FAQs about Nassarius, Nassariid,
Related Articles: Gastropods, Sea Slugs, Mollusks, Abalone,
Related FAQs: Marine Snails 1, Marine Snails 2, Marine Snails 3, Marine Snails 4, Snail ID 1, Snail ID 2, Snail Behavior, Snail Selection, Snail Compatibility, Snail Systems, Snail Feeding, Snail Disease, Snail Reproduction, Mollusks, Sea Slugs, Abalone,

Adding Nassarius Snails?
I spoke to you about compatibility of the Humu Picasso Triggerfish, Blue headed
Wrasse and the Red Coris Wrasse and that was fine; but now I have another
question, please. Can I add about 5 Super Tongan Nassarius Snails into the mix?
<Mmm; only if they dive into the substrate and stay there. Very likely the
Rhinecanthus trigger and Coris wrasse will devour them, sooner or in time>
I really want to make sure that I have a stable tank and I do not have anything
planned for algae control other than making sure my chemistry on target.
<Other approaches... Do consider a sump/refugium... See WWM re RDP, macroalgal
culture, DSB there>
I am just concerned that these rather (potentially) aggressive fish in with the
snails. If you have another suggestion; I would appreciate it very much! I thank
you in advance!
<As stated. Bob Fenner>
Re: Adding Nassarius Snails?
Thank you very much Bob. You are an incredible resource for me; I really
appreciate your help! Sincerely, Jen
<Welcome Jen. B>
New Super Nassarius Snail in iM fusion 10 Nano reef
i hope you are doing well. thank you for reading my question. I have a
Nuvo fusion 10 nano reef. It' been up for 6 months. I just started
adding coral in mid December after slow cycling for 3 months. I cycled
with dry rock and
1.5" of "live" sand, adding small amounts of frozen and pellet food one
a week. I do not have any fish, only coral and a few inverts, as I think
it would be cruel to house a fish in such a small tank.
<There are some small gobies, blennies...>
I started out with a few soft corals and have added a couple peaceful
LPS. and a skunk cleaner shrimp. Last Week I added 3 sexy shrimp and a
super Nassarius snail. I am now experiencing what I think is a bacteria
bloom caused by the new snail stirring the sand bed. I have the regular
symptoms, cloudy water that tests good for PH, nitrate phosphate, etc.
It's been about two days now like this and some off my corals are not
opening. My water parameters have been and remain very consistent in the
PH and other areas. My question is can I ride this out and will it
balance back out, or do you think the tank is too small to have that
type of snail stirring up the sand and I need to take it back. thanks
for your time.
Kind Regards,
John Arenz
<I'd add some mechanical filtration... a small outside power filter
would be ideal... or a small internal one, sponge or box filter... to
ride out the particulate storm for now. All ought to settle down soon.
Bob Fenner>
Re: New Super Nassarius Snail in iM fusion 10 Nano reef
Thank you for replying.
<Welcome John. BobF>
Nassarius Snails 3/13/15
<... five megs of pix... What's our limit?>
I recently decided to order some Nassarius snails on eBay. In looking on a
thread, someone had posted that these were not truly Nassarius.
<The genus>
I contacted the seller, and she said that she got her original group
from the Caribbean.
<Are worldwide; several species...>
They have not yet arrived, but I'm trying to figure this out. I should've done
this before I ordered, but my gut is saying I should check this out. I have
attached a photo. Thank you.
<See WWM, the Net re... Could be. Bob Fenner> |
Quarantine of Nassarius Snails 11/4/14
Hi Crew,
Long time fan, I'm coming to you with another barrage of questions. Please
forgive me if this has been answered already, but I was not able to find an
answer to my question after searching for a long while.
I currently bought some more clean up crew for my display tank, and as per your
suggestions, I'm rather sold on the idea of "quarantine everything wet".
<Almost always a good idea>
The new additions to my tank will be: 1 fire shrimp, 1 skunk cleaner shrimp, 10
Cerith snails, 10 Nassarius snails (the small kind, these stay about the size of
a dime), and 5 scarlet red hermit crabs.
Everything is currently in quarantine in my 10 gallon tank, and they will be
migrating to my display tank in about 6 weeks.
My issue is that I've read that the Nassarius snails need substrate to survive,
but my QT is currently bare bottom.
Knowing this, I added a Tupperware container full of sand in the QT,
and after drip acclimation, I made sure to add all the Nassarius snails inside
the Tupperware. I woke up the next morning to see about 5 Nassarius snails
crawling around on the glass, and the other 5 I'm assuming were
buried in the sand.
Should I be worried about the Nassarius requiring substrate for their survival
in my QT?
<No; they will find the substrate if interested>
or will they be fine in a bare bottom tank?
<Leave the Tupperware in place>
Do I even need the Tupperware of sand in there for the Nassarius?
<I would use>
Also, I am now aware that they are not algae grazers like most other snails
found in this hobby, but rather, carnivores. I currently drop in a few pieces of
mysis/Cyclop-eeze or whatever food is left over from feeding my
display into the QT for the cleaner shrimp/hermit crabs. The shrimps are much
quicker than the hermit crabs and the Nassarius, so I'm concerned that the
shrimps will devour all the food before the hermits/Nassarius can get any. Any
suggestions on how to make sure everyone is well fed and happy in the quarantine
<You're doing fine. For the duration of the quarantine, the food offered and its
recycling will feed all>
Any advice is, as always, very respected and much appreciated.
Thank you, and enjoy your day.
<Do keep an eye on the hermits and shrimps lest they go after (consume) your
snails. Bob Fenner>
Tonga Nassarius Snails.
Beh. 4/6/12
New to Salt Water Tanks and have 1 Nassarius Snail. The question
is easy...what is the normal life pattern...over the past week we have
not seen him at all.
How long do they hide under the sand?
Should I search the sand to find him?
<Evening Ron. Behavior sounds normal for this snail.
They will spend daylight hours buried and come out at night in search
of food. It is also likely that they will come out during the day
when you do feed. It becomes a learned behavior though>
Thanks for your help!!!!
<You are welcome, Bobby>
Re: Tonga Nassarius Snails. 4/6/12
Bobby, thanks for the quick response. Sorry to be a pain...
<No problem at all, this is what we enjoy!>
Over the past month we would see him on a regular basis hours after
feeding...now we haven't seen him (or his breathing tube) in the
past week.
Still normal or should I search the sand?
<Gotcha, I see your concern now. What fish do you have in the
tank? I know in the case of my tank, my butterfly's and
angels could not resist nipping at those little tubes. Suffice to
say, the snails are much more subtle now in what they stick out in the
water column!. I would also trying feeding the tank a small bit
30 min after lights out and check the tank with a flashlight to see if
they come out then. If not, you may have lost him. If at a
loss, use something to sift through the top layer of sand to see if you
find him>
Thanks for your thoughts
<You are welcome!>
Re: Tonga Nassarius Snails. 4/6/12
Thanks, we have 1 Blenny, 2 Clown, 1 small star fish, 1 Leopard Wrasse
and 1 feeder/cleaner shrimp and three small snails.
How far to the go into the sand?
<Not far, top 1/2" -3/4">
Snails Versus Fish 12/18/11
Dear WWM crew,
My question is, do Nassarius snails present competition for fish that
eat/sift food from the sand?
<Mmm, can/do a bit>
I have several fish that sift the sand for food and eat from the
surface of the sand, which are a pair of ocellated dragonets, a
Rainford's goby, and a Hectors goby. They are in a 75 gallon reef
tank that has a 29g sump, a 1/2 full 55g refugium, and a 16g fishless
tank hooked in the system. They do all eat frozen foods daily (Rods,
homemade, Mysis, Nutramar shrimp roe).
I lost nearly all of my CUC to an ATO issue a few months ago and have
still not replaced my snails (I don't like crabs, so not replacing
them)... what survived are 5 or 6 Tonga Nassarius, 1 or 2 small
Nassarius (not the illysiana type), and a few Cerith snails, 2 skunk
cleaner shrimps, 1 fire shrimp. I have always loved Tonga Nassarius
snails and want to get more, but I'm concerned that if I add more
they might make it harder for the aforementioned fish to eat (they all
eat various frozen stuff, but get it off he sand not out of the water
column). My sand bed is about 1" deep (deep enough to keep the
Tongans out of sight).
<Mmm, I'd add more over time>
The rest of the current CUC are 2 skunk cleaner shrimps and a fire
The current fish list is the pair of dragonets, the Rainford's
goby, the Hectors goby, an orange Firefish, a purple Firefish, a pair
of small ocellaris, and a yellow tang (the bottom half of my tank is
well stocked, while the upper half is practically fishless, so I need a
pair of some type of peaceful fish under 3" for the upper half....
I'm open to suggestions).
<Mmm, look at the various (hardy) species of Cardinals/Apogonids,
Fairy Wrasses/Cirrhilabrus, and Anthiines/Fancy Basses about...>
Thanks for the information, and happy holidays to you all!
<Thank you, and you are very likely fine here w/ these numbers and
species of snails and your sand sifting/dependent fishes... Due to the
size/volume of the system, tied in volumes and good supplementary
feeding. Cheers, Bob Fenner>
F. Mills
Spotted Butterscotch Snail, eggs?
At the bottom of my saltwater reef are clear scale like, see
through objects which are anchored at the bottom, in the sand.
Looks like grains of sand in them and the butterscotch snail is
usually around them but not touching them. This has happened
before and I just removed them. But it happened again. Could
these possible be eggs of the butterscotch.
<Mmm, doesn't seem descriptive. Look on the Net re
"Nassarius eggs"... are these similar?>
I looked on the web however could not find anything like this.
they are shaped like a filled in 'V'. Have you seen these
before? My snail is approx 1 inch long and no other butterscotch
snails around.
<Might be Hydroids of some sort. Bob Fenner>
Re: Spotted Butterscotch Snail 11/24/11
The only reason why I feel they are connected to the Butterscotch
snail is that the snail stays on top of the sand in the middle of
them for like all night and in the morning its under the sand.
The snail has its tongue like bottom in a column, raising its
shell and will stay like that for an hour or so, like its laying
these things. However can't see if it is or not. Should I
chance it and leave these in my tank and see if they are eggs (do
they need to be fertilized) or remove them before they turn into
something "bad".
<... Please send along a well-resolved image. BobF>
Re: Spotted Butterscotch Snail 11/24/11
could not get better pictures, however you can probably get the
gist of it. I pulled a couple out of the water.
<... ? Did you search as I suggested last email? Don't
know what these are, but don't look like snail eggs period to
me. B>

Snails eating red legged crabs!
Hello to Everyone!!
<Hello Amanda>
I have used your site for all the information that I have ever needed
regarding my tank and would like to say thank you so very much
<Thank you for your very kind words!>
However, I do have another problem that I can't seem to figure out
or find the answer to...I recently bought a new clean-up crew after
moving 90 miles and losing some crabs, snails etc. Everyone seemed to
be getting along fine, until the other day I watched a Nassarius snail
chase down a red legged crab and pluck him from his shell.
To my amazement every Nassarius snail in the tank surfaced and created
a "feeding ball," if you will.
Obviously, the poor little crab died and was eaten, but since this
instance it has happened two more times. Is this a common occurrence
with these species?
<These snails are in the main detritivorous scavengers, but in the
absence of sufficient food can turn carnivorous. They are not
herbivores, so this is possible, yes>
Can I expect all of my crabs to be eaten by the
Nass. snails?
<Perhaps you should try feeding the system a little more, obviously
with an eye on your nitrates et. Al>
Please let me know if there is something I should have done or if there
is anything that can be done....I have had these species together
before the move quite peacefully with nothing like this ever happening.
Thank you again for the great site and advice!
<No problem>
Best Regards,
<<Sorry Amanda, I meant to say they are Omnivores, they will
graze but can also be opportunistic!>
Please help... Nassarius or Whelks
I have a 110 gallon tank with a 55 gallon tank as a sump. It is a
recent upgrade from a 75 gallon non drilled tank. but the system
has been running for about 8 years. The system seems to be
healthy, all water parameters are in check, tons of copepods
& amphipods are thriving. All corals have great polyp
extension and showing signs of growth. Other than finding a
couple dead hermits, everything else seems to be running
<Ah, good>
I have recently purchased Nassarius snails for the tank about a
month - month and a half ago. I have included pictures of both
the larger snails that I purchased and a baby that I have seen 4
or 5 of in the last 2 days.
<... the larger snails are Nassarius obsoleta.( ILynassarius
The babies appear to have the same coloration and similar shape
as the grey and white striped one in the pictures. Their snout is
white in color but hard to see in the photos because they are so
small. Any help is appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to ID
these little guys.
I am hoping that you can tell me that my larger snails are in
fact Nassarius Snails, and if possible an ID on the babies would
be much appreciated.
<The smaller animals look like some sort of Whelk to me; and
too likely predaceous. I would remove them>
Thanks for your time and help.
<Bob Fenner>

Nassarius snails
"eating" sea hare? 09/29/10
Good Day, Crew,
I am always amazed by our reef tank. It is incredible how one small
change can have major effects on the balance of life in the tank. This
is a long one, I apologize in advance. Looking back at my reef journal
I have seen a very interesting story take place. About a year ago we
had snails deaths.
My large Nassarius snails had disappeared over a period of time, so I
bought about 20 small dark Nassarius snails. We kept finding their
empty shells. Even my 4 Turbos snails died.. Now, I never saw any shady
snail behavior, I just found the empty shells, and a few weird
snails. Salty Dog helped me ID a couple nasty little whelks. They must
have come with the Nassarius. I never replaced the snails. About six
months ago we took a yellow tailed angel out of the tank, and within a
few weeks those large Tonga snails started showing up again. How funny.
I suspect the angel nipped their siphons, and that kept them hidden. So
now just a few days ago we bought 20 Trochus snails, and a sea
<What species Aplysiid?>
The moment the snails were in the water the Tonga Nassarius erupted
from the sand and jumped on the Trochus like a tiger on a new York
What a bummer. A fascinating but expensive bummer. A few Trochus got
away, but they are being picked off. The sea hare also got nibbled on.
It grazed for a few hours on the rocks (ahem, hair algae) and grazed
it's way to the substrate. I found 9 Tonga Nassarius snails on it.
I brushed them off, and placed the sea hare up high on rocks.
<Won't work. Will be hunted down, consumed>
It started secreting aqua colored ink,
<Not good for your system, tankmates>
like smoke, but kept grazing along. We have not seen the sea hare for
48 hours. I also only see about 4-6 Tonga Nassarius snails. I fear the
rest are chewing on the sea hare somewhere. I suspect these Nassarius
are very hungry due to a recent upgrade; the contents of our a 90
gallon to a 180 gallon, and I replaced all the sand with new LS. I wish
I had kept the old sand but I was certain it would be foul. It was not
but the 180 was already full with the new LS. Oh, well, live and learn.
I did put a few cups of the old sand into the 180. Any thoughts would
be appreciated. I am wondering are these Nassarius worth it, should I
feed them, and if you think I should keep them, and supplement their
diet, how many would be good for a 3-4 inch deep sand bed that is 2x5
<Some folks like some species of Nassarius... I am by and large NOT
a fan of overloading captive systems w/ gastropods... they have their
downsides... as vectors of disease, polluters, and predators. Read
here: http://wetwebmedia.com/snailscavsel.htm>
And just so you know we intended to return the sea hare if the hair
algae disappeared.
<There are species sold in the trade that are inappropriate. Read
here: http://wetwebmedia.com/SeahareSelF.htm
and the linked files above>
My sons love sea hairs, but I have always said no due to the lack of
hair algae. They are delighted at the algae issue!
My thanks, Victoria
<My welcomes, Bob Fenner>
Nassarius Snail Repro.
Question/Amphiprion Cross-breeding -- 08/30/10
Hi All!
Its Chris K. again - very excited as usual to be able to have a
question and something to share!
<<Hey Chris--Eric here today'¦>>
Firstly - one of my Nassarius snails is laying eggs -- I understand
that I should expect nothing from this
<<Not true necessarily'¦ I have had a breeding
population of Nassarius sp. snails for about seven years that
continually replenish their numbers>>
- but just out of curiosity - how long before they hatch?
<<Mine seem to do so rather quickly--perhaps
Are they in some sort of larval state before they develop a shell and
enter the substrate?
<<I'm not really sure--though I suspect they 'do not'
have a larval/planktonic stage else they would not reproduce so
successfully in my system>>
The only reason I ask is because around April my queen conch began
laying eggs - this went on for a few months. I didn't expect much -
given that most likely they would fall prey to fish and other predators
in my tank. However - one night I happened to walk past my tank long
after lights out and noticed what appeared to be salt all over my
glass. I immediately flipped on the light and noticed that they were
very small snails (I am certain that they are not pyramid snails), I
began to look closer and observed that there were hundreds all over my
rocks and glass. Apparently they hide during the day and come out at
night. Now I am merely implying the coincidence between my conch laying
eggs and then a month or two later having an explosion of tiny snail
like critters visible in my aquarium. I am trying to stay
<<Likely 'something' that came in with your
They are tiny and round (white and rather fragile looking - not the
thick shelled specimen that I would expect) and I am hoping that if I
can get a decent photo - you can help me identify them.
<<Some 35,000 species in existence [grin]>>
As a side note, they don't' seem to be attracted to any of my
coral and nothing appears to be getting damaged - so I am in a wait and
see mode.
<<They have probably been in your system for some time and are
probably harmless, if not beneficial>>
Lastly - I have two black and white Ocellaris clowns in my tank along
with two orange and white Ocellaris clowns.
<<Mmm--it is generally best to keep only a single pair,
especially of these two similar species (Amphiprion Ocellaris and
Amphiprion percula), as keeping more usually results in the
exclusion/bullying/death of those individuals outside the primary
pair-bond--unless the system is large enough for multiple
Initially they paired off according to their color and that was that.
The dynamics have recently changed though.
<<Not to be unexpected here>>
One of the black and white clowns has exploded by almost double in size
-obviously the female.
However they are "pairing off" by color less and less - the
other three clowns seem to be following her around (even the orange
ones) and doing dances for her. Presently she is spending most of her
days with the two orange and white guys. Is it possible for a black and
white Ocellaris to mate with an orange and white Ocellaris
- and if so - what kind of clown does that produce?
<<A hybrid thereof>>
Anything interesting?
<<That remains to be seen, perhaps small variations in color--or
these parent species may be so similar as to not exhibit any obvious
differences among offspring>>
Thanks again for all your help!
<<Quite welcome>>
As always you are a most valued reference!
Chris K
<<Happy to share my friend'¦ Eric R>>
Re: Nassarius Snail Question/Amphiprion Cross-breeding -
Thank you Eric for your response
<<You are quite welcome, Chris>>
- as always you make my day!
<<And it makes mine/ours to hear/know this!>>
If I were able to get a photo of the tiny snails rather than ask you to
go through 35,000 species (wow) perhaps you would be able to give me
the thumbs up or thumbs down as to whether by some shear miracle any
baby conches survived
<<We can surely take a look--though I am skeptical that these are
the offspring of your Queen Conch>>
(which you have undoubtedly figured out by now is my only real question
<<I had a feeling'¦ [grin]>>
Fortunately, or Unfortunately depending on your outlook, I have always
taken the words "that can't be done" as more of a
challenge than a rule.
<<Mmm, okay--and hopefully tempered with reasoning when it comes
to the environmental requirements of your animals/limitations of your
I did after all manage to find a beautiful blue fish with a personality
that fits in perfectly with everything else in my aquarium.
<<A yes--indeed you did>>
It took a few years but in this instance being relentless paid
off.....(grin). As for the clowns - I have had them for some time now
and am quite fortunate that the black and white ones have claimed the
territory near my corner over flow on the far left of my 90 gallon. The
orange and white clowns claimed an anemone ornament which I moved long
ago to the farthest right hand corner. Each "pair" is allowed
within inches of the others territory before the obligatory charge or
head but ensues - and can often be seen roaming freely throughout the
rest of the aquarium all together.
(Until recently - as previously stated - now the males just seem to
follow the female wherever she feels like going).
<<Ahh 'Amore'>>
If my clowns should mate is there a chance that the offspring would
<<Not likely--at least, not likely without some preparation for
such (like a plan for removing the fertilized eggs to hatching/rearing
tanks, feeding the fry, etc., etc.). If you are so inclined, there is
an excellent book by Joyce Wilkerson on 'Clownfishes' that I
highly recommend you obtain and read>>
I have no anemone
<<Is not needed>>
- I do not believe I have strong enough lighting to keep one (no metal
halides nor the more recent and seemingly way cool LEDS)
<<Way cool and WAY expensive--and I am still not convinced they
are equal to, much less better than, Metal Halide. But the day may well
be coming'¦>>
Thanks again Eric and have a great day!
Chris K.
<<Cheers Chris! Eric Russell>>
Nassarius Snails, QT
I just received my first online fish order. The fish look good, just
started acclimation to the QT tank.
<Makes my heart happy.>
My question is on the snails. I got them to help clean my sand bed in
my DT, but after reading I see some of you recommend QT on inverts and
some don't.
<I personally generally QT everything.>
I had decided not to QT them, for fear there's not enough for them
to eat in the shallow sand in my QT, but now I'm leaning towards
QT'ing them.
<I think you will find that these particular snail are pretty easy
to QT.
Rather than sort of randomly grazing for algae they will actively seek
out food particles that make it to the sand bed, plus its fun to watch
them emerge for seemingly nowhere.>
I emailed the company to find out if they house fish and inverts
separately. They said "typically yes" however they recommend
a short QT to be safe. (If I put them in QT they'll have to stay
there for 4 weeks as they'll be in with the new fish and I
don't want to cross contaminate if I can avoid it).
<Good plan.>
They arrived dry in a bag so I have no clue if they are alive or not at
this point.
<Hope the company will compensate you if they are not.>
They're floating in the tank to acclimate temperature wise for
Thanks for the info, Pam Speck
Re: Nassarius Snails, QT
Thanks, I did end up placing them in the QT, and I couldn't believe
how quickly they started moving around when I put them in there.
The royal gramma was swimming vertical in the bag when I opened the
box, and stayed that way all through acclimation, and after I placed
him in the tank. Eventually began swimming horizontal, but I'm a
bit concerned. I guess time will tell...(The place I ordered does offer
a full 14 day guarantee which is nice, but I'd still hate to lose
him. The 2 cleaner gobies seem very active.)
<They can swim at odd angles at times, I would not be too concerned,
just something to keep an eye on.>
Thanks so much for the advice, and I'm glad I did the right thing
by putting the snails in QT.
Black Onyx Nassarius Snails:
Buyer Beware: Likely Ilyanassa obsoleta -- 3/29/10
<Hello Michelle, Lynn here tonight.>
Hope this email finds you all in good health!
<It does indeed, thank you. I hope that you're enjoying good
health as well!>
I have a question on Nassarius snails, and can only find notes on WWM
regarding Whelks or Tongans- I am needing some info on black onyx
Nassarius snails.
<Hmmm, the snails I've seen sold on the net under this common
name appear to be Ilyanassa obsoleta (aka the Eastern Mud Snail), an
extremely common, cooler water snail that's not at all suitable to
the higher temperatures of reef systems. Their range includes the
western Atlantic, from Canada to northern Florida, as well as the west
coast of North America from British Columbia to California. Neither
range could be considered tropical! Exposing these snails to long-term
higher temperatures speeds up their metabolism, resulting in
drastically shortened lives.>
Is there a link here that you can provide?
<Yes, please see the following link for photos of Ilyanassa obsoleta
(for comparison): http://www.gastropods.com/5/Shell_3305.shtml
More information re: http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2006-11/mg/index.php
Or can you answer for me: Are they reef safe? To the extent that they
will not disrupt and devour my copepods?
<Apparently, they're mostly deposit feeders and scavengers that
feed on organic detritus, microorganisms (diatoms, bacteria, BGA,
etc.), some macroalgae, and carrion. Any critter than scavenges though,
has the potential to venture into live foods if it gets hungry enough
and the opportunity presents itself. The studies I've read
regarding the diets of wild individuals seem to indicate that live
fauna is not a significant part of their diet at all. However, it's
possible that an omnivorous snail with a boosted metabolism and
appetite, might indeed go after whatever prey is most readily
available. There have been reports of these snails attacking other
snails and there is some concern regarding the possibility of them
depleting beneficial sand-bed fauna.>
I have a mandarin goby and a scooter blenny- so want to make sure they
still have their food supply.
(Tank size: 180 gallon mixed reef)
<I would avoid these snails. No matter what they eat, they're
ill-suited to life in a reef system. If you need a scavenger that will
help stir the sand a bit, I'd go with something like the commonly
available Nassarius vibex. They're terrific little snails that
erupt en masse out of the sand at feeding time.>
Any info you can give is appreciated.
Thank you.
<You're very welcome. Please let me know if there's anything
else I can do for you.>
<Take care, LynnZ>
Re: Black Onyx Nassarius Snails:
Buyer Beware: Likely Ilyanassa obsoleta -- 3/30/10
Thank you, Lynn.
<You're very welcome, Michelle.>
Here is a copy of the listing, stating reef safe: I appreciate you
getting back with me last night- thank you for the information.
<It was a pleasure. If the company is indeed selling I. obsoleta as
a reef snail, that's a real shame, but sadly not all that
surprising. These and other temperate-water snails like Margarita
snails/ Margarites pupillus, Red Foot Moon Snail/ Norrisia norrisii,
etc., have been offered in the trade for years to reef hobbyists.
I'm glad to see that some companies are now listing (and commenting
on) the lower temperature requirements, but others are not quite up to
speed on this. Perhaps they are simply unaware. Once again, it serves
as a reminder to all to research before bringing home, and I commend
you for doing exactly that! I received a small number of Ilyanassa
obsoleta snails years ago from a large online company in lieu of the
Nassarius vibex that I had ordered. I didn't have any problems with
them attacking other snails, but perhaps they found enough food
elsewhere around the tank. Sadly, all were dead within 6
Have a great day and a Happy Easter! (if you celebrate)
<I do, thank you very much! Happy Easter to you as well!>
100 Onyx Nassarius Snails
<Yep, in cases where only a common name is offered, always inquire
about the scientific name. Only then can you really research and find
out if the animal is appropriate to your situation.>
100 Saltwater Reef Safe Nassarius Snails Coral Cleaners
<Was this supposed to describe the Onyx Nassarius Snails listed
above? If so, and if they're selling I. obsoleta, then yes they are
'reef safe' to an extent. The problem is that the term is a
very general one with many interpretations. Some see it as an
indication that an animal won't eat corals, others, that it
won't eat their snails, fish/livestock, and still others see it as
an indication that the animal won't release toxins either when
stressed or upon death. The list goes on and on. I daresay you'd be
surprised how many different answers and combinations you'd get if
you asked hobbyists what the term 'reef-safe' meant to them.
There is no single correct answer. In the case of Ilyanassa obsoleta,
the term may indeed seem applicable to some, but not to me personally.
At any rate, no matter how you interpret it, these snails are not
suited to the long term higher temperatures of reef systems. So, is it
reef-safe - maybe. Is it reef-suitable - no!>
The Most Bang for your Buck
<Mmm, no comment>
Total 100 Snails!!! The Nassarius snail is a small scavenger with an
oval spiral shell that resembles an olive pit, with a long tube like
siphon that protrudes from the end of the shell. One of the most ideal
scavengers and detritus eaters these snails are perfect for the reef
aquarium, quickly consuming detritus, uneaten food, decaying organics,
and fish waste. Nassarius snails like to bury themselves in the sand,
which will help maintain adequate oxygen levels in the substrate.
Shipped without water.
Check out my other items!
Be sure to add me to your favorites list!
<Mmmm, no comment here, either. Take care, Michelle. Thanks once
again for researching before buying! LynnZ>
Follow-up Re: Black Onyx
Nassarius Snails: Buyer Beware: Likely Ilyanassa obsoleta --
<Hi Michelle>
Once again- thanks for the reply.
<You're most welcome.>
I would like to post something on eBay - to warn fellow reefers,
possibly beginners, about this- and have found an article on
www.reefkeeping.com that suggests the harm these can do, the disease
they may potentially add to the tank, etc- but I am not sure how to do
that without hurting myself in return (I'm a seller as well on
<I can certainly understand that. It's also important to take
into account the litigious nature that our society seems to have
unfortunately embraced. In this case, we're not sure exactly what
species of snails is actually being sold. That's the problem with
common names. The snails that I've seen being sold online under the
name Onyx Nassarius snails appear to be the species Ilyanassa obsoleta,
but your vendor may be using that same common name for an entirely
different snail. There's just no way of knowing without seeing the
actual snail itself. The bottom line here is that I'd tread very
carefully when it comes to publicly posting anything negative regarding
a vendor.>
I have sent a personal message to the seller of that listing- maybe
they will 're-edit' their listing to state what these are
better suited for.
<Good, I was going to recommend contacting the vendor privately.
Hopefully they'll be able to do some research, determine exactly
what species they're selling, and be able to offer as much accurate
information as possible to potential buyers. Beyond that, we can only
hope that hobbyists remember to do their own research before bringing
home any livestock, no matter what information a seller has or
doesn't have to offer.>
I included your WWM link to give them a hint, lol. Best regards- look
forward to doing much more reading on your articles- thanks!
<You're welcome! Take care and again, Happy Easter!
Snail questions, Nass. sys.,
Strombid repro... -- 02/12/10
Hi Crew,
I have a 24 gallon Aquapod with live rock, crushed coral and 96w T5. I
originally had sugar like sand but it blew around too much and I could
not adjust the flow properly since there is a limited choice with the
way the Aquapod comes. So I changed to crushed coral and I really like
it. The tank is now up over a year and the crushed coral about 9
months. But I do have one spot in the middle under the rock that still
has some sand.
Recently I got some critters from the Keys. A pair of rusty Gobies and
a Blue Chromis. Not sure how long I can keep the Chromis but right now
he is only 1.5 inches and a beautiful blue. I also got 2 Keyhole
limpets, 4 Astrea snails and 6 Nassarius snails. This was two weeks ago
and they all seem fine except for the Nassarius. Have not seen them
since they went into the tank.
<Likely they have burrowed under the sand/crushed coral here>
This is my third try for them in this tank. Is the crushed coral just
not to their liking or is something else amiss.
<Most members of the genus, family are much better off with finer,
softer substrate>
Aside for the fact that it was hard to get to the sand in middle of the
rock I had hoped it could serve to house the Nassarius. I also have
Stomatella snails and Strombus maculatus.
<Mmm, do investigate this species. Something else as M. maculatus is
often mis-sold...>
But the Nassarius just never make it. I keep trying because I have
nothing else to eat leftover food except for some tiny thread like
worms and I am not even sure what they eat.
<I consider that you have plenty of snails here>
I don't keep any crabs not even hermits because, as you guys say,
they are opportunists.
So what can I keep for that purpose that will not steal from my corals
when I feed them, like the peppermint shrimp that I tried.
<Your own periodic maintenance... vacuuming, water
My second question relates to the Strombus. I have 6 that are always
laying their eggs in their capsules all over the place but I have yet
to see one baby. I can see the eggs in the capsule and at some point
there is a hole in the capsules and no more eggs in it. But none seem
to survive.
My Stomatella came as hitchhikers, probably on some coral, and now I
have hundreds of little ones.
<Could be a few things influencing the Strombid young... chemically,
predation... Bob Fenner>
Live Rock Hitchhikers: Chiton and Whelk --
<Hello Glenn, Lynn here this evening.>
I was hoping you could confirm a couple of live rock hitchhikers
and maybe give some more information.
<Will sure try.>
Currently I got 50 lbs. of live rock curing in quarantine and I
came across these two beauties.
<Neat! The pinkish, mottled, low-rider is a beneficial,
herbivorous Chiton. The black and yellow snail is a whelk of some
Should I remove them or are they reef and invert safe?
<Keep the Chiton, lose the whelk.>
This rock will eventually end up in my 180 gallon tank with fish,
squamosa clam, diadema urchin, snails, Acropora and Montipora
I believe one is a flat worm maybe a Polyclad but not sure.
<Good news, it's not! It's a neat little Chiton
(Polyplacophoran). For more information, please see the following
The other is a snail in the Buccinidae family.
<Oh yes indeed. It's a whelk alright, and very similar to
one I've seen before. It's in the family Buccinidae
Pisaniinae, most likely in the genus Engina (Pusiostoma), and I
wouldn't trust it around a corner. Please see the FAQ titled
'Black and yellow snail ID: Engina (Pusiostoma) sp. -
5/2/08' at the following link for more information and a
photo: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/snailid16.htm
Here are two possibilities (knowing location of origin will help
rule in/out possibilities): Engina histrio:
Or Engina alveolata fusiformis:
More from this genus at this link:
In addition I have about ten Aiptasia or Anemonia that I've
got to get rid of
<Good thinking - get rid of any pest anemones now.>
..and identify three little crabs.
<Next time you see them, count the walking legs. Do they have
three on each side plus two claws, or four on each side (plus
claws)? In general, three legs = porcelain crab of some sort and
not likely much of a problem. Four legs = true crab and a
potential concern. If you can get some good photos, do send them
along and we'll take a look. If possible, leave the crab
submerged in tank/container while photographing. Include a shot
from above showing the carapace and all legs, and one from the
front showing the claws. You can learn a lot about a crab from
just looking at those claws!>
All I can say is quarantining my live rock has saved me a ton of
trouble down the road.
<You are wise, grasshopper! Good luck and enjoy!>
<Take care, LynnZ>
What Are These? Likely Nassarius Species -
<Hi there, Lynn here this afternoon.>
Can you help me out?
<I'll sure try.>
Before I put these in my tank! lol
<Heee! I'll hurry!>
These were sent to me as Tongan Nassarius snails.
<Uh-oh. That's the trouble with common names. They're
not specific!>
They look like whelks or something not good.
<I can understand your thinking. I'd be concerned as well.
Nassarius snails and whelks can indeed resemble each other. Both
are in the same superfamily, Buccinoidea. The good news is that,
as we know from experience, not all in this large group are a
danger to the other snails, etc., we keep in our tanks. The most
commonly kept Nassarius species are beneficial scavengers, living
the majority of their lives buried in the sand until feeding
time, when they erupt en masse. That's not to say that all
Nassarius are harmless, though. The larger species in particular
can pose a significant a threat if they're not supplied with
enough readily available food.>
These are NOT what the picture in their ad showed and NOTHING
like my AUTHENTIC Tongans. (see picture below this one to see
mine).These are mine and these are Tongan.....
<Yes, they're not what I'm used to seeing tagged as
Super Tongan snails either, but again, that's the problem
with common names. The snails you received most closely resemble
Nassarius margaritiferus, or Nassarius margaritifer depending on
the source. They're commonly called a 'Margarite
Nassa' snail. Now, the big question of the day is whether
these will be well-behaved and not eat their fellow snail
tankmates. Unfortunately, I honestly can't answer that with
any certainty. It could go either way. They're almost
certainly scavengers but whether they'll attack your other
snails is up in the air. You can either release them, keep them
fed and keep an eye out for trouble, or perhaps put them in
another tank, feed them as usual for a couple of days, then add a
snail and see what happens. If they go after the poor thing, get
it out of there before it's killed. For more
information/photos, please see the following links:
More photos so you can see the variation:
http://www.conchology.be/? t=27&family=NASSARIIDAE&species=Nassarius%20margaritifer
Take care and good luck, LynnZ>
Part 2: What Are These? Likely Nassarius Species -
<Hello, Lynn here again.>
Here are more of the "Nassarius" snails.
<Excellent photos!>
I tried to find something about how to tell the difference
between the Tongan and these "TONGAN" impostors. They
have a thing that looks like can seal themselves up in a
watertight type door (not the reddish brown "door" on
the right).
<Called an operculum>
My REAL Tongan Nassarius snails, I have NEVER seen inside their
shells. A LOT of their body is WAY out in the open.
<They can seal themselves inside.>
So are these whelks and should I flush them?
<No! Even if you do find that these snails won't work in
your tank, please try to find them another home (perhaps at a
LFS). Please see previous email and check photos for comparison.
Take care, LynnZ>

Part 3: What Are These? Likely
Nassarius Species - 10/9/09
<Hello again>
I found this link below:
<Yes, I believe the species shown (see photos in the bottom
group) is the same one I linked in the original message: Nassarius
margaritiferus, a common specie in the Philippines. The fact that
they refer to it, at that site, with the common name
'whelk' doesn't necessarily mean that it's a snail
killer. It may or may not be.>
Scroll down to the NOT REEF SAFE on this link.... we have a
winner!!!!..... http://www.chucksaddiction.com/Hitchsnails.html
<Ah yes, my friend in the Philippines -- great guy! I don't
see a photo of your snail at his link but the term 'not reef
safe' is used there to indicate the fact that Nassarius snails
(even those you already have) can and do eat the beneficial little
critters within sand-beds. In that respect, they are not reef-safe.
Are they safe with other snails? Maybe.>
Now here are the snails I have.... yeah, teeth like bumps on the
opening!!!!! In the Nassarius family yet, but not the "dog
whelks" that are safe like mine.
<Heeee! Don't get me started again on common names!
Part 4: What Are These? Likely Nassarius Species -
Well, I think I have found my answer......
Excerpt from Reefkeeping.com article by Ronald Shimek PhD
"These problems notwithstanding, it is generally pretty easy
to determine if a snail is a whelk. Whelk shells are generally
biconical or broadly fusiform. Their aperture is typically oval.
The animals typically, but not always, have an operculum on the
back of their foot which plugs the aperture when the animal
withdraws into its shell. If such an operculum is present, it is
made of protein and typically is brown, golden or black; and it is
never calcareous and round, but rather oval, crescent-shaped or
somewhat "leaf-shaped."
Whelks always have a siphonal canal with an anterior siphonal
The notch is generally quite distinctive, although the canal may be
short and twisted. All other sculpturing is variable and dependent
upon at least species, and maybe upon environment."
<Thank you, that's very informative! LynnZ>
Part 5: What Are These? Likely Nassarius Species -
"FLUSH" is a relative term!
<Whew, that's good! You had me going there for a
lol Here in Las Vegas they would not survive,
<Not in freshwater, that's for sure!>
..but I do NOT want to give them to someone and have them harm
their charges.
<No, you would never want to give them to anyone without full
disclosure. You could, however, offer them to a LFS. I'd
explain the situation and see what they say. They might be able to
take them off your hands, or even offer you some sort of
The REAL SUPER Tongan.... NEVER, I mean NEVER have I see them close
up in their shell.
<I understand. You may have never seen them close up all the
way, but they can. All of these snails have an operculum and can
seal themselves within their shell. Sometimes that operculum can be
hard to see, though! In your Super Tongan photo, if you take a look
at the individual on the right, you'll see a small light brown
operculum towards the end of the foot. If push came to shove, the
snail would pull in on itself and close up shop. Snails use their
operculum mainly as a defense against predation and
desiccation/drying out. In the normal course of grazing/traveling
about without threat, there's no need for them to close up. The
only time I've ever seen any of my snails close up is if
they're in trouble (ailing or dead) or feeling
If they tried, it took a while, but they try to flop over and
slither first. The whelks pull in QUICKLY like these.
Yeah operculum... I was being "general" for layman
<That's perfectly understandable. I just wanted you to have
the term in case you wanted to look it up. Snails are fascinating
creatures. Some have a thin/flexible operculum like what we see in
this group of snails, while others have a thickened, calcareous
version. Conchs actually have a claw-like operculum that they use
to aid in locomotion. It's not exactly graceful, but it
Nonetheless, I will not be adding them to my tank......
<Can't say I blame you!>
SIDE question... Can Halichoeres (Clown wrasse) wrasses decimate a
copepod/amphipod population in a tank? I have always had fairy
<Love fairy wrasses!>
..and though they would eat them here and there, there would always
be plenty on the rocks.
<I think the wrasse would nab what it could, but there would
always be nooks and crannies for the 'pods to hide. Be sure to
check out Bob's page on his pick for the three best candidates:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/halichoeresbestart.htm >
<You're very welcome. --LynnZ>
Part 6: What Are These? Likely Nassarius Species -
Sorry I have to disagree about the ones I have eating stuff in the
<No problem. I'm not always right and individuals can
They go under and stay in the SAME SPOT until I put in some fish
<Sounds like they're trained! It also sounds like
they're very well fed, which is terrific.>
THAT being said, there ARE species of Nassarius that are not good
for the sand bed. Plus if they were, my water quality would be
shaky, so no, these I have... my true TONGAN or NASSARIUS DISTORTUS
are perfectly suited.
<I'm glad to hear that.>
I had a Sand Sifting Star fish that ATE everything in my sand
<It happens, yes.>
..causing serious water quality issues.... that was when I FIRST
had a tank years and years ago and the dope at the LFS said I
should get that Sea star!
<Not good>
He knew my tank was only 55 gallons. So my experience with a dead
sand bed in the past would indicate that My N. distortus are
<Good to hear.>
Oddly Nassarius are part of the whelk family, but not destructive
in attacking other snails.
<That's right for the most part. I've heard the
occasional report of a Super Tongan snail attacking others but
I've never had any problems with mine. Perhaps the snails were
starving or perhaps the person had another snail entirely that they
called a "Super Tongan".>
I have never seen mine go near any other creature in the tank....
in fact they get bumped by something and they go under the
<Heee! It sounds like you've got some good snails! Take
care, LynnZ>
Part 7: What Are These? Likely Nassarius Species -
Okay, is that other thing that is pink, the think they use to kill
other snails etc, with?
<If the animal is indeed a snail killer then, yes, it would use
its proboscis/mouth (the pink thing) to kill/rip tissue from its
prey. It's also used by non-snail killers as well, like
Nassarius vibex. The proboscis is basically a flexible trunk with a
mouth on the end. The dark thing you see sticking up is the siphon.
It's used for breathing as well as for scenting prey/food. You
can't see it in the photo, but at the base of the each
'cephalic' tentacle, you should be able to see an eye.
Here's a good link regarding whelk/snail anatomy that you might
find interesting:
http://webs.lander.edu/rsfox/invertebrates/busycon.html >
It was about 1" LONG before I took the picture.
<The snail's probably hungry and testing the
What are your thoughts on that?
<I think it's a great photo - thanks! Take care,
LynnZ> |
Dog whelks/Control
<Hi Linda>
Is there a way to get rid of clam killing Dog whelks in my 185 gallon
reef tank?
<Can you not remove by hand and dispose of or find homes
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
Re Dog whelks/Control
They are predators, they eat snails, tubeworms and clams by liquefying
them and sucking them out, why would anyone want them?
<I'm well aware of that, Linda, was my first thought, physical
removal, and what you do with them after that is your call.>
They only come out in the dark and it is a tall 185 full of rock reef
tank....I've been picking out the ones I can reach or see for over
a year....
<"Over a year" is leading me to believe these
snails/whelks are both predator/scavenger gastropods, unless you've
been feeding them a steady diet of clams, snails, etc., they should
have starved to death if they were strictly specialized feeders of
snails, mussels, etc.>
I can't even reach the bottom of my tank...I'm small.
<I've also asked Lynn Z, our in-house gastropod expert for her
input. See below.
Lynn, I did not send a reply yet, but my best suggestion, without using
copper, would be to remove all possible food sources from the tank and
starve them to death and letting a crew of hermit crabs clean
<<That would have been my thought too'¦ if you
can't remove the offending snail eater, then remove the food source
and starve them out. When they get hungry enough, they'll start
wandering about looking for food and at that time, grab them! I
wouldn't want to treat the whole tank with something like copper
just to get rid of a few snail eaters. >>
<Much in agreement with you, Lynn.>
<<Also, we don't even know what else is in her tank. To me,
the obvious answer is what you already said, physical removal.
You know what I'd do since she can't reach them? I'd
recommend getting a pair of aqua tongs and removing them physically.
It's the easiest, least invasive way to go. If they're only out
at night, wait until the lights are off for a bit, then go hunting with
a flashlight and pick the little suckers out. I'm just wondering if
those snails are really what she thinks? I mean, if they've been in
there for over a year, has she been keeping them stocked with snails to
eat? >>
<Was my thought also, Lynn.>
<<They may easily be scavengers as well as predators, which if
that's the case, she might be able to lure them out onto the sand
where it would be easier to pick them up. I'd wait until after the
lights are off then put a couple of pieces of shrimp, fish, etc., in an
open area of sand and see what happens. As for grabbing them once they
come out, here are the two tongs I use. I especially like the smaller
pair. I wouldn't trust them for heavy stuff, but depending on the
size of the snails she needs to pick up, one of these should do.
<Thank you for your input, Lynn. Much appreciated as always. James
(Salty Dog)>
Re Dog whelks/Control
First, I want to thank you <and Lynn> for all your time and
thought you've put into this!
<You're welcome Linda.>
I have researched them quite a lot and can verify they are dog whelks.
I must have had them for years before I finally realized....always
wondered why I kept having snails die and why I couldn't keep
clams. I don't see tiny ones any more so I am making a huge dent in
the population. They are easier to grab when they reach about 1/2 inch.
They do seem to scavenge, as I have found little ones in my sump also,
but give them a clam and they are happy as one! First, I tried to lure
them with grocery store clams. They were too clever for me, they'd
wait a few days till I was tired of watching for them and
<Nothing worse than a sneaky whelk.>
My tank is full of about 200lbs of live rock, invertebrates, and
corals, so copper is not an option.
<And one I would not recommend.>
I agree baiting them is the answer....I was thinking of putting the
bait in a jar for them to crawl into then retrieve the jar before they
crawl out but I think it probably needs to be another grocery store
clam in a shell or other shrimps, etc will be feasting.
<Yes, may beat them to the punch.>
Too bad there is no predator for them, but that could open a whole new
can of worms.
<I'm sure there are, likely gulls, crabs, other whelks.>
Thanks again for all your thoughts and help,
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
Snail Deaths/Gastropod
Predators? 9/29/09
Hello WWM Crew,
<Hi Victoria>
I have been reading the site for about two years and have asked a few
questions myself. I can't thank you enough.
<You're welcome.>
Here's the story. I upgraded my pump to an Eheim 1265 three weeks
Thank you, Salty Dog for the advice. I am happy with the increased
At the time of the pump switch out, I discovered a rusty steel clamp on
my old pump that shed a lot of rust into the sump return section as I
removed it, and cussed. I replaced all the water from this part of the
sump and thought every thing would be fine.
<Ah, water is like air, if an odor is in one room, will soon get to
(The short version of that story is that my husband was being helpful
with an aquarium emergency, and replaced my blown return lines while I
was at work. Bless his heart.) I also added 5 Nerite snails that day.
Since that time, 4 of 5 turbo snails have died. They became inactive,
and one by one I am finding the empty shells (I have assumed the
hermits cleaned the shells out). The Nerites have disappeared, and
discovered a dead limpet in the refugium also. At the first sign of
problems with the snails I checked my water parameters, found nothing
out of whack. Remembering the rusty clamp, I placed Polyfilter in the
sump and replaced the carbon/Phosban. I have read everything I could
find on your site regarding snails, and still I'm just not sure. I
must also add that one of the snails I added sure does look a lot like
a snail that Bob identified as a predator. But to me a lot of snails
look a lot alike.
<Yes, can be difficult at times to correctly ID.>
Tank info as follows: 2 years old, 90 gallon with corner overflow, 125
lbs. live rock, two inch sand bed, 240w PC lights, 30 gallon three
section sump with refugium in center, on reverse photoperiod, miracle
mud, and Chaeto, T 78, SG 1.025, phos 0, nitrate 0, KH 9, pH 8.0 I use
the API reef master test kit. Livestock: one A. xanthurus, two A.
ocellaris, three C. viridis, two BTA, toadstool corals, mushrooms,
green polyps, Ricordeas. Thriving pod population in tank and fuge. My
main question is could the snails have suffered from the rust, while
everything else looks no different, or is something else going on. The
tank is definitely suffering the loss of snails, as the algae has grown
<Is a good chance that snail you mentioned may very well be a
predator of gastropods. A picture of it would help us identify it for
you. If something were amiss with your water quality causing snail
deaths, other
invertebrates would be at risk also, and you report no problems in that
regard. This leads me to believe that you may have a predator in your
tank. I would move this "predator" snail into the refugium,
replace the
dead snails, and see if the problem continues.>
Thank you for your time,
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
Follow-up: Re Snail Removed
From Main Tank, add to Nassariid f' - 10/7/09
Dear WWM Crew and Lynn,
<<Hi Victoria, Lynn here with a follow-up.>>
I have a some more information for Lynn.
<Will pass on to her.>
<<Got it, thanks!>>
Snails have continued to die. After removing the killer snail, I placed
5 new snails in the tank, and only one lived. The next day I witnessed
Nassarius come out of the sand like zombies to eat the snails
<Eating the live snails, or were they dead?>
<<Yep, I'm wondering the same thing. By the way, what kind of
Nassarius snails do you have? Are they the small Nassarius vibex (up to
~1/2' in length), or do you have one of the larger varieties, for
example what's called a 'Super Tongan' Nassarius (up to
~1')? Also, what kind of snails did you add? >>
Mind you I have not seen this happen before, with the previous deaths,
and actually have not seen these Nassarius snails in 6 months.
<They do like burrowing in the sand.>
<<Yes they do!>>
These new snails were sent home
<<I'm guessing from a LFS?>>
...in a dry bag, not carefully acclimated. I was very surprised at the
dry bag.
<<Hmmm, not great but if whatever type of snail you bought has an
operculum (and the snails were tightly closed), not exposed to any huge
temperature swings (getting left in a hot car, for instance), and it
was a short trip home, then that shouldn't have been a death
I have never had snails sent home like this,
<<I've heard of it, but never gotten them that way either.
It's definitely not the way I'd personally want to see them
...and just floated the bag a while, added some water, set them in the
tank and hoped for the best. Few days later I bought two turbo snails
from LFS, carefully acclimated them.
<<Okay. Was there a significant difference in the specific
gravity/salinity of the water from the LFS and yours?>>
I observed them to be active during acclimation and when introduced to
the tank. Days later found one laying on side, closed up.
<<Do you have enough food to sustain Turbos? They're big
eaters and need a good amount to survive. You can always supplement
with Nori/seaweed sheets attached to either a veggie clip or
rubber-banded to a rock. If your water parameters were all in the
green, it's possible that the snails succumbed to too much combined
stress. That is, stress/issues related to
handling/conditions/transit/possible lack of food, along with an
additional acclimation into your system.>>
The other shell, cleaned out.
<<Sounds like scavengers got to it. There are a host of
possibilities: hermits, Nassarius snails, bristleworms, etc.. All could
have descended on the dead/dying snail during the night.>>
The shells are found all over, near where I saw them inactive.
<<Gotcha, and you've not mentioned any clicking sounds so I
think we can rule out a smashing mantis.>>
I do have hermits, maybe 6 tiny things, 3 slightly bigger than
<<Tiny or not, these guys are effective scavengers and sometimes
snail killers. This is especially true if they're hungry or need a
larger shell and don't have any available. I've also seen them
appear to gang-up on snails. I don't think it's necessarily a
pack mentality as much as it's a fight for food.>>
None in the newly dead snail's shells.
<<Gotcha, so we can rule out hermit looking for larger mobile
(My original snail deaths were 4 turbo snails in the tank for 2
<<May have run out of readily available food?>>
At this time I placed two of the remaining snails in the refugium as an
experiment. I am hoping to discover water quality issue vs.. predator.
Perhaps these snails are too far gone.
<<It's possible, as mentioned above.>>
I will just have to wait and see. I may go get a new snail soon and
place it in the fuge also. Any advice would be appreciated.
<I think you are on the right track with the experiment. Time will
tell here, and do keep us informed of your findings.>
<<Yes, please do! I'm inclined to think that what's going
on here is either the new snails you've gotten were already
compromised when you brought them home, or else it's environmental
(or both). I'd be curious to know what your water parameters are.
Also, just out of curiosity, do you dose for magnesium? Also, how are
the other tank inhabitants doing? Is there anything out of the ordinary
going on?>>
Thank you for your help. I greatly appreciate it.
<You're welcome, and will forward this to Lynn who has helped so
much in this matter. James (Salty Dog)>
<<Shoot James, you've already done all the heavy lifting! All
I'm doing is the sweeping up!>>
<<Take care, LynnZ>>
Injured Nassarius Snail --
Hi Guys,
<<Hey Robert>>
Couple quick questions.
I have a Threadfin Butterfly that bit the siphon tube off two of my
Nassarius Snails.
<<Bet that had to sting>>
It attacked them like a pit bull.
<<'¦! As in shaking them violently from side to
I added about 5 of these snails today to help sift/stir the sand with
intentions on getting more.
<<Are excellent for this 'and to help with detritus
They are still moving around and such at this time, but will they make
<<Probably'¦ Truth be told, I have a Copperband
Butterfly that likes to do the same thing, though not as much
anymore 'perhaps it has tired of it as I do keep it well fed
(or maybe the snails are just getting smarter [grin]). But my
population of Nassarius snails seems to prosper and grow despite the
Will their siphon tube regenerate?
<<Don't really know. Perhaps'¦>>
Should I find another sand stirrer and if so what kind or type do you
<<You might try adding some Cerith snails to the mix>>
The butterfly doesn't mess with any other snails or crabs, guess it
didn't like the new ones.
<<The siphon tubes are very worm-like...too much of a temptation
for the Threadfin (and my Copperband). I'm guessing you don't
have any Featherdusters either>>
Thank you!
<<Happy to share'¦ EricR>>
Baby Nassarius Snails: Marine
Snail Feeding\Systems 5/29/2009
Hi Everyone,
<Hi Brion>
One of my Nassarius snails recently laid eggs on the glass.
We removed them and put them in a little 10 gal tank which has nothing
but plants and copepods in it. We monitored them daily and I added
invert food in there every 2 days. They hatched after 10 days and now
we notice on the tank some little things we believe are the baby
snails. They are about a tenth of an inch long and have the same shape
as my adult Tonga Nassarius. They even move the same way, faster than
the other type of snails.
<Yep, those are babies.>
My question is what should I feed these guys? Are they too small to eat
brine shrimp? I avoided adding any other type of food in there because
I didn't want the ammonia to spike. Should I keep adding invert
<You could add bits of algae <dried sushi Nori, etc.) Depending
on what is in your tank, you could just add them back into the main
tank (after the lights are off) They will hide during the day and come
out at night.>
Thanks, Brion
<You're welcome, MikeV>
Snail ID: Bullia natalensis - 4/7/09
Hi Crew,
<Hello Mohamed>
Can you please help me ID this snail which is found off the coast
of South Africa? It looks like some type of Nassarius.
<You're very close! They're in the same family,
Nassariidae, but your snail, Bullia natalensis, actually belongs
within a subfamily called Bulliinae. This group of snails is
generally referred to as 'Plough' snails. Although there
are many species of Bullia known to inhabit the waters around
Africa, B. natalensis is particularly common in the surf zone of
Natal's sandy beaches. Please see this link for photos and a
bit more information:
http://www.gastropods.com/6/Shell_4046.shtml >
What is the purpose and function of this snail?
<I guess you could say that it's to keep the beaches
clean. These snails are scavengers that, although completely
blind, have an extremely well developed sense of smell. They use
it to locate dead and dying organisms, either in the shallows or
up on the wet sand of the surf zone.>
Can it be used in aquariums?
<As a scavenger, yes, I would think so but this snail gets
pretty big (up to 6cm/~2 3/8'). It's going to have a big
appetite! You'd have to keep it well fed with meaty bits (of
marine origin). Scavenging snails have been known to turn to live
foods, such as a hobbyist's favorite clam, etc., if/when they
get hungry enough.>
<You're very welcome. Take care, LynnZ>
[1]%20snail.jpg) |
Tonga Nassarius eggs
Hi Brion here
I searched the web site but I couldn't find an answer to my
Last week one on my Tonga Nassarius snails laid a few thousands of eggs
on the glass. I made a screen and I attached some suction cups and I
placed that around the eggs to protect them from the fish and crabs.
After a few days the eggs hatched and I got little white things all
over the glass throughout the tank. I read that usually the larvae
don't survive. Why is that?
<All kinds of reasons... usually, the three big culprits are 1)
starvation 2) predation, and 3) mechanical injury.>
The fish are not picking at them but they are so small that I can't
tell if they are moving or if they are still alive. Why is the survival
rate so low?
<See above. If you are truly interested in breeding these animals,
you should isolate them and research what each stage of development
needs for food... and how well they tolerate/survive certain mechanical
feature of an aquarium.>
Today another one of my Tonga Nassarius snails started laying eggs. She
started this morning and eight hours later she is still working on it.
What can I do to help the larvae survive after they hatch?
<Again... isolate the animals if you want to breed them (i.e. set up
a species-specific system with a mind towards breeding needs). Also,
please check out the DIBs and/or MOFIB forums/websites. They might have
more specific recommendations.>
Thank you guys for your valuable information.
<De nada,
Sara M.>
Nassarius Snail/Compatibility
<Hello Tina>
I am wondering if you have had this problem. I have a lot of small
white Featherdusters on my live rock, they must like my tank cause they
are growing everywhere, including in the bottom of my remora skimmer.
The problem isn't that (I don't think??). I saw a really pretty
pink duster at the LFS a couple of months ago & thinking that the
white ones are reproducing that the pink would do well also. Next
morning no pink duster.
Yesterday I saw another one & got it. Put it in & it was open
& pretty.
About 10 minutes later I noticed the Tonga Nassarius snail eating it !!
Too late to save it.
Now I am wondering is this common? I don't know what to make of
this as the snail has shown no interest in the white dusters, granted
they are on the rock, but their tubes are pretty much exposed, unless
of course their tubes are stronger.
<I have heard occasional cases of Nassarius Snails munching on clam
mantles and being that they are carnivorous and opportunistic feeders,
the possibility of eating your dusters does exist. I'm thinking
there wasn't enough readily available food, so the snails went
after the dusters as an easy meal. Try placing a sinking food pellet in
the tank as I believe they would be more attracted to this than the
dusters. May want to read here on this subject.
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
Nassarius Snails Dying
Hi Crew,
<Hi Sam>
I have a 24 gallon Aquapod that resulted from a move from a 10 gallon
with new sand and cured rocks plus some old rock. It has been running
over 2 months. I moved my fish and candy canes within 2 weeks of the
setup and added a couple more fish and 2 Peppermint Shrimp after
another 2 weeks.
Ammonia and nitrites stayed zero. Nitrates is between .1-.2. I had 2
Astrea Snails and 3 Ceriths and a few Nassarius. I added about 10 more
Astrea Snails even though I did not see much algae and they have
doing very well except for one small one that died. I was worried they
would starve but evidently they are finding enough to eat. I also added
10 Nassarius and then got stuck with 20 more that I also added.
<Geez, I don't have that many in my 5 foot tank.>
They all just buried themselves within a few minutes.
<They do burrow.>
At least 10 died and maybe more if they are between the rocks. I have
been feeding extra so that they
would hopefully get some. Is starvation the most likely cause?
<Likely, why pollute the tank with extra food for an unnecessary
amount of snails?
I would have started with 4 and then add as needed. Now you have dead
snails rotting and polluting your tank.>
I do not see them pop out of the sand during feeding. But at night I
can see some of them moving around but nowhere near 20.
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
Nassarius Snail vs. Crocea Clam
- 10/20/08
<Hi there, Jeremy.>
I awoke this morning to find a Nassarius snail eating on my Crocea
The clam has always seemed healthy and I hadn't noticed any
problems with it. I removed the snail and my clam is still alive,
extending and contracting most of its mantle except for the part the
snail was on.
Did the snail start eating the clam because it is sick or dying? Or are
Nassarius snails a natural predator to Crocea clams?
<They're not actually dedicated predators of these clams, but
they are carnivorous and opportunistic. Most of the time, Nassarius
snails make terrific little tank scavengers, but I have read the
occasional reports of them snacking on healthy clams. My guess is that
in these cases, there wasn't enough readily available food so the
snails went after the clam as an easy meal. That could easily be what
happened in your case as well, given that you feel the clam is in
otherwise good condition. If it were me, I wouldn't put the snail
back in the tank, but if you still have others, I'd discourage them
from straying by keeping them well fed. You can offer something like
sinking pellets or any meaty bits of marine origin (shrimp, fish,
Thank you for your help.
<You're very welcome. Take care, -Lynn>
Omnivorous Snails eat starfish?
and Elegance coral care 10/14/08
Hi Crew,
I bought a 2in. red sea star (Fromia milleporella) that seemed to be
doing well for a few days (i.e. it was moving around) until I found it
one morning apparently half eaten. The outer pigmented layer of tissue
seemed to be torn off. The only critters I have in my tank (that I know
of) that could have done this are three fairly large Nassarius
distortus. Have you ever heard of this happening?
<Mmm, yes... though, it may well be/have been that the Fromia
perished, was perishing and the snails were just opportunistic... not
I'd like to try to keep an elegance coral (Catalaphyllia jardinei).
I've read what you have about them on WWM and I feel that my tank
can support one. The only area I'm concerned about is my lighting.
My Elegance would be coming from Australia and I've heard that
these require more light because they're harvested from a shallower
depth than those of other locales. My tank is 16in. deep with a 2in.
sand bed and my lighting is a 70W 14000K MH. Is this sufficient? Should
I try a lower bulb temperature? Use supplemental CF or VHO?
<The temp. will likely be fine, I would add more intensity...
Perhaps double or triple this over the Elegance>
Thanks for the help guys and gals,
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Snail Tale... Hi Folks, <Hi
there! Scott F. here today!> I have a 350l reef containing 50kg of
live rock and approximately 1 inch of coral sand. I know ideally I
should have little or no substrate at all with live rock, but I do like
the aesthetics of sand. <Actually, there is nothing wrong with a
deep sand bed and live rock, as long as there is sufficient open
space...I always like to recommend 1/2 inch or less, or three inches or
more of sand. One inch is too shallow to be foster full denitrification
processes, but too deep to be fully aerobic...better to
increase/decrease for long term success. However, with sufficient
burrowing snails, you may be able to get away with this...> I was
considering introducing Nassarius snails into the reef to (a) consume
debris and (b) turn over the sand. My local supplier recommends 50 of
these snails for my tank. My first question is do you agree with the
stocking level he has recommended? <It's a lot for my personal
tastes, but certainly not too much. These snails do a great job as
detritivores> Secondly, I "Hoover" the substrate during my
weekly water changes to remove debris, will the suction action harm the
snails? <Well, not "harm" them physically, but it will
remove much of the food that they consume-mainly detritus. If
you're going to utilize a substantial population of these snails,
I'd avoid heavy cleaning of the sand bed> Thank you very much
for your help. Andrew Senior <My pleasure, Andrew! Good luck!
Regards, Scott F>
Nassarius - Mud snails that don't
like mud? 2/29/04 Hi everyone, <Howdy> Some quick Nassarius
questions... if they are kept in the refugium, and they are not really
algae eaters, what will they eat? <good point... and one that is
lost on many aquarists that assume "scavengers" will simply
"find food". In this case, they will eat solid matter that
makes it through the pumps from fish and other invertebrate feeding
(notice how they come out of the sand when the tank is fed?). You might
supplement feeding weekly for them.> There wouldn't be any
leftover food or anything for them to eat. <if no particulates from
fish/coral feedings... then yes... they may starve indeed> Secondly,
I have a DSB in my refugium, but only a 1/2 - 3/4 inch layer of 2mm
aragonite in my display. <all good> Would some Nassarius snails
be beneficial in there? Would my sand be too coarse for them to dig
into? <a bit, but likely no problem> And lastly, I have my live,
sugar-fine sand and my Miracle Mud in separate sections in my refugium
(because of the timing of when I added them). The Nassarius will not
bury themselves in the mud at all. <ironic for this family of
"mud snails"> I can put them at the opposite end of the
fuge, on the mud end, and they will travel all the way back down to the
other end to bury into the sugar-fine sand. <very interesting> Do
you know why this would be? <not sure... natural preference, feeding
opportunities, etc> The mud is newer. I thought that the critters
(worms, etc.) from the sand would eventually travel over and inhabit
the mud with time. <yes... those that can, will in time> Should I
mix it up with the older sand? <not needed here> Thanks so much
for your time and wisdom !! Bess <you are doing fine my friend.
Continued success to you. Anthony>
Snails (But, I Think He Was Asking a
Question..) 11/22/05 They are the biggest I've seen. They
primarily feed on detritus & algae. They are also completely
harmless to all invertebrates, gorgonians and all known and/or
available corals on the market today; ranging from SPS (small polyp
stony corals) such as Acropora Sp. and other similar Reef builders
to every commonly available soft coral and most sessile
invertebrates including gorgonians and higher forms of fauna such
as Caulerpa. |

The species is Nassarius obsoleta.( ILynassarius
obsoleta) These snails are excellent and safe for all types of
marine and reef aquariums. They don't consume any form of hair
algae but they will help keep it at bay by consuming the detritus
on which it feeds.. They eat slime algae - red carpet algae you
find in your tanks from high nutrient content and inefficient
skimming. These are much more active and tend to do a much more
efficient job of keeping the glass clean as well. These are a
hardier species than Astrea snails and will outlive them. Also,
unlike Mexican Turbo Snails, these will not disrupt coral set-up of
the tank These snails being detritus feeders also replace the need
for hermit crabs which are in fact predators. <Okay! Thank you
for your input. Bob Fenner> Are these snails good for sand
sifting? Will 250 make a huge difference in my 250 gallon tank? I
have a major algae problem. <Mmm, would have to try and
see...> |
Re: snails Read my questions...The info on the bottom is
just info from some fish website. 11/23/05 The information
below about the snails I found on the website that I ordered them
from.. Will they sift through my sand and consume waste products?
<Sorry for the lost response yesterday. The only
"way" to tell if these snails will "do" what
you'd like is to actually try them. How to state this more
fully... Each system's make-up being different, some species
of snails live, eat what aquarists intend... for a time, or not
depending on water chemistry, physical make-up, types of other
livestock, microbial, macrobial life...> Are they as good as
Tongan Nassarius? I am having a major algae problem in my tank so
I need something to sort through my sand. What would you
recommend? <I do not recommend snails period for reef aquarium
algae control. Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/algaeconMar.htm
and the linked files above> I have not received my snail order
yet but I can cancel if they are not good sifters. The snails
that I ordered are the Nassarius obsoleta.. Are they what I need
to get the job done? <Won't likely solve your algae
problem, no... Read. Bob Fenner>
Hair algae 1/30/06 First thing
first, is there any truth to this? <... scarce can I name salvation,
but fearful thunder echoes in mine ears> "The species is
Nassarius Obsoleta.( ILynassarius Obsoleta) These snails are excellent
and safe for all types of marine and reef aquariums. <All? Sounds
like a sales pitch> They don't consume any form of hair algae
<Mmm, no. Many types of "hair algae" are unpalatable to
them... most especially Cyano/BGA types> but they will help keep it
at bay by consuming the detritus on which it feeds.. They eat slime
algae - red carpet algae <Not preferentially> you find in your
tanks from high nutrient content and inefficient skimming. These are
much more active and tend to do a much more efficient job of keeping
the glass clean as well. These are a hardier species than Astrea snails
and will outlive them . Also, unlike Mexican Turbo Snails, these will
not disrupt coral set-up of the tank These snails being detritus
feeders also replace the need for hermit crabs which are in fact
predators." (eBay seller) I have a 90 gallon FOWLR with a 30
gallon refugium, 100 lbs live rock, 200lbs sand, system has been
running for about 16 months with optimal h2o. VERY AGGRESSIVE MIX
triggers, moray, dragon wrasse. <At least the first and last will
consume snails...> My real problem is this, my cleaning crew
can't keep up on the live rock and the hair algae takes over. I at
one time or another have put at least 200 or so combined blue legs and
snails. <Slow moving meals> I'm guessing that my fish do
graze on them since now they only come out when the light is off and
the fish are sleeping. Can I just keep buying them, how many is to
many, could I buy like 500 and just go at it or would that over do it.
Is there any other way to save my live rock. <All sorts... posted on
WWM...> I read about the tiny white star fish but can't find
them anywhere. Not sure my fish wouldn't just eat them right away.
OH lighting I have 4 55's two bright two blue normal stuff I think,
is it possible I have to much light for what I need? <... possibly.
More aesthetic than functional with the life you list. Is it bright
enough for your appreciation? Try turning half off... Still bright
enough?> I have the brights on for 8 hrs a day and the blues for
about 15hrs a day. I also couldn't get spaghetti algae to grow in
my refugium it actually has hair algae growing on it, I have two 15w
tubes or something 24 hrs a day. As you can see I'm not really sure
what to do a couple of months ago I took the rocks out and scrubbed the
algae off rinsing it in water from the tank. They looked ok for a few
weeks but it just came back and I'm not sure the rest of the gang
appreciated it very well. Thanks so much for your help. <Mmm, I
would not use more invertebrate algae eaters here... Do read through
WWM re marine algae control... Many useful means... better skimming,
manipulation of pH periodically, nutrient limitation/filtering, use of
competing life forms... the addition of living sump/s, DSB's... Bob
Predatory Nassarius or Just Hungry? -
3/12/07 Hello Bob, <Hey Brian, this is Adam again.> I have
yet another question for you! Have you ever heard of Nassarius Snails
attacking Fan worms? <As I'm sure you know Nassarius snail
rarely attack living tissue, they usually ignore even microfauna life
for the most part. If you see a Nassarius consuming a larger animal it
is because the animal is dead or dying. The instances where I have
heard of Nassarius attacking living organisms usually involved captive
systems where they are not getting enough food.> The strangest thing
happened in my 90 gallon reef the other day and I have yet to think of
anything except the snails are just REALLY hungry and have become quite
desperate. <A possibility.> I don't know if you remember, but
my 90 gallon reef had come down with "Ich" a couple weeks ago
( I know not putting my animals in quarantine first was really dumb,
not doing that again) <Well at least you have learned.> and I had
removed all fish to quarantine to let the tank run fallow for 4 weeks.
So far things are GREAT! My fish all look so much better, my coral
beauty whose eyes had become clouded, with a slimy spotted body is now
bright beautiful and healthy as a horse so to speak. <Sounds
good.> The reef itself is doing really well, all the corals in the
tank are opened wide and "perky" the clams are doing
wonderful, the cleaner shrimp are going through withdrawals, there has
been a little filamentous algae starting up now that the tang and coral
beauty aren't pigging out 24 / 7, and my Nassarius snails must be
getting very hungry now that I am not feeding a tank full of fish.
<Mmm...I would add some more food to the tank, at least two, three
times a week until the fish are back. Just after dark, some Mysis or
krill maybe.> I noticed a Nassarius snail climbing a fan worm then
proceeding to stick his little mouth down into the tube he started
biting the head of this worm, 3 others saw him doing this and joined
the "frenzy" all beating on this poor worm until it popped
its top so to speak (it ejected its crown) then the snails fooled
around with that for a bit and re-buried. 2 days later I saw the same
snail going after another worm! Needless to say he is no longer in the
tank and since then we have had no further attacks. Could this just be
a reaction to having less food, <That or a rogue, the former is more
likely.> will he be ok to put back in the tank when the fish go
back, or should I pass on that option? <If you think the problem is
isolated to one snail, then why risk it?> There are 7 Nassarius
snails in this tank, I got them to eat food that had passed by the
fishes radar and wedged under rocks and shells to reduce the chances of
rotting material raising nutrient levels in the tank. Once the tank is
where I want it to be I'd love to send you a photo of it sort of as
a thanks for all of your help! <We'd love to have more material
for POTD purposes.> Thanks bob! <Will pass along to him
Brian.> <<Please do send along images for all's use,
enjoyment. BobF>> Brian <Adam J.>
Helpful yes... algae eaters, no: Nassarius
11/14/03 Dear WWM Crew, My local dealer has just received 6
Nassarius Snails from Tonga and thinks they would be good algae eaters
for my tank. <their family is largely carnivorous if not predatory.
They do not generally have the mouth parts to graze algae. Nassarius
are fairly harmless though... even helpful for stirring the sand> My
concern is the fact that they are at least one inch long! Their shell
resembles a conch. Is this Nassarius variety reef safe? <yes...
likely if you have enough sand to keep them well> Are they
carnivorous or cannibalistic in terms of my live sand bed? <little
burden likely. More good than harm> Thanks for any information you
can give me about this variety of Nassarius Snail. Ron <hmmm...
without a pic or species name, we cannot say anymore. Now worries...
best of luck. Anthony>
Nassarius snail question and fuge feeding question
7/4/05 Hi! <<Hello>> I am about to buy some
Nassarius snails for the benefit of my sugar fine DSB. I already have
135lbs of Fiji LR in the tank. There are mini brittle stars in the sand
and on LR (I like them!). -Are the Nassarius vibex going to cause any
trouble with the mini brittle stars (outcompeting them in the system or
being eaten by them...)? <<No. N. vibex are benign
scavengers>> -Are Nassarius hermaphrodites? <<My quick and
dirty research indicates that N. vibex is not hermaphroditic although
the sex organs develop late in the maturation cycle. See http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/oup/mollus/2001/00000067/00000001
/art00037;jsessionid=1nthoamjkcyn1.victoria>> -I
would like to buy the minimal number to seed the 90 gal display and
another batch for the 25 gal fuge and let them reproduce and create a
balance... How many of them in each tank do I need to be sure they
reproduce? <<A couple of online vendors sell them in lots of 12.
You might try 12-24 and put 2/3 in the tank and the balance in the
refugium>> To have a good population of pods in a fuge it is
recommended to feed the fuge a little bit each day, dropping a bit of
fish food there. At least that is what I understood from my readings on
the WWM. But to limit the number of bristle worms (which I do not like
no matter how beneficial they are...), it's recommended to strictly
control nutrients. When I feed the fuge some bristle worms are coming
out to feed so it is somehow counterproductive. Any solution to that
dilemma? How to reach a balance? << Sorry, I don't know what
to tell you about the dilemma/balance issue. I don't know how you
could feed the refugium without the bristles partaking. IMO, bristles
are a vital part of a thriving system and I wouldn't stress over
their presence. Feeding the tank and the refugium is going to feed both
the pods and the worms.>> Thanks a lot and sorry for sending that
many questions/e-mails today! Dominique <<You're welcome and
no worries. Good luck - Ted>>
The snail who left his shell 3/29/07 Howdy,
<Hey there> Here's a weird one for you. Today I noticed
one of the Jumbo Nassarius Snails in my 180g Reef seems to have
left his shell. No signs of trauma. He is still alive and moving
around somewhat strangely, but not sickly or injured. I even found
his shell, and it's in perfect shape. Water parameters are all
fantastic, no known snail predators present. There are two Tunze
stream pumps that I wonder if they could have shucked him. <Mmm,
not w/o grinding up the soft body> Otherwise, I don't know.
Have you ever heard of this happening before? <Mmmm, yes... from
overt dire water chemistry (big, fast shifts in alkalinity mostly),
and parasites of the snail invading their shells...> and if so,
what was the cause? Everything else, corals, fish and inverts look
great and are doing well.. <Perhaps this last> Thanks, love
your site. Check out the picture, I hope I shrunk it down small
enough to avoid crashing your server. Mike <Yes, thank you...
Perhaps this "slug" will regenerate a new shell... Bob
Fenner> |

Mystery Marine Snail - 06/09/06
Greetings WWM Crew, <<Morning Crystal>> First, a huge
thank you goes out to each one of you for doing what you do!
<<We are pleased to assist>> Your site has been a
tremendous help for me in setting up my tank.
<<Wonderful!>> Almost every question I've had has
been answered and clarified, so I now have a deeper (though still
'shallow' in the grand scheme of things) understanding of
how things "should" work. <<And your
"understanding" will only continue to improve...just
keep reading, researching>> So, on to my question. I've
cycled my new 47g tall tank with 45 pounds of live rock, 40
pounds of live sand and decided to start stocking by adding a
very basic, small clean-up crew. I have two scarlet reef hermits
and two Nassarius distortus. Last night, one of the snails popped
up and stuck onto the glass while remaining very still. This
morning, when the lights came on, I found him still there, but it
had created this trail of yellow palm-frond looking dots.
<<I see them>> The entire work measures approx.
2" long and is very intricate. I have no idea what it is,
and I've looked over and over your site for an answer. Google
images yields no answers, and they look nothing like Nassarius
eggs. <<Agreed>> So now two questions come to mind,
the little guy looks exactly like Nassarius distortus, was sold
to me as such, and behaves as such. <<Though very difficult
to tell from the picture, but the shell of this snail looks more
narrow/elongate than the typical "Nassarius" shell.
Possibly a Cerith species>> But this is odd - so is the
answer simply that I do not actually have a Nassarius distortus
and that the snail is laying eggs? <<Would be my guess...I
have seen snails get mixed/confused during selection/shipment
before>> I don't think my snails are happy enough to do
this in just three weeks, but who knows. <<Three weeks or
three hours, wouldn't make a difference to the snail as long
as the proper environmental cues were present>> I've
included the best picture of it as my camera could manage.
<<Hmm, perhaps time for a new camera <grin> >>
Thank you in advance for any answers or help! Crystal
<<Thank you for writing so well. Cheers, EricR>>

Mystery Marine Snail II - 06/10/06 Hello again!
<<Howdy!>> Thank you for the quick response about the
eggs. <<You're quite welcome>> Per your suggestion,
I began looking at information on Cerith snails, and the eggs
certainly do look a lot more like theirs. I included another photo
of the snail coming out of the sand, and two of a shell, sans snail
(don't ask). <<Ruh Roh!>> Tell me what you think!
<<Hmm...from this angle, with the empty shell photos, it
indeed looks to be a Nassarius species. Try searching this site for
a positive ID: http://gastropods.com/ >> Was I indeed taken for a
country rube and sold something other than Nassarius? <<Maybe
not>> I apologize for the resolution, but all my money is
currently floating in a large box of salty water in the living room
and is not being thrown at new cameras. <grin> <<Ha! A
common issue>> Keep on truckin' and thanks again!
<<Always welcome, EricR>> |

Snail ID 6/17/06 Hi there, <Hi> We had a snail
named Speedy who met an unfortunate encounter with a crab this
evening, and we would like to be able to see if we can find another
one as my wife ended up being very attached to him. Can you help in
identifying what he is so we can ask the right questions? He had
both a horn and two little feelers at the front, which doesn't
quite come out with the photos. We've seen the same shells in
hermit crab tanks locally so I'm sure it's quite a common
one. Thanks Denis C. <Looks like some type of Nassarius snail.
With a Google search you may be able to narrow it down to species,
but are fairly common in the trade. Sometimes referred to as sand
sifting snails or burrowing snails.> <Chris> |

Beneficial Gastropod? - 07/15/06 Hi Crew,
<<Howdy!>> I've a couple of snails appeared,
presumably LR hitchhikers in my reef tank that I was wondering if
you could help me ID. <<Will try>> I've had a good
hunt about on this site and others, particularly Googling for
images. They don't seem to be cone snails or tulips from what
I've seen. <<Agreed>> They both have tubes -
proboscis? (similar to Nassarius snails). <<Breathing
tubes/siphons...similar to Nassarius snails>> I've not
seen them up to anything I disapprove of yet, just grazing on the
glass. <<I have these as well (breed prolifically)...seem to
be quite well behaved detritivores>> Their shells are
currently less than 2 cm long. My main concern is if these will
prove reef safe or not. Please see 2 attached images. Cheers, PR
<<These do look to be a species of Nassarius...but notice the
eye stalks. I don't recall the name, but when Anthony (Calfo)
saw these in my tank he made mention of a tiny "Conch",
in fact the only conch he felt was suitable/reef safe. But whether
Nassarius or Conch, you should have little concern over these
Gastropods. Regards, EricR>> |

Nassarius snail question and fuge feeding question
7/4/05 Hi! <<Hello>> I am about to buy some
Nassarius snails for the benefit of my sugar fine DSB. I already have
135lbs of Fiji LR in the tank. There are mini brittle stars in the sand
and on LR (I like them!). -Are the Nassarius vibex going to cause any
trouble with the mini brittle stars (outcompeting them in the system or
being eaten by them...)? <<No. N. vibex are benign
scavengers>> -Are Nassarius hermaphrodites? <<My quick and
dirty research indicates that N. vibex is not hermaphroditic although
the sex organs develop late in the maturation cycle. See http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/oup/mollus/2001/00000067/00000001/
art00037;jsessionid=1nthoamjkcyn1.victoria>> -I
would like to buy the minimal number to seed the 90 gal display and
another batch for the 25 gal fuge and let them reproduce and create a
balance... How many of them in each tank do I need to be sure they
reproduce? <<A couple of online vendors sell them in lots of 12.
You might try 12-24 and put 2/3 in the tank and the balance in the
refugium>> To have a good population of pods in a fuge it is
recommended to feed the fuge a little bit each day, dropping a bit of
fish food there. At least that is what I understood from my readings on
the WWM. But to limit the number of bristle worms (which I do not like
no matter how beneficial they are...), it's recommended to strictly
control nutrients. When I feed the fuge some bristle worms are coming
out to feed so it is somehow counterproductive. Any solution to that
dilemma? How to reach a balance? << Sorry, I don't know what
to tell you about the dilemma/balance issue. I don't know how you
could feed the refugium without the bristles partaking. IMO, bristles
are a vital part of a thriving system and I wouldn't stress over
their presence. Feeding the tank and the refugium is going to feed both
the pods and the worms.>> Thanks a lot and sorry for sending that
many questions/e-mails today! Dominique <<You're welcome and
no worries. Good luck - Ted>>
- Nassarius Snails - Bad? - Hey crew! <Hi, JasonC
here...> Sorry I forgot to ask you in the last email if Nassarius
snails are a bad thing for a DSB (mine is 5'' sugar sized
Aragamax) since they like to bury themselves in the substrate? <Not
at all, in fact - quite recommended.> Or do they stay mostly at the
very top of the sand? <Who knows where they go once they vanish - I
think all over the place, high and low. No worries though - a
work-horse of a substrate cleaner. I love 'em.> thank you
again!! <Cheers, J -- >
Nassarius snails and brittle stars I recently purchased some
brittle stars and I was wondering if they will get along with Nassarius
snails or will the stars try to eat the Nassarius since they are so
small. >> Wowzah, there's a genus of gastropod mollusks I
haven't heard in a while... It's a possibility... some of the
brittle stars are really ravenous predators... Bob Fenner
Snails Hello again. A few months ago I purchased a 100lbs of
aquacultured Florida rock. This has turned out to be a major haul of
neat critters. I even found a 1 inch pink Chiton!!! I had always wanted
to see one but thought I never would. Anyway the rock also came with 20
- 30 snails that were about a half inch or less. The snails looked like
Nassarius snails with a long proboscis. They also only seem to eat dead
stuff. I added a small clam for fish food and they swarmed it. Anyway
now a couple of them are an inch long and the fold of their shell is
starting to grow flatter and curve around their proboscis. I have
looked in the Marine Atlas vol 2. and these snails while small look
like the Nassarius snails. The big ones shells look like the Atlantic
tritons shell. Do any tritons have this long proboscis? <Yes> The
size limit Marine Atlas says for Nassarius snails is 3 cm. If these
guys get much bigger <They do get a bit bigger> I guess they
aren't Nassarius species. Do you know of any Florida Nassarius
species that get bigger than an inch? <Rats! Like these mystery
hunts, but am out the door to Australia... No time to look up. Do know
there are snails of this sort that get a good inch and a half in
overall dimension> Well thanks for your help, Everett. <Be
chatting soon, Bob Fenner>