FAQs on Magnificent/Ritteri Anemone
Nutritional Health/Disease
FAQs on: Magnificent Anemone Disease 1,
FAQs on Magnificent Anemone Disease by Category:
Environmental (Pollution/Poisoning, Lighting...),
Social (Allelopathy),
Pathogenic (Infectious, Parasitic, Viral)
Related Articles:
Magnificent Anemones,
Tip Anemones, Anemones,
Cnidarians, Colored/Dyed
Related FAQs: Magnificent
Anemones, Magnificent Anemone
Identification, Magnificent
Anemone Behavior, Magnificent
Anemone Compatibility, Magnificent Anemone Selection, Magnificent Anemone Systems, Magnificent Anemone Feeding, Magnificent Anemone
Eat fine particulates... NOT large shrimp, fish...
unless they're unluckily stung as livestock
New Print and
eBook on Amazon:
Anemone Success
Doing what it takes to keep Anemones healthy long-term
by Robert (Bob) Fenner
Ritteri Anemone twisted 11/28/16
Your site is amazing, but I can't seem to find an answer to my dilemma.
<Thanks for using WetWeb, and I'm sure I can help>
I purchased a Ritteri anemone 8 days ago.
<Yikes... I hope you're familiar with the husbandry for these animals. They
are too commonly bought by clueless individuals and end up dead in a matter
of days>
For the first few days, it basically just wandered around and when I saw it
getting to my coral or too close to a powerhead, I would manually move it
with my hands.
<Be careful doing this. Wear some sort of gloves, as this species is very
It has since settled in the bottom of the tank on a rock, and is hosting my
two clowns greatly.
<This is good to hear. It's always nice to hear that clowns have discovered
a new home>
My problem, however, is that the anemone looks twisted around itself.
<Could you send pictures? Hard to picture what you mean exactly. Larger
specimens can get sort of balled up and lay on top of themselves. This makes
it appear to have wrinkles or folds>
It's a good 8", maybe, stretched all the way out, but for two days, it's
been on this rock with both sides of its foot pretty much attached to
itself. I'm afraid to move it anymore fearing it may perish.
<Leave it alone. It's always best to let an anemone find its home by itself.
Unless it is near a powerhead, let it be. If it moves toward a coral, move
the coral, NOT the anemone.>
It's partially deflated (less than half its tentacles), but plumps up when
the lights are on. I have not noticed it balling up like bubble tips do.
It's also had its mouth open all of the 8 days. I don't see it losing flesh,
and otherwise seems healthy. My clowns went right to it, we're talking 5
minutes or less.
<This also could be stressing it out a bit. When an anemone is first
introduced to a tank, a bunch of animals diving in and out of it can be
stressful, as I'm sure you could imagine>
I've read they're hard to keep.
<I hope you've done a TON of reading. They are extremely difficult to keep.
This is one of the few animals I believe should be kept in the ocean, no
matter how experienced the aquarist in question is>
I've had 3 Rose Bubble Tipped anemones for going on a year. All three are
perfectly healthy, even without regular feedings. I've tried to feed it a
piece of shrimp and it refused the food.
<Not uncommon when first introduced to a tank, and because partially they
use the light for food>
This was only about two or three days ago before it made its home in the
bottom of the tank. It has major flow, good lighting, and water parameters
are perfect.
<Please define "good" and "perfect". Let us know the flow rate and the
lighting spectrum/PAR, and the exact water conditions>
I don't want this thing to die in my tank. I'll trade it in before I
willingly let something die in my tank.
<If you can trade it in, do it>
Upon reading up on them, I've learned that these anemones are so much
different than the "regular" more easily kept anemone such as the bubble
<You should've done more reading>
Any advice would be greatly appreciated! (I'm not requiring this for help,
but I do have an instagram profile that documents my reef journey. You can
see pictures there, ( account name is Owens.Reef ) or I can send you
pictures upon request. I also think I should add that this is how the
anemone has been the whole time it's been in the display. Acclimation was
floating (for light), then a slow drip acclimation (for temp and water).
A little about my tank: 110 gallon mixed reef. Livestock includes: Diamond
Goby, Mandarin Dragonette, Purple Tang, Yellow Tang, Blue Tang, Ocellaris
clown, snowflake clown, Copperband butterfly, coral beauty angel, six line
wrasse, 2 emerald crabs, hermit crabs, several types of snails, 9" clam, 2
peppermint shrimp, 2 pistol shrimp, fire shrimp, cleaner shrimp, nearly all
types of coral.
Thanks in Advance,
Jackie Owens
<Jackie, I would trade this specimen in for something you can easily keep.
If you truly decide to keep it, you need to do a lot more reading. Search
WetWeb re Ritteri anemones. Send pictures as well. Cheers, Gabe>
Re: Ritteri Anemone twisted 11/28/16
Hey, Gabe!
I am very familiar with this anemone and it's requirements.
<Phew... Glad to hear this wasn't an "Oh look an anemone" type of purchase>
I'm one of the lucky few reefers who have a local fish store that won't sell
you an animal without a good running tank and good tank mates/water.
<This is good to know. Too many stores will sell you anything as long as
they're getting paid>
Anyway, my tank is a 48"x18"x30". I have a 1600GPH return flow, along with a
submersible pond pump running 1000GPH behind the rocks that stack all up the
back side of my glass and almost all the way forward, expanding in
width on the way down (done this for pod population and Mysid shrimp
reproduction). I also have a 1650GPH Hydor powerhead and a small twin
powerhead running 1200GPH turnover.
<Did you want some aquarium with that water flow? :)>
My lights are 2 150x3 CREE LED hanging fixtures.
My parameters are as follows: Ammonia 0, Nitrates 0, Nitrites 0, Phosphate
undetectable, pH 8.3, Calcium 440, dKH 11, temperature 78, SG 1.025.
<Good as well>
It seems to be moving some, and I've researched more hours than I've had it,
I believe.
<Thanks for the relief. This is a hard species to keep, and that reading
will pay off if you keep the specimen>
Haha. I know they're nearly impossible to keep, as anemones are in general
to some reef keepers, however, I feel (as well as our friends who own their
own saltwater store) that this beast will flourish in our display. I'm
concerned because I know how different they can be, along with their
temperamental ways and sensitivity in the home aquarium. Thank you for
getting back to me so soon! Can't wait to hear back.
<Jackie, to be honest, I think you'll be fine. Based on the
pictures, it looks like the anemone is just so big that it needs to
fold on top of it self to fit where it wants to mount itself. It appears
very healthy and should be fine as long as the parameters stay where they
are. Good luck with your magnificently temperamental, Magnificent/Ritteri
anemone. Keep us posted in the future, and as always, thanks for choosing
WetWeb. Cheers, Gabe.>

Re: Ritteri Anemone twisted
Good morning, Gabe!
<And a happy 5 AM to you too, Jackie>
I just wanted to update you!
The Ritteri is doing great. As far as it's inflation issue, we're still
having it, but I figured out what was causing it and I am in the process of
nursing it back to health. It was hungry!
<A-ha! Glad to hear it is doing well>
Apparently, it requires a lot of food to start thriving, or it wasn't fed
well before (more likely).
<Since they are highly dependent on light, they don't need as much as a
different species would when it comes to food. Still , regular feeding is
smart, but make sure no to overfeed, and also make sure you are feeding a
varied diet>
I have been cutting up raw shrimp into small 1/2" pieces and hand feeding
<Be careful hand feeding, and feeding at all with any instruments. Ritter's
are a very delicate species and you can easily damage their tissue and cause
their death without even noticing you touched it>
It looks healthier every day. After it gets enough to eat, it inflates and
looks better than ever. One day at a time for now. In the mean time, here's
a picture of my recovering monster!
<Wow! That's a great looking specimen, Jackie>
Thanks so much for all of you help! Oh, and you were right. It's so big, it
was just folding over itself, but it's moving around a little now trying to
find that perfect spot.
<Glad I could enlighten you with that knowledge>
Hopefully it stays away from my corals,
<Might want to rephrase that to "hope I can keep my corals away from it" :)
but I just want it at it's full potential and happy in our piece of the
<I am happy to hear that things are going well with your anemonemone (as
Nemo would say)! As always, feel free to contact us at any time in the
future. Cheers, Gabe>
Magnificent Anemones. Using WWM - 1/25/13
Hi Crew,
I recently purchased an anemone which is creamy coloured with whiter
<Very badly bleached... complete loss of Zooxanthellae... can
It is not that large about 12-14cms across. My two Ocellaris clowns
which have been without an anemone for seven months ignored it for the
first day but on the second day were both in it and never really leave
it, only for food. I wondered if they need to secrete more mucus over
their bodies before they can go inside one having been without an
anemone for so long.
<Sometimes communication takes a while. Sometimes it never occurs>
This is great as it give me so much pleasure to see them rubbing their
bellies on the tentacles. This leads me to believe that clownfish should
only really be kept with the appropriate anemone as I don't think they
will be complete without one. I have dived all over the worked and never
seen a clownfish in the sea without an anemone.
<They (Amphiprionines) always live in mutual symbiosis w/ one of a few
species of Actinarians>
I have a couple of questions, all may water params are good
except......my phosphates were about 0.3 so I have added Seachem's
Phosguard in a pouch which I hope will reduce the phosphate to
negligible levels within 2-3 days.
<I wouldn't do this... see WWM re>
How sensitive are they to Phosphates?
<Not very... and do need soluble HPO4>
Also my temperature is a little high, I live in the tropics and my
chiller is set for 30C Why 30C well with the aircon on during the day it
hardly has to reduce the temperature, lower temps and it is on much more
often and makes a noise and uses about 1amp. The anemone looks in good
order, but when I drop New Life Spectrum small pellets on it it does not
seem to respond.
<Needs meatier fare>
I noticed the anemone is sticky but looking at your site where I saw
"There are no naturally white-colored Magnificent Anemones...
<This is correct. Do occur in quite a few other colors though>
and it's rare for ones that are badly bleached to recover" do
you think it could be another species or is it doomed?
<Most likely the latter, but is also likely Heteractis magnifica... see
WWM re ID... the petechia on the column, its color>
Should I try another food?
<... yes>
I placed it about 15 cm.s below the water level between two rocks and it
has not moved in four days so I hope it is happy. It looks great. Please
find a picture attached. It is very close to a Goniopora, if they touch
will either be hurt?
<Oh yes. Bob Fenner, out diving in the Philippines>
Thank you in advance, Adam.
Re: Magnificent Anemones.
Bob, Wow enjoy the diving, so you think it can regenerate Zooxanthellae and
should live?
<Yes; didn't I already state this? Can, not should. B>
Re: Magnificent Anemones.
Yes but opposite to what I captioned and sent to you from your site, perhaps
new info. Please update to avoid confusion. So the purple base will return
with green tentacles?
<... not necessarily these colours and not w/o good care... Please read
where you've been referred to... B>
Re: Magnificent Anemones.
- 1/25/13
Hi Crew, I have a system with some delicate fish, Majestic Angel etc two
pieces of Goniopora and I added the Magnificent anemone
<? Angels eat anemones>
only a week ago and it died today.
<... very typical>
My params are all good, slight phosphate 0.05, Nitrate a little high at 10,
the fish and the Goniopora are all fine. The temperature could be a problem
running between 30 and 31. The anemone was bleached but as previously
discussed this should not be an issue.
<? Of course it is>
Do you think it is possible it was already "dead" but did not show signs
or are they that sensitive to temp. I am upset as my Nemos loved it. Any
advice would be great I have read they are very difficult to keep. Regards,
<Am done telling you to read on WWM. Go elsewhere. B>
Re: Magnificent Anemones.
- 1/25/13
How rude as clearly mentioned previously I had read part of your site and it
conflicts what you now say in regards to bleaching. Also in regards to your
suggestion that the Magnificent Anemone needs Phosphates that are detectable
I find that hard to believe as I live by the Indian Ocean where the
Phosphate reading is Zero.
<...> |