FAQs on Cichlid Systems
Related Articles: Cichlid Fishes,
Related FAQs: Cichlid Systems 2, Cichlids in General, Cichlid Identification, Cichlid Behavior, Cichlid Compatibility, Cichlid Selection, Cichlid Feeding, Cichlid Disease, Cichlid Reproduction,
Dwarf South American Cichlids,
African Cichlids, Angelfishes, Discus, Chromides, Neotropical
Cichlids, Oscars,
Oscar Systems, Flowerhorns,
Some cichlids need soft, acidic water, others hard and

Building Big Cichlid Tank 8/14/05 Hi
Need some help. I'm planning to build a 600 gal tank (fresh
water) for my cichlids. I have an idea of how the filter is going
to work but there are some things that I really don't know
exactly what I have to do. I have no experience on big filters,
right now I only use a Fluval 404 for my 150 gal tank.
The size of the aquarium is going to
be 118x43x30 inches 600 gal aprox. I
don't have any problems about the construction of the tank
only about the water circulation and filter. The tank is going to
be in the center of a room. So this are my questions for the 600
gal tank... 1)what size of sump I should use? How many
gallons? 2)How many times all the water of the tank have to
circulate in one hour? (from the tank to the sump and to the
tank? 3) I know I have to open 1 or 2 holes on the bottom
or back of the glass so the water drains out to the
sump using a standpipe or some kind of pvc tube, but what size
the diameter of the hole or holes for this size of tank? Can I
open a hole in the middle of the tank? If
I make a mistake there is no turning back on this one. 4) what
kind of pump to return the water from the sump to the tank? How
many gallons per hour? I mean for a 600 gal tank? 5) should i use
2 sumps? A Comment about water changes (taking out the water) If
I build the tank am going to adapt 2 or 3 drains in
it, with 2 or 3 holes (I don't know the diameter) in the base
glass. From the drains or holes am going to adapt 2 or
3 well made and strong faucets in it, I'm going to plug 2 or
3 hose pipes and send the water right to the drains of a
bathroom. Am not going to put a lot of gravel, so its going to
work like a little pool for changing the water. I think its the
fastest and easy way to change the water of a 600 gal tank. So am
going to open like 3 or four holes in the base glass (1 or 2 for
the sump) and the other ones for changing the water so what do
you think about this? Anyway hope any answer and ideas.. I have
searched on the web for a very visually article about the
filtration and plumbing of a very big freshwater tank but I had
no success, I only saw of saltwater tanks but its soo
complicated, I mean I don't know about all that pvc tubes and
pumps....I don't think I need a sophisticated big filtration
system like a reef tank....Thanks... Marcos < Six
hundred gallons is a whole bunch of water with lots of weight.
This may weigh up to 3 tons so make sure you floor can support
this amount of weight. You need a pump that can move 1800 gallons
per hour at a minimum. A better choice would be 3000 gallons per
hour. I would go with two or three wet dry filters systems. This
way you always have a back up in case one fails. For a good
understanding of filtration go to Marineland.com and check out
the articles in Dr. Tim's Library. You can buy large systems
online at DrsFostersmith.com that will pump up to 1200 gallons
per hour. Check out their specs to see if you can build your own
and match up the hose sizes. Look for filters that are easy to
maintain. Keep in mind a weekly water change will be about 200
gallons per week.-Chuck>
Filtration for FW upgraded size system
7/24/05 As always I come to your site after I do a lot of
reading and still can't come up with a feel for what to do. I
have been in the hobby for a couple of years now, and have gone
larger from 10 to 20, to 45, and now I have gotten a hold of a
150 gallon tank. Still have the smaller tanks set up. My question
is on filtration. So far all I have needed was hang on filters.
My theory has been to buy the next size up from whatever tank I
had. I have never had any problems this way. With a 150 gallon,
It seems I will need multiple filters, so I am in new territory
here. My first thought was (2) emperor 400's, since they are
cheap, and a total of 4 BioWheels should do the trick
I feel. I just don't know if the turnover will be sufficient
for SA/CA cichlids that I keep (GT, JD, Firemouth, Severum, more
to be added) I have also thought of using (1) large canister like
the RENA xp3 along with an emperor 400. This looks like enough
filtration, but as with the last case, is this sufficient
turnover? <Along with weekly water changes...> Should I
combine the 2 ideas and use 2 Emperors and the canister together?
<Even better> I'd really appreciate any insight on
heaters as well. I know that as the cichlids get bigger they like
to smash things, so If there is a way to protect them I am all
ears. <Hide these behind rocks, submersibles stuck down along
the gravel line, or in drilled lengths of PVC pipe...> Thanks
in advance, you guys. I will be checking my e-mail like a maniac,
awaiting your answer. <Be chatting, reading. Bob
Cichlid tank Cycle / parasite problem
7/22/05 A buddy's tank is having some problems and I am a
little stumped as to where to go from here. Tank is a 29G. I
guess he wanted to cycle it quickly so he started with 9 Mbunas
about 3-5" long and adding "Cycle" to the water
every day as directed by the bottle. <Too much...> This was
definitely too much load for that small of a tank and a few days
after he said he lost a couple fish. They would start breathing
heavily and stopped eating and soon died. <...> He also
purchased a 125G tank, filled with water, add water conditioners
and ran for 24 hours. After 24 hours he moved the remaining fish
to the 125G tank and again started adding
"Cycle" to the tank. He said this seem to be ok and ran
it for a week with no problems. After a week he bought several
large fish (Frontosas, large Haps, etc). Everything seems fine
for a few days. After that again a few fish start breathing
heavily and stop eating. <... Stop!> Here is where I come
in and test water. Water is un-cycled with a very high nitrite
spike and small ammonia spike. We do a large water change and add
Bio-Spira live bacteria. <Ah, thank goodness for friends like
you> I have always had excellent success with it before
cycling a tank almost overnight. After a couple days still the
same situation. Tank appears to be mostly cycled now and nitrates
are rising, but the few fish that were breathing heavily are
still breathing heavily and not eating. <They, and the
microbes in the BioSpira were poisoned, hemolyzed in the
fishes' case, by the ammonia...> I also notice a peacock
with white spots on him appearing to be ick. Instead of adding
medications we bring the temp up to about 83 and add Kosher salt
to bring the salinity up. <Excellent> I figured that even
if it was not ick this should help most fungal diseases of the
gills if that was causing the problem. <Yes> Now here we
are a few days after with salinity around 1.002-1.003 and temp
around 83. The fish suspected to have ick no longer has any white
spots on him. Also made sure water surface had plenty of movement
and added airstones. <Good> Everyone seems to be fine
except for the few that are still breathing heavily. Will they
ever get better and return to normal or is it too late for those.
Thanks <Very likely these fishes will survive, improve in the
next few weeks. If only every community had "fish
gurus" as yourself. Thank you for writing. Bob
Cichlids in too small, aggressive world
7/9/05 Dear Bob, <Steven> Thanks for making yourself
available. Here is what going on with my tank. I need advice
badly. I want to own aggressive fish mostly around 4inches now. I
bought a 10 gallon tank to start. <Small...> First I bought
a red jewel that coincidently I returned to the store when my
tank failed last time. <Failed?> He was tough as nails. I
bought a larger red devil who I thought could coexist with him.
The minute the red devil went in the tank the red jewel
confronted it... The red devil didn't back down at all.. The
started lip locking. It was viscous! <This tank is too
small...> I've never seen anything like that from fish.
Well the red devil lost part of his lip but seemed to be okay.
Meanwhile the red jewel was picking off scales from the red
devil. I actually thought red devils were tough... So I bought a
jack Dempsey. <... not to go in this ten...> I put the jack
in and things were fine for around two weeks. He is somewhat
bigger than the red devil. Well a few days ago. The jack started
viscously striking the red jewel. I think most of the scales are
off the red jewel now. I think he may even be dead when I get
home. he was my most favorite fish given his beauty. I read
something today online that said that cichlids are opposite to
most fish, they get less aggressive the more crowded a tank is.
<To some extent... a generalization, not always so> My plan
is to go to a 50 gallon once the fish grow a little.
<Don't wait> What should I do with my tank. <Use it
for a sick, quarantine system> Just leave the jack and red
devil. Or add a convict or a green terror to make the whole tank
less aggressive. I am totally out of my league here but
desperately want to have a cichlid tank. Thanks so much. Steven
<Wait till you have a larger system. Study, enjoy learning,
the anticipation in the meanwhile. Bob Fenner>
Undergravel Filters with Cichlids
07/01/05 Thank you for the reply. I have decided
with going with a natural color gravel since it looks very nice
and is presently already setup in my 90 gal tank. From there I
will add some smaller rocks and wood to give a few attractions
for the fish and me. I just want to allow for as much room for
the fish as possible. My Question however now is I have
a Fluval 404 filtering the tank and I am wanting to
get a higher tank cycle to help with water flow, cleaning and,
air circulation. I have heard from different sources that Under
gravel Filters are bad and that they should not be used
especially with Oscars. Then I have heard that it is
good to use them as long as you do your regular water changes w/
a gravel syphon. Can you give me any advice. I have
never used an under the gravel filter. I have read how they work
and would plan on using powerheads to increase the flow
rate. I would also be using the Fluval 404 and have
debated getting a second 404 to hook in series with the first one
or to run it separate to help with the flow rate. I
even will do all three if I think it would be a positive thing
for the Oscars. Thank you again. I am grateful. Josh
< Undergravels filters work by pulling water and waste through
the gravel where it is then caught in the pores of the gravel and
the bacteria can then break it down and keep it away from the
fish until it is removed. They work fine as long as the path to
the filter plates is consistent through the gravel. Large
cichlids like Oscars like to redecorate their aquarium and often
this means digging large pits in the gravel down to the filter
plates. When this happens the water goes through the exposed
filter plates and not into the gravel so it has become
New Cichlid tank Hi all, I recently
adopted two Oscars, two Plecos and one other cichlid (not sure
what kind, he is smaller, silver with blue and red and one large
black spot). They are all healthy and seem to be
happy. I adopted them because the person that had them
only had a 10 gallon tank for all of them. The Oscars
are 10" or so, one Red and one Tiger. I bought a used 70
gallon and put them in it a few weeks ago. I am having
a green algae/murky water problem. I have two 60
gallon whisper filters going, one with charcoal the other no
charcoal. < Not enough filtration. Water in a 70 gallon tank
should turn over at least 210 gallons per hour with 350 gallons
per hour being even better.> I use RO water and have
restricted the feeding. < Feed only once a day and only enough
food so that all of it is gone in two minutes.> I read that
live plants really help this problem, but I also read that Oscars
and plants don't mix. Could I use a divider in the
tank, like one for breeding and have the plants at one end, just
in the corner or something? <There are many benefits to live
plants, but you would need a large area dedicated to plants to do
you any good.> Also, do you have any recommendations on brands
of food for these guys? < I like Spectrum and Dinichi pellets
the best.> They are incredibly messy eaters so I want to give
them some sort of food that is not going to feed the algae too
much. < Fish food today is very nutritious. The more that is
consumed by the fish leaves that much less for the algae.>
Last question: wood. I would like to place a nice piece of
driftwood in the tank. If I collect it myself is there
anything special I need to do to prepare it for the tank?
