FAQs on Installing
Related Articles: Installing Fountains,
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Evidence of poor maintenance... haphazard
application of bleach, acid...

Aquatic Gardens
Ponds, Streams, Waterfalls & Fountains:
Volume 1. Design & Construction
Volume 2. Maintenance, Stocking, Examples
V. 1
Print and
eBook on Amazon
V. 2
Print and
eBook on Amazon
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
Fish Pond Fountain. Metal use in biological features
<"Woman of the sea">
My name is Andrea. I have a question regarding my Koi/Goldfish pond. We have a
500 gallon pond with a water-bog filtration system and waterfall. I
would like to line the waterfall with copper sheeting but have been unable to
see if it will harm my fish.
<No need to experiment; unless the copper is very carefully sealed, it will kill
all life>
Every waterfall I have seen uses stainless steel, personally I find in gaudy
looking. However, I do not wish to compromise the safety of my plants or fish
and if the copper is a no-go can you suggest any other metal?
<All will require similar careful coating... there are clear treatments...
we had one done years back made of an olde mash tun at/for a brewery here in San
Diego; though this was made into a abiological fountain>
Preferably one that does not stick out like a sore thumb.
Thank You
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Fountain pump throttling 1/20/11
Hello, I have a Syncra silent .5 pump
<Ahh, a Sicce product>
that I want to use for my fountain. As is, it's way to powerful for
the fountain. So I want to use a ball valve to reduce the flow...Should
it be installed on the return or outflow side of the pump? Does it
<It does indeed... centrifugal pumps should only "push",
never pull against restriction... You should put a "tee" on
the discharge side and a ball or gate valve on the "extra"
side of the tee... opening same to lessen flow, pressure>
And are all ball valves about the same in terms of quality?
If not, what brand do you recommend?
<Spears, Dura...>
I want good quality and don't mind paying more for it.
I also plan to run this pump externally/out of the water to reduce
<Mmm, if so, you will have to "drain" the discharge water
back to the system. I would run this pump submersed>
caused from vibration and so I can wrap it with sound deadening
Are all sound deadening materials about the same or is there one that
would be ideal for what I want to do here?
Thank you,
<Arranging the dilution of flow as stated will not result in
cavitation, noise. Bob Fenner>
Fountain/pool conversion to fish
pond 4/2/10
Hello, I need additional advice about filtration regarding a uv light,
filter and pump for a pool/fountain at a nursing home that I want to
turn into a gold fish pond (no Koi). The pool is 15 x 15 and 1 foot
<Mmm, perhaps too shallow... is this basin located in a protected
Near a building let's say... and the climate pretty mellow year
round there?>
above ground in a courtyard with sidewalks surrounding it. The fountain
cascades from a height of about 10 feet, falling in 4 drops...Will
aeration will be a problem particularly since the above ground pool is
in full sun in a hot
<The sun, heat itself might be trouble... but perhaps shade can be
easily supplied with floating plants>
The pool's volume is 1684 gallons. I have planted water lilies to
shade the fish.
<I'd add others. Please read here re:
scroll down to "Plants">
Will goldfish be able to survive in coastal South Carolina in the
direct sunlight?
<Possibly... another question might be what predators are
Since I have last contacted you we have drained and pressure washed the
pool to get the evil chemicals out and am currently aging the water,
with plans to also treat the water. I am concerned about water
temperature for goldfish as well as water quality as this fountain is a
centerpiece for our facility and residents.
<Mmm, well, goldfish, particularly "Comets" have a very
wide temp. tolerance... Just don't appreciate a good deal of change
in short time periods... like diurnally>
What wattage uv light should we consider and are there specifics to
look for with submersible filters.
<Mmm... depends on flow rates... Please see the Pond Subweb index
mentioned above... Under "Filters...">
Thank you,
Scott Ewing
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Re: pool conversion to fish pond
Thank you for your prompt responses, it is very much appreciated. Will
a 1200 gallon per hour pump and a 20 watt uv light suffice for a 1700
gallon pool.
<Mmm, not likely... I would plan/get both of at least twice this
I will prefilter the pump and add more plants, currently cat tails and
lilies are planted. I want to make sure I do it properly, maintenance
is very dubious of this project.
Thanks again.
<Sounds like a very nice project indeed. Cheers, BobF>
water feature... repair of pre-cast ftn. --
hi, I
<... English?>
have a concrete water feature that my wife knocked over last night,
<!? With a car?>
the water reservoir part of the feature was broken into 4 parts 3parts
make up a third of it the other part is whole the total size is 3ft
across, my question is, is there an adhesive strong enough to bond it
back together,
remembering it is also 5inches deep and can hold a decent amount of
water, thanks
<Oh! There are a few types of epoxies, even (if the base is stable)
thin-set mortars w/ adhesives added (see your local specialty masonry,
stucco... supplier... Bring a piece of the ftn. for color matching)
that will put "Humpty Dumpty" (and his fountain), back
together again here.
Cheers, Bob Fenner>
Hi looking for... fountain statuary
Hi, I'm looking for a fountain ornament (the part the water flows
out of).
Could be an acorn, a mermaid, etc. The fountain is a round birdbath
type, about 3' dia, made of cement-like lava rock (very old), water
comes up the pedestal to exit in the center of a small 5" round
flat platform...
ornament should rest thereon. Could be cast from cement, or bronze...
should be roughly volleyball size, max about 1' tall. Any ideas
where to find something like this? Thanks, Regards, Dean
<Mmm, yes... I'd start with some of the larger on-line etailers
of fountain gear. Put the term: fountain statuary in your search tool.
Bob Fenner>
Installation of Pre-Cast Fountains article,
Link 4/19/08 Dear Bob, <Kerry> Greetings...My
name is Kerry. I came across your Installation of Pre-Cast
Fountains page on your web site at
while researching landscape design for an article I'm
writing. I decided to write to you because after reading through
your article on fountains, I got to thinking that my article on the
Basics of Fountains at
would be interesting supplemental reading for your page visitors.
<Very nice> I would like to ask if you would consider placing a
link on your page back to my page. Maybe just linking the words
'cut-stone fountains' as it appears in the text of the 2nd
paragraph of the article "cut-stone fountains, basins, and
statuary used in water features" As a gesture of our appreciation
for your time in placing the link, I would like to offer $35.00 USD via
PayPal. <No payment necessary. I'll gladly link your article on
mine and place this corr. in our FAQs files> Thank you for your
generous consideration, I'll look forward to hearing from you.
<Thank you for your efforts. Bob Fenner> Warm Regards,
Kerry Christian
Fountains/// supply 12/23/07 Good
Morning, My firm manages a large network of online businesses and
private clients. During the year a number of our network members are
searching for Fountains of all types: Indoor, Wall, Garden, Pond,
Commercial, etc. Therefore, we are looking to find a quality source to
direct our clients to for their Fountain and supply needs. We have
reviewed your website and it was felt that you might be a good source
to work with and to feature to our clients. Please contact me at XXXX
so we may discuss this further Regards, Jon Thomas <For... physical
structure itself? Installs? Maintenance... I take it someone else will
supply. As far as I'm aware there is no one or two singular
suppliers here... category killers... Many old and new timer producers
do have websites... can be, should be searched. Bob Fenner>
Waterproofing Masonry/Concrete/Tiled
Fountain 1/6/07 > Bob, > Here is the email I have
been sending. Thanks for providing you hotmail address and sorry
about your server issues, hopefully it is all working now. >
<Yes> > I appreciate your help on this, I am at the point
where the waterproofing and tiling needs to take place and am
anxious to finish this. > Thanks, > George. >
Waterproofing Masonry/Concrete/Tiled Fountain > Hello, >
<Howdy> > Great website! I hope you can provide me with
the help I need waterproofing a fountain. I have found a lot of
info on the web site, but want to make sure I am putting together
completely. > <Okay> > - Fountain dimensions are 12ft
diameter, 24in wall height. > - Materials are masonry wall on
6in concrete footing and 6in concrete floor with #5 rebar. There is
also an expansion joint between the foundation and fountain floor.
> <I see it/this... not generally necessary in systems built
of a "Class-2" type footing... but worthwhile>
> - Current condition of floor: installed less than a month ago,
quite a few penetrations (nozzle piping, 24in sq sump, electrical
conduit, vacuum, return, fill, overflow/drain). > <Yes... I
would "paint" these completely a day or few hours ahead
of casting the bottom... to assure adhesion... with alkaline
mortar or equivalent (I see you mention Thoro below)... with
a good amount of "white glue" adjunct blended
in...> > All penetrations include water-stopping flanges.
> <I see these> > - Current condition of block wall:
installed 18 months ago, previously primed/painted with some gaps
in the seams (between blocks, between block/expansion
joint/concrete floor). > <A year and a half back? You may
have a bit of job here getting the new cementaceous material
to adhere to this non-green material> > - Final look: we
intend to tile the entire inside of the fountain and install a cap
(concrete, cantera stone, etc) on the top of the wall. There will
be nothing alive in there, unless someone decides to jump in. I
plan to filter the water and chlorinate it. The water level will be
16-18 in. There will also be ~ 10 lights, not shown. >
<Sounds nice... Man ten lights! Some big budget now!> > I
have attached two pictures before the concrete was poured. You
should be able to see the penetrations, expansion joint, etc. >
<Yes... nicely illustrative> > I was thinking of lining
the floor an walls with PVC or rubber liner, extending it over the
top of the wall where it can be held in place by the cap. After the
lining is in, I plan to build up a mesh-reinforced mortar bed and
on top of that lay the tile using Thinset or some other bonding bed
(total thickness of liner, mortar bed, tile, binding bed 1.5in +/-
0.25in). > <Mmm, I wouldn't do this... I see the rebar is
already set, stood-off, tied...> > Questions: > 1) I'd
like to know what type and thickness of liner to use, given the
1.5in +/- 0.25in I have to play with. If a liner can't or
shouldn't be used, how do you suggest I go about waterproofing,
given the conditions and final look I want to achieve? >
<Mmm, a simple nominal 22 mil PVC would do fine here... if you
used anything... waterproof enough and flexible, easier to install
than other materials...> > 2) I am not sure how to make the
lining adhere to the block/concrete, how to make sure it is smooth
over the floor and wall (so the mortar bed can be installed),
or how to handle the penetrations. > <Can be adhered with
asphalt emulsions... ghastly... or simply caught/pinched twixt the
capping...> > - If I use one large piece of liner (~ 15ft
radius), is it possible to have it fit smoothly everywhere? Is
there a way/need to form it (e.g. using heat)? > <Will lay
down easily with surface coating... If you are adamant re going the
liner route here, I would lay in "chicken wire" or stucco
wire... in a continuous piece around the inside... put a
brown and scratch coat over this... over the liner first... then
tile onto this... But, as stated, unless there is some
compelling reason... the ground moving, an instability
locally... I would skip on the liner> > - If I use smaller
pieces of liner there are the best places to make my joints? >
<Mmm, the fewer the better... like one in the middle...> >
- Should I cut smaller pieces of liner (say 6" round) to slide
over the penetrations and then install a large piece of liner over
the floor? > <I would not...> > - If Thoro products
have to/should be used, I assume I build up the mortar bed first,
then use the Thoro products, then put the bonding bed and tile on
top of that. > <You could use Thoroseal as a final coating
over the poured floor and buttered sides... the liner or no,
the wire or no (depending on whether you intend to use the
liner), the brown and scratch plaster coats...> > 3) Do you
see any other issues with what I am trying to do? The expansion
joint was installed to handle the temperature changes and I am
assuming it will not be a problem with the tile. > <Mmm,
well... if the feature is water-filled, there will be very
little expansion... and even if it's empty... really not
much... not enough to crack the basin... IF the block wall
was set every cell with re-bar, tied lengthwise... which it
appears to have been done by a competent mason...> > Thanks,
> George Gerodimos > Scottsdale, AZ > <Please do write
back if this isn't clear, complete. Bob Fenner> |
Re: Waterproofing Masonry/Concrete/Tiled
Fountain 1/6/07 Great, thanks. One thing I wanted to make
sure you were clear on, is that the concrete is now in and I
allowed ~ 1.5" for the liner, tile, mortar bed, etc. on top of
the concrete. If I were to summarize the recommendation it is that:
- I do not need the liner - I should build the mortar bed (with or
without wire mesh) over the masonry walls and concrete floor Note:
the walls will need some extra prep for proper adhesion. I saw
something for this on the site. - Apply waterproofing (Thoroseal)
over mortar bed - Apply Thinset - Apply tile Did I get it right?
<Ah, yes... along with grouting, sealing the tile of course. Bob
Fenner>> Thanks, George, |
Algae control in a small fountain and
pond! 8/23/06 To whom it may concern: I have a six
tiered water fall <A bunch of tiers> terminating an a
approximately 75 gallon pond. I am experiencing a problem in
controlling the alga formation on the bottom of the water fall and
walls of the pond. My question to you would be, what copper compound
would be suggested and in what concentration on a per gallon of water
capacity? Thank you very much Dave Dillon, Topock, Az <Mmm... copper
is not easily dosed in most ponds... and am hesitant to encourage its
use here... w/o knowing the livestock you intend to keep... In this
small volume of water, if you did not have live plants present, I might
use Jungle Pond Blocks (active ingredient Diuron, Di-Methyl Urea
Calcinate)... Do you have data re the make up of the water? Is this
feature shaded at all? Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/PondSubWebIndex/pdalgcontrol.htm
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Copper fountain/water-effect algicide use - 03/27/06
Dear Sir, I wonder if you can kindly help me. I have recently purchased
a small indoor waterfall, and I wish to prohibit algae growth. Please
see link below. The unit has a solid copper base, which contains the
water - someone has told me that the copper is a good agent to
eradicate algae. Could you tell me if this is true, or, do I need to
take other precautionary measures ? I would greatly appreciate your
advice, Thanks Steve Davies
<Mmm... I would not use a copper-based algicide here... nor the
conventional halogen-based chlorine, bromine... too likely to stain,
ultimately corrode the unit itself. You might look for Simazine-based
"aquarium" algicides (e.g. Algi-gon) or Jungle Pond Blocks
(Di-methyl urea calcinate) or equivalent... Whatever you use, I would
take care to not have the water splash on, or incidentally be poured on
living plant material... and I would frequently (twice a month or so),
dump completely and re-fill the unit with new water. Bob Fenner>
Re: Advice please - 03/27/06 Hi Bob, Thanks a lot - that
is very kind of you. However, the water containing tray of the
waterfall is itself made of copper - I was wondering if that would be
sufficient to prevent the algae. <Mmm... depending on the water
quality, principally pH and alkalinity, very likely so... Turns out
that copper is much more soluble in lower pH and alkaline water...>
I do not understand the chemical make up of these things - would
Fountec be suitable ? <Not familiar with this> The unit has no
live plants - it is only a small decorative unit , with a copper base,
water pump, and slate backdrop. I greatly appreciate your time, Thanks
Steve <I do think you'll be fine in any/all cases here... not
hard to maintain. BobF>
Fountain installation/gear 10/26/05 I
just found your article on the installation of a pre-cast
fountain. We are doing one similar to the wall fountain pictured,
and are being told by the fountain plumber to place the pump in a 12x12
box to be constructed in the foundation below the basin with a tile
that will lift up in the floor of the basin for access. <One
approach> He wants to put an over fill pipe and water fill line with
an adjustable bubbler head up against the front of the basin that will
be hooked into the irrigation line in the planter (a hard pipe drip
system that will come on every couple of days) as well as a light. My
concerns are 1. Is this the way these are typically installed? <Mmm,
not atypical> 2. Is there a way to accomplish these things without
all this visible pipe in the fountain basin? <Yes... can be
remoted... accomplished distally... with remote sensor for water level,
cammed valve for re-filling... The pump can be located outside the
basin... should be in many cases...> 3. If we didn't plan for a
light niche in the wall of the basin before it was made, is there a way
to create one? <... Not easily> My husband is a very impatient
"let's just get it done" kind of guy, <What is
"done?" I would ask... if poorly, inferiorly... is this
better?> but since neither one of us knows anything about this
subject, I feel we might be missing a better way to accomplish what we
want and have it be aesthetically appealing at the same time,
minimizing visible pipes, light sources, etc. Your help is greatly
appreciated. Kind Regards, Cynthia <So... yes, what you list as
"means to an ends" (i.e., having a fountain that works) is
possible, likely the more common method... in-pond pump, pipes/plumbing
for overflow, re-fill visible in the basin... These can be accomplished
in other ways, but do take a good deal of planning, modification of the
basin, other gear. Bob Fenner>
Reflective pools 6/29/05 Hi We want to set up an exhibition
with a reflective pool at its centre. The aim is for people to see
themselves totally reflected in the pool once they reach the centre.
The pool to be about 3 to 4 feet in diameter will be housed in a yurt
type tent and open to the sky. We want to get the best reflection
possible. Is there an optimum depth of water for such a pool? <Mmm,
a few inches is best... more shallow is hard to "keep
steady"> Is black the best base colour for a pool? <Yes>
We are thinking of a black PVC bucket ( well hidden). What materials
would you recommend to provide the best reflection. The exhibition will
be traveling so needs to be portable. <There are pre-made basins
that would do you well here. Look on the Net for "Rainjet"
fountain...> Thanks for your help and a great service John
Brown <Welcome. Good luck with your project. Bob Fenner,
who spent a couple months with a friend in Nepal who was studying
Working url for Submersible Pump PP-333LV Hi Bob,
I came across your helpful post in my search to replace the pump on my
cat watering fountain. (Of course, now that I'm here the aquarium
info looks much more interesting!) Anyway, I did find the pump: there
was a character missing in the homepage URL for Chrystella USA:
The pump is almost as expensive as a replacement fountain: $15.99 for
the pump (+S&H?) v. $19.99 for a new fountain at PETsMART
(including a new filter). Anyway, just thought I'd share this in
case you get beseeched by more distressed cat people. Cheers! Jennifer
<Thank you for this... bunk links are a bane of this info. world.
Bob Fenner>
Fountain Installation ( http://www.wetwebmedia.com/PondSubWebIndex/instftnarticle.htm
) Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2005 Robert, <Mike> I am setting up a wall
, and have used your page as a manual to do so. I was wondering if you
could give some more details. <Okay> What kind of mortar is used?
<Thin set> Must the pieces be set with concrete/mortar if they
are heavy enough to remain solidly in place? <Mmm, best to mortar...
sometimes even pin AND mortar all elements together... and set on at
least a Class II foundation.> What is the best way to fill joints
between the concrete pieces (mortar or grout)? <If cast concrete the
former, if cut stone perhaps the latter> Does only the basin need to
be sealed? <Mmm, maybe not... please excuse my caution here... as
this correspondence is archived and must suit most all circumstances...
Often it is best to seal all elements... to protect their finish,
reduce damage from the elements, recirculated water... but at least all
water containing basins should be waterproofed> Thanks for your
time. Sorry about the novice questions! Mike <Not a worry. Bob
Reflecting pool Dear Mr. Fenner, <Hi there> I am
architect in Karachi, Pakistan. I would appreciate your input on the
most effective construction methodology for reflecting pools.
<Okay> The project is the headquarters of a large pharmaceutical
company (Aventis). The landscaping includes a generous sized reflecting
pool in the front of the building. The concept is to have a "as
clear as possible" reflection of my main facade. <I
understand> The pool is about 1'-6" deep. My main question
to you is whether the tiles I am using at the bottom of this pool
should be a dark color or a light one for the sharpest reflection on
the water surface? <Lighter... though more of a maintenance problem.
More light reflected with light color... but more algal growth as
well.> I look forward to your response Thank you, Sincerely, Amina
Nasim Jan Senior Architect Ahed Associates. <Send along your
specifications on filtration, circulation if you'd like. Bob
Jebo Submersible Fountain Pump AP-355A I have just
blown up a very small Jhongshan Jebao Electrical Appliance
(motor) fitted to my frog water fountain
Q01113 IPX8 Jhongshan Jebao Electrical Appliances
Co. Ltd. Would you know where I can purchase another one in
Melbourne, North Fitzroy area please. I can see on the web
page that it is manufactured in China. Please advise Helen <You
might have some luck tracing down the manufacturer through the Net and
in turn contacting them re who their master distributor is in
Australia, and them in turn re retail outlets... but if it were me, my
fountain I would just seek out another suitable size (pressure, flow
rate) and suitable diameter discharge line (or adaptor, tubing to fit
what the fixture has now) from whatever source there is in town (or
online). Bob Fenner>
Pump selection for a fountain 8/2/04 Hi, I am building
a fountain for the front yard of my house. I'd like it to work
similar to a fountain that I saw inside the Bellagio hotel in Las
Vegas. <Me too!> I am looking for water pumps that work as
follows: The pumps shoot a stream of water into the air. The water
stream shoots in an arc and lands on the ground 10-12 feet from the
pump. The pumps can be turned on and off instantaneously via an
electric signal, a command from a computer or some other way, such that
the stream of water suddenly stops and starts. <Yep... a few Disney
(as in Walt) patents here> In the lobby of the Bellagio, the pumps
are turned on and off to the beat of music. I'm not sure if
we'd use music but perhaps we would. I called the company that
built the Bellagio fountains and they told me that their products are
proprietary and they can't tell me who makes them. Do you know who
makes such a pump and what it's called? <Do a bit of looking
under the terms "fountain" and "imagineering" and
"Disney"> <Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Aquatic Gardens
Ponds, Streams, Waterfalls & Fountains:
Volume 1. Design & Construction
Volume 2. Maintenance, Stocking, Examples
V. 1
Print and
eBook on Amazon
V. 2
Print and
eBook on Amazon
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |