FAQs on Freshwater (and Terrestrial)
Crustaceans Identification
Related Articles: Forget
Crawfish Pie, Let's Make a Crawfish Tank! By Gage
Harford, Freshwater to Brackish
Crabs by Bob Fenner, Terrestrial Hermit Crabs, Invertebrates for Freshwater
Aquariums by Neale Monks,
Related FAQs: FW
Crustaceans 1, FW
Crustaceans 2, FW Crustaceans
3, & SW: Crustacean Selection,
Crustacean Behavior, Crustacean Compatibility, Crustacean Systems, Crustacean Feeding, Crustacean Disease, Crustacean Reproduction,
Shrimp, FW Crabs,
Terrestrial Hermit Crabs, &
Marine Hermit ID,
Hermit Behavior, Hermit Compatibility, Hermit Selection, Hermit Systems, Hermit Feeding, Hermit Reproduction, Hermit Disease/Health, & Crayfish FAQs, Crayfish 2, Crayfish ID, Crayfish Behavior, Crayfish Compatibility, Crayfish Selection, Crayfish Systems, Crayfish Feeding, Crayfish Disease, Crayfish Reproduction,
Is that a Scud missile?
freshwater bug id, please 3/10/11
I am curious about a ' bug' that I found in my aquarium.
I have attached a photo and a video
<<Unfortunately RMF can't figure out how to load,
of them under 60x magnification. I have searched various keywords
in Google and read about freshwater insects on your webpage but
am not finding anything that looks or sounds like what I
This was found in a 70 gallon freshwater tank with a few plants,
with a CO2 injector, an Aquaclear filter, with river rock as
substrate, and 6 guppies, 2 small Bala sharks, 4 Otocinclus, and
5 killifish. I had a bad habit of over feeding and have been
battling a Nitrate problem. I found the bugs when I transferred
the fish to a new tank for a while and drained the tank.
I first thought they were fry until I scooped one up for a closer
look. The bug is grayish, 1/4 inch? has two eyes, antennae, many
legs, and a shrimp like tail. They curl their tail in and out
like a crayfish or shrimp as they are moving about and seem to
like to keep their tails curled in. If you crossed a sea monkey
with a ghost shrimp, this is what it looks like to the naked
Under 60x, they look more like a flea. Their bodies do not seem
segmented in any way that I can tell, and I never saw them
sticking to the sides of the glass (like in many other
people's posts).
I am guessing that the fish would love to eat them and chances
are, they are harmless. I don't think they look like mosquito
larvae but I wanted to be sure. Mosquitoes love me too much for
me to want them in my house. I also think it is unlikely, as it
is Michigan and we are just being thawed out now.
I hope that the pic/video transferred to you ok, as it looks
pretty cool. I had fun with my kids' play microscope!
<Hello Pam. It's a Gammarus or something very similar, an
amphipod crustacean that works much like woodlice on land, eating
decaying plant material. No risk at all to your fish, and yes,
likely to be eaten by anything with a taste for crustaceans, such
as loaches or puffers. Cheers, Neale.>

Hey I have really small sand like bugs
I caught crawdads from a lake in Oklahoma and then these sand like
things with squiggly tail and a dot with 2 almost claw like baby
crawdads appeared in my tank would you know what they are
<Could well be baby crayfish. Cheers, Neale.>
Creature, FW Crust. 2/20/2010
I have a 20L freshwater RCS tank,
<Red Cherry Shrimp>
planted with a medium grain substrate. Parameters are 0,0,0, GH 13-14,
temp 78, using a sponge filter with a powerhead. There are pond snails
present, in all stages of life. My two questions are:
1) There are small white worm-shaped creatures on the glass, some being
around 0.3cm in length, others less than 1mm. I believe they are
Planaria. They aren't increasing in numbers (stable if not
decreasing), but I am curious if they are a problem?
<Not likely, no>
2) There are small crustaceans. They are around 0.5cm long, have
visible legs (unknown number), and swim by straightening their bodies
and using their legs as propulsion. they are translucent with a hint of
gray, are seen constantly scavenging the bottom, and I have observed
them fighting with one another (or possibly mating). Their numbers seem
to be increasing.
I am worried because one of my RCS just bred, and these are smaller
than the creatures I am describing. I don't want to lose my shrimp.
Can you help identify these?
<W/o pix or a better description, no. They are likely one of a few
possibilities... Gammarids, Amphipods... Please read here:
I tried to snap a picture but they are so small my camera can't
keep focus on them. Should I be concerned, or should I just let nature
take it's course?