<Make sure it is a hard wood that will not decompose in the
water. Soak it until it floats. Soft woods will develop fungus on
them.-Chuck> Thanks for everything! Tim
Cichlid Community Tank I plan on setting
up a 55 gallon show tank soon with undergravel filter connected
to a hanging filter, like the set-up of my 10 gallon tank that
has worked well so far. I have (1) 3.5" Red Tiger Oscar, (1)
2.75" Jack Dempsey, and a 4" common Pleco. So far these
guys have been friendly to one another in the 10 gallon tank as I
waited for them to get a little bigger, and I was wondering if I
could put them in a 55 gallon tank with two Convicts and maybe
some other smaller and faster fish. Though I don't know what
type of fish those would be, so if is all right to do this, what
type of fish should I put in my 55 gallon tank with my Red Tiger
Oscar, Jack Dempsey, Plecostomus, and maybe with two new
convicts. If the convicts become a mated pair, by accident, would
this be an OK set-up? Or what other options do I have? -Christine
<I would put them in the bigger tank as soon as possible. That
way they can establish territories without tearing each other up.
Look for fast moving easy to care for fish like rainbows , medium
sized barbs or giant danios.-Chuck>
Large Cichlid Tank Set -Up Hey guys! I
am about to purchase a large acrylic aquarium to be installed
into the wall of my basement in the house that is currently being
built. The dimensions are as follows: 120" X 48"
30" 750 gallons. <That's a big tank!> I have a
list of hopeful occupants and was wondering if you guys could
take a look and give me any input: overstocked, understocked,
Compatibility issues, etc... I am planning on purchasing the fish
as juveniles and allowing this to be their permanent home, so I
would like to get a list of fish that would work together. My
only concern is that I really don't want any breeding going
on (in other words fighting) but I don't think that I could
control it, since I can't really sex the fish being so small.
Please any input on this combination would be greatly
appreciated. I love your site and enjoy reading your responses to
the various questions. There is not enough information on Large
Freshwater Cichlid Set-Ups! < We are working on it.>
Thanks for your time. The list is as follows: Vieja synspilum,
<Comes from Mexico. Like fresh to brackish water. Needs some
vegetable matter in its diet. Will get up to 14 inches but will
breed at about half that size.> Vieja ufermann,< Don't
know this one. Check out fishbase.org. If you mean C. umbrifurum,
then this guy gets up to 2 feet long and will eat smaller
fish.> Green Terror < Have seen these up to 18 inches
depending on which kind you get.> Herichthys bocourti,
<Gets up to 14 inches but very similar to the synspilum.>,
Firemouths < Pairs would hold up ok but individuals
would get picked on by the bigger fish. Only gets to 6
inches.> Synodontis Decorus. < Nice fish gets big. Cichlids
may bite off the tassel on the dorsal fin.> Large Shoal Clown
Loaches (don't know # yet) < Make sure that you do
everything possible to prevent ich. Treating a large tank can be
costly.> Other Fishes that I would like to add but don't
want to overcrowd tank: Amphilophus lyonsi, < Very rare and
hard to find.> Blue Jack Dempsey < A hybrid not found in
nature. May not do well competing with other fish.> Regular
Jack Dempsey <Gets up to 10 inches. Females have lots of blue
on the lower jaw.> Salvini <Aggressive but would
work.> Convicts <With females remaining relatively small
they might be in trouble if not paired up.> The fish in bold
are a must to keep because they are my favorites. The others I
would like to add but I don't want to overcrowd the fish. I
want this to be their permanent home and be comfortable with
their surroundings. Am I headed for disaster with this particular
fish list? Do I need to start looking at 900 gallon tanks? Any
information on this would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks again.
<The Theraps types are fine. Stay away from the piscivores and
you can probably keep the smaller species. Look at Cichlidae.com
for additional species and check out the American Cichlid
Association at cichlid.org to hook up with other cichlid fanatics
across the country. Some have even bigger tanks than
Moving Big Cichlids Soon Hi, I just
found your site and I have a question I didn't see anywhere.
I have a 55 gallon tank with three Jack Dempseys and three Green
Terrors. Am I crazy or what? <Aquarists so inclined to keep
large cichlids are sometimes referred to as
cichlidiots.> So far they seem to be getting along all
right, they were purchased as a group at about half an inch long.
They are now three inches long, and my Dempseys have spawned. I
have a tank divider in now. How much time do I have before I have
to move some of the fish to a 125 gallon tank? I'm still
working on. Thanks. Regards, Cal Morrison < The sooner the
better. As the fish grow they will become more territorial so it
is better to get them in the big tank now and adjusted to the new
area, even though it looks like they may be OK for
Smelly Cichlid Tank Thanks for your help. I also had a
quick question about my tank, it stinks. I use tap water,
and change the water once a week but my tank still smells horrid.
Is there something out there that I can use to help the smell?
Would adding filtered water be better? Will the blood parrot
survive with the two red devils and Flowerhorn? < A smell tank
is never a good sign. I would recommend that you check you water
quality for ammonia, nitrites and nitrates. The ammonia and
nitrites should be zero and the nitrates should be below 25 ppm.
I would also consider changing the diet. Feed only enough food so
that all of it is gone in two minutes once each day. Your parrot
cichlid will not survive long with the tank mates you have
The Old Fish per gallon Rule Thanks for the reply
Chuck, I have followed your advice and now I have in my 55 gallon
I have 4 Keyholes, and 2 male kribs. I did that with the kribs so
there would be no fighting... Here is another question for you
though,.. I know there is the rule about a gallon per inch but
dealing with a 55 gallon tank, and meaning I am now allowed 55
inches of fish, when buying something as big as an Oscars or
something that size you cant keep them in something that small,
you need something larger like 100 gallons. Here is the question
at hand... a normal aquarium is a rectangle shape, example 55
gallon current shape is, 48 x 12 x 18... however if you were to
buy a corner aquarium that would be one side 38 x 2 sides 28 x 20
high, does that still hold true with the keeping of the fish
cause now they have a bigger area to swim around and not up and
down nor back and forth? You take a 12 inch fish and he can
hardly turn around which is why it would not make sense to have
him in a long narrow tank, but put him in one with more room to
turn would that work? I am not overly interested in getting
Oscars my self, I don't want to make em suffer, but if I
where to get another tank for my current cichlids that will wind
up 5.5 inches or so, would they be happier in a tank long and
narrow or one that is more open across the top? Just a thought...
what do you think? < Forget the inches of fish per gallon
rule! That was a rule of thumb 50 plus years ago! Go with
the longer tank for cichlids. They like the long straight tanks
better than the squatty tanks. The surface area only matters if
you are providing no aeration at all. Very tall narrow tanks
provide some problems but those are freaky tanks not usually kept
by true aquarists.-Chuck> Re: Goldfish dying, on to Parrot
cichlid water quality Hi again Bob, Well, unfortunately, the
large Oranda didn't survive. Every Oranda we have purchased
has died. We've given up now on keeping them. The aquarium
place thinks our water was too hard for the goldfish. We are
switching to Jellybean parrot cichlids now. We have raised the
temperature in the tank to 78 degrees. I'm wondering if you
can tell me what the best pH and General hardness levels are for
these new fish. Thank you for your help. <Slightly
alkaline and hard. Bob Fenner>
CLOUDY TANK Hi, I E-mailed you guys about a cloudiness
problem I'm having with my 46 gallon cichlid tank. I'm
running to filters on it, I had a sack of carbon in it and seems
to not go away. The pH is at 8.2, water temp is around 80
degrees, [and] there is no sign of ammonia, or nitrite and the
nitrate is where it always has been. The only time it has cleared
is when I make my daily water changes. Then it just gets worse
from there. What other options do I have? The dealer told me to
put charcoal in those white sacks, but that doesn't seem
right. So now I'm coming back to you guys. Could it be from
the rocks that I have, I rinsed them off before I put them in
there. -MIKE- < Usually a cloudy tank is the result of a new
tank with an ammonia problem. But I think your problem lies in
your choice of rocks. Check the pH of your tap water. If it is
less than 8.2 then the additional calcium and minerals are
leaching from the rocks into solution and making your tank
cloudy. Carbon will not help. To be sure, remove the rocks and
see if the cloudy situation goes away. If the tank is clear then
add a rock. If the tank gets cloudy again then take the rock out
and do a water change. Then try another rock. Eventually you will
be able to tell which rocks will work in your
DON'T WANT BOTTLES/D WATER Thank you, Chuck! I was
hoping that would be the answer, bottled water around here is
more expensive than gasoline, so I wasn't looking forward to
the idea of not being able to use our water. What sort of buffer
should I use? Would something called "cichlid salts" do
the trick? Or is there something else that would be preferred?
Susan < Cichlid salts are mainly for rift lake cichlids that
require hard, alkaline water. For the soft water species you
desire I would use R/O Right by Kent to add some of the minerals
back that are beneficial to fish. Discus buffer can then be added
to acidify the pH into almost any range you desire. I would
recommend around 6.5 to 6.8 to start.-Chuck>
HIGH NITRATES IN FW I have a 1 year old established
African Cichlid tank 75 gallon, 10 small to medium fish. I
cleaned tank without fail each month 30% with full vacuum of
gravel. Never had test kit or water tested since the beginning.
Recently I missed the past 2 months due to business travel. Had
the water tested and found the nitrates at 180PPM (yes,
180PPM). I have a canister filter Rena x3 which is cleaned
just as frequently as the tank. I just added a Emperor 400
and performed two 50% water changes with full vacuuming this week
about 3 days apart. I am trying to be aggressive to save the fish
who have been hanging out at the top (not vertical) and twitching
often. These guys are fighters that is why I want to get the
Nitrate down. By performing these changes logic would tell me
that the levels should at least drop down a bit. Has
anybody ever heard of this extreme condition and when will I see
some results from the water changes? Thanks <You
should try and keep the nitrates below 25 ppm to keep your fish
healthy. I would check the ammonia and nitrites. They should be
zero at all times. With the new Emperor filter this should not be
a problem once the bio wheels are seasoned. Check your tap water
for nitrates. In some agricultural areas the ground water has a
nitrate level as high as 50 ppm from the tap. Assuming the
nitrate levels of the tap water are low and the filtration is
working properly you may need to perform your maintenance
procedures more often. Start out by servicing the filters and
doing a 30% water change once a week. The canister filter can be
a real pain to change but all the waste that accumulates their is
not gone out of the system. It is just contained and adding to
the nitrate problem until you decide to get rid of it. Cleaning
it once a month is too long. Feed only enough food so that all of
it is gone in 2 minutes once a day. Use a vegetable based food
for Lake Malawi cichlids. You might try Amquel plus . It is
supposed to reduce nitrates. -Chuck>
Freshwater Skimming I have a very large tank of wild
crater lake cichlids from Nicaragua. Being wild fish, they are a
bit sensitive to water quality than their tank raised cousins,
yet they still create the same (huge) volumes of waste. I have
effectively utilized skimmers on marine tanks for years, and I
know that they are less effective in freshwater environments do
to the difficulty in getting freshwater to foam. Recently, some
friends of mine in Greece (I'm in the USA) told me about
their success using skimmers on their Malawi tanks. Also, I have
seen that Schuran makes a "freshwater skimmer." What
are your thoughts? Would the Schuran be good for my application?
Perhaps a Euro (needle wheel design help create bubbles in FW?)
or Aqua-C? I know there's no evidence like practical use, and
I'm prepared to experiment. Can you point me in the right
direction? Thanks! < If you think about it, when you set up a
Malawian tank, the pH is high and there are usually many minerals
in the water to keep it hard and alkaline. Many aquarists add
some salt too. This makes it pretty similar to a saltwater tank
in many respects. These conditions would make a protein skimmer
somewhat more effective than in an aquarium with soft acidic
water like for discus. I would check the water quality before and
after installing the skimmer and compare the results. It
definitely will help, it is just to what degree and does it make
it worth the cost and effort. Smaller bubbles are better than
larger bubbles in a skimmer. Don't expect the get that fine
mist of bubbles that you see in a saltwater tank.-Chuck.>
Juvenile cichlids - De Chuck As my third tank I went with
CA/SA Cichlids. I have begun with a 45 gallon tank, with an
emperor 400.I filled the cartridges with bio gloass [sic], to
additional bio filtration, to go along with the twin BioWheels.
This should be pretty heavy filtration for the time being. My
question relates to what size I will need to replace this tank
with. I now have 2" green terror, 2" Jack Dempsey.
2" Managuense, and a 3" firemouth (he is enjoying being
king of the tank for the moment), as well as a dozen cherry barbs
(once the cichlids start seeing them as lunch they will be given
to my friend and his 150 gallon community tank). I think I will
probably have to relocate the firemouth at some point, although I
have friends who have kept them successfully with larger more
aggressive fish as I have. < The green terrors, Jack Dempseys
and Managuense will get big, over 12 inches over time. The
firemouths tops will get 5 to 6 inches long and will not survive
much longer when the others get bigger. Your (6) foot-long fish
will need a tank of at least 150 gallons with a 220 being better.
Keep in mind that a tank this larger will require weekly water
changes of 50 gallons or more. Your filters will need to pump at
least 600 gallons per hour. If you are not able to provide this
kind of set up then I would recommend that you go with smaller
Re: Confused about the effects of my Water Softener
Thanks for your quick response. I have re-plumbed my home water
supply so that I have filtered, unsoftened well water available
for my cichlids. I also plumbed water lines pre and
post softener over to my reef tank (which hasn't arrived
yet). When I get my R/O system for the Reef, do I
supply it with water AFTER the softener, or BEFORE the softener
(but still after the particulate filter)? < The R/O unit will
take the minerals out of the water either way, but may last
longer if it is run after the softener.-Chuck> Still reading
your site daily. Thanks again! -Tim
pH range for Firemouths and Acaras I have a 25g
aquarium and want to keep firemouths and blue acaras. The problem
is that the tap water I use is alkaline (pH=8) and these cichlids
require a pH around 7. The aquarium is decorated with 3 large
pieces of driftwood, but they don't seem to have a dramatic
influence on the water's pH. I used Zeolite in the past and
got a ph of 7.3, but now I have stopped using it as it absorbs
the ammonia, which is critical for the Nitrosomonas cultures.
What's the solution for my problem? Should I use chemicals
(and which of them?) to bring the water to the desired pH value?
Could the cichlids survive in alkaline water? Thanks. Spyros <
You could try and keep them in your local tap water. Keep the
water clean and warm. If they start to break down I would obtain
a 5 gallon bucket and fill it with bottled or filtered water so
it is essentially mineral free. Use a buffer that will keep the
water at pH 7.0. As you do your weekly water changes the pH will
gradually be replaced with the new water and it will be right
around 7.0.-Chuck>
Cichlid tank filtration Great website and a wealth of
information, thank you very much for your time.
My goal is to move my cichlids from their 55 gal to a larger
home( 120-150gal) and remain healthy and happy
tankmates. They have been doing fine for 3 years, but
I seem to have gotten the dreaded "bigger tank
syndrome". What would be your recommendation for
the "best" filtration system (health of fish, ease of
maint., out of sight) in order of priority? < I recommend two
Tidepool sump filters with their SOS siphon system. You need to
add two pumps that pump the water back up into the tank. I would
use two pumps in the 300 plus gallons per hour range. The beauty
of this system is that it is very easy to service. Use check
valves on the water lines coming from the pumps so the water does
not siphon back in if the power goes out.> I like the idea of
a wet/dry so I could hide most of clutter below the tank, but I
am concerned about "nitrate issue" of the wet/dry
system. Is this a problem in a freshwater tank? <
Ammonia and nitrite are quickly converted to nitrates which is
good. That's what good biological filters do. The two large
BioWheels on the systems do a great job of converting deadly
ammonia and nitrite to less toxic nitrates. If the nitrates get
over 25 ppm then they need a water change to reduce the nitrate
levels. One idea you may consider is to build in an
overflow/drainage system in the sump so you can add water to the
tank and the excess will overflow to the sump and ultimately
drain off.> My cichlids are mostly 2- 3 inches, the largest
being a 5" bumblebee and a 4" angel
catfish. I do have a Eheim pro II 2026 that could be
used as a supplement. Thanks again and sorry if this
question has already been answered. < For a big tank you need
lots of filtration. At least 3 times the water volume of the tank
in one hour 500 gallons per hour plus for a 150 gallon tank. A
30% water change weekly is 50 gallons. That a lot of 5 gallon
buckets.-Chuck.> Joe (Boca Raton, Florida) Malawi
cichlids Hi I have a couple questions for you. 1:
what is a good ph range for Malawi cichlids? I was at
7.8 and now I added a little aquarium salt and melafix I had a
couple bumble bee get beat up pretty bad by the only electric
blue johani (not sure of spelling) anyways now my ph is at 8.4 is
that good? < It is a little high for Lake Malawi fish but
still OK.> 2: I have one Texas cichlid in that tank is that ph
level ok for it? < Luckily the Texas Cichlid comes from pretty
arid areas and it can tolerate a wide range of pH levels.> 3:
all together I have 1 electric blue, 1 Texas cichlid, 1 red zebra
and 3 bumble bee's and some weird bottom feeder the guy at
the fish store talked me into he said its got about the same
temperament as the cichlids 4: you guys rock just wanted to let
you know that your site is the best one I have seen to date. keep
up the good work and thank you for your time. < On behalf of
the WetWebMedia crew I thank you for your positive
comments.-Chuck> Cichlid Tank Hi again I now have QT
tank set up and was wondering if you would help me with the
choice of fish. I was looking at putting Apisto's in my new
tank but the availability in this area is not very good. So as I
said before I am looking for 4 or 5 varieties that I can keep
together. South American, African it doesn't matter. I just
want to see at first if there are any fish that will be
compatible with my water. PH 7.4, kH - 3 to 5 DEG, gH 9 to 12.
What do you suggest ? >>>Hello again Dean, You now, in
all the years I've been doing this, I've never bothered
with water readings or checking any parameters aside from
temperature whatsoever. Just about every cichlid I've kept
has two requirements, warm and wet. It's about that simple.
I've never owned a pH test kit. Now, when keeping discus, or
certain sensitive fish such as tropheus, it's a different
story. Any cichlid aside from maybe discus would just fine in
your water. Now, as far as options go, nearly endless. African
riverine cichlids, South American geophagus, Mbuna from lake
malawi, haplochromines from the same lake, Tanganyikan cichlids
such as the dwarfs, shell dwellers, lamprologines,
neolamprologines, mid sized Central Americans, etc,
etc, on and on... Too many to list species for you. I suggest you
pick up some books, do some searches and try to narrow things
down. When you have questions on specific groups, drop me a line.
:) Just know I'm not an apisto guy. Peace Jim<<<
Cichlid Tank Setup Hi there I am the guy who wrote to
you about the leaking Fluval 304. You asked to keep you posted
which I intend to do probably tomorrow as I am expecting it back
today. (thanks for all the help by the way) I have a question or
questions of a different nature this time and fair warning I will
be bugging you quite a bit in the next few months. My goal in the
next few months is to have two tanks ( a 75g and a 90g) up and
running. One will be a cichlid tank the other a planted community
tank. The first tank I plan to do is the 90g cichlid tank. So the
first question I have is regarding the filtering for this tank. I
have at my disposal the following filters: Aquaclear 500
Aquaclear 200 Aquaclear 150 2 Penguin 125's Fluval 304 I was
also considering an Emperor 400 Which filters do you think I
should use for the 90g considering I like to overfilter and fill
my tanks with as many fish as possible. The kind if fish I intend
to keep have yet to be determined the only light I can shed on
this is that I will be looking at fish that are more peaceful,
around 4" to 6" in size, colourful and of average
difficulty to breed ( if that makes any sense). I would like as
great a mix as possible as well. Any help will be greatly
appreciated. Dean Smith >>>Hey Dean, I'd throw two
of the larger AquaClears on there, and pack the 304 with carbon
and run that as well. Cichlids can be very messy fish. In a tank
that size, I'd go with a mixed group of medium sized Central
Americans. Forget peaceful, we're talking cichlids here,
remember? You need to manage the aggression, not try and avoid it
-this is impossible. Cheers Jim<<<
Cichlid Tank Setup - Part 2 Thanks I don't want to
inundate you with questions but what sort of load do you think I
could carry with the tank set up like that and do you have any
examples of fish I could keep. Bearing in mind I like to keep as
big a variety of fish as possible. I do like most of the Dwarf
Varieties. >>>No problem, inundate away! Dwarf varieties
are different from the 4" to 6" preferences that you
mentioned. Are you contemplating going this direction instead?
I've kept many species of Tanganyika dwarfs, shell dwellers,
etc. They will do great in a tank that size, and will mix well of
other Tanganyikans such as L. calvus, etc. As far as Central
Americans go, there are many options. Firemouths, synspilums,
salvini, sajicas, robertsoni, etc. The list goes on. Let me know
when you know what type of tank you want, (African, African
dwarf, Central American, etc) and I can help you with species
selection. Jim<<<
Cichlid Tank Revisited - part 3 Just to clarify you
told me to put the Fluval, the 500 and the 200 on the cichlid
tank ? Now I need another 500 for the community tank ? I would
just put two carbon bags and the foam in the 500 & 200 ? And
by sponges I assume you mean foam ? So on the Fluval I would have
all 3 compartments filled with carbon ? Sorry just a little
confused. >>>No problem, It really comes down to your
final bioload. A single, larger AquaClear coupled with the
canister will be fine. With messy, medium sized cichlids, two
AquaClears will be better. :) Yes, by sponges I mean foam. In the
Fluval, the water should travel through a sponge first, THEN the
carbon. Cheers Jim<<<
Oscar systems hey there guys, hopefully you can answer
a question I have that I hear a different answer for every time I
ask! I currently have 3 Oscars (2 tigers, and an albino red) all
between 5 1/2 and 7 inches collectively, and a 14 inch common
pleco (no joke, this is the largest pleco I've seen before)
in a 100 gallon tank, with a Fluval 403 canister filter.......is
there a problem with this setup? < No the set up is fine.>
is my tank too small? < No the tank size is fine too.> will
I need more filtration? < That all depends on a couple of
factors. Your filter should turn the tank over at least three to
five times per hour. How often do you do water changes and how
much water to you change. The nitrates should not be over 25 ppm.
If they are then you need to change the filter and do a water
change to reduce them.> will I eventually need to
re-house one of my Oscars? < Don't think so.-Chuck>>
your help with this query would be greatly appreciated, as I have
the time and money to do what is right for these fish, but I need
to know what actually is right first ;) BTW these fish
all get along great
in advance
what's best for my Oscars
Tank size Hi guys! I've written before
and like you site. I was wondering if a 125 gallon tank is big
enough for a pair of Oscars plus a few other tank mates. I have
two albino red Oscars that have great color to them. I bought
them when they were about 1-2 inches long. They are now about 6
inches and doing fine. I have both of them in the 125 gallon tank
with 3 Severum, two plecos, a blood parrot, a large snakeskin
Gourami and a dojo loach. All of them get along fine, the Oscars
run into each other sometimes trying to beat each other to food.
I've read that it is better to have either just 1 Oscar or
several but not just 2 due to the larger one picking on the
smaller one. I haven't had any problems, but both of my
Oscars are pretty close in size. Do you think this size tank is
big enough for them to grow healthy and happy in? Thanks for the
advice < The tank size is fine. If your Oscars decide to pair
off then all the other fish in the tank will be in trouble.
Cichlids guard their eggs and young from all other fish. They may
even kill the other fish to protect their young. Something to out
for when they get bigger than 8 inches or so.-Chuck> Bill
He hates that cloudy water.... Cichlids are its home...
hello crew, I write in hopes that you can help me with a very
frustrating problem. I have a 55 gallon freshwater tank with 6
cichlids. I also have 8 Amazon sword plants, and 2 pieces of
driftwood. My lighting consists of 4 30-watt compact fluorescent
bulbs at 6400 K. My levels are fine, the plants are
fine, my fish are fine, but the damn water is driving me nuts! My
tank water doesn't stay clear for more than 2 days before it
starts to green. When I do water changes I find this green gook
inside the filter. I do not overfeed the fish, as I have now
dropped their regiment to one feeding per day. I have
done water changes every other day and this green water returns
after only a day. I have fresh carbon in the system and my other
media include foam pads and bio-rings. The tank is run on a
Fluval 304 which has filter power enough for a 75 gallon tank.
What am I doing wrong? Since all life in the tank is fine I
assume this to be an aesthetic problem, but it's ruining the
joy of having a tank! Please help. J.P. aka "fish owner in
distress < I would try a couple of things. If you added any
plant supplements/fertilizers like laterite to the soil then I
assume the cichlids are digging into the gravel and releasing the
fertilizers into the water where they are being utilized by the
algae. Vacuum the gravel to remove the plant fertilizers. If you
have not added anything to the gravel then I would still vacuum
it to remove any sludge that has built up. Check the driftwood
and see if it is rotting. This would add nutrients to the water
and possibly contribute to the algae problem. You have lots of
light on this tank too so try cutting back.-Chuck> Wants
larger tank for cichlids, needs Strunk and Wagnall's
(unedited) I wish I could get a bigger saqariam i would love
to get 1 but i am on a budget well thats life i still
am thinken on gettin a bigger one. i hope i get some
mony soon. The fish are still a bit teritorial and chase each
other around but never eat each other. I have noticed sometin
weird that my smaller jewel ciclid is eating feeder fish whole is
that safe for it if not what should i do. < Feeder
fish always carry an inherient risk of carrying a disease into
the aquarium to which they are being fed. It is best to not feed
them feeders since you do not have a quarantine tank and an
illness would cause you a lot of grief in a small
Too many cichlids, too little space and grammar hi tell
me how I do this I never got this to make sense. I have a 10
gallon freshwater aquarium it holds a 4.5 inch Texas
cichlid a convict cichlid 2 inches a jewel cichlid 2
inches and another jewel cichlid 3 inches how do I do this
the oldest fish is the 3 inch jewel cichlid. <
Sound like you have a tank full of very hardy fish that may have
grown up together and have established a pecking order. To keep
them healthy you are probably changing a fair amount of water on
a regular basis and cleaning the filter often too. It may just
come down to being lucky. Although your fish aren't too lucky
to be jammed into such a small area. You are also missing out on
watching them swim around and interact like they would in
nature.-Chuck> A whole lot of FW fish (New Zep tune)
Dear WWM: I have read your forums, and I still don't know how
to fix my problem. I have a 44 gallon FW tank with one
Oscar, 2 blood parrot cichlids, 1 jack Dempsey, 1 firemouth
cichlid, and 2 Plecostomus (sucker). I have had all of
them for 2 years including the tank. In the last 8
months, I have had a white cloudy tank that is so murky that you
can hardly see anything. I have tested all the levels,
and they are all normal. < Normal should be zero ammonia and
nitrites, the nitrates should be under 25 ppm, The pH should be
around 7.> My fish are fine, no
stress. I changed the filter pump up to a whisper pump
that works up to 60 gallons. I cannot figure out
why I have a cloudy tank. It is not close
to a window. I leave the light on no longer than 8
hours, so I know that that is not it. Also, I have
tried putting in those things that say they fix the cloudiness,
nothing works. My fish are fairly large, the Oscar is
about 8 inches long being the alpha fish. The sucker
fish are that size as well. Are they too big for the
tank? Is my light causing this? I also
clean the tank about every 2 weeks. I replace the
filters, vacuum the bottom gravel, and take out about 1/3 of the
water. I feed the fish 2 times a day. And I
feed them flakes, because the won't eat anything else, even
though they are big enough. I have read the forums,
and tried these things, but nothing helps. I have
taken water in to a shop to be tested, but the people are not
experienced enough to figure it out. They test the
water, but all is normal. Please help
me! My tank is very ugly. Thanks for your
help in advance! Please email me back with any
suggestions, and I will be grateful! Debra < First of all you
have many large fish in a tank that probably should be in at
least a 75 gallon tank. The filter should turn the water over at
least 3 to 5 times per hour. So in your 44 gallon tank your
filter should be pumping at least 150 gallons per hour. Make sure
that all the fish food is gone in a couple of minutes and only
feed once per day. I think there may be at least two things that
may be going on. First, when you clean your tank you clean the
filter and vacuum the gravel at the same time you change your
water. The bacteria that break down the ammonia need to live on a
surface like in the filter or in the gravel. When you clean the
filter and the gravel you are probably removing the majority of
the good bacteria that break down the fish waste and you are
seeing ammonia build up in your tank. A simple ammonia test would
confirm this. The keep this from happening again I would
recommend using a filter with a bio-wheel on it. The bacteria
live on the wheel so that when the bacteria are removed from the
tank there are still the vast majority living on the wheel and
you won't see the ammonia spike. The second situation may be
if you have added any shells or rocks to the tank that may be
dissolving into the aquarium water. Materials made from calcium
carbonate will dissolve in acidic water. If you live in an area
with soft water or use a water softener at home then it will
dissolve shells and sedimentary rocks not intended for use in an
aquarium. Try removing the substrate or the rocks and see if
things finally clear up.-Chuck.>
Balancing the decision between a canister or wet/dry in a
FW cichlid tank Hi, an absolutely impressive wealth of
details and information from a crew of incredible resources. I
would imagine that this has been asked, but my several google
searches have not netted me an answer. I have a 90 gallon tank
that after a few years of sitting empty will be running again,
thanks to my 19 month old daughter's fascination with Nemo.
For years I enjoyed freshwater cichlids and plan to set up the
tank with about six or eight of them depending on which ones I
will eventually purchase. Based on my readings here, I
will try some live plants this time since the benefits seem to be
very attractive. My question is specifically about
filtration. For years (and up until several years ago)
I had good experiences with canister filters. My Eheim
classic canisters are truly classic and Eheim no longer
manufacturers or stocks the original
impellers. Despite their past years of continual and
great service, I am not extremely confident in relying on a
filtration mechanism that is nearing 20 years old, so I am
prepared to purchase a new filtration system. It seemed to me
that several years ago, wet/dry filters were the tools of
saltwater aquarists and seldom used in freshwater
applications. Now I see that there is much to be
praised by using these systems with freshwater applications. My
quandary is between the purchase of a wet/dry system or a newer,
large canister. I assume that an appropriately
sized wet/dry will provide much more biological
filtration and redeeming by-products than the much smaller
quantity of ceramic noodles in an appropriately sized canister
filter. Given the generally voracious appetites of fast growing
cichlids, I am guessing that this is a plus. But,
given the voracious appetites and messy nature of cichlids, will
a wet/dry be able to keep the water from becoming too cloudy or
murky? Will a wet/dry filter be lacking in some
abilities in maintaining a cichlid tank that a canister filter
will be much better at? Ultimately, my impression is that a
wet/dry system seems to be easier to maintain, will provide
additional water in the system (in my case, at least 10%) and I
am guessing will be less costly to maintain over the years. Is
there one path that is inherently better than another for this
intended application? Should or could (my older canister filters)
fulfill some necessary secondary or collaborative role in
addition to a wet/dry filter? < Cichlids are heavy feeders and
require good filtration. Plants may not go with your cichlids so
you may have to make a choice between plants or cichlids. As far
as filtration there are few ways to go with the big
tank. My personal first choice would be a Marineland Tidepool
filter with the SOS overflow system. Negatives are it is
expensive and you need to buy an additional pump and do a little
plumbing to get it going. The positives is once it is set up it
is so easy to service. Just pull out the trays and hose them off.
My second choice would be a Marineland emperor power filter. They
hang on the back and are extremely easy to service. They may not
work if you have a canopy on the top or are limited for space
behind the tank. My third choice would be a canister filter. They
are difficult to service and don't pump as much water as the
others. Depending on the plants this would be the best system if
you wanted to invest in a co2 system for plants because this one
would agitate the surface of the water the least.-Chuck> Thank
you for any input!
RE: Balancing the decision between a canister or wet/dry in
a FW cichlid tank Thanks for your detailed response. If I
have a choice to consider, it would be to go with strictly
cichlids (like Texas Cichlids) and not with the live
plants. Does your recommendation below still apply for
a FO tank? < More so than ever.> It seems as if the
Tidepool is essentially a wet/dry system, but relies on a
bio-wheel rather than the bio-balls. Am I on the right
track? < You are right on the money. Big fish like cichlids
generate lots of waste and the secret to keeping them healthy is
to get that waste out of the system and not let it build up.
That's why I like this system so much because it is quick and
easy to service.-Chuck> Thanks again! Rob
Filter media, cichlid system Hello crew....I have a
55-gallon freshwater tank containing 5 cichlids and 5 other
aggressive fish. The tank is lit by 120 watts and houses 7 Amazon
swords. The tank is run on a Fluval 304, and my question is in
regard to the media inside it. 3 months ago I decided to get rid
of carbon in my system and replace it with more biological and
mechanical media (All trays are now filled with both PolyFilter
wool, and ceramic rings) It is quite expensive (carbon) and I
hear it absorbs a lot of nutrients beneficial to plants. Having
removed the carbon, I in fact noticed a tremendous flourishing of
all my plants. I checked all levels including nitrates-ites, ph,
etc, and they were all fine. What I did notice was a discoloring
of my water, a yellowish green murk to be exact. I did water
changes and this would help temporarily, but soon the murk would
return. I even did a 80% water change once and the discoloration
returned within a couple of days. Sometimes it is so green you
can't see anything in the tank. Being concerned for my fish I
check all levels religiously but once again they are all perfect.
So in essence the environmental aspect of the tank is fine and my
fish are quite healthy, but the esthetic aspect is a disaster! I
am really quite adamant about restoring the carbon as part of my
media, so the question I pose to you is what other
kinds of media or setups could you suggest to eliminate this
unappealing discoloration of my tank water. Any suggestions are
welcome. Tank you for your time and expertise. < If you use a
special substrate for the plants then I suspect that the cichlids
are rooting around in it and keeping it stirred up and releasing
organics into the water that may have been accumulating. Even if
your are not using a special substrate then I would vacuum the
gravel the next time I did a water change. Keep doing this over
the next few water changes you should start to see a
difference.-Chuck> FW filters Hi you have been great
help in the past and I thank you for that. My question is I have
a 125 gal tank with a 3 in. Oscar and I plan on getting a 2 or 3
in. common pleco. I have a emperor not sure what model it has 4
filter areas and to bio wheels also have a H.O.T. magnum. I was
thinking of getting the Aqua Clear Pro 150 Wet/Dry filter it cost
260.00.I was wondering if this is worth the money and is it easy
to maintain. I would probably not use the other filters any
more.-------------Thanks Fred < For a tank that size even
though it is lightly loaded I use a rule of thumb to have the
water moving at least 3 times the total volume of the tank in one
hour. So You need a filter or filters that move at least 375
gallons an hour. Better yet 5 times the total volume of the tank.
I like a filter that is easy to service. That's why I like
power filters that hang on the back. I have a love/hate
relationship with canister filters. Sometimes you got to use them
but they sure are a pain to service. Keep in mind that all
filters do is collect waste from the tank. It is still in the
system until you remove it. Wet drys are great if you don't
use a co2 system in a planted tank. Oxygen is the limiting factor
for the bacteria to break down fish waste to less toxic
substances. You already have a wet/dry filter with the Biowheels
on your emperor that is probably the 400 model. So it already
pumps 400 gallons an hour and has the wet/dry factor already
built it. Why spend the Extra money for something you don't
Cichlid system gear I have just found some stuff in
another tank we have, and wondered if any of it would be useful
in this tank. I will try to tell you what the stuff is, but some
of it has no description. So here goes. There is a Pulsar Power
Filter Model 200, 115 volts. < The filter will help, but not
do the job alone. Usually the model number refers to the gallons
per hour. This would help but the other filter would still be
needed.> There is a massive heater, All it says is 110-120v,
50-80Hz, don't know if that helps. It is 13 1/4" long.
and about 4 around. <Heaters can be very touchy. You can try
it as described before . If it works then keep for awhile until
you can save up for a newer and more reliable heater.> And
last but not least there is a Penn-Plax XP 500 twin pump. Please
let me know if any or all of this is useful. <The pump runs on
two rubber diaphragms. If they are dried out they make crack and
need replaced. If they are intact then you have a nice little air
pump to run some airstones or ornaments.> That would be so
nice, save some money. Anyway, thanks again. We are building the
stand today. < Be aware that your tank will weigh over 1,250
lbs when it is up and running. Make sure that stand and the floor
under it can handle the weight for a very long time.
Congratulations on your new tank!-Chuck>
Neotropical cichlid set-up Hi. I need your help with
something. I have searched your site FAQ's and have found
helpful info, but not exactly what I am looking for. I have a
125g tank. We are in the process of setting it up but are trying
to figure out what filtration we need. We are having the top made
w/lights, other then that. We have nothing yet. We don't have
a ton of money to spend, so that is something to keep in mind. We
are trying to figure out the filtration and pump. < Quality
equipment will really pay off in time, money and success. Oscars
will get up to 12 inches long when full grown. They are messy
feeders and generate a lot of waste that needs to be dealt with.
Here is what I would do for an ideal Oscar set up. Oscars come
from South America and need warm water. Get a good quality 200
watt heater. A cheap heater may stick after a few months so I
would not skimp here because a stuck heater can cook your fish.
Some stores may not carry a heater with that large a wattage so
two 100 watt heaters placed at opposite sides of the tank would
work too. The filter should pump enough water to circulate the
tank no less than three times an hour. I would recommend an
outside power filter that pumps at least 400 plus gallons an
hour. They are easier to service than a canister filter. > We
are planning on getting a couple Oscars and are also wondering
how long we should let the tank sit before doing so. The pet
store here (Good friends with owner and employees) says you can
put the Oscars in immediately. I do not agree. I know sometimes
they are wrong. I am looking for info on pretty much everything.
Please help as I am wanting to do this right. But inexpensively.
Also, how many fish could I have in a tank that size. Even if
only two were Oscars. I want them to be very comfortable so do
not need to know the max limit. Just the comfortable one. Thanks
a ton. < Wash the sand or gravel well. Add enough so at least
2 inches covers the bottom tank. Don't worry about plants.
The Oscars will just end up tearing them up. Wash the rocks well
and make sure they are safe for the aquarium. Place the rocks on
the bottom of the tank and not just on the sand. Oscars like to
dig and may excavate a tunnel under a rock and end up being
crushed by it. Fill the tank up with treated water. Turn on the
heater and let it run overnight. The next day check the
thermometer. If it is less than 80 degrees and the heater is
turned off then it will have to be adjusted. Turn the heater knob
until the light comes on and wait another day. Repeat as often as
needed to get the heater adjusted to 80 degrees. Large tanks take
time to heat up so you will need to be patient. Now that the
filters are running and the heater is properly adjusted we need
to add some fish. Two little baby one inch Oscars could be added
at this time. Feed them only a smaller portion of flake food that
they only eat in a few minutes. Resist the temptation of over
feeding them many times a day. I know they are cute at this size
but the excess food will just go to waste. Ask the store for a
little sand from one of their existing tanks. This sand contains
beneficial bacteria that is needed to breakdown the waste that
your fish will be generating. After a while your tank may smell
and get cloudy, if this happens you will need to reduce the
ammonia levels by either treating the water with a chemical or
dilute the ammonia levels with a water change. This is caused by
ammonia building up in the water. The bacteria will eventually
multiply and break this waste down to nitrite and then nitrates.
The nitrates will have to be controlled with water changes. It
will take about a month for the bacteria to build up enough in
numbers to handle your tank. After a month if you wanted to add
some other fish you could. Keep in mind that your Oscars will get
big sooner than you think. New fish should be quarantined because
they may carry disease into your tank. Treating and curing fish
in a 125 gallon tank can be a lot of work and
expensive.-Chuck> Alisha
Cloudy Cichlid System Hi there, I have a 48" Hagen
Fluval 1200 tank, approx 200L,currently I have convict and
Firemouth cichlids in my tank, small pea gravel for substrate,
and a Fluval 4+ and a Fluval 2+ internal filters in both back
corners of the tank, I also have two bits of Mopani wood in my
tank, and around 16 tufa rock clumps along the back and sides of
my tank. My problem is that my water is really cloudy constantly,
even if I do a 50% water chance the water becomes cloudy again
shortly afterwards, I've tried to use carbon pads in my
filters and also poly pads in my filters, however neither of
these seem to help cure the cloudy water, to me it seems that all
of the water has floating parts of the tufa rock, however I
don't understand why the filters wouldn't be picking this
up, as it seems to be just floating there in the water. Its
getting to the stage where I'm thinking of taking out all of
the tufa rock and replacing it with something along the lines of
slate rock and then doing a water change to get rid of any
leftover tufa rock suspended in the water also thinking of
changing my light bulbs as they are 40w which might be too
strong) Are there any suggestions you could have for me, as
I've asked at four different stores as to how to cure this
problem and also read at least four different books yet
everything I ask and everything I try short of replacing the tufa
rock) seems to have no effect. < Check the ammonia levels in
the tank. A new tank could experience an ammonia spike that would
make the tank look cloudy. If the ammonia levels are fine then
something else could be a problem. Take a sample of the aquarium
water and place it in a large clear jar or container. After a few
days see if the water is clear and if there is any sediment in
the bottom of the jar. I am not familiar with the tufa rock but I
think that it may be the cause of the problem. The term
"rock" can mean several things. Some of this rock can
be very dusty and can cloud a tank if it is not thoroughly
washed. The dust can be made up of extremely fine particles that
typical aquarium filters will not pick up. The other possibility
is that the rock is breaking down in the water into these fine
particles. Take sample or piece of the rock and place it in the
clear jar. Add an airstone to the water to keep it moving. After
a few days discontinue the airstone and let the water settle for
a few days. Once again look for sediment. If there is sediment
then the rocks may indeed be the problem and will probably need
changing. If the rock itself is not the cause then vacuum the
gravel. Sediment or dust in the gravel may cause this too.
-Chuck> Any advice would be most gratefully appreciated,
thanks, Craig Pettigrew
Firemouth help Thanks for your help, I've just done
yet another 25% water change and changed the lights, although I
don't think the lights were anything to do with the problem.
< If you have had green water then that would be a different
situation and the changing of the lights might had helped.>
I've placed more poly filter wool into my filters and
I've reduced the flow rate, hopefully to capture more of the
particles, I'm going to let it run for a week and if there
are still the particles in the water then I'll need to change
my rock to slate. < Poly filter may actually be removing some
of the minerals you are trying to add with your
tufa rock.> Tufa rock is used to increase the ph
level's, < The cichlids you indicated in your first
question really don't need elevated pH levels. If you wanted
to increase the pH levels for African rift lake cichlids then a
buffer or buffering substrate would be better. -Chuck> believe
that it crumbles to a certain degree to help do this, so as I
have about 16 rocks in my tank it seems to point towards them as
being the sole problem (I've even shredded my fingers washing
the rock 2-3 times) thanks again for your advice.
Would a 20 gal tank be too small for a Jack Dempsey?
<Yes, Jack Dempseys get to get up to 12 inches. You would have
the same problem you had with the Oscar.> I currently have
some African Cichlids in the 20 and have a 29 gal that isn't
set up yet. I was thinking about getting some more African
cichlids and putting them in the 29, < Be careful about
putting Africans in the 29 gallon. A 50 would be better but it
can be done in a 29 gallon if you stay with the smaller species
like Ps. saulosi or less aggressive species like Ps. Acei,>
and then buying a small Jack Dempsey to put in the 20. But would
he Jack Dempsey outgrow the 20? < If you really want to get
into cichlids then I would really like to recommend a book to you
to read. It is called "Enjoying Cichlids" by Ad
Konings. It is a great book covering most aspects of cichlid
keeping from tiny dwarfs to large monster cichlids. It covers
tank requirements and food needs too. It is not cheap but it will
save you lots of time, aggravation and money in the long run.
Oscar and Gar in a 55g? I was recently at a pet store
and I was told that it will be ok for me to get 2 Oscars and 1
gar fish and put them in a 55 gal tank. I want to know will they
get along and will 55 gal be enough. If not what should I do?
>>Hello :D Since you are asking, I get the feeling that you
think a 55g would NOT be large enough, and you would be right. A
55g is not even large enough to house ONE Oscar for it's
natural lifespan, two would require twice-weekly water changes
just to keep them healthy, no guarantees either. Adding a gar to
the mix would be a bad idea, and I am sure that someone down the
line would talk you into adding a pleco as a cleanup
crew...another bad idea! The average pleco sold to you would
probably be an Hypostomus species, growing to two feet and not an
ideal cleaner-upper, they create more waste than they remove. If
your tank is a 55g, I would recommend going with some smaller
species of Cichlidae, perhaps some jewels, some keyholes, some
convicts if you like protective parents ;) or maybe just some
gouramis, or a nice community tank. A 55g is too small to house
most cichlids for any length of time. If your pH is high, say
around 7.8 and higher, you could house some Africans in there,
but beware of aggression, even though the Africans may not grow
to 15 inches, they are aggressive enough to warrant a great deal
more space. Good Luck :) -Gwen<<
Cichlid Sardines Hi, We started up a 90 gallon tank for
cichlids at the end of September. We had at the
height, 14 cichlids and one "red lobster".
<Oh, my. That's an awful lot of cichlids in for
that tank, I'm afraid.... Aggression and water
quality are both going to be bad....> We started to lose them
and have lost 7 in all, but have replaced them since.
<I would very seriously suggest reducing the number of fish in
there.... Also keep in mind that some cichlids are
simply incompatible; please check out your specific fishes'
needs regarding pH and so forth - for example, some South
American cichlids thrive in pH of 6.0 and lower, whereas African
rift lake cichlids of Malawi, Tanganyika, and Victoria like their
pH to be well above 8.0 in most cases.> One was pointing
straight up in the water and was full of holes one
morning. <Wow. Depending upon how you
mean "holes", this may be Hexamita or
Hole-In-The-Head/HLLE, or it might have been roughed up a bit and
damaged from other fish. Or any number of other
illnesses brought on by water quality issues, as well.> The
rest that have died have seemed to be twitching and
lethargic. <Strong indications of poor water
quality - please test for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and pH, or
take a water sample to a reputable local fish store and have them
test it for you.> One who is still hanging in there, has some
really sorry looking fins and the others are now chasing
him. <Overcrowding and poor water quality will
spur this aggression - please consider cutting down on your
number of fish.> We have medicated the tank
twice. Once for parasite, and when that didn't
work, we tried it for fungus. The one who is sick now,
was doing much better after the second medication(2 weeks ago),
but just got worse today. <I imagine, from the
aggression and possible water quality problems, he may be
suffering from bacterial infection(s). Test and
correct your water quality, first and foremost, then go from
there. Try to diagnose what you're treating first,
so you can medicate with something that will help. And
keep in mind, it is always better to medicate only the sick fish
in a separate quarantine tank, so you don't risk destroying
the biological filtration that helps keep your other fish
healthy.> My husband has had cichlids before, and keeps saying
that it's normal for fish to die. <Not
so. Many cichlids can live for several years - perhaps
ten years or more, in some cases.> I can't help but think
that this isn't normal. <You are very
right.> I don't like to see them sick. Is there
any way you can help? We remove 10 gallons a week and
replace it. <Do you vacuum the gravel when you do
this? With such a high fish load, you might want to
change more like 50% weekly. Be sure you are using a
good dechlorinator to remove chlorine and chloramine in the
water. Please test for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and
pH.> My husband has put salt in and turned up the heat
too. We have a Fluval system and are using loose
carbon in the filter. The temp. of the tank is 27 degrees Celsius
and we use Cichlid flakes for food - twice a day. If
there is any way you can help, please let us know. <Please do
check out the information available on WetWebMedia regarding
cichlids at http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwsubwebindex.htm
. Scroll down to the gray bar titled "Cichlid
Fishes", and you'll find quite a few
articles. Please also check out the FAQs linked to
those articles that apply to you/your system as there is a lot of
information archived there as well. Also on that page
you will find information on freshwater systems in general that
may be of interest to you.> Thanks. Jane and Mike.
<Wishing you well, -Sabrina>
Adding the Ocean to Your Tank 11/06/03 Hi
:) <Hi, Pufferpunk here> I have a cichlid tank
that is very well established. I love to change the tank display.
In the past I have put coral in the tank that I have gotten while
snorkeling in the Caribbean with no problem. I have a very large
conch shell that I feel apprehensive about displaying in my tank,
but think it would look awesome in it! Do you think it will be
okay? <You're not going to like this answer, but I
feel I must scold you a little here. As an avid scuba diver
(I'm actually leaving for the Caribbean on Saturday), I need
to educate you about taking things from the ocean. We have a
saying, "Take only pictures & leave only bubbles".
Everything in the ocean has a reason for being there. That conch
could be used for a hermit crab or octopus home. It is never good
to help yourself to these things. Enough said about that. ;) If
there is no smell to it, you could soak it overnight in a light
bleach solution, rinse well & then a few hours more in
dechlorinated water, before adding it to your tank.>
Thanks for your help. Susan <You're welcome,
Cramped Oscars <Hello! Ryan with you> I have a 30
gallon freshwater fish tank I have 3 Oscars and 2 Cichlids fish
in there. I have fallen in love with a Albino Oscar and would
like to know How many more fish I can fit in the tank. Currently
my fish get along fine. My tank has been up for 2 months. <1
Oscar will be cramped in your 30 gallon setup when fully
grown. You've fallen in love with an animal
that's going to require more space, certainly if you'd
like to keep more than one. Four Oscars would require
125+ gallons for adequate room for movement. Good
luck! Ryan>
Too Many Cichlids Thanks for the response; the eggs
were eaten.<bummer> The funny thing about this
though was that there was only one Texas cichlid (about 7").
<Not too weird, it happens.> The other fish in
the tank were an 8" red devil (or Midas, I'm not sure
exactly-it's very orange with a big bump on it's head), a
6" red terror, a 6" jack Dempsey, a 6" black belt
cichlid, a 7" Managuense, and about a 2" convict (I
don't know how he's survived??). <Oh
my! That is way too many fish in a 55. I
have heard that the Red Devil is always the last fish in the
tank, but I do not know if they ever brought a Managuense into
the equation. I strongly recommend finding homes for
some of these fish, keeping your favorites, and getting a larger
tank. Check out fishbase.org for the full grown size
of these monsters. If they were all to grow you would
have no room left for water.> Is it possible for any of these
cichlids to be the mate of the Texas cichlid? <It is possible
that one of these fish would have tried to fertilize the Texas
Cichlids eggs.> How do these type of cichlids
"mate"? Do they lay eggs and then
fertilize? The Texas seemed like he was dragging
something on top of the eggs. <Probably one of the
others eggs, he was trying to fertilize.> South
American cichlids don't mouth breed, do they? Any
information will be greatly appreciated. <Get a
larger tank, and in the mean time, lots of water changes.
-Gage> Thanks so much, Jeff
Stinky Tank I have no idea when this started but I have
a 55 gal African Cichlid tank. The water is not cloudy, there are
9 African cichlids in there plus 1 algae eater and there is an
awful odor coming from the tank. It smells like a scum
filled pond on a hot day! The temp is right where it should be
and the filter is pretty new and the carbon has just been
replaced. Help me get rid of this odor PLEASE!!!!
-Aimee, NY <Hey Aimee, what are you
feeding? Leftover food can smell like
death. How are your water tests coming out? Do the
fish seem ok? Water changes should help. -Gage>
Overcrowded Oscars I have a 10 gallon tank with 1
sucker fish and 3 other fish. The other fish are small
(1-2 inch) Oscar fish. <Whoa! Way too many fish
for this tank! A full grown Oscar can reach nearly 18 inches long
so even one Oscar is way too much for a 10 gallon tank. These 4
fish should be kept in no smaller than a 75 gallon aquarium, 100
gallon would be better.> I'm having a problem however with
the tank. The water stays clear for only about a day and then no
matter what I do, unless I do a full water change it stays
cloudy. The pH is 7.0, I've added "algae
fix" to help keep the algae in control. I've
tried "tetra aqua-easy balance" to try to get rid of
the cloudiness, as well as "clear water" which is
supposed to remove cloudiness. Nothing is
working. It's getting frustrating because the tank
just isn't as pretty when it's cloudy.
<This is all probably a result of the tank being overcrowded.
The water quality is probably very poor because of the feeding
necessary and the wastes from the fish. Algae is not causing the
cloudy water here, its probably ammonia.> Is there something
I'm missing? Something else I should be testing,
like ammonia and nitrate levels? If so what should the
level for my fish be? <Ammonia and nitrites should be at 0 in
any aquarium. You need to either get a much bigger tank for your
fish or get rid of the Oscars and get some fish that stay small
for your current tank. Be sure to do lots of research on the fish
you plan to keep *before* you buy them. Theres a ton of info
available on http://www.wetwebmedia.com and
also at http://www.fishbase.org >
Thanks...Kendall <You're welcome! Ronni>
Cichlid Substrate - 4/8/03 Hi, great, informative
website. <Thank you very much> One question that I could
not find the answer to. <One of many for sure. We cannot get
it all but since this sight is always be changed and additions
being made. Maybe one day we will be as close to complete as one
site could be. Until then, ask on my brother> I just bought a
46 gallon freshwater setup for African cichlids. <Very nice.
Be sure to go to a very reputable dealer to ensure breed and if
you can get young males instead of fully grown I think your long
term success is initially boosted. Also be sure to support
captive bred fish rather than wild caught. It is a lake and a
very delicate system where these animals come from. Like all
eco-systems whether oceanic or fresh, there are not infinite
quantities of these animals. Plus, it is fairly easy to stimulate
breeding in most of the African Cichlid species and young tank
bred fish seem to do very well in acclimating (especially as the
tank grows) When choosing fish, be sure to look into interaction
and adult aggression and be aware of the adult size of your fish.
I really like the site http://www.cichlidrecipe.com/> I
liked the way the crushed coral and Aruba Puka looked, so I asked
if it could be used as gravel in
freshwater. The uninformed worker at the petstore said
yes, but now I am finding that websites are not recommending it.
<Not familiar with the Puka but I do use crushed coral in my
filters to buffer PH and keep it at a constant 8.0 to
8.3> Should I remove it, or try to just adjust my
chemicals? <I would go for sand as this is what I use.
Cichlids love to dig in the sand (natural as this is usually
their method for capturing prey) and make nest in the pits they
make by moving sand about. Not to mention it looks more natural
to their environment. (Although a more silty mud is more likely
their environment) I would avoid the crushed coral but I
don't think it will kill them if that is what you are asking.
Maybe remove it put some of the crushed coral in a filter
situation? Again, I have used it for the last 6 years in my
filters and have had no losses. Be sure to keep up on the water
quality and have fun. Go for the bio-tope. Look into books as
well. Later- Paul> Thanks for any help, Scott
Need Help Fast! Plumbing to Sump or Filter for Cichlid
tank I have a 300 gallon tank on the way with three overflow
boxes on the outside back which skim a total of 66" of
surface area and feed (through Durso standpipes) six 2"
drains. I was assuming I'd need to plumb 2" pipes from
the overflow boxes into one large (nearly horizontal) 6"
main drain pipe that emptied into a sump or fed a filter intake.
<many possibilities... that's one> I am still unsure
about what the best approach may be. For instance, if I use a
pond filter or aquaculture filter system for the tank, how do I
feed it with a 6" drain pipe? <just drain all raw
overflowing water to a sump... or better yet, a primary partition
where the skimmer sits or Then, from there you'll have a
dedicated pump that feeds the filter or perhaps a teed line
(bleeder) off the main return pump to feed the filter on a
loop> If I were to design the overflow more traditionally, how
would I ever get enough overflow to that same filter with just a
1 or 2 inch pipe?..... <all water does not (should not) go to
the filter first... it should go to gross filter first (settling
chamber, daily cleaned course pads, etc)> Hence the multiple
2" pipe feed for plenty of flow. Sounds like a "Catch
22" whereas you need the flow for the big system, yet no
pumps accept a large supply pipe feed. <no worries... bud. You
are just a little mistaken. All will be clear when/if you see
some big pretty store installations... tours of public aquarium
filtration set ups, etc> It would seem a sump is necessary.
<correct and critical for large displays> Is a sump the way
to go for this FW cichlid community? <its not mandatory, but
would be very helpful and add to system stability> I had
planned on first using a micron bag, then biomedia, then chemical
chambers (in case of future needs), a nice open sump area, and
two Iwaki returns to a manifold over the aquarium. <actually
sounds perfect> I'd love to get a contained system though.
<tedious to work with IME> I see some of the Aquanetics
stuff on their site, but I can't see if it would be
appropriate for my needs. <I have worked with Aquanetics
products for about 15 years (their commercial products even more
so) and have very little respect for their quality> I think my
key desire is to get that first shot at the water with a micron
mechanical filter that is easy to clean daily (thus the bag
idea). <agreed> I need filtration (wet/dry or other? extra
biological needed like fluidized bed?), <either> heat
(fireplug or submersibles in the sump?), <the Aquanetics
Fireplug is one of their few products that I really do like>
potential for UV filtration.... <save your money... will not
prevent the spread of disease well or at all in the display and
is not needed if you QT all new fish like you/we should> all
in my living room or piped to a spot just outside the back door
and returned to the tank. I see the Aquanetics System Packs, Bag
Filters, etc. <I would not take it for free... seriously. But
that's just my opinion, experience. Poll the message boards
for a consensus> but do not know enough to make a good choice.
I've been researching for weeks, and the tank is almost here!
<OK> I want a museum quality setup, yet I do not know just
how to obtain it. <make the drive to a regional aquarium
society meeting to seek advice of experienced aquarists and see
their setups... visit a public aquarium too... call in advance
and set up a sneak peak at their filters> I know you may not
want to make specific manufacturer, etc. <nope... we can. And
we do. We are unpaid and unbiased. The few advertisers we have
and all of our readership understand and appreciate that I
believe> recommendations...... but that's exactly what I
need. What would you do? <relax <G>> If wet/dry, must
the micron bag be over the top of the bioballs, or can a
configuration allow the bag to be at the same level with the
water flowing over a tall barrier and then over the biomedia?
<for any/all you will still have a bonded filter pad between
the micro (if at all) and the bio-balls. Your dilemma here bud is
that you simply need to see (eyeballs) some big installations
then all will be quite clear. You really also need to slow down
and have patience. Just because the tank is being delivered in
days does not mean you have to fill it as the movers are carrying
it into the house <G>. Chill bubba. Take weeks or months to
build your museum quality display if you truly want to succeed.
Else, you will get a stinky fish tank that looks like it was
thrown together in a hurry.> I've got many more questions
than answers, sorry! <No worries... all in good time. Best
regards, Anthony>
A rock question (old LR for cichlid tank use) I friend
of mine has a case of real coral rock ..its dead rock but I was
wondering if I could put this in a fresh water cichlid tank!
<If these are types of cichlids that enjoy hard, alkaline
water yes. Some do not. If you're not sure, but know the
names of your fishes, you could likely find out their natural
water conditions on fishbase.org. Bob Fenner>
Filters and cichlids Hello again! More questions, this
time fresh water African Cichlids. I have a 29 gallon tank set up
with 7 different cichlids, about 1 1/2'" each.
<Please be warned that if these are Malawi African Cichlids,
they will soon begin killing one another until you have perhaps 4
fish, maybe fewer. They are highly aggressive, territorial and do
not stop once they have beaten another fish into submission. They
usually go ahead and polish them off. I never use Malawi Africans
in anything less than 75 gallons.> I currently have a penguin
170 power filter and everything seems fine. I am going to change
to a canister filter so as not to have to see the filter box on
the back of the tank, as both the front and back of the tank are
visible (I know a sump/wet-dry with drilled tank would be
optimum, but the tank is in place and that stuff is expensive) So
now I'm looking for a recommendation, Marineland magnum 350,
Rena Filstar XP2 or Fluval 304? <Of these options, the Rena,
but I would look at Eheims too.> Looking at the flow rates of
each tells me buy the Magnum, more flow = more filtration, Right?
<No, not necessarily.> But the other two have capacity to
add more and different media. Is that something I'll need
with this cichlid tank? <You will need to use a media able to
support biological filtration.> Thanking you once again, Jack
<You are welcome. -Steven Pro>
Freshwater Algae Difficulties Hi Bob Fenner, I have a
29 gallon hard alkaline cichlid tank with a brown slime
"algae" I think, growing throughout it. I was wondering
what it is and how if possible to alleviate it. <You can find
a lot of information about controlling algae in freshwater tanks
here http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwalgcontrol.htm
-Steven Pro>
<Steven Pro this evening.> I'm so glad I found your
site. I hope you can help me with my new cichlid tank set up.
Though I cleaned 40 lbs. of crushed coral the best I could, once
it was in my tank with water (46 gallon) it still seems to be
very dirty as the tank has been white and cloudy for a couple of
days and each time I move around the substrate, it kicks up more
and more white dust to cloud the tank. I have an Eheim canister
filter attached #2217 and am using a Powerclear power head #402
for water movement.. Is the clouding eventually going to go away?
<Yes> Is it normal to have the substrate give off a white
cloudy mix every time I move it around? <Very normal to have
cloudiness with crushed coral.> Should I simply try not to
disturb the crushed coral? <Eventually it will settle down,
get trapped in your filters, and removed with water changes.>
Thanks so much for your advice! Mitchell Wexler <You are
welcome. -Steven Pro>
much.....really appreciate it!!!!! I can't seem to locate
your website address.....please advise me so I can keep checking
with it as I develop my cichlid tank. Thanks. Mitchell Wexler
<www.WetWebMedia.com Bob Fenner>
Re: Please Help Me Decide Hello Anthony or Robert;
<hello, again Peter. Anthony still here fielding queries while
Bob refines his new found talent for burping Mozart>
Continuing with the tank building mentioned below. The tank below
has at the moment 4 Jewels and a Jack Dempsey, all under 4 inches
that I put in to get the tank going and plan to sell back to the
LFS before putting the Africans in the tank. The are all doing
well. <excellent> You (Anthony) suggests adding 3 fish
monthly to build the biological filter, however, I live on
Martha's Vineyard and the LFS has no African cichlids to buy
(the regular fish prices are up there though). <just as an
aside... please moon Martha Stewart for me if you get a
chance...and have a smiley face painted on your rump for comic
relief> A trip off island to buy three fish once a month gets
costly, ferry ride, one hour drive to store etc. I thought about
getting fish from Armke's or another on-line place but the
shipping seems the same for three fish or thirty. <I'm not
thrilled about buying or recommending "sight-unseen"
livestock purchases. Dry goods are another matter> Here's
the dilemma, I found a place that has two 100 gallon African
tanks that they are trying to stop carrying since the employee
that knew Africans left and no one there knows much about them.
<pathetic that some store owner's livelihood is so fragile
that he would rather compromise his business than learn something
new> In theory I could go there and really stock my tank in
one trip and save a ton of money. However, there is the bio
filter problem. <you will have to compromise with possibly
daily water changes for a short while (perhaps 4 weeks) to
compensate. It is not recommended, but possible with diligence if
necessary> Question is could I put say a dozen 2-3 inch fish
in the tank and expect to get them through the cycling
phase? <dependant on faithful frequent water changes and
water testing> I have a Magnum 350 with 2 Biowheel 60. I was
thinking of adding either a Filstar or a Super King for extra
filtration anyway. <an extra canister filter or wet/dry would
be better... consider a DIY wet/dry filter ... easy to build>
If I were to do this what else would help? How much water change
how often? Cycle? Extra Cycle? Filter Material from old tank?
<save your money on the cycling additives, but do add a bit of
seeded filter media> I'd really like to get the fish in
bulk as long as I can keep them alive. I realize it would take
lots of attention to the tank for a month or so but....
<agreed... you have your work cut out for you...ahhh, the
trials of a dedicated aquarist!> Thanks Again, Peter <very
kind regards, Anthony>
Fresh water Question? Hi Bob, I just purchased a 135
gallon reef ready Aquarium with a Berlin protein skimmer..
I'm going to put my 2 Oscar's in there. Do I need a
heater? <Mmm, yes to the heater... but Oscars as in South
American Cichlids? They don't need a skimmer... or a
reef-ready system> and do I also need air diffusers??? I'm
kinda confused...From what I have been reading is the tank should
be all set and I don't need the heater & Air.. Thanks for
your help Carol in Wisconsin <Time to take many giant strides
backward. Do get, read over a standard overall freshwater
textbook on freshwater aquariums. Perhaps one of the Paul
Loiselle "Tetra" books on South American Cichlids as
well. References on the Freshwater Index of WetWebMedia.com Bob
Crushed coral in freshwater? Hello Mr. Fenner, A friend
of mine has been sold crushed coral for his 110gal. new
freshwater setup. He plans on breeding some expensive African
cichlids and was told by this shop owner that coral was the best
way to raise his PH to over 8. <Mmm, one way, yes... depending
on your water composition...> We live outside Houston and our
PH is naturally around 7.5 to 7.8. <For what sorts, species of
Africans? It might be worthwhile to investigate other components
of your source water... Malawi, Tanganyikan, other large African
bodies of water have, for instance, some differing salt
compositions... worth augmenting in some cases... but a pH in the
mid to upper sevens is great for (lazy folks) like me for
"batch processing" large water changes for health,
reproduction of these fishes...> I told my friend that coral
in freshwater will decompose and eventually raise his ammonia
level. I also told him that there was better & safer products
to accomplish his goals, but I can't remember what they are
called. <Hmm... well he can dedicate himself to very regular
gravel vacuuming (weekly)... but/and many commercial breeders of
these cichlids use no substrate at all... relying on the
buffering (alkaline) capacity of the water, changes... to avoid
the symptoms you list> Did I give my friend good advice? He is
also considering seashells in his tank for his future
shell-dwellers. His filter system is a wet/dry & Eheim
canisters. Thank you very much for your time. Steve Tilotta
<Much to chat about. Let's get more specific with what
species he intends to produce, the number, size, shape of the
systems... if they're to be tied together. Please have your
friend contact me, or you relate these facts. Take a read through
the Centralized and Flow-Through Filtration pieces:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/cntfiltbiz.htm on our site. Bob
Pelvivachromis I have a Pelvivachromis , I only know
it's name from your site, before I called it a Karibinzi, or
something like that, <Yes, Kribensis is still used for the
common name of at least one member of this genus> any ways, I
am thinking about re-doing my tank, I have a 30 gallon community
tank for 3 years, and I have stayed FAR away from cichlids as I
have herd they are highly aggressive. <Many of them are... but
as you know, some smaller ones from Africa and South America are
much more easygoing> However, as I have been in many pet
stores I have seen that they are some of the most colorful fresh
water fish around, so I would like to make my tank a good
environment. <Ah, good> I currently have 2 rummy nose
tetras and two LARGE silver dollars, about 4 " vertically,
so I am think about moving them out. But I don't know if a
tank with more than one type of cichlid works, as I have heard
horror stories of them killing each other. <Yes, you are wise
here to investigate ahead of stocking> can you please give me
some advice on what to buy and not buy, or even if it is a good
idea at all. thank you. (please forgive the spelling) <No
worries my friend. Your intent is clear. Much to state here re
possible combinations. I encourage you to look into the many
cichlid sites on the Internet, and to invest in one or more (your
library may have these) of the "Fishkeeper Guides..."
to Cichlid fishes that were done by Tetra Press. Mainly by Paul
Loiselle as author. Do set upon a "central"
species/theme for your system... as thirty gallons is a small
world. Perhaps a pair of your Pelvivachromis, and some
"matching" catfishes from Western Africa. You can use a
powerful tool on the Net, Fishbase.org here to help you:
Be chatting, Bob Fenner> Lindi Smith
Re: (cichlid) fish help Dear Robert. this is Lindi gain
I just e-mail you a while ago, but looked around this site some
more, these are the fish that I thought might be nice Pictograms
cacatuoides Pictograms steindachneri Microgeophagus ramirezi
Aulonocara Julidochromis ornatus I HAVE- Pelvivachromis pulcher I
have also looked at Jack Demises, I have no clue how to spell the
last name. <Like the famous heavyweight American boxer
(commonly named in his honor) Jack Dempsey> well could you
please tell me if they are compatible? <The first four above
in your list can go together in a large enough system (like an
individual per ten gallons), the Aulonocara genus really best
kept with others of the same genus or other equally tempered
Great Lakes of Africa Cichlids (but a thirty is too small for
adults of this species), the Julidochromis best kept in a group
by themselves... and the Dempseys too big as well... Bob
Fenner> thank you so much Lindi Smith <Do listen to me when
I caution you against using "just" the net as your
source of learning here... even from yours truly... too easy to
have only a "partial understanding"... and consequent
trouble. Do seek out cichlid websites (put the name in your
search engine and you'll be amazed), the books I suggested,
and other general works on Cichlids. Bob Fenner>
Cichlid System Filtration We are looking at switching
tanks, we have about 90 cichlids and they are continually
reproducing, We are moving to a newly built house in which we
will be putting tanks in the wall. What size do you think we
need? 150 gallon or more. Maybe 2 150 gallons side by side. We
have 7 feet to work with. <Hmm, the bigger the better... what
species of cichlids?> What filtration should we use on this
(these) tanks? <Large, vigorous... sump types would be
best...> Can I use just a couple Eheim canister filters?
<Yes> If we go with a drilled tank instead of the
canisters, do we go with the corner overflows into the canisters?
<Hmm, a plan... please see the "Filtration" sections
for Marine Systems posted on the site: www.WetWebMedia.com>
Your suggestions would greatly be appreciated!!! Your book IS
AWESOME!! Thank You Rocky Hawkins <Thank you my friends. Bob
Water preparation Hello Bob. I am planning on setting
up a discus tank some time in the not-too-distant future, and I
wanted to ask you about water preparation for a discus tank. I
live in the Los Angeles area, and we have very hard, high pH
water. <I am with you here... live in San Diego with similar
"liquid rock" tap> Discus, of course, want softer,
lower (neutral) pH water. I have been trying to determine the
best way to reduce the pH and hardness of our tap water, and I
have encountered as many solutions as the number of sources I
have investigated. I have heard things like "aging"
water with peat moss to soften it and using chemicals like pH
Stable to bring very low pH water to the appropriate level. What
do you suggest? Thanks, Doug Fitzpatrick <Thanks for asking...
of all concomitant circumstances there was just this sort of
question in the most recent issue of AFM by Paul Loiselle re
other cichlid fishes... he suggested picking species that more
fit the local water conditions (!)... I suggest immediately (no
stopping at "Go", no collecting "$200"...)
investing in and using a reverse osmosis filter unit for your
Discus, drinking and cooking water needs... and possibly just add
some of your ordinary tap back to this... for a bit of mineral...
Now, a whole bunch more to state here... Yes, where wild
Symphysodon originate (in the wild) their water is exceedingly
soft and acidic... but, thank goodness, the cultured varieties
are "unnaturally selected" to tolerate much more
domestic conditions... And, yes, tapwater can/could be variously
treated with inorganic, and/or organic acids... directly or
through addition, circulation through... peat... other
materials... But do trust me here (after checking other
people's opinions)... and do subscribe to TFH magazine or
look through old copies for their "Discus" guru's
monthly administrations... as well as the several excellent books
on their care available nowadays. Bob Fenner, who really
needs to get more "cichlid" pieces on
www.WetWebMedia.com, and thanks you for the prompting>
Help with new aquarium (African Cichlids) Hi Robert, I
just acquired a 135 gal. tank, that I want to have African
Cichlids in. <How nice!> I have several questions
that I hope you can help me with. 1) What is the best aquascape
for this type of fish? <Hmm... actually there are a few
types... of a few Lakes... my fave for a first out would likely
be a rocky shore... but do yourself a giant favor and look into
some of the neat small books on these fishes... Available
through... Amazon.com, Barnes and Noble...> I was thinking of
making 1/3 rocks, a 1/3 open, and the last 1/3 plants with a sand
and pebble floor. Would that be ok? <With some planning,
yes... much to say here... Best to set upon a plan to keep the
sorts of livestock you like best... investigate the water
quality, types of environments they live in/prefer, then match
your system to their needs/preferences... as you will soon
know.> 2) Also, would a freshwater ray survive with the
cichlids? <Not really... these are all from parts of
South America... enjoy soft acidic waters for the most part...
not the same sort of thing you will find for your cichlids> 3)
I have elephant nose fish also, and I was wandering if this tank
is big enough to house them also, without fear of the cichlids
fighting with them. If not I will need them in their own tank. I
want to set this tank up the right way, the first time around, so
I really appreciate any and all information you can give me.
Thanks in advance. Sincerely, Shirley <Not to seem too
negative hopefully, but your Elephant Nose will be much happier
in its own quarters... with more peaceful, less
competitive-eaters than your new cichlid tank... Bob