FAQs About Red Ear Slider Turtles 4
Related Articles: The Care
and Keeping of the Red Eared Slider, Trachemys scripta elegans by
Darrel Barton,
Red Ear Sliders,
Eared Slider Care, Shell Rot in
Related FAQs:
Sliders 1,
RESliders 2,
RESliders 3, RESliders 5,
Red Eared Slider
Identification, RES Behavior,
RES Compatibility,
RES Selection,
Systems, RES Feeding,
RES Disease,
Reproduction, Turtles in General:
Identification, Turtle
Behavior, Turtle
Compatibility, Turtle
Selection, Turtle Systems,
Turtle Feeding,
Turtle Disease,
Turtle Disease 2,
Shell Rot,
Turtle Reproduction,

Questions about my RES 1/30/20
Hey Crew, I have a female RES, have had her for 19 years.
<Decent age!>
She's always been very active, a super eater, and basker.
But about 2 months ago, out of nowhere, she stopped eating,
swimming much, and never gets up on her basking platform. She's
in a 30 gallon tank that's about 78 degrees, has both lights required,
and the water is kept clean.
<Understood. As a rule, leaving the water at room temperature, while
providing a warm basking light (together with the UV-B lamp) is
recommended. While I doubt the water is dangerously warm, turtles do
need to be able to cool down as well as warm up. It's how they
I took her to the vet and she took x-rays to see if she was producing
eggs, she wasn't. Her lungs were clear and there were no signs of any
abnormalities. A blood test was also taken. No signs of infection or
deficiencies. The only thing that came back a little elevated was
parasites. So, I administered 3 doses of anti-parasitic medication, by
mouth, 3 days in a row. That was a trip!!
<I bet.>
No improvement.
<Oh dear.>
Previous to this, maybe 6 months ago, she had an infection on her neck.
The vet cleaned it and gave her antibiotic shots, several of them, and
Topsy healed up very well. She was still eating and swimming during her
Right before she stopped eating, my other turtle, named Taxi, who lives
in a tank next to Topsy, but on a stand, Topsy's tank is on the floor,
escaped from his tank and fell into Topsy's. He hit the light, knocked
it into the water, and the bulb exploded. Then, I assume he went after
Topsy for a date night and she bit the heck out of him.
<Yikes. Takes me back to be college days...>
I put him back in his tank and he healed up just fine. Did she maybe get
an electric shock that damaged her insides or something? Taxi didn't act
normal for a while after this either, but eventually got back to his
normal self.
<For sure an electric shock or even stress could have caused some sort
of problem, but a dangerous shock would be apparent immediately, and if
she was still alive thereafter, it would seem to rule out the light bulb
incident. Stress from the amorous encounter might put a turtle off
eating for a day or two, but really, these animals aren't especially
smart or sensitive, so it's not like PTSD is a thing for them. So if the
turtle appears otherwise uninjured, I'd tend to rule out psychological
That's when Topsy stopped eating, shortly after this incident. She
hasn't had a single crumb of food for over 2 months. The other day I
bought Flukers Repta boost and have given her two doses. She spit most
of the first dose out, the second I just spilled into her water. I
figured she's gonna swallow some it that way; I didn't want to stress
her too much.
Anyway, today, I gave her another small dose, by mouth, which she
swallowed, thank you Lord! This stuff is supposed to give her energy and
an increased appetite, right?
<Possibly. None of these appetite enhancers works miracles, and won't
convince an ailing reptile to eat food if it physically can't.>
Also, today, I noticed her mouth is red, like it would be her upper lip,
not inside, but where her upper jaw meets her lower jaw. Just on one
side, down from her nostrils to the corner of her mouth. Could that be a
symptom of disease or a bruise from trying to get her to open her mouth
to squirt the Repta boost in.
<Either. A bruise is possible, but should heal quickly enough if it
isn't infected (so clean if red inflammation is better than dead white
patches or odorous bacterial discharge). Throat infections do happen in
reptiles, particularly ones going towards the lungs (what are called
Respiratory Tract Infections) but these are commonly associated with
additional symptoms such as wheezing, watery eyes, even in serious cases
a sloshy sound inside the lungs.>
I love her so much and don't know what to do next. I've visited every
website I can find and no one gives me substantial advice on what could
be wrong.
I sure hope you can help me. This is costing me a fortune, as well. The
last appt. at the vet was nearly $300 and now she wants me to go to an
exotic pet specialist. Yikes! I'm not a Rockefeller! I want to do what I
can to help this sweetie, but money is an issue.
<I do sympathise, and to some degree this has always been a problem with
reptiles. They're comparatively cheap to buy and feed compared with
mammal pets like dogs and cats, but vet bills can be similarly
expensive. On top of that, the pool of vets out there with the skills to
treat reptiles is often smaller and so more difficult to access, making
reptile healthcare doubly expensive. The flip side of course is that
kept properly reptiles tend to be remarkably disease-free, perhaps
because they're often kept singly and away from any other reptile that
might pass on a parasite or pathogen, something that can't be said about
cats and dogs that encounter other cats and dogs all the time.>
What say you, Crew!!??
<My instinct here is that if the turtle hasn't eaten in two months,
diddling around with food additives is probably pointless. Offer choice
food items every day, but remove if uneaten. Force feeding is likely a
stress factor and probably does more harm than good. Your care hitherto
must have been basically sound, because 19 years isn't a bad innings for
a Red Ear Slider -- certainly a lot better than most of the pet store
hatchlings can expect -- even if they can and do live 20-30 years under
good conditions. I'd perhaps brace myself for one more trip to the vet,
because I'm wondering if an intestinal blockage might be an issue, but
beyond that, there's nothing obvious from what you've said that could
explain the situation. I would optimise living conditions though. I'd
remove the heater from the water, if used, and I'd double check the UV-B
lamp especially is not life-expired (most have a 6-12 month useful
lifespan). Wild turtles will go months without food during winter, so I
don't think starvation is an imminent threat, but it's hard to say
Thanks so much for any advice you can give me!
Sincerely, Catherine
<Most welcome, Neale.>
Re: Questions about my RES 2/1/20
Thx Neale, but wouldn't an intestinal blockage show up on an X-ray.
<Does rather depend if the vet was looking for one. For sure something
like a pebble would be obvious. But constipation might not be so
obvious, and other tests would be used.>
The vet took two pictures one from below and one from the side. Also I
turn my heat way down at night when I go to bed so would 65 to 68
degrees be too cold 4 her tank water? Or should I just turn the heater
down to 70 degrees?
What do you suggest?
<Room temperature water is pretty much perfect. I think setting the
heater to 22C/72F as a backstop would be fine, but the main thing is
that the water is cooler than the hot spot in the vivarium. Cheers,
Red eared slider stopped growing 9/1/19
A relative found a little red eared slider a few years ago on a riverbank
and thought he didn't look too good, so he rescued him.
<Not recommended, but understandable.>
(We live in Trinidad .... an island in the Caribbean).
We've had him for over 2 years and he is 2 inches.
<Pretty small, yes.>
He eats pellets, lettuce, and occasionally, some mosquito larvae. His shell
is well formed, no abnormalities or deformities, he basks regularly and his
behavior and energy levels seem pretty normal.
My son thinks he's a mutation or some species of pygmy turtle
<Doesn't sound impossible to me. The thing with reptiles is that they grow
their entire lives, but the rate at which they grow declines with time. If
they don't prosper for the first two or three years, a Red Ear Slider may
grow a bit for the rest of its life, but at a steadily diminishing rated,
so it'll never catch up with those Red Ears of the same age but with a more
fortunate start to their lives. So yes, bad genes can be a cause, but bad
luck can be a major factor too.>
His tank is pretty small but that will improve when we move out of our
apartment within the next year.
<Stunting can happen with some animals, but not Red Ear Sliders, which tend
to outgrow small tanks rather than get stunted. That said, improving living
conditions is always a worthwhile step.>
Do you think something is wrong with him?
<See above. Hope this helps! Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Red eared slider stopped growing 9/2/19
Thank you, I guess we’re stuck with a permanently extra cute little guy ...
when we first got him the kids named him Token as he was the size of a coin.
<That's cute.>
His name evolved into Tokapee ... he is just soooo cute ... we will give him as
happy a life as we possibly can ... he is very loved.
<Sounds like he's landed on his feet. Hopefully he'll provide your family with
entertainment for many years to come.>
Thanks again
<You are most welcome. Neale.>
27+ year old RES. 1/19/14
I have a male Red Eared Slider that I've had for going on 25 years now,
he was probably 3-5 years old when I got him, not to sure. I know he's
between 27 and 35 years of age.
<A fair age indeed!>
He's been a real trooper thus far. He recently seams to be
unhappy, trying to bite at me more then normal, and quicker to jump off
his basking pad when I enter the room; not normal.
I know he's healthy and his habitat is well taken care of, if it wasn't
I don't think he'd still be here.
<True to a degree, but do bear in mind that underlying problems with
turtles can take a long time to manifest themselves. So keep an open
Anyway, I can not find much on the internet in the way of care for a RES
of his age in captivity.
<Pretty much consistent across their lifespan, the only big change being
that the older the turtle gets, the more plant material it should be
eating relative to high protein or meaty treats.>
I want to insure him a happy and healthy long life, just a little
concerned at the moment with his slight mood change. Things I have done
so far; went through and thoroughly cleaned his habitat, gave him some
new plants, gravel, basking area and treated him to some live food.
<Not goldfish, I hope! Truly, the risk of introducing parasites via live
feeder fish is too great. On the other hand, the occasional earthworm
won't do any harm.>
He seams a bit more happy since this was done. He lives in a 75gal
aquarium right now, I am thinking about switching him to a 125gal formed
pond. He's always lived inside, takes the occasional stroll around the
house in the winter and gets his outside time in the summer. Do you have
any suggestions for care of a RES of his age in captivity?
<Not really. If it's worked so far, then carry on. A trip to the vet is
a good idea if you're worried he's very out of sorts, but otherwise this
turtle sounds well cared for.>
Or should I continue as I have for the last 20 years and just monitor
him closely for a bit? Thanks for any and all input.
<Have cc'ed our turtle guru Darrel in case he has anything to add.
Cheers, Neale.>
RES turtle compatibility and care questions
Hi this is Sonal from Mumbai...
<Hi Sonal,>
I have 2 res turtles now..{male-female pair}
about their age, both of them r less than a year.. she is younger
to him by 3 months..
my male turtle acts as if he wants to scratch the face out of my
female turtle..
She's larger than he is..he wiggles his finger nails towards
her cheeks(I mean the area near her eyes) with both his hands..
it looks as if she's getting hurt by this action.. she takes
her head inside her shell n closes her eyes in the beginning... n
later on she comes out n pushes him away..
but just a few days earlier found HER doing the same thing, the
same way he was doing... I don't understand what kind of
behavior is this n what for??
[are they getting matured or something..or is it related to the
mating thing!!]
I would really appreciate if you could tell me more about this
behavior..(so that I understand them better..)
also could u tell me about how to keep their shell clean,'coz
sometimes it really stinks..[I clean the tank everyday..]
Thanks a lot for your help..'coz every time I mail u,u ppl
always help..
<Sonal, we'd be happy to answer your questions, but can
you first please write us back and give us some additional
<First, about your tank set-up and care? i.e.:
1) # gallons of your tank
2) what type of heating and lighting bulbs you are using
3) what, if anything, you're providing for a basking
4) temperature of air above the basking platform
5) temperature of water
6) what, if any, type of filtration you're using
7) what you're feeding your turtles.>
<Next, sexual maturity is best determined by size, not actual
age. Can you measure the length of each of your turtles' top
shells? Hold a straight edge ruler above their top shell;
don't follow the curve of their shell.)
<Also, re: shell - Can you provide us more information about
your turtle's shell? i.e. Are any parts of the shell soft,
either underneath or on top? Are there any whitish patches
anywhere? Is it in any other way discolored?>
<Also, when you write back, can you please also do us a favor
and replace your *txt* words with the proper full words and make
complete sentences (capitalize 1st letter of sentence, use a
period at end of sentences, spaces between sentences, etc.) We
ask this because these FAQs get stored and become part of the
website's *reference library*. Using properly spelled whole
words and complete sentences makes it easier for others to later
search for and find this information on our website, as people
typically use whole words and/or phrases to conduct their
Thanks a ton..
<Thank you, Sonal. Please write back and give us more
specifics about your turtles, your care and your tank set up so
we can better help you and answer your questions.>
<Wet Web Media crew>
Re RES Turtle compatibility, shell concerns and
general care 8/18/10
Hi.. Sonal again..
<Hi, Sonal, this is Sue here with you.>
I am sending you photographs of my tank so that you get a better
idea about it. The first photograph shows the amount of water (I
don't know how to measure it in gallons!) & the other one
shows the basking area.
<Thanks for sending us photos, Sonal! It's very helpful to
have photos along with the description.>
Tank set-up and care:
<Thank you for also writing back with additional information
about your set-up. This really helps us to better advise you.
From your responses, I see what some of your problems might be.
I'll briefly comment on each of these items below in this
email, and then give you more complete feedback and
recommendations in the original email you sent which had your
actual questions and concerns.>
1) # gallons of your tank= approx 3 liters
<3 liters is approximately equivalent to under 1 (U.S.)
gallon. If this is true, Sonal, this is WAY too small a tank for
even ONE turtle. It's one of, if not THE main reason why your
two turtles are having problems getting along. It's also not
good for other reasons. See more about this at the end.>
2) What type of heating and lighting bulbs you are using = I
don't use any type of heating, direct sunlight from the
window (but since its rainy season here, there's no
<Neither of these are adequate. Turtles need basking heat for
their bodies to function properly, and they need regular,
consistent UVB light for their shell and bone health. You're
going to need to make some changes here right away.>
3) What, if anything, you're providing for a basking platform
= shown in the picture.
<A couple of questions for you here -- can you write back and
tell me --
'¢ Can both of your turtles get up on this rock without
any difficulty?
'¢ How often do both of them bask on it? (i.e., every
day, every other day??)
'¢ How many hours each day are they out basking on
4) Temperature of air above the basking platform = normal room
temperature about 25 degrees C (equivalent to 77 degrees F).
<Nowhere near warm enough. Turtles require much warmer basking
heat than 25 degrees C. Unlike us, their bodies/organs rely on
the external temperature of the air to function properly,
including properly digesting their food. See more about this
5) Temperature of water = normal room temperature (sometimes I
add lukewarm water, especially in the winters)
<Turtles like cool water (this is what encourages them to get
out to bask which they need to do), so this part is fine,
assuming your normal room temperature is around 20-22 degrees C
(68-72 degrees F). However, I'm concerned that your aquarium
is located next to a window. More on this at the end.>
6) What, if any, type of filtration you're using = I clean
the tank every day -- no filtration.
<Depending on how/what you're doing to keep the water
clean, this may or may not be adequate -- especially given how
little water is in your tank. The less amount of water there is,
the more concentrated and toxic it becomes from food, poop and
other debris left in it until your next cleaning.>
7) What you're feeding your turtles = a little amount of the
turtle food, dried prawns and some small balls of wheat dough
(its their favorite), boiled egg white (another favorite),
coriander leaves (only the male turtle eats), cabbage leaves,
sometimes boiled chicken or fish pieces, and blood worms (very
<This is not a healthy diet for your turtles, and likely
another part of the problem you're having. If not already,
they will become malnourished and ill if you continue to give
them this type of food. This also needs to be corrected right
size: male: 8cm (approx. 3 in.) in length and 6.5cm (approx. 2
½ in.) in breadth
female: 9 cm (approx. 3 ½ in.) and 7.5cm (approx. 3
in.) respectively
<To your original question, neither are sexually mature yet.
Males typically start reaching sexual maturity when their top
shell (carapace) length is about 4'; females start to reach
maturity a little later than males, at around 6' long. See
later on below how this relates to your question about their
behaviors toward each other.>
The female turtle's shell was a little soft (some parts); now
I think its fine, but still not as strong as that of my male
turtle. No other problems with the shell.
<A shell that has been, and still is, soft in spots is a sign
that your turtle has a metabolic illness, specifically a calcium
deficiency that's causing her body to instead have to remove
calcium that's already stored in her shell and bones in order
to perform its other functions. The shells and bones then start
to become soft from the loss of calcium. This condition (as well
as the diet/environmental factors that caused it) needs to be
addressed right away, otherwise it can lead to much more serious
illness and even death.>
Thank you.
<Your welcome, Sonal. Please read my responses now to the
questions and concerns you sent us in your original
Hi this is Sonal from Mumbai...
I have 2 RES (red-eared slider) turtles now (male-female pair).
About their age, both of them are less than a year. She is
younger than him by 3 months. My male turtle acts as if he wants
to scratch the face out of my female turtle. She's larger
than he is. He wiggles his finger nails towards her cheeks (I
mean the area near her eyes) with both his hands. It looks as if
she's getting hurt by this action. She takes her head inside
her shell and closes her eyes in the beginning. And later on she
comes out and pushes him away. But just a few days earlier, I
found HER doing the same thing, the same way he was doing. I
don't understand what kind of behavior is this, and what
for?? Are they getting mature or something? Or is it related to
the mating thing!! I would really appreciate if you could tell me
more about this behavior (so that I understand them better).
<As I mentioned above, both of your turtles are still on the
small side to be displaying mating behaviors. And, they're
also still on the small side yet to know for sure what sex they
really are. From their tail sizes it does appear your larger one
might be a female, but it could also be the angle of your camera
so I can't tell for sure. Also, the more accurate way to know
is by looking UNDER their tails. So -- either one of two things
are happening:
1. You DO in fact have a male and a female. If this is the case,
as you might expect with the male species (ha!), males sometimes
get an early start, and can exhibit this behavior toward females
before either one is sexually mature. What also happens sometimes
is that mating behavior leads to aggression. This typically
happens when either:
'¢ the male is trying to mate with an immature female
(and the female becomes agitated and aggressive in response) or
'¢ when the male gets more and more aggressive trying to
*persuade* the female, hoping that his repeated advances will
eventually work -- again, not much different than in the human
species! Normally, in nature the male wouldn't likely put
this much *pressure* on one female, as he would have other
females to try to pursue.
2. It's also possible that you actually have 2 males and
they're growing at different rates. It often happens that 1
turtle becomes the dominant one, gets more of the food, and grows
faster. If this is the case, sometimes, for whatever reason, when
no female is around, males will exhibit this behavior with each
other. Because males often compete with one another, each of them
may also be trying to assert their dominance toward one another,
and becoming aggressive with each other, particularly since you
have them in such close confines with each other. Which leads me
to --- >
<What's even further adding to the problem of aggression
in either case above is that your tank is WAY too small. It's
even too small for just one of your turtles. And for 2 turtles,
it's not allowing them anywhere to go to hang out by
themselves and escape from one another as they would normally be
able to do in nature. Having to live/exist almost on top of each
other as they are now is causing both of them a LOT of stress --
REGARDLESS of what sex they are. By nature, they prefer being
alone. They also like to be able to swim and move freely about,
not just sit in the water, especially right next to other
<So -- you need to act on this now before one of them becomes
seriously injured. Especially given that one of your turtles is
already getting hurt by your other turtle's actions. You have
a couple of choices here. Either:
1. Separate them in two different tanks (that are both much
larger than the one you have now -- see the end of this message
for how to determine what size you need). Keep in mind that if
one of them is a female, you may need to keep her in a separate
tank until she is big enough/mature enough to mate with him,
which could be at least 2 or more years away still!
2. Put them in an even LARGER enclosure with separate basking
areas and hidden areas to get away from, and out of sight of the
other. Some pet stores even sell partitions that you can place in
a tank. This option would be less expensive for you than buying 2
tanks and set-ups. But it DOES require you to get a much larger
tank than Option 1. And unless you do use a partition, this
option also may not work. If it doesn't, you'll need to
consider other options, including getting another (mature) female
turtle to take the *pressure* off the one (again, if you DO in
fact have a male and female right now), or to separate the two of
them into 2 tanks (back to the 1st option).>
Also, could you tell me how to keep their shells clean, because
sometimes they really stink. I clean the tank everyday.
< A healthy shell should be hard and have no odor to it at
all. The odor is a sign that there might be some sort of
infection brewing. Fungus and bacteria often seize the
opportunity to take advantage of a shell that's debilitated.
You mentioned in your 2nd email above that one of your
turtle's has had/still has some soft spots on it. Soft shell
is one of the conditions that can cause a shell to deteriorate
and become more susceptible to infection. And, as I noted above,
soft shell in and of itself, can lead to much more serious
illness. So both of these conditions need to be addressed
immediately (as well as the dietary and environmental factors
that caused them).>
<Things that cause a turtle's shell to slowly deteriorate
and soften (otherwise known as *Soft shell*), include improper
diet/lack of calcium in the diet (as I described above), and not
enough UVA and UVB lighting (what you get from the sun or from an
artificial light source). UVA and UVB light helps turtles make
the vitamins they need for their shell and bone health. Soft
shell is also called Metabolic Bone Disease and left untreated
becomes 100% fatal.>
<Causes of shell rot/infections include inadequate diet,
improper lighting and heating temperatures (both basking and
water), and poor water quality.>
<So here is what you need to do right away:
1. Remove (and separate) both of your turtles from your tank and
place them each in a separate warm, dry container. Bacteria and
fungus thrive in warm, wet environments and will seize the
opportunity to take over and make an already debilitated turtle
even sicker. You MUST provide them with a heat source (to keep
air around 85-87 degrees F or about 30 degrees C), and you also
MUST provide them with both a UVA AND especially a UVB source.
They should remain in this environment around the clock except
for putting each of them in a shallow container of water each day
to eat, drink and poop. Below is a link to an article that
explains exactly how to do this.
2. Keep your turtles in this environment for the amount of time
specified under the 'Soft Shell' section of this guide,
and until you make the needed changes to their regular living
3. In particular, carefully read over the sections of this
article describing Isolation, Soft Shell, and Notes 1 (about
proper diet) and Notes 2 (about proper lighting).
4. Follow the treatment steps listed under the Soft Shell section
of this same guide, which include isolation (in #1 above) and
calcium treatments. Ideally, it would be best if you could find a
herp or reptile vet to administer the calcium to your female
turtle in an injectible form. Failing this, besides the other
sources mentioned in the link above, I have had good success with
Rep-Cal Phosphorous-Free Calcium with Vitamin D. It comes in a
powder form. I add a pinch of it to pellets that have been
pre-softened in a small amount of water.
5. Read the following additional link, compare each step of your
care to the guidelines listed here, and make the necessary
6. In particular, fix the things that are most likely causing
your turtles to have shell problems and calcium deficiencies:
1. Correct the diet you're feeding them. This is going to
come as bad news to your turtles, but you need to stop feeding
them wheat dough, boiled egg white, dried prawns, chicken, etc.!
None of these foods are part of their natural diet, and it's
not providing them with the correct balance of vitamins and
nutrients they need. At least 50% of your turtle's diet, even
at this young age, should be vegetarian and greens based; as
adults that bumps up to 75%. The items listed below are ALL you
need to feed them! (The diet is actually the easiest part!):
* A high quality pellet such as ReptoMin or a high quality Koi
pellet. Especially right now I'd recommend soaking them in
water until they soften, then adding a pinch of calcium powder as
mentioned above and mix in well. (Note: only feed them pellets
once every OTHER day, and ONLY as much as each of them will eat
in 5-10 minutes. One of the most common mistakes people make with
turtles is to overfeed. This can also lead to diseases).
* An earthworm (No bloodworms) every week or so for some
additional Vitamin A which they also need.
* If you want to add some fiber and give them something to munch
on in between feedings, rather than cabbage leaves or coriander;
substitute dandelion leaves (some grocery stores actually carry
this), red leaf and curly green leaf lettuces (no iceberg
lettuce, though). What I did was buy a clip with a suction cup
from my pet store to hold the greens in place so they stay in one
place and are easier to clean up. Just replace with fresh greens
as needed.
Now, it's very possible your turtles are not going to be
*thrilled* with this change -- as most anyone wouldn't be on
Day #1 of a *Diet*! So don't get concerned if you don't
see them rushing to eat these things right away. Just give them
time, they'll adjust. If you're still having difficulty
getting them to switch over in the next couple of weeks, write
back and I can give you some additional tips. Just make sure they
get the calcium they need right now, though.
2. Provide correct basking temperature and basking conditions. It
is essential that your turtles spend several hours each day
basking -- and in the right conditions. Your turtles need:
* Easy access to a basking area. If they're having trouble
climbing onto the basking area you're providing, you'll
need to switch this with something else. The one I use and would
recommend is the Zoo Med floating turtle dock. It comes in
different sizes.
* Proper water and air temperatures: a CLEAR choice between cool
water and warm air. This is what encourages them to get out to
bask every day as they should. They should be spending several
hours each day out of the water completely drying off, heating
up, and soaking in the UVB rays.
* A heat bulb above their basking area. The air above your
turtles' basking areas needs to be MUCH warmer than what
you're currently providing. It should be around 88-90 degrees
F (31-32 degrees C). Unlike us, turtles need to get this heat
from outside their bodies to properly digest their food.
Otherwise it will rot in their stomach and eventually cause them
to become seriously ill.
* A UVB light bulb, also above their basking area (see
3. Fix the lighting conditions: Sunlight through a window pane or
screen is not adequate for UVA/UVB. And direct sunlight into a
tank runs the risk of making the air too hot and baking them.
Given you live in a seasonal climate and can't have them
exposed to direct sunlight outside all year long, either,
it's best then to provide them with a good quality artificial
UVB light that will give them a consistent source of UVA/UVB all
year long (UVB automatically provides UVA but not the other way
around). This light needs to be placed directly above their
basking area. More is written about this in the care link
4. Fix any water quality issues. You didn't mention exactly
how you're keeping the water clean, but here are some
* Turtles are much messier than fish and require even better
filtration than they do. I would highly advise you to get a very
good mechanical filter that is rated several times more than the
amount of water in your tank.
* Water changes can be cut back to 50% water changes every week
once your filter gets established (after about a month or
* Periodically test your water for ammonium and nitrite before
your water changes.
* Suction up/vacuum up food and poop immediately after
they're done; don't let it sit around until your water
* Until you get a filter, consider feeding your turtles in a
separate container of shallow water. This will help cut back on
the waste in the water.>
<Some other things I would strongly recommend:
* Do not place your turtles' tanks next to a window. Besides
the concern about heat and lighting fluctuations, there is also
the risk in the wintertime of your turtles getting exposed to
drafts in the air. This is one of the main causes of turtles
coming down with respiratory infections, which can also become
serious and often fatal. I would instead place their tanks in an
interior part of the room or some place where they won't be
exposed to cool air drafts.
* As I mentioned above, your current tank size is much too small,
even for just one turtle. Turtles like to have lots of room
(especially surface area more than depth) to swim about. As I
noted above, there are several problems with a small enclosure.
Small amounts of water fluctuate much more with outside air
temperatures, making it much harder to control, regulate, and
keep water temperature within a constant range. It also makes it
much harder to maintain good water quality because leftover food
and waste is much more toxic in smaller amounts of water. The
general rule on size of tanks for turtles is 10 gallons (38
liters) per 1 inch (2 ½ cm.) of shell length. Right
now each of your turtles should be in approximately a 30 gallon
or 114 liter tank. Eventually, they will need a MUCH larger tank.
If in fact you do have a female, she can grow to as much as 12
inches (30 cm.) long; males also can get large, up to around 10
inches (25 cm.) The good news is that *larger* doesn't have
to mean expensive. The link above that I gave you to the care
guide describes other options for enclosures that don't cost
a lot of money.>
Thanks a lot for your help -- because every time I mail you, you
people always help.
<I hope we helped again this time, Sonal! Please write back
and let us know how things are going.>
Thanks a ton.
<You're welcome!>
[1]%20sonai.jpg) |
Red Eared Slider, fdg.... gen. - 6/12/10
Dear Sir or Madam,
I recently found a red eared slider in my garden in Dubai, he was being
attacked by some myna birds when I found him. He is male (long claws
and tail), approx 4-5" and looks fairly healthy. He has either
been dropped by a bird or dumped by some irresponsible owners. I took a
roasting tray (30cm x 20cm x 10cm) and filled it with water then built
some large gravel around it so he can easily climb in and out and put
it on the patio enclosed by some chairs (on their side) and covered
with a towel to provide shade but with a small sunny spot on the patio
on one side. I fed him some raw prawns which he very quickly ripped
apart and ate. After a trip to the vet I got him some terrapin pellet
food, but he doesn't seem too keen on that.
<Children aren't wild about vegetables, and will happily gorge
themselves on chocolate. But which is best for them? Prawns are a fine
treat maybe once a week, but they are nutritionally not very useful.
Among other things they contain thiaminase, which means the more you
use them, the less vitamin B1 the terrapin will have in its body. Long
term that causes serious problems. Koi pellets are a good staple, and
better treats would include salad greens and small pieces of white fish
fillet like tilapia.>
He is quite active, he will lie in the water putting his head up
occasionally for air and looks as though he is sleeping. Then sometimes
he'll climb out and have a wander around, he likes to bask in the
sun after the sprinklers have been on (I think perhaps because the
patio is then a bit wet) and he doesn't seem to object too much to
being handled (we have to move him every day to replace his water as we
do not have a filter yet).
So I wanted to ask:
1) Will he be okay in the enclosure I have made for him? I cannot get a
pond built for a few weeks as I need permission from my landlord.
Otherwise I will have to spend a lot of money on a tank setup as a
temporary measure. The outside temperature in Dubai currently averages
low 27 C (80 F) degrees and high 42 C (107 F)
<Air temperature in Dubai will be fine. Indeed, the water will need
to be quite cool so he doesn't overheat, and he'll likely bask
in the sunshine and then cool down in the water, so something that
shades the water will be handy. The size of the tank isn't adequate
though. Do read:
2) How much of his diet should be pellet food can he survive on just
prawns (well perhaps varied raw fish)? and how often would you expect a
terrapin this size to eat?
<Prawns should be only very occasional treats. Again, read those
articles for tips on feeding.>
3) Are they social animals?
Does he require company and if I get another terrapin should it be the
same size as him?
<Least of your problems now, and indeed, mixing them in small
enclosures is likely to end up with aggression. Males are somewhat
Our pet store only seem to sell babies (about 1-2") Should I get
male or females to keep him company?
Lastly should terrapins be neutered if they are kept in mixed
<No. But females will need access to dry sand or coconut fibre to
lay their eggs in, otherwise they become egg bound. You can throw the
eggs away after they're laid. But you do have to make sure females
can lay their eggs.>
Many thanks for your advice and assistance,
Kind regards,
<Cheers, Neale.>
RES... something -- 06/09/10
Hi (again!)
You probably haven't even seen the other email I forwarded you last
night, and in the meantime I checked this morning and already have a
new one! (By the way, I DID reply to one question yesterday on my own!)
As far as the question below, though, I know you say NEVER release a
turtle back into the wild, but since this turtle was JUST found and was
likely trying to dig a spot to lay eggs, should I suggest she take it
back to the same spot ASAP or should I suggest she try and find a local
rescue group to take it in?
It looks like she has no intention of keeping it. Also, any idea of why
the turtle might have been covered in ants? Is this normal for a wild
turtle or is it a sign of a possible disease?
Thanks D!
I was at the park today and we found a big red ear slider on land
covered in ants trying to dig. we took it home and washed it off with
the water hose. its covered in moss should I clean it then release it
where I found it or just release it?i was just wondering because we
have a red ear turtle and I wash him once a week a web site said that a
clen turtle is a healthier turtle is this true?
Releasing a wild turtle, keeping turtles clean, RES beh. --
<Hi Krystal, this is Sue here with you.>
I was at the park today and we found a big red ear slider on land
covered in ants trying to dig. We took it home and washed it off with
the water hose. It's covered in moss. Should I clean it then
release it where I found it, or just release it?
<Normally, we recommend NEVER to release a turtle back into the wild
even though we may have only had it a short time. However, because you
just found yours today and it appears as though it's a
"she" and was likely trying to dig a hole to lay eggs, I
checked with another colleague of mine to get his opinion. He replied
that it's ok to release within a day or two... if she appears to be
in good health and has had no contact with other turtles. This is to
avoid the potential of her harming other creatures she will come in
contact with, since she could be carrying new
types of germs on her which are foreign to that environment.>
<I would recommend that rather than clean her, you just hose her
down as you did, and try and release her as close as possible to the
spot where you found her. Turtles carefully choose spots to lay eggs,
and the spot where
you found her is apparently the one that she favored. It's very
important that you release her as soon as possible, as it can be
extremely harmful to prevent a female turtle from laying her eggs when
she's ready.>
I was just wondering, because we have a red ear turtle and I wash him
once a week. A website said that a clean turtle is a healthier turtle.
Is this true?
<If you're referring to a turtle you find in the wild, it's
more important to just leave them in the wild and not try to remove
them from their habitat. This is the environment their bodies have
become accustomed to.>
<In the case of your own turtle, it's not necessary to wash him
weekly; however it is necessary to be extremely diligent about keeping
his WATER extremely clean - including weekly water changes and cleaning
up leftover
food and poop right after he's done eating so these things
don't start decaying in the water. Please see the following care
article which covers this and other great care suggestions in greater
detail: >
<Good luck! Hope this helps.>
RES Turtles 5/10/10
I have a male and a female both seemingly healthy. I take them out of
the tank and confine them in a small area of my dining room.
<Do be careful with this -- it is very easy for a small reptiles to
crawl away under a cabinet, or to be snapped at by a pet cat or
The female appears to enjoy looking out the glass. How far can she
<Chelonians generally -- tortoises, terrapins and turtles -- have
quite good, colour-sensitive eyesight, though sea turtles tend to be
short-sighted in air as opposed to underwater. In other words, your
terrapin can see at least as well as you can.>
Are they stressed at all when I do this?
<Unless habituated to it, no turtle, tortoise or terrapin likes
being manhandled. But if such events are a regular part of their life
they can become used to them, and if they don't mind being
manhandled they won't show the usual signs of stress when being
handled or moved about -- such as withdrawing their head or waving
their limbs about frantically. However, cold or dry air won't do
them any good.>
I wonder about their breathing and need of oxygen.
<Like all reptiles, your terrapins breathe air, and provided that
air isn't cold, it doesn't matter whether they're inside
their vivarium or out.>
This isn't addressed on any web site I can find.
How long do they hold their breath and how long can they float<The
length of time terrapins can hold their breath for varies, but it is
many minutes, depending on how active they are. While swimming about
looking for food, Red-Ear Sliders will hold their breath for 10 minutes
or so, but they can sleep underwater for periods of more than an hour.
In the wild at least, given the right environmental conditions they can
even hibernate underwater, staying submerged for several weeks. It
should be noted however that vivaria and garden ponds do not provide
the right conditions for underwater hibernation. Indeed, trying to get
pet terrapins to hibernate usually results in dead terrapins. As for
floating, they can float indefinitely, being able to hold quantities of
air inside their throats that help provide buoyancy.>
Thank you
<Happy to help, Neale.>
General RES questions 5/8/10
Hi crew!
<Hiya - Darrel here tonight>
I've been reading through the various postings on your site
and they are fantastically entertaining and informative, you have
helped me on various things including today's departure of
pecker after his fall :-(
<I read about that, Dale. On behalf of Bob Fenner, Neale Monks
and the entire crew, we're sorry for your loss. The loss of
any of our little friends leaves the world a slightly darker
shade of gray.>
I have some questions, it seems you're busy so a speedy reply
isn't necessary.
<Never that BUSY Dale, I'm just a poor typist. I typo
I live in Japan (originally Essex, England)
<Japan was originally Essex???? In England??>
'¦. where it seems Red Eared Sliders are widely kept
for a short period and then thrown out, no one seems to really
know how to care for them,
<OUCH!! All the sadder that they're among the easiest of
all pets to provide and care for>
'¦. but anyways, in the attached picture you can see
my setup(60x34x30cm) which admittedly is horribly small for three
turtles but I was very uninformed at the time of purchase.
<No, you weren't, not it's not and it looks pretty
Is this too small for these 2(midori and LB)? At a guess (as they
are still a little too small to tell) they are either both
females or one of each (they seem to get on fantastically
<While Sliders, Cooters & the like can be a bit snappy
from time to time, they are also excellent tank mates and can get
along wonderfully in large groups. You have plenty of room here
& I'll get into a bit more detail below>
They also have a large balcony(recently turtle-proofed) with a
water source and places to hide/plenty of shade/sun. also the
basking area in the pictured tank is just under half the size of
the tank itself(kind of decking with a ramp)
<It looks pretty nice, but here are my comments: (A) the water
is far deeper than it needs to be. Nothing WRONG with deep water,
but it's not necessary for their well-being. Whenever you
have a choice '¦ with turtles '¦ go for a
larger surface area (length & width) and don't worry
about more than 5 or 6 inches of depth. (B) Make sure that the
lighting provides for their need for heat AND for UV. (C) The
tank decorations are nice looking, but take a look with a
critical eye '¦ any place a turtle could work his way
into, under or behind and then get stuck? (D) If it was me,
I'd rework the ramp area to allow for more dry-land area
(unless there's more than I can see here) because they
don't have a lot of room to really haul out of the water and
bask in the warmth of the basking lamp.>
If not already too small, how long before you thing ill need a
new tank?
<They could easily be double in size before I'd think
about a new tank '¦ You could even think of adding one
or two more at this point. By the time you need to think of a
bigger tank, the next step up is probably more like an indoor
pond than a tank (we'll talk about that another time)>
I finally found success with the live plants after many being
ripped to pieces within a day but would really love to have some
kind of fish in there(without the trial and error massacre) to
liven it up a bit. do you know of any small durable and fast tank
mates for them?
<The problem with fish & turtles is this: When you put it
feeders and WANT them to be eaten, the turtles don't catch
them and the feeders grow and become pets you have to worry about
(I have 2 goldfish that were once 'feeders' that are now
7 inches long and the dominant animals in a 2500 gallon Koi pond
containing 24 inch Koi) -- or the opposite, when you put in two
fish you really DO care about and the turtles .. for whom fish is
NOT a major dietary component .. suddenly get lucky. In other
words, Dale '¦ there is no solution to this
<A decent sized Plecostomus (common name 'Pleco' or
'Plecostomus') would hold it's own against turtles of
this size, but it's an algae eating, bottom dwelling
more-or-less boring fish.>
I was thinking small goldfish but have read that if eaten they
are quite bad for the turtles.
<The problem is that feeder goldfish are kept in horribly
unsanitary conditions and tend to be loaded with parasites. Fancy
goldfish are usually much 'cleaner' but their elaborate
tails & fins do make attractive targets for the turtles. So
'¦ no.>
Ah and I am feeding them every other day a mix of pellets and
they are nibbling the plants a little every now and then is this
<Sounds good. I feed mine almost exclusively Koi
Thanks again for all your help
<You're welcome>
I need help!!!! RES care, reading 4/28/10
I have two baby mud slider turtles. in my backyard
<Those are called Red Eared Sliders, Jessica. Mud turtles are
completely different>
We have a huge pond full of turtles.
we found a baby turtle in our pool swimming around about a week
<That happens to many of us from time to time. No matter how
well we fence, block and separate '¦ some of those
little guys manage to get out and all around the neighborhood.
Our local pool service people routinely find hatchlings in
various pools>
We decided to get a tank & everything to put it in.( the sex
is still unknown) but today we found another baby turtle(both a
little bigger than a quarter)and we decided to put it in the tank
also. The first turtle was fine(swimming. eating, basking, etc.)
but the other one is just basking & wont eat and nit seems to
freak out when it goes swimming.
<Not uncommon>
it also ignores the other turtle (why?).
<My guess would be stress, Jessica. That turtle was probably
outside a lot longer than the first one .. no proper heat, food,
etc. and it may take him longer to become accustomed to his new
I would really like to know the gender of both turtles but
surprisingly they don't show any aggression towards each
other, rather even looks @ each other. the first one(Mr. t) tries
to go up to the second one(Boo) but it either turns around or
moves away from mr. t(just assuming he's a boy).
<You won't be able to tell their sex until they're at
least 3 inches long. The male will start to grow more slowly and
develop longer front claws, like fingernails) while the females
will continue to grow faster and larger -- but that's at
least 3-4 years in the future>
I am attaching pics of my tank so you can see what it looks like
the one swimming is mr. t and the one on the floating dock is
<The pictures aren't really focused well enough to see
Please help me because I really love my turtles and I don't
want to have to let them go!!!!!!!
<Here's a link that will tell you everything you need to
know -- just remember, turtles don't need much .. but they
absolutely MUST HAVE what little they need>
< http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm
thanks so much!!!!!
RES... care, hlth. 1/26/10
Hey this is Sonal (I'm from India (Mumbai)..)
<Hiya - I'm Darrel from Redondo Beach, California!>
I'm a new owner of A FEMALE Red Eared Slider.
Its been only 7 days I have bought it home.. it must be about 3 months
old ..there are a lot many questions I want to ask
<We have answers!>
she has some white spots behind her neck and somewhere on her hand, so
what should I do to cure it???
<It could be shedding of dead skin or a fungal infection>
also I have heard about Terramycin 250mg capsule. ALSO I THINK SHE HAS
<Sonal -- two separate issues here, both fixed with some reading on
your part. First, read this care sheet.
<No that you've read & understood THAT '¦ read
about possible illnesses:
<Sunlight (or UVB), clean water and good food and all these problems
will subside.>
Adopted Adult Read Eared Slider ....concerns
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I checked everywhere on your site for this but couldn't find this
combination of things.
<It's all there '¦ we just haven't put the words
together in the right sentences yet!>
for starters, I rescued (6 days ago) this turtle of 8 years from a
woman who only had her in a small 24 gal tank outdoors (temps here are
40-70 now), no light, no filter, no basking area, no heater. she only
fed her pellets and went up to two weeks without changing the water.
Not only was the water black but the turtle was too. she was very pale,
no colors. needless to say my first thought was to get this turtle as
far away from this woman as possible. the woman said she was molting
and would probably get larger soon. the only other information offered
was that she laid eggs a few years ago.
<That's pretty bad care alright. Glad you stepped in>
This is my first turtle so I've been doing a lot of reading.
Offering food, watching from a distance and removing everything after
an hour.
she is 8" wide, 10" long
<That's a BIG girl>
First day- fresh water went well, she was very active. Pieces of scutes
falling off. noticed her shell is deformed with her left side being
rounder, more convex and her right side flatter and concave compared to
the left side. the area of flatness is right around where a right
shoulder blade would be if she had one. No appetite.
<That's fine - they don't have to eat every day>
Day two- hearty appetite for green leaf lettuce, red leaf lettuce,
carrots and boiled chicken. total amount offered/eaten was not more
than the size of her head.
<That's about right. HOWEVER '¦ believe it or not,
simple old Koi Pellets are a more balanced diet for her than all that
stuff you took the time and trouble to provide for her.>
Day three- no appetite, water change, added a filter and a light. no
room in this tank for a basking area of her size. More scutes
<She needs both a basking (heat) lamp and a UV-B lamp. A filter is
good, but the thing to remember with a turtle is that you'll still
need to do water changes! It's pretty unlikely that you can have a
filter big enough to keep a turtle tank clean.>
<She does NOT need a heater in the water. If the tank is indoors,
room temperature (67-73f) is fine -- and if the tank is outdoors, no
heater will keep her warm enough during the winter anyway.>
Day four- no appetite, partial water change, mostly inactive. swam
around more when light was off. started showing signs of color...yellow
stripes rather than grayish white. ear getting brighter.
<Sounds like she was simply DIRTY in addition to everything
Day five- no appetite, mostly inactive, brighter colors, started to
notice a pink color around her legs.
<The pink is NOT a good sign>
Day six- Partial water change, still no appetite, lots of yellow, area
around her legs are very pink. More scutes.
<Pink is often a sign of Septicemia (the presence of bacteria in the
blood) and if it is - that is a condition that requires veterinary
is the no eating for four or more days normal? Maybe she had too many
veggies and greens for her first time?
<Many things. First, a healthy turtle can and will go weeks without
eating. For example, if her metabolism is slow due to cold or cool
conditions (lack of basking, etc.) her stomach is still full -- this
too is not a healthy thing. Second, a sudden departure from her staple
diet can cause metabolic upsets just like in people.>
Do I need to give her something to make her poop? Since I have the
filter now, I can't tell if she is pooping.
<That's not our problem, don't worry about that>
Is the redness around her legs normal? I thought maybe it could be
because of the light since she's never had one. Maybe circulatory
because she's been more inactive than active since the light and
<The redness is not normal - HOWEVER '¦ there are so many
"things" to deal with here it may be premature to decide what
it all is.>
Do I need to be concerned with the deformity of her shell?
<NO. Not now. Besides, not a lot we could do for it if we really
were concerned>
Do I need to worry that she has only laid eggs once in her 8 years and
could she be bound up with eggs?
<VERY unlikely - and not on our top 10 things to worry about
Do I need to get a heater for her tank. I live in Florida and my indoor
temp is 78 in the summer and never lower than 71 in the winter.
<No - not at all. In fact it hurts more than it helps. We need her
to bask under heat and UV light and the reason she basks is to warm up.
If the water is nice and toasty they choose not to bask and without
basking they get sick>
I appreciate any help you can give. I'm trying to keep costs low
and avoid going to a vet since I want to get her a larger tank as soon
as possible.
I've been doing a lot of reading to find answers....but I think I
found needless concerns. :-)
<OK - here's the deal: First, get her under sunlight. Basking.
Even if you have to take her for a walk in the morning or evening. Just
remember if you set her on the lawn, don't take your eyes off her
for a second!! It seems, when we're not watching, they can run like
horses and climb like lizards: One second they're sitting there
staring at you, then you run inside to grab a drink and come back out
-- and they're across the street in someone else's
<Before you buy a bigger tank, buy a UV-B lamp. I'd rather see
her in a big Tupperware tub or cardboard carton under basking and UV
light than in water. She can live very happily in a warm, dry
environment and it may even help her recover from some of the poor care
she's had.>
<You'll have a few challenges doing this. You STILL need the
lamps on one side of the enclosure so that she can get under the lamp
and also away from the lamp. One part lighted and another part shaded
would be good. Make sure she can't climb out - the walls should be
at least TWO TIMES her length.>
<Place her in her tank once each day for 15 minutes to allow her to
drink, eat and poop. Offer her basic Koi pellets (they're a
completely balanced diet for Sliders, too!) and no more that she'll
eat in 5 minutes. You'll also see if she poops. Then, back in her
warm & dry place.>
<this thorough drying-out will help her fight off any skin fungus,
it will expose her to the UV light which she needs and hopefully it
will spike her metabolism into eating, pooping, etc.>
<Now, as far as the scutes are concerned, if they're coming off
as thin, finger nail-type transparent sheets and the shell underneath
looks new and healthy, then this is a good thing. You can even scrub
her off with a toothbrush and a tiny bit of dish soap (as long as you
don't get it in her eyes, nose, mouth, etc.) and this will help in
the process of cleaning her up.>
<When you DO get the bigger tank, remember we try to set things up
to offer her a choice - wool water or warm basking - and then let her
decide what she needs>
I love your site, thank you so much for it!
<Thank you!! We're kinda proud of it too!>
<General care: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm
<Health concerns:
<Read them both!!!>
Red Eared Slider Question, care, compatibility
<Hi Helen, Sue here.>
I got two small red eared sliders about four months ago. They were
about 2 inches in length at the time, and only grew about half an inch
since then. Unfortunately, a few weeks ago one of them got sick, and
would not go into the water or eat, and died.
<I'm sorry to hear.>
After this I got a better filtration system and a better water
<Contrary to what you may read on many other websites, water should
not be heated. Their only heat source should be warm, dry land.>
<Warm, moist environments are the environments preferred by bacteria
that will seize any opportunity to take advantage of a debilitated
and basking light to make sure the temperature in the tank is warm
<Actually, what turtles need is a CONTRAST between cool water (70-72
degrees F -- basically room temperature) and warm, dry land (88-90
degrees F). They need to be given a clear choice between the two.
Unlike humans, they have to rely on the outside environment, not their
own bodies, to regulate their internal body temperature and control
various functions in their bodies such as the proper digestion of food.
The sharp contrast between the two temperature ranges is what
encourages them to move from one environment to the other -- i.e., when
too warm, they'll jump in the water to cool off, and vice
<You didn't mention whether or not you also have a UVB light.
Turtles must have a UVB light in addition to a heat or basking light
for proper shell health and growth. The bulb must specify UVB on the
package otherwise it's likely not a UVB bulb.>
The remaining turtle continued to flourish, but I was very sad over the
loss of his tank mate, so I bought a new turtle- a small yellow bellied
slider, about 2 inches in length. I have only had him for about five
days, but I noticed he too was staying on the basking area and avoiding
water. He will only eat when separated from the older turtle. This
morning, however, I witnessed my older turtle sneak up behind the
belly and CHOMP on his foot, and try to drag him underwater! Now I
think he was avoiding the water out of fear of my other turtle. I have
separated them, but I cannot really afford to buy ANOTHER set-up and
keep two separate tanks. Do you think the aggressive behavior of the
red eared is normal, and
will it continue? What should I do?
<First, before addressing the behavior/compatibility issue --
because you had one turtle become sick and die after only having him
for a few months, I'd first suggest you read the following article
below and compare the care you've been giving your turtles to
what's recommended in this guide and make changes where indicated
(it also discusses some options for lower cost alternatives!):
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm >
<Next, re: your question about aggressive behavior being normal or
not, the behavior of turtles, like humans, is very individual, but yes,
in general red eared sliders can be aggressive, especially when
they're confined together in close quarters. However, it's
always a risk whenever you put ANY two species of turtles together.
Sometimes they'll get along just fine; other times one may
seriously injure or even kill the other. Sometimes they'll get
along great for years, then all of a sudden one starts attacking the
other. That's why generally speaking, we recommend only one turtle
per enclosure unless you're either keeping them in a very large
enclosure or pond where they have separate spaces to bask and escape
out of sight from one another as they would have in nature.>
<As far as what to do in your situation, I'd advise keeping them
separated from each other right now for a couple of reasons. Beside the
fact that one is acting aggressively toward the other, separating them
will also help you determine for sure why your yellow bellied isn't
going in the water. If you see him going in the water when he's
alone, then most likely he didn't before because he was intimidated
by your red eared slider. On the other hand, if he still avoids the
water, then you'll know the reason is likely due to some other
cause -- such as the water temperature being too warm as mentioned
above, or a potential illness, etc.>
<The good news though, is that there ARE inexpensive ways to
separate them, and without necessarily having to duplicate everything
you have now! But first, in order to properly advise you, I'd need
to have some additional information about your current set-up,
including --
1) The size of your current enclosure (# of gallons and surface area
2) The size tank (total gallons) and the number of gallons per hour
(GPH) that your filter is rated for
3) What type of UVB light you're currently using (i.e. a tube vs.
compact fluorescent bulb)>
Thank you for your help,
<You're welcome, Helen. Write back with more detailed
information about your current set-up and I'll be better able to
tell you what some of your options might be.>
red-eared slider care 9/12/10
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I have 3 adult red-eared sliders in an outdoor pond. My pond is 1,600
gallons. We live in Chicago so our turtles live in the outdoor pond
from late spring to early fall. Overall they are very healthy, very
active, eat well (water lettuce when they are in the outdoor pond and
food pellets when we bring them inside), they have a basking area,
plenty of hiding spots in the water and a beach area for laying/burying
their eggs.
<That sounds great. I wish someone would provide all that for
The females bask more than the male but I feel they get a decent amount
of basking time considering our crazy weather. Anyway, we keep a
comfortable level of salt in the water for the general health of the
frogs, Koi, goldfish and turtles. I give the turtles occasional warm
salt baths, dry dock them and apply their shell ointment. Getting to my
point, this summer I have noticed their shells appear dirtier, or like
they have some algae on them. In researching shell rot, I really do not
think that is what they have, there are no soft spots, etc. on their
shells. I would think that the reasoning behind this could just be not
enough basking time?
<Sort of - yes. But read on>
But, I can't make them bask and would hate to have to start some
crazy ritual of dry docking them under a UV lamp and would also hate to
keep them in their indoor pond year round. We love having them outside
and they seem very happy.
<Age and size combine to make their shells a bit more porous as they
age. The pits provide a perfect foothold for algae. If the turtles
don't bask sufficiently to kill that algae, it grows a bit
<In the wild, in the swaps of Florida, I've caught adult River
Cooters (a close relative of the slider) with so much algae that they
looked like a green furry helmet with legs -- and those turtles were in
every way we could measure, perfectly healthy.>
I did read about sulfa dips and was thinking maybe I should be doing
that as just a preventative measure but ideally I would rather just put
a sulfa block in the water. The sulfa blocks they sell at the pet
stores are for 20 gallons of water. If you feel that a sulfa block
would be a good solution, do you know of anywhere to get really large
sulfa blocks? I cannot seem to find much help/information on the sulfa
block topic.
<They're only a solution for the guy who makes them so he can
send his kids to a better school - they are of NO value to turtles,
frogs, Koi, etc. None.>
Otherwise, would you recommend that I take a toothbrush and lightly
clean their shells?
<That's exactly what I do. Take a tooth brush dipped in hydrogen
peroxide and give the shell a gentle scrubbing. Rinse in fresh water
and let them air dry for an hour. This may be a perfect thing to your
yearly preparations for winter. Clear off the summer's accumulation
of algae before coming indoors>
<There was a wonderful quote once that said something like "at
the end of a well spent summer day you should smell like dirt."
Maybe for a turtle its "At the end of a healthy summer, you should
come home with a bit of algae growing on your back">
Is there some other illness that I am not aware of that would result in
shells looking as I described?
I am afraid to just ignore it and have it lead to shell rot or
something worse-any help would be so greatly appreciated
<I clean it off more for aesthetic reasons than anything else.
I've neither experienced nor read about any negative consequences.
In my mind, I THINK that it can't be good'¦ something
growing on their back, pushing roots in between their scutes, etc. so
it just seems like the "right" thing to do.>
-your website is a wonderful resource and I thank you for all your
useful information
<Yer welcome>
-I have referenced it on many occasions!
<That's what we're here for>
<And something in return -- the turtles appear to be getting
excellent care, so congrats to you as well!>
Re: RES turtles - Help finding more inexpensive care options
Hey Sue,
<Hi Sonal!>
Thanks for all the information.
<You're quite welcome.>
.. Wanted to ask you more about the heating and lighting bulbs. I
can't afford to get a UVB lamp.
Could you tell me how much would it cost approx., and if there is any
other option I can go for the cheaper option?
<The good news is that there are lower cost alternatives for ALL of
your turtle's minimal care needs -- heating, UVB lighting, larger
enclosure, filtration and food -- but -- the important thing here is --
they MUST get each of these needs met one way or the other. The care
guide link below that I also sent you in the 1st email tells you how
you can do all these things for less money. I'll briefly note some
of the options below, but please do read through this guide for more
complete information:
<Turtles don't need a lot, but what they do need they absolutely
must have or they will become seriously ill. And -- it is significantly
more expensive (and harder) to treat a sick reptile than it is to treat
other animals -- or than it is to prevent it in the first
<Your turtles' shells have already shown some early signs of
illness. Odor is a sign of some underlying rot or infection, soft shell
is a sign of calcium deficiency. These will lead to even more serious
problems unless the root cause of them is addressed. Almost every
single disease a turtle has is the result of inadequate diet or
improper living conditions, so prevention and correcting their diet and
living conditions is where the focus of your care needs to be right
<Before doing this, though, again, please first remove your turtles
from their tank and follow the steps listed in the link here for warm,
dry isolation:
The *isolation* container can simply be an empty plastic bin or a
corrugated cardboard box with high sides so they can't escape (even
though they haven't gone at each other for a while, I'd still
keep them separated, even if it's just with a partition). As long
as you keep them warm (85-87 degrees F (30 degrees C) or so -- normally
this would be 88-90 F (31-32 degrees C) above their basking area in a
tank, but lower here because you're taking away their choice to
move between cool water and warm air), offer them a source of UVB, and
place them in another shallow container of water each day to eat, poop,
etc., they can live just fine like this while their shells improve, and
while you're working on fixing their more permanent living
conditions. It will also be healthier for them than where they're
at right now.>
<Here are some ideas for lower cost ways you can provide your
turtles with their minimal care needs; again refer to the link above
for more information on all of these things:
Larger enclosure: A plastic storage container JUST like the one
you're using right now is fine, but MUCH larger than what you have.
Choose one with the largest surface area (length and width). Turtles
like plenty of room to swim around. This will also allow you to try the
option of housing both of them together with separate basking areas and
some privacy spots instead of setting up 2 separate habitats.
Heat bulb: Good news here, too! All you need here is a regular light
bulb placed over their basking area. You'll just have to try out
different wattages and heights as you want to aim for 88-90 degrees F
(31-32 degrees C) basking temperature. You can get a cheap digital
thermometer at an electronics store or a relatively cheap one at a pet
store. The pet store ones are nice because they come with a suction cup
so you can attach it to the walls directly above the basking area.
Bottom line here though -- you MUST provide heat over their basking
spot. They need the proper amount of heat to digest their food
otherwise it will rot in their stomachs, and it will lead to a life
threatening illness. As a side note, place a screen (one with larger
holes than a standard window screen, so the UVB can filter through)
between the light fixture and the water to prevent the fixture from
falling in the water.
UVB Light: This plus heat above their basking areas are 2 critical
things your turtles need to have to stay healthy so some way you need
to get this. But the good news is, they're not as expensive as you
might think! Just replace the expensive food you've been buying
them and use that money instead to buy this bulb! Here is a link below
to the one I use, a ReptiSun 5.0 by Zoo Med. It's a top quality
bulb, and it's on sale right now on the website below. The 18'
is only $15 plus $7 shipping. You simply place it in an (also
inexpensive) 18' fluorescent light fixture from a home improvement
or building supply store. Again, place a screen (one with larger holes)
between the fixture and the tank.
If you have trouble here, write back and I'll give you some more
options, but this is what I'd recommend. And especially given
you're in a seasonal climate and can't take them outside in the
sun all year, you really do need this.
Water quality: You should start to save your money now for a good
quality mechanical filter. You are likely going to need it in the
future, especially when they get bigger and start producing more waste.
Right now, in addition to your daily changes, I'd also recommend
you also use a net to scoop up any waste as you see it in between
changes (before it breaks down in the water). For tiny pieces of
debris, you can *vacuum/suction up*. All you need for a *vacuum* is
some flexible clear plastic tubing and a bucket with about a
¾' (2 cm) diameter (both available at a home
improvement store or your pet store). You place the bucket lower than
the tank, fill the tube with water, plugging one end with your thumb as
you fill. Once filled, place your thumb on other end, put that end in
the water, the other end in the bucket and release. The tube will start
to suction out debris. You can move the tube around and control the
*on* and *off* by placing and removing your thumb from the end of the
tube in the bucket.
Food: Here is one place where you can now actually SAVE money instead
of spend! Just cut out all the food you've been feeding them and
replace with just one staple of a container of Koi pellets which are
MUCH cheaper! You can find these in the pond section of the pet store
or order them online. You can even buy them in larger containers to
save more money. Just keep smaller amounts out at a time; and keep the
larger container frozen in between. Supplement every week or two with a
couple of earthworms each, and give them unlimited greens such as red
and green leaf lettuce, dandelion greens (some grocery stores carry
these), etc. See if you can find/or if your pet store sells a plastic
clip with suction to keep them from floating all around and messing up
your water.
Diet supplement: For your female turtle who has some softer spots,
I'd also recommend a good quality powdered phosphorous-free Calcium
with Vitamin D3 supplement (the one I use is by Rep-Cal). Just add a
tiny pinch to Koi pellets soaked in a capful of water, and let sit for
about 20 minutes so the powder soaks into the pellets.>
<Again -- bottom line -- you need to do the above things now,
especially since your turtles have already been showing some signs of
shell problems, illness. This is a warning sign that their diet and
living conditions are not adequate and need to be changed.>
Both of my turtles can climb up the rock properly. My male turtle sits
on the rock for the complete afternoon and till evening everyday. Many
a times at night he sits and it seems like he doesn't want to
down. My female turtle also gets on the rock everyday but not as much
as the male turtle..
<It sounds like the basking rock you're using is adequate, and
your male is doing fine with it -- but a couple of other things here to
1. Make sure they can both fit on it at the same time. This is because
they both need to be able to bask on it for several hours each day to
stay healthy.
2. Make sure your female is not afraid to get on it or avoiding it when
he's on it. You mentioned she doesn't bask nearly as much as he
does -- and she also seems to be the turtle with more shell problems.
My guess is she may be avoiding it either because he's on it, or
because it's not warm enough for her. Try the heat bulb first; if
she's still not getting out much on it; then you will likely need
to get a 2nd basking spot just for her, or separate the two of
3. You absolutely need to have both a heat and a UVB light above it as
described above.>
Also I wanted to add, about the behavior of my male turtle trying to
scratch the face of my female, he does it no more..he has stopped doing
that..and female turtle as such have no injuries till now..
Speaking about the nature, my female is more aggressive when it comes
to food..
<As you mention here and in your last email, your turtles are
already shown some signs of incompatibility. It's very common for
one turtle to become the *dominant* one whenever you have 2 or more
together. This is only going to become more pronounced as they become
sexually mature. The one we're almost sure is a male is already
almost there. Just something for you to keep a watch out for. Again,
ideally I'd keep them separate, but short of that I'd recommend
you feed them separately (you mentioned your female dominates here) AND
get a MUCH larger container so that you can provide them with their own
separate basking spots, and to enable you to divide up the larger tank
with some rocks, fake plants, etc.), so that they can each have their
own space and some privacy away from each other.>
<Regardless of compatibility, though -- either way you definitely
need to get a MUCH larger enclosure for them.>
Thanks a lot..
<You're welcome, Sonal. We're happy to help. Write us back
with any more questions or concerns and let us know how things are