FAQs about Tube
Related Articles: Tube
Snails, Mostly Family Vermetidae, Gastropods, Mollusks, Sea Slugs, Abalone,
Related FAQs: Tube Snail
ID 1, Marine Snails 1,
Marine Snails 2,
Marine Snails 3,
Marine Snails 4,
Marine Snails 5,
Snail ID 1, Snail ID 2, Snail Behavior, Snail Selection, Snail Compatibility, Snail Systems, Snail Feeding, Snail Disease, Snail Reproduction, Mollusks, Sea Slugs, Abalone,

Vermetid Snail Infestation 11/18/17
Hello Mr. Fenner,
<Hey Israfil!>
I have a Red Sea Max S500 which is a 500 liter (130 gallon total) system with a
Reef octopus SR202-s skimmer. I have BRS Pukani reef rocks over 75 lbs of it. I
also sun Marine Pur blocks in my 16 gallon Sump.
I have found that my Neptune automatic feed system was dumping too much food in
so I dialed that back and decreased the feeding. I haven’t done a water change
yet after the fix. Hopefully the subsequent water changes will drive the
nutrients down since there is less food going into the tank. I confirmed this
with a test feed of the unit. Furthermore, I do water changes every other week
(12 gallons)
<Sounds good>
The problem I am currently having is Vermetid snails shown in the images which
doesn’t look pleasant at all. I have researched online and found that nutrients
could be the reason they populate a tank (i.e..,lack of water changes or
<Yes; definitely a factor>
I do have minor Aiptasia problems (which love nutrients and light as well) and
some bubble algae.
What are my options?
1. Pull the rocks out and start over with fresh cured rock and use proper
quarantine methods? Dry the tank out and put new sand?
2. Pull the existing rocks out and sand them down with a sand disk grinder to
get rid of the vermetid snail tubes and rinse the rocks out with fresh water?
I really regret not setting up a quarantine tank to make sure these pests were
removed or monitored until clear before introducing them to my show tank. I
believe these vermetid snails started from the branches of a hammer coral I had
in my Older tank from the upgrade.
Looking to your response soon, thanks!
<I would try adding a fave predator here: Halichoeres chrysus, the green "Coris"
wrasse... Bob Fenner>
Vermetid Snail Info 9/1/15
Let me start by saying this should be a quick and easy question to answer. I
tried to contact the author of the associated and informative article , Ronald
Shimek PhD, but his expertise/opinion comes at a literal cost. This is yet
another indication that your website is absolutely invaluable. I have a
single vermetid snail hitchhiker in my 65 gallon mixed reef. I want to know how
it reproduces, if it is a solitary creature can I approach on a live and let
live basis?
<Mmm; if only one specimen is present, not a worry. Vermetids are dioecious
("two houses"); separately male or female>
I have read horror stories of them reaching plague proportions, perhaps only
under certain conditions?
<Well; yes...>
There seems to be a variety of larger less reproductive types of Vermetids, so
of course I included a photo on the off chance it could be identified as one of
the larger or more prolific smaller,
<I can't make out where this animal is in your photo>
I have no reference by which to compare. It isn't great detail but I wanted to
include the xenia and canary blenny for size reference. Much appreciation of
your time and effort.
<Again; I would not be concerned here. Bob Fenner>
vermetid snails 8/23/15
We are buying a used tank saltwater system (today). We looked at it yesterday
and through research have discovered it is full of vermetid snails. They cover
all the front surfaces of the 100+ lbs of live rock. We are getting all corals,
fish, crabs etc. We are now hesitant because of these invasive? Nuisance?
<Are things; biota; not harmful... may pester some types of benthic/settling
life; but not generally problematical>
What is your opinion? We have a very successful yet small 30 gallon, saltwater
tank going now and are hoping to expand.
<You could trade, sell off some of the older rock, buy new and build a separate
area/bommie.... Bob Fenner>
Brown Round Tube on Rock Casting Web Around Zoas,
Soft Coral: Vermetid Gastropod Control -- 4/15/10
<Hello Selah, Lynn here today.>
First Timer
<Welcome to WWM!>
Another what is this?
<Fire away>
Brown round or doughnut shape tube (white opening at the end or
in the center) of circle. It is very small on rock, casting web
(not like pic of Spaghetti worm) around corals.
<It's a Vermetid Gastropod, a snail that crawls around as
a juvenile, but eventually attaches itself to a hard surface and
remains there for the rest of its life. They feed by means of
casting out, then reeling back in, a sticky mucous net that
catches particulate matter and plankton that drifts by in the
water column. Most of the time, these snails are
harmless/beneficial, or at least innocuous, in reef systems but
if they're close to a coral, they can act as an irritant. The
webs don't actually sting the coral, they just irritate it
through continual contact.>
I have been searching thru your website have not found the ID of
this creature.
<You're good to go now!>
The web is much finer than a Spaghetti worm, really like spider
web material.
<Yes it is. Spaghetti worm tentacles are hair-like, while
Vermetids' are web-like.>
The little Kenya tree and Zoas coral are closing.
<Yep, that's a typical reaction.>
I have wiped off the stuff but now since searching WWM again
there are more, so felt the need to ask.
<Do you mean there's more web appearing or that there are
more of the Vermetids appearing here and there on the rocks? If
it's more web, that's normal. These snails don't have
just one that they reuse, they create them as needed. If you mean
that you're seeing an increasing number of Vermetids, then
you may well have a growing nutrient problem. They tend to
multiply in high nutrient situations so take action if necessary.
Please see the following link for more information re: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/nutrientcontrol.htm
I sent a picture to Dr Foster and Smith and they can't
identify. Enclosed are 2 pictures one close up and the other have
3, the fine line is too small to photograph, can only see with
magnifying glass. I see a little critter in the white tube like
end and even have seen the very fine line come out of it as it
comes out. When I get close they see me and go back in. They are
attached to the rock so well it crushes them when I pull them
<Be sure to avoid handling these with bare hands. The shells
are thin, brittle, and can slice your fingers/hand fairly easily
and lead to a nasty infection. It's a good idea to wear
gloves and/or use tweezers (or whatever works) when
handling/removing these organisms.>
I would not be concerned however the little bit of coral I have
are being affected.
<Yes, you'll need to eliminate the offending Vermetids.
There's a lot of information at WWM regarding this. If you
only have a few, or are only concerned about the ones near the
corals, I'd recommend manual removal (with care) or plugging
their tubes with something like a superglue gel. If you have a
lot of them, watch your nutrients. There are apparently some
predators that may eat these (some hermits, fishes and crabs),
but they may not be appropriate for your system. Please Google
WWM, using the term Vermetid + Control for more information:
More here: http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2005-01/rs/index.php
My system is a 55 gal, good water parameters, Nova extreme light,
good water movement.
1 clown, LTA, 2 Pajama Cardinals, Emerald crab, Hermits, 1 Conch,
2 Turbo snails. All the guys seem happy and healthy. This
website, Conscientious Marine Aquarist and The Reef Aquarium have
been invaluable since starting our new hobby. I live in a very
remote part of country and LFS have been a bit of a challenge as
I have received incorrect info from the surrounding ones.
<Unfortunately, that seems to happen everywhere.>
I took Bob's advice and have returned items that should not
have been sold.
<Excellent, he does know what he's talking/writing
about!><<Heeeee, only some, part of the time.
Thank you so much for your time
<You're very welcome. Good luck with the
Selah in the mountains
<Take care, Lynn Z, near the mountains>
Wrasse eating snails
Bluehead Wrasse ate a tube snail 8/27/09
I was removing a few tube snails that had started growing on some
coral, and my Bluehead wrasse swooped in and ate a small one before I
could catch it..
<Sounds about right. These guys will eat most inverts that they can
fit in their mouths.>
Today the wrasse is lying on the bottom. Every once and awhile it swims
a little, but goes back to the bottom. I have checked all tank
parameters, 0 NH4, 0 NO2, 2.0 NO3, PH 8.3, SG 1.025, and they are good.
My other fish are fine, and my corals are all open. This is the first
time it has ever done this behavior. Could the tube snail be lodged in
the digestive tract of the wrasse, and it is having problems passing
<It is possible, although unlikely. Most wrasses will eat small
How big are these snails compared to the wrasse?>
<You're welcome,
Josh Solomon>
Vermetid Gastropods 3-4-09
Ok, here's my set up. I have a 125 gallon saltwater system with
approximately 110lbs. of live rock. Only about a dozen various fish but
I do have plans to do a reef. (Been taking baby steps.)
<Slow and steady wins the race here.>
I have a 1/3 hp chiller, 40w UV Sterilizer, Aqua C EV 120 Skimmer, and
100mg/hr. Ozonizer. A while back, I developed these spines that are
about a 1/4 to 1/2 inch long growing on my rock. These spines are sharp
to the
touch and possibly could be injuring some of my livestock.
<As well as the livestock caregiver!>
I was kinda hoping this would just go away but no such luck.
<They generally wax and wane.>
So here's my question WWM. What the heck is this stuff and is it
harmful, beneficial, normal, etc?
<They are Vermetid gastropods, perhaps Spiroglyphus annulatus. They
are relatively common but can grow rather quickly and can be a nuisance
in their location of growth, i.e. clogging outlets, but are not
inherently harmful. More here:
What started out as just a little bit has really turned into a lot.
<Is not uncommon.>
My rock is completely covered now. I've attached a couple pictures
so you can see what I'm talking about. Is there a cure?
<Physical removal is most effective and hermit crabs can help, but
come with their own set of disadvantages.>
Vermetid Snail Mucus Causing Frogspawn Polyp Ejection? -
11/14/07 Hello Wet Web Media, Since launching my 24g nano
earlier this year, I have been an avid reader of your site. Thank
you for contributing so much information to the reef-keeping
world. <our pleasure, thank you> Your site has helped me to
diagnose a problem, but now I need input on how, or whether, to
"solve" it. The pride of my tank is a bright florescent
frogspawn that I added about five months ago. Since that time,
two remarkable things have happened: first, the frogspawn has
rapidly divided: from four heads to ten or twelve, and dividing
still. <wow> Loving my frogspawn as I do, I was initially
enthused by its reproduction. I've placed this coral in a
nice space where it can expand and be a real showpiece in the
tank. But I recently read a post by Anthony Calfo on this site
that described polyp ejection (featuring the clear bubble that
has developed on a few of my frogspawn heads as they've
split) as a "stress induced strategy of asexual
reproduction." <Interesting, but I'm not yet
convinced that this is what is happening here with your coral.
There is certainly plenty of reason and academic research to
support the notion that polyp bail out is a response to stress
(and method of asexual reproduction). Polyp bail out is when the
soft tissue of a polyp detaches and drops out of the coral
skeleton. If conditions are right, these dropped polyps will form
new skeleton, and ultimately new colonies. (see "Polyp
Bail-Out: An Escape Response to Environmental Stress and a New
Means of Reproduction in Corals" by Paul W. Sammarco,
published in Marine Ecology, Vol. 10: 57-65, 1982). Thus, if your
corals polyps were bailing out, I'd expect them to be dropped
from the mother colony and forming new colonies (not forming new
branches on the same colony).> This got me thinking about the
second remarkable thing that has happened since I acquired the
frogspawn: in the last several weeks, a great deal of mucus or
webbing has accumulated around the stalk or stem of this coral.
Today, with the help of your site, I at last found the likely
cause of this mucus: the frogspawn came with what I originally
believed to be two tube worms attached, but what I now believe to
be Vermetid snails. A small colony of Vermetids has since grown
up on the frogspawn and the surrounding live rock. (Perhaps they
thrive on the phyto I feed my feather duster.) Recently the web
of Vermetid mucus has grown pretty thick on the frogspawn and has
even trapped a bit of detritus. <Indeed, this is what the webs
are for. If you watch them, you can actually see them
"reeling in" these webs to collect their catch.> So
now I am wondering: could this mucus web be irritating the
frogspawn, resulting in stress-induced asexual reproduction?
<It's *possible* but I'm not sure how likely...> If
so, is that a bad for the long-term health of the coral?
<It's hard to say since I'm still not sure your coral
is truly stressed. Could you send in some pictures maybe?> If
so, what if anything should I do to prevent it? Would you
recommend or advise against an effort to baste or vacuum some of
this mucus off the coral? <Likely a futile effort...the snails
will just make more.> Dare I attempt to remove the snails?
Some sort of dip? <Eek, don't dip it. If you MUST kill the
snails, use a needle/syringe to inject vinegar/Kalk/etc. into the
tubes.> Thank you very much for your time and expertise. Ben
Irvin <De nada, Sara M.>
Attn Sara M: Vermetid Snail Mucus Causing Frogspawn Polyp
Ejection? -11/14/07 Hello Sara, Thank you again for your time and
insight. So, if polyp ejection or bail out results in a complete
detachment of the polyp, that is definitely not what is happening
to my frogspawn. However, some, but not all, of the heads that
have divided on my frogspawn have developed a clear bubble
similar to the one pictured on this page:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/caryfCorlsaqs.htm And the frogspawn
does seem to be splitting very fast. <Yeah, this is odd...>
Here are two pictures: the first, #546, shows the frogspawn from
below. You can the see largest, green worm-like structure, as
well as a web of greenish-whitish mucus-like material
accumulating on the coral and the rock. <That actually
doesn't look like Vermetid snail mucus web. If anything it
kind of looks like sponge.> The second, #550, shows the
frogspawn from above and behind. You can see more worm-like
structures, as well as a web of mucus-like material that is
catching detritus. This is the first I've noticed, but there
seems to be some algae now growing on the mucus-like material as
well. <That wouldn't happen with Vermetid snail mucus.>
One last thing that perhaps I should have mentioned earlier: this
frogspawn is hosted by two true Percs. <Hmmmm... interesting.
Normally I would tell you that clown hosting is very stressful to
corals. But this is such an odd thing with your coral growing so
fast.> I'll confess, I thought I had it all figured out,
so I await your judgment: is this bad for the coral? need it be
addressed? if so, how? <I'll be honestly with you, I'm
a little baffled myself. Hosting clowns usually stress out corals
quite a bit. But if your coral is growing this fast, and if it
keeps growing this fast, I'd question how stressed it must
be. Typically, stressed corals don't grow so fast (if much at
all). Let me ask you, do the clowns feed the coral?> Thanks
once again. Ben Irvin <Thanks for writing, Sara M.>
Re: Attn Sara M: Vermetid Snail Mucus Causing Frogspawn
Polyp Ejection?-11/14/07 Hi Sara, It's really nice of you
to take the time, and I'm happy to respond, even at risk of
showing my ignorance, so long as I am not taking up too much of
your attention. <Not at all... I quite enjoy hearing from
other people about their experiences with their corals.> I,
too, wondered about the possibility of a sponge, but was at a
loss to explain the worm-like structures in the gauzy, mucusy
material. <I know it doesn't look like your typical
sponge, but I'm 98% sure it's some kind of sponge.
Sponges can be mucus-y, web-like, gauzy... all the things
you're describing are not inconsistent with some kinds of
sponges.> To give you a better sense of what this looks like,
if I saw it growing in my fridge, or in a garbage can, I'd
think that it was mold. It is whitish-greenish in color, it
clings to (possibly grows on) the adjacent rocks. It has
developed worm- or tube-like structures in it. It seems to cling
to, or grow on, the lower, green portion of the stalk rather than
on the white portions of the heads. Now, ugh, here's my
ignorance: in response to your question, do the clowns feed the
coral, my answer is, I don't know what that means. I feed my
clowns Mysis and Cyclop-eeze every third day, a reduced feeding
schedule that is aimed at reducing nutrients in the tank. (I also
add a few mg of phyto twice per week.) I occasionally squirt some
of the Cyclop-eeze in the general direction the frogspawn, but in
general I don't target feed it. The clowns stay close to the
frogspawn and swim in and around its heads at night. <Just
like how clowns bring food to anemones in which they might be
hosting, they will often also bring food to any coral in which
they are hosting. This is what I mean by "feeding.">
Again, I acquired this coral in May. It had four heads when I
obtained it, and I suspect I'll have sixteen soon enough,
each heading having split and many now splitting again. <Dear
lord that's a lot of splitting. Do you have any pictures of
the whole coral colony? I'm just curious to see this thing
now.> This coral had been fragged off of a specimen the size
of a basketball in my LFS's show tank. So perhaps it is just
a quick grower. <Oh cool... I was just going to say that it
would be interesting to see if the coral grew just as fast
without the clowns (and/or in a different tank). So, if a frag of
it in a different tank is growing just as fast, that might tell
us something. But I'm afraid I still don't have a real
answer for you as to why it's growing so fast. I suppose it
could have some sort of genetic "defect" that is
causing this. But I honestly don't know. Please do record all
this though (take pictures and make notes of observations).>
But I want to be sure that whatever is growing/clinging to its
trunk is not an irritant. <If you're worried, and if you
can easily remove it, go ahead. Better safe than sorry I
suppose.> Your insight is greatly appreciated. Ben <De
nada, Sara M.>
Re: Attn Sara M: Vermetid Snail Mucus Causing Frogspawn
Polyp Ejection? -11/14/07 Hi Sara, Unless you recommend
otherwise, I will put some light water pressure (turkey baster)
on what we think is the sponge. If it blows off, great, but if it
doesn't budge, I probably won't risk any kind of
intervention. <Sounds like a good plan. You could also use a
pair of tweezers to try and gently pull it off if the baster
doesn't work.> Later this evening, I will send you two
pics of the coral, one opened and one closed. <Cool,
thanks!> Have I told you that I appreciate your expertise?
<Hehe, yes, and thank you again for sharing with us.> Ben
<Best, Sara M.>
Re: Attn Sara M: Vermetid Snail Mucus Causing Frogspawn
Polyp Ejection? -11/14/07 Thanks for the advice, Sara. During
a regularly scheduled water change this evening, I attempted
first to suction and later to blow this unidentified material off
the frogspawn. I was able to remove a little of the detritus and
what looked like a bit of brownish hair algae, but the mystery
material stayed put. So, since you haven't identified it as
fatal coral-killing death stuff, I'm going to let it be.
<Yeah, I'd just let it go for now. Most sponges don't
pose any real threat to stony corals.> I've attached two
pix: the first, #556, shows the whole coral as it's beginning
to retract for the evening. For scale, the whole thing cuts an
arc a little bit bigger than a soft ball. <Thanks for the
pics, looks like a healthy coral. :-)> The second pic, #566,
shows the coral closed up a bit. I had hoped to show you a
picture of the coral closed all the way, so that you could
distinguish the separating heads, but the frogspawn doesn't
seem inclined to close up tight tonight. But, just for example,
the two heads at the far right of the picture have each developed
two mouths and the splits seem imminent. Likewise, on the far
left, what appears to be one big head is actually four. It's
really been amazing to watch. <Indeed, very interesting.>
But so long as it is not an unhealthy response, I'm happy!
<Corals are still so mysterious to us humans. All I can really
say is that the coral looks plenty healthy. I'm not going to
promise you that there's no chance this accelerated splitting
isn't a result of some kind of stress. But I don't have
any reason to say it is either. And even if it were, it's
obviously not killing the coral. So I say just keep doing what
you're doing and keep an eye on it.> (Also, in the
background of 566, you can see a bit of pink sponge in the
vicinity, so maybe this is a sponge-worthy rock.) <LOL...
"sponge-worthy"--too funny.> And speaking of rock,
you rock. Thanks for all your help. If you ever need a totally
noobtastic second opinion, be in touch. <Fabulous, my
pleasure.> Sara M.>
Vermetid Snails 3/30/08 Hi, first off love this
site. There is such a great wealth of information here. Ok so here is
my problem. I have a 65 gal reef tank. I had an out break of Vermetid
snails a few months ago. I had thousands of them, They were everywhere,
at feeding time their webs would cover the rock. I winded up redoing my
aquascape with mostly new rock. Over the past few weeks, they are again
starting to show themselves. I really want to try to combat the problem
this time. Manually removing is out of the question ( too many spots I
can't get to. I do not want to use chemicals. I read about people
have success with zebra hermit crabs. Does this work? Copperband
butterflies I also heard, don't really want one in my tank. What
other things can I try. <<Hey Anthony please take a look at this;
http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2005-01/rs/index.php .>> Thanks in
Advance. Anthony <<Adam J.>>
Tube Snail Problem 11/07/07 Hi, I have searched
your site high and low, asked every store in town and can¹t
find anyone who has had this problem, or any suggestions on how to
resolve it. I narrowed down what the creature is via a picture on your
site. A tube dwelling snail, permanent tube spiral base twisting out,
with a creature that has two little antennas and spews out web to catch
debris in the water column. <Ah yes, Vermetid snails.> The
problem, over the last year and a half this has turned into a nightmare
due to them spawning. I literally have thousands of them EVERY where.
They are in the protein skimmer, pumps, on my clam shell, conch shells,
stacked on top of one another covering every surface in the tank.
<Yep, the tend to do that sometimes.> This make cleaning the
filter and tight areas so unpleasant, <indeed!> I get cuts and
scraps from every thing being so sharp. They are close to impossible to
remove, and are multiplying at a discouraging rate. At this point I am
so frustrated I am either going to have to just shut the tank down, or
strip it and start from scratch. <Yikes! I know they're
annoying, but they're not worth taking a tank down for. In fact, in
time, they'll likely start to die away all by themselves. Their
populations typically come in booms and busts. Have you tried killing
them with vinegar?> Is there anything I can do? Wrasses, or some
other invert carnivore maybe? Starve them of whatever is making them
thrive? <Starving the tank will hurt your other animals just as
much. Is this a reef tank? If not (if its fish only), keeping the
calcium on the lower end of acceptable *might* help. I'd try
squirting them with vinegar or lime juice (in minute quantities)
first...> I am at a loss, PLEASE HELP :( <Good luck, keep us
updated.> Timothy Robitaille <Best, Sara M.>
Vermetid snails taking over - how to control 6/16/04 This
question is for Anthony Calfo if available. <in your service>
Anthony, I have a 75 Gallon reef with mostly SPS corals. It is a mature
tank with much of the rock/corals I have kept for over 5 years.
<very nice> You mention in your book of coral propagation that
Vermetid snails are a "normal" thing. <yes... inevitable
in some quantity> For some reason I have LOTS of these guys. I can
live with the stringy stuff they give off but some of them are a real
problem. They seem to like to grow on my Montipora (Cap and Digitata).
They do not seem to bother the Acropora as bad. In fact, I have one
that has planted itself on the back of a large purple rimmed Cap I got
from a friend. I also had one climbing up a green digitata and in my
opinion has "choked" it out. Can I do anything to control
these critters and why do they like growing on my corals? Thanks for
the help. Andrew <as you might guess, they are not growing from thin
air - or water as it were - but rather, they are filter feeders that
are flourishing because of excess nutrients. Better nutrient export (or
limiting import) will easy check these creatures and force them to
wane. If skimmer performance has waned (less than several dark cups of
skimmate weekly minimum), or if the water change schedule has been too
modest/small all along and caught up with you (20% per month or less),
or if feeding habits are sloppy like mine <G> like thawing frozen
foods but not decanting the thawed pack juice which is "rocket
fuel" for growing nuisance algae, sponges or Vermetids in this
case. Some possibilities to consider. But I can reassure you my
friend... control the nutrients and you will control their growth.
There is no "reef safe predator" on these snails for the
aquarium. Anthony>