FAQs about Morays Eel Compatibility
Related FAQs: Moray Compatibility 1, Moray Compatibility 2, Moray Compatibility 4, & Moray Behavior, Moray Eels 1, Moray
Eels 2, Moray Identification,
Moray Selection, Moray Systems, Moray Feeding, Moray Disease, Moray Reproduction, Zebra Moray Eels, Snowflake Morays, Freshwater Moray Eels,
Other Marine Eels,
Related Articles: Moray Eels Bite, But Are They
Venomous? by Marco Lichtenberger, Moray
Eels, Zebra Morays, Snowflake Morays, Ribbon Morays, The "Freshwater" Moray
Eels, Freshwater Moray
Eels by Marco Lichtenberger,
Other Marine

Dwarf et. al Lionfishes? Other Scorpaeniforms?
With other With Moray
With Triggers, Puffers, Large Angels?
With Rabbitfishes?
With Anemones? |
No sir, not something likely, not something likely....
real trouble; need to match size, temperament
May get chewed on
May get poked, envenomized
Likely to get stung |
Eel tank, moray stocking, comp.
Greetings Mr. Fenner & Crew
<Hi Kirk.>
Long story shortened, added a Gymnothorax fimbriatus about 6 months ago,
he ate a couple young Maroon Clowns I added, I realize I won’t be able
to add any small fish to this tank, removing him I have deemed VERY
difficult as the tank is 5’x5’x2.5’. I have a large reef tank as well, I
have always wanted an Eel tank. I would probably make an Enchelycore
pardalis the next addition and feature fish. I’ve read the WWM article,
which says there is no way to tell the sex.
<Still none to my knowledge.>
One online site sells them as “Male” (for more money) and “Female” a few
hundred less. My guess is they are just hiking up the price on the ones
with more orange coloration, sound right?
<Probably. Am not aware of any evidence or even scientific study about
color differences between sexes (sexual dichromatism) in this species.>
Other question is would Gymnothorax favagineus be ill advised as the
final addition?
<Gymnothorax favagineus gets much bigger than the other two species.
Have little doubt my old G. favagineus would have eaten an adult G.
fimbriatus. Better choose species with approx. the same adult size and
Too much Eel for the other two? If so, what would you recommend, at
roughly 460 gallons was hoping 3 good sized would be ok? I like Muraena
lentiginosa as well, though it is not very large.
<The size of the tank should not be a problem for 3 medium sized eels
(such as G. fimbriatus), but housing Gymnothorax and Enchelycore eels
together is always a risk. G. fimbriatus and E. pardalis can both be
quite aggressive to new additions. Your chances are best when all the
eels have about the same size and when you provide a sufficient number
of caves to reduce stress and aggression. Beware, they still might not
get along fine depending on their individual temper. Also, I agree with
M. lentiginosa being a little small compared to your other choices,
Muraena pavonia is similar and gets larger. To name a few more species:
Gymnothorax rueppelliae is about the same size as G. fimbriatus.
Gymnothorax kidako is only slightly larger.>
Thank you for your fantastic site, Happy Holidays
Kirk R
<Thanks. Wishing you happy holidays, too. Marco.>
Long Spine Urchin with Zebra Moral Eel, comp.
Hi Bob -
Would a large long spine urchin with the body size of around a tennis
ball be left alone by a Zebra Moral Eel that's about 2 feet in length?
I've read Zebra Moral Eels feed on urchins, but I thought maybe the long
spine urchin might be an exception.
<Mmm; I don't think it's a good idea to place morays in systems with
sharp objects period... their vision's not all that good, and they have
a habit of bumping into most all>
Further, I suspect a Zebra Moral Eel would eat a chocolate chip
<I don't think so, no. They mainly eat crustaceans in the wild>
BTW, I wanted to report back that your knowledge and feedback was
correct on a question I asked last week. I've witnessed a large pin
cushion urchin (close to 4 inches in diameter) has eaten cyanobacteria
(red) off my live rock as you suspected might occur.
Thank you, John
<Cheers John. BobF>
Re: Long Spine Urchin with Zebra Moral Eel; plus BGA eater
Bob -
Thank you very much you're most helpful as always! Your feedback definitely
helps me properly plan some aquatic living arrangements.
<Am so glad to share, aid your efforts... promote the proper/appropriate use of
resources John>
Here's a photo of the pin cushion urchin I previously referenced with a smaller
long spine that shows some cyanobacteria (red) removed from the rocks (see rock
closest to the gravel).
Thanks, John
<Thank you for sharing. Bob Fenner>
Morays and Anemones 8/28/18
Attention Marco, Lord of the Eels and co.!
<Hi Sam.>
I recently lost my golden dwarf moray of many years and
initially chalked it up to old age (he was elderly).
<Sorry to hear that.>
About 3 months prior I had added a rose bubble tip anemone
for my Perculas. Given that this was the only change to the tank (water
parameters, etc. are good) it made me wonder if my eel may have been
stung to death swimming blindly at night, perhaps going after the
clowns. This may have been a dreadful oversight. I know that anemones
sting to paralyze to capture and eat fish/etc. I am not particularly
educated on an potential problems an anemone might cause a moray and
have since done some reading on this site but have found only one
mention of morays and anemones. Could my rose bubble tip have
contributed to my GDM’s death? Should I remove any anemones from my tank
before replacing my eel friend? I feel absolutely terrible about the
loss and the thought that my own ignorance was to blame doesn’t make it
any better. Thanks. Sam Porter
<I don't think the sting of a Bubble Tip Anemone is potent enough to
kill a moray eel or contribute to its death. It might be able to eat a
small dead or dying eel, but that's all I consider realistic. Maybe your
eel was just old. Larger anemones (e.g. Stichodactyla haddoni,
Heteractis magnifica or maybe S. gigantea) are a far greater threat to a
small, careless fish. Cheers, Marco.>
Gymnothorax pictus 11/17/17
I was wondering what you could tell me about these guys.
<A rather typical largish piscivorous moray eel species>
I'm 99% sure it's the moray I just picked up from the lfs and they
didn't know what it was.
<... Please send along a well resolved pic or two>
Will it be okay in a 125 sharing a tank with adult lionfish, snowflake
eel, and tang?
<Mmm; no. First, it grows to more than four feet long... and am not a
fan of keeping morays and lions together... the latter too often
inadvertently stings the former. A G. pictus can grow large enough to
consume all these other fishes in time>
It seems like a fish eater so I'm mostly worries about my banana wrasse
and maroon clown in the future.
<I'd stick w/ just the Echidna nebulosa as far as eels here. Bob Fenner>
Re: Gymnothorax pictus... Marco, ID
First I'm a fan Mr. Fenner! This is the best picture I could get. Now
that I've looked a bit more I'm thinking it's a G. griseus instead?
<You are correct. This is Gymnothorax griseus, a medium
sized species potentially compatible with Echidna nebulosa. I've kept
these two together for many years. In addition, I'm not a fan of keeping
morays and lionfish
together. Cheers, Marco.>

Re: Gymnothorax Pictus 11/19/17
First I'm a fan Mr. Fenner! This is the best picture I could get. Now that
I've looked a bit more I'm thinking it's a G. Griseus instead?
<It is indeed. I fully concur w/ what MarcoL. sent you as well. Cheers,
My New Pufferfish/es; comp. w/ Muraenids
Hi Crew, your advice has been helpful in managing my tanks and your
website is so full of great info! But I haven't seen this question, thus
the question.
I am adopting 2 puffers. One is a porcupine puffer and the other is a
dogface puffer. They will go with my snowflake and zebra eels.
<Mmm; am hoping the Puffers don't go after the Morays.... biting them,
stealing all foods>
They are at least 6-7 years old and the previous owner had them 6 years.
They are both about 5 inches long. Do you thing they will grow much more
at their age?
<Well, they can; given good water quality, food....>
Just planning for future tank size if needed because right now they are
going into a 180 gallon. I also have a 300 gallon so I'm fine upgrading
tanks if I need to, just trying to plan it out a bit. Thanks!
<Do keep your eye on all when you feed, or go by the tank. Bob Fenner>
EMERGENCY: Injured Coral Cat Shark 6/5/16
Hello Wet Web Crew-
I have had a Coral Cat Shark and a Tesselata Moray eel
<Mmm... not compatible.>
in my tank together for years, and just tonight, the shark began having
trouble swimming. It would end up laying upside down, and would have
trouble righting itself. Upon closer inspection, the shark appears to
have a puncture along its back... The same size as a moray tooth.
The two of them have coexisted peacefully, without a SINGLE issue for
years, and I don't know what is going on now.
<I hate to key it, but inevitability>
Please respond ASAP, as I don't know how much longer the shark will
last. I have isolated it from the eel for the time being, but I need
<Need to keep separated... and at this point hope>
Gabe Walsh
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Paralyzed Zebra Eel
Dear Wet Web Media,
It's okay if you'd like to publish my question but I'd really appreciate
it if you could keep my name and e-mail confidential.
Thank you very much.
<Will do>
My friend has a Zebra Eel that was doing well up until four days ago.
Now, he is lying upside down at the bottom of the tank
He has been unable to eat and his breathing has been labored. She has
done water changes and said the water parameters are fine. The Ph level
is 8. Unsure of what to do, she began treating the tank with Kanaplex
last night.
<... For? I mean; what is it you hoped to accomplish by applying an
antibiotic to the water here?>
The eel's tank mates consist of a Foxface,
<Oh! Likely poked by the Siganid>
anemones and corals.
<Or poisoned vis a vis an allelopathogenic "fight" twixt these Cnidarian
Could the eel have been stung by the Foxface causing this condition?
Is there any way to help the eel and make him better?
<Only time, hope; and attention to maintaining optimized, stable water
conditions... I suggest partial water changes (10-20 %) daily, the use
of GAC, PolyFilter... Adding medicine/s won't help>
Any information you could provide would be greatly appreciated.
<Try the search tool on every page of WWM w/ the terms I've mentioned
Thank you so much,
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
tesselata compatible with large Zebra?
Hello ,
Have an approx 34 in long and growing Zebra Moray eel in a 330 gal with
a few large fish.. (in process of building taller tank, 60w x 36x 40
tall, approx. 400 gals with a ton of rock going in throughout)
Recently a similar size tesselata Eel was made available to me.
<Mmm; unpredictable compatibility wise... can be a terror>
This particular tesselata is in a tank with fish and does not bother
them or the owner during feedings, water changes and tank cleanings.
<So far...>
Your opinion, would you consider the 2 eels compatible for this
<Am a big conservative this AM... the choice of course is up to you.
However, if you're at all risk-adverse, I'd keep this fish elsewhere>
Thank you for the feedback.
Steven Turk
<Oh! Do you know Chris Turk... of the fish foods business? Bob Fenner> Moray eel compatibility
Hey WWM crew! Have messaged a fair bit in the past and you guys have
always been helpful! Just wondering if you could help again on a few
quick questions :)
Tank details;. 5ft bowfront Juwel vision tank - 120 gal (450
Current stocking list;. Blue throat triggerfish x1. Saddleback
butterflyfish x1. Galaxy clarkii clownfish x2 . Skeletor moray eel x1
(Just recently acquired)
The Skeletor moray seemed quite active after putting him into the tank,
so was wondering if this is normal?
<Is common behavior... looking for a way out>
Has been swimming around the tank and in between rocks but haven't had
this with previous morays I have kept before so thought I had better ask
Now the next question would be about future stocking, as am
looking to get these few fish below;. Regal angelfish (yellow bellied
variant). Flame angelfish . Red tail tamarin wrasse. Blue ribbon moray
Would this be too much to add?
<Yes; particularly the last. Rhinomuraena don't do well in
captivity period; would highly likely perish here. Tamarin wrasses are
not easy... neither most Regals>
are there any from the list above that you would add first?
<The Centropyge>
Am worried about the 2 morays though so thought I would ask, so do you
think they could mix?
if so how would you do it?
Thanks and best wishes!
<And you. I'd keep dreaming, reading at this point... look for other
livestock, perhaps another system.
Bob Fenner>
Skeletor eel... Echidna xanthospilos. in/comp.
<Frank; and have sent this to MarcoL for his separate response>
I was trying to find out some information on a Skeletor eel. I hear from
the lfs (which is selling it for 250) that they usually get to the max
size of 18-20 inches in the home aquarium from the experience of their
<Agreed; usually smaller>
They also mentioned that they only get as thick as a thumb... The one
they have is about 7" and is the size of a pen in thickness and i was
told it will grow slow unless you feed very frequently.
<This is so>
I currently have a Hawaiian dwarf moray eel (based on my research they
will be ok with each other)
<Mmm; well, even Dendrochirus (compared w/ larger Pteroines) can/will
inhale other fishes, motile invertebrates... if they can>
and is a good little guy. I have a 54 gallon corner tank,
but the rock work is designed with lots of overhangs and caves for the
eels and a I have tight cover on the tank. Since it is a rare eel and I
feel that this is a good price on him. I did a lot of research and so
far the experience with this eel is that its a calm eel like my dwarf
eel. I know eventually he will probably need a bigger tank, but if he
grows slow, I can enjoy him before his next home. I do have two cleaner
shrimps and a conch (the only inverts I care about)..... will they be ok
with the eel?
<Not the shrimps eventually>
Also, I have a diversified community of fish including a pair of clowns,
borbonius Anthias, Tailspot blenny, yasha goby, tanaka possum wrasse and
a tiny marine Betta (1")
<You need more room; esp. for the last... And this Echidna may
well consume your smaller fishes>
(i rather have a bunch of small sized fish in my tank). Will the
Skeletor go after the Tailspot or yasha? Also, if I feed 2x a week
(krill and silversides) will it grow slowly? Thank you
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Re: Skeletor eel /Marco
<Hello Frank.>
I was trying to find out some information on a Skeletor eel.
<Echidna xanthospilos>
I hear from the lfs (which is selling it for 250) that they usually get
to the max size of 18-20 inches in the home aquarium from the experience
of their clients.
<20-24” is a typical maximum size for this species.>
They also mentioned that they only get as thick as a thumb...
<They must have quite fat fingers then. The adults look like this:
The one they have is about 7" and is the size of a pen in thickness and
I was told it will grow slow unless you feed very frequently.
<Can take them about 2-4 years to grow to their maximum sizes.>
I currently have a Hawaiian dwarf moray eel (based on my research they
will be ok with each other)
<Can work, however, I’d prefer eel tank mates with similar maximum
and is a good little guy. I have a 54 gallon corner tank, but the rock
work is designed with lots of overhangs and caves for the eels and I
have tight cover on the tank. Since it is a rare eel and I feel that
this is a good price on him.
<Depends on where you are. They are half of that here in my part of
Europe, but I’ve also seen them for much more.>
I did a lot of research and so far the experience with this eel is that
it’s a calm eel like my dwarf eel. I know eventually he will probably
need a bigger tank,
but if he grows slow, I can enjoy him before his next home. I do have
two cleaner shrimps and a conch (the only inverts I care about).....
will they be ok with the eel?
<Likely, though cleaner shrimps are not completely safe with an Echidna
Also, I have a diversified community of fish including a pair of clowns,
borbonius Anthias, Tailspot blenny, yasha goby, tanaka possum wrasse and
a tiny marine Betta (1") (I rather have a bunch of small sized fish in
my tank).
<Sounds like a crowded tank 54 gallon tank to me. I would not add
another eel.>
Will the Skeletor go after the Tailspot or yasha?
<Unlikely, they are mostly crustacean eaters in nature, however, they
are not 100% safe with small fishes when hungry.>
Also, if I feed 2x a week (krill and silversides) will it grow slowly?
<I do not recommend malnutrition in order to stunt fishes. Feed it
properly and have a tank of sufficient size or don’t keep it. Krill and
silversides make no healthy moray eel diet. Please see WWM re. This
species is related to Echidna nebulosa (Snowflake eel) and Echidna
polyzona and should be kept and fed in a similar way.>
Thank you Frank
<I hope the information is useful for your decision. Cheers, Marco.>
Re: Skeletor eel
Thank you for your prompt response
I will pass on this guy then.
Snowflake Eel acting weird. In w/ Lion, mis-fed, no rdg.
I have a snowflake eel that I have had for a year now. She is roughly
about 12 inches or so. She is housed in a 29 gal tank with my
lion fish
<Not a good match compatibility wise>
(working on new 75 gal tank as we speak), 2 snails and 2 hermit
<Lions have been known to swallow>
Tank has been healthy, regular water changes etc.
<What re water quality tests?>
Two days ago after feeding she vomited back up the pieces of silversides
<A poor choice in foods... READ what we have archived re their
nutrition; Marco's article on Thiaminase....
and the linked files above>
she had eaten (never done that before) and over the last week and a half
or so she has re-arranged pretty much all of the sand in the tank and
burrowed under all the rocks (she has always had her set rock cave
Now she is not swimming around like normal, would not eat tonight, seems
to be breathing a little fast and didn't seem to care that I moved
around a couple of rocks. She is just kind of hanging out on the sand.
Her color seems to be normal. I can not see any markings like she
scratched herself on a rock or something. I read that these eels
are pretty resistant to disease and lionfish stings.
<The former yes; no to the latter. Seen many Eels/Muraenids killed by
I know that they need a variety in diet, so I go back and forth between
frozen silversides (which she loves), live ghost shrimp, frozen clams
and live feeder fish.
<... dismal>
I just did a water & filter change tonight. I don't want to lose her.
Any help would be great! Thanks in advance!
<Keep reading. Bob Fenner>
Hawaiian Dragon Moray Eel Compatibility
Hello Wet Web Media Staff
<Andy; Mmm, Jake>
This is my first time sending an email to you, so I hope that I have
sent this correctly.
Currently I have a 300 gallon fish only with live rock system which is
soon to be inhabited by my 9inch Porcupine Pufferfish (he was being
looked after by our local fish shop whilst we sold our old 100 gallon).
My Porcupine Pufferfish will be housed with an almost one foot long
convict goby we also had housed originally in our 100 gallon and a 5
inch Majestic Angelfish.
To add to this aquarium we are going to be adding a Hawaiian Dragon
Moray Eel.
<I hope/trust this is a small specimen. The species is, make that IS a
I have been spending a lot of time researching this Moray Eel and am set
on purchasing one, but unfortunately also considered looking into
purchasing a Green Moray Eel
<Gymnothorax castaneus? These two may not get along>
to live along side the dragon eel. My main question was; Do you think
that a Hawaiian Dragon Moray Eel could live together with a Green
Moray Eel peacefully, or are they not compatible, considering the Green
Morays size potential and nature?
<IF both were started together at 1.5' long or less, I'd give you 50:50
chance that they'd cohabitate... if larger... less/worse odds>
Thank you,
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
eel bitten by angelfish
Hello crew,
<Hi Amber.>
Yesterday I received a Skeletor moray eel (Echidna
xanthospilos). My Bicolor angelfish (Centropyge bicolor) basically
destroyed it. She bit the flesh off of the eel.
<What an evil angel.>
He is alive but barely. I was wondering if there was anything I could do
to save it?
<Depends on how severe the wounds are. I've seen morays with incredibly
large, but healed wounds such as missing jaw parts, completely lost
Any kind of dip or medication to help nurse him back to health, or is he
a lost cause. They are both now in holding tanks until I figure
out what to do. Please help me.
<The most important thing is to keep the water quality high. If you
notice signs of bacterial infections of the wounds, you may have to use
an antibiotic such as Maracyn II (will treat many gram negative
<Good luck to you and the eel. Marco>
Eel compatibility in 95 gallon fowlr
First off this is great site and I have learned so much but I have a
question of my own. I currently have a 95 gallon tank that is 5ft long.
Currently it has a 5" lunar wrasse, 5" miniatus grouper, and a
11 " snowflake eel. In terms of filtration a cascade 1200 and 2
CPR bakpaks. My question is would it be reasonable to put
another eel in this tank?
<I would not. Not because of incompatibility (a Zebra eel would likely
be compatible), but because the tank in my opinion is already quite
full, especially if the growth of the next two years is taken into
I've been looking at zebras (i would be getting one smaller than 2') and
chainlinks and both seem to have ups and down and many and have read
many opinions. I know the big issue with the zebra is size but I will
not have my tanks two years from now. So any thoughts? Thanks!
<Cheers, Marco.>
Re: Eel compatibility in 95 gallon fowlr – 06/14/12
Thanks for the advice and keep up the good work!-Rayan
<You are welcome. Marco.>
Eels, Moray comp. 4/24/12
Hello all.
I have a quick question for whoever gets this email. I have checked the
site in every category I can think of that my answer would be in, and
I'm coming up with half the answer or vagueness probably on my part.
<Every system is different which can make finding a definitive answer to
your situation difficult.>
I have a 240 FOWLR, the only two inhabitants
are a Snowflake Moray Eel and a Zebra Moray Eel. My question is, are
there other Eels that would be able to coexist with them?
<Any of the Echidnas would be a safe bet.>
I'm really liking the Dragon Eels but from what I've
read that might be the least likely to live with them.
<Aggressive piscivores are always a risk and ideally
should be kept with similar mannered tankmates. If you want to add a
Dragon, I would remove the Snowflake and either trade the Zebra for a
larger one or remove it. >
Both of my eels are approximately 15-18 inches and would only get same
sized tank mates.
<Need to factor in adult length and girth.>
If my theory on the Dragon is right, would you please offer some
suggestions on what others would work, I'm open to any ideas like chain
link, white mouth etc.
<Pebble-tooths would be the safe play but one or two of the smaller less
aggressive Gymnothorax may work. G. miliaris is an option I would look
Thank you so much for the time and again if the answer is on the site and
I missed it, I apologize. Have a great day all.
<And a good day to you>
my eeeels – 4/19/12
I have a 49 Gallon marine tank with 30lb live rock, a
few hermit crabs and several Mexican turbo snails that I got from our
local beach (I know it was risky but found out my local beach is very
similar to my tank!) Apart from the little guys I have (had) a Tomato
Clown Fish who just died for no apparent reason.
<My money is on an eel attack.>
He was about 3 inches long, and fully happy eating regularly. My water
levels are perfect,
<This is hard to believe with two fully grown eels in a 49.>
the only thing I can think of is I don't have an Anemone for him to host.
<Anemones are not necessary for a clowns health.>
My real question however is for this. I have two fully grown Moray
Eels, one is a regular snowflake, the other is a freshwater moray that I
have converted to salt water.
<Echidna nebulosa and Gymnothorax tile? How did you come to the
conclusion that they are fully grown? A fully grown E. nebulosa needs a
larger tank.>
The two seem to love each other perfectly, even sharing caves and food and
runways! However, my freshwater moray (Squigels) is showing signs of
bite marks. There are a few on his (or her) back, and one on the tip of
her tail. I was wondering if they are starting to mate?
<They are fighting, tank is too small. The two will not mate.>
or just now starting to fight. they have been living happily for over a
<E. nebulosas become quite aggressive as they mature; even more so if
kept in cramped conditions.>
My other question isn't so much of a problem, just a question. Both of my
eels seem to be afraid of nothing, as they love to roam my tank during
the day, staying out in completely visible areas.
<They are constantly roaming because the tank is too small/crowded.
Provide a proper habitat and they will behave normally..>
One of them even has a runway which he goes around every day, so much
that the sand in the area where he gets lower to the ground has banked a
little bit.
<Again, tank is too small and this is a result.>
I have only ever read these guys to be nocturnal skittish animals, however
mine seem to be the exact opposite. One of them (Thunder fist) even
likes being picked up slightly out of the water, and pet!
<Good way to get bit.>
It gets sorta the same look in his eyes as my dog when I rub behind his
ears. Is his type of behavior normal or am I an amazing eel trainer? or
both ;)
<The E. nebulosa needs to be removed. If not one or both eels will
Thanks so much!
<Please capitalize "I", proper nouns, and the beginning of sentences in
any future queries.>
Logan G.
Moray, angler compatibility/ tank
limitations 4/1/12
Hello Crew,
<Hi Amber, Jordan here.>
My name is Amber. I recently lost my Snowflake Eel (Echidna nebulosa),
after setting up a new 55 gallon tank for him. He was lost due to a
stupid mistake on my part and I should have known better. Lesson
I replaced him with a Black Angler (Antennarius
<Quite a bio-load for a 55.>
Though, soon after, I realized how much I missed having an eel. I can
not seem to find something other than a Snowflake to fit into the
<A 55 really limits your options but an Echidna catenata is another
possibility. Peaceful enough that it should not attack the Angler and
large enough to avoid being eaten.>
I was wondering if you had any ideas on what kind of Moray Eel will get
along with the Angler, who is the only other inhabitant in the
<The problem is that you have chosen an Angler which will get fairly
large and able to eat most tank mates that are suitable for a 55. Other
than Echidna catenata and Echidna nebulosa. most morays that will live
out there life comfortably in a 55 will likely be eaten by the angler.
If the Angler were to be removed I would recommend an Enchelycore
carychoa or a pair of Gymnothorax melatremus.>
I have plenty of live rock and hiding places. Also, a 20 gallon sump,
protein skimmer, and a very large filter.
<Consider adding a pvc network for cover.>
Any suggestions would be extremely helpful.
Thank You,
<Quite welcome>
Golden Dwarf Moray Eel
questions, stkg., sys., comp. 8/24/11
Hello! First of all, I love your site and everything that you guys do!
I think it's wonderful that you are so helpful in this sometimes
confusing hobby. I had a question that I was hoping you could help me
with. I have always been fascinated by eels but it seems like most
would do very badly in a tank my size - 20g (with a 15
gallon sump/fuge) - except I read in my Scott Michael's book about
the "golden dwarf moray eel" (G. melatremus).
It says they only need 10g and that they are reef compatible except
with crustaceans.
<Mmm, well... Scott is a friend and he and I's opinions match at
least 98% of the time; but I find his "minimum system size"
suggestions to be much smaller than mine; esp. for sharks and eel
I had a few quick questions about the species I was hoping you guys
could help me with:
Would it attack or eat my Pearly Jawfish (Opistognathus aurifrons)?
<Quite possibly, yes>
I know these are "fish-eating" morays but that they are
really small so it would be hard for them to eat other fish that
aren't goby-sized. However, jawfish are relatively stationary
rather than swimming all over the tank.
Would it eat my cleaner shrimp or harlequin shrimp?
<Definitely yes>
They are both at "full-grown" size but the book said they
will eat crustaceans. Yet I did find a tank containing one and a
cleaner shrimp?
Would my tank be large enough to house one?
<A small specimen perhaps... but just barely. If it were me, I'd
look into other fish families than the Muraenids>
Is there anything else I should know about this fish?
<Can't tell from your statements>
Thank you! : -)
<Welcome! Bob Fenner>
Eel with white coating on tail--what
disease? 7/28/11
I have an eel (moray I guess).
See picture. I reduced the size so it may be hard to see the eel
clearly, but his tail is still there, it's just coated in
white slime? and he also has white dots higher up. The eel is
still breathing
<... what other livestock is in with this fish?>
It's about 2 feet long and has been doing well for about a
year. It is fed Formula 1 and 2 cubes and silversides, typically
eating several cubes/fish every five days or so. It's always
looked well fed.
Suddenly, in the past 24 hours or less, a strange white slime has
started to cover the lower third of the eel. It is very sluggish
sitting out in the open on the sand.
The same thing happened to another eel that was in the tank 6
months ago or so. That eel was dead within a day or so.
None of the other fish seem to be experiencing any problems.
Water change was just done two days ago. Water parameters look
good, my nitrates are generally a little high at 30-40 but this
is FOWLR tank, 400 gallons so not overstocks even with 5 other
big fish in it.
Has anyone heard of a disease that manifests itself with this
white coating.
There are little spots also visible higher up the eel.
Any advice or does it look hopeless and I should get him out
before the other fish starting picking at him. The other fish are
red snapper, grouper, lion fish, blue tang,
raccoon butterfly, Porkfish-all medium to large fish.
<I suspect the bass/grouper has picked on this fish... The
Muraenid is likely doomed from the damage.
Bob Fenner>
re: Eel with white coating on
tail--what disease? 7/28/11
Thanks Bob. You are correct the eel died and I removed it
from the tank.
So you think the white slime is a physical condition or
reaction to trauma from assaults?
<Indeed; almost assuredly... the "white dots"
more proximal are little doubt from this Moray trying to
escape its tormentor... dashing itself against rock>
The Red Snapper is huge, probably at least 12" and the
Panther Grouper is not quite that large--both are
aggressive and I have seen the Snapper fight with the eel
over food.
<Yes... Chromileptis can "turn"
I had another eel that died back in October 2010 that had
exactly the same white slime on the body.
<Acknowledged. Saw your comment re previously>
That eel was 3' and this one was 2'. Could such
large eels really be beat up that badly by a Snapper or
<Yes; for sure. BobF>
re: Eel with white coating on tail--what disease?
Thanks Bob.
<Welcome Jeff>
While I have your attention, let me ask you whether you
think any eels might be able to "handle" these
<I don't think so. I would not try again>
Also, I'm surprised it is the grouper who is the
culprit because by far the most aggressive acting fish in
the tank is the big snapper. He routinely chases the
grouper and the other fish away from food. He does seem to
show a cautious respect for the Lion Fish however. LOL.
<Could be the Lutjanus sebae... is my "second
I am sending a picture of it. He looks like an Emperor Red
The thing is I have had him since January 2010 and he was
already quite large when I got him, so maybe six months or
more old then. Outgrew former owner's tank. But he
still has the distinctive markings of a juvenile. Is that
possible given he must be at least 2 years old by now?
<Likely so>
Or have I misidentified the fish?
<Don't think so>
Sorry if I started a new thread.
<No worries. All useful information. Bob Fenner>
re: Eel with white coating on
tail--what disease? 7/29/11
Very good, thanks for the assistance.
<Certainly welcome. BobF>
Fimbriated Moray Questions,
sys., fdg., comp. 1/29/11
Hello again! Trevor here! =)
<Hi Trevor. Marco here.>
I'm happy to see this awesome site is still running, and still
powered by the same awesome crew at WWM. I've searched through your
articles and intend to fish for a little more information on
Gymnothorax fimbriatus, but before I begin I'll throw out some
information on the system he's in and what I intend to do in the
future. The moray is ten inches in length and resides in a 40gal
breeder aquarium. I'll eventually be placing him in a 125gal
aquarium or maybe something a pinch larger than that.
<The latter sounds sufficient to me, if you wish you can go
Remember, they can reach 90 cm (about 3 feet).>
Currently, there's a 50gal filter running on his tank with a 100gal
protein skimmer on it as well. The temperature is at 78 degrees F.
Currently, he's eating silver sides and squid. I bought one because
I felt they were the hardier of the marine fish I could get. I made
this choice after having read an article about one that survived a fire
at the pet store it was in.
Quoting the article the fish survived "-extreme heat, cracked
tanks, toxic fumes, no power and even an extended dose of fresh water
from the fire hoses." I have no intent to put that statement to
the test but we do have occasional outages here caused by severe
<Many moray eels are quite hardy compared to other marine pets.
However, it also depends a lot on the technical and biological setup of
a tank how long it can survive a power outage. Especially canister
filters can be a problem. If organic matter and bacteria are trapped in
there without any current (and consequently oxygen) for a day or even
longer (will depend on the specific filter and how dirty it is) toxic
ammonia, nitrites and hydrogen sulfides can develop and flood the tank
when the power is back on again. So, during a long power outage it is a
good idea to unplug and partly clean such closed filter systems. Tank
size is also an important yet simple parameter: The larger the water
volume and surface, the longer it will provide enough oxygen for the
inhabitants. Battery powered air pumps are also a very good idea for a
longer power outage. Temperature usually is no problem, but I know
people who wrapped up their tanks in isolation material during a power
outage in a hard winter (don't forget oxygen input in this
I was wondering if sand eels were good for my moray, as I've seen
them advertised on the web just recently as I don't go about
looking for new food morsels very often. I plan to feed the moray well
enough that it will hopefully live to be thirty years old, and even
past that age with good water care included.
<Keep the food as varied as possible and add vitamins regularly.
There's quite a number of fishes called sand eels from the family
Ammodytidae used in trade, but I have no long term experience with the
use of them as main staple. Given you add vitamins and also feed other
things you should likely be fine, though.>
There are hermit crabs digging in the live sand as I type this along
with a shrimp tugging the bristle worms out of the rocks that came with
the live rock a friend of mine recently donated more of. I've
considered buying snails to aid in the turnover of the sand and
cleaning up after the Gymnothorax fimbriatus though I'm not sure if
he'll attack them or not, however doubtful I am of that right
<Should not eat snails. Rarely you may see piscivorous moray eels
carry snails out of their caves (happens as I write), but generally
they don't harm them.>
I've been wrong before as you'll see with the fact that there
used to be two of the shrimp and now I'm down to one in the month
I've had this eel with no sign of the other. Perhaps he's
hiding in the live rock but since I see the other one quite often I
think that's a bit far fetched. Should I assume he'll consume
the other shrimp as well or get more?
<Can't tell you for sure. Often they get along very well with
Cleaner shrimps for years, sometimes they are eaten. Shrimps may also
vanish due to other reasons than the eel or the eel may only eat dead
or dying shrimps.
There are a lot of possibilities, even that some shrimp couples are
apparently not long term compatible for whatever reason. In the 40
gallon tank I would only keep 1, in the larger tank you can try 4, but
add them before the eel.>
Further venturing onto yet another aspect of what I plan to do with the
tank, I've looked into introducing a Mangrove tree into the sand
and live rock. Is it possible the roots could eventually crack the tank
and would there be any way I could prevent this?
<By cutting the roots from time to time. I got about 7 year old
mangrove bonsai in a tank, the roots should be cut about once a
I've heard those trees are phenomenal in removing nitrates from the
tank, almost to the point of replacing the protein skimmer
<Not likely that this is (only) due to the mangroves unless you got
a whole lot of them. Macroalgae, live rock, water changes and possibly
a sand bed (be careful with those power outages) can be much better for
nitrate export. Don't expect much of one mangrove.>
The livestock of the tank are as follows-
Gymnothorax fimbriatus
Banded Coral Shrimp (x2?)
Scarlet Reef Hermit Crab x3
I've thought about adding bumblebee snails in as well for added
It's said they'll eat even more of the bristle worms as well as
carrion and detritus. The tree could help absorb a lot of that as
<No, it will only remove dissolved nutrients, not detritus.>
It all sounds like a good idea to me, especially with a larger tank
although I was wondering how the eel would feel about all of this.
<The eel would not mind it.>
I understand he's supposed to get quite large, possibly up to
thirty inches in length. One last thing I thought I'd mention as
well, was that the customer service rep I talked to from
liveaquaria.com said this moray would do well in brackish water as well
as marine. While I haven't considered putting my Fimbriated Moray
in the near future it seems like a good question before misinformation
is spread though I really like the folks over at Liveaquaria as do my
friends. I just thought I'd check things out with other people as
well, preferably people who are much more experienced than myself.
<This species can actually occur in river mouths and estuaries, I
guess that's where the idea comes from. But for long term care a
marine environment is the only option. If you have too low salinity
(SG<<1.018) for a longer time your eel might stop eating,
it's immune system will decline. It probably would not reach the 30
years you are willing to keep it.>
Thanks! Trevor
<Welcome. Marco.>
White mouth moray eel
Zebra eel compatibility - 12/20/10
Hello again Marco :)
<Hi Callum.>
I will be purchasing my 5x2x2ft aquarium between January and June this
year and would like to know if a White Mouth moray eel would be
suitable for my aquarium.
<I'd consider this tank as the bare minimum for this species.
Have you seen adults? They reach around 4 feet and get more than 3
times the girth of a Zebra eel. Examinations of their stomach contents
in nature revealed they mostly eat fishes, so tank mates will be
Is it aggressive and will put my zebra eel or my Sailfin tang in danger
as I have heard it is semi aggressive so I didn't think this was to
<Compared to other Gymnothorax species of this size, they are less
aggressive, but still much more than a Zebra eel or Echidna species. I
know a public aquarium who kept one with a Zebra moray for some time
showing this is possible. However, if it was my tank I would not be
willing to try this for the reasons given above and because this
species when grown has the potential to eat both your Zebra eel and
your tang.>
Thank you for your time.
<See earlier emails for recommended moray tank mates: Echidna
species generally do well with larger fishes and Zebra eels. Commonly
available are the Snowflake eel (E. nebulosa), Barred moray (E.
polyzona) and Chainlink eel (E. catenata)). Also a good choice would be
some small to medium Gymnothorax species, specifically Gymnothorax
miliaris (Goldentail or Banana eel) and Gymnothorax thyrsoideus (White
eyed moray).>
Callum Munro
<Cheers, Marco.>
Re: White mouth moray eel 12/22/10
Damn I just cant pick a suitable eel that wont turn into a monster LOL
Just my luck :)
<You can always have a look here for quite many species:
I think I will go with a Jewel moray eel or a Golden tail.
By the way are Skeletor eels <Echidna xanthospilos> rare and
would that be suitable.
<Yes (but available) and yes (comparable to a Barred moray).>
Thank you for your help Marco and I will send pictures and updates
Callum Munro :)
<Cheers, Marco.>
Re: Moray Eel Compatibility 2/25/11
Thank you very much for your quick reply! I do have a few last question
though (sorry). If I got a small moray, would I be able to keep a pair
of engineer gobies too?
<If they are large enough, maybe. Personally I would not, because
there is at least some competition for space and the gobies might try
to occupy moray eel caves or block the entrances by their
I've been doing research on them and they seem like the most
compatible sand-sifters for my tank but I do know that they need to
live in pairs, so would I be overfilling the tank if I added them?
<Can be a very nice addition, but if you want them I'd erase the
moray from the list. Much less trouble with compatibility in general
for you going this route.>
Also likely what are the chances of a Chainlink or Snowflake moray
eating the small fish I have,
<Somewhere between G. miliaris and the Zebra eel. Especially
Snowflake eels can become problematic when apparently undergoing a
natural gender change at a medium to larger size, which is accompanied
by a change in dentition (to longer, serrated probable fish eater
teeth). They can be peaceful for years and all of a sudden eat the
other fishes. Most of the prey of these Echidna spp. are crabs, but
fishes have been found inside their stomachs.>
since a Zebra Moray will probably get too big for my tank seeing as
they can get up to 5 feet long.
<Most captive specimens I know reached between 3 (most of them) and
4 feet even in very large tanks.>
Thanks again for all your help! Alex
<Welcome, Marco.>
Japanese Dragon Eel and clown
trigger. 9/14/10
<Hello Kellvin.>
My fish store is bringing in a Japanese Dragon Eel for me. 25-30cm.
Currently I have a show Clown Triggerfish 25cm and a Banded eel and
some grouper. Can the dragon eel be kept together?
<Nothing I would recommend.>
Lastly, can dragon eel tolerate Seachem Cupramine?
<Although it might not die instantly, no moray eel should be brought
into contact with copper containing products of any sort.>
Thank you with God Bless. Kellvin.
<Cheers, Marco.>
Re: Japanese Dragon Eel and clown trigger.
Japanese Dragon Eel and clown trigger II, 09/15/10
Hi Marco,
<Hello Kelvin.>
Thank you for your quick respond. You mean that the Dragon eel will
attack the groupers 15cm to 20cm and the trigger? Thank you very
<I rather see problems with the banded eel in the long run, which
may/will get eaten as soon as the Dragon eel is able to. Groupers of
adequate size are generally better tank mates for eels than triggers.
They often
accompany eels in the wild, the two even hunt together. In addition, a
Clown trigger of 25 cm can pose a severe threat to a young (25-30 cm)
dragon eel. Therefore, I consider the fish community you asked about as
not so ideal. This does not mean it won't work in every case, but
implies that the chances are not too high. Consequently, I won't
recommend it.>
Regards Kellvin
<Cheers, Marco.>
Re: Japanese Dragon Eel and clown trigger.
Hi Marco,
<Hello Kellvin.>
Oops I forgot to ask you, can I add my Clown Trigger of 25cm on my 300g
tank consist of angelfish average size of 6-10 inches? Thank you.
<Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/clntrigart.htm.
Younger Clown trigger can often be kept with various larger fishes, but
once grown many if not most of them become rather aggressive towards
their tank mates.
Bob put it this way: "almost always becomes something of a total
terror with growth/age". Consider this when putting the trigger
with other fishes.
Regards Kellvin
<Cheers, Marco.>
Echidna polyzona
compatibility -- 05/18/2010
Hello everyone,
<Hi Randall.>
I've been in the hobby for about 5 years and I have more
healthy/happy reef in my home than I do furniture.
I'll break down the set-up that I'm referring to in this
This set-up consists of a 125 gallon reef and a 75 aggressive reef,
both using the same 50 gallon sump. The 125 gallon reef has approx. 175
pounds of live rock, and a 40 gallon above tank refugium(should see the
shelf), the 75 gallon has 75 lbs of live rock and a mini 5 gallon above
tank refugium(on custom made acrylic canopy). Each refugium is
completely full of macroalgae and neither are home to fish (only
inverts). Water circulation is minimal in the refugiums, but
supplemental water circulation is achieved with 2 Koralia 4's in
the 125 and 1 Koralia 4 and 1 Koralia 3 in the 75.
Water quality is great, water changes aren't done as often as
I'd like but I change around 150 gallons of this systems water
around once every 1-2 months depending. Tank is bare bottom so detritus
is removed as it collects on the bottom(small 5 gallon water changes).
I have no issues with water quality, I use 0 TDS(Milwaukee TDS meter)
RO/DI and mix in instant ocean. I supplement bio-cal and that is
Water is first skimmed by a very large octopus dual recirculating
skimmer (this thing is massive and effective, almost could skim out
salt with this thing) that I built a custom stand between the two tanks
for. Then the water is ran thru silk screen(50 microns clog to fast and
do not improve clarity enough in my opinion), and then filtered by 2
phosphate reactors always containing fresh GFO, and then 2 carbon
My 125 houses various coral species and inverts, a yellow tang, a blue
hippo tang, 3 Perc clowns, and a mandarin. The 75 gallon is basically
my Hawaii tank(I proposed to my wife behind the Hilton Hawaiian Village
on one of our visits, so its our little peace of HI at home, VA), and
is home to a Humuhumunukunukuapua'a trigger (I cannot call him
anything else after seeing his relatives off the coast of Oahu), a
Sailfin tang, and a snowflake eel(the 3 have been together for a year
and a half). I understand that this home will not be suitable for the
trigger and Sailfin forever, but they are small and I have other tanks
for that :). My snowflake eel is probably 20 or so inches, this will be
his forever home. I have a buddy who is breaking down his reef, and he
has a Echidna polyzona (barred moray). I was curious to know if you
thought that this home (75 gallon) would be suitable for both eels?
<Given high water quality I'd say that the tank is only suitable
for the Snowflake eel alone long term. While it may work to keep them
together, personally, I would not want to take the risk of bringing
them together since the Snowflake eel has its established territory,
which it might defend. Given the G. polyzona is only half the size of
the E. nebulosa and given that smaller eels have been found in
Snowflake eel stomachs in the past, the chances are not too bad this
might end in a disaster.>
How would you introduce the second eel?
<If you still wish to try, keep both eels well fed. It would be best
to remove the Snowflake eel from the tank, re-arrange the rocks and
build new caves. Then, add the Barred moray, give it some time to
settle in and then add the Snowflake. Closely watch the first meetings
and feedings and be prepared to remove one eel if aggression becomes
dangerous (broken jaws and such).>
The Echidna polyzona is around 10" or so. I'd like to bring
him in but my set-ups are pretty solid and the inhabitants seem very
happy, healthy and comfortable.
<Much worth in the world of marine aquariums. Keep it this
I'll make my decision based solely on your opinion. Thank you so
much for the help.
<If it was my decision, I'd not try it, because of the reasons
noted above.>
Sorry to be so wordy. Thanks again to all of you for keeping this
wonderful wealth of information and sharing it with the world.
<Welcome. Marco.>
Green moray; comp.
<Hello Alexander.>
I really don't know where to ask these question, so I hope you can
help me here ?
<I hope so.>
I have a 2 feet Muraena pavonina (Brazilian dragon eel) in my tank in
something around a year now.
But I really want to add a small green moray (Gymnothorax funebris),
but I don't know how they get along together ?
<I don't think they will get along very well.>
I know they are both very aggressive eels.
< If the G. funebris is smaller than the M. pavonina, it can become
food. I've seen M. pavonina swallow entire eels of almost the same
length. However, even if you get a G. funebris of adequate size, this
species will grow faster and much larger than M. pavonina.
Consequently, at some point the G. funebris will become a threat to the
M. pavonina. I would not recommend putting these two species together.
Both regularly fail in combinations with other eels.>
The tank are something around 200Gal, and I have a public aquarium to
take the green when it´s get to big. Sorry, my English is
very bad, but am working on it :)
<It's well understandable.>
Best regards Alexander
<Cheers, Marco.>
Re: green moray
M. pavonina; comp. 05/07/10
Hi Marco.
<Hello Alexander.>
Okay, thanks :)
Do you know any other moray eel species, that can do well with my
Muraena pavonina?
<People have made very different experiences with the compatibility
of this species, it depends a lot on the specimen. I had success with a
Southern ocellated moray (Gymnothorax ocellatus) of equal size. Many
other tried combinations did not work long term (> about 3 years)
with my M. pavonina specimens and the eels had to be separated. As a
general recommendation I prefer to keep these eels alone (that's
what I do mostly). Adding a second eel to a tank already inhabited by a
M. pavonina does not make things easier. If you still want to try a
combination and think that your M. pavonina is quite peaceful choose
eels growing slightly larger than the M. pavonina. Also see
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/moraycompfaqs.htm >
Best regards, Alexander
<Cheers, Marco.>
Re: green moray
G. favagineus and M. pavonina? rather not - 05/08/10
How about a small Gymnothorax favagineus?
<Won't stay small for long.>
I think it's a semi aggressive moray, and it gets to big to the M.
pavonina to take down.
<Tried that while re-building an old tank. The M. pavonina
recognized within seconds of addition of the G. favagineus, that there
is a superior predator and left the tank with an incredible jump.
Luckily I was still there and the jump ended right in my carp fishing
net. Same problems as with G. funebris and M. pavonina, see last
emails. When I look at a grown G. favagineus and a grown M. pavonina I
have little doubt the dragon would become sushi.>
Best regards, Alexander
<Cheers, Marco.>
My snowflake eel is being attacked by my
more eel.
Unknown eel incompatibility -- 03/24/10
My 2 eels have been living together for months in a 46 gallon bow
flex tank. I bought the more eel
<No such eel. Do you mean moray eel? There are 200 species
from a few inches to 4 metres. It'd have been good to know
what species we are discussing. As a side note, the 46 gallon
tank is too small for a Snowflake eel alone in the long
after the snowflake and the more eel took over the snowflake eels
cave. So I added another hiding spot, he always stays underground
so I didn't think anything of it. Now the more eel is
attacking the snow flake, he is biting his tail and body and even
his head, he try's to pull him towards him or bring him in
his cave. I'm so scared for the eel, I broke them up several
times, but the more eel keeps going after him. The snow flake is
oblivious and keeps getting attacked. I don't think he is
going to make it much longer, help me please, what can I do. I
feed them regularly. Please help asap.
<Separate them (don't get bitten) and find a new home for
one or both (in separate tanks) of them. I'd ask the fish
stores around and fellow hobbyists e.g. in forums if someone is
willing to take one of them urgently. Also, try to ID the
'more' eel, start here
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/morays.htm or send pictures for a
proper ID. The possible wounds of the Snowflake eel should be
monitored and the water kept as pristine as possible (nitrates
<<25 ppm; no detectable nitrites or ammonia; pH between 8.0
and 8.4) to prevent infections. In case of a spreading infection,
antibiotic treatment might be necessary. If the Snowflake eel
survives and you decide to keep it, plan for a larger tank.
Cheers, Marco.>
Re: My snowflake eel is being attacked by my more
Unknown eel incompatibility -- 03/25/10
Thanks for getting back to me, I guess I will take a picture of
<I'm looking forward to it.>
He has a white round eye, a skinny long mouth that is always
opened, his body is brown with some spots on it. He is about 12
inches long, his head is a darker brown and sometimes he has
yellow spots. How is there memory, will the eel remember that he
is aggressive towards the Snowflake or will he forget over
<Since they lived together for several months before the
aggression started it is highly unlikely they will ever get along
in anything smaller than a few thousand gallons. Their memory is
quite good. But even if they would forget about the other eel, it
is most probable the same behavior will start again under the
same circumstances such as a relatively small tank for two eels.
I'd keep them separated.>
Will adding more caves help and why does the Snowflake keep
swimming by the other eel?
<No. This world is simply too small for both of them. Possibly
the Snowflake eel is less territorial in this
Is he aggressive by nature or just dumb?
<The first, although it's likely rather territoriality
than pure aggression what your moray eel is
I appreciate your advice.
<They should be separated. Marco.>
Unknown eel incompatibility -- 03/26/10
That's a picture of my moray eel
<Thanks for sending. I fear it is too blurry to give an exact
ID. Any chance for a better picture? There's a number of
similar spotted Gymnothorax species, e.g. Gymnothorax prionodon
from the Western Pacific, Gymnothorax phalarus from the Eastern
Pacific and Gymnothorax johnsoni from the Western Indian Ocean,
just to name a few. One would need a clear picture to be sure.
Anyway, all the ones that might match your picture coming to my
mind at this point get quite large (at least 3 feet, the G.
prionodon and the G. johnsoni around 4 feet and a few inches) and
are likely not compatible with an Echidna sp. such as you
Snowflake eel.>
, the snowflake eel is being attacked by this guy, also can I buy
dead squid from a local fish store and feed that to my fish.
<Sure, as long as it is not seasoned and free of preservatives
aside vitamin C.>
Do I have to purchase fish from the pet store, or can I buy fish
from the local fish store, and save money.
<I do buy almost all my moray eel food on the fish market or
fish store. Just ensure there are no additions as written
Sorry to keep asking for help.
<No problem.>
I'm just a fish lover and don't want to harm them. Thanks
<Take care Craig and for the sake of the eels consider having
them in separate setups. Marco.>
Re Unknown eel incompatibility; now sys. --
Hey so I'm looking for a bigger tank know, I'm hoping
that will help my eel problem. I found a 125 gallon tank but the
dimensions are 50 inches long and 60 inches high and 20 wide.
<Won't probably solve the problem of keeping the two
together, but should be sufficient for one of your eels.>
I also found one that is longer and not as high and it is also
125 gallons. I want to add a sting ray and a banded shark. Is
this a big enough tank?
<Certainly not for a ray and a shark. For the latter two
you'd want to consider about 3 times the size or more. Please
see http://www.wetwebmedia.com/sharks.htm and
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/rays.htm . Also, their compatibility
with moray eels is often rather poor in the long run.>
If not what size is the right one, I get confused with the right
dimensions, should it be longer and not so high?
Please help, and also what's a good filter can I use my
filter for my 46 gallon and buy another filter to add to this
<I'd prefer a live rock filtered setup with a large
skimmer and strong water movement. Please see here for marine
filtration and setups: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/setup/marsetupindex1.htm
Unknown eel incompatibility --
I sent you a clearer picture of my eel? Will he be a
problem towards other fish as well, is he a violent vicious
eel? Thanks
<Yes, looks like a young Gymnothorax johnsoni aka
Whitespotted moray, although the head reminds me also of an
undulated eel Gymnothorax undulatus, which has a different
body coloration. Certainly a rare find. This eel is
probably going be around 4 feet long when grown and likely
is a threat to other fishes. The large grouper (hopefully
this is not in a 46 gallon tank) might be compatible,
though, if growing fast enough and offered sufficient
space. Cheers, Marco.>
Eel ID -- 02/26/10
Hi crew of WWM,
<Hello Linda.>
I'm looking for help to ID my eel. Eel is approx. 30"
and has VERY sharp teeth (I know this first hand..Ummm, well,
<Sorry to hear'¦ this is the most vicious eel species
I know.>
I sort of think he looks like a Brazilian Dragon Eel but what is
throwing me is the color. His spots are white and not yellow that
I see in most all the photos I see of them.
<You are right with your ID. This is Muraena pavonina, often
called Brazilian dragon eel a name that in the past was applied
to other Muraena spp. at least in trade.>
I'm attaching photos as well as the photobucket
links...I'm not sure which kind work better for you to
<Both work. Thanks.>
Thanks in advance for your time and assistance with ID'ing
<This species can undergo dramatic changes in color. Muraena
pavonina typically has very large white spots. That's how
they look mostly in nature and that's how they look freshly
after import. They most often change this pattern to the pattern
your eel shows within 6 months to 1 year. These smaller spots can
be white or slightly yellow, also dependent of the lighting of
the tank (/the camera/flash in the case of photographs). This
happens regardless of the size (I've imported pencil sized
ones and 2 feet specimens). The reasons are environmental, I
believe it's an adaptation, but I cannot tell you yet if the
critical parameters are physical, chemical or biological.>
Sincerely, Linda Close
<Kind regards, Marco.>
Re: Eel ID
Muraena pavonina; comp. -- 03/01/10
Eel lived with me for a few years and then I gave him to a friend
who took one of my 180 tanks. She is now breaking down her tank
and I am taking back Eel. I'm wanting to consolidate my tanks
here and need to decided on who to keep and who to give away to
other good/qualified fish keepers. I will have Eel in my 180 and
have to choose a few tank mates for him.
Choices are: a good size/fat/healthy PBT 4-5"
an equally sized Sailfin 5"
smaller size Scopas 3"
smaller size Kole 3"
decent size YT 4-5"
rabbit fish 3-4".
<All about equally endangered or compatible with regard to the
All sorts of Inverts also: long black spin urchins, sea
cucumbers, various snails and shrimp
<Shrimps may get eaten.>
I absolutely can commit to frequent water changes, especially
with the idea of downsizing the number of tanks, so bioload
shouldn't be an issue but compatibility and keeping a humane
tank is my priority.
Can you give me some advice on who I should choose to be tank
mates with Eel? Eel seems to be very cautious when eating. In
Eels present tank when he smells food and accidentally finds a
tank mate he just mouths them and backs off (at least for the
past few years). He doesn't seem (at this point) to ever go
after anybody to eat them or to harm them, but then again he is
well fed.
<This depends a lot on the specimen. One certainly would not
be able to keep my largest M. pavonina with medium sized tangs or
rabbit fish in the long run, but if your moray accepted tank
mates so far, it might be possible. However, it may also fail
with time, since this species can get quite aggressive. Ensure to
add anything you want to keep with the eel first and give them
some time to get used to the tank.>
Thank you in advance for your input. Linda
<Welcome. Marco.>
Eel compatibility --
Can you keep more than one aggressive eel in the same tank?
<Depends on the species and the specimens involved. Sometimes
possible, sometimes disaster waiting to happen.>
I have a Gymnothorax eurostus (Stout moray) that is about 14 inch,
I've came across a Hawaiian dragon eel that is about the same size
for a low low price ($200), they guy really needs the money. I have a
well established 100 gal with great filtration, double size protein
skimmer, uv sterilizer and a refugium.
<Eels of the same size work quite often as tank mates, although some
specimens may hardly accept any tank mates. However, the now still
small Dragon eel will become significantly longer and at least twice as
heavy in comparison to an adult G. eurostus. So, especially in the long
run I see some danger for the G. eurostus. If you decide to put them
together, ensure that there are enough caves (pipes, rocks'¦),
watch them the first hour(s) with a net to separate them if necessary
and be careful during the first feedings. Cheers. Marco.>
Re: Eel
Eel compatibility II -- 01/22/10
Thank you for your help and advice, I'm having second thoughts
about it, I do not want to harm one due to my own needs, I have a 55 I
may put the Stout eel in, if the tank is big enough and the dragon in
my 100.
<Sounds like a better plan. Cheers, Marco.>
Japanese Dragon/Stout Eel
Eel compatibility III -- 01/26/10
I want to start out by saying I am a big fan and I really enjoy reading
all the questions and answers other people have posted!!
<Great to hear.>
I'm thinking about adding a dragon eel to 100gal, which houses a
strout eel <it's Stout eel, like obese, because they can get
quite fat with age and they are also a little short for their weight. I
remember your plans and your alternative of having the dragon in the
100 gal. and the G. eurostus in a 55.>, I have a lot of live rocks
with caves already but I'm thinking about adding more rocks, can
you add too much rocks?
<For eels? I'd say 2 pounds per gallon would be a reasonable
upper limit.>
My Stout eel doesn't move around that much, he stays in one place,
I have been reading that the Japanese dragon eel likes to move around
and even stays out in the open sometimes once it gets use to the
<Depends on the specimen. If it feels safe and bossy it may be more
in the open as it would in nature with all those bigger fishies loving
eel sushi.>
So I'm not sure if adding more rocks will take too much room. Any
advice would be really appreciated.
<As noted before'¦ the idea of keeping them together might
fail, since the Enchelycore will get much longer and heavier. If you
still decide to try creating enough (stable) caves with well cured rock
(because it's a running system) is a good idea. Cheers,
Golden dwarf moray question: can more
than one be kept in the same tank? -- 12/08/09
Hello WWMCrew,
<Hello Tony>
I'm having trouble finding a good answer to this question. I have
found various conflicting accounts on discussion forums. I'm going
to ask you guys because I don't think it's been addressed
specifically in the moray FAQ pages (I looked, if it is there, then I
overlooked it; my apologies!)
Excluding pre-established pairings, can more than one Gymnothorax
melatremus be kept in a single aquarium display?
<It's impossible to give a definite prediction. Generally it is
possible, but the first eel might start defending his territory. This
can calm down after a few meetings or continue until one eel is hurt
and has to be removed.>
Or is it, generally speaking, a bad idea to add multiple individuals to
the same display?
<Chances are best if two eels of similar length are added together
into a tank of sufficient size with many, many caves.>
Thanks very much, as always, I appreciate your insights. Tony
<Welcome. Marco.>