FAQs About Red Ear Slider Turtle Systems
3 Related Articles:
The Care and Keeping of the
Red Eared Slider, Trachemys scripta
elegans by Darrel Barton,
Red Ear Sliders,
Eared Slider Care, Shell Rot in
Related FAQs: RES Systems
Systems 2, RES Systems 4,
RES Systems 5, &
Turtle Systems 1,
Turtle Systems 2,
Sliders 1,
2, Red Eared Slider
Identification, RES Behavior,
RES Compatibility,
RES Selection,
Feeding, RES Disease,
RES Reproduction, Turtles in General:
Turtle Identification,
Turtle Behavior,
Turtle Compatibility,
Turtle Selection,
Turtle Systems,
Turtle Feeding,
Turtle Disease,
Turtle Disease 2,
Shell Rot,
Turtle Reproduction,

Re: heyy... Please, no heyyyys! What is the subject?
RES toys/decor -- 1/3/12
hey sue.
<Hi Jasmine. Sorry I'm just replying now; was away for a
few days over the holiday.>
my sis a new tank for squirt and some other stuff.
<That's great! How thoughtful of your sis to do that for
you. Tell her we said Thanks too!>
is this tank alright for him?
<It seems to be a nice size tank for him (based on his size).
I didn't see a UVB and heat lamp over his basking rock, but
if I recall, I believe you have them.>
and there's a filter in it to! :)
<That will be (of some!) help. Just keep in mind that when it
comes to turtles, even with a filter you'll still need to
clean but hopefully not as often -- 50% water changes at least
once a week (or more often if you see it needs it), replacing the
filter media when you see it getting gunked up, and breaking down
and cleaning the whole enclosure at least once a month. It will
also help to continue to net up whatever debris the filter
doesn't catch.>
and she got my dog a new toy :P
<That's nice she remembered him, too! >
<Some nice improvements, Jasmine! Just a couple of things re:
your new set-up:>
<1) I'd recommend you raise the water level a few inches
for a couple of reasons. One to give him more swim room;
he'll appreciate that. The other (and more important!) one is
that the level your water is at right now presents a drowning
risk for him. Turtles sometimes fall on their backs when
they're exploring and climbing about. If the water is deep
enough they can easily turn themselves back over. However, the
way you have it now, it's possible Squirt may not be able to,
and could get stuck (with his head under the water) and drown.
<One way to raise the water level without submerging the
basking rock is to place some bricks or other taller flat stones
underneath it.>
<2) Re: your décor: I like the natural stone look,
but a word of caution -- anything with openings, tunnels or caves
also presents a risk that Squirt could get stuck inside of it and
drown. Whatever he easily fits through today may allow him in
(but not out of) tomorrow! I'm glad to see you have them
above water. In particular with the taller 'tower', just
make sure it's wedged in good and can't topple over

Red Eared Slider, sys. for baby
<Hi Abbey, Sue here with you.>
I recently purchased a Red Eared Slider turtle. The employee at the pet
store owns a Red Eared Slider and told me that a 3 gallon tank
would be fine for the baby turtle. I'm concerned about this tank
being too small.
<Abbey, kudos to you for trusting your own instincts and questioning
the advice you were given, rather than following it blindly! When my
1st child was a newborn, I sought out the expertise of an experienced
doctor when I was feeling insecure about making the *right* choices.
I'll never forget his response. He told me that in his 30+ years of
practice the one thing he's learned during that time is that the
mom's, not him, are the true experts! He advised me to trust and
follow my own *gut* instincts when assessing whether something seems
right or not, and/or when determining the *right* thing to do. His
advice made no sense to me at the time. I couldn't see how I could
ever have any sort of gut instinct about anything as I knew absolutely
NOTHING about babies, and had no past experience to draw from. However,
it landed up happening just the way he said it would! So now even
though I still seek out answers from others, in the end I weigh
everything out and go with the answer that makes the most amount of
sense to me. Now, hopefully my answers here will make sense to you! :)
The tank has a filter, a basking area, and room to swim around.
<Do you also have a bulb that's specifically UVB, and also a
bulb to provide a heat source over the basking area? If not, these are
important requirements. >
The employee also informed me that the turtle will adapt to the size of
the tank; but I might need to buy a new tank in about 2 years because
it might grow just enough where 3 gallons is not enough.
<I'm not sure what this employee means by *adapt* ...>
<If he/she is referring to a turtle's growth being dependent on
or limited by enclosure size, that's definitely not the case. Their
growth is completely independent of the size of their enclosure. They
also tend to grow at a faster rate until they reach about 4' or so.
After that they slow down. But eventually RES males average up to
10' in size when they're fully grown; female RES can grow to be
as large as the size of a dinner plate!>
<If she's referring to turtles adapting *behavior wise* to a
tiny enclosure, IMO (my gut instinct!), this is the wrong way to look
at it. Most people could likely adapt to a prison cell over time, and
many cats and dogs unfortunately have to live their lives out in
cramped cages. Technically, most of them would all likely *get
by/adapt/survive* in these types of living conditions. The real
question to me is not one of basic survival, but instead our
responsibility to provide humane care and quality of life to
pets/animals whose lives were taken from their control and placed under
ours. >
I have already purchased everything and the turtle seems to have
adapted fine, but while reading I continue to see very large tank
sizes. My turtle's shell is about 1.5 inches.
<The *industry standard* that's commonly referenced on websites
for aquatic turtles is 10 gallons per straight inch of their top shell
(carapace) length. Even according to this standard a 3 gallon aquarium
falls short. Technically a smaller turtle like yours could survive in a
smaller enclosure, assuming all the other requirements about their care
and environment are met. However, here are some additional things to
'¢ What aquatic turtles (of any size) appreciate most is as
much surface area (length and width) as possible to swim around. So
rather than a specific # of gallons, what we recommend is to buy as
long and wide an enclosure as you can realistically manage in terms of
maintenance time and effort (i.e. ease of water changes since good
water quality should always be the top consideration), and whatever
limitations you might have space-wise and cost wise (but see bullet
further down re: cost).
'¢ The more water you have, the less it will be susceptible to
temperature fluctuations from your heat light. Ideally you want the
water to be on the cooler side, around 68-70 degrees F. It's going
to likely be more challenging for you with a 3 gallon tank to keep the
water in this cooler range than it would be if you had a larger
enclosure that could hold more water.
'¢ You don't need to buy an expensive glass aquarium! Some
people use pre-formed ponds (even indoors). Some even use larger
plastic storage containers from a home store!
'¢ As a general rule, a larger enclosure will give you more
flexibility to turn it into an interesting living environment. And the
more you can create a habitat that's as close to your turtle's
natural habitat as possible, the more enjoyment both you and he will
get out of it! >
<Abbey, since you're a new *turtle mom*, I'm also attaching
below a link to our basic care guide. You should use it as a checklist
to make sure you have all the necessary basics in place to get him off
to the right start! Read it over and feel free to write back with any
other questions or concerns you might have; we're happy to help
however we can:
Re: Red Eared Slider 11/27/11
That was very helpful, thank you so much!
<You're welcome Abbey, happy to help!>
I do have a heat/UVB light that came with the tank but I think I will
ask for a new tank for my birthday which is in the summer; I think he
will do fine until then. I am a little worried about the space issue in
my room though, my turtle is placed on top of a dresser that is not big
enough for a big tank. Do you have any suggestions?
<If at all possible, to make things easier for you to do regular
water changes, I'd recommend locating the aquarium close to a sink.
If space is a problem, you may want to consider adding to your
available space by going *vertical* - i.e. getting a shelving unit
where things can be stored above and below the aquarium. You can find
reasonable priced units at places like IKEA, Target or Wal-Mart. One
word of caution though -- if you land up buying a larger size aquarium,
you want to make sure the shelves will be strong enough to support the
weight of it!>
<Another possibility, depending on your space, is to buy a longer
piece that can serve double duty as a work/study space and a place for
your aquarium. Again, IKEA has some great low cost table tops and legs
(which they sell separately), such as their VIKA line which allows you
to custom design your own table/desk for a very low cost --
<If you can afford it, of course an aquarium stand is another
option. Since you have a few months before you plan to buy the
aquarium, you can shop around either online or in your local pet stores
to find out where to get one for the best price, when they have their
usual sales, etc.>
<Good luck; hope this helps! ~ Sue>
turtle help. RES Sys. filtration
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I've got a Red Eared Slider living in a long tank. During the
spring/summer he lived in our pond outside (with plenty of shade and
rocks). Before that, some idiots kept him in a fishbowl for five years
with the water filled up too high and no basking area. Before that, he
lived in his natural habitat near Myrtle Beach.
<Is life seems to be improving!! The American Turtle Dream!>
Anyway, he's in his tank now, and the filter I've got is one of
And I'm curious - am I doing something wrong with the
filters/tank/anything, because I literally have to change the two
cartridges every three days. Is this normal to have to change these so
frequently?? On the product reviews, the one reviewer said he has only
had to change the cartridge once a month.
<No, that's not normal. My first question is - how big is this
Let me know what you think.
<Turtles are huge poop machines. It's nearly impossible to
create a biological filter that will keep the water clean and clear for
a turtle like you can for fish - they just eat too much and create too
much waste. But that said, it usually makes the water dirty, as the
detritus (that's a $5 word meaning "organic waste
matter") collects on the floor of the tank. The problem with most
filters is that they DON'T clean the water that completely -
meaning that most people have the opposite problem you do -- they run a
filter that stays relatively clean all the time, yet they have to
siphon the bottom once a week and clean the tank once a month.>
<So what's different in your case? Most poop is heavy - it sinks
to the tank floor and doesn't make it as far as the filter, so what
comes to mind is to ask: what stuff is clogging the filter? Most likely
it's too much food and it's the extra food that is floating in
the water get sucked up in the pump. Or algae perhaps? I doubt it's
the turtle's poop (for reasons already mentioned) which means that
it's most likely something that you are adding to the water. With
that it mind, go forth and experiment: less food & see. Different
food & see. (You should be feeding all the food sticks or Koi
pellets he can eat in three minutes, 3 times a week - not much
Thanks for your time.
<No charge. Write back and tell us what you discover>
Slider Question, sys. 11/7/11
Hi there.
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I think your website is fantastic
<Thank you so much>
--so thank you in advance for your help.
<Well, we don' yet know how much help I'll be '¦ so
that's a lot of faith on your part!>
I have a three and a half inch Red Eared Slider (named Wilbur).
<Say Hi to Wilbur for me, please>
He is very healthy and I take him to the vet for check-ups. I have all
the needed lighting and heat sources, and the proper amount of basking
space. I clean his water regularly and feed him a healthy diet. The
problem I am having is that I live in a small apartment.
<And he watches late night TV with the volume up? They ALL do that
if you let them have the clicker. They're also prone to leaving
their toys laying around and in a small place that gets very
Though I will probably move to a bigger place in a couple of years,
this apartment will be where I live for a while. I can really only fit
a 20 gallon tank in this space. Will he be okay in a 20 gallon tank for
two years?
I ask this because I feel like his quality of life and he care I give
him is very high, but I want to know if he can be healthy and happy
within that amount of space.
<As he grows, that will become a tiny bit tight for him, but
it's well within the limits of a 4-5 inch turtle. The main concern,
which you seem to have already addressed, is that a small tank requires
more maintenance than a bigger tank. But as far as Wilbur is concerned,
as long as he has his water to swim in and a log-sized place to haul
out and bask - the AMOUNT of swimming space isn't as critical. You
can always augment that a tiny bit once in a while by allowing him to
walk around the living room while you're watching TV or reading or
whatever - and maybe even using the bathtub once a moth or so. JUST
MAKE SURE that you lock up your credit/debit cards and checkbook when
Wilbur is out and around - Sliders have NO sense of financial restraint
when it comes to money!>
<This isn't to say that he won't enjoy it when you get him a
bigger container (don't limit your thinking to just aquariums, but
if you do get a glass tank, go for longer and wider as opposed to
taller) but until that time, for a couple of years, no problem!>
Thank you so much,
question about red eared slider's living outside
-- 10/07/11
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I have two red eared sliders. One is 22 years old that my husband has
had since it was the size of a quarter. We have another that I believe
to be 5 years old. We don't have the ideal setup for the 22 year
old turtle. She was in a 55 gallon tank that we filled a little more
than halfway and even with a filter used for 200 gallons of water
didn't work.
<Compared to fish, turtles are poop machines. You'd need a
biological filter the size of the Everglades to assimilate it all.
Weekly siphoning of the bottom and replacement with fresh water is the
best way to solve the waste problem>
We had to change the water every couple of days. Especially, in the
summer because she has been laying eggs in the tank. We bought a huge
tub/bin and put 50% sand and 50% dirt in hopes of her laying the
unfertilized eggs so she wouldn't clog the filter and such. She
would not lay the eggs unless she was in the tank. Anyway, we retired
the 55 gallon tank and we just keep her in a large plastic tub filled
with water and we dump the water out every couple days and refill it
with warm water. We don't have the money to get her a good
<That's not a BAD setup at all. If the tub is large enough for
her to have a reasonable basking area - and you have a basking and UV-B
lamp, a tub is just fine!>
I was wondering if we keep the turtles outside on our porch in the
winter what kind of heating system could we use? Is it possible to keep
them outside in the winter if the water is warm? It is a screened porch
with roof.
<You'd need a heating lamp that heats the basking surface to
around 80 degrees (in the winter) and a water heater that keeps the
water at around 70 degrees. Any kind of water heater in a turtle
environment is risky, because they can break the glass, bite the cord,
etc. This CAN be done, but I suggest that you don't do it>
We keep the turtles inside 50% of the time and in the tank 50% of the
time. They roam the house free and have been for years. They are super
friendly and even come when you call them. They are trained well. The
turtles even bang their shells on the door to let us know when they
want to go back in the tank and eat or relieve themselves. I was
wondering if it would be possible to heat a tank during a cold winter?