<I would try to identify these last... they may call for removal to
protect your RCS>
I think the larger shrimp will eventually begin to eat the worms and
these things, but I am worried nonetheless.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Re: Creature 2/20/10
Read the FAQ (and others) and I am convinced they are amphipods. The
first and last pictures within the link you supplied are strikingly
similar (if not identical) to what I am seeing. Amazing photos. If
these are indeed it,
is vacuuming the way to go?
<Can be>
Downside to that is that there are baby RCS now, smaller than they, who
will be lost, too. I could filter water with
pantyhose and try to save the good guys, I suppose. Any thoughts?
<Mmm, drastic, but you could remove the desirable crustaceans and
chemically poison the others... But maybe taking a wait and see, live
and let live approach here will prove to be satisfying>
And thank you! Your site has always been an invaluable resource to
<Ahh, welcome. BobF>
Re Creature, FW Crust. 2/20/2010
Just an update for Bob:
I found a neat way to remove the said amphipods. I took some airline
tubing, zip-tied it to a steel rod of a similar diameter, and used that
as a vacuum (of sorts) to selectively remove the amphipods.
The ultra-narrow diameter was just enough to suck them up, but not
remove copious amounts of water in the process. The steel rod allowed
focused targeting . Drained all into a bucket to ensure no loss of
desired life, and I got 8 of the 10 I found in 15 minutes. Thanks
<Thank you for sharing your "killer tech." Brandon.
Crazily mis- over-stocked FW sys.... w/ induced
prob.s... Crazy! Oh, and HH ID 7/23/09
I was wondering if you could help me out with my Freshwater tank
<Am trying>
I have a 90 Gallon tank. which is home to 3 Aruwans, 3 Oscars, 2
Silver dollars, 1 clown knife fish and a Giant Pink Gaurami.
<Yeeikes! Way too crowded... and only going to get worse...
All this, these animals won't live well or long in this small
The tank has 1 External Filter , and two submerged filters, 2 air
supply pumps. Gravel Substrate and two tank ornaments.
The water temperature is at a steady 78 deg and changed 25% every
two weeks.
<I'd change this amount weekly>
About a week ago I've noticed a lot of tiny white bubble like
creatures in the tank, very similar to tiny fish eggs. Now they
seem to be moving around the tank and sometimes cling on to my
Oscars. Yesterday my clown knife fish died unexpectedly ( No
symptoms of being sick or hurt).
<Stress alone...>
These white creatures are now all over the gravel and some on the
sides of my tank as well.(Photo attached)
can any one tell me 1).What are they? 2) How can i get rid of
<Small crustaceans of some sort... Perhaps Cladocerans... not
harmful... Best to "be rid of them" by simple
vacuuming, cleaning of the gravel... BUT, you need NOW to move,
separate the life you list... READ re the needs of these species.
They can't all live in a ninety. Bob Fenner>
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
Re: mis- over-stocked FW induced prob.s
Thank you Bob Fenner for your advice I will try it.
<Ah, good>
Hopefully I will be able to write back "problem solved"
Also I have just setup another tank so will be moving the Oscars
out soon.
Thank you once again.
Vishwas Shetty
<Welcome my friend. BobF>
Goldfish Health\Water Fleas\ Lymphocystis
<Hi Carolina>
We had have a fresh water tank for at least three years, recently we
noted little bugs in the water.
<Likely Cladocerans or Daphnia (water fleas) They are usually
harmless, although they can indicate that you are overfeeding. You can
read more here:
One of our fancy gold fish (we have 2 in a 30 gal tank) has two white
growths: one on its head, and the other on its body side. It does not
look like cotton, but we treated against fungus with no results, it is
not shiny but looks similar to cauliflower.
<Likely Lymphocystis, a viral disease in fresh and saltwater fish.
There is no real treatment other than to keep your water quality up and
letting the virus run its course. You can read more about it here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/virdislymphf.htm and here:
If you can give me some advice I'd appreciate it.
