter with one filter pad, and you have gravel. Both of these
things are your biological filters and are how the tank is "cycled" and
habitable. When you clean or remove them, you are essentially putting a
fish into totally new, fresh tapwater, which is dangerous. Usually you
want to just partially change smaller amounts of water more often. But
never change (or kill off the helpful bacteria in) both the gravel AND
the filtration pad at the same time. Do one or the other but never both.
So to sum up, use aged water stored for the purpose, change it often but
in smaller amounts, and don't destroy the bio-filtration in the tank. I
would just swap out the filter pad as needed independently of water
changes. Just change small amounts, and if you must do a total-tank
cleaning, just toss a bunch of the water in the tank into a separate
holding area with the aged filter pad, clean the tank, put the old water
(with the fish) back in, fill up with the new water from your stash, and
put the old pad into the filter.
PLEASE read about cycling tanks, water changes, and also freshwater
Bettas on Wet Web Media, all this is covered extensively on the site.
There are also many books about Betta care, probably even in the local
Knowledge is power. I went over this just now to help walk you through
the specific process and time urgency but read up next time first...it's
a must. Also as a suggestion, if you have had Bettas for 3 years, it
might be time to upgrade to planted tanks, since you clearly have a
long-term interest and well...planted is the next step into a larger
world esp. for fish like a Betta. :) Search the WWM site, it's got a
built-on Google section to boot. Good luck. -Earl>
I put the gravels under the faucet, turned the water on. With the water
on, I made my hand into a claw shape and started running my fingers
through the gravels. I saw discolored water and fish poo coming out of
the gravels.
Once I saw that no more discolored water rinsing away, I put all the
gravels back in the tank. (The gravels are for fish tanks, not for
driveways.) I took his submarine toy and took a clean washcloth, got it
wet and washed the yellow-Orange gunk off. I did the same to his
whisperer filterer. I took out those old filter and threw it away I took
a new filter and put it in cool tap water. Then I rinsed it. I filled up
the usual tank with 77 degree water then put 3 drops of treatment in. I
carried the tank back to my room and put it on its shelf. Then I took
the dipper containing
the fish and set it by the tank. Flash swam into the net. I plopped him
in the water as quick as I could. That was the water changing process. I
changed all the water in the tank. He isn't doing it as much now. I gave
him food and he swam up to it, but he wouldn't eat it. I know I did the
process right because I saw my dad do it a lot of times. The tank is
about 3 years old. This is my second Betta. I will show you a pic of him
in his tank today, and my old one in the same tank. The new fish is
pink, the old one is blue. Thanks for listening to me
Re: My Betta.... I'm worried 4/25/16
He is a pretty fish, isn't he? My family is used to having fish. When I
was 5, we had a whole aquarium of different tropical fish, so we aren't
new to fishkeeping
<Yep, take good care of him and he will be a cool little pet for years.>
Tanks that are too tall for a Betta
<Hey Jude>
Just wondering if there is a point where a tank is just to tall for a Betta. I
saw a used 16 gallon for sale, but it is 19 inches tall. Is that too tall?
<Mmm; I do think so... sixteen inches of depth is about my limit... and larger
volumes (than a few gallons) make it hard to feed a Betta splendens male... too
much food goes uneaten>
I also heard of someone who had a 55 gallon with just plants and he got a Betta
and put him in there. Thanks
<Yes; can be done... but, have to train the fish to take food/s at a particular
spot, and be very careful re
tankmate choices. Alternatively folks can arrange some sort of device w/in these
larger tanks to house the Betta.
Bob Fenner>
Do you guys still answer questions? Betta... sys., rdg.
IF you do, please help me! Lol!
Hello, my name is Carissa. Who ever said fish keeping was easy was
wrong! I had a 5 gallon tank with a lone Betta that was cycled, and I
decided to upgrade to a 10 gallon planted tank. I took the filter media
out of the 5 gallon tank and cut it and added it to the new filter for
the ten gallon.
within 7 days of that, I had diatoms! but only in certain areas in the
tank, never an even coating. It has been a month now and I have
read so much mixed information from credible sites and other fish
keepers that I am now unsure of how to handle it.
<Best to keep an open mind; question all you read... seek to
understand/grasp the underlying science (if any)>
I have read that..
Adding fast growing plants will take the nutrients from the diatoms.
(but diatoms aren't algae so wouldn't they not need nutrients?)
<Diatoms are an algae group (Division)... Do need and remove nutrients>
Keep your lights on longer/ shorter/ turn them off ( I have yet to see a
person state this helped at all)
<For viewing pleasure, best to have on just when you're there. For
growing plants et al... more>
Don't clean off the diatoms in the tank, i.e. take the plants out and
rinse them off so the diatoms don't fall into the tank and their
relocation will revive them (I cant keep uprooting my live plants, but I
cant have their leaves smothered with light-blocking brown powder)
Nerite snails eat diatoms (my Nerites snails don't seem too crazy about
it lol)
So will my usual 80% weekly water change and wipe downs make the diatoms
burn out?
<I'd change no more than a quarter (25%) unless storing pre-treated
water for the week. New tapwater not to be trusted>
I don't think its my water because I have had tanks in the past and I
don't remember having this issue?
<There are other causes; and solutions. You've read on WWM re algae,
control? >
Thanks so much
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
An interesting idea for a Betta or a death trap?
I do not know if anyone at WWM is allowed to comment on anything that is
advertised, but I guess this is a "Betta aquaponics tank" or something.
https://backtotheroots.com/shop/aquafarm . It is a three gallon tank
for a Betta and I am wondering if it is another death trap fad
or something that works. I don't see a filter or heater. Thank
<Ah yes... with the addition of the filter and heater... this could be
made to work... as could any chemically inert or non-toxic water-holding
container. Bob Fenner>
web site issue
I have been researching a Betta splendens biotope and reading various
related articles and FAQs. I get the screen shot error when going
to the following link:
<Ahh, please put in this instead:
Somehow the suffix has been lost. Thank you for your note. Will fix. Bob
if there us a better email address to send this type of thing to please
let me know.
Small Tank Residents- Betta sys et al. 8/30/12
That (Partial water changes during fishless cycle) is good advice for
the 2 gallon, I will do some partial water
changes. I was originally going to put a Betta in there. I
have a tiny heater but it's warm enough now without it.
<Two gallons is still a little cramped for a Betta. Should have
Housing a Betta in a container without filtration can be done, but it
requires a lot of frequent and diligent maintenance to keep the resident
healthy. For experienced fishkeepers only, in my opinion.>
But I am still concerned that it may be too small for any fish. So
I've been looking around for other ideas. I might concentrate on
growing a nice plant and getting some shrimp.
<Your shrimp idea is a good one, and a small planted tank with colorful
shrimp can be just as entertaining as a small planted tank with fish.
Since small volumes are less stable than large volumes, the plants will
help keep the nitrogen compounds in check.
In terms of fish, your choices are indeed limited, but not zero. The
Least killifish (Heterandria formosa) is a perfect candidate for that
size tank.
This fish is not a killifish at all, but a livebearer. In fact, it is
the smallest livebearer in North America. Some species in the
Aphyosemion and Fundulopanchax genera of true killifish would also work
well, but finding any of the fishes I mentioned requires networking
instead of a trip to the store and some research to see if they are a
good match for your tap water
chemistry. Good luck! - Rick>
Re: Small Tank Residents- 8/30/12 9/5/12
Wonderful, thanks. I will research that fish. My 2 gallon
tank is the Fluval Spec Desktop that came with a pump/filter/light.
Watching the goldfish suffer in there makes me leery of putting another
fish in there but then again - it was probably too warm and lots of
ammonia in there. I've learned a lot in 10 days thanks to these
great websites and help from experts like you.
<Welcome. Let us know how it turns out. - Rick>
Re: Thanks for everything, final Betta set
up 3/20/12
Hello Bob and the WWM crew!! I just wanted to say thanks
again for everything. You were a tremendous help and the
information that I've found on this website remains
invaluable. You don't have to send a response to this,
I just wanted to send you a picture of the final set-up for my
beautiful female Betta, Violet. She is thrilled with her
new five gallon tank and it has completely cycled with no
issues. She's doing really well, has gained quite a bit
of size and I can't thank you enough for it. It's a
shame that you can't really see her colors (I have a lousy
camera) but, she is a beautiful shade of blue with red tones on
the insides of her fins and on her belly. Our water quality
is holding at Ammonia - 0, Nitrites - 0, Nitrates - 10, pH -
7.6. Keep up the amazing work guys, without your website, I
might have kept Violet alive, but she would not be
as she is right now.
<Ahh, thank you for sharing Jess. BobF>

Betta fin rot and his general tank setup
Hi Neale
Sorry, more questions! Thanks for all your help so far.
We have a male Betta called Pedro (don't ask me, that was Mrs.
K's doing) in a filtered 19 litre, kept at 27C. Is this temp too
<It's fine. If anything, you could even take it up to 28
There's too much conflicting information out there for us to
Today we noticed his fins were getting a bit ragged, with white bits at
the edge of the rags, and suspect fin rot. We added 1tbsp of API
aquarium salt to the gallon, as recommended on WWM, and did a 25% water
<Hang on a second'¦ where is salt recommended for treating
fin damage? I would not recommend salt for that! Let's be clear --
salt has little/no beneficial effect. If you think about, marine fish
can get Finrot, and they're in seawater. What salt can do is help
reduce osmotic stress, or at least, that's what old school
fishkeepers often suggest. I think that's hokum, but it probably
doesn't do any harm in the short term.
Long term, you don't want to use salt -- these are, after all, soft
water fish by nature. Instead, if the fins are merely ragged but not
infected, good water quality, good diet, regular water changes, and
perhaps the use of a preventative like Stress Coat or Melafix will be
all you need. If the fins are infected, i.e., you can see dead white
tissue and/or exposed fin rays, then review water quality and medicate
with a reliable anti-Finrot medication, such as (in the UK) eSHa
He is almost exclusively fed on a diet of various wet frozen foods, a
piece about the size of his eye per day.
<I see.>
We suspect that the fin rot is due an ammonium spike, which also caused
a bacterial bloom. This occurred as the Canadian pond weed that we put
in went into meltdown. Cold water plant, as I eventually found out.
<Yes. Can live in tropical tanks, but needs extremely high lighting
to keep up with its elevated metabolic rate.>
Thank you to a certain large chain of pet shops for selling me a cold
water plant for a Betta! Anyway, I did frequent water changes and got
all the decaying plant matter out. The bloom has since died down and
the water is crystal clear again. Water testing 3 days ago showed pH 7,
ammonia 0ppm, nitrite 0ppm, nitrate 0ppm. Typical water quality on a
weekly water change shows the same figures.
How long should we keep the salt treatment up for?
<Wouldn't be doing this at all.>
Given the test results are indicating to me that the tank is back to
normal should we revert back to the old water change schedule (15%,
once per week) or keep up the regular ones (every couple of days)? Are
more frequent water changes aiming to remove e.g. fungus spores or is
it to keep water quality pristine for the sick fish?
<Water changes don't remove bacteria or fungus in any meaningful
way. Both, after all, are living in the filter where they do good work.
You see, the problems we call Finrot and Fungus are where bacterial and
fungi move from consuming decaying organic matter in the filter (which
is good) to doing the same thing on the bodies of damaged or stressed
fish (which is bad).>
We do have some plants in the tank and there seems to be a lot of
conflicting advice regarding salt tolerance. Can you shed any light on
<Salt will be tolerated by hard water plants, but soft water plants
dislike it. But really, you shouldn't be using salt at all.>
The plants are java moss (introduced this week, bought), Limophila
sessiliflora (introduced this week, prunings from another tank),
Eleocharis parvula (established) and Vallisneria sp. (introduced this
week, bought). We're not too green fingered on the aquarium front
so it's largely been trial and error up till now but we'd
rather not kill off any more after little Pedro having to suffer the
consequences. Lesson learned. Dead plants = sick fish.
<Ah, now, do read my new article on WWM, here:
There are quite a few reliable plants, but much depends on picking
those species and understanding their non-negotiable needs.>
On the subject of plants we're trying to get this tank as heavily
planted as possible because we've had massive problems with
Cyanobacteria. At the time the light schedule was 12.5 hours per day.
This has recently been cut back to 10 hours. Again there seems to be
quite a bit of conflicting opinion on algae control, with some saying
that light is the limiting factor and others nutrients. Given the small
nutrient input and plenty of plants I was surprised we had a problem
but it had choked the plants out. We pulled them all out except the
Eleocharis, which was doing fine, and that was when the fateful pond
weed went in. Is there anything else we can do if cutting the lighting
back doesn't work or is that about it short of building a scrubber?
It would be nice to do but would take up too much space.
<Do also read:
Plus the linked FAQs and articles.>
Thanks for your time and any comments will be appreciated, both on the
treatment for the fin rot and on the general setup.
Gordon and Denise
<Glad to help. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Betta fin rot and his general tank setup 1/15/12
Hi Neale
Thanks again.
<No problem.>
The advice about the salt was on the Betta diseases FAQs
http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/BetDisInfeF.htm titled "Betta
Fin Rot 8/26/07".
<That's a reply from a crew member of the past. What he says is
something that's quite often mentioned in older books and articles
about Bettas.
There is a nugget of science behind the idea, because sodium chloride
does reduce the toxicity of nitrite and nitrate, so may, possibly,
improve the health of Bettas maintained in small, unfiltered aquaria.
But what we don't know is how far salt stresses their salt/water
balance processes (osmoregulation) and because of that, in the long
term, salt may solve one problem but cause another -- such as dropsy.
You will find few if any modern fishkeeping writers suggesting the use
of salt as anything other than a short-term medication, and none of the
trusted health books written by vets promotes the use of salt in the
old school way either. In any event, salt doesn't cure any sort of
Finrot or Fungus, so it's of precisely zero value when you're
dealing with those sorts of sicknesses. I suspect the confusion came
about originally because fishkeepers found that when they used salt,
fish like Guppies and Mollies didn't develop Finrot or Fungus. We
now know that's because those fish need hard water, and salt and be
used to compensate for that in soft water. So fish that were
disease-prone in soft water became hardier in salted water, and their
own immune systems may well have fixed any minor infections. But early
on in the hobby, and we're talking about the 1920s and 30s here,
that connection wasn't obvious, so instead it was thought the salt
"cured" the fish.>
Didn't know that marines got Finrot.
<Yes. Finrot is merely an Aeromonas or Pseudomonas infection that
occurs when these usually harmless bacteria are able to feed on fish
without an effective immune system. This is the link between stress and
disease. Healthy fish fight off these bacteria ALL time, literally 24
hours a day, 365 days of the year. But poor diet, the wrong
temperature, poor water quality, social behaviour problems like
aggression -- all these cause stress and thereby lower the
effectiveness of the immune system. No different to humans.>
I'm sticking to FW until I'm very, very experienced before even
thinking about marine, but yeah that makes perfect sense. I'd tend
agree with you on the osmotic stress. If a species has evolved in
response to an environment with a low level of ions in the water it
stands to reason that it will be comfortable there.
<That's what vets believe, too. By all means use salt or Epsom
salt as medications in the short-term. They're harmless used this
way, and salt is, for example, much safer than commercial Whitespot
medication. In a new aquarium, salt might even be useful for softening
the edge of nitrite while the tank is cycling. But long term, i.e.,
more than for a couple months, it's a bad idea.>
That's interesting on the bacteria/fungus working with you when
things are good and against when things are bad. It's strange to
think that the organisms we rely on day to day are now eating the
fish's tail.
<Oh gosh yes. Think about it, the bacteria are mindless. For them,
there's no difference between fish faeces sucked into the filter
and dead skin cells on a living fish. It's all organic matter. So
far as the bacteria are concerned, it's stuff that Mother Nature
wants broken down into the smaller chemicals the filter bacteria can
further process into ammonia, then nitrite and finally nitrate.
Normally, the fish's immune system fends off these bacteria before
they get into healthy tissue. But if the fish is seriously wounded or
somehow stressed, the immune system can't stop these otherwise good
bacteria getting into the healthy tissue. Those bacteria multiply,
spread, and as they do so, caused havoc, in particular clogging up
blood vessels ands thereby causing nearby tissues to die from oxygen
starvation. The bacteria then feed on those dead cells, multiply some
more, and the infection spreads. If the infection isn't stopped,
the bacteria eventually reach the organs or cause blood poisoning.
That's when the fish dies.>
We'll keep up with the stress coat, (we added some today, forgot to
mention that), change the salt out of the water, and observe for any
worsening of the tail damage, if so medicate accordingly.
<There's a great value medication called eSHa 2000 widely sold
in the UK; it's safe and very effective. Costs about 4-5 a bottle,
but you use so little, this small bottle will last years. I'd
suggest buying some today.
There are other brands, like the Interpet one, but in terms of value,
effectiveness and safety to my fish, it's the eSHa one I like
Thanks for the links. We'll have a good look through them.
Gordon and Denise
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Betta fin rot and his general tank setup 1/15/12
Hi Neale
Thanks for all the advice. I've been phoning around LFS with no
success with regards to the ESHA 2000, the only ones we could get today
would be treatments by Love Fish
<Not used this.>
or Interpet,
<Can work well; don't forget to remove carbon.>
however wanted to check with you before we bought either of these in
case we wasted more money or even worse did more harm than good. We
could order ESHA 2000 online but obviously we wouldn't get it
today, so was just wondering what would be the course of action
you'd suggest?
<Either; waiting a day or two won't do harm if the fins
aren't too badly eroded. But if they're red and really ragged,
act quickly.>
We've done a 50% water change on Pedro and will keep up regular
chances and add Stress Coat regularly.
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Betta fin rot and his general tank setup 1/16/12
Hi Neale
No further questions, you'll be relieved to hear. Cheers for the
advice and a bottle of eSHa 2000 is winging it's way to us.
<Ah, good.>
We'd rather use that as it's recommended by someone whose
opinion we trust, the fish isn't yet ravaged and the medication
will break down in the water rather than have to be carboned out after
We only have a small internal filter with a sponge block as a medium,
so carbon would have been problematic.
<Perhaps. In reality, few, if any modern medicines need to be
removed with carbon -- at least, if you're only keeping community
fish rather than invertebrates.>
I have to say it's amazing how complicated and interesting Betta
splendens has become considering I bought Pedro on the advice from my
LFS that he could be kept in a 8 litre unheated, unfiltered aquarium
and be fed a flake every three days. That he would survive in a pint
glass and actually liked confined spaces and dirty water.
LFS even tried to sell me one of those little plastic tanks that look
like they hold about a half a litre. It was also recommended to
actually split that small tank and put another male in the other side.
I can imagine how stressed those fish would have been, aside from the
really obvious, constantly being able to see an aggressor and
constantly displaying to fend him off. Reason from LFS: "They
display more like that".
<Well'¦ true enough, but as you say, hardly a nice way for
them to live.>
We both have, however, learned a lot and discovered a fascinating fish
with loads of personality. Its interesting to read other people's
accounts of keeping this species as well. They seem so quirky and
individualistic. Even if my general interest in the hobby declined I
think would still keep a Betta.
For the record I was also told at the same LFS that our 60 litre tank
would take 6 phantom tetras, 3-4 clown loaches, a Hong Kong Pleco, 6
black widow tetras, and 4-5 honey gouramis. I did NOT follow that
Needless to say I don't buy from there anymore, which is a shame
because I'd rather support an independent retailer.
<Quite so. It's a shame really because they're harming their
business. People who buy fish that then die, aren't likely to stay
in the hobby for long. It's in the retailer's interest to have
knowledgeable staff who can educate their customers up to at least some
sort of basic standard.>
The 8 litre tank has been put into service as a daphnia culture tank,
since I can't actually see any other use for it. It was inherited
and I have no idea what unfortunate creature was kept in there.
<Indeed. You could try a freshwater reef tank here, if you can
supply good lighting and filtration. A few plants (Java moss is great
for small tanks) and then add a few small snails, some small shrimps
(bumblebee shrimps are great, but cherry shrimps could work) and then
let the thing become an ecosystem. Add some pond water if you can, or a
bag of live daphnia. Over time, you'll find this brings in all
sorts of tiny animals that end up living and breeding there.>
So, thanks for everything. It's comforting to know in these early
stages that we've got folks that we can to turn to for reassurance
and advice who are trustworthy.
<Thanks for the kind words.>
Gordon and Denise
<Cheers, Neale.>
Betta question 12/21/11
<Hello Shanna,>
I recently had a Betta die from what I assume was
dropsy ( he looked like a pine-cone).
<Sadly all too common. Bettas don't live for long when kept in
tiny tanks.
They need heat and space just like any other tropical fish.>
He was in a 1.5 gallon round tank with an tube with a stone that blows
bubbles in the centre.
<Too small, and apparently no heater. Death was inevitable.
They really don't live like this.>
I have another male Betta fish in the exact same set up about a foot
Since the other fish died, he just sits in his little cave. He does
come out for food (pellets). Do you think he is just stressed?
<Or lucky to be alive.>
I do not have a heater and will be purchasing one this week but I want
to get a new tank set up since I think this might be too small for
What is the ideal tank set up?
<Ah! The beginner of wisdom! You are asking the right questions.
It's really not very much, but there are a few things. The first is
a bigger tank. 5 gallons would be a good start, and would provide space
for decorations too, making his environment much more stimulating.
Secondly, a heater. Bettas absolutely must be kept at a stead 25 C/77
F, and unless you live in tropical Southeast Asia, it's very
unlikely room temperature would be this warm. Angle-poise lamps and
ambient central heating just aren't enough. Finally, a filter. A
plain vanilla air-powered box, corner or sponge filter is more than
adequate for this.>
I really don't want to have to cycle a tank for a week.
<Fortunately, Bettas are quite forgiving of the cycling process. So
long as you change 20-25% of the water every day or two, you can cycle
the filter with the Betta in place.>
So what would you suggest? Or should I just get another fish to put in
the other tank, maybe he is just lonely?
<Definitely not lonely. Bettas are territorial and aggressive. They
view all other fish as either a threat, a meal, a rival, or a potential
Even female Bettas will be attacked if they don't spawn with the
male. It's a common mistake people make to add a female thinking
it'll provide company, and then look on, horrified, when the male
kills her. These are not "nice" fish in terms of
friendliness, and the artificially bred varieties you buy in pet shops
are even less sociable than their wild relatives!>
I also wanted to know if I am suppose to do a full water change once a
week or like 50%.
<If there's no filter, then daily water changes are
best. When Bettas are kept in jars in HEATED fish rooms, the
water in those jars is essentially changed completely every day. If you
have a filter though, you need only change 25% once a week. As I
mentioned above, you'd need to do more frequent water changes
during the 4-6 weeks it takes for the filter to cycle, but afterwards,
25% every week is fine.>
I do use tap water with a conditioner then I put him in. Should I be
waiting to put him in? Also if you suggest a new set up what would the
water change be like? Anything else I should be adding to the tank?
Thanks so much in advance!
<Just set up the new tank, take the gravel from old tank and put
into the new tank (if only for the first few weeks -- the gravel will
help "seed" the biological filter), pour in the water from
the old tank, and then fill up with new, dechlorinated water. Move the
Betta to his new home, and off you go. He should be fine, provided you
do daily water changes for the first 4 weeks at least, or until your
nitrite test kit shows a steady zero level of nitrite (nitrite goes up
from zero to a peak around two weeks after setting up, then drops down
to zero.>
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re Dead Betta; mystery rocks? 10/28/11
Hello again:
I was wondering if toxins in the water in a fish tank will always cause
the ph or alkalinity to change?
<Depends on the toxin. If you mean ammonia, then that'll cause
the pH to rise (but has no effect on alkalinity). If you mean nitrate,
then that dissociates into nitric acid, and that will lower the pH, and
neutralising alkalinity, will cause alkalinity do drop. If you mean a
poison that isn't either a weak acid or weak base, then it
shouldn't affect pH -- though the decay of dead organisms will
produce ammonia and that in turn produces nitrate. "Toxin" by
itself doesn't mean much; water is a toxin if you drink too much,
as is salt, sugar, and every conceivable drug or medication you've
ever taken. Something becomes toxic in a given context.>
I am the one who had the black Crowntail Betta that died. I put the
"art store" stones in there and found out later that the
stones have a film of wax on them to give them a matte finish.
<Not a very clever thing to do. Don't put anything in an
aquarium not clearly stated to be aquarium-safe. Some folks do use
flowerpots and rocks collected at beaches, but even then, that's at
your own risk.>
I did an experiment where I put half of the stones I had in the five
gallon, in a 2 gallon jar, filled it up, and the next day I used a test
strip for the water. Everything came out the same as a tank that I have
that is perfectly healthy soft water tank. The Betta did have about
four of these stones in there with no effect, but maybe the larger
number did him in. Just wondering?? I also notice that a lot of people
have those
glass stones in their tanks Thank you!!
<Some glass stones are sold for use in aquaria. They look nice when
clean, I suppose, if you like that sort of thing; your Betta won't
be that keen on them though because they're reflective. Once
covered in algae and bacteria they look like any other kind of stone.
Don't see the point to them myself, and do wish Betta keepers would
concentrate on the basics -- 5 gallon tank, heater, filter, hood -- and
not worry so much about sticking baubles in their Betta's home! Yet
the market for this kind of stuff is vast, from cartoon characters to
wildly overpriced bits of smoothed glass and rock. A clump of Indian
Fern (water sprite) would do much more good, providing shade and better
water quality, and cost a fraction of the price.>
<Cheers, Neale.>
Betta, sys. 10/27/11
Hello Crew,
So I bought this beta, is it alright if I keep him in this unheated,
unfiltered vase? Nah, I'm just joking, but I'm sure you get far
too many inquiries along those lines... Anyways, I have a 5 gallon
little eclipse tank that just emptied up (Previously had 11 Cory fry
that I raised, and I felt they were big enough, and had developed their
'"armor" so I threw them in with my other Corys) so now I
have this empty tank. Today I saw a neat little beta in the typical cup
housing, but he seemed in pretty fair condition so I took him home and
put him into my established tank, with a fresh water change. I also
added a heater so the tank is currently at 82 degrees Fahrenheit. I
would like to do a small little planted tank for him,
including shrimp (My lfs has some shrimp labeled "Singapore
shrimp," which are pretty neat, would these work out with the
Also, the only light on it is the standard in hood lamp that comes with
these things, so any plants that are suggested with this set up (No
co2, not a strong light, etc.)