We have a 2 year old and she climbs everything, I'm afraid of a
large tank or tub of water to be in the house. I don't want any
drowning accidents.
<The 2 year old complicates everything. Toddlers tend to pick up
everything they can - and sample them by mouth '¦ which is bad
for the toddle and no picnic for the turtles, either>
Like I said they pretty much tell us when they are hungry or need to
relieve themselves otherwise they are free roaming the house. Any
advice would help. Thank You
<Well, Tracy, the 2 year old complicates things. Based on personal
experience with 2 of my own, I say 'keep the turtles and donate the
2 year old to a local animal shelter' but even money says you
won't do that, so let's look at it from the other side
<The turtles are going to have to be separated from the two year old
for at least 6 more years. An entire self-contained environment should
be set up for this purpose. If it was me, I'd set up one for the
kid and let the turtles roam free, but that gets into sticky areas with
Child Welfare Dept and such '¦ so let's concentrate on the
<The screened porch sounds like a good place to start. Think of a
different kind of enclosure. Instead of starting with a tub of water
and making a basking area, think of a 3 foot by 4 foot wooden fence,
enclosing a garden of sorts - and as part of that garden, a tub of
water for swimming. Start with a wooden base of plywood and 2 1x12 pine
boards around the edge making a 24 inch high wall. Add 8 inches of
sand, top soil and peat (that's a LOT of material, by the way, so
plan on this project taking a while) and then burying a large, flat
plastic tub in one end with a ramp of sorts. A cover of hardware cloth
to protect the turtles and the kid - and you have a mini natural
habitat on the porch and the house is a bit more child-safe. You STILL
need a basking lamp and a UV-B bulb shining on the land portion, but as
a plus, you could plant a tiny garden in there as well - anything that
you and the turtles get along with that a 2 year old needs to be kept
Another way to accomplish the same thing would be to just fence off a
portion of the porch "Turtles Only!" and place a tub of water
in there with several ramps on the outside as well as one on the
inside. Again, some place requires a heat lamp and a UV-B lamp (they
won't get UV through the screens of the porch). In setups like
this, I also include a heating pad (you have to search like crazy to
find one WITHOUT an Auto-off feature) wrapped in a towel. I place that
near, but not UNDER the basking lamp. One hint: don't make the
turtle side SO big that they can wander away from the heat source and
chill down too far before they get back to it. ALSO: every night, as
part of your routine, is to check the turtle pen and see that neither
turtle is off in a dark, cold corner. If so, pick them up and put them
on the very edge of the heating pad area.>
<With some clever shopping and planning, a setup like this can be
built for surprisingly little time, money and effort>
Re: question about red eared slider's living outside
how long is your oldest RES?
<I have some approaching 30 years>
is it domesticated in the extent ours is?
<Well, I don't let her eat dinner at the table, if that's
what you mean. She used to live in an aquarium in the den and then
moved outside to a dedicated turtle pond out by the pool.>
Just curious....My 22 year old turtle is devastated if she can't be
in the house and getting attention from us. believe it or not.
<That doesn't surprise me '¦ but they are far more
creatures of HABIT than of emotion>
she hasn't bitten anyone in over 15 years...
<Sounds like my ex-wife>
and my toddler can annoy her. But she is the perfect pet for a toddler
she goes in her shell when she doesn't want to be bothered. More
times than the toddler bothering the 22 year old turtle, the turtle
bothers the toddler lol...she thinks my kid is fun to chase around the
<Except for communicable diseases and the possibility that the 2
year old could pick her up & then drop her.>
the 22 year old turtle loves my 2 year old. The turtle actually follows
my 2 year old everywhere. you would think it would be vise versa.
my porch is small and cannot be dedicated to just the turtles. The
turtles are like dogs to us. The 22 year old turtle climbs onto our
laps and loves affection and attention.
<Yes, but I'll bet you that you don't handle the turtle and
then put your hands in your mouth>
I'm not looking to covert my entire porch to the turtles. I want
them in the house often. I was just wondering how I would go about
heating the water properly during a cold winter season. thanks.
<Heating the water can be done with a stainless steel (not glass)
submersible heater, perhaps a 300 watt model. More likely, if this is a
small enough tub, the heating lamp that is on the basking rock (or
platform or whatever) will also heat the water. The fundamental problem
(beyond mixing babies and reptiles) is that once the turtle is exposed
to winter conditions, it's likely to succumb to seasonal cycles -
and tend to hibernate. What I mean is that reptiles thrive in summer
and hibernate in winter. The SHOULDERS to those seasons (too warm to
shut down digestion, but not warm enough to actually digest, etc.) are
dangerous and sometimes deadly to them. Same with spring time: warm
enough to be active and eat but not yet warm enough to digest and
metabolize. As long as they are in the house, it's summer all the
time. Once you put them on the porch in winter-cold air, but warmer
water, etc. the results are unpredictable and the health aspects
<Do what you can to keep their water in the mid 60's and their
air in the mid 80's>
<And read up on salmonella>
Re: Hiya, RES basking and shell concerns
hahaha, I knew it wasn't you! I was checking to see if it was,
seriously. :)
<Yes, it's very easy to tell Darrel's responses from mine!
He's both smart AND funny. I'm ... well ... I just help him
answer the questions! LOL >
also, he is now basking, and doesn't go in the water.
<He should be doing both; hopefully since you've written this
you've seen him both in and out of the water. Make sure he has nice
cool water and lots of space to swim about freely. This should
encourage him to get in the water as well as bask. If you haven't
already, you may want to get a larger enclosure for him. Having more
water will also help make the water temperature less susceptible to
heating up during the day from the lamps.>
he's nice and hard as a shell, but I just still worry about the
blackness between his scutes which has hardened.
<The areas between their scutes often do get darker in color as they
grow. The rest of his carapace (top shell) will also get darker in
color over time. What you saw happening with his shell getting soft in
spots was more than likely the result of him remaining in the water for
too long a period, since he seemed to respond well to the warm dry
<Diet also plays an important role in his shell health. If you have
any reason to suspect he's not getting enough calcium from his diet
or isn't spending enough time under the heat and UVB lights (which
helps his body process the calcium), then as an added precaution, you
can try supplementing his diet with a little extra calcium powder such
as Rep-Cal. Just mix a small amount in with his pellets and allow them
to soak in water for a few minutes before feeding to him.>
but yea, he's basking now ^_^
<Yay! As long as he continues to bask for several hours a day, his
shell remains hard, and you see no other concerning changes in his
behavior or appetite, then I wouldn't worry! ~Sue>
Re: RES Turtle, sys., heat lamp 10/5/11
I bought everything together as a turtle starter kit. It included the
heat lamp, filter, 10 gallon tank, big rock (so she can be out of the
water), and a sample of ReptoMin food.
<As below, just make sure the heat lamp also provides UVB. Turtles
need both types of lights.>
She swims vigorously back and forth throughout the tank is this
considered normal turtle behavior?
<Turtles can act this way when they are introduced to a new
environment. But below is a link to our basic care guide. Read it over
to make sure you have everything covered. ~Sue
RES Turtle, heat lamp
<Hi Josefina, Sue here with you.>
Does the heat lamp need to be turned on all the time in order for the
turtle to be comfortable?
<No, not at all. Essentially we're trying to mimic nature with
warm days and cool nights. As long as your turtle isn't exposed to
cold drafts, he'll be fine. I would go with a 12 hours ON, 12 hours
OFF schedule. Hook it up to a timer if you have one, so it will come on
and off automatically.>
<You didn't mention UVB, but your turtle must have this type of
light also along with the heat lamp. Hope this helps! Sue>
Red Eared Slider tank setup and feeding 9/13/11
<Hiya - Darrel here>
You have an excellent, informative site.
<Well thanks!! We try and it's nice to hear that we
<Of course, it would ALSO be nice for hear that we'd won the
lottery or even that the Santa Clarita Court had lost that ticket we
got from going 78mph in a 65mph zone last month, because THAT would
have saved us from the purgatory of 420 online minutes of Traffic
School this weekend. But all that said, ya got to love a country where
you can sit at your desk and take a 7 hour course dedicated to safe
driving with a glass of wine in your hand!!>
I have some questions about Red Eared Sliders.
<Well then, think of me as the Radio Shack of Turtles: I have
answers!!! And at least 25% will be correct!!>
I have two 1.5" sliders. They are currently in a large plastic
storage container while I am setting up their tank. My tank is 120
gallons. I have filled it with 45 gallons of water. I am using a Rena
Filstar Xp3 for filtration. For the substrate, I am using pool filter
<When you say pool filter sand I'm assuming you mean the high
grade silica sand -- very fine particles as we might find in a
child's sandbox. This is a fine substrate for looks, and it's
small enough that nothing the turtles can ingest will hurt them
'¦ BUT it's going to be a real pain to maintain. Compared
to fish, turtles are poop machines. They create all sorts and sizes of
poop, often in exponential relation to the amount of food they get. For
this reason, no water filter will keep a turtle tank clean and you
always end up siphoning the detritus off the bottom, which in your case
will end up being a large amount of sand. The best thing I've found
for "substrate" are the polished "river rocks" that
they sell in building supply stores for gardens and pathways
'¦ and I get them at the 1 to 2 inch size (HUGE compared to a
baby turtle) so that the waste falls between the cracks. That all said,
your sand is fine, I'm just too lazy to set myself up for that much
For the basking area, I have the large ExoTerra turtle bank. Above that
is a 150 watt Zoo Med Ceramic Infrared Heat Emitter and a Zoo Med
ReptiSun 10.0 UVB Bulb. The basking area is currently 88 degrees.
<That all sounds great. Basking temp should be 88 to 92
I also have a 36 inch Fancy Plant giant in the tank.
<Don't know what that is. Is it plastic? I like plastic plants.
You can't easily wash a live plant in soap and bleach when it gets
While I have been preparing the tank, I have placed their storage
container outside for sunlight for a while during the day.
<As long as a PART of it is shaded, so they can crawl out of direct
sunlight - nothing could be better for them>
I used a desk lamp while they're in the house.
<Do they read a lot? >
I have been offering ReptoMin and earthworms.
<Excellent, but go easy on the worms. In spite of the
classifications of our mentor Dr Linnaeus, Turtles are Pigs!>
I also have Anacharis in the container. It's hard for me to tell if
they're eating the Anacharis, but they're not eating the
ReptoMin or earthworms. I've had them for 3 weeks. Do you think I
should follow the steps for isolation? They are basking and swimming.
Their eyes look fine.
<The first thing I notice about a turtle is her eyes. It's also
important that she can make me laugh and that I feel safe in talking to
her '¦ you know ... that I can really open up and be honest
with her about my real feelings. OH WHO AM I KIDDING??? The first thing
I notice is her shell!!!!>
<On a more practical note, 3 weeks is a long time for them not to
have eaten. It's not a DANGER sign just yet, so don't get
terrible worried '¦ it's just time to take serious notice.
They ARE likely chomping on the plant material and they way to test
that is to remove that option for a while. It may be a long while,
because we want them to settle on the Repto-min (Koi pellets are
cheaper and just as balanced for them) with all other foods as treats
or supplements.>
For the 120 gallon tank, the water depth is 11". Is that too
<Nope that's perfect!!! The really great thing you've done
with your 120 gallon tank is given them a lot of surface area. A turtle
is better off in water twice their height (4-6 inches) if the tank is
long and wide '¦ but in your case they don't have to trade
one for the other.>
I could lower the water, but I'd rather not have the heat emitter
inside of the tank.
<Because the heat emitter sits higher than the tank? The only loss
there is that, to a slightly greater extent, you're heating the
room, too.>
Also, I don't see much mention of cycling a tank for a red eared
slider. I have used dechlorinator and I have the filter running. I was
going to go to a local fish store and get some rocks or other media
from their cycled tanks to place into the turtle tank. Is it necessary
for me to cycle the tank prior to adding the turtles?
<Nope - not even a little bit, Jill. Cycling a fish tank is an
attempt to get a biological filter cycle running so that there is not a
buildup of ammonia and other substances that are immediately toxic to
the fish who you can think of as having to drink and breathe that same
water 24/7. Turtles do neither, so none of the toxins in a fish tank
are anywhere near as toxic to turtles. PLUS '¦ the
aforementioned poop machines they are, you'd need a filter bed the
size of the Everglades to process their waste biologically. No fish
store HAS that many rocks and your tank wouldn't hold them if you
Thank you for your help and for all the information on your site!
<Again - you're welcome!>
<Your setup sound great. Get it running and toss them in (figure of
speech) and have a go.>
<Something you can easily do with turtles that you can't do with
fish - is feed them in a separate container. Come up with a shallow
bowl or Tupperware container like the plastic shoe boxes they sell -
maybe 7 inches wide, 12 long and 4 high. Fill it with 2 inches of luke
warm tap water and set it on the coffee table in the living
<NOTE TO ALL READERS: Follow this step ONLY if you have turtles,
plastic container, a living room AND a coffee table!!!! Eliminating
EVEN ONE step can be catastrophic!!>
<ahem '¦ I must have just had a flashback to the Traffic
School test. Let's review!!! Arrrrg!>
<Pick up the turtles and place them in there, give them a few
minutes to figure out it's not the end of the world '¦
then place 3-5 Repto-min sticks in with them and then sit back and
watch TV (again - only if you HAVE a TV) and read a book ({sigh} only
if you Can read) while they play around. At the end of 10 minutes,
place them back in their tank and you'll see if they've eaten
(they're little tummies will be full and they'll have unbuckled
their tiny little pants -- or else you'll notice the sticks
gone!!!) and this will give us an idea when/if they've eaten. After
you're certain they've accepted the food, you can start placing
it in the main tank -- being sure to scoop out any uneaten food after
10 minutes -- or you can continue the separate feedings if you feel it
makes a bonding experience.>
Re: Red Eared Slider tank setup and feeding 9/13/2011
Thanks so much for your reply!
