FAQs about the Yellow-Tail Blue, Palette,
Hippo Tang Trauma
FAQs on Paracanthurus Tang Disease:
PYTB Tang Disease 1,
Pacific YTB Tang Disease 2,
PYTB Tang Disease 3,
Pacific YTB Disease 4,
YTBT Health 5,
YTBT Health 6,
YTBT Disease 7,
YTBT Disease 8,
YTBT Disease 9, YTBT Disease ,
& Tangs/Rabbitfishes &Crypt,
FAQs on Paracanthurus Tang Disease by Category:
Diagnosis, Environmental,
Nutritional, Social,
Pathogenic (plus
Tangs/Rabbitfishes &
Crypt), Genetic,
Related Articles: The
Genus Paracanthurus,
Related FAQs: Pacific YTB Tang FAQs
1, Pacific YTB Tang FAQs
2, Pacific YTB Tang FAQs 3,
Pacific YTB Disease 4, Pacific YTB Tang FAQs 4, YTBT Health 5, YTBT
Health 6, PYTB Tang ID,
PYTB Tang Behavior, PYTB Tang Compatibility, PYTB Tang Selection, PYTB Tang Systems, PYTB Tang Feeding, PYTB Tang Reproduction, Surgeons In General, Tang
ID, Selection,
Behavior, Compatibility, Systems, Feeding, Disease,
Surgeonfishes: Tangs for Marine Aquariums
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
Blue Tang Sick Or Injured??? Please help!
Hey guys,
<8 megs of pix?...>
I have a Blue Hippo Tang and I can't really tell if he is
sick or if he has somehow injured himself and I'm not sure
what to do for him. I've had him for about 6 months and have
never had any problems with him being ill before. He's eating
well and he doesn't seem to be scratching himself against the
rocks or anything but he seems to have developed some sort of
red, pimple-looking thing near one of his gills that looks like
it extends to under his skin if that makes any sense. The best
way I can describe the way it looks is if someone had taken stick
pin and stuck it right under his skin leaving the round end stuck
out. So, I don't know if I need to try to treat him for some
sort of disease or try to figure out a way to remove this thing
from him. He is swimming around as usual but does seem to be
favoring the fin on the side where this spot is. I've
attached pictures to try to give you an idea of what it looks
like Any help you can give me will be greatly appreciated!
Amanda Perez
<Looks to be a physical injury... I'd just wait, be
patient here. Bob Fenner>
Hippo tang vs. the net 11/11/09
Two days ago I moved my Hippo tang to QT to treat him for ich.
The net got caught on his spikes by his tail and I had to cut the net
to get him free.
<Good move>
In the meantime, one side of his tail is very red and I'm afraid of
My questions are:
Should I treat this with an antibiotic and can an antibiotic and copper
be administered at the same time.
<I would not>
There is still a small piece of netting stuck to his tail. Should I try
to get that off now or let him relax before I stress him out again.
