Related FAQs; Flatworms/Planaria 1,
Flatworms 2, Flatworms 3, & FAQs on:
Flatworm Identification,
Flatworm ID 2, Flatworm ID 3, Flatworm Behavior, Flatworm Compatibility,
Flatworm Control, Predator Control,
Chemical Control, Flatworm Selection, Flatworm Systems, Flatworm Feeding, Flatworm Disease, Flatworm Reproduction,
Related Articles: Pest Flatworm Control by
Anthony Calfo, Worm
/The Conscientious Reef
Flatworms, including
"Planaria" & Marine Aquariums, Part
To: Part 1,
Part 2,
Part 3, Part 4,
Part 6
By Bob Fenner
Genus Thysanozoon:
Thysanozoon flavomaculatum Red Sea
image. |

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to large (desktop size) copies. Click on "framed" images
to go to the larger size. |
Thysanozoon nigropapillosum (Hyman 1969).
Dorsal surface black with short papillae tipped with yellow. White
band around edge. Mid Indian Ocean east to Western Pacific. Photo
taken off Pulau Redang, Malaysia. |

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to large (desktop size) copies. Click on "framed" images
to go to the larger size. |
Thysanozoon-Acanthozoon sp. Raja Ampat
image. |
A Host of Unknowns:
An undescribed Euryleptid in Bali 2014.
Indo-West Pacific. To 3 cm, 1.25" |
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to large (desktop size) copies. Click on "framed" images
to go to the larger size. |
Bigger PIX:
The images in this table are linked
to large (desktop size) copies. Click on "framed" images
to go to the larger size. |

Parasitic Flatworms: Black-Spot Disease of Yellow
My graduate school roommate Mike
Kent worked out the life-cycle of this Platyhelminth,
Paravortex for his Master's Thesis. Other authors list
the use of organo-phosphate containing medications to rid Yellow
Tangs and other fishes (7 families, 130 some species) and their
system of this Turbellarian, but a simple freshwater dip, sans
copper or anything else, wipes them out without having to put
anything in your main system. After this knowledge became common
and a routine freshwater dip procedure was adopted by
wholesalers, we had a Dickens of a time getting more
Paravortex. If your system will accommodate a cleaner
goby, shrimp, by all means include one.

Flatworms as Predators!
Bigger PIX:
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to large (desktop size) copies. Click on "framed" images
to go to the larger size. |
Flatworm Predators on Parade!
Due to their bad taste, often outright toxicity, most flatworms are
unpalatable to predators. However, there are notable exceptions. Some
that may work are listed/pictured below:
Chelidonura varians Eliot
1903, THE Flatworm Eating Sea Slug!
Tropical Indo-West Pacific. To seven cm. in length. This one off of
Heron Island, Queensland, Australia. |

Lysmata wurdemanni (Gibbes 1850), Peppermint
Shrimp, Caribbean Cleaner Shrimp. Tropical West Atlantic. Lives
singly or in groups. Gets along with all aquarium species.
Commercially produced. A reclusive, sometimes misidentified species
(there are other shrimp from the area that are similar) used in the
fight to limit Aiptasia Anemones in aquariums. |
Halichoeres chrysus Randall 1981 (1), is a
fish of two "good" and one bad common name. It should
be called the Golden or Canary Wrasse for its bright bold
sun-yellow color, but is most often listed as the Yellow Coris
Wrasse (Arggghhh!, it is not a Coris genus member of course).
This is an exemplary aquarium species that is suitable for
peaceful fish-only and reef systems. To a mere 4 inches or so
total length. Aquarium & S. Sulawesi photos. Eastern Indian
Ocean distribution.

Pseudocheilinus evanidus Jordan &
Evermann 1903, the Pin-Striped or Striated Wrasse (2). I like
this fish's other common names, the Disappearing or Vanishing
Wrasse for its bashfulness. To a grand size of three inches.
Indo-Pacific, including Red Sea and Hawai'i. Two in the Red
Pseudocheilinus hexataenia (Bleeker 1857),
the Sixline Wrasse (2). A feisty, though small (to 4") a reef
tank species. Indo-Pacific, including the Red Sea in its
distribution. Aquarium and Queensland, Australia images. |
All Polyclad Flatworms are carnivorous, and
specific about their prey. Most feed on sea squirts, bryozoans, small
worms, crustaceans, or snails, but some are cannibalistic.
Platyhelminths are true hermaphrodites... being
both male and female. Cross-fertilization is the rule with a
"pair" rudely stabbing one another with a hard penile stylet
to enact sperm transfer. As you know due to exposure with Planaria,
they can also generate new individuals by splitting asexually.
To: Part 1,
Part 2,
Part 3, Part 4,
Part 6