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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Heterocentrotus mammillatus (Linnaeus 1758),
the (Red) Pencil Urchin. Indo-Pacific; Red Sea to Hawai'i.
Nocturnal, hiding in crevices by day in depths to thirty feet,
emerging at night to rasp rocks. To one foot overall diameter.
Hawai'i picture. 2014; out at Keohole, Kona at night.

Echinometra mathaei (Blainville 1825), the Common Urchin.
Indo-Pacific; Red Sea to Hawai'i. To about four inches overall diameter.
Hides by day in rocky crannies it helps gouge. Mostly eats algae it rasps
from rocks by night. Kona 2014 |
Linckia guildingi Gray 1840, the Green
Linckia. Usually with five (sometimes 4 or 6) arms that are
cylindrical in cross section. Skin appears smooth but is coarse
with low, hard nodules. Though called "green" occurs in
other colors (tan, beige, brown, blue, reddish). Big Island Hawaii
pix. Can do regenerate from a single arm; that may be lost or automized. |
Holothuria whitmaei Bell 1887, the Teated
Sea Cucumber. Indo-Pacific. To one foot plus. Hard black bodied
with light sand coating stuck to the outside. Called the
"Mammy Fish" for its nipple-like "feet". Prized
for the consumption of the outer body-wall as "beche de
mer". This "loli" in Hawaii. Lona 2014 |