Thank you
<I have seen this sort of trouble with many fishes over the years,
particularly Tangs/Surgeonfishes. I would leave the bit of net on the
fish for now... it will rot off in time. The redness too will cure of
its own, with time, good care, general stable circumstances. Bob
Regal Tang Wound? 1/7/09 Hi Crew,
<Reuben> Firstly just wanted to let you all know that your
site is awesome! <Thank you> My question is regarding a
Regal Tang about 3 inches long that I've had in my tank now
for around 8 months. A couple of days ago while feeding it I
noticed that a white scab around the size of a small fingernail
had appeared on one side, <I see this in your photos> this
then developed into what looks like a wound, <To me too>
almost like a piece of flesh has been eaten away, along with this
a couple of small blood coloured patches have appeared on the
skin just in front of the gill and I've also seen it
scratching up against some of the rocks and scenery, other than
that the fish is acting completely as normal (eating like a pig
& darting about all over). I looked it up and so far
haven't been able to find anything that quite matches it, so
I've come to you all for your expertise. Tank parameters are:
Tanks been up & running for 1 year 65 gallons PH 8.3 Ammonia
0 Nitrites 0 Nitrate 80 ( I tested the water after I noticed the
scab and have been performing water changes to bring it way back
down) Temp 79 degrees Fahrenheit SG 1.024 Red sea prism deluxe
protein skimmer Canister filter for 105 gallon tank Extra power
head for added flow UV sterilizer Two air stones Sand bed is
about 2 inches deep and is made of crushed coral Inhabitants 2
Ocellaris Clowns largest is 1.5 inches had for 10 months 1 six
line wrasse about 2 inches had for 10 months <Mmm, the most
likely culprit> 1 Yellow Tang about 2.5 inches had for 8
months 1 Pacific Cleaner Shrimp had for 9 months 4 Turbo Snails
had for 9 months A few other cool hitchhikers including Feather
Dusters, a Button Polyp & a clam like crustacean I feed the
fish marine flakes & dried seaweed daily and a bit of frozen
food like Mysis & brine shrimp once every other week. All the
other inhabitants are fine and I've never had any problems
other than a brief outbreak of Ich not long after I started the
tank up which killed off my Royal Gramma and a Fire shrimp which
had trouble molting and ended up dying the following day.
I've attached a few photos if they're any help. <They
are definitely> If you've any idea what it might be and
any treatment for it I'd be most grateful as I've grown
quite attached to it and wouldn't want to lose it. <Is
most likely a physical injury... a wound as you surmise. I would
do nothing treatment-wise here. Good maintenance and nutrition
will show this fish improving with time. Bob Fenner> P.S once
I've sorted out the water quality and the problem with my
regal tang I'd like to add possibly a couple more fish and
inverts do you have any suggestions? <This 65 gal. tank is
already past full temperament-wise... part of the reason here...
I would add no more fishes>
Hippo Tang/Health 1/6/09 Hi crew, <Hi
Derek> I got a Hippo Tang 1.5" at a LFS during Christmas
sale, and did not quarantine it, now I fully regret it. It seems
to have developed some kind of erosion around its stomach.
I've read your forum and it doesn't seem to be HLLE. Not
much on the face and lateral line, but erodes/ scar more on the
stomach area (greyish white). The LFS told me to get it out and
dose it with some antibiotics, and if not dose it with Marine
Melafix. <Melafix isn't really an antibiotic, and quite
frankly, in my opinion, is utterly useless. What it can/will do
is damage to your denitrification process. On another note, do
not dose medication unless you can identify the symptoms and then
only dose with the proper medication. If an antibiotic is needed,
you would be better off using a product containing Erythromycin
such as Maracyn. Bob may have additional suggestions.>
<<No sense using antibiotics here period. RMF>>
I've tried using nets, fish traps, bottles and still
couldn't get the sucker out. Since I can't get it out, I
turn<ed> off the skimmer and dose Melafix daily, <Stop
dosing this, you will likely be causing more problems.> but it
doesn't seem to be improving. Its still eating like a champ,
eating Mysis, brine, Nori & flake. I have a 75g tank with
150lbs of live rock, housed in it is a 3" Yellow Tang
(I've seen bullying and territorial dominance), <Not
uncommon when mixing tangs.> 2 False Percs, 1 Algae Goby and
one Dragon Goby. Water parameters seems to be quite good, should
I take any other action? What do you think the parasite/ erosion
would be? <The pic isn't that detailed for an accurate
diagnosis, but my first thought was that this fish has been in a
few scuffles with the Yellow Tang and likely got these bruises
from barreling into a cave/crevice. If you could get a clearer
pic, it would be more helpful. For now, just keep a close eye on
the Hippo. When writing to WWM, please capitalize all proper
nouns including "I" as it saves us much time if we do
not have to do this before posting.> thanks a lot
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)> Derek <<This
is very likely simple mechanical injury as James suggests... No
use "treating"... Bob Fenner>>
Re: Hippo Tang/Health 1/12/09
Hi salty dog, <Yikes, my name not in caps.> I believe you
are right. The scuffs are from the Blue Tang trying to wedge
himself into caves/ crevices. The blue tang disappears after the
lights go off and hides in his favourite cave. When the lights
come on in the morning, the scars/ scratches usually worsens.