<No charge! - but donations always welcome (see upper right) if the
mood every strikes you)>
You've made me laugh and I love your sense of humor.
<The #1 thing women say they look for in a man is someone who can
make them laugh '¦ but if that were true, why don't women
marry clowns?>
Pool filter sand is slightly more coarse than sandbox sand, but I
understand what you're saying about the maintenance.
<It's fine as long as you're OK with it>
I put the turtles in the tank yesterday and they seem to be doing okay,
but they're not basking yet.
<Probably a mixture of fear and stress>
I've tried "teaching" them to climb on the bank, but they
scurry off immediately.
<Right. The handling part is good because they do get accustomed to
it, but the "teaching" part is pure wishful thinking on our
Maybe they don't like the sound of the filter water near the
<They have no ears (funny they're called Red Eared Sliders,
huh?) OK .. well maybe not Laugh Out Loud funny '¦ but still
odd) but they DO sense vibration. You might try moving the filter
outflow to another part of the tank>
I don't know. I guess I'll have to rig something up so
there's more of step down into the water. More research!
<Or chill out. They are fairly hardy, resilient and resourceful
creatures. Maybe just wait a bit & relax?>
I don't have the heat emitter inside the tank because I'm
afraid of it falling in the water. It has a clamp, but I'm just
paranoid about it. I could get the stand so it doesn't have to
clamp onto the tank.
<Again '¦ No. That was merely a question. You've bought
enough stuff already>
I have noticed that their shells are somewhat flexible. They're not
mushy, but they're not totally rigid. I read that their shells will
harden with age. Is that correct or is this something to be concerned
<The word we're looking for is 'flexible' and yes, at
their size & age that's normal. If they don't get enough UV
and Vitamins A, C &D the shell will get softer and you'll
notice.> I'll try feeding them in the plastic container in the
living room, but I have no coffee table. What shall I do??
<Thankfully, the keystone of my technique is the plastic container,
not the coffee table. Any hard surface will do. The trick here is HIGH
enough that any dog, cat or other predator can't get to them and
low enough if they climb out & fall, it won't become an
I did want to mention my experience with setting up the Rena Filstar
filter. I spent 2 days messing with it and when it worked, it was loud
and was spewing water mixed with air.
<I hate when that happens - you're sucking air>
Then I tried cutting the input and outlet tubes because I had initially
left them longer than recommended. Then my son used the fish net to
whirl around all the plants in the tank. When I fixed that, the filter
stopped working. I thought it was because sand had entered the filter.
I could not get it to prime properly.
<No one can>
I poured the water into the inlet tube and replaced the top while the
canister lever was up. When I pressed the lever down, the tank would
fill only an inch. I tried manually filling the canister with water and
pouring water into the inlet tube. When I turned the filter on, it
worked fine for 30 to 45 seconds and then I could see large air bubbles
in the intake tubing and air bubbles in the canister. Then the canister
water level would drop and the impeller started grinding and I
couldn't get it to stop. The problem was the plastic inlet piece
(where you fill the water and replace the cap). It wasn't
completely flat at the top. It had a little chip/gouge in the top edge,
so air was able to seep in even when I had tightly screwed on the cap.
I was able to find a rubber gasket to fit into the cap and that
completely fixed it. Just thought I'd mention this, because after
hours of Internet searching I could not find this exact problem.
<Welcome to the club, Jill. We have jackets and even a secret
<I regularly do battle with a Fluval 401 filter on my Marine
Aquarium. TECHNICALLY it's my son's Marine Aquarium because he
begged and pleaded for two years to have one and then he got it, was
happy as a clam (Marine Aquarium Humor) and then he discovered girls
and now it's MY Marine Aquarium that just happens to be in HIS
<Anyway '¦ when I change the filter media and reassemble
the unit, there is this plunger thingy that you're supposed to pump
up & down "4 or 5 times" according to the manual - to
prime it.>
ANYONE????????? Are these people kidding? Are they sitting back in
their labs laughing their butts off at people trying to prime their
pumps with their silly valves and levers? Or are they so seriously
detached from reality that they think it actually works?>
<The first thing I learned is that the outflow tube must be above
water when you try to refill - if the outflow in underwater, the air
can't flow out easily due to the pressure of the water. SO
'¦ with the outflow tube in my right hand, I pump the plunger
thingy until I can hear water flowing into the main chamber. Then, when
I see water flowing up to the top and just STARTING to flow up the
outflow tube, I cover that tube with my thumb, hang it over the side of
the tank, plug in the pump (it's important to have it off while
starting this siphon) and then uncap the tube.>
<At this point, I usually have no water flow at all and I can hear
the Fluval engineers laughing all the way from Germany. So THEN, I take
the canister in my hand and turn in 90 degrees sideways and then a bit
more ... so the impeller is at the bottom and the air bubbles float to
the top. So NOW I get a full water flow starting.>
<Except that I'm stuck there, like a dork, holding a canister
filter upside down and thinking if there is some way I could just
permanently mount the darned thing '¦..>
<Once the flow is started, I momentarily rotate the canister upward
and that give the impeller a gulp of the air. Then I turn it upside
down again until the water flow returns. Then rotate & gulp, etc.
If I make it gulp TOO Much air at one time, it breaks the siphon and I
start over. And in case you're wondering what I'm THINKING
while doing this impression of a troop of howler monkeys playing
football with a watermelon, I'm thinking that I no longer like
Marine Aquariums and no longer fond of children, either.>
<Easy operation and simple maintenance ---- my foot.>
I didn't want to mention this at first, but getting Red Eared
Sliders was an impulse purchase while on vacation. My kids begged for
them and I really wanted them too.
<My KID was an impulse '¦ um '¦ purchase while on
vacation. Lesson learned>
Then I researched them and discovered how much is involved in their
care and how large they grow. I have learned a tremendous amount from
your website. Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions.
<Jill - the beauty of the Emydid turtles is that they require much
LESS care than many other animals (including kids and husbands). They
are tolerant of a wide variety of mistakes and inattention that we end
up giving them. PLUS '¦ they don't spend their weekends
watching football, they never borrow your car to "study" at a
friend's house only to come back with a dented fender from an
incident at a drive-in nor will they ever beg you to buy them a pair of
$250 purple tennis shoes that they just HAVE to have only to find that
they're out of style within 2 hours of the purchase.>
<[AS AN EDITORIAL NOTE: Did anyone know that Microsoft Word Spell
Check recognizes "THINGIE" and suggests the correct word
"THINGY"?? When in all of creation did "thingy"
become an actual word? The same day regardless became a word? Due knot
Re: lie two much on spell Czech!]>
Re: Hiya... turtle... sys. 9/7/11
<Hi Jasmine>
I bought a floating dock and it wasn't small enough for the tank I
had. so I bought this big rock that slanted, and he was able to climb
on it, but instead he hid under it. and I had filled it half way with
water but he never went to bask and stayed in the water so now I just
have it as it was before.
<My suggestion then would be to get a larger enclosure to
accommodate the floating dock, and get rid of the gravel. It
doesn't have to be an expensive glass aquarium. It can be as simple
and cheap as a larger clear plastic storage bin like what you would see
at a Target or similar store. I've seen some that are around 2 feet
long, 1 foot wide and about 10 or so inches deep. That size would be
perfect for your turtle right now at the size he is.>
<I would strongly suggest doing this not only to give him more swim
area and make maintenance easier for you, but also because with small
gravel in particular, turtles will sometimes ingest it which can then
irritate or even cause blockages in their intestines.>
<You also mentioned in a prior email that you saw him climb on top
of your palm tree a couple of times. I wouldn't put the tree up
against the side of the container unless you have a cover over it,
otherwise he could climb out and potentially take a nasty fall.>
I put him in another container when I feed him so he can poop. is it
bad if the water gets cold at night?
<When you say cold, do you mean a cooler room temperature like the
upper 60's Fahrenheit? If so, that's fine. We actually
recommend that people keep the water in that cooler range so their
turtles have a choice between cool water and warm land. >
<However, if you mean cool as in low 60's or less, then I'd
say No, because at that temperature their bodies might start to go into
hibernation which you don't want them to do.>
<And actually, if you do get a larger enclosure for him, another
advantage is that the more water you have, the less temperature
fluctuation there will be.>
and is it okay if his poop is red sometimes?
<When you say it's sometimes red, do you mean it's an off
and on kind of thing?>
I only feed him pellets and romaine so I don't know why it would
get red.
<Can you tell by looking at it if it's red dye or if it's
blood? If it appears to be red dye, I'm not sure why either unless
the pellets you're feeding him contain some amount of red dye as
part of the ingredients. You didn't mention what type of pellets
you're feeding him, but we recommend a good quality pellet such as
ReptoMin or Koi pellets.>
< If the red you're occasionally seeing/saw is a bit of blood,
it's possible he might have ingested some of the tinier pieces of
the gravel or some other tiny sharp particles. Even if this isn't
what's causing the red color, given that gravel does have the
potential to cause intestinal problems, it's just another reason
not to use it as a substrate.>
<If you're not sure if the red color is dye or blood, I'd
bring a stool sample to your local vet and ask him to test it for
blood. It's a very simple test.>
also, how is salmonella transferred from turtle to human? is it through
their poop?
<Yes '¦ However, turtles don't automatically have
salmonella, but you should always assume they do and take the proper
hand washing precautions both before and after you handle them.>
he's also feisty and likes to bite sometime.
<They can be that way sometimes! And even the more 'mild
mannered' ones can sometimes wake up in a bad mood just like
and, how do I know if he's fat?
<If he's putting on too much weight, you'll likely first see
his arms and legs getting a little pudgy. You should be only feeding
him the pellets just one time every other day, and only as much as he
can eat in 5 minutes. >
<Hope this helps! Sue>
red-eared slider worms & setup
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I recently acquired a red-eared slider from a little girl who is moving
and not allowed to have it at her new apartment. I knew absolutely
nothing about the animal when I got it a week and a half ago. The
turtle came in a one gallon tank. The turtle is about 2 inches long and
it looked like the tank was way too small so now I have it in an old 10
gallon tank.
It didn't have a basking rock but my dad cut a piece of slate from
the yard. I have yet to see the turtle get on it, though it is clearly
capable of doing so, and I have even put it on there a couple of times
myself. All it does is hop right back into the water a second
<He's scared, nervous and using the water for comfort>
The light it came with is a UVB/UVA light I believe. I put the light on
the Plexiglas lid of the aquarium above the basking rock and I leave it
on all day, but turn it off when I go to sleep.
<The Plexiglas {or as we SHOULD call it "the Plexiglas Brand
Acrylic Sheet"} will filter out almost all of the beneficial UV
rays. The lamp should shine directly on the basking rock '¦
say '¦ from 8 to 12 inches above>
The tank also came with a little bubbler (I'm not sure what it is
called). It is foam-looking and releases bubbles into the water. It is
connected with a clear, thin tube to a little pump outside of the tank.
I have been using that.
<That circulates the water a bit, but otherwise not a lot of
The girl I got it from hasn't unpacked the food yet, but I fed it
grasshoppers from my yard until the day before yesterday, when I
finally bought some turtle food. I read that they eat crickets, so I
thought grasshoppers would have relatively the same nutritional value
:D The turtle eats whatever I feed it and appears to be in good
<The best food for a Red Eared Slider is Koi Pellets. Virtually
identical to the world-class "ReptoMin" food sticks, just
less money>
So, that's my setup. I would like to know if that is all right for
the needs of the turtle.
<Here is an article that you can read that covers every part of the
basic care & needs for water turtles. It's not only complete,
but as you'll see - nothing relating to their care has to be
expensive: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm
Also, the one-gallon tank the turtle came in had worms in it today.
Little red, wriggling worms, about 3 or 4 mm long, and smaller than a
mm wide. The turtle hasn't been in the tank for two weeks. The tank
has been sitting on the floor of my room... yuck!
<Some sort of worm eggs were laid, eggs hatched, it happens>
The worms looked like they couldn't get out of the water, so I
think my room is un-contaminated. I was wondering if turtles could get
that type of worm (whatever that may be), and if so, how to take care
of it myself (I live very far from a vet that does reptiles) I wish I
had thought to take a picture of the small tank today before I dumped
it in the yard (oops!!!).
<No need. The turtle likely does have some parasitic worms in his
intestines. All you have to do is keep the water clean: break down the
tank once a week, drain it, wash it with soap and water and rinse well.
Then refill, etc. A couple weeks of that and the problem will take care
of itself. After that, just see that some water is changed every week
and the entire volume changed monthly or so>
Thanks for your help in advance!
<No Charge!! Again: read up: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm
Hiya; RES sys. 8/6/11
<Hiya back, Sue here with you!>
I bought a Red Eared Slider recently and it's about 2.5in long. I
have a little tank for it, it has non-toxic rocks, a little palm tree,
and a UV light.
<Do you also have a heat bulb (or regular light bulb) in addition to
the UV light? Is the UV light specifically a UVB light?>
I set up the rocks so that they slope so the turtle can bask if he
wants and to get out of the water.
<Have you seen him bask yet?>
I've had him for about a week and he hasn't eaten anything.
I've been giving him pellets that I break in half. I use a
dechlorinator for his water. I don't know if he's sick or if
I'm doing something wrong. Is he still adjusting or do I need to do
something different?
