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Dragon morays, Enchelychore
pardalis from Hawaii are striking with white bodies and
variegated black, yellow and red markings. Their name derives from
the presence of elongate, pointed jaws and long posterior nostril
tubes. They command a high price for their beauty and adaptability,
and are worth it. |

Centropyge acanthops
(Norman 1922), even more orange than the sympatric Centropyge
argi and Centropyge aurantonotus, the African Pygmy
Angel (1) can be easily discerned as the only one of the three with
a light colored, yellow-transparent caudal fin. Coastal eastern
Africa up to the coast of Oman. A monster at SIO. |
Genicanthus semifasciatus
(Kamohara 1934), Japanese Swallow Tail Angelfish (2). Western
Pacific, mid Japan south to the Philippines. Rare in the western
aquarium trade. Here, a male in CT. |
Heteractis malu (Haddon
& Shackleton 1893), the Delicate Sea Anemone. Narrow, buried
column of pale cream to yellow color, sometimes with some yellow or
orange splotching. Upper part with adhesive verrucae in rows.
Sparse tentacles of stubby appearance, variable length, usually
magenta tipped, with radial markings. Found in sediment in shallow,
still water. Here in CT at House of Fins. |