(any idea why this is?) <In my experience, Hippo's
generally try to wedge themselves into the tightest possible
crevice and this is more than likely why you are seeing this.>
Since your last email, I've stopped dosing Melafix, <Good,
green tea extracts don't do much as far as anti-biotic
remedies go.> and ran carbon to remove it. Knock on wood the
scars have been almost gone, and I'm still continuing to feed
him garlic. <OK> I have heard from other fellow reefers
that by putting a mirror in front of the tank, an aggressive (in
my case a yellow tang) tang will knock themselves out by chasing
after their shadow. In turn will lower the fish's aggression.
I'll try this once the blue tang is fully recovered.
<Doesn't hurt to try.> Thanks again, <You're
welcome. James (Salty Dog)> Derek
Hippo Tang 8/29/08 Dear Mr. Bob
Fenner <Akila> I have an 80G Marine tank with 1 Hippo Tang, 1
Bannerfish, 3 Large Tube Worms, Bubble tip Anemone, some snails, a
microalgae colony & lots of live rocks with coral line algae. I
use 6500K 500W (4 x 125) CFL lighting. I use a 4G Canister Filter,
5W UV Sterilizer, Remora hang on Skimmer (with 2000L/H separate
power head), 2 Power heads (2000L/H), & Chiller. The tank
is running well. I do a 20% water change every month and feed my
fish and invertebrates carefully. My water parameters are Ammonia
0, Nitrite 0, and Nitrate < 20. This tank has being running well
for the past 1 year. <Ok> Hippo Tang was in QT for 2 weeks
and transferred to the main tank about 2 months ago. I have
attached some photos that shows a problem that the Hippo Tang is
having now. These spots are under his belly and on the side. When
you look at it closely it look like his skin is coming off. I am so
worried as to what will happen to my Tang. Could you please help me
identify this disease and let me know of a way to help him. Thanks
in advance for your help Best regards, Akila <Thank you for
supplying complete information and such fine photos. This mark
looks very much like a "burn"... Am almost sure it
originated with a chance/accidental mishap with your BTA... It
should heal in time of its own accord with your good care. Bob
Sick Hippo Tang -- 07/08/08 I was told on
Reef Central to send you a picture and some info and you might be
able to tell me what is wrong with him. I woke up yesterday morning
to my tang growing a beard. Little white hair looking item's on
its body. All my water Parameters are good, and none of my other
fish are sick(2 clown's, 1 other tang, 2 Chromis) <... Your
tang has "tang"led with something... Either a Bristleworm
or such... or some other prickly critter. Not much to do here but
provide good care, and hope. Bob Fenner> |

Re: Sick Hippo Tang... lunacy --
07/08/08 Should I put him in a Quarantine tank? What are the
chances of it surviving, and contaminating other fish? <What?
Start here:
Hippo tang with Velvet? - 7/2/08 Hey
guys, http://www.zaita.com/Images/Hippo01.jpg
http://www.zaita.com/Images/Hippo02.jpg <I see> I noticed
these marks on my Hippo today, she was fine yesterday. She seems to
have a scratch in front of them going up her body as well. I
thought maybe velvet, but I am thinking it's something more?
<Mmm, something different. Twere this Amyloodiniumiasis, all
your fishes would be dead> Maybe she got stuck in a rock and had
to wiggle free? It is only on 1 side of her body too. <A
possibility, but there is a much greater likelihood that this area
is resultant from a "brush" with the Cnidarian life in
your system... perhaps the Euphyllia just in view> Tank is 125g,
12months old. She was first fish introduced and is now about 15cm
in length. No new additions for the last 12 weeks. She is housed
with 2 Scopas tangs who she bosses around, a few smaller fish and a
CBB whom she ignores. She rules the tank quite happily. Her
appetite, attitude and breathing all appear to be normal. She is
fed Nori, enriched Spirulina and enriched frozen brine. She has
previously had white-spot but it was only ever 1 or 2 spots that
left after a week. Apart from that she has been a healthy blue
tang. She was looking perfectly normal yesterday too. Thanks heaps
guys, really love the site and it's an invaluable resource.
Regards, Scott. <Thank you for your kind words Scott. I would
"do" nothing extraordinary here. Very likely this area
will heal w/in a few weeks, the fish all the smarter for paying
closer attention to the "decor". Bob Fenner> |

Re: Hippo tang with Velvet? - 07/02/08 Thanks Bob, I
kept a close eye on her that night and made an amusing
observation. The scratch running her the side of her body was
also lined with bristles, very hard to see without a good light
and the fish moving slowly. I am guessing she was jabbed by a
Fireworm (Eurythoe complanata) and then as you have suggested,
must've run into a coral. <Ahh! Ouch!!!> She seems to
have healed up for the most part already, so hopefully she will
be a bit wiser in which rocks she tries to play dead against :P
Thanks, Scott. <Thank you for your further input Scott.
Hippo Tang Tail Problem 9/26/06 Hi All,
<Tim> I searched your site for an hour or so and couldn't
find an answer to my problem, but perhaps I overlooked
it. If so, I apologize. <Okay> I have a hippo tang (on
the smaller side of medium sized), yellow tang, two percula clowns and
a royal Gramma, along with various hermit crabs and a coral banded
shrimp in a 90 gallon tank. My water quality is excellent
and my salinity and temperature are good too. When I got the
hippo tang about 6 months ago it had a small piece of it's tail
missing. It looked like a tiny bite had been taken out of
the very end of its tail, but otherwise it was happy and
healthy. After QT I placed him in the main tank without any
problems at all. He still swims all around, eats voraciously
(mixture of Nori and herbivore/Spirulina pellets) and seems completely
content. My issue is that the piece of his tail has still
not filled back in. <Mmm, sometimes happens> It is a
little larger now, but is not discolored anywhere around the
edges. It doesn't look bad, but I am worried that it
could be a parasite or something that won't get better unless I do
something specific. Any thoughts or suggestions would be
great. Thanks Loyal Reader, Tim <Highly unlikely to be a parasite or
infectious agent at play here... some injuries involve nervous
damage... likely here... and never "repair", color in. I
would leave all as is. Bob Fenner>

Blue Tang Troubles... Pop-eye? Hi! We
bought a used 220 gallon saltwater system in August (170 gallon
main tank, 30 gallon sump, & 20 gallon dosing tank). We have a
5" Sailfin tang (Zebrasoma veliferum), 4-5" yellow tang,
3" Clarkii clown, 3 aquacultured 1 1/2" Percula
clownfish, a 3" coral beauty angel, a cleaner shrimp, coral
banded shrimp, various Blueleg and red hermit crabs, turbo Astrea
snails, 6 Nerite snails, a large feather duster worm we've had
since August, many teeny, tiny tube worms (mistook them for hair
algae at first due to the sheer numbers of them), 7 or so
peppermint shrimp, various tiny copepods (have seen the clownfish
eating some of the smaller of these on the glass), a red mushroom,
4 Ricordea mushrooms (aren't doing well - not enough light),
and some miscellaneous coral bits all over the live rock (see
photos). We also have MANY bristleworms in there - we've got a
few and flushed them, also put some in the QT tank. But their
numbers continue to grow or remain the same. We appreciate their
ability to help keep the tank clean, but would like to have much
less of them. <Good, and fine> In the sump, there is a
layer of sludge that the guy who owned the tank before got from
"Marineland" or someplace like that. <There are
a few "mud" makers nowadays... if this is from some time
back... Likely Leng Sy's "Miracle Mud"...> Other
than the protein skimmer, there is nothing else here - nothing
mechanical, no charcoal, no sponges - just the powerhead that makes
the protein skimmer do its thing. Beneath the main tank, the sump
water dumps into the 20 gal dosing tank, where there is a bag of
dolomite. This water then is carried up to the main display tank of
