FAQs on Marine Water Quality involving
Nitrates 13
Related Articles: Nitrates, Nitrites, Ammonia, Phosphate, Silicates, Nutrient Control and Export,
Deep Sand Beds,
Related FAQs: Nitrates
1, Nitrates 2, Nitrates 3, Nitrates 4, Nitrates 5, Nitrates 6, Nitrates 7, Nitrates 8, Nitrates 9, Nitrates 10, Nitrates 11, Nitrates 12, Nitrates 14, & FAQs on:
The Actual Science Re: NO3
Compounds, Importance,
Sources, Means to reduce: NNR (Natural Nitrate Reduction, Anaerobic
Bacteria), Algae, Other Biota, Physical Filters, Chemical Filters... Nitrites, Ammonia, Establishing Cycling, Biofiltration,
Phosphate, Silicates, Biological
Filtration, Fluidized Beds,
Bio-Ball, Wet-Dry Media 1 Denitrification/Denitrifiers,
Filters, RO./Distilled/Treated
Water, Chemical
Filtrants, Deep Sand

Nitrates/Nitrate Control 11/18/09
Ok so I will try to make this my last question, at least for a while.
Since I seem to have a Nitrate issue with levels of around 40 ppm fish
only with some rock and fake corals. I have large aggressive fish, and
am curious to help with this battle of higher nitrates then. I would
like to get some sort of algae that I can put directly into the
aquarium that will do well on it's own w/o calcium supplements etc.
but not take completely over. I was looking into Caulerpa but after
reading some of the forums it does not seem like a good idea. My
current set-up does not have room for a refugium, however I do have a
denitraor <denitrator>. I mainly just wanted to give my current
setup a boost to help keep levels at there <their> best. Please
advise on what my <might> work for my needs, there are so many
choices out there on the net, and I am afraid of getting something into
my tank that I will end up regretting later. I will say that I liked
the idea at first of the Caulerpa for the added benefits of overall
fish health and immunity, or at least that is what the site was trying
to sell. If you do in fact have a recommendation could you also offer a
place to purchase. Once again I do not want to get shafted by a place
just trying to make a buck... Your site is very helpful and you guys
are awesome to offer these types of services especially online.
<Without knowing your tank size, inhabitants, and their sizes,
I'll lean towards thinking your tank is overstocked, you are
importing nutrients faster than you can export them. A good investment
would be a quality efficient skimmer.
Since I do not know your tank size or whether you use a sump, I cannot
recommend one.
You can look here.
And you can learn more about controlling nitrates/nutrients by reading
here. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/nutrientcontrol.htm>
Thanks again, =
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
Re Nitrates/Nitrate Control... still not reading... give him
the hook 11/18/09
Sorry I have a 220g tank with sump w/ bio balls, protien
<protein> skimmer, and denitrator. I have a Lion Fish, Clown
Trigger, Stars And Stripes Puffer, M-grouper, and a Snowflake Eel.
That's it. I have spoken to
another person on your site and he stated that the load is fine, for my
size aquarium, however I will be unable to add more which I am ok with.
I only feed every other day. Hopefully this will help to better
assist with my question.
<The fish load may be fine for your tank, but these fish are all
huge waste producers and your present skimmer (?) may not be up to the
task. Do you clean your skimmer on a weekly basis, especially the
riser/reaction tube where the gunk collects?
Goes a long way in maintaining skimmer performance. You may want to
consider using activated carbon or Chemipure to help with this problem.
Do read the information the link takes you too that I posted in the
Thanks again.
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
Re: Tank Relocation and Reconstruction (and Nitrates) -
Advice much appreciated!
<<Quite welcome, Liana>>
Quite sure that the RO unit is not the problem, I have a monitor on it
that tells me the TDS plus I use the same unit to provide water for my
29 gal seahorse tank (up and running for about 4 years) that does not
have the nitrate problem.
<<I see>>
I am planning on adding a couple Tunze 6065 power heads for additional
water movement.
<<Excellent'¦and may also help with suspending
accumulated detritus for removal>>
I am here every day (except weekends and vacations) and do all the
care, feeding and maintenance.
<<Okay'¦but hopefully there is someone you have
trained/trust to look after the tank on those occasions when you are
Actually the residents keep a good eye out for me to make sure no one
touches the tank.
<<Ah'¦very good>>
Do occasionally run into the overfeeding issue a bit on my vacations,
but it is mostly manageable.
Will likely remove the Hippo per your recommendation.
<<Better for the tank and the fish'¦in the long term.
These robust, active, and even 'twitchy' fish really do need
more space to be comfortable and remain healthy>>
Any additional advice re the nitrate issue would be great.
<<You didn't mention before, any specific symptoms re the
high Nitrates. You did mention that substantial water changes did not
correct this (speaking of which, do also test your salt mix), but did
they have 'any' effect? Have you confirmed the validity of your
test kits? If your water source, overfeeding, or stocking levels are
not the issue here'¦look to 'what' you are feeding
(replace flake foods with New Life Spectrum pellets, drain and rinse
thawed frozen foods prior to feeding, omit any food supplements for a
while) or to the possibility that something added to the tank
(décor, rock, etc.) is contributing to the high
Thanks again.
<<Always welcome'¦ EricR>>
Baffling Nitrates: SW Nitrate reduction SW Nutrient
Control. 10/7/09
Good Morning Crew!
<Hi Jéan>
As always I'm writing because I just can't figure out what is
going on, and *I've* always said the best way to expedite an answer
is to add a fresh mind. So, my father and I have been putting in some
serious time on his 20 year old 55 gal trying to get things up to date
with current industry knowledge. Not much background needed other than
he's been running it with an UG filter, Whisper 6(?) and bleaching
his 2-3 rocks during every water change( I think about once a year on
average?) since about the early '80s. But, keep in mind, at the
time this was common and dare I say, state of the art. So, foregoing
any judgment on the readers part if this happens to get posted,
<Ahh yes, I recall answering a query from you before.>
I'll jump right into it. I've managed to convince him to make
quite a few changes in the last 3 months. We've removed the UG and
plastic plants which had started to break down and completely cleaned
all of the gravel (crushed coral, about 2mm in size) during the last
few months. I've provided him with premixed RO/DI water that I use
from my favorite LFS, they use Red Sea (Bioassay Formula?) and we use
that on 20% water changes weekly. Strict schedule at least for the last
2 months. Matched temp and ph and SG every time. Tested the make-up
water for Nitrate, phosphate, ph, dKH (which was really high, but
equalized in the tank) and calcium to make sure everything was on the
up and up, but I trust the LFS all the same. Added his very first
skimmer, a CPR BakPak which we've removed the 'bale and added
Halimeda, it was currently the only macro I could get my hands on for
free, I've since come into some Batophora and am waiting on some
growth to replace that with.
<May want to try some Chaetomorpha
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/grnalgselfaqs.htm You can grow it in your
main tank - I just place it between two rocks and let it go, harvesting
a clump or two every week.>
He gets about cup of dark green tea every few days, not perfect, but at
least it's pulling something. We've also purchased 3-4 very
pretty cured live rocks covered in coralline and added that to the
tank. Cleaned the power heads of gunk, and replaced the filter pads
with brand new ones which will be a weekly routine if I have a say.
Added Rowaphos to the skimmer (holy crap that stuff works wonders, took
the phosphate from off the charts down to about .25ppm in a week) All
day long, his tank is so much happier!
<All good and excellent news so far.>
Yellow tang is out and about all day long ( though stricken with a very
bad case of HLLE ) The 2 10"-12" engineering gobies
aren't hiding anymore (which would explain why we haven't opted
for a DSB yet) and he's even added a coral beauty who is done very
well. His feeding regimen has since changed from feeding all brine
shrimp (thaw water and all) to a small amount of balanced pellets, a
small sheet of dried algae in the afternoon, and occasionally a treat
of brine.
<Also very good.>
In my opinion I think his tank is lightly stocked and I applaud him on
his feeding habits now. I just can't figure out why the nitrate
won't come down!
They constantly hover around 60-80 on a API colorimetric test kit. I
test before and after a water change, and I think I'm going blind
looking for a change in color.
Using the same test kit on my tank at home reveals around 20 ppm before
a water change, which infuriates my father after all we've done.
Granted, I believe this to be quite the rags to riches tale here, but I
just can't find the culprit and it's starting to really bug me.
I would think after the last water change I would've seen some drop
but I get nothing. I'm stuck and I hate to say it, but I think he
might be at a breaking point soon. I need some fresh ideas, please
help! :)
<You have a few issues that need to be addressed. First, while I use
a lot of API test kits, I don't like the nitrate test kit at all,
as it is hard to determine the color change, and if you do not follow
the directions exactly your results will be off. You would do better to
use a Red Sea or Salifert test kit Color changes are easier to detect
and the test is a bit more user friendly. Secondly, you need to look at
your nitrate levels mathematically. If your nitrate levels are at
80ppm, and you change 20% of the water with nitrate free water, you
will reduce your nitrate to 64ppm - you will not see a real change on
the test kit with readings like that - in the seven days between
changes, it creeps right back up again as there still isn't enough
in the tank to consume it.
Finally, are you testing your water from the LFS? Nitrate is one of the
first things to creep back in if the filters are older.>
We'd like to try and get a good clean up crew, but with the gravel
we can't very well get any 'sand sifting' animals, and with
the water quality I'm very apprehensive on introducing anything
new, especially inverts which puts me in a catch 22. He should have a
good clean up crew, but can't implement. As soon as I have enough
Batophora I'll gladly give him some which will be teaming with
mini-brittles and copepods and bristle worms from my tank, but until
then we're stuck. Is there anything I haven't looked at?
<You are on the right track, Adding some more live rock and some
macroalgae will help. Also, for a period of time, larger water changes
- 30 - 40% will help drive the levels down further.>
SW Nutrient\nitrate Control 10/2/2009
Hello folks,
<hi Frank, it's been a while.>
I had a few questions for you if you don't mind. First I should
give you the details you need. I have a 75 gallon tank with about 110
pounds of live rock and 50-60 pounds of live sand (the sand is around 2
inches deep in tank). I have a CPR overflow that runs into a 20 gallon
sump that I have divided into three sections using acrylic and aquarium
sealant. The first chamber where the water drains from the display is
where I have my protein skimmer, an ASM G1. The water then spills over
into a small chamber where I have a small refugium with about an inch
of sand, some live rock rubble, a chunk of Chaetomorpha, and my two
heaters. It then spills over and under two walls into the return
chamber where I have a bag of activated carbon and a bag of De-nitrate,
a couple of the Algone pouches that I change out twice a week or so and
the pump sends it back up to the display. I also have two powerheads in
the display two increase water circulation. Lighting is two 10k and two
blue actinic bulbs.
Now on to stock. I currently have two small clowns (1-1.5 inches), a
coral beauty angel (3-4 inches), a psychedelic mandarin (2 inches), a
Mystery wrasse (3 inches), I love this fish, a small chocolate chip
star and a small brown brittle star. Lastly I have a snowflake moray
that is about 8-9 inches long.
<All as I remember - nice to see you got a larger tank..
I feed the fish a frozen block of either mysis shrimp, marine cuisine,
or blood worms that I first thaw in a little cup of tank water and mix
with few drops of Selcon once a day. I feed the eel either freeze dried
krill or thawed silversides soaked in Selcon every 2-3 days.
<All sounds good.>
Water tests:
Ph - 8.2-8.3 I use liquid buffer in top off water and add to tank to
maintain level
Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 20-30 (one question pertains to this)
Alkalinity - 16 dKH
Calcium - 400-450 I dose with reef complete or purple up 2 times a week
Salinity - 1.025
Temp- 79-80 degrees
<Nitrate a little high, but otherwise good.>
The tank has recently been set back up after bringing it home from my
girlfriends house where it had been set up for around 5 months. I kept
about 25-30 gallons of the water and used it along with new RO/DI salt
water( that's all I use when doing water changes and I top off with
RO/ DI fresh water)
Now a few questions!
I still get the brown diatom on the sand really bad if I leave the 10k
bulbs on for several hours, so what can I do to stop it?
<Keep up with the water changes, have you tested for silicates?
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/diatomfaqs.htm >
Why can I not get my nitrates to go below 20? They stay about 20 even
after doing partial water changes where I vacuum the sand bed!
<You may want to step up the water changes a bit, and cut back a
little on the feeding.>
Have I overstocked my tank? I was thinking about adding a diamond goby
to help turn over the sand bed.
<You are at the ragged edge of overstocking. I would make larger
water changes - 20% per week - you will see the numbers coming
Anyways, sorry for the endless email but I value your input and any
suggestions you might have for any aspect of my tank will definitely be
taken to heart.
<have a read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/nitratesmar.htm
what to do? SW NO3 9/27/09
Hey all,
<Hi Tina>
I am doing something wrong & just can't figure it out! I have a
95g saltwater reef tank, which has been set up for 3 years and have
never been able
to get the nitrates under 20 for any length of time.
<Mmmm, "many roads"...>
I have written to you before & added more live rock (now 175 lbs)
and live sand, it is now mostly 4"-5" deep except right in
the front where it is 3"-31/2" deep, (area being 36"L X
5" W) I have a Lifereef protein skimmer & 2) Koralia 3 pumps
& 1 maxi jet with the eco mod upgraded to 1600 gph. Fish are 2
clown blennies, 1 maroon W/BTA, 1 6 line wrasse, 1 false Lemonpeel
angel, 1 lawnmower blenny, 1 firefish, 1 Arabian Pseudochromis, shrimp,
snails, hermit crabs. Test stats: ammo - 0, nitrites - 0, nitrates -
20. PH 8.2, salinity 1.24, calcium 420, mag. 1140. A few weeks ago I
tried AZ-NO3. starting off using the dosage for a 75g. tank. Nothing
changed until the 8th day when I noticed my birdsnest frag was losing
it's color. I stopped treatment (nitrates showed no change)
I have several sps frags but they never colored well, I am pretty sure
this is because of the nitrates. (forgot to mention this I use R/O
water which is tested every 3 months & shows 0 phos, nitrates,
etc.) A friend uses sulphur in a canister & his nitrates are zero
so I thought I would give that a try. But after the AZ-NO3 incident I
decided to do a test first.
I used 5 gallons of water from my tank & put it in a bucket, added
2 cups of NO- NO3 to a Nextreef reactor & fired it up. Had the
water flow at 1/3 cup water per minute. To my surprise the next day the
nitrites were off the scale & the nitrates had doubled to 40. Good
thing this was an experiment in a bucket & not my tank! I don't
understand though why that happened since nothing was added to the
water (fish food etc).
<Just chemical decomposition>
I am not opposed to using the bucket to fine tune or cycle the Nextreef
reactor with the sulphur and then putting it on my 95, but would like
to know what went wrong with the experiment, really thought it would
just lower the ph (which it did to 8.0)
In fact what I would really like to know is what is this tank trying to
tell me that I just can't seem to figure out. I don't think I
have too many fish,
I think the circulation seems good, I blow the rock off with a turkey
baster when I do a 20g water change weekly & since I added more
circulation there is hardly anything coming off the rock when I do
The live sand seems well populated with all sorts of worms
&copepods, I have 4 Tonga Nassarius snails, plus a bunch of little
snails I have forgotten the name of to stir the sand. I have lots of
small starfish (not brittle stars more compact) I have an option of
getting a wet/dry with overflow & skimmer at a really good deal
& thought maybe I could use that somehow (suggestions???)
<Yes! Modify this into a refugium. Read here re:
One other note I do not have any film on the top of my water which I
did before I upgraded the protein skimmer. Also I have a 250 W 14K
metal halide light. I also in the last 3 months have tried Brightwell
Neozeo system with Microbacter which didn't do anything. And have
tried Prodiobiotic.
I feed 1 time a day maybe 1/4 tsp of food, I give the BTA 1/3 shrimp
every 2 weeks, Brightwells coral amino 20 drops weekly, Vitamarin C
& Restor 1 cap each weekly, and 1/8 tsp coral frenzy weekly. What
to do?
<For one... I'd definitely be "checking your
checker"... Try another test kit... and read yours re whether it
is testing for nitrate itself or nitrogen as nitrate... Something is
indeed amiss here>
It seems for some reason I am at a stalemate with these nitrates I can
go without a water change for a month & they are at 20 I can change
20 g of water weekly & within a day they go back to 20 I am really
sick of 20!!!! Maybe 8 months ago WWB recommended more live sand or
live rock, I added about 60lbs of sand over about a month but the
nitrates remained firmly at 20 altho the brown diatoms reduced to
almost nothing. sorry this was so long & hoping you can help
<And please do review our marine NO3 files:
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Re: what to do? NO3... 9/29/2009
<Mmm, where is the prev. corr.? You're starting out in media
res... and I/we don't know what you're referring to>
Hi again,
Thanks for your quick answer !
<Who? There are a couple dozen of "us" here>
I read up on the sites you had linked.
The nitrate kits I have been using are Red Sea, API, and my most recent
Salifert. When I was reading I noticed a person said that their skimmer
only produced gunk on the inside of the collection cup not really
spilling over, mine does the same thing. If I turn it up a little then
I get a very light color water in the cup. WWM said that the RedOx was
probably too low. I think that might be some (all?) of my problem
<Mmm, okay... but for what reason/s is the ORP low is the real
I read the articles about converting the wet/dry into a refugium. Since
I think I have enough live rock/sand I was thinking I would use Chaeto
, would that be enough or should I add sand/mud/rock?
<Up to you>
I have a Current 18w Smartpaq that I can use for lighting if you think
that would be enough for the Chaeto?
<Yes, posted>
My tank really does look pretty, no algae, crystal clear water, fish
are fat & healthy, sand white, I only clean the glass once a week
so no complaints about the "look" It is just the few sps
frags that were so colorful when they came in are now mostly a muddy
green, and that "look" is certainly not what I wanted. Do you
think the refugium will turn this around?
<Should definitely help>
Is it just the nitrates doing this, or is there something else that I
am missing?
<The NO3 concentration is simply a window into events here>
Your team was a big factor solving my original problems a year ago by
suggesting I double my rock & sand, getting rid of my Filstar
canister filter, and upgrading my protein skimmer. All of which is why
I can now say the tank is pretty because it sure wasn't before I
followed your advice. Thanks again to all the WWM crew
<Do please include prev. corr. when writing us. Thank you, Bob
Tank and stocking questions, NO3, and lg. SW sys. stkg.
f's 9/6/09
Hello. Here is the info I sent to Mr. Fenner last week. I thought it
might be helpful:
<Morning John>
Hey Mister Fenner thanks so much for your help. It is most appreciated
as always. I have another question for you, or whomever is there if you
have the time. I read all your sites posts on Nitrates but I am still
confused at why I keep having this problem. My 450 is stocked with
about 500 pounds of liverock. 300 pounds originally and another 200 of
lace rock
<Very often a source of too much ortho phosphate... See Marco's
added gradually to be seeded by the live rock. about 5 to 6" of
live sand, added more as time passed. I am running a dual refugium 2
twenty gallon ones connected in the sump one with crushed live rock
rubble and the other with green algae. I run a timed florescent light
at night and natural sunlight during the day. The tank takes up the
entire wall between 2 windows of my den and has great sunlight from all
sides of the room. I have a top of the line skimmer rated for my system
and electronic heating system. I run 8 powerheads front, side and back
to create cross currents.
I do a 20% water change faithfully every 2 weeks. The system is
terminally stocked and holds one 8" queen angel, one 8" clown
trigger ( I watch him closely as advised by you years ago), one 8"
niger trigger, one 6" Bluechin trigger, one 6" Aussie
harlequin tusk, one 12" Atlantic blue tang, one 7" princess
parrot, one 10" orange toadfish (fed once a week), one 8"
lunare wrasse, and two golden morays, 15" each (fed once a week or
once every 2 weeks). I feed the fish sushi Nori in the a.m., a small
amount of spectrum large fish formula at noon and a small amount of
chopped frozen octopus, squid, clam, shrimp, crab, scallop, (one of
these) at night. My entire home is run on a r/o system and their are
zero nitrates present in the water. I
use instant ocean as my mix and arm and hammer baking soda for the ph.
My main issue is that after 4 years I just can't get my nitrates
down to anywhere near zero. They normally run in the 40 to 80 range and
are as high as 160. I am extremely frustrated as I put a lot of love,
time and money into this hobby. I treat my fish like a dog or a cat. I
read about a DIY coil denitrator as a possible help and have asked my
LFS for advice but I seem to only get mixed opinions, none of which
have worked. They did tell me I am overfeeding the fish so I am going
to cut that back if you advise me to do so. I am exhausted spending 10
hours the last 2 days trying to lower the nitrates with massive water
changes and cleanings. I would greatly appreciate anything you could do
to help me. Not much saltwater help here in Michigan. Thanks again
Mister Fenner or whomever answers this.
<We're glad to share>
My new questions are as follows: I am converting the other half of my
refugium to algae as well so I will have 40 gallons of it for nitrate
the live rock rubble (40 pounds or so) is left now. I was wondering if
it would be ok to put it into the holding tank for return water.
This is the only place in the sump i have room. Please advise me on
My high nitrates have been going on for 4 years now. I work so hard
through big water changes once every 2 weeks and cleaning of the
tank/aggressive skimming, but I cant keep them below 80 to 100. I
started dosing with vodka with a formula I found on reefkepers.com last
week. I just lost my 4 year old queen angel due to a mouth infection
caused by the nitrates. When the tank gets where I want it through
water changes, vodka dosing and the algae I want to replace the queen
with another queen or other large angel.
<Start with whatever species at about 4 inches in length
With the fish I have listed i would appreciate any advice you have as
to which would be the best fit.
<See WWM re large/r Pomacanthids...>
if not a large angel I would like to add a good sized Indian ocean
Sailfin if you think the Atlantic blue would not kill it.
<Start with one about half the length of the Acanthurus
Lastly my aiptasia are out of control and I want to add a large raccoon
butterfly to get them under control.
There is one at my LFS that they will save for me for up to a month. I
witnessed him tearing up aiptasia and any foods they added. I would
like any advice you have as far as adding him to the tank and his
<During a day when you can be present, early in the AM so the lights
are on... should be able to be introduced directly with what you list,
have and the fact that the LFS has had on hand for a while>
I have heard they usually get along with other fish and vise versa.
<This is so>
I know this is a lot of questions but I am majorly stressed out about
this entire thing. I treat my fish like dogs and cats and have had them
and this 450 acrylic for 4 years now. As always i appreciate any help
you guys give me. you have been a great resource for me for years now.
Thank you.
<Mmm, I do want to say a bit more re the NO3 issue... is there space
in your main display or room elsewhere to add another sump, tied in, to
run a large DSB? Bob Fenner>
Re: Tank and stocking questions, NO3
Hi Mister Fenner. Thanks so much as always for your helpful and quick
<Welcome John>
I had the liverock rubble in a saltwater filled container with a heater
on it and since you have given me the go I will put it in my holding
tank. I read the article on rock you sent the link to. This is not the
type I have.
I have actually 300 pounds of Fiji liverock and I have been
supplementing it with the Texas holey rock used in cichlid tanks. It is
thoroughly cleaned/soaked when put into the tank. I do not have an
algae problem believe it or not. (one good thing going for me:). After
removing the liverock rubble and vacuuming about 3 inches of detritus
off the bottom my nitrates are now 20 this morning!.
<Wow! Great!>
My tank is so huge and the sump area is laced with 2x4 cross beams to
help support the massive weight so I could not get to this area in the
past. I could not siphon it as a hose was not able to run under the
sump housing.
I knocked a panel off the back corner and finally was able to remove
the rock and vacuum this muck out. Now that I have access I will keep
an eye on it. The algae I have in the 40 gallon area now has 5
different kinds including the thick red type. I am running brand new
fluorescent bulbs 24/7 until I get good growth.
<Mmm, I would leave these lights off for 4-8 hours or so during the
tank "light period" (when the main system lights are on).
Most photosynthetic systems need a dark period... can't function
being lit continuously>
I really wish I had the room for another sump but unfortunately mine is
full to the max.
<Could you add a good deal of fine sand to the main/display tank?
Make the DSB there?>
To the right of the 40 gallon algae refugium is a 40 gallon connected
sump that houses a very large reef octopus skimmer and my electronic
titanium heater. The reef octopus pulls about 2 full quart containers
of skimmate per day when I am wet skimming which I am doing now.
To the right of that is a 50 gallon holding tank. My sump is very
This tank is the centerpiece of my ground level den with the home
entertainment center and sectional sofa. I think my wife would blow a
fuse if I tried to connect anything outside of this lol.
<Good point>
I also started taking one of my 8 powerheads last night and blowing the
detritus off of the rock last night. Huge clouds blew off of it. I was
using a turkey baster before but this powerjet seems to be the ticket.
The powerheads I have running at multiple levels front, side and back
have a total of about 8,000 gph water movement. Please let me know if
this is good for a 96x36x30 tank.
<It is indeed>
I researched large angels per your article and found my LFS has access
to large queens and French's in the 5 to 6 " range. I have
seen both of these many times diving in the Cayman Islands and all over
the Caribbean and simply love them!. As far as the Indian ocean Sailfin
(I think he is called a Desjardini, sic) the colorful one, my LFS has
had one that was brought in by an owner because he was a terror. He is
about 5" long and my Atlantic blue is about 10" long.
They will also hold him for me for a month if I want him. Do you think
a bully like him would be a good fit for my tank?.
<They may well "joust" for a while, but I give you good
odds that they will learn to live together here>
I spend hours and hours surfing your site and really enjoy your
articles and those of all of your contributors. I really love how you
push conservation and are an avid diver.
I am retired from the U.S. Marines as of a few years ago and have
travelled the world as well. My favorite place to dive is the Great
Barrier Reef by far!.
<A beautiful area.>
I have dear friends in Sydney and Perth and I visit when I can and we
always dive:). I will let you know about the long term success or not
of the vodka dosing in several months. Thanks again Mister Fenner for
all you and your staff do for our hobby. You are life savers as far as
I am concerned.
<Thank you for your kind, encouraging words John. Much appreciated.
Re: Tank and stocking questions -- 09/14/09
Hi there Mister Fenner. I hope all is well with you. I am giving you an
update on my tank. My nitrates have been between 5 and 10 for a week
I really think the combination of the vodka dosing, extra algae in
refugium and regular power-jetting of the live rock is working in
combination nicely. I introduced the raccoon butterfly yesterday and
all went very well at first. Then the huge Atlantic blue tang saw him
and chased him mercilessly around the tank. He has been a bully for
some time to other fish as well. It took me 90 minutes to catch him and
I put him in the 40 gallon return tank for now.
How long do you think I should keep him there, or should I simply take
him to the LFS and let them find a new home for him.
<Give him a few days of "time out" and see how s/he
My next problem was a heart breaker. As soon as the clown trigger
realized the only other fish his size was gone he began to take on the
behavior you warned me about for years.
<Oh oh>
He chased every fish non stop all over the entire tank without
Everyone was getting stressed to the max. I tearfully removed him and
took him to the LFS to find a suitable home. Many shop there who have
1,000 gallon and up systems with sharks and the like so I know they
will find him a good home.
I would like to know before I have to go through this heart break again
if you think I could try another baby clown trigger or if he would
probably just grow up and do the same.
<Ultimately... likely the same, with growth/age>
The fish in the tank are all at total peace for the first time in 4
years and I want to try and keep it that way. The raccoon is working on
my aiptasia which is very nice. I do still want to add another queen or
angel to replace the one I lost and am looking for one in the 4-5 inch
range. I think if I do not get another clown and if the Atlantic blue
goes back to the LFS I will consider my tank terminally stocked after
adding the angel. Thanks again for all your help and advice mister
Fenner. It is priceless to me.
<Am glad to aid your efforts John>
The fact that a man such as yourself takes the time to assemble a staff
and help us all the time just blows me away. You are the unsung
hero's in the fish keepers world and I salute you all!!!!.
<Certainly welcome. BobF>
Re: Tank and stocking questions, NO3 and ? f'
Greetings mister Fenner. My nitrates have been ZERO for the past 5 days
<And should remain so going forward... unless/until
"something" changes>
I am so excited. No ammonia, no nitrite, 8.2 ph and 1.023 salinity. The
water clarity is magnificent and the fish have never looked better. The
raccoon butterfly is getting along marvelously with everyone and will
even tail slap the bullies if they get too close. I had to put the
Atlantic blue back into return tank as he wanted to be a bully still.
It is odd but he seems to really love being in the 40 gallon return
where he guards the live rock rubble the same way he does in the
<Ah yes... like a large, perhaps mean dog... Is fine being
"king of its kingdom">
He eats great in there as well. Do you think I could keep him there a
month or more as long as he thrives then try him in the display
<Worth trying... but I suspect the one trial you've done will
likely prove to be a permanent characteristic>
I joined the reef and FOWLR site where I learned of the vodka dosing
because I wanted to thank them for the information and share my story.
I have ended up keeping a running log there letting them know my
<Ah, good>
I have also been able to help numerous beginners with they're
questions as I have had 10 years under my belt now. I do not even
remotely know what you and your staff do but it is nice to give back to
others what I can just as you have done.
<Our efforts are confluent in intent and execution>
I have stopped increasing the vodka and my maintenance dose is 8.0 ml
until I see I can lower it.
<Do keep a look out for the beginnings of "green hair
algae"... often a result of such carbon addition; sign to diminish
I monitor the nitrates daily. Lastly I would like your opinion on a
wrasse question. I was wondering if you thought I could keep a red
Coris with my lunare and Aussie harlequin in a system my size?.
<Likely so... Start with one of juvenile coloration... 3-4"
overall likely... and it will likely get along, develop through female
to terminal/male in a year or so>
If so how large should I buy the red Coris?.
<Ahh! I should read ahead of responding>
I will wait to hear back from you before making a move. The suggestion
you gave on the 8 hours of darkness is helping greatly with my algae
growth as well. Thanks again for everything. You truly make a huge
difference in the hobby and the lowering of my stress level. I will
keep you updated as time goes by.
<Thank you John. Bob Fenner>
Another High Nitrate Question/Algae Control
<Hi Bill>
I'm sure the subject line made you cringe but thanks for
<Nah, get them quite often.>
I have a 55 gallon tank that I got from someone moving out of the
country about 5 months ago. The tank has been running for about 2 years
prior. I have been battling high nitrate levels (started well over
100ppm) since getting the tank.
Lost all but one fish (green bird wrasse) from what I think was ich or
marine velvet (and stress from poor water quality). The tank only had a
Marineland canister filter c230 when I got it. I added an Emperor 280
hang on filter and a Koralia 400gph power head after setting up tank in
my apartment. Doing a 15-25 gallon water change every week has brought
the n03 level below 100 but still higher then 50 (hard to be precise
with either of the test kits I have been using). I can't seem to
get below 50ppm. I added an AquaC Remora skimmer 2 days ago (has been
doing well, at least from I what I can tell so far. I have had to empty
the cup the last two mornings). After reading over your site last night
I decided that a dirty pre filter, old media, and bio balls (although
I'm not sure if they belong in a wet filter to begin with) in the
canister aren't helping the situation.
<Correct, the bio-balls can be discarded if live rock is used in
your tank.>
I 'overhauled' the canister filter this morning: cleaned course
filter pads in train tray one. Replaced old carbon media bags with
filter floss in train tray 2 (figured with two carbon media packs in
the hang on, more carbon wasn't necessary). Replaced the bio filter
media in tray 3 with new Fluval Biomax (leaving a few pieces to speed
up new bacteria growth). And put Fluval Clearmax in the last tray to
try and help with no3 removal, not sure if this stuff works but figured
it won't hurt.
<The protein skimmer and weekly water changes will be the best aid
in nitrate reduction.>
The big thing with cleaning the canister was all the 'gunk'
that came out of it, so I was excited and figured I had finally found
the source of the problem.
<Yes, these need to be cleaned weekly.>
Hooked the canister back up, cleaned some algae off the glass and did a
20 gallon water change'¦'¦..waited about 2 hours
tested'¦'¦'¦..+50ppm. I am using two
different test kits because I convinced myself that one was wrong a
couple months ago.
I have tested the tap water I am using and it is 0. I think I am still
on the right track with cleaning the canister and the addition of the
I also removed the bio wheel from the hang on. I want to stock the tank
again but I need to get this no3 under control first.
<Yes, do hold off adding fish, will just add to the problem at this
Your Bird Wrasse requires more like a 125 gallon tank, a 55 is much to
small for this fish, and the waste this fish produces in this confined
space is contributing to your problem.>
I think the addition of more live rock will help.
<Not so much for nitrate control.>
I am not sure how much I have or how 'live' it is but it's
about half way up the tank with enough room all the way around to get a
mag float type algae cleaner around. the sand bed varies from 1 to 3
inches, so I think some more to augment the old sand and increase the
depth a little will help.
<No more sand, your present sand bed may not be live and may be
contributing to the problem.
May want to use a gravel/sand vacuum when changing water>
Will the nitrate level hurt or hinder any new live rock/sand
<No, but it may become covered with nuisance algae making it
Should I do anything else with the canister besides clean it
<Might want to use Chemi-Pure rather than carbon, works much better
in nutrient removal.>
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Great site by the way, a lot of
great info.
<Thank you, and do follow guidelines on algae/nutrient control on
our site and you should overcome this problem. Keep reading/learning my
friend. James (Salty Dog)>
Re Another High Nitrate Question/Algae Control / Now, How Do
I "Feed" A Fishless Tank? 9/14/09
<Hi Bill>
So its been about a week since my question on high nitrates and based
on your response and some further reading on your site I feel much more
informed but still a little lost. I have done 2, 16 gallon water
changes in the last week with no noticeable change in nitrate levels
with the exception of the length of time it takes my nitrate test to
get to the same dark
orange/red color (about 50ppm).
<The source must be controlled also.>
I think I am going to take the Green Bird Wrasse which came with the
tank (55 gallon) to a LFS and let the tank sit fishless then restock
the tank when the nitrate is under control.
<A good start, your tank is/will be much too small for housing a
Bird Wrasse.>
Based on your advice as well as my observation on the activity of the
fish (not to large, about 4 in, but extremely active) the tank is to
small for the fish.
So........here is my question: without the fish and daily feedings how
should I go about keeping the other inhabitants in good health and
population. I wasn't sure about how "live" my rock and
sand were until putting a flash light on the tank the other night I
found that it seems very "alive". There are countless small
bristleworms, amphipods, and spaghetti
type worms on the rock and sand. I also have one Pencil Urchin, two
feather dusters, and a handful of tube worms growing on the rock. There
is very little to no algae on the glass and sand, and minimal hair and
red coralline on the rock. I don't want to lose what seems to be a
good head start on a reef setup (which is another plus of no bird
wrasse...invert safe!).
<The Pencil Urchin may need to be fed occasionally, but on the other
hand, it is a live rock grazer and will/can cause damage to the rock,
corals, and other sessile invertebrates.
Would not be something I would keep/want in a reef tank. As for your
other inhabitants (tubeworms, dusters, etc), occasional feeding of
DT's Live Phytoplankton or similar food is suggested. Mobile
invertebrates should be fine without feedings.>
Side note: Don't have any previous experience with skimmers but I
can't believe what that the AquaC Remora is getting out over the
last week or so.
<Yes, a good skimmer/investment. Will definitely help lower your
nitrate level.
James (Salty Dog)>
Re: Queen Angelfish sleeping habits... Now, NO3
Hey Mister Fenner thanks so much for your help. It is most appreciated
as always. I have another question for you, or whomever is there if you
have the time. I read all your sites posts on Nitrates but I am still
confused at why I keep having this problem. My 450 is stocked with
about 500 pounds of liverock. 300 pounds originally and another 200 of
lace rock
<Do see WWM re... this rock can be problematical>
added gradually to be seeded by the live rock. about 5 to 6" of
live sand, added more as time passed. I am running a dual refugium 2
twenty gallon ones
<Mmm, larger, much larger, would be much better>
connected in the sump one with crushed live rock rubble
<With fine sand...>
and the other with green algae. I run a timed florescent light at night
and natural sunlight during the day. The tank takes up the entire wall
between 2 windows of my den and has great sunlight from all sides of
the room. I have a top of the line skimmer rated for my system and
electronic heating system. I run 8 powerheads front, side and back to
create cross currents. I do a 20% water change faithfully every 2
weeks. The system is terminally stocked and holds one 8" queen
angel, one 8" clown trigger ( I watch him closely as advised by
you years ago), one 8" niger trigger, one 6" Bluechin
trigger, one 6" Aussie harlequin tusk, one 12" Atlantic blue
tang, one 7" princess parrot, one 10" orange toadfish (fed
once a week), one 8" lunare wrasse, and two golden morays,
15" each (fed once a week or once every 2 weeks). I feed the fish
sushi Nori in the a.m., a small amount of spectrum large fish formula
at noon and a small amount of chopped frozen octopus, squid, clam,
shrimp, crab, scallop, (one of these) at night.
<Sounds very nice indeed>
My entire home is run on a r/o system and their are zero nitrates
present in the water. I use instant ocean as my mix and arm and hammer
baking soda for the ph. My main issue is that after 4 years I just
can't get my nitrates down to anywhere near zero. They normally run
in the 40 to 80 range and are as high as 160. I am extremely frustrated
as I put a lot of love, time and money into this hobby. I treat my fish
like a dog or a cat. I read about a DIY coil denitrator as a possible
<Would have to be JUMBO sized>
and have asked my LFS for advice but I seem to only get mixed opinions,
none of which have worked. They did tell me I am overfeeding the fish
so I am going to cut that back if you advise me to do so. I am
exhausted spending 10 hours the last 2 days trying to lower the
nitrates with massive water changes and cleanings. I would greatly
appreciate anything you could do to help me. Not much saltwater help
here in Michigan. Thanks again Mister Fenner or whomever answers
<There are a few general approaches to keeping NO3 at bay...
they're pretty exhaustively covered by reading here:
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Nitrate And Hair Algae Problems 8/20-/09
<Hello John>
I would like to ask some advice on my constant Nitrate problem (I
attached some pictures of my tank and refugiums, sorry about the
picture of the tank, I took it this morning before the light
turned on).
<No problem.>
I have a 54 gallon corner tank with a sand substrate (used to
have crushed coral), live rock (about 40 or so pounds? not 100%
sure), protein skimmer, 250w halide (on about 8-9 hours), soft
corals (mushrooms, yellow polyps, Kenya trees, zoas, star polyps)
and 5 fish (tomato clown I've had for over 12 years, pencil
wrasse, black neon line goby, pixie hawk and green chromis. I had
a 15 gallon high refugium underneath the tank with a sand
substrate, mangroves and Chaeto where the water from the tank go
into the refugium, until the water level gets too low in the tank
and the return pump turns on, putting the water from the refugium
back into the tank. I recently upgraded the refugium ( a few
weeks ago) to 2 refugiums, a 29 gallon tank with 2 baffles where
the water goes in the 29 gallon on the left side underneath an
undergravel plate through a mixture of sand and refugium mud
where the mangroves are planted and over another baffle where it
is pumped down into the 15 gallon x-high where the Chaeto is and
then the water is pumped back into the tank the same way as
<I would not use the undergravel filter plate, can elevate
nitrate levels.>
My question is, I used to have a lot of trouble with high
nitrates and hair algae, so I got rid of the crushed coral (which
almost everyone told me can cause high nitrates)
<Nonsense, crushed coral is actually aragonite.>
and replaced it with "live" sand (I don't know
about the "live" part, but it was the only sand I could
find at the fish store) and I thought between the new sand and
the water moving between the 2 refugiums my nitrates would go
down and it would starve the hair algae. However, when I checked
it again yesterday, it was still high.
<You are not going to see changes that fast.>
I even added some clams to the main tank and both refugiums to
help "clean" the water. I ordered some more macro algae
in the hopes I may just need some more things that will absorb
the nitrates, but I don't know where it is coming from.
<Coming from excess nutrients in the system somewhere.>
I only feed the fish once a day and usually it is a few marine
flakes or a few pellets, which always get eaten and never sit on
the sand. I do 10 - 20% water changes (probably not as often as I
should, usually once a month or maybe even twice a month if
I'm lucky, but I do use an RO system), but I can't seem
to get the nitrates to go down and also for the hair algae to go
What am I doing wrong? Is there just not enough surface area in a
corner tank? I am hoping, once I move, to get at least a 125 -
150 gallon tank, and still use the refugiums.
<I'm guessing the Tomato Clown is very large and being so,
a high waste producer contributing to your high nitrate levels. I
did not see any mention of a protein skimmer
in use, a must have for controlling nitrates.
Do read here for further help with your problem.
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>

Re: Nitrate and hair algae problems 8/21/09
Hi again James,
<Ahh, he's marked himself "out". BobF
Yes, I am using a protein skimmer (I thought I put it in my
original message somewhere, if not I apologize) and although it
doesn't get filled up with brown/green water as much as it
used to, I still have to dump it out about once a week.
<A good interval>
Even though my Tomato Clown can probably now join the AARP, he
has never really been in a large enough tank to get his full
size, so he's only about 3 inches long and is probably the
biggest fish in the tank except for the goby, but he's only
about 4" long, not very girthy.
I forgot to mention in the first refugium the water from the tank
pours through a 100 micron filter pad and a polyfilter which are
sitting on top of a filter sock. My poly filter seems to be
getting brown fast, although I'm not sure why since the 100
micron pad is on top of that and gets dirty fast.
I don't use the undergravel filter as a filter per se, I put
it in to prop up the mud, so that when the water flows under the
first baffle, it's forced under and through the mud to kind
of "filter" it before it comes up and goes over the
right baffle. I figured the mangroves might like it.
<I do agree>
I just don't know where the extra nutrients are coming from
(the clams have only been in there for about 2 weeks, so I
suspect it'll take them a while to filter through the
Thanks again for your help and for the quick reply.
<Will fwd. to James>
<Bob Fenner>
Re: Nitrate and hair algae problems
Hi again James,
<Ahh, he's marked himself "out". BobF
<<Back with a vengeance.>>
Yes, I am using a protein skimmer (I thought I put it in my
original message somewhere, if not I apologize) and although it
doesn't get filled up with brown/green water as much as it
used to, I still have to dump it out about once a week.
<A good interval>
<<And very important to keep the neck/reaction chamber free
of brown slime buildup, reduces efficiency of the skimmer very
much. What brand of skimmer are you using?>>
Even though my Tomato Clown can probably now join the AARP, he
has never really been in a large enough tank to get his full
size, so he's only about 3 inches long and is probably the
biggest fish in the tank except for the goby, but he's only
about 4" long, not very girthy.
I forgot to mention in the first refugium the water from the tank
pours through a 100 micron filter pad and a Polyfilter which are
sitting on top of a filter sock. My poly filter seems to be
getting brown fast,
<<Indicating a high organic load. Have you checked
phosphate levels in your system? You may have better results
using Chemi-Pure Elite which contains a high grade carbon, ferric
oxide for phosphate control, and beneficial ion exchange
although I'm not sure why since the 100 micron pad is on top
of that and gets dirty fast.
<<Is this pad changed/cleaned weekly?>>
I don't use the undergravel filter as a filter per se, I put
it in to prop up the mud, so that when the water flows under the
first baffle, it's forced under and through the mud to kind
of "filter" it before it comes up and goes over the
right baffle. I figured the mangroves might like it.
<I do agree>
I just don't know where the extra nutrients are coming from
(the clams have only been in there for about 2 weeks, so I
suspect it'll take them a while to filter through the
Thanks again for your help and for the quick reply.
<Will fwd. to James>
<<John, do read the articles I linked you to previously.
James (Salty Dog)>>
<Bob Fenner>
Nitrate Help Please 8/5/09
My name is Terry FL, I must say I have been a great fan of this site
for a while and I have read a lot of great and accurate information. I
have a 100 gallon predator tank, one 4" Clown Trigger, one 4"
Undulated Trigger and a 14-16" eel, I have 80-90 lbs live rock,
pumping 700 gph, two 1200 gph waver makers, two 1300 gph wave maker,
Coralife Super Skimmer, Coralife UV, 15-20 gal refugium with 130 watts
reef light (12-14 hrs per day). Salinity 1.025-6, pH 8.2-8.4 Ammonia 0,
nitrite 0 and nitrate 20-50. I do 25% water change a week and one 50% a
month. I have a RO DI pump. I have four mangrove trees, tons of Chaeto
and other Caulerpa species and I can not seem to get my hi levels of
nitrates under control. I am considering building a coil denitrator. I
have researched and read a lot of good things about them as well as
Have you or anyone you know had any experience in building one and if
so what was the results? Thank you for taken the time to read my
message and any help would be highly appreciate.
<Mmm, I believe Mr. Fenner was trying to build/market this device at
one time. I can tell you that they work, but it takes quite some time
before results are seen. With the protein skimmer technology available
today, I'm thinking your best bet would be to replace the Coralife
skimmer with a much more efficient one.
The AquaC, Vertex, and Octopus brands would be good choices. With a
heavy waste load, I would suggest going one or two sizes larger in your
skimmer selection.
Have you read here? http://www.wetwebmedia.com/nitratesmar.htm.
James (Salty Dog)>
Just Wandering
Nitrates... Not reading 8/5/09
<Hello Terry>
I was wandering if you have had any experience in building a Coil
Denitrator? Someone at my LFS was trying to build and sell me one.
<Terry, please do some reading on the website and let us know any
specific questions you have.
Start reading here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/no3chemfiltr.htm as well
as other nitrate reduction related links at the top of the page.
Good luck, Josh Solomon.>
High Nitrates cant find the source/Nitrate Control
Hello all you experts at WWM! I love the site.
<Hi Amy and thank you.>
This is my second time submitting a query to the forum. My husband and
I are going into our 6th month of our 75G marine aquarium. We love it
but I do have to say that I am so discouraged by the issues we are
having with the tank right now I want to cry or sell the whole get up
and be done with it! (sorry just my frustration talking a little).
<Does happen.>
First I will give you the info on my setup then we will delve into the
issue at hand.
T5 lights which run from 2pm to 9:30pm (so they are on when we are
155lbs live rock
100lbs sand
2 Hydor #4's
Fluval 405 filled with live rock rubble
Sea Clone 150 skimmer(air stone added) now skims like crazy working
2 False Percula Clown Fish
1 Yellow <yellow?> Sail Fin Tang
1 Kole Tang
1 Lawnmower Blenny (so far this is my biggest fish)
1 Watchman Goby
1 brittle starfish (died 2 days ago)
3 Mexican turbo snails ( died 2 days ago also)
(hand full of other small snails also found dead at same time)
1 Cleaner Shrimp died 2 weeks ago.
quite a few hermits and various snails and other tiny organisms living
live rock.
1 frag Pineapple Coral, 1 colony of zoos, Xenia, a few small Yellow
Polyps, 1 4in diameter brown Leather Toadstool.
We have tried to do everything according to the book with our tank.
Patience we know is a must. My water chemistry has been ideal until
recently. Within the last two weeks I have watched my nitrates go from
staying at 0ppm to 20ppm +. The entire duration of our experience with
this tank we have been fighting green hair algae which is why 3 turbo
snails resided in our tank, and have never gone hungry. We also have
constant Cyano outbreaks. Regular water changes, always with RO/DI
water cleaning substrate rolling Cyano sheets up like carpet and
removing it from tank, cutting back feedings to once a day which we
were feeding very small amount in the morning and small amount in the
evening. Now just evenings all of this to no avail. Reduced our light
cycle and we have all new bulbs.
We thought the old ones may have been a contributing factor since we
bought the fixture used. I have great water chemistry with the
exception of nitrates! HELP! I don't know where they are coming
from. Two pet stores have also been regularly testing my water so I can
verify my test kit isn't faulty. My chemistry is consistently been
since week 8: Salinity 1.022-1.023, Calcium 440, Hardness 11-12, pH
8.0-8.2, Phosphates 0ppm, Nitrates 0ppm. We have the two Koralia Hydor
#4's because we thought that the Cyano on the substrate was
possibly from inadequate water flow. (my Xenia loves the current). I am
having trouble believing that my bio-load is the problem for this size
tank and I am so very frustrated with never having pretty clean
substrate. It is always green or red with Cyano and the live rock
towards the top of the tank is just covered in hair algae. My Coralline
algae growth is even fabulous. I have added extra beneficial bacteria
to try and supplement my biological filtration, used carbon, phosphate
sponges even though readings for those were zero. It has certainly
become like one of those who dunnits on TV. LOL. I am totally stumped.
Even the local fish stores that I have been to are stumped. We have a
friend with a tank who never does proper maintenance on his tank and
adds water straight out of the tap for crying out loud and his tank is
beautiful and has never done a water change! YIKES. It is frustrating
to watch someone who does everything taboo to their tank and have
success and for us to do more what is supposed to be "Good"
for our tank and constantly fail. I even tried a chemical solution for
the Cyano once and it didn't do anything but make all my coral
angry for two days. That was just out of sheer desperation that I even
resorted to that. Would a sump/fuge help me with my issues or should I
just throw in the towel. The amount of money I have invested in my tank
was not spent lightly and I cannot afford to start losing fish. They
are all stressed now with such high nitrates and I am at my wits end.
Nothing sort of draining the tank and starting over seems to be viable
at this point since I feel alternative methods have been futile at
best. I am desperate please help. I have not enjoyed the tank at all
since we have had it. It has been so much work and to never have a
pretty display because of ugly Cyano and hair algae problems is just
not much of a reward for all our effort. Thanks in advance for your
help. You guys are wonderful and your site has helped me tremendously
since diving into this hobby about six months ago.
<Amy, first off, your 20ppm nitrate level isn't high enough to
cause death to your fish and/or your other lost animals. Your problem
at hand lies with excessive nutrients in the water that are not being
removed.. I'm also betting your ORP is at a low level. Basically
ORP (Oxygen Reduction Potential) is a measure of the ability of a
system to eliminate wastes. It is measured in millivolts and the higher
the reading the better (now don't run off and buy an ORP meter). We
need to get more air/gas exchange into your system for starters, and
the best way to do this is with a sump/refugium, with the later helping
much in eliminating excessive nutrients and waste. Secondly, I strongly
suggest getting a more efficient protein skimmer which can also be
placed in the sump and sumps should be sized to accommodate such. You
did not mention the size of your tangs, but in due time, your tank will
be too small as these fish grow, as I'm thinking your tank is four
foot in length. I am going to post a few links I'd like for you to
read, which will help you get a better insight in controlling your
Do read related articles in the above links that are posted in the
James (Salty Dog)>
Amy E. Cox
Nitrate levels: Nutrient control/stocking
Good morning crew,
<Good Morning>
I have a Red Sea Max 34 gallons. My filtration includes a Tunze nano
skimmer. About 25 lbs. of LR. Livestock is as follows; 1 percula and 1
Valentini Toby Puffer. ( Yes, I know) The puffer, so far, has been
harmless to the inverts.
<So far....>
There are a large assortment of mushroom coral. Also, Pulsating Xenia,
Sun Flower Coral, a few small feather dusters, one open brain coral,
two blue leg hermits and about 10 snails. I change and test the water
every week. SG is 1.24. Calc is normal as well as Alk.
Last night Nitrites near 0, PH at 8.1.
<Near zero is not good, Nitrites need to be zero, something is
amiss. pH is a touch low as well.>
And for my question/ problem, my nitrates were in the 40 to 50 ppm
(Wow!) Is this possible or did I make a mistake with the testing?
<If your nitrites are > 0, yes, it is a real possibility.>
I've only had the tank for 6 to 8 months but it is about 2 years
old. Took it over for my friend who had to move to the east coast.
I've never had that high of nitrates since I have had the tank. It
seems like the Xenia
and the Brain coral are not doing well at all.(Because of the nitrate
level I assume?)
<Nitrite and nitrate.>
I feed the Xenia (iodine) and the Brain Coral (small piece of raw table
shrimp) weekly and target feed the sun flower every other day.(Mysis)
Mushrooms are doing great. My question still remains the same. Why do
you suppose the nitrate level is so high and what should I do in
addition to weekly water change?
<Your system is not efficiently removing wastes. This is usually the
result of overfeeding, overstocking, or insufficient filtration. In
this circumstance, I would cut back on the feeding and increase the
water changes. You can read more here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/nutrientcontrol.htm >
Please help! Thank you for your time and the wonderful website!
<My pleasure.>
Re: Nitrate levels: Nutrient control/stocking
Again, Good morning to all,
<Hi Jeremy>
One more question regarding my Red Sea Max.
I realize I need more sufficient filtration for the export of wastes.
In your opinion, what would be the most beneficial addition to my tank?
A sump, refugium or a larger more versatile skimmer? Or a
<You cannot go wrong with a larger skimmer and a refugium.>
Would you suggest a canister filter and or a UV sterilizer?
<Canister filters are useful for water movement and light
mechanical\chemical filtration, but the must be maintained regularly,
otherwise they become a nitrate factory.>
Please advise. And again thank you for your time and knowledge.
<My pleasure.>
Nitrate Control, SW system. 4/1/2009
<Hi Robert>
I am having a problem with nitrate levels in saltwater aquarium.
<You've come to the right place.>
I have a yellow Tang, Tomato clown, coral banded shrimp, 4 snails,
bi-colored angel, chocolate star, and a diamond goby.
<Heavy bio-load, and the Chocolate star is harder to keep than most
people realize.>
The filtration consist of a Fluval 305 canister, whisper filter which
hangs on the side, and a back pack 2 protein skimmer, which I have
removed the blue bio-bale from. The Fluval and whisper are opposite
ends of the tank.
The tank is 45 gallons, but odd shaped (longer than normal 63"
long 8" wide).
<Hmm.... 8 inches wide, this is going to be very tight for your
Nitrite 0, Ammonia 0, Ph 8.18, nitrate 40, and Salinity 1.025.
Parameter have been like this forever. What am I doing wrong or how can
I lower my nitrate. I do water changes every three weeks (about 25%). I
distilled bottled water because regular household tap water is
horrible. I have about 20 pounds of live rock and I placed live sand
when the tank when set up.
<Well Robert, you do have a rather heavy load for a 45 gallon tank.
That said, since your tank is a FOWLR with the exception of the
starfish, has nothing too demanding on water quality, I wouldn't be
overly concerned with a nitrate level of 40ppm, provided that the
system is stable. As far as methods of reducing it, if possible, given
your tank's odd shape, I would add some more live rock. Further, I
would step up your water changes to 10 - 15% per week. Lastly, I would
consider returning the Starfish and the Tang.>
<My Pleasure, Mike>
Re: Nitrate Control, SW system. 4/5/2009
<Hi Robert>
Thank you for the reply. Just out of curiosity why would you recommend
getting rid of the chocolate chip.
<They generally do not do well in many systems, can eat some of the
creatures on your clean up crew>
I have had all of these fish/star for several months (4 or more) except
the coral bandit and they seem very hardy.
<Very good>
I can see your rationality as for the tang because of the size he will
As for the bioload I have never had any problems or spikes in any of
the other parameters.
<Except for your nitrate...:-) A high bio-load will contribute to
the nitrate levels. Essentially, your system is producing more nitrate
than it can eliminate through live rock, etc.>
Was just worried about the nitrate never reducing past 40ppm. You have
seemed to ease that problem in my mind. So, it pretty much isn't
the size of the tank it is the water capacity when determining the
amount of fish.
Oh My Nitrates Too Many!/Nitrate Control
Dear WWW Person,
<That would be James here.>
I have been a long time fan. I have a 75 gal coral (SPS, LPS and
softies mixed, yeah I know not a great idea) and Fish (reef friendly
but growing and some need to be returned to "rent a fish" aka
LFS for smaller versions soon).
I have good lighting, water movement, UV and two Protein Skimmers. I
use Polyfilters, Phosban and a good charcoal. I have a 29 gal sump
below with Chaeto and grape Caulerpa (religiously harvested).
<Sounds good.>
The age of the system is approximately three years. Over that time,
I have done several "harvests" of Xenia and other soft
corals for resale at LFS.
<Mmm, a self supporting hobby.>
The stonies have been growing slowly right along (and grown quite well
I humbly add).
I have introduced nothing new to the tank in over 6 months so the
current dilemma not related to recently introduced anything (I
In the tank I have a mix of various grades of gravel oolitic up to 2 mm
aragonite at a depth of about 3 " on average. In the sump, I have
used a deep sand bed approach consisting of almost all oolitic
aragonite at about 4 inches.
All parameters fine except . . . . nitrates off the scale (50 ppm +,
hard to tell but the darkest color on two different kits Salifert and
I became so comfortable with the stability of the system month after
month that I had stopped checking nitrates!
I have been doing 20 gallon water changes about every two week and
using Sea Chem Reef Builder and Advantage Calcium to maintain dKH and
calcium levels. Typically able to maintain dKH around 11 - 12
<More than enough.>
and calcium a little on the high side around 460 ppm with regular
additions of these two and checking each time.
<I'd keep the Ca level around 400ppm, high Ca levels can have
negative effects.>
Maintaining dKH has been more of a challenge lately. It seems to fall
more quickly than before.
<Yes, the acids from the high nutrient levels.>
But back to the nitrates. I knew something was wrong when my green
Montipora (the kind that spreads in thin circular sheets, started to
Not all of it mind you, just one of the newly grown "cups"
sticking out from the main piece. All other stony corals are currently
OK, some even seem to be thriving, so I haven't completely ruled
out allelopathy <allelopathy>.
But with nitrates so high, the nitrates would seem to be a more likely
Whew! A lot of background, but felt you should know what the heck I am
asking you to opine upon.
<The more info, the better.>
I plan to address the nitrate problem as follows ( and am asking if you
think this is wise and for any suggestions you may have):
1. 20 Gallon partial water changes 3 times per week
2. Take out poop-a-holic Fox Face Tang
<related, but not really a tang.>
(grown too big, very neurotic, freaking all the other fish out).
<Yes, tank too small for this guy now adding to your
3. continue to harvest Caulerpa
4. change Poly filter and charcoal ASAP
<You might want to try Chemi Pure Elite, a mixture of high grade
carbon, scavenging resins, and phosphate remover. A good
5. Feed less, and start draining the fluids off the frozen mysis and
brine shrimp.
<Should always do this.>
And last but not least, and this is something I am really hoping for
guidance on. I have noticed that the both the gravel in the display
tank and the sand bed in the sump appears to be packed" down and
very solid. I am currently reading Anthony Calfo's Coral
Propagation vol 2, and I believe he recommends that deep sand beds
should be regularly stirred or stirred up.
I have never done this. I am hesitant to just go in and start poking
and stirring. I have been told that I could release some nasty
chemicals into the water if I shake things up a bit.
<Yes, I wouldn't be doing that now. When changing water, use a
gravel cleaner type siphon to remove detritus from the sand bed. It
will take some getting used to as you will have to pinch off the return
to a point where you are still effectively cleaning, but not removing
all the sand in the process. May not be a bad idea to remove and
replace the sand, a small section, say 10%, during every water
So, in addition to your thoughts on the five steps above, should I stir
or not stir? And If stirring is to be, how much, how often etc ?
<I wouldn't, not after all this time. You will be opening the
proverbial can of worms.>
This tank represents the longest-lived, most successful tank I have had
to date. I am wondering if it might be suffering from some kind of old
tank syndrome I have never encountered before.
<Me thinks the sand bed was not maintained, not enough critters in
the bed to keep it loose, is now compacted/fused and cannot breathe.
Stirring it now will likely unleash hydrogen sulphide and
would not be a good move on your part.>
My apologies for the length of this thing,
<Not lengthy, informative.>
but I really did want to check in
with you guys before tackling the problem and any advice would be
greatly appreciated..
<May want to read here along with related articles.
<You're welcome, Scott. James (Salty Dog)>
Scott Erickson
Nitrates, SW, reading...
2/3/09 Good evening. <And to you Howard> I started my
first 90 gallon saltwater. After years with doing African Cichlids I
decided my next tank is going to be a salt water. About 2 weeks ago I
set up a 90 and put 90lbs of LR and 100lbs of LS in the tank. My
salinity is 1.022 and my ammonia and nitrites are at zero but my
nitrates are starting to climb. After posting on many forums some say
don't do anything let it cycle and others say do water change. I
have a BS in Biology and I realize that when the nitrites and ammonia
go to zero my tank is cycled. But after doing two water changes. One
was 10 gallons and no change occurred and the other was 20 gallons and
again no change occurred with the nitrates. They were at 10ppm at the
time. Well today 3 days after the 20 gallon water change my nitrates
are now at 20ppm. Should I continue to do water changes even higher say
50 percent. Since I used RO water I don't have any alga blooms to
help take the nitrates out of the water. Im using a EuroReef RC80 and a
Berlin filter. Can you please offer me any other suggestions as im
boggled if I should do higher water change or just let things be?
<Mmm, not water changes... There are a few tried and true approaches
to Nitrate control. Please read here re:
http://wetwebmedia.com/nitratesmar.htm and the linked files above. Bob
I can't seem to stop high Nitrates 1/1/09
<Hello Chris, Minh at your service.> I have a 120 gallon tank,
with two overflows, 2" Plenum with a 5" deep sand bed on top,
185 lbs of live rock (105 Fiji, 77 Tonga), LifeReef Skimmer, a 20
gallon Refugium filled with Chaeto and housing a 2x40 watt lamp system,
and all are served by a Mag-Drive 9 (950 gph) pump and 4 Maxi-Jet 1200
pumps in the tank to push water around which was filtered by a Kent
Marine 4 stage RO/DI system before entering the aquarium. All of these
systems are currently employed on my saltwater system which houses the
following fish: * 1 - Yellow Tang * 1 -- Niger Triggerfish * 1 -- Coral
Beauty * 1 -- True Percula Clownfish * 3 -- Green Chromis * 2 --
Flameback Angel Fish * 1 -- Piston Shrimp * 1 -- Red Banded Goby * 1 --
Peppermint Shrimp ....and I still have high Nitrates. I have I have
done 20%, 40% and 60% water changes and within a week my Nitrates are
back up to the high mark, or over 80ppm on my test kit. I've used
different kits, and even had the measurement done by the LFS all with
the same results. All other measurements are at the low end as
expected. I have no measurable Ammonia or Nitrite, and my PH level is
correct. What am I doing wrong? I have heard of people finding out they
had some live rock with dead sponges in them causing problems, but I
don't think I have this problem. My main tank has no algae problems
but I had intended to include corals and anemones in this tank and the
high Nitrates are preventing me from turning this fish-only system into
the Reef tank that I originally designed this to be. It's been 2
years of struggle and we're going to be moving next month, so if I
need to redesign anything, now is the time. <Based on the
description of your system, the methods you've employed: deep sand
bed, foam fractionation, algal based refugia and RO/DI source water
should all work in concert to maintain proper nutrient control.
However, if the desired result is not being achieved, these methods may
need to be fine-tuned. First, understand that the primary source of
nitrate in marine aquaria is food added to the system. All proteins
contain nitrogen, as do a wide variety of other biomolecules. Other
inputs can include the die off of organisms or accumulation of detritus
(non-living particulate organic material), which also degrade and add
to the nitrogen cycle. Finally, the use of unpurified water can lead to
significant addition of nitrate to aquaria. Knowing this, one can
systematically tune the nutrient control methods already employed to
minimize nitrate: -Reduce the inputs of nitrogen to the aquaria. For
example, be very cautious when feeding. Multiple smaller feeding
sessions would be much better than one large feeding session. Ensure
that the majority of the food fed is eaten by your fish and also ensure
that any left over is quickly consumed by an adequate cleaning crew.
This way, no excess food is left to degrade. Another important area to
look into is the maintenance of RO/DI filters. Using a TDS meter,
ensure that the output water reads zero TDS (Total Dissolved Solids)
otherwise, the filters and/or membrane may need to be replaced.
-Improve refugium efficiency. By increasing flow and using a proper
light source (http://www.melevsreef.com/fuge_bulb.html), one can
maximize macro algal growth/harvest and subsequently minimize nitrate
along with phosphorus and other nutrients. -Improve deep sand bed
efficiency. A proper deep sand bed can be a great tool in nitrogen
conversion, however, its success may depend on the size of the bed,
it's composition (sand type, particle size distribution, and life
forms in it), and the demands put on it in terms of nitrate processing.
More info on improving deep sand bed performance is detailed here:
http://www.ronshimek.com/deep_sand_beds.html. -If maximizing the
efficiency of those tools you've employed does not get the desired
result, you may look into adding one or a combination of the following
tools: *Carbon or Sulfur Driven Denitrator *Nitrate Absorbing Solids
*Polymers and Carbon that bind solids These tools and methods are
discussed in detailed in this excellent article, "Nitrate in the
Reef Aquarium":
http://www.advancedaquarist.com/issues/august2003/chem.htm.> --
Chris Charette <Good luck and cheers, Minh Huynh>
Re: I can't seem to stop high Nitrates
1/3/09 Many thanks...I just bought a gravel vacuum and I also
removed a foam filter from my sump that I was cleaning weekly that may
be contributing to the capture of detritus and creating a location to
create Nitrate. Not sure why these sumps include and recommend using
something that can cause the kind of trouble the sump is meant to
support preventing. <Such filters do a fine job of processing
ammonia to nitrite to nitrate, but do nothing with the nitrate. So
slowly removing them and allowing more of the nitrogen processing to
take place on and in the live rock and sand can be beneficial. In
short, these sumps and filters may work very well in a fish only or
fish only with liverock scenario. However, they may not work well in
the over-all scheme of a reef environment. I hope the change you've
made will be fruitful.> Anyway, thank you very much. Your well
respected suggestions will be heeded. I think I've included all of
the known solutions available except the vacuum and the filter removal
so I'll try this additional step. <You're welcome and good
luck with your move. Cheers, Minh Huynh.>
Trying to lower nitrates, reading
11/16/08 Hello, I just wanted to let you know the service you
provide is greatly appreciated. I currently have a 125gal reef set up.
I have a mated pair of tomato clowns, Bluechin trigger, hepatus tang,
coral beauty and 1 CBS, with about 200 pounds of liverock. I can't
seem to get my nitrates below 20ppm. I change at least 25% of the water
a month and top off with ro/di water. I don't think its overfeeding
and I do rinse out my prefilters and my skimmer puts out a decent
amount of scum per day. I was wondering if you thought it was a bioload
issue? <At least this...> I just made one of those Denitrator
coils with a tightly sealed old salt bucket and a 100ft coil with some
bioballs in the center. I had one of these in the past, but I am not
sure if it will lower them further from 20ppm. <What does the water
measure as on the discharge end?> Any advice on the denitrator would
be great. I just set it up and do not expect any results for a few
weeks. Any ideas on how to reduce my nitrates lower than 20ppm? Thanks
for all you do...See ya <Posted here:
http://wetwebmedia.com/nitratesmar.htm and the linked files above. Bob
Dentrification Question - 11-8-08 Hello all,
<Mike here this evening> I currently have a 125 gallon reef
setup. No bio-balls in sump and about 250lbs of live rock. I also use
crushed coral as my substrate. I am interested in implementing a remote
deep sand bed to help get my nitrates lower than 20ppm. <Easily and
effectively done> I know the crushed coral doesn't help but I do
vacuum and stir during my water changes. The idea is to incorporate the
coil denitrator design in conjunction with a deep sand bed using
Aragalive or similar. Will this work? <Sure will> Can I run the
100 foot coil in the bucket and feed the deep sand bed from the bottom
using oxygen depleted water from the coil? I have read many threads
from your site but cannot find what I am looking for. Should I just use
the coil or the DSB not both? <I would just use a remote DSB,
because if you use a coil denitrator and a remote DSB you'd have a
tiny amount of water movement through/over the remote DSB and would be
forced to use a circulation pump in the DSB container. I've used a
20 gallon tank as a remote DSB with a 5" sandbed to effectively
eliminate nitrates in a messy fish only system> I also heard
somewhere that you can rid liverock from Aptasia by submerging the
liverock in old cold seawater overnight in a dark closed container.
What do you think? <Haven't tried it, but there are many
products sold for killing Aiptasia, though the safest and most
effective is quarantine to prevent them, and nutrient control to
prevent their spread if you already have them> Thanks, John
<Anytime - M. Maddox>
Re: Dentrification question -11/11/08 Hello again,
<Yep> I decided to add a 4" bed of Aragalive to my sump, but
I have some simple questions. I have a run of the mill wet/dry for my
125. I removed all the bioballs and trickle tray a while ago. Is the
sump area in a typical wet/dry large enough for a DSB? <Well, it
isn't so much a measure of "large enough" but of the
amount of nitrates and how much you want them reduced, but in the
spirit of your question, yes> If so, I guess I should reinstall my
trickle tray, remove the filter floss in my overflows, right? <Up to
you...> I have your typical foam block in the next compartment where
I have my in-sump skimmer, return pump and a small separate pump for my
UV. Would the foam block serve as a good divider between the DSB and my
pump area? <Maybe...typical open cell foam blocks will probably
"leak" sand> Or will the sand pass through the floss and
get pumped in my skimmer and return pump. <See above> I am kind
of nervous about doing this as you can probably tell. I also thought
about making a denitrator coil and feeding it from my sump via a small
water pump. The mind boggles...Thanks for your input..Ciao <You have
several options here, just choose which you think will be easiest - M.
Lowering Nitrates 9/8/08 Hi Bob, <Hello Ash,
Scott V. with you tonight.> I have a 55 gallon marine tank with a
Rapids Pro PS4 filter with a built in skimmer. The tank started
recycling about 3-4 weeks ago because I moved and changed the filter.
Ammonia and nitrite are 0, pH is 8.4, and nitrates are 40. I would like
to get them as low as possible, at least 20 or below. Do you think it
just needs more time or is there anything I can do. <Water changes,
time will only accumulate more nitrates. It is the end result of the
nitrogen cycle, nowhere for it to go. You must provide a means to
export it: water changes, macroalgae refugium or a DSB can even help to
a certain extent. Steps can be taken to limit the nitrate production to
a minimum. Careful feeding, proper flow and even keeping the wet/dry
filter clean will all lead to a slower accumulation of nitrate.> I
have live sand and live rock, but I am thinking of adding more live
rock. I only have 3 clownfish, 1 Hawkfish, a Firefish, and some hermits
and snails. Thanks so much, Ash <Welcome, do check the following
link for more information.> http://www.wetwebmedia.com/nitratesmar.htm
High Nitrate And Too Many Fish? -- 08/26/08 I have
a 65 gallon tank, with 4 green chromis, 1 blue chromis, a sally
lightfoot crab, numerous snails,2 Banggai cardinals, 2 clown fish, 1
yellow tang, <<This tank is 'marginal' in size for the
Tang. These active roaming fishes really need more space'¦and
some species more than others. For the Yellow Tang, a tank of more than
75g is best>> plus 1 feather duster cluster, a bubble coral, a
colt coral, small brain coral, a bubble tip coral (very small), spray
polyp. <<'¦?>> My nitrates are high and my pH a
little low. <<Mmm'¦what is 'high' and a
'little low' I wonder?>> I've done numerous water
changes, added tap water (no chlorine) to bring up pH, <<What is
your logic for adding the Tap water to raise the pH? Do you live in an
area that has a high pH? Have you tested/do you know the pH of your Tap
water? My Tap has a slightly acidic pH (about 6.8); if yours is similar
and you are adding the Tap water to the system without buffers it will
only serve to lower your pH further. The unfiltered Tap water may be
the source of pollutants/Nitrates as well. Perhaps I do not understand
what you are trying to convey'¦perhaps if you provide more
information/a better explanation'¦>> and also added
"Cycle" to help balance. <<Why would you need to do
this? Is this a new/un-cycled system?>> Filters have been cleaned
as well. Nitrates are slowly coming down; Nitrite is balanced as is
calcium and ammonia. <<Again'¦need real
values'¦please. I hope 'balanced' means Nitrite and
Ammonia are 'zero!'>> ph is starting to come up. Have a
little red algae from nitrate imbalance, have dealt with this before.
<<'¦>> Most of my fish are still small, none fully
grown. I have a blue tang waiting to come but not until everything is
balanced. <<Mmm, no'¦not with the Yellow
Tang'¦and not even in a 90g tank. The Blue Tang requires even
'more space' than the Yellow Tang>> I am looking at a
90-100 gallon tank in the future, <<The 10g difference means
little here, but the extra length of the 100g tank (5' vs. 4')
would be of benefit re the Tang>> no more fish but would like
more corals. <<Okay>> Feed twice a day, cut down to once,
<<I do not advocate this'¦feed your fishes>> tang
ate my starfish so give a little a night now. <<Good>> I
changed and test every week, up until now-no water problems. At present
do I have too many fish? <<Not 'too many''¦just
an inappropriate species for the current tank size (the Yellow Tang).
Look elsewhere for any water chemistry issues. Perhaps your salt
mix/mixing methodology, your source water (unfiltered Tap water), or
husbandry/maintenance practices are at fault here. But I can only guess
based on the dearth of information provided>> Your help would be
appreciated. <<Well Marilee, other than the stocking question
I'm not sure what you want help with. I really don't have much
info to go on, but here's a list of links to look through. Have a
good browse and feel free to come back with more specific questions if
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/water.htm Marilee <<Regards,
Water quality/nitrate control 8/7/08 My salt water reef is
having some trouble. I checked the levels last week and I had high
nitrates. So I did a 20 gallon water change and when I rechecked the
levels later this week they were still high. The tank is 140 gallons
has around 140 lbs of rock as well as 140 lbs of sand. The tank is
stocked with a couple of corals as well as 5 fish. I had heard that
bioballs contribute to nitrates and I was wondering if I should remove
them, any info would be great. <Factors for high nitrate are many.
The rock/sand possibly curing, filtration accumulating detritus (yes,
including the bioballs), overfeeding/stocking, bad source water, and
the list goes on and on. A little reading through WWM will give you
your answers. A place to start:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/nitratesmar.htm> Thanks Tom <Welcome,
Scott V.>
Nitrates:)....Sending again in case you missed it:)
8/5/08 <Mmm, no. I responded to before> Nitrates:) Hi
Bob/Guys hope you are well, I have started reading your sight alot
<... no such word> of late and have found it great and
informative reading, <... formatting issues... where are the
spaces...?> but however has raised a few questions which I hope you
can answer. My set up consists of a 125G tank 30G sump, I have 55 Kilos
of Fiji/Tongan liverock ,Instant ocean 1200 skimmer in sump with a
Deltec pump set up for ROWAphos, PolyFilters etc,Deltec Kalk
stirrer,wavebox set alternately powering 4 1000lph powerheadsMy tank is
just over 2 years old and consists mainly of my favourite stony corals
including G.Stokesii,Branching Alviapora,Elegance,Frogspawn and
Hammerhead Euphyllia,several Caulastrea,one Acanthastrea and a lovely
now softball sized red Closed Brain. I also have several rapidly
growing species of Caribbean Gorgonians( strictly Photosynthetic ones
of course). Fish include a 5" Zebra Lion, 4" Sailfin Tang,
Pair of Leopard Wrasse, pair of Emperor Cardinals,3" Marin Beta.
Now to my problem, well actually its only been a problem since reading
your site but pretty much from the word go my Nitrate readings have
been 30 ppm I do 12% water change per week with r/o and test water
weekly keeping a log of readings typically 1.024 salinity 430 calcium
1300 Magnesium 0 phosphate/nitrite/Ammonia KH 10,PH 8-8.3My nitrate has
been 30 or sometimes slightly less for well over a year even though I
have added no fish or Coral in more than 16 months and to be honest the
tank looks great. <... I wouldn't "sweat" the nitrate
then, here> I understand from a fair bit of research that quite a
few stonies like more lagoon like nutrient rich water, the question is
is this why they all seem to be growing and happy or am I awaiting
disaster ?Assuming disaster is around the corner I have 14 x12 x 10
space in my sump which I could either turn into a Mud refuge I think I
have read every faq on this site) or I could fit about another 15kilos
of rock in the sump. So in short am I playing with fire with nitrates
and if so which is best use of the sump in your opinion. Thanks for
your forthcoming reply and your great work on this site. <No problem
here... the poritids "need" the nitrate (and phosphate...
I'd give the Rowaphos unit the heave-ho)... See WWM re NO3, HPO4...
enjoy the process. Bob Fenner>
High Nitrate 7/27/08 Okay I know you're probably tired of
this question but I've searched everywhere and can't find an
answer. <Okay> I have a 40 gallon reef tank with 3 inches of live
sand 40 pounds of Fiji live rock a Jebo 180 2 protein skimmer, a Jebo
13 watt U.V. sterilizer and a Penn Plax cascade 1000 canister filter
with 2 trays of carbon, the coarse filter pad, a polishing pad and a
bag of Phos lock and a bag of Chemi pure. <That is a lot of chemical
filtration. I would lay off the Phoslock and Chemipure until tests show
either is indeed needed.> I am using Prime water conditioner and
Instant Ocean salt. <Do consider skipping the additive and
storing/aerating the water prior to use instead:
http://wetwebmedia.com/water4maruse.htm> I am using tap water,
however I've checked it and has no detectable nitrates in it. My
U.V. is ran inline on the exhaust of the canister filter. My problem is
I am having extremely high levels of nitrate, however all other levels
are perfect. Ph8.2, ammonia 0, nitrite 0, sg 1.025, calc. 450. Nitrate
40-50ppm. <Do be sure to test your alkalinity also. Your Ca is on
the high side, this alone can lead to low Alk.> I do water changes
twice a week to no avail. <How large a water change? Filter
cleaning?> I only have one clown fish in there right now and a
flower pot coral, a green star polyp and some xenia. About 3 weeks ago
every fish I had in my tank died for unknown reasons, but all the
corals were fine. My water checked out fine. Now my nitrates are
through the roof about 40ppm <To be expected with such a
wipeout.> and my clown is showing signs of stress. I have 2 turbo
snails, and about 8 of the blue legged hermit crabs as a clean up crew.
<Feed sparingly, leave little to clean up!> I have noticed in the
morning when I turn the light on my clown fish is breathing heavily,
however after an hour of the light being on he seems fine. What is the
ideal setup (other than a sump/refugium) for my tank and what should I
do about these darn nitrates. <A refugium is a strong tool here, do
it if you get the chance. Otherwise, do be sure to clean all mechanical
filtration quite frequently; the detritus you mention below is also
trapped in your filter, leading to the nitrate. Also, it will be worth
your while to increase your sand bed depth and inch or two to aid in
some NNR.> I have noticed there's a lot of detritus and stuff in
the corners and behind the rocks is that what's causing my prob?
<It is definitely contributing, indicative of what is going on. If
all the flow you have is from your filtration, it is not enough. The
minimum 10X turnover rule can be misleading. You need adequate flow
throughout the system to keep the detritus in suspension. This will
allow it to be collected by the aquarium's filtration, hence the
need for frequent cleaning.> Should I vacuum the tank? <I would
at least be siphoning out the detritus with the water changes.> Oh
by the way the light is a 150 watt MH and has 2 54 watt T-5 actinics on
it as well as the lunars. Please help . <Without maintenance,
feeding and water flow specifics, it sounds like a bit more filter
cleaning (you have a lot of mechanical filtration), increased or more
distributed water flow and highly likely less feeding will lead you to
success.> Thanks, Devin Haney Louisville Ky. <Welcome, good luck,
Scott V.>
Re: High Nitrate 7/28/08 Okay, over the weekend I siphoned
most of the loose detritus out and cleaned the filter / replaced carbon
etc. Also cut down on feeding and cleaned my U.V. Everything looks good
now, Clown not showing near the amount of stress. <Good.> While
cleaning I did see a pinkish colored bristleworm on my back glass. Very
small though he was about 1/4 inch long. Is this anything to be worried
about? <No, the majority of bristle worms are beneficial despite
their reputation.> What do you recommend afar as water changes,
I've been doing about 25% twice a week trying to get the nitrates
down and now there around 5 parts per million. Should I continue with
the 2 times a week or can I start spacing them out now? <I would cut
back to once a week (accompanied by filter cleaning) and continue to
watch the nitrate. You can always do more if need be, let your water
tell you (but do keep at least one weekly change).> I really
appreciate all your help on this and am still wondering what wiped my
tank out in the first place. <No way of really knowing on this end.
It could have been any number of things or a combination of what we
discussed before.> Thanks, Devin Haney <Welcome, good luck, Scott
NO3, WWM, read it, use it, live it 7/18/08 Hi, I have a
29 gallon bio cube the nitrate levels has been at 20 ppm for a couple
of months now, the ammonia is at 0 nitrites 0 and Ph is 8.3. I've
tried everything to get it down so I was wondering if you could suggest
anything that I could try. Also I was wanting to change the bio balls
in the back into a refugium any suggestions on how to do that? Thanks
for your help. <... this is all posted. Start here:
http://wetwebmedia.com/WWMAdminSubWebIndex/question_page.htm Bob
Nitrate reduction, Marine 7/13/08 Hello all, thanks in
advance for your help, yet again. <Hi> I've been keeping
aquariums for years, and have a 46 bow reef tank with a regal tang,
flame angel, frogspawn, zoos, Kenya tree, some leathers, button polyps,
anthozoa spp, among other things. The tank has an established cleaner
crew consisting of hermits, cucumbers, sand sifting stars, etc.
<Both the tang and angel need larger quarters to live out their
potential lifespan. The sand sifting star will most likely starve
within a year, and sanitize your sandbed of all microfauna
beforehand.> My question is, how can I get my nitrates low? I
realize this is covered in depth on your site, but I have tried
everything, and cannot get my nitrates below 25ppm. My tap water has
3ppmish- very low, so I do not use DI. I do regular water changes, and
do not overfeed. I have a powerful SeaClone skimmer, and am running
several canister filters (Fluvals), as well as many powerheads
positioned to eliminate dead spots. I also have 3 mangroves.
<Mangroves are of limited use here, macroalgae in a refugium works
much better. The SeaClone does not have a very good reputation, are you
getting good production out of it. The canisters may be the ultimate
source of the nitrates, how often do you clean them. If they are not
cleaned at least weekly the biological material they collect will build
up and decay, producing nitrates, hence why they are sometimes called
nitrate factories.> My tank is filled with well established live
rock, and I have a 4 inch sand bed of fine-medium particle size. I
tried Seachem DeNitrate, but it adversely effected my corals. I have
not tried using a plenum, what are your thoughts on this? <Will not
help is my guess, the DSB is already processing as much nitrate as it
can.> Help! Thanks, Whit <Chris>
Trying to knock out the nitrates 6/19/08 Hey Crew,
<Hello.> It seems am writing you guys once a week. I have a 10
gallon reef nano am working on right now (WOW what a challenge....but I
LOVE it) and am having nitrate trouble. <One of the struggles with a
small system.> Am running it with a 150 watt SunPod lamp with no
fish and just 3 small corals. I just did a 50% water change in my tank
and the nitrates show zero on my test kit , but I still have brown
algae right on the sandy bottom, what's up with that? <If
nitrate is processed by the algae as it is produced you will test
0.> Does it take some time to starve this thing to death? <Yes,
at least a few days, as the algae does disappear you will need to keep
up on the water changes to maintain the favorable water quality.> Or
could this be the HQI lamp? <No, the halide will definitely grow
algae, but not without other controllable factors.> It seems that
when the lights go out at night the brown disappears. <Not to sound
like a smart alec, but it is dark!> And then in the morning when the
sun turns on the brown comes back. I've put some more Black diamond
carbon in my cartage for my Emperor 280 and it seems to help a little.
Should I try a nitrate sponge next or should I wait a couple more days?
<Wait, fight it with water changes in a system this size.> What
could I do to KO this problem? <Many things, of which I don't
know what you are already doing. Controlled feeding, good circulation,
cleaning your filter(s), etc. Follow this link for more information:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/bluegralgae.htm> Thanks so much for all
you do <Welcome, thank you, Scott V.>
Nitrate levels, Marine 6/16/08 Hello crew! <Hi> This
website rocks, huge amount of useful info. Question...I just
recently set up a 75 reef. 75 lbs of live rock finished the cycle
(ammonia and nitrite both consistently 0) about a week and a half
ago. I did a 10 gallon change and added 80 lbs of arag-alive
sand. I then added 3 blue damsels which I just finished trapping
this weekend (my LFS said they would pound on anything new I put
in the tank). <Yes, and I would avoid cycling the tank with
live fish in the futures, all sort of problems lurking there.>
I added a Maroon clown yesterday, is doing great and begging for
food today (still trying to feed a minimum). <If you were
worried about the damsels causing problems you just put their
bigger, meaner, and tougher cousin in the tank.> Also added a
pulsing xenia....seems to be loving life so far. Pulsing like
crazy. I have 432 watts of T5 lighting by the way....there's
the background! My question is my nitrates...they were around 40
before a 15 gallon water change this weekend. now at about
25(this is the reason I chose the xenia first, <Still too
high.> LFS said they can tolerate and sometimes will help to
lower nitrates. <Tolerate...a bit, but not much if any help
lowering.> Is this the remnants of the cycle? <Not really,
nitrates are the end result, and much be removed through water
changes, DSBs, algaes and such.> Will it eventually fall to 0?
<Not without your intervention.> My filtration consists of
my live rock, <Will reduce some nitrate to nitrogen gas, but
most likely not enough to counteract the new nitrate created by
feeding, life processes in the tank.> two maxi-jet 1200's
with the sure flow upgrade, and a Remora Pro skimmer with Mag 3.
It's been consistently producing skimmate (more during the
cycle) but it's always a light tea color...has yet to get
dark and thick. <Give it time.> Should I expect these
nitrates to fall soon? <Not on their own.> Thank you,
<Welcome> <Chris>
Re: Nitrate levels, Marine 6/16/08 Chris, thank you
again for your help. <Welcome> Are you saying the solution
is another good size water change? Or maybe a 10 gallon change
weekly instead of a 15 gallon change biweekly? <Weekly is
better.> Do I need any other forms of filtration? <Sort of
a trick question, filters actually create nitrate by allowing
ammonia to turn to nitrite and then nitrate through bacterial
processes. Nitrate is usually the end product in aquariums and is
then removed through water changes. DSBs allow for areas where
bacteria can turn nitrate into nitrogen gas which is then
released out of the system, but do not eliminate the need for
water changes, which are the most efficient way of removing
nitrate from the tank.> My LFS told me originally that the LR,
powerheads, and remora pro would be sufficient. Would you agree?
<Yes, as long as a water change regiment is followed, 10
gallons weekly would be ideal for a 75 in my opinion.>
Nitrite/nitrate issues 05/31/2008 I am an
intermediate-experienced hobbyist with a 54 bowfront corner fish only
saltwater aquarium. I have had this current setup for about 3 months
now and am having trouble getting the tank properly cycled. I have a
Megaflow 1 sump below which water runs thru the prefilter media. then
bioballs, then bubble diffusing sponge and back to the aquarium.
<<Ok>> The first month was terrible. I did a number of 10
gal. water changes. Now, my ammonia is OK. but I have lingering nitrite
and nitrate issues. I am having trouble getting them back to 0. I also
have a Prizm protein skimmer that is removing a fair bit of
yellowish/brown liquid on a regular basis. <<How did you cycle
the tank? I.E what did you use as the ammonia source? Uncured live
rock, a raw shrimp/prawn, pure ammonia? Water changes should not be
done at all until the cycle has completed, as you need the ammonia in
the tank to promote growth of nitrite bacteria>> Current
parameters are: pH: 8.2 Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0.50ppm Nitrate: 5.0ppm
This has been the situation for about 3-4 weeks now. Just tonight, my
local pet store owner said he read something about bioballs not working
as well in saltwater setups as they do in freshwater and pond setups.
He suggested replacing the bioballs with lava rocks. Do you agree?
<<I agree, bio-balls are not good in the marine environment, and
I would switch them to "live rock" rubble, not lava rock
rubble>> Or will it make that much difference? <<Bio-balls
usually go bad because people do not realise they requires maintenance,
I.E partial washing et cetera every so often. With live rock rubble, no
maintenance is needed. Yes, I believe using live rock, instead of
bio-balls, does make a big difference.>> Any other advice? I have
tried cutting back on feeding every other day (flakes) to see if that
would help. No noticeable difference. I thought sure by adding the
protein skimmer a month ago would help. I guess it has with the junk it
is removing, but I am just clueless on what to do now to try to get
those levels back to zero. <<I would say you have a stalled
cycle, and I would suggest you need to start again from the beginning,
using a good ammonia source. Please do read more on cycling here and
linked articles and FAQ's
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/estbiofiltmar.htm >> Many thanks for
your insight and suggestions. <<Thanks for the questions, hope
this helps. A Nixon>> Knocking Out Nitrates with System
"Tweaks" 5/27/2008 Okay,
here I am again. <We're glad to have you back! Scott F. in
tonight!> I have added a refugium. <Always a benefit, IMO.>
Hopefully I haven't missed anything important. Here is what I have:
110g est for 3 yrs w/ puffer and damsel, about 50 lbs live rock, about
40 lbs sand, with a 10 (?) gal sump. 29g est for 4 yrs w/Yellow Tang,
Coral Shrimp, Choc Chip Star, 20 lbs live rock, 30 lbs of sand/crushed
coral (tried to remove most of coral and replace with sand 2 yrs back).
Recently removed all bioballs from sump and added ChemiPure Elite.
Added a 10 gal refugium with 30lbs (5 inches) of sand and 15lbs base
rock and 10 lbs of live rock and connected them all together like so
using hang on overflow boxes: 110 to 29, 29 to refugium, refugium to
sump, returned with existing pump in sump to the 110. They are all
gravity/vacuum feed so they hopefully won't overflow in the event
of a power failure. <You might want to test that by doing a
"power off" test with a lot of buckets and towels at the
ready!> Here is the question (finally): Will all this help me with a
huge nitrate problem? <It certainly won't hurt, IMO. However,
you need to also address the root causes of your nitrate problems. Over
feeding? Insufficient water changes? Use of lower quality source water?
Glad you yanked the bioballs; they are definitely a contributor to
accumulating nitrates.> My next step will be to buy a protein
skimmer and put it in the sump. <Ahh... Didn't know that you
have not incorporated a skimmer into this system. A skimmer is really a
first line of defense against accumulating organics and other
contributors to degraded water quality. You'll see a marked
improvement in your water quality once you get a properly functioning
skimmer into operation.> My ammonia and nitrite are 0 (should be
after all these years) but my nitrates are off the scale and have been
for about 6 months. I am forced to use city water so a large water
change is not practical as I can't treat more than 30 gal at a
time. <Smaller (like 5% of system capacity) water changes once or
twice a week would go a long way towards increasing water quality.>
Long story short: I need more prevention and less water changes.
<Umm..more prevention, and continued small water changes!> I have
heard of those who go years without water changes using various methods
of filtration and hope to find a happy medium between the weekly
changes (which barely make a dent in the nitrates) and yearly changes.
Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks Beth <Well, Beth, I think
that your on to something here. Incorporating a protein skimmer,
frequent smaller water changes, use of chemical filtration media, and
overall good husbandry will contribute wonderfully over time to higher
water quality. Infrequent water changes is not an acceptable practice,
IMO. I cringe when I hear hobbyists boast that they "never change
water". It seems absurd..>All that waste has to go somewhere,
right? In the end, your system tweaks are going to work for you. Hang
in there, and the results will come over time. Regards, Scott