FAQs on Freshwater
Filter Media
Related Articles: Know Your Filter Media, A
Concise Guide to Your Options by Neale Monks,
Filtration, Power Filter Impressions,
A review of some popular mechanical filtration systems
by Steven Pro, Canister
Filters By Steven Pro, Setting
up a Freshwater Aquarium, Tips
for Beginners,
Related FAQs: Biological Filtration, Establishing Cycling, FW Sponge Filters, FW Canister Filters, FW Hang-on Filters, Ultraviolet Sterilizers,
Do marine pure biofilter media balls really work?
http://www.cermedia.com/marinepure-products.php >
I have then in my freshwater aquarium for 3 months
I took one out no change looks like new.
I think it's a hoax there is no proof.
<Well; these products should "work" in time; as bio-films are made, they
become populated.
Are you experiencing ammonia, nitrite, nitrite issues? Bob Fenner>
Re: re: Marinepure.... More reading
I had and still have high a nitrate problem that's the only problem I
have It did not change.
<Mmm; well; the "Cer" line will reduce (as in reduction; anaerobic)
Nitrate; GIVEN enough volume of the media, a slow flow rate about it.
Let's have you read here:
and the linked files above. BobF>
Re: Re: re: Marinepure.... and more reading
There are so many freshwater aquarium filters
which one do you think is the best for a 20gal.goldfish aquarium?
<.... stop writing and start searching, reading on WWM. I'll look up for
you one last time:
Filter media placement in HOB filter, FW
1/26/09 Hello WWM crew, <Hello Audra.> My 30 hexagon is
a new tank that is about 80% cycled (no fish in it). It was used as a
quarantine tank for 2 weeks before I moved the fish in it to their
permanent home. My question is, in what order should I place the media
in my AquaClear 70 filter? Instead of using the foam that comes with
it, I'd like to use a flat filter pad. I understand these save
space and work well to remove toxins and debris from the water. <Not
all do, Polyfilters and some of the recent copies do.> I have to add
crushed coral, carbon (when needed) and biological media. Is crushed
coral considered a chemical media? <No, biological, maybe a
mechanical in the right setting. You plan to put the crushed coral in
the filter? If in the tank do consider a smaller grain media, the
larger crushed coral ends up serving as a detritus collector, a nitrate
factory.> I'm concerned about it being in the same filter with
my bio media. There's not much surface space in the tank, so I hope
my filter is an option. <Hmmm, any plans for a protein skimmer? This
will help you out both with the aeration and filtration of this
system.> Audra <Scott V.>
Re: Filter media placement in HOB filter...Scott
V. actually getting it this time 1/27/09 Hi Scott V., thanks
for the quick response. <Welcome....I guess.> The filter pad
I'm using is a Polyfilter. My 30 gallon hexagon set-up consists of
a bubble disk, small airstone, some plastic plants, the AquaClear 70
filter, and a sponge filter. Both filters are sufficient for 60+ gallon
tanks. Aren't protein skimmers used in marine or saltwater tanks? I
have freshwater. <Skimmers are for marine tanks, I do apologize. It
does change things a bit. After answering so many marine queries you
start to think everything has salt in it!> My PH is very hard but
low alkaline, so the crushed coral is to buffer the water. <I
see.> I've used it in the natural gravel before, but I
didn't like the results. Can I place the media in my filter as
follows: Polyfilter, crushed coral bag, carbon and then bio media?
<Certainly.> I probably could put the bio media bag in the
Penguin filter instead. Your thoughts? <Either could work, I would
go whichever route forces more water through the media itself, not
around it. Sorry again for the mix up, Scott V.>
Aquascaping and other Topics, rock, mech. and
chem. filter media 12/31/09 Hello Crew, Hope all
of you had a very merry Christmas and are preparing for a great New
Year! I have a question on aquascaping, please. I have read that when
using rock in the aquarium it is best to always use the same type and
not mix them because it ruins the effect. <Mmm, can, but not
always... or not necessarily. Have seen more than one size, texture,
color in tanks, the wild....> I wanted your opinion as to whether or
not it would be OK to use different colors of the same rock, such as
red and white. <Sure> Also, in a power filter, please tell me
what kind of mechanical filtration is best for trapping smaller
particles without decreasing the water flow a great deal constantly.
<Mmm... no "one answer" here... I like cheap "blue
batting" from the yardage store, or the equivalent you can buy
Dacron polyester labeled/packaged for fish tank use in a good deal of
settings... but the re-use-able Ehfi- flockens from Eheim et al. are
excellent in canister filters, the ceramic and sintered glass beads can
be of use... even pre-packaged GACs....> The filter I have comes
with sponges for this purpose but I have never used them and don't
know how well they work. <Try them out> Also, I have seen sheets
of padding that can be cut to any size that are supposed to work well,
but have no experience with those either. <Are what many aquarium
service co.s use...> And lastly, please tell me if you are familiar
with the PuraPad and if so is it really as good as advertised? <Some
folks have stated great satisfaction...> If so, would it make sense
to use it along with Purigen or would that be overkill? As always,
thanks for doing such a great job. James <I would just use one or
the other... with the cautionary notes and rationale I've
posted/archived on WWM. Bob Fenner>
What type of filter media should I use? (RMF, comments on
Hexamita, carbon?) 7/13/08 I have been searching
for many answers in your forum for the past few days, and I must
say "thank you" for all of this information. I have
answered most of my questions using the search. To explain
myself, I would like to give a little background. <Ok.> A
friend of mine moved out of the area and asked me to take his
aquarium. There is one very large Oscar in a 35 gallon Hex
aquarium with an Marineland Emperor 280 power filter. <Ah,
first problem: the tank is _way_ too small for an Oscar, arguably
even for a juvenile, let alone an adult. A tank twice this size
would be much more reasonable. All cichlids are sensitive to
dissolved metabolites -- that means ammonia, nitrite, and
nitrate. So you need both good filtration (to deal with the
nitrite and ammonia) and aquarium capacity to dilute the nitrate.
Water changes of 25-50% per week are needed to further dilute the
nitrate. Without this sort of regimen, cichlids are extremely
prone to disease, especially Hexamita and Hole-in-the Head.>
The Oscar started getting HITH disease even though I do weekly
water changes and according to my LFS, all tests show very good
water quality for this type of fish. <There you go. Am I good
or what? The point here is that the tank is too small. While it
is (theoretically) possible to keep cichlids in small tanks by
doing massive (e.g., 90%) water changes on a daily basis, the
only practical way to keep them as low-maintenance pets is to use
a big tank so that water changes can be spaced out.> I read on
your pages about Oscars that HITH may be caused by stress from
the aquarium being too small, as well as the use of carbon.
<Both these things have been cited in the past as possible
triggers. But the balance of opinion nowadays relates HITH to the
protozoan Hexamita, an organism that probably lives harmlessly
enough in the digestive tracts of many aquarium fish, including
cichlids. But when conditions decline, e.g., nitrate exceeds 20
mg/l, the fish's immune system stops working properly and the
Protozoans can spread, causing harm. The precise symptoms depends
on where the Protozoans end up, which is why Hexamita and HITH
had been considered separate diseases for a long time. Both
diseases fall under the category of "easy to prevent,
difficult to cure".> My friend, and now myself, has
always used Marineland Diamond Blend Filter Media in the Emperor
280's media basket 'which is carbon and ammonia
remover combined. <Not a huge fan of chemical media, either
carbon or Zeolite, in freshwater tanks. Neither serves much
purpose when compared with the much bigger benefits obtained by
doing large (50% weekly) water changes instead. Zeolite is doing
something your filter bacteria is doing anyway, so is utterly
redundant except in tanks (e.g., hospital tanks, sub-pH6 tanks)
where it isn't possible to use biological filtration. In the
past the theory was carbon removed dissolved organics from the
water, letting you minimise water changes. When I started in the
hobby, "old water" was recommended for freshwater fish,
with aquarium books often suggesting 10-25% water changes a month
as reasonable. Over time the dissolved organics made the water
more acidic and gave it a yellow colour. If you do big, weekly
water changes, none of this happens, so the carbon is redundant.
Furthermore, to actually work properly, carbon needs to be
replaced at least monthly, something hardly anyone in freshwater
fishkeeping does. So all you get is carbon behaving as an
(admittedly reasonably good) substrate for filter bacteria.
Instead I would recommend using exclusively top-notch biological
such as Siporax together with mechanical filter media that can be
cleaned/replaced according to your budget. You should also have a
filter offering not less than 6 times (and ideally 10 times) the
volume of the tank in turnover per hour (irrespective of the
"recommended aquarium" size offered by the manufacturer
of said filter, as these assume best-case scenarios of tanks with
small, clean fish like Neons).> I purchased a 75 gallon
aquarium, and an additional Emperor 280 power filter. I plan to
use both of the 280 filters on the 75 gallon. <These filters
offer filtration of 280 gallons per hour each, and for your tank
I'd recommend at least 450 gallons per hour total and ideally
up to 750 gallons per hour. With big, messy fish -- the more the
better. I am not wild about hang-on-the-back filters though
because they don't seem to be as flexible as canister
filters. I want filters that can have the inlet and outlet put
where I want them, not limited by the design. I don't like
filters that use proprietary "modules" either -- I want
to be able to put whatever media I want in the filter. Hence
I'd always recommend a decent canister filter such as the
excellent value and highly reliable Eheim 2217. At about 260
gallons per hour, two of these would provide adequate filtration
and three would provide excellent filtration. They are basically
empty buckets into which you cram in whatever media you want. For
an Oscar, a mix of sponges/filter wool for solid waste and then
lots of ceramic noodles for biological filtration would be ideal.
Eheim filters may be slightly more expensive than generic Chinese
brands, but they last forever (or at least 10+ years) and such
spare parts as you might need (like the rubber seals that will
wear out after a while) are cheap and easy to obtain.> From
the reading on your site, I have used water from the old aquarium
in the new aquarium. <Makes absolutely no difference. The
bacteria are not in the water column or even sitting on the
gravel (much) but in the filter media. Unplug a mature filter
from one tank and connect it to another tank with similar water
chemistry, and you it will carry on working perfectly. You can
also donate 50% of the media from a mature filter to a new filter
to instantly cycle the new filter without causing any harm to the
mature filter.> I also placed the new filter on the old
aquarium in order to ready the new filter's bio-wheel. Since
you do not recommend carbon in a freshwater aquarium, and this
could be causing the HITH disease, what would you recommend I use
in the filter media baskets? <As stated above.> Also, the
Marineland "Rite-Size E" filter cartridges come packed
with activated carbon. Should I slice these open and remove the
carbon? <Nope. Just consider them money down the drain. Or at
least that's how I view them. Activated carbon is a posh way
of saying "charcoal", and a great way for manufacturers
to sell you something at a premium that costs very little to
make. These "filter cartridges" are overpriced for what
they are anyway, and that just adds insult to injury. Over the
long term, a plain vanilla canister filter into which you can add
whatever media you choose will work out so much cheaper, as well
as working MUCH MUCH better.> Thank you for all your help, Jay
<Cheers, Neale.> <<I am in agreement. RMF>>
Re: What type of filter media should I use? -
07/13/08 I understand what you are saying about filtration,
but given my budget and what I have already spent, do you think
the two Emperor 280's hanging on the back plus one Eheim 2217
(as you suggested as a good canister) would suffice for this 75
gallon with the one large Oscar? The 280s come with empty media
chambers and I will pick up Siporax as you suggested to fill
these with. The Eheim is 260gph and the two Emperor filters are
280 each. This would bring my turnover to approx 820gph
(manufacturer spec). Thanks again, Jay <Hello Jay. What you
propose should work. But you'd want to be clever about where
you positioned all these filters to that they weren't all
pumping water around just one end of the tank. With big aquaria,
it's important to make sure the bottom of the tank receives
lots of water current. So perhaps you'd arrange the Eheim so
the spray bar pushes water downwards rather than forwards. Even
better (and not expensively) you could couple the canister filter
with an undergravel filter plate to create a "reverse flow
undergravel" filter. This works by the filter pushing water
into the filter plate via what would ordinarily be the uplift.
The water then comes upwards through the gravel, further
supporting nitrifying bacteria and incidentally also keep the
gravel much cleaner than otherwise. While not much used nowadays,
undergravel filters work amazingly well, and provide good water
quality at low cost. A 75-gallon tank should work nicely for an
Oscar (or a mated pair). Cheers, Neale.>
Re: What type of
filter media should I use? - 07/13/08 Thank you for the
quick responses and for the great information. I would have never
thought about using an undergravel filter to create uplift.
<Used to be very common during the 1980s, and much appreciated
in tanks such as Mbuna systems where you want to combine good
biological filtration with the chemical buffering provided by a
calcareous substrate. Out of fashion nowadays because
undergravels generally don't work with plants, and that's
the direction advanced freshwater hobbyists tend to go.> The
Emperor 280 filter's water intake tubes have a dual intake. I
will have one at each end of the 75g aquarium, so water will be
pulled into the filter from the bottom and middle of the tank and
at both ends. Should I position the Eheim pickup in the middle of
the aquarium near the water surface? <Without seeing these
filters _in situ_ it's difficult to make any pronouncements
here! But here's my test. Put individual flakes of food in
the aquarium at different positions and depths. Watch the flakes
drift around. If they move about constantly wherever you put the
flake, then you're fine. If they collect in certain corners,
then you have a "dead patch". If you find the flakes
drift slower at some points than others, you have inconsistent
water flow. In either case, review the position of the
inlets/outlets and try again. As always, theory is fine, but
actual experimentation is better!> Maybe even build a skimmer
box that the Eheim pickup could pull water from in order to clean
the water surface?? <Largely a waste in non-planted tanks.
Surface skimmers are great for removing bits of leaves and such
that float about. In non-planted tanks this isn't an issue.
Rather, your problem is going to be faeces and uneaten food
collecting on the substrate. Water changes will help (stir the
gravel a bit each time) but my "tip of the day" is to
buy a turkey baster. These are great for spot-cleaning waste in
large tanks. Cheap and very effective. Also very useful for
catching fry and separating eggs from mouthbrooding fish. No
aquarist should be without one!> Your expertise is greatly
appreciated. Thank you, Jay <Cheers, Neale.>
Cottonballs??? for filter
media 2/23/08 Hello Neale!!!! How is
everything going? It's been a while since I have talked to you:.
Anyway, I have a question (again). Is it okay to use cotton balls for
your filter instead of the foam/sponge things you put into your filter
to trap debris? Is it safe to use cotton balls? Thanks for your help
once more. <Hello John. I'd think not; products like cotton
balls are likely treated with bleaches and other chemicals to make them
white. While harmless enough when dabbed on our skin, I have no idea if
residual chemicals might leach out when placed in an aquarium for
months at a time. In any case: sponges are better value, as a ceramic
hoops, as these will last many years if properly cared for (i.e.,
rinsed off periodically). Hope this helps, Neale.> Thanks for your
quick response again. <Cool. Cheers, Neale.>
pad... English... filter media maint.
12/5/07 hi guys I have a question . on my 140
gallon system I use Pura filtration pad by Magnavore I was wondering
how often should I change them? thanks for all the help tom <Hi Tom.
Please use capital letters next time you write. Since we use these FAQs
to share information with others, anything you do to help in terms of
clarity and legibility is appreciated. Anyway, these pads are supposed
to be replaced every month, according to the manufacturers. Whether or
not the relatively minor benefits these sorts of chemical filter media
pads provide is cost effective will be your call. But I will make the
point that in most freshwater tanks, 50%+ water changes every week will
do at least as much good as things like carbon and nitrate removers for
a merest fraction of the cost. Cheers, Neale.>
Storage of temporary Filter Media
12/5/07 Hi WWM crew, being new to this forum, like everybody before
me, I truly would like to express my gratitude for what you do at WWM.
It's an awesome source of information! I am going through planning
a 40G Tanganyika Tank for smaller Sand Cichlids, so I am sure this will
not be my last question. However I just still have to translate my
questions from German... Anyway, tonight I was wondering if you guys
have an advice how to store temporary filter media, like PhosGuard or
Purigen? I'd like to run them from time to time as needed and
confirmed by water testing, on my 10G planted tank and later the 40G.
As these media are not that cheap and as I might not fully exhaust them
in one run, I was hoping I could take them out of the filter and store
them until the next time. What would be the procedure? Dry them? Keep
them in tank water in a plastic bag? Would that kill the bacteria on it
and actually create a problem next time the media gets tank exposure?
Thank you Jorg <Guten Tag, Jorg! Chemical
filter media, like nitrate and phosphate removers, can usually be
stored dry. First dry them off (e.g., on a radiator) and then when dry
place in a dust-proof container, such as Tupperware. Some can be
recharged. If cost is an issue, then spending more money to get
rechargeable brands of media might make sense in the long term. Here in
England, water often has up to 50 mg/l nitrate out of the tap. This is
too much of Tanganyikan cichlids. So using de-ionised water, or
rainwater, suitably hardened is preferable. I use rainwater, and it is
a very cheap and safe option. If you start off with low-nitrate,
low-phosphate water to begin with, you may not need chemical filter
media at all. When using chemical filter media in the
'polluted' water of Southern England, I find the cost/benefit
ratio not at all favourable! You need A LOT of nitrate remover to make
much difference! I hope this helps. Tchuess! Neale.>
Re: Storage of temporary Filter Media
12/5/07 Hi Neale, <Jorg,> thanks for your reply. I
am in New York, and so far I've used a local brand bottled water
(Poland Spring), which is very soft, very low KH as well. <Hmm...
not ideal for Tanganyikans!> For the 10G planted + a couple of
Tetras, fixing the water up to the right values is no problem. Cost is
ok, too, as I don't need that much. As of now I've pH 7.0 / GH
7 dKH / KH 1.3 dKH / NH3 0mg / NO2 0mg / NO3 0.5mg. KH is really low,
but as of my understanding it is difficult [impossible?] to raise KH
without also raising pH as long as you don't use CO2, right?
<Correct. In low KH aquaria, water chemistry (i.e. pH) stabilisation
is best achieved using "soft water" buffers, typically based
on phosphoric acid. Personally, I'd never keep any tank at less
than 5 degrees KH unless there was an overwhelming reason to do so,
e.g., I was breeding Apistogramma. Adding small amounts of crushed
coral to the filter can be a cheap and effective way to add KH to the
tank. It's a bit of trial-and-error, adding small amounts every
week or two, and then seeing if it adds enough KH or not. The
"goal" is to have enough to raise the KH to 5 degrees or so
but not much higher.> And for the Tetras I even could have a lower
pH (6.8?) <No real advantage. Fish don't really care about pH,
except perhaps for things like sex ratios of fry. What they don't
like are sudden changes or extremes (causes acidosis or alkalosis).
Water hardness is much more relevant, because this is what impacts
osmoregulation.> NH3 and NO2 are not "zero" I'm sure
but my $6.99 test isn't any more precise... The Tap water seems
clean as far as I can say, still have to do the NO3 there. Values are
similar to the above, however GH is very low at about 1 dKH. KH is also
very low, actually so low that I got the Salifert Test, as the El
Cheapo Test, would barely show any KH. <I believe that this is
typical of New York tap water.> I'll have a more detailed look
into it when it comes to chlorine + phosphates + organic compounds. So
far I think the water is a usable source, and I'm planning to do it
"saltwater-style", having a 20G container ready, aerated and
heated with the right values for the Tanganyika Tank. <Agreed; the
water is nice and clean, and provided the aquarium contains lots of
calcareous material, small water changes shouldn't cause major
problems in terms of pH stability. Remember, Tanganyikan cichlids
don't need huge amounts of hardness for the sake of hardness, but
for the pH stability. You can mix your own Tanganyikan salts quite
easily using cheap ingredients. Or you can buy them ready made.>
Thanks again for your help and input, and greetings to England. Joerg
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Storage of temporary Filter Media
12/5/07 Neale, thanks again for your quick reply. Will work on
the KH. Oyster shells ok? Regards, Jorg <Yes. Smash them
up with a hammer though: more fragments = more surface area exposed to
the water = faster rate of dissolution = quicker elevation of the KH.
Start cautiously, with maybe 1/2 cup of the stuff in the filter and see
what happens. You may decide it is easier to fill up a big media bag of
the stuff, place in a 5 gallon bucket, add water, and wait a week or
two for the water to harden up naturally. You can then take water from
there and add to the aquarium as required. Do have a read of these:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwsoftness.htm Cheers,
Siporax in power filter question, FW
ap. 2/23/07 Crew- <Michael> I
hope all is well. I'm writing today with a few questions regarding
the placement of Siporax beads. Specifically, I'm setting up a
15-gallon freshwater dwarf puffer tank. I'm using an Aquaclear Mini
(100 gph) for filtration. Inside the Aqua clear's media chamber,
I'd like to place a Dacron bag filled with Siporax beads for their
nitrification and denitrification benefits. <An excellent idea,
proposition> I plan to cut the sponge in half to increase the volume
of Siporax that I can place into the filter. I also plan on using Aqua
clear's carbon insert in the media chamber (in between the sponge
and the Siporax). My actual question regards exposing the Siporax bag
to air when cleaning the filter. Will I be drastically harming the
anaerobic population if I transfer the Dacron bag from the filter
(through the air) to a small bowl filled with aquarium water (and then
back when finished cleaning)? <Mmm, no... the majority of said
anaerobes are located deep within the fractured areas of these sintered
glass beads> I realize that the anaerobic colony resides in the
anoxic "innards" of the beads (devoid of oxygen), but I have
no idea if air will penetrate these regions during such a transfer. Any
help is always greatly appreciated. Also, if you feel that my placement
of media should be rearranged in any way (in terms of order), I value
your advice. Thanks, Mike <Likely little issue here... I would avoid
much in the way of rinsing such media... Bob Fenner>