170 gallons (we suspect this may actually be 150 gallons based on
its measurements - <Common that gallonages are overstated... can
be measured in a few ways...> - it was a custom-built tank
originally made for sharks only). We have a QT tank set-up, but
it's only a 10 gallon tank. Salinity is currently between
1.024 and 1.025 (we try to keep it at 1.024), pH is 8.2 (will add
some buffer to bring it up to 8.3 again), nitrate & nitrite at
0, ammonia at 0, temp currently at about 80 degrees (we keep it at
77.5 - 78 degrees normally - see below). We bought a
4-5" beautiful Blue Tang (aka Regal Tang, Hippo Tang,
"Dory", Paracanthurus hepatus) on Feb. 4th and put her in
the main tank (she had been semi-quarantined for at least 2 weeks
at the LFS we bought her from before we took her home). We decided
against qt'ing her further, as we've read here and other
places that blue tangs are very delicate in the beginning and QT
could help do her in. <This is so> She began eating a
little from I think day 1 or else it was day 2. Of course, she
constantly hid in the live rock, but would come out for food, then
hide again. After about day 4-5 of having her, she was clearly
coming out more and more, and by day 6 and 7 was almost never
hiding - would only hide in the live rock at night.
<Natural behavior> But probably on the 8th day, I saw her
darting at the live rock to "itch" an area above her left
eye. <Some scratching also to be expected> She
really mangled up her face there in the process. We researched this
and found it to probably be a parasite problem. <Mmm, maybe>
The guy we bought the tank from said to slowly raise the temp to
about 80.5 degrees and keep it there for about 10-14 days to help
kill off parasites. After starting to raise the temp, she
completely stopped darting to itch, as we were told the warmth
would help soothe her also. <Yes> |

The 14 days came and went. The blue tang's
self-inflicted injuries cleared up completely by about the 7th day.
During this period, one day we would see the blue tang with various
dots of white ich, the next day those dots would be gone and new
ones would be in other locations, etc. Some days there would seem
to be almost no ich spots at all, and then the next day they'd
be back here and there. The blue tang kept swimming all over the
tank with the other tangs and he had a HUGE appetite (he was very
thin when we first got him). With the raised temp, we knew to feed
the fish a little more often for their now raised metabolisms.
<Good> The blue tang was skittish when we came near the glass
to feed, but would not always dart off to hide, only sometimes. He
seemed to make the other fish more skittish than usual. I want to
note that the Sailfin tang, who has always had a lot of white ich
on his side fins, seemed to have a lot less of this over this
period). Okay, 14 days of warmer water done, we lowered the temp 1
degree (planning to lower 1 degree per day to get back to 77.5 - 78
degrees). I noticed that the large feather duster worm we had since
August has started staying closed-up inside his tube fairly often
(not what he was doing before). I thought it was from stress due to
the raised temp. The blue tang also started to suddenly have much
less of an appetite, shunning the Spirulina flakes but still eating
the "TetraMarin" Marine Granules, some flake, and a
little brine shrimp. It also seemed to hide a bit more than usual.
I put about 1/2 - 3/4 oz of Tetra Marine Micro Vert into the tank
for the feather duster and other tube worms. After putting in this
much, even for such a large tank, I began to worry that I had put
in too much and had compromised the water quality. <Likely not a
problem with the food here> The next day, the blue tang still
had much less of an appetite and hide almost constantly in the live
rock. She would come out for food, eat very little compared to what
she had been eating, and then dart off to hide in the live rock.
Over 3 days of observation, her body looked fine (other than dots
of ich here and there as usual), but she spends most of the day
hiding in the live rock as if we had just brought her home. She
also still usually comes out to eat, but her appetite is VERY much
less than what it was where she used to eat anything and everything
like a pig, even the poop that dropped from the percula
clowns. Yesterday, after she came out for a little food
before darting back to the rocks, I noticed her left eye (I think
this was the one) seemed clouded over and appeared to be bulging
out compared to the other eye. After searching your site, it seemed
that it must have been an injury that would need to heal on its
own. But today, I now can see that the OTHER eye is also clouded
over and bulged out a bit. I think it is the right eye that was not
cloudy or bulged yesterday, because the left eye seems to be bulged
out more so than the right. I have attached some photos of the blue
tang's eye (you can see she's hiding in the live rock
again). Can you tell what this is? Is it pop-eye? <Mmm, if it
is, it is not pronounced... I would say no... but do have some
suggestions: below> I love this beautiful fish and really want
to see her out swimming with the others again. I don't want to
lose her. I tried reading your site about pop-eye, but nothing
really pertained to her sudden hiding in the live rock, lowered
appetite, nor to blue (Regal) tangs in particular with the
affliction (who are overly delicate to everything apparently). I
want to solve this fast before she really gets sick from it - I
watch her everyday (since she's still fairly new), and I know
her other eye looked normal yesterday (black, shiny, and flat-ish),
though definitely cloudy and a little bulged today. What
should we do? We have the temp around 80 degrees still... <I
would leave this about here> ...since she seemed to begin hiding
more and eating less as soon as we lowered it just 1 degree. But
I'm afraid we're stressing the feather duster and also
invertebrates with the warmer temp. It's not the water quality
- I brought a water sample to our LFS yesterday, and they confirmed
that our water quality is very good. The pH was 8.2, but the guy
there said it may have been because I brought them the sample
around 10 am (to them early in the am). Our QT tank is
probably too small for the blue tang (only 10 gal), though last
time we checked (about 2 wks ago), all the water parameters in
there were excellent. <Not worth the hassle, trauma of moving
the fish/es> We have to go out of town all day tomorrow (Thurs.)
from very early am and won't be back until very late pm. I
don't want to wait for this to get worse, but not sure about
how to treat and not sure about if we can treat since we'll be
gone tomorrow and can't avoid this. Thank you in advance for
your help! I really hope this is nothing and will be something she
can clear up over time with her own immune system. We don't
have any garlic yet, but we soak Nori in Kent Marine's Zoe
Marine vitamins once a week, and also soak some brine overnight in
this vitamin about once a week. Should we be giving them
vitamin-soaked foods more often? <I would soak all daily for
now... and add a purposeful cleaner organism... or two... My
choices: a Gobiosoma goby and a genus Lysmata shrimp... many
choices within these genera... but these additions should
"turn the tide" in the balance of parasite infestation
here. Bob Fenner> Thank you again! Eric & Susie
P.S. Please tell me what sort of white and pink spongy
"spores" this is growing all over our live rock. Also,
please see the photo of the "finger-like" coral - do you
know what this is? It's growing fast all over our tank. We
would love to have more coral, but want to be sure all this stuff
isn't bad. You can see from the photos that we also have a nice
amount of coralline algae that is growing all over the tank.
<Looks like a Syconoid sponge occurrence... there are a few ways
you could reduce its spread... mainly nutrient limitation... with
the use of a sump/DSB and/or live lighted macroalgae there...>
P.S.S. I can also send you some small movies if you like of how the
blue tang USED to swim lively in the tank instead of hiding all the
time. <Mmm, no, but thank you for the offer. Bob
Fenner> |

Scratched regal tang Hi, <Hello Alex> My name is
Alex, and today I just purchased a regal tang, which is only about an
inch long. In the store it looked fine with no markings, but when
I put it in my tank, I realized that one side has a few white coloured
scratch marks on it. They don't look like any signs of disease (at
least I hope!), but more like accidental scratches against sharp rocks
or from fighting with other tangs. I'd just like to know if
scratches heal and disappear on young tangs, and also, what potential
size it can grow in a 48" by 18" by 18" tank. <Alex,
the scratches will heal in time, not to worry. For info on tangs, do a
Google search on the Wet Web, keyword, "tangs". James (Salty
Dog)> Thanks for your help <You're welcome>
Loss of color Once again I come to you guys for help, you
have never steered my wrong. I have a Pacific Blue Tang
(Paracanthurus hepatus) that has developed a 1/4" white
"patch" on one side of its body. Not like ich or
velvet, more like an area void of color. Fish seems otherwise healthy,
eating, breathing OK. I have a QT set-up and I'm wondering if I
should move him for further observation. Also, any
directions if the condition worsens? As always thanks for your time and
excellent advise. Mike Maas >>Hello Mike. Because this
sounds as though the fish may be experiencing some sort of stress, I
would certainly keep an eye on him. Observe for other
changes, behavior he exhibits towards other fish, or that they may
exhibit towards him. If you think you can catch him and not
cause him undue stress, then moving him to the q/t might not be a bad
idea. Also, try to see if there are visible changes to the
skin, he may have had a scrape, and might need a bit of a boost with
vitamins and/or antibiotics (but don't use anything just because
you think he *might* have been nicked). >>Keep us
posted! Marina
-Hippo develops cloudy eye...- I have a blue regal tang that
seems to have developed a cloudy eye since last night. It is swollen a
little in a couple of spots, also. <Hmm...> He appears fine
besides that. It is only one eye. He is eating voraciously and the
other fish are not picking on him or anything. <That's an
excellent sign> Water parameters are normal and all of the other
tank inhabitants seem normal. Is this something that I need to treat
immediately, or just keep an eye on? <No pun intended? This has
happened to my regal several times, each time going away on its
own.> The tank is a 75g tank with 90 lbs of live rock, a few
mushroom corals, scopas tang, false percula clown, two domino damsels,
a sand sifting starfish, a serpent starfish, a banded coral shrimp and
a tri-colored Anthias. I have a quarantine tank, but understand that
these guys are too social to desirably quarantine and I am not sure
that is even necessary at this point. <No necessity for that unless
you observe some ectoparasites or other infections.> How would I go
about treating if the situation does not improve? <You can't
effectively treat in the main tank. If everything else with the fish is
ok, the water quality is in check and stable, and the other fish are
leaving him alone, I suspect that it will go away on it's own. In
the mean time feed lots of algae based foods soaked in vitamins and
even some garlic. I hope this helps. -Kevin> As a newbie to the
marine aquarium world, I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your
help!! Thanks! Terry
Hippo Tang with Glassy Eye I came home from a week-end long
vacation and found my 65 in generally good shape. I had to arrange the
live rock, as it had become unstable. Surely, this scared the little
guy a bit (2" hippo tang). Lights were out when I was done. I get
home from work today, and he has a glassy eye. Looks like its got a
clear glassy coat to it. And has a small white spot on it. No other
abnormalities. He is swimming and eating well. But it concerns me. What
is this? Did he scrape his eye and hurt himself? Is this ICH or some
other disease? Please help! <Very likely you are correct... the tang
went "bang in the night"... per the description and the fact
that the opacity is unilateral (one sided)...> Tank Overview: 65
gallon, PH looks good. Going to run the rest of the tests. Other fish:
Sm. Juv. Imp Angel, 2 ocellaris clowns, 1 6 line, 1 flame hawk--all
look good. HELP HELP! Thanks in advance. >> <No need to
panic, now or probably in future... this situation will resolve itself,
and you're likely to do more harm than good by manipulating the
animal, or pouring in a "medication"... just wait a week or
so and let's see if the problem is clearing... sometimes requires
weeks to months for complete restoration...Bob Fenner>
Re: Hippo Tang with Glassy Eye Bob, Thanks for the advice.
The wait and see for the last few days has shown that he is almost
completely back to normal with regards to the eye. He is doing great!
Thanks again. Matt <Ah very good to hear. Thanks for the update. Bob
Surgeonfishes: Tangs for Marine Aquariums
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |