Related FAQs: Rock and Scorpionfishes, Lionfishes & their
Related Articles:
Lionfishes and their Scorpaeniform Kin by Anthony Calfo and
Robert Fenner, Blowin' in the wind,
the Leaf Scorpionfish, Taenionotus triacanthus, by Bob
/A Diversity of Aquatic Life
The Rockfishes and Scorpionfishes of
the Subfamily Scorpaeninae, Family Scorpaenidae, Part 2
To: Part 1,
Part 3, Part
Bob Fenner
Lionfishes & Much More for Marine Aquariums
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
Genus Scorpaena
Scorpaena mystes Jordan & Starks 1895,
the Pacific Spotted Scorpionfish. To eighteen inches in length.
Eastern Pacific: Sea of Cortez to Peru, including the Galapagos.
Found sitting on sandy and rocky bottoms surface to 25 meters of
depth. Galapagos pix. |

Scorpaena plumieri
mystes Jordan & Starks 1895, the Spotted Scorpionfish.
To fourteen inches in length. Baja California to Peru, including
offshore islands. Costa Rica (Pacific side)
2011 |
Scorpaena plumieri plumieri Bloch 1769, the
Spotted Scorpionfish. To eighteen inches in length. Western
Atlantic: Massachusetts, northern Gulf of Mexico to southern
Brazil, Ascension and St. Helena. Found sitting on rocky bottoms
5-55 meters of depth... ambushing fishes and crustaceans for food.
Occasionally imported as an aquarium species. Bahamas pic. |

Genus Scorpaenodes:
Scorpaenodes caribbaeus Red to brown bodied, with
yellow and red dots on large pectoral and caudal fins. To 5". This shot by
LauraH, Roatan 2019. |
Scorpaenodes kelloggi (Jenkins 1903),
Kellogg's Scorpionfish. To 2 in. |
Scorpaenodes littoralis (Tanaka 1917), the
Shore Scorpionfish. Indo-Pacific on reefs, or rocky bottoms. To 11
cm. This one off of the Whitsundays, Queensland,
Australia. |

Scorpaenodes parvipinnis (Garrett 1864),
Lowfin Scorpionfish. To 14 cm. Indo-Pacific; Red Sea to Tuamotus,
Hawai'i. Found in areas of rich coral growth. Cryptic,
reclusive by day. N. Sulawesi pic. |

To: Part 1,
Part 3, Part
Lionfishes & Much More for Marine Aquariums
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |