Aquatic Gardens
Ponds, Streams, Waterfalls & Fountains:
Volume 1. Design & Construction
Volume 2. Maintenance, Stocking, Examples
V. 1
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eBook on Amazon
V. 2
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eBook on Amazon
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
goldfish 7/13/14
please could you let me know what size pond I need for 21 goldfish,
at present I have a 750 litre pond will this be sufficient. thanking
you. kay
<Hello Kay. Part of the answer to this depends on where you live. Since
your email address has a TalkTalk domain, I'm guessing the UK. Now, in
the UK the critical factor with ponds is depth. That's because we have
relatively cold winters that cause ponds to freeze over. As a rule of
thumb, a pond needs to be at least 2-3 feet deep so that the ice won't
go down to the bottom AND there's always a sufficient depth of unfrozen
water underneath for the Goldfish to swim about in happily.
Realistically, 2 feet
is the absolute minimum in the southern part of England, and the further
north of that you go, the deeper you'll want your pond to be. There are
lots of variables to this, which is why these depths sound like a lot
but are actually there to make life easier. For example, after a couple
years ponds silt up, and you'll surely have some plants in your pond
too, and that removes some of the available depth for swimming. Also,
we're only talking about the deepest part of the pond, not the whole
thing. If you have a 2-3 feet deep area at one end of the pond, but the
other end is shallower, that's fine -- your fish will sensibly
"hibernate" in the safe, deep, ice-free end. Pond capacity is a
secondary factor to depth, but important nonetheless. As a general rule
of thumb, 5000 litres is recommended as the minimum for Koi, and for
Goldfish, particularly large numbers of them, you wouldn't want to too
far off that value, perhaps 2000 litres. I know that sounds like a lot,
but a pond has to provide so much for Goldfish, while also being easy to
maintain. A too-small pond offers no depth for Goldfish to hide from
herons, and no distance from the bank to escape hungry cats. Plants use
up a lot of space as they grow, as will algae, and unless both are
frequently cropped back, a small pond can very quickly become so choked
up the Goldfish have no place to swim. The pond also needs to provide
food and spawning sites, and unless you have a filter installed, it's
got to dilute the Goldfish waste long enough for ambient populations of
bacteria to remove it safely. In short, a 750-litre plastic pond is more
likely to be a water feature than anything else, and you'll probably
find something substantially larger (perhaps using pond liner) a more
successful, better-value investment. Cheers, Neale.>
releasing a goldfish
I want to know if a goldfish will survive if released into the local
botanical garden fish pond? And if so how do I go about releasing it?
<Mmm; please don't do this without talking with the folks who run the
garden. The new fish may
introduce disease... Bob Fenner>
Ryukin and pond comets
I got a common fantail and a Ryukin for my pond.
The trouble here is I already have pond comets.
I think the fantail will be ok. But i worry about the Ryukin.
<Fancy goldfish can have problems competing for food when kept w/
and these can bump into fancies, damaging them. B>
Will the Ryukin be ok in the pond with the comets?
I have no room in my indoor aquarium for the Ryukin and I cannot get a
new larger tank yet.
If it cannot stay in the pond, can I leave the Ryukin in the pond, until
I can get a larger tank?
Thank you.
re: Ryukin and pond comets 5/22/14
Thank you! I returned both the fantail and the Ryukin. I got a shubikin
<Shubunkin> instead.
I got a 500 gallon pond. 4 comets already dwell there. I do not believe
there will be any problems with overcrowding or compatibility this time.
Do you think there will be any overcrowding or compatibility issues?
<Not now>
re: Ryukin and pond comets 5/22/14
Thank you! I was also thinking, with my 4 comets (at 50 gallons each
minimum) and the 1 "Shubunkin" (at 180 gallons minimum), the fish would
need 480 gallons (minimum). According to my calculation skills (which
rather poor) there might be room for 1 more comet, according to my
calculation . Should I add 1 more? Or should I just leave the 5 fish I
have in the pond without adding anymore? Thought I should ask the
experts before making another huge mistake.
<Five is a good number here. BobF>
re: Ryukin and pond comets 5/23/14
Thank you so much Bob!
<Welcome Cam>
Fish for hot climates 4/27/12
I have a large, approx 800 gallon, fish pond. It has
three waterfalls (about 3 feet tall), and about 3 1/2 feet deep. I'd
like to stock it with a few fish, and wonder what would survive in the
hot Arizona high desert. The summer water temps are in the 70 to
80 degree range. The pond is concrete construction. Thanks for
your help. Mike
<Quite a large variety of aquatic life can go here, including Goldfish,
smaller Koi... You can just search on WWM, elsewhere, visit local fish
stores, contact the local pond society folks, order from pond catalogs
or on-line... Bob Fenner>
Re: Fish for hot climates 4/28/14
Bob, Thank you for your response. On the website, it states that
Goldfish need water no warmer than 75 degrees. I've tried Goldfish, and
they don't make it thru the summer, even with the waterfalls running.
Any ideas? Thanks, Mike
<Mmm, maybe for interesting behavior some neotropical cichlids... or
just algal control, Platies... Again, you're encouraged to read/scan
WWM... B>
Leech eating fish 8/1/11
Good afternoon. I would like to inquire about stocking my pond
with red ear sunfish or any other fish suitable to thrive in
Vermont. The pond is in Southern Vermont in the Town of Weston. It is
approximately 1 acre in size and is roughly 17 feet at its deepest
point. It is a mature pond with a lot of wildlife. Newts, small guppy
like fish, tadpoles and frogs. It is fed by a stream that runs
parallel with the pond.
<Sounds a lovely natural pond.>
This season for some reason we have been seeing leeches swimming
<Many of which are harmless; only a few bite humans.>
They seem to live in a rust colored weed that roots itself at the edges
of the pond. This weed is also new, so I think the leeches may be a
result of the weed. Anyway, the pond is used constantly for swimming
and I am concerned that the leech problem, if not addressed will
<May not be a problem. Remember, many leeches are predators that eat
potentially pest species including mosquito larvae and snails.>
Do you think stocking the pond with red ear sunfish will alleviate the
leech problem?
<Nope. If these are blood-sucking leeches, then fish will be
potential prey, and the more fish, the more leeches. Plus, these
Sunfish will consume the tadpoles, so frogs and newts won't be able
to breed there so successfully.>
1. When is the best time to stock the pond?
2. How much do the fish cost?
3. How many will we need?
4. Will the fish eventually spawn?
Thanks in advance for the advice.
<Best to leave alone. Your pond sounds great the way it is. If
you're worried, your local Fish & Wildlife may be able to
identify the leeches in your pond, and if its a dangerous one,
recommend a good way forward. But again, do understand that most
leeches are harmless to humans. Rat urine in your pond, for example, is
far more likely to pose a health threat (Leptospirosis) than leeches.
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Leech eating fish 8/1/11
Thanks very much.
<You're welcome! Cheers, Neale.>
Betta Pond?
Greetings WWM Crew.
<Hello to you, too!>
I hope I didn't just miss a similar question on your site, but
several searches yielded no near matches (as determined after reading
the results).
And let me apologize in advance for the length of my missive, I know
you want plenty of information to work from, and I seem to have gone
with a more is more philosophy.
The only fish I have ever really had is a beautiful veiltail Betta
(*Betta splendens*) that has lived with us for almost 3 years now with
no problems.
However this also makes me less than an amateur.
My Father-in-law recently built a beautiful rock-pond with a fountain
in his garden. At our last visit I realized, as I tried to scratch my
skin off, that it had become a mosquito breeding
ground. This thought made me curious about fish for the pond,
so I started trying to research options.
I am told the mosquito problem has now been fixed (chemically, I
believe), but that my father-in-law still thinks fish would be a nice
addition and that he would like me to set it up for him. We live less
than 2hr away and will be spending the summer with them anyway, so I
should have some time to plan it out and get it started.
<Fish can consume mosquito larvae, but their usefulness does vary
from one situation to the next.>
The information I have on the pond is as follows: -Approximately
175-200 gallons (guesstimate) -Approximately 9"-12" deep
(because of the many rocks on the bottom and on the sides) -The pond is
in a garden with a tall chain fence around it to keep the deer and
other animals from getting in and eating the flowers and veggies -Water
plants, including potted water lilies, are already growing and doing
well in it
<All sounds good.>
I also know that I need to check the water's pH, nitrates, and
nitrite levels before I really move forward, but since the mosquito
problem has been taken care of chemically, do I need to separately
check those chemical levels? If so, how do I go about doing that? Are
there any other tests I need to do for a tiny pond that wouldn't be
mentioned in aquarium guides?
<Well, tropical fish are broadly divided into hard water species and
soft water species. Livebearers for example need hard water and tend to
be sickly in soft or acidic water. Conversely, while Tetras may
tolerate hard water, most are better kept in soft water. Bettas fall
somewhere between the two extremes. They prefer soft water, but the
farmed specimens are fairly adaptable and will do perfectly in
moderately hard, slightly basic water; let's say 2-15 degrees dH,
pH 6.5-7.5.>
I am open to any suggestions you may have about a good starting fish or
combo for the situation, but I would also like some specific
information on requirements for a Betta pond.
<Nothing much different to Betta systems generally, with two extra
cautions. Firstly, temperature. Bettas need consistently warm
conditions, at least 24 C/75 F. So outside of the tropicals, you
can't keep a Betta outdoors all year; indeed, here in England for
example, you probably wouldn't do well with them outdoors even in
summer. The Paradisefish (Macropodus opercularis) is a subtropical
species and therefore somewhat more tolerant, but it won't tolerate
colder water than, say, 18 C/64 F.>
I can't seem to find any more information online other than that
Betta ponds are possible and sometimes do very well. I realize that
keeping a Betta inside is very different from a pond and that any
Bettas in the pond would have to be brought inside should it get too
cold, especially since the pond is so very shallow. However, since that
would be the case with most fish, it seems that Bettas would be easier
to do this with since they do not require a filter and my in-laws
don't have an aquarium (though it could be arranged if needed).
<Ponds with plants can "filter" themselves if the plants
are numerous and the fish few.>
I worry that the pond is too small for most other fish, is this the
Specifically, what about Siamese Algae Eaters (*Crossocheilus
Ideally I would put a few of those in the pond. Could I do both SAEs
and Bettas? I have seen them in aquariums together. If I was to put
Bettas in it, because of the many excellent hiding places in the rocks
and plants, would it be ok to put a male in with a few females (not for
breeding, just to look nice)? How many would be appropriate?
Thank you so much for your help.
<Actually, without data on water temperature, I wouldn't
recommend either.
If you live in the subtropics or warm temperate (i.e., about as far
north as, say, Southern France in Europe or the Carolinas in the US)
you would probably find Gambusia affinis a better bet, though this fish
is aggressive and nippy and cannot be mixed with anything beyond its
own kind. It will tolerate down to 12 C/54 F. In the subtropics, Ameca
splendens might be a good alternative, tolerant down to about 15 C /59
F for short periods. Both of these need at least moderately hard,
neutral water and won't do well in acidic conditions. In soft water
the Paradisefish is the obvious choice, but it will need subtropical
not temperate conditions. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Betta Pond? 7/12/11
Thank you so much for your very quick reply. You are right (of course),
I checked the average temperatures for the area and during the summer
the days would be warm enough but the nights would get too cold for
The main reason I had been leaning toward Bettas was because I had
assumed that this pond is too shallow for any pond fish to survive in
over the winter (I have heard 4ft is minimum) is that the case? If it
is possible for fish to live in the pond year-round that would be
<Ponds need to be at least 4 ft deep because ice forms in shallower
ponds to such a degree that fish will likely freeze to death. This
isn't negotiable. So if the pond is less than this deep, and frost
occurs sufficiently often for ice to form on a pond, then fish
can't be kept in this pond.>
My in-laws live in the valley in Southern Oregon, so
the summers get plenty hot during the day (sometimes over 100 F), but
do cool off quite a bit at night (50s-60s F). The coldest winter months
have average lows of 31-33 F and average highs of 45-47 F.
<Lethally cold for subtropical fish. Coldwater fish such as Goldfish
may survive given a sufficiently deep pond and adequate water volume
(at least a few hundred gallons).>
Are there any fish that would thrive in these conditions year-round,
such as Shubunkin (Carassius auratus)? Or should we limit the pond life
to plants and naturally appearing tadpoles at this point?
<I would indeed agree that fish aren't an option here.>
Thanks again.
<Cheers, Neale.>
Adding Flag Fish to a Koi
Pond 4/20/11
Hi Bob,
<Hello Allen>
With Koi all coming from reputable breeders in my area and seeing them
being quarantined and medicated for weeks prior to going on sale, I
usually take in a new Koi and put it in quarantine for 2 weeks, mainly
just to observe it.
Next week I am getting 12 Flag Fish to help with algae control. Would
you suggest any other quarantine procedure or prophylactic medications
prior to introduction into the pond?
<I would isolate these for two weeks as well; whether they are/were
tank-reared or not. For observation, and just in case they are
I'm guessing these fish won't have quite the pedigreed origin.
As always your opinion would be appreciated.
<Bob Fenner>
sub-tropical pond fish options, stkg.
Hello WWMQ,
<Hello Adam,>
This weekend I plan to convert an old Jacuzzi tub to a
subtropical fish and lily pond.
<Sounds fun.>
I want to go with subtropical fish as opposed to goldfish and was
considering Rosy barbs and Buenos Aires tetras
which have worked well in the past.
<Yes, both are hardy and do well down to 18 C, perhaps even a
bit less.
Both can be nippy though, so consider that when choosing
Another option however is the Brazilian Earth Eater
(Geophagus braziliensis), but I am not sure if these
would be too destructive in a planted pond.
<Also bear in mind Geophagine cichlids generally are not at
all easy to keep, and very sensitive to non-zero nitrate levels.
Acaras, on the other hand, in particular the Port Acara, include
some very hardy subtropical species.>
I know they will be fine temperature wise (we are on the same
latitude as Porto Alegre) but can I trust them with potted water
<Cichlids vary in their impact on potted plants, and in theory
Geophagines should leave them alone. Acaras are diggers, though
again, potted species should be okay. You may find floating
plants, e.g., Amazon Frogbit and Floating Indian Fern, altogether
easier to maintain. Alternatively, epiphytes such as Anubias
might be rather wonderful when allowed to grow above the
Would they make too much of a nuisance of themselves?
Thanks in Advance,
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: sub-tropical pond fish options, and Macropodus
f' 4/11/11
Thank You,
I set up the pond over the weekend and I think it looks pretty
awesome. I checked out the Brasiliensis in my LFS and they are
nice, but would soon outgrow my pond I think. Given that I have
planted water lilies, I opted instead for some blue paradise fish
and rosy barbs.
<Paradisefish are aggressive and do jump, so not perhaps the
ideal fish for this set-up. Do be careful.>
Might get some swordtails down the track.
<Even more jumpy! Not really subtropical either, more low-end
tropical. Of the commonly traded livebearers, only the Variatus
Platy is a truly subtropical species. Ameca splendens and
Xenotoca eiseni are both subtropical fish that do extremely well
at room temperature year around, and while superb fish in many
ways, as well as fascinating in terms of breeding, they can be
nippy, though Barbs might be okay with them.>
Thanks again for all your help,
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: sub-tropical pond fish options
Thanks Neale,
Yes, Paradise fish are jumpy and I have lost one once from a
water-filled pot. I have attached a photo of the finished pond.
Hopefully it is big enough that they don't feel the need to
<Wouldn't bank on it!>
I have never seen the Xenotoca or Ameca offered here, they might
not be permitted.
<Shame; they're both nice fish.>
I might have to look at Buenos Aires tetras instead. Failing
that, Murray River Rainbows.
<Yes, I would have thought at least some of the native species
would be viable; perhaps the guys at ANGFA can help?>
Would blue Acaras shred plants or just dig in the sediment?
<Acaras can uproot delicate plants as they forage for food,
but aren't otherwise particularly destructive. Blue Acaras
aren't subtropical fish though; Port Acara are much better at
lower temperatures, down to 16 C according to Fishbase. Do bear
in mind that cichlids will fade their colours in tanks/pools with
light coloured substrates, so unless your Jacuzzi is black or
dark brown, cichlids would be a poor choice.>
I don't think digging would be much of an issue with potted
plants. They might be ok if they're happy to use the edges or
pots for breeding..
<Cheers, Neale.>

Pondfish in SF,
stkg./sel. 6/14/10
Hello. I would like to know what types of smaller (less than 6 inches)
tropical fish can be kept outdoors for the summer in Palo Alto,
I have a tub outside with mosquito fish and the temperature ranges from
80 degrees Fahrenheit in the day to 60 degrees at night during the
summer months.
<Not that many, and the size of the "tub" is the crucial
thing. Bear in mind that fish jump, so while Macropodus would be one
option, they'll jump out of a tub sooner or later. Ditto things
like Danios or Minnows. Your best bets would be Common Mosquitofish
(Gambusia spp.) or Dwarf Mosquitofish (Heterandria formosa). They are
hardy subtropical fish, but Gambusia are not widely sold and may even
be a "pest" species in your region; consult your local Fish
& Wildlife bureau about the legality of owning them.>
Also, are there any varieties of fancy goldfish that can be kept
outdoors year round?
<Again, depends on the size of the tub. If it's a few hundred
gallons, then yes, Comets and Shubunkins can do well. If there's no
risk of water temperatures below 10 C/50 F, then the hardier fancy
varieties like Black Moors are an option. But if we're talking
about a half-barrel type thing, then no, Goldfish aren't really
Thank you.
<Cheers, Neale.>
golden algae eater and platys in
outdoor pond 8/6/09
I have a large terracotta pot (150 litres) with water lilies and other
plants in it.
I have nine adult Platys and probably about a dozen babies (4 different
sizes). I then have a golden algae eater.
<Is this Gyrinocheilus aymonieri? This is a fish I strongly
DON'T recommend. It's a lousy algae eater, particularly when
mature, and notorious for becoming extremely aggressive when mature. At
25-35 cm when fully grown, it's also far too large for a 150 litre
aquarium, pond or anything else.>
The water is beautifully clear and we live in North Queensland so it
doesn't get too cold at all. There is no filtration or aeration in
the pot but I change about 1/3 to ¼ of the water every 2
<I have maintained Corydoras in similar conditions, with success.
Does assume the "pond" isn't overstocked, so remove
surplus fish as and when you can. Also give the bottom of the pond a
bit of a clean every few months to remove excessive amounts of detritus
and decaying organic matter.>
I seem to have some very fat fish. Will the algae eater (about 5cm
long) eat the new fry?
There is no chance that I can catch and separate the pregnant ones.
I LOVE my fish.
<And I'm sure they love you, too.>
Thanks for your help,
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: golden algae eater and
platys in outdoor pond 8/6/09
Thanks Neale
I do do the vacuum thing every couple of weeks when I change some of
the water and add some barley liquid too.
<Barley liquid? Whatever for? In a pond this small, the Platies
should be able to handle any algae, and I'd be relying on water
changes (or rainfall) to swap out "old" water every couple of
Should I catch the Gyrinocheilus aymonieri (yes, that is it - I checked
a photo) and take him back to the Pet Shop?
<If you can, yes.>
What should I replace it with?
<Nothing. Platies eat algae, it's their natural diet in the
wild. You could add some pond snails if you wanted, but otherwise
wouldn't worry about algae.>
Thanks again,
<Cheers, Neale.>
Thanks Neale for your practical advice and quick response.
Much appreciated,
<Happy to help. Cheers, Neale.>
Oranda fish, fancy goldfish
breeds not for pond stocking 6/7/09
I have a 1000 gallon garden pond in my back yard. It has 11 goldfish
and 2 Oranda fish in it. The biggest fish is 7", the smallest is
<Oranda, and indeed most Fancy Goldfish, aren't suitable for
Two weeks ago is when I purchased and added the 2 Oranda fishes.
Everything seemed fine. This morning one of the Oranda's was
floating on top. It was fine last night. After examining this fish, I
don't notice any type trauma or swelling.
<Without any symptoms, it's difficult for me to say what
happened. Could be a variety of things.>
The fish store assured me that these were hardy fish very similar to
the standard goldfish.
<You were assured wrong. Fancy Goldfish are far less hardy. There
are multiple issues, not least of which are their deformities, which
prevent them finding food, interacting with "normal"
Goldfish, and avoiding
predators. Some people find these deformities attractive, which is
fine, but you can't escape the fact a deformed swim bladder, a
crooked back, and face covered with warts are all impediments. So Fancy
Goldfish need to be kept indoors, where humans can watch over them. I
strongly recommend Standard Goldfish be kept in ponds, i.e., Common
Goldfish, Comets, and Shubunkins. Apart from their odd colours, all
these have a single tail and a straight back, so they can interact
(i.e., fight for food!) normally as well as swim away from predators.
Black Moors and Fantails are a step down in terms of hardiness. They
mix OK with Standards in aquaria, but I wouldn't recommend them for
ponds. All the other Fancy Goldfish should be considered aquarium fish
only, and preferably mixed only with their own kind. In other words,
Orandas together, Pompons together, and so on. On top of this, the more
inbred a fish is -- which is always the case the more "fancy"
a Goldfish is compared to the Standard -- the less resistance it has to
things like disease and environmental stress. It's the same reason
mongrel dogs live much longer than pedigrees, and the same reason human
societies have taboos against inbreeding. For ponds, you really are
best with Standards, Comets and Shubunkins, all of which are rock-solid
in terms of hardiness, given adequate conditions and appropriate
preventative healthcare.>
One of the things I noticed about Oranda's is it seems difficult
for them to feed at the top of the water like the others. Because of
the shape of their faces they have to get in an straight up and down
position to take
food from the water surface.
Most of the time, coming up for a morsel and then retrieving back lower
in the water, without the food.
<In practise this means it takes them much longer to feed, and other
fish, the Standards, will likely out-compete them at dinner
The water as always, tested perfect.
Thanks so much for your help and the wonderful website.
<Cheers, Neale.>
Albino Channel Cat (Catfish),
sel./use in ornamental ponds 12/4/08 I live in
Southern New Jersey. I have the opportunity to buy a 18 inch Albino
Channel Cat (Catfish - $30.00), will he survive in our outdoor pond
with our goldfish ? ( the gold fish are breeding, so I know they are
doing well - no heater which the Cat is use to) Thank you for you help.
Bob <Ictalurus sp. generally make extremely poor pond residents. Not
only do they get enormous (potentially over 130 cm, about 4 feet) they
spend all their time at the bottom of the pond, hidden from view. So if
you want to keep a huge fish you won't see, that will put a major
strain on water quality, and will very likely eat some of the Goldfish
as well as all of the interesting wildlife (frogs, dragonflies, etc.)
in your pond, then go ahead. Cheers, Neale.>
Handling of fish... koi, pondfish...
Mucus f' 10/21/07 Hi, Too many times I see
people that sell fish especially koi pick up and hold them with their
bare hands and then measure them. Correct me if I am wrong but
doesn't this remove the natural slime not to mention stress the
fish out? I figure netting the fish is enough trauma without going
through all of the excess torture. Am I wrong to not want to purchase
from places that put their fish through so much stress?? Thanks, Doris
<Hello Doris. Indeed, most fish do not like to be handled, and yes,
you can risk damaging the scales and skin. Up to a point, the mucus
will be re-secreted if any is lost, and I'm not convinced that
handling a fish is any better or worse than netting a fish as far as
losing mucus goes. It's probably six of one, half a dozen of the
other. Mucus has a low metabolic cost, so assuming a fish is in
basically good shape, loss of mucus isn't particularly serious
(it's comparable to mucus produced in our nose, mouth and throat,
where mucus is constantly being lost). What matters is minimising the
time a fish is out of water. I have seen aquarists handle large fish
like koi in preference to using nets. Expert fishkeepers at least may
consider the relative softness and smoothness of their hands kinder to
the skin of their fish than the coarse netting used in large nets. But
that's probably a personal judgment call rather than anything
objectively tested. Anyway, to answer your specific question: a good
fish retailer won't be handling any fish out of water regularly.
Indeed, the less often, the better. If the fish are handled excessively
and without care, it should be apparent by missing scales, damaged
fins, Finrot, fungus, etc on the fish in the store. On the other hand,
koi are large fish with solid bodies and heavy scales, and up to a
point they tolerate handling well (their ancestors, plain Carp,
Cyprinus carpio, are incredibly durable fish). So while you're
right to be cautious, if the quality and health of the livestock on
sale is good, the fact the retailer handles the fish shouldn't be a
reason to boycott the store in and of itself. Cheers,
Ridding pond of channel catfish --
08/17/07 Sirs: Please excuse me for circumventing all the other
paths on your web site; but, I'm really up against a problem, and
have spent weeks now searching the web for an answer, to no avail.
Then, by chance, I ran across your site. Three years ago, I stocked my
pond with 25 channel catfish. At the time, they were fingerlings. Three
of them died shortly after putting them in the pond. By the next
summer, the others had grown to about 8". I should tell you that I
was told by the fish farm where I bought the cats that they were all
bulls...I didn't want them reproducing. Being a novice, I had no
way of knowing whether they were or not. They weren't, and by the
third spring, there must have been 300-500 baby cats in the pond. This
summer, we fished out all the remaining original fish, and the ones
from last summer will probably breed next spring. Short of draining the
pond, how do I get rid of all the catfish so I can start over? There
are no other species in the pond, and I don't need thousands of
channel cats in a pond this size. The pond is a rounded oval shape,
roughly 55 ft X 85 ft, and an average depth of 10-12 ft; very steep
sides, no weeds to speak of, and very little algae. It is used
primarily for swimming; and, as an emergency water source in the event
of a neighborhood fire, since most home-use water in this area is
trucked in. Some homeowners have wells, but the flow is very slow (avg
12 gph), and most have iron in them. Thanking you in advance for any
advice you can offer. Paul F. Shagnot Ashtabula, Ohio <Unfortunately
there are no specific Ictalurid poisons... though there are fish mostly
types... I am hesitant to suggest their use however, due to the chance
of poisoning other wildlife... and the uncertainty of the disposition
of run off water here. My best advice is actually to drain AND lime AND
dry this basin... and refill. Otherwise, I suggest you check with your
State "fish and game" re their suggestions. Bob Fenner>
Thanks! <Welcome! Please do write back re the outcome of your
search, efforts. Bob Fenner>
Schooling and spawning I have a
two-part question. First, I have a small pond (1500 gallons or so)
heavily stocked with about 30 feeder goldfish. The fish are getting
quite large - all appear to be 4-5 inches long, and some are a good bit
larger. They've lived together for the past three years, the first
two in a much smaller pond (200 gallons). They are exhibiting
aggressive mating behavior since the weather got warm. Is my pond
getting too small for them? Second question: the two oldest fish are
now seven years old, but are still large and active. I didn't think
goldfish lived that long. How old can I expect them to get? Jeff Resta
<Hi Jeff. As a rule of thumb, each goldfish should be given about 30
gallons of water, so by my reckoning 30 x 30 = 600 gallons so
you're fine. This assumes the tank is filtered and basically well
cared for. You might want to "thin the herd" a little if you
find water quality isn't as good as it should be. Sharing good
quality, pond-bred goldfish shouldn't be difficult given your fish
will be far healthier than anything available in the average pet store.
As for age, the oldest goldfish known are around 30 years of age. So
yours are a ways off drawing their pensions just yet! Cheers,
Mystery Fish pond
genesis? -- 06/27/07 Hello Crew <<Just a small part of
it, Kirk. Tom here.>> I have a strange question for you.
<<You've come to the right place.>> In my backyard
there is a small natural pond that dries up in the summertime. This
year, as the pond was shrinking, we found a 6" long sunfish. The
pond is not connected to any other bodies of water and is located in
the middle of a field. There has never been any other fish in this pond
and nothing has ever been added to the pond by people. <<That you
know of, perhaps?>> I've also heard stories of ponds with
minnows in them that also dry up in the summer. Where do you think
these fish come from? <<In all likelihood, Kirk, a bird.
Depending on where you live, I couldn't totally discount something
as seemingly obscure as weather phenomenon such as a twister/tornado
but my money's on the probability that a bird snagged your Sunfish
from another body of water nearby and 'lost' it in your pond,
which it might have stopped at to dine on its catch. In my area of
Michigan, we've still got wading birds similar to Egrets/Herons
that occupy our wetland areas -- even golf courses -- and these
creatures will snag 'something' (frogs, crayfish, fish) and fly
off to another water hole to eat their prey. A six-inch Sunfish would
be a lot to hold on to and I'm betting a bird like I've
described just couldn't finish (start?) the job. (It'll be a
30' Pike when he tells his buddies, over beers, about the 'one
that got away'. :) ) >> Thank you very much Kirk <<No
problem, Kirk. Have a good one! Tom>>
Myxocyprinus asiaticus, in Michigan
pond? 4/8/07 I was wondering if I could winter one of these
over in a pond? Have you ever heard of this? I live in
Michigan. Thanks
<Mmm, I don't think so... this species is listed as subtropical
on FishBase: http://fishbase.org/Summary/speciesSummary.php?ID=12304&genusname=Myxocyprinus&speciesname=asiaticus
15-28 C... but do know that it gets much colder in your State. Bob
Re: Myxocyprinus asiaticus, in a MI
pond 5/10/07 Well, I'd figure I'd let you guys
know that a couple guys that I know had 3 of these guys overwinter here
in Michigan. <Appreciate this> They got pretty big over last
summer and now they are big and happy. These are roughly 30
inch deep plus ponds that have a ice melter to keep the surface open.
<Good idea... Fishbase still lists the species as subtropical with a
lower temp. range of 15 C... http://fishbase.sinica.edu.tw/Summary/speciesSummary.php?ID=12304&genusname=Myxocyprinus&speciesname=asiaticus
Cheers, Bob Fenner>
Ponds and Platys 4/21/07
Hi, <Claire> I sent up a small garden pond in July last year,
approx. 2m x 2m and about 1m deep, no filtration just plants and some
good bacteria from a swamp down the road. It took about 6 months for
the pond to settle and become clear. <Okay> I put in 2 platys and
2 goldfish, I now have about 500 platies!!!!! <Neat!> There are
also about 1000 toad tadpoles, it's teeming with life!!. I have
been giving a lot of platys away but can't keep up, so last week I
decided I needed predators. I was hoping the kingfishers would take a
few. Also had a visiting helmeted terrapin who are supposed to be
carnivorous but all he did was eat the fairy moss and then left. So now
I have 2 Oscars, do you think that they will eat some fry and tadpoles?
<Are tropical species... will likely perish if your water is
cold...> Also there has been some changes in colour of some new
platys, they are grey with no red/orange pigment, could this be the
inbreeding? <Of a sort, yes... and "natural selection"...
the colorful ones are likely "standing out" against the
background... getting eaten selectively> Just in case you are
wondering I live in Tanzania. Many thanks Claire <Ahh! Then rather
than a neotropical (South American in the case of the Oscar), I might
try a "native" cichlid species here... Bob
Fishy <I'll say!>... Over
bio-loaded pond... stop-gap measures 4/19/07 Dear Bob
& crew <Big D> Last night, for no apparent reason, my white
tip reef shark bit the fluke of my bottlenose dolphin I bet you wish
you had a nickel from every time you've heard THAT, right? (ahem -
just kidding) <Heeeee!> Finally, my son's marine aquarium is
stable, thanks in great part to your wonderful site and expert advice.
Things are nice and quiet. Yep. You guessed it. Too quiet.
Nature abhors me having a nice, relaxing day. <And a vacuum!> So
a woman I know called and told me she just bought a house with a Koi
pond and asked if I could come take a look. So I get
there and it's a nice house and a nice pond. There
are six 22+ inch Koi and two 8 inch Koi in a 650 gallon pond with a 800
GPH submersible pump emptying into a 30 gallon filter. <Yikes... too
much life, too little water, filter...> OK, it was a
nice pond when there were 8 fingerlings in it. So I
whip out my test kit and get exactly what I expected: 1.0+
Ammonia, 5.0 Nitrite & 8.1 PH. So I ask
her: Are you sure they're not dead and it's just the
current blowing them around? <Good one> Well, no I didn't ask
exactly that ... but now I'm under more stress than the
Koi. Changing close to 650 gallons of water over 36 hours improved
things dramatically, but I swear, even as I'm doing this ... a
couple of the Koi would nose to me, head almost out of water and then
turn and shoot poop out as if to say "we've evolved, we LIKE
ammonia!" <Doubtful> Anyway ... a bigger pond and less fish
is the answer and we're working the logistics on that ... but in
the near term, what would you think about 4 litres each of Purigen and
Phos-Guard in the filter as an artificial assistant while I dig the
other hole, pour the other cement and beg the homeowner for the funds
to do all this? <This and more or less constant water changing, very
limited feeding... Bob Fenner>
Pond Compatibility -
06/14/2006 Ok we have a pond. <Ok.> We would like to put
catfish in it. Can we also put tilapia with the catfish in the pond?
<Uhh, depends on the climate, the catfish species you intend, the
size of the pond, maybe more....> I couldn't find any info on
which fish could live together believe it or not. If you have any idea
would you please let me know. It would be greatly appreciated! <Do
please keep reading, researching.... There are more
variables at play than I/we know about your pond at this
point. Wishing you well, -Sabrina>
New Pond Idea... New Show
on Discovery - "Monster Pond"! 11/11/05 Wet Web
Crew, <ZT> I've come up with this awesome idea of creating a
giant outdoor pond. It started when I came up with the idea of
trying to put some tropical fish in a giant pond outside in my
backyard. People told me that it would not be possible because of
the extremely harsh winters (I live in New York), and that it
would take an industrial sized heater and a too much $$$ to make
it possible. I wanted to put my 2 Red Bellied Pacu along with a
couple other monster fish in there so I would no longer have to
worry about tank upgrades for life! Well I decided that I should
just wait until I get enough money to get a 300-400 gallon
tank for my basement and put in the RB Pacu along with a few other
nice sized fish. ANYWAY, now I have this awesome idea of
stocking a pond in my backyard with monster pond fish. I am
thinking the pond can be anywhere between 500-5,000 gallon
depending on the $ and space. I want to stock it with some monster
fish. Keep in mind I live in NY, so I have some tough
winters, but some of the fish that I had in mind where possibly:
Bass, Northern Pike or some other pike species, paddlefish (*if
the pond is large enough*), perhaps sturgeon, trout, carp or other
giants. I don't have a good idea of pond fish because I'm more
of a tropical fish guy so maybe a couple of ideas. Please
help! What other fish should I put in this pond??? <Help
with? Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/PondSubWebIndex/Pond%20Sub%20Web.htm.
This is the Index to our Pond Subweb... the articles, FAQs files are
arranged in series... from design, construction, stocking,
maintenance... Bob Fenner>
Re: New Pond Idea... more of a
notion 11/12/2005 I just wanted to know if the stocking plan
can be done? Could these fish fit in this pond? What other should I
add? <... what plan? The list is not compatible... take a read on
WWM re the species, their compatibility, systems...
Re: New Pond Idea
11/12/2005 There is no compatibility list on the site. In the pond
section there are only fish species of Koi, Invertebrates, and
Goldfish. There is nothing on Sturgeons, Paddlefish or any of the fish
I mentioned. Which fish aren't compatible? <Ahh... the last two
families... too large, non-competitive to live with these others...
Need VERY large systems, mostly by themselves, to thrive. Bob
Koi & bass, stocking a pond in
NH I have a manmade freshwater pond that has many frogs and tiny
fish. It is about 1/2 acre and 5 feet deep at the
deepest. We're in NH so it maybe freezes through in the
winter? <Maybe... you can find out from a few sources... neighbors,
the local farm groups associations with government... Hopefully not all
the way to the bottom (freezing, not the Gov> It is spring fed and
has runoff from a nearby road. We'd like to stock it with koi and
bass. Is that a good idea? Any other suggestions?
Thanks for your help! Candace Chopra <Have seen this done. You may
want to make a census of what is there, chat with local "fish and
game" re what they allow... Have seen koi (carp, Cyprinus carpio)
and Bass of various species (mainly Micropterus salmoides here in CA)
in the same basins... but one needs to be concerned with outflow... the
fish getting loose... as well as issues of overall dynamics in the
system. It may well be that other sunfish (the family the bass belongs
to), like Bluegill, Green Ear Sunfish, Pumpkinseed... would be a better
mix. Bob Fenner>
Fish for pond OK, guys, I've
sent this three times now. I don't know if there is a bad
connection or you haven't had the time so here it is! <I would
chalk it up to internet gremlins. We have had a few emails
never make it to their destinations for no apparent
reason. Sorry for the inconvenience, it doesn't happen
frequently, but when it does it is a bother.> Hey crew! Gage, thanks
for your quick response last night; i already read over all of the
articles. I saw the biological filters page and the DIY suggestions.
Could i buy one already made? <There are many hobbyists that make
these as side jobs and sell them to other people. You might
want to check in local hobby groups in your area, or even on eBay. I
have found many of the more unique DIY items already made and ready to
go there for a lot less than I could build them for.> I plan to
settle my pond in sand tomorrow, on Sunday. I don't have a ton of
free time to make a filter, let alone find all the supplies. I would
like to have the pond running in maybe two months. <That seems like
a decent amount of time to get things situated and ready to go.> I
don't want to do a in-pond filter, but then again my pond is 175
gallons. There is a ledge level which concerns me. The top level is
roughly (in feet) 6X3 1/2X 1. The bottom level is 4X3X1. This is about,
oops, 200 gallons. Not extremely large but i got it for free which
beats spending several, several grand. <yeah, can't beat that
price! I did like having a filter on my pond, gave me a bit
of comfort knowing that it was helping the water. Though it
did get messy pretty quickly, and cleaning took a
while. But, I still think that it helped in the health of
the pond and fish.> Another question: i live in North Carolina with
the woods in my back yard. Would raccoons, foxes, easily get my fish?
<Yes, they would. Raccoons love to get fish out of ponds
like that. But the real problem with out door ponds is
Herons! These birds will settle on your pond and not leave
it until all the fish are gone. My aunt lost about 5000
dollars worth of koi from a single bird in one year from her
pond! That bird quickly became public enemy #1.> If so,
what if it was saltwater? <The salt might deter many would be
snackers, but not for long. I doubt a heron would really
care as long as it could get it's beak on tasty fish.> And how
much more would it cost to make it saltwater as opposed to freshwater?
<The cost of salt is the first major price increase. Not
to mention that you would need a filtration system, and possibly live
rock if you to keep the water looking nice. Salt water also
evaporates quite quickly and leaves a salty residue everywhere, so that
might not be something you want. I have never attempted an
outdoor saltwater pond. And it might be something you should
ask about at ReefCentral.com. I always seem to find people
trying some zany things on that forum. You can also check
out WetWebMedia's forum and ask people there. It's
sure to spark a good conversation!> If i could make it salt water,
Could i put a lid on it, like a plastic cover? <You could, though it
would hinder gas exchange at the surface of the water. Thus effecting
the health of the fish. Also, I'm not sure what sort of Lid you
would use for it. That might be another question to ask on
the forum. My personal belief is not to put a lid on
it. Adding a lid will take away from gas exchange, and run
the risk of causing temperatures to rise and harm the fish.> Also,
you suggested an indoor cichlids pond. Could i just buy a good heater
for the pond outside and make it a cichlid pond? And since it is an in
ground pond, could you even see the cichlids that well? Thanks for
listening to me. <Many ponds in Florida have cichlids in
them. Some have totally cichlid ponds, other use a cichlid
in their koi ponds to help reduce unwanted pest fish and
insects. The trouble with outdoor ponds is that they can
become dark and murky, nothing like the indoor aquarium. And
unless you get some of the brighter colored cichlids then it will be
hard to see them.> Thanks in advance, Ryan <Good luck.
Fish for pond OK, guys, I've
sent this three times now. I don't know if there is a bad
connection or you haven't had the time so here it is! Hey crew!
Gage, thanks for your quick response last night; i already read over
all of the articles. I saw the biological filters page and the DIY
suggestions. Could i buy one already made? <Check aquatic ecosystems
in Florida. They handle lots of equipment and filters for almost any
aquatic need. They supply the fish farmers in Florida so they should
have what you need at a reasonable price. Check it out then compare
them to what you could build yourself> I plan to settle my pond in
sand tomorrow, on Sunday. I don't have a ton of free time to make a
filter, let alone find all the supplies. I would like to have the pond
running in maybe two months. I don't want to do a
in-pond filter, but then again my pond is 175 gallons. There is a ledge
level which concerns me. The top level is roughly (in feet) 6X3 1/2X 1.
The bottom level is 4X3X1. This is about, oops, 200 gallons. Not
extremely large but i got it for free which beats spending several,
several grand. Another question: i live in North Carolina with the
woods in my back yard. Would raccoons, foxes, easily get my fish? <
Wild animals can be a major problem with ponds, especially if you live
away from the city. Ponds seem to attract every known animal
within a 5 mile radius. Raccoons sure, foxes maybe, add
water snakes, frogs and birds such as herons to the list too.> If
so, what if it was saltwater? < While saltwater would be a deterrent
to frogs and maybe snakes, the other predators especially the bird
would not be stopped at all.> And how much more would it cost to
make it saltwater as opposed to freshwater? < salt water fish
usually have a much narrower temperature tolerance than freshwater
fish. In you area the temperature can get quite high and you might need
a chiller too.> If i could make it salt water, Could i put a lid on
it, like a plastic cover? < A lid would keep some predators out.
Snakes probably still find a way in. A solid plastic lid would retain
heat like being in a car with the windows rolled up and could get very
hot. Probably too hot.> Also, you suggested an indoor cichlids pond.
Could i just buy a good heater for the pond outside and make it a
cichlid pond? < During the summer months you may not need a heater
at all, but during the winter a heater would be needed. Do you really
want to pay a high electric bill for fish you probably won't be
watching?> And since it is an in ground pond, could you even see the
cichlids that well? < Some cichlids show up very well in ponds. In
Lake Malawi in Africa there is a fish collector whose house is right on
the lake and keeps many cichlids in his pond. They are mostly red
zebras and looked very nice. But overall if it were me, I would set the
pond up outside where it looks good and is convenient to watch. Add
some pond plants to make it look nice and natural. Then I would add a
few cheap goldfish and watch them for a while and see how they do over
a year during the different seasons. If the fish are doing well and are
growing and thriving then I would add the filtration to the pond with
an attractive waterfall or fountain. I suspect the water will turn
green with algae and it would be difficult to see anything. Fish that
are bright and attractive to your eye will also look the same to a
predator too. The indoor pond thing would work but I think you would
enjoy the fish in an aquarium better.-Chuck> Thanks for listening to
me. Thanks in advance, Ryan
Pond Fun Dear Bob: <Sabrina
here today, hoping to help with your pond questions!> My wife and I
dug out a small pond in our yard last month -
January. It's vinyl lined, and has approx 25 sq ft area,
and ranges 18" to 24" deep. We lined the edges
with various type rocks we have collected over the years: quartz from
New England, coral from the Keys, granite and marble from Texas Hill
Country, volcanic from Mexico, and local sandstone from East Texas.
<The only thing here that really concern me is the coral - this will
affect your pH and hardness, please test regularly, remove the coral
from the pond if necessary.> All in all it looks pretty nice, and
there are numerous caves and channels between the rocks and pond
edge. The bottom is also rock and pebbles, but much smaller.
<Sounds fun!> We planted some edge plants for shading, and are
now collecting local lilies and hyacinth for pond growth.
<Great fun, indeed! I love local collecting.... er,
when/where I can do so legally.> We waited until late January to
introduce some fish, and then added about 25-30 minnows from a bayou
near our house. <Any idea what kind of fish specifically?> At
this time the pond had taken on a greenish glow indicating some algae
growth which we felt was good. <Well,
good? Yeah, kinda, but it will continue to grow to nuisance
proportions, ultimately making your pond a tasty-looking
"pea-soup" color. It would definitely be of
benefit to add more plants to help outcompete the
algae. With so much great local stuff, this should be a lot
of fun.> The minnows seem to like the pond, and we have some
mosquito larvae that we dump in from our bird bath.
<Yum!> We live near Houston, TX, the water temp at present is
around 55F, and we have a small 200 GPM pump that feeds a waterfall
that aerates the pond. <Very good.> We are looking for other fish
to add, and this week, I bought 8 each Rosies because they seemed to be
a pretty hardy fish, and add a little color. They are doing
well, and I feed them fish flakes. <Although these are
quite hardy little fish, it is a real gamble whether you can get
'em healthy; they are sold as feeders, and quite often kept in less
than adequate conditions, and tend to contract illness, which they
could bring home and spread to your other fishes. I would
recommend implementing a quarantine system to use prior to adding such
fish in the future, if possible.> Today is overcast and only 50F -
all the fish seem to be laying low; i.e., hidden in the rock crevices.
Yesterday was a bit sunny, and closer to 60F, and they were more active
in the open water. Is this normal? <Yes,
absolutely.> Also, during the cooler nights, I cover the pond with a
bubble wrap liner - keeps in warmth, also keeps out leaves which are
still falling. <Excellent.> When it gets a bit warmer, I want to
add some more Rosies <For reasons above, I would skip the
Rosies. It is also best to have lower stocking densities, to
prevent organic waste buildup which would lead to health and algae
issues.> and maybe 5 or 6 goldfish. <These will
probably absolutely love your pond, and then some.> Probably in
March - March 1st is frost free day here. We want low
maintenance fish - are we thinking correctly, or should we take another
direction. <Sounds good, to me - just do please be wary of adding
too many fish; "less is more", so to speak. As
above, I would skip the additional Rosies. The goldfish will
be a much more colorful, substantial addition, anyway.> Thanks for
any advice you can pass on. I found your website yesterday,
and it's something we'll use for our reference - thanks for
keeping it up. Marty Husti <And thank you for the kind
words! We're glad you're enjoying it, and glad to be
of service. Wishing you
well, -Sabrina>
Rosy Red Minnows & Northern
Redbelly Dace Hello, <Hi there> I apologize for bothering you
guys so much, but I'm still on the hunt for diversifying the fish
in my pond. There isn't that much information for ponds other than
goldfish and koi. Also, since it's too cold to do much with the
pond right now I have to get my fish fix online. <No worries at
all.> I have been reading a lot lately in search of new fish to add.
I've come across the Rosy Red Minnow, and wanted to confirm their
usefulness in ponds. Apparently they are more tolerant of temperature
extremes than common goldfish, even swimming below the ice in winter.
Second is the Northern Redbelly Dace, I know of someone in Maryland who
has the Southern variety in her pond, and continually survive winters.
The Northern Redbelly can be found in waters much farther north than
here (southern Ontario). Again just wanted to confirm their
compatibility. <These should both work out just fine. I'm not
familiar with them myself but the webpages I was able to find said they
are compatible with goldfish and Koi. I found a lot of info on the Rosy
Reds at http://userpages.umbc.edu/~rrhudy1/rosies.htm
This site also has a little info on the Redbellies.> Also, I have
three Koi I'm about to add to my pond (my first). I have two
concerns, are Koi normally "high strung"? These don't let
you sit and watch them, they dart around for about a minute and then
hide and won't come out. They are also a lot faster than the
goldfish, especially the two fantails I have in the pond. Will they get
picked on by the Koi? <Give them some time to adapt to their
surroundings and you should see them more often.> I apologize again
for the questions, I can't sit outside and watch the pond because
of the cold, and the Koi keep hiding from me. You should watch out for
me next weekend it's supposed to be cold again. <It's been
chilly here too (NW Montana) but probably not quite as cold as
there!> Thanks again, Mike <You're welcome!
Re: Rosy Red Minnows & Northern
Redbelly Dace Hey Ronni, <Hi Mike> That's kind of funny,
the page you mentioned is the person I was referencing. I've been
using her page for information for over a year now, and that's
where I got the idea to get those fish. Now I just have to find them.
Hopefully some bait shop or LFS just happens to have them. <That
page had some good info. They did say that those fish could be hard to
find but one of the plusses was that the Rosy Red are easy breeders so
if you get some you may end up being able to fully stock with just a
few breeders.> Also funny, I'm actually further south than
Montana, and it should be a lot warmer here, we just got hit with a
cold snap. <Can you tell that geography has always been a killer for
me? *G* Oh well, hopefully the cold spell won't move this way,
it's cool enough here right now!> Oh ya, I've been checking
on the Koi and they do seem more relaxed, but still don't stay out
for more than a minute. <That's good. I think they'll
eventually come out more. Their whole world changed when you put them
in there and they don't know what's around that would consider
them prey.> Thanks for the help. Mike <You're welcome!
Aquatic Gardens
Ponds, Streams, Waterfalls & Fountains:
Volume 1. Design & Construction
Volume 2. Maintenance, Stocking, Examples
V. 1
Print and
eBook on Amazon
V. 2
Print and
eBook on Amazon
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |