Hi Crew,
I have an established 550 gallon tropical tank which is 44 inches wide
by 30 high and 26 deep.
<Wow, an aquascaping "canvas" of size, proportion!>
I currently have a nice selection of fish with plastic plants but I
would like to change to real plants. I have read the articles on your
site saying that I need 2 watts per gallon of water.
<Mmm, this... is a very general... and olde... "rule of
thumb"... not applicable in all cases...>
I knew that with the tank being 30 inches high I may need a lot of
light to get to the bottom of the tank but would I really need 1,100
watts of light??
<Mmm, not unattainable, but not likely desirable here either...
I'd likely, very likely look into 2 250 watt Metal
Halides/HQI's here of near natural sunlight CRI...>
This seems unattainable. Would it be possible to successfully keep live
plants in a tank this height or would I be better just sticking with
plastic ones??
<Is possible to have live... and worthwhile in my estimation... Will
add dimensionality to your aquarium experience for sure... Do search,
read on WWM (likely on the marine/root web as this is more elaborated
there) re the above lighting.>
Many thanks
<Welcome, and please do share your further observations. Bob
Sorry Bob. In my haste I put 550 gallon when my tank is actually 550
litre!! This works out to about 125 gallons so my calculations for
total wattage were way out too. What would be your recommendation with
the lesser gallon size??
<The same... 2 250 watters... unfortunately there are not
"in-between" sizes... the next lower is too low, the next
higher will not cast a "wide enough" light swath... IF you
have/had "big bongo bucks" you might look into "mixed
format" lighting possibilities... T-5's and MH... these are
covered on WWM... but t'were it me...>
I'll have a look on the marine threads too. Again, apologies for
miscalculating. A 550 gallon tank would be awesome but sadly nowhere
near enough room at home!! ;o)
<Cheers, BobF>
biOrb Aquarium - Planted Tank
Hello Bob,
I'm hoping you might be able to assist me by writing an article
about creating a stunning freshwater biotope in a biOrb Life
<In what way/s?>
I'm not sure if you know much about the biOrb range of aquariums
(see www.reef-one.com)
<Mmm, am quite familiar... saw the line last year at Interzoo
again... in CASCO's booth>
but we have developed an aquarium which makes keeping fish extremely
easy for novice fishkeepers. All our aquariums (16 Gallons is the
largest) have biological, chemical and mechanical filtration which is
pretty unique for this size of aquarium. In a recent review by
Practical Fish Keeping magazine they said "The filtration is
commonly mistaken for Undergravel - which is isn't" and
"Contrary to popular belief, the filter is actually pretty good
and works well. In fact the amount of ceramic media supplied would be
enough to biologically support a much larger density of fish. As a
result it gets full marks for biological filtration".
Our aquariums are designed to look attractive and bring more people
into the hobby of fishkeeping (which as you may know the numbers of
fish keepers is declining around the world), but we haven't
sacrificed good fishkeeping practices to make the aquarium
One of the elements of the fishkeeping hobby which we have not explored
in great detail is planted aquariums. Due to the ceramic media, which
provides the huge biological filtration, it does make keeping some live
plants more tricky. However as the images attached show it is very
possible to create a planted aquarium but I would like an expert like
yourself who has a great eye for designing amazing planted aquariums to
look at designing one. Is this something you would be interested in
<Thank you for the offer, but no>
As you can see these images are ones which were taken with a simple
camera before thinning out the plants etc. However, this does show how
nice the planted biOrb Life looks.
Please let me know if you are interested in working with me on
Kind Regards,
<Am out of the country too much of the rest of the year really to do
such a project justice... and by and large not a "big fan" of
such small volumes with limited surface area, inherent troubles in
heating, maintenance. But I wish you and your business well. Bob
Missing the visuals... Ghost in the FP, DP machine?
8/31/06 Good afternoon! I was browsing through your FW FAQs and was
particularly intrigued by http://wetwebmedia.com/plantedtkssubwebindex/plttksstds.htm.
The captions look so interesting! I really want to see the pictures but
they don't appear, except for the one next to the heading (the
"real" freshwater tank)... I've tried right clicking and
using View Image, but when it opens in a new window, it says the page
can't be displayed. If you still have these pics on your server, is
there any way I can look at them? If they're gone, don't
worry...I'm sorry to bother you, ladies and gentlemen, I know you
are so busy answering *real* e-mails, but I am just so curious to see
those pics! :) Thank you always for your invaluable assistance. Nicole
<Thank you for this note... I don't know what happens at times
with the graphics on either Frontpage or our ISP... will have to find,
replace these... from my hard drive, scans, or make new. Sigh, Bob
Question about Planted Aquarium Cover 7/30/05 I
have a 55 gallon planted aquarium with a 130 watt compact fluorescent
light. I need a cover for the tank and I was wondering which material
you would recommend. I was debating between acrylic or glass, but
I'm also open to other suggestions that may be better options. My
main concern was to find a material that would filter out or block the
least amount of light that should be getting to my
plants. Thanks. Thomas <Actually... the best cover is
none at all... that is to have nothing twixt the light source/s and the
water's surface... all materials have differential photonic
absorption and reflection... Bob Fenner>
Triangular plywood and glass DIY tank Hello, <Hi
there> Thanks for such a wonderful resource. <Welcome> I
would like to build a biotope/paludarium to fit in a corner in my
house. I hesitate to buy a new (or used) corner aquarium
because I need to make many modifications to it so it seems to me
that a DIY approach is better. <Yes> Since
I've never taken on a project like this before, I would hate to
"ruin" a perfectly good tank in case things don't go
as planned. I've read as much as I can find
regarding DIY tanks, especially plywood and glass
tanks. Since my idea is to make a triangular tank and
two sides will be against the walls, I'd like to try the
plywood approach for the sides and bottom with a glass
front. My question is this: all of the
websites stress the importance of making a perfect right angle in
order to maintain the integrity of the tank. My
faceplate will not be at a right angle but at a 45 degree
angle. Will a mitered wood frame with the faceplate
attached with silicone be the way to go? <Likely this will be
fine... need to know specifics... the height of water in the
paludarium, the thickness of the ply...> Otherwise, is it
possible to find some kind of metal strip bent at less than a 90
degree angle to brace the corners? Thanks
very much for your input. Regards, Eileen <Unless this tank has
high water depth, thin ply... you can very likely get away with
what you plan/state... adding wood screws every four inches below
water level, six above... possibly use fiberglass strip (3-4")
in the corners, with resin... you should be fine. Bob Fenner>
<Oh... and for clarity's sake... I would make a
"frame" with a cut-out for the front... out of the
plywood, and set the glass inside this (i.e. silicone the glass to
the inside of this frame. Bob F> |

Re: thanks to B.Fenner (triangle tank) Wow! Speedy
response. Thanks so much (and on a holiday weekend too!)
<To you and yours as well> I have many wood/glass
construction websites bookmarked so I think I can figure out the
thickness of the materials without too much trouble. However I may
run the proposed thicknesses by you before starting. <Real
good> Really just wanted an opinion on the feasibility of the
project. I'm planning on making the sides about 30
inches, which makes the front about 42 inches or so. The
tank will be about half full (or half empty if you're having a
bad day ;) <Hee!> I'm enclosing a diagram that I made of
the project. I hope you are able to open the file. Many
thanks for the response and have a happy new year. Regards, Eileen
<Yes... I would go with quarter inch (aka triple strength) plate
here... adequate strength and low cost. Bob Fenner> |
Re: Wet/Dry "Aquasystem" for freshwater planted
aquarium Hello again! For several months now I have
enjoyed your site and sincerely appreciate all your efforts to assist,
educate and share with the folks enthralled with the aquarium
experience. Thank you! <Thank you much for the kind
words!> You answered a question for me on November 12th '02, and
I'd like to query your expertise once more. With your help I
started a planted freshwater aquarium which is doing wonderfully (see
attached email below)! As mentioned below, the tank is a "TruVu
AquaSystem", 40x16x20" tall with a built in wet/dry trickle
filtration system. The tank was originally created to support a reef,
so the filter is appropriately sized - much larger than the planted
aquarium requires. I am now considering removing (cutting out) the
internal filter as this will add significant volume to the tank and
increase it's depth a good 6 inches or so, and hanging a wet/dry
trickle filter off of the back (externally) in it's place. BUT,
from what I've read, it seems the wet/dry trickle may not be the
best thing for such a tank. My question to you is what sort of filter
would you suggest as the best for a planted tank? What would YOU
do? I can go any route, and will use you opinion as a guide
for further research. I intend to keep only a few small fish (no discus
as mentioned below), primarily plants. <I really think it's
personal preference here. I have a planted tank with small fish and I
use a wet/dry trickle on it with no problems. I really like it myself.
Mine is the over the top style, not a hang on but they should be pretty
much the same.> I sincerely appreciate your taking the time to
address not only my, but all of your readers
inquiries. Perhaps I'll be able to contribute one
day. Thanks again! Richard <You're welcome! Ronni>
Incidentally, I do have a small Eheim canister that I'm not
using. Any suggestions? <You could successfully use this
one too if it's what you prefer.>
- Equipment Selection - <Hello, JasonC here...> I am
considering purchasing a Oceanic Bow 72 or 90 with stand and cap which
are plastic (stand has wood reinforcement). These are
48" long tanks that are either 22" or 28" high for a
freshwater planted aquarium. The dealer suggested a JBJ Formosa Deluxe
1200 (4-65 watt compact florescent) light although I have read that
this brand may be unreliable. <I've not had any experience with
JBJ lights, so it's hard for me to either confirm or deny this.>
Your suggestions for an alternative. <I would post this question on
our forum where there is certain to be at least one person who has
experience with these lights or can recommend something else. http://wetwebfotos.com/talk > The
cap is 9 1/2 " tall and open at the back but I am still
concerned about heat build up. The aesthetics are important to me thus
the cap. Your opinion? <Put a fan on it.> The dealer also
suggested an Eheim Model 2028 filter which is rated for tanks up to 158
gallons. They make a smaller model for up to 92 gallons. Any
problems with using the larger model? <None at all. I'm a big
fan of having more filtration than you need. Cheers, J -- >
Pedestal stands for 100 gallon tank What do you think about
the tank stands built like pedestals (you know. . .two pedestals on
either end of the tank and nothing under the middle part of the tank)?
<They're fine for most geographic locations, types of tanks,
settings... as long as they're strong, level and planar... and not
set upon by small systems, with children, animals about to rock
them...> The salesman says that this type of stand is better than
one that supports the whole tank because the stand will not detect the
lack of leveling in the floor. <Wotta salesman! Back to
geometry with this person. Read over the Tank Stand section of the
www.WetWebMedia.com site...> I kind of like the looks of a tank that
has a full stand but he says pedestals provide less stress on the
acrylic. <No... the broader the support the better... spreads out
the force, capability of making level... Important questions here...
why aren't skyscrapers skinny on the bottom? Read over the above
citation.> <Bob Fenner>