FAQs on Marine Water
Quality involving Iron
Related Articles: Ammonia,
Nitrates, Nitrites, Phosphate, Diatoms, Water Purification Using Reverse Osmosis,
Water Changes, Water Quality, Synthetic or Natural Seawater, Nitrates,
Related FAQs: Nitrates, Nitrites, Ammonia, Phosphate, Chemical
Filtrants, Diatom Control
1, RO/DI
& Distilled Water 1,
red Goniopora question 4/2/12
<... our guidelines call for maximum file sizes of a
few hundred Kbytes... yours is 5.5 megs... WHY?>
Greetings WWM crew,
I've been having a problem with my established red
ORA Goniopora,
<... misplaced. And you haven't searched, read ahead of
writing us. Do so:
and the linked files above. Follow directions or go elsewhere.
Bob Fenner>>
which has not opened in about ten days. It's been
thriving in my 90 gallon reef tank for about 15 months, growing
from the size of a golf ball (when closed) to tennis ball
size now. It has not been moved, T5 lighting hasn't
changed (bulbs around 6 months old), I'm still using the same
salt mix (salinity) and my own RO/DI water. Everything else
in the tank looks great; all fish are happy and eating well, and
all other corals are wide open and growing quickly (including a
green Goniopora that's been in the tank for about 6
months). I did recently add a small yellow mimic tang and
pencil wrasse, but I've never seen either mess with the red
goni and they were together for about 2 weeks before the coral
closed up shop. Also, the red goni shows no signs of tissue
degeneration: the polyps aren't pulled in super tight, but
are not extending at all. For the first few days I thought
that maybe it just wasn't hungry, but now am starting to
All the tank parameters look good, except that the ph has been a
little low, 7.9-8.1 (which is typical in my aquarium).
Readings are as follows: sg 1.026; calcium 420, alkalinity 13.4
dKH, ammonia and nitrite 0, phosphates .36ppm (also typical in my
tank). I run carbon and phosphate reactors (using SeaChem
matrix carbon and Brightwell extrax Phos), and switched out all
media a few days ago. Also, I have extra carbon and poly
filter pads between sump chambers that all tank water passes
through. I regularly supplement with coral color, vitamin C
and Iodine. I have not checked Magnesium or Iodine lately
but will tonight. Also have plentiful macro algae and
copepods in refugium lit with T5's This tank receives weekly
10-15% water changes, and the critters inside get a varied diet
of frozen, pellet, and (targeted) liquid foods daily (with the
return off for about 45 minutes).
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. This coral is
the star of my tank and would be a devastating loss. 2
pictures attached, 1 close-up of goni, 1 full tank
Thanks much for your ever invaluable assistance,
Re: red Goniopora
Sorry Bob
<Eric! Our rinky dink webmail program has too limited a
storage/size... ALL has to be expediently processed or the mail
starts getting kicked back>
I didn't even think about the size of the attachments.
As for reading ahead: I did read ahead but couldn't find the
<READ please re the genus on WWM... HAS to be set on the
substrate (sand, mud ideally), ALL polyps have to be individually
fed... NEEDs high nutrient levels... B>
Goniopora update, Fe saves
Greetings Crew
I emailed about ten days ago about a declining red ORA Goniopora
that had stopped opening for over two weeks. Bob chastised
me for sending in pictures that were larger than allowed,
<Sounds about right>
and referred me to the FAQ pages; however, the only info I found
there indicated that I should not have the animal in the rockwork
but in the sand bed (I have two in my tank, both about 4 inches
off the sand on rock ledges, that have been doing great for 6
months (a green one), and 15 months (a red one)).
I moved the red one to the sand, and while its condition did not
improve, several of the polyps along the base of the coral
died. Thus, I moved it back to its earlier spot. I
recently bought the Coral Color Pro kits which provide a test for
Iron, and which showed that my iron had indeed reached a very low
level. I upped it with the coral color C product, and
voila, within 24 hours the Goniopora began to open up, and in 72
hours it had returned to its normal, healthy condition.
I hope this information can help others who have declining
Goni's, so thought I would share.
<I thank you>
As always, much appreciation for your site and helpful
<Cheers, BobF>
Rust ~ 01/12/09 Thanks for all you guys do,
its so nice to have this resource. <Thank you!> I hope this is a
simple yes or no question, but what is in this hobby... Will small
amounts of rust in a reef or fish only tank contribute to nuisance
algae outbreaks? <Not without other fueling factors, really the
least of your worries when it comes to algae.> Like a small wire
rusting above the tank, and particles falling in over time? ( Bet you
could guess I have a small rusting wire over my tank with an algae
outbreak going on.) I have previously written you guys about the algae,
and am systematically following your previous advice trying to track
down the source. I realize there is lots more that can contribute, but
for this email, I'm only interested in the rusty wire. <Not a
big factor in the big picture. But by all means, remove or replace the
rusty wire! If it is not in use you can certainly get rid of the thing.
If it is in use, well, rusty wires are not a good thing!> Thanks,
Ken. <Welcome, Scott V.> URGENT: Staple fell into
tank! 12/11/08 Hey, guys. I email quite frequently but
haven't had a problem this urgent in a long time. <Jon> I
have a 39G tank. I accidentally dropped a staple into the back chamber.
Tried everything to remove it (mainly because I have no idea where it
went). Tried using a long car magnet to try and recover it but nothing.
<Good... better to use something a bit stronger... an algae
scrubbing one...> Just wondering, will this have seriously
deleterious effects on the tank or should doing a few decently large
water changes over the next few months (along with weekly 10% changes)
help the situation? - Jonathan <Mmm, thirty nine gallons... with the
use of some decent (fresh) chemical filtrant that removes metals
(PolyFilter, Activated Carbon), you should be fine here. Iron (Fe) is a
sort of medium necessary element in most the life found on reefs. Bob
Re: URGENT: Staple fell into tank!
I think I will stop dosing Iron as I have been doing as well. All that
extra Iron for free now (sarcasm)!
Thanks a lot, Bob. Was freaking out quite bad since there is a lot of
money invested in the tank now via inverts.
- Jon
<This bit of added ferrous ion will not do any harm Jon... I've
seen "downstream" the effects of large rusting ship hulks
stuck on reefs... they're often more vibrant... BobF>