<See above>
<You're Welcome>
Unidentified freshwater
critters 12/14/08 Dear crew, Can you please help me
identify these bugs that are running amok in my freshwater
invertebrate tank (Red Cherry Shrimp and Melanoides sp.). I
don't think they're parasites, they seem to eat whatever
the shrimp eat and hang out a lot in the sponge filter and in the
sand. They do swim in the water column and appear to have a pair
of antennae when observed with a magnifying glass and measure
maybe 1-2mm. I don't intend to try to eradicate them as they
don't appear to do any harm, but I would like to know what
these might be, just out of curiosity. Any help is greatly
appreciated. Thank you, Evan <Evan, I can't really be
certain from the photos you sent, but my assumption is that these
are nothing more than copepods. They're completely harmless,
and indeed edible, and should be taken by some of your fish,
particularly anything that sifts the sediment (for example dwarf
cichlids). Now, when invertebrates "run amok" in
aquaria, it's often a good sign there's an excess of
organic matter, i.e., food for them to eat. So cut back on the
portions at dinner time! If need be, stop feeding altogether for
a week, and the snails and shrimps will do just fine on algae
alone. Otherwise, don't worry about them too much. Heck, if
this was a marine reef tank, you'd be happy to see these
chaps! Cheers, Neale.>
Black Pepper Size Critters in FW Tank - 7/2/08
Greetings from Georgia! <And reciprocal salutations for
Hertfordshire!> We apologize is this is covered elsewhere on
the site, as we found reference to white copepods, but not our
'bug.' Our 125 gallon community FW tank (1.002 salt) has
been up 15 months. It has 2-3 inches of LFS gravel. <Ah, 1.002
definitely qualifies as "brackish" -- that's about
4-5 grammes of marine salt mix per litre of water, or about
10-15% the normal salinity of seawater. Great for livebearers,
killifish, and other species that appreciate slightly saline
conditions.> For the first time, upon vacuuming the gravel and
changing water, our white buckets had 100's, perhaps
1000's of black (dark brown?) specks smaller than pepper
grains moving furiously in the bottom of the siphoned water
yesterday. I have never seen them before. <Likely only
copepods, ostracods, aquatic insects or similar.> They seem to
cling to larger detritus in the bottom of the bucket. Under a
hand held magnifying glass, no visible legs, eyes, spots,
antennae, stripes, etc turned up. Still looked like black pepper.
Our fish are healthy; these are not on the fish that we can see.
These are not visible in the tank. <OK.> They died pretty
quickly in the sunlight in 2" of the water outside at 90
degrees F daytime temperature. <How mean!> What are they,
are they harmful or good for the tank? <Harmless; indeed,
somewhat beneficial as they will be helping to speed up the decay
of detritus in the substrate, preventing anaerobic decay. They
will also provide a certain amount of food for species that graze
on or sift the substrate. If you have an excessive number of
them, it likely implies that there's a lot of organic matter
in the sediment, which implies you are either overfeeding your
fish or under-cleaning the substrate. Either way, controlling the
food supply will go a long way to restricting the population of
these organisms.> Many thanks, Don <Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Black Pepper Size Critters in FW Tank -
Many thanks, Neale, we appreciate your advice. <Most
welcome!> I have visited your area years ago, I think it dates
back to the Bronze Age; I visited after that! <I see!>
Thanks for clarifying that we are indeed "brackish." We
will watch the overfeeding. <Very good.> Your answer begs
the question: Since we need (want?) the gravel substrate to
anchor our many plastic plants (oxymoron?), the UGF is along for
the ride and we don't see getting rid of the UGF, it does the
job. <Quite; UGFs can work very well, provided their
limitations aren't a problem for your particular set-up.
Turned into a reverse-flow system by adding a canister filter to
the mix instead of powerheads/airstones and you have one of the
single best filtration systems around.> What is the thinnest
we can go on depth of the gravel and still accomplish the UGF
function? We understand too deep is bad (anaerobic dead spots),
and too thin does not accomplish the mission. <I'd
recommend 8 cm/3". Does of course depend on the grade of the
gravel; finer gravel will provide more surface area per unit
depth.> It would seem that vacuuming and cleaning are
simplified with a minimal thickness of gravel. We operate two
Aqua Clear 400 power heads (1 in each back corner), and also a
Fluval 405 and a Fluval 305. Again this is a 125 gallon tank with
no live plants, and approximately 50 community fish. The gravel
is on a raised plastic tray. We remove plastic plants, caves, etc
to gravel so there is never a dead spot due to a fixed
decoration. <Ah, I suspect a reverse flow system is precisely
what you need. All you do is connect the canister filter outlet
to the inlet of the UG filter plate. So water gets filtered
mechanically by the canister (removing silt and organic debris)
and then pushed from underneath the filter plate up through the
gravel into the tank. As it goes through the gravel, the ammonia
and nitrite are removed. The really big advantage is that the
gravel now becomes 'self-cleaning' because silt and
debris can't settle into it; instead the upwards flow of
water constantly cleans the gravel, pushing fine particles into
the water column.> Thanks again for your time and efforts
toward this fishy fun. Cheers, Don and Rosemary <Cheers,
Re: the incurable itch, now unid'ed FW crustacean
9/2/05 Okay, I just seen something. I was feeding my fish and
crawling on one of the apple snails was a bug, it looked like a common
flea that you would find on a dog or cat. It was brown and big for an
aquarium bug. I thought it was a bug that fell in my tank and was going
to drowned but it just crawled around on the snail and it was carrying
a little sac. It carried the sac some where near the snail's eye
and then I lost track of it because the snail retracted into its shell,
now comes the weirdest part. I think the bug crawled into my snails
butt and is just sitting there because I can see a brown thing through
the skin and I don't think it is poop because it isn't falling
out. I am not 100% sure though. I just put the apple snails in the tank
a few days ago and I KNOW they are healthy because they were born here
in a 20g tank down stairs where they have lived without fish for
several months. My step dad also has some of the snails including the
mother in his 60g tank and I have never before seen anything like this
bug in my tank. It is way too big for me to have missed crawling on one
of my fish. Any ideas? <Is very likely one of many freshwater
crustaceans. Very likely not harmful> It didn't look like fish
lice, or fish fleas, it was way too big, it was like at least the size
of the apostrophe on the keyboard. Oh yeah, also that is not a rock on
the bottom it is bog wood. <I see, thank you> Again thanks for
your help. I need it! I have to admit that I am sort of freaked out
about this and I am feeling pretty down. I had high hopes about getting
back into the hobby and was planning on adding either a few Kuhlis or
some dwarf frogs to the tank but it seems like my tank will never be
healthy. <Mmm, give it time... could be chemical/s leaching from the
bog wood... try removing this for a few weeks, the carbon...> I have
had problems right from the start despite all my efforts. I hope I can
get through this with all my fish and my tank intact. <There is
something likely very simple at play here... to be found, fixed in
time. Bob Fenner>
Help me I've got fleas I have a 6 gallon fish
tank with 4 fancy tailed guppies, a Chinese algae eater, and an ugly
sucker fish of some sort. I do not know the name of the sucker fish,
but believe that after I bought him and put him in my tank, is when the
problem started. I have some sort of fast breeding crustaceans taking
over my tank. I have broken my tank down and cleaned and cleaned and
cleaned it on several occasions, but they keep coming back. They seem
to start down in the gravel, then you can see them look like they are
floating up to the top, just to swim back down. After a week or so,
they will start up moving and down the walls of the tank, almost
marching like an army. I have asked several pet stores and they sell me
stuff to treat the fish with, even though I have tried to tell them
that the fish are fine. The fish will not eat these things and these
things do not attach themselves to the fish. I even dipped some out of
these things out of the tank and took it to several places that sell
fish. They don't have a clue what they are! I looked at 3 under a
5X's magnifying glass. They are light tan color, shaped like a
football with black dots (I could not see any legs), and feel like a
piece of sand. I hope you can help me with getting rid of these,
because I really do enjoy having a fish tank. < I think you have a
species of daphnia or water flea. Some small red species are edible to
fish, but others are hard and fish do not like them. I suspect that
your gravel or some live plants may be responsible. If you used a
inexpensive natural sand then I think the local river bed may have
contained some of these critters and it took them a little while to
reproduce in the numbers you now see. The red ones feed on algae
particles in the water. In fact some green water would be required to
keep them alive. I have seen something similar to what you describe in
with pond plants and duckweed all the time but I am not sure what they
eat. Since you have such a small tank I would take the tank apart. Then
I would wash the sand thoroughly in a five gallon bucket along with the
decorations. Carefully add a cup of bleach and let everything soak. The
water fleas should be floating to the top of the bucket dead. If not
then add another 1/2 cup of bleach. If everything is dead then I would
get some rubber gloves and wipe down the interior of the tank with the
bleach mixture. Rinse everything good at least three times. Put
everything back and check the chlorine levels in the water. Add a water
conditioner to remove any remaining chlorine residue. Your tank has now
been sterilized and you have no biological filtration so you will have
to carefully watch the ammonia levels until your tank gets cycled again
Don't add any of the water from the container with the fish. Pour
the fish into a net and place them back in the tank.-Chuck>
Freshwater shrimp? Dear Crew, We have unfortunately had a
small tragedy in our freshwater tank (240L, ph6.5-7, temp 75-77,
nitrates 0, hardness 3-4)...in with our neon tetras (11), black widow
tetras (6), Otos (5), Rams (3), Corys (6) we had had 5 "red claw
shrimp". Now from the pictures on your site and on all of the
other freshwater shrimp sites, they look like ghost shrimp, but are a
reddish/orange color. We bought them from one of the LFS staff who
lives in our area and breeds them in her tank. The biggest of these
fellows is about 2 inches long, and the smallest about 1 inch. Until
yesterday all was well (how can you tell there's going to be a but)
but yesterday evening I noticed small red shrimp on its back,
scrabbling a bit. I thought this was strange, so turned him over and
moved him into a sheltered corner, he seemed to be struggling, so I
wondered whether he was molting and turned off the tank lights to
minimize stress and left him to it. This morning at work I have
received an e-mail from home telling me that small red shrimp is no
more. So now I have 2 questions, first of all, do you have any ideas
what species these fellows might be? and secondly, what could have
killed small red? his legs and claws looked strangely pale and he
seemed sort of bunched up (cramp?) but apart from that we have no
clue... Any suggestions would be useful, we want to prevent the same
happening to the other 4. Thanks for your time. Nicola <Hey Nicola,
sorry to hear about your shrimp. It is hard to get a positive ID
without a good picture. The common ghost shrimp will not reach 2in.
Take a look at the link below, is it one of these guys?
http://www.calacademy.org/research/izg/SFBay2K/ghostshrimp.htm My first
concern would be water quality. I would do a good water change, and add
a poly filter to absorb metals and many other contaminants. Keep an eye
on the other shrimp, if it starts happening to the others we will know
that it was not a molting complication and can start troubleshooting
from there. Let us know how it goes, Best of Luck, Gage.> Nicola
Blay, BSc, MSc International Zoo Veterinary Group
Re: football shaped creatures I bought some
live plants for my freshwater aquarium at the pet store some time
ago. Some other stuff must have come along because pretty soon I
had some snails. I also got hundreds of little "bugs".
These things are barely visible. They scoot around in the tank.
Under a microscope they look like little footballs. Their bodies
open up like a clamshell and little hairs come out of the opening
and propel them around in the water. <<Not sure exactly what
they'd be but they are most likely harmless. I've heard of
similar creatures in other tanks, most of the time they seem to go
away on their own after a bit. You might use the Google search box
at www.wetwebmedia.com to see if you can find anything similar. It
is a good idea to fully quarantine any new plants just as you would
new fish to prevent these types of things and also diseases from
getting into your system.>> The only thing in my aquarium is
a little African frog and some of the snails. The frog is fine, but
the snails keep dying. I don't know if the little bug thingies
are responsible for the high snail mortality rate, or if it's
something else. Any ideas???? Russ <<I doubt these are
causing the death of the snails. FW snails multiply very rapidly
and I'm sure there is a lot more die-off than most people
generally notice just because there are usually fish and other
distractions in the tank. I wouldn't worry too much about it
unless it is causing problems in your ammonia/nitrite levels.
Ronni>> |
Re: football shaped creatures After a
little more research I discovered that these things must be some
kind if ostracod. <Yes! Nice pic!> They look like this except
their shape is more like a football. Supposedly they eat algae. I
couldn't find anything that said they were harmful to snails.
<No, they're (ostracod crustaceans) aren't> So these
little guys seem to be thriving but even though I change over 50%
of the water every two weeks my snails keep dying?? <I would
check the difference between your new and old water and store and
match their characteristics before using. Please see here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/water4maruse.htm
Bob Fenner> |

Shrimp/Crayfish As a Valentine's Day
gift for my two sons, my husband purchased two African Clawed
Frogs, while the man at the pet store was trying to catch the
albino frog, he came across a little guy my oldest son likes to
call "Pincher." He gave him to us for free since he
wasn't sure what he was. I think he's either a shrimp or
crayfish of some kind. How do you tell the difference between the
two? He's about 1 inch long with two pinchers and a
grayish/brown color and a flat fan like tail. I would greatly
appreciate your answer. Thank you. Susan <Hi Susan, generally
crayfish are larger than shrimp. It's hard to say without a
picture. Does it look like any of these: http://www.thekrib.com/Fish/Shrimp/
Regards, Gage>
Shrimp/Crayfish I am going to try and get a
picture sent to you of "Pincher". <Awesome> I
looked at the site you sent and couldn't find any one shrimp
that looked enough like him, they all resembled him but not
enough for me to say he's a shrimp. The only other way I can
describe him is he likes to hoard food, he at first didn't
mind the African Clawed Frogs but then suddenly started to chase
them around and even pinched off some of the little albino frogs
toes. <Maybe a crayfish, they are pretty aggressive.> He
has dug himself a little home in the gravel under a decoration in
the tank. I know this probably doesn't help you much more, so
like I said I'm going to try to get a picture sent to you.
Thanks for all your help. <In my experience freshwater shrimp
will usually do their best to hide and avoid confrontation with
anything and everything. This sounds like a crayfish to me, I
named mine "fish pinchin' crawdad" I'm working
on a country song about him. A picture would be great. Regards,
Gage> Susan
Mystery Shrimp - Fun with
Freshwater Inverts Hey all, <Hey, Chris> I have a rather
odd hitchhiker that came with my bumblebee shrimp today. It's
about the size of a large ghost shrimp, it's pincer arms are
about as long as it's body <This alone screams
"Macrobrachium!" Now, Macrobrachium *what* is the
question.> and are sort of banded in alternating pale red and
grayish-black. LFS said it'd snuck in with the bumblebee
shipment and hadn't injured/killed any of the bumblebees in the
couple weeks it had been in their tank at the store, but
they're not sure what it is. <Fun!> Well, due to various
chaos today involving having to return/exchange the tank I got for
Xmas (Marineland 10gs apparently have different dimensions than
All-Glass 10gs), having to take relatives to the zoo for their
annual Zoo Lights event, discovering I either need to buy an
adaptor for the power cord and/or change the outlet the tank was
going to be plugged into, my new 10g didn't get set up like
I'd planned it to be. <Boy, when things go wrong!> So,
for the night, the bumblebees (and unknown) all got placed in a 1
gallon tank with an airstone and some algae wafer bits. A short
time later, both my sister and myself observed this unknown shrimp
would wander the perimeter of the tank trying to pinch the tails of
all the bumblebees (who'd jump out of the way). <Oh yes.
Macrobrachium shrimps almost all are aggressive meat eaters. Fish,
shrimp, anything that holds still long enough to be nabbed, are all
at risk.> So the unknown got moved to a separate 1g, where
he's mostly watching the bumblebees in the tank next door.
<Dreaming of snacking, I'm sure.> (The bumblebees now
appear much happier, munching away on the algae wafer and exploring
instead of sitting in groups along the walls) <Probably feeling
a touch safer, now that they're not potential meals!> So,
can anyone ID this critter? <Your photos are quite unclear (no
offense, just an observation) and therefore very difficult to tell
anything for sure.... is it possible to get him into a position
against a solid background? It'd be especially nice to be able
to see his first pair of legs, their shape, color, etc. From what
you've given me, the best rough guess I can give you is
Macrobrachium japonicum.> I'm probably going to try and take
him back, unless someone can convince me he'd be better behaved
in the 10g with the bumblebees (and future fish inhabitants) rather
than how he acted when stuffed into a 1g with them. <I would not
expect him to change his ill manners, not at all. But it certainly
might be fun to hang on to him in his own tank, see what he grows
up to be! I'm sure he'll worm his way into your heart, even
with an unbeatable appetite and a bit of a bad disposition.>
I'm hazarding a guess it's some kind of Macrobrachium,
perhaps? <Almost definitely.> The object it's sitting on
in the photos is an airstone if that helps with scale at all. Given
the day it's been, you're probably going to tell me I just
got a future 5" monster shrimp that eats fish or something ;)
<Well.... ;) I do believe you're reading my mind! I'm
not at all certain on his ultimate size, though. I'd guess
somewhere in the neighborhood of a couple of inches. Small fish
would likely be at risk, and small shrimp, as you've observed,
certainly aren't safe. But again - don't give up on him
just yet! He may prove to be an endearing little dude, well
deserving of his own tank. Give him a chance, if you can.>
Thanks again for any help you're able to provide, Chris <You
betcha.> --Addendum-- A friend located this photo that sort of
looks like the unknown shrimp:
(scroll down to Striped-Hand Prawn and click on the image).
Although this site's photo is a bit redder than the one I have
appears. <This picture looks very much like Macrobrachium
japonicum to me.> And it seems to be the only site on the
internet that uses the name Striped-Hand Prawn (aren't common
names fun to deal with?) <Ugh. I think the world would be a far
less confusing place if we simply scrapped ALL common names.
*sigh*> Also, I already checked through the photos at http://www.wirbellose.de/arten.html#GroÃarmgarnelen
to try and ID it with no luck (Remembered the site from when it was
pointed out to me in the forums by vintage_fish <Hey, that's
me! ;) > several weeks ago in regards to a different species)
<Try this one: http://www.wirbellose.de/arten.cgi?action=show&artNo=220
. Do please look very closely at the faint striping on the legs (I
bet this is a juvenile or young female) and compare with your
shrimp. Also, try a Google search on Macrobrachium japonicum and
check out some of the pics that come up. If at all possible, try to
get a clearer pic on a plain (perhaps black) background. In any
case, a fun little fellah to find out more about, if you can spare
a tank for him! Wishing you well, -Sabrina> |
Mystery Shrimp - Fun with Freshwater Inverts -
II Hi Sabrina, thought you might get that e-mail ;) <It
strikes me that there simply aren't that many shrimp-obsessed
people around.... *sigh*> Thanks for the help, I think you may
be right with the species, maybe this one just hasn't gotten
its full color yet since it lacks the markings along its sides. I
located this site:
<I've seen that one, hoped you'd Google the name and
find it - glad you did> That has two pictures of females, the
lower one reminds me a little more of what mine is. I'll try to
get a better photo sent in (or posted in the forums) soon, still
trying to figure out proper fish photography with a digital camera
(best results so far have been with tank light off and flash on in
that 1g). <"I feel your pain" - my shrimp photos are
currently far worse than yours, so don't feel bad, not at
all!> The bumblebees are now in the 10g (blending in with the
Fluorite), <They are goo at that.> I was going to try
reintroducing the bully in the 10g after a few days (and after I
add some rockwork for hiding spots) but given this info, I'll
just keep him in the 1g while I figure out what to do with him.
<A good plan. Surely you've got room for a smallish tank
somewhere? He'd probably be fine in the 1g for a while.> LFS
has informed me their return policy on livestock only applies to
dead livestock. < .... That's simply insane. And stupid. And
insane. So, let me see if I've got this right.... They
won't take it back and sell it, but if you kill it and bring it
in, they'll refund you? That's.... Insane.> Happily, one
of the other Aquamaniacs moderators has offered it a home if I
don't/can't keep it, since she has two
"shrimpzillas" already that she was sold as ghost shrimp
(she thinks she's narrowed down the ID of hers to either Indian
or Thailand prawns). <Heh, if it weren't that shipping costs
suck, I'd gladly offer the li'l guy a home. Do consider
keeping him, I think you'd have fun learning about him. The
larger, aggressive shrimps can have a lot of personality (or seem
to, if you're a shrimp nut like me!).> Thanks again for the
help, Chris <Any time. Wishing you and your shrimpums well,
-Sabrina> |
Bugs in the water 4/29/08
As my friend looked into my tank tonight she asked me what was in
the tank. I told her it was just water junk because I had pulled
the filter cartridge out for an ick treatment. I was wrong. There
are a whole bunch of small bugs at the bottom of the tank. We have
not added anything into the tank recently. I had emailed your
website a while back with questions about some problems we had with
our mollies. It was suggested to change the water and to use a
section of a hose to siphon it out, because we were low on money
and couldn't buy one. We happened to have a hose we were going
to get rid of and cut a section of it out to use. I would imagine
these bugs came from the house and are quite happy living in our
tank. I don't have a clue if the fish are being affected or
what they are. They are a very very light tan color. The only thing
i can describe them as is a round little bug. It appears as if
there are quite a few of them now. I would love and advice on what
to do! Thank you!! -Tara <Mmm... need a better description...
likely this/these are either aquatic insects or some sort of
crustacean. Might be harmless, might not be. Bob Fenner>
Re: bugs in water 4/30/08
I was able to get some decent photos of the tiny
little bugs in our tank. I also took a video of the tank and you
can see them swimming around. <Neat... do have a rather
definitive type of locomotion...> They seem to stay near the
bottom of the tank and crawl on the rocks more than swimming. I
hope the video but I am not able to attach it to this email, if you
would like to view it let me know and I'll try to post it
online somewhere. <Try You-Tube...> I cropped the pictures to
reduce their size and show only the bugs. Thank you!-Tara Tara
Hendricks <This/these are very likely Ostracods... Seed
Shrimp... harmless, and quite interesting. Bob
Fenner> |

Re: bugs in water, FW Ostracods, video 5/1/08
I haven't been able to see them close enough to see how they
are moving. It almost looks like they glide across the rocks and
when they do swim in the water, I can't tell how. I got the
video uploaded. It isn't that great, trying to capture tiny
things, in water, through glass, isn't too easy. They are the
small dots that kind of randomly appear. I'd find one that
was moving and it would be gone before I knew it. Sorry I was
moving a lot, I was trying to find a spot where they were most
active. You definitely can't see them up close but you can
see them in the water a few times.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Edq-K70Etdc Tara Hendricks
<Makes one appreciate the "nature shows" doing such
work eh?! Thank you, BobF>
George in Greece... worms, copepod... ID
03/16/08 Dear Bob, As you can see in the photo there are two
types of worms and one type of copepod (freshwater). <Can
barely make these out> We are extremely interested in finding
out the following: a) species and if not, genus or even family.
b) are they harmful to fish (esp. fry) Your response will be
greatly appreciated. George & Marina <The blue thing is
obviously some sort of dipteran larva; the red things perhaps
small oligochaetes, but it's difficult to say. In either case
they're fish food rather than a problem! Fish fry *might* be
harmed -- I've lost baby Corydoras to planarians, for
example. But I suspect that the usual problem is that if the
water (or substrate) are "dirty" (bacteria-laden)
enough to support these small life forms, newly-hatched fish are
at greater risk of fungal infections. So in my case at least, the
planarians didn't kill the Corydoras fry, but simply attacked
the moribund ones. That'd be my guess, anyway. Cheers,

There is something living in my Betta's tank
8/4/07 I have a Betta (over a year old). When doing a partial water
change a few weeks ago I noticed very small black specks floating on
the surface. Last night when feed my Betta I saw these little specks
moving about on his rock and on the gravel below. There must be
hundreds of them. I removed the Betta from his tank as a precaution.
The local fish store doesn't know what these specks are. The fish
seems fine, just a little irritated at getting moved out of his home.
The tank has gravel, a plastic rock to hide in and a plant that grew
from a bulb. Any ideas as to who the new neighbors are and should I be
concerned about them? Thank you for you help. <Mmm, well... could be
a number of types of life... worms, crustaceans of sorts... but not
likely deleterious/harmful. A photo (micro) graph or loupe examination
will likely get you to the phyla level in ID. You could bleach/destroy
these (see WWM re), but I would likely ignore them. Bob Fenner>
Re: There is something living in my Betta's tank
8/5/07 Hi, <Hello again> Thanks for getting back to me. This
morning I had to take our 4 legged pet to our vet, and while I was
there I asked if she could put one of the little critters under a
microscope and see what these specks looked like. She had not seen them
before but they appear to be an oval crustacean. A first, it was just a
brown/tan oval covered with hairs/cilia. When we continued to look, it
would open up very quickly like a bi-valve or clam. <Ah, very likely
an Ostracod... aka seed shrimp... See Google images re> Maybe it
uses this action for movement, like a scallop?? We came to a similar
conclusion as you, that it was harmless. Perhaps they have been in the
tank along time, but with the warmer temps, their population exploded
and they became obvious. Meanwhile, "Cosmo Bubbles Wong" has
been returned to his freshly cleaned tank, and is once again happy.
Thank you for your help, You know us fish mom's, we worry over
everything. Susan <A pleasure to assist you. Bob Fenner>
Re: There is something living in my Betta's tank
8/6/07 Yep, it's an Ostracod! Fascinating little creatures.
Thanks again. <Ahh! What a planet eh? Thank you! BobF>
Is this an isopod? 4/6/07 Dear Crew Members,
<Deborah> I've spent the last few hours on WetWebMedia
trying to find an answer to this question with no clear answers so,
I'm once again turning to the crew. The filter on my 15GAL
Fresh Water tank gave out last month and, while disposing of it, I
noticed some little critters attached to the BIO-wheel. They looked
very similar to isopods. <Yes> Since I didn't see any
more, I forgot all about it. Today, I was doing a water change and
saw multiple shells (possibly exoskeletons) from these same little
creatures inside the tank. They all appeared to be dead but, they
had gotten under the lip of the tank and into the light casing
leaving remnants behind. All of my fish look great and none have
anything attached to them. I'm attaching a couple of pictures
in hopes that you can tell me what these are. Are they an
infestation? <Mmm... I actually doubt it/this... as you would
very likely see a more than decimation of your fish population...
chew marks et al.> If so, how do I get rid of them? Either way,
how are they normally introduced to the tank? Any help will be
greatly appreciated, as always. Thanks, Deborah (tank rat)
<These may be isopods... but more like "Wood
Lice/Louse"... just having a drink so to speak... See Google
with the term, "Freshwater Isopods"... and look at the
images... Bob Fenner> |

Re: Zoa and Amphipod Problems... Unrelated
3/21/07 Hello Mich I'm back again.. <Doug, it's been
so long, what 24 hours, maybe more! Hee!> I'm seeing
something very similar in my freshwater planted tanks as well..
They look similar to the ones in my SW tank just smaller.. Maybe
.125" compared to .2-.4" in my SW tank.. These fw ones
will eat pellets, cutup shrimp and catfish fillets.. They also like
to rip moss to shreds.. This pic is of one tearing the fronds off
of a piece of moss.. A friend took this pic.. <WOW! A great
macro shot!> Are they similar? <Likely so.> Do you think
there is a chance that the SW ones might eat meatier foods like the
fw ones do? <Yes, they are detritivores... eat waste... dead
foods, not living corals, thought they may appear to be as they
will stealing food and cleaning waste from corals.> Thank you in
advance for any info.. <You're welcome! -Mich> Doug Again
I'm attaching a link to the pic because I don't know how to
resize.. http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c306/fishnfst/gammashrimppic-1.jpg
<This is a fine option. And again a wonderful photo, kudos to
your friend!> |
A Gammarid beauty!