Mandarin Disease/Health FAQs 2
FAQs on Mandarin Disease by Category:
Environmental, Nutritional,
Social, Infectious,
Parasitic (see also:
Mandarins/Blennies/Gobies & Crypt,), Trauma,
Related FAQs:
Mandarin Disease/Health 1,
Mandarin Disease 3, Mandarin Disease 4,
Mandarins/Blennies/Gobies &
Crypt, Psychedelic "Gobies"/Dragonets/Mandarins
& their Relatives 1, Mandarins , Mandarins
3, Mandarin Identification,
Mandarin Behavior, Mandarin Systems, Mandarin Compatibility, Mandarin Selection, Mandarin Feeding, Mandarin Reproduction,Related Articles: Psychedelic
"Gobies"/Dragonets/Mandarins, real Gobies & their Relatives,

Mandarinfish Bleaching? Untenable mix of Cnid.s in a small volume
I love your site and have read the threads on Mandarinfish but not sure
it applies to my Mandarinfish. We have a 29 Biocube
that has been reef established with live rock and sand for 5 years. We
added just a few fish in the last couple of months. Yellow tail damsel,
2 ocellaris, 1 Mandarinfish. We bought the Mandarinfish 5-6 weeks ago
and we have bought 3 additional bottles of copepods in that time to make
sure he has plenty. He is fading and the lateral lines are showing on
his back but he doesn't look like he is starving to me, however, I
obviously am no expert.
<Doesn't appear overly thin; but I do see the whiting out in the
His color is dramatically fading in the last week. He did have a
stressor about 1 week ago.
We found him in the sump and had to net him out. He did take a
few days to recover from that but after 36 hours, he was swimming around
picking pods as usual. He pecks about every 4-8 seconds so I assumed
there were/are enough pods for him. Does he look like he is
I am getting another bottle of pods tomorrow and have picked up some
Chaeto to seed again too. Please help me figure out what is causing this
and what I can do to help/save him. We just love our little guy.
We are dealing with a little bit of Cyano,
<This is another stressor>
with the addition of the fish, I overfed :( We are currently correcting
Candy Cane Coral
Frogspawn Coral
Leather toadstool
Trach brain
LTA anemone
<Yikes... and the anemone mixed with these stony and the Sarco in such a
small volume... You'll need to do more to counter the allelopathy going
on here. Do read:
and the linked files above>
All coral are frags and small except the Acan
PH 8
Salinity 1.025
Phosphates 0
<Your photosynthetic life requires some>
Ammonia 0
Nitrates 5-10 (a little high right now)
<The reading for now; and patience. Bob Fenner>
Re: Mandarinfish Bleaching?
I love you; thank you!
I'm so glad he isn't starving. I will read and
correct whatever I need. We have ordered your book and are trying very
to be conscientious aquarists. We are setting up a 90 gallon and will
transfer anything that is not compatible.
Thanks, again.
<Ah, welcome. BobF>
Re: Mandarinfish Bleaching?
Hi Bob,
I'm April's husband Chris (love your site too!) and we're working together
tonight to separate out some of our corals/anemone in a refugium to
a frag only tank to counter the allelopathy issue.
<Ah, good>
We've been reading the
resources you've provided and the concept is well spelled out in that we
appear to have created a "chemical soup" from the corals and anemone in
small tank.
<Yes; quite common w/ such "coral garden" approaches>
April was giving you a list from memory and I was hoping to
get you help in how to divide up the corals between the two
locations...basically split the list in two (or does it not matter which in
particular go where, just reduce the number in the tank).
<Does matter... Not knowing your background, but if you have had much
chemistry: Like a RedOx listing of elements more/less likely to "steal"/"get
robbed" of electrons, there are very aggressive species (e.g. the Halogens,
Fluorine...) in the way of allelopathogenic species (e.g. Galaxy Corals,
Oculinids) and on the other end of the scale "losers" like the Alkaline
Earths (Ca, Mg...) in the way of Stony Corals things like Pocilloporids, ...
with a range/scale all in-between. Of what you have the Euphylliid and
polyps are top dogs, along w/ the anemone...>
Here is the full
Candy Cane Coral
Frogspawn Coral
Leather toadstool
Trach brain
LTA anemone
Majestic Anemone
Daisy Polyp
Short stem Goniopora
Again, most of these are fairly small frags with the Acan being the biggest
at 7"x4" and the Trach is about 4 inches long.
We want to deal with the allelopathy quickly for the mandarin and then
decide what to do with the corals (new tank or sell) as we continue to
and research more.
Thanks so much.
<I'd trade out the Anemones immediately; as they are the very most
incompatible organisms with all else here.
Bob Fenner>
Dear Bob,
For the last three years we have owned
a seemingly happy and fat mandarin fish. It was housed in a 110
gal mixed reef tank which was packed with about 75kg of mature
live rock. Along with picking food from the rock it would also
take frozen food at feeding time, and always looked healthy and
About four months ago we downsized
from that aquarium to a 60 gal bow-front tank. When downsizing we
got rid of the larger fish but also sold around 40kgs of live
This morning I came down to aquarium
and the mandarin was dead! It did not have a pinched stomach and
was eating frozen food the night before.
I just wanted to ask in your opinion
what could have been a possible reason for this mandarin to die?
There was less live rock for it to browse on, but still more than
enough to support such a small fish?
Sam P.
Sorry to read of your loss Sam.
'Mysterious' losses are difficult to discern, but it
might well be that this fish merely perished from 'old
age''¦ Some mandarins are known (in captivity) to
have lived a few more years than this, but like Betta splendens
longevities, they're rare. I do think that some
Callionymids/oids, the group that includes 'scooters' and
psychedelic 'gobies', including mandarins do at times
pass from eating something they shouldn't have, and this is
another possibility. Additionally, I would state that in the
higher plausibilities 'cumulative stress' may well have
played a role here. Lastly, I'd
make the comment that folks really should replenish a bit of
their olde live rock every year or so, particularly if keeping
organisms that rely on forage from such like mandarins, many
butterflyfishes'¦ By adding or replacing ten-twenty
percent of the live rock with fresh.
Ich - Red Slime - Mandarin Acclimation (sel., fdg.... gen.)–
Thanks in advance for your time.
<<Hiya John…quite welcome>>
I have three questions, which I'm sure have been answered elsewhere so
feel free to redirect me.
180 gallon with live rock (no coral yet but hope to), T5HO lights right
now but will switch to LED with coral addition, assortment of snails,
crabs, two cleaner shrimp and a pistol shrimp, below tank sump, protein
skimmer, no refugium, stocked early with about 2000 pods which I still
see in the tank and on LR. Tank was set up around October 2013
1. I had an outbreak of Ich (vacation, pet sitter) that wiped out my
tank except for a purple Firefish. Firefish has been in
quarantine (bare bottom tank, sp gravity 1.016)
<<Do consider adding a length of PVC pipe for the fish to hide in.
A ‘bare’ tank is unnerving for any fish, but especially so for shy,
timid species like the Firefish.>>
and the DT has been empty of fish as well. Adequate for
breaking the cycle or at least putting the Ich into a dormant state?
<<Four to six weeks fallow should “break the cycle” as you say…but 3
months will do better towards eliminating any “dormancy” issues.>>
Is a slow drip acclimatization okay to put Firefish back in, and if so how
slow? Slow drip acclimation is fine (though you could do the tried
and true “float the bag, add small amounts of water” acclimation
as well). One to two drips per second works for me in most
cases…but do search the site re ‘drip acclimation’ for a lot more
2. After all the fish were removed, developed an outbreak of red
slime as well as green slime on LR and substrate. Coincidence or
<<Hard to say, but may well indicate a chemical/biological imbalance
that was already stressing the fish.>>
<<Check bio-mineral content and get things back in balance.
Keeping Magnesium, Calcium, and Alkalinity in balance…and at the upper
limits…helps significantly with controlling nuisance slime algae, in my
Thoughts on vodka treatment?
<<I have used this method on-and-off for years (once with disastrous
results, if I’m going to be honest), and do see a benefit when used
judiciously. It’s no panacea, but can be a useful adjunct…though I
would recommend here that you first address the water chemistry and see
if this does the job.>>
3. Getting ready and excited to restock tank. Thinking about
starting with a pair of Blue/Green Mandarins so there won't be a hold
lot of competition and harassment to give these guys a head start.
Thoughts on ORA vs. wild caught?
<<Definitely ORA…these fishes will take prepared foods ( get/use New
Life Spectrum pelleted food) and have a much better chance of surviving
long term.>>
With the pods not really having a predator would the population be
adequate for them?
<<Not likely in the long run…thus the need for animals that will accept
prepared foods.>>
Thoughts on a method or need for quarantine?
<<Mandarins/Dragonets, in my opinion, are less risky…and do much
better…when acclimated right to the display.>>
Would a UV sterilizer ran every other week or so have an effect on pods?
<<Little if any…and likewise re controlling any nuisance organisms. >>
Do these have a better chance of survival as a pair or singly?
<<They can be kept either way…though if kept together do try to get a
true “pair” or at the very least add the male and female to the system
Thanks again,
John A
<<Happy to share… EricR>>
Green Mandarin.
Hi Dr. I was wondering if you knew what would cause a green mandarin to
get small bubbles/blisters under their skin and have trouble breathing.
<Mmm; yes: Exposure to stinging life, adverse chemical/physical conditions in
the water, or too much dissolved gas (emphysematosis) from air entrainment...
air mixing with water under pressure... as in an air leak around a volute>
I have lost 2 mandarins to these symptoms and cant find much
info on it. Both fish were new additions and appeared very fat and healthy in
the store.
<Look at your mechanicals, check your water quality, send along a list of
livestock. Bob Fenner>
Re: Green Mandarin.
75 gallon tank 6 months old 80lbs live rock 165w led x2. Ammonia nitrate and
nitrite are 0. Sg is 1.025 checked with refractometer. Im running a 18w uv
sterilizer ,PhosBan reactor
<Ditch this>
a sca 150 skimmer 20 gallon refugium with 4 inch dsb with macro algae. Jebo 25
wave maker 800gph return. I use 0 tds
rodi water instant ocean reef crystals i feed Larry's reef frenzy every other
day. Inhabitants are 2 occeralis clowns 1 fire fish goby 1 Tomini tang 1
lawnmower blenny lots of blue led red leg and left handed hermits lots of Cerith
Astrea and Nassarius snails a feather duster frogs spawn Zoas Palys
<These last two could be culprits>
Montipora chalices and hairy mushrooms. I do a 25% water change every other
week. Sorry for the poor grammar structure typing from my phone and trying to
list all i can. But i have tried 2 mandarins both from same store they looked
great in the store no pinched stomach or anything. I drip acclimate for 45
minutes and within 3 days they get what looks like bubbles
or blister under their skin. Im at a loss to whats causing it and so is my lfs
who is usually pretty good you may know the owner Dexter hill at triad reef
<Mmm; doesn't ring... BobF>
How long in QT 3/16/15
Thanks for taking the time to read my email.
I have a sunburst Anthias & a Mandarin in my 33G QT for a month now.
<This is far longer than is prudent for these species.... the "cross over" point
in advantage vs. not is about two weeks>
Both eat mysis soaked in Zoe & Zoecon and NLS pellets.
They have been through 1 round of Prazi too... They showed no signs of
disease... Before I purchased them they had both been at the LFS for 6 months
with no sign of disease as I had seen them there for that amount of time...
<Six months?! Wow>
I added a Moorish idol
<Yikes; not an easily kept species>
to the QT before I put the Mandarin and the Anthias in... The idol lasted a week
after I put the two new additions in... The
Idol had no signs of ich.. Ate everything is sight.. His streamer was growing
everyday. Then all of the sudden, over night I found him dead on the
bottom of the tank...
<Very common. See WWM re Zanclus>
It has been 3 weeks now with just the Mandarin & Anthias... With what I have
described to you, would you advise that the fish in QT would be ready for
transfer to the main tank?
My main tank has been set up for over 2 years now... It's a 187G (60Lx30Wx24H).
Thanks for your time,
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
White spot on Green Mandarin... hlth. period; starving
Ladies and Gentlemen,
You are my last hope. About six months ago my Green Mandarin developed a
small white spot on his back. Since he showed no signs of any sickness and
the spot was not growing I didn't think to much of it. Over time the spot
got bigger (very slowly) and I started to search the internet for answers
but couldn't find any. Talks to other reefers and posts in blogs also went
without any result.
There is no hole in the skin of the fish and it doesn't seem to be an ulcer
either. It just looks like the color is bleaching out. The fish is obviously
not bothered by it. No other fish in my tank shows the same symptom or is
sick. The Mandarin is not bothered by any of the other fish in the tank.
I hope you can shed some light on what is going on with my Mandarin.
Thank you very much
Peter Schleifer
<... whatever else is going on with this fish, it is starving. I would
re-double your efforts to get it live foods of use (maybe move to an ongoing
refugium), perhaps Mysis offered a few times daily, Cyclops... perhaps
soaked in a vitamin/HUFA supplement ahead of offering. I'd be fixing this
fish from the inside out... Nutritionally. Bob Fenner>
Mandarin dragonet possibly egg bound, and Epsom use f's
I have never asked a question on this forum before so I hope this is the
right place.
<Indeed it is>
I have a spawning pair of spotted mandarins and I am worried that the
female has become egg bound, is this possible?
The spawn regularly but recently the female has got huge and they do the
rise but no eggs are released this has been going on for 2 weeks. Do you
have any suggestions?
<Yes; either a bath (of several minute duration) of a teaspoon
per gallon of Epsom salts added to system water (outside the tank) or
these added directly to the system at the rate of a tsp. per 5 gallons
system water.
Bob Fenner>
Mandarin dragonet egg binding 7/31/13
Thank you. will Epsom salts affect coral and inverts??
<Not overtly negatively at the proscribed dosage. See WWM re MgSO4 use>
As they are tricky to catch and it is a big tank. Also what are the
symptoms of egg binding?
<As you state, a cessation in spawning/egg release, bulging...>
She hasn't gone off her food and is very greedy!
<Mmm, well; other causes appear similar... gut blockage (same
treatment), tumorous growths... BobF>
Mandarin dragonet egg binding 7/31/13
Sorry to bother you again. Your help is greatly appreciated you said the
dose is 1 tablespoon per 5 gallons in display tank is this us gallons or
uk gallons
<Level teaspoons and either measure of "a gallon" is close enough. B>
Mandarin dragonet egg binding 7/31/13
I read that they are pelagic spawners and hold eggs so the always appear
more rounded is that correct??
<Callionymids do rise toward the surface (toward sunset) and are
spawners... external fertilization... Females are decidedly larger, a
bit less colorful, their unpaired fins not as flowing... but do not
appear rounded at all times. I've seen the species used in the trade
many, many times there and the wild>
Is it just the norm Epsom salt u can buy or does it have to be
specifically for the marine tank??
<Epsom is Epsom... magnesium sulfate... Household use quality/purity is
fine. B>
Mandarin dragonet egg bound 8/1/13
So how many tea spoons for 120 gallon aquarium??
<... ? See prev. email...>
Mandarin 8/1/13
Also how long should I use it for?? Would you recommend 1 day??
<Search WWM... tool on every page... "Epsom salt dosage, treatment">
Epsom salt for egg bound mandarin 8/1/13
Hi, I spoke to you yesterday. I have dosed the tank with Epsom salt
accordingly, I was just enquiring as to how many days I should dose?
<... the salt doesn't leave solution till you change water>
Re: Epsom salt and mandarin egg bound 8/7/13
Good news, the mandarin had eggs tonight Thank you for your help
<Thank you for this follow-up. BobF>
Mandarin dragonet as a vector
Hi crew! I know you have probably answered this question but I am
unable to find it. Three weeks ago my mandarin dragonet was in the main
tank with a flame angel and a watchman goby. The flame angel began
showing signs of some disease. I wasn't sure what it was at the time,
Ich or Brooklynella. Within 2 days I pulled all the fish out and put
them in QTs. The mandarin went into a separate QT. Turns out it was
brook. He has shown no signs of it.
<Very common for Callionymids not to show symptoms of external parasite
infestations... they're very slimy... But, the parasites ARE still
I would like to move him into another QT that has already cycled and has
live rock/pods but does house another fish. Is it possible this mandarin
could be hosting this parasite without showing symptoms and infect the
other fish?
<Ah yes>
At what point does one consider the fish "safe/clean" to house with
<Well; more a matter of "degrees of likely safe"... the universe is
rarely very discreet. Have I had you read through the parasitic system
FAQs on WWM Jen? I would wait at least four weeks... more if the
animal/s appear okay, are eating, the treatment/isolation systems not
too hard to maintain.>
Thank you, Jen
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Re: Mandarin dragonet as a vector
I have read through a ton of information but all have to do with
removing (or not) a non symptomatic fish from the main.
<Ah, then this will be it (our bit of corr. here)>
This fish was removed immediately and has been in a QT by himself for 3
weeks. I agree that the QT is not hard to maintain, but I have 4 QTs
going at one time along with the main. It is becoming very time
I do appreciate the answer and left the little guy alone in his tank. I
will wait another week or so before contemplating this move. Well I'm
off to buy more copepods for him. Thank you again, Jen
<Excelsior! BobF>
My Mandarin keeps floating to the surface 3/26/13
Your site is great! I have a question about the health of my Mandarin
Dragonette. I am very nervous as I am afraid his end is near. My water
parameters are all perfect with my PH at 8.3 and my salinity is at
<I understand... but density is stated otherwise... 1.023... a bit lower
than natural here. I would raise. See WWM re>
I purchased him a week ago the day he arrived to the LFS. I properly
acclimated him and then released him into my tank. My tank is literally
crawling with pods, they cover the glass even with the lights on but I
have never seen him eat.
<Might well be species of copepods, other crustaceans here that are
unpalatable to this fish/species>
I have never even seem him peck at the rocks. Lately his is not moving, he
keeps pinning himself between coral and rocks, If he doesn't he floats
to the surface.
<Mmm, a bad sign... esp. w/ Callionymids... what does this portend? Some
sort of injury (most Dragonettes are "harpooned" w/ a small dart...
yours may have been poked inside, decomposition internally?)>
The fish tries in vain to keep swimming to the bottom of the tank but just
keeps floating back up like he is wearing a life jacket! He looks
to be in good health, good color, eyes are very active... but I know he
is starving to death!!
<Mmm, the only real course of action is patience here. Nothing can be
done by you... and the fish won't "spread something" to your other
I don't know what is wrong or if I should remove him from the tank and
maybe bring him back to the LFS to see if he will survive. I heard it
could be a swim bladder issue which relates to bad water conditions/over
He hasn't eaten anything in over a week so it cant be that... The
holding tank he was in at the LFS was filthy and he was sitting at the
bottom covered in the gunk, could that be the cause? What do you
<Am sticking w/ my best guess, above... this specimen was "needled" in
capture... will hopefully recover spontaneously. Keep the faith. Bob
Thank you,
Mandarin Issues, hlth. 12/7/12
Hey crew got another question for you guys. So I've got a 40 breeder
with 80 pounds of live rock and 40 pounds of sand. I also have a 6
gallon H.O.B. Refugium with a ton of Chaeto, feather Caulerpa, and grape
Caulerpa I mean this thing is packed I also but pods once a month
online. Now here's the problem I have a male and female target mandarin
pair the females extremely fat but the males really scrawny they used to
spawn daily but that was when they were both fat. Now the male has been
hanging around on the bottom I was thinking the female was keeping the
from eating but they still hang out a lot I was thinking of taking him
to the fish store where work and putting him and putting him in a coral
flat. But I was thinking was that maybe it more than that like an
internal parasite. Any tips or info?
<Could be both, either of the general "causes" you mention here... I
would definitely take out about half the rock to make more room, and add
a good deal of branching (e.g. Acroporid, Pocilloporid...) stony coral
skeleton to provide more habitat and water volume. I might also try
adding a combination Anthelminthic (see WWM re) and Metronidazole to
foods they accept... and add Spectrum pellets to this mix (highly
nutritious, palatable).>
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
ORA Mandarin, hlth. questions mainly
Thank you for all your efforts to help keep aquarist educated (and
entertained!) I have found multiple opinions on my questions, although
none seem to specifically relate to a tank bred Mandarin. I purchased
an ORA tank raised Mandarin and 2 Firefish online. I have had them all
in my quarantine tank for 10 days. Should I keep them in my quarantine
for the full 30 days or do you think they could be transferred
<I would transfer them "earlier" as in now, for three
general reasons.
Likely they are parasite free coming from ORA's farm, these species
typically don't harbor/vector external parasites, and there is
likely no further benefit vs. harm that will come to them from further
I am really encouraged by the way the Mandarin eats Spectrum pellets so
I am not concerned about his eating but I think he would be more
comfortable in my 90 gallon reef tank rather than my bare bottom 10
gallon quarantine tank.
Same question for the Firefish who have an artificial cave to hide in
but I think they would like living in my main tank's live rock
better. I appreciate your thoughts since I may be trying to attribute
my human feelings about what these new members to my fish family would
find most "comfortable."
Thank you.
Mark Hill
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
quarantining b/f's and mandarin?
Good morning,
I will be receiving 3 B/F's and a Mandarin Fish mail-order later
this week. I have a 30g quarantine tank ready to go but have a couple
of questions.
Would it be best to do a PH-adjusted, freshwater dip w/Methylene Blue,
on the Mandarin and place him in my established 125g FOWLER tank?
<Yes; this is what I would do; not quarantine this family
(Callionymidae) and a few other fish groups, unless there was something
apparently "wrong" with them>
After reading most of the FAQ's on these fish, I realize they are
not as susceptible to Ich but I am quite paranoid about its (Ich's)
re-introduction into my tank as I have battled it on and off for two
years (luckily with me winning or more likely in a stalemate with the
enemy!) with no loss of fish.
<Mmm, well... up to you>
On to the B/F's! I'm getting a Tear-Drop, Pakistan and
Black-Backed. I realize these fish are quite sensitive and will most
likely start eating prepared foods and re-build their resistance once
placed in the main tank, but would a week or so in quarantine then a
freshwater dip w/Methylene Blue or Formalin (safe for B/F's ?)
<Toxic, but if they're in "good shape", likely worth
be better for the fish than acclimating them, freshwater dipping them
and immediately placing them in the main tank?
<I would likely quarantine these, given your system (the 30)>
I've read about every FAQ's on B/F's and added to them with
some of my questions in the past but I am on the fence here on whether
to quarantine or not.
<Me too/I as well>
Even though I have run my tank fallow for several 8-week periods over
the last two years I know I still have some entrenched Ich. The last
time I added 4-week quarantined B/F's I had an outbreak but decided
to treat with Selcon soaked Spectrum flakes and Spectrum Thera-A
pellets. The fish kept the cleaner shrimps very busy, but all came
through and continue to thrive.
My point is, quarantining or not, with my particular tank, probably
means a small outbreak of Ich once new fish are added.
Lastly, even though the HOT refugiums are small, about 3-4 gallons,
would you recommend one for pod growth for the Mandarin or am I wasting
my money?
<Are worthwhile. Even what appear to be small volumes of
"live" sand, other substrates, macro-algae, a very
considerable amount of life is produced>
Thanks in advance for all your insight and wisdom. I spend most
evenings perusing your excellent site and wish you all lived closer so
I could buy you a beer or two!
<Oooh! Let's hope we meet! Bob Fenner>
dragonet, hlth. 2/10/11
I'm not sure if this is were I ask questions,
its my first time, but have read many of your posts and it was saved my
fish more then once so I thank you for that. but the reason I'm
writing is because I have a 55 gallon tank that I personally tested and
then had my LFS double check my tests and although I don't know the
exact numbers off the top of my head the nitrate was near perfect and
most everything else was satisfactory, to above average. I have a pair
of fudge clown fish, 2 peppermint shrimp, a skunk shrimp, a reef safe
short spine urchin, and about a week ago got a small striped mandarin
dragonet, for the first 3-4 days he got fat and healthy and came out of
hiding to eat the abundance of pods coming from my refugium, but in the
last couple of days I have noticed he has stopped coming out and when
we do see him he has started to get thinner and seems to have stopped
eating, he also lost his color drastically compared to when we got him.
he also has what looks like short, white hair algae hanging from his
<Mmm, reads like this fish may have gotten stung (a Bristleworm,
Cnidarian...) or ate something that didn't agree with it.
I'm extremely worried I got into salt water fish because I saw a
mandarin about a year and a half ago and its breaking my heart to see
such a beautiful fish in possible pain! I hope you can tell me
what's happening and if there's is anything I can do to stop
<Mmm, no, unfortunately not. As you relate good water conditions,
nothing peculiar re the other livestock...>
Justin Devine
<Just patience here. Bob Fenner>
Another Mandarin Question
Hello WWM crew,
I have been reading through your site about Mandarin Dragonets and have
not had any luck finding my particular situation; I am hoping you can
help. I have a 90 gallon reef tank that has been set up for well over a
year now and prior to that, a 75 gallon reef that housed a Green
Mandarin (he was moved to the 90 gallon about 6 months ago). The
Mandarin is VERY fat (healthy) and he has been with me for at least a
year with no apparent problems. He is housed with a red fire fish,
<Social animals; live "in twos">
1 Regal Tang (aprox. 3"), 2 green Chromis, 2 blue Chromis, 1 Royal
Gramma, 1 Watchman Goby w/ Pistol Shrimp, 2 Skunk Cleaner Shrimp, a
variety of thriving coral, a green bubble tip (aprox 2") and 1 red
bubble tip anemone (aprox 5-6");
<Mmm, I should mention that anemones can/do consume
both eating and healthy in appearance. My water parameters are: Calcium
<Mmm, a bit high... your Alk., Mg conc.?>
PH 8.5, Salinity 1.025, Nitrates < 12ppm, Nitrites 0, Phosphates 0,
<Some is necessary for chemoautotrophs>
Oxygen is fine (forget exact number), Ammonia 0. I regularly supplement
Calcium, Strontium (despite a lack of concrete research), and Iodide no
more than twice per week. The tank has nearly 120 pounds of live rock,
100 pounds of live sand, a 6-bulb HO T-5 (3 white and 3 actinic)
<I'd replace two of the actinics w/ more
@ 324 watts. SO...back to the fish in question. The past two days, I
have noticed my Dragonet has been perching the entire day in one
This is not typical of him, as he tends to swim the entire system
pecking at the rocks, eating the abundance of Copepods. Additionally, I
have noticed that his tail has been covered in slime (I know the
release a slime coat when stressed, but this is constantly visible the
past 2 days). The only new addition to the tank is a small (2-3")
Tiger Serpent Star who naturally, bothers no one.
The fish does not appear to be losing weight and I still see plenty of
Copepods all over my glass. Any advice? I'm worried about
Thank you,
<Could be a sting of some sort, or summat he ate... these are the
two most likely causes. Not much to do re either/both, other than
separate. Bob Fenner>
Mandarin goby <<RMF>>, hlth.
thanks for the help with the BGA in my tank but now I have a new
<Welcome and uh-oh!>
I got this mandarin goby a couple of weeks ago and seemed to be doing
real fine up until now.
About 30 minutes ago I noticed my goby just kind of floating around.
Now its laying on the bottom not moving much and is really pale and is
breathing very slow.
I don't know what the problem is I have a plethora of copepods and
<Even if feeding were the problem it usually progresses much
I have a 55 gallon set up. I have 25lbs of LR and 25lbs of rock that I
just added a couple of days ago.
<<Mmm, here's the likely problem>>
Could the new rock be the problem I also have a blue and yellow damsel
and a Percula clownfish and they seem to be doing just fine I feed them
frozen food.
<It is possible. Was this fresh live rock, uncured? Dry rock is no
So is my Mandarin sick should I take him down to the LFS where they can
keep him in isolation until he gets better (if he's sick that
<There is something amiss here. Is he showing any other symptoms? I
am by no means a fish disease expert, going to ask Bob to chime in if
he has anything additional to offer. Even with a healthy mandarin, this
is not the system for it! See:>
<Scott V.><<I do think the new rock in some fashion is at
fault here...
either something on/in it that poisoned, mal-affected the Mandarin, or
"curing" process itself. Or, maybe the BGA issue chatted up
previously... Bob Fenner>>
Subject: red stuff in my tank 1/14
I got this saltwater aquarium off of craigslist a couple of weeks
ago(it has been established for 2+ years prior to me getting it.) and
about a week ago it started growing this red stuff on the sand. It
usually almost covers up the whole bottom of the tank like a carpet
with some bald spots, but I stir the sand up because I don't know
whether or not if its good or bad.
<Not desirable.>
It makes little bubbles by the way if that at all helps you identify
it. I have also attached a
picture of some of it.
and the links at the top for more information and how to approach this
stuff. Scott V.>
Re: Mandarin goby 1/20/11
so I'll send you a pic of the tank.
The new rock I put in there is Marco (or Maco) rocks key largo rock.
<Really should not be an issue unless it somehow was
Also my mandarin is much better I don't know what was wrong with
him (maybe a bad copepod LOL JK) but he's all better now.
<Ate a bad taco!>
I also have a dead (or dying) coral in there too.
<Will affect water quality! Scott V.>
Dead mandarins....can't find
the culprit 1/15/11
Hi guys I want to start by saying thank you for all the great info and
your hard work.
I have a 125G saltwater fish tank, 3 years old, it has plenty of
copepods and amphipods, about 6 inches sand on the bottom and about 80
pounds or more live rock. The parameters:
Salinity 1.024
Nitrites, phosphates, ammonia 0
<Mmm, why 0.0 HPO4?>
Nitrates about 20 now but varies between 0 and 20 (we use a
<Of what kind? What sort of feeder stock?>
I add iodine, essential elements
and liquid calcium once a week.
I had a pair of mandarin gobies that were big and fat eating frozen
food and picking stuff of the rocks all day. They never showed signs of
distress or sickness. Yesterday they were swimming and acting normal
and this morning the male was dead and it seemed like his top fin and
tail were damaged (probably a crab got him after he died). The female
was on the opposite side of the tank breathing heavily and not swimming
at all. Other than that she seemed ok, no damage on the fins or the
body. I removed her from the tank and placed her in a specimen holder
and she died 10 minutes later. The male seemed to have a large white
spot on the side of his body but I am not sure if that was from a coral
stink or something trying to eat him after he died.
The other inhabitants are:
2 Banggai cardinals (pair)
a pair of ocellaris clowns
a male and female McCosker's wrasse
1 diamond goby
a pair of lyretail Anthias
1 blue hippo tang
2 garden eels (who seem to eat anything from frozen to flakes)
1 royal gramma (who seems to have some whitish discolorations
<A clue>
on her head that I noticed about 2 months ago but she eats and swims
ok- could it be some bacterial infection?)
<Not likely primary>
3 skunk cleaner shrimp
1 coral banded shrimp
1 sally
2 green emeralds
about 20 Nassarius snails
bumble bee snails(6), margaritas(10), turbo(2), Trochus(5)
Corals: 1 elegance coral, 1 hammer coral, 1 frogspawn, 1 green star
polyps, xenias (3), 2 toadstool leather corals, many yellow sun polyps,
brown polyps, zoos, 1 candy cane and a couple of think<g>s I
still have to ID.
I had a green Nephthea that did great for a while but I think he grew
and became to big so it started to die off (all the little ones are
still doing ok). I noticed the yellow polyps quit opening and they
shriveled up so I came to the conclusion it must be the dying Nephthea
that's putting some toxins in the water. I removed the Nephthea,
put some activated carbon in my refugium and now 3 days later my yellow
polyps are back to normal. Could it be possible that the toxins from
the Nephthea affected my mandarins?
<Mmm, yes>
Or you think my elegance coral stung them?
<Both? Not likely>
(if so I think it's very weird it got both of them over night and
couldn't see any signs on their skin). Should I be afraid that all
my fish will have the same faith <fate>? Thanks
<Well... the two most likely categories of probable cause that occur
to me are either the supplementation/chemical treatment, including
chemical filtrant use, and/or an allelopathogenic effect w/ your
Cnidarians as you speculate... No treatment called for... I'd
review your maintenance procedures. Bob Fenner>
Clavularia strangling Zoa? 1/15/11
Hello WWM crew. My first email after many, many hours searching
and soaking up the knowledge from your site. Thanks much for your
team's dedication to the betterment of this hobby and its
<Welcome Tommy>
I'll forego the tank description this time as this is more of
a general behavioral question - I have what I believe are
Clavularia (daisy/star polyps), and as advertized, they are
quickly multiplying and extending their dominion (so far not a
nuisance, but I'm wary). They've latched onto a small Zoa
colony that was in their vicinity (see attached picture), and
I'm wondering if I should take action to separate them.
<Mmm, is this possible, practical?>
Neither has shown any signs of illness from the connection thus
far, but will the Clavularia eventually strangle or otherwise
envelop the Zoa?
<Mmm, seem to have come to some sort of agreement from your
Also, if I were to separate them, what is the best way to go
about doing that without injuring either creature?
<I would leave them as is... if one is going to overgrow the
Actually, I'd mainly be concerned about injuring the Zoa, as
it only has about 7 polyps, whereas the Clav probably
wouldn't suffer from losing a few of its 40+ stalks.
Thanks again for all the valuable information. It is much
San Francisco, CA, USA
<Bob Fenner, San Diego, Cozumel/QRoo>

Sick Mandarin fish? 3/21/10
Thanks for the awesome site. I am constantly checking for all of your
great advice. I am concerned that my mandarin fish may be sick. It is a
female target mandarin that I purchased a week ago. She was young and
thin, but
very active and was only in the shop for about 3 days. I put her in my
tank where she stayed in a breeder net for the first 2 days with a
piece of live rock. Then I let her go, and she went on a feeding frenzy
in the tank. She
has filled out a bit this past week. However, the past couple days, she
has started opening and closing her mouth very quickly, with her gills
It is extremely fast. She is still moving and feeding, but not nearly
as much. She is spending the majority of the time sitting on the sand
in front of the reef. I have also caught her twitching on the sand
substrate. It reminds of flicking due to ammonia, but there is no trace
of ammonia, nitrate, or nitrite in the tank. All of the other
inhabitants are
Pair of False Percs
Peppermint Shrimp
Numerous Zoas, Shrooms, and xenia
1 large finger leather, candy coral, and a bubble coral
Reef contains red algae and a ton of Chaetomorpha
My reef is in a 55 gallon tank with an 8 gallon sump, and is over a
year old. I will be attaching a 6 gallon algae refugium soon.
Here are my params:
Ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrite - 0
pH - 8.1
KH - 180 mg/L
Thank you very much for the help.
- Jason
<Mmm, well, all this could be "normal behavior"... or this
fish may have eaten something that didn't agree with it... or it
might have been poisoned a bit by the Zoanthids, stung by some other
animal here... Nothing really to do but stay observant, be patient. Bob
Re: Sick Mandarin fish?
I do have a colony of Zoanthids that are brown and about 1.5-2 inches
The polyps have little hairs coming off the sides. This colony has
flatworms on it. Could she be trying to eat the flatworms off of
I am willing to remove this colony. As far as an animal stinging her,
are you thinking the bubble coral may have done it?
<The most likely candidate here>
I have tried 3 other mandarins in the past, dating back to about 6
months ago. They have each died after about 2 days.
I blamed the first one on a lack of food, since the tank was only 6
months old at the time. The other 2 had plenty of pods available. I can
see them crawling on the rocks and in the Chaetomorpha. If this one
dies, I may be out of the mandarin hobby. I always thought feeding was
the tough part, but this is strange.
Thanks Again,
<And you, BobF>
Re: Sick Mandarin fish? 3/21/10
I just checked on her this morning and she was dead. There is no sign
of trauma, so I don't think she was attacked. I think I'm going
to cool it on the mandarins and stick to my coral and clownfish.
<This does sound best. Cheers, BobF>
Mandarin... hlth., poss. chewing by Isopods
Hello all you fine folks at WWM.
<Salud Frank>
I have an issue with my green mandarin that I'd like to get your
thoughts on. The mandarin has been my favorite fish for about 10 months
now. I originally had him in my 75 but my girlfriend is moving in so in
order to save a little space I downsized to a RedSea max 130d (34
gallon total volume I believe) all in one setup. I kept a few pieces of
my live rock and about 2 cups of the live sand for this setup to which
I added some new live rock (smaller pieces for smaller tank) and a new
bag of CaribSea live sand (the black variety). All my water parameters
check in at desirable levels.
PH = 8.3
Amm = 0
Nit = 0
Nitrate = 5-10
salinity = 1.025
cal = 420
Anyhow my problem is that since adding the new live rock I have noticed
some little critters that resemble rolypolys only smaller.
<Mmm, could be real trouble... most (if this is what they are)
Isopods are predaceous... Read here:>
I dropped in a few shrimp pellets for the mystery wrasse and scarlet
cleaner shrimp who made the move to the smaller tank along with the
mandarin and as the pellets disintegrated on the bottom these little
bugs were foraging thru it and presumably having a meal. I have read
about the dreaded isopods on your site and made the assumption that I
must have the scavenging type since I have never seen them on any of
the livestock.
<Oh! Thus far...>
Well a couple of days ago I noticed my mandarin's lip looked odd
and tried to get a better look at it and in doing so noticed that his
tale had apparently been nibbled on as well as having a smooth looking
tear in it as well as a tear in his dorsal fin. I am wondering if this
is due to a parasitic isopod and curious if one has latched on inside
his lower jaw causing him to look like he has a fat lower lip.
<Mmm, maybe. This or something else>
I cant get a good look and he is very shy so I couldn't get a
picture for reference but he is still swimming around and hunting for
food on the live rock as well as chowing down on frozen Mysis and brine
shrimp as well as blood worms all soaked in Selcon. He has always been
a good eater but almost seems to be eating more. The thought also
crossed my mind that he could have been stung by one of my coral frags
(sun coral frag, green button polyp frag, and Sarcophyton?)
or a small Aiptasia or some sort of anemone that came in on the new
live rock that is clear but don't look like Aiptasia. Anyhow sorry for
the long read but I was wondering if you might be able to offer some
advice. Any
would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks a lot, Frank
<You've about covered the most promising possibilities. Keep
your eyes open here. Bob Fenner>
Re Mandarin hlth., was fat lip, now swollen
pooter 3/10/10
Hello again. I wrote to you all concerning my mandarin a few weeks ago.
He appeared to have a fat lower lip at the time and I was fearing the
isopod was the culprit at the time but also wondered if he might have
been stung by something. Well after a couple of weeks his lip appears
to be healed of whatever caused his problem but he now has another
issue. Related or not remains to be seen. I noticed the other day that
his anus appears to be swollen. Almost bulging as if he needs to poo
but to no avail. Could this be related to his last ailment and could it
be some sort of parasite/worm or bacterial infection?
<Might be something that "stung" its mouth that now
it's having a hard time passing... could be parasitic (if this
animal perishes, do save the body for necropsy)>
What do you recommend I try to do to help the little guy? Thanks again
for your help,
<Nothing other than providing foods, good conditions. Bob
Mandarins in a 55... Mmmm, dis. & fdg.
f's 1/5/10
Hi everybody! I just had a couple questions regarding dragonettes I was
hoping you could answer.
<Will try>
First my tank stats: I have a 55 gallon tank with about 65-70 lbs live
rock 100 lbs sand that is 10 months old and attached 29g fuge holding
Chaeto and grape Caulerpa another 15 lbs live rock and about an inch of
rubble I have a canister filter as a return (no media) and about 300gph
flow through the tank. Now then my first mandarin was a spotted which
took frozen and was fat and active for the 8 months I had it before it
grew a lump on it's side
which looked like half a peanut under it's skin. It had the lump
for a couple months and acted normally before one day it had trouble
staying upright then disappeared the next day. Any idea what was wrong
with it?
<Mmm, perhaps a tumour of some sort... but of what etiology? Perhaps
it "jumped out" (any smiling cats about?)... Perhaps was
eaten, decomposed... Perhaps it's still in there>
I hope to prevent this ever happening again. I found a replacement at a
lfs this time a big red splendid mandarin who was fat and healthy,
after introduction to my tank he went into the rocks and wasn't
seen for a week (even now it's still extremely shy). Assuming he
hadn't made it I found another healthy fat red splendid mandarin
half the size of the first. When acclimating the first one, to my
surprise, came out to check out the new arrival in the bag. So far the
little one always backs off when approached but I heard two males will
inevitably fight
<This is so... if there's not enough room, habitat. The size
diff. here though... these are likely not both males. The large one
so I fear one of two things will happen, they will grow to the same
size and fight possibly killing each other or the
larger one will starve and die in my system if I can't train it to
eat frozen (the smaller eats frozen). So is there any possibility of
peaceful and happy coexistence?
Other inhabitants include 1 neon goby, 1 yellow watchman, 1 Firefish, 1
hectors goby (does not eat prepared
food but still healthy and growing after 6 months), 3 captive bred
hippocampus kuda, and the 2 mandarin along with all the hermits and
snails and crabs. Also I have 1 pom pom crab but wanted to add a couple
more, would their spawning provide food for the mandarins and hectors
goby or just help the filter feeders?
<I'd stick with the one crab>
And lastly I'm looking for more macroalgaes to help provide
breeding grounds for pods, I heard amphipods like Ulva, also suggested
are maidens hair and Gracilaria, your thoughts would be appreciated,
<Providing food/s from outside is likely to be more productive. Do
look into simple Copepod culture. Here:
for a start, jumping off point. Bob Fenner>
Mandarin Goby with White (Pearl Size Growth)
Hello, I have an established 55 Gallon Tank that I have had
running for almost 3 years now. I have had a mandarin goby for
over 2 of those years.
Today I had looked in the tank and he was fine, about 6 hours
later he has a pearl size growth attached to just behind his side
fin. He is swimming around normally and seems to not be bothered
by it at all. A little bit ago
he brushed against a piece of coral and looks like he popped a
hole in the side of it.
<A likely scenario>
There aren't any other white spots on it at all, none of my
other fish in the tank seem to be affected or have anything like
it. I had called a LFS they told me it could be just a bacterial
infection (like a human zit)
<Mmm, more like an "owee" from a
and that it should essentially fix itself.
<I do agree with this>
Attached are a couple pictures. Could ya tell me what it possibly
is and how to go about helping
my fish heal?
<"Just" good care and time going by. Bob
Mandarin/Gas Bubble q -- 11/23/2009
Hi Folks,
<Hey Rebecca! JustinN here!>
I have been searching the net as well as your site since last
night and into this morning. I am under the impression from my
research that my new mandarin has GBD. I had started him out in
my 20 gallon quarantine. It was not topped up and the hang on
filter was dropping the water about 3 inches to the water
surface. I thought nothing of it at the time as I was more
concerned about the fish not feeding while in quarantine.
<A valid concern -- many bypass a quarantine altogether with
this fish for this reason (though I am of the mindset that if you
are going to attempt a mandarin, quarantine is the best place to
attempt to wean them onto prepared foods... if it works at
Aware of their resistance to ich (I know that they are not
immune), I decided to get him into the display where he could
eat. He did great at first, making himself a little cubby to hang
out in and eating off of the live rock. Later in the day I
noticed bumps under the skin, not white. I am familiar with ich
and did not think that it was ich but panicked and put him back
into the quarantine system and corrected the set up flaws. Now I
am wondering if he would be better off in the main display?
It has been set up for 2 years now with a refugium in
anticipation of this particular fish and houses one yellow tang
as well as some corals. 55 gallon with deep sand bed, full of
live rock (forgot the actual poundage), 20 gallon sump style
refugium with remora skimmer
Rebecca Bray
<A 55 gallon is not optimal for a Yellow Tang, but being that
it is the only fish in the tank, it should be ok. Continued
correspondence is below...>
Re: Mandarin/Gas Bubble q -- 11/23/2009
Just called the LFS. The remaining mandarin that came in with
mine has the same bubbles under the skin. Theirs is listing to
one side.
Rebecca Bray
<Sounds like a problem from the get-go -- I would remove this
fish before it becomes a major problem or causes issues for your
other pet-fish.>
Re: Mandarin/Gas Bubble q -- 11/23/2009
Close inspection of the bubbles with a light and magnifying glass
show that there are 3-4 distinct white spheres in each bubble.
Snail eggs?
Is that possible?
Rebecca Bray
<Mmm, not real likely, though I don't know a specific
identification for you here. I would remove/return this fish to
the LFS -- since they are seeing problems on the one in their
care, I would be surprised if they tried to argue against this.
Good luck! -JustinN>
Re Mandarin with bubbles -- 11/23/09
I was able to get a close up of the "bubbles" early
this morning.
( Notice along the edges.) His color darkened up after the light
was on awhile. He is still eating and is alert and active. I
could return him to the LFS but I am afraid he will just perish
<Rebecca, I will send this msg. on for response, but are you
able to make a side view image of this fish? Bob Fenner>
Mandarin with bubbles
These are the closest I have to a side view for now. He has
become apprehensive of me. let me know if you need better
Rebecca Bray
<Mmm, can't make out much more... because both specimens
(yours, the stores) are exhibiting the same symptom, I suspect
there is some commonality in how they've been handled... is
the raised area part of the
lateralis system e.g.? About all that can be done now is provide
good care (water quality, nutrition mostly) and wait and hope.
These (Callionymids) are tough little fishes, though they appear
not to be. Bob Fenner, whose friend Rob Bray owns House of Fins
in Greenwich, CT>
Mandarin with bubbles 11/24/09
Thanks Bob. The bubbles are not directly related with the
lateralis system. They are scattered about randomly. I am taking
a skin scrape with me to Mystic today along with enlarged photos
to see if I can
figure anything out with the Quarantine specialist. No relation
to Rob Bray but I did have a former intern go to work for House
of Fins.
Rebecca Bray
<Ahh... these don't appear to be resultant from gas
embolism, and this family of fishes have very reduced gas
bladders, so, not likely a matter of too-rapid ascent from
collection (this and the other common Psychedelic Gobies are
gathered in pretty shallow water... and with little
"spears", not chemicals generally...). Bob Fenner>
More re: Mandarin with bubbles 11/24/09
Hi Bob,
<Good morrow (here) Neale!>
> For what it's worth, my guess would be a
thicker-than-normal mucous layer collecting bubbles from the
water and perhaps silt from the substrate. The question is why is
this dragonet reacting thus, and given its behaviour has changed
as well, some investigation of environmental conditions,
tankmates, diet, etc. may be in order.
<Is a good guess in my estimation... as this group of fishes
is remarkably
"slimy"... but having enlarged the original pix as much
as I can, these "bubbles" look almost granular in
detail... not like a gas at all. If they weren't so
apparently transparent, my guess might be that they were
"sand grains" attached with mucus.>
Have seen similar with pufferfish (which also have very small
scales and thick mucous layers) after doing things like changing
out all the substrate in the aquarium. Puffers recover within a
day or two, but then they're hardy, adaptable fish that think
with their stomachs. May be different with species only
marginally tolerant of captive conditions and less inclined to
eat adequately.
> Cheers, Neale
<I'll send on this corr. to Ms. Bray. Cheers! BobF>
Re: More re: Mandarin with bubbles
Thanks for the input from Neale. I did a skin scrape today and
took it along with my pics to Mystic. They are stumped as well. I
did not get a good enough scrape to see anything under the scope
(first experience). When I did the scrape however I went over the
bumps on the one side and it did not affect them at all so I
can't imagine they were collected from the water. (There is
silt on occasion.) None of them ruptured. The other mandarin that
was delivered to the LFS with mine still has the same symptoms.
They came in with whatever this is. He is still alert and very
active and eating away at the live brine, Arcti pods, and pods
from the main display that I am importing to the quarantine.
<I can't pretend to be an expert on dragonets, so
Bob'll want to comment in detail on your observations I'm
sure. But if multiple specimens are showing thicker than normal
mucous layers, it might be a result of shipping stress; exposure
to some noxious chemical somewhere along the line; or else a
contagious infection of some sort (what in freshwater fishkeeping
tends to get called "Slime Disease"). This latter
appears to be some type of protozoan infection (Costia) analogous
to Whitespot/Ick, but different, and somehow triggers excessive
mucous production that appears as slimy grey patches on the body.
The last time I dealt with Slime Disease on freshwater (on a pair
of newly purchased Carinotetraodon irrubesco) I performed two
seawater dips a day apart on each fish, and treated the tank with
a product called eSHa 2000, which treats against various external
microbial infections (Finrot, Fungus, etc.) more because
that's what I had to hand than anything else. Both puffers
got better very quickly; indeed, the seawater dips seem to shift
the excess mucous within hours of treatment.
After a few days, both puffers were completely healthy, and while
an accident on my part killed the male, the female is still
happily swimming about the tank now, three years later. Because
freshwater puffers have an extremely high tolerance for salinity,
I dipped them for 20 minutes, and this may also have helped
dehydrate any external protozoan parasites. In any case, Bob may
be able to say whether freshwater dips would be helpful in this
case. While I don't imagine a 20 minute freshwater dip would
be safe for Synchiropus, some shorter period of time may well be.
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: More re: Mandarin with bubbles
Thanks Neale. I've been considering a freshwater dip as well
although I know how dangerous they can be for mandarins. I will
be interested in Bob's opinion.
<Mmm, not dangerous, but not generally useful for these sorts
of complaints>
The only form of "safe" treatment that we could come up
with yesterday was elevated temperature and hyposalinity.
<I wouldn't do this either... just time going by, good
care... will hopefully see these apparent pinocytic cysts
I currently have the quarantine at 80 degrees F and I lowered the
specific gravity to 1.017 last night. I do believe that I am
seeing an improvement this morning. The most noticeable bumps are
smaller. He was sloughing off a lot of slime coat this morning
but is still as active as ever. I appreciate the continued
support from everyone on the site. It's great to have the
Rebecca Bray
<Welcome. BobF>
Re: More re: Mandarin with bubbles
Thanks Neale. I've been considering a freshwater dip as well
although I know how dangerous they can be for mandarins. I will
be interested in Bob's opinion.
<Mmm, not dangerous, but not generally useful for these sorts
of complaints>
<<Thanks for this Bob. I did wonder if the saltwater dips
were purely cosmetic, shifting the mucous, and the Puffers
recovered under their own steam. Always difficult to know whether
it's time or the treatment that
worked! Cheers, Neale.>>
<<In this case the former. BobF>>
Re: More re: Mandarin with bubbles
That sounds like good news. Can I put him back in the main
display or may this be parasitic?
<Highly unlikely to be parasitic. I would place this fish in
the main display. B>
Re: More re: Mandarin with bubbles
Hi Bob, Well the mandarin went into the main display on
Thanksgiving and today we have a full blown ich infestation. It
is most apparent on the tang it just didn't present as ich on
the mandarin. Shall I quarantine the 2 and let the main go
<... all need to be moved to treatment>
I seem to have trouble keeping my ammonia under control in the
quarantine. Any suggestions?
Rebecca Bray
>Reading. B<