<It's possible he's still adjusting, but I would have
expected him to eat something by now. I asked about the heat lamp, UVB
and basking because if he hasn't been hauling completely out of the
water for several hours each day to bask, heat up and dry off, and/or
if he hasn't been getting UVB specifically, it's possible this
may be why his appetite is off. If this is the case, you'll want to
fix these things as soon as possible or he may become ill.>
<You may also want to check the temperature above his basking spot
to make sure it's warm enough. It should be in the 88-90 degree
range for his metabolism to work efficiently. If you're not sure,
you may want to get a suction thermometer and place it directly above
the basking area.>
<Also, the water should be in the cool range, around 70 degrees F (a
thermometer kept in the water is helpful here also for ongoing
monitoring as water temp can sometimes fluctuate). The cool water will
help encourage him to get out of the water to warm up. Turtles
can't thermo-regulate on their own, so they need to be provided
with both warm, dry land and cool water so they can choose what they
need at any given time.>
I'm a little worried, I've never had a turtle before. So please
help me out. I really don't want him to starve to death, and
I'm planning to give him some Romaine lettuce soon.
<Turtles can go a while without eating so I wouldn't worry so
much about him starving as I would what's causing him not to eat in
the first place. It could be he's still adjusting to his new
surroundings, but a lack of basking, too low a basking temperature
and/or not the correct type of UV light are things I'd be more
concerned with. If any of these aren't right, once you fix them,
hopefully that will have the added benefit of also getting him to eat!
Thank you so much, and I hope you can help me. ^_^
<If you haven't already, try the above suggestions and see if
that helps. Also, here is a link to a care article written by one of
our crew members:
<Compare what you're currently providing to what's
recommended in this article and see if there are any changes you need
to make. If you try all these suggestions and he still won't eat,
write us back and we'll try Plan B! ~ Sue >
Re: Hiya... RES... sys., rdg. 8/10/11
The light bulb I have is a 50watt UVB and UVA light, specifically for
basking, I got it from PetSmart, so someone helped me out with
<I'm glad to hear they gave you some good advice.>
I see him on the rocks, I don't know if that would be considered
basking, but sometimes I feel like he's trying to hide from the
light by going to the little palm tree.
<I'd be surprised if he was hiding from the light; it's
possible he's still stressed from being in new
I have a thermometer in the basking area, and temp is usually
<So far, so good Jasmine. From everything you've written so far,
it sounds like you've done your research!>
In the day he's on the rocks, and at night he sleeps in the
<That's very typical behavior.>
And I also don't know when to clean the water because it gets a bit
dirty fast because his food is left on the rocks and it gets soggy.
<You should be placing the pellets in the water rather than on land.
Turtles don't produce saliva like we do; they need to eat in the
<Re: cleaning, do you have a filter? If not, I'd replace the
water at least once or day or more if needed, and in between times
remove any uneaten food or other debris you see in the water as soon as
possible with either a net or by siphoning it out. (Under normal
conditions you only want to be feeding him every other day as much as
he can eat in 5 minutes or so.)>
<If the water is getting dirty this fast, you might want to consider
feeding him in a separate container. A plastic storage bin will work
just fine. You want to do anything you can to keep his water as clean
as possible. This is one of the most difficult challenges when it comes
to keeping turtles, as well as one of the most frequent contributors to
I'm just hoping that I wont wake up to find his eyes are puffy or
his shell is super soft because I wont be able to get him taken care of
<You're doing the right thing by addressing the situation before
it gets to this point; prevention is always best! If he still
hasn't eaten by the time you get my reply, then let's try
'Plan B'. Remove him from the aquarium and place him in a warm,
dry enclosure for the next 5 days. For how to do this, click on the
link below and read the section under 'Isolation':
<Normally, I wouldn't suggest putting a new turtle in yet
another strange environment, but in this case where he hasn't
eaten, a warm dry environment will give his immune system a little
added boost to fight off anything that might be ailing him. And if it
turns out nothing is -- there is no harm, and in fact, benefits to
giving him a few days of "R&R" in this type of
<And when you do place him in water once a day to feed him during
this time, as above put the pellets directly in the water. Also, if you
haven't done this yet, try feeding him a small (pesticide free)
earthworm to see if that peaks his interest. Most turtles can't
resist earthworms. We even recommend feeding turtles an earthworm or
two every month or so as a healthy treat.>
Thanks for the help, and by your next response I'll tell you if
anything has changed. Thank you. ^_^
<You're welcome, Jasmine. I hope the above suggestions will do
the trick! Write us back in a few days and let us know how it's
going. ~Sue>
Re: Hiya... RES sys. 8/10/11
He's eating!!
<That's great, Jasmine!>
But he's only eating Romaine lettuce and not his pellets, so
that's all he's been eating. I coat it in calcium powder. I
don't know if I should get dried bugs, I'll try that.
<I wouldn't feed him dried bugs; they really offer little to
nothing in the way of nutritional value. I'd suggest instead a
small earthworm like I mentioned in my last email. You can also dust
the earthworm with calcium powder before feeding it to him if you'd
Are the pellets really necessary?
<Yes, a good quality pellet should actually be the staple of his
diet. It contains all the vitamins and minerals he needs for a balanced
diet. Once he gets started eating them, feed them to him only every
other day, as much as he can eat in just 5 minutes or so. Over-feeding
is actually more harmful to them than under-feeding (and a more common
problem). Then just supplement the pellets with an occasional earthworm
or two every month. Greens like dandelion, red or green curly leaf
lettuce are fine to feed too if you like, in between the
<I know you're concerned that he so far hasn't eaten any
pellets, but it's much better to 'hold your ground' and
start him on healthy eating habits right from the get-go. Don't
worry, he won't starve! When he gets hungry enough, assuming he is
healthy he will eat -- as he's already started to do!>
<What you might try is feeding him a different pellet and see if he
likes that better. (I actually had to do that myself with one of mine
before). ReptoMin makes a good one; alternatively you can also try
feeding him Koi pellets which are also nutritionally sound.>
He's also taken on to magically appearing on the top of his palm
tree, so I guess he's a climber.
<Turtles are surprisingly good climbers! Just make sure there is no
way he can escape out of there and fall and injure himself! If it's
not already, I'd place the palm tree in the center, away from the
walls. I'd also recommend a cover for the aquarium with at least
¼' holes (preferably even larger), large enough to allow
the UVB rays to pass through (window screens block out too much
And he finally pooped.
<More signs of progress!>
So yea, I guess time was the key. Thanks for everything! I'll email
you if I have any other questions.
<You're welcome, Jasmine. Write us again if you have any more
questions or concerns about his eating/diet or any other concerns. ~
res question, incomp., sys... gen.
Hi guys!
<Hi Katie! Sue here with you.>
We have a RES that's about 2.5 years old, 'she's'
(Summer) about 4.5 inches long.
<From what you describe below, it sounds like your 'she'
might instead be a 'he'!>
We purchased a hatchling today, the woman at the pet store thought
they'd be fine together.
<Not good advice; we advise against putting different size turtles
together -- especially a hatchling in with a mature adult.>
They're in a 90 gallon tank with heaters, filter, basking area, and
a log in the water.
<By heater, do you mean water heater? If so, I'd take it out.
Their water should be kept on the cooler side, between 68-70 degrees
<You didn't mention anything about lighting? Do you have a UVB
light and also either a heat lamp or regular light bulb above their
basking area? If not, these are both an absolute must.>
<Also, if the log is hollow, make sure to remove it when Summer
reaches the size where she might 'just' fit inside of it, but
then become stuck and unable to get out. Turtles can drown if they get
trapped under water.>
When we put the hatchling in the tank, Summer immediately started
fluttering 'her' front nails on top of the hatchling's
shell. From reading all of the other posts, what's been described
as typical male courting behavior is exactly what we're seeing, and
is confirmed by his exhibition of his reproductive organs.
<Yes, but this can also be a sign of aggression.>
While we haven't seen any biting, he hasn't left the baby alone
(it's been about an hour and a half, he's obviously very
excited), and because of the size difference, is flipping her and
turning her in the water quite a bit. Also because of the size
difference he's occasionally pushing the baby down and almost
'holding' her underwater for a couple seconds. I'm watching
them pretty carefully, and it doesn't seem like he's preventing
her from coming up to the top of the tank to get air. Should I be
concerned that the larger turtle could hurt the little one
<In a word, YES '¦ and maybe not inadvertently! Please
separate these two immediately. You'll either need a separate
enclosure for the hatchling or a divider for your aquarium. The good
news is that since you have a 90 gallon, a divider could work. That
way, the two turtles could still share the same filter and lighting.
You'd just need to set up a separate basking area.>
Or will he eventually get tired and leave her alone?
<He might eventually, but the problem is that one day he wakes up in
a bad mood and decides to take a nip at him/her! A nip on a larger
turtle could be a small bite; a nip on a hatchling might be part of an
arm! Again, I'd separate the two of them ASAP.>
And can he tell the sex of the hatchling, or could she turn out to be a
male also?
<Turtles don't develop outward sexual characteristics until they
get to be around 3' or so in length. Again, I think what you're
seeing here is aggression and territorial behavior rather than
Thanks so much!
<You're welcome, Katie. I hope we got to you in time!>
Re: res question 7/28/11
Sue, thank you so much!
<You're welcome, Katie!>
We did separate the two of them, and are much more relaxed now (I think
both turtles are more relaxed too).
<I think so, too.>
We don't have a water heater, I was referring to the heat lamp
above the basking area, and we do have a UVB light as well.
<That's great; sounds like you've done your
Thanks for the heads up about the log, he's still got quite a bit
of growing to do but we'll keep an eye on it. Just wondering how
big you'd advise we let the hatchling get before we put them back
<Every turtle's personality is individual and there are always
exceptions, so your 'mileage' may vary. But generally we
recommend that turtles kept together be close to the same size. The sex
of the turtles is another consideration (which you won't know until
your hatchling's top shell, or carapace, reaches around 3' or
so in length). The link below lists some of our recommended guidelines
about housing multiple turtles together:
Again, thanks a lot for your help, the pet stores around us can't
offer a lot of guidance about turtles, and your web-site has been
really helpful!
<Glad to hear that! The same is unfortunately true for the pet
stores in my area. Thankfully we have some great resources on the web;
the only catch is sorting through them all to figure out which of them
are accurate! It sounds like you've done a good job so far and have
the key basics covered, but here's a link to a care article written
by one of our crew members that you may also want to check out:
<Good luck with your duo! Feel free to write us again if you have
any more questions or concerns.>
Red Ear Sliders, sys. 6/20/11
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I have about a 3-4 month old, male slider.
<It's hard to imagine its sex at 3-4 months, Nabila. None of the
sexual characteristics visible without an invasive probing are there
yet. The GOOD news is since they never come when you call them, it
doesn't matter if you give them inappropriate names>
It was previously in a smaller, round plastic container, until I found
out that it needs more water to dive.
<They seem to appreciate being able to swim in a few inches of
So, now we have about a 4 gallon tank for him. The water is about 15 cm
<That's about 6 inches for those of you still using the Imperial
It is very active and has no signs of sickness.
<Let's make sure we have all his needs covered so he stays
However, we find that it is going crazy in the glass tank alone.
<No, they don't go crazy alone>
So we bought another baby slider younger than it and slightly
<That's O.K.>
It is also a male.
<We really don't know that>
Will this create any problems?
<Not at all. Sliders are usually quite sociable as long as they have
enough room to get away from each other when they have disagreements.
Males usually fight for females by competing for her attention, not
fighting each other>
So far, they have only been ignoring each other.
<That's often the case>
What should I watch out for?
<Just the basic care>
We have a fixed basking platform and a floating rock for the turtles.
The older one doesn't really bask, he just hangs on to the platform
or floating rock. Is this normal?
<Well, that depends. He should bask, he needs the UV-B light (you DO
have a UV lamp as well as a basking/heat lamp, don't you?>
The turtles are still pressing their noses against the corners of the
tank, as if trying to get out.
<That's normal. In their world - glass is NOT normal. Something
you can't see but blocks you from swimming is not something they
ever totally accept. BUT '¦ it's good exercise for them,
so don't worry about it>
Even the one I've had for 3 months is still doing that. I feel
really uncomfortable with this, as if I am torturing them.
<Nope. Making them watch Sister Act 2 - Back in the Habit would be
torturing them>
I just bought the younger turtle a few hours ago, so I haven't fed
it yet. Should I just feed it pellets like the older one?
<Same diet - same feeding schedule>
I do feed the older turtle fresh leafy vegetables occasionally but I
don't feed it all this dried shrimp and such because my pellets
(states that they) contain them. I have never had turtles before so my
knowledge about them is zero.
<Well let's see if we can't fix that last part. Here - read
< http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm
<The article covers ever basic aspect of their care and keeping,
tells you what to feed, how often to feed, about cool water and warm
basking areas, proper lighting, etc. Anything you read on the internet
that contradicts that article -- is flat out wrong!>
<Once you've read it you'll be knowledgeable about Red Eared
Red Ear Slider Basking question 6/7/11
<Hi Rich, Sue here.>
Thanks for providing this site. I have two Sliders, both approximately
1 year old. They live in a 40 gallon tank and appear very healthy and
happy. (We got them from our daughter)
<Glad to hear they're doing well!>
We have provided a floating basking ledge that attaches to the side of
the tank using suction cups.
<Sounds like the kind I use. I've tried many different ones, but
this is the one that my turtles seem to like best.>
We also have a UV warming light.
<Make sure the UV is UVB specifically. That's what they need.
Also a heat source; a regular light bulb is fine.>
Here's my question: Our turtles very seldom use the basking ledge;
in fact I've only seen one of them on it one time. They will use
their front legs to hang on it, but very rarely get completely out of
the water. Is this a problem?
<Yes, it is a problem; turtles need to haul out of the water every
day to warm up and completely dry off. They should be basking for
several hours each day under heat and UVB. Besides drying off their
shell every day, they need an external heat source to digest their food
properly (unlike us whose bodies do it for us). Besides the heat lamp,
they also need UVB to metabolize the necessary vitamins to maintain
their bone health. But the good news is, you wrote us now before they
became ill!>
If so, what should we do?
<Well, first, if your basking ledge is the kind I think it is, then
I don't think that's the problem at all; just make sure
it's large enough for both your turtles. I know they do come in
different sizes.>
<My guess is that it's the temperatures you're keeping the
water and the basking spot. Do you know what temperatures either are?
It's likely that there's not enough temperature gradient
between the two. Contrary to what you may read on so many websites, you
DO NOT need, and should not have, a water heater! In fact, turtles
actually need COOL water (68-70 degrees F); and WARM, dry land (88-90
degrees F). The cool water is what entices them to get out and warm up!
It may be that your water temperature is too warm so they're just
hanging out in the water instead of getting out of it -- which they
need to do. If you don't already have them, I'd suggest getting
2 thermometers -- one to keep in the water, and a suction thermometer
to be placed right above the basking spot under the heat lamp, so you
can monitor it each day. Also, summer heat and humidity levels can make
things tricky. Even if you have air conditioning, the water can become
a bit warmer than other times of the year -- at least where I'm
from anyway! Depending on how things are where you live, you may need
to make adjustments in the wattage of the bulb, distance of the bulb
from the basking area, etc. until you get it just right.>
<You're welcome! Try this out and let us know what happens.
Also, read over this basic care guide to make sure you have everything
else in place that they need:
Re: Red Ear Slider Basking question 6/9/11
Thank you for your reply. While I have the UV/UVB bulb, I do not have
an additional heat source. I'll set up a 100w bulb to warm up their
basking ledge.
<You may need to experiment with different wattages to get the
basking temperature "in range".>
Thanks again.
<You're welcome!>
Re: Red Ear Slider Basking question 6/12/11
<Hi Rich (and also Buster and Dwight!)>
<Thanks for letting us know! Most people never write back, so
we're only left to ASSUME our advice worked!>
I got a reptile warming light, set it up over the basking ledge, turned
the water heater off and.... both turtles are now climbing completely
out of the water and "sunning" themselves.
<Isn't it funny how 'programmable' they can be? Their
behavior is nearly completely driven by their body temperature!>
<Also, the other funny thing is that your question was actually the
same way I first encountered this website, before I landed up
eventually responding to queries! I had the same problem you did
because literally everything I'd ever read in a book or on a
website said to keep the water warm! So ... I was pretty sure in this
case anyway, that at least this piece of advice would work!>
They're still skittish whenever anyone enters the room, but they
both seem to really enjoy the new set up.
<They'll eventually get more comfortable with it, but to some
extent they'll always be a bit skittish, especially with any fast
or sudden moves until they see your face and know it's you (they do
eventually learn to recognize faces).>
Thanks! (from Buster and Dwight also)
<You're welcome! Glad to hear it worked out. Feel free to write
us again if any more questions or concerns pop up with your little
700 Responses!! 5/22/11
Hi my names Sophia
<Hiya - I'm Darrel>
<Guess what???>
<This is my SEVEN HUNDREDTH LETTER on the WWM crew!!!!!>
<Imagine that!! 700 people have written in and had the fortune to
get ME as their letter-answer-person!! 700 people!!>
<700 times I've given people advice on turtles, fish, aquariums.
Illnesses, investments, relationships and car repair. The law of large
numbers says that I must have been right at least a few of those
times!!! LOL>
<Then again, every time I get proud of answering 700 letters over 4
years, I remember that Bob Fenner and Neale Monks answer that many
every month>
<Anyway '¦ enough about me!>
I have a red ear slider that is 4 1/2 inches wide and
5 1/2 inches long. He lives in a 100 gallon tank and has a great
basking shore. We have a heating lamp,
<Great. The temp under the lamp should be between
88 and 93 degrees>
-- the water is in great temp,
<Should be between 68 and 73 degrees - normal room
and he is right by the window so the sun is always shinning down on
<Well, there's a problem. UV/B radiation, the kind that reptiles
need for good skin and bone health, does not easily pass through glass
- or even window screens. By the time that sunlight passes through the
window glass and then the tank glass, I'm afraid that almost all
the healthful UV/B radiation has been filtered out.>
<There are two ways to go here. Companies like ZooMed make UV/B
bulbs that screw into normal lamp sockets, just like his heating lamp.
You can count one right next to his heat lamp. There are also
florescent bulbs that produce a bit more of the same UV/B and mount
lengthwise across the tank. These are generally a bit more beneficial,
but more expensive as well.>
My dad knows more about this than I, and my mom doesn't want to go
to a vet so you are my only resource please help me!
<Yes, a trip to the vet is expensive, especially when we have such
general symptoms>
My red ear slider turtle seems to have some type of white clear slime
all in his shell that floats out when he is in the water. Also his skin
is bulging out of his hind legs and a little on his tail. What is wrong
with him? Does he need some type of surgery?
<No surgery, Sophia.>
<We have two separate things here. The floating white slime sounds
like the beginning of a fungal infection. This is easy and inexpensive
to treat. I'll tell you how to do it a little later.>
<The bulges are more concerning '¦ but then without seeming
him or knowing more detail, there is also less I can help you with.
Bulges can be a sign of edema, which is swelling of the soft tissue.
That's very serious, but then again it's not usually general
either. Edema usually presents as ALL the soft tissue looking bloated.
If he's being over-fed, his soft tissue would look '¦ um
... pudgy every time he retracts - back AND front. In any case, we need
to treat what we see and correct any conditions that are not
<Here's a link to basic care. I covers UV lighting and diet.
Make sure you read and completely understand both topics (as well as
the rest of it) and do further research here on WWM (Google search box
on the bottom of the home page - check "search WWM") to get
more information>
<Now as far as the slime and the bulges, I'm going to start with
the basics. He needs to be kept warm and DRY for a few weeks -- and
treated for a fungal infection exactly as described in this
<If you're Dad knows more about these things, you might ask him
to scan the articles, too. They're short and hopefully to the
<During this time, see that he (the turtle, not your dad) gets some
direct sunlight EVERY day. That means taking him outside for a walk.
Let him sit on the grass or sidewalk under direct sun. He'll want
to walk around '¦ you can't take your eyes off of him for
a second (you'd be amazed how fast these guys can be when we're
not looking!) so you may need to follow him, or keep bringing him back
from wherever he wanders. You can put him in a box that he can't
crawl out of, but you still can't leave him alone. If you can,
I'd like him to get 15 minutes of sunlight, twice a day, while
he's in treatment.>
<Meanwhile, fix the UB/B problem in the tank, read the articles,
attend to whatever's wrong - and see how he does.>
<Write back if you need more help><<Congrats Darrel.
RES, sys., beh. 5/17/11
Hi there,
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I recently just discovered your website this morning and it has already
helped me out so much.
<Thank you - it's always nice to know that we're
I was reading on other websites before and apparently I wasn't
getting the right information on my turtles.
<What???? Seeing another web site behind our backs??? I hope
we're forming a commitment here Anja '¦ and that WWM
isn't just another url passing in the night. Not just another notch
on your favorite places '¦>
Anyways, I have a problem with my turtles and I'm not really sure
how to address it. I just recently obtained two Red eared sliders and I
got them in a 10 gallon tank (That's what was sold to me when I
bought them from someone, not a pet store) I read somewhere that these
turtles could need up to a hundred gallon tank at their peak growth, is
that true?
<Yes, that's true. The good news is that you're a ways off
from that. As they grow, their RATE of growth slows. For example they
may double in size in the first year, then take 5 years to double THAT
size and even longer to double THAT size. So what to do with two fully
grown sliders isn't a worry to have right now>
Also I felt like the 10 gallon tank may not be giving them the space
they needed so I switched them over to a 20 gallon tank, a lot
<And I bet they appreciate it!>
Well when I had the 10 gallon tank I would sometimes see both of the
turtles on the floating rock I have in the tank basking under the
warming lamp, now that I've switched over to the 20 gallon, the
smaller one (Which I'm assuming is the male now, before I thought
it was female, but the growth on the one is clearly faster than the
smaller one.) I've checked their claws and they are the same
length, the smaller one is just over three inches and the bigger one is
about 3 and a half, maybe a little bigger. I don't think they are
at the maturity level yet for mating so I'm not too concerned
<They're a little too small to tell yet anyway. In any group of
animals, even a group of two, one is likely to grow faster than the
other. 3 1/2 inches is just on the cusp of maturity for a male, just
when they START to grow the longer claws, etc. so it's still
possible you have two females. It also, as you suggested, doesn't
really matter yet>
Also, the one I assume is male (the smaller) he never basks, he would
bask in the 10 gallon tank but now that I've upgraded, all he does
is sit under my floating rock and sometimes he'll swim the length
of the tank looking like he's trying to get out. I read that this
sometimes mean it's a pregnant female needing to lay eggs.
<Not at that size, no. It means that he either hasn't adjusted
yet - or that he's unhappy>
<The first thing to do is list exactly what has changed. Is the
light closer to the dock? I mean - is it TOO hot for him? Is the water
too warm? Or too deep? It's possible that the change triggered a
territorial conflict between the two and he doesn't feel welcome on
the rock. (that's unusual, by the way '¦ most territorial
disputes are related to being in the water. For the most part, basking
areas appear to be neutral territory.>
So I'm just very confused on this.
<It's a bit of a puzzle, I agree. Try this: Make a secondary
basking area somehow. A brick or rock or wooden plank, etc. something
different. Then angle the basking lamp so it hits both places. See if
maybe Skippy just wanted a place to call his own.>
Also the bigger one makes a weird noise when I pick her up, is it just
because she's frightened? I'm not really sure how to describe
the sound of it. But the other one will not make this sound.
<Well, I'm not sure either. A sound like an electric can opener?
Or maybe like Space Invaders? Any sounds like THAT and you could make a
living on talk shows '¦>
<Or a hissing noise? That's just air escaping as they withdraw
their appendages. A CLICKING noise? They do that with their jaws, for
no other reason I think, than just to mess with us.>
<Nothing is really unusual about unusual noises, Anja - unless the
turtle starts telling you to beat up your landlord, I wouldn't
worry about it.>
And just one (or two) more things... How much water should my tank
have? Should I be filled up halfway? Do they like to swim?
<They seem to LIKE deep water (4-8 inches) but are often very happy
in less. 3-4 is fine. The main considerations are that they can reach
the basking area AND that from the basking area they CANNOT reach the
top and climb out.>
I have about 3-4 inches in it right now with pebbles on the bottom
because I never thought they could get up onto the floating rock but
now the bigger one is the only one that goes up on the rocks to
<Let's see what changing things around does>
Also I never see the little one eat and I'm very concerned that
he/she is not getting any nutrition, this is the same one that hides
under the floating rock all day and night.
<Now THAT is a problem. So let's take everything else and set it
aside (for now) and deal with this. A turtle will not eat for three
reasons: It's ill, it's stressed, it's not hungry. Assuming
that it's getting enough heat for metabolic processing, it will
eventually be hungry. Stress is certainly possible, given what we know.
Illness is not something I can see from here, but your description
isn't of an illness.>
<First, take both turtles out of the tank and make them a temporary
home that is warm and dry. Yes, warm and DRY. Read this article about
illnesses and especially the part about isolation. Keep them both warm
and dry for about 4 days, giving them each a separate bath every day,
with the opportunity to drink, poop and eat. Then back into the warm
and dry land. Removing the smaller guy from a stressful environment may
itself be relief, but more important we don't want to worry about
his refusal to thermo regulate.>
<Now - why take the larger one, too? Because if it's
territorial, we want them to experience all changes TOGETHER. If the
problem is about territory, taking the smaller one out of the tank for
a week makes it MORE like the tank "belongs" to the bigger
<Meanwhile, the second link covers basic care - pay special
attention to basking areas, heat and UV-B. You can work on changing and
rearranging their main tank while they're on
<General care: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm
Please help,
<I'm trying, Anja. I just hope you'll stop sneaking around
with other web sites>
Thank you
<Yer welcome!!>
RES Basking under water? 5/14/11
<Hiya - Darrel here>
My Red Eared Slider, who is a 1yr and months, hasn't been basking
on his dock lately.
I do see him on the bottom with his legs stretched out like he would on
the dock and his head stretched out too.
<hmmm again>
His water is on the warm side ranging from 76 - 78 degrees.
<Yes it is>
I can't get the temp to drop. I don't remember having this
problem last summer. How do I get his water to stay cooler?
<Assuming the room isn't 76-78 degrees, you have to find out the
reason why. Some obvious things are the basking lamp shines too much of
its energy on the water -- or too close to the water. Some filters,
pumps, etc. are inefficient and transfer their heat to the water.
Sometimes having return water from a filter fall through the air helps
to cool the water. You've probably seen terrariums where the return
water slides down a piece of glass and then trickles into the water?
This helps cool that water.>
<And SPEAKING of "obvious" I deliberately didn't
mention that if you have a water HEATER '¦ that is likely the
<On the other hand, if the ambient temperature of the room Edward
lives in is 76-78 degrees, then you can't do much about it.>
I've tried placing frozen bottles of water in a Ziploc but he put a
hole in the bag. Don't want to risk him eating the bag.
<Besides '¦ that's WAY too much work>
<If nothing specific is heating the water, then maybe there just
isn't enough water. A bigger (deeper) tank will not increase in
temperature so readily. But my guess is that the basking lamp is
heating the water by being too close (or too powerful) and this ALSO
explains why he doesn't bask -- if the basking lamp is heating the
water 3-6 degrees over room temperature, then it's likely BAKING
the basking area and making it way too hot for Edward.>
He does eat normally and swims around too.
<Then, for the moment, we have only a puzzle - no health
He's even started fluttering to his reflection.
<He must think he's a hottie!!>
Thanks for your help :)
Red Ear Slider Questions, sys., fdg. 5/5/11
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I acquired a hatchling Red Ear Slider about 8 months ago.
<Is his name Merky, perhaps?>
He (or she) has grown from about an inch to 3.75 inches at this point
and I'm starting to wonder if the 10 gallon aquarium he is in is
starting to get too small.
<Yeah - a little bit too small.>
I know you typically can't sex them until they are 4 inches or
larger but he is almost that length and looks like he has the toe nails
and tail of a female. I know these girls can get quite large and want
to make sure I have the proper housing.
<It's always a good idea to look forward, but also remember that
AS they get older their rate for growth slows, so even if Merky IS
actually a girl, she'll not grow from 4 inches to 8 inches anywhere
nearly as fast as she grew from 1 to 4.>
What size aquarium do you recommend for a turtle of this current size
and how long would it last before I need to upgrade again? I don't
want to buy a 20 gallon only for him to outgrow it in the next 6 months
or so.
<Well, if an aquarium is the way you're going, I'd say a
"Breeder" tank, They come in 30 gallon and 40 gallon sizes.
They are both 36 inches long by 18 inches wide; the difference being
the 40 gallon is taller. Although it may be hard to locate one, they
are perfect for turtles because turtles appreciate WIDTH and LENGTH of
an enclosure much more than depth.>
I was also wondering at what age these turtles are typically full grown
and what size tank/pond should I plan on once he gets to this point? I
have a 90 gallon aquarium I could move him to if I had to but it would
require some reworking. If I did move him to the 90 could I comfortably
house two turtles or would I be setting myself up for needing a much
larger system in the future?
<A typical 90 gallon tank is 48 inches by 18 inches and would house
2 turtles nicely. Keep in mind that they would be perfectly happy in 12
inches of water, leaving plenty of room for a basking area under a UV
lamp, etc.>
My final question is about feeding, I've read that after a
hatchling becomes a yearling they should be fed every other day vs.
every day and I'm wondering at what size/age I should move to this
schedule. He is fed a mix of turtle pellets, veggies, crickets and some
<No crickets, please. They are Mother Nature's Peanut Butter
Cups: Junk food>
<I feed my hatchlings every other day for the first year and then 3
times a week thereafter. I use Koi Pellets as the staple diet, with an
earthworm or two once a month. I feed all they can eat in 5 minutes, 3
times a week. Always keep in mind that we humans ALWAYS feed our
animals too much.
Over feeding and feeding the wrong foods are much more common problems
than underfeeding.>
Your help is appreciated!
<More reading: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm
Re: Red Ear Slider Questions -- 05/07/11
Thanks for the info so far.
<Not a problem>
I have a few follow up questions if you don't mind.
<Not at all>
I live in So Cal so having him live outside year round is a
possibility, I believe. I do worry about predators that could snatch
him and would have to look into the space and filtration required to
put a pond in our small yard.
<I understand. Predators are always a worry. On the other hand ponds
open the door to much imagination. Nothing says that they have to be a
hole in the ground. MY pond is above ground, outlined with concrete
blocks (cinderblocks) that contain a pond liner AND a fence with a lip
on it '¦ then around the outside is a decorative garden that
hides the blocks.>
In a few years with a bigger yard I think this will be the plan.
<Then you can add Koi and even bigger filters and then even more Koi
and then rebuild the pond to be bigger and hold more turtles and then
HUGE filters and PRIZED imported Koi and then have to retire from your
job because there isn't enough time to do that AND care for the Koi
and the turtles '¦ O.K. wait. On the other hand, maybe
As it is I have a light for heat on his basking area but I put him
outside in a part sun/part shade container most days to get his
<That works. The prices on specially-made UV-B lamps have come way
down in recent years, but then I don't want to take away from your
"together time" with him.>
If I do move him to the 90 and decided to get him a friend do you
recommend a specific pairing of sex and size?
<You mean like '¦ am I a dating service?>
Also, would there be other turtles that are not Red Ear Sliders but are
similar enough that they could live in the same habitat?
<Yes. All the Sliders, Cooters, Pond Turtles, etc. all share the
same needs and seem to get along just fine. What you will find though,
are simply certain individuals that are a bit more nippy than others,
so try to find a turtle that is around the same physical size. Sexual
pairing is problematic because the males mature faster than the females
and begin their courtship behaviors while the females are too young to
respond and to me, it just seems to annoy the females'¦ but
then again, I may be projecting back to Jr. High School>
<The one thing I'd do, whether you use the 90 and/or later when
you build a pond '¦ arrange the decorations, rocks or whatever
you use so that the two turtles can, when in the water, get out of each
other's visual range. For some reason, Basking is a shared resource
and they almost universally get along "up top." It's in
the water where they seem to have their tiffs and as long as they can
get out of each other's site for a while when they need it,
they'll otherwise work out their differences.>
Thanks again
Re: Red Ear Slider Questions... Painted Turtle sel., comp. now
I have decided to go with a Painted turtle.
<Nice choice>
I like the Midland and Eastern but was concerned as adults they'll
be significantly smaller than my Slider. I was leaning toward the
Western Painted for that reason.
Wouldn't that make your name Eileen?>
Do you think this is a concern?
<Not even a little bit. Eastern Painteds and Sliders of all types
will get along fine. The THREE issues to consider. (1) Your PARTICULAR
Slider and Painted may not be suited for each other. No way to know,
only time tells. (2) As long as they are similar sized when introduced
(that whole fighting for dominance thingie) they're usually fine
thereafter. (3) arrange the enclosure such that when they are both in
the water, they can get away from each other visually. Bricks, rocks,
etc. to break up the water basin, seems to do the trick. Basking spots,
for some reason, are virtually neutral territory>
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
<Sent from my TRS-80>
RES care India 4/23/2011
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I have two 8 months old RES. I reside in India where temps are between
40 degree Celsius (summers) and 20 degree Celsius winters.
<Ah - Metric temperatures!! That's 104 Degree Summers and 68
degree Winters for those of you still in The Old Dominion>
It is difficult to get uvb bulbs here.
<I've heard that. Still - it is well worth your while to
You guys have already got many mails on that.
I just want to know can I do without it if every day I place them under
direct sunlight from 8:30 A.M to 9:30 A.M and provide them adequate
vitamin d3 in their food.
They do stay in the sun for 20 min max after which they start feeling
hot and move over to shaded area. When they do this I place them in
their feeding bowl and feed them. After they have cooled enough I place
them again in direct sunlight area for another 20 min.s or so. After
which I quickly put them back in their main tank.
<VERY nice care, Ruchika - and more than adequate. Just remember
that they can cook so quickly in the sun '¦ make sure you
don't ignore them even for a few minutes.>
<They do have a BASKING light in their main tank, correct (a heat
generator) so that the can thermo-regulate during the rest of the
<Other than that, your care is more than adequate and will keep them
Re: RES care India 5/3/2011
Hey (Darrel)
Am facing a tough a situation.
<Uh oh>
Both my turtle are breathing through their mouth, although not
consistently but say after a minute or two sometimes longer. Earlier
they used to do that just after eating but now that is not the
<That isn't actually bad. But are they breathing from their
mouths because of bubbles or discharge from their noses? THAT would be
bad. But JUST opening their mouths and breathing, which is known as
gaping, isn't bad>
One of them is swimming Very lopsided (his side point the shell is
touching the sky!!) and prefers to sit on the rock whole day, the other
one has slight lop-sidedness but is very active and most of the time
manages to hide it ...that is he swims so fast!! and he does submerge
himself. None of the have either mucous or air bubbles. We don't
have vet who specialize in reptile here so would require lots of your
<Well, let's see what we can do. FIRST get them both warm and
dry. Read here about keeping turtles in isolation:
<At this point, good UV is important. As I recall you have them
outside for around 20 minutes, twice a day. That should be adequate -
but the REST of the time they should be warm and dry. When you give
them a bath each day to let them drink, poop and eat, try to find some
food in your area that is very high in vitamins A & D and alternate
between those two. After two weeks of this type of treatment you can
try putting them back in their normal tank & water and notice if
their behaviors has changed>
Turtle Tank turning Red 4/5/11
Hello, My friend's red ear slider (named Leo) tank has turned red
and we don't know why. She has had Leo for about three years now
and this has never happened before. Last week was Spring Break and Leo
was left in the hands of another friend. The friend was showed what to
feed Leo and how much. When my friend returned about six days later,
the tank was a dark red. She then took Leo out of that tank, cleaned
him off, and put just him into a smaller tank to quarantine him to see
if it was just something in his original tank or Leo himself. After
about three days in this quarantine tank we noticed that the tank was
also turning red. There are no obvious cuts on Leo. I have been looking
online at possible reasons for tank discoloration for the past few
hours and have not come to any conclusions. Quite a few web sites have
said it could be a possible algae bloom, but Leo's tank is cleaned
often enough to not have algae build up.
On the few occasions there is algae build up, there is very little and
it is always green not red. Other possibilities were that the gravel
was bleeding color (Leo has large, clear gravel and a few stones from
the beach that have been thoroughly cleaned before added to his tank),
left over food causing discoloration (Leo is fed Tetra ReptoMin pellets
and there are never any left over), or that Leo was bleeding but as
said above there are no obvious cuts on him. What other possibilities
could cause his tank to turn red?
<The regular Chelonian folks seem to be "out", so I'll
give this a go. I do agree w/ your line of speculation... there is
something else other than the turtle itself that accounts for the water
colour here. Most likely a food (other than the green colored ReptoMin)
is the source. Other common causes include the substrate as you
mention, and wood/decor. Do see Darrel's comments on WWM re
foods/feeding for RES... I concur that "Koi pellets" are as
nutritious as a staple and can be much less money. Cheers, Bob
regarding RES turtles, sys. 1/3/11
Hey all.
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I recently bought 2 Red Eared Slider turtles from a local fisherman, 3
days ago, claiming them to be
His catch of the day. They are really small. Less than 4 inches,
exactly (1.8 inches). As soon as I got them, I took them to a vet and
got them checked for Salmonella bacteria. Response: Not ill. Well
that's a relief.
I took them home and kept them in a 20 gallon tank already loaded with
fishes (about 11 of them). The problems I'm facing are
1) my tank is kept in on that part of my living room, where there is no
sunlight directly coming, so I take my turtles out and keep them in a
glass bowl of diameter 2 ft underneath the sunlight . I have still to
buy a uv-b heat lamp. I live in Pakistan, and here, they don't sell
'named' products. So are these heat lamps bulbs of specific
power and voltage? And is my practice okay for a couple of days?
<The first problem is that a fish tank has too much water and not
enough land and basking space. You will have to lower the water level
so that the basking area is low enough that no turtle can climb out.
Also, the heat needed on the basking area will probably heat the water
beyond what is good for the fish>
<If you read here, you'll see that keeping turtles does not need
to be hard or expensive
<Putting the turtles in direct sunlight for a few hours each day is
sufficient for a while, the problem is that you must also provide them
shade so that they do not overheat!! Our intention is to provide them a
warm basking area and cool water and let them choose what they
2) Both of them don't eat much. They're young, I've offered
them a mixture of tropic fish pellets and turtle feed. What can be the
<They probably are eating just enough. I use Koi pellets because
they are fully balanced for Red Eared Sliders and they are inexpensive.
Feed them all they will eat in 5 minutes 4 days a week, then remove the
rest from their bowl>
3) Whenever I keep the turtles back into the tank, both tend to rest
near the filter and tend to stay there completely motionless. I get
scared as I mostly suppose that they're umm dead. What can be the
cause of such activity?
<Having just been moved, they are a bit scared. They swim to a safe
place, always under water and then they just remain motionless until
they get accustomed to their new surroundings. If you repeat the
moving, they will repeat that behaviors until it becomes routine to
4) I live in Karachi, where the temperature during the day can go up to
95 F in summers and 41 F in the winters, like last night. The turtles
are kept indoors, so do I need a heater, given that they live with
<I suggest that you don't keep them in a fish tank. You can male
them their own turtle world using very inexpensive and common items
(again, read that article) that can be tailored just for them. If they
live indoors, they should not have heated water. It should be no warmer
that room temperature. Again, the point is to offer them warm basking
(88-95f) and cool water (68-73f) and let them choose between the
5) How can you build a basking area in a tank? Is it like an island
type structure in the middle of the water?
<Make them a place of their own>
6) At what age should I start giving them blood worms and other live
<Never. Koi pellets are a staple food. I feed them to hatchlings all
the way up to breeding adults. I will occasionally, once a month or so,
treat them to an earthworm>
7) Their ears are some what pale pink, not exactly red. Should I be
worried about that?
<Not at all. Many variations on the basic color>
8) The tank already consists of a tube light that emits a purplish glow
when switched on. Is it a UV light? Does it provides heat, because my
dad thinks so, but I think otherwise
<UV is a large part of the spectrum. If you have a light for
tropical fish and plants, it's CLOSE to the UV that turtles need,
but not exactly the correct wavelength. If you check with local pet
stores, any that sell reptiles of any sort, they will probably be able
to show you UV-B bulbs in the proper spectrum. You can research online
for brands like Zoo-Med and write down the specific wavelengths and
then compare with what a store may offer you>
Eagerly waiting up for your response.
<Yer welcome '¦ and I hope we helped>
Red Eared Slider Question (They're not moving )
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I've searched all over for the answer to this question, on Google
and on the website. I have two Red Eared Sliders, both about 1.5 inches
wide. They get heated water and light (although not a UVB light). I
feed them leafy greens like spinach and mix in a few pellets of
Repto-min. I change the water when it gets dirty or if the food starts
to not look fresh. I don't have a normal filtration system. The
tank is pretty huge compared to their size (14in diameter). They have a
basking/rock area and enough water to submerge to swim in. They've
been doing fine, swimming around, eating happily, coming out of the
water. I am going out of town for the holidays and my roommate will be
looking after them. I thought it would be a good time to clean the tank
so my roommate wouldn't have to do that much work. I did it the way
I normally did. Put them in another bowl with warm water, same temp as
the tank. And usually they both swim like crazy. I go and clean the
tank and rocks etc. But by the time I put them back in... both of them
are not moving! Their legs are sticking out.. the head is not really
all the way in but the eyes are closed. No response when I poke them.
They have no weirdness about them, so no funny growth, nothing growing
on them, nothing falling off them. I figured I'd leave them the way
they are back in the tank and see what happened the next day. Put in
fresh food. The next morning (5 hours later), before I left for my bus
out of town, they were still like that. I'm afraid they might be
dead? But what else could it be?
<I'd agree that they are no longer with us>
What else could have caused it? Why would both of them suddenly die if
I didn't do anything differently?
<The death of two individuals at the same moment is very unusual and
it's an indication of some form of EXTREME condition - water VERY
hot or VERY cold or '¦ a toxin (like bleach or ammonia) in the
water in VERY high concentrations '¦ but there are all things
that would have had to be SO extreme that you would have HAD to have
<So that more or less rules out environment>
<Which, when we rule out that '¦ leaves us with the fact
that they may have both been very sick for a very long time and never
showed symptoms>
<This is very often the case with reptiles and fish, Jane - they
tend to be very stoic, looking "almost normal" and acting
"almost normal" on the outside - all the while getting sicker
and sicker on the inside. Many times with fish and reptiles, the period
between symptoms and death is merely hours: They'd been sick for
months and they never let us see it until they were just too sick to
act normal anymore.>
I really liked them too! and I really don't want it happening again
if I get another RES.
Thank you so much. Sorry for bothering you with so many questions.
<No bother, Jane>
<Turtles indoors do not need heated water. They need a basking area
with heat (88-93 degrees) and UV-B (They MUST have this!!!) and water
between 68-73 degrees) so that they can choose the temperature that
suits them. Water that is too warm combined with a basking area means
their metabolism is either in High gear or Extra High gear -- and
it's possible that they couldn't get enough to eat to maintain
<Read this link - cover every subject listed and make sure
everything is up to standards before you try again>
< http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm
Happy holidays!
Red Ear Slider, sexing, sys. 12/16/10
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I just have a couple questions, I was wondering if you can help me.
<I've often wondered if I can help people, too.>
I have a Red Ear Slider and for the characteristics it seems like a
male but I have notice already twice that a black looking sack comes
out of the turtle's butt apparently and it keeps it out for a few
minutes and then it suck it back up, any idea of what that could
<Yep! That's his .. um '¦ er .. ah '¦ party
animal. It comes out when he's sexually excited (and NO ONE knows
what excites a male turtle) and will go in by itself>
Another question is, I recently bought a bigger tank and I got those
colored rocks to put at the bottom of the tank, how recommendable is
<As long as they are too big to swallow, it's not a
and do you have any other recommendations, I'm afraid the turtle
will eat them.
< Generally I use a bare tank floor and decorate it with large
stones spaces apart '¦ and this is merely because turtles are
so messy it makes the tank much easier to clean.>
Thank you very much!
I hope you can help me.
<I hope so, too!>
<Read: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm>
Diet, inactivity and care conditions, RES
<Hi Tanya, Sue here with you.>
I have a few questions. I have two red ear sliders. I've had them
for a few months now. The first couple weeks I had them they ate the
pellets but them they refused to eat anything until I stared feeding
them baby shrimp. The freeze dried kind. They won't eat any thing
else. Is this ok?
<No, freeze dried shrimp has little to no nutritional value and
shouldn't be a part of their diet. Stick with the pellets as their
'staple'; feed them only every other day as much as they'll
eat in 5-10 minutes to avoid over-feeding. If you see one stealing all
of the food, you may need to feed them separately. You can also offer
them fresh greens liberally every day (not iceberg, though - use red
leaf lettuce, curly green lettuce, dandelion greens, etc.) I put them
on a clip with a suction cup and attach it to the inside of the
aquarium to try and keep them confined to one place for easier
clean-up. The only 'treat' we recommend is an earthworm or two
every couple of weeks or so. Most turtles love earthworms and
they're much healthier for them than freeze dried shrimp. Your
turtles will land up sick with nutritional deficiencies if you continue
to feed them this as their staple.>
<Having said this, as you mentioned they like the taste of the
shrimp and now don't want to eat anything else. It's no
different than kids wanting only dessert but not their vegetables. One
thing you may want to try is to 'wean' them off of the shrimp.
Try putting several pellets in a cap from a drink container, then stick
just a few of the freeze dried shrimp in with it. Wait at least 20
minutes or until the pellets are completely softened, then mash
everything into a pulp and see if they'll take small amounts of
this off the top of the spoon. If they do, then just gradually decrease
the amount of shrimp over the next week or two until it's only the
pellets they're eating. We often also suggest holding off feeding
them for a few days to try and make them hungry enough to eat the
pellets. The only caveat with this is that they shouldn't be
otherwise debilitated (which yours may be; see below). Healthy turtles
can go a few days without food but I wouldn't advise doing this
with malnourished or unhealthy turtles.>
Also, I noticed the skin on there face is peeling. It happens only when
I fully clean out there tank. It is only the face which is peeling.
What's happening to them?
<Not sure why you're only noticing this when you clean out the
tank, but usually when skin is peeling to the point that you're
noticing it, this usually points to either water quality issues and/or
a water temperature that's too high. How often are you doing water
changes? What type, if any, filter are you using? What temperature is
the water? I'll forward this question on to one of other crew
members to see if he has any additional insights on this as
Another thing I have noticed is the smaller of the two turtles just
sits in the corner of the tank under water. Is she depressed or
<Turtles often just like to 'hang out' but if she's
doing this all the time, this would not be normal. Healthy turtles
should be spending several hours out of the water each day completely
drying off under a heat and UVB lamp (both of which you are hopefully
providing. And when they're in the water, healthy turtles also like
to actively swim about as well as just hang out. If you don't have
the proper lighting and heating they require, I suggest you get these
items as soon as possible and see if they make a difference. Both of
your turtles will become quite ill if you are not providing these
additional things.>
<As an aside, if you've only been feeding your turtles freeze
dried shrimp AND not providing a basking area, heat lamp and UVB, it is
likely they ARE debilitated. Especially your one turtle that is
completely sedentary sitting in a corner. If all these things are true
then I would shy away from the 'starvation' option above in
favor of weaning, and purchase the needed equipment as soon as
possible. Turtles don't require a lot, but what they do require,
they must have or they will become seriously ill.>
The larger turtle will occasionally go to the little turtle to play
with her. The water is really deep. Is it possible for them to
<Though turtles do breathe air like we do, they won't drown
unless they get trapped by an object under the water and can't swim
up for air, or if they're seriously ill and having difficulty
swimming (i.e. are swimming lop-sided). Otherwise you shouldn't
worry. And while turtles do appreciate deep water, what they appreciate
even more is a large surface area with lots of room to swim
please help me.- Tanya
<Tanya, try out the things I mentioned above and see if these things
help them convert back over to the pellets and increase their activity
levels. I've also attached a link below that is our basic care
guide. Compare the care you're currently providing your turtles to
what's recommended in this guide and make whatever changes are
necessary. Let me know how it goes, and please feel free to write back
with any more questions or concerns.
Red eared slider. - 10/10/10
<Hiya - Darrel here>
The picture attached to this mail will give you detail
description about his tank and our queries will be best
This is the surface we have made for our turtle in the tank.
<I see the picture of the tank in one picture, the other
picture is so close up that it actually frightens me>
- but he does not sit on his land area stays in water for maximum
amount of time. When feels sleepy will put his paws on the water
tube and in half hanging position sleep in water itself. He does
not get on the land to sleep comfortably.
is he is unhappy to sit on the land?
or it is uncomfortable?
or does he need smoother surface to sit on?
<There is no way to tell what goes on in their pin-sized
brains, Manmeet.
The only thing we DO know is that your turtle is not climbing out
onto the basking area and that we need to change things to see
what works.>
<Leave the dock in place, but remove the colored rocks and
replace them with a sheet of paper or cloth (make sure the
basking lamp isn't too close)>
<Just keep placing him on top of the basking area time after
time until he accepts it for a half hour or so>
<Is it too hot under the lamp? 88-90(f) is desired with water
temp 68-72(f) >
<Is there something outside the tank that could be scaring
him? What if it is a fear of leaving the water and not a fear of
the platform?>
<Could the tank be facing a bad way for him>
<You could remove the basking area and replace it with a piece
of wood that is angled into the water>
<A common brick with a rounded sort of rock sitting on top
until it's out of the water.>
<The important thing is to change only one thing at a time,
place him on the dock and give him a few attempts to get used to
the change before trying something else>
Thank you.
<You're welcome!>
<Also check all of your care against this basic guide:
The Story Of The Bad Owner Who Wishes To Repent For His
Actions, RES hlth., env. 9/7/10
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I've got a Red-eared Slider Turtle that I've had since I was 5
(I'm now 17) so that's 12 years.
<Basic math: check!>
I would like to inquire about my turtles health. I have a female, not
sure of exact size but very big, I'd estimate 6-7 inches maybe, in
what I believe to be a 55 gallon tank. There is a UV light, a basking
raft, which used to be suctioned to the wall, but I guess she
didn't like that and bit off the suctions so now it just floats
there, a water heater thingy which I keep at about 80 degrees, and an
Aqueon filter.
Sorry for my rudimentary description but we got these things years ago
and I don't remember the exact product names as I was not as mature
as I am now, and didn't think to remember them. I've been
around your site and you're right, turtles are NOT for
<Not without parental support, no>
I sucked as an owner and my parents didn't do a thing. Years ago we
had no filter and I rarely clean the tank, and when we had to keep her
in the basement for 2 years, I'd forget about her for weeks, and
then go back and dump what I'd imagine now to be half the tube of
food into the tank.
<Sad tale and all too common>
Another time when I was maybe 8, I put 2 miniature Red-eared Sliders
(maybe 3 inches? I don't remember, really small) that I'd got
from Chinatown in the tank with her because I thought she'd be the
mommy and take care of them.
She ate them both and buried their shells in the gravel. I was horrible
and I apologize and I've been trying to repent.
<Thank you>
Well, until about a month ago, for maybe a year, the tank's filter
was broken and my mom was saying we were too poor to buy a new one, and
I couldn't clean the tank because it's too big for me to pick
up alone because I'm skinny, frail and
weak, and no one else wanted to help me. So for about a year, my turtle
sat in maybe 3-5 inches of extremely bad water, and I couldn't do
anything about it. But about a month ago I was able to get a new filter
and someone finally helped me
clean the tank. I am EXTREMELY SORRY, and I know you guys probably hate
me as an owner by now but I'm going to try and keep everything well
for her as I'd like to have her as a life long companion.
<Red Eared Sliders are very resilient, Heru. When conditions
improve, they often improve>
First of all, I wanted to know, could the bad conditions she used to be
kept in have lowered her life expectancy?
<Not as long as no serious infection developed>
She never seemed to be in bad shape, surprisingly, and now she seems
fine for the most part. Another thing is on her shell, There are small
shiny patches. They don't look like anything bad. Have you ever
seen a plastic like saran wrap (sorry if I spelled that wrong)
stretched tightly over a smooth flat surface with a thin layer of water
under it? It looks like the little areas of air that shine when the
light hits them. The one's on her shell also only shine when light
hits them. Should I be concerned about this?
<It's really hard to say without seeing her. As she grows, the
scutes of her shell shed - and in the process they become very thin
layers that would shine when the light hits them. It could also be a
fungus starting>
Another thing is occasionally I'll catch her biting at her left
arm. She hasn't broken the skin, and sometimes she only rubs it
against her head instead of biting. She stops after a while though.
What does this mean?
<That sounds like something they do when they have a skin condition,
like a fungus. It's their version of scratching>
And also, I won't lie. The filter is pretty loud even though it
claimed to be extremely quiet, and sometimes, I HAVE to unplug it at
night in order to sleep.
<That's not a problem, either. Unlike fish, turtles have a high
tolerance for variable water conditions. We're not trying to make a
nitrogen cycle like we do for fish. For turtles, filtration is more
about straining the particles out of the water so we can remove them by
rising the filter material. The filter can be off overnight with no ill
effects at all as long as the water is more or less clean again during
the following day>
Sorry to bother you and sorry I was such a sucky owner, but I'm
mature now and I understand that a life is in my hands and I need to
take specific steps to make sure that life stays existent.
<Thank you for that>
Please don't hate me.
<We don't hate you, Heru - we appreciate you and we're hear
to help.>
<With that said, I have a few suggestions>
<First, read this link on basic care. Check the suggestions against
your setup and think about what you may need to change. Nothing needs
to be expensive - there are ways to accomplish everything without great
costs if we take the time to think about it>
<Now, there ARE some things to change -- but what we want -- and
this is IMPORTANT -- is to change things SLOWLY. As unusual as her care
has been, she's survived 12 years of it, so we don't want to
change anything too quickly unless it's life threatening>
<Start turning the heat DOWN on her water heater. The goal is to try
to have it off completely and removed from the tank within 2 weeks. If
she lives indoors then plain old room temperature is good enough for
her water.
What we want to do is create a situation were she gets to CHOOSE
between a warm basking area and cool water -- then she'll go to
wherever she needs to go.>
<For a basking lamp, a plain old 60 watt incandescent bulb will work
just fine. Take a wire coat hanger and bend it in some way to wrap
around the floating dock and then snake up the side of the tank to the
top and hook it over. This is to try to get the floating dock to stay
under or near the lamp. The lamp can be held in a very inexpensive
'clamp lamp' from any local hardware or building supply store
and set 10 to 12 inches above so that when the lamp has been shinning
on the floating dock for an hour, put your hand on the dock and the
light shinning on it should feel pretty darned warm>
<She also needs a source of UV light, but for the present time, you
can accomplish this for taking her outside for walks. 15 minutes of
moving around in the direct sunlight will help her immune system fight
off any fungus, her metabolism manufacture Vitamin D, etc.>
<Here is another link to possible treatments for illnesses. In your
case I don't hear any real illness, but reading about them might
help you recognize one early at some time in the future. Also, the
isolation treatment, where we keep them warm and dry for a few weeks,
can be like a "vacation" even for a healthy turtle.>
Now, it seems to me that, at present, water quality is your biggest
Sliders can endure a great range of water qualities because they haul
out under warm lamps and dry out -- most of the pathogens in the dirty
water that are trying to get a foothold on the turtle are kept at bay
by the heat and dryness. But that presumes proper UV lighting and
basking temperatures and other things we're not sure of
<But here's the thing: You don't HAVE to move and dump the
tank when it needs cleaning: an inexpensive siphon tube will suck the
water out or failing that you can bail a great deal of water out with a
plastic cup.
Just stir up the water really well as you siphon or bail so that
you're getting as much of the big particles out as you
<Here's another thing you can do on water changing day: Take the
turtle out first thing in the morning and place her in a box or
container. Move the basking light to one corner of that container (so
that she can get directly under it OR get pretty much away from it).
Now clean the tank like I suggested: siphon or bail and refill with
clean water. Now assuming a 55 gallon tank and approximately half full,
put in 4-5 tablespoons of household bleach. Make sure the filter is on
and running
(to keep the water circulating). At night, turn the basking lamp off
and let her sleep in the dry box. In the morning, the bleach will have
killed a lot of pathogens then dissipated and it's safe to put her
back in and replace the lamp.>
<everything that she needs to live a long and happy life can be
given to her with very little cost if you're willing to put in the
<Lastly, and I really think this is a good idea, is to look around
for the local turtle and tortoise club in your area. If you can find
one, I'm betting that you can find and experienced "old
hand" who would be happy to help you.>
red ear slider turtles... sys., comp.
<Hi, Michelle, Sue here with you.>
Today my husband brought home a baby slider turtle and a few
hours later our neighbor gave us their 2-3yr old slider (they
were bored with him :0(
<Ohhh, that is sad. I think turtles are one of the most unique
and interesting of pets. But then again, I guess I'm probably
a bit biased!>
We have a 90 gallon fish tank with cichlids (tank has been
running for 5 years, two canister filters, cichlids run from
2" to 4" in size). I lowered the water level tank,
added a floating dock and a UVB light above the floating
<All sounds very good -- except for the part about the
cichlids. See end of this note.>
The large slider quickly found the basking dock and has parked
himself on it.
<That's great!>
The little one (2" in length?) just swims around. We have
placed him on the dock but he just jumps back into the water. The
temperature of the water is 78 degrees and the basking dock
registers 88 degrees.
<Water temperature should only be 70-72 degrees. Ignore what
you might have read elsewhere about warmer water temperatures.
Turtles need/like to have a clear choice between cool water and
warm air. This is what entices them to get out to bask -- which
they need to do for a few hours each day in order to properly
digest their food so it doesn't rot in their stomach. 88-90
degrees is a good basking temperature range to aim for, so
you're fine here.>
I ordered two more basking docks hoping that having two distinct
basking docks will encourage the small one to get out of the
water. Should we be concerned about the little one or is he just
intimidated by the larger one?
<Any one (or all!) of three scenarios is likely here:
1. He is in fact intimidated by the larger turtle as you
2. The water temperature is not low enough to motivate him to get
out of the water to bask.
3. You just got him and he is trying to get used to his new
environment; sometimes this can take a few days.>
Any advice would be appreciated.
<Sure! I'm almost never short of advice and/or opinions,
no matter what the topic! Hee, hee! Here are a few as they relate
to turtles:>
<Drop the water temperature to 70-72 (average room
temperature). Pull out the water heater if you have one. You
don't need it, even for the baby turtle.>
<Give your little guy a couple of days; it's possible he
just needs a little extra time to adjust to his new
<Even though you have a nice size aquarium, I think it was
wise for you to get a 2nd basking platform. You didn't
mention just HOW much larger your larger one is, but it's
generally not a good idea to put different size turtles together.
The larger often becomes dominant and intimidates the smaller as
you noted. This can sometimes result in basking and/or feeding
issues, and sometimes even injuries to the less dominant turtle.
Having said that, the larger size of your aquarium does allow
each of them some space away from each other -- BUT, I'd
still keep a close watch out for any signs of trouble between the
two of them.>
<You might also want to consider giving them some *visual*
privacy from each other by using some fake plants as a bit of a
<Make sure your little guy isn't getting short-changed
during feeding time. If he is, try feeding him in a separate
container. Rule of thumb is to feed him no more than he can eat
every day in 5-10 minutes. For juvenile and adult size turtles,
only every other day. Make sure you don't overfeed them.
It's one of the most common mistakes people make.>
<As you and your husband are new turtle owners, I would be
remiss in my *WWM duties* not to include this care guide link for
you! Please read it carefully, compare your care and feeding to
what's listed in this article, and make any necessary
adjustments. This will help to ensure that you get many years of
enjoyment with them!
<NOW -- one thing you didn't mention in your note, but I
want to mention here, is the compatibility between your FISH and
your new turtles!! There really isn't any situation where we
recommend it in an aquarium. First, below is a link to FAQs about
general turtle and fish compatibility:
<Next -- Here's what our two other *resident turtle
experts* had to say in prior FAQs specifically on the topic of
mixing cichlids with turtles:>
<1. Neale's advice -- FAQ: RES... tankmates, diet mostly
-- 1/11/10>
I was thinking about one of those blue crayfish or maybe some
African cichlids?
>No. Let me state again that as turtles get bigger, they
produce massive amounts of waste. It will not be possible to
maintain zero ammonia, zero nitrite, and sub-20 mg/l nitrate
levels in tanks with turtles. The turtles don't care so much,
but fish, because they have permeable skins, are far more exposed
to these toxins.<
<2. Darrel's advice (his humor is no extra charge!!) --
FAQ: Slider and Cichlid together -- 07/26/07>
Help Please!!!!!!!!!!
>That's what we do here!<
I have a Red Ear Slider named Dave. He's been alone in a 25
gallon tank for 2 1/2 yrs. I have never put anything else in
there with him, until now and except the little feeder fish he
>Turtles do well in groups, but they seem perfectly happy to
be alone as well.<
I recently purchased a Red Devil, without knowing it's
>We here at WWM are assuming that you mean a Red Devil Cichlid
Fish (Cichlasoma labiatus) as opposed to something else,
She's very aggressive, do you think she'll survive? Or
will Dave eat her? Or I fear she'll eat him!!!!! What do you
>Well first, I think you should conserve on the use of
multiple exclamation points and question marks. You never know
when there will be a shortage of punctuation and you'll wish
you hadn't wasted them.<
>Seriously, it's best not to try to keep fish and turtles
together because their needs are quite different. While fish can
be part of a turtle's diet, they are so BAD at catching fish
that it's almost comical. I tossed some feeder goldfish into
my outside turtle pond 8 years ago and they've grown to be
almost the size of small Koi and on the rare occasions that the
turtles try to catch them, they scoot away without even seeming
>In your case, if it came down to it, I'd bet on Dave.
Turtles are tough little guys when it comes down to it. My main
concern is to see that Dave is so well fed that he just can't
be bothered going after Victoria (You didn't tell us your Red
Devil's name - so I just made that up). The same goes for
her. If she's otherwise well fed and well cared for,
she'll probably just think of Dave as an annoyance and
nothing more.<
>With that said, Diana, wild things are wild things and when
you keep them together you'll always run the risk of
something unexpected happening.<
Thank You
>I hope that helped. Here's a link for you to read -- the
first paragraph applies.
<Michelle, you were one of the fortunate few to write in to
WWM and get advice from 3 crew members for the price of 1!! Ooops
-- I forgot, we're free! Anyway, hope this helps you, your
turtles (and your fish!) Please write us back if you have any
more questions or concerns.>
red ear slider turtles
Michelle - just want to add another note here that besides what
Neale mentioned re: water quality concerns when mixing fish with
turtles, the water temperature needs/differences between turtles
and many fish is another reason why we recommend keeping them
Re: red ear slider turtles, compatibility concerns --
Thank you for your advice.
<You're welcome!>
I will remove the tank heater and drop the water temperature down
as you suggested.
<Very good.>
The other turtle is probably 5" long.
<This one is pushing *adulthood * if not already there,
depending on whether it's a he or she. So, yes, this makes it
a little more risky placing him with your baby turtle.>
The little turtle started swimming around the tank and playing in
the water currents (he reminds us of Crush, the little sea turtle
from Nemo).
<Very funny. That was my daughter's 2nd choice pick for a
name for one of our turtles. Instead, she *got wise* and chose
the alphabet to name them -- *Shell*y(E); *Shel*by(B), etc. (no
particular order!) She thinks she might be able to get more
turtles this way; however I told her once I've had enough,
the last one will be named *Shel*don (DONE)!>
He has also, as of this afternoon, acquired enough courage to
just crawl on top of the larger turtle to bask. He did eat a few
bites (very small bites) of turtle pellets for sliders.
<That's great! Possibly just a matter of him getting
accustomed to, comfortable in his new surroundings.>
The larger turtle has yet to enter the water (unless he is
falling off the dock) and has chosen not to eat. My neighbor came
by today and said "oh, he always basks and never swims, if
he is going to die we wanted him to die on your watch. And he is
'hibernating' right now and not eating".
<Nice neighbor! Actually, what she said is not quite true. If
he dies it technically would be on her watch. A turtle
doesn't die overnight. Their *dying process* often takes a
good while, and would be a direct result of what she did (or more
likely didn't do) for him. My heart sinks when I read things
like this. More on this below.>
I am not sure how this could be accurate as they kept his tank
next to a window and we live in Phoenix. It was 108 today and I
can't imagine that kind of temp, radiating through a window,
would cause a turtle to hibernate.
<It can't. Also, placing an aquarium next to a window is a
bad location in any climate -- either from risk of over-heating
in hot weather or catching a draft in cold weather and coming
down with a respiratory illness.>
Needless to say the comment through me for a loop.
<I'm sure.>
Now I fear they have been depriving this turtle of UVB rays and a
proper diet. I understand through your many postings that turtles
that bask endlessly are usually sick.
<Often true, especially when combined with loss of
On another note, the links you provided were excellent resources.
I would be lying if I said I will now get a separate tank for the
turtles. Our 90 gallon tank takes up a tremendous amount of space
and I am not willing to get rid of my cichlids. So, in light of
the information I have gained from reading your linked articles,
I think we are going to give the big turtle back to our neighbor
and tell them to be responsible.
<I hope you haven't already returned him to your neighbor.
This would be a death sentence for him. He likely has either a
very serious infection and/or metabolic bone disease and will
likely not survive without some medication, the care of a
professional - either a vet (preferably specialty vet) or other
expert at this point. Here's what I suggest you do --
'¢ 1st get him back from your neighbor if you've
already returned him.
'¢ While you're waiting to make other arrangements
for him, place him in a warm (85-87 degrees, possibly warmer if
it turns out he in fact has a bacterial infection), DRY place
with a UVB bulb above him (or bring him outside 3x/day for 10
minutes each time under the sun). The place you keep him can be
as simple, cheap as a plastic storage container or corrugated
cardboard box. Give him access to a shallow container of water
for only a few minutes a day to allow him to eat (if he wants),
drink and poop. See this link below for exactly how to do all of
'¢ Start looking around, doing a Google search, etc. in
your area, state for either a reptile or specialty vet; a local
Turtle and Tortoise club where they might have an 'old
hand' there who is willing to examine him; or some other
reptile or turtle rescue individual or group who would be willing
to take him and get the care for him that he needs. >
We will keep the little one in the tank. In a few years when he
is large and if the tank is showing signs of stress (or the
turtle/fish) then I will consider my options. With my Cascade
1500 and 1000 canisters I
can't see the tank becoming overly dirty any time soon.
However, I realize that everything you sent me says it will
happen. Anyhow, thank you for your advice. It is much appreciated
and greatly needed.
<You're welcome, Michelle. Please, if you can, get help
for the bigger one or find someone willing to rescue him and get
him that help, and let us know how it all turns out. Let me know
if you have trouble searching for, locating a place or person to
help or take your turtle. Sue>
Re: red ear slider turtles, compatibility concerns --
Thank you for providing further insight to turtle/fish
compatibility. I am really doubting my decision to keep the
little one in the tank (see previous reply for further
explanation). Which means I have to give him away. :o( I think I
will test the "water" for a few weeks and see what
happens. I am sure in the end I will tell all of you that you
were right.
But just like a child, I have to try it myself first. :o)
<I understand you wanting to keep the little guy if you can.
They are pretty irresistible. And what we give you here are only
general guidelines, your individual *mileage* may vary!>
Thank you for time. If you want I can send you pictures of the
setup. Let me know.
<Sure! We love getting pics! Just make sure each one is no
more than a few hundred Kbytes.>
Re: red ear slider turtles, compatibility and health concerns --
I am sorry to say that I did return the large turtle last night.
They subsequently "got rid of the turtle" by releasing
it into a pond in our area. Although the outcome is not a
positive outcome, I hope my questions and your answers will help
another turtle owner to "do the right thing".
<I hope so, too.>
Thank you again for all of your valuable information. Our family
is enjoying watching "Crush" swim about and he appears
to like his environment better now that the larger turtle is
gone. Here are a picture of the tank setup and of Crush in a
<You're welcome, Michelle, and thanks for sharing the pix.
Crush is adorable! And I like your *landscaping*! I'm glad
Crush seems to be happier now, too in his surroundings. Just be
sure to check for caves, other spots where Crush might *almost
fit but not quite* and get trapped. Most people don't think
about this when it comes to water turtles, but believe it or not
they actually can drown! Anyway, enjoy him and keep us