<See WWM re>
The substrate is currently sand, so this is also may be a factor for
the plants. I have seen some beautiful tanks, much better looking then
tons and tons of large, overstocked, bare bottom, freshwater, and even
saltier tanks, with only a Betta and some plants in it. Thanks for any
suggestions to set this little guy up in style.
<Again; reading on WWM>
Thank you very much.
<Welcome. BobF>
What do Betta's need for care? 9/14/11
I am not finding much from the internet
<Much here!
Essentially an aquarium at least 5 gallons in size; a tropical fish
tank heater; a small filter; and a hood to stop them jumping out.
Everything else is optional, but not these things. Do bear in mind the
stories about
Bettas living in hoof-prints filled with rainwater are rubbish, and
while breeders can keep them in jars, they change almost all the water
daily and keep the jars in a heated fish room that provides both warmth
and humidity (Bettas are very sensitive to cold air and dry air).
Don't expect any fish to be a cheap pet, and if can't afford to
get the basic equipment, or don't have the space, then please
don't try and keep them at all. Far too many fish die prematurely
because of this. Fish clubs exist in most major cities, especially in
the US, and they will often provide guidance, even free equipment, to
people starting out in the hobby. Cheers, Neale.>
So is it possible to keep a Betta in a vase.
<Not reliably nor humanely, no.>
My family kept Betta's in vase and they survived for a long
<Some smoke cigarettes and don't get cancer; doesn't make
smoking safe.
Most Bettas kept in vases have short, nasty lives. Is keeping Bettas in
a jar or vase animal cruelty? I'd argue it is, especially if the
pet owner knows what that Betta needs to do well. Given good conditions
a Betta can live for 2-4 years in a properly maintained tropical
aquarium. For everyone who says their Betta lived a year in a jar of
water, there are a hundred Bettas that die within weeks. We get a LOT
of messages each month from people with sick or dead Bettas, and
there's a common thread running
through them all: poor living conditions, specifically, bowls and
vases. Ask yourself why you're trying to keep an animal in
conditions any vet will tell you won't be humane or healthy. If you
want an animal companion, find one that will work in the space and
budget you have at your disposal.
Cheers, Neale.>
I don't understand why you are using sarcasm with a reader.
<It's exasperation, Courtney. You wouldn't believe how many
people hear advice about not keeping a Betta or Goldfish in a bowl;
ignore it completely; buy their Betta or Goldfish; and then when it
dies in a few weeks, they'd go buy another. You may not be one of
those people -- and I truly hope not. But I can't tell that for
sure, so I'm being as forceful as possible. Unlike the guys in the
pet store, I'm not selling you anything and I have nothing to gain
from helping you out. My own goal here is to encourage you to keep your
pet fish properly.>
I am simply providing you with information that I know. Once again I am
personally a first time pet owner.
<And I'm not. I'm very experienced, and I care deeply about
animal welfare, hence my firmness.
Cheers, Neale.>
My Betta, Gabriel, env. 9/12/11
I'm slightly worried and very curious about my Betta. I've had
him for a little under a month, and he seems healthy enough. My only
concerns are that he doesn't eat much, and he buries himself under
his rocks.
I have him in a small, lighted bowl.
<... w/o a heater or filter?>
The bowl is large enough that he can swim around and enjoy himself, and
the temperature stays constant at about 60 Fahrenheit.
<... No... too cold... stop: Read:
The rocks in his bowl are the glass pebbles, about the size of a silver
<... worthless>
He only buries himself when, as I can only assume, he's sleepy or
under stress. I just don't want him getting stuck and hurting, or
killing himself. My other concern is about his feeding habits. I feed
him Betta Bio-Gold pellets. The instructions say to feed him 2-3
pellets twice a day.
I found that to be way too much and reduced it to 3 every other day. He
still won't eat much and acts lethargic. Please help!!!!!!
<... read. Bob Fenner>
Betta Pond? 7/11/11
Greetings WWM Crew.
<Hello to you, too!>
I hope I didn't just miss a similar question on your site, but
several searches yielded no near matches (as determined after reading
the results).
And let me apologize in advance for the length of my missive, I know
you want plenty of information to work from, and I seem to have gone
with a more is more philosophy.
The only fish I have ever really had is a beautiful veiltail Betta
(*Betta splendens*) that has lived with us for almost 3 years now with
no problems.
However this also makes me less than an amateur.
My Father-in-law recently built a beautiful rock-pond with a fountain
in his garden. At our last visit I realized, as I tried to scratch my
skin off, that it had become a mosquito breeding
ground. This thought made me curious about fish for the pond,
so I started trying to research options.
I am told the mosquito problem has now been fixed (chemically, I
believe), but that my father-in-law still thinks fish would be a nice
addition and that he would like me to set it up for him. We live less
than 2hr away and will be spending the summer with them anyway, so I
should have some time to plan it out and get it started.
<Fish can consume mosquito larvae, but their usefulness does vary
from one situation to the next.>
The information I have on the pond is as follows: -Approximately
175-200 gallons (guesstimate) -Approximately 9"-12" deep
(because of the many rocks on the bottom and on the sides) -The pond is
in a garden with a tall chain fence around it to keep the deer and
other animals from getting in and eating the flowers and veggies -Water
plants, including potted water lilies, are already growing and doing
well in it
<All sounds good.>
I also know that I need to check the water's pH, nitrates, and
nitrite levels before I really move forward, but since the mosquito
problem has been taken care of chemically, do I need to separately
check those chemical levels? If so, how do I go about doing that? Are
there any other tests I need to do for a tiny pond that wouldn't be
mentioned in aquarium guides?
<Well, tropical fish are broadly divided into hard water species and
soft water species. Livebearers for example need hard water and tend to
be sickly in soft or acidic water. Conversely, while Tetras may
tolerate hard water, most are better kept in soft water. Bettas fall
somewhere between the two extremes. They prefer soft water, but the
farmed specimens are fairly adaptable and will do perfectly in
moderately hard, slightly basic water; let's say 2-15 degrees dH,
pH 6.5-7.5.>
I am open to any suggestions you may have about a good starting fish or
combo for the situation, but I would also like some specific
information on requirements for a Betta pond.
<Nothing much different to Betta systems generally, with two extra
cautions. Firstly, temperature. Bettas need consistently warm
conditions, at least 24 C/75 F. So outside of the tropicals, you
can't keep a Betta outdoors all year; indeed, here in England for
example, you probably wouldn't do well with them outdoors even in
summer. The Paradisefish (Macropodus opercularis) is a subtropical
species and therefore somewhat more tolerant, but it won't tolerate
colder water than, say, 18 C/64 F.>
I can't seem to find any more information online other than that
Betta ponds are possible and sometimes do very well. I realize that
keeping a Betta inside is very different from a pond and that any
Bettas in the pond would have to be brought inside should it get too
cold, especially since the pond is so very shallow. However, since that
would be the case with most fish, it seems that Bettas would be easier
to do this with since they do not require a filter and my in-laws
don't have an aquarium (though it could be arranged if needed).
<Ponds with plants can "filter" themselves if the plants
are numerous and the fish few.>
I worry that the pond is too small for most other fish, is this the
Specifically, what about Siamese Algae Eaters (*Crossocheilus
Ideally I would put a few of those in the pond. Could I do both SAEs
and Bettas? I have seen them in aquariums together. If I was to put
Bettas in it, because of the many excellent hiding places in the rocks
and plants, would it be ok to put a male in with a few females (not for
breeding, just to look nice)? How many would be appropriate?
Thank you so much for your help.
<Actually, without data on water temperature, I wouldn't
recommend either.
If you live in the subtropics or warm temperate (i.e., about as far
north as, say, Southern France in Europe or the Carolinas in the US)
you would probably find Gambusia affinis a better bet, though this fish
is aggressive and nippy and cannot be mixed with anything beyond its
own kind. It will tolerate down to 12 C/54 F. In the subtropics, Ameca
splendens might be a good alternative, tolerant down to about 15 C /59
F for short periods. Both of these need at least moderately hard,
neutral water and won't do well in acidic conditions. In soft water
the Paradisefish is the obvious choice, but it will need subtropical
not temperate conditions. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Betta Pond? 7/12/11
Thank you so much for your very quick reply. You are right (of course),
I checked the average temperatures for the area and during the summer
the days would be warm enough but the nights would get too cold for
The main reason I had been leaning toward Bettas was because I had
assumed that this pond is too shallow for any pond fish to survive in
over the winter (I have heard 4ft is minimum) is that the case? If it
is possible for fish to live in the pond year-round that would be
<Ponds need to be at least 4 ft deep because ice forms in shallower
ponds to such a degree that fish will likely freeze to death. This
isn't negotiable. So if the pond is less than this deep, and frost
occurs sufficiently often for ice to form on a pond, then fish
can't be kept in this pond.>
My in-laws live in the valley in Southern Oregon, so
the summers get plenty hot during the day (sometimes over 100 F), but
do cool off quite a bit at night (50s-60s F). The coldest winter months
have average lows of 31-33 F and average highs of 45-47 F.
<Lethally cold for subtropical fish. Coldwater fish such as Goldfish
may survive given a sufficiently deep pond and adequate water volume
(at least a few hundred gallons).>
Are there any fish that would thrive in these conditions year-round,
such as Shubunkin (Carassius auratus)? Or should we limit the pond life
to plants and naturally appearing tadpoles at this point?
<I would indeed agree that fish aren't an option here.>
Thanks again.
<Cheers, Neale.>
Brown Growth on Apple (Mystery) Snail, and Betta sys.
<Hello Haley,>
I woke up this morning to find that my blue apple (mystery) snail was
floating around and hanging outside his shell.
At first I thought he was dead, but after closer examining him he is
just fine. The problem is that he has this circular large brown round
spot that is not allowing him to completely close his trapdoor
(it's closed basically, but the edges are not). I'm wondering
if he has some sort of disease or other problem? Maybe mantle
detachment? I don't think so though, he is sticking to the wall and
is able to retract just fine.
<No, he's in a very bad way.>
He lives with a Betta,
<In a coldwater tank? Then the Betta will die pretty soon, unless
you happen to live in the tropics and the water keeps at a steady 25
C/77 F or more.>
a plant, and a really tiny snail that came with the plant (which was
floating either too, but now went off somewhere). I have removed the
snail from the tank because I was afraid he was dying or had a disease.
Still sort of worried that he is suffering mantle detachment
<Nope. Almost certainly been killed by the poor conditions in your
I have this tank 1.77 gallons with filter (w/o the pink gravel and the
fake plant, replaced with white gravel, fish decoration items, and real
<A useless product and a waste of money.>
I feed my Betta 4-6 pellets a day, twice a day. I figured snail would
eat fish food and the plant if it got hungry. Maybe I should add some
other foods too? I put freeze dried blood worms in there every couple
of days too.
Brown spot looks like this (though my snail is blue on snail and actual
<Copyright image not shown here, and irrelevant anyway. Do please
read here:
Apple Snails need very specific conditions, and generally don't
live long when improperly kept. AppleSnail.net is a great site for more
Cheers, Neale.>
Apple Snail brown spot problem fixed, I hope
I think the problem was that it was not getting enough calcium. So it
is probably a operculum problem.
I happened upon these pictures:
These pictures look exactly like the brown spot that I was talking
So I broke up some pieces of cuttle bone and stuck them in the tank to
add calcium. I also put the snail back in. Hopefully, he will be able
to recover now.
<Your research sounds well worthwhile. But do review the big
picture. A cuttlebone will not compensate for poor environmental
conditions. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Apple Snail brown spot problem fixed, I hope
Well actually my tank is at the right temperature, not a cold water
tank as you mentioned.
<Good to hear. There was no mention of a heater in your question,
and the "Marina Cool 7 Goldfish Aquarium Kit" doesn't
include a heater. Some people think that an unheated aquarium will be
warm enough for their Betta if their home is centrally heated or they
place the tank under an angle-poise lamp. They are wrong. So let's
just clarify. You have a heater? If the answer is yes, then that's
fine. If the answer is no, then you need one, and without a heater,
your Betta WILL die unless your ambient air temperature happens to be
25-30 C/77-82 F, e.g., you live in a hot, humid jungle in South
America. Nowhere in Europe or the continental United States, except
perhaps Hawaii, will be hot enough for a Betta in an unheated aquarium.
You would be saddened to know just how many people don't understand
this, and because of it, millions of poor Bettas are chilled to death
every year. I get messages from such folks about once every 2-3 days
here, and it breaks my heart, because I quite like Bettas. I just wish
people wouldn't keep them in unheated tanks.>
So besides the calcium, I'm not sure what poor conditions you are
talking about.
<Apple Snails and Bettas need completely different conditions. They
aren't compatible, at least, not for long. Apple Snails come from
the subtropics, e.g., Florida, and they experience a slightly cool
winter and a hot summer.
During the winter they become somewhat inactive, and in summer they
become dormant completely, resting in the mud. In practise keeping
Apple Snails in aquaria is hard, and the vast majority, 99% of them,
don't live for more than a year. You need to keep them around 18-22
C/64-72 F most of the time, towards the cool end for a month or two in
winter, so they can rest a bit.
Getting them to aestivate during the summer is tricky, but do-able if
you place them in wet moss or something similar and keep them in a
container that allows air in but keeps the snail from crawling out.
They should be kept this way for a few weeks. In aquaria they sometimes
get away without the aestivation, but the winter cooling really does
help. Otherwise Apple Snails simply burn out. In any case, Apple Snails
really need about 5 US gallons, together with a heater and a simple
air-powered filter. They must be able to breathe air as well, so make
sure there's space between the waterline and the hood. Water
chemistry should be towards the hard and basic, otherwise the shell
becomes pitted -- probably what you've observed.
In other words, 10+ degrees dH, pH 7.5 is just about perfect. Food
should be biased towards plant-based foods, for example algae wafers,
cooked peas, spinach, etc. Weekly offerings of lancefish chunks or
small unshelled shrimps would be good sources of protein and
The tank is big enough
<It's really not. 2.5 gallons is worthless. You don't have
to believe me, but I've been doing this a lot longer than you, and
I've got the books, the magazine articles, and the PhD to prove I
know what I'm talking about. If I got a dollar for every message
about sick Bettas in tanks smaller than 5 gallons, I'd be a very
rich man by now. The folks who ignore advice from experienced
fishkeepers are the ones who end up with dead animals. Your
and if you're talking about the filter I fixed it up to be less
powerful and stressful on the Betta.
<Good stuff. Air-powered sponge and box filters are ideal for
Bettas. But at the same time, the flow of water needs to be sufficient
to ensure zero ammonia and zero nitrite -- I assume you have at least a
nitrite (not a nitrate) test kit. Do please understand that most sick
snails, fish etc. are killed by their owners, and not by diseases that
creep in through the window one dark and stormy night. I'm glad
you're reading about your pets and making efforts to optimise their
living conditions. But the data you sent me was limited, and it
isn't obvious you've covered the basics like heating and water
chemistry. Read about these, and act accordingly. I'm not psychic
so I can't read your mind, and all I can do is hope to point out
the possible problems and their best remedies. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Apple Snail brown spot problem fixed, I hope
I'm guessing the temperatures are the main problem for why these
two don't work together?
<Pretty much, yes. Apple Snails have a poor track record in tropical
aquaria. Most don't live longer than a year, though they can live
4-5 years and reach the size of a tennis ball. Occasional specimens do
thrive, but most don't.>
Snail should be colder during the winter (64 F about)?
And they need mud and moss in summer (basically along the lines of
hermit crabs, I know not an exact comparison but best I can think
<Certainly worth trying. Do read the AppleSnail.net for more on
There should be space to breathe for snails in winter too or only for a
while in the summer?
<Both the Betta and the Apple Snail need a breathing space at the
top of the tank, and in both cases *all year around*. Cheers,
Plastic plants 8/12/10
I was just curious if plastic plants are bad to have in Betta
fish tanks?
<Soft ones designed for fish tanks are fine.>
I have heard that plastic plants can injure the Beta's delicate
<Certainly some of a cheaper ones with sharp or serrated edges
aren't ideal. I'd always recommend live floating Indian Fern
over plastic plants for a variety of reasons, but if you must use
plastic, good quality ones are fine.>
Is it ok to just have a few plastic plants and some silk?
Or should I ban the plastic all together?
<No need.>
Thank you for your time. I really enjoy your website. Sincerely,
<Glad to have helped and entertained! Cheers, Neale.>
Betta in new cycled tank 8/2/10
I am Plamenka, I recently got into fish.
<Welcome aboard!>
My question is I moved my Betta from a 1 gallon 100 percent water
change tank, that he was thriving very well in. Into a tank that was
cycled a while back with one platy that lived in there up to yesterday.
I moved platy to my 10 gal tank to be with others and free up 5 gal for
<A heated, filtered 5-gallon aquarium for a Betta is
I added some of Betta's original water into the 4 gals already in
their from the platy. Not sure if that was smart or okay?
<Probably not a big deal either way.>
It has a filter and a heater.
He seems to enjoy half the tank but when he gets close to the middle
the filter pressure is so strong it pushes him all over the tank. what
should I do? Get a less powerful filter? Remove it?
<Bettas do need gentle filters, ideally an air-powered box or sponge
filter. Using an internal canister filter isn't a good idea. Wild
Bettas come from ponds with nearly zero water current, and breeding
fancy Bettas to create long fins has handicapped them severely. They
are very poor swimmers.>
Or just hope he will get use to it?
<He may do, but don't bank on it.>
Desperate for answers. The Betta has only been added into this tank
tonight. He has been with us a while and I do not want to do anything
to jeopardize my
daughter's Betta she will freak and I will be very sad:(
I appreciate any advice you can give me.
<Hope this helps. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Betta Filter? 8/3/10
Thank you so much for your answers. I have not heard of any of these:
an air-powered box or sponge filter. After reading your E-Mail late
tonight. I immediately removed the canister filter. The only other
filter I had on hand is an under the gravel type but it was originally
for a 1 gallon tank.
Therefore it is very short in this 5 gal tank, and releases the bubbles
under the water instead of on top.
<No good.>
I am not sure if that is considered filtering.
<That is so. Undergravel filters work by pulling water through the
The bubbles lift water. If the bubbles come out from an air stone above
the gravel, then no water gets pulled through the gravel.>
Or if it is just moving the toxic (ammonia & nitrates) back into
the water?? I went on-line and found some sponge filters but the local
pet stores do not carry it. I can order it, it appears to be very
inexpensive, but it will take time to get here. But elaborate if you
could on what an air power box filter is?
<There are some nice pictures here:
Sometimes called "corner filters" rather than "box
I have an air-stone connected to an air pump. but I am not sure if that
is what you are referring to. What are your feelings on an under ground
<They're ideal for Betta tanks.>
Do they work in a 5 gal tank?
<If the filter plate -- the flat plastic part -- covers the entire
bottom of the tank, yes, such a filter will work well.>
I may need to do a temporary thing until I can understand and locate
the filters you are recommending.
<Sponge, box and undergravel filters are all viable options
I am a little confused about moving up to a 5 gal tank. You have to
concern yourself with filters and chemical levels PH etc.
<Not sure what you're worried about. The bigger the tank, the
easier it is to look after.>
I have been told I should do only a 25% water change, and vacuum the
In the tanks under 5 gal it is so simple to just dump the water and
start fresh. What do you advise me to do in this 5 gal tank it sounds
like I should be concerned with a Filter, and how much of a water
change do you recommend and how often?
<25% weekly is fine.>
Even though I do not think this under gravel is filtering
<It is not filtering at all.>
I have to tell you my Betta is so much happier tonight and is making
full use of the tank swimming all around. Please just give me more
clarity on the filter. Once again I thank you kindly and appreciate
your time. Betta does also!
<Hope this helps. Cheers, Neale.>
PetSmart Bettas 6/1/10
<Hello Marcia. Melinda here tonight.>
I have to ask this. Recently I was walking through the local PetSmart
and noticed a HUGE display of male Bettas. They were housed in
individual cups with no more than 8 oz. of water per fish.
<This is standard for the pet fish industry. Ideally, the water in
these cups is changed daily. What individual companies/stores do is up
to them, so you should probably inquire with management at that
The cups had lids and were stacked. It dawned on me that there was no
reasonable way to get to all the cups to feed these guys.
<I cannot speak for that company's policy on feeding fish, and I
would suggest you ask the manager on duty next time you're in the
store what their policy is. In any case, I can state that fish do not
have to be fed every day, and in fact, can go up to two weeks without
food. Obviously, not ideal, but then, neither is keeping them in little
cups. If a store chooses not to clean those cups daily, then it is
really better that the fish eat less, so that he produces less waste.
On the other hand, it sounds like they would only have to un-stack the
cups in order to feed the fish.>
I am horrified if my suspicion is correct. Please tell me it
<I cannot say. The person to ask would be someone at the
Are the Bettas in stores like this considered
<I purchased my own Betta from a PetSmart. I have had him for about
two years, and in no way consider him disposable. I really don't
care what the store thinks; it is my action and my effort that matter
to my particular fish. As for what the store thinks, I would guess that
the store sees a Betta, sold for five or six bucks, as a stepping stone
to a container, decor, and food sold with him -- I have even seen
something called "Betta Water" -- all in all, a pretty
lucrative business.>
I am wondering if it is the industry standard in this type of store
just to order these fish, unpack them from the packing crate and leave
them without care until they are sold or die?
<Again, if you are concerned, the person to ask is someone in
management at your local fish store.>
Marcia Rasmussen
<--Melinda><<Well done Melissa... fair-minded, even-handed.
2.5 gallon tank, Betta sys. 4/3/10
dear, crew I just bought an Aqueon minibow 2.5 gallon fish tank. it came
with a filter and a powerful light. I'm going to put my pet Betta
in the tank.
how do I maintain my tank?
<Read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebindex/betta_splendens.htm
and the linked files above. Scott V.>
Betta Question... sys. mostly 4/2/10
<Hello, Robin! Melinda with you here tonight!>
I'm new to aquarium keeping but have done my research and have a
solid understanding of Betta needs and I understand the need for a
cycled tank. However, I have questions still about cycling in my
Betta's situation.
I adopted/rescued him about three weeks ago because family friends that
had him weren't interested in upgrading his environment after I
told them that his existing habitat was not sufficient. He's been
living in one of those awful plastic 'houses' with the lid that
contains some gravel and a small plastic plant for several months,
perhaps close to a year. The people that had him previously seemed to
be doing regular weekly water changes and were using Nutrafin Betta
conditioner and feeding Aqua Culture pellet food. He had never been
sick but I noticed was becoming lethargic and not eating and his water
felt cold to the touch. So, I came to his rescue with the plan of
getting him a larger environment.
<I'm glad you spotted this, and then chose to act! May not mean
much to some, but means the world to others (this Betta, for
I'm on a budget but found a 10 gallon aquarium on Craig's List
that has a Top Fin 10 filter that takes Tetra bio bags and a 50w
<The things that can be done on a budget... sorry, but I continually
tell people, "You can do this cheaply... for at least the price of
that fancy death trap you call a Betta bowl!">
I got rid of the existing gravel...I know it's useful for cycling
but I don't know what may have gone on in the tank so I dumped
<It would have only been useful, anyway, if it had been kept in
running system. Bacteria die when the gravel dries.>
I washed the plants, small decorations, and tank with hot water, added
new gravel, a new plant, new bio bag, and used Seachem Prime to treat
the water.
I bought a new thermometer which is on the inside of the tank and
registering about 78. The heater has plus and minus sides and a central
place on its dial and when I have it dead center, my water registers at
about 80, but feels too warm to me, so I adjusted a bit and it now
feels more like luke warm (correct me if the truly warm through and
through is ok).
<80 is fine for him. I keep my Betta tank at about 81.>
Bartholomew Betta (I felt he needed a better name than his former
'Blue Boy'....poor thing) is still in his Betta closet
I've had my water tested at PetCo and it was good except for a bit
of an elevated PH (don't have a number).
<What does this mean? Why no numbers? Make them give you numbers!
Have you been adding food to cycle the tank? If not, Ammonia, Nitrite,
Nitrate will always be zero. Please read here on fishless cycling:
A couple of days ago, I then found my kitty standing over
Bartholomew's overturned house after she apparently worked hard to
get at him, and he was lying on the gravel, still moist and obviously
<Oh, my goodness. That must have been horrifying for him! It may
make you feel somewhat better (at least, is good for a laugh!) that one
of my cats, Andrew, likes to drink out of my indoor pond, and I worry
about my catfish, who is two-and-a-half feet long, grabbing him,
thinking it's me with a tasty squid dinner! I don't think it
will ever happen, is just a good example of "if the tables were
(I was home all morning and had checked him earlier so he could not
have been without his water for any real length of time...my cat had no
contact with him because the lid stayed on).
I freaked, grabbed a cup and dipped water from the 10 gallon tank into
his plastic house and he began swimming around and flaring and seemed
<Bettas are air-breathers; though they don't exactly like to be
'out of water,' can be more resilient than others!>
I moved him into the bathroom and let him calm down, gave him a pellet
of food later because he had not been fully fed yet, he gobbled it, and
he made me some bubbles later that day. He's not shown any signs of
Because I had to add more water to the 10 gallon to replace what I took
out (I added some Prime), I had the water tested again, this time at
<Again; numbers on Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate?>
It was good except for a slightly elevated phi, which the associate
said is due to the water in my city.
<Have you had your tap water tested? You'll need to find out
base levels of KH and pH in order to determine if you need to add
anything to this water... fish waste can acidify water, thereby
dropping pH, but you're giving no numbers, so...>
So, my Betta friend is cold I'm sure, and while he was doing ok
under a light in my bedroom, he's not safe there because of my
kitty and he needs to get into a tank.
I will eventually want to add some Cory cats for mates,
<Okay. Please add many, rather, than some... some of the
warmer-water cories would be good for this guy in a 10 gallon... just
take time to read on WWM re: Cories using our Google search tool and
choose your catfish!
You'll want to add 5 or, even better, 6>
and possibly an ADF or two,
<Please research on WWM... often better kept alone.>
but am in no hurry and I obviously want a stable tank before I do
<That's great!>
But, I keep hearing and reading mixed info on Bettas in an uncycled
<Well, I'll tell you the truth, it could be a problem. But, you
haven't explained HOW you're cycling this tank, or provided
numbers, so... I'm not sure!>
I've also read that Seachem's Stability is one of the few
bacteria starter products that actually works.
<I have used this product. I can't say much for it. I prefer Dr.
Tim's One and Only. It actually works, in my opinion, whereas I
didn't see much change with the Seachem product. I have added fish
to a tank immediately after using this product; though I didn't
multiple numbers, and it worked great. No Ammonia or Nitrite detected
at all.>
So, because I don't want to make him stay in his small and unheated
house, is it possible to safely and humanely transfer him to an
uncycled tank and get it cycling and stable for him, as well as any
future mates?
<I would transfer him, and buy test kits. Test Ammonia and Nitrite
Do big water changes. His bioload is so small that it may not take much
and the tank will cycle without these parameters raising to dangerous
levels. Go ahead and do daily water changes, just to be sure, but keep
testing. In four weeks or so, you should see Nitrate, which is the end
of the cycle. After you see that, wait until there is 0 Ammonia and
Nitrite, and then do a water change and add the Cories...
My goal with this tank is to simply have healthy happy fish/frogs.
<I'm thinking fish is possible; frogs aren't... can be
aggravated by fish, and as I say above, are best kept by themselves.
Please read here:
and the linked files above.>
I live in a very small condo and will not upgrade to a larger tank so I
just want to maintain a thriving 10 gallon with the appropriate number
of inhabitants who are compatible.
<This is fine; I have seen very lovely small tanks! The fact that
you are doing your research, and saving less fortunate fish, already
makes you a wonderful hobbyist!>
Even if I decide that Bartholomew is best off by himself, I'm happy
to provide a healthy 10 gallon environment just for him. So, I'm
not in a hurry to add to my tank and I understand the wisdom of cycling
for any additions. What's not clear is how well a Betta can
tolerate the cycling process, or, if a single Betta is even enough to
get that going.
<Is enough for cycling to happen. He can tolerate it, as long as you
test frequently and perform adequate water changes to keep Ammonia,
Nitrite low.
However, think of this way: the amount of bacteria that grows is equal
to the amount of "food," or Ammonia, that is produced. So,
you're not going to grow an adequate biological filter for seven
fish when you use one fish to cycle the tank. You're going to grow
a biological filter to handle the waste of one fish. Thus the reason
for stocking slowly. Once established, nitrifying bacteria really do
multiply quite quickly. You've just got to get a viable colony
started, which is why you watch your levels, keep these (toxic) levels
very low, so as not to strain your fish (trust me, it can't be any
worse than what is in the bowl!) and then, once you have Nitrate, and
no Ammonia or Nitrite, go ahead and two Cories at a time.>
He's waited a long time to find a human that loves him like a
family member and is willing to give him the life he deserves.
<I agree. In fact, you don't want to see the state of my house
because I do so heartily agree! Honestly, I feel it would be wise to
accept donations at the door for visiting our
I am appalled at the treatment of Betta fish and the last thing I want
to do after rescuing one is kill or otherwise harm and injure him by
screwing up a transition to another tank. But, as I said, I'm
concerned that he needs to get out of that box he's in.
<You are right.>
Thank you,
<You're welcome!>
Robin....and Bartholomew Betta
P.S. I plan to switch to a more wholesome pellet and get him some
frozen bloodworms and brine shrimp. I'm willing to get him off
freeze dried food altogether is there is a more natural
<Yes, I feed a combination of dried pellets and wet-frozen foods,
such as bloodworms and Spirulina. My Betta literally jumps for a
bloodworm when he sees it coming on a spoon! Bloodworms don't have
much nutritional benefit, but they're wet, which aids with
digestion, and it's fun to watch him jump for his treat. I'd
avoid freeze-dried food. I feed Hikari Micro-Wafers for a dried food,
because they're smaller than most Betta foods, and I've found
my Betta has a small mouth! Either way, a good-quality pellet, plus-wet
frozen meaty and vegetable foods would be a good choice. San Francisco
Bay Brand makes a frozen food called Freshwater Frenzy. It's
wet-frozen and includes lots of different foods, so you could just thaw
a portion of a cube, and it would last a good few days in the fridge. A
pack would probably last you six months! Please do write back if you
have any questions after reading.
Swim bladder problem? Betta, env.
<Hello. Melinda here.>
my Betta, Dave, is around 3 years old (give or take a few
<Is fairly old for a Betta.>
He seems to have problems with his swim bladder.
<Well, if you'll take time to search this term on WWM,
you'll find that this is usually a term used for a variety of
symptoms for issues usually related to environmental
Some days he`s normal and some days he starts floating and is off
balance, when he does this, he normally goes under his hide-away
to keep himself completely submerged.
<This is really dangerous for labyrinth fishes; they can get
trapped and drown. While it sounds strange, the accounts that I
have heard of drowned Bettas are numerous. The fact that your
Betta is ill doesn't make this better. I'd remove
He gets 2 pellet foods a day at separate feedings (as advised by
an experienced Betta keeping friend because, as she says,
"the stomach is only about the size of the eye"), one
in the morning and one at night. So I`m sure I`m not
<I'm sure you're not overfeeding. However, these dry
pellets have been proven to cause constipation in fish, if fed as
an only food. Do try and mix in wet-frozen foods, soaked in a
freshwater vitamin, if possible. In my experience, it really does
aid with digestive health and prevent bloating.>
He`s kept in a gallon bowl,
<Oh... please read on WWM re: Bettas. That your fish has lived
this long in this bowl is an anomaly. I'm not kidding. Most
fish in his situation would have died one month to a few months
after being purchased. Obviously, he is an older fish, which
means he's a really tough guy -- has lived through toxic
levels of Ammonia, cold temperatures, and other horrible things
that come along with living in a bowl -- but his old age is
surely weakening him, and these may not be conditions he can live
with any longer.>
but I dropped the water level to help him when he gets an
unbalanced spell (I`ve read you should do that).
<Here? Personally, I give no advice to people who keep Bettas
in bowls except for "Give him a 5 gallon system with a
heater and a filter!">
It has the characteristics of Swim bladder Disorder,
<Again, not a real disease, but a name for a group of
symptoms. Your Betta is old; you're also keeping him in a way
which doesn't work for any fish. The symptoms you see are
likely a combination of these two problems.>
so I also skip a feeding or 2 when he gets one of those spells
and that seems to help.
<I would feed a variety and attempt to provide a better home
for him. Bettas can live four years or so if cared for properly;
this guy may pull through.>
Its been going on for a little while now, and I`m getting more
and more concerned.
<I understand.>
What should I do?
<Stated above.>
Is there a cure?
<Do you know your water parameters -- Temperature? Ammonia,
Nitrite, Nitrate levels? Can you feed a variety of foods, both
wet-frozen and dried? These are likely the "cure,"
though you have obtained an extremely hardy specimen who has
managed to last this long. You can make changes, and hope that he
lives to the end of his days in a natural fashion, or choose not
to, and he may not last much longer.>
Is it just old age setting in?
<Maybe... maybe not.>
Am I not feeding right?
<I do not believe that you are. I am a strong supporter of
varied foods, and feeding wet-frozen alongside dried. I've
just had too much success with feeding this way to not believe in
He`s my first fish, I really hope there`s something I can do to
help him.
<Please read here:
and any of the linked files above related to feeding, systems,
etc. I think you can help him, or if these problems are a
combination of old age and environment, at least learn some
things here. I hope this information has been of help.
Re: Swim-bladder problem? Betta env.
He`s lived in that bowl the whole time I`ve had him, I`m
concerned about moving him to a larger tank because it might
stress him too much (he`s also a lady`s man, I keep a female in
the bowl next to him, and if she`s moved, he just sinks to the
bottom and droops around. And I don`t have any room left in my
room for a 5 gallon with another bowl next to it). And while I
respect your and the crews experience, I have to disagree with
the bowl thing, all of my Bettas live in about a gallon each (a
huge improvement over the tiny cups they`re bought in) they like
their homes, and most of my 6 Bettas are around 1-2 years, with
no problems. Maybe its because I keep the house temperature
around 75 degrees...
<Most people who keep Bettas in bowls disagree with me, or
anyone else who tries to inform them, about "the bowl
thing." People care about their pets, and they don't
want to believe they could be hurting them through a lack of
care. If you'll read on WWM where I linked you in the
previous e-mail, you'll see that Bettas need warmer water
than you're providing, and that temperature fluctuation in
tiny bowls can be frequent and drastic, meaning that the fish is
undergoing serious changes in temperature, just from afternoon to
evening, etc. I've expressed how I feel about bowls, and you
have access to tons of information on WWM re: bowls and Bettas.
What you do with the information is up to you.>
I`ll see what I can do about heating though, but its hard to find
one for a small aquarium and I`m already in a bind having to save
up 35 bucks for something else...I need a job, but I have to find
one first (I just found out I can at my age).
I`m nervous about taking out the hide-away too, cause that`s been
there since I got him and he`s a shy fish, needing a good place
to hide. He`s a smart one though, he`s been going under and
staying, then coming up after a short time and going back under
and he can maneuver in it pretty quickly too. Its not on of those
complex ones, it`s just a turtle with a cave.
Kind of shaped like a coral bridge with a turtle on top. I
attached a picture to help you get an idea. Its an earlier
picture. He could get trapped if he sat still, but he`s done it
so many times I don`t think its too much of an issue. I`ll take
it out though if you think its necessary
<Stated in previous e-mail. Again, what you do with
information you are given and that you come upon is up to
...I`ll get other foods too if necessary, like I said, I`m
limited on money...
<Again, I can only tell you what I know to be true, both from
my own experience and research. Bettas who eat a diet of
wet-frozen foods, such as bloodworms, daphnia, brine shrimp, and
Spirulina algae, as well as a good-quality pellet as a staple,
just tend to have fewer issues with bloat or
I`m willing to do anything necessary, but I`m just scared to
cause stress and money is an issue.
<Well, I made plenty of suggestions. Again, this fish may just
be nearing the end of his life. On the other hand, the symptoms
you describe are almost always related to water quality issues,
cold temperatures, and improper feeding. Please do take the time
to read on WWM where I linked you in the previous e-mails. I
think that once you read one query after another about a sick
Betta in non-optimal conditions, you may begin to understand what
effect environment has on fish health -- not just for this Betta,
but for your other Bettas, as well. Please write back if you have
further questions.
Re: Swim-bladder problem? Betta env. 4/2/10
I`ll get varieties of food, but I don`t want to stress him with a
big move.
<Would not stress him. He would likely benefit from heated,
clean water offered by a larger, heated filtered system.>
I`ll take out the hide-away if it gets to be an issue.
<How would you know until it was too late?>
I`ll do what I can about heating.
<Very well.>
I see where your coming from, and true, the bigger the better for
the fish and heat definitely is more comfortable, but my fish are
happy and healthy (with the exception of Dave).
<I fear you will begin to find problems with the others, as
well. However, I can see that I cannot change your mind
I`m doing something right, the fish are getting to good ages with
practically zero problems, if I could afford huge tanks with tons
of equipment, I`d get huge tanks with tons of equipment.
<The ten-gallon tank in which you could keep two or even three
Bettas with a divider is not huge by any standards, or expensive.
Again, I'm not trying to argue with you, but you did write to
me for advice, and I'd like
to help you help your fish. Please do read on WWM re:
Its an advancement over the fate of the party favor fish, that`s
for sure.
I`m not criticizing anyone here, I`m just saying that both ways
are good.
<If you say so.>
Anyway, thanks for the help, I`m glad to know it could be just an
easy cure problem.
Keep up the good work over there!
Snail and Java Fern... sel., sys., Betta.... sys...
I have two questions. I have a Red Ramshorn Snail I bought about five
hours ago.
<Planorbis spp.; these are coldwater snails that don't last long
in tropical tanks.>
At first, he was coming out of his shell a little bit. I put him in my
four gallon tank with my Betta and now he doesn't come out. My
Betta hasn't touched him as I've been monitoring the tank.
<These two life forms aren't really compatible. Bettas need to
be kept at 28 C/82 F, or they eventually die. The snail will soon
suffer if kept this warm, and won't last more than a few
First time I put him in I accidentally dropped him but he landed on my
plant, so I don't think he got hurt?
His shell seems to be fine. He is defecating at the moment. What's
wrong with the little man?
<Little snail, surely...?>
Also, my Java Fern looks like it has a white cottony- growth all over
the leaves and the roots. I was told to just wash it but I can't
get it all off.
<Likely fungus, a sign of organic decay in aquaria with poor water
quality and not enough water movement or filtration.>
It's not dying as there are other little plants growing on it.
<Actually, one thing Java ferns do when unhappy is to produce
plantlets at the tip of the leaves while the big leaves rot away. Java
ferns need at least some proper lighting, and won't live in tanks
without lighting. Aim for about 0.5 to 1 watt per gallon.>
I thought it may of been the oxygen shell that was in my tank as the
growths first started on the plants roots. I threw out the oxygen
<These are the white lumps in the shape of a scallop shell, right?
Useless products. No substitute for filtration.>
Is the plants problem connected to the snail problem?
<Review the environment. Both may be suffering for the same
How can I solve both? Any information will be greatly appreciated.
Also, my tank is not filtered or have a heater.
<You're keeping a Betta in a tank without a heater? Who told you
that was a good idea? They lied to you. Read here:
Bettas are tropical fish. The word "tropical" means they come
from somewhere hot and sunny. A centrally heated home in the temperate
zone won't be hot enough. You MUST have a heater AND a simple,
filter for this aquarium.>
It's just plain freshwater with water conditioner.
<Tap water with water conditioner is fine, but don't use water
from a domestic water softener.>
I also replace 10% of the water every few days with new, conditioned
<No substitute for filtration.>
Thanks :)
<Cheers, Neale.>
re: Snail and Java Fern ' 3/8/2010
Thanks for the response :)
<Happy to help.>
I got the Betta as a present from somebody in a brandy glass. I knew
that this is an improper home for him so I got him the larger tank as
soon as I could. It is a round bowl as that is all I could afford
<Won't live long. A few weeks if the house is warm, much less if
the house is cold. But not for anything like the two years or so they
should live for.>
I haven't been able to find any filtration, pumps, heaters or
lights that can fit or a suitable for my tank.
<Are available. A 25 watt heater should be fine for a 5 gallon tank.
A small air pump and internal sponge filter will be adequate for
I've searched many pet shops, aquarium specialists, I've asked
people and I've looked on many websites including eBay but I've
had no luck.
I plan to get a rectangular tank and all these things as soon as I can
but I don't know how long this is going to take as I am a full time
student, not working and living on my own.
<I see.>
So is there anything apart from all the above mentioned that I can
<Not really, no. Regular water changes will help offset water
quality problems, but even with clean water, the cold will eventually
kill the Betta.>
Also, my snail has moved as its fairly far away from where I originally
put him (from on top a leaf on the plant to close to a rock, he's
also the right way up, foot touching the ground). My Betta seems
curious, he stares at the snail and sleeps right next to him. He
doesn't flare up at him or look agitated or aggressive, he just
simply stays next to him. Would this be a good indication that my Betta
is OK with the snail?
<Cheers, Neale.>
Betta... Kept properly. Yay! -- 2/23/10
Dear Crew,
I have a two-year-old male Betta in a heated, filtered, well-planted,
10-gallon aquarium.
<Sounds nice!>
There is nothing wrong with him.
<Ah, case closed.>
<Thanks for writing, Carla. We get so many messages about sick fish,
it's easy to assume no-one manages to keep their fish alive for
more than a week! So the occasional happy fish message is just the
tonic we need. I hope others read and take note. Cheers, Neale.>
Fish tank noise, Betta sys. 11/6/09
We have a little Betta who we love.
<Good stuff.>
He lived in a Betta Cube for several months, but now he seems not to be
doing too well (tail rot which I am treating) & we bought him a
Marineland Eclipse tank (3gal). We set it up, and find that it makes
this constant humming noise that it really annoying to humans and quite
<To be really honest, tanks smaller than 5 gallons are typically
"toys" rather than serious aquaria, and I can't recommend
them. The Finrot you are dealing with is directly related to poor water
quality, of that there's no
doubt. The so-called Betta Cubes are practically death traps, and
shouldn't be used, and even a 3-gallon tank is a marginal habitat,
at best. They're difficult to heat and difficult to filter, and
because they contain so
little water, there's no leeway for error. I have no idea why
they're sold, or for that matter, why people buy them. A 5-gallon
tank is, in my expert opinion (!) the minimum for safe, reliable Betta
I imagine, if you are a fish, it may be devastating.
<Certainly fish are sensitive to vibrations in the water.>
Is it ok for us to move our fish there, or should we get another
<I'd take the thing back if it's new, and get a refund. Much
better to buy a plain vanilla 5-gallon glass tank, or even a 10-gallon
tank if you'd like to add some shrimps and plants and maybe some
carefully choose tankmates like Kuhli Loaches or a school of Corydoras
habrosus. Do see here:
Equip the tank with an air-powered sponge filter, a heater, and
you're all set. Some floating plants are welcomed by Bettas for a
variety of reasons, and Indian Fern would be a good choice here. In
that case, choose a system with some nice bright lights, upwards of 1
watt per gallon.>
What should we do? We change the water 2x week on the Cube, but we
thought he would be happier in a nice tank.
<That's the theory, anyway. Unfortunately, like many things in
life, quality varies. A little research and a willingness to spend a
sensible amount of money, perhaps on good basic kit rather than
something cleverly
marketed can be wise.>
Please help.
<Cheers, Neale.>
Laboured breathing, Betta... the usual, poor env., no
reading ahead of writing... -- 10/26/09
I have a Betta which is likely one and a half to two years old - maybe
more.. This is his fourth home. He has become increasingly listless. I
have kept his water clean.
<... how? And is it tropical? Thermally controlled?>
My question is - he is near the bottom, upright, but seems to be
breathing heavily. It may be that he is old and has reached the end of
his days. I want to make him as comfortable as possible.
Should I put a air stone in?
<Mmm, no... are aerial respirators>
It could create a bit of current that might make him more
uncomfortable. Will he "drown" if he can't get up to the
<Will go to the top if needs to>
Thank you for your advice.
<Thank you for following directions. Read here:
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Betta systems -- 08/11/09
hi and thank you for asking my question,
<Happy to help.>
i am getting a Betta soon, and i am wondering, how long should i cycle
my new tank?
<Well, there's no perfect answer to this. However, normally it
takes 3-6 weeks for new aquaria to cycle. I'd recommend setting up
the aquarium, and every second day, add a pinch of flake food. Leave
the food to decay, so it produces ammonia, kick-starting the cycling
process. Once a week, change 25-50% of the water. After 4 weeks,
you'll probably be through the worst of the cycling process, and
can add a Betta. This time, do 25% water changes each weekend.>
Also, how big of a tank do i need
<5 gallons is the safe minimum, and an 8-10 gallon tank
and do i need a filter and heater??
<Yes and yes. While some people say you can keep Bettas in bowls
without heaters or filters, they are wrong. Bettas need clean water,
meaning 0 ammonia and 0 nitrite. Since they are tropical fish, the
temperature must be at least 25 degrees C (77 degrees F) at all times.
Put a lamp over a Betta aquarium, for example, won't warm the water
up enough, and obviously when switched off, the water will go cold.
Moreover, an aquarium heater is much cheaper to run! So buy yourself a
5-10 gallon aquarium, a 25-75 watt heater, and a simple filter such as
an air-powered sponge filter to keep the water clean. Bettas can jump,
so make sure your tank has a hood. Lights aren't essential, but if
you want live plants, you'll need some. The best plants for a Betta
system are floating plants, particularly Indian Fern
Thank you very much,
<My pleasure.>
D. Gulla
<Cheers, Neale.>
Acceptable current for Bettas 7/21/2009
Hello Guys and Girls,
I have enjoyed searching things on your site and have found many
answers to my questions. However I have been trying to discover the
acceptable amount of water current for my Betta. My set up is a 5
gallon tank with Eco complete and gravel substrate. I have a few true
aquatic plants including a moneywort that he like to rest in near the
surface. I do have a 25 watt heater and a compact fluorescent for the
plants. Tankmates include 2 ghost shrimps and 2 freshwater Nerite
<Sounds a terrific little aquarium!>
The filter is something I have never been satisfied with. I have tried
to find the smallest hang on back filter. I currently have one rated
for up to 10 gallons. You can imagine the current from it. I have
modified the water outlet back into the tank with a strip of plastic to
try to distribute the water more widely as it flows back into the tank.
. He hangs out in the back and that is where he likes to stare at
himself. He also seems comfortable in his moneywort and also resting on
top of a fake piece of wood I have placed near the surface.
<I see.>
I turn off the filter when I feed him his frozen bloodworms (thawed of
course) otherwise they get away from him. and sometimes I leave it off
for a little while to give him a rest from it. Is this acceptable?
<Switching a filter off for a few minutes is harmless, but after
some -- not really clear -- period of time lack of oxygen will mean
filter bacteria start to die. Aquarists commonly say 20 minutes is the
cut-off point where a filter starts to suffer, but whether there's
any science behind that I cannot say.>
Or should I opt for the sponge filter I have read about?
<These, and bubble-up box filters, are ideal for small tanks
including Betta systems; have used box-filters for small breeding tanks
for many years, with great success.>
He seems to be thriving. His finnage has at least doubled in size in
the few months I've had him.
<Then I wouldn't worry unduly.>
And one more question. I fed him some Hikari cichlid pellets a few
times and now he won't eat his Betta pellets.
<No big deal; all Hikari foods are excellent, and whichever ones he
consumes will contains lots of protein, vitamins and minerals.>
I would have to say though that the frozen bloodworms make up most of
his diet. Should I not feed the cichlid pellets and try to get him to
eat the other?
<Wouldn't worry in the least. If he's eating bloodworms,
Hikari pellets, and perhaps some live daphnia or brine shrimps now and
again, even cooked peas occasionally, he has a lovely, well-balanced
Thank you so much for your time and your dedication to responsible fish
<Glad to have helped. Keep up the good work with your Betta!
It's a delight to hear from someone keeping a Betta under such good
conditions. Cheers, Neale.>
Betta aeration requirements (or lack thereof) --
Dear WWM crew,
hi there! I realize you guys spend a lot of time answering questions
that have already been answered, so if I missed an article or FAQ that
has already dealt with my question I apologize wholeheartedly. I
realize you guys do this on a volunteer basis so I'm immensely
grateful any possibly repeated advice you give me. Before I start
there's quite a bit of back information that I'd like to share
so you have a really good picture of what's happening and why the
most likely oxymoron-esque question of Betta tank aeration
<Not necessary... Betta spp. are at least facultative aerial
respirators; can/do go to the surface to gulp air...>
is of such concern to me. so I also apologize for the length of my
message and feel free to skip over some bits to the question part of my
message which I've underlined and bolded.
<This encoding didn't come through>
I recently lost a Betta (Davey Jones) to an unidentified illness that I
can only compare to a combination of Columnaris and a parasitic
infection. I only had him for about 2 months, cause of death being the
above illness and what appeared to be subsequent gill damage since he
gasped and yawned almost non-stop the day before he died. He was sick
the entire time I had him, although symptoms were very mild at first (a
tiny grey patch and listlessness which I thought would disappear with
suitable living quarters and good food)
and I only started medicating 3-4 weeks after the symptoms became
worse. I did courses of Maracyn I and II, Furanace, clout, Cupramine
and Paraguard
<Good gosh!>
all of which only reduced symptoms for a day or two. I just want to say
before I go any further that I know you should never medicate a fish
unless you know what they have, I really dislike medicating tanks and I
always gave him a week's rest before starting a new medication
after researching its uses and asking several fishkeeping sites for
advice (including the wonderful WWM crew!).
As you can imagine, after all that I completely disinfected the tank,
plants and filter with a 1:10 bleach solution (9 parts water to 1 part
bleach). the tank, filter and supplies were soaked in the mix for 10
minutes and rinsed until the bleach smell disappeared and then
air-dried. The plants were subjected to a 1:20 bleach soak and rinse. I
replaced the filter media, inserts and gravel. Right now I'm in the
throes of a full-swing fishless tank cycling (ammonia is 0 and nitrites
are off the scale), and I must say that I'm immensely pleased
because it's only been 2 1/2 weeks thanks to Seachem stability, a
bottled bacteria product that gave me a bacterial bloom in less than a
day and nitrite readings after three days. I'm adding about 20
drops per day to keep ammonia at about 1.5ppm.
<Mmm, I'd keep at 0.5 ppm maximum... too high a concentration is
toxic even to bacteria, not useful>
The water's a bit yellow, the plants are becoming a little covered
with brown algae and the gravel's got quite a collection of mulm,
but I've been told many times not to touch the aquarium until the
cycling's done, and even then, to never vacuum more than a third of
the mulm off the gravel during each water change. Once the cycle's
over, I'm going to do a large water change (80%) and remove the
algae from the plant leaves, but other than that leave the filter and
inserts alone for about another 2-3 weeks so the bacteria can adapt to
a single Betta (because I'm a bit skeptical that a Betta can
produce 1ppm of ammonia each day, but you never know). So I'm
basically letting the whole set-up steep and become full of little
critters and hopefully become a healthy ecosystem that my next Betta
will thrive in.
<Sounds good>
Tank specifics:
details: 5.5g, cycling, heated (80F), Tetra whisper HOB filter with a
sponge insert on the intake to encourage bacterial growth (and protect
delicate Betta fins) and a baffle made out of a plastic bottle on the
outtake to reduce current strength, a 5000k lamp set on a timer (7h to
19h) for the plants. I'm thinking of reducing lighting hours
because 12 hours seems a bit excessive and the plants that I have are
low light plants
water additives: Hagen Nutrafin water conditioner (I tend to double the
dose out of my distrust of my calculating abilities),
Seachem flourish and excel plant foods which are added weekly and tetra
plant food for leafy plants which I add monthly
<You are disciplined>
decorations: live plants: duck weed, 2 Anubias nanas, 1 Anubias
barteri, 5 bunches of java fern, java moss and a Cladophora ball and
various pieces of driftwood for cover.
<Wow, nice>
The gravel's a bit on the thin side, only about 2-3cm high, but
none of my plants can be buried in the substrate, plus I want to
maximize the amount of water I can add to my self-admittedly small
uninvited guests: brown algae, copepods, Planaria and about 5 pond
snail hatchlings, the snail eggs are hiding in a Cladophora ball which
I've banished to a separate container until I figure out what to
do.(anti-snail chemicals being out of the question)
<Look to baiting...>
I'm actually quite pleased about the snails since they stay small,
they're eating stray bits of algae and whatever else they're
finding and so far don't seem to be interested in the plants which
to have damaged areas but I'm chalking that up to the bleaching.
I'm keeping them because I have no choice but to respect that they
can disregard >3.3ppm nitrite levels and fluctuating ammonia
Maintenance: thanks to WWM I know that until now I was doing way too
many water changes and while I'll need to actually wait until I get
a new Betta to figure out when water changes are needed, I'm
planning on bi-weekly 20-25% water changes and daily tiny water changes
to remove incidental uneaten food. Filter maintenance will be limited
to replacing worn out sponges (in stages of course) and clearing out
the intake tube which is irritatingly prone to clogging
feeding: 1 feeding daily three days out of the week, 2 feedings the
other three days and a fast on the last day of the week. feedings will
consist of alternating between 4 types of prepared foods (Hikari micro
pellets, micro-wafers, bio-gold pellets and Nutrafin top fin pellets)
and three types of frozen foods (daphnia, brine shrimp and bloodworms)
over the week.
<I want to be reincarnated as your Betta splendens>
I'll feed around 4 pieces of each food since most of them are very
small except for the bio-gold pellets which will be fed at the rate of
3 pellets. In case it's not clear, I don't feed each type of
food daily, rather the fish will get one to two of each type each day
depending on whether it's a once or twice feeding day. This feeding
regimen was applied to Davey and despite his illness, he appeared very
healthy until the last 2-3 weeks. (i.e. his colour faded, he seemed to
be losing weight, he wasn't growing and his fins deteriorated)
So, after all that (again, very long winded; I hope you're not
asleep yet!)
<Mmm, just got up>
I'm at a bit of a crossroads with regards to aeration. I realize
you guys say that Anabantoids don't need any extra aeration and
many other books and sites say the same thing. Normally I'd stop at
that and say that the HOB provides sufficient oxygen, but the baffle
does reduce surface agitation so that's the first issue. Granted it
pulls the low-oxygen water through the filter and it swirls around when
it exits the filter and hits the baffle, but there's only mild
rippling on the sides of the baffle, no actual breaking of the
water's surface.
<No worries>
My second concern is that Columnaris thrives in stagnant, warm, fresh
water (I don't add any salt to my water) which is what Davey might
have had so I'm worried that by not providing enough oxygen, while
it won't harm a Betta, it might encourage Columnaris or other
anaerobic pathogens.
<Mmm, not to worry re this bacteria... Your system has sufficient
circulation, your listed care is fine>
I do have a pump and airstone, and this might be an overly-sensitive
observation, but when it's on and in the water, I can hear the
vibration in the water and I'm worried that the constant noise and
vibration will stress the fish out. This is an issue because I read
that loud music and basses (like a subwoofer; I don't have one, but
I digress) near a tank can cause stress in fish.
<Can be an issue>
So I was wondering if the filter does provide enough aeration despite
the baffle, or maybe during the day the plants provide enough oxygen
and lowered nighttime oxygen levels can be handled until morning.
<The filter does/will definitely supply enough O2 and water movement
Thanks again for putting up with the painful detail and length and any
information you can give me will be greatly appreciated!
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Re: Betta aeration requirements (or lack thereof) no need to
read; just a thanks 7/1/09
dear Bob Fenner,
<Ms. Emilie>
Thanks so much for the response! Apologies for the missing underlining,
I originally had paragraphs and indentation to make the message easier
to navigate, but you still ended up having to read the whole thing.
<No worries>
But at any rate, thanks for the very concise response and assuming you
weren't being sarcastic, I'm very happy my feeding regimen
rates so highly with you!
<Heeee! I twas not joshing>
Again, thanks for the information, you sounded exasperated, so I hope
my ignorance didn't dismay you!
gratefully, Emilie
<Exasperation s/b my middle name. Cheers. Bob E. Fenner>
Betta System Questions: Water Quality and Maintenance
<Hi Lisa.>
I have to keep changing the water in my Betta fish tank about every 4
or 5 days.
<Not uncommon with a Betta system, particularly the typical Betta
tanks that are really too small for them.>
It gets a scum or film on the top of the water starting the first day
after I change it.
<Hmm... what else is in the tank? (Gravel, etc) and what and how
often are you feeding?>
This just recently started and am not sure what to do.
<Do keep up with the regular water changes. You can also read here
as well as the linked files on the top of the page.
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebindex/betta_splendens.htm >
Any suggestions?
<My pleasure.>
Tank Questions... Betta sys. 6/21/09
Dear Wet Web Crew,
I recently had to replace my 5 gallon tank and decided on a 10 gallon,
but ended up purchasing a hexagonal tank.
<Is this for a Betta? I assume so, since you wouldn't really
keep anything else in a 5 gallon tank!>
In order to fill it completely, it will be deep from bottom to top.
<Hmm... the bad thing about hexagonal tanks -- and why I consider
them overpriced for what they are -- is that when keeping fish,
it's the ratio of surface area to volume that matters. Five or even
10 gallons of water doesn't mean much if the surface area is rather
small. That said, because Bettas are air-breathing fish, this is much
less of a problem than it is with other tropical fish, or with
I know I need to leave a decent amount of space for him to get air and
in case of jumping (though I've never had one jump).
<A space 2.5 cm/1 inch should be ample.>
My question is this... how deep is TOO deep? Is there such thing as TOO
<Not really; wild Bettas live in water much deeper than even the
biggest aquarium. However, in the wild they rarely stray far from
vegetation, so provided the "deep" tank has floating plants
or tangles of tall live/plastic plants where it can rest out of the
water current, it's fine.
Yes, in theory, a Betta can drown if it can't gulp air. And yes,
the long, heavy, and essentially useless fins on "fancy"
Bettas mean they can't swim properly. So for both those reasons we
tend to keep them in shallow tanks with gentle (ideally air-powered)
filtration. But in a bigger tank, they're just fine provided there
are plants near the surface and places to rest out of the water
Below is a link to an example of the new tank. So far, I have left a
hands-length of space between the water line and the top of the tank.
Can I fill it up more, or should I leave it alone?
<Cheers, Neale.>
New Tank Setup 6-09-2009
my Betta died shortly after the move...
Hi there. Thanks so much for all your advice with my sick Betta. He
passed away but he was pretty old and I think the move was too much for
him. The fungus was starting to go away but I guess it was just his
time. Now, can I put one of my other fish in his tank? What do I need
to do to prepare it?
<Sorry to hear that, I hate it when my favorite fish pass away. For
the new tank I would recommend breaking it down and giving it a good
cleaning in hot water. I would then set it up empty for a few days with
medication just to be on the safe side. Then you can easily add a new
Betta after a few days, without worry. You are welcome! Merritt
Small tank, Betta, Corydoras sys. 5/12/09
Hi, I wrote in a few days ago about a sick fish and Neale told me that
my tank is simply too small (3 gallons- 1 molly, 2 platies, 1 albino
Since them I have found a home for them and have been doing research on
what kind of fish I could put in such a small tank. My research has
come up with a beta.
<Yes, you can -- just about -- squeeze a Betta (rhymes with
"better", not "beater") into a 3 gallon tank. But I
wouldn't recommend it; chances of success are far greater in a tank
at least 5 gallons in size. I cannot
stress enough how difficult it is to maintain any fish in such a small
volume of water.>
However, my concern is that these other fish which have been in my tank
since January have been sickly or the water has been off and so there
has been lots of Melafix in that tank (the antibiotic I have been using
which apparently is just as good as antiseptic). I've had what may
or may not be fin rot, something that may be parasites or dropsy right
now (swollen belly, white stringy poo_, I'm not really sure and
probably much more disease in the tank than I would like to know
<Finrot and Fungus are latent in all tanks, since the bacteria and
fungi involved are harmless, even beneficial, when fish are healthy.
It's only when the fish get weakened -- often because the
environment is wrong --
that these bacteria and fungi become dangerous. Ergo, keep your fish
happy, and Finrot and Fungus are never a problem!>
So my questions are: is this tank truly suitable for a beta?
<Marginal. I wouldn't bother.>
I went through a lot of trouble with these other fish, I want a fish
that I can enjoy. It's 3 gallons, filter, BioWheel, heater, and
lots of hiding spaces.
<Seriously, three gallons is a bucket. You would do so much better
keeping a Betta in 5 gallons or more; for 3 gallons, I'd keep
Cherry Shrimps or Crystal Red Shrimps. They're pretty, they're
inexpensive, and they're fun to watch. Kept properly, Cherry
Shrimps breed readily, and it's fun to watch them at all different
Secondly, should I clean the tank before I put the beta in?
<Certainly give it a clean, but there's no need to sterilise it,
and certainly no need to throw away live filter media.>
If so, with what? Throw the gravel out? Just throw out the water and
rinse the gravel to get rid of the old poo that might be buried under
there? And for how long should I let the tank cycle, if at all?
<If the aquarium has been empty for more than a few days, chances
are the bacteria have died back to a very low level. Not zero, but low.
So you will want to cycle for at least 2-3 weeks before adding another
fish. Shrimps produce less ammonia, so if you add just a three Cherry
Shrimps immediately, and three a week later, you should be
I know it seems like I can just look these answers up and I have but
there has been a lot of conflicting information and some suggestion
that I clean my tank with BLEACH! My BioWheel has NOTHING on it, looks
just as new as it did when I got it back in January (4 months ago).
Could it be from all the Melafix?
And is there ANY WAY I can keep my albino Cory? I really like him and
would be saddest to see him go.
<Sure, in a bigger tank. Since these are schooling fish, make the
Cory happy by keeping six in a tank 15-20 gallons or larger. Keeping a
singleton is cruel.>
Thank you
<Cheers, Neale.>
My Betta is Listless and White
Another Sick Betta: Lots of Reading Needed. Betta Sys\Environment:
<Hi Lynda>
This is my first Betta and I've had Jonah for one week.
He's in a 1 gallon plastic tank with gravel and a plastic
<Not the best environment for a Betta, despite what the stores tell
Please read here:
I had been feeding him the flakes and he seemed fine;
<Another sore spot, They do need a varied diet. Please read
however, he was never very active and hung out near the gravel.
After six days the water became cloudy and I changed the entire
<Ammonia poisoning most likely, Read about nutrient cycling
<Also, did you dechlorinate the new water before adding it to the
The following morning Jonah appeared listless, staying on the bottom
and not moving.
He's also looks as though he's covered in white stuff.
<hmm.... Probably mucus from environmental causes: Read here:
I went to the pet shop and they gave me something for the PH level and
a liquid for relieving stress.
<Likely useless>
I also heated the water by putting the tank on a heating pad and added
a 7 watt light on top.
He still hasn't moved and hasn't eaten.
What can I do to make him better? Is it hopeless?
<Please read the above linked pages. There is a lot of information
posted on properly caring for Bettas.>
Thank you.
<My pleasure>
Re: Another Sick Betta: Lots of Reading Needed. Betta
Sys\Environment: 5/6/2009
<Hi Lynda>
Thank you. I've spent time reading the pages you sent and now I
don't even know where to begin to try to save Jonah. He is still on
the bottom and not moving, and he doesn't look so white. His fins
don't look so great. They look thin and much shorter.
<Buy yourself a test kit for ammonia>
I did change some of the water - Brita filtered, (It sat for more than
a day.), added aquarium salt, and conditioner.
<Aquarium salt is pretty much useless.>
I think I'll need to get different housing. And here I thought
having a Betta was going to be easy and no trouble.
<It is still a living creature and does need proper care.>
How long should it take for him to get better?
<Impossible to say at this point.>
Is there any medication to help him? Is there anything else I can
<No medication, do get a test kit and check his water. Do keep up
with regular water changes.>
I feel so bad because I ruined his life. He might have been better off
in the pet shop.
<Don't beat yourself up too hard. many Bettas die in transit or
in the pet shop. Plus, the perpetuation of the "myth of the Betta
in the cup." Keep reading and learning>
Thanks. I appreciate your sending me all that information.
<My pleasure>
Link Exchange Please, no
HI My name is Paul and I have recently started an online store selling
some amazing fish tanks.
I would like to say that I love wet web media and it is a great
resource for all pet fish information, and I have added a link to your
site from my site at
http://aquariumsbowls.com/information.php?info_id=9 Let me know if you
would like this changed in any way/ anchor text or description.
I would really appreciate if you could return the favor and link to
The Title(anchor text): Fish tanks
The site is: http://www.aquariumsbowls.com
Description: Unique Fish tanks and aquariums for marine, tropical and
Thanks very much for your time!
Paul Sutherland
<Paul, I/we elect not to link or help you promote these items... It
is my decided opinion that what you show/list is not of use to
"home hobbyists"... Bare bowls for Bettas, sans heater,
filter... won't work for the "average" person to keep
Siamese Fighting Fish alive, well, for long... and the small, tall
cylinders you show are poor for similar reasons... lacking much needed
surface area and volume to house much of anything, least the animals
shown in the "ads"... I strongly suggest you revisit, think
long and hard re what you are up to here... And either change your
product assortment, or add at least some commentary re what will be
required if one tries to keep life in these ornamental containers. Bob
Betta Question, hlth., env. 4/5/09 Hello. I have a 3
gallon eclipse tank and a Betta that I've had for 3 months now and
just last week I noticed HIS FINS are FUSED together. He cant fan them
out and this is the second Betta that this has happened to.
The other time it happened I had my Betta in a small unfiltered tank -
but I've upgraded to this 3 gallon - and he was doing fine until a
week ago.
I've started adding Melafix
<Not warranted... I would NOT use this product period>
to his tank but its not working. I do NOT have a heater in my tank.
I do have 2 little sucker fishes
<Mmm, what species? Please see WWM re CAEs, the genus
Gyrinocheilus... these could be problematical as well>
in my tank that I've had for about 2 weeks and they are doing just
fine. I just don't know what I'm doing wrong to make my Bettas
tail's fuse together -Candice
<Need heat... Please read here:
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Adopted Betta 3/31/09
Hi guys!
<Hello Erika,>
Alright last week I adopted a Betta from my school. We had been doing
behavior experiments on them by seeing how they would react to
different drawings, a mirror, the whole bit. We also observed their
predation tactics by feeding them mosquito larvae that the professor
had bred himself. When I got him, the water he was in was pretty
disgusting, but I gave him clean, dechlorinated water, as soon as I
brought him back ( did the change over slowly by introducing a bit of
water into his bag, etc). Originally he was staying in a little Betta
tank because I didn't have anywhere else for him (no heater, etc.
terrible I know).
<Yes, terrible. They're tropical fish, and like any tropical
fish need filtered, heated water.>
But the plan was that he'd only have to stay in those conditions
for 3 more weeks until I finish school and then he'd get a bigger
aquarium with a heater. Right from the beginning he seemed very
<I bet.>
He would prop himself up on the little castle I had put in for him and
just lie there all day. So after a week I decided, well clearly
he's not happy, I'll move him into the bigger aquarium now.
The aquarium I moved him into was holding my goldfish (who I brought
home). It's a 5 gallon aquarium with gravel, some ;larger rocks,
live plants, etc, lots to keep a fish happy.
<Lots, except space. You can't keep Goldfish in a 5 gallon tank.
Goldfish get really big, 20 cm/8 inches, easily. Minimum sensible size
for two is 30 gallons, and a 20 gallon tank would barely be adequate
for a singleton.>
I even placed the heater in with him so that the water would warm up
progressively with him in it.
<Make sure it doesn't get too warm for the Goldfish.>
He now has a nice big aquarium with warm water and he's still
doesn't seem happy.
<Oh? As ever: check water quality and water chemistry. Bettas need
zero ammonia and nitrite levels, like any other fish. Water chemistry
isn't critical except to say it should be stable. A common mistake
is to use water from a domestic water softener, or worse, distilled
water. Don't do either of these things! Plain vanilla tap water is
usually fine, provided you use dechlorinator.>
He hides all day between the wall and the heater and although he's
been eating the past couple of days, today he doesn't seem
interested. I also think he might be slightly discolored (seems to be
somewhat whitish over his red).
<May be incipient Finrot; review the symptoms, and act
What else can I do?
<Cheers, Neale.>
Female Bettas & Brackish Water 3-28-09
I currently have 4 female Bettas living together in a tank. I have sand
substrate and a turtle filter/rock water fall. I also have river rock
and slate in my tank. I am looking to get a mudskipper and have
recently found out that they are a brackish water fish. Is there any
way that I can find a happy medium between the two?
<Hello! Sorry to tell you but Bettas can only handle a little amount
of aquarium salt and to have a full brackish tank, a Betta would not
survive long. This is largely due to the difference between aquarium
salt and the salt used for saltwater tanks. It would be better to setup
a brackish water tank for your mudskipper and keep the Betta in his own
freshwater home. You are welcome! Merritt A.>
Torgo the Betta update, sys., reading 3-4-09 Hello
crew! <Elspeth> This weekend I managed to scrape together
sufficient funds to buy Torgo a 6 US Gallon tank with a nice BioWheel
filter (with adjustable flow so it's nice and gentle) and a heater.
I have it cycling and it is staying around 77 degrees Fahrenheit. In
the meantime, I am continuing to change 25% of Torgo's water with a
turkey baster every day and am giving him a ~100% water change once a
week-- all with unfiltered, treated (dechlorinated) water. One
question: There are so many products out there that say they will
harden my water (it is oh, so soft at my house). <Really? How soft
is soft? Not water that is "run" through a residential water
softener I hope/trust... if so, I'd "go outside", use the
tap from a spigot, warm up and use it instead> What is your favorite
product/method to add some minerals to your water? <Just exposure to
natural carbonate material...> Thanks for all your help and
patience! -Elspeth <Read here re:
http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwhardnessfaqs.htm and the linked
files above. Bob Fenner>
Re: Torgo the Betta update - 03/06/09 Oh my gosh! I
got a reply from Bob, himself! Hello again crew! <Hi!> I think
you'll be happy to know that don't treat our water and the
hardness is the same from the tap as it is from the hose: 4dKH and
17.9ppm I used the API Aquarium Pharmaceuticals KH/GH test. From what
I've read around, Bettas like "moderate hardness" and I
don't think that my water qualifies. <Bettas will adapt to a
wide range of conditions, and in the wild, will be living in fairly
soft water, as is common for most (though certainly not all) Southeast
Asian fish. However, it is true to say that soft water aquaria can be
less difficult to maintain than hard water aquaria, so by default,
it's usually best to aim for neutral, moderately hard water
conditions if you have the option. This won't harm soft water fish
at all, but will resist pH changes much better than soft water
will.> Soft water certainly gives a lovely lather in the shower, but
I'm not so sure Torgo will like it. <It's unlikely to be an
issue provided you can ensure pH stays stable; that's usually the
problem with soft water aquaria.> On the FAQs I read that adding
baking soda may be useful. How much per gallon would you recommend?
<I wouldn't recommend adding just baking soda by itself.
Instead, I'd use some Rift Valley salt mix, which you can either
buy ready made or mix yourself very inexpensively. A classic Rift
Valley mix, per 5 gallons (20 litres) is as follows: 1 teaspoon baking
soda (sodium bicarbonate) 1 tablespoon Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) 1
teaspoon marine salt mix (sodium chloride + trace elements) Since
you're not keeping a hard water fish as such, I'd actually
start by using one-quarter the amount, stir well, test the water, and
see what your water chemistry test kits say. It should be adequate, but
if not, perhaps use one-half the amount.> I also read that someone
was adding a chunk o' coral to his freshwater tank-- which was ok
by Neale-- since his water needed to be hard and alkaline. <Crushed
coral, as opposed to a dead coral, can be used to buffer the water, but
only within certain limits. Firstly, water has to be flowing past the
crushed coral, so you have to put the coral inside the filter, often an
undergravel or canister filter. Secondly, it's difficult to predict
how quickly and how effectively crushed coral will work, which is why
it's usually used in large amounts (so it's quick) and in
systems where a high pH/hardness is required (so there's no danger
of "overdosing"). A Malawi cichlid aquarium is the classic
situation. Thirdly, crushed coral has to be regularly cleaned or
replaced, else it loses its efficacy. In short, in a small Betta tank,
sticking a head of coral in the aquarium is not going to create
precise, manageable conditions of the sort you're after. I'd
also add that the trade in dead corals is generally considered
unsustainable and is illegal in some areas, e.g., Europe, so unless you
have access to dead corals from (unsuccessful!) marine fishkeepers, I
can't in all honesty recommend anyone use them. Faux corals are
just as good looking, don't affect water chemistry, and are not
expensive.> Would this be a possible solution, or is it likely to
make the water too hard for a Betta? <Wouldn't use coral in this
system.> (and how would it go for tetras? My sister has a tank of
cute little neon and cardinal tetras over at her place, so I'm
curious.) I guess it would depend on the size of the coral chunk, eh?
<Repeat after me: corals do not belong in a freshwater aquarium. If
you want corals, either get faux ones, or set up a marine aquarium and
keep live ones! There's really no ethically or practically
acceptable use for dead coral skeletons in freshwater tanks.>
Ultimately, I think I should look into having a soft water tank after
Torgo goes to that big fish tank (or rice field) in the sky, in a few
years (since Bettas have fairly short lifespans). If I've got soft
water, I may as well use it to my advantage, right? (your Soft Water
Aquarium page gave me some food for thought.) <This is consistently
my advice: Learn your water conditions, and choose fish that enjoy
them. In soft water areas your challenge is pH stability, so that
invariably means using as big a tank as you can afford, and to tend
towards understocking it to prevent excessive amounts of decay.>
Thank you for your patience and advice! Sincerely, -Elspeth <Cheers,
Betta observations -- 2/21/09 Hello Crew! I know
you hear it a lot, but it bears repeating; you guys run an amazing
site!! Thank you for providing aquarists of all levels with the
information they and their fish (sometimes desperately) need. :)
<Appreciate the kind words.> I attend an art school in Seattle
and we have a studio Betta named Torgo. We keep him on a small
bookshelf in an ~1Gal tank at room temperature and well away from our
charcoal and paint! Every morning (Monday through Friday) he gets a few
bloodworms and a 25% water change (using a turkey baster to suck up the
dirty water at the bottom). There is no aeration or filtration
(partially due to lack of a budget and also I noticed that the water
movement has torn fins on my own past Bettas). His substrate is glass
marbles and has two silk plants, one is fairly tall and a few of its
leaves poke out of the water, the other is very low to the ground.
Changing them up and moving them around seems to keep him happy and
active -- any time I change out a plant, he explores the new addition
at length and appears to play in the leaves. Currently he enjoys
lounging on top of the tall silk plant and watching us go about our
day. When I walk by he immediately swims to the front of his tank,
probably hoping for a treat. I test his pH daily before and after every
water change. I try to keep it around 7.5 these days. <Hmm... this
fish can't be kept at room temperature, so he WILL get ill.
There's a reason we call "tropical fish" "tropical
fish", because they're from the tropics. Last time I checked,
Washington State wasn't in the tropics, and room temperature,
presumably around an average of 18 C (68 F) will be far too cold.
Please, this fish needs a filter and a heater, and there's really
no way around either of these things.> My observation (which you
probably already knew about, but I felt proud of myself for figuring it
out..) has to do with bubble nests and pH levels. About a month or two
ago, Torgo began making bubble nests (we got him as a wee baby) and I
was very pleased! Then a few weeks ago he suddenly was much less active
(Torgo is generally very energetic and likes to greet every human being
within sight), mildly disinterested in food and stopped making his
bubble nests altogether! I had run out of pH test strips, but kept
assuming that our tap water (filtered through a Brita pitcher!) always
stayed around 7, but when he acted unTorgoish, I realized it was time
to get more strips! <OK. Do use dechlorinator on the tap water.
Drinking water isn't the same thing as aquarium water.> Inside
if his tank, after adding about 6 drops of pH up to each 8oz cup of
water (I transfer water in plastic cups), the pH was just below 7.
Suspicious, I checked the filtered tap water. It had a pH of 6. Ah ha!
More pH up was needed. Torgo's pH is now kept between 7.5 and 8. He
is building his nests again and is chipper as ever! <Why are you
adjusting the pH? You certainly shouldn't be adjusting pH if you
don't know what the hardness level of the aquarium is. Fish
don't "feel" pH and mostly couldn't care less. What
they care about is hardness. Less experienced aquarists talk about
(I'd argue, fixate on) pH because it's easy to understand. But
it's really a proxy for hardness, with high hardness tending to be
associated with a basic pH, and low hardness with an acidic pH. But
these are approximations at best. Fish care about STABLE pH levels, and
that means the hardness, specifically carbonate hardness, should be
adequate. If the pH is dropping between water changes, your aquarium
has insufficient carbonate hardness. Usually this is because you're
either in a soft water area or, worse, using water from a domestic
water softener. I cannot stress too strongly how much you shouldn't
use water from a domestic water softener.> Well, that was lengthy,
but it gave a good picture of Torgo's setup, right? :) <Well,
yes. But I'll reserve judgment on whether it's what an ideal
set-up just yet.> In summary: if your Betta stops making nests,
check his tank's pH levels. As I said before, this may be common
knowledge to you guys, but I feel a little proud of myself -- and,
actually, maybe you should be a little proud, too! *I couldn't have
troubleshooter this little hiccup without having read your site!* *One
very important thing I have learned from you guys is this: if your fish
acts a little off, check your water quality first. * *Funky water is
the source of most fishy woes (if they have an infection, poor water
quality may have been what weakened your fish in the first place!).*
<It's almost certainly nothing to do with the pH. Fish react
positively to good conditions, and negatively to poor conditions. Or
put another way, if immediately after a water change, and the water
gets warmer, loses its ammonia, and gets more oxygen, the fish will
perk up. What I think you're seeing is that your fish is happy
after a water change, and miserable within a day or two afterwards.>
Well, I'm going to go work on my painting project aimed at raising
awareness about the impact humans are having on coral reef populations
in Pacific waters! <Great!> (Got any suggestions?) <Please
understand that Bettas are tropical fish and need everything tropical
fish require. A heated tank around 5 gallons would be my minimum
recommendation, together with a simple filter, e.g., an air-powered
sponge filter or an undergravel filter. I honestly can't recommend
what you're doing now, and feel the pH changes and the variation in
behaviour have a lot to do with fluctuations in water conditions.>
Swim long and prosper, -Elspeth <Qapla' -- Neale> Neale,
please tell me that's not Klingon you're speaking here!!
Hahaha... laughing too hard, Sara M. Indeed it is. But since I'd
been so hard on this seemingly well meaning human being, I thought
I'd be nice at the end. Call it my soft (if slightly geeky) side.
Cheers, Neale
Re: Betta observations (Brita filters, pros/cons)
2/23/09 Hi Neale, <Elspeth,> Thanks for the
feedback/mild (and well deserved) scolding. <Always up for a good
scolding.> I am going to go get a *full* water testing kit (one that
will also measure the hardness of my water) soon after sending this
email. <Very good. The three kits everyone needs are nitrite, pH,
and carbonate hardness. They'll let you measure everything that
matters the most.> Something I think I forgot to mention: I always
use a dechlorinator after using the Brita pitcher, and I use the Brita
pitcher because the tap water of my school has a lot of rust and other
questionable chemicals in it. <Brita filters are mostly carbon as I
recall, albeit very expensively packaged carbon. So they do a good job
of removing of organic materials but have little/no effect on inorganic
materials. The manufacturers maintain it removes some chlorine but
explicitly states that it doesn't remove all the chlorine, and they
don't remove chloramine at all, so your use of dechlorinator is
wise. Brita also state that their filters reduce carbonate hardness
(what they call "temporary hardness") and this is the stuff
that buffers against pH changes. For most aquarium fish, a level of 4-6
degrees KH is about right, towards the higher end of things like
livebearers and Goldfish especially. Reducing the carbonate hardness
would serve no practical purpose in your system, and indeed would make
it more prone to pH changes. All things considered, I'd strongly
suggest not using Brita-filtered water. Dechlorinated tap water is
perfectly acceptable for almost all tropical fish. I notice reading
over the Brita web site (I do my research!) they recommend against
using Brita-filtered water in a tropical aquarium without consulting an
expert first. Well, I'm an expert, and I'm recommending you not
to use it!> After I sent the previous email, I clicked around WWM,
reading up more on Bettas-- a fish which I had (embarrassingly) assumed
that I knew all about since I had an apparently healthy guy. (Here I
am, yapping away about how much I know when I really had no idea what I
was talking about... I feel silly!) <Well, you know now!> Anyway,
the next day, I went out and got Torgo more food items since variety
is, indeed, the spice of life. I plan to get him some live foods once I
get him set up in a proper tank. <Cool.> Along with the
aforementioned *full* water test kit I plan to get a 5G tank with a
sponge filter and a heater. <He'll be much happier. Add a few
cherry shrimps and some floating plants, and you'll have a lovely
little underwater world.> I also have a 10G which will become
available at the end of March and I think it's got his name on it!
(Once he moves into that one, he's just going to live with me at my
house, I think. With warm, potable tap water). <Most any tap water
is safe for fish. Dechlorinator handles most problems you're likely
to come across: copper, chlorine, chloramine. Beyond those, there's
nothing else to worry about. There's a lot of hype about the
"badness" of tap water, but it's actually just fine and
dandy. Spend less on Brita and a bit more on things like heating and
filtration, and your fish will be much happier.> Thank you for the
reality check! humbly yours, -Elspeth <Happy to help, Neale.>
I have a question about my Betta.
Beh./sys./fdg./hlth. 02/08/09 Hi,
<Ave,> About a week and a half ago I bought my first Betta. He is
in a 2 gal tank with an under gravel filter, and a small heater. When I
first got my Betta, I noticed he was extremely sluggish, and that he
would not eat his food. I looked it up on line and decided to buy a
heater ( thinking that the temperature might be a problem). I have had
the heater in for 4 days now (the temperature is kept at
79°F), but he still rarely ever eats. <Ah, if kept
"cold" (i.e., below 25 C/77 F) for more than a few days, the
damage may already be done...> I also bought frozen blood worms,
thinking that the problem may be he just didn't like pellets.
However, this didn't help either. In the past couple of days I have
noticed that his face seems to be losing color. He is a bright red
crown tail Betta with very bright violet dots on his body and streaks
throughout his tail, however over the past few days his face is
increasingly becoming white. When I first bought him I noticed a few
dark spots on his body but thought nothing of. I have tried everything
I could think of, and do not know what else to do. The water was
treated with Top fin Beta Water Conditioner, and the aerator was ran
for about 2 hours before he was introduced to the tank. I am extremely
concerned about him. Earlier today I decided to put a mirror up to the
tank to see if he would even react to his reflection; he didn't. He
just laid at the bottom of his tank, nose down, like he usually does. I
rarely see him swim. Please help me, I don't know what the problem
is. Thank you, Mercedez (Texas) P.S. He is the only fish in the tank. I
was also wondering if it would be a good idea to get a snail to help
with the left over food. <There shouldn't be any leftover food.
Mercedez, it's almost certain there is an environmental issue here.
Very small tanks -- in the case of Bettas, anything less than 5 gallons
-- are difficult to maintain. While you sometimes here of them kept in
pots and jars, what you don't appreciate is that the water in these
containers is changed at least daily. Moreover, the room they're
kept in is a super-warm hot-house specially designed for keeping
tropical fish, so that chilling isn't a problem. Do a water test:
test for ammonia and/or nitrite, and then get back to me. Without that
piece of information, I can't say anything specific, though the
odds are that the fish is exposed to high levels of ammonia. Certainly
don't add any food! Read on WWM about cycling aquaria and
maintaining good water quality. I cannot stress this point strongly
enough: Bettas aren't novelties, they're animals, and like any
animal have a very specific list of requirements. Among them is heat,
clean water (i.e., zero ammonia and zero nitrite), and enough space
that pH remains stable between water changes. Always remember to use
dechlorinator, and never use water from a domestic water softener.
Cheers, Neale.>
Very confused about what our new Betta fish needs for
optimum life 12/30/08 Hi there -- "Santa" brought us
a Betta for Christmas and I am now taking a crash course in fish care.
After reading yours and several other sites, as well as visiting our
local aquarium store and Petco, I am in deeply confused. Mr. Betty is
now in an approximately 3.5 gallon tank with shiny rocks at the bottom,
three live plants (no idea what kind), an under-the-rocks heater, and a
charcoal filter that looks like it should be attached to an air pump.
We're treating the water with API Stress Coat. My questions are: 1.
What kind of heater should we have? Our current heater keeps the tank
at about 80 degrees or so, with the overhead light on pretty much
constantly. <This is fine> Last night we left the light off and
the temp slipped about 3 degrees. <Acceptable> Can you recommend
specific brands and/or types of heaters as both the Petco and aquarium
store folks thus far seem to not know that Bettas are different from
other fish ("you don't need a heater for these fish!")
<Mmm, do need tropical temperatures... Hydor is one brand,
manufacturer of small wattage heaters one can find around, on line if
not at stores> 2. Rocks or gravel? <The latter is preferable...
more beneficial bacteria habitat, and less gaps for food and wastes to
fall into> It seems like my plants need to be "planted" in
some sort of more permanent soil-like material. And then there is
something I read about a beneficial bacterial bed forming under the
gravel ... Again, can you please recommend a specific brand of gravel
we should have, if gravel is what we should be doing. And, how does one
keep that gravel clean, or should I worry about that?. <Develop a
routine of regular maintenance... including the use of a small size
gravel siphon. Weekly partial water changes.> 3. I know the water
needs to be filtered, but with what? Wouldn't an air pump and
bubbles be stressful for the Betta? <Not too stressful> What is a
passive filter? Again, please recommend specific brands of filters as
this part is really confusing to me. <A small hang on powerfilter
might be better for your use here... There are many brands, makes...
See the term in your search tool, or look on the big website (e.g.
Doctors Foster and Smith, Custom Aquatic...)> 4. After day three in
the new tank with the plants, rocks, filter, and light that is on just
about all day, the tank is looking a bit cloudy. I am confused about
whether this is a good thing (tank getting established) or a bad thing
(too much food -- likely as the kiddos have been both feeding which is
something I put a stop to tonight). <Not good... in that the system
is cycling, perhaps some by products that you don't want...> Do
I leave it be or do a partial water change (which I already have --
about 1 gallon or so)? Turn the light off? <I would leave the light
on a regular cycle... Do change out a good part of the water if it
"smells" bad> 5. We are all so desperately in love with
our new little guy, Mr. Betty, and want to do what is best for him. Any
other recommendations? <Mmm, yes... for you to read. Start here:
http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/betta_splendens.htm and the linked
files above> Thank you so much in advance for any help you can give
us. SWCaryn <Welcome. Bob Fenner> <I've modified your
stated name and we don't publish addresses unless specifically
requested to, nor do we "hold onto them"... Hence, please
include previous correspondence (if pertinent) when writing back.
BobF> Wait! YIKES! I don't think I want my name and address on
your website, do I? I'm a newbie to this whole
sending-questions-for-posting-on-websites-thing too!! I don't
remember how other people were signing their questions. My email
address is XXXX. Maybe I should sign this question with
"SWCaryn." Well, could I ask yet another favor and have you
pick whichever way I should sign my name -- whatever most people do is
good with me.
Re: very confused about what our new Betta fish needs for
optimum life 12/31/08 thank you so very, very much! We've
taken your recommendations to the Petco and are now fully stocked and
ready to go. Spent $100 on a $3 fish ... the things we do for love of
our children (and I suppose fish too). Caryn <Hello Caryn. It is
universally true with pet animals that their initial price of ownership
bears little to no relationship to how much they cost to maintain.
Goldfish and Bettas are both good examples of this, with many pet
owners assuming that because they cost a few pennies, maintenance will
be low cost as well. Broadly speaking, $100 is probably the average
"starting price" for a small aquarium once you factor in a 20
gallon tank, a heater, an adequate filter, and some decorative
materials. Smaller, cheaper tanks are usually money down the drain, so
I rarely recommend people buy them: what's the point of a $30
3-gallon aquarium if it can't actually house any fish for any
length of time? May as well get a glass vase and keep some cut flowers!
In any case, now you have a good aquarium for your Betta, as your
skills develop you may decide to expand your hobby. While Bettas make
poor tankmates for community fish, there's nothing to stop you
mixing them with things like Cherry Shrimps or Nerite Snails. If the
tank is 10 gallons in size or more, then certain fish could be added,
among the best tankmates being Kuhli Loaches, assuming the tank has a
lid to stop these brightly coloured eel-like fish from wriggling out!
Do read this month's CA Magazine: we have a couple of articles of
value. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ca/volume_5/volume_5_3/betta.htm
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ca/volume_5/volume_5_3/stocking.htm Cheers,
"Betta Gift" Questions 12/5/08 For a late
Christmas present I'm giving one of my friends a purple Betta fish
in a bowl. Though I am keeping it until the 31st to see if the fish
will make it. I used seed gravel from the aquarium shops tanks, to help
with cycling- set up the bowl and everything the night i brought it all
home. <Dismal... Betta bowls are death traps... won't live for
long. Save your money and buy something else, maybe a pot plant. If you
can't/won't buy an aquarium with a heater and a filter, of
volume 5 gallons or more, then don't keep Bettas. All you're
doing is buying something in the certain knowledge it will suffer and
die.> Its 68 in the house and my step mom doesn't tolerate
warmer temps ( Has MS) <Too cold; needs 25 C (77 F) minimum. These
are called "tropical fish" for a reason -- they come from the
tropics. If they came from coldwater environments we would call them
"coldwater fish". But we don't. That's a clue! Needs
a heater, or it will gradually lose condition, starve, get sick,
die.> The bowl it is in is about a 1/2 gallon in size, and I
don't think any heater will heat it safely. <Betta bowls are
useless purchases, end of story, no further discussion.> Should I
upgrade to a bigger bowl, the bowl the fish was in one even smaller
then now- (The friend of mine lives in a group home and the people
there will only let her have a small bowl) <She should not, cannot
keep fish then. That's all there is to it. Buying a bigger bowl is
essentially asking what colour coffin the poor Betta would like to be
fitted up for. Bowls cannot work for pet Bettas. What you likely
don't understand is that Betta breeders using bowls replace the
water daily and keep the bowls in heated (hot-house) fish rooms so the
water is automatically kept at the necessary 25-30 C (77-86 F). If you
aren't prepared to keep the room that hot, and can't replace
the water (completely) every single day, then a Betta bowl IS NOT
VIABLE. For most aquarists, there is absolutely no point wasting your
money on these bowls. The vast majority of Bettas kept this way die
within weeks.> What about a heat pad, like the kind that make your
hands warm? <Not adequate.> I've tried feeding the Betta
floating pellets but the Betta shunned eating this morning, its fins
are clamped slightly and it spends a lot of time on the bottom,
slightly moving every now and then like its stalking things. <He is
dying. You are keeping this fish in inappropriate fish, killing it by
inches. I'm sorry there's no nice way of putting this, and In
do respect the fact you are trying to provide someone with a thoughtful
gift. But what you are doing is killing this fish, and there's no
way to candy coat it.> It comes up for air like normal though and
seems to be more active at night then during the day. Right now there
are no plants in with the Betta, just water and gravel, which was more
then before. I skipped plants as I do not have a light source for them,
all my fake plants are too big for bowls. I know Bettas like plants
however. <Gravel, plants of secondary importance here. Water volume,
heater and filtration are the issues that matter.> What should do?
<Take the fish back. You are not keeping it the correct way, and if
you insist on keeping it thus, it will be dead, soon. A basic 5 gallon
tank with a heater and filter is what you need; anything less WILL NOT
WORK.> thanks. <Cheers, Neale.>
Betta set-up and filtration 11/28/08 Hello, there.
As someone new to the fish-keeping community, I would like congratulate
you all on such a great site. I'm glad I've found you guys so
early on, as I've got some really good advice from here - a tank of
healthy fish at home can attest to that. <Thanks for the kind
words.> Flattery aside, I have a question about Betta fish. I'm
about to purchase a small tank in which to keep a Betta, and, being a
conscientious keeper, I would like to make it the happiest and
healthiest fish I can. I've decided on a 9 US gallon / 7.5 UK
gallon (35L) tank with a 50w heater. <Should be just dandy, provided
the ONLY fish in the system. Few, if any, other fish work well in such
small systems.> The model is an Arcadia Arc (16" x 11")
which comes with an Arc Classica 7w power filter, which, according to
the blurb, cycles around 380L (100 US gallons) an hour. This seems to
be a little strong for this fish, which I've read prefers a rather
low-flow filter. Chuck there recommended in an FAQ a Marineland Penguin
model that cycles 30 to 50 gallons an hour. However, I can only find
the 100B model, which, again, cycles 100 gallons an hour. Are very
low-flow filters available? <With Bettas, it's invariably best
to go with air-powered filters. Cheap and easy to maintain, and they
provide just enough water movement. Betta splendens comes from still
water habitats such as rice paddies. Even before we messed around with
it, it wasn't adapted to fast currents. After centuries of breeding
we've given the thing ridiculously long fins that massively
increase drag, so the thing can barely move now.> What do you think
the ideal filtration solution is for this fish in a tank this size?
<I'd get a bubble-up box filter (about 8 cm cubed) and fill it
with filter floss and some ceramic noodles or even pea gravel. Connect
to a small air pump. Problem solved.> Also, would the filtration
needs change if somewhere along the line I wanted to introduce a couple
of small catfish? <You're not going to do this, so forget about
it. No catfish traded will work in a tank this small. Even mini species
like Corydoras hastatus will need 10 Imperial gallons or more.> On a
different matter, as a Londoner, the water comes out of the tap or
faucet very hard with about 20ppm of nitrate and a pH of 8.0. I would
like to make sure that these parameters will be fine for the fish, and
if they're not, would do you think can be done about it from the
outset? <Not a problem. Your Betta will thrive in "London
tap", or Liquid Rock as its known to the hobby...> Many thanks
in advance, Neil <There's a couple great articles in this
month's Conscientious Aquarist right up your street, so do have a
read. One's on Bettas, the other on stocking small tanks.
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ca/CAHomepage.htm Good luck, Neale.>
Re: Betta set-up and filtration 12/01/08 Excellent!
Thank you for the prompt reply and for preventing me making a big
mistake with the catfish. I had heard that Bettas can work with other
placid fish, but missed the part where that would have to be in a much
larger aquarium. Just the Betta and the bubble-up box it is. Thanks
again Neil <Sounds great. By all means add some Cherry Shrimps and
novelty snails such as Nerites if you want a little more activity.
Enjoy your fish! Cheers, Neale.>
Setting up new Betta tank
Hello, Crew!
You've been a great resource and I need your help one more
<Thanks for the kind words.>
I am setting up a 10 gallon tank at work and plan to get a
<A perfect size for these wonderful fish.>
Someone who had dealt with Bettas before told me that I can get
two-three females in addition to the male.
<In theory yes, but in practise, only worth doing if you have
another tank you can remove the male to if necessary. Make no mistake:
once the male is guarding his nest, he will view any other fish,
including female Bettas, as threats. He can/will kill them. Sexually
mature males will also harass females that are not "ripe"
with eggs, ready to spawn. To be honest, I wouldn't do this. If you
want a busy tank, then choose tankmates suitable for this size tank.
Cherry shrimps for example. Kuhli loaches are also great with
But, reading about how territorial and aggressive Bettas can be, I have
my doubts. Please let me know if there is such thing as big happy Betta
<No. Males form their own "families" with the eggs and fry
prior the fry becoming free swimming. Otherwise, these fish definitely
territorial loners.>
I put about 3 gallons of tap water and one gallon of an established
tank's water (from home) and will let it sit until after
Thanksgiving, and then plan to add fish. So the 10 gallon tank is about
half full ~ should I add more water from the old tank?
<Water carries no filter bacteria, or virtually none anyway. So do
what you want with it, it'll have NO affect on cycling the tank
(i.e., maturing the filter). If you have an established tank, then take
MEDIA from the filter in the established tank and put in the new
tank's filter.>
The temperature stays pretty much around 70F and no drifts here - do
you think I still need a heater?
<Yes, far too cold. Bettas need 26-28 C (79-82 F). Vast numbers of
Bettas die from being kept in unheated tanks. Here's the rule: Do
you live in tropical Southeast Asia? If the answer is "yes",
then by all means keep your Betta in an unheated tank. If the answer is
"No", then you need a heater.>
Is the filter necessary for this size tank?
I do have gravel, decorations and silk plants already and plan to get
live plants as well, so there should be enough hiding places.
Thank you for your help.
<Hope this helps, Neale.>
Betta 11/13/08 I am new to the Betta fish thing. I
have been reading lots of good tips and info on your site - its a great
site by the way. Anyhow I know I can Google this stuff but I wanted to
get a real opinion from a trust worthy person. I have my Betta in a 1
gal. oval tank, 1 fake plant and blue rocks at the bottom....He was the
most gorgeous male at Petco; a teal green Delta Tail and when I first
got him he always had his fins fanned out and swam around all
pretty...but now after having him a month or so "Spark" (is
his name) is making bubbles like normal at the top of his tank, but his
fins are pointed straight out and look stiff, he has a hard time
turning cause they're stiff and he just lays at the bottom of his
tank? :( My question(s) is:? What is a good set size tank & set up
for a Betta?? What is going on with his fins?? His fins are still long
but he CANT fan them out anymore. Thanks, Candice <Candice, the
bottom line with Bettas is that -- despite what the retailer might
suggest -- they are really just regular fish. They need an aquarium
with a heater and a filter. The bigger the aquarium, the easier it
becomes to keep them healthy -- and I don't mean slightly easier, I
mean dramatically easier! So, bottom line, I'd recommend the
following: a 5 to 10-gallon tank, a heater, and a simple filter.
Air-powered sponge and box filters are best, since Bettas don't
want a huge amount of water current, just good water quality. But a
small internal canister filter (like an Eheim Aquaball) set to its
lowest flow setting would be a reliable and low maintenance
alternative. I'd avoid hang-on-the-back filters because Bettas are
prone to jumping, so anything that involves leaving the top of the tank
open is just asking for trouble. You don't need a light or fancy
hood though, a simple piece of glass cut to size will do the trick
great. If you want a light, then by all means get a hood with a light
installed. Decorate the tank with a bit of plain gravel at the bottom
(the darker the substrate, the better the colours on your fish will be)
and add a few plastic plants and ornaments. Avoid coloured gravel: fish
tend to react badly to unnatural colours, and frequently adjust their
colours to try and "blend in". If you want tankmates, stick
with snails and shrimps, not more fish. Keep the tank at around 25-28
degrees C (that's about 77 to 82 F). Do weekly water changes of
around 25%. Follow this advice and your Betta should stay healthy.
Normally when Bettas sit at the bottom of the tank it's because
they're too cold or the water quality is poor. If things don't
change, the fish will eventually get sick, displaying the symptoms of
diseases like Finrot and Fungus. Cheers, Neale.>
Female Betta Tank 11-03-08 Hi! I've been
reading the Betta-related questions, but did not see the answer to my
question (sorry if I missed it). I just introduced four female Bettas
together and I guess they're establishing pecking order (I've
only had male Bettas before and never had them in the same tank). How
long should I wait before I start pulling fish out? As far as I can
tell, there is one always-submissive one but the other three are
working it out. The tank is ten gallons, heated, but is divided into
two sections by a plastic, flow-through divider - eight gallons for the
females and two gallons for the male with plants and hiding spaces on
both sides. Speaking of the male, is it okay that he can see the
females? He spends about 1/4 of the time displaying and charging the
divider - I finally put some cloth in between the male and female side
so the females could focus on establishing order and not trying to get
to the male at the same time. Was that a smart move? Should I move the
Betta back to his 2.5 gallon tank even though the only heater I can
afford does not keep the temperature steady in that small of a tank?
Thanks for reading this long email! <Glad you have found the site.
Female Betta tanks are slightly difficult to keep. This is mainly due
to females from a different spawn will continue to fight more than
females from the same spawn. A pecking order will be established with
the females and some fin nipping will continue. But, since you have the
male next to them competition could occur and delay your females from
ever getting along. It would be best to take the male out of the other
side of the tank. And it was smart of you to put that cloth in between
the male and the females. About the heater with the male's tank,
how cold does it get in your home at night? If the temperature stays
above 74 degrees Fahrenheit he should be fine. If you are determined to
keep your male and females in the same tank, you could easily make a
divider that does not allow the male to see the females. But that is
extra work on your part. Have any more questions don't be afraid to
email! Merritt A.>
Betta Bungles 9/5/08 Hi WWM,
<Hello,> I'm a very new and very anxious Betta owner. I
actually have only had my Betta, from the local pet store for four days
and am a bit worried about him. When I got him, he was kept in this
little glass jar next to countless other male Bettas. <The standard
way they are sold. But do understand that they cannot easily be kept
this way, and arguably shouldn't be kept this way at all. Like ALL
fish, they need clean water. If you keep a Betta in a bowl or jar, you
have to replace most of that water at least once a day. On top of that
you need to make sure that the old water matches the new water in terms
of pH, hardness, and temperature. Finally, the water needs to be warm
(around 25 degrees Celsius) and unless you have a room kept at that
temperature (which would be pretty darn hot!) the bowl will need an
electric heater. Consequently, for virtually all aquarists, and
definitely all inexperienced aquarists, Bettas are best kept in regular
tanks with filters and heaters. The tank needn't be huge, 18
litres/5 gallons being ample for a single Betta, and leaving space
enough for a few snails or shrimps.> He is a red and blue mix and
very eccentric. I only have the little bowl for him right now, but am
picking up a one gallon bowl as soon as possible, I can't support a
full tank as I live in a college dorm. <I hate saying this, but you
can't keep this fish. A one-gallon bowl is too small for the
reasons outlined above. You won't be able to keep him warm enough,
and maintaining good water quality will be next to impossible. Please
understand that a Betta is a fish, not a pet rock, and has requirements
for health. If you ignore them, the animal will suffer and eventually
die. There's no two ways about this.> Seraphim has been very
lethargic, hanging out at the bottom of his bowl only coming up for
air, and only just began eating two days ago. <Likely too cold.
Bettas are tropical fish, and need tropical heat. That means 25 C
(about 77 F). It is extremely unlikely a dorm room will be maintained
this 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. As the fish is cold, its
metabolism is slow, so all its processes, such as feeding and behaviour
and immune response will be slower than they should be. Eventually, it
will sicken and die. It can't extract essential nutrition properly
from its food, and its immune system can't combat opportunistic
infections.> Today, I noticed that he has been listing to one side
and white splotches have grown on his chin and behind the gills.
<Here we go... this is almost certainly Fungus and/or Finrot. These
are opportunistic infections caused by microbes that ordinarily do no
harm (and actually much good) in healthy tanks. A combination of poor
water quality and low temperature will depress the fish's immune
system and damage tissues, opening them up to infections from outside.
These microbes can then take advantage of the lack of immune response
to feed on the tissues in the fish. Death inevitably follows without
treatment and improvement in living conditions.> In addition, his
tail is always clumped, almost twisted. Rarely are his fins spread out,
although I suspect that it may be due to the cramped spaces.
<He's too weak.> Even more alarming, he banged his head
repeatedly against the side of the seashell I placed in with him so he
could play with it. <With the exception of the (apparently very
smart) Mormyridae, fish don't appear to play. So try and think like
a fish, not a person! What fish need is healthy living conditions
first, and then a complex environment with hiding places, swimming
space, and structures to explore for food. But right now, these are
secondary to water quality.> I made sure it had been cleaned with
hot water and it has been dry for close to two months before that, in
an airtight environment. <All fine and dandy, but not enough.> I
switch his water 25% and 75% on alternate days, making sure to used the
water conditioner to rid the room temperature tap water of chlorine.
<Not good enough. Have you check the ammonia level in the bowl? I
bet it's pretty high.> His bowl sits right under my lamp at
night when I do work and it heats the water up that way. <Nope,
doesn't work. The heat from a lamp only warms the surface, and
without circulation, the bottom stays cold. Moreover, this is an
incredibly expensive way to (try to) warm up the tank, wasting money.
Repeat after me: tropical fish come from the tropics, tropical fish
come from the tropics.> Is there anything I should know before I go
to the local Petco tomorrow? <An aquarium with a heater and a
filter. Period, end of debate.> I have read that Maracyn I and II
are helpful against fungal infections. <Yes they are. But these only
fix the infection; they don't stop it happening again. You MUST
improve the environment.> I also hope to be able to pick up
Aquarisol, aquarium salt, BettaMax and a thermometer along with the
bowl. <The thermometer is certainly useful. The "BettaMax"
is useless and salt is irrelevant if you fix the living conditions. No
idea what "Aquarisol" is, and consequently is almost
certainly not relevant here. You need the following: A 5 gallon tank. A
heater. A filter. You can add other stuff to the shopping list if you
want. But those things are essential. Leave even one of them off and
THIS FISH WILL DIE. Because Bettas like to jump, I'd recommend a
tank with a lid, but that's about the only optional item. Please
understand that you are WASTING money buying remedies and junk like
BettaMax if you don't fix the environment. The companies that make
stuff like BettaMax depend on the fact that there are lots of people
who think it's better to spend $5 every few weeks on their magic
potions instead of $20 up front to buy a decent aquarium. I have no
objections to people wasting money because they fall for fancy
marketing (my house is full of stuff I don't actually need!) but
there's an animal's welfare at stake here. So we need to be
serious. This fish is already sick, almost certainly because the
environment, from a Betta's perspective, stinks. That's the
ball game here, not the magic potions and powders. Yes, you will need
to treat with Maracyn to fix the infection on its head, but you also
need to put the poor creature in a proper aquarium. If you can't do
that, get something that doesn't need this level of care, like a
cactus. It's really as simple as that.> Anxiously waiting, J.
<Done my best to help! Cheers, Neale.>
My new Betta fish, sys. mostly 9/1/08 Hi!!
<Hello,> I just moved out of my house for the first time,
(I'm a university student) and I was missing my cat so I decided to
buy a Betta fish less then a week ago. <OK> I just moved from a
small town to a large city and the pet store I got my fish from treats
their fish way better then any other place I've ever been. In fact
I picked my fish out not based on color (as I originally had intended)
but because he was so active and seemed so healthy. The fish at the pet
stores in my home town are so lethargic and boring. I only wanted a
Betta fish because they were pretty. Needless to say I have fallen in
love with my Ulmo's personality. <Well, I do like the name,
being a bit of a Tolkien fan.> Even so I never knew until I went
onto you site that Betta fish should have more living space!!
<Indeed so. The more the better, but something like 20-30 litres is
fine, and will leave a little space for fun critters such as cherry
shrimps and snails.> Ulmo is really active, energetic and he seems
to recognize me. <Quite probably. Fish intelligence is substantially
higher than the general public assumes. Many tropical fish have been
widely used for all types of animal behaviour experiments because of
their combination of small size and complex behaviour.> I have a
live plant in his tank that he loves to play with (he even gets stuck
in it sometimes) He has a large bubble nest in the corner of one tank
and he flares when I show him a mirror. (I don't like to do it that
often as it takes him awhile to calm down) <As you observe, a little
stimulation is a good thing, but giving him some down time is important
too.> His tank however is only 2L (1/2 a gallon --I'm Canadian)
and I don't have a heater. (which was kinda stupid of me Duh! my
fish comes from Thailand --its tropical) <Ah yes, they do indeed
need warmth, and a lot of it. You're aiming for 25 C, and in
particular a pocket of warm muggy air on top of the tank. If the air is
cold, they tend to get sick more easily.> Anyway I just moved
Ulmo's tank from the window, put a lamp over his tank (for the
plant) and turned up the heat in my room. <Do be careful: an
uncovered tank is an accident waiting to happen. Bettas are notoriously
good at jumping.> Will he be ok for the next couple of weeks until I
get some cash to buy him a larger tank and a heater? <In the very
short term, you might be fine. Here in England I have my heaters turned
down for summer simply because the alternation of warm days and cool
nights is good for the fish and encourages many species to breed. But
the smaller the tank, the more rapid this change, and in half a litre
of water that's going to cool down almost as fast as a hot cup of
tea! Conversely, it could warm up horribly quickly in direct sunlight.
So avoid draughts (which would chill the thing) and direct sunlight
(which would boil it). But once daytime temperatures get below 18 C,
the poor little Betta will feel his immune and digestive systems
packing up, and that's the slippery slope to death.> It's
September right now and the climate where I am is fairly mild still.
<OK. Well, I suspect you have a shopping list already worked out. Do
look about in thrift stores and the like; you can get some bargains on
used equipment. Sometimes aquarium shops sell old stuff too, for
example ex-display tanks and filters. Definitely worth exploring.>
Thanks for your input!! <Most welcome, Neale.> Tip for anyone
reading this: research your fish before you buy!! <Our family
Betta heating and summary 7/27/08 I read all your page on
Betta tank setup and the 6 FAQ's. Here is my summary and a
few questions. <Okay> Still struggling with the heater
issue. The only one I see recommended has no temperature control.
<I do see this... and did think the 7.5 watt Hydor product was
thermostatic...> This means that if you don't keep an eye
on it you can cook your fish. Am I wrong? Any other alternatives?
<Yes... one of the "regular" clip on units of 25
watts... sold by Hydor (their Theo brand) and many others...
offered by DrsFosterSmith.com and Marine and Reef et al .coms>
Looking at a 3 gallon tank. There was another recommendation but
the link was lost (it was on Drs Foster Smith). Hydor heater
channelid~FROOG~&tab~4.html> &tab~4.html OVERVIEW We
want a VERY simple, 1 Betta fish, as small as humane. Need
filtration, 3 gallon minimum. It sounds like a good setup is
Eclipse 3 gallon but the turbulence can be a problem solved with
plastic plants. <Yes> Will check Marineland as well at
Wal-Mart. CYCLING Bio Spira for cycling fast. If I can't find
that, can I just put food in for a month to avoid cycling with a
fish? <Without> Sponge filter is good for biological
filtration. Not sure what that is but the eclipse comes with a
BioWheel. <This wheel is more than adequate> AQUASCAPING
With a good filter is gravel necessary given that the fish are
not typically on the bottom? <The gravel is better... cuts
down on reflection... aids in biofiltration> Any best size of
gravel (e.g. in marine tanks smaller is better for bacteria).
<Most any made for freshwater aquarium use is okay> Any
depth is OK or is it like SW where depth matters so you have
aerobic and anaerobic bacteria? <An inch or so... I prefer
something not too light colored...> Don't need bubbling
since filter will accomplish aeration. <Correct> Silk
plants for aquaria are better because they don't cut the
fish's fins. <Yes... this or natural/live> They like
caves <Mmm, not really> WATER CONDITIONING (sorry-missed
this on your site) <A good dechloraminator is all this is
needed, or just letting new water set out for a week or more
before use> Have been babysitting a beta and switched to using
tap water with Amquel. Got an algae bloom. It sounded like using
Amquel chronically wasn't a good idea in one post? <Better
to use NovAqua or such instead> I assume it's the tap
water since when we had a SW fish tank using RO water took this
problem away. There was a caution against using store bought RO
water somewhere on your site. What's best? <The tap almost
always... dechloraminated> I assume 20% water change weekly is
optimal with this setup? <About right, yes> LIGHTING
Lighting is still unclear. They don't need much. The eclipse
fluorescents should be diffused with plants. How many hours a day
is OK? <8-12...> BEHAVIOR On your behavior section it
focused on pathological behavior. Is there any cool healthy
behavior (other than fighting with each other) we can foster? I
heard that they make some kinds of bubbles if they are in low
flow. <Mmm, too large a topic to discuss here... much, subtle
that can/does go on with Betta husbandry> ADVICE ON PARTICULAR
BRANDS OF PRODUCTS I've been burned by ignorant LFS.
Where's the best online advice for particular brands? Went to
Drs. Foster smith <Excellent> and looked under Marineland
and got this HUGE canister filter. Need stuff for a small tank.
Don't see any alternative to the Eclipse. websites for
Betta-lovers: http://www.ibcbettas.com/ <A worthy source>
http://www.bettacave.com/ <Don't know>
http://www.bcbetta.com/ >
http://www.siamsbestbettas.com/ <These seem okay> Have I
missed anything? <Mmm... no... not on cursory review>
Allyson C. Rosen, Ph.D., ABPP-CN <Bob Fenner... friends of
Marty Rosen... and wondering if you are familiar with Donn E.
Rosen, the ichthyologist>
Re: Betta heating and summary-more info 07/28/2008 I
read and they say a 1 gallon container is sufficient for this
fish. What is the basis for everyone on your site saying it must
be 3 gallons? http://www.ibcbettas.org/faq.htm <Experience,
and the fact most people who keep Bettas are not hardcore Betta
breeders prepared to change 90% of the water in each jar per day.
Those water changes have to match closely the temperature and
water chemistry of the outgoing water otherwise the fish will be
harmed. So while experts might manage, a lot of people will find
this very hard work. For the average, casual fishkeeper, there is
absolutely no discussion that the bigger the container, the
easier maintaining the Betta in a healthy condition will be.
Period. I just don't see any point to keeping Bettas in such
tiny containers anyway. If you want something that fits into a 1
gallon jar, get some cut flowers.> On their main site they
have "How to Entertain your Betta Fish" as a free
download. <Of dubious value, though very cute. In a decent
sized tank with water movement, space to explore, plants, and
suitable tankmates, there is ample stimulation for any fish. The
idea that we need toys or games for fish kept in tiny tanks is a
tacit admission that keeping them in such tiny tanks isn't
very nice.> Another good site
http://www.bettatalk.com/betta_care.htm <I'm just not wild
about the idea of selling/keeping any animal as suitable for tiny
aquaria. It panders to our worst tendencies. For every one
fishkeeping who keeps a Betta in a jar the proper way, doing
daily water changes and checking water quality and chemistry all
the time, there are dozens if not hundreds of people who
don't. We get some many reports here about sick Bettas in
unheated tanks, or Bettas that show no interest in food, or are
sick from Finrot or whatever. Too many people empathize with
animals so poorly that they think of them as little more than
toys, and don't consider their needs as living organisms.
Witness the ghastly trade in "Betta Bags" and other
ornaments containing bubbles of water and a Betta, sold as
novelties to unthinking shoppers. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Betta heating and summary-more info 07/28/2008 OK
one last funny post. This is an absolute RIOT!!! You should
definitely link to this woman's site. She truly loves fish.
Thanks guys. http://www.bettatalk.com/evacuating_with_bettas.htm
<Cute. Luckily I don't live on a fault, though we did have
a mild earthquake out here in Berkhamsted a few years ago. I just
thought it was a truck driving past, until I realised there was
no sound. Very odd experience. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Betta heating and summary-more info -- 07/28/08
Very well put, Neale. Thanks. I think I have the heater resolved
and now I need to find a filter for a small tank. The eclipse
system is my backup but I hear it's too high flow. <Yes,
with fancy Bettas, too strong a current is undesirable. I'd
heartily recommend a simple air-powered sponge or box filter with
Bettas for this reason. Cheap and incredibly efficient with small
fish.> It would help if you post examples of good Betta setups
(with specific equipment) that we could clone. They have this
with tank of the month on ReefCentral. Wading through all these
FAQ's is very long and repetitive for those of us who want to
do things right. It must be worse so for you who have to read and
post it. <Hmm... not a bad idea at all. Certainly my idea of a
perfect Betta tank would use a 25-50 W heater, a 20 cm x 20 x 45
(or 60) cm tank, a simple glass lid to stop the fish jumping out,
and an air-powered box filter. Such a tank could be placed on an
east-facing windowsill so that the aquatic plants and algae
growth thick without the tank massively overheating, and you
could easily add the shrimps and snails of your choice.> Many
thanks again, Allyson <My pleasure, Neale.>
Question About Fighting Fish -- 07/21/08
I've had a Siamese fighting fish for almost a year, his name is
Silvermoon. He's been a very pleasant, surprisingly peaceful
and an amusing fish thus far, however in the past few days I've
noticed he's become less interested in his food. <Check
temperature, water quality.> The last two days, I fed him but he
didn't eat it for a long time, I walked away and by the time I
returned the food was gone. Today, however he just doesn't seem
to want to eat and I am concerned. The temperature is 24 degrees
(Celsius) and the water was recently cleaned, I put a little bit of
the old water as per usual although not as much as before as it was
getting dirty frequently, and I put the proper medications in the
tap water. <What filter are you using? Bettas do not do well in
unfiltered tanks (unless you are changing 50-90% daily). Regardless
of their size and activity level, like all fish they need zero
ammonia in the water. Using your ammonia test kit and check the
water. If you have anything other than zero ammonia, that's
your problem. Review filtration and how you are maintaining the
filter in terms of cleaning the media.> I don't understand
why he isn't eating, even when he swims to the top sometimes he
doesn't even try and eat it. I feed him bloodworms mostly, and
the occasional pellet, usually he eats them quickly. I feed him
twice a day, one in the morning and one at night everyday. What am
I doing wrong? What should I do? Regards, Stefan <Most folks
"fail" with Bettas because they keep them in too-small,
unfiltered aquaria. Poor water will kill Bettas just as fast as
anything else. So invariably that's the thing I'd recommend
you check first. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Question About Fighting
Fish The water is pretty clean, I just cleaned it today and
cleaned it a few days ago as well. <If the tank in not filtered,
you need to be changing some (50%) of the water daily.> I check
the ph level and it is normal according to chart I was provided in
the fish store. <Ok.> The tank I have is probably too small,
and I do not use a filter. I used to, but with my old fighting fish
it tended to suck him in because of the tank size. <Obviously
the wrong sort of filter. An air-powered sponge filter works just
dandy with Bettas, providing both gentle current (which they like)
and good water quality (which they need). Here in the UK, a basic
sponge filter plus a small air pump would cost well under
£20. Given the cost of the ceramic castle and the bright
purple gravel, I'm guessing you're not averse to spending
money on your pets, which is good!> I assume that means I need a
much bigger tank yes? I'm going to sort that out as soon as
possible and put him in my bigger tank with a filter and heater, it
will take me a few days however to complete the tank. <Bettas
simply do better in at least reasonably big tanks; something 8-10
gallons would be ample. A small heater and air powered sponge
filter would complete the set-up nicely. No need to buy a
ready-made kit; buying the "parts" individually can work
out less expensive.> If I do it by the weekend, do you think
Silvermoon will be okay until then? <Yep, if you lay off the
food and keep the water clean.> Is there anything I can do in
the meantime to make sure he doesn't expire, like frequent
water changes? <Hole in one! I can see we understand each
other...> He was swimming a lot when I cleaned his tank, but now
he's hiding in the castle...there is a castle inside the tank
that has 2 holes in it to swim in and out of, he tends to go in the
very bottom hole and hide in there more than usual.
<Wouldn't read TOO much into this, though when fish are
stressed they do tend to find the safest place and lurk there.>
I have attached some photographs to help provide better insight. 1
and 3 are of Silvermoon and his appearance, 2 is of the whole tank
to give you an idea of the size and the castle and stuff and 4 is
of the temperature. <Looks a nice little set-up, though I'd
suggest not using purple gravel next time -- fish feel more comfy,
and show better colours, when the substrate is dark. Black is
great, plain gravel just as good. As for ornaments, they
couldn't care less, and castles are just fine!> I hope this
helps save Silvermoon, SG <Every confidence in your
understanding of the situation, and what you need to do to help.
Good luck, Neale.> |

Betta Doesn't Like His Cave - 7/2/08 Hello <Hello
Helen!> thanks for taking my question. <Thanks for your
appreciation!> I am a new beta mom, and have a happy little guy (so
far) he is in a 1 gallon tank that has an air pump and lamp.
(Bernie's Betta Cove) <1 gallon is a passable home for a Betta,
and much better than a bowl or cup, but he'd really love a nice 2
or 5 gallon aquarium. A filter of some sort would be good, and a heater
is a must with these fish, unless the ambient room temperature is high-
78-80 degrees Fahrenheit.> I've read that betas like having a
cave to hide in, so I gave my finned friend a porcelain tea cup (no
sharp edges, and water proof) sitting sideways. He has totally ignored
it. Is it because it is white and is too bright? I put some gravel in
it so he can see he can go in it, but after 1 week, he has not even
tried to go in it. The cup is big enough to accommodate him w/ his fins
flared, so I am at a loss as to why he is not interested. <Not a
natural cave- and a bit shallow, so he'll feel like a cornered
animal.> Shall I just remove it to give him back his space? <I
would> Should I try a silk plant instead? <Some silk plants- or
live ones- might be appreciated. Just stay away from any that have
places his fins could get caught or torn> (I only run the air pump
for 1 hr a day, and also keep it at a fairly low flow, so as not to
make the water too turbulent) <Air bubbling really isn't
necessary, as surface exchange of gas will provide plenty of oxygen.
This is especially true if you were to add a small filter, set to a low
current, which would gently circulate top and bottom water. In addition
to opercular gills, Betta spp. are Anabantoid fish, which means they
have a very small lung in the forehead region- this allows them to both
make the bubble nests we are familiar with, as well as get at least
some of their oxygen needs directly from the air in potentially hypoxic
situations.> thanks for your thoughts <No trouble. Enjoy your new
friend, if you haven't give the Betta habitat articles, FAQ on
wetwebmedia.com a read.> Helen <Benjamin>
Re: moving Betta
6/1/08 Hello again, my question I was trying to ask
from before was how would I put my Betta into his new ten gallon tank
without stressing or killing him. Should I put some of his water from
his small 5 liter tank that I hospitalized him in? <No.> I
don't want to shock him at all. When I did put him in this hospital
tank he was stressed out very much so. <Likely being trapped in a
5-litre tank did that.> What should I do to safely introduce him
into his new tank. <Variation of the drip method, ideally. Place the
fish in a bucket containing "old" water. Over 30-60 minutes
add small portions of water from the new tank into the bucket. Then use
a net to move the fish from the bucket to the new aquarium.> What
should be done so he doesn't go into shock. <Minimise
temperature and water chemistry differences; ensure water quality in
new tank is optimal and the filter mature.> I already have a heater,
filter and conditioned water. Thanks a lot for your help. <Cheers,
I just got <sic> 4 betas, Reading, using WWM 5/4/08
Hello, <Hi> I just saved 4 beta fish from being flushed and need
some help. They were in pretty bad shape when I got them, in small
plastic bowls soo dirty you couldn't see through them. I bought 4 -
2 gallon tanks with air filters that have what looks like a rock at the
end of a hose. Is this an ok filter system for them? <Can't
discern what this is from your description. Read here:
http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/bettasysart.htm these systems are
heated?> I let the tanks run 48 hours <... not cycled?> before
moving them into it and put them in small bags with their original
water and let them float as well slowly adding water before I put them
into the tanks. I followed every step that each site I looked up
recommended. They were sick when I got them, which was easy to spot,
and I just wanted to see if you could give me any help before I go any
further. <Help yourself... Read> Fish 1 - Is absolutely beautiful
with the largest fins I've ever seen on a beta. Could this mean he
is older than the others? <Possibly> He just lies listlessly on
the bottom of the tank and when he does swim to the top for air he
swims straight up to the top but he seems to be struggling. After a
minute or so he just sinks back down to the bottom. He shows no visible
signs of sickness, and I treated him with a small dose of general cure
following the directions, but no change. His water, as all the other
tanks, is at 78 degrees. (I am trying to find small heaters for their
tanks). Turning on the light helps raise the temp, but I've read
the light is bad for sick betas. His ph is 7.0, as all the others are,
and any time I do a 25% water change I let the water sit for at least
24 hours. <Good. I would treat it for sanitizer as well, or store it
for a week or more... as is presented on WWM> I'm not sure about
ammonia or nitrate levels, as I just figured that out after reading
your website and will go get testers for them. He eats only a little
every few days. <Tropical? If not heated, these fish will
languish... > Fish 2 - Is fun, hungry and playful but shows signs of
velvet. I also treated him with general cure, but so far, no change.
His tank is the same as all the others. His color is red and I'm
not sure what to do. Fish 3 - I the worst of all. His fins are clamped
and he gets scared and jumps when you even go near the tank. He eats a
little, but is in bad shape. He has silver spots on his head and belly,
and am not sure if he is supposed to be this way or not, as I
haven't had him that long. He seems to be very dull in color as
well, and hangs close to the top of the tank. Fish 4 - also shows signs
of velvet but seems to be in good health and spirit. He eats well, but
his water is cloudier than all the others, although it is cared for the
same way. His levels are the same. I can't tell if his one eye is
larger than the other but it seems to be. I'm not sure because its
hard to get a good look at him, he is pretty active. If he did have
pop-eye, could that cause the water to become cloudy? I know this is
alot, <No such word> but I just want to give them a good home,
and help them get better. Please help if you can. Thank you so much,
Maureen <Please read where you're referred. Bob Fenner>
Re: I just got <sic> 4 betas, Reading, using WWM 5/4/08
I'm sorry, my previous email had a typo in it. Here is the
corrected version, to save you some editing time. I saw this email on
your daily FAQ's today. I think what Maureen means is that her two
gallon tanks came with an air pump, and the "rock at the end of a
hose" is an airstone attached to some airline tubing, which means
there is no filter. It sounds to me like there is also no heater, but
box stores like PetCo and PetSmart sell heaters for those little tanks
for between $5 and $10. She can also find affordable HOB or in tank
filters there as well. I hope this helps. Jackie <Thank you for this
input Jackie. BobF>
New Betta tank sprouting hair algae 4/9/08 Hello,
I love your site! I have already learned a lot. It was referred to me
by a friend who has used your site and has learned a lot as well.
<Ahh!> That being said I have a question regarding a new Betta
tank. I had two Bettas in one gallon aquariums with the light on top.
I'd consistently change the water once every week or so and they
have flourished very nicely. (I only use reverse osmosis water and I
add salt crystals). <Mmm, better for your Betta... to use about half
tap/mains water mixed with the RO... and leave out the salt> About
2-3 weeks ago I decided to buy a 20 gallon stand alone aquarium and I
put a divider in the middle so each of my guys would have 10 gallons!
<Nice!> This was graduation day not only for my Bettas but for me
as well! <Congrats!> I filled it up with 20 gals of reverse
osmosis water, (yes you should have seen me hauling all of those
gallons of water out of Wal-Mart!), I added the salt crystals, put in
river rocks and the divider and added my fish. All has been well and my
Bettas seen more than happy! But surprisingly, even though these fish
were now in so much water I began noticing a quick build up of slime on
the top mixed with the bubbles that Bettas like to make. This
didn't look too nice so I went to the aquarium store and I bought a
small hang-on filter which I attached to one side. <Good> Because
I have the divider, and I know Bettas don't require a lot of water
circulation, I have simply moved the filter back and forth. (this is
proving to be a little tedious as the water always looks a little nasty
on the top of the side that is not circulating). <Mmm, perhaps
another filter for the other side... or maybe the intake or return to
the one can be remoted to the other side... to provide more thorough
circulation?> I'm thinking I may have to start all over as the
filter does not seem to be cleaning or circulating the top adequately.
<Well... too early to tell, judge really... there are other means of
aiding maintenance, avoiding algal proliferation> I incorporated
some natural plants that I bought from my local aquarium store which
may be contributing to the problem. <Mmm, au contraire... give them
time> My main problem is this: the day before yesterday I noticed
that the side of the aquarium which has the most circulation is
suddenly sprouting hair algae all over. On the glass, the tops of the
river rocks and even the live plants look fuzzy as if they are growing
hair algae as well. What's funny is there is no hair algae on the
other side of the aquarium with the lesser circulation.
<Interesting. Am wondering if there might be other factor/s at
play... perhaps more light... from the sun...> This morning I also
noticed what look like cobweb strings floating in the water or strands
of long hair. Not floating on the top but in the body of the water
attached at the side and moving around with the movement of the water.
In the three years that I've had Bettas and have kept them in 1
gallon aquariums with no moving water I have never seen algae sprout up
or had this problem. Because I am new with an actual aquarium I'm
lost as to what I should do. What could be the cause of this and what
should I do? Help! Charity <Let's see... if it were me/mine...
I'd consider "going the biological route" a bit further
with your set-up/maintenance. Perhaps the addition of some
just-sexually reproducing snails... or even Otocinclus... and patience.
Do please read here:
http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwalgcontrol.htm and the linked
files above... up to the point you consider that you understand your
options... and write back for further input if I/we may be of
additional assistance. Bob Fenner>
Cycling without a filter? FW,
Betta... sys. 3/17/08 Dear Crew, <Hello,> I bought a
male Betta about 4 days ago. I got him a 5 gallon tank, some
gravel, plants, Amquel for the water and OmegaOne Betta pellets.
<Fine.> No filter and no heater. <Unacceptable.> The
local aquatic shop told me not to change the water for about a
month so that it would establish a cycle. <Not only garbage
advice, but also dangerous: the bacteria are not in the water but
in the filter, and not changing the water only allows the ammonia
to build up to toxic levels.> Then I should bring in a water
sample so they could determine that the ammonia and nitrite
levels had spiked and declined. Then after that, I should do a
10% water change weekly to keep up the cycle. <In a tank
without a filter, you need to be doing daily water changes of at
least 25%. Seriously. No-one in their right mind keeps fish this
way. Get a filter of some sort. Even a plain vanilla sponge
filter with an air pump will do the trick for a tank this size.
Otherwise, your Betta has a very short lifespan ahead of it.>
He said that Betta are "tough" and that mine would
survive the ordeal just fine. <Horse hooey. Wild Bettas are
indeed quite tough animals, but fancy Bettas are not. It's
like saying a pampered Persian cat would thrive on the plains of
the Serengeti.> I'm purchasing a 25 watt heater tomorrow
and I gave him some aquarium salt today. <Aquarium salt...?
Who told you to add this stuff. It's not a brackish water
fish and doesn't need salt. It needs a FILTER and a HEATER.
Please, read a book about Bettas and then make sensible
purchases. Your retailer has marked you as what we in the trade
call a "sucker" and is selling you any old thing.
Please don't let him do this! Be an educated shopper!> The
shop guy said that the salt and raising the temp would help my
Betta's immune system and help him get through the cycle.
<Double garbage. Think about this scientifically. Does your
medic tell you to eat a box of salt when you're ill? Does he
tell you to turn the heating up in your house? No. What your fish
needs is a constant temperature (25C/77F) and good quality
FRESHWATER conditions.> He maintained that I do not need a for
a 5 gallon tank. Does this all seem right? <No it does
not.> I don't want to hurt my Betta or cause him to get
sick. <Probably too late. If he's sitting in an
unfiltered, unheated bowl he is about as happy as you would be
skinny dipping in a garbage dump in Siberia.> Please advise.
<Read. Books. Now.> Also, what do you think about using
Aquarisol as a parasite preventative? <Again, think about this
using your science education. Does your doctor tell you to
consume anti-parasite medications just to stay healthy? No. A
healthy diet, clean water, exercise are among the things you do
to "prevent" sickness. Likewise for your fish. Keep the
water clean by using a filter and running regular water changes.
Provide a nice varied diet with a mix of different things through
the week, not the same food day-in, day-out. Keep the temperature
constant using a heater. All basic stuff. Nothing fancy.>
Sincerely, Heidi <Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Cycling without a filter? -03/17/08 Dear Neale,
<Heidi,> Thank you for your prompt reply. I certainly
didn't intend to do the wrong things for my Betta and was
hoping that a store that specializes in fish would give me the
right advice. <Wishful thinking, unfortunately.> Obviously
I was mistaken. I will certainly purchase a heater and a sponge
filter promptly and will get some Betta books. <Don't need
"some". Just one will do, and I'd recommend a nice
little all-around aquarium book so you have all the facts at your
fingertips.> I do want to be a responsible, informed owner,
not a sucker. <Indeed!> Should I do a water change now
before introducing a heater and a filter? <Water changes are
always good, so if in doubt, do 'em.> If so, how much?
<25-50%.> Also, after introducing a filter, how often and
how much water should I change? <25-50%.> At this point,
should I clean the gravel, plants, etc and start fresh? Or will
the used gravel help with the nitrogen cycle? <It'll help
somewhat. Give everything a good clean in water taken from the
aquarium.> Do I need to introduce the heat gradually? <No,
the heater should raise the temperature quite slowly, especially
if you buy the correct wattage for the tank you have. Don't
switch the heater on right away though: they can crack if they
start getting hot before the glass has reached ambient water
temperature first. Not common, but happens.> I'm obviously
just learning about all this...but in general, it seems like I
would clean the filter weekly, change a percentage of the water
weekly, and vacuum the gravel. <Pretty much. I don't clean
the sand/gravel that often, and normal just "suck up"
the detritus with the siphon as I'm taking water out. But
each to their own on this.> I know that the temperature of the
new water has to be the same as the old, what is the best way to
accomplish that if there is a heater in the tank? <Slightly
cool water added to the tank causes no problems, so don't get
paranoid. If you like, let the new water reach room temperature
before adding to the aquarium (easier if you have two buckets,
one for the new water to sit in, and then another to take old
water out when you're ready).> Is there ever a time to
completely wash everything, plants, gravel, tank, etc? <As and
when. Most folks find they need to "deep clean" their
tanks every year or two, but some are more house-proud, others
less so. In theory, water changes and the filter should remove
almost all of the dirt between them.> Finally, is it good to
introduce a live plant such as a java fern? <Makes no odds
either way. If you have a light over the tank, then by all means
add a plant suitable to the wattage of that light. Otherwise,
it's just one more thing to worry about. The fish don't
care if plants are real or plastic.> If so, at what point can
I put it in the tank without messing up any cycling? <Has no
effect.> Until I have read all those books to properly inform
me, I'm really wishing that you could just give me a list of
what do to, in order, from this point on. <I'm $250 an
hour! But seriously, Bob has a nice article on Betta Basics. Read
it! Any
questions after that, get in touch.> Is that too much to ask
or seems like too much hand-holding? <Holding hands is nice,
but knowing better yourself is best! Read and learn.> I really
appreciate your time and advice. <happy to help.>
Sincerely, Heidi <Cheers, Neale.>
Betta's Water Level 3/3/08 Dear WWM,
Greetings; I have a Betta for almost three years now. I have him in a
6.6 bookshelf aquarium tank. I noticed that lately he has been having a
hard time reaching the top; so I lowered his water level; he seems to
be doing better. I also keep the filter and air pump running at a lower
force too. My question is, since Bettas originally lived in rice
patties isn't it wise to have the water level as low as possible?
Or can you tell me how high should the water be? I am concerned because
of his age. Thanks in advance for your help. Jean <Wild Bettas live
in rivers and lakes, albeit among the vegetation, and no aquarium is
going to be too deep for them. The problem for aquarists is that fancy
Bettas have been bred to have very long fins; while pretty, they make
it difficult for them to swim. Lowering the water level reduces the
amount of water in the tank, and this makes the aquarium less stable in
terms of temperature and water quality. In other words, the less water
in the tank, the less healthy the environment. So while the fish might
be better able to swim to the top, it's also more likely to get
sick from environmental issues. My recommendation would be to keep the
water at its normal level, but add some tall or floating plastic plants
so that the Betta has somewhere to rest. Cheers, Neale.>
Severe Betta Neglect 2-14-08 Hello Crew,
<Hello, Merritt here!> I'm ashamed to be writing because
I've completely neglected the well-being of my Betta while keeping
two healthy reef aquariums. <At least you are trying to fix the
Betta now> My Betta appeared to have cataracts... now, after a long
look, my Betta is also bloated and obviously suffering from
constipation. Epsom salt doses will begin immediately. <The Epsom
salt will help with the Betta being bloated and the constipation>
The Betta will be taken off of "Betta pellets" (temporarily)
and fed every-other-day sparingly) with adult brine shrimp. <Adult
brine shrimp are not very nutritious unless you are feeding the adult
shrimp a vitamin rich diet. I would only feed the brine shrimp for a
short while and then continue with the pellets. You could also mix up
the Betta's diet with some Mysid shrimp, mine love them!> The
Betta is in a 3 gallon planted tank, kept at 78+ degrees and gets water
changes every couple weeks with RO/DI. <Sounds great! But change the
water more frequently, at least until the Betta gets better> The
Betta can see the pellets at this point but it seems the
"cataracts" may hinder that in the future. <Those
"cataracts" will clear up when the other ailments are taken
care of> I've included a few pictures that will hopefully help
the WWM crew with diagnosis. <Please resend the pictures, they were
not attached to the email. I would like to see your Betta> Thank
you! <You're welcome! Please don't forget sending the
pictures! Merritt A.>
Preparing for a Betta, sys. 2/4/08 Hey WWM crew!
Thank you so much for all the help you've already given me. I
search all over when asking fish questions, and yet I almost always
find the answers here. <Ah, good> You folks helped a lot with
what ended up being a failed attempt at starting a 20 gallon aquarium
in a place with really hard water (KH ~180ppm, GH ~200ppm, pH ~8.2).
I've moved somewhere new with more moderate water (KH ~80ppm, GH
~25ppm), and I'd like to try using my old 2.5gal quarantine tank
for a Betta. <Okay> Mostly I just want to check in and see if my
setup would be suitable, and if I would have any trouble fighting with
the local water to make it work. I've tried measuring the pH of
some water I let stand for 24hours and found the low range pH test gave
me 7.2, while the high range test gave me 7.8 (I'm planning to get
a different pH test kit when I get a chance). <This will work> As
for the equipment the 2.5gal rectangular tank has a thick layer of
Eco-Complete gravel (I'm planning on adding a small plant later if
possible). I have a 25W heater (since its often under 50 degrees in my
house this time of year). <Brrrrrr!> I have yet to test how
stable this keeps the temperature. <Should be fine> I was also
wondering about the use a filter on this tank. I have a Whisper 3i
filter rated for 1-3 gallons (powered by bubbling the water through).
Would it be best not to use it, use it, or get a different filter?
<This will likely do> Finally the gravel and the tank were in
contact with some fish that had ich about 2 years ago. Should I be
concerned? <No> I read on your site that if heated to 78F the
cysts will break out, and failing to find a host fish in 3 to 4 days
will die. Would this be an effective means of ensuring the ich is gone,
or should I also medicate the water? <I would simply rinse this
gravel and use it> Thanks again! Mouse, <Welcome. Bob
Betta... sys. 1/14/08 Hi- <Hello.> I have a
female Betta fish that is currently living in my heated tank (around
76º) with other fish- would it be possible to transfer it to
a bowl environment that is not heated? <No. Bettas need filtration
and heat, neither of which are present in a bowl.> It's not
doing too well because my other female Betta fish is chasing it around
constantly, and I thought that maybe it might help to separate them.
<How big is this tank? It's certainly a fair comment that when
kept in tanks 40 litres/10 gallons or smaller Bettas tend to be
aggressive towards one another. Adding floating plants may help. Bettas
operate on a "line of sight" sort of way, so if they
can't see one another, they don't go looking for fights.
Because Bettas stay close to the surface, ornaments on the bottom of
the tank don't help much, if at all, because the Bettas don't
like to be down there all the time. But floating plants (even plastic
ones) offer lots more potential.> I've seen other Betta fish
living in bowls often, but I'm not sure if the change in
temperatures would be too much for it in terms of shock. <I've
seen cooked cats (seriously) but this doesn't mean I recommend
people eat them. Lots of people keep fish in a bad way, and simply
because you see them do it, doesn't mean you should follow suit.
Keeping Bettas in bowls is not really fair on them, and doesn't do
anything to improve their health or quality of life. At best they die
slowly, at worst they die quickly. They are much happier kept in
heated, filtered aquaria. Even a small tank (40 litres/10 gallons or
less) is viable for male Bettas when kept on their own.> Thanks for
the advice, Liz <Cheers, Neale.>
With a very heavy heart... Betta loss, sys.
1/3/08 Hi Everyone, It is with heavy heart that I write this news.
My beautiful, glorious female blue and aqua Betta of 2.5 years drowned
in the wee hours this morning. Upon springing Domino from her captive
single cup home, she was introduced to a glorious 7 gallon tank,
heated, filtered and kept absolutely spotless. A Plecostomus on board
does his job well and was a fixture of hers for quite a while as she
poked around him as if to say 'swim with me'! My tank has live
plants and gravel, one small castle that the Plec. lives in and a big
plastic rock that Domino used frequently to freely swim in and out of.
As Domino grew she used the larger holes and I didn't think about
the smaller ones. To my sadness this morning I could easily tell what
had happened. She went in the rock through a large hole and tried to
swim out a small hole. Her head and front fins were wedged out so she
could not swim forward or backward. Please heed my warning to avoid
sadness in your tank. Do not put decorations with holes into tanks, no
matter how safe they "look". Domino's death was 100%
avoidable had I just remembered that fact. Sincerely, Elizabeth
<Hello Elizabeth. Your story is very sad, and I do hope others read
and act accordingly. I've seen the same thing myself, with a
Corydoras getting stuck in a seashell-type ornament. Obligate
air-breathing fish like Bettas and Corydoras are at risk from drowning
if they get stuck. As you say, such fish are best kept in tanks with
very carefully selected ornaments. Cheers, Neale.>
Betta... sys.... reading 12/11/07 I have had
my fish misty for almost a year now and recently I've been
having some problems. First off I had first put him in a small
Betta container and eventually got a 1g tank. <I see this...>
I thought it was bare so I put 2 water snails in the tank and
suddenly it became more and more until I had way too many. Then
suddenly I found my fish on day with a puff eye so I put him in a
large juice pitcher and got rid of the snail thank. It was there
that I found he was not really eating. He was still acting happy
just not eating anymore. I went to the store to buy a new tank and
decided to ask them about it. They gave me Betta fix remedy, so I
put the amount in and moments later he was eating again. So that
was good and now he seems to be eating normal now but his eye is
still puffy. I read online something about blood vessels and red
marks on the tail but he has had those since I got him and his eye
was fine then. What could it be? <All the changes, a lack of
heat...> I also notice he had more of a puffier tummy this last
month I though noting of it but now it worries me I could just be
paranoid but I don't know what it is can u maybe help me? Misty
also has a 5 gallon tank now and he seem to be happy swimming
through the pillars in the statue I got him an resting behind the
plants at times it this a good tank for him? <Is it heated? Is
it cycled? Have you read here:
http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/bettasysart.htm and the linked
files above? What do your water quality tests show you re
nitrogenous wastes? Bob Fenner> |
Betta and ADF, sys., RO water use, 11/25/2007
Hello All, Thanks in advance for the advice. Normally I am asking
marine questions, but I have a few probably very silly questions about
a Betta tank. I have a six week old, cycled, 3 gallon Eclipse tank with
a male Betta and one African Dwarf Frog. Parameters are
Ammonia/Nitrite: 0, Nitrate: less than 20, pH: 6.0, and nearly zero on
DH and GH. The tank has live plants and a one inch gravel bottom. So,
the first question: I use RO/DI water instead of using a conditioner on
tap water. Is this okay or are my DH and GH readings too low from
filtering out too much? <Always mix some tap water with the RO
water; by itself, RO water isn't acceptable for most fish. Aim for
between 5-10 degrees dH. For a Betta, there's absolutely no
advantage to using RO water anyway, since these fish are very adaptable
and provided extremes are avoided couldn't care less about water
chemistry. Moderate hardness and neutral pH is probably the ideal.>
I had assumed the RO/DI was better, plus it is convenient since we have
the unit set up for the salt water tank, but now I am wondering.
<Very soft water causes problems with acidification and lack of
stability.> Second question: When I come into work in the morning,
the tank is usually around 77 degrees F. With the light on during the
day, the temperature usually creeps up to about 80 or 81. Is this too
much fluctuation over a 24 hour period? <It's fine for a Betta.
Certainly "within the margin of error" for what a wild Betta
would be exposed to.> Should I try and bump the heater up to keep is
closer to 80 at night? <No point if the fish is otherwise fine.>
Of course then it would still fluctuate up to 83 or 84 in the day then.
Third question: I have read your FAQs on ADF, but was still unsure
about a few things. I have only one, are they social and should be kept
in multiples? <I think they are better termed "sociable"
rather than "social". They don't form schools as such,
but provided they aren't overcrowded you can keep several in a tank
and not have problems. A gallon of water per frog is often recommended,
and seems about right.> I feed about 2 bloodworms (still need to get
other "meaty" stuff, frog is new) every 2 to 4 days. Should
this be sufficient? <Depends on the size of the frog, the quality of
the bloodworms being used, water temperature, and so on. Provided the
belly is gently convex but not bulging, you're fine. I'd be
feeding this half a dozen bloodworms every day and seeing how things go
from there. If they get portly on this, skip a day or two per week. If
they look thin, I'd feed slightly more food, perhaps across two
meals per day. There's no hard-and-fast rule to how much to feed
any animal; to some extent you need to observe and react accordingly.
Provided you don't give the frogs so much they look like bowling
balls with legs, then the issue isn't overfeeding per se, but water
quality.> I know it is hard to say without seeing the frog, but does
that sound like a reasonable amount of food? <A bit too little, too
me.> Any other advice is always appreciated! Thanks! Michele
<Cheers, Neale.>
Deceased Beta, Getting a New one... env. 11/5/07
Hi! <Hello> My family recently owned a purple beta named Cuebert
(I don't know what kind of beta he is) who lived in a bowl with a
plant on it. (Sorry, I don't know what type it is either, but it
used to have white flowers.) <Not terribly important, but I have to
say these vases make terrible Betta homes.> I found him at the top
of his bowl floating like he was standing on his back fin. While I was
looking up diseases, I left him to get some peace. When I checked back
on him, poor old Cubie was lying on the bottom, not breathing.
<Sorry> His color was a little gray, but it had been that way for
a while. Was this a sign of some long-term disease? We had him for 3-4
years, so it might have been old age. <I would say definitely old
age, anything beyond a couple years is quite unusual.> He was never
extremely active, never made a bubble nest, or jumped. Was there
something we were doing wrong? <Not necessarily, but they do need
heated, filtered tanks to really thrive.> If we were to get another
beta, where would we get them? <Most fish or pet supply shops carry
them and most come from the same breeders, so where ever you can find a
healthy looking specimen.> Some are half-dead at the time of
purchase! :( <All too common.> (One last question, sorry this is
so long!) Do beta fish need tops on their "houses"? There are
a few I saw hat have none. <They can jump so it is a good idea.>
Thanks so much!!! -Laura <For your next Betta I suggest upgrading
his home to a small filtered and heated tank, where he can really
thrive. Most people consider those vases a death sentence to the fish,
although your did quite well.> <Chris>
GH/KH concern with new Betta -- 10/28/07 Hello
:), I have a 6 gallon tank in my office with a heater (80 degree
water), an internal filter stuffed with filter floss (for low current),
a few Java Ferns, an Anubias, and some Val.s. <Nice> I mixed 3/4
R/O water with 1/4 Spring water, and I have had a PH level of 7.2 for a
week now. (Without the mixture of water, the PH of my tap water was
pretty high at above 8. <Wow. Liquid rock> Even the Spring water
with the lowest PH reading I found, 7.0, jumped to over 8 in my
filtered tank.) My GH and KH readings are at about 53.7ppm (if I'm
understanding the API test kit.) Some of the articles on the internet
seem to indicate that these GH/KH levels are fine, and others would
seem to suggest a raising of the GH. <Mmmm> I understand that
there are products like Kent R/O right and GH Botanica plus from your
website. But I know that Bettas like somewhat soft water, and I'd
rather not affect my PH if I don't have to, so I'm wondering if
I can leave this alone, or if that would be harmful to my new friend
over time? Thank you, Patricia P.S. I will be cycling with Bio-Spira,
and Thanks for keeping up such a great website! <Thank you... and I
think you are fine here with the calcium and general hardness... for
the plants, Betta... I would not change your stated protocol for mixing
water. Cheers, Bob Fenner>
Re: GH/KH concern with new Betta -- 10/30/2007
Hello, Thank you so much for your quick response :). It's a scary
moment, when you think after weeks of research, you may have actually
made things worse for your fish! Thank you for sharing so much of your
time with those of us who need it :) Thanks again :), Patricia <Am
very pleased to help you, others to improve their experience, the lives
to the life in their care. Cheers, Bob Fenner>
Moving Betta Fish to a Bigger Tank/Fin rot
10/21/07 Hello, <Hello!> I got a Betta fish about a
month ago- my college had an event and they gave away Bettas for
free. The bowl he came in seemed "too small" so I got
him a larger (half gallon) bowl, which he's been living in
since then. However, reading on your site (I know, I should have
done my research *first* but I assumed that since people in my
dorm in previous years had Bettas in those little bowls that it
was okay for them) I got him a 2.5 gallon tank with a heater and
filter (it's a charcoal filter type, rather than a
sponge...is that okay?) and some largish cloth plants. <Carbon
isn't really useful in this aquarium. You're going to
need to change 50% of the water weekly (at least) and doing that
will remove the dissolved organic wastes through dilution. Since
carbon is used to remove those wastes, the carbon is rendered
obsolete. Carbon also removes medications: you cannot use fish
medicine in an aquarium with carbon. So, replace the carbon with
*biological* filter media instead. Sponge would be ideal, but
ceramic hoops or filter wool will work too.> My question is,
from what I've seen you're supposed to cycle the tank
before putting the fish in, but that can take up to 6 weeks.
<Yes.> But it seems like even an uncycled heated and larger
tank would be better for Kappa (my Betta) than his small cold
bowl. <Correct.> Is it safe to put him in now, and just
change the water often (I'm thinking every 3 days with a 50%
change- in his old bowl I was doing 100% changes every 3 days),
or is it better to wait for the new tank to cycle? <Your plan
sounds ideal. Move the fish, do water changes regularly, and test
the nitrite levels periodically to check things are OK. When fish
are exposed to high ammonia and nitrite levels, they are prone to
fungus and Finrot, so you want to keep them as low as possible,
preferably zero.> Also, I put the plastic plant and the gravel
from his old bowl in, with new gravel and a couple larger fabric
plants- will that help the tank cycle faster? <Marginally, if
at all.> (I don't know if there was anything beneficial on
them, in order to get the waste off the gravel I'd been
swishing it in tap water when I did his water changes, and
rinsing off the plant <Arggghh! Never wash anything under the
tap you want bacteria to live on. Always wash biologically active
filter media in a bucket or bowl of water taken from the
aquarium.> I did notice some sort of stringy whitish stuff on
the plant though, is that good or bad growth?) <Likely algae
(if green) or bacteria (if grey/white). Either way, harmless
though perhaps unsightly.> I don't have any tests for
ammonia/nitrates/nitrites yet, but I am getting some as soon as I
can find them (the store I went to was out of a lot of stuff).
<Get the simple combination dip-sticks. They're cheap
(here around £10 for 25 tests) and you can slice them
down the middle to make twice as many tests. Each dip-stick has
nitrite, ammonia, nitrate, pH and hardness (at least) making them
extremely useful for quickly judging the conditions in the
tank.> I'm especially concerned about leaving Kappa in the
old bowl because he's had a chronic case of fin rot since
about a week after I got him. At first he lost about a quarter
inch of the 'webbing' on his tail, and I got him some
aquarium salt and tetracycline gel-food medicine. <The salt
detoxifies nitrite, which is useful when a tank is immature.
I'm not convinced Tetracycline food is beneficial, given it
is an antibiotic for internal infections, and Finrot is an
external infection. I think you need to add a Finrot medication
to the water.> The medicine said to give him 5 drops per
serving (2x a day) but I could never get him to eat more than 2
drops (the brand was "aquarium products gel-Tek
tetracycline", for what it's worth). It seemed to stop
the fin rot, and it started growing back but as soon as the
medication period (3 days) ended, within a day the tail had
rotted back to about where it was the first time. <Curing the
symptoms -- Finrot -- while not fixing the cause -- poor water
quality -- locks you into a cycle where every time you cure the
fish, it gets sick again soon after.> I tried the tetracycline
again and this time he'd hardly eat it (I think he just
doesn't like it, he loves the Hikari pellets and frozen
bloodworms that are his normal food). The rot didn't really
get any better, so I stopped for a couple of days then switched
to Jungle Fungus buddies (which said they also treat fin rot).
That has helped more, but by this time his tail is about half the
length it used to be. <Oh.> Anyway, the tail has been
stable for a couple of days but after I switched Kappa into the
2.5 tank, and he swam around for an hour or so, the webbing that
had been regrowing has fallen out again. Will the better
conditions help him (he's still on the Jungle medication), or
do I need to do something else to get this cleared up? <I
think at the moment you're "running to stand still"
because high levels of ammonia and nitrite in the aquarium are
putting immense stress on the fish.> (I've been trying to
find Maracyn (2) since that seems to be highly recommended on
your site, but I can't find it in either of the pet stores
here.) Other than that he seems healthy and active- he was very
curious about everything in the new tank and comes over to me
every time I get near. Also, pretty much every time I changed his
bowl water, he would make a bubble nest, so he couldn't have
been too unhappy...? <In other words: when water quality
improves, he's happy; when water gets bad again, he stops
being happy.> Sorry this is so long, but I wanted to give as
much detail as possible. Thanks for your time, --Kyra <Do
water tests, replace carbon with true biological filter media,
ensure ammonia and nitrite settle down to zero levels. Don't
overfeed, and do regular water changes. Keep treating the Finrot.
Once the water is good, you'll see the Finrot won't come
back. Do read the articles here at WWM about Bettas. Cheers,
Re: Moving Betta Fish to a Bigger Tank/Fin rot 10/22/07
Dear Neale, Thanks so much for your help and the quick response.
I'll be looking for a new filter and ammonia/nitrite/nitrate
tests for Kappa's tank. You guys run an amazing site, and
I'm sure I'll be referencing it a lot in the future.
Thanks again, --Kyra <Kyra, thanks for the kind words, which
I'll be sure and pass on to the Crew. Good luck with your
Betta! Neale>
My new Betta, sys. 10/19/07 Hi there, I've
read through all of your information on Betta, but I want to be sure
that I'm providing my little Squishy with the best. I've only
had my little guy for three days, and he looks great. His colors look
more vibrant than they did when I bought him, he eats well, (maybe too
well, after reading some material I've found that I feed him too
often, two times a day, 2 pellets, 2 freeze dried bloodworms, but
I'll cut down now) he's building bubble nests <A good
sign> (at first I was worried that there was something wrong with
the water, research proved me wrong) swims around happily, and reacts
when I interact with him. Anyways, I was wondering how often I should
change his water, there are sooo many different opinions as to how
often, and I want to make sure I do it right. I was also wondering if
he is in too small a container. The container is described as a
"large" Betta keeper. But all these posts make me feel as
though I'm neglecting my Squishy. Thank you, Caryn <Please read
here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/bettasysart.htm and the
linked files above... Best to do such partial change-outs weekly, with
pre-stored water... Bob Fenner>
2 questions concerning my Betta... sys., comp. 10/1/07 Hi
there, I recently upgraded my Betta's tank size to a 5 1/2 gallon
tank from a 1/2 tank. Also I have added two albino Cory catfish as
companions. <Nice!> My 1st question is about the filter, I'm
not sure if it's good for him or needed, or if he likes it. Since
most of the time he's been really happy with out one in his small
tank before this one. What should I do about the filtration?
<Perhaps a small hang on or in-tank power filter type...> My 2nd
questions is about his companions. I'm starting to think giving him
companions in the 1st place was a bad idea. I don't know if he
likes them, he seems to avoid them and doesn't like them getting
close to him. He doesn't fight them or anything he just swims away
quickly. Should I remove them from the tank and let him have his peace
again in the tank, or just wait it out till he gets to know them
better? Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Joe <I think the
Corydoras Cats will be fine companions here... Bob Fenner>
Lethargic Betta, Env. 9/28/07 Could you please advise me
regarding my Siamese fighting fish. I have had him for two weeks and
have been looking after his water as advised by the pet shop owner. He
seems ok - his fins are fine and he swims around and is eating one
pellet twice a day. He comes to the top when he hears my voice. Often
though I find him sitting at the bottom of the bowl. I thought he was
sleeping or resting, but am wondering if he is ill. There are no other
symptoms. Thank you for any help you can give. Pam <Is this tank
heated? If not he is probably cold, and being a cold blooded animal
will be less active.> <Chris> New Betta-Kudos to
Marineland 9/16/07 Dear WWW Crew, <<Hello, Mitzi. Tom
here this afternoon.>> I seem to be sharing experiences with you
all lately and this one seems important. <<All gets passed along,
Mitzi, so what do you have for us?>> Every time I pass the pet
aisle at Wal Mart I'm heartsick at the pretty little Bettas
floating listless in their 5 oz plastic cups. <<One of many
reasons why I pass Wal-Mart entirely, Mitzi, but let's not get
started on that one. ;) >> There's 4 teeny slits in the tight
fitting lid for air and that's it. I think of my happy fish at home
with lots of room, fresh water and good care and feel so sorry for
those Bettas. It makes me angry at our society that is allowing it to
continue. <<In this instance, society 'votes' with its
dollars, Mitzi. Stores don't stay in business unless they're
patronized and Wal-Mart doesn't lack for people willing to spend
their money there. Your indignation, however, is completely
understandable and I won't detract from that in the least.>>
I've been reading your sight so much the past month or 2 and
"Betta" kept crossing my line of vision in different
FAQ's. I was engrossed learning about these fishes I'd never
really known about before. I never knew they could actually live
happily in less than a 10 gal. <<A ten-gallon tank is about
optimum for Bettas but they'll do well in somewhat smaller
environments.>> At Wal Mart this morning I couldn't take it
anymore and bought a beautiful blue & purple Betta male. I found a
Marineland 5 gallon hex aquarium that I was really impressed with. I
still feel badly that it's too small but it beats the heck out of
what he was in at the store. <<Nothing wrong with a five-gallon
tank for Bettas, Mitzi.>> I want to let people know what a nice
thing Marineland has done with this little 5 gal tank. The entire
filter setup is in the hood along with the light. It has a charcoal
filter and even a tiny little bio-wheel, for only $30.00! I thought it
was a wonderful idea to have sitting next to all these Betta cups.
I've always loved Marineland products, the Emperor & Penguin
series bio-wheels are what I use exclusively. I feel like this company
really has a handle on fish and this sealed the deal as far as my
respect for them. <<Marineland's a fine company and, to give
the Devil his due, it sounds as though Wal-Mart may have lifted itself
out of the dirt by marketing these tanks, as well.>> I also got a
"2-15 gallon" Tetra submersible heater (for $6.00) that has
kept his temperature right at 80 degrees all day. The ph of the water
in the cup was only 6 and mine is about 8 so acclimation took 4 hours
but he's doing absolutely wonderful. He's ate and already comes
up to the front to see us. I also used gravel & filter media from
my cycled tanks to kick start bacteria, by the way. <<Sounds like
you've done a wonderful job with your new pet, Mitzi!>> The
moral of the story is that any one of your readers can "rescue one
of those Bettas" for under $40.00 with tax. About the price of a
tank of gas. It won't save them all and it won't solve the
problem in the big picture, but it will give that *one* fish a happy
life. It made me feel a lot better than just walking by and feeling
sick for doing nothing. <<I'm happy for you in that and
commend you for caring enough to act on your feelings.>> I'd
have never garnered the interest in Bettas if not for the WWM website
and crew. I've read all of Bob's Betta articles. I think
"Robert" would be a good name for this little fish. Lol
<<I think 'Robert' would be a fine name, as well. Given
your reasons/passion for 'saving' this little fish, I think Bob
would be pleased, too.>><An honour. RMF> Sincerely, Mitzi
PS I'm running out of room for fish tanks. But I was
thinking.....if I put the couch & TV on the front porch and made my
family sit out there I'd have LOTS more room for fish inside.
<<I think my wife had exactly the same idea a while back when she
suggested moving all of my stuff out to the front yard. I know
she's wanted a large, saltwater tank but I didn't know she
wanted one THAT big. Do you think I missed something? :) Thanks for
sharing your experience with us, Mitzi. I hope others will follow your
thoughtful lead. My best to you. Tom>>
Re: New Betta-Kudos to Marineland Pt 2 -- 09/19/07 As a PS I
went out yesterday and bought 3 more of these little 5 g Marineland
Betta tanks & heaters and had a blast setting them up &
decorating yesterday. I had to go to 2 Wal-Mart's because I bought
out the 1st one. They take up so little space and it's only a 20 oz
cup of water to do a water change! (I do the "daily small water
changes" on my tanks). It doesn't get any easier than that. I
don't understand why only Bettas are sold in those awful little
cups and kept in tiny bowls, they're not the only kind of air
breathing fish yet the others aren't housed in such an inhumane
way. <The cups aren't as bad as the tiny little sealed pouches
some companies ship them in. But in any case, they're shipped like
this because 1) they can be and 2) male Bettas can't be mixed in
the same bag. Most freshwater fish are shipped in big bags with many of
the same kind in one bag. You can't do that with male Bettas.
Though, I don't know why the female betas are shipped in
cups/pouches.> I suppose because of their aggressive nature with
other fish. <It's a common misconception that Bettas are as
aggressive with other fish as they are with each other. You can
actually put a male Betta in a community tank. Problems could arrive if
it's a small tank with passive surface dwelling fish, but otherwise
they tend to mind their own business.> I know patronizing Wal-Mart
keeps them in business, I wrestled with that. But PetSmart & PetCo
& many other places sell them that way, too. <IMO, Wal-Mart
should not be selling fish. I went in there once to find a large
goldfish floating dead in a tank with several other fish. There were a
couple of girls (employees) standing around looking at and giggling,
each saying "there's no way I'm touching that." I
grabbed a paper towel from behind them, lifted up the barrier and
pulled the fish out and threw it away. I looked at them and explained
that you can't leave a dead fish in a small tank like that or else
everything will die. One of them just shrugged, thanked me and said
they just weren't "that brave." Give me a break!! Ugh.
But anyway, there are so many other reasons not to shop at Wal-Mart,
but if you want that rant you'll have to email me personally.
:)> I've got almost every kind of pet/livestock (over 50
individual critters total if you want numbers-sigh) and I literally
HAVE to patronize these places in order to buy food & supplies for
them. So that's 4 Bettas that will get a good home. The only
problem I'm running into is not enough plugs ins but my
husband's going to wire some into the walls this week :-) These
places are going to sell these fish whether I buy mine or not,
that's just a fact of life. <Umm... if we're still talking
about Wal-Mart, then you might be wrong. Wal-Mart is very careful to
protect its profits. If people didn't buy live fish there, it would
start losing money on maintenance costs. They'll stop selling live
fish as soon as it stops being profitable.> All I can do is all I
can do. And it *does matter to these 4 fish. And it matters to the
other fish because of all the people I've talked to about it in my
travels in gathering up things to decorate tanks with. I ADORE these
little fish, they're so beautiful. And compared to all the other
critters and bigger tanks I've got they're soooo easy to take
care of properly. I could do 10 Betta tanks with my hands tied around
my back and drink my coffee at the same time before I even start in on
the sheep & llama lol Don't feel you have to print this, I just
wanted to follow-up. "Robert" the Betta is doing wonderful,
I'd swear his ragged fins are already healing, he swims around
constantly. Judging by the way my Oscar is eye-balling him I suspect he
thinks it's his lunch. Thank you for this wonderful sight. If not
for this website I'd have never became interested in these little
Bettas or known how to care for them. <glad you found us> Tom,
you'd better get your wife that SW tank in a big hurry or you might
find yourself sleeping in a tent in the back yard lol <Haha...
I'll tell Tom you said that.> Mitzi <Best, Sara M.>
My beta is sad! RMF as well... Reading 9/13/07 I just got my
crown tail beta 2 days ago. I have a little bow (it's less than a
gallon), <... heated, filtered?> but is bigger than the tiny cup
that I purchased it with. The first couple of hours my beta was so
happy, he was swimming around, checking every rock, every plant.
<Cycled?> Then I gave him 3 pellets (I bought the same food that
they where feeding the betas in the pets store) and after a couple of
hours I saw him staying on the top, not moving, does not react at all.
Just takes a little breath and stays. On the morning I went to check on
him, he was still standing up there. I wanted to make him happy and
what is better than breakfast. I was thinking if he eats, means he is
ok. I gave him another 4 pallets. Now I know, that was mistake, I gave
him too much food. My poor little guy? is it possible to die? How can I
make it better? <Read...> I also use bottled spring water, is
that ok? <Mmm, not likely, no... Water chemistry?> Do I need to
test the water? <Yes> How often do I need to change it since the
bow is so small? Please help, I just want him to be ok. Daniela
<Read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/bettasysart.htm
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
New Betta Owner Needs Help With Tank Setup -
9/3/07 Dear WWM Crew, I have been reading over the material on the
site and am a bit overwhelmed by all the conflicting information I have
read on Betta habitats. <Oh dear.> I went and purchased a male
and a female Betta at a local PetSmart, and also two one gallon tanks
with undergravel filters, airstones, and hoods with small lights.
<They tend to be kept apart -- the males do not "play
nice" with females in small aquaria. In the wild, the females
enter and leave the male's territory at their leisure. In the
aquarium, they don't have this option. Result: spousal abuse, dead
female.> I have been changing tanks with Poland Spring water, as our
town water had Coliform contamination last year, and as it is still
being chemically treated with stuff I don't think is safe, I
neither use it, nor will I give it my cat, or the fish. <Er,
probably overkill. A mature aquarium will be filled with all sorts of
bacteria, but the "good" bacteria predominate, cleaning the
water remarkably effectively. Assuming you treat your water with a
decent dechlorinator (one that removes chlorine AND chloramine) the
water should be perfectly safe for fish. Coliform bacteria aren't
much of a risk to humans in good health (i.e., who aren't
immunocompromised). Every time you wipe your backside after defecating,
you're exposed to them. So I wouldn't worry too much. Compared
to the measurable dangers like, say, getting in a motor car or having a
fat/calorie-rich diet, the risk of contracting a life threatening
sickness from Coliform bacteria is very small. And certainly NOT a
threat to your fish!> My problem is that I have been changing the
tanks every 7 days, removing 1/3 water, saving 2/3, and removing the
fish with tank water to container, then rinsing undergravel plate in
hot water, rinsing gravel, then tank (acrylic small 1 gallon) and then
putting all back together, gravel plate, airstone, then gravel and
filling with combo of old water and 1/3 new with small amount of
conditioning salt added by diluting it in 1 cup new water then adding
it to empty tank, then fish. <Who told you to do all this stuff? Had
they ever kept a live fish in their entire lives? OK, in a tank with an
undergravel filter (which is what you seem to have here) you should
NEVER, EVER clean the gravel with hot water. The gravel is where the
bacteria live, and you want them to be HAPPY. What you're doing is
killing them. Very bad. So, leave them alone! Change 50% of the water
weekly, but otherwise leave the tank alone. Once in a while stir the
gravel with a stick, and siphon out any detritus if you want. But never
let the gravel get dry or washed in anything other than aquarium water.
EVER. And there's no need to use salt. The ONLY thing you should be
adding to the water is dechlorinator. Salt doesn't remove chlorine,
kill bacteria, or do any of the myriad things people think it does.
It's just salt.> Now I read that I need heaters and bio-filters
in big tanks! <Yes, you need a heater, unless your home is
maintained at a constant 25 C. These are TROPICAL fish, and when kept
at less than 25 C, they die. Period.> Help!!! I am in tiny apartment
with cat and have no room for bigger tanks as yet and small budget-have
disabled family member who lives with me whose monthly meds run over
$1200 per month, what can I do to make these little guys lives better?
<Well, you could save some money by not using mineral water, for a
start... A 5-10 gallon tank surely wouldn't take up much more space
than a 1 gallon tank, and would be orders of magnitude easier to keep
(not to mention a nicer home for your fish).> They are growing
bigger and are active, but don't want to stress them by cold temps,
warm in day but down to 68-70 at night and too chilly now that fall is
here. <Too cold.> By the way, people at petshop said to just keep
them in a bowl, that they survive in mud puddles, so temp and ph, etc,
is no issue. <Garbage. Bettas do not live in mud puddles. How would
a fish get into one, and why would it want to be in one? Bettas live in
ditches, streams, lakes, and so on. Usually among vegetation. Yes, they
breathe air, but this isn't because they live in mud but because
the water they live in gets very warm, and consequently contains less
oxygen than otherwise. It's a back-up system for them, helping them
to stay active in conditions other fish find stressful.> I test pH
every 3 days is 6.8-7.0, but will get nitrate, ammonia, nitrite, kit
now also. <You don't *need* all of these. The "big
three" in my opinion are nitrite, pH, and general hardness (dH,
rather than carbonate hardness, KH). And a thermometer, of course. Your
water board may tell you what the hardness and pH of your water supply
is, in which case you can "wing it" and rely on the 50% water
changes to prevent any untoward pH changes in the aquarium. Bettas will
adapt to a wide range of water chemistry values, but like all fish,
they don't like sudden changes. So really, if you do that, then the
nitrite kit is the only one you need. It's the cat's Pyjamas
for tracking water quality, and more useful than either ammonia or
nitrate for a variety of reasons.> Any ideas on tanks/heaters on
very tight budget? Thanks, CJ <Well, I've told you what you need
(and need to do). But a fish is just like any other animal -- at some
point, expense is unavoidable. Hope this helps, Neale>
Re: New Betta Owner Needs Help With Tank Setup -
9/3/07 Hi WWM Crew, <Hello CJ,> Thanks for the swift reply.
No, I don't have them in the same tank, 2 separate 1-1/2 gallon
tanks w/undergravel filters & airstones, and thermometers on the
tanks the ones that are stick-on strips with temp. range of 64-86. They
are in warm part of house, no windows, drafts, nearby but house is
cooler in fall so will have to get heaters right away. <Agreed;
while they tolerate a certain amount of temperature variation, the
night-time temperature shouldn't drop below much below 22C. In the
wild, while air temperature may drop well below that, the water
temperature won't, because water is thermally very stable (it tends
to lose/gain heat very slowly). The tiny conditions in an aquarium
don't replicate this, so fish tanks lose/gain heat much more slowly
than anything most fish are adapted to. This is why we need aquarium
heaters. By all means switch it down to a low setting in summer, and
let your fish enjoy a natural variation in temperature (I do this every
summer) but otherwise aim for variation no greater than 22-26C or
thereabouts.> I wasn't concerned about the Coliform, it was over
a year ago, but the state mandated the town over chlorinate and add
other chemicals to our town water, and it smells like a Clorox bottle
when you turn on the tap. <It's probably fine. Add a good
dechlorinator that removes chloramine as well as chlorine. If in doubt,
telephone your water board or check their web site. Your water
can't be any less "natural" than the water offered in
London (famously been through 7 people on average before you drink it!)
and fish do fine here.> Also they had a contamination incident with
paint thinner, so given their track record on water safety, we buy
bottled for the past few years. I am concerned about giving it to fish,
pets or humans so we buy bottled by the case. <Well, this is your
choice. But if you're asking me, "is the water safe for my
fish", the answer is almost certainly yes, provided you treat with
a decent dechlorinator. Money saved here (on something at best optional
rather than vital) could be spent on essential things like heaters,
filters, bigger tanks, etc in due course.> As far as rinsing the
gravel filter plate and gravel, bad info from pet store folks. <I
assumed as much.> I didn't mean to infer that Bettas could live
well in mud puddles, just trying to let folks know the attitude the
folks at the pet store have about the creatures they are selling to the
public. <Indeed.> I had not seen all the info on the site about
heated fully cycled tanks before I bought these two, so we will read up
and if we can we will get bigger, heated, tanks and let them cycle
prior to introducing our fish to them. <Very good.> Thank your
for your quick reply, CJ <No problem. Enjoy your fishkeeping.
Cheers, Neale>
Strange Fins, Betta, env. dis. 8/30/07
Hello, and thanks ahead for your website! <Welcome> I'm the
new owner of a male LPS (local pet store) Betta. After only about a
week-and-a-half, I'm seeing something I haven't found on any of
your FAQs. Tai's tail and fins seem to have partially rolled up and
come to a point, and the tail has also twisted a bit. There appears to
be no discoloration, no tears or scalloping in his fins, his color is
good and unchanged as is his appetite. I'm probably watching him
'way too close, because he seems a tiny bit less active. He usually
knows when I'm watching and becomes frisky to get attention. Tai is
in a 2 and ½ gallon tank with silk plants, smooth bottom
gravel and a hidey-hole toy. <Is this world heated, filtered?>
The temperature is a regular 78 degrees, <How?> ph is good,
<What?> I use Amquel + and NovAqua, and a small amount of salt
<I would not do this continuously> in the water before he gets
it. There's no filter <Trouble> in the tank but I've been
doing 20-50 percent water changes every other day, and a complete water
change once a week. <Not a good practice> Of course, we're
only talking about less than 2 weeks! I don't want to use the wrong
medication, and can't tell if it's bacterial, fungal, or
nothing at all. Do you have any ideas? <All sorts> Thanks again
for any help or reassurance you can give! Beth Rogers <Read here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/bettasysart.htm and the linked
files above. The environment... likely metabolite poisoning... Bob
Re: Strange Fins, Betta -- 08/31/07 Thanks for
the reply - I stay confused I guess! I'd thought frequent partial
water changes were a good thing. <Mmm, not this much nor this
frequently... Please read where you were referred to> The
temperature is regulated at 78 degrees via a small heater on a timer
and a thermometer. <Good> The ph is good (I used a test kit) at
7.0 to 7.2, <Good> and the ammonia is low (another test kit).
<Should be zero... undetectable. Any present is harmful> So the
problem must be the water changing. Will a filterless tank cycle?
<Yes...> What is metabolite poisoning? <Mmm, biological
process accumulation that is deleterious to the organisms health>
Thanks again! -Beth <Welcome! BobF>
Tiny white bugs/crustaceans, FW... 8/29/07 Hi.
Hope you can help me with this one! <Will try.> I have a 5 gallon
freshwater aquarium with a Betta fish in it. A few months ago I noticed
a few things: 1) tiny white bugs, barely visible to the naked eye, that
swim/jump through the water and sometimes scoot along the surface of
the glass <Those are very small insects or insect-like animals.
Thrips, collembolans, mites, and so on. Harmless.> 2) tiny things
that stick to the glass and plants. They remind me of barnacles more
than anything else. They are scale-like, flat, transparent beige in
color, and have a small red-orange colored center. They start out as
specks on the glass and progressively grow bigger, to about the size of
a pin-head. They have a hard outer "shell"....I know because
I've been killing them off as best I can ("crunch"), but
they continue to multiply. <Sounds like snails of some sort.
Basically harmless.> 3) tiny red-orange bugs that jump/scoot on the
surface of the water, which remind me of mites or water spiders or
chiggers. <Again, some sort of harmless arthropod. Quite possible
red mites.> I have no idea what any of these are, and my internet
research thus far has not helped. I'm wondering it is it possibly a
single organism that I am witnessing at different points in it's
life growth cycle?? <No, not really. Aquaria become ecosystems of a
sort, and animals in house attracted to warm, damp places congregate on
them. Hence you find the same sorts of things on the aquarium as
you'll find in the bathroom.> A few weeks ago I did a major
overhaul of my tank. I boiled the gravel, driftwood, and filtration
components. I threw away all the plants. I replaced all but about 10%
of the water. Two weeks later, there are tons more of the white bugs,
and I'm seeing more and more of the "scale" looking
things on the glass everyday. <You can't get rid of them. Remove
them, and more will move in from your house. I'm guessing your tank
doesn't have a proper filter; these little arthropods don't
tend to be such a pest where the surface of the water is agitated by a
filter. In "bowl" type situations, the still water surface is
a perfect habitat for them. Furthermore, in Betta bowls the water tends
to have lots of nitrate and organic material in it because the volume
is so small, and this encourages the growth of algae and molds. It is
these that the little arthropods are feeding on. In bigger tanks with
proper filtration, there's less of this stuff, and so the
arthropods are less of a big deal.> These critters are such an
EYE-SORE and NUISANCE in my Betta's home. Can you please help me
diagnose this infestation and how I can get rid of them? <You
can't. Learn to love them.> With gratitude, Shawna B. <Hope
this helps, Neale>
Re: tiny white bugs/crustaceans 8/29/07 Thanks
for your response about the critters in my tank. I believe a partial
solution would be running the filter more often.....I only currently
run it a few hours a day. <Arghhh! Why are you running the filter
only a few hours per day? That's not how you use a filter, and all
you're doing is killing off the "good" bacteria every
time you switch the power off. A filter should run 24/7 -- end of
story.> Also, I've heard to get rid of snails you can add copper
to the water? They are the major eye-sore of the tank. Can you confirm
this and suggest any products that accomplish that? <You heard
wrong. Copper is toxic to crustaceans (which you don't have) and to
a lesser extent to fish. Snails are largely indifferent to it, and
you'll kill the fish long before the snails get bothered by it.
Learn to live with them. Remove them by hand if you want. Otherwise
just let them be. Snails only increase their numbers in
"dirty" tanks. Snails eat leftover food and algae. If
there's a surplus of leftover food especially they will turn that
into more snails. In a clean tank, they don't have enough food to
breed all that quickly. Show me a person with a "snail
problem" and I'll show you a person who overfeeds their fishes
or doesn't clean their aquaria properly. It's as simple as
that: basic laws of physics; without the extra energy from surplus
food, the snails could reproduce as quickly. So, take the snails for
what they are -- a symptom of another problem. Act accordingly, and
you'll find the snail population will gradually decline to the
point where you'll view them as harmless additions to your
aquarium.> Thanks again!! <No problems, Neale.>
Re: tiny white bugs/crustaceans 8/30/07 Hi
Neale ~~~ <Shawna,> Again, I really appreciate your help and
advice on the unwanted critters I have. However, I am not sure that a
"dirty tank due to overfeeding" is the problem. I have a
single Betta in a 5 gallon tank, who gets about 4 pellets of Betta food
twice a day, and eats it all within about a minute. I generally clean
the tank every 4 weeks. <A properly maintained tank shouldn't
need "cleaning" this often. Betta bowls are different I
admit, but really, it's the water that needs replacing regularly
not the tank decorations. Now, as for the role of food, uneaten or
otherwise: snails simply cannot multiply in a tank with no food added.
Try it yourself some time. Put a few pond snails in a bowl and
don't add any food. See how quickly they multiply. They won't.
Except maybe for algae, there's nothing for them to eat, and they
starve. Basic biology. The reason snails prosper in fish tanks is that
the food (and to some degree fish faeces) provides them with
high-protein fodder. They multiply at a rate directly proportional to
the amount of food available. It really is that simple. Now, it
doesn't sound like you're overfeeding your fish, I admit, so
perhaps the food source is something else. Decaying plants perhaps?>
I am really stumped....because as I mentioned about 2 weeks ago, I
scoured the tank and boiled everything in it (with the exception of the
fish of course!) To see such a dramatic re-appearance of the
crusty-scale-like critters in such a short period of time.....in a
clean tank....with no plants....well, I just don't get it. Believe
me, I have seen small aquarium snails before, and what I have looks
different. I wouldn't mind a few snails, but these guys are
prolific in numbers....still multiplying....and make the tank look sick
and infested. <Need photo. There are very few other shelled
invertebrates that live in freshwater. Ostracods perhaps, but
they're very distinctive and don't "turn up"
announced. Snails are really the only common shelled stowaways in
freshwater tanks. Nematodes and flatworms can be a pest, but
they're wormy, not snail-like.> I had no idea I needed to run
the filter all day, and I can see now how that could create a stagnant
environment for unwanted critters and such. I was not doing so because
I thought my Betta liked to have calm waters most of the time. I will
change that habit immediately. But the snail-scale like things have got
to go!! <OK.> I plan to clean and scour and boil everything in
the tank again, in hopes that I can further reduce or eliminate the
problem. If you have any additional thoughts, I would greatly
appreciate your feedback. <Waste of time. Assuming these
"critters" got in by themselves and are prospering under
whatever conditions you have, my assumption would be if you clean the
tank, they'll be back to full strength in a month. So I'd tend
to reflect more on filtration, water changes, removal of potential food
(dead plants for example) and so on.> Thanks so much. Shawna
<Cheers, Neale>
Vitamin and Mineral Pyramid for
Betta 8/20/07 Hi WWM Crew, <Jean, Jean, Bettas are blue... well,
some of them.> Recently, I purchased from a Pet store a vitamin and
mineral pyramid made by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. I wanted to cut
the pyramid in half and put half of it into my 6.6 gallon tank, which
is occupied by a Betta and the other half in a 5 1/2 gallon tank which
is occupied by three Zebra Danios. My question is: is this vitamin and
mineral pyramid safe to use on a Betta and three Danios? Please give
advise. Thanks in advance for your continued help. Jean. <Mmm,
likely so... but also likely unnecessary. Is the water you use mineral
deficient? I'd just do regular water changes... Bob
Betta Success
Doing what it takes to keep Bettas healthy long-term
by Robert (Bob) Fenner